SEM1-WEEKL.Y. VOL. 111.] FAYETTEVTLLH, N. DECEMBRU 19. 185:i. I'iUNTKl) UV .1. 11 XEWIJV, KDWAKI) J. IlALi: A: SOX, KUiroUS AND PKOpHlKTOlts;. pricf I' l-the eekly Obskrvkr OU if pniil in if pai'l •lui’iug tho yoftr I'f HuJ'St rij>- t',or thi‘ yeav has ex|iiv»’'l. f ,1 ili‘ " '"t'tiv OH'i:r.\ KR S’* 0(> j,, I- anmini. if jiiiid In ■>'> if {'uii-l ihirinji U\o yoar of suhsorip- ti.'ii: I" *"* !'ft»'r the yoav liu> expiroii. insfrtoil for sixty cents ptM- i uari' "I 1*’’ lilies f’->r tho lir^^t. and thirty cents ff>r each 5”,-. I'eding publicntion. Voarly n'lvertiscineuts hy spe- ,-..utr!U’ts, !it rp:i>ona>ilc rates. Advertiser.s are if^ue^teJ to tHte the number of insertions desired, or tl;^v tri’.'. be 1 mtimieil till fxrliid, and charged nccord- ’.i'.v I-etters t'l the IMitors must he post-paid. EXECUTOR’S SALE. ILL lie sold on Monday, January 9th, 1854, at Ww the Court House Door in Fayetteville. Twenty- four shares of Stock in the Fayetteville & llaleigh IMaiik Hoad Terms, »j month’s credit. JOHN r.FLL, Kxecutor of Hargrove. Dec. 10. [>'1 la Mah' I sr.\iMi'.K\ iLi.r. v't SiMuiiinrv. ^IIK Kxcroisc nt the Spriiiir Ses.siou of this luiiti- tiui. ii will he resumed on Tuesday. Jan'y 3, 1S.'>1. 1' is h.-'l is p’.eaHuntly sitUHtei.1 in the Villng>* tif - : ;i!ue!’.i’ic. intermeJi.ite between Raleigh a’ld l-'ny- i "t'- t'. t M.'y >'f access, in a high and healthy region Cl utin v rt n\ >te from all those vices and temptations ti. oitie> >ind iarge tnwns. and in the midst "t - I'i.ny that will rank with any in the StAte. lAery ; it tir.iMit i f the School will be so filled as ta place the lii'titution on the highest grounds. The a Ivnnta j;-'- •' Feuiale Education offered here are rarely to lie met with, even in Institutions of the first class. liujs w;,. r f prepared, at this School, to enter creditable ’^jTcin the United Statfs. No pains e^iii he v; \re i in attention to th“ uiDral as well as intellectuji' :;i:i.iiiiu'iits ot tlie Studeiits. lioar'.l in the Village at S7 ■ ' ;■ in 'iith, L-xchisivc of lights. Some or -o girls .-..•i H‘ provided with Board in the tamily of the I’rin- i -i', !tt the ab )vc rate. r ;ere is a Hnarding House fi.r Boys tinder the imme- : .'.t' I.- 'Ktrul and supervision of tiie Principal, which w... ' c visited every evening hy him. TERMS — 1*ER SESSION Or HVK MOXTHS; F r irdinary English Studies, ^8 5i) The Clasaic*' and higher .Mathematics, !'• 60 EXTB.V ■ .Music I'll riauo, uud use of Inatrument, 17 50 •• French Language, 10 im Fainting, l>rawing, \c. o 00 A. I'. McLE.\N, Principal. Summerville, N. Dec. Iboo. olt^U (ilANO. TONS of J’eruvinn (Junno— imported— daily expected. For sale bv C. T. HAIGH X SON. Nov. ‘J3. 47-tf (.'i/rs \r Plus ritrn BrRxisiJr >Subscril>er, a practical I>oot-maker of some ox- B- perience. has for some time been sensible that there is a (U'siderctum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish fi)r boots and shoes. Most ot the articles now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man’s ^‘tirniersiiindin(r'’ a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeiled. The result is "(hll’.i ne jjIus ui'ra Hurninh." He only wishes that it may be t('stel in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at Mr. Nathai) Sikes' bnot and shoe establishment, on Person street, and be supplied I with an excellent article at a cheap -ate. 1 HOMAS CILL. ‘ Nov. 9. 1S53. >7i; FAYE r SEVILLE .MlTl'iL I’OMPl.W. ^I^HIS Company ia now organi8e4l and prepared to rii- £ ceiv« applications for Insurance, on as fuvorablf terms as other Companies. DIKECTORS: Avon K. Hall. J. 0. SHKl'llKlUt. \Vm. Warden. S. T. IIawlk^. John D. Williams. (V liK.smtw. W.M. McLaI RIN. W>! .^IcI^■TYUK. SAW \1!lL KDMlNlS'FRA rOirS NO i'lC’K. V December Term, 1853, of rumbcrlan*! ‘'"Unty Court, the undersigned (jualitieil as .Vdmiiiistriiti r of Elijah Fuller, dec'd. .Ml persons indebted t ■ his in testate are required to make immc'liate payment; and those having demamis :;^iii!iMt him urv hercb\ notified t'i present them within the time limited by .Vet of .As sembly or this notice will be pleade^l in lar of their re- 'verv. 1». A. 11 \V Favetteville. Dec. l'». i- si:Ei) J. .V ' U ^ i >, wadmi.l Dec. l{?-‘ Huv . .'.itf I'o i.rxiHER A\!) rrun.v i'iNE M \Ki:ix’s. I^HE .'Subscribers offer t 'r sa’,.- 10 I { .\cres of Land well calculatcl for the Lumber .ind Turpen j tine Business The Land is situated on the F.'iyette- I ville .V Ualeiirh Plank lloud. .'ibout eight tniles tr.>m ; Fayettevi’ile, two miles from ‘ape Ftar Hi\er, and , tiirce mi'es fr.>m a Landing below the lowest D;im; ! there is on it .it the junction of two constant -rrenius a I Saw Mill on the Improved Hotfhkiss plan; alsii. Dwell- i ing house. Kitclien, Can;. StabU-s. \c. To thi'se de- ; sirous of embarking in the ab.ive busine-" it would be a desirable situation. Inquire of .K.h;i 11 Nli Neill on the premises, or D. McNeill, Favetteville. 'D. \ J H. MoNF.II.L Nov. 1n5;?. 4S--.f I.AND AM) S'l'i:\M : FOR S\LF V.S we desire to concentrate our t.U'ines^, we iitler for sale our Home Place. ,■ i ireenwuid.) This place consists of about L’oOt) ai’res. is miles from F.'iy- etteville and I' tVnm the Cape Fear. Nearly all of it is Turpentine and Tar land, the bo'^es having be-'n wrought fr-m u t" t') years. TheHFWv Mi'l Timber ha* >men .'ut off of about one-half i.f it. We also offei' for sale ‘'iir Steam .Saw Mil’, on this ’•ind. n"W in g.iod running order. The mill tw-. in. Circular .''aws. an 1 will ciit from i.ntiii tn lujitMi iVet of Lumber lay; a’S" .‘in edging .''aw. a grist mill, and .''iniths' tools Tliis .NliU was ]>ut up >i\ Burns. Esq. of Haleigh. and is inferior tn none. If we sell as ab.ive, we "tier t'i'i sale J teani‘- fit .\lules. 4 \\ .'igMus nud Hariies.i. \ .f tiicii, and • • I '.ltt!e. FI i:-,, ,\.c We will leli nn a«;C''mm> dHtin^ ternis, \ddr*'Ss, Frtvetl.-vil> JttNFS (ireenwi'od, Nov, 1'.', l.''.'i.'!. Hkxry Lilly. n. L. Mykovkr. Thos. s. Lutterloh. John H. (’ook. D. A. Kay. A. A. .NIcKktuan. l.tEO. .^Io^'KILL. NATFfAN A. .StKIiMAN. .lAMKri Kyi.K j OFFICERS: (4EU. .McNEILL. I’resident. H. 1.. .MVltOVER, Vice President. J. 0. SHKPHERD, Attorney. C. A. .Mvdtl 1 LI.AN, .Secretarv. C.EO. McNEILL, | JOHN H. CO».)K, . Esecutive (''ommiltee. JAS. KVLE. ) The plan of MnxAL lNsrn.\NrK must commend itself to our ci'mmunity, tor it can be lemi>nstrated that we have saved witliir tlie last .six years upwards of •'ii30,lMM» by insurance in th? North l.'arolina Mutual I'oinpanv: that is. we should have j'aid t’ iiave ki’pt the same in surance in th« t-reian j'ont st'ii-k ci^uioanies that sum more than v.e tiave sctualiy I'aiil; aiul yet the North (,'ari'liua Miuv;!! t’.'uipany ln;s rcv-eived between S')*"**' and nii’ie from our com'nunity tlian it has paid out for Jioif,—showing tliHt we are favorubly ,~it UHte ), )iM i-i.inj'Mre.i with 'iiuor [.laces in the State, InsiirHiice j Uir Company has gone into operation fnvora>ily, hav- I iiig the day we organised ap[)lications to the amount '{ j ^llt’i,nn(i. iind the ('ompany is now plarel upon a firm I f.'.itiog I .\n_\ Director, authorised .\gent, or .''ecretary, mny receive .\]>plii'a(i"tis, but they will not be binding until approved b% the Executive ('ommittee or the l?oard. *«Eb \'. L.W'RENCE is ippointed (.Jeneral .\gent of the ("..inpHnv We invite t] jilications. OEu McNEILL, Pres t. C. A McMlLLAN, .Sec'y. Feb'v 7. 1>‘'>;5. t'l'.tf LAl RINHUIUiH HKiH S('H)0!., RICHMOND COUNTV, NORTH CAROLINA. ^'^HI# large anJ flourishing In.stitution is now pei- £ manently established, under a full corps of well qualitied Instruciers, and with every thing requisite for a tirst class iiemiDary, being well supplied with .Maps, (leograpliical and Astronomical; Globes, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. The Semi-.-\nnual Sessions of five months commence on the second .Mondaj’ of Jauuary ajid July respectively. Circulars, containing full particulars, will be fur- nif=hed by applying to Rev. .1. Jones Smyth. A. M.. I’rincipal, Laurel Hill P. O., Richmoni't county, N. or to D. C. McINTVRE, Secretary. October 14, 1853. 30Y J. S. HANKS, Coniiiii^sioii .VIreliant, Fayetteviiie, N. C. .''ept. l‘.J, 1 •2‘Jtf Who %vuiild lia^e iff S 1:;GI{(» TLO rilINC-Reailii-nmde. VL.VRGl'l SrpPLV on hand and for sale cheap.— All orders from the country promptly executed. GEORGE I5RASDT. Nov, !i. 1853. 43tlJ B.VRBEF 4'.tlJ Sifuiii Kn?iue>—Fayriunilit* MdniHiuiiiiv. * ® E are now prepared with all the neoe^^'iry ma- w ¥ chinery for manufacttirin- Sl’E.VM ENGINES. ' tive tti sixty liorse p"Wer. whicl; we c:tn futnish l.'ivornble terms as any .N'l-rtherii estat»lishme;;t. I''-!' 'Us in Want nt' En;;;nes f>.r \ii'. s, Bnats, ..\c. will 1 ei eivt“ the advanta;4‘- '^f iiaviiig them made near iioiiie. geu" An Engiii" of oui t wii iii.iiiufitclure can be 'eeii '.ii ■■i'>Tati.>n' at the Foundrv. ’ H.U.!. -V BOLLINGER. Lie>. 7. ."il-tf NO I'll E. ■ Jli'JINIX LODGE No. S. A. \. M.. will .-elehiate " the .Anniversary of .St. the E\angcl;^t on the -*:h init. An adJrC''' wiii be leHvered 'it the Baj'ti'^t huifh, at V: ci- ck, r,y WM. K. BLAlvF.. .\. -M. The t,uh- ■ :>re invited to attend. T:ie members i'f PliaMiix L':'i_'e and all .Mas.ins in ► i statiding. are re(|uired t-. met ; at Ma-'tUi.c ;lailai ' c.o. k. a. m. liv or'ler c,t the W. .M. .1. J.J FEKGL’SoN. be--. 111. ~ roR saij:. n’’lLL be soM at the .Market IL use. un lay. Jd January n*-st. at IM o'dc i-k. "Jn aere-; g I i-.X.N l>, all under leiir-e. joinaiu. tli'' Lii'-.^atl lau N ' ■ J. E. Putter'w:i.---i-’) -n r* - ca .-.i'-.l ,.nd un ;er cu t;- 'ut;o>i. There is .,n th-- ; remi~es a g 1 hou'-e. Terms lilierai. A M. ( \MP11ELL. Au.t r. i’’-'.-. i'», I "litS NO ri( i:. II w. UM»‘ 1 i \ iC \v lllutilL' r retail. w \ ■ a1 McDONAl.D .V .McMA.-'lLK. 10, isr>3. II the above Est:ih;i.-,ii- .WING recently jiurcii:ihed ment I'roni .Midcom Kelly, Es'j., I am now pre- parcel to entixt.iin in ;■ conri' manner tiiose who may give nn t r. ’’. H.i'.ing ample St:ibK-s. g.i^.i (ist- lers. and a diSp-.-iiioii x., ;o i.-"miiiodate. I tru-f 1 ‘•h.iil be able to g v(; eiit',r»- sa;i^ fh‘ti 'M t'' those \\ iio loay favor me with tlie i- j. itiMioige U. . McLE.VN. Carthage, Dec. 'j. I''-';-;. .‘iltf A. J. O il .XiK tHMiccr and ('onimissK »n M(>rcli}iiit. Has on hand. I. r sale, - h hhds. P. R. Sugar. ‘20 bblfi. Cortec Sugar. 10 “ prime St. I'r dx ditt-i, ■Jo bags Kio Coffee, Hn kegs Nails, b'lls. No. 3 .Macktrei, nr; •, 15 iialf-bbls. No. ditto, I'l •“ No. 'J ditto. ‘;i» V,. xe^ abaorte 1 Caiidy. D t • ‘ So« p, 15 “ Candles, 5 ha'f-bbln. .''niitT. —ALSO— Painted Pails. Bn*-.- bonii(l ditto. Indigo, .Sa’eratus. Pep])er, Spice, fiing-:!, Mace, Cloves. Nutmegs, Tea. 'Vrapping Paper, Sack Sal', R.,pe, P.aggiiig, \C. Fayetteville, Nov. 2S. l^o3. 48-1 m .WlNii purch.*ised ttie interest wood in the firm nf (1. U . Lawrence .V ('• i-' iitinue busir.e'-s as heretof iie at tfiartf's imtirfffit. I h.'ive from twelve to tiftci-n ('e .pcrs ■•onstantly at W'lrk nianutacturing .'Spirit Barrels, at the rote ot D"l t" 1‘J5 per week; have n^w on hand l^'O Barrels t'^r -aie, at ''luh at the .'•iMp. nr >2 .'''i delivered it T"W ti. 1 shall also continue the Distilling uf Turpentine, and will pay within 15 cents per barrel of the Fayetteville pi ice in C orOooii-. at Cash prices. Kfei^ Tl’P- PENTINE wanted I liave now in St.ire a general axnortment ot li »f)D.S, for stle at F iyettevi’i’e pricr«. .\11 kinds ot Ci’untry Produce taken in exchange for Goods, ('all and see. G. W. LAWRENCE. Nov. 17. 1»553. 4' ri:m()\ \L. J. N. SMITH, Chemisl and Druggist, F{.\viN(i rctii .Vfil t'l till- .''tiirc iiiirtii- west corner of Market Square, recently oc cupied by P. Hhemwell. now ..ffers tn his triends and the public generally a large and selected st'ick of Drugs. ChemicnN. Pnint-i. Oils, live .''tiiff-^. ^Iedil■i!^"J and Peifmiier.. coi'i-iing in par* ”t the f.iili.wing: Potn-h. White l.e ; 1, Venetian red. .''parii«h brown, (•■'p]vt'ra>. alum, 'altpetre, s:tl '-nda. bi carb soda, saleratus, maddt r, indigo, siilph ir, ep^'im “.'lit', vellow ochre, Blakf 's paint, chrnuie yellow, um- 'mt, chrome green, Pn.s. blue, chalk, sjiiee, pepper. iiMtmeg'-, cloves, starch. ging r. ii 'rax, ye,i-;t pov ders. u^ences, mustard,, ink', soap*;, c .ngre«s w.'iter, rihi toil. window glass, putty, varnishes ;all kinds.. ■ tiseed, tiinr.ers', castor and olive oil. .alcohol, sulph, lo'id, biirnin:! fluid, camphene. paint varni.‘h, tooth, tlesh. iiai- and uhite-\\nsh bru'hes; galvanic batterie': sur;;ic d, t' ^th and instruments; .\merican, French and English cliemicals, patent medicines. .Vi-., .'..c., all oi which are ot tirst r.ite iiuality. -md will be - lid .it a small ad\.'incc on cost. Orders solicited I'rom conntry Physicians, merchants, and other-i, who are rcsiiectfully invited to call and exat'iine my stock oefore pundiasing elsewhere, as they may depend on jirocuring fresh and genuine articles. No pains will Vie spared to give satist.iction both in 'luality and price. The subsi-iibi'r hopes, by strict at tention to iiui-iness, to meiit a sliarc of the jjublic ' roiiage. ■ ND diciil j.rescri}itioii« carefully and accurately prepared. •Sioo REWARD. ; .\.N.\W \\ from the aulmcriber, two Negro Oirls niid four children, viz; M.VRTH.A, a bright mu- ' altto, live feet four or five inches high, t.iok with lier two girl children, Frnr.ces and .\nn; M.\NN.\1I. eojiptu- colored, about the same height of Martha. IlaniiHh to.,k with her two male chil-iren, Lewis and John 'I'he above negroes fv>rmerly belonged to the estate of Ge'rge T. Barksdale, and are supposed ti> be lurkiijg about the ('ape Fear, abuut Mr. Wins’ow's plantation. The above rewaid will >)e jiaid for their ci^nlim-meiit in an_\ Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or lor their delivery tf' the subseriber in .'^ampson rountv. Fl.FFT R PETERSi’tN .'September l.''5;V ’.’''.-tf A i’>AR(; MN ot'i'i:Ri:n. the undersigned ha.-J fleterniined to rem.'Ve to the We«t, ->iie offers tor sale that commodious House, uiiirh she now uocupios, in the ^ illag.'‘f Summerville, aii i all apjiurtenanoes theieunto belonging. Vl-o, I J*. trrt's of Innd .at the mouth ot Cross Creek, in the town • ■f Fayetteville, h short diitJince above the Clarendon Bridge. Terms rash, or paper at either of ;he Bankx in F’ayetteville. Reference, as to the Cross ’reek land, is made to James Banks. Esq.. of Fayette ville. K. BAlLi.^. .'^urnmerville. N. .lune 1>5,T. Itf NO TR'E. Having purchased the stock of .Materiel on haml at the Shoi> formerly owned by .Mr. E. Fuller, and having engaged the services of .Mr. J. Laliy, whose work gives such general aiul entire satisfaction, I am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber Wagons, Road W agons, Carls, Drays, Wheelbarrow s, ic. 1 have on hand and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron .A xles, (.'hnins. Bolts, and in short every thing that the Wagon-maker can neeil. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron .\xles, made to order at the shortest notice. I have 10 good and comjietent W orkmen at the liusi- nes.', and will give it my whole au'l iindi'idetl attention. M\ priM‘s ihnll tie .is moderate :is the times will ad ;1 •1; iiler,;.e v.ry \N a^oii-iiijikcr in the Cni- | e-^ttul iiiv wi-rk . ithci in ]uint ol st\!e or j TllOS. C FI Ll.ilP,. o:;. ;;vti ; ;uid intt'r Stock ror ^ ■ III E subscriber ha.' just received ,ind (ipcned. at ft his New .Store on the Ea>t .lide (>1 (ireen street, .a few doors from the .Market House aud nearly ojipo.^ite his old .''tand, a large .'stock (d' aii«i Fancy HIKV Etubracing a general assortment of Ladies' and (ientle- men’s Dress tooi.Is, consisting in j>art ot Shar.l.'. Cloaks and .Mantillas, some very fine; and also a gooii assfirt- ment of .'sHoE.'' ANI) BooT.'J, for Ladies, (ientlemen. Girls. Bny- and Childi'cn. And the best assortment of .'silk and other styles ot BoNNEI'.'s he has e\er otfereii to the public. .'sugai. t'fitl'eo. Tea, Peppei-, Spioes. and Tot>ari-o. a lino article. I iieir (\irri(uje EMnUUhment on th^ Milifaiy oppositf thf' Mtthoiitat h itrrji, frontiiiff on Minnf'nrti Street. (iuTyvr i:.\ ri.ui’uisK! I'ayotlevillc boiiiid to ^liiiie!! ■^HE .Subscribers would respectfully inform their ni't. ar.'t I ted .''tate'; durability Oct. -ji';. Would refcpectfully inform the public that be is still nt his old stand carrying on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the , , , . . I liberal pp.tronage he lias received, and hopes Uy a strict _ fn^'tids and ttie public, that they have entered into please all and copartnership for Uie purpose ol c.uiducting the genera , mn.-i. .. of the C,\RRL\CtE BUSINESS in all its various parts. Aud being both practical workmen, fully unders-tanding their, thev have no hesitation to compare woric with anv e-^tablishment in Fayetteville- as to style .and ilurfl- bility. One of th'' fii'lii mn_\ be known b\ reference to II. Whitfield's iron work for the- l.ast two \ oars. We warrant all noik to giv^ general 'at’sfnction lor twelve months. Re[>airing il.jiie i;i the ne.-itesl manner low lor :.ii. PlEi; .V P.BANIN. .) ii. PlKl!. Fa\ettev illc, .Ian'V L’}. IS.'i-. ''Jlf P SHIM WELL. I (ctoliei 1 S.',:;. i'A( roi{V A AT A^iAI.X! U , |)K \l (.IIO.N \S the )>leasure (if inli.rming his cu-i.uuer* ainl the public, that he has tiioved hi.- Stock ot Good.s into his NEW .ST>11E. at the Oi.i> ."^Tv' •. His recent purch.-ises iri New Vorl: M.'id I’Jiil.idelphi.-i makes hill .Stock COMPLETE. lie h-ii^ on hand, !or sale nt low juices. ;i full -rock of (JriiciM'ies an! |)iv (i.'Oits, l)OlltS Mini SllllOS, llarilsv:ire ami Cutleiy. (’rucki iy (il:is,'-\v;ir(‘. Wimiuw (thi-s. ('!«'■( k.». i'urc l'’if!icii Hi:iinl\ Huilanii (Jin. St. Crni.K am! ()j.l ,l;iiiiai a Rmii. l*iTl. Hiiiwii :iiui (ffiltlcii Shcrrv. .^lala- oa, .'Sicily. ;tml .'^iMippciiiotiir Witie-. ()1(1 live Wliiskcy. With 111- usiiiil lai-oc st(H-k of I »iiiiif.«lic Liijitcr-^. —ALSO ■J >lo/en Wdlt'e 'i .\ronntic .i;heid!im .''i hn.npps liiu.iiiMt I’ignrs. I very cheap ' .15 t>a>kets ('hampaign. Hoek Wine, (si\ vaii.-tie' Sardine^- Sperm nnd .Vdamantine Candle^i. W. DR\UliHoN, Market Square .No\. 'I. IS.'ij. -):'.-:m give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all hi> work to l>c made of the best uin- ^erial and by »-'.jn'rieiued workmen,—having a more \j per fill.'i) and jttnicliri’l he HaUers htmsell that his work vvill com|)ete with nn> made in the Stnte for stvle, elegance and ilurab lit\; aud should any of it IhII in Iwene months iwith fair usage i either in worknisii- .■hi|> ol' materi.-il, lie will rcj>air it tree of charge. Pi'isoiis w ishing to buy. would do well to call uud ox- ainine hi« work as he i-" d- termined lo sell low for c.ssii iM-’on siioii time. (hders thanktully received luul jUMtnptly attetid«sl to. I! Ill’.U i! 1NG neatly e.vociited at --ihort notiee and lowc't jios'il>le prices. Fayetteville, .Lin. iii. l.S.'i;;. (i!’.tf ’I'radc. 1853. 1 have received my Fall Stock of i^rff fjtoof/s, (jf rorr/'irs, \r. M\ .''to.-l. Is huge, nnd well worth the attention of pur chaser^*. \n\ kind ot J’roduee taken in exchange. .1 *.S. G. C(M)K Oct. ls5:;. ;:-.’tf il ( 'lit' Sniiilici M I l:trmon\. ;md \iusi- iiiipiinioii \ iorthi-i 'iipi'lv just re.-eived. r.'.l HALF .*;oN o,t. li*. Uv (;i:o L vi Dui TWO llOdKS \1UIVK C. T. Nile's STdKK. Fayetteville, Jan'y I'^o-. *'il-lVp.i I'lMEL^ NO ri( E. LI. persons indebted to me, either by Note or \c- oiint, will ple,'-,-e call nnd settle before the 1st of .Innu.'ity |.’'51, otherwise their chiims will be ]»laced in thi> hand' of officer--, foi ollection. .-is further iiiilul- geiice Cannot ^te given. A tiEoBGE .1 I S r I:(’ I: i \ i: i > a n i) i-(> r s a i . e, 1\RGE No. 3, NIackerel. A •• Herring. Fresh Lime. Plaster I’aris. Cement atiif Plastering Hair. J. W, POWKK.'* .V CO. Julv-jj, 1‘'53. i;j-tf S. A II MY Nov. BR VNDT. 43tIJ II ^Ultthck Huoftnii (ind ai/(tcritii[, ONE in the best manner, at red-aced prices, C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, June ^1, 1S53. ’Jndtf 1> )>v IIO'I'EL. ^I^IIE subs(-ribei having purchaswd the Hotel situated * on the .South-East corner of I'ourt Hou'-e .''quare. and lately knowii a- Stuart's Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready t.> acconnn-)i;ate boarders by the day. week or month. H.iving made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he ho])CS to be able to give sati>f.ivtion to all who pa tronize him. His Table •'hall be t'urnished with the best the market affords, his Bar with the best of I.i- quor“. and hi“ .''ta*>le with m p>Tity d'good provend**r aiol faithful J A G!L(HK1ST. J line ‘J'i. 1 ■'5'J. ;'-tf ED.\R F.VLL."^ ('otton Yarn and ."sheetings, for sale at Factory ju-ices, by TRoV .M.KR.''H. Mav 3U. l-s5:’.. i \S on hand h benutiful assortment of F.\LL .\.ND WINTER (iodli.-s. He ilesires to return thanks t 1 his friends and the public for the liVieral {•.-itron.-ige which they have bestovvi'd on him; and solicit.' a con- ►itiu.'ince of the same. His friend‘d and the public are reque^tt■d to give him ii ciill. at the stan-i tornierly oc- cupie I by S. .1. Hinsdale, south west corner Market S'juare and Oillespie stre‘t. Oct. 1, l."53. 3 1-tf Ni:u s rocK oT- ~ si'him; i.\n snnii;i{ mioiin. ■'HE. subscriber is now receiving n large and well selected stock of G(»oD.'', comprising a General •Assortment of DRV (X >1 )S, Rr:i(l \ -iii:u!(-* ('lotliiiiji, l{(»ots :md Shoes, and (’ap.'. I lardwaiM' and ( iitlcry. (Groceries, Saddt'lrv vNc.. \c. W'hich will > le sold low for Cash. oi- exchanged for Tur pentine and Conntry I’rotliice. He retiirn« hi-i warmest thank-; to hi.; oM friends and customer' t"i- the liberal patroiiair*' heretofor.^ extended to liim. avid liopc' to merit a continnatice of the snme. N .KING. Kingsburv. .\iti;1 I'i. l.^oM. K'.-tf FAiJ. srj"pl MICS. I 1 T/i#’ ijftrti f'sl the South ! '.'Stf Factory in l> \V. McLArUlN ^ HE receiving a large «tock ofOroceriei -red a- lesale Boots and Shoes, which are otf. can be bought in the market, :it win Oct. 13, . Hardwai-e. low a> tiiey or retail, 35(1 H.\\'E now in .‘^tore u full .•issortmeiit of (il!0- _^('ERlE.'s. PRoV'Sl(>NS, ami other (toods .suitable for the Fall an«( Winter i'rade, and which 1 offer fiu- ('ash. or in exchatige for Produce of finy kind. I have always on hand—Flour. Meal, Corn. Itice. Ba con. Lard. Butter. Cheese. Crackers. .Sait, white Clari fied aiul Brown .'Sugars. Rio and .L'iv,-i (.’otfee. Tea. .Mo lasses, Vitiegar. Fish, Cigars, Tohacc(', Snufl, ('aiidles, Soa]'. Starch. .'Apices. Candies. Pepjier, Buckets. Itrooms. wiuught Jind cut N.iils. Powder, .'^hot, Percussion t.'aps. and a good assortment of Dye Stuffs; witii many other tiling'^ in the (Jrocerv line. —ALSO— \ goo.l assortment of Diy (ioods. Boots and .''hoes, Negio Blanket* un-l Kersevs, and a good assortment of Rcadv made Clothint. Cjill and buv cheap, w. ll.’CAUVEn. K'toher'2-”', ls.‘:i. 3',1-um I.ANDS \ r ArC'l'ION. s' Tl’E.''D.\V. the lJ7th day of iJecember. at the Lumber Bridge Church at 111 o’clock, will be of- t'ered for sale lOdit Aeres of Land. 1‘‘4 miles from Fay- ettevill*. .] mile Iroiii the terminus ol tiie Fayetteville ,v .'"•lUt'iern Pl.'iiik llo.-id. flic bind is lirsi r.ite for all kinds of t'.-irming ]'iir|>oses. mii I weil timbereij either for foil Timber or riir|ienliiie, Tho-ie wi:>iiii!,g to [Hirch.'iso wr.ijhi lie well to c;ill and cN.-imine the latid for themselve. Terms of sale; one-third cash, and the other two-third« 'i an'l 1'J months credit, with approved ■^ecuritv. ,\KCil'D .\. T. .''MITH. Nov.’1 L Fi-ts NO'I'K !•:. S'kOt'KiRS MaMett .s .Mc.'^wain having left their m W P.ook-i and [cipe'-s with W . ,Mc].. .McKay, who is fully aiithoii'e 1 to re,-.-ijit t'i>r the same, nil their cus tomer-; liviii” We-it of the ('upc Fear River, who may be ill arre-ir-^ either tiv iioli' or account, will coufei s ; ivof- In . tillliiij; oil him and settling the s,-imc, W, P. NUl.LETT. I! A. McSWAIN. I rtveitcville, \ng. 3U. 1S53 ’^411 i'iu:.\r!i ii!iUrMlLiATtr\i;S. 4«real Keiiiielioia iia iPriee. IUtEN'I’ON. MORRiS .Jv: CO. /f loN TI N U F. to make to order, and keeji constantly ^ on hand. i'rrtnh iSitrr m^Utsiones (.If all i!inieii:.ioi:s. warranted to be of best i|Unlity, be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them i'rom the ties! .lUairies iti Fratiee. Tiie;i kct'p f r .‘■•aie ro!oi,ni’. ('ocalica and j‘!soj)tLS Miij- st(>ii(‘s; iiurr lilocks. lioltini;- C'lotli, Scrccn N\ ir'. ( a! ■in ; iMifs '.t. Ilvdraiinc I'cincn;, v\c. 1 (Irder-; t'roni muv ]>art of the rountrv prom]>tlv attend ed to. K. .■?5. h:eci:s!i., .\gi iit ,-it Fa.» etteville. N C March II. l.''5;’>. 7tjtf i,i (iOOl) ADMC'E. A. .’vjciir/ni Oct. H, l'5:;. ,M irth-west Ill'tJf: ,1, .1. N. SMITil, irner \birket Sipi-ire IS mb- .,t tf MJICISE r>- ii 'W '^1 ,-l'iit; iti t" vviiicli we opene- last; a liirge and ' ;J? E.'PE(’TI'U!.I.\ i'ltorr.i'; hi-i frienil' and lie. th.1t h« ha'' built up large ‘-iibsta'iti.'il !’.i ck i»uii'lings at his Old Sr-m'l. f*\|ire'.ilv ff»r maiiataf-tui'.ng;. Thankl'ol lor the vi-r\ liberal p-iir' irige he received for the Inst 'J1 vein-s, iie hopes bv .strict uttention to biiiiness. with a desire to give s.-itisfaction, to merit a coiitiniiiiii' e of the .-am«-. He warr.-ints his Work to Ix* made of the bpst material and by expprien(’e(l w -rkuien in ea-li branch of the bu.-iiiess. liis work •vi-l conijiare l.-'vorabiy with any made in the United .''tales, for r.entio-s' :ii; ( durability. To l!i( i'rt i^hhnj; ^ffl^HE Pirothcrs' Steam I'.oat C... i'- now 9 with the following Bouts; str. dou(;l.\ss. Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat .'' TEVENS I'oN, D LEWIS. ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. ('.\SS1DEV, I K I NG.~1U'It V. and EI,IZ\ McIt\Nli!i.. t .i tra'i-;!' 'rt ail Nii vv’ 'Uoies, I’l-o iiu-e and otlie!- Fn;iiht iiitro-;ted to their v. it'n is mii; h d’-^patch h' anv '.tlicr line of Feiats o;i the River. r;.«y ;ri“ provided wiih - iiilab e '>Vl).,rf -u-.d W.-ire tLoise : ci-onimod.-iiioi -. to do a ■■cueral bo'in.--s. an I hope t,_v 'triet at’ention to the ilitere-;! ot shii.]'er# to mei jiatroruigc. -I EN ri.EMEN vvi.sliing to supply themselves lor tiie ajqu-oaching coid vveatiier with good and warm pr^.p!^red j Garment.-;, will :ind it to their great aiivaiif.'ige to call : I'll me bi*l.,re piirch.-ising ei'cwln-re. as 1 have luy ."'tock ! Complete and eni[diatic,uly the largest, cheapest, and I best selecteil -issoitr.ient of ( Ever offervd selectioii ot tloo 1'. IL-lt' i';o-sing Tc" I .ooki lig t i ':i Mild 1 rilicioi £it;i ;; this intil KCt »lentl'-men's '.ip'. B -o- ■ ioi it \ls '. a 1 111 ni-^hii; 1 !l I S io I-.- :lll ( i I ■liolci I' alic-. JNO, ll> RAiNi-R V.V f otnmissioit No, 1.' (ill.MORE, • flerrfntHts^ 1 WATER STKEKf, \fi:\v V4^atK. r J.VMK.-i R. (ill.VK-Ui;. Cl Si; New Vork. WABUI..S O. RW.SKU.J Refe ‘eiices; Mess' s. Francis Skinner i Lord, Warren & Co, E. Kidder, Esq., Wilmington. S. ('_ ■L II. Fl.-imier, .\inos W.-ide. K-ij., Newlicin. D. \ W. NI.'Lamin, 1 avetteville. fi^c 'ustomi*ry advances madi* on NaMil Stot Nov. 25, 1H53.’ 48Vpd ed stock of Drugs, Medii ines. Paints, Oils. Dye-Stuffs, En glish ant! (iernian Ci-ucibles, Paul De Vers Co's Vege table Extracts for culinary purposes; Yeast Powders, Delmonico’s and other brands; Lyon’s Katharion; Bar ry’s Tricopherous; Ayer’a ('herry Pectoral; Withcral .V iJro’s White Lead; Burning Fluid and Pine Oil. I Also, DeCiuinon’s celebrated Non-exploaivo Lamp, the light from which, in point of brilliancy and econo my, is unequalled. Buyers would do well to give us a call before making their purchases, as we will noU at a small advance on cost. Particular attention given to packing. FOULKES M.\(.'RAE, Corner of Donahlson and Hay streets. Next door west of li. \ E. J. Lilly. October, 28 1853. Kitf WANTED, I3BLS Turpentine, delivered at my Distillerv’ in this place, for which the highest prices will be paid. I would also employ two or three good turpentine- barrel (’oopers. D. W. ROGEBS. Lumberton, N C.. Feb’y 10, 1P53. lStf II and do ivork done III hand. work ill his line ce'vhere that is as - i l>. the L.\R k'duutqs^ and Sept. P.*. 1S5;-;. I a share o! [tub P.ANK.^, \g't. Favettev ille. BANKS. Ag't at Wilmington. •J'.'tt lot w Nov. , 'I : IV eliiiig :,ioi •oriK'-, \ li pc: ii.ig', U ,iIking CrihC''. ■a-'C'. Unibri-lhi';. iri'lia IIiililu-r ( iver.-oMt', Io', ' iv el -.!-' e>. lliil.orie l 1 i :i\:i tl.l. iie^ali.l. pe Cll’i \ US. ,Vc. Giioiaii; i;i;.\Ni»r. liav str**ei. Fayctlev iile. N. C , ('II the MiirKet Hou-jc :iiiI t.i: ;.-v i’Hcti-l. IS.'.;:. ' uai.i iv( ry Slwhirs. 'I'lio iimU‘};iii‘l cmitiiiuo to cairy on the LIVERV BUSl- .NilS.''al tiiis place. 'I'hey have l.-uely Isrgcly increased their Ste.rk and can i.ow offer to the jmlilic as good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can be found in tin- .'South ern country. ^-a'o '’'h.i Ilk fill f.ii the large patron age ht'rctofore (“xtended to us. vv e solicit a continuation ot the public lavor. We proiiuN^e a satisfactory triji to all w)io m.-i_v wivii (o tr.ivel. IX-'t*. .'^taliic' .-it the W (-'t en.i .,f \|iimford sts'iet, where one of (he Proprietors IliaV alwavs be found, or .-It the .'tore lii-'l door Ea-«l ot Mi . Liltterloh. .1. W. POWEitS ,V CO. Favetteville. Feti'y liJ, 1>'5:;. 7H ('niff Ih'nllt ('(tttih; Mttiin/ticlorij. ^’•ilE sub.scri'oer still continues tt> manuiV.cture a su , iSL [li-i ior articlc of plain aiid tancy t.'.V.N DIE.S, at 1 the old htaiid, (No. 5, (Ireen street, 3 doors North of the .Market House.) wlure he would be liappv to .see Ins .)bi friend.-; and cU'toin-, rs. ' CH.\::LE.-i l!.\NKS. .Mill' ll 1. i 7:’.t1 WOl^LDS r r kf s i a t ff* a f a c 4‘, :.''it\S \i';tiii.i; New ^'o^k or trav .-!li,;:_ oiili I'.iiollna. should prepare iIm.h'. i \l \. i! A K Elr.'-'. .'>igll of till- Bi'J, 1:, • .nil,- site t!o- ment ot l‘:-*io!, volvinir. W l’..vviter Flasks. Shot !iud(amc 1 ■it French aud Englislt make; aNoa o,.|. I’o't Olhce, wliere tiiev will tin i a l.-r ^ ilouble and 'iiigle-btcrfel Shot (ain-. llii’c' aioi ot all qiialitic':; Coll’s liepe.-itiii;;. .M eii ' II.-- r.epeater and sell priii'ili;; I'l-tol,. s. I'er.-ll - oii\ C II l;.- lit ,.f i-on whicii nil! be l.-W,-vt leieri'iine.l to S' oil 'is gc.ofj term a ar.y well dc ne. lie now has GEST STOCK of (‘(irnar('s, linrour/irs, ■ Ever offerefl in this place. an>l a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will he finished dnilv. .All of which will be sold very low for (,'.\sn. or oti short time to punctual customers. {.■^'’He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles f.nishep and in course of construction. J6ia^ .Ml work made i>y him is w.-irranted 1'J months with fair usage, and should ir fail )>y liad workmanship or mat‘'rial will lie repaired f'ree of charge. Persons wishing to buy would du well to call and exumine for themselves. Orders thankfully received ami promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notiee ami on very rea sonable terms. Miiy -JH, 1853. H8tf .sri'.AMKI! liivMaK’I'I A, ri'^HROLCill from A. Wessell’s wharf in Wilmington, £ to her old wh.-irf in Fayetteville, with a siiHicient number if Flats to nccommodiite those wishing to ship 1 rill-: sri'.AMKi! -si n.- IHIS new am' very light draught Steamer )i-ts com- is taking freight li-iwing onlv 13 iii-hes water. She possesses su]ierior advantages for lo-.v water service.— She has also a large amount of warehouse, shed an'l wharf room, where Naval .Stores .-.r other ireight m-;v be stored with safety NO'I'K I-:. ■VN.VW.V^ from the subscriber, about the 15th of .luly. 1S51. his negro girl Sarah. .Said negro is al.'oiit ]i) years ol ;ige. black, vvitii large while eyes, large limli'. weigiis alioiit 1 ;ii pounds. S.-ii.l girl is sappciscil to lie liiikiiig in the ueighbor- hoo'i .if Mr. I'.iac W right'.'or Geii. .McKay's, in P.ladeu County. Tlie above rewnr'l will lu‘ paid for her delivery to me, or lier eonfmenient in any jail in the State of North Carolina. W.\U (i. BUTLER. ill till (illjl..iiuili ' be.'t !ti:iillie;-. .- I 1,1! |. Clinton, N. t'., March 1 I. IS.' 77tf R. M. ORRELL. Sept. 10, 1853. 7tf ^ ii! D II Gaming tixtini ;i lie--'. REP.MKING of every thio.ij be done at short notice, in th small ch-n ge. Ritles fif nil kinds constantly on iiai; tured to order, .-iiul wai-rauted to .-lon.t yards. Pei sous wishing to puiciia « .,n- oi li.c jii... named .nrticle.s. will do w.-l! to give me a tri.u. ,M, i. B\k1i;, .'sign ni'tlie Wooden tion. Hay street, opposite li.e l i.'i (»f|,( i July iS5;:. iL’i; *2,000 lihls. I'ni jiCtit! n( WduN flOR which the higiiest ca'Ii pi-ic.-^ will be m l; \ N ,luN l> SuininervilU N. 'A.w Is. ]y'>:\ \i..\ li rv • fit's. H*43ilOit \ V Ml !!»>.. ol* S£:iu,n V, I Li. pa_v o.j et.'. |,e. ; . , on through or way freight Sept. 9, 1853. R. M. ORRELL. Agent Ht Favetteville. 2Ttf ruKKaiTLXi; ox caim; i i-'.\r. rB^HE subscri>)ers having purch.'ised the .Steamers ■ Evergreen u)id Southerner and Tow Boats, lately the jiroperty of the Henrietta .Steamboat CoHipany, are now prepared to forward with despatch, between Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. J. H. ROBERTS Fayetteville, Feb’y 14, 1853. iiStf now rec:-iviir.; iier i'.-ill .lol Winter MILLINERS, onsisting of I'oiiiiet.-. fi-oiii one dollar to lifleen; Dress l’a]>s; !Liii Ikerchicfs. Fieuch .\rtilieial Flowers and J-’eatlier*; Swiss Edgings and inserting.'; C„pes. ('ol lars and Undersicevcs; Ladies and ('hildren s Wrist Gloves, and long anl short .Mifs; a new aii'l beautiful stock of Bress Trimmings of the Liti-.'t -tvle; N’elvet and .Silk Mantillas; Railway Corset«; Wlialebtuie P.usk.s. Dresses. Mantili.-is, ami Cloaks made in the latest Philadelphia and New 'fork styles. \11 or.lers from tiie coiiiitr-, jircmiptly attended to. yet. 5, 1853. ' 33tf m i-oiioo .--.icI linen i: \( liams, ill Fa'v et lev ille. 1 oper.-itioii :,t PajM-r Mill i: de'iroi.s of getting iii' r^.g^ is to pay as liiiicli |i r r:;, tllHl 1 Ul:tv not be t..:.c.i ‘ upplies. I h.-ive .-irr.-:!'’^'- (•eive .-iiid j-av for .i!l rag,-' ■ :c. . .1 -Il tol ;.|i . 1. ■d I, .1 li. U .1 r Ici^il boi I o...'. !I i -i . Ill s ii.:’ rkr;. My ■ I , i ca.i'. afi'i-|i|. ;.od hope -t.iiil iii;ii-l. t' lot- my .">1 r. '*1 I! o il illI o • d lo llllli. liWII' MUHPI|\ F.'i \ et lev illc ■b'\ M .V, \S 's :ind PiMiIer’-. :.l i. S'. 1.1.,.-.. L. J. HALL \ SON