SEMI-WEEKLY. \ol lil. KAYiyrTEVILT.E, N. C., DECEMBER 22, 1853. [NO. 2.V).] i ii:p nv .i. n. nkw t.v r, \i>n IIALi: SON. \M‘ 1'1^>i;:ii:toi:s. ’ ' : ^ : (III ir },ai,l ill niii:' Mv.- \ lit siitiMTip- ■ Niiii I'll. "" .iiimini. if |i:i’il in ' ... :j ;- _vc;ii- .'t 'Iilisci ip- :ii- I- 1-^ -1 'i\ly CiMlt:. jn'I' !hin_\ i-fiit' I'lir h 1 tliuu-nt-liv \ h. • i-i- I'-'ii- ili'-iiri’ xXOTK'E. subscriher otlVrs fur sale his li.\Nl>iS, six miles M. North of Farottfvillo :iinl ahuut >m‘ mile from the I’avftteviHo uml K:ileiili I’lank Uoail, oonsistinji; of I altout 12GO :k'i*4‘^ of Sttileil tu tlie lua- I kiiiji (if Turpentine or Tinilior. There are on tlie |ire- I iiiises a jron l saw an^l >rrist mill, all in j^ooil repair and iMW in iperatioii; also a (hvelliup. and all the neoessti- rv (nit-h(Mi''C'^. in fimi'l rc'pair. Also, another travt of two hundred and tifty acr^s, I I'll tlie liead wat« r> of Caiver's (’reek, known as tlie i Tarrv I'lai’e. on wiilcii then' is a small ‘arm. a dwel- i lino house and other houses. I (*11 the (irvt named tr.-u t there are i iit ahoiit I went v ( five thousand Tiir|«entine ho\c-i. Irom two to four ve:H'i ; old. j .Ml the alio\f lands will Ke >oM i.n the most aeeom imidalin^ tciins. !’ r-i.ii'- wi.-'liio- to pun iiase will please call on the sulxeriln'V. who vsii! Iak>- pleascre in showinu the al>o\e l.inds. \VM i: IinlluN ! Oil is.'i:;. imr pa'd iluiericaii Seed G-arden, 'oil II. JOHNSON, ROBBINS & CO., Tors. ■ ' ■iir' iij.h the suli^i'ii’uM-s, tiir! '. N-r’.h ' full, i Inpleti- aii' I lati I'iNi: I'lil l ! ' \'\\\\ riil l 1'! ir.N l'hou-:uid ApjiU.' I'liM-i ,,i il\i> tMn'-l kind- ripeiiii'LT in ll’l: ■ill'i ;lV VKl'HN, ^r. w th t Tl rej utat ^ '. ■ fxteti'ie i V ' d in ••;-. rill- '!• '.Ill 1-^, ;i|i 1 e rs d-'IlO. t- X\ c cn'f” i; SI .‘ Is thev ' 1 p:irt ..f tht I'vi-rv vaiii fv. ' ■' .ri’ Kli;i.l>. and h'I.oWKi; f 1 >•'>•'!. ind ]iut up f\ ■'U -I’ tin- 'ft d> i lii'ar. aii'l ind :■ lapti'dnes' pr.'prict .IS ;ir.' I’ltiiUK' :is tliev Jiav thi‘';r Ulidi- -■'11, ti.iilu-riiiu. ! l.:;l 1 I « r. ' I/tl- •s^i.iii, from the t;irliest to tlir it. Tfii rhoii.-aiid I’l arh Tri'e'- ot'the tiiiesl kinds, ript'iiiii- in 'iUcei--ion. t'lom i-arly in .luiie to N*'\ • •lie 'I'hoii-iaiid ('herrv Trees ol’ the tiiust kind. ripeii- iii;; ill >Ui.res>ioii, from the fir>t of May to .lulv: also, a line a-sorliiu‘!it i.t \prieot>. .\e larines, I’liims. I'eai"^ and Strawticrry plants, tor s.ile at the I’oiuoln^^ical (iar dons and Nurseries, at t’.uie ('u'ek. I h.itliani county, an I New tiardeii, (iiiilford -oUiity. iidcrs for trees siioiild l e sent in early. Catalogue': will lie -cut to all appiicaiits. I'uiin^ my alisi'iice my hrothcr. Hwcn l.indlc\. will Icli cr trees at t'.ine (’reek, and my .-.on. .Mln rl ti, l.iii'UfV, at New (iardi-u. .IdSlil .\ i.lNI>l.l'.\ New (lardeii. iiiilf"rd C"nnty. N (’.. i The 11th of the lifth mo.. I.''.')';. i '’m. ll*r/4T>w fttitl Trtnn for stilr. N K lar>rc lioad W a;j:on and t llor-^c-;. ’J. lUi^rjries, and I (' irryall. K^r sale cheap In .l.\S, C ( OdK. IV. IJ. Is.-,:: I4rf I'Al.L. IS53. !HI\N \ illlT \ * 1’^ ll’ur rilll LTfUn ll n -ll hu‘ll I .t i»|:^ tiMMjtS. wlficll :\Tk' ' r ( ;un' , i-iU \\ ' ii SECOND I'dll ami Winter Stock for 18~)3. ^^T.VUH WlLLl.VMS are now receiviii}; their Sli- ('()N1) Stock for thi.s .season, of Staple aiul Fancy Goods; Hats, (lap.s, Shoes, Boots; Silk, Satin tuid Straw Honnet.s; I’lubrol- las, and Ready-made Clothing;—with a large as«;orfinent of Hosiery, Gloves, Silk and ('otton Hamlkerehiets. Tlie tihove Stoek enihraces a variety of Seasonal>le (ioods not enumerated, eoniprisiii}? one of the larj^est assoiiniciits we iia\e evei' olfered; and having recently tu» n purciiased Uy the I’aekii^e, a’’ a reduv'tioii from the prices of the first tif the sea.son, they will he oUered to Wholesale liiivers on our usuiil terms. .1. I!. SI’.\HH. .1, M. WlLl.l.VMS. Oct. isoo. ;{’Jtf i\K\v ~ 1/ till ohi shtiiil of II. lha/iso// «.y .SV>//. r«^lll. I NI>I.IISI(;m;1> liave .just reeei\ed a l.AlKiK M SI'tM'K n|-' emliracin^ .a a>sort- meiil receiitl_\ hiiujxht ill the northern market uiiih-r taMiralile circmiistalices. They have Loaf, criisheil, powi-red and hrown siiiiars; .lava, l,a;iuira and Kio i'.itVcc: pepper, spice. >;inj:er, chfven and nutnie;i>: sii|i. .'arh. soda; indigo; madder: horax: camphur: alun:: t psmii salts: saltpetre: molasses; syrup; ^alt; iron; saddles, itii dies and mart in gals: collars; wagon and liiiggv whips; sp.ides, shovels and torks; trace, dog, liiliirue. Iil’ea^t and halter (diaiiis; eoflee mills; w.agoii; mill, i ross-eut and hand saws; cut nails and >piki‘s; a good assoi'tmeiit ol pocki't and tahle enth‘ry; hlacksmith tool.s complete: tiirj.entiiie hackers, scrajiers, dippers and .ixes; hroad and chopping ii.xes; guns; window glass; rivets .\ large stock of ruady-made clothing and 'tajile dry g l.->: gnniiy and hemp lagging; iii[ie and twine: Swt-des. .\meiican liar and hoop iron; sipiarc and octagon c.ii^t >teel; ( and lilister steel; V ''I'- iili'i lilii.-ii nil) y iiats. Oap-^. lioots and >lioe-. Western .and North ('arolina tiacon; together with almo'l e\eiy article sold in this market, all ol' whiidi will li- >old it tair prices for carh, ou time to prompt . ii'ti.iiier', 'T coiiiitrv produce generally. ; w V. 11.1.1 AM.'^ ,v «'> ,lu;y ‘IH. Is.'.;:. I '.-tf i.-flic I.nice 1.1 the ajie I'.-ar St‘ (’ompaiiy 1 : kept in tiic aliii\ e iiuildiiitx. .1 II, Wll.IIAMS, II i.aiid, Hhideii, Uobe.soii nml Siiinjison. March IH-'jli. ■lit. 1. ,.iit iilios; \'p ■1 I !.• ,111 I l :i pe .. ' ap- 1 and I'.hlI.'Ii '1 • III'I .'tlii-i- ;k>; M as-, rte.;. llaf 1!' Ik't- r- .liil'.ei '; r.i tin;-.' 'th'. N... I t" In. With a’l ot whicli have lieen purchase.i li.r • \-n. .' or I i t lil r'>,.i ■N. ;:i - M'AV BAKi:i{V. h.'f e' '•I, ( al .II I I tl. I ' li\ .I’l |.l w ii. lie ..tleri I'h' w :-h’li: \a mine. li i- ■ in t■ r.akery on I’.' w ,n the l...t u\'i do.,r> l!a>t "f l>niic,in me! Shop lie i.^ pn p,ire l to fmiiisli an l the pill.lie ..^eiierilly. with lln-a 1. I ;,..s ,.t \ 11|. .11 kin 1>. • f the tie~I u.ili t \ lire.I the ^ersicev ot olli' of the lK>t 'T.ite I'l i.-i lea'.' I i vc me .h e.a II. ( HAS i:.\NKS p..-. ■J''. 1 oo-tf Dit. T. C. HAM- \S removed to the well-known stand of the Drs llohiiison, Corner of (ireeu and l’>ow streets. ■April 21, 1858. STtf ' JOSEPH HAKEU, Ju., ATTOR.\KV AT I. A \V , n.VS taken iin office next door to Win. 15. right’s Law (iflice ou (ireen Street. He will atteiul Hud prnctice in the County and Superior (’ourts of ’umber- T'.t-tf T. C. WORTH, ri)yi>!issii)\ ni) i'iik\v\ki)Im; )1kri'iia\t, \MLMIN(i rON, N.(\ Fell. 1, l,s.-.:;. t'.otf S'VWin \ WILMAMS, w ii(»Li;sALi; hi;.\Lr.i!s in M'orei^ tt am! B9oint’Slir iPrtji Uooils. ■I w Fayetteville, N. C. .1. H. sT.VKi:.] [.I. M. \VILM.\MS. ,\pril J.'', «*'-tf II. L. IIOI.MI’.S, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. l'i'I('K on corner of Front and I’riiicess streets, 4R-tf .HIMil'll II. IILIISXOM, V o n n t ssio \ AM) I'ouw ARi»iN(; Mi:iu'iiAN'r. II •#/*## .I*. C'. I'roiHpt ]iersoiial attention given to nil Coiisigii- nent'. an-lC.isli adv.mces made on I’roduce to )>e ship- .ed to other port-, or sold in this market. fell. |-J, I.'•■.V W II.KINSON \ i:SLi:i{, i>i;\LKi:s IN ( ' / II /' >'t )i III ii’i/, I'oi'iK/n I'l'iii/s, .Xil/s, /iiliiirin^ >111 if Siiiijf', ANI> IMl’OHTKHS OF >1 I>I:KI4>K IIWA^A 1 llol.KS At.K .\M> KKTAII.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. i)i:!:p ri\ek meiuhani' and! SAW MIIJ.S rOK SALE. | f g^llK Siili.scriher intending to le.avo this part of the .9 .State, tatfers f«r sale his Mills on I>eep Rirer at j tlie termiiiiis of the Kvans's nranch I’lank Road, to- ! gfcthei with the r.ridge across the Uiver at that poii.t: these .Mills may prohahly he better known tfi the puhlic as the llol'erls s .Mills, 1 having purchased from him. The Mill lot eiiihraces some Ul .\cres; IM’J .Veres of 1‘inev-woods land 1^ miles south of the Mills on the IMan'k Road will he sold with the .Mills. .\n .ai'curate leseription is unnecessary, as any one wisliing to pur chase \\ill ju'oliahly wish to extimine the property. .\ny information respecting the property can lie obtained I'V i addressing either nivself or .Mr. R. Stuart, .at I-vans’s .Mills l>. (>. ‘ 1*. (i. I'V.VNS. Nov. 10. 4:’>-:’m .1. 8. HANKS, ( .^1 (‘1*4-haul. Fayetteviiie, N. C. IS.'i:;. I). W. i'. fSenliow. l»i;NT.\i, SI RCFON. S located third door beloW the M.arkct. . -\ll who are in need 111" the services of Dentist are ie>]iectfully invited to call. He guarantees satisf.iction in .all ojieratioMs. ' 10. IS.-,:;. :’ltf D. under .Journal otiice rj. IS.'il. I Itf >1'V. T'.;Vlu . 1 ept. lo, I'V!. 'rrii\cl!mLi l'ninU>. \ alisc i.i'ht 'u F; 1 ;'r..?:;pr . S. M. W LIU! -t, F.~. r.Ri), (Itf \Mi;i ■J M! and ( i;; t (t, |.;tf K()c'Kr’isii siii:i:'i'i.\(;s, IS .1 111 V \ til.- bab' or h.alt bale, for I ‘'•VJ ale l,v . H-v'k:ii \ SON. stf Shirts itiid ( Ollar' \hl! fh-^: thi /V III IN ‘II. N'.v. I' m:iiint;iliirc(l 1>\ wir.F.i’.t; \ I o ■ t:;tt . i; V. ireh:.- n tiie -ori t!,i aiin.'inicin- t ij .iniii..: c. uii ■. re.,t of Me-~ , '.li-t \\.\- W . II. ii I'. \ I r'or till suh 1 t '.nfid.'ii! N (•Airii.K. K A I. \ i: \ T .»/ (.''iiiiitrif l*rnilitr( WlL^ilNl;To^, N. 1 \ort/i ('1 nil I ltd ’ja R. .1A NILS ; COoK h: • Ta Rock I'i.iii i ( as>imere.' -11. \ .lung X iir'.er, at thei I' iinty . N . (' , 'iippiie 1. Th as t in a/id Iji/iiilit r I' allei- ii'turnin-.^ hi-- thaii'w- hi- ■ !•.- -tri U. RtM.LR.' /’> I'lnifii r f g > 11 I. -U'.'. Tiber. M Irieii'l' and tlie pii^ gen. r.-il'.^ t-T the.r lib. -up]...It r^ll'l pat I'''!l:lge wj.l'e Is-I'l,. Inlt. uhnll Ilf wa> t.'ice'l t.i relin'pii'li on aeeoiint "t hi' he.iith. V. iil l ri 'peeitully ini'.nil them he ■' ng.i'ii ..a haii'l. :ui l wi’l atteii.l t'. the - ’:in.r • eitber tiie .tb. M-: :.n.| ;i.'!n his kiiow; d_*» '>t the m irki-t. .tii'l -tn.-t attentii'ii t . aM bii-;- • " entni>te.| t = hi^ . are,«. t'l give .-at i'l .. ti. 1. and ni- i'.t a -hare oi piiol '.,M 111 tlie t 'ii_h tf'I- o pi"p..rti '11 1 Se].t ■*. ( 'tissnm n s. i on h.llld .1 filU >toek i f niaiiulacturcd by ("ar- Miil in M'cklenburg ^\here ei'iisumcrs ;in.| merchtiiits can be inaniif.icturer,' rei-..mmen.l tlieir falirics in durability, aii.l as permanent in col- - ot ' character maniit.ictured or V I'liev in\ite the iiii.'t full an.i till.r- tiieiii. all.I ..Illy tlieir merit'. .t I'AMil.^ I FF.W jlbl' ot I’.rower s I hi' II "f Icle i-i as giioij "mmen ie.l w ith great c Ml ei.n'i^nment I'k t.i be patr..iii/eil in i.Ol li. Ivtra. ;i-^ the Fxtrti (ienesee • ‘titi.lence. 1 for '^ale bv II. L W I • r (111 IH >. \|i I \: ■cli'd : IN. W ilniingt dim 'II. N. I'.itr.inage. I (i.MTIFR b: ::iii •Pt. MVROVKR .V CO. :il-tf N. ( . r.ACON. iib.-i rib r V ■ ■ I I - ■ I.t i' 'tti.ii l'. .tthi •'lO ;hree inii'i-'M' •id a;- ., lii.OOO ten 1 : I 1 LR.I .lil !.rn Shuck'. ii' iii'iuire tate.l 1 t. I’ I III I I M II I Iroiii l'..r tiirthei lUantities IIFNR^ tlie 1 own. 1 1 1-tf in!! alii (|l!.llt( \FR1N. .'.otf NO ru K i ! i:ii. \ It SI . :■ rH.F . II \\. NKILL. \N|J U I )t I‘ill. L:i:' I ■ : 1. ; Ie ..1|.1 . \'hi:i:us. \i,ii ! '-t |ii;ire. mil It t a ‘\ Aitorne\ f.'i' . \^. Ill. anv I.till!' •J.-, 1(1 :\\ \Ki). ■ p \N\W\N Ir.'iii the sub'iriber. ..n Tiiiir^day the M N'lvembi i' iiist.. two negr..e'. CII.M'LLS and T^>Nl;^. with Fot li HI NURFl* Lm>LL,\RS stolen ‘r..:n tin !;- in i'ter. ( li.arle- is abi.ut 0 leet , inches hit'll. ....mplexi .n v:ry !.buk. big white eye; lie is ,ib 111 ■;■> ve .l ' of ;i^e. one of lus artll' has heeti burnt wiHi a >C)ir which will show very plain. Toney i'.about f.'i't imdic' high, very dark complexion, 'iiiall h..g 'c. v.-ry bent in the nrni joints. Toiiey ■ar- old. .and wa- bought in county. j.a\ the ab'.\e n w.inl b>r their b .Ignieii' that I L'et them .liilIN M. lHiFC \Lli, . \..s t. H rt NO'TK i:. /SHU. SI i;.-s« i:Ii;i;r h.i lencve.i t.. 3 SII \u S NFW I’.l li.hlNi; 'Ml l..-|.ie Street. v\hi-r.' he intends e,.ir on the TAII.4>KI\«> Rl '=1- iii ;id il> br.inclie>. Ilrnin- ha.l • j.eiienee in nio't of the \t he feci' a'Mireil lie llie liii.'t la'li.lioll Will lie execute.I with neat lllr .iolIN HA KM AN u 'jita-tfiilly iiit'i>niis his friends and nblic he h.i' r»"niove.l from the ■i at the b.ot of liaymi.unt to the larger more cdiiimodiou.v Hotel in the centre ot ntlv occujiied by .Mrs. Rrown. and well known a' the Fayetteville Hotel, where he willbehap- pv t.. ai e"iniii."l ite I r.ivellers aii'l No ex ertions of himself aU'l family w ill be spare.1 to render anise comfortable who ni.i\ favor him with their com- pa ny Fayetteville, N. ('., .lune l^-io. 200tf I all! 1 \\\ - rA ri: R. MONAfillAN. .^1 If .1 f.., I ' ilb-r Liioi WariMiif .iNo. M I’v'I.-l. 'i'iiri. -ht!ne l.aii.i'. I S \1,( wWl I'urr;' 1 * .1 ^ Oi' NOU'I'II (’ \UOLIN \, 1’v.\.N!m>LIM1 COlN'rV. Sii[" ri"r id' Ii:ivv, Isiil 'lerm, I's.i.!. L\dia llll"ey, / .lesse Illl'Sey. I’eiiii'.n tor \limony. N thi-i case it appearing to the Courl tliat the de- I' in this case is not an of ihis State* it is ther**'ore oi’dered b\' the ( olllt. publi- cai- n be made for three months in the Fayetteville (»l.', i\. r. .all I Creeiisl.oro' I’atriot, b.r sai'l defendant ,i .i.iiear at our next T rm of this Court, to be heM tor iheConntvoi Ran.|oipli. at the ’onrt Hou.'e in A.^h- horo'. on the t.iiirth Monday of March next, and plead. ;,nr wer or demur to the plaintifl s petition' otherwise, (he Same will !>e taken pro coiifesso ali.l set f.'i' lie.ariiig ■ilel he.ird ex J llooi’mg. I'UANC’iS SlIEN'rON, Statr atu! ,Urta! Hoofer, 11! \M\Fl I, f. r ).ast fi\ors, 1 beg to inforn: my Irieiid- ali'l the piibli.-. that I aHj now prepared to . ntr.ict |..r an.l execute, in the bc'^t manner and on r^i'..liable term-, \I.L K1M*S OF FlRi’ RROOF Roiii-'lMi. (iiitter-^. bea.ler I’ipes .and lleails, ot any 'l\le "I- pallei ll, lil.i'le .o oldel’ and w.airiinte.I toi any -peeitie.l linie. Slate i hrmncy I'ij.e- ni:i'le to iiit any style of build- inI'r ;i .lalioii, « ithoiit .iaiiger of lightning. a — « ■ -WH Aitf* Littin-.; .and .'•■iiclioii I’umps, adapted to any , .'it nation; H\dr;ni'i.' R.a.- s, and all kinds ol Hydr.aulic M ichinc- for .'iij.plying water bir any pnrpo.s.., put ii(i aii'l \\ arr.iiite.l. ' Sheet l.ea l ali'l l.e-.i.l 1‘ijie, of various si/.es. for sale. r.iyetleville. Nov. 1 I^-.;:. N H I'ori'oN iu(a;L\(;. IlIW i; .1 plentiful 'iipply of tainny andl»undee ('otton R.agging, Rale, and Ragging I wine. Send in Nour ordt-rs and shall be supplied. M vLLi:'i r 0^ PAi lmii:k. hirorrrs and i'onnnission rhtmfs, NEW YORK. p. MAl.l.KTT.] [.I. 1-Al LMIKK .\ugll't I'l, 1''•j'J. I^tt \V. 11. ( AU\ KU, 1>KAI.KU IN ()rij f»(«//.'', (tro(’crns^ utuf l^roi'i^ioiiSt :d .|..or trom N. K, corner Market Siiu.ire, next to I». dec's Hat Store, (ireeii ^treOt. FA VKTTHVll.LK, N. tirrjy”All kiii'ls of I’riKliice t.iken in exchange tor (ioods. Frl b".'.:’., M. iir rsoN, no t sm: r.u.YTEK, Fayetteville, N. C. March -J'', is.'.:;, M-V wolirii \ I'.LLKvr'i', (sr’t r.ssoKs Tt) ,i. i>. n.i.i xms.) FOIIW ('(>.M.M1SSK»N MK IK Ml ANTS, F WF.TTKVILLL. N. C. (oi.n sr.\.M> "F ii.\bi, .1 ,i(HI.\si 1)1 I J. A. \\(»KTII.] [>V. I*. la.I.IOTT. Fi'bruary I'l, lS-'>o. ii'.i-y ('llAKLi:s liANKS, f' f' T i o.vm: K, WIIoLi;S.\Li: .\NI> liKTAlL HFVI.FR IN /uirt I'/il Fruits, \iifs, Cii/nrs, Tnhin rii, Siiiijf^d '' 4;iKi:i:ii >iTKi:irr, Fayetteville, N. C. March I, IS')-. .1. !•:. LAW ki:n('i:. si(,i,v r.ii.VTi^K, Fayetteville, N. C. MouE vV ;alla{;iieu, Riilijr RiKuI IIihI ('oatrA St I'fi f, I * I'I It 11/rlji!i i II, 1R(»N Fol NDKRS AND .MANl FACTCRFRS OF 'O ■7' ROC(!HT and C.ast In.ii Railings and all kinds of Ornamental ali'l .\rchitectural Iron Works. Iron I'lailings for public and private (ironnds. \' dahs, .''ettees. Chairs, Tables, ,X;c. I’articular attention jiaid to the enclosure of Rnrial I.ots. More I't (iallaglier's l>ook of Original Designs an.l of I’riees sent to persons wishing to make a .“elr. tii ti. Nov. 1. I So:'). JL’ -lniji'l dolliin^i CMothin^!! AMl’.EKi; vN ('()., I W/inlisiilr mill Jilfiiil lhfil>r. III Rinilj-nin'li i ('lnthii)il^ nAVK jii't opene.i a NKw' KST A R. i J . 11 M KNT m | the F.a't side lyf (Iri'cn street, in .Mr 1’. .''liem- wi'H'.s new 1.nil ling. They have jii't receive.I. and are now receiving, of tlieir own mainiiactnre, a splendid nssortiiient of ilK.\Ii\ -.M \I»R Cl.oTHINt;, including a iii'i al variety of ( b'lith'men's Fiirni'hing !oo.!s. suited to \\ inter trad‘. '.Vc expect to receive, of our own manufacture, a the 'ea.- "ii ad\ .ances. fresh supplies of (ioods in our line, so as to keep as-'irtnu nt coniplele and desir.ible. Also. Cli,tiling of any kiu'l iii.i'lc to or'Ier. on tiic shortest notice and in the latest '^tyle. e respectfully bep leave to call the attention oi‘ those in w.aiit ol (ioo'js in oiir line, to call .ili'i examine (or tliemsi'lve'. as we think we can show them ( in .|ilalit\ .all'] j'rice. that will atlor l s.atisf.ii lioH. rlea-c ''■ive us ;i trial bi-t'oie biiviii^r elsewhere. irn'itt/i J'J^fiihli.tltmrnt on th^> Mihtoi ij '» ttn’ ('!mrli, ‘i'lliiilti/ nl Millll lti'l St rot. iil'.A'r EN'l'i'Jii’insi:! F;«> “INm il!«‘ is to ri'^HK Si. scribers would respectfully inform th'.'ir I friend .1 and tiie ).iablic, that they have entered into co]i.artners'.ip for the jiiirpose of conducting the general CARRl.VCi ' R.L'SINF.SS in all its various parts. .\ml l.icing both ..racticul W '.jrkinen, fully undori-tandinp tlieir business, t..ey have no hesitation to compare worK with an_\ establ- hmeiit in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. (>ne of t “ firm may be known by rt‘ference to A 11. Wliittield - ron work for the last two years We wari ,nt all work to give general satisfaction for twelve 11,..' :hs. Repairii done in the neatest manner low for cash. IMHR e'i RRAMN. ,1 vMKS ! - I’lK.n. .1 AMES BR.^.vrv. Favet* ville, .Jan‘\ iM. 18.').!. (i-tt : AGAiiM \V. 1)11 AVUIIO.V H ^ plea'lire of informing his customers .and make- sale a hi* Nov. ‘.t. IS.- AMF.Lia; vM '■(). i::!f II A r riii: ui:i) sk;n. i n Clio II a I (I A: n«v>fia>ICT .\ V F. .just received ;i full and 'omplete stock of (i R(»(' F R i FS. l’R( •X'lSloN.'s, \c.. to which.iiry woul'l invite the attention of the citizens and siirroun'l- ing country. They will sell low for C\sii. or on time to punctual customers. They jnirchased their N i for cash, aii'l this will them to sell l.uw. They have facilities that many houses have not; they havr agents cstablishe'l in Raltimore and New V"rk, who always advise them of any cliange in articles in their line, and who purchase only when barg.iins .are to I.e h.a.I. We keep always on iiand ;i splen.hd assoitinent ol f.ireign and iloiiie'tic l.i.iHors;', Criishe.l .in'l Rr.iwn .''iigars; Rio. .Iu\a .ind Lagiiir.a ( otlees; (irieii. Hyson .and Rlack Teas; New Orle.m.- and ('nli.a \I"Ia- st‘s; Table and Sack Salt; Racon, ! ard. Mess Roil;. Mess Reef, Smoked Reef, l*rye.| Venison: No. 1. 'J ami :i .Mackerel: Rntter, Cheese, Floiir. Meal, Coin, Oats. Tob:icco, CaiMlili^ opperas, Saleratus. lii.ligo, Mad- i|er, I^pice, I’ejiper, (linger. Nutmegs. Cinanioii. F.pS'iiii .■.alts. Saltpetre. Hardware, Cutlery, ('rock-'ry, and (il.assware; and a variety of other They t.ake this nietho.l of th.anking the community and their l onntry friends for the very liberal patronage , purchase \v .uld bi-stowed on them; .and intend, by selling i.n'.v. to i lor tliemse. c'. incrc.isc their tormir trade—alwa\s in \ii-w that a nimble sixpence is w the iihlic, that lie lias inoved liis Stock of (ioods into liis N!.W S TORK, at the Old Stand. His reco: t purchase.s in New Y ork and I’tiilu'ielphiu 'tock COMI’LKTF. He has on hand, for ■ rii'.':. a full stock ol Gf«»eeiies anl iMy (ioixts. IJiMits all.I Shoes. ilardw:ire and ('iitlery. I'riiclicry and Glass-wafe. \\ iuii'iw .Jlas.s. ('locks. • i'rench Hraiidy. Holland (jlin. . ( roi.\ aii'l ()id .laniaiea IJuin. ,^la:('ir:l, Hrown and Golden Slieny, Mala ga. Sicily, aiil Si-iijipernong 'VVities, ()ld llyt‘ W hiskey. 1,' large stoek ot’ Hoini'stie Jjii'|Uoi'.'=. —ALSO — lozen Wolfe's .\romatic Scheidam Schnajips. iuars, ivery cheap.) ■') askets C’uampaign. lo. k W ine, (six varieties.) .11 'jiies; .‘-^perni and .\d.ani;inliiie Candles. W. HRAFCiiloN, .Market S«iuare. s.',:; Ri-^im .S W illi liis oil 1 00.000 A I.L pe couir •iaiuiary 1- the h.and' gence c.ini N.iv. riMEi.V NO'l'K'E. sons indebted to me, either by Note or .\c- . will call and settle before the 1st of 11, otherwise their claims w ill be placed in f oDi.'. rs for collection, as further iiidnl- i[ given. (Ji;oR(iR F.R.\NHT. l:;tl.l rth a slow hil’iiig. Y cllow Ruilding, between the Marlu't IFni'C an l the Rank of the .''t.ite. Cillespie Street. I'uy etteville. N. C. March -Jl, ' '^'‘’'tf L\M)S A'l' Al C 'I’ION. ON 'I'l ;S1».\Y , the l^Tth day of December, .at the Luni^ er Bridge Church at \'l o’clock, will be of fered for s: :e 1000 .\cres of Land, Ib.l miles from Fay- i tte\ille, .', nile from the terminus of the Fayetteville .V, Southeri' i’iaiik Road. 1 he land is tirst rate tor all kinds of f.-.'-ming purposes, and well timbered either for Ton T iiiber or Turpentine. Those wishing to io well to call and examine the lau'l 'I'eriiiS of s.ile: one-third cash, and the • i and iL’ months credit, with appro\r.i arch l» A. SMITH. 1 Rts other twii-t 'ecurit\. Nov.' 1 1 a Till' t;niie > I,>S in ,''i‘pteii;bcr. :;o i.m u. M. okui:ll. KOKW\K1)I\C ((nnilSSKlN MKIUIIIM \T rayrllrvillr, V. March 10. I^M. r;-.i-if I'OU SALi:, A VOI N! and eeiitle harne; 11 Oi se. .V T. W VIMHLL ;;-Jtf .IAS. (J (let. IS.' COOK I’Jtf ( f)' II !■ f W itlie ( »lli.-. A l-li -.11 .1 Hale. Clerk fi.iirlh \lon.l.a\ of \, .1 of Oill SepIeiiilM’r. II \L!;, c. :ii.| Coiiit, A. I». I! \ *N( ' I r , ,.b^ I I..-;!.'- I" ' I lie .niel li ; ol t'lt i!..t.'l ■ the li,i . . • ;.i;i A n/i 'lerab : of hi ciist'inii r i‘ citi.'ens ti^ hir vi .„ i'.stabi ,1||I|' i’ .'litic -.: I Ip f- /• I! - ■* tin* i.o-it '1 I ' I \ res|.i .•■ d the p'''. lU-nti .Hid hope - 1 M I' 1, .1'^ he har in i.ttin^ up hi.'- .''Iiop 11 e woii'd i,i vi te t he RLAliINt; ROOM, in ■ t. w here they wiil tind .fill'. d.iV. .t Hair liK, .'■'havin'/ T i; are n .M DLLS A Market, wliidi .Itch prices as w .III lil II -iic . :.iid a \.ii ;ef\ of ilici SA I )I>LES. receiving the largest st'ick "I .".\l* l> S.\i»l»LLR^ e\er otl-rel in ihi.' '.vil! -ell to •! uiitry .Mi'rclianls al iniince tlieiii !o bilV. ('all aii'l sia-. \ T. WAIUMI.L. I-ayet Seville, Sept. I:’., IS.-,:;. Uhtf T«ir|M‘iiiii‘ \VaiilMl. 'I 111; undersigned will pay c.ash I'.r Spirits ’i'lirpen- 1 tine, lin good order,; allowing only a fair margin to pay iiiciileiital expenses in sending to a general Ilia rket. When 5>arties jirefer to sliip on their own account, tlie undersigned will make lif.eral cash al':ilici‘S (lor the usual commission) on all .Spirits and Rosin |ilaced in thidr hands for sliipnient. giving the owner alw.ays the oiition to sell in W'ilmiTigton or sliij> to New York. ;Ko. W. W ILLl VMS .\: CO. .lulv '1, iH'>;5. '*(/ Piirclio^c for tin idh oj IN.).». , fJI^HK undersigne.l would ’n.tify th■, ir customers ayd K. nil others buying in thi.-., that they are now receiving their second .Stock of F.M.L (iOOI)S for IH.'i;;, selected by one of the firm ), I'onsisting of a assortment ot />/•// (iiKiih, lliinhriir), l/(it:, n/>s, /lixits uikI S III US. \1,S() A large addition to their stock ot Ready- Made ('lothing. ,\11 ot which they olb r t.. the tr.ade upon tlieir accoiiinio'lal mg t eriiis. {•urehasers will lind it lo their inleresi to give our slock an examination belbre ni.iking their selections. II VLL \ s.\cki;tt. Ocioiier ::, is.'i;:. ^>-tt ()I’ai{'I'm:ksiiii>. rBj^lir. nii.lersi..'iied have entered into a coji.irtner- S ship iin'l'r the name ;iud style of Troy \ Marsh, for the pro.-ecutiou of a 'leneral Merctintile business. Location the same as b.rnierly occupied by Me.ssrs. II. 1 Mvrover .V Co., foot of Hav Mount. .1. R. TROY', .In .1. F. MARSIL ',>7tf May -j::. IS-'.::. I'OU SALi:, F.oXRS Mannfacturwd Tobacco. W e have in stores a large stock ot 1 obacco, and ex pect to receive constantly from W. Reid anil 'i honi- as’s and other factories, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnish yiiirchasers any quality at lowest factory iiriia's. 11 W. McLAliRlN, Sept. IH-'):i. Oct. !, IS.'.:;. \‘W (jloods. TBlllK subscribers have just received and o]iened. al 1. their (»id Stand, a very l.irge and handsome StfK’k (tl staph’ attfi i'aitrtf ifrtf 4moods^ Hmbracing every style and .|Uality Ladie.s’ Dress (ioo ls. .Viso, all styles of (ioods for (ientlemcn s wear; Fine Moleskin and other styles fashionable Dress H.ats; .S.itin and Straw Roiineis: R>oots and Shoes, etc. Jl^jVWe call particular attennoii to a splendid ass.u-t- mcnt of ISoaily-iiiado 'loiliiii;uri I Of tlie very best material and workmanshii.. j In our stock may be found all (iouds suited to the I season, at the very b.w(-st market prices. ,\1I in want ot (ioods in our line will ple.ise give ns a call. F,. L. .1. A. I'KMl’.FRTON Hay i'^t., Fayetteville, Sept. l!r>. ::otf S'PEDMAN cV IIOUNi:. Dru (iooil.s., ilart/irorc, (!r(>ri\'c. WOl'LD respectfully inform the citi/ens an.l the public generally, they have just returned from New Y ork, and are receiving their Spring Stock of (ioods, consisting of l)nf (iihiilx^ (i rom'ii'.'t, I/nI'l/iriirr^ (f’.’. A variety of Hats, suitable for the season: Ladies’ and ('lentlemen s R.oots, Shoes and Siipjiers: a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing: a great many articles in the ladies' line, and we would he pleased to have them to c.ill and examine for themselves. ,\1I orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be jironiptly attended to. March IHn:’. 81 tf Uaiulolpli SluM'tiiio; :iii(l (’olton \ ;irn, i'’or sale by WORTH & K(..L1()TT. Ap;-il 1853. ‘ 87tf Sill) SC rilu'r still carry on the CMiiNFT Fayetteville, and in addition to INt.ablisliment on l!ow .''treet, near ■les s Rridge, has opi'iied a large W \ I! i-l ROOM on Hay street, nearly op) the Fayetteville Hotel, and oiie door Fast of .Messrs. I' ligit .V Son's, where *i .’^eneral a'sortini’nt 'il Aa'ii.Mi'i'siio. M i'le )iv conineteiit and taitiiful 'Vor’.^men. ni:;y I.e 'la.l al pi-iees ei.i le'p.nding with the times. Also, an .-s- S'lrtni.Mii ol Ni.rthern-ma'le FI RNITl 111;, 'cjecti-d hy himself which will be sold at a very moderate a.lvaiice Dl NCAN McNFILL. Nov. 10. IS.'ll. p8 O F kia'ps oil hand .an a'S..rtnieiil ol I-isk's eelebra- IS ted \11;T\LI.1C r.FRl M. C.\SKS. which have been liiirhh rec..niniended by Willie I*. .M.iiigiim. Henry ( lav. Lewis C.iss. W'li.. It. King, ainl iii:.ny other il lustrious characters, who have exauiinc.l aiel witnessed their utility. ('(M’ii M('al and llotiuiix coiisl’i iiLj> on hand and for sale at (he Mill, late I',, .b Hale '. Cirindinir of Meal ami llominv don>- proni]i11v W M R. ' LARK. Nov. -Jl, l-s-'.:;. l'.-::m (,OOl) ADVICE. i F.NTi.ii.M FN wishing to supply themselves for the appr aching cold weather with good and warm I (ian-.ieiits, will tin.I it to their great advantage to call on me before purchasing elsewhere, as I have my St.ick Complete ai. 1 emphatically the Largest, cheape.'t. and lies' selecte f assortment of il«L(‘ady-nia!‘ Clotliin^. in this iii.irKet. .\ a iMrge and choice ieiitlemen’s Furnishing lioods. I'anc; Caj.s, l.oots an.l Shoes, Travelling and Y'niises, (’:irpet W.'liking C.anes, Finbrelbis. lndi;l Rubber Ov.-rcoat'. ershia’s. Imported ll.ivana. Regalia. \ R.''. vVc. Oi’.ORi.F, l‘l*. \ND'I'. ILiy sli-.-el, Fayetteviiie, N. ('., l..'t'.M i 'i th.' \iarket House and Favcttevillc Hotel. ..V 1 1-..;. ' b'ti.l I’.-tcking I'r ink Looking (a Leggings a; an.l 1‘rincii ses, t )v ('It NO'l'K i:. s.70 .VN.W'. V"! from the subscriber, aboiii tlie l-'.tli .Inlv. 1' aboiil i'iy. l.a rge lin:bs S.ii'l '.iir! h I .11 Mr county. The to me. or 111 Ni.rth CaI I . C!into;>. ■J.iid lie; whil e ey.' 1. his negro girl .'sar.ih. II'-' *.i age. bi;ick, vvitli laru w eighs about I pounds. ; supposed t.. be lurking in the iieighb..r- is:!ac Wrigiit s or (ten. .^lcKa\ s. in Rla'len above reward will be p.aid for her delivery r confinement in .any Jail in the State of „a. W.M. (1. RI TLKR. . C.. March 1 1. IS.'.:;. TTtf .\NI) \\. ii.VKI'.K Is now K'eciviug rioiii iSic N' li; aigest, iiiu'.'t, aiui ni'i-l c;iv.'rull.v - ■ Id toil -liK'k M K\6Ti B52: 4>ver ('tiered in this market: w hieli, added to U-.s .iv n manufacture, makes his ass..rlnn'iit i i.m'plete; —all ot which he will sell on the lowest i..i-.-.ible terms b.rcash or on time to punctual custoiui'is. Fine Rose Woinl Riaiios, (l.i'iinet ( o s. ot wav. New Y'olk,i fashioiialile paint.-d col tage l.e l Furniture iii setts: curled hair and shmdc. ;iii.l c. It :■ Mattresses- Looking (Ihisses: Willow Wagons and Ci.i- dles: Patent Self-Swinging (’r.idles: Side; !>u- reaus: ,Secr«-taries and I’o.ik-Cases: W'hat-Not.s; I'ables. all sorts: Wash .‘'taiids; (’.-indle Stands: Wardrobes: I’ic ' ture Frames and (!lass; Wiii'low Sliales: ('orni-es: ( ur- tain iiands; Sofas in .Mahogany and W.-ilunt: I ete Tetes; Ottom.ins; Itivaiis and Stools; ' hairs ol e\ei ‘ v:>riety. . Septein>)er, IS".:;. • roi{A('(’o. fllHK subscriber continues to receive and sell, on B manufacturers’ account, .-ill gr.-ides ol nianutae- tnred Tobacco. J- I- I I.LY . I May 1«32. «5tf now r* "eiviug her I all aii-l Winter M I l*l .1N I‘. K i . oiisi'tii _• of Ronnet'. from one dollar m t)f|i • :'• hj.-s ! i: .1 Iker.-hiels: I'rench \rtilici:i) 1 I.w.-i • ll'I I’e . I her : S A i-' Fdg'rllgS ami In'-ert'li.. ; Capes, ' "I I ..leis’eeve-: Ladies' .iii'l 'In:!!':. " n ■ .;..\es. ;in.! '.. ng an.l siiort Mits: :. neiv :.n . i.-- ."li iil i,..-ii o;' Tri;nmin-.;s - f the la! f s.yo-: \.-iv.t III! .^i!k .Matilillas: Rai’iw.iy C.'C'et---: n l.; R..'!- -. antiUa-. and ( n.iks i‘U;ih. -.n tin' ' '.te-. .aii'l Ne\\ \ ..rU ■ y '■ ‘ ^ In.ill tli.-c iii.try |-ri.nij aticii led to. l>ri'.,es. 1‘iiiiadelphi All older (let. .'i. 1 •^^in: 11- a i.iot.-, nterc'i i'lt' Slraio.^e, v of Turp* at r ';_ne.l. having p-.ird a- 'd Mr. S ..!(■ Di'tilier-. aro. ' ..oper shops, bave 'opartn^Tshi]. iiii'ier the naliK’ of M.-l.-iiii 111 ■ r th • piirp.ise IS. isr,:;. carryinr on '.he RiMill 1 the manufacture of Splril I’.a D. McLAFRlN. \\ M. M -I \1 i;!N. .1 \S. V STRAN(;i:. TOtf NO'TK'!:. rg'^i'lOSK >ho ar- indebted to me H will I ease settle the same, me prior to ;he 1st ol .Ian y |.S-)->, longer indn u'cnce cannot be given. I,.. Ni.ieor \cconnt An.l all ih-bts due Ml s'l' lie settb'd, as Mav :.o. s.- •KFTH.\N. '.»Htf lituiiks for 'ifile here.

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