1 SBMI-WEBKL, Y. KAYETTFA ILLE, N. C., 1)ECEM1U:U >9, 1853. 'K> J. HALi: & SOX. wii ri{(ii'i;IKTOHs. r OB'Khviiu •>;; (») if paul in ^ ;i it' iluviiijr the vonr it‘ suhsorip- - I' :li>- _vo:ir hus oxuireil. ., , \ UVKU M» ]H>r niimnn. if |>:uil in ^ ,11 it I'.iiil iliiriiic; tiu* _vo:ir of sii1)sitI|i- ^ ”, ;■ till' vivii- lias oxpiroil. , \li \1S iiiM'Vti'il lor 1‘i‘uts ]iit ! i!u’ iii 't. aiiil tiiirtv rents im- raoh ; \ l avlv ail\i-rtisfiiu'nts >i\ > . r lia’i’o 1‘atts. Advcrtist'i's , tin'mmiluT ‘t'insi'rtious ilosirod l till !in>l oliarjro'l acconl- I •I'l'i's t'' tlu' Kilit.irs nm~t l>o j>ist-jniil. (OMMON S( llOOLS. : ■ Siipt-rinttMivlonts of thi* '.ai>iu>>ii ^ ■ lii.' r.iiiutv iivo r0«iuest0il ti> iiii-ct a! 1 rni in. on '’'Imr.-'lay tiu* 'itli ila_\ '• , . - T 'V'^ tlu' tirsi Tlinvs'l-^Y, at VJ i:i>u 1* t.Ki; w iNsi.ow. ci. n. ir’ri'.it't'liiMrou in tho s.'vtMal l>i> 1 's. :, niii-t In' lianije'l to tin- Clialr t'..- '.til I'xnuarv. , . ■ .-.•.to.l po or ;i, ht f for rj inoiilhs. s t'.T ('iilletre. ^l‘>nan'l lioai-il T -uif iti'i wvll vooomnn'^ l' 1. \ p.>r ; I ,,ivm'U will he tau^iit A'l- ' cr. ravl"v's l?riil;Tf, N. r.\THi(’K Mi Krnv. NOTK E. Dor rOUS X McSwain havinp; left tncir Books anil papers with W. .MeL. McKay, wlio is fully rtuthoriseil to rcccipt for the same, all their cns- toiners livinjj; \\ est ot the Cape I'eur l»ivof, who niav l>e in arrears either liy note or aeeount, will eoiifer a favor tiy calling on him an^l settlinj; the same. W. 1*. MAl.LKTT, M. A. McSWAlN. Fayettfcville. Au^. ;5(l, IHfi:!. -Jltf H. HAUIJAl (ill. Archiiii / ihithh r, X. i;si’K "I’Fri.LV informs tlie piililic that he is jire ■ • ptire.i to exocute I'l.ANS of .■very .les, ri).tioM such as State ami Court lio\ises, I’ris.iu--, Also. Miurciics, t oira;4c,‘, anl other pulijjc aihi pri\ate cili- tices. I'ostin- iVom ^oOll to .Slli.Utlil; jiii.i.'iv,, \c., till with Sp('i'ilirations auil ('outracts ma'lc for the same. He will also supvriuti'n>l till 'ulmls ..f wi rU. ((piers will i cceive prompt atteiiti. n. :imi Tlans ilr.iwn ai..l >cnt to ;iuy part ol tiic countrv at ,-hort iioii -e. Dec. U, 1 ‘ roll C'llKlS IM \S. ''IIL sul>.-M.ril>er h:'s rcceivcil much the largest stock £ ot (looiis, ever otK-rcil hy hini in thi> ]>l;»ce, com- prisin;; everything' usnallv kept in a C.mfectionarv Sl’MMEltVllJ.E Mal(' & F 8(‘ininary. Kxercises of tho Spring Session of this Insti- f tution will he resumel on Tuesday, .'aii'y ;>, lHr>l. IhisScliool is pleasantly situateil in tiie Villaj;e oi Summerville, intermodiate liptween lliileifrh a’lii Fay etteville, easv of access, in :i high and healtliy region ot countrv, reir.ote from all thot^e vices and temptations incident to citie.s and large towns, nnd in the inilst of a society that will rank with any in the State. Kvery iH'partnu'nt id th‘ School will lie so fdled atj to phu i’ the Institution t>n the highest grounds. 'I'he advanta ges ot i'\'mal(‘ I'.duc.itioii offered here al'»“ rarely to he met with, even in Institutions of the fii'st class. iJoVs will Ipc prepareil. at this School, u» enter cr»‘dital>l.v any ollf^vr in the I iiited St.ites. .No pain> will he ^l'ar" i in attention to thv moral as well as intellectu.il attainments if tin- .'students. li-.ard in the \'illage at "s7 per month, t \clit.^i\e of lights. Some liH or gi; 1> I'.iu he p!'o\i.|cij with iJoaril in the I'amily ot' the I’rin- ci]ial :it the aliove rate. 1 - re is a Hoarding lloii.x" lor IJoys uiidei- the imnie diate coiitrol and .super\i.sion of the I’rincipal, wiiicii isited e\crv evening hv him. V ll\i; MoM'ils; 'tore, siiitahlr tor Town Dec. lo, 1; ■ '> H I', undt'rsi: C.iuntrv trade Cli \i;i.l> U.VNK.' o’.-1 m I NO TK i:. rned havinir ::t I'.-, .-mhef 'iVr ii; h rn;M>- pk.i: si -^ki\ I' lr ordinary i;iigli>h Studies. I'he Classiis ,in.| higher M.athematic i; \ I I! \. .Mu'ic oil I’iallo, ali'l \ise •' rreiicli l,Mn_nage. •• I’linring, hiawing. ,Vc. \ .''iiinmcrv ille. \ ( |)e.'. .'S'' .)il lU ;'il ‘t lii-'trument. 1 , '>u III III) .■> INI D. Mcl.rW. I’vincip.il. •in .n^ M fi'tllii; ai.d Tiiiirsdav t ‘I ■i:th , th lllC ■rn 1’ ■ '.th . A. t: IIAI.L. .till ‘C"|i umherlan.l ( oiinty. (lU ilitie.l a- .\diiiini'tratrix upcii the estate ol the ;ate .l.ime-. li.ikcr, 'tec J, her !iy gives Ii 'ti.-i‘ t.‘ all th li.ivinj; . '.ms ig.iiii't >;ii 1 i state, t.. '.‘resent them, duly autlieiuicate i, within the tiaie pre 'crilu-.l hy law. oi- this ii.iti'-.- wil- tif plea l» i in h.ir of their rci-overy. .\H th. si. indehti d to .-ai I estate .nc jierehy re.|Uc'tcil to make imme.liate |i;iymcnt. M A \ t . 1’. V K1!K. .V illi' \. F'i veti.-vi;\.. [Ic- i 'l, • s', . At I'.- M>i:i) K^i:. • I. f. v\ ADDILI.'S, ilav >1 oitf > t'.tiii Kiiuiiic.N—Fa\ciic\illt* .Maiiiiliiiiiin' WANTED, H1?I,S. 'I'urpentine, delivered at my Distillery in this jdace, for wliich the highest prices will he paid. I would also employ two or three good turpentino- harrel Coopers. D. \V. H(KiKH.S. I-umhertoii, ,\ l-'eh’y 1>. IS,tlStf lA VE rri:\ iLLE ,^UTHL m\n\\. ^I'^Ill.S Company is now organised anil prejiared to re- I ceive applicjition.s for Insurance, on a« favoiahle tej-iiis as other Companies. DlUKCTitllS: HKNin Lii.i.v. Avt'N II. Ii. >I VltnVKK. 'I'llo.v;. S. I'iT ITKlM.dll. • i i>il \ II. ( (i(iK. i>. A. K.w. A. . .M( K KTII.V.N. (IKii. .M0SK!1.I,. Xa i uan a. Sti;i)Ma.n. •Iamks Kvm;. II Aid.. .1 . Cl. Snf.l-llKHli. W'm. W'akdk.n'. S, IIawi.kv. .Joll-N l>. WlLl.IAM.' Uk.nbow. \Vm. Mt'hALKI.N. W.M. McIntykk. (H KK i;i;S: •MeN i; I LL, President. MVituVKK, \'ice I’lesiilent. Sll Kl’ll KllD, Attornev. McMlI.i..W, Secretai'v. I'xecutive Couimittee. ■llllu pr.o •I- 1.1. I ^ 111; L till win and .N I M NO rin:. . !' l.‘r of the • 'o’ 't r. a.-len county v :' Ft h'v next, ; '• T. IV.t'k-la'.'. \ AI.l Ar.l.l M'.C.IMKS. >.i/: iiarity, S. i h_v, I'.ti/a, D ilptiin r."!!'! ar.d ipj i-..ve 1 'iiretie-' re ;rt of IMe: , will he ^ It the 'li 'lec 'l, up iiiicn •■'I .iaiiuarv . Dec. 1 I. 1- i ii. r.> w nit e n.iiiici ■:! I wei' t.. ca ■ N .rtli ■■! til AN i'i l) ! ]'llli-ii:i'-c MIi\ t II M-vk't. Il\ ;U:;llt!?; \ iliu t o r, N. '’.-r 1 Ilf 111 ' u. !ii\i:\ ' I! ju-;- ir.''i w:th al! the nece.','«ary m i- iiiiiacTiirin^ I'K.X M K.Nt I I N ti."', ^ . r-i' p'.ucr. which w i- cm fiirni.'li S' i-iliern ."iahli>hii i nt. : l.::_.IO : T \r’^, li-'lt'. ,\c. will III .1,' '! l.'i'. Oi: tncm l:..|'le M'.-irli llic >' ■ r '«n 11: iiiiil.ii-riiii' c.in h. ^I'l-n .1 i'"U, ;r.. 11 \1 1. •M -tt .N ic!- \\ illiaiii I AEc’i roirs .s \M \I, l'!>\ \l.li McM ASfldl. i.-l •-. MniruY A'lm'r "■'ti F (’rockcrv II V'\' ■ ,.ne i-.or hel,.w \ 1 the 'u! I'her lias op.-nO'! ;i 11,1. the f"Hr sliares i’lank K" I'i ■ >"'d :: •urt II. ■ f St '• Tenii' 1 M 'ii'iay, ll.'C I l". l k in tlie • ' m.'iith .laiiu.uy ''th, 1 I. ai n l':i\ cttcv iMi . Tw ent \ r‘.yetteviiu- Ov llalei^h ■> fr>-'(it. •loiiN nn.i.. : I' ll-ir.r .c. 1 iirl imii’c II \ \ I Ni i I'litiy iiii-n; :r"iii M ;,i entfi't-. M ill ■ in. Ilia V - i \ .• nil' .'I ca ( ro('Lrr%. ( liiiia aiil arc - \LS )— .1 , ■t //'.('>./.•'.l/V/V-As if wh' iesalf ■ t“»U r retail '.111 reivH ih’e i I, vV \\ w - Ill' artii lcs snitahle for CH RISTM A.*^ W. N. TlLLINCrU.\.'T. I4.ANK UOAl) ori'K i:, Fayetteville, Dec. 22. 1853. (.'/7/*s Vius ( lira !U n Msil. Suh>crihcr, a pr ictical I’. . ,t m-akci-..f-.ime e\- M- pirietu'e, h.is tor s..nn‘ time ’'ci-n sciisihle that there IS a ./• '■ • t'. he yet-upp'ic I t.. the jtulilii' in 'lie w.iy ..f a su:!,ih’|. Iiui-ni'h f.r h" t- :;:i i sli ..-'. M,"t : the arti. lcs nw nscl either injur.' the Icath. r . r la. to import that lustre ^ . ne., t‘»!- iry t" g,\e t-. man- , a pr.iper tiiil-h. ile has th'r. *'.re. .hir ing the la^t twelve months, hcen l. v 'tiiig hiinsi- t t. the tii'k of preparintr an articU' free fr.'tn the'' I ti'.ns. an 1 ha^ a? h iigtli a‘'’er much invevti^ati ii 1 { experimeiil Complet.-iy -ucci e.led. The rc'U.t i- ' Ile . Illy wishe- th it it nny he i te-te i in or'h r t ■ establish its -.iii ei :,.i ,t\ .\. r ali ! .■tliers. Call on liiiii at Mr. N.atlian e>‘ h ,,,t an l i.e :.h .' I ta\ "r tin i li'j ''it i'i ' \ I- . Ill i IT w .th tlieir I piircii ■'.III K"ll\. I 1 ('"lu^'-.rtah! Ia\ ili'_ ■;IIIp t - . . .IlllU -al i- laet i"ii .tr"lia:.e. I 1 th ;i:( > II. I. ,1. t; c. A (ilK). McNFll,!., k .loILN II. Ci»(»K, ). J.\S. KVLK, I The plan of Mi ri \i, r. must commend itself to our col imiiiiity, for it can he demoiistr:ited that we have save 1 within the la>t six years upwards of -Soli.IKIO hy insurance in th(“ North Carolina .Mutual ('ompany; that is, we should hav(‘ paid to have kejit the same in surance in the foreign .ioint stoi'k conipanie^ that sum more tiian we have actually j>Hid; and yet the .North Carolina Mutual Company has received hetween .'s.'jIMKi aii'l more t’rom our community than it ha.s paid out t'.r losse-. here,—'■h' Wing that we are favorahly sit iiale.l. as comp.ire.l witn other places in the State, for 1 nsiir.iiice. • hir C impaiiy ha>-one into o[.eration favorahly, hav ing tl.e 'l ay e ..ri;ai.i'cd a]ipliciitions to tiie amount of .•si lii.iMiii, iiii'l the Coinjiany is n.>w ].lacod u]ion a firm !.i..tili'.i. .Viiy Din .-f .r. authorise,i .\;;eiir, ..r Secretary, may rci eivi' .\p[ilication.", hut they will not he binding until .ippr.-\i“l h.v the Lxteiitive ('■ .iiiiiiit t ee or the Hoard. 'i I j >. . 1. A U l> K.NCl; is appointed tieneral \uetit of the Coiiij.aliv. We invite apldications. CF.O M. NKILL, I’res’t, C A. M'MII.1..\N, Sec y. I'eh v 7, l.s’io. tii'.tf fll AVK received and opened the largest Stock of DUV (iOODS, CIHOCFHIES, tic., 1 ever oflered for sale, all of which I will sell as low as any house in this place. .My friends and customer.^, and all in want ol 'loods, are re.spectfully invited to call and examine *cr thetiisdves I'FiTKK I*. .Jt)HNSON. Fa.\«iU\i le, N. C., Septemher ‘JHtf ainl VV inter Stock, 1853. .Siibscriher calls the attention of his friends H_ :ind the puhlic to his recent purchases of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which is one of the largest assortments that he has ever called tin- iMt(‘ntioii of liis fi-iends and the iiuhlic to. lie has now in Store nearly (‘very style of MSoois am! Shoes now in vogue, of all ju'ices to suit the times or tlie cus tomer iiowever fastidious he may he. He would say to till such as want the worth ol' their money to ctill and examine his stock of II ,\TS, (’.M’S, !U)( )TS and .S IK )F-.S, !is he is desirous to exchange the same into C.vsii as soon as possible, in order tliat he may replenish. .J. C.' THOMSON, Market Square. Sej't. I'J, tsr,;’,. liT-tf MAS S'l'Ol'k Ol' ; i\ii \mm laioiij;. siiliscrilier is now receiving a large and well f selected stock of (i001>S, comjirising a (ieneral ■Assortment ot' Dlv\ (i()()l)S, [\ra(lv-inu(l«* C’loliiinjf, litjots ;u)(l SIkx's, JIats and ( ;i[)S. Hardware and ('iitl(‘rv, Groc ru‘S, Saddrlry iVc.. vN'c. Which will lie sold low for Cash, or exchanged for Tur pentine and Country I’roduce. ile returns his warmest thanks to hi.^oM friend.'>and customers I'or the liberal patronage l..'i .'t' i'ore (/xtendei) 'f the same. N .KIN(J. Trailo, 1853. 1 have received my Fall Stock of Ifrtj (m ooiIh, (jr rocerics, •My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of j. ur- cliaser.s. Oct. Vny kind of Produce taken 1h exchange. • JAS. G. COOK. 32tf 18.") to him, and ho[ies to merit a continu;; Kingsbury, Apiil Di, 1H.">;{. Mi-tf A J). .'c W. .MeI 11F, receivirig a large stock lloots and Slii can be bought in the Oct. lo. \l KLV t Uti'ceries. Har.hvare, which are offered as low as they market, at wholesjile or retail. .■5.‘)tf 'urtii.-._. 11. l.slMliii'l, ■ |., i am II.'W ]>r, lii.-itiner tii.ise wIi'- Slah; s. ;. 1 ( ut- late. 1 triivt 1 '.leiii to tli .se w h" may II C \|,I.K\N ■Mti' il •I It I. Ii \\ Ni:ii vv (.iLMoKi:. 1 oHitnissioii •fivrfluiHls, N . I '.i uatlu sti:i;i;t. '.i.ie I stall, siiiiu'iit, 'III with an vxci-.leut avticl 'tieet, all'l h -iipp aV a cio ap I’aT T11')MA.' Ii. n \ v.m;u. I r iiH'N ; l. 'T i. ai l F Ki!!-.-. .1 II I Aiii-i- Ul D. \ U ■le. K 'f F. i.riiarv . i i i ompany, the lo.i-.u in, the i'. iiipaiiy. Term- l':i_' in the name W'. L. t'aiy*!'. l\. V. ,\tkin>. FI»W. I.F.F WINSLOW. I'rr-; h nt. ro LiMi}i:ii \Ni) i'l uiM.N I'lNi: maivi:ks. ^111F Sui.si-riher' "tl. > i:u [ja'IK.s II . New V '•■ni. ■ tt-\: ■ n Na VOIC K. i;Il..MiiKK. IMI'l ( !• iiiii .\lc. !>ayor liai.siii' i jr. iiarri.l.-; Fresh No. 1 and C. T. H.VKiH \ M ae K - SON, ■.'itf :i!u; ; 1, iii'l well calculate tUn' F.ii«.iness. The I..ire ville \ Italeigh IM.ink II, Favetteville, tW'. mil's 1 : .r the I,. ; is 'ituat' ,t'l, a'-on fl'ilii (a I.e iiO( vrs. .1. IIINSDM.I;. .‘.4 tiiree miles from a Land th'-re i> on it at the jiin. ii. Saw .iti the lnij.r.>ve.l ing hoii.-e. Kitehen. r.arii. .'irous ot enili.nrking in the al de'lrah'.e >.t',iation. In'jiiire premi.''''>, or D. .MrNe:' . F i \ r .III 1 I’lirpen Kiver. ii't.iiit 'tr ui;m()\ \l. J. N. SMITH, Chemist and Druggist, ll.wiNii riniiivcl to the St:irr ii'irfli- ■>t i-. ri.ef of M.irket .'.^.(Uare, leceiltlv oC- Siou Ki:\S.\Ki). N \ V. irom the siihseriher, two .Nt.gro (iirls; aii'l I 'lir ( hil'lreii. \i/. ^l VltTH A. a bright jiin- tivi' feet f 'lir or live inches high, took with her I tW'i gir! eliililreii. Frances an.l .\nn: II.V.NN \M, copper t'.'lore.l. ah.Hit the -a iie height of Martha. Hannah ' took with her two mal" cliiMren, Lewis aii'l John. The abovi- negroes t'oimerly belonge.i to the estate of ■ C,,-.,r'.;-e r. i’.arks la’e. dti'l are siijipose.l to be lurking ah'lit the C-q.e l-’e.'ir. ah-ut Mr. Witisiow's plantation. The II' . ve n-w.ar.l wili he paid for their confinement in any .lail so that the siihseriher can get them, or for tiieir !cliver\, to the Mihrcriher in Samps..n countv. FLFFf U l>FTKi:S(‘)N, I .'iei'ieiiiher Ll'l-tf : A r»\K(;\iN ori'EiiEi). the uii>t«'rsignel ha> iletermine.l t>. remove to the WC-t, she .'tiers t..r sale that e..mmodious House, •.xiii. li she iiow .ciipies. in the \ illage .if .'Summerville. , aiel all appurtenances thereunto belonging. .\ls,,. ll’t'. ■ acre- , t ’an-l at the nioiith of Cr..s,s Cr-'ek. in the t..wii i ot' F iyI'tt.'ville, a short distance ah.ive the Clarendon , Fridge. I'eriii' cash, or paper negotiable at either of till I'..ink' in 1 ayettevLle. Kelereiice. as to the Cross t'reek laii'l. is iiia'ie t.i .lames IJaiiks, Fs.i.. of Favette- %i.'ie. F. D.VILFV. Summe’-.'”' . N. C , .lune r>. Is.'):’. itf : A N..V, Ig he low 1 ,1' t W,. t l.t.-ilkis- Stable-. . hii-iiie-' it w .iild be -i ot' .iohn It. .\leNeill "H the I ette\ . ile. 1). \ .1. II M.NFILL 1" tr •>» (.two. Ived and It - i C. T. 11 AHiH r 7 Vi fh( liL Wiirnaw St lay, W e ln Iig. leaves '\V;ir- " .'Il the iirr M. n. 1 '"N. M. II- r; I:: fu. d. U . T! ar- ‘roll. :.;e M. KIN '• I . .ii'i North, si tN I'Ok ( I \l AS. 'II •riber has .jil-t i ei eii •w and l';i'-:i>.|iah’e I'iii.s, eiitireiy new ' lot .liiver ( ups, S} lor Cliri.-tm.i-' I'le- ed a very haii l-..me .ati lie-. i.a r- Ii i lig--, ]i: t tern ‘ • ’ i fiii in ■ons. L.i'lh'-. t'UT.'. C:|!; all'l ”e: I. M. IMl.V.-i.lA . ot Iw NO ri( i:. H.W IN'i piir lia-e.l the iiif. r. -t "t' T. II. I leler- w.,..'l in tlie firm of O. W . l.awreiice C,,.. 1 will .’ontimie busine-s as heretof..re at • Hitrtf's fmtirth'tt. I have from twelve t.. lilteeii Co..per- . "ii-taiit y at wfirk manutactnring Sjiirit I’larre'.s at the rate of to r_'') per week; have now on haii'l Mi'i llarrels -ale. at ’Jo. ca'h :it the .''h .p, or o.'i ile.iven I'own. 1 -hail i.tinue the D 't!’’ing .-! 'I'urjentine. and wi ' 111', w tliin I’l cent- j er ’ ;rre; of tin- Favetteviile J.riee ill A'll. .1 "||- at ( a-li ).i;i Jti-.’' I 1 II- 1‘LNTlNi: U .\N fl.D. 1 have Il' W in .'-tore a ;jelieial .■i--"ltnie|il o! (itltll).'^. for sale at Fay el I ev i i 1.- j.i i. es. A;, iviii.l- "f ('oiintrv I’ro.luci- taken in exciiang.' f'.r C d.-. C.i.l and -ee. u. l.\ui:i;m L. Nov. 17. IS.',:;. }r,tf re l. .''('alil'li hi hroiiie iri nutl'ie.'-- ,iip';el 1‘. Sl.eiiiWell. ii'.W .'If Irieii l- an l th> ].iiblie geiier.i’lv : te l -t '.'k of Drii_-. CheiiiieaN. i Me,liiiiie-i Mil 1 rert'iimerv. (•■ o hi- a 1. rge all'l .'lint-. ii'i-tin:..'’ in ■wing: l’"ta-li. White Leii'l, wn. eop|.eni-. alillil. sailpetl'c r.it II- liU f.'r I in \'eiietian ' , S ll s.i ia, hier. in.lig... siili.hur, ep- .ni te. r.':i,ve- j' illt. I'iir 'llie M'iioW. Illll- eli, I’ril- bine. c!li!k. S|,iee. i.ep|.er. -tar. i.. giii^i-r. I...fax, \i-a-: |,.'W ier-, - I 'I. inks. ' .ap'. I'..11^1'. " ',N ater. ;la". piitt_\. \arni-lie- aii kiii.l-. a-t'T an.I olive I,;!, al.olo.l, snipli. biirniii'. tlui'i, cmiiphene, j.aint \arni-h; t.'.ith. ll.-II. nail ami wlrtc wa-h brii-li.-: gah.inic batterie- siir.'ic.il. t....th ami ciippiinr in''truments; ,\merii;iii. rieiieh .all'l Fng'.i-h clieii.ii'al-. patent ni. dieiiies, .ve,, .Xi-,, all .'t which are ot l.r-t rate .(Uaiity. an l will he -,,M lit -1 ';i,a’l a'lv riii-e ..II C' 't. I iideT' s ieit. 1 II'..Ill countrv I’hy-o iaii'. merchant-, aii'l other-, wh.. are r. -|.eetlii!;y invited to call ati.l examine my -tn k . . I..re [nireha-iie.: el-ewhere. a- they 1 proi iirin_ Ire-1: aiel genuine artii'les. he -p irc'i I., -ive satislaction h..th in le -iibscriber hope-, by strict at- iiierit a -hare ..1 the puhlic pat- •liih riUX'i:i\ IlDANDFOllSALi:. .\K(;F N ■., Mackerel. A '• '• Herring. Fre-h Lime. I’laster I’aiis. Cemear an.l I’la-tering Hair. .1, W . I'OWKRS .V CO. 2::, Is:,:;. i:;-tf ^l( t(t 11 cL' iN F in the (t f/t I ( n /Ii;'. best manner, at re.luce.I prices, C. W. ANDIiFWS, hv Market .1 line •'., 1 ’ r|’ini; ah- ■ on the : ati'l ’.atelv .Si|Uare. •Jill It f NO ri:L. riher having piircha-vl t!ie 11 "tel situated .''.iiith-Fa-t corner of t'.lurt House .''.|uare. known as Stuart'- Hotel. woiiM inform the rUEKJHTINC^ ON CAPE TEAR. ^■'^HK subscriliers having purchased the Steamer.s Kvergreen ami Southerner and Tow Boats, lately the property of the Henriett.a Steamboat ('ompany. are now prepared to forward with liespatcli, between Wil mington aii'l Fayetteville, nil freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N .V .1 II IlOHFKTS. Fayetteville. Feb'y 11, C8tf FALL SLPFI.IKS. IH.V\'F now in .^tore a full assortment of (illO- ('FRIF>, I*ll0\'lSl0N,s. and other tJoods suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade, and which ] ofl'er for ('ash, or in exchange f..r I’roiluce of almost any kind. 1 have always on hand—Flour. Meul. Corn, ilicc. Ba con, Lard, Butter. Cheese. Crackers, Salt, white Clari- tie.l au'l llrown Sugars. Rio and .lava C.'ctVee. I’ea, Mo- laises. \’inegar. Fish, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Candles, .‘•oaji. Starch, Spice, Candies, I’ejiper, Buckets. Brooms, wrought and cut Nails. I’owder, Shot. I’ercussion Caps, and a irood assortment of Dy*> .Stutts: with inany other things in the tirocerv line. —ALSO— good assortment of Diy (Joods, Boots and Shoes, Negr.i Blankets and Kerseys, and a good assortment ot Readv-made Clothing. ipsi?” ( '‘‘"d huv cheap. W. H.'t'ARVFR. (>ct«nier 2"‘, ISo:;. CHEAP (JOODS. I am now receiving a much larger stock of t'ancu #>#*#/ Ooods^ than 1 have yet ottereil in Fayetteville, consisting ot' : l»ry C.oo«is ot ev»-rv desci iption. Hats. Boots, .''hoes, an.l Read_\-ma.lc Clothing, which will he scdd as low as any goods in the ,''t-ite. I will be gla.l to have the ladies call and examine mv stock. W. F. .MOORK. Sept. 17. l^i:'. ol-tf WIIJJA.M A. G\V YEH, FOKWAUDINO AND TOMMISSION MERCHANT. WilEiiiii^foii, r%. 1'. I^KRSoN.M, attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval .Stores. 1 have ample facilities for con ducting the business; large wharf and store sheds to keep spirits from exjiosure. Naval stores will be shipped to :iny hou.si? in New Vork, or to other markets if advi sable, .iiid liberal cash advatices made on consignments. I refer to the following distillers: F. llanuum, Wayne county. K. 11. Woodard iN Co., Earps'jorougn. W. Flarp, ‘ A. 0. Thornton, .lohiiston coiinty. Bridges Durham, “ “ D. Hocatt, “ “ Spencer Fountain, ‘‘ “ H. Eatman, •* Smith, Bryan iN Co., “ “ B. R. Hinnant, Esij. “ “ Lovett I’eacock, ('olnmbns county. .Me-'srs. .lones iV Leach. Fav«ttevi)le. May L'(i, IS.V:. ' 9t'.Y S'i'i:.\MER ilENKIElTA, ~ ^I‘'ni{or(iH from WesselFs wiutrf in Wilmington, I to her old wharf in Fayetteville, with a sufficient number of Flats to accommodate those 'wishing to ship through or way freight. 15. M. OKRELL, .Vgeut at Fayetteville. Sept, Ih.'jo. 27tf FRI'.Mll illlUl MILLSTOi\i:S. iir‘at Kc‘«lti4‘lioii in Price. i:(.'EN'l’ON. AiOKHIS ^CO. (lO.NTIN'FF to make to order, and keep constantly on hand t'renfh tSttrr •fiUlstones Of all dimensions, warranted to be of bent |U.'ility, be ing m.ade from Burr blocks selected hy them frovu ih« be.st quarries in I’rance. They keep for sale Cologne, (.’ocalica and Ji^sopus Mill stones; Hurr Blocks, iJoltiiig Cloth, Script II Wire, Calcined Plaster, llydranlic C(Mnent, cNc. (>rders from anv part of the countrv promptly attend- I to. K. .Yl. OKK|]l.L, .\gcnt ut Fayetteville, N. C. March n, ‘ 7Ctf I WOUI.IVS I-Alii. ' r If s t a I Palate, ER.soNS visiting New York or travelling through North Carolina, should prepare them.ttelves by calling at M. .V. BAKER’S, .^ign of the Big Gun, oppo site the I’ost Ofiice, where they will find a large assort- met\t of ilouble and single-barrel Shot Guns, Rifles and Pistols, of all qualities; Colt's Repeating, Allen’s Re volving, Wesson's ilepeater and self-priming Pistols. Powder Flasks, .Shot and Game Bags, Percussion Caps of French and English make; tilso a large assortment of (iaming fixtures, v-rhich will be sold at the lowest cash jirices. REP.VIRI.NG of every thing in the Gunsmith line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for ft small charge. Ritles of all kinds constantly on hand and manufac tured to order, and warranted to shoot from 10(J to 900 yards. Persons wishing to purchase any of the above- named articles, will do well to give me a trial. M. -i. BAKER, Sign of the Wooden Gun, Hav street, opposite the Post Ofiice. .Tulv 21 ' 12tf may .(epi .Nii pain .|U.i';t;, all'l I'l'ie' t.'iit i"li t.' I.ii''iii roliai;!' prepa, ( ), t. Me.lical j.reseriptioiis care •1. .1 North-west corner filllv aii'l ;ici ur!itelv . n". SMlfH. .Nlarket .■'.piare o »-tt j.iihlic that he i- now rea'iy t.> aia-omiiiodate hoarders iiv tlie da\. week -r month. Having made consiilern- hle '.iillav in [iiriii-liiii;: aiel retilting the F-tablishmelit, he hope- to he able to give -atistaction to all who pa- trotii/e him. Hi' fable shall be fiirnisheil with the be-t the niaiket alford-, his liar with the be't of Li- ■ pior-. and hi' Stable with n )>lenty of gooil i.rovender aii'l I'aithlu! i l-tlers. .1 A. (ilLCHRIST. .!line "Jii. 1 o-tf The tjuv^est €'arrias;e Partory in the Sottfh! I IHE highest cash price jiaid for Turpentine, White (tak Staves, an.l Oak or .\slie Heading. Call on W. Strange, who can alwavs b(> found al the .Still. McL.XFRlN \ SIRANC.E. Feb'v 1>. 1N‘>;'>. 7(ttf i.'d ul Coil's liiii .-l Pi.'lols. l»o\\i(‘ - ' V. I I C ,!ie-. t i U1I-. ijuiii' P.a',^s. p.,w.ier Flask'. . - e ',v .1. M. 1;K \^LF^ . ■ ;' : o4- Iw »*0IITK A IT A \ D UMH I: il ll i:o r v i* t\u. WR, J. S. WEAR i, ft ' ■ i.!i ri‘-p'-. tiiill V annoiitice t" lio- La.lie- and ( Li:UK .VNl) M \.S l i Ji'S s J JV -.irtiip ..f 1 D aij:. a\eitevilie and vicinity, th. \Ir. M. lie isie;.'-‘stor. u ill hi' liapp-, to attend t' he ■ he u’dl hi' art. It hy his ex) Mv t'l jilense. Dec. evieiice ill the .\it» and t’. nient public patron- I'.t, IS'. i I tf iy the l‘.»tli ..f .Linuary IS'-'il. jiursuant i ' tec of the Co’,ir: of F'luity for 1 he I'oiinty ’i 1 -;iaH expose t.i sale, at the Mar’Ket ! y 'tev ile. the I'.ii'.wing valu.ible TR.VC TS d Wliaif ) riiji 'I'ty ill ii I'.vcr Fayctti'vilK;, '' II.iiil' n' , \\ harf. iiiclii'ling the Warehouse i • •'.iiii|iiielltiiii, known a.' tlio Flaxseed I-' I. ei.^'ity feet by tUirtv-iive feet, H inches. • 1 !-it ill I'aiiijiliclltdn, known as tlic V ■.irtlie .,f 1 Iie.-ree . : ti.e I ilirt ot l','|illf. .11 Cuniberlaii'i ('oiiiity, I a I 1 .•nil 1 will, ..n the 1st M..nday in Fel.niarv ne.t, e\|.o-e to puh'.ic 'ale. at the ('oiirt House in the Town .-f t-ayett.^v ille, upon a credit o!' six iiionth', '.loinl with apjiroved security. OF L.VND; ! i-'irst 'I’ract, coiiliiiiiing 'JCd acrrs, lyin;.' in : ('iiiiiherlan'l coiint.v, mi both sidi s of the llorse-pen Br;Mich. S'c-iini| 'riMcf, ('iint,'iiniii_' 'J'J'l Margaret Smith's land. 'I’liini 'rracf, (‘fuitainin '■ We-i si'll, of I’dack Mingo. ! J''niirtli 1 raid, containing 1 acro.s. lyiiii; aiwl ' being in the eiiunty wf Sampson, on Itlack .Ming... ! .\!l of saivl lands belong to the heirs ol Levi We-t, ! 'ler'd. A. A. T. SMITH. C. .x M. Dec. l''oo. "'1 the purehasers giving tiie f.illowing TR \' l'."^ ai lTs, joini Ig ir.-, Ivili;i "H tlic j'linini' the ^VIlil^t lot, r stifi t, lot. Hiiifr 1 louse on lille.'jiie street, if the ,'stiite. lit present occujiied by L ,; \V:,, t!ie .lone I' 't all'l 1 )vv ' ‘ >li" lialik ■■ \i>y, l,sj. ' :m r, s lit' near .^lrs. Nott’s, a .short ' " li'oiii the Western Plank P.oad. I ive per cent. cash. For the residue, six *' ' le iit. tor approved Notes at Bank. AK( H D A. T. SMITH, C. .S: M. E. I-'. IH.'j.;. .'ilts i lihi/ik \\ nrranls for snic lure. .11 sr i{i:ci:iVEi), PRl.MF lot .Mountain Butter. New t)rU-.ins and Cuba Molasses. .lava, i.agiiira and Rio Cofi'ee. Sugar, Itice, ."ic. WORTH .S: ELLIOTT. March 7, IS;'):',. 7otf \\M. II. MeliAltV, i 'om t» issiote . lier eh an I, WIL.MINCTOX, N. Particular attention will be ]iaid to selling and ship ping .Nuviil Stores and Produce, and also to llie For warding of Goods. .\D-rchinits who consign their Goods to him can rely on their being torwar'led by first boat iiftT they are dischiirged from vesscd. R EFERENCES: F. Fries, E. .\. Vogler i'i; Co., Salem, .N. T. M. Voung. Mocksvilb-. Hunt \ .\ddertoii. Lexington. .Iohn D. Br iAii. .Sullsbury. H. \ .1. .Martine, Fiiyetteville .lan’y 20, ti2tf I iti:sn SI ppivV Of Drtiii's, yir/i('i/i s, 0//.s, mitl l)lj( -Sfi/J/'s. now receiving to our Stock w'lieh we openci in \pril hi'.^t I a large and well selcct- rd stock ot' l»nigs. .\Iedicines. Pa'nt'. (lils. Dye-.'stiitfs. En glish and (ierman Cnn-ibles. I’aiil De \ ers \ Co's \’cge- tahh Fxtracts for culinary ]nir)iiises: \ east I'owlers, iieihifinico's and oth r hraiiilLyon's Kathaiioii; liar rv's Tricoplierous: .\.ver s Cl erry Pectoral; Witheral .V liro's White i,ead; Riiining ' liii.l an l Pine Oil. ,\lso. He'iiiinoii'.s ceiebr.'tc'l Non-exjilosive Lamp, the 'i'.:ht fl'oiii vv'iicli. in point of brillianc.v an.l ecoiio- iiiy. i- uiic'.'ialied. Il'ivei-s would .|o well to ..;ive us :i call lietore making their piii'di I'c^ . a- we will seil at a small a'lvance on c -I Piirticiilar ittcnli.'ii j:i\en to packing. i't>ri,Ki:s Dolial'i'.ill '\t iloor we-t rEulciNBSi K I I' nr ()FLD respectfully inform the public that he is still at his old stand carrying on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal iiatronage he has received, and h ipes by a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and give .:cneral satist’action, to merit a continuance of the same. . He warrants till his work to be made of the best ma- uhscriher Would res]H‘ctlull_\ j „mi i,y experienced workmen.—having a more jii\ictii‘iil Smith, he flatters himself that his Work will conijiete with any made in the State for style, elegance and durability; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in w^orkman- slii]' or material, he will rejiair it free of charge. Person- wishing to buy, would do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for cash (II on sliorL time. (ifilers tl.-aikfitlly received and promptly attended to. REP.VlRlNf! neatly executed at short notice and lowest possihle prices. F.'ivettevill‘. .L'ln. i*'i. ISo". fiotf ( 'liner N. October, L’S l.^-'-‘. ,v MAC RAF, all'l Hav streets, of H. ,\‘E. .1. Lilly, ■(fltf 'I'he innlersijriietl eoiitiinie to carry on the LI\'ERV BUSI- NL.S.Sat this jdace. The3’ have lately Largely increased their Stock and can now oiler to the jmblic as good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as Ciin be found in the South ern country. Thankful for tlie large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a contiruation of the public favor. We jiromise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travid. Stables iit the WCst end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietors niny always he found, or at the Store first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. j .1. W. POWERS & CO. 1 Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, lyOJL 71Y ■ ^ F.sPFt’TFFLL^' informs his friends ami 'he iiib- lie. that he has built up large substantial Brick liiiildings at hi.- oM .taiid. expressly for manufacturing Carrii.ges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has receivcil for the last 'J I years, he hopes by strict ittentioii to biiiiness. with a desire to give satisfaction, to meiit a continuaiuo ot' the same. He w.in ints his work to be iii.i'le of the best material and b\ experiencc'd workmen in each branch of the business. His work ivill coiii]iare favorably with any made in the I nit«d .''^tates. for neatness and dur.ibility. He is determined to sell and do an.v work in his line , on as g,ioil terms as an_\ work done elsew here :h;it isa- ! well ihiiie. He now lu' .iii hand, I’l\is|iko, the LVH- I (;KS'f S I'OCK ol liai 'onc/k's, Ixocl'i/i/'aiis^ nnd j ■ Ever offered in this place, an'l a v(“ty large stock of work nearly finished, which will be tinislied daily. All of which will he sold very low for Cvsii. or on short time to punctual customers. fc.-'jy"Ho h.i' tm hand ninre than ONE HI .NDRED .\ N D I'IF'r\ \'ehicles finishep and in course of construction. .\ll work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, ;ind should it fail by bad workmansliip or material will lie re)iairecl free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on verv rea- I sonable terms. May 28. ISr,:;. TVs)I! risll!! '^3 ACKERI]L in half ami whole Barrels, f,r sale by PETEH P. JOHN.SON. Sept. 14. 28tf A(‘\v JStore A‘\v Cjoods. r|lHi -M- acquaintances ami the ]iiiblic generally, that he has taken a Store on the South side of the .Market .'''Square, next door to Mr. Itraughon's corner, where he will he jilease l at aii\ time to see them. Ilis .''t ick consists of Staple auil Fan- y (!ood,s; ;ilso, a tint* assortment ot Boiiiiet.s, ILits, (_’:tps. Boot.s ami Shoes, Keady-ininie ( iothiiig, .Viid niaiiv other articles too tedious to mention. HENRY N. .M(»NRoE. Oct. 2t, IS'io. :J1'-3m Till-: LAKfJFST SILK, HIBIUIN. AM) TUIMMlNli noisK IN m:\v vohk. '^Vitoi/tas tw. Sfrants, IMPORTER .\ND .KMIBER OF SILKS, MILLLNEKY, AM) FAM'A liOODS. . 1.\i/l ('ilsh I'ririx—(inn- If nnili'! Iifl mhr/'sl. 162 Broadway, Iff. Y., 11 A,'> now in .''^tore 111.I is daily receiving and off^r- at the Lowest Prices, a coinph te assortment of(iO(H>.'^ l.N HIS i.INE. comjirising all the various styles and dt'signs, consisting of Itlack and I'ancv Silks^ Marcclincs, l’'iort‘nc('s, Shaw Is, 'ri innninos; Bon net Uil)I))ns; 'I’allcta and .Salin Kio- i hons: l)r(“ss'|'rinunnii>s (>rall kind.'^; l*'.nihroulcrics; I'lcMicIi and iMiulisli C'rajX's, (,'ra|)(‘ Lisscs. Silk Cra vats; (ilovcs of all kinds; Silk Lac.c Milts; |{ar*«r(>s, I.acrs; \\’liit(“ (ioods. Ilosirrw L. C. 1 landkcrchicrs. The un.lersigned would invite Meridianfs friiii the , North. South, East and West, when in the ('ity, to fa- I vor him with a ctill and examine liis stock before pur chasing. TUO.M.VS (}. 8TK.\HNS, Di2 Broadway. , Between Liberty street and Maiden l.ane. N. \ . I Jan’y 1.'), 18.'»:{. til-\pd *2,01 M) ’rnrprntinc \V(inlc(l, IjlOK which the highest cash prices will be paid. ' McLEAN k JONES. ' Summervill, N. C., May 18, 1853, 9-3tf 50,000 ot* \Vaiite«t. E WILI. |iiiy •>h cts. per pound cash for all clean in cott..ii and linen R.\(LS. delivered to J. I*. Wil liams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation at Paper .Mill in this neighborhooii. and am desiroi'.s of getting my vaus iti this market. My object is to ji.iy as iiiucli for rags as I can afi'ord. and hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. 1 have arraiigd with Mr. Williams to re ceive and )iav for all rags didivered to him. DAVID Ml ItPHV. Fav‘ltcV i 1 le. I'cb y 21. IH.i'J. ijK-t( l'mf(ttvvi!!(' ('fiixlii Mamtfactory. II E subscriber still • it JL perior arttcb the old stand, i .No the Mtirkct Hoii-e. ontitiiies to niaiinf.icture a 8u- plaiii and fancy (WNDIE.'s. at (irceii street, doors North of w here he would be happy To see his oUj friends and i-iisfomer«. March i. ^HE undersigned, having purebaseil \\r. Th (’iniiLES BANKS. T.'ltf T entered illt » Copartnership tinder the name ot McLauriii \ Strange, for the jmrpnse rd’enrrniig on tlie Distllle- rv of Tuipentine, and rlie manufacture of Spirit Bar rels. D. .MeLAl RIN. WM. McLAl RlN. .IAS. W. STRANfJE. Feb'v IS, lSo:>,. Totf nO'I'ICE. ’"^HOSE who ar«“ indehtod t>. me by Note or .Account ■v.ill please settle the suiiie. .\nd nil deVjts dvie me prior to the 1st of .lan’y mi st be settled, as longer indulgence cannot he g.iven. r A. A. May -30. McKETHAN. lilanks Jar sale here.