a ti. ij •. ' ^ ^"In, , • ’ -i I lnui . \ S K M 1-W F) K. L, Y. (111 . m. I'AYiyp rrA ( ., i'kiuutakv i:?. }8r)i. [NO. ‘270.] r:i. .'Iltli r s. p.-: .I.r, ), III; . hi. ■: ,' - 'I -1: Mii\l» \VS ANU TlirHSD \\ i’jiW \i»l) ■ >l; II. IIAU15Al (;il. .\r lnt(f( mill liinhhr, h\iiji th rUh^^ X. (\ ' l'Kri,I,\ iiiCurins tin- (inlilii-lit'isi.n IMI it' ill • nt' -111 -t rii>- til ill 'iTl j>- Hu P ■nr IT 111 \lwl SM. . \\ ■ . kI v M;-.| (! \ I i: I i|' I' li'l lia iiii i I,.' , i lit' \ >' i V lia> ; : ix\ i;i; ■>_ I'it I't r .■iiunuii. it p t l ■hiriii;j; tJu' \ o:ii-of sul>^ ; • r Oii VI' .r lin-; -IMl N l> i ‘ rii'I t\.i- r i\t\ i - I. ■ t i>- '11, UIlil tllirtN 1m| ... iti'Hi. \ ;i'lM rti'fiiu“iil 'i' .. ;it .\.lvcili' r • tho nuiii''i i- I't' iii'>'rli.'ii - ■li'-'iri''!. .'.l !-:l t-'l-M'i. Mii'l rli.ifi i''l l,..tti'v; tn tin' I'.'iit .1' iiiU': In' ] .-t i':ii t.i I'M'.-iitf l’l.\N.s (if (‘vt'i v ile“i rii'timi — ^lU'h us St.itf .■iii'l t'liiii't rfi-.'ii';. Vc. ,\lsi). • liui i lif-;, ('.■!I :iMI'-.-. Mii'i iitlii r |iiitilic ;iiii| in ivuH' cili- IK'OS. r.l’iil;:!' , Uimr-;. nil witll S|ii'i il'li';lliiPli Mill ('uiitr:ii l ■ iii:ii|i- t 'l tlic MliM'. Ill' will mI ii siq.iT ititi ii'l . : ,.i work. (' w ill i c.TiVi' j'riiiii|it ;itt(>iitiiiii. iiii'l l*l;iiis iliMW ii i aiiii siMit to iiiiy i.-ii-i dl tlu' ci'Uiitr\’ :>t -^liort iintico. | vv 'I'lii: in:i) si;\. V a II ;i I d A: v a s I o r BN \\ I. jll't li‘ii-i veil M lull JIl'l'I ciiliililcli' -liji'k lit SB tiKiK l,l;iK.''. 1 ■ 11() \ 1S 1( i.N \i- , I o w li nil I liry 'N iiilil iii\;ii' ihi- ..tu ntiiiii III thr I ili/i-ii^ :iinl >utruim'l- iiiir I'lmiiu v. 'riic\ will si ll luw I'ur*'', ii. nr cm iiiiif III I'llli' I il:il ri|- |(ililrr:i. I'ln-y |Hircli:i: i-t llii'ir (iinuls li, .ni'l tlii will iiiilili' tlii iii til -I'll III... ’1’lii‘V Do ,-h ir «oTOi:uWK«itt»Tcfn»vt avtia uvc.y (OMMON SC HOOLS. ,,:li't will l o |-i':nl\ tu i'\:iinilii‘ ill' . - , f 'ii r.iiili' Ti‘■■ lirr- I'M ■J'^'lli I'l l'l'ii i! 1 , Mirili. I'l'U \H1» I.r. I’ WINS low .1. T. U \i;i»i:N w \i.ri;i: \. in ski; hi , r tn.: w r. ) .If u*.i I Mf i'-Sr ill K f-r f*ri* Xvd Ik \h> ) r • r - r rl. II I 1,1 >t : . t.-!; it. ■ n.Y i)\\ Mil' im:aUS. ■b r. 't n.‘W ri'U'ly l.'V - Tri'O' t.-'l - ■ II. I 1 lll.illt'i fur l-lalltill^ IV Iw otlior •r/ I'l'i'ii'i' |.] w Shru’. Utll'llti Str;\W : 'I'Vlf . 1.1 :ii 1 kill'l .\i-. ! ii' lc; - TI'III.oll. .1. W . llAKI'.l; I - iii^w rt‘1‘1-;viiiir tVniii iln' \niili tin- il:nixrst, liuc'^t. mill iiiH-t i-;ir. I'lillv m>- ■li'.l -t.irk Ilf Si I i:\iTi i:i: i'\iT iitl'iTfil ill ltii> Iil:II'kvl; wliirh. .i lili il 111 lii.-i iiwii 111 iimfrii tiiri'. Iliuki'. lli' a- iiniirllt riilii|ili’Ii'; .ill lit whirli 111' will I'll "II till' l.'Wc ! |. -'ilili- tiTiii' l'iiri :i'li ‘>r .'11 t'ini' 111 |iniii tii.il ■ I r 111' llii'i w.iy. New \ I'uriiitiin- ii M:itU-i' v,'^- ■111- I-:', I'r.lll- : S: .-r ;iM - .|'i ; \> Iini- I r. ;iii ! |. -'llill- tiTIII' liii'l Wii'iil I'irmi' . I r.i iiiii't V Cl.' , ..f llrni't irk.! i:i-liiiiii.itiii' |i:iiiiii 1 ciiitii'ri' lu'.l lunm ill si'tt ; I ni-it' i li.iir au l sliiu-k. .•mil I'ntlmi ;• I., •'.. ir.r ■ i:i ' 1'; W iii W :i:m!.' aii'l ( r.i ■ nt Sc',f-.s« ill;'ill- ('r.i lii -; Si'li- l’...ar'l--: T.ii \Vll:lt-\,.t: T.ilil.-^. Millf St:iiii|>: \\ arilr'ilio,--: I’if- iii.lnw .'^li:iil--: ('..riiiri'-; ('m-- lii'::. n\ ;iii'l almit; 't'i'li- ;i .■m l -'till 1 : t'li;iir- 111' I'v. rv fur li.ivi' Im« ilil ic,. that many lii.ii.--i',-; li.iM-iiui; tlii'v liaM* ajii'iil' I' lalil 1-Ill'll ill 1 la 11 iiiiiiri' aiiil .New \ ui k. wlm ahvay.; .a l\i.--i‘ ihi'iii uf aii\ i Ii.'iiil'c in artiolrs ill tlirir 1 lino, aii'l will) |rin ha^i- ;iiily wli' ii li,irp.;rms an- to In' , liail. \\ f ki T|i always mi liaii i a S|ilciiiliil as.surtiiii-iit 111’ 1'iiri‘i^ii aiiii liiiiiicstii’ l.iniii.i'.-;: I.nnt', Ciuslicii aii'l i I’ti'iiw 11 .S||Mar.-; Uiu, .liiv^aiiil l.a;jiiira ('.'tli-is- (iiii-n. Ily - "II aiiil illai k 'I't'a': Ni-a Orkaiis aii l I'ulia .Mulas- ■I , 'I'alili' alfl .S.ick ,s,-ili; r>iii.ii. l.ar.l. Mi-- I’l ik, ■ Ml-- I'lli f. .'-'iiiiiki'il I’.i'i-f, l)i\i'l \'i-iii.--iiM; Nu. I. '1 aii'i M.uki'li'l; llmti'i. ( iiii'.vi', 1 ii.tir, .\'.ia!. uili. (lal,-. 1 'r'lti.ii'i 11, Caii'ili-^. (’uiii'i'iMs, S.-iIi-ratiis, lii'liij". M 1- I Ii r, .'■■|iiri'. i't')i|n'r. (liiiiri'r, Niiliiti'jis, ('iiiaiiii.ii, l iismn I Sail . S,ili|i,-tii'. Ilanlwaif, 'iitli'ry. I'lui ki'iy. ami '■ •ila-'-'W ai atnl a \ai ii ly ut utliiT jlumis. rin'\ taki- tlii. iiii'lliinl Ilf 1 li.iiikiiiu' till- i iiiiiiiiiiiiity I aiiil tlii'ir iiiiiiitr^ liii inls lul lin' vi-r\ HI.oral |..itruiin}ri' j lirstiiwi'il uu ilii'iii: an.I intfiiil. Iiy M-lliiivr irumls i.nw. tu ■ iiii'n-.'i-'r tlii'ir I'ui-iiu'r Ivaih' alwa\s ki'i-)iiii>; in \icw tlial a iiimlili- -i\|n'iii-.' is wurlli a sluw sliilliiiir. ^ clluw IJiiililiiiir, lii'twi'i'ii till' Marki't lliiii-i> ninl th(‘ liank lit till' .’'tali', (iillr-lui' Siri‘i-1, Kiy‘'t ti‘\ ilU-, N. (V Marrli L’1, IS'i.l Tstf t.ivii-' aii'l Sian l'; ■.. ail- - -I ui| •. 1:1' 1 11 1.''•it.i' in I ii ("iii .ii ; |ti\ ■ FOR SALE, Ml 11> I'j'f I'UH I*. MM.l.I.I \ itli:iu\‘> M:iii:t/.inr I(.|- !• .1 II M.l. , 'ON,' “lilMI m ‘\ ‘J ■. li \^ ' ; ■ l-tii'li' ..I'j.t r l>l I. [\\\ II- ! itll!-,' :;ntf O 11 \M.o\. i.l-lw inni- FI.W ( l(i \iiS' ..i-i-r' I' l!r ill LEAD, ZINC, tteO.Y o I li A \ II i O 1.0 tl \1 \M V \| Tl ni l' r.\ I KWl I.V S. l.i;UlN A ((».. t ' . l.l.U IS. .1 AM i:s ro |:{'> '•oiilli ri’oiil Metropolitan Silk Stock! BO ^ -WL m , Dw \n\) L r v\ co. i ' i r AM> .1.•»!!;: :■ "1 SILK AND FANCY GOODS, \7 II 'il'.!A7',7/'w .sr. .y,t. V* i sT/em:t\ %s:\v voicK. ■ ■ : -.'i' UU- I' .’ . .- I I' Tr;. • >l-i:’N'. ( i(. \Ks:' . ' : -: I'-- l i \ • aii'l fi.r s.ih- .1. \..'\iirii. 'larki-t S.(U.ire. 111-1 III libtT still (-(ni- rai ry uii the ('.\ It 1 N I-"'!' |il ,s I- I' l M'tirvilli'. ;iiiil ill ii'l.liiiun lu liis l!sta''Iislini(‘nl uii I’.uw Stifi-r, m.ir I'.i i-li' 's |’.ri'l'_'i‘. lias u|.cni'i| a 1:u l''i‘ W \ U K l;(»(t\I I n Htty 'tri'i't. marly ii]iiiuvit,. thf |-'ay ill*' llutt'l. ami iiiii' iluur l,.i-t uf .Mrs^rs. Ilai>ili iV Suu s, wlii'i'i' a iTi'iii'ral assurtiiu'nt ut rniMTi 111:. M.i'li' tiv i-iini]'i'U nt .iii'I faitlifiil wi>rkni«'ii. may l>e liail at )irit I"* rui ri 'i'uiiiliiii; witii tlii' times, .\lsii. .'in as- siirimi'iit uf Niirtlicrn-m.i'li' I’l UNI’n KK. ru-li'i ii-il liy liim-i'lf w liii'ii ill lie siiM at a vi-i \ inuilcratr ailvance. ULNCAN .MiNKILL. Ni.s. it>. is.'.i. r:stf ft II AN I' 3 ' 11. w r>- i-i\ I - I l-.-; II hi'r I' Win I'T'- I'll ml: i.iuiT.- Fr-- ■•r Mll.I.IM'KV, 1' '.,ir t'l tifli-i'n: \riit;^'al I-'IuwiT' 1 ii'i'rtii, :. . 1 r;. A. I'rl.i Oi-t. I i- aU't 'i'r'‘ i:■ : . :il I't Ni-w \ lllIl till- I- ■ till I ’.'Ir •mil 1 stvl.' i]i('s. !i - Wlv iiititii \ i-'m- IU> . r, ki't'|i' un liaM'l an us-"rtnu'iit uf I'i.-k's rflclira- ti-.l Ml. I'.M.l.It 111 i;I AL casks, wlii. li liave tii'i'M lii^iil.\ ii-i-uiiiminiK-1.1 liv Willii' 1’. Maiii.;nni. Ili-iiry I'l.iN. |.fW,- fa--*. Will. 1{. Kin;z. aipl many utln'r il- Instriiiiis i-liarai'icr-. wliu liaM' fx.'uniuf'i ainl wittu'sseil tlioir utility . ( (trii Mci'il :iiil ll»imiii\ roii-'taiitlv ■ill li iiil nii'l t'l.r '-ail' ut the Mill, l;iti“ h. .1. llalf.“. tiriii'liii^ 111' Mi'al anil iluininv iluiic |iiiim(itlv. W .M. K. ( I.AilK. ■1it-:;ni HOT!'’.!,. ^111-’ sulisi'riher liavinjr jnirclnistil the Motel sitiiatoil I'M till' .Suiitli-Kiist em iier of ( Niurt llousi- ,Si[iiiirt‘, ami lately knuwii as Stu.-ii'l’.s Hutcl. woulil iiit'orni tlie |iiililir that he is now reaily to uei-oinmuilati- IjuanlerH l)v tlie ilay, wi'i'k ur niunili. Haviiif; niaile cousiilera- lili- iiiitlay in fiirnisliiii” ami ri'titting tin* Kstahli^linient, lir lii.|ii‘S tu III' able tu jiive satisfai-’tion tu all wlio ]ui- truni/.i' liiin. His 'I'at.le shall In' fii-nisli»'il with the lu st the market atl'orils, his i’.-ir with tlie liest ol Li- iiuors, ami his Stable with a [ilenty of {^ooil jiroveniler ami taitliliil ()sth'rs. .1. A. GILCHRIST. .Iiiiie -'’i, l.s-'i’J. :5-tf sKiO Ui:\\ AIM). 5i \ ' \ >\ \fruiii till' sniisrrilier. twu Ne;;ri) (iirln fi .iii'l t.iiif ( liil'lii'ii, \i/,: M \l!Tll.\, a lirif:ht iiin- nlil'i. fi\r fi'i'i t.iiir ur ti\c inrhes hi^h. tuuk with her t \Mi uirl ciiililn I!. I'raiiei's ainl \iiii: 11 .\ N N ,\ H. eujijier riiliiiiil. .-iliuiil ill!' sami' lii-iuht uf Martha. Hanniih tuuk witii her iwii male cliililn n, l.t'wis aiel .loiiii. 'I'hi' atiiiM- iii-.^rucs fuinii'ily ln-luiigeil to the estate of (ieiii'jre ’I'. Harksil.’ile. ami are snpposeil to li* lurking al'iiiit till' C'i]K' l-'t'ar. almiit Mr. Winsluw’s )ilantatioii. The aliuve lewanl will iie jiaiil fur their oontiiieiiieiit in any .lail su th.-it the suhsrrihei ean get them, ur for , thi'ir ilrlivei'v' to the siili«f'riler in Sauijison county. i-’i,i:i;t k. i>!;thhs(‘»\ .lOSKPII UAICKK, .lu., ATTOU^i:V AT I.AW, y \S taken an ufVn-e ni'Xt ilui.i* tu Wni. I'>. W i i>i;ht’.^ I.aw otlii-e on (irci-n Street. He will atteml ami prnetii i' in the County ami Snperiur Cuiirts iif ('innber lainl. lilailen. Hulmsun aiel Saniiisun, Mi.'ieh -j:i, IS'.;:. 7‘.' tf .1. S. |{A\KS, 4'oiiiiiiiM!^ioii .11 roil a II I, Fayetteviile, N. C. Scjit. 10, l^;>:;. ijlitf S rAUli *S: W ILLIAMS, W IIOLKSALK DKALKKS IN Mint BPottH’sfir tPrif 4mo4nlH^ II % V !iTiti:in% Fayetteville, N. C. J. 1!. Sl'AKU.] [.I. M. W IMJAMs Ajiril ‘IX. |.s.‘,-J. Klitf II. L. IIOLMI'.S, Si'jitemVier li. Is;’ I'ISII! I’ISli!! \CKKHKI. in hnlf iiinl wlmle l'>!irii i'KII.K 1'. Si'|it. 1 I. ■;s, fur .“ule by JOHNSON. ' •JHtf Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. KI-’lCl’, un euriiiT uf Krunt anil l*riiieesM ;-t ri-et s urnler .lournal uflii'e. Iteo, r_'. JH-tf N 1-' / V / ■ ' S!:aiii ISuat C,i. i- nuw j.ri'i.-iii iiiwi’r.^ I'.'mt-; iti V j'r'ilii t:y .•itti-ii'ii-'t Mi ill-1 r t! : !' ['i: '' \\. \S . ■ till- I" r .1 li. I i :. ntc; V. I, terth !). .1 lO: • ■1 ■!:!: I t r.ir, i;i;;uoN'. l!;e Hi"'- I- 1 i^.iiMii; Ni.'ii I'll 'l'(^ IIIK O UoMTN m.' " 11.1.1 \M I 1 t! 1y t ■ r.i iw. 11 ay 111'•lint. Itf 7o ih lit; r.r.'tii.T with till' t.. Str. l>ol ; l.,\ss. str. r.i!oiHi;i:s, Tuw liuat STK\ K.NST»N. 1». I.KUIS, Al.Kltr.l' Kl.I.IS .1 \S .mooim:. iii:Ns/i:\ co.. tu trail'!' •**' ititrii- ti 'i t*. their i :.i ut!ii-r line .f I’" :,t - " with 'iiit.i^ie Wharf \sSlll|:^ . K 1 N ■ .S III i; ^ . aU'l i;i.iz\ M, l» \NII.L. •-turi s. I’ru.liu i'ami uthi'r l-'ri i^ht . with a.' inilili ilesi'atili as any th' Ki\er. Tln.y are llr■l^^ll■ll ii'l \\ art'-H"Usi- ai i umniuih.tiuns 1/ //// itltl .staml of II. liraiisoit tV Son. rBllli; I N1»1;1:SK;N|-:1) have just reeeiye.l a LAlKil-; M STOCK (IK tiMH).s, embrarint!: a g'neral as.surt- iiif-iit recently liuiighf in the nurthcrn market uniler fa\ur:ibl(> rirriim.staiiees. 'I'lu-y have Luaf, rrii'heil. jiuwi're'i ami brown sugar.s; l.agiiira am! lliu Cull'ee; jiep)ier, sjiiee, ginger, cluves ami iiutiiH'gs; sii|i. , arb. smla; iniligu; niaiiili-r; Imrax; o.imiihur; tillin'.: » iisiini salts: saltpetre; niulassfs; syrup; salt: irun: saililli's, briilh'sanilin.trtingals; collars; wagon ami buggy whips: s]i;nles, .shove’ ■ ami furks; trace, ilop, ti'iigiie. breast anil halter oliains; eutfee mills: wagon biiM's: mill, I'russ-cut ami liaml saws: cut nails ami spiki's; a guoil assortment of pocket ami t.'ible cutlery; blacksmith tijols coinjiU'ti'; turpentine hackers, scrajiers; ilippers ami axes: broail ami chojiping axes: guns; wimlow gl:iss; rivets. \ large stock of roaily-ni.'i'le cluthing anil staple ilry gooils; guniiy !inil hemp l>agging; riipe anil twine; Swoiles, .Vin*-rican bar ami hoop iron: siinarc anil uclagon c.-ist steel; (ierniau uiiil blister steel; V Ihhi'-iiii'f , hats, caps, boot-i and shoes, western ami North Carolina bueun; together with aliiiu't every article solil in tiii« market, all uf wliich will be sohl at lair prices for cash, tm time to prompt I'ustunierai, or coiintrv jiruiluce generally. W. WlLl.lA.MS .V CO. •Inly -111. 1.l')-tf gir>>“ riie iitlice uf the ('a]ie Fear Steamboat ('oinpany is kept ill the above buiMing. .J. D. WILLIAMS, Agent. V. c. woirni, GKNi;i:\L COMMISSION MKKCHANT, WILMINCTOX, N. (’. I'sual ailvances niaile on cun-^ignment.s uf Cuttun. Naval Stores, anil other I’roiiiice. I’articnlar attention given tiy i. W. 1».W IS tu pur chasing Cargues, procuring Freights f.ir Vev-;"ls, \c. -lan’y 17, 1801. -.MV V. ('. iV i{. woK'i ii, CV)nniiissioii V l*'or\\nniiiio M(n’rlmiits, lutowN's i;uiLi)iN(;, watf.r stki;kt, '\Viliiiiii;;loia, i\. V. I'sual ailvance.s made on Jnii'y 17, KAYNi:U \ (UKMOUi:. f'out• Itvrrhants^ No. l.-.t \S ATKK STHFFT. VOKR. WAKKKN i;. liWSKU.] |.l\MK.s 11. (ill.MllBK. Ki'tereiiri-': Messrs. Francis Skinner iV Co., New \ork. i.oril, Wajii'ii iV ('o.. F KiiMer, Fsi)., W ilniington, .N. C. .1. 11. Flaniu'r, “ “ .Vinos Waile, Fsi|., Newboni, “ 1>. i't W. McLaurin, Fayetteville, ustiiiiijiiy a'lvaiices tiiinlo >ii .Nfivnl Storen, iS:c. Nov. 'J-'i. is."):’,.* 48Vpil No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. ( )MMISSION M 1 :iU’IIAN'PS F(H{ TIIF SALF (M’ \LL KINKS OF Cnlloii iiiil W’oolirn M;icliiii(‘rv, Ma chinists''Tuois, Leather licitinii', ALSO — flailIIIsn’t 11 Ai*li*ie«” OF EVFin HESCHII’TION. (ism” liclting, ('iothiiig, |{r»hhins, Shuttl«\s, PicUcrs, Roller Skins, Kollor ('loth, Oils, Vc. Dec. -7. ISij;!. r.7tf iii.sigmnents. c.;MV II WM. T Linlfin \l own,I. . ir’..,A.w,A «s.m' \!:u-:.i-: ^:l l‘ill lu a geni ral bii.-inr"'. aii'l liupi' by strict at'entiun the inti'iC't "f sliifipers, tu meet a sh.ire iif public 1 patrunage. .INO. HANKS, A”'t. I'a vetti'ville. r.ANK.S. Ag't ;it Wihningtuii. •J'ttf Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, &c., llh 11 tb. air.' iiiiM h i W l' Si'pt. !•., 1’-.:. m:\\ s rocK of si’iii\ii i\ii \nnii;ii i;ooi)\. ill til. 1 iv.i'i- .1' 11)1 willl I •i\ ;ii_ a lar-i' and wi'll , I 'lmprisiiig n (lenetal 'I f'.r .. i 1 -Ii in pa iiiip.i ( IKKM.V, .1 •zi:riM 1C" ^S^lli; Ii !: ■ ILL p ui:\\ Mil). l'..- .,1: . 1- I' i^a! ! f..r t il p.'irn- a-li .1 a (i. i:. 11- irl ‘ IS ;r (“J, ■ill bt(- e.liv . vill*' h a^ ■in..:' Wi: ort I. l"or till naiii. U.L ii-iit : .n.N'^N lib' wilt ': Ibr Nalo. (• li'iii Sti'aliicr •■/Ll'in l; ■ will 111' --nM a' .■ \lil ti' n, nil I I I'.sI» \ ^ till' riiar , il iiut ■ 'PuiH'r ili.'- ilulliiiu '-V irth. riinniiiu unly •t in bri'adth. , I If > Frii''i|i 'II III. - |ii'p. ■11 t ■ I 1 I ,r t." \\ \1 I-. IJoiJi: ^ r«K‘krr\ Store ; N', tiMi 11;‘ tllC 't' * Tttf liiiia aei(! \l,.-'> If li.i-r bi ; .- . \\. rib-T ll;lS ..[••■Ii. '1 4x a vv. 1 iii.iii" llli'iv illli'd all I'li-'.raiit I iiriil I will \IIV I ill't Ili'l' lilt ^ 11 L 'lib , I U " 1' i' III'W t i l ^I'bi-ti'd stii"k i.f i;ooi»s \- "rtnu'iit ut' DIO (i()()|)S, Ivcativ-iiHulc (’j()thinL^ Hoots ;ui(l Slioc'. Ilals and C'aj)s, I la rdw a re and ( nt lcr \ ,(• r >ccries, Saddclrv \'c., CVc. W hi. h will be iild luw fur Cash, ur exchanged fur Tur- jit'iitine ami Cuiintry I’ruplucc. 111- returns his w ariin ■'t thank' t" hi' uld frii'lids and eii'luniiTs f.ir the liberal |iatriiiia^e heretutuii- i>\ti iidi'd to him. and liupC' tu met it a ciintinuani'e ut' the s.iiiie. N KINC. NO I'K K. V\ INO purchased the stock uf Materiel on hand it the Shup fur!;;crly owned by Mr. K. Fuller, and having eiigagcl the services of Mr. J. C. Liilly, whu>e wurk gives such general and entire satisfaction, 1 am iiuw ]irepared to execute all orders for Timber Wa-uiis, Iliiiul W agons, C:irts, Hrays, Wheelbarrows, iS:c. 1 have un hand and will cuiistantly keep a gooii sup ply uf Iruii Axles. Chains, r>olts. and in ijhort every thiiii; that the Waguti-maker -au need. Timber Uaguus, with the impruved lroii.\xles, made lu urder 'it the slmrtest notice. 1 have lu good and coni])cteiit Workmen at the busi ness, an l will give it my wlmle and utiilivided iitteiitiuii. My prices shall be as niuderate us the »mes will ad mit. and 1 will challenge any Wagon-inaker in the Uni ted States to eiiHal my work either in jioint «f style or durability. THOS. C. FLLi.LK. Oct. IJ'I, ISU'-. o'.uf JOSEPH li. BLdSSD^I, (' O ?l Tl I ^ I O .> AM> rOKW ARDIX(i MKUC’IIAN'r, n'ilmitifftoHj f. I’roiupt persuiial atteiitiun given to all Consign- iiients, ami ('ash tidvatices maile on I’roduco to he ship ped to other jiorts or sold in this market. Feb. I'J, 1H’>-). •7}’ WiLKIXSOX vV KSJ.KK, DKALKHS IN ('i>ujt'i‘rf ll/ll an/, Fnn'ijn Fruits, Tulnn-cn, untl AND l.Ml’OUTKKS OF >i| I*I:KI0I£ II.W \.\A t ltiiAKiS, AT WIHM.KSALK AND UKTAIl.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 18')1. ]]tf MALLETT PAl LMlKJi, iiirorers atnl t'otttttiissioti %lier~ rhatttH^ i:t5 I'roiil NEW YORK. p. MAI.LETT.J [.J. PALLMILH August Iti, IS'-'i-. l^tf W ILLIAAI A. (iW VKK, FOKWAKDINC. AND Co.M.MlSSlON MEHCHANT, AViliiiiii;;foii, i". ■ ^EllSON.VL attention givi;n to the sale or shipment J. of Naval .stures. 1 have ample facilitii'.s for con ducting the business; large wharf and store sheds to keep spirits from exposure. Naval stures will be shipjied to any house in New York, or to other markets if advi sable, and liberal cash advaii.'es made on consignnieiitH. 1 refer to the following distillers: K. Hannum, Wayne cuunty. E. H. Woodard \ (’’o.. Earpsborougli. W. Earp, A. i. 'J'hornton, .John.ston county. Bridges ic Durhiim, •“ D. Hocatt, “ Spencer Foiiiitain, *• H. I^atman, “ Smith, I'ryan \ ('o.. “ “ H. 1>. Hinnant, Esip “ “ Lov*tt Peacock, Columbus county. Messrs. Jones i't Leach, Fayutteville. .May 1^0, IHo?.. ' I'llLM'll BI RR .MILLSTOMiS. Iiiroat Keiliic'lioii in Pri€*e. ix;i:N rox, \ioukis &. co. M iONTlNl’E to make to order, and koep constantly ^ on hand i-'rettrh Kttt'f •fiillstones Of nil dimensions, warranted to be of best nunlity, be ing made Irom iUirr blocks selected by them from the best iiuarries in France. They keep for sale Coloi»;n(', C'ocalica and Esopus Mill .stoiK’s; IJurr lilocks, lioidiijr Cloth, S(*ro(‘n Wire, Calcincd Plaster, Ilydmnlic Cen»c*nt, tSk^c. »rders from auv part of the country promptly nttend- K. TI. OKKl:]!.!., .•\gent at Fayetteville, N. C. 7Gtf Kingsliury. ,\piil It'i. is" !►. \ W. A i; I i-eci'i vin;; a large r.'.uts .'ill'l Shues. wl •an be buiiglit in tin- mar Oit. i:; ,Mi-i..\ri:iN I ,.k liCl-i. eiie ii'li are utferi'd a .I't, at w liub-sali ll:ird\v;'ri'. Iiiw a' t hey • r reiail. :;.'iif rOKTKAIT l*AI.\TI.\«ii A.\l> DAI.; I i:K i: KOTY PI \ U. MR. J. S. WEAR M 'ol'l.l» respectfully announce to the Ladies and ▼ w (ientlemen ut' Fayetteville and vicinity, that he has iipened ruuins uver .Mr. .1. .M. Heasley's Store, on Hay Street, where he will be happy to attend to the above bniiiche.-i of art. Mr. . hupes that by his experience in the .\rts and his desire and ability to please, to merit public jiatrou- age. l>ec. 1'.', IHou. oUtf \N heeler's History ol North C na; Wiley'.s New Furm Hook; Swaim’s Justice. ther supply just received. E. .1. HALE SON. 'I'Ih* Southern llarnujny, and Musi cal ( umpanioii. \ further supply just received. WILLIAM 11. .MARSH, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, lilU)WN'S Bi:iLDlNi, WATFJl STUHKT, WlLMlNCiTON, N. C. .lUE.M FOR IIIE BKimitHS SIEIM litl.Vl (’ilMlM.W. l.'sual Advances made on Consignments. Feb. 1’, IHot. G7-tf K. M. MI RCHISON, aroli- I'orwardlti^ Merchant., ' A tur- \VILi.’HI.^4jiTO.\, V. M. IIL TSON, MMOI SM: P.iM.XTEK, Fayetteville, N. C. F. J. HALE iV SON. Oct. HI. Ramlolph Sheetiiiif Fur '.'lie by- April IS.):;. and ( otton ^ am. WoltTll iv la.LloTT, s7tt . I,\rh. hy. it uh'le ill' M|- t.-l-i,' iiii re-1 "11 liile line a It il If' ui t :i * ii- t r 11 II1 S I M A.' U. N. I'lLLINt.ll \.'vT. \\ illiiiii l Airi .M Jisiiii’ NO ri( I'.. 2 11 A \ I', lii: d ay a - iated with nil- ill bii'-iiii-ss my bI I f. I'li-i. II. *. V.oK I'l!, rinij U'liiM sulicit fur tin- new 1,1 III a ei.litinil: nee I.f the patl I.lia'u- liei etufure su l:be|-,-ill\ I'l -l..v.e.| ilpuli mvielt'. I S-’iiil TfiHi.'. ls.">:{. 1 h;ive rei-oived my I'.ill Stuck uf Dnj (ft rof (rlrs. tSi'f - rj.i r, nil'll hip ini' I ll ’I vl t hi d i \ fill liH' uf f, C.' ,V II. C war'liti'’ iiid ! ■ I a i-iip.irtiier- 1 . wor.Tii. ii.r; .nimis-^iiin I’.ii • i rl'! H'. ! N'."'' ■ !: # f \ Iw (.1 li'iM- 1-1 i-eivi-d a !-.r.i .p I \ N'o, w nil’ll W I- I K. 1 :i 1 1 \N). ri i:l Vi \' .'.I : 111.il l,. : )ii il l ■I. \1 IIIN. .■ .|f U \1. 11- j :ind iipciied the , ' i> ll).'. (i !l M 'l; •’ 1 I S. . 1 ! whi. h 1 w 11 lell a- 1' \|y ti ii'ii'N :iiid I'll-tiiiiier' •' respi-i-t‘nil . invited to i- -.'S. ■ ri;ri'a: i le, N. C., September l"-'i') .ill I. till' ti-iii' ii li'.ii ut' the 1 ■ ilii"- . \\ 1- ai" u i'iip\ iiig the lile )il u-it' liriek Stui e, .-iii-l i’laiik Uhart in liuiit, uwtied aint '• ii lui riy ui ciipii'.l by K. W. i;r..wii. i . well a - his N.-n.il Si.,re Wharve . ami Shed . Illiliiliati'ly beluw Allli tl'eet. alhl are amply plepii-i'.l tu ii-et'ive and t'.irwal'l, sell ui' tui'e, all_\ aliiuiiiil !•!' Mi |i-liandi: e eiitl'll t'-d tu uiir e.ire. I siial ( ,-id\.iii' i s •III ( iiftuii. II n.-il .Stull-’, or utli(-r piudiice. r. c. WOK'I'H. i:. »i. woi:th. , .1 Iii'v I. I'^^M. My Stui'l chasers. Oct. is larfre. and well wurih the atleiitiuii of piir- .\ny kind uf I’ludiice t'lken in ex. hange. .1 \S !. ( (toK. ISO;;, :;:itf I s'livXMi'.R iii:.Nuii:ri'\. ■^IlKoldll tiiiiii \. \\ e-~-i'irs w liarf in \\ iliiiiiigtmi. tu her old whart' in Fa \ etteville. with ;i -iitrn'ieiit iiiimber ul' |-’lals tu aci-uiniiiudate those vvi- hiiig tu ship I ihi’uiigli ur way freight. H- M- 01!1’,|'.LL. ' .\geiit at Fayetteville. i Si'|,t. is.'.;:, -Of 1 U iliiiltr- ‘uh. , and all in w ill and I .aliiiii ’. .loli\."0.\. L’-H III f) (tiid (t III!( n ll the be I m iliner. (■ U. \.M M 11 . I 3 AND SHOES, |.ri.-e I.W.- I ,11.1 ‘.II I'. 1 bv ts attd Shot s il lilt ! IV 1. t'hi- i the UT t he I ■’)t ll uf Said negro is I' while eyes, \) I'K !,. s.io iei:wAisi> ■ A 'i I'r^Pill 1 he .-u i-i ii,i-r. . . 1' I. hi: ne;i-ru '.lirl ,-'ai ah. . ' .! p'f aiu'. 1.1,,. ■ . ^^:.il lar i-i-'li ■ ;i .lit I -I'l p .11 ii'l . ^ .'J.pp- e I 1.1 bi' lul l Ml the iii'lghbur- •I1. 1 - I.' \\ 1 ! xhl ur (-eii. .M1- Ka \' . i 11 Hl.di n 1 ipe ap. ive I'e'.vard will be ],-.id fur her deliveiy '■ ii' r ei.iiiinement in anv jail in the '^lati' of ' ■ ■■ ' W.M Hl'TLKi;. C,. .Miiri'h 1-1. 77tf (URN. Ill'.LS Col N'l'KV C(»11N in More. ] > 11 Ll I'l'KliLoH tpull' B). W. J. ilciil.ovv. hi'.NT \i, SI i:.i;oN 3 S Pp. 'ite.l ihii'.l duur lieliiw the Market, n .\11 v\ hu aie ill Ined ut the serviei-s ut' f a |i--l)ti t ar*' pei tl'uHy invite.1 tueall. I- t; ua la lit ee.- ,'| I i- faet iuli il; all i ipe la t iuli-. Oi tiiber in. is.'",:;. ;;)if 11 L hi'rhesi ea^li jirii Oak St ivi Is. \\ . Straiigi Feb'v is, I.H.- ]iaid fur Turpentine, NN'hite iml >:ik ur .\slie Heading, (’.-ill un whii can always be fuumi :tt the Still M.-LAl i:iN .V ST1:AN(.F. 7i>ff M ; ( i c.'iiii I-a ver K;iisins, lio.x Cheese. Ivi’f aiiil p|f. r.arrels i'’resh Npi. I ami li . laek- erel. I’lir sale by C. T. II \K;H SON. Dec. '.it*, 1s.'>:;. -'i-'itf (.1 A NO. d ^ TON’S leceived and tor sale by OlF C. T. H.\IUFI \ SON. Dec. 16, lH.->:i, T/^tf I'Ri-jcirriNc ON CAIM-: i'i:ar rKlHi; subsi-iibers having purchased the Steamers B- F.sei-i’reeii ami Suiifherner am! Tuw lio.its, lately the ]ii'up.-rty uf the Ilenriett.i Steaiidii.at Cuiiqianv . are now piep.-ired tu lurward with despatch mingtun .'iml Fay'tlevilh ed to them. F. N. .1. H. r.olH KTS. Fayetteville, Feb’y 1-1, IHu-’'.. bStf Harper's MaifaziiK; lor .lanuarv, just eceived. E. J. 1I.\LE & SON. with despatch, between \\ il- ‘ill freights ur guuds eiitrubt- !>i;. STl{)Ni’S IOMPOl M) SANA'nVE IMLLS. ^Iil>|] l*illS :ii'4> ‘iilir‘ly :3iiil :ii'4‘ a most ^ii|M*rioi* .VI‘«li4'iL'‘ in tl|p i-iii-e ui all IliliuU' Cuiiiplaints. Chills and Kever, D\spi-|p--ia. Ciistiveness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, .Sick lleail.iehe. Scrul'iila, .Salt IHieiim, Fevers of all j kind', Luss ul'Ajipetite, (Ibstructed and |iaint'iil Men- striiatiuii. and all lingering diseases. Asa Female Nh'ilicine they act like a charm, and when taken aecurding tu the directions, they never fail , III cure Very worst cases of I*il4‘s, after all other lemedies tail. Tii4‘v piiril'y Iii4‘ 4‘4iiialiy,4> fli4> 4'ii-4‘iii:iti4»ii„ i'4‘«t4>iM> (Itie l.i\ >r, l4ilii4‘>>>, aii4t 4»tli4>r ^«4‘4■l’4't4»l'> (4» a Ii4‘alliiy t4»il‘ Silld U'llOli: and as an .\nti-Hiiious Family j Medicine they have no eipial. Price cents per box. -,1AW— 1)K. STUONC’S IMX rORAL STOMACH IMLLS. ri'inedy for ('nughs, Colds, t'atarrh, Hronchitis, Crouji, \\ hiiuping ('uugh. Asthma, Consumptiun, Nervous lliseases, Dvs]iepsia, Costivemess, i;rysi}iel: s. Disease uf the Heart, Intl.-iinmation and Pain in the Chest, F.aek and Side, and all dise.-ises arising from a de ranged state of the Stomach, and to relieve the dis tress and bad t'eeling frum eating too hearty food, iii vve.'ik and dysjieptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. rflHFSE Fills act as an Exiieeturanl, Tunic, and S ,\)ierient One ’J-'i I'cnt box possesses three limes mure ]iower to -ure disc'ases th.in a une dullar buttle uf anv uf the Syrups, lialsams, ur .Sarsa]iarillas, that was ('ver made, and a simjile trial of only one box will jirove this impurtanl truth. | Tll4‘y |>I'4»III4»14‘ IA|»4‘4'l4»r:tllt>ll, |4»4»S4‘II I llie I*iil4‘tfiii, aiKl 4‘U‘Hi' tli4‘ aiil 4»1li‘V S4‘4‘r4‘t(>ry of sdl ■■■4>rl»i4l :"'‘l there is not another remedy in the whule M ateria .Medica capable ut' impart ing such iiealing priipi-rties tu the Lungs and \ ital Organs .-is these Pills. 'a'll4‘V 4'Iir«“ t'4»sliV4-ll4*SH, |>|'4>4ill4‘4> a u;o4»4l lomiiar A|»|M‘(>I4>, aii4l sli-4‘ii;;lli4‘ii llio Sy*l‘»t. Price ‘J;'» els, per bux, cutitaiiiing do.“es of medicine. Call on the .\gents whu sell the Pills, and get the “Planter's .Mnianac" gratis, giving lull jiarticiibirs .and certiticalcs ut' cures. I’.iith kinds ut the above-named Pills are for sale in Favotteville by S. J. Hinsdale, and J, N. Smith; who also keep a supply ut /fr. Sjnnct'r'.'^ Viyitafilf I’ill.'’, and lh\ /fiil/'.'t Celchrah'd /'///.«, which stop the Chills and Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach or ojierate on the bowels. [Iti-Y] March l!'.', 1H.:);{. Sl-V woR'ni cN Ei.Lio r r, (si :n;.ssoKS 'i\ .i. i). wii-m ams,) K() K W A K1 > I i \ (’«)M >11 SS ION MKKt’HANTS, FA^ FTTEVlLLi;, N. C. ed to. March 11. l.H.VJ. -MARBLE I'ACTOllY, W J. A. WOltTII.] February Hi, liS ('HARLi:s RANKS, f' o.vn: 4' Tio.vM: k , WIKH.FSM.E AND PKTAIL DEALEP. IN /'//» Fruits, Xnts, (’n/itrs, TiiIhh i'h, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, iS-'.u. Tutf .1. I-:. LAW ri:nci:, m*.u.vtm:r, Fayetteville, N. C. September, lS-');> ;;n-bni R. M. orri:ll, fokwaijdim; (inniissin.N iikiiiiiam at ray«*ilt‘vill«‘, r\. March H>. By LAUDER. TWII DiiIIKS UillVK, l'. T, llllllll )i SUV'S STORK, Fayeltevillc, Jan’y 20, 01-1 ^l>ii*it! Tiii’|H'iiliii(‘ Waiitefl. ^|''HE undersigned will j,ay cash fur Sjiirits Turpen- J tine, (in good urder,) allowing only a lair margin to pay incidental expenses in sending to a general market. W hen parties jirc'fer tu ship on their own account, the timlersigneil will make lilieral cash advances (for the usual cuinmission) on all .Spirits and Itosin placed in their hands lur ,'hipment,—giving the owner always the iiption tu sell in Wilmingtun or ship to New York. (iEo. W. WILLIAMS .S: CO.’ .Inly I Hr,;;. stf is.-.l. t.-J-tf lilank.s for sale here. II. I'.RAMIJER'r, Conlectionery and Variety Store, I iii/cr thr Fii/rtfi iHh Hnt>K H"!/ ‘St., I'AVKTTKVIhhK, N- Dec’rul, isi”.;;. r.stf lU Li: V.V HALL, MANUF.VCTI KEltS ,^m. WHoLFSALE DFALFUS IN it o o t s a It tl S h o t’s, KiT 1’kaui, St., NKW VOliK WF keep on hand a large and beaiitil'ul stuck (>f HOOTS AND SHOES, gutten up expressly for the Niirth and South Carolina Tr.-idc, and during the Spring of 1S.'>4 we can show an unsurpassed assortment ill our line, and will be much pleased to see th«' .Mer chants of the South when in the City. The undersigned being with this House, will be pleased to see his aciiuaintances, at the Old Stand, lt)7 Pearl Street. W. A. McCORKLK. Dec r 2*i, IH-i^!. o7-->m A r rivN rioN, i he whole! UT II ILF yuu are talking of yuur internal improve ments, lui'get nut tu call tu see the improve ments made in (Juns at M. A. H.VKEIPS t.rUN \l.\Nl - F.\C'l'oi;\, un Hay street, opposite the i’ost OBice, where he has the Prussian Needle (inn, .Vir (iuns, and variiiiis impruved Pistols, uf Cult's Ilepeater, .Vilen’s, Whitney's arms coniji.-iny with .M.-iMiard primers. Arm- strung Duelling Pistuls; with :i l.ii-ir' asaortmeiit of diiuble and siiigle-b:irrel Shut iuns. (lame and Shot Hags, Puwdei- Flasks. Pereiissiuii ('apsof English and l-'rench make, with a large a'lSurtuieiii of gaming tix tun- - llitles (-iiii'taiitly un haiel and matiuf-ic;iired tu older, and vva i r,-i'iM'iI tu shuut trum 10(1 tu ‘.HMl y.-ii ds i;eii.-ii:-i.!;i uf evi ry thing ill the (iunsiiiitli line will bi- ill.lie at sliurt liutiee. in the be,I iii.illlier, ,'l ml for H Miiail charge. ,\11 urdef' |iruniptly attended tu. .\11 Wiiik wiilialiti d M A. ISAKER. Sign III the Wooden (iiiii, Ilay street, oppusite the Pust Ottiee. •Ian y ~. I.''-’>L i',*tf i'lre iitsurftnee* rjl^HE .EI NA liisur.inee Cumpany of Hartford, hav- Jl. ing paid the t;i\ imiiosed by the Keveiine Law of the late Legislature, will cuntinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management uf the nndersigned, who is prepared tu issue Policii-s uf 1 nsur.-iuce on Build ings 1.1- (iuiids, either in this Tuwn ur in any part uf the .State, uii prujier ali]ilieat iuii, descriptiun uf the Pruperty, ,Vc. Till' -Vyi'N-V C(>MP.\.N'V has been in uperation about :;(» years. Its capital is The Hon. Thos. K. l>rac* was its lirst Pi’e'ident. :iml he still holds that 1 ottice: and several of its first Directurs are still active and ethcient menibrrs of the Huard. It has at nil times 1 sustaine'l the highest ch iracter fur the prudtnce of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its lusses. E. J. II.A.LE, Agent

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