SEMl-WBBKL, Y. FAVKTTFAILLR, N. C., DECEMBER 26, 1853. 1 I'KINTKP f}V .1. H. \KWHY. CDWAHl) Ki. .1. lIALi: & sox, vM> I’Koritnrroijs. •tiii \V»‘»'kK Ohskuvkk ^3 00 if}i!Uiliii it aii'i (luring the vciir ot" sulisi'i'iji- • T tlu' a' luis fxjiirvii. : » i.iT aiiiiuiii. if jiaiil in ' il ;l\niiii: Uio _vi-:ir lit' sultsi rip- i' r t' l- \ -.;tr lia.-- yXjtil'fil. IM N'l'>- hi.rvu''! .r sixty ctMits ju‘f - : !■ tirst. !u\.l tliivt v voiits I't.r t-ncli ■ • ii. \-ariv :ul\t-rti>(Miu'iit> h_\ >]K>- :;t ic:isi'U.-\l'.U‘ r.itfs. AilvtM'tisfi's an' .lit' lilt' munlu'r uf insfvtious K'^^i^^'ll, or ; : ■ ■ i-'l I;i:|. :1!m1 rliur^otl .'R'l-nril- l,!.-tU'i ' t>' liu' i'.ilit.ITS must lie |iost-{>:iiil. •jlie American Seed Garden, Mru#:ns rinri>. t onn. JOHNSON, ROBBINS & CO., ri:nri!ii:roi!s. r^ii tiie suiiM-ribors. tln-ir •- • r N Ttii t’nr. iiiia. a full. i-iuuiiK-to aiiii . , ' t t i.i.VKl'l.N. KlKLl'. i\u.,l H.uUi'.K the ^rowtli 'il’ !?*■>:). aii'l put up i‘x ■ :> lu.ukt-t. Till' roputativii 'f the st‘0'l> . has cxiou.U-il :u\>l iwuv. and -flit unrivalli-'l ill 'lualitv au'l miiipti.liifs~ - •; an 1 olimntos. Tlio proprieti'rs are , ’'u-O'l ^anloiiers, :\r,J ciaitiuue as they , s ■!'years dnnc. t'^ pay iheir uihli- !: i:\i.lua! eare to the cultivation, leathering. ,l ; ii'kiiiu of the >. they ottVr for sale, itiui iit c'. isists in part .if the tollowing: — r. Asj :;ra_l,U'. ■sail and I'■Iv, evorv %ar'.etv. - :i. fahh i: —1 iriy L 'Uiluii aU’l l.:ii-j;e ;:Ue .Vsiatie. r ls. r.irii Saia>l. Tess. r.J;; l’'i'it. i very variety. ■ ■ TV. every \arii-ty. . i.M-'y LaViie Sweet v>v .^ugar. . F' ' f. K:n’y Tu'farnra. : ' ■u^^ 1. Sr itfll. '>!■ '.s. Mu'tarJ. *ni..n. werv varietv. .11.1 \V!;;t,-. .ninii'ii, I> Miii’e or ('urleil. N(VriC’E. snb.scriber offers for sale his L.VNL>S. six miles i North of Fayetteville and about one mile from the I'rtyetteville anil Ualeigh Vlaiik lload. coii.sistiiiu of about I20i) a’l'4‘> 4»t' .suited to tlie nia- king o! Tiirpeiitine oi- 'rimber Then- .iie .m tlie nr, mities a good saw and grist mill, all in good repair and now in oji«r,ition; als.. a dwelling, and all the necessa ry out - iuuiin g(!o i ri'p.air. -Mso, aU'iiher traet of two hundrecl and tittv acrfs, on the head waters ot' t'arvt-r .s (’reek, kiinwii as the I'nrry I’laee. on whieh there i.s a small t'arui, a dvvel- liug house and iitlier lumses. On the tirsi named tract there are cut about tweiitv- five thousand 'I'urpwutine boxes, frmn two to fnui’ \ i-ars old. .\11 the abo\ e 1 ands will be sold un the ni"St ;u'ciiin- inod.atiiig terms. I’cisi ns wisliinj^ tii puti has(‘ will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in sliuwiiig the above lands. WM. K. lldl/roN. Oct. -j:. i,''.’i;i. Hut' I'lNi: I'Ki in 1-im: l ui rr: 'rii'iusand .\]i!i]o I'recs ..f the finest ki'ids ft r'li i'ning in succe'-.i..n. fr.uu the earliest In the SK('ONl) FdU (inti Wi/iirr Stork for 18.”)!?. ^JT.VKll .S: \VII,I.I.\MS are now receiving their SK- roNI» Stock for thi.s season, of Staple aiiil Kaiiey l)iy (iiouds; llat.s, ('aps. Shoes, ISuiits; Silk, Salin tiiul Straw IJomiels; riuljrel- la.s, atnl Keady-ni;ule Clothing;—witli a lar^e as,c»rtiiiriit of Ilosiory, (Jlnve.s, ,'^ilk and (luttdii I lainlkerfhiot'M. The Stuek embraces a variety of Seasonable is not enumerated, comprising one of the largest ass.irtments we have ever oll'tTed; and having recently been purchased l>y the I’ackage, a' a reduction fri.m tlu‘ prii'es uf the first of the season, they will be otleri’d to \Vhnl('sali‘ I’lUvers on (uir usual terms. .1. 1!. Sl.VKll. M. WllJ-l.VMS. Oct. is' olitf M'AV (iOODS latest Ten 'riimisand I’e-irh Trees if tin- tine'l !:inds. rijiening in succes^, early in .Inne t ' N ivcinber. (hie I'h.-u-and hen v Trees ol the tiiust kinds, ■.•jpen- ing in succt'^sinn, frmn the lirst . May t i July; a!sn. a tine ass- rtment ot' \prici>ts. Nectarines, riuiiis. I’tMi- and Strawberry plants, for sale at the I’i.mol.igical iiar- dens and Nurseries, at I'ane Creek, 'h.itham . 'iinty, and New (larvlen. (luilfovvl county. Orders tor trees sluuild be sent in early. Catalogues will be st iit to all applicants. lUuiug my absence my brother. Owen I.indley, will de’.iver treis at Cane Creek, and my sun. \llnTt (i. I.indley. at New (iarden. .niSIHW ldNl)LK\ . New (iarden. (uiilford county. N. i The 1 Jth of the H'th mo., Is.'io. | ',m. itHfi Tram for sate. O NK large Road Uagnn .and I H 'rses. K'lr sale cheap by .i.\s. i;. coiiK, Utf I r: V,., k’li. lla iish. lUiul arb. Spinach, every et;:'(tyster. ' >■. Turiiips. every variety. -S i_.‘. .'savory. Thynve, Lavender. L>-m- ,ire"ed t' l>everly RiKe, Ks.j.. 'lur [ii KayctteviUe. and S. \l. West, Ks'i.. iiis i.! with prumjit attention. \VK151? HRO. .'lU-tf I ‘ M‘ll thdt took the Prt millm! : -: . :::ned has tlie ji’easure of .innouncing t ^ *' Ilobes iU and the adjoining c>iun- • i s j'uri - i^e l the entire interest uf .Mess. !■ r- 11; the Steam Saw and Cii'wt Mi',’, at ;i. i i- ii 'W preparetl ti, all ..rdersfur • :i, iv i;e ' i.T in. n -vii.i a -up. rior .jual- r ' ' s;w. iie is C"Ufidenl his l.umbei’ ■-■an- Haggles, and 1 (’arryall : IV. ]}, r vLi-. is.%:{. s niiw receiving a very large and general a'sortnient of 1>KV i;(>iii>S. aniunir which are l.o'to jiiect-s new style C.i’ie ,■ T-''* Uel.ane; IT'i French and F.ngiish Merinos; J-'iO Alpaca; Plaid Ur.i- cade and "ther .'■'ilks; Merino .■m l ('rape I’l.aid and plain Sh;iw>s. assorted: ll.ats. t aj’s and I’loiniets: Silk and ('orton il’dk't's; lioliinet. I.ace and Kdging': Moots and Shots; lli'lting ( loths. .N". I t-i lo. With many 'tlu'r go -ds. all ;‘f which have been purtdi.ase l forcA-li. by the I’ackiigc, and will be .iflered wholesale or retail as low as possible. Those wishing to purchase g... ds will pli :ise ca!' and examine. Sept. I'l. 1 ^''tf 'l'n»\(‘lliiiif 'I'nmk.", \ aliscs ami ('ar- pet IJairs, bv .\.Ml)K.'.(i .V (''•. N..-.' •.*. b;tf Sliirts and C'ollars, inamitiictiircd l»\ VMi'.KKv; (■».' N V. M, 'I".'):'., 4:'.tf \V. 11. (.M riEU, i: '> i: k a i. a a t: ”1 t I'm' thv '-/ (' iiinfni U lL\ilN(.ToN. N, c, N'. \ . 7. 1}.;-.:m Ir : ij: and '^'t-ataer lardin-. ■'i^l- Lii ;irda, Leilinii aud J'cautliiig, 10 T H' U'_’'h:.ire ha’f prii-e. s .y ■ rp : inteu' ive term ' k -epinc n I ■ will be striet- L>. W. I'ec. l^di- ('ruviaii (iuaiio. i». .v; w. M lltitiKHS. -'I'ttf '\[)('ClCl I.AIKIN. 4 'tf N. r. liACOX. iKOOO Ll!.' aF-"rt*‘'l W, H. il) li(>\OS KAISINS, just r-T. h. F"l’ ■‘lie bv 1,1 "I ti;ki,‘>h. '"-■Jm and (jiiartfi* r> /■ Lllmln r Makers. Ii-'. -U-—rriber. alter retiiriiiiig his thanks t h'* IricuJa uuJ liie public j^eucriiliy I'ur iliuir Ubcr*! i su[ip rt ■■Mid patroiiaire while Is-i'K' roll, which :io i- he was ; ic» d to relin jui'h n a'.' ' ant iiis he..'th. W Olid respecti'trily in! rm ti.ein lo- - a^ i-n • Il lial. 1. and w:'; .ittend t- the s,.;; r,ir .,f eitl.-. r toe .-ib-ve; .'.nd fi'iilp hi- iw'.i'd_* M th>' III irki t. •■’i I sir ot at’’ ■ ■■ ’Ti to a*'; 'U'llr- 's eiitni'ti-d t hi' care, l.- pi ' g"»’ -at- isi.iction aid merit -i share oi pub'.je j.ation I-.-. \S II. (i.VlTIKK Wilmington, N'ov. 7, b. oUi rWlHi: Subs. ri .-r will reeeive j-rop .-r- f..r lon.itoii M. lbs. ot ('otton r.atting or Waddiii'j,. VN". t-r :, threi- miliioii'- "f Keds liom to ttet h-ng. a;id :i’;so. lo,U(ni ten tlooi and p'.-.inds 't co.,d clean Corn Shu.-ks. in stated ijuantities F-r further particulars inquire of K. W . HI.NK\. 1/ f/i( old .^tond of II. Uronson tV Son. railli; l N l>i;RSKiM;i) have just received a L.MKii: fl. .■^I’tH K ()F (i()(t{i>, embracing a general assort ment ricently b.night in the norihein market under fa\orable circumstances, The_\ have l.oat, crushevl, powered and bi^own sugars; .fava. I-.iguiiM and Kio( 'o‘ric; pi ppi r, sjiiee. ginj:ei. elove> and nutmegs; '-up. .'arb. soda; indigo; madder; burax; c iiiiphor; alum; cpsom salts; saltpetrt-; molasses: syrup; s.i.t; iron; saddles, oridlesaiid m.irtingals; cidlars; wagon and buggy w hips; spades, shovels and forks; trace, dog. tongue. and halter ehains; ootlee mills; wiigoti tmxi s; mill, cross-cut and hand saws; cut nails and sp.ikes; a good assortment of j'ov’ket and table cutlery; Ijlacksmith tools cuniplete; tiir]>entine hackers, scrapers, dijipers and axes; bidad and cliopping axes: gtins: window glass; rivets large stock ol’ ruady-made i clothing and staple dry goods; gunny and liein]> bagging; rope and twine; ,'wedes. Ani'-ricaii bar and hoo]i iron; s>iu;.re aii't octagon cast steel; (ierman nnl blister steel; *1,;'. •.,/ hats, c^aps, boots ainl shoes, western and North I’arolina bacon; together with almost every artiele sold in this market, all of which will be sold !it tair ju-ices fur cash, on time to prompt cust.imer», or oountrv j'roduce irenerallv. (i U . Wll.l.i.VMS .K ('O. •Inly '.o, l"'.->:’i. lo-tf The ollic^e of the Cape Fear .'steamboat Company is kept in the abo\e building. J [». WILLIAMS, Agent. .\Ki\ Sui sei'ilier has established a Uakery on Bow cot. 'Il the Lot two do:,rs Last of' iHliic.iii McNeirr- (’.ibiii't .''hop. lie is j.rejiared 'o furnish Families. I! at-, and the public generally, with llread, lliscuit. and (’.ikes of \arious kinds, of the lust iiuality. as he has proeured the services of one ot the b( st liakers in the .''late. I’rii es reasonable, ^;ive me (i call. Cil.\ S RANKS. F;iyettevi'V>. I»ee. ."io-tf Koc ki'i.Nii .'iii:i:'i'i\(;s, HV the bale or half bale, for sale tiv C. T. H.UdH X St)N. Julv l;;, l.".'.’J. Mf .\i>rtfi ( \irolI NO ('a.sMz/u rcs. vs R. '.IF.'' (i. (’(>>K ha's on haul a full stock of Rock Island C.issinieres. maimfactured by Car- '■■n. Voiing drier, at their Mi'i in Mecklenburg (’■'Untv. N. (’ . where consumers atid merchants can be supplied. riu^ iiiamitacrnrers r.'i-onimeli i their fabrics a' i'eing e.jiia': in liirabi ;ty, and as permanent in col ds ot slniibii' ch.irai'ter niaiiufactared or S. Tlo‘v in\ite tile niosi full ^ii i tlmr- tli. 111. .ino • niy ask to be j'.it P'■ni/ed in tiii'ir m»Tits, li7tf I)k. t. c. H\IJ. ' H.\S removel to the well-knowu stand of the l»rB Kobinson, Corner of Green and Row^ streets. April I.M. isr.i*.. 87tf .i()si:pii nAKi:K, Jk., ATTOK.\Kl AT L. A U , ■ B taken an ofhce next door to Wni. 15. Wright's B B. Law oflice on (!reen .“^ireet. lie will attend and practice in the C‘iunty an^l Superior ('ovirts ol ('uniber- land. I’lad*‘ii, Robuson and .'^ampbon. March 2o, l.s.'.:;. 7'*-tf T. C. WORTH, rinniissi(i\ ,\\!) fiikw; >ii:Krii.i.\T, W lEMINcri'ON, N. (’. Feb. ]. IS.',:;. t'.Otf s r vuk \ W II.LIAMS. WIIOLKSALI; DKALKHS IN M'orei^ a aati iPontestir SPi'if tmifofts, II w ^'fl'ici:i:'a\ Fayetteville, N. C. .i. 15. >VAU».J [J- M. WILLIAMS. .Vl-ril li^, 1^.'.:.’. Sbtf ~ II. L. HOLMES. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N, C. FFICH ou corner of Front and I’rincess streets, l)i:i:i’ lUVER .MERCHANT ANH SAW MlI.LS EOU SALE. ?B'11il' .Subscriber intending to leave tliis part of the E ."^tate, fcti'ers for sale his Mills ou Deep I’iTer at th(“ teiniinus of the F^vans's Rranch IMank Road, to- getlu-f with the Rridge across the River at that point: these .Mills may probably be better known to the public as the Rolierts s Mills, 1 having purchased from hini. The NFill lot embraces some lo Acres; I'.t’i Acros of I’ land 1 ^ miles south of the Mills on the i’latrk Road will be sold with the .Mills. .\n accurate descrip^on is unnecessi’.ry. as any one wishing to pur chase w ill ]irobably wish to examine the jiroperty. Any infoiination I'especting the property can We obtained by .addressing either myself of Mr. K. .\. Stuart, at i F]vans’s Mills 1’. (>. 1’- -«. K\ .VNS. Nov. lo. 4:i-3m J. S. BANKS, Coiiiiiiii^Kioii .Hei*4‘haiif, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. V.', 185:^. 2‘.Hf Who woiilci hare 1hou{;ht itf O I under Journal oflice. Dec. 1-2. 48-tf JOMIPII B. uno.,1, V n n I s fs I « .\ AND i'()\i\vAuI)L\(; MI*:iu'IIAN r, tV. i\ geay* Prompt personal attention given to all Consigti- meiits. and Cash a'lvances made on I’rodvice to be ship ped to other pc t^~ or sold in this market. Fe>). 12, 1.b7y W ILKINSON ESLER, DKALKRS IN ('u)ifrc(toiKir^, Fi>rtii/n J'/'itifii, ^tUs, Tnlmno, nil'/ AND IMPoltTFRS OF Sl'l*i:itl>K IIAV.WA 'li.\ll^, AT WHdLK'AKL AND KKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 1 Itf . a- anv '■I tlie ept r AMfF.V I'lbis ot l!r iW el is a- II le'l u ,t!i ^re it 1 i'.in';_niiii iit a 1 ■ ■ Lxtra (Icneset It MVRo\LR \‘Hrviilr liotrl. .ioilN li.XliM AN F’averteville, Nov. Id, 1' IIF.NRV Li-tf W. M, 1. \f RIN. ■"tf s5 i!i I’ fi:ii.— v/;u FIRKINS MOI NT ^iN l;a .11- N()'ri( i:—sj.‘» \U‘i). 9B AN’.VW.W from the siibs, ribei’. ..n Thur-1 i_\ B% od November inst . * w ■ ne^rr ■■'. (II \RL1,> ToNLV. with Fol R III NDIM;!- Im,|.I..V1; -t- troiii tlifir master. ( liarl^s about -i lee' , il^■ high, eomjilexioii Vel'_\ 1- ack. bi'j white eVi-in ib lUt Vear^. I !' au--. o;,e of In- aflii' has i-ii oi the il -p. ■.'•thilly iut 'itiis his tViij Iids and the pub !ic he ha-- rfinoved from the j ■ I i 1 II It !•' at tiie loo t I'f ll.ivniount to the larger iii 1 and Illol e c liini odi us 11,,tel in the centre of the 1 own, , rcee ■Iltl\ iciiipi' ed by Mrs. I'roWIl. and Well kiiow n :is th.- 1 r'a;.'e ttev ille Hoti-!. w here he w i ill be haji- py I-: aci'i iiiinii "'at I ■ 1 r.ive! lers and Hoarders No ex- I'l-r ■ Il is -.f him ■ ■elf : ,i. i iain: ;i_\ w iii be spart'd to render rta li'lC wh'- n. 1 \ I i\ I- iiiiii with their com- MALLEI r 1>AI LMIER, Ororers and i'ommission *?fcr- cliaats^ IJ.”# Proiil NEW YORK. I*. MAI.I.KTT.] [j. TAILMIKK .\ugust Di. IStf W. II. ( AR\ EK, IiKALKIl IN /)/•// (!ood>. (irorc/'Ks. 0/1(1 l^ronsions. ■ Id 'loor Irotu N. K. corner ^!arket .'s'|Uare, next to D. (lev's .''tore, (.reen 'tn^ct. r.VVKTTKN IIJ.K, X, (’. g-^.Vil kinds ot' l’r.»du« e taken in exchange lor Cioods Feli'y I"'-'. •'•bV M. iir rsoN, no f .s t: #•. f /. vtm: k. Fayetteville, N. C. M Irch J'*. 1 I-. ^ 1 W DR I'll vJn I'J.LIO i r. (si ( ( i;ss(»us ro ,i. n. wii.i.iVMs.) FOK\VAKl>lN: c'c ('()^1^1ISS1()N AIK IK Ml ANTS. F.WFTTFVlLLi:. N C. Mtl.l) sl’AM> ()K U.\LL .V .)tiHN(tl>. ; I). \V. C. Ucnhow, DFNTAL STRCKON, S located third ioor below the .Market. All who ai^e in need of the services of a Dentist are respt'ctfully invited to call. He guarantees satisfaction in all ojierations. t {■. October 10, 3 Uf MORi: cv (;alla(;iier, Rhhjt' lirxid m tt Strcft, IRON ForSDKRS AND MAM'FAl'TrRERS OF nJ RorrjIlT and Cast Iron and all kinds of ()rnanieutal and .\rchitectnra! Iron Work.«. Iron Railings for public anil private tlrounds, Veran dahs, Settees, ('hairs, Tn>)les, &c. Particular attention paid to the enclosuro of Riirial Lots. More & (iallagher’s Rook of Original Designs and List ' of Prices sent to jiersoiis wishing to make a selei tion. Nov. 1. ISoo. 4’2-om)id Clothing! Clotliingi! AMBERC; vS: CO., Wli'ilmab: aiiif R>tnll Ifxtl'/s in Krttt/j/-iniiti (’/ofJiiix/, H W'V: just opened a NFAV’ LSTARl.1-11M KNT on the Last side lyf Creen street, in Mr. P. .''hem- well’s new building. They have just received, and are now receiving, of their own manufacture, a splendid assortmet.t of RF].\DVM.\DK CLo'i lUNt:. including a general variety of (ientlenien’s F'urnishing (ioods, suited ■ to \\ inter trade. We expect to receive, of our own manufacture, as ■ the season aiivances. fresh supjilies of (Joods in our line, so as to keep our assortment complete and desiraVde. ■Also. Clothing of ;iny kind made to oriier, on the shortest notice an l in the latest style. We respectfully beg leave to call the attention of those in want (d'(i()0(L' in our line, to call and examine for themselves, as we think we c:in show thenitloods, in ijuality and pirice, that will afford satisfactioH. Please give us a trial before buving elsewhere. AMliLRf; .S: CO. Nov. 1*, L''')3. lotf A r ruE RED sk;n. ni‘Donald &: lIc^laNter ■ ■ A\’F’ just received a full and complete stock of B Bl ('iROCFMl 1 F;s, PRoV1.''ION.'^, &c.. to whicli they would invite tlie attent on of the citizens anti surround ing cmintry. They will sell low for ('.\sn. or on time to punctual customers. They purchasid their (ioods for cash, and this will enable them to sell low. They have facilities that many liouses have not; they have agents established in Raltimore ;ind New York, who always aihise them of any change in articles in their line, and who purchase oniy wlien b.-trgains are to be had. We keeji always on hand a sjiletidid a.ssortmcnt of t'oreign and domestic Liiiuors; Lonf. (.'rushed and Rrown .'•ugar'; Rio, .lava.and Laguira Coti'ees; Green, * llvttou »»nd lil»ek nTid (’iihn. Mnlns- ses; Fable and Sack .''alt: Racon, Lard. Mess Pork. .Mess Reef. Smoked Reef. Dryed Venison: No. 1. '2 and Mackerel; Piutter. t’heese. Flour. Meal. Coin. Oats. I'ubacco, Candles. Copperas, .'^aleratiis. Indigo, .Mad- ' del-, .''pice. Pejiper. (iinger, .Nutmegs, (’inaiiion. I'jisom ^ .'^alts. .'Saltpetre, Hardware, ('utlery. ('rockery, and , tiliissware: and a variety of other goods. They take this method of thanking the community and their country ti ieiids for the very liberal patronage bl-.': wed on them; and intend, by selling goods t.o'.v, to iiii-rease their foriner tr.ide—always keeping in view that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. Vtdiow P.uilditig. between the Market House and the r.aiik of the State. C.illesjiic Street. Fayetteville. N. ('. March lil. l^■^■i. ‘ 7stf A n^ic ('(trricKje Estuhlishmmt on the Militaiy Grev'll, oppoKtte the Methodist Church, frontinj on Mttm/ord Street. (;ri:at enterprise! I'ayoflevillo i'l humid to ^I'^HF; Subscribers would re.spectfully inform their I friends and the puVdic, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of couducting the general CARP.I.V(tK I5US1NF;S.S in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare wor'K with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm m.ay be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRAMN. J.AMKS II. Pier. James Branin. Fayetteville, Jan'y 24, 18r)3. 62tf , V. WOIM II.J F'ebru.'irv D'l. [U. r, t.',(-v FaV JOOtf 1. IJ-h .ate S: Pipkin, iiji iW interc-i \. .V. 'O ri- ; ielice of ; l.ittlf Risfl-. I',' I tile L.indr • Ir i rj liioi I 11 witii a -ear wiiirii wi; • I teet iiii he' hi.di. ev lar;_e n i - a- ' Ut -I- \ N . C. 1 w n ill anv j.-iil S' •|oi. •!kirk. IV v-ry 1 .1111. d-irk i'..'ii|iii--.ioii. ]i o, vi-r_\ bent in tiie arn; i-in-'. ars I Id. and wa bought ill \| :or, ■ pa\ ti:e ;.':o\e reuaid I'.r tiieir " 1 get them. .1‘iHV M Dol't; ' t . 1 11 ■ iiiit■,. uiiicnt LD elti''i ie. N .hnie Kooiin^. i'UAN( IS sni:\’roN, Slafr auft *ftetaf ttoofer. 1’’il.\NKFI I. tor j.i't lavors. 1 beg to inform tuy tii.-nd' ati l till- pulilic. that I atii tiow jircpareil iiitract t"!- atel cNeeiite. ’ii t'le best manner and I II •.a~oi,a’ile tcnii. ,\l.i. KINDS OF FlPvLPP.onF dl I il. ( .V AM)Ri:\\ S’S H ar( ond Sforr Itcju/t. oil halid. I ' i; ,X, and i irlour r itmfiit d’ Till Waro. at wholesale and C. W. ANDRKWS, Markt't .Si|uarc. L'Odtf \‘)i’j( i: 'ro Pi:.\si()Ni.Rs. li i-s:^iied l oiitinues to aet as .Vttorney for ■ g p. iisions, payable at this Agcni-y. I- pi-’.sion, P)ounty Land, or any other . ill ;in-t the L'nited States, secured. > paid for all Land W.irrants for .NO I K i:. 'g'».lli; sn,M Rli’.l i: ha- nmove i t ■ a ."a \w NLV-, Id iL!IN(i. I. ! le-'liii' .''tfiet. where he intends ear tying oil tile fl’ r.l Sl- .Nl,.".'> in all its liialiclies. lla.ili;^ had practical experience in mo«t ot' th*- \t- lantie eities. he teel>- assured that he can p ease tin- nio-t fastidious ,\F orders will be executed withneat- -patch. r U(»(I (• I \ 1. (; lit 11 r-. st\ le or )>atti rii. tiiadc --peritM i tillio. .'^lato I liinine_\' I’ipe illlT •■!■ : ■ ■ i:. ' : « it II" n=» n. .ittili^ all 1 11 \ Ii luiie 1! ipi s and H.'ad and Warrantee . Ill aii\ I'or a^v lliai lit -1: Fore. sitiiiitii Machines i-r and wair.iiiti i Sheet Lead Favettev iili lo suit any st \ le of liuild- er iightiiing. -va a* • net 'Il Piiiiip'. ada]‘ted to any Ills, and all kinds ot llvdraulic iijiplyiiig water tor an_\ pnijio>,e, jiiU up ( II VliLI’S |{AMnS, i' 0'Tt o.vE k, W11(»LLS.\LK AND RLTAIL DKAI.KR IN F'ir' iifii /'’niils, ('i(/ar., Tuhniin, Siu'fl.tV'' 4>iBei:i:\ ^tici:i:t, Fayetteville, N. C. Mar. h 1. I 7otf 1.. L\\\ iii:Ni i:, Fayetteville, N. C. Srpteinliei . l.s.i.. R. M. (>rri:ll. ri)i;\ui!i)iMi nniiiissioN ^ikkiii.wt \t .\. i'. MarHi D*. IS.M. 'riu* .Sul)cril)t‘r still con tinues to carry ou the (’\P)lNF7r lU'Sl- N in '•’ayettcville, and in additiiui to his Fstabiishment ou I’.ow Street, near Kccles's Rridge, has opened a large W.'.RF R(H»M on 11 ly street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, and oue door Last of Messrs. Haigli iN: Sou's, where a general assortiiient ot j'lju vn i jijo. AT HOME AGAliV! W’. DUACGHON U,\S the pleasure of informing his customers and the public, that he has moved his Stock of Goods into his NF:W STORF;, at the Olu Stand. His recent purchases in New York and Philadelphia makes hi Stock C(J.M1’LKTF:. He has on hand, for sal(j at low prices, a full stock of Groceries and Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes. Hardware and Cutlery. Crockery and Glass-ware. Window Glass. Clocks. Puvo French Brandy. Holland Gin. St. Croix and Oid Jamaica Kuni. Port, iMadeira, Brown and Golden Sherry, Mala- (£a, .Sicily, and Seuppernong Wines. Old Rye Whiskey. With his usual large stock of Domestic Liquor.^. —ALSO— dozen Wolfe's .\roniatic Scheidam Schnapps. 100,(JOO Cigars, (very cheap.) "2o baskets Champaign. Hock Wine, (six varieties.) Sardines: Sperm and .Vdamantine Candles. W. DRACGHON, Market Square. Nov. lil'Go. 43-iim TJ.MELY NOTICE. 4LL persons indebted to me, either b\’ Note or Ac count. wilt please call and settle before the 1st of .lanuary ]S.')4, otherwise their claims will be placed iu the haiids of officers for collection, as further indul gence cannot be given. GEORGF: BRANDT. Nov. i*. 1S5:L 43tlJ .Made by at jirices if variou: sizes, for sale. I .March ‘JX, 1! MoN \(;il \N. ■''1-tf .JNO. M. •t. 1:2, Iho i.AM) r»R()Ki:K. iiiaiiv iiii|uiries about Turpentine Lands. I- l onciuded to olfer ni\ services to buy : Lands for sale will furnish me plots and ■ ■■r with a fair liescriptioii and price.— ■11 - -jliall be moderate. .JAS. G ('(»oK. ■Vi. 4'itf 1)UI:SSL\(; AM) SllAVJNi.' SALOON. '^r i’il respectfully informs the citi/ens of an 1 the surrounding country, that > ' Lariieriiig establishment to the Hotel 1’ lo .ill may be now found oj))>isite the ■ liaiik. where he is prepared to .'^have ■il 1 oiiiiiiodai ng terms. He very resjioct- ' t!. ..iiHs his old ciistonicr.s anil the jmb- .• !■ r ilieir iiln-ral paironage, .‘ind hopes that ■ o- (illLA TLV IN( RK.KSF;D, as he has * ^'ider-itile expense in fitting u)) his Siiop i!i! ir* of his customers. He would invite the till i-iti/e.i.s to his RL.\DIN(i ROO.M, in nij; L jtiiblishiueiil, where they will find - ' P li'tical paj>ers of tli'.' day. ■ i’e:t' 111 'lie- aiid Hair Oi’s. Shaving ' ' ' ving P.rushe-, and a variety of STA'J'i: Ol' NOIM'ii ( AROLlNA, JIANDOLPH COIWTV. ' Superi(jr (^lUl■t fif liitw. I'all 'Icnu, Is.i.J. Lylia Hussey. - .I esse Hus.sey. i Petition for .Vlimony. IN thi.s case it apficaring to the Court that the de fendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this State: it is therefore ordered by the Court, that pnbli- ; cation be made for three months in the Fayetteville ■ Observer, anl (ireensboro’ Patriot, lor said d*-iendant to appear at our next Term ol this ( oiirt, to be hi^ld tor i i thi‘ County of Randolph, at the Court House in ,\sh- j j boro', on tUe fourth Monday ot March next, and plead. ; I answer or demur to the plaintiff' 's petition: otherwise, the same will be taken pro confesso and set for hearing . anil heard ex parte. Witness, .ViMison .J. Hale, Clerk of our said Court, at Office this fourth .Monday of Se|itember, .\. D. 18.-,15. A. .J. IIALK, S. C. 37-oms SADDLES. nj Vi are now receiving the largest stock of .SAD- I)Li;.S .\ND .'■^.\Di>Li;RV ever offered in this Market, which we will sell to country .Merchants at such prices as will induce them to buv. Call and see. J. .V T. WAI'DILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 1:!, IS-VL liStf Spirilai TiiriK'Htiiic Waiilod. rpilK undersigned will pay cash for S|.irits Ttirpen- 1 tine, iin good order.) allowing only a fair margin to i>ay incidental expenses in sending to a general market. When parties prefer to ."hip on their own account, the undersigned will make nberal cash advances (for the usual commission) on all Spirits find Rosin jilaced in tiieir hands for shipment,—giving the owner always (orroN i}\(i(;LN(i. tllAVi; a |ilentitul supply of Gunny and Dundee Colton Ragging. P.ale Rwpc. and Ragging Twine. Send in vour orders and they shall be sii]iplied, .I.VS. G. COOK. Oct. is-i;'.. o'-’tf ‘2d I*i(rcliosc /or tin holl of 1«^.).». .'■g'^Hl'. undersigned would notify their customers and B. all others buying in this market, that they are now rec(“iving their s(*cond Stock ot l .VLL (i(h)D.S tor seleeted by one ol tin* tirin persoua’ily, consisting of a general assortiiu'iit ol /)ri/ llinl:rini\, I/ft/s, ^ /Inots and ,S hoes.. ,\LSO .V large additioti to their stock of Ready- Made Clothing. All ol which they offer to the trade upon their usual accoiiiiuodating terms. Purchasers will find it to their interest to >ive our stock an examination before making their selections. HALL SACH:TT, (October .1, IS-'tlL o2tf I'OR SALi:, yol NlI and gentle harness Horse. .1. .V T. 1. 1. lS.')o. .\'W ^'all (loods. W.KDDILL. .'il’tf rB^HF. stibsoribers have just received and opened, at B- their Old Stand, a very large and handsome Stock of Staple aa*t #>>’// Oootts., F-tnbracing every st vie and |uality Ladies Dress (ioo.Is. .\lso, all styles of (ioods for (lentlemen's wear: Fine Moleskin and other styles fashionable Dross Hats: Satin and Straw Ronnets; Roots and Shoes, etc. We call particular attention to a splendid assort ment of ISoady-iiiado 4'lof of the very best material and workmanship. In our stock may be found all Goods suited to the season, at the very lowest market prices. All in want ol Goods in our line will please gi»e us a call. H. L. & A. PEM15F:RT0N. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 26. ^Otf .iiiiiietent and faithful workmen, may be had roi respondiiig with the time'^. .\Iso. an as sortment of N'oriheru-made FrRNlTl'HL, selected by himself which will be sold at a verv moderate advance. DUNCAN .McNKILL. Nov. 10. IS.'.I. o^tf HI-' keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk’s celebra- ti.'d MLT.VLLIC Rrp,I.\L ('.\SF]S, which liave been highly recommended by Willie P. Mangum, Henry (’lav, Lewis Cass. Wni. P». King, and many other il- lu'trions characters, who have examined and witnep.sed their utility. ('orn .Mc:il and I lomiiiy conslniitiy j on hand and for sale iit the Mill, late F,. .f. Hale’s, (irinding of .Meal and Hominy done promptly. LANDS at Al C riON. ON Tl’FSD.W, the 27th day of December, at the Lumber Rridge Church at 1’2 o’clock, will be of fered for sale KJOO .Veres of Land, DU miles from Fay etteville, i mile from the terminus of the Fayetteville X Southern Plank Road. The land is lirst rate for all kinds of farming purposes, and well timbered either for Ton Timber or Turjieutine. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call iiud examine the land for themselves. Terms of sale; one-thiril cash, and the other two-thirds *‘i and 12 months credit, with approved secnritv. AR(’H'D A. T. SMITH. Nov.'14. 44-ts GOOD ADVICE. tf 1 IvNTLLMFlN wi.shing to supply themselves for the approaching cold weather with good and warm (iannentij, will tind it to their great advantage to call oil me before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 have my Stock complete and emphatically the largest, cheapest, and tjest selected assortment of F.ver offered in this market. Also, a large and choice selection of (ientlemcn’s Furnishing Goods, Fancy (foods. Hath. ( ajjs. Roots and .Shoes, Travelling and Packing I'runks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Walking Canes, Looking (Hasses, L'mbrellas, India Rubber (Jvercoats, Leggings and Overshoes. Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe (.'DiAR.S, i:c. gf:oR(;f: brandt, Hay street. Fayetteville, N. C., I’.etweeii the Market House and F’ayetteville Hotel. Nov. *.(, 1 So*). 4'^tlJ WM. R. ('LARK, 4(>-.'lm NO riCE. .S.30 Ki:U AKII RANAW .\Y from the subscriber, about the loth of July, ISol, his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about DlVears of age. black, with large white eyes, large limbs, v.eiuhs about I-'iO pounds. Said girl is supposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of -Mr. Isaac Wright's or (jen. McKay’s, in Bladen countv. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me. or her confinement in any jail in the State of North t'arolina. W.M. G. liUTLKK. ('linton, N. March 14, 185.S. 77tf .MiLy\i:in is? AND 311\Tr.l-.M,lKliMi. ,fFrs. nyuton '■ (;ct, liO, 1H.::1 ther , the option to sell in W ilmington or ship to New \ ork. GF:g. W. WILLIA.MS A: CO. ob-bin 1 July 6, 1853. ('Ol’AR I'NERSIlIR. ^KlHL uiid‘rsigiu*il have entered into a copartner- jlL ship under the name and style of Troy & .Marsh, for the prosecution of a General Mercantile business. Location the same as formerly occupieil by Messrs. II. L Mvrover X f'o., foot of Hay .Mount. .).!$. TROY, Jr. J. F. MARSH. May ‘J.l, 1853. ^Ttf FOR SALE, ROXF'S Manufactured Tobacco. We have in store a large stock of Tob.acco, and ex pect to receivo constantly from J. W’. Reid and Thom as’s and oth(>r factories, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnish purchasers tiny ijuality at lowest factory prices. D. & W. McLAURIN. Sept. 1853. 3Utf srEDMAN vV HORNE, Dru (ioods., Ifftrdii'arr, (iro('rrirs, r.\vi:TTi-:vii.i>i:, 5’. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens and the |-wav. New York, j fashionable painted cottage public generally, that they have just returned ; Furniture 'u setts; curled hair and shuck, ii from New Vork, ami are receiving their .spring Stock of Goods, consisting of Dri/ (ioods, (troreries, Ifnrdtrnre, (fv. variety of Hats, suitable foi- the seatiim; Ladies’ and (Jentlemen's Roots, Shoes and .Slippers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing: a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we would be pleased to have them to call and examine for themselves. All orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will he promptly attended to. March .30, 18')8. 81tf Ran(lolj)li Slieetii)^ ;iiul (-otton Varn, For sale by WORTH & ELLIOTT. 1 AprU 1863. 67tf \V. RAKER Is now receiving tVotn tlie Nnrth llu' largest, finest, and nio.'t c-arcfully se lected stock of- ever offered in this market; which, added to Iris own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all ol which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customer.s. Fine Rose Wood Pianos, (Rennet Co’s, of Rroad- bed-room ind cotton Mattresses; Looking (Hasses; Willow Wagons and Cra dles; Patent Self-.Swinging Cradles; .Side Roards; Ru- reaus; .Secretaries and Rook-Cases; What-Nots: Tables, all sorts; Wash .Stands: Candle Stands; ^^ardrobes; Pic ture F’raines and Glass; Window .'shades; (’ornices; (’ur- tain Ramis; Sofas in Mahogany .and W alnnt: Feto a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs ol every variety. September, 185:L Tobacco. fHlHE sub.scriber continues to ri'ceive and sell, on B manv.facturers’ account, all grades of manufac tured Tobacco. J. UTLFI\. May31,l80;>. SS now receiving her Fall and Winter MILLINKUV. consisting of Ronnets, from one dollar to fifteen; Dress Caps; Handkerchiefs; I'rench .Vrtificial Flowers and Feather;-:; Swiss V'dgings and Insertings; Capes, .’ol- !ars and Cndersleeves; Ladies’ and Childrens Wrist (iloves, and long anI short .Mits: a new and beautiful stock of Dress Trimmings of the latest stj'le; \ elvet and Silk Mantillas: Railway Corsets; Whalebone Rusks. Dresses. Mantillas, and Cloaks made in the latest Philadelphia and N.nv Vork styles. Ail orders from the country promptly attended to. Oct. o, IHoo. 33tf ^giHR undersigned, having purchased Mr. Thos. S' 9 Lutterloh’s Distillery and rooper-8lio])s, have cnti'red into Co|iartnershi[) under the name of .McLaurin ,v Stran:', for the purfiose of carrying on the Distille- rv of Turiientine, atid the manufacture of Sjdrit Uar- ,.;.ls 1). McLAURlN. WM, McLAURIN. JAS. W. STRANGK. Feb’y 18. 185:1. "Otf NOriCE. '^HOSF: who are indebted to me by Note or Account will please settle the same, me prior to the 1st of Jan’y 185o, longer indulgence cannot be given I .\nd all debts due MrsT be settled, as A. AI ay :’0, 18.').". lilanhs for sale hxre A. McKETHAK. 98tf

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