»■ ih- m: t Ilf • 1» \s , il! ii. ' ' nil i . M. ^ , I Ki I .1.1 I \ > i. :iil! ^ OOIK ■■’' • I.'Ui - , ' ' ll-l ■I- I '' thf 1 > ‘ " ‘ ■ -\l'i 1*1 IM, > . 0 ir in ni- i \ ru. I’l... V..-1 1* 5 \ -XfS,' '1 ;• ' \ ! i X i s. Sli-- # O i • a-1. ki^- n. rth IM' 1 t.-- il!.‘ >ii: ; ill!' \1 MilV, ' no AlVf: Bi>OEb) tetifl Shors I ti.- ‘ ■ S E M I - W E E K L, Y. FAYETTFAILLK, N. C., FEBRUARY IG. 1854. [NO. 1>71.] \TK1> M"M*AVS and THURSDAYS. [1)\V\I!I) J. ll Vl.t' & S(tN, ANh i’Uoi*Kii;i'4H;s, , >omi-" >■'On^KH\KU 00 it" in V ■"! il’ihiriiii; the yoar of sr.l>scnp- V i ■'•.■r llu* your lias (‘xjiirc'l. U. I > ‘'li'KKVi.u ->:2 OH |u>r aimuiii. if in S- >0 it ]i:iiil iliiriii^ tlie year ot'siilisi rip- . ■» , • il'tt'r the year has oxpireil. ■ 1 ,; ;>l!Ml'.NTS i-isevtoil U>r sixty oonts per , ■ !;i.> i..r :lio fn>l. an*! thirty cents for earh !i>'ati>'n. Vo:iriy ailvertiseinents liy sjio- ■if.u ‘‘t roa> 'Ual>U' rates. Ailverii'er.'- art- i t 'ta!e the number iif iiisertiuiis d-.'sired, or ■ !.. ci'ntimu-il till forbitl. anii fhar*retl avoj-il {,. ;v’ Letters to the IvHttirs ninst he post-paiil. .1. X T. W ADDILL. 7(»tt' Slov('s! Sto\ rs!! Stovrs!!! the vunlur^ifiiieii, wuuM respeetfullv call tlie ▼ W attention .ii’S( iL TIIKIIN M lOitcMlANTS to our extensive stock of Sforc.s, i'nuUIrotis, I'orsi'cs, iV^’- (>ur assortment of rotikaii.l Tai-lor Stoves caisist' of some ol tlie ln'st in tlie market. \Velia\ea larj;eSto\c for woo'l, capable of coukin;i I'i.r friuii lliri'e to four liunilreil p‘!s.in-^. >\ir St. vcs ai’i> made m'wv, and con'iei|Ucnt1y art' duralilc, and aie warr.inted to ri\c satisfaction. (tur stock C(.nsists of the followin;^ (,'ook nnd I’aili'r r'tnves, lor w.ioil, viz: ISuck, .M' dern I'roy, (Ifihe. \i-.. f..r I’arlor; I’roviihtice Air-'ri;iht, I iiion ,\ir-l ijiht, Ida \ir-Tijrht. .Niiic i’late, \c. ,\c. Dealer-, w-uld d" v eil t.; ^ive tis a call 1 et■.:■rc purch,■lsin!r elscuhcn*. M:,MAN ,S; \VAI!M« I\. N. i;. eoriicr of L’d ai. l I’.ace Sts., rhiladelpliia. .ian'y lo, l tiii-l'itpd I.OOK A r THIS! ^ S ^ II r stil si riluT ]>rei)ared ami (nullified to de- *- spatch all orders for I’apt'r Mangiiifr, having on Itand a fine as-i.»rtment; amonj; whitdi may he foumi tlie Oak and Nlarlde jiatterns. He nlso carries on tlic Mattress makiiij; ami I’aiiiting. of all descriptions, ('all “11 liiin at No. 7 street. H. W. HKNUV. .1 im'v 1 1 V.') p (i2lf •I i.ari)i:n skkds. I S’l’ li Ki'l’d\'Ki*, a fieneral assortment of i-an- drciiis celcliratcil (l.\l!Dt',N SKIDDS, warranted esh ani’i ^ren'.iine, o! the jirowtli of IS.'):;. S. T IlAWl.KV vS: SON. •Ian''' IS'iI. lili-t'.w F.AURIXIU RGH lIKiH SCHOOL, RICHMOND (’OUNTV, NOUTII (’AKOLINA. ^1^11 IS larpe an I llourishinu; Institution is now per II miiiicntly estahlished. under a full corps of well ! pare Cai*tha^(‘ II()(ri. ! .WlNd recently pureliased tlie ahovc I'stablish- j ment from Malcum Kelly, Ks'[.. 1 a:ii now jire- | to entertain in a comfortuhh* manner tlio.se win |[ \Ul iiualified Instructeis, aiTl! with every thing rei(uisite for , hiay >iive n»e a call, ilavinjr amjile Stahles, jrood Ost- Stnhh's. Bl tfttfl 'MYtint for NK larjre |!o-; '' and 4 ll"i'>cs. - l>ntr;j;ie', aiol I Ca. i-yall. Kur s.-i!e 'in‘a]i liy •I.VS. C. (’OitK. Nov. 11. IS-’i;’,. -lltf O /. SmiriTH, WIU»I,K>\LK. UMBRELLA PARASOL • Uftii itiYtctttrei% 234 and 235 HRO.MM9U\t\\ IV#/*#., Nkxt ixion Til Tiiv. l>HO.\DW.\Y H.VNK.i ■ « prepared tc offer the MKH(’HANTS vi'itiny: ■. t huv their Spring roods. the largest and most beautiful •issortMient if ( III l> I- I I a « a II 1 I* :i r a •> o I •>, ■ ; in i'.nri pc or America. Von arc rc-jicct- ■■ ! t(- call and examine the -^tock n f fa r r f* »f r c h a ** i n //. \ I’.i . ■ > ut out this card :ind jnit it in yur .H s r Kix i:i\ i:n am> i-oi: saij:. LAUGI: No. Mackerel. “ Herring Fresli Lime. riastcr I'.iri-. ('eiiiciit and I’lasicrinj^ Hair. J. W, POWHIIS \ (’o. July IS.-,;;. l;3-ti Norici:. JlllKSl list KU;KK has removed to -M SHAWS NKU I'.llLDLNt;, (iil- Str> i t. wlu'i’O 111' ‘mtfiuis i :u- the ’I' VIS.OB£l\4* lil Sl- .NL.'S.S: ill ;ill its brant lies. ilavinj;had practical e\[icricncc in no'-^t of the ,\t- lanti- citie.'. he t'ccls as-iircd tliat he can plea>e the most fa'tiilious. Alt tirders will be executed witii neat- and tiesiiatt h. r., MoNA(illAN. March L’S, IS.'.:;. Sl-tf 5 iS\ (‘TV 'I'liu mull rsi^r.(Hl continue to carry on tiie L1VEK\' lU'SI- N S at this phice. They have lately largely inereasetl their Stock and can n'ow oft'er to the public as good Horses, Carriages and i)ri- vcrs as can be found in the South ern country. Thankful for the largo ]>atron- age her -u fore extended to us, we solicit !i eontininition of tlie public f.ivor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travel. Stables at the West end of .Mumfori street, where one of the I’rojirietors may always be found, or at the Store first door East of Mr. I^utterloh. J. y;. powKHS & ('(). Kavetteville, Keb'y ‘J'J, IH');5. 71Y .10.000 Him. of Wanted. iWlLL pay :;.l cts. per |iuitiiii cash for all clean cotton ami linen U.VtiS, tlelivered to J. D. Wil liam-;, in F.iyettevilb*. I am nearly ready to put in ujieratioii at I’apcr Mill in this neighbffrhood. and am IcsiroKs of getting my rags in this market. My object is til pay ;is nnndi for r.ags as 1 can afforcl, anti ho]>e that I may imt be lurced to li.->tant markets for my .-■upplics. 1 have arranged with .Mr. Williams to re- ceixc and j'av for all rags delivered to him. DAVID MURPHY. l-’ayetteville, Keb'y i; I, ISf)!;. »i8-tf ),,,..k tor reference. JOII\ ^niTii. \lanufacturci A( \v I "inn. al. and • M .\ivTLK h.i\ing as.^ociatc'l with F.Vl'ST I? , WlNLliKLNl'.K, they will otitinue -.Ur. i;i SINKSS im ler the firm if Fallal. \Viin*l>i*t‘iioi* tV Co., r,:\b>Vl'D t" their N KW nvK-.'TtiKV I'.uuw.N - V ■ , N I'l N -rth ;;d Street, La-t ^ide above ’ i ' 1.^1. erected II the l..t f-rmerly ec- ••(I dt'iry H 'tel,' where we are pre- • w I . ry tull assnrtment of I.-.. fiiifis, .4 " -. Hnrk'r^, •' r i-i usually kept by Hardware estab- rcs]>ectfu’.iy S'dicit • uveT' gctier.-illv. M.‘ Icb v 1". iH.-.l. norsi:.sk;n and okxamk.n r- ai. pain ri\(;. rniHK uiiilersigned haviiiij hitcly arrived frem the ■- N'l'rth. wi-ilit"; t ' inf"rm the citi/cns nf I'ayette- ville and vicinity, tli.it lit* has just opene'i a Shop on Mumlord street, in the u)iper part tif .Messrs. I’ier iV Uranin's I'arriage Repnslt.'ry, and is n^'W prepared the ; to rc.'cive all Girders t'-r all kin Is 'if Il"Uc. Sign and i I'riianiental P iinting: (Iraining. l’ai>er Hanging, A:c. ■ I’er-'oiis wi-hing such wm-k lone will do well to call and see my specimen.' ot wurkmansiiip. Wind' w .''hade- furni-iied to order: also S ishcs. U'linds and D m.I -, at the l iwe^t ni.irket jiiice. All w rk exei'llted with l;eatne.- and de>patch. Only give me a. call; I am bound to please. lIoKAt'i: W. r.LACK. .lan'v \-2, is'. L 'Htf VWK [.AST NOrU’E. ^■■^HIC tirin of Cook & Taylor was dissolved the first A of la-;t May. There has been but little heed paid V.y their frien'ls to the call fer settlement of their notes and acc'iuuts. We now ilistinctly say that all notes and acc.iunts remaining unpaid will be put in a train of col lection duritig the month of .lanuarv. .IAM'LS rt. COOK. WILLIAM TAYLOR. Dec. Ul. 07-tf W. visit from T NOI'ICK. orter> fiT 'ale hi- L.\ .N D.->. six miles 70-1 It i'i:iii!i; ifc poiBi-iiTo.v WlMLK.'^ALi: DKALKl’.S IN Foreign am! Mfomestir I>11V iUTS. (Wl'.s. HOOTS. SIIOl'.S. •' ' . . Oh-I ( ' l)t III HAV rav«‘tlfvillc‘, A. t . ■ .ittention paid t' or ler>. -urfj '•! -k wi!! '■ ■■ complete by loth March. r . .tt [r. II. I'h.MKl KloN. Sal«*. '^0 '.>f !( ' N t- N... 1 'jvr*(l aiii lor i .M.Vi KLKl'.I.. ' •• •• Salmi‘11. . • . I Fimi. ^ t'li. e A''am.intine C.indb--, •• T::;llW ■, No. I s .a)., "■.da ‘'i-ae':-.T-, _ ! '-i 1:-. i;r'’Wn .''uu.ir, b'-.’'. ('ru^iei! and •ii-iriii- P.uekwh“: T F''Oir in ■_•' lb. s-o-k^, 1’Itice. S I’erat i', and ;t I’owder'. , 11 Tur]iellt.:.e A';e.'. Uv W. if. 7. l-'l IHK subscrib N .rth of Favette'iile and about one mile from the Fayetteville itiid R.ilcigli I’lan'K K"ad, Consisting . f a’ - \it l2(iO a‘r*** »f i.,a>ld. suited to the mi king "f Turpentitie nr Timber. There arc on th>' pre- misrv a gi'od saw and grist mill, all in go..d repair and now in iperation: al'o a dwelling, and ail tlie i.e. essa- ry .'iit-liouses, in g ■ d repair. Als'i, another tract "f twuhun'lre l and titty acres, Mil the hea I waters ..f ('arver''^ Creek, kii"wn a- the Tarrr Place, '.n whicli tlierc is a small f.ann. a dwel ling house and ..ther h-aist-^. On the tii'i named tract tliere .ire cut abnut twenty- live tli'Oisaiid Turpentine b-.xe-. Iri'Ui tv,., t" f.ur year' old. .Ml tlie above lati'ls will be s ' I -.in the m-.'i acc.ni- in.).lat:ng terms. Pci> 'ii-- wi.'liiii^ t.. pur. h i'e wil! jdease call .ii tlie su^ v-rib..r. wh.i will taie j.lea'iire in shi.-wiiiu the .above land-;. WM. R. RoLToN. Oct. -J?. I"'.:;. l"tf ^HIUK Sulwi'’ re, eiv ;-'a'^ f r lr.n,0i.0 a ..f C.'tf.,n Rr'ttlii; .r ^V•oMi(|^^ .\!s,,. f,,r ;;jii!(l.liuO three ni.";i"i.' •o' Reed-; fr. ni feel l«n", \nd als.i. D',’>"" ten timii:-aiid: pi.uii'l.' ..1 go. d i;lean(’o'n Siiiic k.'. in stated •|Uan;it;c'. I -.r lurther particulai> iii'iuirc "f ANDREW S'S 'I'i/i n nrr fifid Store VLWAYS on hand. Cooking. I5ox, an«l I’arlour STOVKS. —ALSO— A varied assortment of Tin Wiire, at wholesale and retail. Ry C. W. ANDRKWS, Market S.juare, •lune '., 'JtM»tf a first class Seminary, l.eing well siip{.Iied with Maps. Cieograj.hical and .\stronomii'al; (ilobes, Pliiloso]ihical aii'l Chemical App:iratus. The Semi-.Vnnual Sessions of live ntonths commence on tiie secotid Monday of .lanitary and.luly resiiectively. Circulars, containing full jiiirticulars, will be fur nished by a).)>lying to Rev. .J. .lones .Smyth, A. M., Principal, Lainel Ilill P. O.. Hit hmond county. N. ! or to D. Mcl.NT^’RF. Secretary, j October 14, 18o:>. :>'iV 1 FiM'sh (iiarU‘fi Sec'd. SA^i'L .!. mNS!)ALI’: ? B .\S just received his supply f FRRSH and iLN- sM riNI-; CAltDKN Si:i:D--growth of 185;{; ASP.\HAC.I:S. B K. V N S—R a r I y (' h i n 11, Karly \'alentine, Karly Mohawk, Large Lima. BEF/rS—Early P.lootl Turnip, White Sugar. Early Flat Rassano, Lt'.ng lilood Kei, (,'ORN—Sugar or Siveet, CABBAGE—Early York. Early Sugar Loaf, Early tiat Battersea, Large French Ox-heart, Large York. Large English Drumhead, Fine Drumhead Savov, C.M’LIFLOWER-Early London.' C.\ RR(.>T—Long ((range. Early Horn, ('ELERY—White Stdid, cueUMBEU—Early Piussian, Fairly Cluster, London Long C«reen, F](i} PL.\NT—Large Purple, LETTUCE—Royal Cabbage, Large Green Ice Head, Ice (.'oss. MELON—I’ine-ajiple. Nutmeg. Water. ONION—Wethersfield Large ReiL Yellow .''ilver Skin. P.VKSLEY—Double Curled. P.\ RSNIP—Lung Smooth. PEPPER — Large Bull Nose. Sweet Mountain. PUMPKIN—('onnecticut Field. R.XDISH — Early Long Scarlet. Early Scarlet Turnip. White Turnip. P.lack Fall Spanish, SQU.\SH — Early Yellow Bush, TOM.VTO—Large Red, Pear .Shaj.etl, TURNIP— Early Spring, Purjile-top Ruta Baga, Large English Norfolk, For sale by J. HINSD.ALE. Dec'r iJx, ls.j:l. 'i7-‘Jni ■r.'. a'ltl a disposition to acct.mmi.date, 1 tru.^t I shall be able to give entire satisfactieii to those who may f.-ivor me with their patronage. H. C McLEAN. Carth.age, Liec. •'>. 1S.5;J. oltt r 0. it • F.iv MS nio flinjr. Fayet Trim - RESS!N(; AND SUAVIN(J SALOON. \IITII res; •-‘ctfully int'orms the citizens oi' teville. :in tiie surrounding country, that •I his Barb ring e-^tablishnient to the Hotel !is room >: ay b^' i>i>w fo ind o’,.positt^ the ville Ban!-, where h.e is prepared to Slitive uccoinnio lilting terms. He very respect fu; y retur - thanks to his old customers aii'i the p'lb- lic .reiieral for their liberal patronage, anil ho].es that vill be OREATLY INCRFASED. as he ha- nshlerable expense in titting n;> his Shop ■rt t>f his ciisromers. He would .nvite the the citi/.ens to his RE.ADlNd l\OOM. in diaving Establishment, v.iicre they will find iig Political papers of the day. of Perfumeries an.l Hair Oils, Shaving Soafi. Hail ind Shaving P.iaishes. and a variety of other articles in is line, for sale. I'ayette\ lie, N. (’., Oct. l!o, IH-'):’.. 8S-(im ffji r^est €'trs'i»!ie t'netortf in the Soitfit I his custom been to ;i for the coi att Mition ( rear of hi.-^ all the lea' All kin. MW/" OULD respectfully inform the public that he is T w still at his old stand carrying on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liber.il patronage he has received, and hopes by a strict attention to business, and a tle.‘-ire to please all and give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma terial and by experienceti workmen.—having .i more tjr/ien'r-nred :inil jjriielieal Smith, lie tlatter.s himself that his work will compete with any niatle in the Stnte for style, elegance and durability; and sliould any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workinan- shi[) Ol' material, lie will repair it free oftdiarge. Persons wishing to buy, vvouM ilo well t" c i’l and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thaiikfiiHy received and promptly attended to. jgjijy I’EP.\IRI.N(i neatly eAecuted at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, .J.-in. io, IRij.T. C3tf Firc-l^roof* FRANCIS SIIENTON. Slate ffttff •Jietfit Mloofer. ri'^HANKFUL for past favors, 1 beg to inform my I friends and the public, that I am now prepare.l to contract for and execute, in the best manner and on reasonaVile terms, .\LL KINDS tp F’lRE-PROOF ROOFlN'Ct. (hitters, l.emler Pipes and Heads, of any style or pattern, mad* to order and warranted for any- specified time. Slate Chimney Pijies nia'ie to suit any style of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. Force. Lifting aii'l Suction Pumjis, adajUed to any situation: Hyilraulic Rams, and all kinds of Hyilraulic .Machines f«)r supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead ami Lead Pipe, of various sizes, l.ir sale. Fayetteville, Nov. 15, 1S')8. 44-lY \Vlif> have A A. Mc KiyrilAA HB ESPE-’TFULLV informs his friends and the puh- B W' lie, t lat he has built up large substantial Bric'k Buildings a his Ohl Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriages. Tiiankful for tiie very liberal patronage he has receive'! for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention t. buitiness, with a tle.-ire to give sati.sfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be iaale of the best material and by ex]ierienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in tiie United .States, for leatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any woi'k done elsewhere thflt is as well done. He now has on hand, Fixisiiki), the L.\R C.EST STOi K of ('arridS( JhiroHches. Rock'nira^s^ aiid fhl^rrrlc.S. Ph er offereil in this place, anil a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished laily. All of which will be sold very low for C.vsti, or on short time to punctual customers. J8i^ir"He has f»n hand more th.in ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicle.s finishep and in course of construction. All ■■■.’ork made by him is warranted months with i’air u^nse, and shouhi it fail >iy had workmanship or material will be repaire«l free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would tio well to call anl examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received ami promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. .Mav liS. i s.j;;. 98tf SHOOKS WAN'FEI). rB'^HE .Subscribers want to }iurcl'.ase any iiuantity of M tiie above named article; those having the same for s.ale will do well to c.-ill on us at the Store No. 7. Creen ."^treet. North of the Market, after the first of Januarv. K. ", HKNK\. ■F. HENRY. Dec U. I"'. :. 5:!-tf all's AV riiis Cltra lU RMSU. The American Seed Garden, If'KTiiKllSt'EKi.MK Vonn. JOHNSON, ROBBINS & CO., I^IWPRIHTORS. OFFER for sale, through the subscribers, their Agents for North Carolina, a full, complete and fresh assortment of G.\ RDEN, i'lELD, and FI..OWER SEEDS, ,r,imini'll the growth of lS;j;j. an.l put up ex pressly for this market. The reputation of the seeds grown at WetherstieM has extended far and near, and ROOK lUNDERY. W. HARDIE has resumed the Book Binding Business at the new Store next iloor to Mr. Be;i-;ley, .leweller. where he will receive :ind execute binding in any style desired. August I. l!7tf II. rjj^^lir. Subscriber, a practical 15oot-maker of some ex- ' staii'ls at j.resent unrivalled in .[uality an'l a laj.tedness there i-^ a to be yet supplicl to the public in old ami experienced gardeners, and continue as they i;. Favetteville. Nt.v. 1 t. 1' W . lil'.M’.Y. J. HENRY. 44-tf 1 SuLiar, ARV Ki:. (i'.'tf 't' r.nuis .f R tinr liOl >1'S AND sl!()i:s. I RESH SUPPl.V iust rccci’.V'l aii'l for .'ale bv ^ ■ H. \ E, .1. I.ILl.Y.’ ;■ y i :. !-■». 70-2w >ivi!ii Ncls ainl Net 'I'wiiic. for s'dN- W. H. CAIIVER. J". I-'. I. '•'•'.-•Jm '2tl Pnrchnsf for flu i'all 1^.).!. rHIllE uii'lci'ignd w :uM m.t'. y their cu^tnmer' aii'l M. .all "flit‘)-« buying in this market, th:.: they are n.iw receivinir their .'eci.n l ."‘tcek . t f .V i.L .• M b.r l.H.',:;. .^,.‘!i.fte'l by ..lie of tlie tinii ]>crsona ly. cii "f a geliei al a- .rtment ..f JJrj/ ll'tnUrnrf. S Inn ,\I.SO — large alliti .n i" their M i'll- ('bi'thilig. I All of wliich they otfer tn the tra'lc ; aeci'iiimn'la'iu^ terms, i I’liridi.t'ers will fiii'l if t-. their intcn->t t-. uive our ^ stock an examinati.di bcf .re ni iiiiig their .'electiniis. I HALL X SACKKTT. I Octol.er 1 • ly- 11)1'.II their usual the wav of a suit.able burnish for boots aii'l shoes. Most t.f the articles now use! either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man s | /'/(y" a projjer finish. He has therefore, ilur- 1 ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself t'l : the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions. aii'l has at length after much investigation and cxt'erinu-nt comjilctidy succeeded. The result is "Hill k ^ He .'Illy wishes that it may be tc'ted in i.rdcr t'l est;ibii>h its superiority over all others.- Cull tui him at Mr. Nathan Sike>' boot au'l she'e establishment, on Person street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS ;1LL. Nov. IS'.:;. 47tf »AKi:iiY. i fMlHE Siil.scriber has cst.iblishe'I a Bakery on Bow B .'■Street, on the L'.t two doors East of Diinc.an ; McNeill's Cabinet SIimj.. He is preparc'l to furnish t'.imiiies. Boats, and the public generally, with I’.vead, Biscuit, and Cakes of various kiii'is, of the best lality, ■ as he has pr..cured the services of one d' the best ISakers in the State. Prices reasonable, (iive me a call. Cl!A S BANKS. Favettcville, Dec. IS'iJ. .>o-tl have for a long series of years done, to pay their uudi- vi'led ami individual care to the cultivation, gathering, cleaning and packing of tUe seeds they offer for sale. The assortment consists in j.art of the following: — .Vrtichoke. .\sparagus. IJeans—Dwarf and Pule, every variety. Beets, I>roccoli. Cabbage, “ “ Cauliflower-E.irly Lon>loii an'l Large late .\siatic. Colewart or Collar'ls, (.’orn Salad, Cress. Cucumber, Egg Plant, every v.iriety. Carrot and ('elery, every variety. Indian Corn—Early Sweet. Ltirge Sweet or Sugar, Early White Flint. Early Tuscaror.i. Rale—Green, Curled, Scotcli. Lettuce, Melons. Mustard, Onion, every variety, (tkra—(Ireeii and Whit','. P:usley—Plain or Common, Double or Curled. Parsnip. Peas, every variety. Pepper, Pumpkin, Radish, Rhubarb, Spinach, every variety. Salsify >u- Vegetable Oyster. Si(uasli, Tomatoe, Turnips, every variety. A iitir ('arrifii/i: nt on the Mililari/ (hr> u, the. C/utn h, , frou/iui/ on Mimifhr/I (JREAT i:NTi:RPRlSi:! Fay‘tt‘vill' Ikoiiiid to | ^■■^HE Subscribers would re.«pectfully inform their: I friends and the public, that they liave entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting tht. general | C.\RRIA(iE P.USINESS in all its various parts. .\nd being both practical workmen, fully nn'lerstanding their business, they have no hesitation to comjiare w.irk with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to \. H, Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give gener.il satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER \ BRANIN. Jamks H. PiKlt. Ja.mks Bu.vmn. Fayetteville, Jan'y ’J4, tii!tf A Iil TTHU! NEW SUPPL'W just received. GEO. McNEILL. lan'v "0. Otitf DD^Creiiiii .Me, Lnyor Raisins. Ho.x Cheese, half and t|r. P>arrels Fresh No. 1 an.l 2 Mack erel. For sale by C. T. HAIGH Dec. 120. 18.5:5. iS: SON. .')Otf (U ANO. TONS received and for sale l>v C. T. HA'IGII Doc. l-'>. l.-^')?,. .V SON. r.:^tf Fdijcttcvillc (’andif Munnfactori^. rg IIIE su-iscriber still continues to manufacture a su- X. perio article of plain and fancy CA.NDIES, at the old sta -d, (No. •'>. Green street, doors North of the Market House.) where he would be happy to see his old triends and customers. CHARLES BANKS, .'larch : KS.')3. 73tf Ti E st!:ami:r “si n." ffl'^HE undersigneil. having purchased Mr. Tiios. JL Lutterloh's Distillerv and Cooper-shoj.s. have f a ^ H IS n-w and verx light .Iraught Steamer hns com- entered into Copartnersiiip'under tlie name of .McLaurin -B- niciu'd n-nning. though not .niite tini'^he'l. s|,, dc .''traiige, for the purpo.^e of carrying on the Di-itille- , is iking licigbt, ilraMing only !•. inches water She Sw!:: He;bs-Sage, SnvoA-, Thyme, LaUnder, Lem- ry of Turpentine, and the n.umfacturc; of Sph-it Bar- i rel n' S) (.Aiii)i:.v >j:i:i)s. ANTI'i) I'rc.'h and (ienuinc, :iii l ■vr,, . , 1'."..;. .Inst receiv. 'l ••Ill'l f 'l- ..f .1. N. SMITH. ■^larket the a'e by i;.are. -1 III vwvvrvvAWAA-: iiiTiiL wmm. KniPiw. ''j-'Hl roR \c CO.* E have on hand several lots of Tobacco, which we will sell :it lower prices acconling to.|U,nlity, than can be h;id of any other house in Town. J. & T. W ADDILL. Dee. li'.t, iH.'.n. 57-tf Feb’y 18, 18.' D. McLAURIN. W.M. McLAURIN. ,1AS. \V. STRANGE. 7(>tf w I'AIJ., 1853. Ci.mp-iiiy T .'V VI- appli' -it' I t.-rms as other '..mi .inie-;. DIKKCTOR ganL^f'ij aiol j^re] are 1 to re- Insiir.ince, on i' favorable 1)I:N I'AL I i',.\SO\- be e in l'ayette\ ioe in F ‘ I io'.ar 1; ';n lii- friMi'i NO ri( 1:. - leave lo s.iy that he ex- iriiary, when he iii'l r.thers. •;»;tf riiOV MAilSIl li.Wi; uN H.\ND; ' : p .''■\i;i;ir.', C'lirfc, .'^iilt, Iron, ll:ird\v:irc, CiuU ry, Win.l'iw (1 lass, 1‘iitty, ■ K'liiitli ’I’u'il.', l>yi' .''tutl.', Ala- ' I III; a III 1 Tali' i\v ( and If', (’r lek.ry, Hunts i .'■luM s, Cuttun ('arils, .'':i'ldles aiul liri- i- .''iiiiil, .’^•lap.s, l)ry (i i'uls, i-ic., etc., ■ il ill',", lifter Ml wholesale and retail. \M \bSO. ! .'!i I tr l. M.'.al 'l-'re-^h.) Dri.-.l I ruit', i.'c, FEE.^Il lip country lliitter. e \;i. i,t- I'.r the sale of .''t.idilard's Ctde- I"rtc, warralitc'! at N. jiriccs. Vro tiir. 'l T i^i' cco ;.t I'a. t'.ry j.rices. I'o 1. ' t;f,-tf A\o.\ K. II.M.i,. .1. 1. i;ki>. W.M. W.VHDI N. 'r. IIawi.kv. .Joll.N i>. \Vl 1,I.I.\.M.' r>KNi;iW. W.M. l..\i ui.v. Wm. .M’VKK. .''H('ONl) I fill anil Winfcr StocI: /ot V W I LLI.\ M.’-i are now rei-eiv g their .''E 'IN I) k for tliis season, of 'li'l I’aiiey I b y (Jooils; llats, (' ips, 'S s:lk, i'';itin iiinl .''traw Honnrts; I'riilirel- •-Old R(?aily-iii:idi! ('I'ltliiiiir;—witli :i lurire I'tiiiciit 1)1' Hosiery, (ilovcs, Silk ami ('uttoii I I'linllci rt hicfs. • '.e .St.M-k einbrace> a variety of .'Reasonable ■ 't •■iniiapr.tte.j, coniprisit;g one of the largest -II we liave ever ollered; and h.aviiig recently lot i-.| iiy tilt: Package, a' a reiiuction from ol tiie tirist id' the season, they will be oti'ered l’.iivt i> on our usual terms. SJ.M'iit. J. .\L WILLIA.MS. 18.j:i. 32tf ll;..\uv l.ii.i.'i. II. li. .^lYuovri!. Tiio.'. S. Li 11 ;:!ibn!i. .loilN 11. I). A. Kav. A. A. .Mi Kktiia.n. liKO. .McXbll.b. Nathan A. .''Tkdman. Jamks Kvi-k. OFFICEIIS: Gl!>. .\|e.\ i;i LL, Pre>i lciit. H. L. MYItoVEl!, Vice I’rc-idciil. .1. G. SHI'.l’Hi;i!D, .\ttorney. C. ,Me\l I LL.\N, Secretary. Gl'.O. McNEILi,. I .loHN 11. ' OoK. y i;.xecutivc Committee. J.\S. KYI.I'.. ) The i>bii. of Ml II \ I, I\'i 1; \ M K iiiii^t ct.nniien.l itself to our l oinmnnity, fur it laii be demonstrated that we liave savi''l v.ithiii the la>t -^ix ye irs ii|iwards of >!:!0,00() liv insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Ci.mpany: that is, we shouhi have paiil to havt; k(-pt the s.aine in- 8ur!incc ill the foreign joint stock comp.-iiiies tliat sum more than we have actually jiaiil. and yet the North Carolin.a .Mutual Company lias received between and SC.OOO iiiori' frf.ni our community than it has paid out for losses here, showing that w(“ are favorably sit- uate.I. as eom]iareil witii other places in the State, for Insurance. Our Comiiany h.as gone into operation favt.rably, hav ing the dav we organised applications to the amount of xl lt;,0(Ml, aiul tiie Coiiip.iny is now j.hiced upon a liriu footin g- ,\ny Director, authorised Agent, or Secretary, may receive Applications, but they will not be biii'ling until apjiri ved by the i:xecutive Committee or the Board. j^^ijy- GEO. W. L.AWRENCE is apjiointeil iener.il Agent of the ('ompany. We invite apjilii'ations ‘J.OOO lihls. 'rurpnitllie \\ fuiteit, whitdi the highest cash prices will be ]iai>l. ■* M. LEAN .S: .lONES, .''uminervill, N. C., May 18, 18-);1. i'ott joiIX HARMAN Kcsjioctfiilly inform? liis friends and the j.iiblic tli.-it he lias removed from the Hotel at the foot of Hiiymount to the larger _ and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, ami well known a-> the F.ayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers and Boanlers. No ex ertions of himself ami family will be spared to render those comfortable who may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C’., .June I800. liOOtf I on Balm, >vc. Xc. j .Vll or.lers addressed to Beverly Rose, Es.i-, our Wholesale .\gent in Fayetteville, and S. M. West, Esq., i Wilmington, will meet with prompt attention. ' WEBB & BRO. Dec. o, IS.'j:}. ;>0-tl N O' I' K' 1s-2.') RI-: \V A R1). ' HJI .\N.AW'.\Y from the subscriber, on Thursday the ■ ^ ;^d November inst.. two negroes, CH.VRLES and TONEY, with FOUB HUNDRED DOLLARS stolen trom their master. Ch.irlcs is about o feet 7 inches i high, comi'lexioii very black, big white eyes: he is j about ;?■") years of ago. one of his arms has been burnt I with a sc.-ir which will show very plain. Toney is about ; ('„iton H'dk'fs; I'.obiuct, L.n-e and Edgings; Boots am feet ''.inches high, very .lark complexion, small hog glides: Bolting Cloths, .No. I to lo. • \S ith many other oods: all of ^vhicil have been purclia I has a so a large amount of warehouse, .sheil and i wharf rooi 1, where Ntival Stores or other freight may be stored > ith safety, i * R. M. ORRELL, Ag't. ! Sept. 10 185:{. ‘.i7tf 1 ^ 1ED.\iv FALLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale j.iinr.s tS now receiving a very large and general assortment : of DRY ;(«U»S. among wl.dch .are I,')O0 ])ieces new style Calico; 7">0 M. Del.aiie: 1. o French ainl I'.nglish .Merinos: lioO Alj'aca: I’laid Bro cade and other Silks; Merino and Cr.ipe Pla’.'i and plain Shawls, assorted: Hats, Caps and I’.onnets: Silk aii'l | May 30, J9. man ur«.l Tob.i Mav -1 rORAlC'O. .bscriber continues to receive !ind stdl, on facturers' account, all grades of manulac- .1. Ull.EV IS.'.-J. eves, lari’c nose, very bent in the arm joints. Timey i> about :12 vears old. and was bought in .Moore county, N. C. I will pay the above reward for their lodgment in anv jail so that 1 get them. .1011N McDOUGALD. Selkirk, S. C.. Nov. 4. 44-tf •;t. 2 (;E0. .McNEILL. Pres't. A. .Mc.MILLAN, Secy. Feb'y 7, IHO;^. bijtf Bldnks for .sale fure. I'OR SAEi:. BOXES Manufactured Tobacco. W'e have in store a larg‘ siock of Tobacco, and ex pect to receive constantly from .1. W . Rei.I anti I’hom- as's atid other factories, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnish [.urchasers any quality at lowest factory prices. D. & W. McLAURlN. Sept. l^');;. .‘lOtf 'I'he. Mill tlinl took the Premium! TB^HE undersigne.l has the pleasure of announcing to JL the citi/.ens of Robeson and the adjoining cotni- ties, that he has pureliased the entire intei-est of Mess, (ire'gory lingers in the Steam Saw and Grist Mill at this place; and is now prepareil to fill all orders for LuP.ber that may sent in. Having a superior qual ity of Timber to saw, he is confiilent his Lumber can not be surpassed. Terms for Flooring and Weather-boar.ling, $12 Inch Boards, Ceiling and Scantling, 10 Roughage half price, say 5 The cash will invariably be required on delivery of the Liiiiiber, as the undei’Bigned intends keeping no books for that purpose. The above terms will be strict ly adhered to in all eases. D. W’. ROGERS. Lumberton, Dec. 3, 1853. 50t^ ROC K1' 1S H S111: I yI' 1N (i S, 1 MY the hale or half bale, for sale by 15 t'- T. HAlGn & SON. ,Iuly 13, lS:.-2. Htf A0/7// ('arolina ('assimercs. ^9 R. J AMES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of T B. Rock Island ('assimeres, manufactured by (’ar son, Young X (irier, at their .Mill in Mecklenburg County, N. w here consumers and merchants can be supplied. The manufa. turers reconimeml their fabrics as being equal in .liirability, and as {(Ormanent in col- j or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the I . S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests td tliem, and only ask to he palrouized in proportion to their merits. Sept. *.h ‘Jitf NO ri(’E. (^M^HOSE who are indebted to me by Note or Account E. will plo.ise settle the same. And all debts due me prior to the 1st ot .Jan y ISo.i, mtst be settled, as longer indulgence cannot be given. 1 lor i Asii, by the Package, anti will be otferci wholesale or retail as low MS possible. Tho.se wishing to purchase goi>ds will please call and examine. Sei-t. li'i, 18'>:;. corroN B\a;EN(;. LITE i V.STR.VNC'E. fglHI-; I adersigiied has been apjioiiited .\gent of the Ji. N.ir: ' ('.irolina Mutu.il l.,ire Insurance Comp.in;.. Every mei her for life jiarticijiates in the j.rofits of the Comp.-iny: shi|i. will one-halt' i ■11.1 the annual ]ireniium fo?- life members e it amounts to or more, may be paid cash, ainl the other hah in a note at I- H.VVE a plentiful supply of tiunny and Dundee | ninnth.' A. A. .McKETHAN. 08tf May 1H;):{. I.AND RROKER. IH.WE so many inquiries about Turpentine Lands, that I have conclinle l to offer ray services to buy and sell. Those having Lands for sale will furnish me plots and quantity', together with a fair description and price.— Mv comiTiissions shall be moderate. .IAS. G. COOK. Nov. 21, 1853. 4btf Blank Warrants for sale here. Cotton Bagging, B.ale Rupe, and Bagjiing Twine. Send in ytutr orders ainl they slmll be Mijiplieil. ■JAS. C.. COuK. Oct. 3. 1S.')3. 32tf _ S'I'EDMaN sk HORN!:. Dnj (roo(/.s, Ilarilu'urc, (• roecncs, I’\V!yr'a'i:vai.i.B:. i\ ,roULD resjiectfully inform the citi/cns and the ' public generally, that they have just returned from New York, .and are receiving their Spring St..ck of (loods. consisting ol />/•// arnri ri) s, Ilnnlinirr, »l ''. .V variety of Hats, suitable for the sea>:oii; L.adies’ iiml (ientlemeu s Boots, Shoes ami Slippers: a large as sortment of ready-m.-ule Clothing: a great many r.rticies in the ladies’ line, and we wouhl be please.I to have them to call and examine for themselves. •\11 orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will 1)0 promptly attended to. March 30. IS.-.;:. J^lif ri:!)IC'j:i) eari:. Thfough Tickets lietwotMi W'ilmington, N. (’.. .'ind B.ilti- more. Fare!*0 3. ia U eldon. Petersburg. Richmoml, .V W ;ish- ington(-’ity. or via \N eldon, Ptirts- mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at tlie ( Mliee )f the Wilmington and R.aleigh i!nil Road Company at Wilniing- i ton, or .at the Oflice of the Baltimore Steam Packet j Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio .-li lio&d i Comwany, Pratt Street, Baltimore. 1 Jan. 1, 1852. 63-tf liebti.i' lives may be insured by ercditur--. .\ man may insui his own life for the exc'u>ive benefit ol his family. lie lives of slaves nia_\ be ii.Mired. This sy 'em is rapi.lly growing inio favor, all over the civiliz' i world, it is one by whicii a family, lor a >iaaU sun; annually, may be provided for, alter the death of i ' head, on wh"'e exertions they may iiave been depe; h’lit fu; .1 siip]>ort. if ii a good inve«tinent of monev evt'ii if one shouM live long after taking out ;i Lit P.ilicy. Explanatory i'amiil;leis. and the neccssai ilhinks. fiirnishctl '.n applic.ation. 1:. .1. HALE. nre TH'^HE . r.’^A insiir.iiice ( I'lniiany oi Hartford, h.tv- .3. ill"' oaid till' t.ax impo-;ed by the Iteveliue Law of the l;.l • I.e'zisl.-iture. will eoininiie its .\*:eiiey in Favettevii'e. ti'ider the in;iiiaj;ciiieiif of the undersigned, will) is j.rt or‘i e'1 t.j issue I’.iiicies of li;.'urance on Build- in'js ..r G.'HIS. either in this Town or in any ]>art of the .'-:tate on prept f :i].i.Iication, description ol the I’rop.'rty, 'vc. The .K i'N-V COMi’.\N\ has l.een in opi-r.atiim aV.out :iO years. Its capital is The lion. Thos. K. Brace -.as its first Presi-lent, ami he still holds that office; aiii several of its first Idrcctt.r.-i are still active and efiicie '.t members of the P.oanl. It iias at all tiine« sustaineil the highest character for the f rudcM c nf its management, ami for the liberality with whi h it has over i Huste.l its losses. E. .1. H M-F. Agent. 'rii‘ .Noutiicni llai'i'ioiiy. ;m(i Musi cal Compi nion. A further siijjply just received. ^ E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 10