I AYETTFAIUJ:, (\, .lAXrAUV D. [NO. . s II MitNUX^S \M» rill RShAVS. i;i)\V \H1) J. II SON. . .. i:.' AM' I’U' •I'Uir.Ttilts. , ^ . . > ali 'Aft'klx t >11^r.i; V i;it IHI it'Jiiiiil ill ?«.■ it'tluriiijr the ^ »'tir 111’bu'isTii>- ^ Mttor tlu“ }f;ir has exjiiroil. Un'k’\ I'r.'i i;\ i;u ^ll ji,>r ;imiuin, if ]'iuil in I it'paiii iluriiig tiic cur ni‘.sul'^orij'.- , X ; i"i ;i!'tfr the Vf.ir lias I'Xjiircd. \! \ I i; 1 I'-l-'ll-'''1 !.ii- -ixtv I’etits j>it . : I !,Uf' I'.'f the first, aii.j tliirtv oiMits t'nr I'lU'li . . 1 111 ''■••'ti.'H. \ 1‘ur’y a'lvei-ti'fliifiifs )>y s]h'- i ir;,.!', :it rcasi'UaMo rates, Ailvi-rtisiTs aro ; t 'tail- tlu‘ luuiiIuT !•!’inscrtidlis ilosiriMl. or i'"utiiiuoil ti’.l t'nrtiiil. aiiil I'liariri'il acconl- k; L.-mcV' ti> the IMit. rs mast lu'ptist-paiil. Sal(‘ of Stock. 1\ ’ ■■ iv.i o >vith till- (.'Xjircsscil wishes of tlie Stm-k- , .I'ut'ral iiu'cting hoM '.'ii the 'J'Jil iiist.. s- ■; .li iiii'iueiit St')i‘khi.Mers. heretiil'ore a'lvor- , . r f - ,M ,iii the iust^. is jiustpoiieii until iav the 11 til 'lay .it'.laii'y lS.'i4. when the Stuok , 1, a ieliiiiiueiil Stuekh'Mei s as may be in det';uill !'ii! i-.v. Inr the nun ji;i\uient -f the seei'inl Instal- .. r • . ret“I‘'Ve 'lemaii‘K‘1 by the Hnaril tn be I'liiil •: , !'I >ei>iember last. I will t>e ji.isitively soM at i :• ‘f the Otliee. at 11 n'elfek. Bv r ler ot' the Boaril ot Uireftnrs JNo. > U»'SK. See'y. r::!. 1"V; '■"-;;t' Till C’oiimiissioiK'd ()iri‘cr> of llu' ,i;i_iui>‘i!t N. Militiii are liereby "niei’O't t-» ap- - - ,■ I ..iirt ll 'Use in this plaee e.juii'peil as the ;it In .I'clnek "II Fi'iIay, ’JHth Jan'y aii'l I'laee a Keuimental t’.iurt Martial I- : A!'i iier^'i iis in:cre-teil are Ui'titieil to at- Ih r li-r I' ti:e (' I. o.an'iiL:. W. Al.liKHMAN. Aajutant. I'ei r 1"' ■|>-::t II n j! 1'A\'1S reiiei'tfnliy alir..'i!!u-e t'.i the eit- ! ;' FaV'-ite\ille. that he ha> to-day euni- ; ; in the Snbli.uh .''clmol luinm. a KiiiM- ■ 1 ^^itll the M. K. ( hiireh. it-v 'U l.U ’'i, >•’ 'hillars. ■ l-’ t. ' ’ ‘ A>tt' II. i:uA\TBi:irr, Confectionery and Variety Store, -■ , 11,1,1. Iluj St., 1- \yi:tti:villk. x ,, i'-'. .'i-'ti k. M. \il Ui : iii/tl I' inrm'il•!(:!; M( rciidnt, 'ulin/! of ( ' ip(trfn> rshi/t. ■ ttitli the nrt^'es ;il' ajrreeinont. tli« ■ '.j hercti'f 'ro fx-'tinc b.-tween .i. T. \1\ ! t!i' (iay (iis''iiThe bnsiiu-s.s i b . J. T. (' >titifll. nn 1 the '.‘asin-.-ss of .iji wiii be .lettiv l '''v iiim ‘n- his aiithnr- ‘j, T. rorNTii.. MISK'. i^lvc li'ssi'iir in Mn-if i; ..t lu r h"ii-'' 11 Frosh Gnrdoii Sood. SAM‘1. .1. iiixsdam: jnst rocciveil his supply of FRESH and GEX- L’lNK (iAIU)F,N SFKl)—growth of !8;')3: ASVAKA^il’.C. KKANS — Kiirly (''hina. I’urly Valentine. Fiirly Mohawk. [.arpe Lima. Hl'.KTS—Karly H’ood Turnip. White 8:;criir. Kiirly Flat Bassano. Long lUoiid Ked. CORN—Sugar or Sweet. fAr.i;A(ii;—Karly York. Karly Sujrar Loaf. Karly flat Battersea. Larjre French Ux-lieart. Large York. Large Knglish l)ruinl>ead. Fine Urmnheail Savov. I H’ArLlFLoWKH —Karly Li.udon, ' (' A i; R(,)'r—Long Orange. Karlv Horn. TKLKRV—White Solid. C rC U.M BK K— Karly Russian. Karly ('luster. London Long Green. E(i(I PLANT—-Large Purple. L E T T U (' K — R oy a 1 Cabbage. l.arge (ireeu Ice Head, lee (\>ss. MKL( *N—Pine-apple. Nutmeg. Water. ONION—Wethersfield Large Red. Yellow Silver Skin. PARSLEY—l)ouble ('urlcd. PARSNIP—-Long Smooth. PKl'PER—Large liull Nose. Sweet Mountain. PI' M PKIN—Conueetieut Field. II.VDISH—Karly Lone Scarlet. Early Scarlet Turnip. White Turni]). Black Fall Spanish. ASH—F^arly Yellow Bush. TOMATO—Large Red. Pear Shaped. TL'RNIP—Early Spring. Purple-top Ruta Bagn. Large Knglish Norfolk. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE, liec'r lis. o7-‘2m Office of the Cape Fear and Deep River .\a rigal ion C 'omponif. Stock for Sale. fHlHE Stock of the following persons in the C. F. & M. D. R. N. Company will be sold on Wednesday the 1-jth of Feb y 18o4, at the Court House in Pittsborough —said subscribers having failed to pay their subscrip tion to the original Capital Stock of said Company un der the original (^'barter: riNK rin I'P! kink nn ri'! 2./ I*>n-r/u,se for the Fail of ^■lEN Thousand .\]>pl»i Trees i.r the fin-.^t kin Is, ; f S T II K undersigned would notify their customers and M- ripening in succession, tVoia the earliest to the j S all others liuying in this market, that they are latest. Ten Thou.sand Pench Trees of the finest kinds. I nmv reci iving their second Stock of FALL GOOl>S for ripening in succession, fn m early in .lune To Novenii)er. | sele. ted by one of the firm personally, consisting One Thousand 'herr\’ Trees of the fuust kinds, ripen- I of a general assortment of !)k. r. ( . HALL vs removed to the well-known utand of the Urs Ire-ii Liiid P>ow streets. STtf !§ B Robinson. 4-oriier A1 I'll -1, SlBSf’RIBKK.s’ .so. Sl'B.^CRIBEUS’ -VO. N AMKS. 9HARE.S. -NA.MKS. SHARKS. J. H. Rothwell 1 Nicholas Marks 1 B. Rothwell 1 Thos. B. Long 2 W. O. Jefl'reys 1 B. J. Hackney 2 .John A. (’ox 1 0. D. Petty I P. Geard 1 James Pullin 10 -Vndrew Vestal 1 G. W. Hight 1 C. Tully 1 James Brown 1 O. .Vtulrews 1 .lohn W. Lane I James Hutton .) (Jeorge Wilcox 7 A. N. Beth 1 .lohn W'. Hooker .'i William Watson 5 G. M. Brazier 5 William Smith 1 M. C. (tardner 5 James McGary E. B. Drake I .lohn A. McDonald o 1 J. M. Walker 1 W. F. ('ollius 5 W. H. Hughes 1 FL Fooshee 1 Charles Bright 5 0. W. Lindley 1 li:.ns()\s i\ >. Wll.i.i \M.- v;:: .‘111- ->• .1 ■7-4r I i!K \r>'r \orii !:. T.ivl-'i' tilt* tu>t _ .i paid .. .• ; t'.r - : . :••• tiiii'tly say tliat ]; w / . ^e put ill : util if .l.iliU:-!''. . .iam'i:." c,. Wli.LlAM Ti but little li ■| •■■..lit a' their ll'ite* rl noti - .‘-.u I train "■ C"l- UT'ol’I.l' respectfully inform the public that he is still at his old ■‘tand c.arrying on the above business in :ill its Jirnr.ches. He returns thanks for the lihertil patr nage he has received, and hopps Uy a strict attention to busines'. and a desire to please all and give k'eneral satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He w irranf“ all his w..rk t" be made of the best ma- erial and by experiencecl wiirknien,—having a more tj ■ f. /and f' S: nt),. he tl.arters himself that his wiir'K will comjiete with any made in the State for stvle. i 'ei:anre and dural'iHiy; and shi>uM any of it fail in twi.’\e '.iiniitlis with lair u.-.-ige either ill wurkmau- ship >ir matvrial. he will repair it free .>f charge. Per~'iiis wi'hing to tiuy. wnuld dn well to call and ex amine lii« work as he is determined to sell low for cash (ir'i ii 'iiort time. Orders thanktully received and promi>tly atteude>l to. RKP.VIRING neatly executed at short notice and l.i-iSi, 't I'.'ssible j'l'iees. Favettev lie. -Tan. ::!>. l^-'):’.. , 6"tf By order of the Board. HENRY A. LONDON, Sec’y. Pittsborough, Dec. 14, 18.^3. Sots The American Seed Garden, Vi 'ETiiW:nsFiKi.iK Conn. JOHNSON, ROBBINS & CO., PROPRIETORS. OFFER for sale, through the subscribers, their .\getits for North Carolina, a full, complete and fresh assortment of (JAUUES, FIELD, and FLOW EU SEEDS, a'arranted the growth of 18.W, and put up ex pressly for this market. The reputation of the seeds grown at Wethersfield has extended far and near, and stands at present unrivalled in quality and adapteilness to southern soils and clim.ites. The ]>roprietors are old and experienced gardeners, and continue as they have for a long series of years done, to pay their undi vided and individual care to the cultivation, gathering, cleaning and packing of the seeds they offer for sale. The assortment consists in part of the following: — Artichoke, .\sparagus. Beans—Dwarf and Pole, every variety. Beets. Broccoli, Cabbage, “ “ Cauliflower—Early London and Large late Asiatic. Colewart or Collards, Corn Salail, Cress. Cucumber, Egg Plant, every variety. Carrot and ("'elery, every variety. Indian Corn—Early Sweet, Large Sweet or 5ugar, Early White Flint, Early Tuscaroru. Kale—Green, Curled, .''cotch. Lettuce, Melons. Mustard, Onion, every variety. Okra—(.Jreen and White. Parsley—Plain i.r Common, Double or Curled. Parsnip. Peas, every variety. Pepper, i’umpkin. Radish, Rhubarb, .spinach, every variety. Salsify or Vegetable Oyster. Squash, Tomatoe. Turnips, every variety. Sweet Herbs—Sage, Savory. Thyme, Lavender, Lem on Balm, \c. \c. .\11 orders addressed to Beverly Rose, Esq., our Wholesale .\gent in Fiiyetteville, and S. .\I. West, Esij., Wilmington, will meet with prompt attention ing in succession, from the first of May to .hily: also, a fine assortment of Apricots, Nectarines, i'lums, Pears and Strawberry plants, for sale at the I’omological Gar dens and Nurseries, at Cane Creek, Chatham county, and New Garden, Guilford county. Orders for trees should be sent in early. Catalogues will be sent to all applicants. During my absence my brother, Owen Lindley, will deliver trees at Cane (.'reek, and my son, .Vlbert G. Lindley. at New (Jarden. .lO.''Hr.\ LINDLE\. New CJarden, (juilford county, N. ) The 14th of the 10th mo., 18.7>3. ) :5i>—:?ni. 1H53. 1.'^ now receiving a very large and general assortment of DRY (iOOD.S, among vvl.’ich are pieces new style {Talico; 7.")0 .M. DeLane: IT-”) French and English Merinos; I'oO .Mpaca: Plaid Bro cade and other Silks; Merino and Crape Plaid and plain Shawls, assorted; Hats, ('ajis and Bonnets: Silk and ('otton H'dk'fs: Bobinet, Lace and Eilgings: BoMs :ind Shoes; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to in. With many other goods; all of which have been jiurchased for cash, by the Package, and will }>e ofl'ered wholesale or retail as low as possible. Those wishing to purchase goods will please call and examine. Sept. It;, 18.3:L 2',*tf ^HIHE Subscriber will receive proposals for 1(MI,0HI i lbs. of Cotton I’atting or Wadding. Also, for 3.000.0OII (three millions) of Reeds from ^5 to feet long, and also, (ten thousniidl pounds of gooii cle:in ('orn Shucks, in stated quantities. For further particulars iniiuire of R- ". HENK^. .). HK.NRY. Fayetteville, Nov. 14, IS-');'.. 4 }-tf K .\'( )1'K r.—*J.'> lii'-WAlil). AN.WV.VY from the sul'scriber, on Thursday the I ■ !d November inst., two negroes, (JH ARLE.S and I TONEY, with FOUR HLNDRED DOLLAR.'^ stolen I from their master. Charles is abnut ■> feet i inches I high, comjilexion very black, big white eyes; he is j about II-") years of age. one of his arms h.as been burnt j with a scar which will show very plain. Toney is abuut i o feet t) inches high, very dark complexion, small hog j eyes, large nose, very bent in the .arm joints. Toney I is about o2 years old, and vvas bought in Moore county, ] N. C. 1 will pay the above reward for their lodgment | in anv jail so that 1 get them. .lOHN MeDol'GALD. Selkirk, ('., Nov. L 44-t1 Norii’i:. /■^HE SL'B.'iCRlBKR has reniovetl to 1. SHAW'S NEW Bl lLDlNG, Gil lespie Street, where he iiitenils car rying on the TAII.0KI.\0 Bl Sl- NES.' in all its branches. Having had practical experience in most of the .At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most I'astidious. All orders will be executed with ne.'it- spatch. W. MONAGHAN. 81-tf I hi/ UniJv'itrf-, Ilitfs, (.'nps, Muolx S hoes. ALSO .V large addition to their stock of Ready- Made ('lothing. All ot which they ofl'er to the trade upon their usual acconnnodating terms. I’urchasers will find it to their interest to give our stock an examination before making their selections. HALL 6i SACKETT. October '■>, 18-j;l Slitf C()PAK'l\\KKSHIi\ ^■IHE utidersigned have entered into a copartner- M. ship under the name and style of Troy \ .Marsh, for the iirosecution of a (ieneral .Mercantile business. Location the same as fornierh- occupied by Messrs. H. L Myrover i Co., foot of Hav Mount. J. B. TR»Y. Jr. J. F. MARSH. May 2;^, 1853. '.*7tf A l:\V rH’^HE Subscriber has establishel a Bakery on Bow j i Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill's (’abinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families, Boats, and the public gcnenilly, with Bread, Biscuit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the best quality, as he lias procured the services of one of the best : Bakers in the State. Prices reasonable, (iive me a call. ; CHA’S BANKS. P'ayetteville, Dec. 28, 1852. oO-tt i l^\iy(‘tt(‘vill(‘ llot(‘i. I .TOIiN IIAKMAX { llcspectfully informs his friends ;ind i the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haym..»'it to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. I'.rown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap- pv to accommodate Travellers and P.oarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be s]>ared to render those comfortable who ma\' favor him with their com- II .l().S|:j>}i Jr., \TTOUAi:V \T LAW, taken an oflice next door to Wm. B. W right’s jpractice in the County and Sujierior ('ourts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 2;;, 1H.'.:!. 79-tf T. C. WORTH, C(I}IM(SSI(I.\ AM) F()K\V\RDl.\(i MERfll.lM, \mlmix(;t()X, X. c. Feb. 1, IS.-,:;. (JOtf J. S. HAXkS, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. 1!*. 18.j:J. 29tf sr.VKli ^ \V\\AA\\\t>, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN intff M^otiiestir Mfrtf tmootis^ HAY KiTRKirr, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. 15. .'^TAUU.] [.I. M. WILLIAMS. April 2h, I S.',2. 80tf il. L. llOLMIvS. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of F'ront »nd Princess streetn, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 4h-tf pany. Favetteville, N. C., .June IS.'):;. 2O0tf I'DK S.M.H. BOXF..'' Manufactured Tobacco. We have in st're a large stock of Tobacco, and e.x- jiect to receive constantly from ,L W. Reid and Thom as's and other factories, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnish jiurchasers any quality at lowest factorv prices. D. \ W. McLAl'RIN. Sept. Ih5:;. :’>Hf Wlio would liav«* llioiij^lif il? ness and March 28, 18.%;L WEBB & BRO. 60-tf .t t I luK. T.VYLoR. .',7-tf The L.ftrgest t'arriaise Factory in the Soitlhl \\\m'M iv m\\ No, 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. ( ()M M !SSI( )X M } 11 A X'l'S K' R THE SALE oF .\LL KINDS OF "Ti'di and Woollf'ii Machiiicrv, Mh- -t>''Tool.'. I.cathcr Bcltiiiii, vVc. —AL.'H- ^laimrat’liii't*!’**' Article!^” I.F KVr.l’.Y Dl'St'RlPTloN. !»;!ti!i"'» ('ard ('loiliiiiir. 1. 'F/ie Mill (hat took the / reniuiin. fJI^HK un.lersigned has the {>leasure of .announcing to I. .he citizens of Robeson and the adjoining coun ties. tb?it he has purch.ase-l the entire interest of Me.ss. Gi-ego’v \ Rogers in the ."^team Saw and Orist Mill at this ])lace: and is now prejiared to fill till orders for Lum’.ier that may be sent in. Having a superior qual ity cf Timber to saw. he is confident his Lumber can not ^e surpassed. I'erms for Flooring and Weather-boarding. i'1‘2 Inch Boards, Ceiling and Scantling, !• Roughage half price, say ■> • The cash will invariably be required on delivery of the Lumber, as the umlersigned intends keejiing no books for that purpose. The above terms will be strict ly adhered to iu all cases. D. W. ROGERS, Lumberton, Dec. o, 18-)o. ^**tt XOTlCi: ro PKXSIOXKKS. rglHE undersigned continues to act as .Vttorney for drawing Pensions, payable at this .\gency. sTATi: or xourn cauoijxa, RANDOLPH «’orNTY. Superior C’oiirt of Law, I';ill I'erni, Lydia Hussey, r.'. .lesse Hussey. Petition I'or Alimony. IN this case it .-ippearing to the Court th.at the de fendant in this case is not an inhabit.int of this .''tate: it is there‘"re . rderv’d by the .lUit. that j.ubH- cation be made for thiee months in the Fayetteville )bserver. and *ireens))oru' Patriot, for said deft ndant to appear at our next Term of this ('"'irt, ti- be iield lor the County of I’landolph, at the I'un t Hi.use in Ash- boro'. on tke fourth Monday of M;ir.-h next, and ple;id. answer or demur to the plaintili ]ii tit;nii; uthcrwi.^e. the same will be taken pro eiintessu ;iiid set for hearing and he.ard ex parte. Witness. Addison .3. Hale, Clerk of our said Court, at Olhce, this fourth .Mouday of September, D. .V. J. H.VLE, C. S. C. •37-8ms Fall and Winter Stock for ^T.\RR -V W1LI..I.V.MS are now receiving their SE- CONl» Stock for this season, ot' ,1 Cdrrinne Ei^tdhJishment on the Military the Methixlist ('hur'}(, fr'iiittinf m (IKKA T K.\Ti;UI>KlSI',! i* Ixtiiiid to ri'^HK S ibscribers wou]d respectfully inform their. J friends and the i>ublie. that they have entered into | -upartnershi}i f^r the purpose of comiucting the general i C.UlRl.ViiK lil'SlNKSS in all its various p:;rts. .Vnd t>eing b.jth j.ractical workmen, fully understanding their busine>;'. they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura- bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. i Whitfie'.d's iron work for the last two years. j We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for j twelve months. j Reiiairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. I'll.'I! V UP WIN .ii)M-;rii w. mm]\. c: o n 11 tssiu y AND F() R W’ A U1) J X (.’ A11: R Cl IA XT, Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or Sold in this market. Feb. 12. In.');;. 07y w u.KiXsox DKALERS IN ('oiifrrfi-i/tdri/, Fonii/n Fruit.^^ Xutst^ ThIjiuco, nnt AND I.MPORTERS OF Sl’PrUiOlB li.iV.WA M€JAR«, .vr wiKH.i-s.M.r. am> hktail. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ng. 7. S.')l. 1 Itf MAFJ>i:Tr (.V IVVn.MIKR, 0it'oars a»ut Com mission chants., 1J15 Fi-oiil ^trc«‘t, NEW YORK. p. mallltt.] [j. .■\ugtist l'», 18-‘)2. VAl LMIKR 18tf w Jl. CARVICR, dkalkr in Dnj (iood.^. (iroceries. and Provisions^ :5d iloor fri.m N. E. corner Market .'Square, next to D. Gee's 11,at Store, (jreen street, FAYF/lTKVll.LH, N. (.'. kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Feb'y 185;>. titiV M. ill rsox, MMOt SM: P.ii.VTEK, Fayetteville, W. C. March 2'.*, iS-io. 81-^ Jamks H. PlF.K. F lyetteville, .lan'y ,V BRAN IN. Jamks Bkamx. i2tf Claims for Pension, Bounty Land, or any other Staple and I'uucy Dry (rood.s; Hats, Caps, Slioob, / \ A. 31( KI7rilA.\ IS Miipri \v i>l)l)in.'. Sliiitllf s. Pic!\« rs. lioller Skills. Roller C loTii. ()il.'. sVc. 117. 1^.'.::. RTLi: \ ll-Vl.L. I i \i"l'( l:ERS \M> IK iLK.'ALi; DLALLI!.^ IN it o o I s a n it S h o e s, 1>7 I*i;aiu. St., NICW VOliK. •ej. ;:!! hand .a large ;iiid be.iutiful st'.c’K of Kt’I’S .\N1) Slloi;.';. g..tten up expressly for nd .''■lUth Cari'iiii.i I'rade, and during the '.'i I we e.in show an uiisiirp.issed assurtment . Ill 1 wil' be much jili ased to see the Mer- i,f iiith when in tiie City, uii leisigii'-d being with this House. \\;11 b- • e ai-.jU.iint.aiice.-, at the Old .''talld, I'x r.t W. A. Me('0RKLE. Militarv claim against the United States, secured. The highest cwt/, price paid for all Land Warrants for a \ortheni couctnt. ,INO. M. HOSE. Fayetteville, (Jet. 12, ISoJi. 35-:^m iX\l) HROKKR. IH.WK so many inquiries about Turpentine Lands, that I have concluded to offer my s.-rvices to buy and sell. Those having Lands for sale will furnish me plots and juantity, together with a fair description and pri«e.— JAS. G. COOK. If.tf K.SPECTFCLLY informs bis friends aiul the pub lic, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, exjiressly for manufacturing i'arri;.ges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he ha- received tor the last 21 years, he hopes by strict •tttention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction • . „,oderate. to merit a continuance ot the same. He warrants his ] ‘ J Work til be made of the best material and by experienced j wi.rknieii in each branch of the business. His work | will eoinjiare tavnrably with any made in the I nitwd .''fates, for neatness and dunibility. i He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms .is any work done elsewhere Ih.tt is as ; well done. He now has on hand, Fimshkd, the LAR- liEST STO('K of ('arriao-cs, Baroitchr.s, Rockawau.s, and\ V.n\hl\u.r. His room may “be now found opposite the ’ „ I new Fayetteville Bank, where he is prepared to i>have liiin iries, I jiocommodating terms. He very respect- large stock of Nov. 21. 1853. HAIR I)Ri:SSIXG AXI) SllAVIXCi SALOOX. JG. SMITH respectfully informs the citizens of • Fayetteville, and the surrounding country, that he has moved his Barbering establishment to the Hotel T 'l'()jiA('( (). n h.'iii 1 several lut- of iwer pri d -.1 ;iliv other house in .J. ' Tuba.'CO, which r'iiii;j. toi|Uality. Tow n. . 'U.\DDILL. .')7-tf Ever offered in this jil.ace. and a very work nearly tinishe«l. which will be finisheii d.aily. All (,f which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. giriJ"'He has on hand more than ONE lir.NDRED ,\ND FIFTY Vehicles finishep and in course of construction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bal workmanship or material will be reiiaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Rep.iiriiig executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. May 28. IS.',;i. NO'l'K i:. ..,ei- .ifr.T' I'l.i- 'ail- his L \NDS, six miles I t;, ■te^iiie and abdut one mile frnui the I l:ali-i-h Plank Road. r.insisting ot 4>ii' suited to the ma- ' III' I.r ni'i.i r. There .are on the jire- i\v ;iiid giist mill, :i’l in good repair and : ijii; also a'dwe'Tii.g. und all the necessa- ill g.....l r'eji;iir. litT tiMi-t of two liundre l and fifty acres, \\.i*ei- of Carver's Creek, knuwii as tlu^ oil uiiii-li there is a small farm, a .!wid- i.lliiT hmiM C. ' iiaim-l tr irt tlu‘re are cut about twi-ut; - 1 1 iirpuntine tn.xes. from two to four years C'. liACOX. L45.S. assorted. For sale by W. H. LUTTERLOH. •')(l-2m Dec. 18;'>f>. ()() l)().\('s whoitrf, iialt' and (juarter Boxes R.MSINS, just received by 1). & W. McLAURIN. Dec. •'), IS.',;;. oOtf fully returns thanks to his old customers and the pub lic generally for their liberal patronage, and hopes that his custom will be (iRE.V^I L^ IN(.RL.'VSED, as he has been i ■ a considerable expense in fitting up his Shop for the comfort of his customers. He would invite the attention of the citizens to his llE.VDING ROOM, in rear of his Shaving Establishment, where they will find all the leading Political papers of the day. All kinds of Perfumeries and Hair (Jils, Shaving Soap, Hair and Shaving Brushes, and a variety of other articles in his line, for sale. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 20, 18.^3. .S8-(;m Boots; Silk, Satin and Straw Honnets; L’lnbrel- las, and Ko;idy-inude nothing;—with a large as.sortnient of Hosiery, (ilovos, Silk and Cotton Ilandkorchiefs. The above Stock embraces a v.ariety of Sea.sonable Goods not enumerated, comprising one of the largest assortments we have ever oflere.l; and having recently been purchased by the Package, a a reduction from the prices of the first of the sea.->on. they will be offered to Wholesale Buyers on our usual terms. ,1. B. STARR. -L M- WILLI.VMS. Oct. 2, 18-j.';. ROCK!'ISII SIIKi:riX(iS, KY the bale or lialf bale, for .sale by C. T. HADIH \ SON. .July in, 18.')2. ^tf Ao/V// ('arolina i'as.'^itneres. R. .I.VMES (1. COOK has on hand a full stock of I Rock Island (.'assimeres, niaiiufactured by Car son, Young X Grier, at their .Mill in Metklenbui'g County, N. C-, where consumers and merchants can be supplieil. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being eijual in diiraliility. and as permanent in col or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the I'. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. Sept CIEDAR FALLS (’ottui Yarn and Sheetings, for sale ' at Factory prices, by TIKJY & MARSH. M,ay 30, 18-53. '*8tf 'rriivtdlinjr 'rrimks, Valises aiui Car- jiet Bags, by AMBLR(} ( (). I'lEI 4. is.',3. AT IIOMir viiAIM \V. DUAt lillO-V H.\S the pleasure of informing his customers and the iiublic, that he has moved his Stock of (!oods into his NEW STORE, at the *li. Sta.sh. His recent purclmses in New ^ ork and Pliiladelphia makes his Stoek ('OMPLETE. He has on hand, for sale at low jirices, a full stock of Groceries and Dry (jrootis. IJoots and Shoes. Hardware and Cutlery. Crockery and Glass-ware. Window (jtlass. Clock.^. I’uro I'n-nch Brandy. Holland Gin. St. (’foix and Oid .laniaica Rum. Port, .’'laileir:!. Brown ;ind (.loldeii Sherry, .''I:ila- ga> Sicily, and Scuppernong M'ine.s. Old Rye Whiskey. With his nstuil lar;e stock ot Domestic Jji'juors. "'—also— ■JO dozen Wolfe's .Aromatic Scheidam Schnapjts. 100,000 Cigars, (very cheap.) 2-') baskets Champaign. Hock Wine, (six varieties.) Sanlines; S()erni ami .\damantii:e Camlles. W. DRAlGHON. Market Square. ‘t, IS.'i;;. 4:- im Nov. rtf O’ Nov. '.t, 18-')3. 43tf ' 'Vt \vi:: he ^ i’Tli,-. Pei'_ .!■ . ' on the -,ubsi’riber V till- ‘I’l' ive lands. 1^1 on the m i l ai com- i'.i iiiu;; to |>iirihas'' \'ili who will take pleasure in XOTIC'K. ,N the 12th of .January 1H.')4, at the residence of the late Stewart Pipkin, ui Upper Little River, near Bunn's Level, 1 shall jiroceed to sell all the Lands of the said Pipkin, upon a credit of tl and 12 months— bonds ti draw interest from date. .\. A. f. .'^MITII, Clerk !ind Miister. Nov. 2'.t, 18.'.:;. I'.'tf Slurts and Collars, inanidactured 1)\ AM BERG & CO." Nov. it. 1853. -IStf WM. R. BOLTON. totf fl!)/-, 'f !f !/i I Ilf \\nntcd. : Il till- iii.;lie«; r .-li i.i ii i- will be iiaid. Meld'. \N .V .l‘)\L.> ‘‘“U' 1... N. c.. ih, l.s.',.;. ..',tf w. 11. (;autii:r, > i: K K A I. A €* K T For the sale of Coiintni Produce^ WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 7, 1H')8. _ 7o 'Filtdier and Lundter Makers. j HE subscriber, after returning his thanks to his i ■_ friends and the i-ublic generally for their liberal , i support and jiatronage while 1-nspk'toh, (which oflice ' j he was forced to relinquish on account of his health,) j hand ('ooking. Box, and Parlour wouhl respectfully inform them he is again on hand, , ’ ' and will attend to the selling of either the above; and j from his knowledge of the market, and strict attention j \ vHiieil assortment of Tin Ware, at wholesale and , to all business entrusted to his care, hopes to give sat- j.jjj (’ \v. ANDREWS, I isfaction and merit a share of public patronage. Market .'Square. ' .luue 0. ^OOtf ! Wiluiingtou, Nov. 7, 1853. A'^' .\ X DR i':\\s\s 77// Ware and Stove Depot. LW'AYS on STOVES. W. H, OALTIER. 43-3ui FAMILY I'LOI R. 4 FEW libls. of P,rowcr's Extra. This .article is as good as the Extra (ienesee. is recommended with groat contidence. On coiisigniiieiit and for sale by II. L. M\ROVER \ ('O. Sejit. 27, 18o.'). .!l-tf iioolin TRAXris siii:x rox, Slate an ft ,Hetat Hoofer. ri'MI.\NKFrL for past favors, I beg to inform my I friends and the public, that l#m now prepare 1 to contract for and execute, in the best manner .and -m reasonable terms. ALL KlNDt' 01' h 1 liE-PKO()1 ROOFING, (jutters. Leader Pijies and Heads, id any style or pattern, made io order ami w.irraiited lor anv specified time. i i i i Slate ('hininey Pipes made to suit any style ot imiht- ing or situation, witiiout danger ol lightning. »» HL ■■ "wa a®’ • Force. Lifting and Suction Pumps, adajited to any situation: Hydraulic P.ams. and all kiiels ot liydrau'ie ! Machines for sujiplying w.ater lor .iny purpose, put u]> ■ and warranted. i Sheet Lead and Lend Pijie. of various sizes, fur sale. I Favetteville. Nov. lo, 4 1-1\ ('(rrM'ox iin(J. IH.WK a jilentiful sr.piily of tiuniiv ami Dundee Cotton Bagging, Bale lU.pe, and Bagging Twine. Send in your orders and they shall be siijip.ied. G. CO(»K. Oct. 3. 1853. 32tf I'B'^HK subscribers have just received and .>pe!u*d. at JL their Old Stand, a very large and handsome Stock of Staple and Fanci/ Ifrtf (iooits., Embr.acing every style and quaMty Ladies I>ress (ton Is. Also, all styles of Ooods for (Jentleiuen's wear: Fine Moleskin and other styles f.ishionable Dress ll.its; Satin and Straw rxuinets: Boots and .''hoes, etc. fc^i^^We call )articular attention to a splendid assort ment of Of the very best material and workmanshiii. Ill our stock may be found all (ioods suit-'d to the season, at the very lowest market prices. .Vll in want td (ioods in our line will i>lease give us .a call. E. L. \ .). A. PEMBERTON. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 2(,. :»ott sri:i)MAX V.V iioRxi:, />/•;/ (iood. iianhcarc. drorrrir.^. I'Avara'TBivai.n:, y. t. « » T-()| ■ l.D l espectl'ul'y intorm the eiti/eiis ami t he : V * ]iiililie geiierally. that they have Just returne'l i from New ^'ork. and are receiving tiieii .‘spring Stock i (d' (toods. consisting (d' ^ Ih'i/ fi>)>xt., flui'hi.'iiI'f, (fv. A variety of Hats, suitable for the sea»on: Lalies’ j an^i (ientlemen s Boots, Shoes and Slippers; n l.arge* as sortment of reaily-ma ie ' 1. toMig; a great muny aiticles in the ladles' line, aiel we woul.'i l.e pl, a-e I to have them to cull anil e,\amine for t!,.'m.-el\e.-. i Vll ordei's sent lo our c.'.re from our frieud.s nn.d cus- I tomers will be promptly attended to. I March 30, Ibo-i. woR'i'H v\ i:LLi(vrr, (si'( fES.SOUS TO .1. I). W n.1.1 A>|S,) FOKWAKDlNt. C( ).MM ISSlON MKUCHANTS, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. J. A. WOKTII.] [w. P. KIJJOTT. February I'i. IS.'i;,. *'5*-y C’llAliU:) iiAXkS, r* o.^'rm: vtt k, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ForrhjH Fni.lt., Xufa, ('h/dra, ToIki'io, Snnff, (ff- Fayetteville, N. C. March 1. l.-^.')3. 73tf .1. K. LAW R1:N('K. Fayetteville, N. C. .Scjitemiier. 1 s.‘>;-i R. M. OURKLL, FliUWAKlilMi liniiiI.sSKIN ^irUCiiAM AT FayciievilSr, March iO. is'.l. r,2-tf LArKiNi{Li{(.H IlK^ll SC HOOL. nil IIMOND COUNTY, NORTH C\RoLlN\. I'■ II l.S large ail 1 fluurishing Institutiun is lU'W per- I maneiitiy established, under a full corps of widl qualified In.'iriicters. and with every thing requisite for a first class .Seminary, bein;.' weil siipplie.l with .Majis, ieograpliical and Astronomical; (i.oiies, Piiilosojihical ,aiid ( ln'iiiii al .Apparatus. Tlie .Semi .Vnnn.al .■'essii os of fiv.. mmittis commence on the sc ci lid Mi.ndav u!' .lanuaiy and .July respectively. Circulars, e. ;.t.iiiiing lull particulars, will he t'lir- nished bv apio.xing to llev. .1. .loins .''myth, A. M.. Lain el ili'il P. O.. Riehmon i county, .N. C.. D. C. MclNXVRK. Sei-retai v. 1 1. IS.',;;. I’rim-iiial, ..r to O .fiber 30 Y R!:i)rc'i:i) iwin:. Tlnnuifli Tickct*- befwc* n Wiliningtiui, N. C., and P.alti- nmre. I'are.'S]';. \ ia Weldon, Peieisbiirg. Riehmond, \ W ash ington ('ity. or via Weldon, Ports- ninuth and Norfolk. i'or 'fi.-'kets ajqily at the Od'.ee i.f the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road ('onipany at W'ilming- >!’ the B.-iltimoi-e .''ti-aiil Packet i • itiniore ,.ind Ohio Rail Road I itiiei- of tile ’on. or :ir (^,nl jaiiy. C.imi-anv. I’ratt .Street, I'tiltinu're. .la'n. 1. ! '--'>2. aiHF. • 5 man •• It Tob ■In; A furt’i ui v( ( (). Vis.Tib..' . oniinui-s to re:-. 1\. I'lCtr.rer^' iiccount. nil ;.;rHde ,'.lid sell. .t' llOlillltH*'- I'TI EV. Kiist n\niii' !• ‘^U].p\v just r. I/ISCIUlliK'.'" E J. HALE .V SON