iSk SF. Ml-W RF.K I. Y. \()|.. \\\. I'Wi'/rrFA rij.R, x. ., dk( hmiu.k s, ■KlN'l'Kl> .1 r. NKWHN ti)\\ \in) .1. IIam: a s(i\. I n!i:s vM' im;* M’t:i i: iii>' .11 it 1' I iliil ill'.' t hi' •:i I IjM-- (■ \ 111 i i no it loiiil ill I .'I iiiti III) "sj ii* i! |i;i-it Im iiiu Uu , -V : Mt'icr iln‘ \ fMi lia-- I'NT'' iuv'Ttfil 1 Mr ill “1' h' ] ;iii| ii -iiili'. ri|i r.i. ’in- ' t il Mir th- -r. .-ii !i'- 111 N r~. i'i-r-iili;ilili' r: iii»* iHinitM'r 11 . lutiiuu il lill l\iitiiii, '\]iU J- -i\t\ CCIll |.ll' '1 tbii l V i Im- i :ii-h l.ixcl t^SfllHTit' ti'. ].(•- III-'. \llviT!iMM .Ill- f iii'iM liiiii'- ilcMiri’il, 1)1- :illii I’h:ili:‘il at't'nl-'i- siili'.,'iil,(>r itiVcr- I'lir :tli-lii^ I. \ \ I »S,'Ix mil-- M N’lirih Ilf l':ivftlt‘\illt“ .‘iiiil .‘iliiiut niit? itiit*'rtniii tin- t'M\ »‘iii'villi' Mii.l luilfiuli I’hiiiU. I I'ii^lstiiiji 111 iil>«im »t' I.hikI. nitfil tn the nm- kiiis uf ’riir]n'iitint- ni 'riiiihi'r. 'I'lifi'i- :ii' tin- (irt*- ini-f :i gi.oil >!\\v ;iiiil ^:risl mill. lU in ijiiml ro].;iir !nii| llmV ill .)it‘!-M!iiin; ;ll-II :l il Wf! li il;.'-. •ii|.t ;ill I Ilf IH'.'.-'-'m- r\ mil limi-^c^. in ”iin.| ii>]i;ii|-. \Kii. ;iiiiillnT Ir.ii-t (i| two liuniiii-ij .niil tiiiv ;i. r."'. nil tin- lica'l \Mitrrs nl' t':n\«T''- ('n-rl-;. knuMi .i-- lln- I'irt'\ ri:ic(‘, mi wliioli thfre is m ~in:ill tiii’Ui. .‘i ilwfl tin- liniivo aiiil iitlicr iimisi'-. On till' lir«l liitnifil tr;U'I tliorc arc cnl abuiil l\\i‘iit_\ fn“ tliousan'l ’rnr|iuiitint‘ tioxos. t'> twi- 'u luin' \‘ars uM. All tin- aliiixc hui'ls will In- soM nii tlio most ju riiin- ' Jiioiliitiiit; tiTiii.- I’tMMiiii wiMliiiii; til pnrcliii9‘ will j [.'nM'f i :i 1 nil tin* -utiscri'n'r. vvliii xvill iriki' plnisurt* in I !iii\\ ill'.! till- liiivf ImiiiN UM. K. IKiI.TdN, ! 'i t. _'i‘. ! s'. ;, lutf O l.CtttT' tn tllf liilitnl ' mil-t ')l' iHl-I-[laili. The American Seed Garden, II •#: riff’ IIS ri #: r ih t an n. JOHNSON, ROBBINS St CO., I'U>Pl!IKT(>ns ;; ; '•all', tlll"ll;^ll tll«‘ nt>v,ii)iiT'. liii-.i- 1 , t'1 NI'fth 1 iiri'liun, a In'!. I'l'mplfii' iin! . , itiueii! it'1 Vlxl'l'N, rir.Ll>. aU'l I'i 11'.'. KI. , ;is ■ r tlu' >;i-i\v til 1 Hii'i put up i'\- \ : •:.;* murkt't. Tho ii'putatii'ii nf tin* , «: it \\ I'tiiPrstii'iil •‘xtPudod liir .nii.l iio.'ii', niii.1 •,i: ' ! i''seut uiirivaik'il in .[Uii iiv aiiii ailnpti'.hu sg . ,(1 . v’l s • iiii'l Tilt* prnpriftni ' nii' • 1 (‘\! I'lioih r'l j;arJi'iiei>, and I'.mtituie as tiu-v . ; [• : . si-no!" ill'year** done, t" pay their umu; i i in ii'i lual e?iro t • tiie L' iatliprint;. , i. nvi pfii’kiiic of tlie vopiIs they ..HVr tnr x'lliv , i«-i rt’ij'Mit consists in jisrt nt’tU‘ t'l'H'witu': > ne. A'^paratu.-*. : —b'Aur: rinU Pole, every variejy 1 - • c.'li. t'abl'nge, ; 1,; v ii -Kariy L'juiion and Larj;o l.-ite ■ . ’W.'irt ■ T Ci'llardK. (' S.'ilad, t'res«. i' or. Kjc Plant, every variety, rro' a'.id i e.ery, every vuriety, I rn—Karly Sweet. Largo .Sweet .ir ?iiirHr. :ar!y \\i:ito Flint, Early Tnsoari.ra. Ks !*—Green, I'uried, Sc ni li. Lort'.i’o. Melons. Mustard, Oni in, every variety. ■=ra—Green and NVhite. I’aij.ey—Phiin or Conimcm, I'nuMe 3V Curled. I':irsnip every variety. Pe: per. Pumpkin, Kadisb, llhul arli, Sj.iiisi h, every .; •■ty. .'■;i.:;'y ir Vegetable > v;ter > . Toniatiie, Turnips, every variety. >weet Herb;—Sage, .''avm-y. Thyme. Lii\en ler, Lei;:- .. ,vc. \c. -\i. orders addre.'sed t ‘ Bever';. Hi'se. ^ . ; - e-iale Agent in Fayetteviile. an ! Nl 1. I'iNi: I'Ki i r’ Thou-taiid Applo I ripening in suvi'O'.-in I -“t Ti'ii rii.iiiNand Pea 1-im: I'uri r! I rees 111 the tine'St kindv. I, Iruin ilie earliot*! tn the ■h Trees of t!. ' linei^t Uindn. I ;pening in siua'es'^inn, I'rum early in .Itine tn November. One Tli.iU'and t'herry Trees ni tin' tiiust kinds, ripen- in- in ^neee-sion, tVotii the first nf May tn .Inly; alsu, a tine a'-i't tineiit nt .\prii nt'. Nei'tarines. Plums. Peai's and I rawhei i'\ plaiit-. I'.'r -ale at the Pninnrouii'.'il (iar- deiis and Nurseries, nt ( -uie t'teek, i‘liMtlmtn emintv, and New t.Jarden. Guilt’oid I'nunty. tr ier- trees’.d >ie !-e!it in e'ir'i\ t'it ilm^nt's will be sent i.> all ■ipp'ii'ants. Itui int; my .nbsenee iii\ bri iher. (iwen Lindley, will deli\er trefs at ( ane ('reek, and niv s..n, Albert O. l.hi ilev, New i.arden. .Ic.'^HrA l.INHLLV. New (i.'irden. inilt'iir i counts, N. i riii- Mth the ill h nil!., 1>.’ia. i "V—3in. 'I'l a'. (“!lini{ rrmik'^. \ aii.'ics anil ('ar- pet Pisi^ti, bv A .MPiKlUt (' >. Nl V. .'. IS'i:: i.!tf I'ALi:. S.'s nii\N veeeivinjr a very large and j^eneral a«Mi«riineiii Ilf (iO()l>S. !inii>ng wImtIi are l..'iiMt pieee.s new utvle ralie:-; 7'*ii' M. DeLane; IT"' Krenrh and I]n{^lish ^leri^o^i; l‘r>H \l|>aea: Plaid l*.ro- e;iii(> ;ind ntliei'Silks: Merino and ('rajie Plaid :ind iibiin .'shawl'-, assnrted; Mats. ’nps and ItoniK'ts: Silk and I'litton [I'dk'l's; P.iibinet. I.ace and I'Mfiinfis: liootJ* and Shoes: llnltiiijr 'hiths. No. I to Itt. With many other ;;oods; all of which h.ive bet'ii puri'hased for cash, by till' Paekajre, and will he oll'ered wholesale or retail as low as pofisilile. Those wishinf;; to )iureiiase {foods will please call and examine. Sept. If., lS.'i:V 2'.ttf II *##;;; Oil utid Teatn for sale, ! ONK larpe Pvnad \Vaf;oii and 4 UorsCB, 2 Buetiies, and 1 ("arrv.'ill For sale clieaj) b\ ; ,1 AS. C. ('OOK. Nov. I t, IS^:!. tltf /'all and Willin’ Stoc/>' for S’I'.VKH .V WtI.Ll.VMS are now recei\ini; their .'sp.- ( ONl> Stock fur this .^eauoii. of Sfaplo aiul F;incy Ihy H:\ts, Sliofs, IJonts; S:itin Straw l>uiUK*ts; rinlnt‘1- l;is. ;uhI Koailv-iiiadi' Clothing;—witli a a-siirtiiif'tit ot’ Hosiery, (ilovt*', Silk and ('(ittoil llaiidkoivhiotV. The a’.live Stock einl'raee.s a variety of Sea^ouable OootH ni't eniiiner;it'd. comprising one of the largest assi'rtnienfi we have ever oii'ered; and having recently been purehasei’i by the Package, a' a reduction front the prices of the of the sea.son, they will be offered to \\ holesale P.uverx on our usual terms. J, 1$. STAUU J. M. WILLIAMS. Oct. L’. is.'.r'., .*?i!tf \)h. T. FI ALL Ha.'' lemoved to the well-known stand nl the l*rs Koliinson. corner of fireen and Rfiv\ streets. \pril 1^1. 1853, !^7tf JOSKIMl liAKHH, .Ik., ATTORXEl AT LAW, ».VS taken an (ifl'ioe next duor to Win. 1*. Wrij^ht’s otlice fin Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County atid ,s!uperior Courtof ('innber- land, Ulailen, Piobeson and Sanifibon. .Marcii -2:'.. Ih.'i::. 7f-lf T. C. WORTH, rinnilSSKIX and FORWAKIIlMi MEKl’illNT, \viLMiX(rroN, N.(\ Fell. I. '>*tf S IWRK iV W ILLIAMS, WllOLESALK DF.ALKUS IN Jt'oreift H ami iPomestir Mfi'if HAY MTKI^I'.T, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. 15, M'.VIUl.] [.I April -JK. IH.S-J. W 11,1,1 AM- «()tf II. I.. IIOI.MKS. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and I’rinoesH •'tieets. under .lournnl ot^ici Dec. l‘J. 18-tf Ai:\v c;4H>i>s N:'V. If'. iiKMalt;»-tlir*‘(l I'.v WIHKP.G .V CO. ‘ ■};?t ■ At the old t^td/ul of II. Branson ty S’o/j. ^1^1111^ I’N DI'.RSlCtNEI* have just received a L.\RGE i J0M:PII K. lihO!iSOM. V 41 ni ^ ^ I o :\ ANU rouw AU1)IN(J MKIU HAN'r. lf*ifi>iiii^7o#i, »V. €'. Prompt personal attention given to all Consij^n- STOCK OF GOODS, emhracing a general assort- ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shii)- I r \\. li. t, u I I'. i: SI A I. .\ ii i: \ T For the f>a/f i / ('’untni Pro'hicr, WILMINGTON. N. Nov. 7. ISo.i. 4;^-;>nj 7o 'I'iinfx r afiil i.Uhi hn- MnL,rs. eubs.-riber, atter returnin^^ his tiiank.s to his friends and the imli'ii' ^oner’\-ly f^r their liberal sui'P'irt r.nd p.'!tr"i-.Mi;i' wi.-V IssrrrTOK. which ntfice he was f u'cid i . r* ’ n' . . i i. nc('')unt of his health, w.iuM resp.>>’tlii'.._\ lur'i uii luem he is n_Hin .n l;:ind, ;md will attend t- ti e s,.,:'.n ■ .f either the at- ive: :.t\d iVi.m ’:is klH'W M'dfic ti.i !1 t 'I’.i t'usinesa entnisti' i t ’ .st’arT.i.ii ‘ii'i tiler;- i siimh- t, lid stric- :.ttenti'iii ire. !m pe*; !■: give S'lt patriinat^c W .ningtiin, w. meet «.tli : r ii. .-ate'iti ‘ Ii WKBll A \\ • H;. . \LT1,,K (;V>.iii ■ »-tf I rin Mill tiud to,)/,' III- Prtnii undersigned iins tli oil ■--•A ■ tiiat I’.e luis piirohit--e 1 tlie entire i vy k Pi'igiT-- ill the Steam a; - p Hi'e: find i' n iw prep;.rod t,'. LU ji ' r that may he sent in, H.ivii!)^ : t T‘-i;'iei- til s .\v. f ..jifi.lviir : „ • .• -.Ui'.i-'. d. ' r FI' irin^ ui 1 NNe-.rlie Inch Bi :ir ts. Cei'.ii.;; Ili‘Ut;biiCe ha’.f pi ire, : wi'.; invurialily be rei • 1 ev. S the lUldeVnipried : 1 v.t i' ;'Urpf''e. T!n^ '>b ' ■ 1 'iiin^unCin^, : a.lj c .;;!!- iit- re-t 'f Me--, ud Gr--t MV' :.t ler- fi.r lbs. ,1111(1.01 HI ■ti^. a’.d ; lean t ' "rn •utiCMiar ■ f Ciitt'.n Hattiiijr three mil'i'ins t ' 11I I H H I *,-'1 1 * >l;iii'k“ : pr ']■ -^a!-3 f"r IO'.'.'mhi Wadding, -\lsii, Inr !• ed.' ir.iui ;-i t.i -'.i feet i-.;; 1 ; .iin ! ■ ! • r !•- For furthei l: >\. UFNH\ .1 HFNin t J-ti meni reo-ntly tiought in the nortliern market under f-ivurable circumstances. They ha\e Loat’. eru.slu-d, powered and brown sugare; Java, Laguira and llio Cofl'et-; pepper, spice, ginger, cloves and nutmegs: sup. carb. soda; indigo; madder; borax; camphor; alum: ejisom salts: saltpetre; molaeses; syrup; salt; iron; saddles, briillesandmartingals; collars, wagon and bugi^y whips; sjiades, shovels and forks; trace, dog, longue, breast and halter chains; coffee mills; wagon biixes: mill. crn«.s-cut and hand uaws; cut nails and spikes; a gnod assortment of pocket and table cutlery; black.sinitli tools ci'iui'lete; turpentine hackers, scrapers, dippers and axes; broa.l and chopping axes; guns; window Ldas“: rivets. .V large stock of roady-made cliithing and staple dry goods: gunny and hemp bagging; ri'pc and twine: .''wedes, American bar and horip iron: biin.'ire and 1‘i tairiiin-ast hteel; (.ierman and blister steel; y .: i/r',- hat.s. caps, liootsaiid ah-en, western and .Nnrth ('iirnlinn tjacon; together with ■' •■very urtiele -.nld in thi« market, all of which wii; ’.c s'lld at fair prii-es for cash, on time tu prompt e ;-Ti.moTi. •v coiinivv truduee gctier'kUv. (i \v WILI.iAMS 6. CO luly 1"'|ITf-ll if~;^Thi- iitVice of the (’ape Feai-Steamboat Company kei t in the atv.\,> buildinjr- .1 I». WILLIA.MS. Agent. ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 185.:. WILKINSON ^ KSLKK, DEALERS IN CunfWtionari/, h'nrtiifn Krint^, \iifs, T>ih(ti'ro, mul Snujf] AND I.MPORTEKS (tF ^I’PKRIOR II.WA.lfA f’lOAKS, AT WIIOI.KSALK AM) KKTAII.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. is.'.l. lltf ■ l-en 1- l' m' ei !. irdihi,. n - si'ant’-ni J-) 1 > ’ ix. r 1^ '11 1' u ^ I>ei , de'i\ery keeping I l\ . I e 'tli. K(M,KJl.'s I'ltt XO'S'it 1, A\ \W \V !r ii; I « Ni.veli!''! r i:is: . I'.S'- In JT' iiNKV. «.rh Fi>t i; i!lNl»ni li !'l tae'r lnas’ir I'hill’i-- i- i^h, enni’lexintl \ery '■ ac;:. b.i; !-niit _\enls uf a.-e, .he nt' h\s ,i 'ri a ^■-ar whii’h wii! r\ very ti'CT '' ini-i.e-- high, vi-ry i ivk V e,,. lar^e ii' 'f*. '. er'. ’ -Vir \\ \ \U). 'I't'Mr-id. '. • H I il 1.1.. l ')l.l.AP> ■; --n at •' feet 7 inch'-s V.i.te e\es; hr- - •inn ■ h -.s bi-en burnt I'lain. T 'iiey is ab .ut i-nll.l'leHinll, S|i,.l!l h"^ the arm i- irit-^ T> m--. .m:\v !1HK .'iiti- IJ AIv KIIY. aliil atmut .’.J C. 1 Wl !|i\ j.'lii - lil'- .’id lny th. that 1 . Ml tnlt- 'rniv tan (ilt.I'K*. CXpCCH'd || w, M. l,\I1;1N. }"tt .''cikirk. ."s. *' N. and V. :;S ). ■ ii't ive rew :el the-: .1* IHN I ii^ili! in .\b ire ^ount> , id t' r tiieir Indgmetit ■In It H-r V. C. IJA( ON. *10.000 IP.S - Iltl- I W II F..r - .1.- ■ I.ITTKltl 'H G(• ! Mi\■ • - U USIN' U il( >l‘ •ist vei'.-i liair and ■I.AIKIN. 'ii'tf NO ru’i:. I^Hi; ' h iietweeii l>r-. .Nl. • nd Li-i != - ■ Bfi l^.-. -.■ir-’yiiig ■t lU r i'KK,—A /;u s! rriA FIPKIN.'' M'll \T \IN I't TTKi;, I'.-. l?n l--'th NO'I'K 1 f .):iip.:ir\ ! I. O'' Mil' late Mewart Pipkin. :iti I N Uin's Level, 1 all prm-ee ' '.-lid PijiViii. up- 'i I ifdit N tn draw intei-e>-t ir'>m date. A. A 1. .M1TH. N iv I'^'in. ppe M.-Nl ll.L. 1 ■-!« ■ Little |;i I .-I ! thf- Land 1 1 J m-ii ill taken the sh"p t; \ Mi-Sw:.i;n ri 1- ■, w here 111' intend-' m f Ml.i'PilNt; Pit'.'I tiraliehi —. II H -tl;.: ha * ii'ln e iri 111-: 1 I'!' the At ,e teeis a-'Ure l tliat Ilf nil. t t':i-tn!!"'.:" j ■... 1 w'.rh iieat- i:. N-ttN.VGHAN. Mai-i l. New Goods for Fall & Winter. .Hix'r JffliNSOH iS' C(f. f H .\ V F, received :'iid al-' 111 a -r. ■in}: erk and \L;ste I’.'tf I'l/l VI. WAVS .'TnVi: ANDUKW SS IJ art and Storr Drjjot. nn hfiiid. t'ooking. I!i\, a'ld i’arln'ii ■\s^i,rf ment ALSO it Tin Wiiie. C. V. Ill wii'il'-sale andhfws, Market .^.juar^ !.'OOtt NoricK lo iM:Nsi()Ni:i(s. undersigned i ontiinies I" act as Aftorne\ fill ip drawing Pensions, payat)ie at this Agen-y. ' laitns fur Peiisinn^ I'l.unty Laad. ei aiiv othf-i Military claim ag.-iinst the I’nited ■'^ta?e-, scoured. The highest cvrh/',,r. i,,r a;l l Warrants f..- .INC \1. IIOSF. !■ nyetteville. Oct. 111. I'-.i",. .’.'i-.'.lii LAND liliOKi:K. IiI.WE 80 many in'juiries almut I'lrnentine Land", that I have Cl ncluded to fuiet .ay si pvires tn l.uv i;- ' soli. Th 'SP having Lands for sale will lurnish me plots and i htity, ti,j:ether with a tail’ descript; in md price '!;• 'nimissions ^haii be inider;it('. .1 \S. 11. I III iK . Nnv. :il, Ih:-,:;, l-.t; llAlK l)KLSSL\(, and SllA\ !\(; SAi.OON, JG. .''MITII respectfully informs the eitizens cit • Ka\ettevilie, and the surmiindiiii! enunii-y. that ne ha-' ni'iveil his liarlicring establishuieiit tn the Hiitel l>iiildiiig. Mis ;-i: ini tiiay be now fouii'i m pn^ite the !.• w I :!yette\.lie ll.uiii, where he is prepare 1 in Sh.-ivi- :!i l I I'iin nil a'-rniiiiiridating tertiis. He very r* s],,.ct. tiilly rfturns thanks to hi-, old cnstomer.s and the imb- lu- generally tijr tiieir liberal patronage, and hopes that his custmn will 'n,. nu;.\ TLY I Nr I; K ASKD, as he has been to u consideraliie exj.en .. ii, fitting up his .'shop '■ir the conilort nl n.s eiist,,||,|j,. wmild invite the ■eive.i :.ii'l are iinw recei\ine. a lar^e and well selected -ti.ek nf >i-,-,~iiinble Gmid'-. embr I a’niiist ever\ art;, le kept in the Dry iuod' line. Tluir .'Tnel; cniisi-t- ill ]):nt of itich black tig d ."siiks Plain black Gro de Pvhine Piich Ilrne.-ide and Plaid Silk', l.-itest .-tyb- Plaid Silk- fnr .\pmns Siilid col’^1 Silks for lining. \c .s^iijier Freiu li Merino nt ill cnlnr-. Printed plaid .■'atin Casiiniere, ver\ tine A: handsome Plain. ]irinted and 'liiid ci.lnr ull-wool De Laine. .\lpacits (if\a>-ioiis 1 nl,.i'. tinish and price P.oinbazines and Meriii* -. a tine assnrtmeiit Cnllars. I'nder-leeves. riiemisett', enibriiidered IMkfs Mil'',in IMging and lii-'t-rtin^--it .-ill kinds and cpi.-ilifies- .\ I.irj;e a«snrtment of Thread. Linei;. Li.slc, Swis.. tnll and .la. I.nett Ld;;lli);s and Insi'l'tillvS \ biiiie asv.irtment of rich i-loth. velvet, merino, satin ar.d ilk In.i'.-. \'i"ctte' and nf the 'atest styles, luiinin;.'' in ]ir:ce frnni SI tn -Sl-i .\ lar-ie and / assortment nf Clntlis. (’.assimeres and \ t"‘tin>is; Twei'd". .leans. Kurse\ Linsey- Marlboro' .'--tripe-- and Pl-iids. fnr servant s wear Fine Flannel. ]il.-iin and printeil. for children niankets, a large v,-iriety A larijc Stork of I '.IJIS, p,orjK ,t Shn- . Hoady-madc 'lntliin^'—(’out--, I’aiits, \ (-sts, from very fine to ordinary t)ur stock is ’■ I huge and varied to note d-wn every jia ticular artic'r, V'-ut our a-;sortiiient is a -.ery desira- Vile one, Hlid e.anllot fail to jilease We w^ iild siilii il an e.iriy call tr' ii customers and the ]iiibli(' j;eiicriidy, all time- t' show .sodiIs, and prices, a.s we e\pe-t to sell nil J. - ieasoiialjle terms as any other house in oiii line. We niav be fnuii'l at nur.' N" 1 Green street. all otir oii.i ii iends. We are readv at N'ortb-e i -t Fa\ f tte\ i i V .M.irkei ■' pirift'. Al.KX R Sei.t '2'-’, .lollNSoN V t o. :;i-t; s r \'i i: oi' Noiri ii ( auoi.ina. •l iber has established a liakery on Row 0. .''trict. nl! the I.nt tw.i dniir.s Kast ol Duncan McNf'ili • • .'iliinet .-sh-.ji He is pre]iared to furtiish F iiiiilies, p. .-ii , :;u 1 till- pu'ilic generally, with liread, I’.i ■ iiit, and akt s .,t van lus kinds, nf the tiest ijuality, as i.e has iirncured the ser\ice.s nf ine of the best I’ake;- i n t lie ta t e. Prii e - rea^niiabie. Givemeucall. CHA’S RANKS Payettev'Me, Dec. '2S. .jo-tf KOCKrisll SHKL'riMJS, HV the )>ale or half liale, {nr sale bv C. T. II.VDJII .V SON .luly 1;:, 1.''.')- Stf I.KA I’HKK HANDS, 1 H->Hol'(.iHLV stretched, cemented, and rivet«vL ' J- The above Rand.s are snld I’O per cent. Ics.s than New Vurk manul'acturer--' prices. Cash will be re- ' juire'i in evcr\ iii'tanc ' For sale bv W. II. LrfTLR 1,011. Faye!te\ille. Nnv. I*’|. ;!ltf ^Mlir undersigned will pay cash fnr .'spirit.- Turpen- J tine, in goi I or h r, ■ allowing unly a fair margin tn pay incidental ex)ienses in tendin'; to a general market. \\ hen parties prefer tn -hiji on their own account, the iindei signed w ill mak' Iil;er.‘il cash advam-es , fur the usual cnmmissinii, mi all Spirit' and Itnsin pl.-iced ill their hand' fnr -shipment.—giving the owner alwavs the iiptinii t- sell in U ilmiiigtnii or ship to New Vork. (;i;o. W. WILLIAMS C(b .lulv ti, l>'-'i-.. Stf Tin: LAUtJHST I SILK. AM) HOLSi: JN \l\V YOHk. (w. Steanfs, IMPORTER AND .JOBBER OF SILKS, MILLLNEUY, AM) FANCY (iOOI)S. .1/ -NV// /’rill)!—Itmr granted l\w ciddvif) inhri'tl. 162 Broadway, N. Y., Ha.'' niiw in .'stnre ami is daily receiving and titfer- ing at the Lowest Prices, a complete assortment ot (iOODS IN IILS LINE, comprising all the variotts styles and designs, consinting of lilack and I'ancv fSilks; Marcoliiifs, I'lorcnccs, Shawls, 'rriininings; Bon- iu'1 Ivibboiis; 'I'atlV'ta and Satin Rio- boiis; Di ('ss'I'riminin^s of all kinds; l',inl)roid(*ri('s; Frcnoli and Knjjlisli C’rapos, C'rapc Lissos, Silk (’ra- vats; (liovos of ail kinds; Silk Larc Milts; Haro^os, Laces; \\ liite (ioods. Hosiery, L. C'. llandkercliiers. The itndorsigued would invite Merchants from the Nnrth, South, East atid West, when in the City, to fa- vnr him with n call and examine his stock before pur chasing. THOMAS (J. STEARNS, Bi-oadway, P.ctween Liberty street and Maiden l,anc, N. V. .laii'y 1'.- IS.');:. ' I’l-Ypil S'! i:i)\lAN iiORNK, \L\LLiyrr \ iv\i lmikr, 4mvorers and ComtiiiHHioti •fier^ rhatits. 135 Front NEW YORK. '. MALLKTT.] »*•'> I.MIV-U .August l*'i. ixtf \V. II. ( AUVKH, DK.VLER IS (i'o(jds, (iroccrir,', and I*rnrisions. N. F, corner .Market Sijuare. next to D. MoKK vV (;;hi:r, A'/-/./. Hoi.tif nnd Ph Ihntflfih . in.IS FOUNDERS \ND MANL'FACTl'RERS OF ^•7 tIOl'ilHT and 'ast Iron Haiiings and all kinds ▼ W Ilf Ornamental and Architectural Iron Works. Iron R.iiliii'j'’ fnr jiublie and privai' (irnuiid'. Veran dahs. Sett'-es, Chairs, Tables. ,tc. P.-iiticiilai fittention jiaid to the enclo'ure nf P.urial Lots. More ,v (iallagher s liook of ((riginal L*esigns and Li-t Ilf Prices sent to persons wishing to make u selectinn. ^ Nov. I. l^-'.:;. l:i-::mj.d ! FiMi TniBi:u. tihpiatim; imi FIR^IIMi ItMl FOR SALE IN ROBESON COUNTY. rjlIIE Sl’RSC'RIBERS on the 1st uf March last, pur I. chased of Tlios. .1. Curtis. E.sip his in-.erest in the Land lying in Rolieson County known as the Duliois land. They have had a portion of the same surveyed, and now oiler for sale the following tracts: l‘2;{0 .\cres lying on '-Rack Swamp." .ibout three miles from ‘-The Red R:inks.” and two mib's from Lumtier I’iver. adjoining the lamls ot -Iohn Drake, Esi|.. and others. This Tract i' well timbered and \aluatde for Turpentine. 1115 .\cres on ‘-The Broad Ridge." al)out ‘J miles from Lumber River and ll! miles Irom the \\ il- mingtcin and .NLuichester Rail Roinl. This is the tinest t lod v of Turpentine L.-intl in t he (. ounty. ; There are in this I'ract some very eligitile situ ations for farms of tjoud htnd. - 535 .\cres about half a milt' from \lfiirds%ilb* I good Turjientine land. -Vc res near Ash-Pole, adjoining .lohn \IcCallui-i. E8i., !ind others. lOi .\creson Wilkerson sSwamp, adjoining .McLean. Leitch, and others. 101 .\cres on “Back .Swamii.’ adjoining Peii iMnn- roe, Neill Leitch. Esi(s.. and others. Acres on >ioth sides of ‘-Th‘ First .''wam]>, ad joining the Tract where -lohn W. Alford. I,s(|. I now resides. I 1030 .Veres on “Shoc-neel, ' adjoining the Lands of Dr. Edmund McQueen. .lohn ''' allum, Escp, and others. 50 Acres on "Ash-l’ole.' adjuioiug .John McNair. Esfp, and others. iiii5 .Veres on -‘.Jacob Swamp, .-id.joiiiing th. Lands Ilf Thomas Townsend, W illiaiu Uerry Thompson, and John B. Thompson, E.sq. t4‘.^5 .Veres on "The Little Marsh." including a por tion of “The Glass pun ’,' adjoining the Lands of ,1. Rethune. Thomas Jones. Esq.. aud others, HHO .\cres known as “The Rig Desert. This is said tn be as valuable .Swamp Land as any in the State, and can be reclaimed at comi>aratively little expense. 115 \cres arljfiining the Land nf Vi-chihald S. iii-rie. Esq., and others. 150 .Veres adjiiining the Land ot .Inhii Mc(iiiu>i.'iii, F.sip, Vli-s. Hrown, anil nthers. The a'love Lands will be sohl on accommodating |-,.rms .tOSEPH THOMPSON. ROBERT S FRENCH Liimbertoii. Nov. 1. IHO.'!. -H tt IMIKIIWS cV Ji:si P. No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. F.'!! THF, sale oF ALL KINDS OF riiTTo\ Wl) wniiF.rFN ii\riii\ERV a\u '•vll :i IIII ra«’l II r‘r’n \ rt ir le**’’ OF F\ ERV DESCRIPTION ('onijU’isiiiii Reltmjj, (’ard ( *()thm^, Bohhiiis. Slmllles, I’ickers, Roller Skin, Rollc'r ('loth, Oils, &e. Dec. li. IS n I)ri( ;Ui iliiiir tr corner (iee's Hat Stun*, tireen street. FAYHTTKVn.LF,. X (V All kinds of Produce taken in exchange lor Good'. Feti'y IH.'i;;. \L III rSON, HOMJSE r.MM.VTEK, Fayetteville, N. C. March I■''1-V WOR'FIl vV KLLIOrr, (siCCKSSOR.S TO J. I). WILLI\>IS,) K()HWAR])lN(i cSc (’OM.MiSSlON MKUr HANTS, FAVETTEVILLE. N. C, (ul,l) ■sT.VNP OF TI.VI.L i Jt)HNSi)».) J. V. WORTH.j [w. F*. r.LLIOTT. Fe) ruary Di. IS.'in, («0-y C'llARLKS UANKS, f'O.VMi:fTtO.VEK. WIIOLi;s.\LE ,\ND RET.VIL DEALEi; IN I'liniifU /''niifSj \ii/s, ('ii/ir.i, Tnhoi'i>>, Sii‘iff, CiKIIEli J»TRI]I:T. Fayetteville, N. C. j .March I. 3tf .). i:. i.AW ri:n('K, Fayetteville, N. C. September, IH.'):» I’.O-iiin R. M. ORRHLL, FIIRWAKDlMi (’(nnilSSIO.N )lKKni.\M .\T Favflleville, .IT. V. ! March 10, 1851. f'--tf \\M. H. McRARY, i'ominissiott ,lierrhant^ WILMLVGTON, N. C. Particular attention will be paid to selling and ship- W.; have at the rccjucst >1 Joseph Tlionijison j ani.1 Robert S, French carefully exantined the title to , the Lands purchased by them of Thomas J. Curtis. Esi).. j known as the Dl'BOIS L.VNDS. lying in Rotieson j , Countv. and we snv without anj' hesitation, that their title is perfect .lOHN WINSLOVV. J. G. SHEPHERD. ROBERT STRANGE. Fa.vetteville, Nov. 1, IS-VL A r rnK rkd sk;n. It c* II o II a I 1 A: * a s t e r H.WE just received a full and comjdete st«'ck uf GROCERII',S. PROVISIONS. &c.. to which the.v would invite the attention of'tlu' citizens and surround ing country. They will sell low for C.vsii, or on lime lo punctual customers. They \iurchased their Goods fur cash, and this will enable them to sell i,ow. They r have facilities that many houses have not: they have agents established in Baltimore and New Vork. who always advise them of any change in articles in their line, and who purchase only when tiargains ar' to be had. We keep always on hand a splendid assortment ot foreign and ilomestic LifiUor.s: Loaf, Crushed and Brown Sugars; Rio, Juva and Laguira Cofiees: Green. Hvsiin and Black Teas: New Orleans and ('uba Molas ses; Table and .ack .'alt; Bacon. Lard, Mess Pork. Mess Beef, Smoked Beef. Dryed Venison: No. 1, - and :? Mackerel; Butter. Cheese, Flour. Meal. ('oin. Oats. Toltacco, Candles, i’opperas, Saleratus. Indigo. .Mad der, Spice, Pepper. Ginger, Nntmeg.s, Cinamon. Ei'.som Salt.s. Saltpetre. Hardware. Cutlery, Crockery, and Glassware: and :i variet.v of other goods. They take this method of tliatiking the community and tiieir country friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods low. to increase their former tr.-ide—always keeping in view that .-I nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. Yellow Building, between the Market House and the Bank ot the State, (iillesjiie Street. Fayetteville. N. C. March lil. IS.-,;:. TStf W . BAIvKR Is now rrcl'iviiig iVutn flu* Nortli tlu* l.-u-fro.'-;!, tinosr, :md most e;irpfulh st*- lected stock uf I I K.\ITI Ki: cvei- olVci-(-ii in thi.' niark('t: which, added to liiH own mauufactui-e. makes his assortment complete;—all ot which he \'ill s'U on the lowest possible terms for rash or uii time lo punctual customers. Fine Ruse Vood Pianos, (Pi('nnet .v t u s, ut Broad- w.i.\ . New "l urk, I ^ishiuna'ile painted cottage bed-room F urnitiuc in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses: Looking (Hasses; Willow Wagons and Cra dies: Patent .Self-Swinging Cradles; Side Boards; Bu reaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What-Nots; Tallies, all sorts: Wash St.-iuds; Candle Stands; Wardrobos; Pir- ture Framt ' and Glass; Window .'Shades: Cornices; Cur tain Bal•d^: Sofas in .Mahogany and Walnut: Tete a Tete.s; oitniiians: Divans and Stools; ('hairs ot evei-y varietji. .Septemlu-r, L's'in. ->011 A 0/7A Carol'nu Cnsshncrcs. R. J.VMES Ci. COOK has on hand a full btock ot Rock Island (,’assiiaeres. manufactured by Car son. Vi.iing vV flrier, at their .Mill in .Mecklenburg Count.v. N. ('., whert* consumers and merchants chd be supplied The manutacturers recommend their fabrics as being ciiual in durability, and as permanent in col or. as any '.roods of similar character manufactured or sold in the f. S. They invite the most full .-\nd thov ough tests lit them, and uiily ask to be patronized in proportion in their merits. Sept .1. -'*• l'AMIL^ TLOIR. A ri.NV Bill', of lirowei's E.Ttra. Thi.' :irticle is as guud as the Extra (ienesee It i' rccniiinieiidt'd with gi-eat contideiK'e. (Ml consjwnmeni and fur sale tiv H. L. MVR('>VEIt .t C(*. Sept. liT. l^s-'i"i. :’.I-tf John ilar.\l\n llcspoctfully informs his friends ami the piihlic that he has removed trom the Hotel at the foot of Ilaymount to the larger and mure commodiouR Hotel in the centre of the Town, te.-ently occupied by Mr«. Bro-wn, and well i known as the Fa.vetteville Hotel, where he will be hap- ! pv to a' commodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex- j ertions (if himself and family will be spared to rendei- • those c.imfortablc who ma.v favor him with their »-om- pany. Favettevillc. N, •lune ;'i, IS.'»: JUOtf l^irt -i^roof Jtoofiiio. FRANCIS SlIKNl'ON, Slate and ,Hetal Roofer. ^■’'HANKFI L for jiast favors, I beg to inform my J[ friends :,nd the public, that I am now jirepared to contract fur and execute, in the best in.anner and on reasonable terms. .VLL KINDS OF FlRE-PROOh ROOFING. Gutters. Leader Pipes and Heads, of any stvle or pattern, iiiade lo ui-dt'r and warr.anted for any specified time. Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit atiy style of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. I-'un-e. Lifting and Suction Pumps, iidapted to any situation; Hydraulic R.-itns. and al! kinds of Hydraulic .Machines for supjilyinjr w-iler for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead aud Lead I’ipe, of various hizHS, for sale. Favetteville. Nov. l-j. ISo^i. 'I'hc Suhsrrilx'r still c(Tli- tinues to carry on the ( VBINET' P-L'Sl- NESS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Fstablishment on Bow .Stteet, near Eccles's Brid,i:e. has opened a large W.\HE ROOM on Hay street, nearly oppusite th«' Fa.vetteville Hotel, and oiie door East of .Messrs. ILiigh \ Son's, where a n-eneral assortment of I'HJR-MTUJiii. Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be at prices corresponding with the times. Also, an !is- ; aoi.t,„ent of Northern-made Fl'P.NITURE, selected liy ping Naval Stores and 1 roduce, and also to the 1-or- , which will be sold at :i very mod»'rat»‘adv.'ttici'. attention of the citi/en- I'.l. M»lN(i ar of his Shaving L-tabb limen-, i the leading Prilitical papei-;^ ut :h ■ Ml kiud-. of Pc'i'tumcrie^ .and il.i' ■lip. Hair and .'^having Brushes and ’ii les in his line, fur sale, rayetteville, N, C.. Oct. Ih.j:;, tl ilOOM. in ey will find '. '-ha-, iilg i.-t V nl . itlier HANDOLl’ll COrXTV. Siiji.-riur Ciiurt of ^/.TW. |-'.ill 'I’crtn, lS;'i:;, l.\ lia Hussey. - Ic ;e Hussey. ri-tilinli I'm- Alihloli’.. 9\ thi- 1-a e it apii.-aiiiii.i to the Court tiiat theile- i'endaiit in this ca -i- i^ nut an inlial>itant of this .''late; it is there’ nr b'le 1 l.\ the Ciiiirt. that piibli- i-iition be made fur three luniitlis in the F.iyetteville f ibserver, and Greensboro' Patriot, for said defendant tu ajipeur at our next Term of this ( nui t. to tie held for the ( nitnt\ ot Ranilulph. at the I'nui-t Huuse in Ash- biiru . nn the fourth Monday of Vlnr -h next, and plead, answer nr d« nn'.r to the piaintitl s ])ctition; ntherwise, the 'aliie V. ill b.‘ taken pm cunfessu and set fur he;iring .'ind he.-iiil e\ |- rte, U itiie- -, X'ldisuii J. Hale, Clerk of our said Court, at (Jtlice. this feurth .Monday of September. .V. D. isfiH. V. J. HALll, C. S. C. 37-3ms Drif (i oods, Ilardirarr, (irocrrirs, l\c. oCLI> resiiectfully inform the citizen.s and the public generalh, that tiiey have just returned ! from New York, and .ire receiving their ^^I'ring Stock of G'.oils, consi«ting of Drij (!»oi/s, (irf i crHii, fJarJiriui, d r. \ variety td’ Hats, suitaltle for the senion; Ladies' iind Gentlemen's Boots. Shoos and Sliiipers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; a great m.niiy articles in the ladies' line, and we would be jileased to ha\e them to call and examine for themselyes. .Vll orders sent to our can- from our friends and cu.^- toniers will tie ])rfimptlv attended to. March ;:n. ih‘.:;, ‘ _ _S1U^ risiiTFisil!! «f[ VCKEREL in half and whole Barrels, tnr sale by PETER P. JOHNSON, i Sept. M, -^tf warding of (joods. Merchants who consign their Goods to him can rely on their tieing forwarded by first luiat after they are discharged from vessel. REFERENCES: F. Fries. E. A. Vogler ic Co.. Salem. N. C. T. M. Young, .Mocksville. Hunt it Adderton, Lexington. John D. Brown, Salisbury. .1. H. & J. Martine. Fayetteville. Jnn'y 2(». IS'):;. ‘ t.2tf \vTlllam a. (iw vi:r, FORWARDING AND C(3MMISS10N VIERCHAN'l'. lViliiiiii;;foii, PERSONAL attention given to the sale or shij>ment of Naval Stores. I have ample facilities for con ducting the business; large wh.-irt and store shed.- to keep s]»irits from exposurt'. Naval stores will be shijiped to any house in New Vork. or to other markets if advi sable’ .ind liberal cash advances made on consignments. I refer to the following distillers: E. Hannum, Wayne -ounty. E. II. Wood.nrd (’o., Earpstiui-ougf W'. Eai-)), ••V. G. Thornton, .lohnstun conniy. Bridges iV Durham, ' D. Hocatt. .Spencer Fountain, II. Eatman, .Smith. Rrvan \ Co.. • 1 B. R. Hinnant. Esi^. " I Lovett Peacock, Columbus -ount\, Messrs, Jones \ Lea-h. FayatteviHe, ' Mav-2U, IH.'i:;. '».V DCNt'AN McNElLL. Nov. 10. is-'ii. He keeps on hand an as.sortmeiit of Fi-k’s celetir.-i- ted METALLIC BURI.M, C.VSES, whicii have been highly recommended by Willie P. Maugum. Ik-m.v Clay. Lewis (,'ass. Win. P. King, and man.v other il lustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. Corn .Meal :md !l»iiiiiiy (•f)iist:iiniy un hand and f'or sale at the Mill, l.-ite I-.. .1 Hale s. (Ji-inding of Meal and Humiiiy done jirumiitly. ('O'l'roN i{\(a;L\(i. III.WE a plentiful suppl.v of Gunny and Dundeo Cotton l?agging. P.ale Rope, and Bagging Twine. Send in your orders and they shall be supplied. .(.VS. (t. COOK. Oct. , IS’)'!. 3l!tf '2d Pnrcliasc for the- I'all of 1853. rKIHK undersigned would notify their customers and ■ all oihers Vuiying iii this market, that they are now rel '•i^ing their second .Stock of F.VLL (iOODS tor iS'j;’). si-.ecti-.l by one of the firm personally, consisting of ii genera! assortment of Dr^ ( I In I'fir/i rr. /^oofs aiut S hoc s. _^|^s;(i—\ large additiuii tu their ."tuck of Ready- .Ma le ( lotiiing. All 01 Wiiicli the,\, iill'ci io the trade upon their usual accummod.iting terms. j’uiclusers will tiud it to theii- interest to give our stock at. ('xainination before making their selections. il.VLL .v SACKETT. Octo' er iN.'e!. ^’--tf ('Ol’AR'l'NFRSHIP. >'B>IHK iiti icrsiirned have eniered into a copartner- M. shi]i iindrr the name and st.vle of Troy >V .Marsh, for the |iros(‘cntion of a (ieiieral Mercantile business. Luc.-itiuii tli«‘ sauK- as formerl.v uccujiied by ,Messrs. H. 1». Vlvr ivt'i- Ch., lout lit Ha\ Mount. J. P.. Ti:iV. Jx J, F, M.VRSH. .Vlay _n. IS-'.;;. ‘-'Ttf A LeU(‘r lo iw lU-Hd and Tliouglil iiimiii. ' IM - r. 1'!. VV«''i ?* »mI In v»‘ u**\\ I h S.mih * t \iv Soiirii llr;*r ilifiriituif L'ivrti .iiu- oi h» r iit Ui^ W M. R. CLARK •Pi-:;m Nov. 21. ISo:;. FOR SALK. BOXES M.anufactured Tubacci . Weha\e in st«i-e a large stock of Tubaccu. and »-\- pect to receive constantly from i| .1- Mill In \ irllt In i| II iliuilnli'' \ I'ije . Iwr*- Jf ' JMtim! \\ . lU'id and I liein- .■ind other fai'tories. tin assortment ot (lualitics to enable us to furnish purcliMsers .-inv i|Uality at Uiwesf factory prices. D. .V VV. Mcl.VritlN. ;;i)tf Sept. IS.'j:!. Ri:Dr('KD I'ARi:. Throiijih Tickets lu twecu Wilmington, N. C.. and Bulti- mur^'. FareSsl:‘,. V ia VNeblon. | 74lli \f:ir. .11 iliere Ilf any iiiiiiil mi pr iinln-, >llrli .. Iii;‘"i'l I'liliinliy itaih ^iveii in ln\i 1 iliii- 'rii!! lur. . Ill every liaeilet. villnue anil i- ll' v\;i\ •! -It liil lieitri^ :iU it- |ir.ti-e • it)''I KK l>i.' rKii i . Miiiili 1 :iriiliii i. .l!iioi.Hr\ :(l. I-.V!. Ml .Mi-i Inner At .Mnw liray—t .'i-iillr-int n I - .r t hi- l:i't li \ » ) eiir- I I lia\c liet'n I 'fvere 'iiltcn r liniii Khianrili'in »ef|ii“ \ niir renimj 111*mill 1 lull nf 11:iiniiliiii'- \-■;.i.-i:ilitc liiH tiirf. 1 piin li:i'i‘il m tmtlle I'.iiil Iln; lir-! .|n>ili:t. -.1 Iiiiirli I.iii-Mil nil III,111 Ii.ii'iili r it liui !->'liic In s;iM In III. 'Iitli r.ii" V'lirlii till- ri 'iili nl ili.' ,i!.|ilir;ttii.ii. .N'.iln- v.,1' ^ II-.I i;h. ‘nii :i -iii 111 Itii- liiii k—-II ||,11| Iti il 1 w.-iMiin iiiii-il 111 III'- I'l-il I'm lie I I't 'i' liiiiiilli' Tlie lir-i ImUle at leil likt a rlcinii tie- i "ti! ri tnii-.l ^in ii"lli In iii\ I'luf itllicteil tiark niid I am iin« .1 ■•m H an.I !• el ■.> •mii.i; a- u l,i-n I « «i\teii I an. lii'V*. >» \ 1 -11^ 'mil \ear' nl :ii;i'. I i-.,ii‘-iiii-r ■■ "iir 'I nil lari ilic ;;ii'aP*^I li.-i loi r\ nl me ati . m'd |MM,r'iiiii liifj iiiini ini; . ini;;lii inerrri i i.ii.niiiiieiit In hr lla'iipn.n, i\l|i. Iia''-ii\iii Ir.iiii jiain, \liiljn". lieiilleiiii n. li ;v.- arU'il till' |i:- ‘. nl'l'iilii.i III II ii-Inr' in ir.'-enrm lin:; iIm' i-.-iieiii- wliii l lia-e r. iii'ii-il iVniii \ni inXMlii.'ilile'rinriui.-. 1 mil a Ilia ■> in;;.ni |ii:inl' i li ixe le'ier rtriin-ii l-.r liier,tr> fmne lao "" i‘'’- ''e'Inw in m;;- ,ri- .illlirli e, -liail I In «il ile. i.r, thriiiejli iimi’i 't' . " itliliiilil !Ui\ liilnrnnM inn v ■ in ilili' m in\ Ii-llim liiaii’ il ' l en'iili |-llii^ WiHili', nl ajiliiie in aiij nl vniii . nil af al lilieru ni i ki- ii-e nl it Pt'tersburg. Rii-hmond. i\; Wash- I \l.\ Ml Kl..\ln0.i. . . ,i:.i P....I-, II iiioilim’s V. !;i-i.ilile'r.,,1 till I- I'- inilil .1 ti..n mi llie'(..marl. Illgtu I • • • l.iMT ami tile Kiilm-.- \ ■ I ' no- li\-iii-(i-;. (miKli, Xsilino, nifiUth and .\irtolk. .,,„j | \||. I;. n- I’.tin- in llie i: .. ,~iil- ami |lreh>l For Tickets apply at the othee ('niiMiiiil.tiiiii Suntnl i i:ii. niii ie'in t:iiii!. \ iiral”i.i. I eliilu (if the \\ ilmingtiiii and I’aleitih nf« '|>a|n 1-. J FOR SALK, VOUNO and gentle harness Horse J. & T Oct. 1, IW.?, WADDILL. a-itf I’ilP , I’.iiwel |-|iinl'l.i 111 , . iiii- Del.iiiH —« ol‘ , . vviliiiiiio- e.ise-aiisin;-.riiiii iii!|iiire lilnnil.aiiit 1-the "n-i I cinale Uilinii. Bail Road t ompany ai Uilmiio- ton or at the Office of the P.altiniore .^teatn I acket i nr ('tmler'. M'n.n -. t-huii.-. liiarrim 1. 1 Company, and of the Baltimore ami Ohio Rail I';,;''.;-MlNshu'K Company, Pratt Street. Baltimore. _ ^ j t i» d.iPKI: iiimnsiii.d Muin iMi i: '"'W itll w .Inn. 1, Oo-tt unii l»y I'ru:i'i*t-» uetu-fuliy. ili-iea^e> ini iili-iit rayeiieMlle; ', rirtliiiiior.-.