SKIWl-W K F/RL, Y III. I'\virn'Kviij.K. \. ('.. N()\ i:\iiJKiJ ii. isr):?. [NO. ‘244.1 ■ iN, : (. I> in .1. n N KWHV \ n\) .1. Ii \ \A] iV S()\, \\ > I |!'>}-|MKToKS >1. Kl: fiif w fo* til' MiviijL, ihf \ I ' J IT MIllUllJl. if | ;iiil ill ■■I'iti- T*tu‘ vi'iir I't -iiOisori]!- !• .' h:is (•\|>il(>il. - T!; I I'-T si\t_\ l-lMlt-^ JUT t, :ili'l coiil-^ fur -;':ich i ;\ :! ' t rti^vliu'iit-^ li_v vpc. ■ I r:it- . A ,vfi risi'i ' al l' ■•'1' : iii'-tTti'Mi' ■ lt‘"ii‘«"I, or ■!-l .1, uii'l I'li.’irjrfl .'ii'i’iii'ii- • 1'lit! r -mu't 111'|>;iiil. KPr.Nl’IM' i AM) WW'VVA). ■ iH‘ two tliiu>,'iriil :icri"^ !. uiiliiii twfiitv iiiilvs tif a> ti hui'I to ..t •IAS. ; (’odK. i:;-»t \h>!vi: \ . VLI.A(iiir:K, I' .V' (. ^ . n;!!:!;- AM' MAM rACTnir.iis of ■ i * -! h'lii U:i;liiiLS aiiil all kiii'l>i • -1:1’ ill 1 Ai\!ntt‘t'tiiral hon \V;irl;-^. i ■ all i 1 riv if!- (If uii'l'. X .-ntii- T A. . ■ ■ I'-i- ; j rlic VI I ■ ''•lire 't r.iuliil lla; !■ ■iiiiiis aiul List ■ a 'oloi'tioii. •1l’ -iiiimI fFBilSH ; TRAS. : fi} . i'ltr.s ri.AfS, s'l'A i’i’, or Noiri ri t ai{)i.ina, HAXIHll.i’ll COI NTV Snpt'rior (’ourt of F/iw, l''all 'J't'nii. liViliii Hus:t‘y. I'.'. .los«*> Hussey. I’otition lor Alimony. IN this i‘!iso it a|ip(*ni'iiig to tin* ('ourt that the d«- tfiKliuit in this csiso is not tin iiihiibitiuit of this State: it is therefiire orilert-il t>y the I'oui-t. tlmt jmMi- (‘ntiiiii lie i»i;irie t'oi’ three months in tlie Favettevillo «•t.servi r, an.l (.ireens))ovo' I'litriot. for said ilefeud-uit to .■i]i{)x-ar at our next Term of tins (’ourt, to be heM for the ( ouiity o( Hamloljili. at the Court House in .\sli- liofo . on the fonrtli Momlay of Maivh next, ami pleatl, I answer or demur to tlie jilaiiititV s ]ietitii •' otlierwise, ’ the same will he tak‘ii j>i'o confesso and wet foi' heaj’injr i and heard ex (larte. j U itness. .\ddison.l. Halt'. (Merk of our said (’ourt, | at Ullice, tliis fourth .MuihIhv of Soptemhi')’, It. j .1. HALK, ('. S. (’. i H7-‘iins \‘W w iiiirr (kocxIs. * ra’^iiK undersigned havt? rerei\ed in |nirt, and in a 1 tew drt_\s will have in store, tiirir Second Stock of SKASONAltLK (iOODS, .Vll ot wliieh were seleeteil with care, and will he ot tered to their old i-iistoiiiers and others on reasonahle II. \ 1:. J. LILLY. Oct. Jl, IS':! l''all ;uil V\ inter Slock, 1K'>3. Suliscriher calls the attention of his friends M and the jiulilic to liis recent j'ni-chases of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which is one of the larjrest Jis'^oitmonts that he has ever calleil the attention of his friends atid the jmlilic to. Me luis now in Stole nearly every style of iifits, t'fipsn ttoois and Shoei-t iioNv in vi>gue, of all ]irioes to suit the times or the cus tomer however tH'^tidtous he may he. lie would say to all siicli ;ts want the worth of their money to call and examine his tock of H ATS, ('.M’S. HOOTS and SHUl'S, j*.s he i“ desirous to exchange the same into ('vsii as 'ri)*‘ Soutliorn I larmony, :md Musi cal Coinpaiiioti. .\ further sii|tj)ly re-eived. 1;. .1. HALK \ SON. Oct. Ut. -1 luir ('iirni/i‘ L'stii/i/n^hnient on tho MUiUiiij (in t'u, f/ic Ml f/im/isf (’Imrrh, fruiitiiif/ mi Munifon! Stm t. (;ki:at kn'pkkpkisk! I'ay‘f(4‘villo is IioiiikI I» ri'^HK Suhscrihers would respectfully inforni their £ triends ;ind the public, that they have entered into eopartnershi]' for the purpost' of Condiictinji the j;enoral t’H K1 .\( i F. m .SINKSS in all its various parts. .vinl heiiij; both jirai’tical workmen, fully under‘-taiiilin; (iieir hiisiness. they havo uo he~itation to compare work \ith any estahlishmeiu in Fayetteville as to stvle and d ira- hility. One of th“ firm may be known by reference to ,\. 11. Whitfield's iron work for iIk"- last two yeav. We warrant .‘ill Work to j;ive general s.atisfactioi for twelve months. Kejiairing done in the neate-t manner b>w for cah. IMFi; .V. 1!I:.\N1N. H. I’lKIt. .1\MKS I5i!AN1N. F.iyetteville, .lan'y 'J I. IS'):!. t/Jtl The ijtn'^€st i'an'in^v t\trtortf in thv South! \ Al.l AM.K 1‘I.ANTA riON j Foil SAl.K. ^■"^111' suhscriber vsishinj' to cdiange his busiiu'ss, of- fers for sale iiis I’L.A NT.\T1( >N in Hobeson, 11! miles from Lmnberton, on the Harlleesville Uoad, silu- ated on .Aaron's Swamp, conlaiuiiig 7M> acreB. of which about 100 aie under cultivation. The .situation is liealthy and the water eijual to any in the county. The dwelling and all necessary out houses are in good re pair. The best recommendation wliicli the fertility of the place can receive is to be found in the crop of (’orn and ('ottoii now growing on the I’laiitation, which all u ho I lesire to piirch;is- are invited to examine. There is within half a mile of the house a bold llush Spring, believed to contain valuable mineral jiroperties. There is also within li.'ilf ;i mile of the dwelling house a large new .\cadeniy, in which a (’lassical school is constantly kepi. Terms easy. .lolIN A. noWL,\Nl>. .\iign-t lib, iS-'jo. ‘Jlitf .11 s r UIX'KIN Kl), tl'I’ilMl', lot .Mountain Itiitter. New ('rleaiis and Cuba Molasses. •lava, i.aguii-a and l!io Cofl'ee. Suirar. I’lii-e. ^:c. WOKTH v'i F.LLloTT. Dit. 'I\ ('. H.ALK IB *be well-known stand of the l>r« I H !!obin^■on, corner of (Ireen and I'ow streets. April L’l. isr>a. 87tf \{. M. ORKKLL, riii!\v\Ki)iMi ro^niissKiN mkriham' \t S'jiyoUeville, V. March 10, l«ol, f/i-tf •lOSKlMI HAKKR, .Jr., ATTORXFV AT 1. A W , H taken nn office next door to W'ni. 1$. NV right'.s \Lavch 7, l>'.') r.'.tf practice in the ('ounty and Sujierior t’otcrts of Cuniber- Innd, lUaden, HoVieson and Sampson. March-J:’., 18.')?.. 7f-tf ClIAKI.ES HANKS, \VH(M.KS.\LK AND UKT.VIL DE.XLKll IN Fur'iijii /•'/•IIits, (%'f/ar.t, 'f>hi-ri^ Siiiij}, {{•(•. stkkkt, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, IH.'jii. 7:itf .). i:. LAWRKXCK, Fayetteville, N. C. FAI.L. 18.5:}. Septenilter, IS-'^ w ;;o-tiin V.'i'N. IMrFUlAL. C.lNl-OW- i'i:i:. Vtt( N'. iivsux. .1(11 ,tnd ji'i: 1. ati.i ’i'i‘! r fiivo -litStart'-in, or mav soon a.s possible, in i^a. ,a^ >.• chcai. and Sept. rj. 1''.'.;;. I'dlfVttci'HU subscriber ■rdrr that lie mav reiileuisli. J C.‘ THOMSON, Market Square. :J7 If ivivriiw .1 HIN' :i>al: ll-lt f !\!: iniBi;i{. ti him:\tiM' i\ii RHMIM. IWW FOR SALE IN ROBESON COUNTY. 411 t JH-i I 02 lOi {(i> !•! to nr, 2') >i> 1 i i.'»(j II 90 1 l.'s:'! :il'.| I’.- I ll t !:■ 1 -t .it Nhri . li iasT. j.iir ■ i '1 'ii s .i. ■ inr ' . 1 i. nis ii.tet'cst in the ill 1; 1. ■ - ' i 1 . i-ii V .1- til.' DuiMii' ,v’ til'- r U ''l_ tl .. I'-' = ■ iy ^ ■■Ii;- ■I: s vv-i;:,: , .ai’ ! in ee ■1 ■ r'i.i- lie' 1 1“ til’.- . :ili 1 t .V ■ nii'c .I,-: ■r ;l i-r, ■ - lif il:! . :;ie n! .1..-,:, ■. L i , ‘■.Ini ••'li 1 ^ lil.- I'l- ' i- \v.-:: I :• : V T-’rp- nv;.,.. ■ I, ••'I':. 1 Ki iuc. i nij’i - ■ l.^> .-■er l;iv. :■ :;i i. i 1 ‘J ;ni ■' - !r !n I be W i! Ml M ill' In. ■ -ter U,!:' R"', 1 This i^ h-.Jv fll'iU'- Lall! i;i tin- 1 i.llllt\ : ■ I. ■ i.'thi- i'ra. 1’■ ■' ■ ■ •TV 'li/.le - Itu \ - ^ i .I'a;' .i M'V \l, 1 HI, W:, .. ^ ■.V : . \). Lean. s,. ^ , .» ■ . : !*.•;.■: \i , \ 1 . . K- .. tu i ’t- - i r, .-i i. - ,, ••Ti.- 1 ii't V. .111]'. a ! , r- . ; n! le h j,n W . Air .rd. L' s c H-.;. ■; >b: Luieis ■ ! \i.-^u.-i ;. .1 \b I uMilt K'' |., * ; ‘ i \*h I’- 1 , . 'ti,er . a l;./i ■ .1 bn M- \::ir. • - !l •■■i ' S ■ : ■i: ■. ■, 1.; '’.'a. til- La;; i 1’ 1'' ■ . 1... itii r.err-. 'iii; -■ a.. i;.. L tt' \iai-'*;. ’a'liii^ a ]i .1 ■ !': • li P ‘ : 1. 1; 'iiin^: t^i' L'lieb . ;■ t Til ■!!,: .1 ii- •. L Ill ! .t'ler' , u:. . • T i.' ili,; De ■ I't I'll'' i' . , .' T: 1 s:\v ‘'.ip 1, .1: 1 a- i:, - . > ‘-r :: Ir l-l- ■''-.illl.' 1 “.t (■•IJI'P . t'ne '. ■ii.' . ! , t s. 1 'urvie. t' • 1, .:i .1 11" ■’ M.ii^iali, .V . , ■' •• 1. - ’ 1 ■ '!ii. 'biliii-j .iii.s^LPlI TilitMPSiiN. U'll'.Ll'.r KUK.\i H. ■' 'M. N ■V. 1. . - ■ .. 11 -tf . V- :it till. v,.;-:,. t f .! ■ '! j.h Tlii'iiij; -:>n .•i-i I- n in'll 1 ' ri'! i K-iIailie.l the title t'. ' p irch •: -I'd hv t ![■-!• I'l I'h' 111:i- .1. t iirti'. I',- ... - till M'l.'HS L \M'S. Iving ill lli.iiesi.n ; i W I- • :■ ■ t. - : > H itli"^.’ iiiv ' ■-sit.iiii.n, their •f'lllN \V1NSL(-\V. .1. 1. iii'.piii;i:i>. i:m;i:i;t s'i I!.\n,i:. N-IV. I. : - : U l>iil i;ssi\5, AND SJI \ \ 1N(. SAL( U >N. • . .i-f ■; u ::!i.iriil- the citi/ens Ilf . •, , ' tM' r I'iii liii" c iuiiii v, liiat f;M'..nii.. e ;.J.!i-hnient t - the Hotel ! ■ a in: ^ • it- n>iw f- und i.p)ni-ite the ■ ■■ t ! 1 ■ ■ I>awlie r- li>- i jiii-'ji.ired to .''have •11 ■ 1 a ' f ull lu I .tiiiu fi inr-. Hi- verv lesiiecf- I .ii'Ilh tt V t 1 his ■ .'•1 laisiiiiin r and the pub- ■rsilh i-. 1 ■11 -■ 1 ' ; a! riit;.ii;e, aii'l hnjies that :"iii will ■ ■■ '.':i' \. 1 IN i;i..\.'Ll>. a- he ha^ a .'i.risi, b-ra^.i- . . . I’ in littiiii: lip ill' >liiip iiinif'irt :.!■ .a;-'. r- He 1 II '1 invite tlie III uf (III • I'iti/eli f bl \DlMi ]!iO\L in 1:' - Sli a ' -J i; i : ■ ■■' . ii I ■ i.i'V will tili-i ('itmlij Mannfactonj. “ifill r-.ntinn«‘s to ;n;tniifactnrp a •su perior article of plain and fancy C.VMHK.S, at j the old stand. No. .'i. (ireen street. ;'i doors North of | the .M.trkot liou.;e, where In- woiiM ).e happy to tee his i ■Id ftifiids and cu-it.iiner'i. ('HAHLLS HANKS. ‘ Marcii Ix-.;. 7;{5;- WM. II. McKARV. 0'ottitnissioti tfierrhnnt, W Il.MLNC TON, N (' I’ai'iicular atteuti.,.n wiii h>' paid t*. selling ai.d vhip- : ]>il;^ N ival Store-^ und I’r.Mluce. and aK. t" the Foi-^ .1 1 ■■ d'. M'-rchant'^ who cop.~i;;n tlieji- ;.■ ds t'^ hint i-an rely on t’leir '.eiii^ f..rwarded •>\ first K.iat :;ttei tliey aie li'^'i d t'r'.)n vessel, KKFl'.llF.NCKS, F Fi ie-. 1!. .\. \ Ogier \ Ci. . .Sa’i-m, .N' C T 1 y .iinu. M-ck-ville. Hunt vV .Vddertoii. Lexingt n. •lohn I', lirown. .Salisbury. .). H. iV J, Martine, Fayetteville ■lau'v J'l, •i'.itt sr):i)M \N horm:, Ihu'(lu'tu'( , (•I'lf s, iS'c- I'. n'itl Lit respei tliilly inform the citizens and the ' puhlic genera'.;;, tiiat they h-sve just returned tV..m New \ i.rk, .and .arc iccciv'ii- their Spring St-ck i" Is. (■•■jisisting 'f /'r^ f >'i’ii>/■(> s, Hii/■'I ir,i r> , A'- .\ \ aiety ..f Hats, suitable I'l.r the sea»oi,; Ladies' an i Oentieinen I!... t~. .'sh"t s and .siippi'rs; a large as sortment of ready-made 'lothing; a great many articles in the ladies line, and we would be pleased to have them to c.ill and examine for themselves. ordcT' -ent t. "ur I'are from our triends and ti- r luer w.a be ].roniptiy attendi. 1 to. Mar: !i Is.', : ‘ sjtf IHil.MII MU MILLSTO.M'S. ^ liirrat in l*rir‘. i:(.i:\'roN. morri.'^ vv (o. M i.NTlNI'i; t' maki /rder. .and ke.j. c.n-t.-.iitl v ..n hand i'venrh iftrrr ,fBUIstoiws Ia ' dimensions, vvarr:ute.l to he of hest iiualitN. be ing made from ilurr h!". k~ . .-lecled hy them from the h.'st ij uii-ries in I'rance They keej. sal,> )l)lilKS ('()C:iljcM MIkI I'jSOpUS Mlll- toiics; liiirr lilocks, Roltino C'lotli, Scr‘cii \\ C'jtlciiicd Plaster. Hvdraulic C'cinciil, cVc. fi-om anv part of the countrv promptlv att4Mpl- II. VI. oitKi:i.i., Ajrent at F.iyetteville. N. ('. K.'sl’F.C TFt Ll.V inlornr his friend* and the j.uh- lic. that he has huilt up large ‘Substantial I’.ric-i IUii!din--s at his (»M .Stand, expressly for m.annf.iotni'ing CarriKges, 'i hankfiil f.>r the very lih4>ral patron.age he has rei'fived tor the last ‘J1 years, he hopes by str.i t attcnti.'ti to liiiriness, with a desire to give s.atisfaction. to merit .a I'ontinuaiii e o* the sanie. He warrant:! liis Work to he nia le th' hest mateiial and 'oy e\perieni-ed workmen in eacti I.ranch of the l.usiness. ills w.rk ivill conijiare t'avorably with any made in the I'nited States, t..r neatness and lurability. He is d' tei'iiiine.l t ' ell an i do .ain h rk in hi' line on as g 1 leriiis any w.M'k done elsewhere that i- as well 'loi;e. He now h:; ..n hand. I'lM'in n. the l.\l! CFsr STtM'K . ; ( \irrifi^r>, linj iiiirfK >. H ich itiratjs, n/xl S.'s now receiving a vei-y large anil general nssortmetit ot 1»1!\ (i()01)S, anunig which are l,.'i(tn j.ieces new style CalicP: 7oO \1. Del.ane: 17’) French .and .Meiinos; L’oO Al)aca: I’laid I’.ro- cade and other .silks; Merino and Crape I’laid .and plain Sh.awls. a.-sorted; Hats, Ca]is and Hoiinets; Silk und Cotton H'ilk'fs: llobinet, Laci' an 1 Kdgings; lioots and .Shoes: I’.olting (’loth«. No. 1 to 10. With many other goods: all of which have been ])Urchased for cash, by the I’ai'k.age, anil will be otl'ereil wholesale or retail as low a^ possible. Those vsishing to purchjise goods will please call and examine. Sept. 111. ls.'):i. ‘Jlitf New Goods for Fall & Winter. 0 //f’.r r •Joftiifiott iV >rg t .s . I'.N er otb 1 c l in this place, and .a \ w .rk iieirly linislie.j. whii-h wil- he tinislie>i d.ailx • ■!'which wP! t e si.i l very !''W )'■ r C\su titio' I i.un.-tual cii-ionn i s ii-fY'lli'h:is . ihaii I'M; IHMil’.F.l' .\M' I If f'i \ehi ■aii'l in ci.iii'se oi ! •.n'truct'oii, fet'" All w.irk made l.y him is warranted \ - nn with fair v.sage, and sliouid it fail !>y had w.okm • •V will lie rep.aire 1 frt f barge I’ei's ills wishing t:. hay wouhl .j.i well to c-.'d and exaliiili*' f‘ir iheinsclv i 1 all 1 promjitly atteudi-d to. ■ It . : it i.-e and . :i v .-r v i la k of All or oil -hi rt n hand nioi e ■ •ie- finis|n|. Illtll- iship i>rdi;- ihanktnli;. ii Hep'iiring exec.-.' I > ohable t.'i iii' Mav IsV; r»iHi».si: who... M. will ]ilease me ].|-ior to the 1 bmgt r indnlgrii: I Mav :'i'. I'*"'^ NO l'K K. me l.v .Note or .\i re 'i.I.I.tei -.-tti.- th>- -t of ,l:iii y • canii 't lit And ail \|1 1 I.e ' llllt ii-hls .hie ■tiled, as A. \K KF. I'll \N .‘''11 I’AMIL^ I'LOIR. A FF,W I’.bl'. ot llrowei s Fittra. m I'h;' article as g -.m1 as the fixtra ie ri'c iliitnended with gieat I ■■nlideii'e. I In ci.ns;.:nment nid t- r '.ale l.v II. I. MVI{(’tVKi; Sept.'J7, I"'.:;. I. ;i-tf ."i:(' >M) !'(lH (ind U Hit II' Sfm'k for ^I'AIIII \ V\|L1.1.\MS ata> I1..W reieiviiij, tlieir si: ( Iv.h i ed to. March 11. l-'o.:. '2d Piirvlidsf for I Ik i'ull of fB^HK itndersigne 1 would notify their customers and M. all others buying in this market, that they are now re.-eiviiig their second Stock of FA LJ (iOO|).s for l ''o.;. .'clei-ted b\ one of the tirni personady. con.sisting if a as'ortment of fj/'l/ //(//■(/;/■///■/, //ilf.^ /i'liiff ■\LSn ,\ large addition to theii .Made 'lothing. Stajilo atnl I'alley I by (IduiI ; H;ifs, (’;ijis, SllOfS, Boots; Silk. .S:itiii atiil Str:i\v Kinuiets; rinlirvl- las, ainl lU-a'l}-iinnlc (’lutliiiiL''.—witii a l:irof nssurfiiiriit (if ll(t^i^•t•y, (■'luvcs, Ik aiil ('iiftiiii 1 JaiiiikLTfhict's. Th(' above .'■^ enibrai-es a v.ariety ot' Seasoiuible (ioods not enumerated, conq^rising one of the larj;e't assortments we have ever otferrd; and ha\ing iecentl\ been purchased hy the I’ackage. a* a rediU'tion from the prices ot the first ot the season, they will be otlered to Wholesale l!uver~ ..n our usual terms. .1. I’,. STAl'tl!. .1. M. WILLI\MS Oct. 18')-:. :!:itf B M I' receiveil and are now receiving, a large and ■ I well selected stock of Seasonahle (ioods, einbra- cin>d rilniost every article ke]>t in the l»ry (ioods line Their .stock consists in )>art of Itich black ti}i d Silk.' I’lain lilack (ro de Kliine Ki. h I’.roc.ide and I’laid Silk-, late-it stvle I'iaid Silk- foi .\j ii.ns .■^■'lid Col d Silks tor lininf;. A;. .Sii)ier French Merino of all jailors I’rinted \ plaid Satin C.issiniere, vety tine \ handsome i’iain, [Minted and solid color all-wool l>e Laines \l]iacas of \ariou- coli'r.-i, tinish and price r.oinba/iiH's and Merinos, a line assortment ('olliir.', t nderslee\es, Cheniisetts, enihroider(*d Hdkfs Mn'’in F.d^inu and Insertings of all kinds and nualities \ h;i _c a'sortmeiit ot Thread, Linen, Lisle. .Swiss, ('ot- i"ii and .(acoiiett l]dj;iiigs and Insertings \ large assortnieiit ot rich cloth, velvet, merino, satin a’.id silk Cloa-s. Visettes and Mantilliis. of the l.itest styles, r’inning in price from !»! J to -S .\^e and Imnilsi in- assi.rtnient of Cloths, ('assimeres and \ estings; Tweed.-'. Jealis, Kerseys, i.inseys .^larl) i|o' Strif es ;,n,l I’laid'. tor servant's wear Fine Flannel, plain .and printed. fi,ir children i’.latiki t-'. a large \aricty .! A'/;/' ,/' //tifs. ^'(ij>s. ( lIr:ii!y-ni:i‘U‘ (’Idtluiijr—('o;its, N’csts, tVoin \ery tine t.. ordinarv tuir is too birge and varied to note down every p irticular .ai ticle, but our as' "rtment is a \er.v desira- I'o- ■•lie, aiel cannot tail to please. W e Would Illicit an early call I'rom all our old triends, cn- i'..niei ' and the piihlic generally. W e are ready at aM times to show our goods, ati‘1 prices, as we expect to sell on :is rcason,ihl> terms .as anv other house in our line. W e mav he toutiil ,at our .Store No 1 (ireen street. North-east corner Market Si|uare. ,VLi;X K .(OHNSdN a: CO. !'a\ctteville. Septi>.'i;; ;;l-tf NO ri( i:. H L .'^iitiscriber has taken the shop I. between Urs. Mallett \ Mc.Swain aiel F.i cles ' 1’.ridge, where ht‘ intends c.'irrving on the T.\li.( >i; I ,N(i ItC.s]- -N K.'s.'^ in all it> branches. Having had I’ractical e\]ierience in most of the _\t- lantic citii's. he feels .‘issnrod that he jilea'c the most tastiilious. .Ml orilers will *>e executed with neat- 'patch. 15. MONA(!HAN. .\Iarch l2S, lb');!. Sl-tf 11. ( AR\ ER, DEALKR IN \)n\ (ioods, (wrocei'ic's^ und l^rorlsio/is^ "d (loor from N. L. corner Market .Square, next to It. (iee's Hat .Store, (ireen strept, FAYKTTKVILJ.K, N. C. J}t3'‘“.\ll kinds of Produce taken in exchange for (.ioods. Feb'y .'), 1H.',;-!. bbY M. Ill rsON, ttorS£ P.IM.XTER, Fayetteville, N. C. March-J'J, 1^>:L «1-V WORTH cV I'J.LIOTT, ( Kl C ( flSSflKS T» ,f. I). VVII,M A>IS,) rU{WAKDlN(J (’OM.Ml.'^.Sro.N FAVKTTKVlLI.i;. N. ('. .'^■J.V.NP OF IJ.\LL i JoIINSOJ). ) FOR SALE. lOOO Ai:KB«ii OF i.a:vu. r I'^HK siib.scriber offers for sale his valuable PL.\N- £ T.\TION in Robeson connt.v, on liotli sides of tbe Lowrie Uoad, lOi miles South >Vest of Fftvetteville an(i within half a mile of Lumber Bridge, tbe terminus of tlie Fayetteville nml .Southern Plank Roud. .\n oj)j)ortunity is now ofi'ered for an investment, which cannot be et'jualled in this part of the country. The land is heavily and densely covered with pinen, otVering n great inducement to all persons engaged in Timber and Turpentine. The cleared land (about lOO acres), and in fact all is productive—superior to any in that country. bargain mav be had. Terms liberal. .VR('H'I) .\. T. SMITH. Fayetteville, .\ugust 8, 18.">:!. 17tf VALl ARLE I.AND8 FOR SALE. IOFFi;ii for .sale iny pl.antation, situated seventeen mib>s South-west of Lumberton, and eighteen from the l{ail Road, and nine from Harlleesville, containing .Seven Hundred .\cre.s of the best cotton and provision lands in the county, with fine improvements, well wa tered, remarkably healthy, and the best stand for a Store in the country, there having been one on it occa- sioiiall.v for the last thirty years;—with about tine hnn- dred and eighty acres of cleared lanil in a very li-igU state of cultivation. 1 will give the lands for the valued proceed.s of them for two years, with the work of seven I will divide the lands if desired, or if a larger tract is de sired, there i.s a large tract of land HUioining it that can be bought on very reasonable terms. Karlv application is desired. Z.VCH. FULM('KE. .Vlfor.isville, May 0th, 18.5;J. W^tf \. WORTH.J Fehruarv lil. 1 S-'> \v. r r.i.i.ioT r. f,'.l-v S'lWRR W ILLIAMS, W’lIoLESALi: bF..\LKRS IN n amt iPomestir iPry imootls^ IIAV Fayetteville, N. C. .(. K. sI'AKR.] [.)• .'^1 .\pril ‘JS. 1M."»‘J. II. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. iFFICK on corner ol' Front and street utnler .lournal oflice. WILI-l.X M.' hi;tf O De, 1-J. IS-tf JIISKPII K. I ness ati'l fHlHF, undersigned, having purchased Mr. Thos. ■_ Lutterloh's liistillery atnl Cooper-shops. have en- tere^l into Copartnership under the name of McLaurin V .^traii^:e. lor the ])ur]iose ot carrying on the Distille- t v of Tufpentine, atnl the manut'acturc of .Sjiirit l?ar- r’els. 1*. McLAl RIN. WM. McLAl KIN. .IAS. W. STRAN(ii:. 70lf Feh'v IS, [i: \ ,/ 'lock ot lleadv- All ol which fliev offer to the ft cotiimoilating ti‘rm«. I’lirch.asers will tind it 1 o..-k .an examination befor > I on their usual TiiriM'iijiiic Waiilt‘«L ’^IIL nielersigned will j.ay cash tor .'']iirits Turpen tine. I in goo.j ord‘ r, allow ing otil.v a t'.iir margin to )>a.v incidental ex]'fii-«es in seii^ling to a genera! market. W hen jiarties ]irefi‘r t.i ship on their own accnnnt. the undersigned w ill in.ake liberal cash ad . aiices i for the usual coiiinii'-sion i on .all .spirits and I! sin placed in their hands for shipment, giving the owner alwa.\' the option to sell in Wilmington or ship to New ^ork, (iKti. W. W ILLl \MS \ C(», .lulv •!, Ib'io. .‘'tf (li toher 1 S>:l. th( “ir intere- t to giv e oi niakiiiL'' their selections. HAI.L .V SACKLTT. ;'.‘Jtf lin^ l’'-l'i: I’erJ ill);i 1 11 .■siiavili;^ Fill lie, l .ir sa Ie. N. ('.. (li t. .S|i)i\ili; ■rietv ■if it’:ei lioc'Ki'isH siii:i:i'LN(;s, B V the bal(‘ or lialf bab“. tor sale bv M9 C. T. HAHiH .S; SON .lulv 1-'., lH.-,-J. Mtf Ii .’u, l : Ai'vv «()()(is. r 1. ( iUKSI.A.MI, ^ '•iiiinis>i(III and 1'orw:irdiiiLi .Mcrclcint ;ui" («• iicral A'is'iil, ,V. : I ' ! ..7-i;m :;h,.r I Ti VAIV. V,]- '.-•-I. 1 ■ . , 1;.. r ■, .iii'l ■ ■ illl ['T ■ 1 hi the S ■ttev-::!.. I; o- I shop. ) til,- •1 \ar d l‘o. Ill f!ow e'tablishe.l ,a Haker. t t\V‘) doors J'.i't ,,|- He i- prepared to fiiraish |i; i:- geiiei-,'i!!y. with, 1; kino . i,r the hest .juaiity, ■ ' ' ‘ I of .,n*‘ ol the b(-sl ■ • Me. ;ive me a all. 'I \ S i; \ .NKS. •'.r.-tf //1 •i.OOO lift! . iurjii/it ,■1' ‘b w ho'll ri.;e hi-h.' t I ,1 ii j.rici- •MiLL ;-ununervi \ N. (' , Mav 1«, l^Oo u \N ,v !• paid. Junes fotf ^HL subscriber has .just returned from New Vork, and is now rei-ei\ing his Slorii of 0moot/s^ which he invites bu\ ei .May be found in his stock: bistillers' (ilu(*, I'omnioii .and FINF., • iiiidles, ( r.vstiil I’alace, Wax, .Sperm, Adamantine and Tear), ( ity-niade lioots, heavy ditto. Hats. ( a]is. I’.hinkets, Keisevs, \c.. ( (‘dar 1 uhs. Fails, I’neketM, Kelars. .Vc,. ( oc(>a Hug (looils, ti»r j a-ss.ages, , Common arpel ing.s, with a var’ietv of seasoiiahle and nii' aii ! useful articles, ."^iigar and Coll'ee and Tea, A lot of line Trav(“lling Trunks, ( 'arpel F.aas, .Sic., ’io dozen Wagon and Hra.v Whijis. Mule ( ollar'-' Jind 0*tir, pat(*nt and coniinon Harness, tliinnv and l)uniee Ragging ani.l l!ope. oOU ..arks Salt, • 1 tons Iron, assfivte.L 1 will ell for ca-h. b.'irter. or on tim(“, to suit jivr- chasers. 2 doors West of Cape Fear Rank. THO. J. J(JHNS(JN. Fayetteville, (Jet. IH.j;]. Norui:. 8*10 isB:\V Aiei> I .\N \^V.\S from the suhscriber. about the loth of | .Inly. 1.^‘»1. his negro girl .'arah. .“saiil negro is 1 about lb years of age, black, with large white eyes, i large limbs, weighs ahout I-'!o pounds. Said girl is siiiipose 1 to be lurkitig in the neighbor hood of .Mr. Isaac W right's or (iiii. McKay’s, in RIaden county. The ahove reward will he paid for her deliver.v to me, or her conlinement in an.v jail in the .State of North ( arolina. WM. (i. F>I TLl'R. Clinton, N. .March 11, IS i-'). i tf W n.Ll \M A. (IW V!:R, FORW ,VRI)1N(! AM* COMMISSION MFRCHANT, %Viliiiiiij;;'loBi, 4'. B JKR.SO.N.M, :iticnlion giten to the .s.-ile or shijimetii .9 of .Naval .Stores. I have aniiile facilities t'or con ducting the hnsiness: large wharf and stori' shels to kee]> s]*irits t'rom ex|iosur(-. Na\fil store.“ w ill lie sliijiped to anv hous‘ in Nt‘W York, or to other markets if advi sable, and liberal cash advances made on consigunientb. I reter to the followinu; listillers: L. Hanniini, Wayne county. L. H. Woodard iV Co.. F.arpsboroiigii. W . Karp, A. (.1. Thornton, .lohnston county. Rridges iV Durham. D. lii.catt, *■ “ Spencer F-onraiii. " “ II. liatman, “ .Smith, IJryan \ Co.. “ ‘‘ 1'.. R. Hintnint, F.sij. “ “ Lovett I’eaeock, (.'oliimbus count.v. .Messrs. .Tones .'c Leach. Fayetteville. May lio, IH.j:;. fOV i LU»3n O II II I JS I O \ AND I'ORW ARDINC; MERC'llAN'r. If* it Mi tiff ton, *V. jgg^y ProiHpt personal attention given to all f’onsign- jnent.-j, asd Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other jiorts or sold in this market. Feb. li;, lyri:'.. *>7y WILKINSON (.V ESLER, DKALKRS IN ('oiu'i'i'tiDiinri/, Ff'ni'jn Fruils, mil/ Siinji, AND IMPORTKRS (»F !>*l PKRIOK IIAV.\lf.\ ■«.% RS .\T W'HOLKSALK A.M) KKTAII,. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7. IS.M. lltf MALI.Err PALL.MIER, 0iirorf>rs amt i'ommission rhfiHls^ ■ ;{.> Front NEW YORK. 1>. M.VLLKTT.] [.1. l-Al LMIKR .Vugust 111. IS-'ili. l.'stf T. C. WORTH, (innilSSl()\ AM) FOKWARDIMi MERCIIA.NT, \MLMLN(; rON, N. C\ Feb. 1, IS.'i.S. (jOtf Wali lie.s an«l Jewrlry. I'^HK subscriber hn 'Flic Subscriber still con tinues to carry on the CABINET BUSI- NK.SS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Establishment on Bow Street, near Eccles's Bridge, has opened a large WAKE ROOM on H.ay street, neaily opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, and one door East of ^lessrs. Haigh & Son’s, where a general assortment of FlIR-MTURE. Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at jirices corresponding with tbe times. Also, an as- snrtment of Northern-made FURNITURE, selected by himself which will be sold at a very moderate advance. DUNCAN .McNElLL. Nov. 10. lb')l. -8tf He keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk’s celebra ted MET.VLLK’ RURIAL CASES, which have been highly recommeni»-J by U'illie P. Mnngum. Henry Clav. Lewis Cass. Win. R. King, and many other il lustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. W ATI HES, .lEW ELRY, AND FANCY GOODS. The Siibscril)(‘r is now re ceiving a large and well selected Stock of (Sold and .Silver Watches and Jewelry of the latest styles; Silrrr and Plated (iol3. Silver and Steel Spectacles; (iold Pencil.s and Pens; Fine Pocket and Pen Knives; Fine Razors and Scissors; Mathematical Instruments; .Surveyors’ Comp?sses and Chains: Double and single- b.arrel (Iiin.s; Powder F'lasks; Shot Relts; Game Bags; Percussion Caps; a good assortment of Pistols; W'alking ('anes; Port-Moueys; Pocket and Dressing Combs; Hair, Flesh, Tooth and Lather Bru.shes; a good as.sortment of Violins and Bows; Clarionets; Flageolets; Flutes; Fifes; Accordeons; large and small .Music Boxes; Violin and (luitar Strings; Microscopes; Spy Glasses; Ladies’ Work Boxes: Coral; Eight and One-day (blocks; variety ol Fancy (.ioods, &c. vVc. All' of which will b(5 sold low. -Ml kinds of Watches and ('locks cleaned and repairetl. W. PRIOR. Sept. 1, 1853. WORLDS FAIR. C r y St at P a t a r e. PEKS(.»NS visiting New York or travelling through North ('arolina, should prepare themselves by calling .nt M. A. BAKER’S. Sign of the Big Uun, oppo site the Post Office, where they will find a large assort ment of double and single-biirrel Shot Guns, Itiftea and Pistols, of all (jualities; Colt’s Repeating, Allen’s Re volving. Wesson's Repeater and self-priming Pistols. Powder Flasks, Shot and Game Bags, Percussion Caps of French and make; also a large assortment of Gaming fi.xtures, which will be sold at the lowest cash jn-ices. REP.M RING of every thing in the Gun.smith line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge. Rifles of all kinds constantly on hand and manufac tured to order, and warranted to shoot from 100 to 900 vards. Persons wishing to purchase any of the above- named articles, will do well to give me a trial. M. A. BAKER, Sign of the Wooden Gun, Hay street, ojiposite the Post Office. •luly 21, 185S. ‘ PJtf '^1 f turned Ironi th' rich r(>cent!v re- North. with :ind well se- 'aM/'Ol'I.D respectfull.v inform the )iublic that he is ww still at his old stand c.ari-.ving on the jibove business in all its branclu's. Hi* returtis thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, and hopes by a strict atiention to bur-iiness, and a desire to jilease all iiiid give general satisl'action, to merit a continuanc>“ iif the same. He vsarrants all his work to be mad(> of the best ma- terifilandby expt'rienced workmen.—having a nion' I j'/xririin1 and /nifrncat Siiill/i, h(“ tlatt(*rs himself that his work will compete with iin.v mad“ in the St.nte for st.vle. elegance and dur.abilitv: and shotild an.v of it fail in twelve months (with fair visage) either in workman ship or material, he will I'cpair it free of charge. Persons wishing to bu.v. would do well to call and ex- amiiH' liis wurk as he is ib'termined to sell low for cash (ir on short time. decidedlv a v«ry l('Ct(‘d stock (if Walc’hc*^ A: J»‘W€*lrr. lOmbracing all the l.itet styles and fashions. Large lot of S1L\ Kll ^\ AUK; S|»ooiis, Stmji Ladles, i^ujrar Tongs, l>iiiing and hessert Fork^, (]>laiu, threaded, .1. L. and l»rini?nvitk jiattoins.) Butter Knives; Mugs; Salt, (’re:uu and Mti.'stanl Spoons. I’lated (lOods; Ten Sets, Coffei' I'riis, (Mianihev :ind I’arlor (’andlesticks, ('astnrs. Sugar l)ish, Snufter and Tray, Ladies’ Work Jinxe.s.— Full assortment of Military (Joods. (’larioiiet.s, Flageolets, I'lutes, Fifes, Aceordeons, Flutinas, large and small Music Boxes, (some w^ith Piano aeeoinpaninieut,) \ iolins, (_soni(> very line Ital ian.) Surveyors’ Coiujiassos and (’haiu.«, .'latlic- matioal 1 nstruniettts, Hye (lla.sses for 31 iiicr.«, very tine l{a/or.s and Straps, tine Scissors. Largo lot I’oeket and Table Cutlery, some in .sots of T)! pieces. Pockct Knives, with spoon, fork, hladt', phleine, (.Vc. Large lof of widl s(d2ct'>d douhlc- Orders thaliklullv rt'ceived and iH'omiitlv attended to. f , r'l . 1-o Cl.^t l> n . i.i 1. Mi.iv'i’ .1 . I ; I barrel tins, l‘n\vd(M- l lasks, Mio(. JSeJLs. (»amc I! LP.M Ri.Nti neatly executed at short notice ’ , i , i • lid lowest ..ossible ]irices.‘ as.sortment (>t (-olt >:.iiod vari- Kayetteville, .Ian. I’f). Ce’-tf ous Other kinds of IMstols. Five or MX-dLlTerent 7o (hr Ihirs at Lair of Ijijttlcton 'J'nr- tier. lnl( of Sai/ijiso/i ('oimiji, .\. ( '. !®JOTICE is heri>by jjiven to vou. that at (he next .1^ Tftni of the Connt.v Court of .'samjison, the .■'!d Monday of' N'ovenibei'. we shall jiropound for probate the last Will and Tesfanivnt of f.vttleton Turner. ,\MMA I’.. CHESNl'TT. | THOMAS 1. F.MSON. Clinton, N. (’.. (-b-t. 1, l^;');!. .‘!‘i-t‘IMN Executors. Blanks for sale here. kind of (Mocks; Walking ('anes, .\nd various other notions, which 1 would like ?o sell verv low. .1. il. BEASLiC^ . .\ugust l^’., Pure French Brandy, Port and Madeira Wine. /H'^lIE subscriber has just receive.! and ofi'ers I'm ft'ale M a ]iure article of each of the ;i)iove. 'J'h Lioiior^' having been purchased expressly for mtHlir*'-! purposes, can be relied on bv those iu want of a g«oil article. I .1. N. SMITH, f'hemist eV Druggist, i Oct. 8, :‘i4-tf NOTiCE. rB'^HE subscriber otters for sale his L.\NHS, six niileg JL North of Fayetteville and about one mile from the Favetteville .and Ruleigh Plank, consisting of about 1204) iivrvs of I.UIKl, suited to the ma king of Tnrjientine or Timber. There are on the pre mises a good saw and grist mill, all in good repair and now in operation; also a dwellint?. and all the necessa ry out'houses. in good repair. A1.S0, another iraiit of two hundred and fifty ucre8, on the hea l waters of Carver’s ('reek, known as the Tarrr Place, on which tiiere is a small farm, a Iwel- ling house and other houses. On the first named tract there are cut about twenty- five thousand Turpantine boxes, from two to four years old. ,\11 the above lands will be sold on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishing to will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showinii the above lands. WM. K. BOLTON. Oct. -27, IS.'):;. *>tt FLM: I'REiT! FINE FRlTl'! ^H^KN Thousand Appk* Trees of the kiadH, B rijiening in succession, from the earliest to the latest. Ten Thousand I’each Trees of the finest kinds, ripening in succession, from early in .hine to Novetnber. One Thousand Cherr.v Trees ot the fultst kinds, ripen ing in succession, from the first ol May to .July; also, a fine assortment of .\pricot.s, Nectarines, Pluins, Pears and Strawberry plants, for sale at the Pomological Gar dens and Nurseries, at Cane Creek, Chatham county, and New (i.arden, (iuilford county. Orders tor trees should be sent in early. Cataloguei: will be sent to all applicants. . During inv absence in\ brother. Owen Lindley, will deliver trees at Cane ('.eek, and luy son. -Vlbert (,i. Lindley. at .New (iarden. .1(»SHC.\ LINDLEV. New'C.irdeii. liiiilford county, N. C.. i The I Ith of the lOth ino., 18-^o. > FISII! I'lSH!! ’aJTACKLREL in half and whole Barrels, for sale ►'V fi PETER P. JOHN.SON. ^ Sept. 14. _ UaiiiU.lpli SlirHiii.i: For snie by .\]iril 87 tf