■V I ! • : Hiulcl •■1 b- ' lllli. liir;. li.;, ili M !"• • " \>Uk hiii li K;. . nil- \ t iMM-V '■ iff-. «mv I ii, M..i Srnff (’ru- r f I I-V I'. liil 1 N of r ■ H' . 1 at •!l t' i£“iciKiSi H'ih n. :nT'- i-li ,1 A t > :ii I I.. '.(I h- r. \( \\-\ . Irrrhant. , ^ 'I’l >\\A. I i;i I N ri^i' s. ;ll»- HH ! ' (• Lm: ■ - natf ' ^ ’ 'I"- Kii-i; ’ '■ )lill ' ' '1 N‘ j. n ), Iiclit. . TlK-ilLill .■ju.l,. .tVMf u\ *it •, Vf'.- I..!.- . I .Hi (III V It I iSsu Kn-H'V:, 1,1 ..n ■ ''.Hi i,.„. , ..till- ill ,MOUbP.AY, I .tit !-' iHe. * BaUii «T SEMI-W EKKI. Y. \()L. III. I AYK/rrFA IIJ.K. X. ( JANUARY 23. 5854. [NO. 2G4.] t:i)\V AKI) J. HAIJ: & sox, KI>lT«iliS \M> . : I'u'S‘iiu-\\ ot’klv >«si:i;vn: >::! 0(1 if (luii) lu ^it piii'l 'luring tlu“ vojir »if bulisi’i'ij)- ;• "1 ifttT tin* vt'ar lius I'xjiirod. y i- Wffnlx KK (»0 |>or aiiiiuui, if jiaid iii x >1' if I'.ii.t .luring tJu> _\ ,>ar of sul>sorip- , ! > ■ alter till- yoar has o\)iirOtl. I iii-prti‘il f. r ‘.ixtv eiMits ^>or ^ , ! I. iinc' for tlie first, ami thirty oi-iit.s tor fui-li ^ . I'iil'lif.-itli'ii. \ earlv ii'lvfrti-ionuMits li_v spi>- •nn il l', at rca'iiiiiatili* ratt'.-^. .Vilvortiser.- arc 1 t' 'tatc tlif niimlicr nf iii.i‘rtii>us ile^iriMl, or »r.'. !'i' i- >ntinufl till forhid. .,n.l oliariifd ai-conl- I-*"'t'Mitnrs must lie post-paii]. Sa>fi, Blind, and Door Fticfonj. m'HK -;'.it''L-nher is prepared to fill all orders for Sasli- I . - Hliuds .ir at the shortest iiotii-e. The V t'O woll >'xeeuted, with the liest i>f materials. « . a keep eoiisttiutly «u hand a pood Mipjilv of •lie ':/»■' iao>t euminoiily used: will be tliankt'ul ti> -f lii.'i "Se 1 to eiu’ourajie home manufietures. Cali ■\:imine iiiy work before sending vour orders North. S. I’. i\ i;v. • .;:iii!iut ii, N. .Ian. iL’. l>''>i. r,-_'-i;t LOOK AT rillS! rilHK sul.iscril>er is prepared and .lualified to de- I. spatch all orders for Paper Haiipiti", having ou ; ;i tine ussortuieiit: among which may be found tiie ^ md Marble pattern* He also earries on the \ ,::rt -•>-Hiakinjr and I’ainiinir, of all deseriptions. fall . at No. 7 (ireeu street. H. W. HKMtV. V 1'.. If'-Vl. «;-jtf liiv(M*y Slahlos. The undersigned continue to carry on the LIVKUY 15USI- NKS.'^ at this jdace. They have lately largely Increased their Stock !ind can now olVer to the pulilie as pxod Horses. Curriajfes and l>ri- ver.s as c:ui be foiiinl in tiie South ern country. Tliankful for the large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit u continuation of the public lavor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travel. Stables !it the West end of Muinford street, where one of the l’roj>rietors may always be found, or at the Store tirst door Kast of Mr. Lutterloh. .1. W. I'OWKKS & CO. Fayetteville, l-’eb’v li2. ISoo. 71 Y •10,000 ll)N. of \Vaiil('«t. INVILI. jiay :5.t cts. jier ]>ouu(i cash for .all clean cotton and liuen KAIS, delivered to .1. I>. Wil liams, in Fayetteville. 1 um nearly ready to put in operation at 1‘ajicr Mill in this neighborhood, and am d*‘?.iroi;s of getting my rags in this market. My object is to ]i;iy as mucli for rags as 1 can att'ord, and hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. 1 have arranged with Mr. W illiams to re ceive and jtav for all rags ilelivercd to him. OAVlli Ml'UriiV. Fayetteville, Feb'y ‘J J, Ibo’J. tj8-tf \()JJtcc of I In (\ijte I'rar and ihej) lliver ! ^(iriiratlon ('ompanij. I Stx*k lor Sai(‘. S(ock of tiie t'.illowing ])ersons in the F. i ■ 1>. It. N. ('oiiipaiiy will be soh! on Weilnesday the ITith (if I'cb'y lS")t, at thet’ourt House in I’ittsborough : —saitl siiiiscriliers having failed to jiay their subscrip- ■ tion to the original •'ai ital Stock of said Company un der tlie oriirltial Chartt r: St itsi uiiiF.r.s' .Ml. si lISl'lUUKlts’ .NO. .S.V.'IKs. Stl\KKS. NAMKS. sn.VltKS J. H. Rothwell 1 Nicholas Marks 1 -A. p.. Rothwell 1 Thos. R. Long •» W. O. .Jeffreys 1 B. .1. Hackney •) .John -A. Cox 1 O. D. Petty 1 P. Geard 1 .James Pulliti 10 Ainlrew Vestal 1 (J. W. Hight 1 C. (’. Tully I .lames P>rown 1 O. .\ndrews 1 .John W . Lane 1 .James Hutton ‘J George Wilcox 7 A. N. P.eth I .John W. Hooker r> William Watsiui •'» G. M. Brazier ■) William Smith I M. (iardner .James McfJary 1 .John .A. McDonald n F. P>. Drake 1 •J. M. Walker 1 W. F. Collins •'i W. II. Hughes 1 F. Fooshee i ('Inirles Bright 5 O. W. Lindley i H. i:uAMr*rjrr, Confectionery and Variety Store, I iiiU f the Fai/ctti rillc Ilotrl, Huy *V., FAVETTKV1L1>1:, N. V. Hec'r ol, oSxf IJy order of the Hoaril. HFNUV Pittsborough, l>ec. 11, !S.'i8. LONDON. See’y. ")5ts K. M. MriiCIIISOX, J (JAiiDKN si:i:i)s. 'T 11F K1VKI), a general assortment of Lan- r-t':. s i flebrated (i.VKHEN .''FKIiS, warranted :• t ireiuiine, of the growtlj of S T. HAUl.FV X SON. ' ■ • . ‘••’-I. I’lLl-t'iW xo ric'i:. rililK uii.it I-igned li.-ive this day tornied a copart- I. i;erhiji under the name and style of (OrXC’IL, CAIX sS: CO., - ti,. purpose ot' traii>acting a tieneral Merc.tntile riifv h.'ive a good stock of (iOOl)S now on i, :it the ■ !'l >taiid of J. T. Council \ t’aiii. where . "i he uiad to see their friends and the public JOHN T. COINCIL. HlCll.VRI) S. CAIN. AI.KXANDKR llAV. : A:: p-'r-.ii' owing .1. T. Council ..V Cain debt !.^ '■ 111 iiii-. ar.‘ rcjuested to call :ind settle w ith ; . 1 niii \ t o., who are fully authorised to seitle - n-'.t' 'f ,1. T. Couii'-il Cain. y l":,t. .;2-4t iiDi si:. sk;x AXi) ouXAMi:x'r- AL PAIX'nX(i. un l*Ts’gn»‘d having lately :irrived from the 1. > rth, wi>he; to inform the citizens of Fayette- i'. \.ii’.ity. tliat hi- ha just ^■])encd .a .>hop on ’ i 'tn-:-: in the upper pai-t ot Messrs. Pier \ ...: - .ir iU-p .sitory, .iiid i> now pri parcd oi'iit-rs tor all kin]. ;a IloU'‘. Sign aiid lit.’ P iiiitiii^; liraiuing. P.ij.er Haiigiiiir. ■ I.- V. i'liing such work d ine wi]’ .lo well ca'' ■ 'p. w a-kiiianj'hlp. • ; !'• .'!i I le.^ furnished to or lei: a’'~o S ishe-. i ho .r>. at the lowi-st m:'rk-t price, rk fXfcuted with neatne~' and despatch. *nly !>- ■ i:i: 1 am li' illi'i t. jdease. iion.vci; w. ni.ACK. :J. l>o4. .;itf The American Seed G-arden, II 'KTliKltsrMHi.iK Vonn. JOHNSON, ROBBINS 6t CO., • piKfrRiKrt^Rs. OFFKl! for sale, through the subscribers, their •Agents for North Carolina, a full, complete and ( om/tu.s.sion and I ’orirardnii Mcrchunt^ fresh nssortment of (i.vp.DKN, fii:li>, and flowkr U'll..m.\iTO\, .>■. V. riii: LAs r xo ri( k. ^■IHK tirm of (’ook Taylor was dissolved the tirst i of last May. There has been but little heed {laiil by their friend> to the call tor settleinent of their notes and accounts. We now distiiu'fly say tiiat all notes and accounts remaining unj>aid will l>e jnit in a train of col lection during the month of .lanuary. .i.\m'fs c. cook. HAIR nui:ssiX(J axd shaving | lamiuxiu kcjh iiKrii sc iioof., SAliOON. I lUCHMONI* ('OUNTV, N(,)RTH CAROLINA, tt U. SMITH re«peclftill\ informs the citizens of ■ ^ 1 ^HIS large an;l flourishing Institution is now per- • “ • Fa\elteville. and the siii'roundiiig country, that | | manently establishe], ui'.dev a full corps of well he has moved his l!.irliei-ing fst.itilishment to the Hotel j ijiialified In.siruLter^, and with every thing requisite for lluilding. l!is room may be now found opposite the \ n first class Seminary, being well supplieil with Maps, new Fuyelteville I’ank. where he is prepared to Shave j (ieographical and Astrotiouiical; Globes, Philosopiiical l>ec. i2l. WILLIAM TAVLOH. .'.7-tf i'.\vtn rr,\ ii.i.i; 'i!!> ! iiij. iiiy i iiow orj^-.iiised and prepared to re- • !ip]i!ii-.ition: for Insurance, on a« favorable ' ■ 'tht r (’ompanie. itIKK(.'TOi;S: H v’iv Ln.r.v. 11 1. .Mvh'ivku. ' ' LrTTKlll.OH. •' !! N II. ('( M IK . ’ A IJav. A A \I. Kktiian. ' M'Xkili,. ii.w A. .'^tkhman. ■Mfc- KvI.K. Avi\ K H.m.i.. .1. (I. SuKIMlKHIi. Wm. W.\Hi)K.\. s. 'I'. [Iawi.k^ . .liilIN 1>. \Vii.i.iam> ('. l)f:M5o\v. Wm. M l.Ai HiN. Wm. MrlNTvuK. OKFICF.RS: tiF.O. .^1■■N LI L1.I, l’re>idelit. 11. L. MVKoVKi:. Vi. e Pre^.lent. .). O. SHl.l*in;i;i», Attorney. C. \. McMlLIiAN, Secretary. ;i;o. McNKILJ.. I •l"HN H. COOK. I-llxecutive Committee. JAS. KVLi:, j ■ ji'an of Mi ti m. I.nm itwcK mu.-'t conimeini itself .r ■■ iiimunity, for it can be ilemoii.'trated that we iVf 1 within the la^t six years u]iwaids of .'s;!i),nn() I ■^uraiice in the Noi’th Carolina Mtitii.-il Company; ■ we should have paid to have kept the same iu- ' •• ill the foreign joint stock companie.s that sum '■ we iiave actually (i.aid; ami yet tlie North I. Mutual Comj>any has rei-cived between N.)000 ■ >'•' I" more I'rom our community th.in it has ]>aid ’ : 1 ■ I - here.—showing tliat we are favorably sit- ’ i, .» coiiip.tred witli other pl.aces in the State, for ■ iiii any ha> ^'oui- into operation favorably, liav- - '.ve organised ajiplications to tin' amount of ‘ tlie Company is now filaced ujiou a firm . I' tor. authorised Agent, or .''ecret.ary, may '■ .Vi'ii'iicatioiio, but they will not be binding until '■"Vt- l t,y tlie Lxecutive Committee or the lioard. w, L.\WPiKNCK is appointeil (leneral -■lit ,t tiie Coiii]iany. We invite applications. CKo. McNKILL, Pres’t. ' \ MrMlLLAN, Seey. T. 1-^.;. ootf SHOOKS \VAN'n:i). Mill ■. ribc-rs want to purchase any iiuantity of ”'Vf li.tiiie l .'irticle: those lia\ing the .sai'H* “ "ii! di! Weil to call (in us at the Store No. i, . '-i- ' t. N„rth of the .Market, after tiie first of ’ • H. W. HLNllV. .J. HFNRV. n. lH,-,.j. ;',:i-tf (nir, \r rins I Urn lil’liMSII. ■'utiseriber, a jiractical lioot-maker of some c.x \mm iV Ji'Sir. No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. (OMMISSIOX MKIU'llAX rs Foil TIIK SALF oF .\LL KINDS OF C’ottoii anti \\ (>oll«Mi Machinery. Ma chinists*'Tools, r.t'atln'i* HrhiiiLS 'Vc. -ALSO- OF FVFKV DLSCRIPTION. C’oniprisiniT lit^hinn. Card (.'lothini:, HohhiiL. ShiittU's, Pick('rs, K()llcr Skins, UoIUt C'loth. Oils. \S:c. Dec. 21, -iTtf uru: sv iiAi.L. MANrFACirHKHS am. WIloLFSAI.F DFALFRS IN MS o o 1 s a H t! S h o v s. jtiT Pkaui, St., NK\V YOliK ^7^ K keej) on hand a larire and tu-autiful stock of HuoTS .\ND SlIOHS, gotten up exjiressly for the .North .and South Carolina Tr.ade. and during the .spring of 1>.')1 we can show an u!i“urpa~.-ed as^'lrtment in i>ur line, and will be much pleased to see the .Mer chants of the South when in the ('ity. gr-/T“ Tlie under'-igned lieing with this House, will be pleased to see his actiuaintaiu'es, at the OM Stand. I'li Pearl Street. W. ,\. McCoRKLF,. Dec'r ll'l. Is' I. • -ii--’m roKAcc’o. [T K have on hand several lots of Tobacco, which we will sell at lower ]'rices according tonuality. th.an can be had ot’ any other house in Tow n. .1. .V T. WA1)|)1LL. Dec. 'J'.'. IS.'.:;. '>7-tf NO'l'K i:. THIHF, subscriber offers for sale his LANDS, ;-ix miles ■ North of Fayetteville and about one milefnuii the Favetteville and' Ualeigh Plank Koad. consisting of aliout 1‘2(>0 4»t' I^hikI. suited to the ma king of TurpeiitiflO or 'I'imher. 'Ihere are on the pre- j inise^ a gooil saw and grist mill, .all in goo.l repair and i now in operation; also a dwelling, and all the necessa- ! rv out-houses. in good repair. j .\Lso. another tract of two hundred atid fifty acres, on the head w.aters of Carver's Creek, known as the ' Tarrr Place, on which there is a small farm, a dwel ling house and other bouses. On tlie first named tract there are cut about twenty- five thousand Turpwntine boxes, from two to tour yee.rs oM. .\ll the above lan'ls will lie sold on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishin;^; to jiurchase will : pleii.'-e call on the subscriber, wlio will take pleasure in shooing the above lauds, j WM. 11. P.OLION. ! Oct. -JT. 40tf SKFDS, Hitrrnutnl \\io growth of 1S.')S. and put up ex pressly for this market. Tin- reputation of the seeds grown at Wethersfield has extended far ami near, anil staiiils at present unrivalled in iiuality and adaptedness to southern soils and climates. The j.ropiietois are old and experieneeil gardeners, and continue as they have for a loii.r serie> of _\ ears iloiic. to jiay their uiidi- vidcil and in ii\idu.il c.ire to the cultivation, gutheriiig. cleaning aiol packing ot' the seeds they offer for sale. The assortment consists in jv.irt of the following: — Artichoke, .Vsparagtis. Heans—Dwart and Pole, every variety. P.eets, Hroccoli. Cabbage, “ Caulitlower—Far’.y London and Large late Asiatic. Cole wart or Collards. Corn .Salad, Cress. Cucumber, Fgg Plant, every variety. Carrot and Celery, every variety. Indian Corn—Farly Sweet, Large Sweet or Sugar. Karl\' Wliite Flint. Karly Tuscarora. Kale—lireen. Curled, .Scotidi. Lettuce, .^Ielous, Mustard, (biion. e.ery variety. Okra—-(ireen and White. Parsley—Plain or Common. Double or ('urled. Parsnip. Peas, every variety. Pepper, Pumpkin, Radish, Rhubarb, .'^piunch, every variety. Salsify or Vegi-tafile ((yster. Sipiash, Tomatoe. Turnip-i, every variety. .Sweet Herbs—.Saire. .Savor\. Thyme, L.avender. Lem on B.ilm, \c. iVc. All orders aildre^sell to Reverly Rose, Ks^., our Wholesale .\gent in Fayetteville, and S. NL West, Ksij., Wilmington, will meet with prompt iitteution. WKIiP. \ RRO. Dec. 'i. l>'-'io. -(n-tf Fr‘sli SAM*L .1. HINSDaIJ': \.s jii-t reci'ixid his supply of FltF.SH and (JFN- and Trim on iiceonunodating terms. He very respect fully returns thanks to his old customers and tiie pub lic generally for tlu-ir liberal patronage, and hojies that his custom will lie tH!F..\TLV INCLL.VSFD, as he has been to a considerable expense in fitting uji his Shoji for the comtbrt of his customers. He would invite the attention of the citizens to his R1].\DI.N(J ROOM, in rear of his Shaving Fstablishment, where they will find all the leading Political papers of the day. All kinds of Perfumeries and Hair Oils, Sliaving Soap, Hair and Shaving Rrushes, and a variety of other articles in his line, for sale. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. -HI, IH.');^,. :!8-t»ni FALL. J8.53. J,T,nBS K\'L,Mi IS now receiving a very large and general assortment of DRY G00|)S, among which are 1,'tOO pieces new style Calico; 750 M. DeLane; \~i'y French and English .Merinos; .\lpaca; Plaid Hro- (•ade and other Silks: .Merino and Crape Plaid and iilain Shawls, assorted; Hats, ('aps and Honnets; Silk ami Cotton HMk’fs; Robinet, Lace ami Edgings; Roots !ind Shoes; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 1>. With manj' other goods; all of which have been purchased for c.^su. by the Package, and will be offered wholesale or retail as j low as possible. Those wishing to purchase goods will please call and examine. I Sept. lb, IHoo. 2!itf j rBlHF Subscriber will receive projiosals for | JL lbs. of (!ottoii Ratting or Wadding. Also, for j :^,t)00,(>U0 (three millions) of Reeds from o to feet j long, and al.so, in,((0O | ten thousand ) iiounds of good ■ cle.-in ('orii Shucks, in stated iiuantities. For further particulars inquire of R. W. HKNRY. J. HENRY. Fayetteville, Nov. 11, IS.'>:’.. 44-tf X() riCK_8J."» UKWARI). .\N.\WAY frouj the subscrilier, on Thursday the od November inst., two negroes, CHARLKS and TO.Nl’V, witli Four HL’NDRKD D(.>LL.VRS stolen from their master. Ch.arles is about o feet 7 inches high, comjilesiou very black, big white eyes; he is about :5-‘> years of age, ojie of his a\ms has been burnt with a scar which will show very idaiii. Toney is about ■) feet ti inches high, very ilark comjilexion, small hog eyes, large nose, very bent in the arm joints. Toney is about o2 years old. and was bought in Moore county, N. C. 1 will pay the above rewanl for their lodgment in anv iail so that 1 get them. JOHN McDoFGALD. Selkirk, S. C.. .Nov. 4. 44-rf IS and Chemical .Vjipanitus. Tiie Semi-.\nnual Sessions of five months commence on the second .Monday of .lanuary and .luly respectively. Circulars, containing full jiarticulars. will be fur nished tiy a]ij>lying to Rev. .1. .Jones Smyth, A. M., Principal, Lauiel Hill P. O., Richmoml county, N. f'., or to 1), C. MclNTYRK. Secretary. October 14. 18-'.:!. ;5tlY' xoric’K. rg'IHO.SE who are indebted to me by Note or .\ccount fl, will jilease settle the same. .\ud all debts due me jirior to the 1st of .lan y ISo-'I, .mi .st be settled, as longer indulgence cannot be given. A. A. McKKTH.VN. May ;iO, '.'Stf i\ew Store \(‘W Cjloods. rBHlE subscriber would respectfully announce to his M. aciuaintances and the public generally, that he has taken :i Store on the South side of the Market Square, next door to Mr. Draughou's corner, where he will be pleased at any time to see them. His Stock consists of Staple and Fancy l>iy (Jonds; also, a line a.s.sortuient of Honnets, Ilat.s, (!aps, Boots and Shoes, lleady-made Clothing, And many other articles too tedious to mention. HKNKV N. .MoNRoK. Oct. :J4. lb.'):{. ::'.t-::m LAXI) HKOKKH. IH.WK so many inntiiries about Turiieiitine Lands, that 1 have concluded to ofi’er my services to buy and sell. Those having I.ands for sale will furnish me plots and ((uuntity, together with a fair description and jirice.— Mv »-oxiimissions .shall lie modera;^. .JAS. G. COOK. Nov. -Jl. is.-,:?. 4'df raiHK undersigned, having purchased .Mr. Thos. S. -B. Lutterloh's Distillery and Cooper-sliops, have entered into (’opartnership under the name of .McLaurin & Strange, for the purpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Rar- r*els. D. McLAFRlN. WM. McLAURIN. .IAS. W. STRANGK. Feb'y 18, l.s'i:;. 70tf The Eiar^fst Carriage Fartory in the South I \ld l*urcfmsc for thr Foil of 18o3. fMIHH undersigned would notify their customers and i all others >«uying in this market, that they are now receiving their second Stock of F.\LL GOODS for IB.jo, selected by one of the firm persona’ly, consisting of a general assortmetit of Dry Gooth, llnrthrare, Ifoots ariJ S firtis. \|,S(>—large addition to their stock of Ready- -Made ('lothing. All of which th(‘y otfer t(^ the trade ujion their usual accommodating terms. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give our stock an examination before making their selections. HALL SACKETT. October ;!, IS'io. ;^2tf COPAU rXKRSHlP. rH^HL uiidersigned have entered into a copartner- ■- ship under the tiame and style of Troy I'i: Marsh, for the prosecution of a ijener.-il Mercantile business. Location the same as formerly occujded by Messr.s. FI. L. .MjTover .S: Co., foot of Hay Mount. .1. R. TROY, .)h. .1. F. MARSH. May 2;:, 07tf WAX IJAkKRY. fji^IlL .Subscriber has estaJtlished a Bakery on Row JL Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan .McNeill's Cabinet Shop. He is jirejiared to furnish Families, Pioats, aiol the public generally', with Bread, Riscuit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the best quality, as he has jirocureil the services of one of the best Rakers in the State. Prices re.-isonal.ile. (iive me a call. ClI.V'S H.VNkS. Fayetteville, Dei'. Ii8, l.SoJ. 55-tf i'"ayett(‘vilk‘ JOIIX HARMAX Kespcctfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at tlio foot of Ilaymount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. lirown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he w ill be luip- py to accommodate Travellers .■md fJoardcrs. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared to render those comfortable who niay favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C., .June 1S.');5. 200tf II w I'l'n.'lir . ■ .. ,/, s for some time beiMi heii.si’ole that run to be yet supplied to the puljHc in ■ til.- i luitable liurnish for boots and siloes. .Most ■iiti' .■- iiou u.~ed either injure the leather or fail i tii:it lu'-tre so necessary to give to man's a )pro]ier finish. He has therefore, dur- -t tweKe months, been devotlug himself to '■ ''f piep:iriiig an article free from these objec- ^ har- at length after tiiucli investigation and ■‘IIK-Iit I 'liuplcti-ly siiceeedeil. The result is “(I’il/'s lluriitfh." He only wishes that it may be ^ 111 (irdi-r to estalilish its sujieriority over all ' * '‘11 III him at .Mr. Nathan Sike«' boot and ^ on Person street, and lie supplied * "i ericfllfiit article at a chetip rate. V 5ttlO.MAS GILL. -N.v u ,w... tr Uhls. I'nrjK nlmc otitcd, I'^OR which the highest cash ]irices will be jiaid. .McLLAN A: .loNKS, Summervill, N. .May IS. is.i:',. '.^otf X. ('. liAC’OX. liliS. assorted. For sale by \V. H. LrTTFRL)H. McLAFRIN. .'.otf *^0.000 Dec. -I. 1S.»:1 (iO bo.\'S whole, liall and (|nartcr Boxes R.VISINS, just received by D.\S: Dec. •'», 18'>:?. AXDRKW S\S 77// Ware and Store Depot. VLWAYS on hand. Cooking, Ro.\, and I’arlour STOVFS. —ALSO— A varied assortment of Tin Ware, at wholesale aitd retail. By C. W'. ANDREWS, .Market Siuare. .June *i, 185o. ‘JOdtf ^ w. n (i.uyrii.R, i: \ i: K A I. A -1: \ t For the sale of Gonntn^ Proditcc, WILMlNtiTON, N. C. Nov. 7, l8oo. 4o-.Tm 7o 'J'iiiilter and La/nhcr Makers. ^ H E S*abscriber, after returning his thanks to his B friends aiul the public generally for their liberal sujiport and patronage while In'I'kcto.v, (which office he was forced to relinquish on account of his health,) would respectfully inform them he is again on hand, and will attend to the selling of either the above: and from his knowledge of the market, and strict attention to till business entrusted to his care, hopes to give sat isfaction and merit a share of public patronage. W. H. GAUTIER. Wilmington, Nov. 7, 18-'>;’.. 4:i-!-{m EDAK FALLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale > at Factory prices, by TROY & MARSH. May 30, 1863. 98tf I INF GARDFN SFF.D—growth of 1 b-jo: ASPARAiaS. RF.\NS Farly China. Early Valentine. I'^arly Mohawk. Large Lima. RLiyrS—Earl_\ l>loo 1 Turnip. White Sugar. Farly Flat Ras>aiio. Long P.lood lied. CORN—Sugar or Sweet. C.VP>R.\GF—Farly York Farly Sug.ir Loaf. Farly flat Battersea. Large French Ox-heart. Large York. L.irge Fiigiish Drumhe.nl. I'iiH- Drumhead .Savoy. C \I LI FLoWFP. —Farly Lnndon. C.\ R R( »T— Long (range. Farlv Horn. CKLFin - -W iiit’e S.did. ClCl'MP.int - l^.ir’iy l>iis-iaii. F..irl\ Clu.-tei. l.oiidon Long • i reen. Fiiti PL.VN'T—Large Purple. I.FTT L'CE— lioyal ( abbage. Large Green Ice Head, lee ('oss. M i;Lt >N—Pine-apple. Nutmeg. Water. ONIO.N — Wetlier.sfieM Large Red. \ ellow .Silver .si^in. V.\ R.sLl^V — Double Curled. P.\ R.sN 1P - i.ong Smooth. I'FPPKR —Large Bull Nose. Swt-et .Mountain. Pl'MPKIN—('onnecticut Field. RADISH — Farly Long Scarlet. Early Scarlet Turnip. White Turnip, Black Fall Spanish. SyUASH — Early Yellow Rush. TO.M.Vl’O—Large I’lcd. Pear .shaped. TURNIP—Farly Spring. Purple-top Rut:i Raga. Large Fnglish Norfolk. For sale liy S. .1. HINSDALE. Dec’r liH, IHV;. 57-‘Jm xoTic’i:. H F SUB.sCRlBF-ii has remove'l to JL SHAW'S NKW RUILDINt;. Gil- lesnie Street, where he intenils car rying on the TAII.0KI.\0 RLSl- NFS.S in all its branches. Having hail practical experience in most of the .\t- lantic cities, he feels assureii that he c?n jilease the most fastidious. .\11 orders will be executed with neat ness and ilesimtch. R. .MONAGHAN. March 28, 18M. 81-tf _ SECOND Fall and W i/iter Stock for ^JT.VRR X Wll.Ll.V.MS are now receiving their .SE- ^ '(.»ND Stock for this season, of St:iple ami Fancy hry (lood.-; Hats, (’aps, Shoes, limit'; Silk, Satifi and Straw liotitiet.-; riubrel- la.-, and Kcady-uiade (’lothing;—with a large assoi-tiufut of Hosiery, (.lloves, Silk and (’ottoii 11 andkerchiefs. The aliove .Stock embraces a variety of Seasonable Goocls not enumerated, eompris'.ng one of the largest assiirfments we have ever offered: and having recently been jiurchased by the Package. a‘ a reduction from the prices of the first of the season, they will be ofl'ereil to Wholesale Buyers on our usual terms. J. R. STARR. J. M. WILLIA.MS. Oct. '1, l8')o. o-tf ROCKFISH SIIKKTIXCiS, «V the hale or half bale, for s.ale by C. T. HAIGH .v SON. .luly i;?. 18.')::. 8if \ortlt (%irolI na ( 'assinieres. R. .lA.MFS (t. ('Ol>K has on hand a full stock of Rock Islainl Cassinieres. manufactured by Car son, Young iV Grier, at their .Mill in .Mecklenburg County, N. C., where consumers and mei'chauts can be supplied. The iiianuf'acturcrs recommend their fabrics as being e(|U:i] in durabiiity. and as permanent in col or, a*^ any goo.ls of similar character manufactured ir sold in the I', .s. They invite the most full and thor ough tests ot them, and only ask to be patronized in pro)iortion to their merits. Sept. 'JTtf Fire-l^root* FRAXCIS SIIi:XTOX%' Slate at!ft •fietal Koofcr. ri'^lI.XNKFUL for past favors, I beg to inform my I friends and the imblic, that 1 am now prepared to contr.ict for and execute, in the best manner and on reasonable terms. ALL KINDS OF FIRF-PROOF ROOFING, tiutters. Leader Pipes and Heads, of any style or pattern, made io order and warranted for any specified time. Slate Chimney Pijies mtide to stiit any style of build ing or situation, withotit ilanger of lightning. toil S.\1,K, RoXES Manufactured Tobacco. We have in stere a large stock of Tobacco, and ex pect to receive constantly from .J. W. Reid and Thom as's and other factories, nn nssortment of qualities to enable us to furnish purchasers any quality at lowest factory prices. D. .V W. .McLAURIN. Sept. 1850. 80tf %Vlio would have tlioiig^lit it? n m WOULD respectfully inform the public that he is still at his old stan'l carrying ou the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, niid hopes hy a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the l>est ma- ferial and by exjierienced workmen.—having a more trperifnrf/i ;uii\ praclioil Smtl/i, he Hatters himself that his work will compete with uny made in the State for style, elegance ami durabilitj' ; and should an^ of it fail in twelve montlis (with fair usage) either in workman- shiji or material, he will repair it free of charge. Persons wishing to buy. would do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low tor cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Jan. 20, 1853. 63tf Force, Lifting and Suction Pumjis, adapted to any situation: Hydraulic Rams, and all liinds of Hydraulic .Machines for sujiplying water for any purpose, jiut up and warranted. .Sheet Lead anil Lead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville. Nov. 1.'). 185.i. 44-1Y riSH! FISH!! li® VC'KFREL in half and whole Barrels, for sale by Ti_ PFTER P. JOHNSON. Sept. 14. i!8tf \iav «o(>Ds At (Ik old stand of If. Bra/ison. Son. faillF r.N DlMlSKi N FD have just received a LAlUiF .S TOCK Ol’ GOODS, embracing a geneiiil assoi't- ment lecently bought in the northern market under f'avoralile cifcumstances. They have Loaf, crushed, powered and brown h’ugars: .Java. Laguira and Rio Coffee; pepj.er, spice, ginger, cloves and nutmegs; suji. carb. soda; indigo; madder: borax; camiihor: alum: cpsoni salts; saltiietre; molasses; syrup; salt; iron; saddles, briilles and martingals; collars: wagon and buggy whi).s; spades, shovels and firks; trace, dog, tongue, breast and halter chains: cofl'ee mills; wagon boxes; mill, cross-cut atid hiuid saws; out uails and spikes; a good as.sortment of pocket and tafile cutlery; blacksmith tools complete; turiieiitine hackers, scrapers; dippers and axes; broad and chojiping axes; guns; window glass: rivets A l.arge stock of ready-made clothing and staple dry goods; gunny and hemp bagging; rope and twine; Swedes, American bar and hoop iron; square and octagon cast steel; Gernmn and blister steel; saJ'eiy-fu-^>! hlaslinj jiondtr; hats, caps, boots and shoes, western anil North Carolina l)acon; together with almost every article sold in ihis market, all of which will be sold'at fair prices for cash, on time to prompt customers, or country produce generally. G. W. WILLIAMS CO. •July .^.0, 1 So:’,. 15-tf B^^The office of the Cape Fear Steamboat Comiiaiiy is kept in the above building. J. D. WILLIAMS, Agent. A. A. Mclvr/rHAA UFSPECT*-’ULLY informs his friends and the pub lic. that he has built, up large substantial Brick Buildings at hi.s Old Stand, expres.sly fiir manufacturing C.irrii.ges. Thankful for the very lilier.al p.atronage he has received for the last 'J1 years, he iiopes by strict .ittention to biiifiness. with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be m.ide of the best materi.al and by exjierienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United State.*, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and lo any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on h.and, Fixisueii, the L.\R- GEST STO(’K of Carfi(tires, liaroitelies, Rork'tiways, and Bitfrgi es. Ever offereil in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finisheiL which will be finished d.dly. All of which will be sold very low for C.vsn. or on short time to punctual customers. He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finisliep and in course of construction. All Work made by him is warranted 1'2 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material w ill be repaired free of charge. Persons w ishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Order? thankfully received anil promptly attended to. Hcpairing executed at short notice and on very rea- sonaVile terms. May 28, 180;?. '.*8tf 'Flic Mill t/ial took the Preniiitm! r ■IIIF undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to -M. the citizens of Rolieson anil the adjoining coun ties, that he has purchased the entire interest of Mess. Gregory \ Regers in the Steam .Saw and Grist Mill at this ]iliice; and is now prepared to fill all orders for Lumlier that may be sent in. I Laving a superior qtial- ity of Timber to saw, he is confident his Lumber can not be surpassed. Terms for Flooring and Weatiier-boarding. >jil‘2 Inch Boards. Ceiling and Sc.-intlirig, 1> Roughage half ]irice. say •') The cash will invari.ably be required on delivery iif the Lumber, as the undersigned intends keejiing no books for that purpose. The abnvc terms w ill be strict ly adhered to in all cases. 1). W. ROGFRS. Lumberton. Dec. o. 18.');!. oOtf COTTOX ]i\(Uil.N(;. J II.WE a plentiful supply of tlunny and Dundee L Cotton Bagging, Bale Rupe, and Bagging TA'ine. Send ill your orders and they shall be supplied. .JAS. (J. ('OOK. Oct. o. 18oo. oL’tf srKD.MAX llORXK, Dnf (ioods, llardiL'are, (iroceries, ^yr. rAVi:TTi:vii.i.i:, >. v. /"OULD respectfully inform the citizens and the public generally, that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock of Goods, consisting of (gooiis, (If I It t/'f / il'd i't'^ d’^'. A variety of Hats, suitable for the sea>:on; Ladies' ami ientleiuen's Boots. Shoes and Slippers; a large ;is- sortment of ready-made Clothing: a great ni:iny .irticles in the ladies' line, and we would be jileaseil to have them to call and examine for themselve.-. .Ml orders sent to our care from our friends and cus- tom'rs will f»e promptly attended to. March :^0, 1853. ‘ «ltf Ri:i)r-'i:i> i ark. Through Tickets between Wilmingtou, N. ('.. !ind Balti more. FareSlo. \'ia Weldon. Peter.sburg. Richmond, & AVash- ington ('ity, or via W'eldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Offiee lof the Wilmington .ind Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wilming ton, or at the Office of the I’altimore Steam Packet Companj', and of the Baltimore and f)bio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street. Baltimore. *4 )iPir Ktfil>tishment on fJiP Military (rrrmi, oppfisitf' th(' Mthixhi^t Church, //''jitfiiiif on Mum ford ^trftl. (jRivA'r i:xTERPRisi:! boiiiid lo ^iliiiic!! ri'^HF Subscribers would respectfully inform their f friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnershiii for the jmrpose of conducting the general C.\1{R1.\GE BUSINES.S in all its various parts. .And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they h.-ive no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura- Jiility. One of the firm may be known by reference to H. Whitfield'H iron work for the last two years. We warrant nil work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER .V BRANIN. .J.\Mi;s H. PiKR. .T.\Mr.s P>u,\nin. Fayetteville, .Jan’y 'Jl, 18i'>:>. r>2tf AT IKVMIC A;AIA! w. j)i{.\i'(;iK).x \.S the pleasure of inl'orining hi.s customer.^ and the public, that ho ha.> moved his JStock of (Joods into his NEW .STORF, at the Old St.vnd. His recent purchases in New York and Pfiil.adelphia makes hi.« Stock 'OM PI.KTi;. He lias on hand, for sale at low prices, a full stock of (iroceries and Dry (loods. Boots :ind Shoes. Hardware :ind Ciitlofy. (’rockery and (Ilass-ware. Window (ila.ss. (’locks. Pure Krcnvh IJrandy. Holland (rin. St. ('roi.\ and Oid .):iniaica I’liin. l*ort, Madeira, Brown and Gdden Sherry, .Mala ga, .'^icily, and Sctippernong Wines. Old liye \Vliiskey. With his n>iial hu'ge stock of l)oniostic Iiijiiors. —ALSO— i;0 dozen Wolfe's .Aromatic .Scheidam Schuapps. HK>,000 Cig.ars, (very cheap.) baskets Ch:im]i.iign. Hock Wine, (six varieties.) .Sardines; Sperm and .Vdaniantine Candles. W. DR.M'GHON, Miirket Squ.ire. Nov. f. IS.'.;;, 4o-:!m i^ail C»()()ds. ^B'lHF. subscribers have just received and ojieiied, at their Old Stiind, a very large and handsome Stock of Staple atul I'anri/ MPri/ imoods., Kmbracinir every style and qii.ality Ladies’ Dress Goods. .Also, all styles of (ioods for (n'litlemen’s wear; Fine .Moleskin and other styles fashionable Dress Hats: Satin anl .Straw Roiinet.'; fioots ai d Shoes, etc. We call partivMilar attintioii to a splendid .a.s.sort- ment of Keady-iiiudo lolliiii^ Of the very best material and workmanship. In our stock may be fouinl all (ior,ds suited to the season, at the very lowest market prices. .Ml in want of Woods in our line will please giw ii.- ;; call. E. L. & .1. A. JM:.Mf5KHTON. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. li';. ^Otf rORACC (). /a^HE suf>scriber continues to receive and sell, on i man'.ifactuiers' account, all grades of maiiuf»ic- ured Tobacco. -U LTLF\. May ::i. Ih-'ili- ^'-'tf SAl)l)Li:>. WE .are now receiving the largest stock of DLES AND SADfiL FiiV ever otiercd in thi.- Market, which we will sell to country Merchants ;it such prices as will induce tliem to bu\. all and '•ev ‘ ' 'T. WVDDILL. .Jan. 1, 1852. Blanks for sale here. 53-tf .1. 18--;{. Fayetteville, Sept. i: Putnanus Mara/.ino tor .lannavv, just received. HALE & SON.