.V to TO •' Guns,‘ Ot oti ^ 1 , ’ I Stat. . ' S3 '■'" "! «''b '■'»• Niif. ai v, I , , ■' ‘ t: " '■'■*‘““‘8 .n:, str. .. . ,1, , ' n S!7’'- J't-r iul icr. ■fll w i. l> IN'. I ■1 l',.r ], ' -t,'. 1:. 'it.h ;ii, j. atr, ay t, .V l; n.c.f '1 li.i val M itreet. r'l, M .1 t.. , or u.--iness ffii, '"r ti.i U..,, tinm-r ' I,. ■■M Du I’. t NTl; V II . ' .!v i' ire. I I'l'. ...... 'V.-KTH. "5=Krn 1:0 ,\, oor ■ iifel • ctful.. inv^’ 1 •,. ofn-r,- ii) ;4i* rii»»T >:iii the \ le, uii'l iu n iit'. r on 1: -tr.—t, - Opeli. ■; \V \ ! K posit- ; ^ !■ :i_ -tr. ■.. . lessr- ; . IJI1:. work;. ;;.:i. - - , ! ‘ tin, . ' i>- NITU-F tTV :■ ’ : .'iv-ir. u5> : .! n;:i: ; IlfUt (A lin 1’ III. if / Co. ;.rep..v 'ON. .LIS vssr.'! p:liz . \] :;AN !' luce 1! ; . . !■ Kr.'l.: luch ’) - ; ,= !i :l! T‘.=.; L-. i r v; 1 oUSe . le - T. t Hit!-;.!: leet .! - . I '.' . !. R.l' A/t.^ >. R . K-, for 'i ■ : be !|; i:T;j ':.ll be i' ■ . T: i at t:.e ''^'■ RIN . ; THAN'iF- (’AIM .'ti'-nifr- clia-ic pinl 'I iitii))' '.-if.iii- cht.' , ,1-- 'sg.l |l,.t.-lsituute>l cour ceoiiii:;- tt . • - .. h‘ ‘ ‘ '“‘i*’' ' ,;7 vTith tlie : fiirii; . '1 " , j, with tl'- ■’ ,'r , . ,.iii IIKIST. ;i-tf U(I). V,., . ..-roOirU UlTIl'xVu -right , t...,k With of Martha. Lewis fintl , of rti. ciu t them, oj iT K. iCTKUH N liO-ti ,11;: ILK .. 8EM I-W KKKL, Y. \01- I Avi:rri:viij.i:, n. c., i khri akv 20, }8r>4. ^ Mi NliAV.c AM> TUI RSDAY.S. 0\\\\\) J. liVLi: & SON, , l,AND rititPUlF-TORS. V, , WiH-klv i>n»i;u\KU OU if jiaiJ iti ^ ..' i! I 'l.ri (luring the yoar of tuhsicrip- .'I- iho year ex]>ireil. , - KVKU 'SJ I'oi- :ii\iann, if I'HiiI in i uurinj; the year t>f ^ . • I r li.o y.-ar hn exi'irfi. \ ■.'' iu'crt.'il fi'V ; !•• ■i"t, nil.) th'; Vt iu’iv - riitv-'. r.iii:i'cr ■ XU I'TI Ui'Or ■i\-ty I’ciit' y ctMit-i !"r ( :ii h ;'cmoi;T l'_. i>i' \ilvf,':U-f :^■U' .ii'-iri' l. or • i;:tri:cil ai'i'.'Vit ti' t;ii' iiiiiti.r,- itiii't lit' pal'i. .1 \ W Al'lUi.l JOii.V /. .S.JtiTHn \\ Ml.:.I ^ \i.>: UMBRELLA PARASOL • U(fn it if tent re i\ 234 and 235 \iRO,inn\l\\ .lV#r lV>rA, u M lii- l'.!ii>Al>WAV r.A.NK. i t •v.T t'u‘ MKn. llANTS - • Sjii'iu;: ■ 'Is. th. iargest and most beautiful Stoves! Stovrs!! Stovt^s!!! nr K, the uiulfrsijriicd, wotilil rpsppctfnlly cull the attention of S( >I TM KUN M KUl.'H.VNl'S lo our extonsive stock of • Stores, ('ditlt/roNs, i'orjj;cs, tVr. Our n»;»ortnu‘nt of t'ook siinl I’arhir Stoves consists of some of the V>est in tlie market We have a larRe Stovi' ti.r w.i.iil, Ilf rm>ki)iu tt.r from throe ti> f.mr liiuulred (till' ■^t"\es ;ii(> m;\'le iiKWV, :ni'l i Cl.list',punt ;y nre ilura!'!>\ uul ar‘ w airauteil tt> >ri\i| satishicti.iii. (iiir si.H'k l un-'i'-t'* >'l' the tulluwinj; C.i'ik I ami I’arli r -•'t.ivt -, f r wi i'il. vi/: r.uck. .Mmlern Tr^iy. I • i' il'e, \i- . t.'T !’ai-!nr; I’r.ivi ieiice .\ir-'l’ijiht, I ni('!i \ir-Ti';lit. hla \ir-Ti^lit, Nin-' IMate, i\.c. ,ve. i i*ea!er'i w. uM li. well l>> «.;ivi' os a call ln'loi'' |iin .-hiisini; .'!ewliere , \1.M\S ,v \VAUM«'K. N 1! (•■ ruer ■ 'J'l ami Kni-.’ St , I’hilaih-i •lan'y in. ]s., ( r.t; |nt(i.| II it ml I't’ttm lor .v,'»7r. Nil laiire 11 ad Wai^cii ai»i| 1 linvse'. - liii-fi'u-.'.. .ni'i 1 (’arrvall • f- r --h' >'!ifai) li_\ \ C I’tlOK Nov. 1 1. 1,''.'.;;. 11'l .U S r lii'A'KIN I-:!) \MM OIi S ALI-:. Iaiu;k .No. Macu. iei A ■ •• lie:-,;'. Kri‘sh Lime. Plastei- I’ari •. “ Coment and I’hi'jri'i-insr liair .1. w. i*i\vi;i;. X CO. Jnly ‘J’J, l;'-tf .NO ric i:. Iltli; .-nisruilli;!: ha.. reni 'M-d to . SHAW S M:w !U lI.ltlM'., Cil- here he inteiid' car- ryine; I'li the 'S' \ 3 Z.i’i>RCI !\4>> 1‘1 ■''1- N I'..''.'' iti all its t r:;Iu•he^^. llaviiij;had jii'aiiii a'. i \|H'i!ince in ii>o>t nl tlie ,\t- ian-i - lilic . l:e tn’ asMired I hat he e.".i! ji‘.i-a>‘ t),.. Ill' - t i'-i ;i li.ms. LOOK A r rnfs! ^ H1M K suhscriher is jireparod and (jnaliiied to de ls spHtch all orders for l*aj>or llan;:iii'j, lia\inj;on hanil a tine assortment; amon^ which lasy lie fotnid the | | ‘•ai; atul .»Iarble jiutterns. lie also carrii-s on t)ie | ~ Mattress niaklnjj and \’nintiri!i, of nU descvij.iMiis. nll on him at No. 7 (treen street. R. \V. UKNKV. .lan'y I-'.. IK.'.l iV’il cARDi'.N si-:rj)s. ^ I .s’[' II ill ■ l',l \ K 1». H i^icneral as,.;ori!i!. n. m liiith'. . I'ii'hr.'il.'l (\!’I>1']N .‘'I’l'US, w .'iiranteil J;Ui' ■ t ihi' irn wth of is')::, T ll\\Vl.K\ ■ :« le (i ■ .\i!ierii-I. ^ are ■ ; e\- ' ine t!i>’ #• 1/ r h u N i n if • Ml orders w ill '>0 i! with neat- Sa\‘iv SKihlrs. 'I'll!' UluitrsiirlHMl cnlltimK' t., I’lirry loi the i.lVKliV r.l'.si- ^ at this ]>iiice. I'hey lui\e 1m ieiy largely incre i^eii ihi ir Stm'k and can now otfiM- t i ihe I'uMi-’ as - n(.i.| Hor.5e, ('iirrin;ies and I'ri vers as ean '>e fniiml in the Smilh- erii coiintry. ’riiankfiil for the lnr;;e j^atron- ai;e heret.)f..r* i-\tcnded to ns. we sulii it a i .intinn.'itinn of the i>n1>lic I'avor. W e prnmise a sati'^factory trip To all who may wish tn travel. Sta'lile'i at the Wc^t end of MnuU‘'r i street, wln-re t.ne nf the I’ruprictors may always 'oe I'uiind. or at the .Store first doi>r Kast of .Mr. Lntterloli. J. w. rowi'.i’i.s X ■(». Fayetteville, Fd'y l!'J. 1>’>;;. lA •10.000 of* WaiBftMl. 8U1I.1, |ia\' . ct'. ]> r ]iouii'i ea'li fni'all clfMii liiieii K.V!S. ilt‘livt-re I ti- ,1. W il- Haii!>. in r ay.'tteville. 1 atn tieai'ly ready to pnt in uper.ili.in at I’liper Mill in tlii nei^iitmrhoi-il, .and am desir"i;v "f rett injr my r.a^s in this market. .My oVijec’t is to j.ay as mncli f^r r.a>;' a' 1 can nfloid. and lo pe that 1 la .y mit I'e f.ir'.'d t.' di.'tant markets f,>r my sniiplie-. 1 htivc iirr-nui. i w itli .\!r. William-, to re ceive ;ind pav for all rairs dflivcri'd tn him. Man If M »N.\(iHAN. ^1-tf Favette\ille. F» •Jl. l; I>.VVI!» .Ml Jll'llV. ON-tf .1 t._ I 1 r rt'ferenee JOII-'N ' pat n ;n y -v Maliolaeturer. Finn. F.\t >T ; X o.. • til fir N v\\ v; 'h ; l Stri et. •. 'ti I ..n the H t' w • '1 irtn.i'iit I . . A’ . Ih f-sri'RV l’ii; = iWN 1 , t side above ! -t t"rmorl\ a'- wi- ivc i -i llOLSi:. SK.N AM) OK.\ \Mi:N'r- AL i‘.\iN rix;. iindfrsi^ned iiavinu iatdy arri\ed from the N.irth. w;sin ' t" inf.'rni thv eiti/ens :'f l ayette- \ il'.e and \ieinity. that he has juvt .ipcned a Shop i ii Mui;i'' rd treet. in the u)'per pai't .'f Mesrs. Pier X I’lranin’' l .irriaire I’eim'ifory. and is now prrjiare I T . rs ■■•■ive ••!'. lO-'ler- T t a!', kinds if llon-e. Si>rn ami * M r:-.nn'ni 1. i' lintin..; ira;n;!i_. I’ajier Il.iiiirinLT. -V:'' i' wishing siu'ti work ioue will do wciI t-- r.t : ai, i " e my 'pi i'imeus :if w irkn.anxhip. Wl'. l w .''hadt‘> fnrni»lied to oi-it r: al.-o Sa'hfs, l'’’;;d' and 1- 'r-. at tli.‘ ’.■■wc't ni::rk.'t ] rue. .\!! Work 1 V. .-iited w ith nfa:!ii ''and de'j'itt h. Onlv ■ Ive liio a i-all: 1 am 1 >nn 1 to pleasr. lloUACIl W. I’ll-.VCK. r I I11', i,.\s’i' .vo i'K'i:. |ll!ll tlrm of t'o,,k c>: Taylor was dissolved the lir'-t !a^I May. 'I'i.cn' hii"; he-'ii Imt little hved jia’.'] liy their irli-n I - to the .•■ill for settlemeiit of tln-ir note^ and a'- 'oimts. We now distinctly say that all notes (m l aoeoiiiits remainin>i iin]iaid will lie pnt in .a train of enl- leetion dnrini; the motith of .lannarv. •1.\M‘i1S (i. COOK. W1I,L!\M .'.7-tf •Jl. ■■'i" rj. is.' ;itf , V liar ar t trom stall [llIF, ti’ L North ri liiii, (!i plmblHTOa. ; ;.1>.VLF liKAl.Kii> IN I'ordnit anti M^oanslir Dn \ 5a>OS>S, r^. ( iu>(>'!'s. sij()l’s. 11 AV 'TliKKT. NO I'ici:. ri*M-r o>yi‘rs f..r srilehls I, \N1‘.' l■;^yett•■^ • and n’" 'Ht .nf ntih ■V :1c H!id Ralci_ii 1‘l.ink 1’. ad. con; latiO '0.11 i to ; I'r.: !' 'nrlm- or 'l'\ i'’i«'i-. 1’:; .a _'“- i > iw .and ;_ri't iiiill. all Tin Vl.W \V.' S I'uvtis \LSi»- .\ varied assortment of Tin Ware, ret.aii. Rv hand. Cookiii'j. Hox. and '.’arlour SIX n\; ■ - t'rom the ^i'tiiii .'f the ni.i- in til. ; :■■■ !1 in ;;o, ri'p and 11 .w in ojM'vation; al- a iwci-ln^. and ali tiie !■ .'.--la- I V • iit-h 'iiscs. in ”00.1 repair. .\ I - I. another trait of two hnndied .ind t tty acres. ■ in the hea l waters of (\irv.'r'' (\eek. knovvn as th(‘ 1' ..rv i’l-‘: e. oil whi. il ;lo r>' 1 '11;." farm, a lw*-l- I'mr Iv !'.• and - ther h ■■.'e', I 111 »lf ‘ir't n-imed tr^ . theri- art- cut al; 'iit tw i iity fiv. th' -.imi Ti'rpoi !l:ie ■ oxe-i. fr uii two t f.mryeir^ .1 uni is' a* who ' .if VNiiUllW.-. 'laiKet .' (U-. .III and ? AI lUNIirPvCll llUxll S(’!IOOL. nK'ilMMND COINTV, NORTH CARof lNA. lame iinj fhniiishin^ Institution i-- now pi-i- manently estalilished. tuider 11 full corps of "ell lualilieil liisiructers. :iieiwilh e\ery thiti'.'; napdsite foi’ a iirst cl,is.-i S'-minjiry, lieing well supplied uitl) .Maps, Geoi;i-:, jihicfil and tronomical; (ilo)ies, I’hilosojthical ana I hemiral .\\iparatus. 1 h>. .'1 .iil-.Viinnni .''i->->iiii-. >;' five months eoinmence on the f.e-'mil Monda;, of January and July respectively. ('irculur>. containinir full imrticutars, will he fur- iii.sht'd liy apidvinft to Rev. .1. .lones Smyth, M.. I’rineipnl, l.Hiuel llill 1*. o., Hiuhmond couiuy. N. C., or t'l 1>. I'. MclNTVRM. Secretary. Oerot.iM- 1 !. IS.'.:;. HOY Fr(‘sli (irarchMi SmmI. SAM'L j. niXSD VLK y\.S iust 1 ■.•.ei\f.| his .sii|ij.l_\ ol FRF.SJ! and lill.N I INK (l.MtlMl.s SllF.l' (growth of l.SoU .\SPAR \(M s. F.llVN.s F.irly ('hina, linrly Valentine. Marly .Mohawk l,ar};e l.im.a. P.FHTS llarly P.h.od Turni|>. Whitu Sutrar. Marly Flat R.assano. Long [iliioil P»e.l. t'ORN Sugar or Sweet. (’Ai:P..\(JM llarly Vork. Marly Supar Loaf, Marly Hat P.attersea, Ijarjro French Ox-heart, Large Vork. Large Mnjrlish Drumhead, Fine l»ruinhead .'^avoy, r 1,1 F 1,( )W Mil — llarly L.mdon, ('.\RRi >T Loll” Orunge, Farlv Horn, • CllLMRV—W hite S.ilid. t 'I'CL' MilMli—Murly Russian, Karly Cluster, London Long tireen, E(;; PL.\NT — Large Purple, LM'rTLA'F. - Rova! Cabbage, Larg.' (Jreen Ice Mead, Icr Coss. M ML )N—Pine-apple. Nutmeg. Water. oNloN—WethersfieM Large Red. Yellow Silver Skin. P.ARSLMV — Itouble Curled. P.VRSNIP—Long .Smooth. IMlPPMi; Lar.'e liull Nose. Sweet .Mountain. IM' M PKlN—Connecticut Fiel.L Pi.XiMSIl — Marly l..ong Scarlet. M.arly Scarlet Turnip. White Turnip. P.’ack F.all Spanish. Syl .\SH--Farly b ellow Rush, T iM.\TO_Large Rod, Pear .'•haped. "iT I! NIP—ll.'iiiy Sjiring. 1 arplt'-toj, Ruta Rac •. Laru'' ’’ngii'^h Norfolk. S: '•(1 n'MT.'l\ p'.iriiiase'l i 1 ft niciii !rom Mal.-oia K*-llv, 1 par- '! to eiitcri lin in a c-.imrortaM. ina> ”i\e me a all. !1 i\lng ainpl ler-;. ami a 'lisp.iMitn.li to ace.niniii bf a’t'ii- to ”i\i' entire sati-il u’lioii favor me with their patroiiaire. Ctiiiiiii^f, l»ei'. I^-. :. I loM'L ;ib ue i'. itaLlish- pre w hi |., ■ .!ir. II iiiaont r i li .'-■■tabu--, goo,I (,Kl- ;iii‘. i 1 .-hall tlio~( ho iiiav H 1,11 \ N. .'.Itl im HMk IHii:sS!N(i ANnsll\VIN(; I SALOON. ; g »i .'sMI'l'ii re-ipe.ttally u lo^’ins tiie eiiii.'tiv oT ' ?•» • Fii vfttev ille, umi tiie surr. unding la.iintry, thut i he li.'is imiVf.i his Rarberini’’ e^t.abilshmcnt to ih«- ilo'e' Unildiiii;. His room may l>e m.iv lonnd ..ppi.sitf ,h.- (i.-vv Fayett.'ville Hank, where he i prepare.! to Sha\.- ^ anii Trim on aci-..mniodatinp- ternis. Ife very ri speci j ful'.v r.-tniiis ihanks to his obl eii.'tonu-rs an'l the pub . lie 'j;. nenil!y lor iheir liberal patronage, an.I hopes that I his custom wilt be (;RMATii\ 1 N>'UM.VsM 1 *. as h* has bei 11 t.i a Considerable ev])t>nse ir litting up his .S||.ip I for the comfort ot his customers He w.iuM invite the r.ttention ol'tile citi/.cns to hn PvF,.\l>INfi ItOO.M, iu ' ri- ir .if his Shaving INtabl'.shment, where tliev will tin.t al! the le-i:ii!i^ Politic.il pajicrs o*’tiie ila\. .\il kiii'i - of PerfuiiH rie- an! ifair OiN, Shaving S..tip. Hair iin 1 .•'tiavii'g P.ru^hes. ,.'id a \arict\ .it ..tlu-r ai ti.'lev in i.i^ ilne, tor sale. I'av.-tii -ille. N C., Oct. 'JH. l''j:’. i.ia 7'ln' M^ars;est t'fii'rhtn f ff'ttrlort/ in I hr Sottfh: ^M/'OL’Ll* respectfully inform the j.nblic that he is Ww still at his oM .stand carrying mi the abnv.^ liusinesij in all its branches. He i ■turns thanks for the liberal jiatrona^e he has received, and l'.o}ie: >iy a '-trii t attention to Imsiness, and u desire to please all and give general satisfaction, to merit h continuance of tlie same. lie warrants all his work to be ma le 'jf the bi .-^t ma- ferial and by experienced wurkmen.—hiLving a more t//tnV«riv/luid jii-iidiciil Srutili, he Hatters himself that bis work will coiujicte with atiy made ;n the .‘' •..-.t.. for style, elegance ami durability; and slnuil.l ai:-. of ii fail in twelve month.^ (with fair usage! either in u.irkman- ship or material, lie will rcjiaii’ it free of c'i'irge. Persons wishii.^ to buy. would d« well t- . .ill ami ex amine his w'urk hs he is ..letormined tt> sell iow lor cash or on short time. Order'i thankfully receive.1 and promj.tly atten«led to. RllP.Xl RlNft neatly executed at short notice and lowe.st possible jirices. Fayetteville, Jan. -li. li^-jo. tiotf Firc‘-Pro()l* Roolin^. 1-KA\('!S SilKN'rON. Slate and •liettfi Hoofer. ri'>lI.\NKFrL I'lr ]iast favors, 1 beg to inform my £ friends ami the jmbli. . tha‘ I am now ]>n pared to contract for an>l execute, in t'.ie best manner an.l on leasyiiable terms, ALL Kl.NliS »F FIRM-PROUF ROOFIN(i. t'lUttirs. Lea.ler Pijies and ile i.N. ..f any A. 3I( K!:TIJA.\ F.SPMCTFL'LL 1 informs hi . fri'-mU an.l tlie pub ii C. li.-, that he has built up large substa^itial Rrick Riiildings at his >1.1 St.-ui'l, expressly for manufacturing ’arri:.ges. Thankful for the very liberal )>atronage he ha- received for the last ‘J1 years, lie hopes by strict attention to Imsiness, with a ilesire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance il the same. ile warrants his Work to be made of the best material an.l by (‘xperience.l Workmen iT> each branch of the businesM. iHs work il! Compare favoiablv with any made in the I nite.l .St.-ites, for neatness and dnr.abiliry. Ile is determined to sell and 1.. any work in hi.s line on ,as good terms as any Work d. ne elsewhere that is as well done. Ile now has on h.invl. I'lM'-.'iKii. tlf L.VI! TiMST STOCK (if ( '(trntti>(s. Iiar()/t('Ii( innl (s. Mver ollered in this place, aiol a very large stovk of work ne;irly linishe.l, whi h will >ie finished daily. .Ml of whiidi w ill be sold verv low for C\sn, or on short 1 or -;au‘ Itec r U". 1' J. IIINSI 'J.L. .'>T--m Btvle or pattern, ina.le to or.ler an.l warrantcil for any time t.. iiunctual customers, ““lie has on hand more specified time. ' 'than ONM IHNDRFU AND FIFTV Vehicles tinishep Slate Chimney Pipes niii.le to suit any style of Imild- ' aii'l in c.iurse of construction, inp or situation, without danger of lightning. H— a:wa h* sm;* Force, L.t'ting a;i i Suction Pump.-, a lajite.l to any situation; flvdr.-iulic Rams, and all kin'ls ol' llylr:inlic .Machines for sujiplying vv;;ter for any pnipose, luit u]> !;n‘i warranted. Sheet lA>ad and i-ead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Favctleville, Nov. I'j. Ib-j". Who tvoiild have Ihoiis^hl iH •t • ii til M I’t.M iir I’.ToV. .ill. .Ml the i , iVe !■ ii . latinL teriii' 1 11 the , !owiii_ the ab.iV III n. i h t. ftl UU«i \ ■ W \' 'KllP i N .. 1 .''aini' n. I’ttr S;ilc 'I 'lllil Sub i' Will P. r- n ri'i" inds. th. ni' I r.. pur. i.,i tak** I- *’■ ■oUl w i i I W M. P.. P.OLToN. li'tf ■im.;nii:.e (';in iic' ■r w.re. ■t C-tt..n P.-ittin :.i.(..i,iiiHt thr. C lal'li’Mr ion:., and uls .. Iii.nuii ten ■ leal, t orn .Shu. ks, in t 't pariii-ular.- iii'iuire "t F.i-vettevillp. N’ov. 11. l^'- «ri‘i 1 i‘*r / .-r Waldiil'j. \1-^o. for of Ree l fri m : To n et tlioU-aJi.i (...Uli'i.^ ot g'H- I SllOOKS W AN ri:!). riitiii sub.^ ribc:- wan: to purchase any .juantity it M. the ab \e II ’lied article; thost* Inning the «Hi"e for s.'ile will «lo we;i to cull on u^ at the .''t .re No. ,, Ure.Mi .•'treet. N 'l'th of the .Market, alter tiie tirst of .iallUarv. 1‘- "■ H MN R\ . .1 lUlNRV. Dec. U. is.'.:;. -'"-tf f./7/N Af /V//S / //n, iii R MSil. f jj^IlM Subscriber, a practical P..,..t-maker ..f some ex- B p.M'ience. ha-i t.ir some tini*‘ oeeii sensible that there is (/,--/■ ■' . t.. be yit -upplie I to ilic public in the wav of :i siiitablt. l.urni'h for i and 'hoeJ. Mo~t if the articl" - now ii'.-'l cither iiijuie the le.^ithcr or iail t.i inip.'ut that lustre s.> neco'^'^ary to give to man’' ••iDi'i- r'ilii’iiii i i" a ].r.'per finish. ile has theretore. dur ing the last twcUe months, been devoting him.'clt to the ta-li of pre| ariiig an artule tree irom thc'c objec tion'. and has at length after much investigation and •riment compb'telv sm-cee.le l. The result is ••ii'i/l > ext. I I|U T..'.itie-- W For further IIMNRV. IlMNR^ . U-tf /; lie only wishes that it may be tes’ted in order to cstal.iisli it superiority over all oThci-’. i ■i'l t il him at Mr. Nath;in .'■ikea. fioot ano shoe estali'.isiiment. on Per'on street, an.l be supplied with an excellent .article at a cheap rate. THOMAS KILL. The American Seed Grarden, 'HTHHnsriKi.it, Comt. JOHNSON, ROBBINS & CO., PR(/rRi/:roRs. OFFMR for "ule. through the Kubscribers, their Agents tor N.irth Carolina, a full, complete and fresli ass.irtment ofO.VRDMN, FILLI), and h LOW MR SllllDS. r,n r, nti ■/ till' growth of and put up es- pres^;.. f..r this market. The reputation of the seeds grown at Wethersfield h.a.i extended fur and near, an.l stands at presetit unrivalled in .juality and adaptedness to soiitiieru soils and climates. Tl^ proprietors are old and exjierienced gardeners, and cotitiniip as they have f ir a long series of years done, to pay theii' undi- vi.ied and individual care to the cultivation, gathering, cleaning atiil packing ^if the se‘.ls they ofier for sale. The assortment coiisi^^ts in part of the following: — \rtichoke. Asparagus. p„.ans—Dwatf an.l P..le. every variety. Reets, Rroccoli. Calibnge. “ “ t'aulitlower — Marly 1,on.Ion an.l Large late .Asiatic. Co'ew.-irt or I'.illards, t'orn Salaii, Cress. .All work made by him is Vi'.irr.-inted 1:.’ nn rths V. ith fair usage, and should it faH by ba.l workmanship or material w ill be rcji.aired free .,f charge. l'.;rsons wishing to buy w.mld do well to call and examine for *hemsel\es. trders tliaukfully received ami j romptly atteii'Icd to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea- hOiiaVile terms. ,\Iay -fi, I'b-V;. ‘JiStf !U)OK lUNDKUY. S* W. H.VRDIM has resume.I the Rook liinding • Rusiness at M'.e new Store next door t> .Mr. Pieasley. .leweiler. where he will receive ami execute biii'Hng in any style .lesired. August 1. '21 1’^ Nov. is.-. ITtf 1 S..ap, ir..!tl!'it. 1 i . all i Ve:i \ P-V W. li ^ AR\ HR. l-'l. i’,r)«Ki's ANh slioi'.s. ;-!l .-rppl.'i Ni‘t' and Si H. ;.lld loi- sale t.\ II. .1 LILLY. 7"-‘-'w 'i'wiiic. tor .'al W. li. CARVllR. r.Ti-*Jin (. ■ ijDi.N si:i:i)s. VTM;! Fre-^ii :.n ! (ienninc, : 1 '■'■ ;. .lUsf re. . l-.'-d a!l' .1. •. I i'll. a-k.t 1.1 lit thi ..1 s:.ie b\ S |1l:l ■■■'. '2(1 l*iirr/insc for fii( i'all of .'■glllM iin.lersigned w mil m.tify their customers and M. all o'durs i.uvin^ in tliis m: r..et. ihat the', arc ,1. w rc ■eivin- their -end SL.ck ..f FALL (.ui.DS iV.r Is.,:',. -,,.',,.. te i i,y one o-' the firm person:.'!y. . onsisting of H '.general as-i.r*m.-iit ■! Dn/ ll'ir'h'-.trr. ^ ntl S l*flf .s . ,\LSO bii-Lre a-l'Hiloii t i tiieir st.i.k of liea.ly .Ma'li' • l.'thiMLf. ,\’l ,1 whicii tiiey . !l 1' ! the irM'le ; -; ii their U: ii:tl ac-niimodating ierm . Purchaser-^ will fin l it i ■ iieir nitere-r lo ^.v.' ..nr st-'.-k an exam’natioii liefore maiiin^' liieir >^clecti>'n-‘. It \l.l. .V SACKMTT. ()ctoi.er :’i. 1 \'\\V:VT\'.\ ILLK ^liTi lL (OViiMW. r 5 ■^11 IS Comi iny MV.\ liAlvi’-ii V. fH^IIll Suiiscriber has estil.i: I IS i:. r.. 'ii l'."W S ''tr.'et. on tiie I. t t'.\ . ...ir- i.^i . ! I’ui.. an McNeill's ( abiiiet Shop. lie is ^.r.-par.-l to fuiiiish l'aiiii;ie>.. P.o.its. ;in'i th.' pubii.- g( ner.ally. witii Rre.-.i. Risciiit, aii'l c.ike- ..! various kiins, ,f tne i.C'i .u.:. Ty. as he liM' |.rii.'ureil th.' 'Services ol ..iiv of the ■ st Rakers in the State. I’ricc? reasonable. (Jive a call. ClI.VS RANKS. Favetteville. Dec. ll-''. l'' i'J. o-i-tt .4 neir f'arn'oif on fhf MUitnrq irrnii. iij)jiosif' /h>‘ M'thriJi^t ( ' hv rrh ^ froiifin'i nil OilF.A'r i:N'l'i:RlMiiSK! i'avclf‘i iil' i** fo ri'^HM Subscribers would respectfully inform their ^ friends and the jiublic, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of comlucting the general ('.ARRI.VCiM RUSINMSS in all its varioU' (.arts. An.i being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare worK with anv psiablishment in I* a\t*tt«'v ille as to st^\,e aici tiura* bility. Oiie of the firm may be known by rji'ferenee to A. H. Indi.iii Corn Marlv .Sweet, Large Sweet or Sugar, Whitfiel.l's iron work lor the last two years. Marly White Flint. Marly Tuscarora. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction f..r twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PI MR \ RRANIN. .Umks 11. PiKH. Jamf.s Rimnin. Favettevilie. Jan'v :.'4. iS.j.T. 'ilitf NKW an v :ht. lU'i'Tl'Jr suppL'i:. just received. ;mo. McNMlLL (If.tf HZf" C ream .Me, leaser Raisins, Bo.v cheese, iiaif and .(r. Rarrels Fresh \o. 1 iind - Mack ere I. laie bv Dec. ‘Jii. is.'i T. UAKlil SON. r.'.tf I >e.', (a ANO. TON.s receive.! an.l i'..r s .le bv C. T lI.VKill k SON. ]o, 1 .',.Stf Cac'.imber, Mgg Plant, every variety, arrot an.I I'elerv. every variety. ^S^lIM uiidersigne.l. h.iving iiuicliased Mr. Tho.- JBL Lntterloh's Distillery and Cooper-shops, 1 entered into ('op;irtnershi]i under the name of .McLaurin roiiA('('o. oil hand several lots of Tobacco. which ..ppii f. I ;:iii’ ■.'d and j ri'i :ired to re- n^uraiu'c. .11 as favorable iliijiaiiies. |.i i; lie ft iRS !h MWi ■ ‘,“-1 iN i. NO i K'K. iliat he ex- ir_v. w hen he .ther'. I Ii Wil I iN ilASlSii I'.Vll-'' ■i, ■!'■ iioi 'i' : -. (’ \M); ■ , .’'i ^ar , (' .fVi';-. .''.lit, Ir.iU, ('iitici-y. W ; ii'I'i\v i i.-t'S, I’utty, Is. I've .''full , Spil l s, .■\(l;l- ]• .\v i!i il ■•- 'I'li.-i-; rv, ti'i'its :»I1 t .P.il- s. ; ■\t while; .iV.-r \ i..- !,.vl. Me i llll.-s'i n] Ills (..r ill. . ! ,'.l Iii . ■ I T..b,.cc I'ile- ;illil -,le nl'.d I »ri- llK.Nin i.ll.l.v. II . I.. M Vi{'»\ Kli. 'J'il(»S. s. IjI 11 Klil.t.II .jofI.N il (’oor. I). A. ilAV. A. A. .M( Kr.TiiAN. (jiKO. McNkilIo A. .-^TKli.MA.N •Jamks Kvi.i:. OFFICIIRS: (ii;o. .McNFII.L. Presiiio.it. 11. L. MVIloXMI!. Vicc Prc:;idcnr .1. C. Siii'piiHllD. Attorney. C. A. .Mc.MILLAN. Secretary. I (iilo. M.'NMILL, ) A\in Iv li.M.L. • I. .'^11 KI'H KH1>. \Vm. Wahdkn. r. |].\WLKV. ,lo|t\ 1). NViLI,1.\M' ('. JiKMiOW . W.\l. *M»'Laluin. W.\l. l.VTVKK. ^«rMhav ▼ w we will -sell at lower prices accor.llng to quality, tlinii can be had of anv other house in Town. .1. .iv- T. WADDILL. Dec. 'J'.*. l.H.'i:!, iihl.s. 'riii jx nluK U (tni( (i. 8 NOR which file hiuhesi ci|sli j.riceswill be ].ai.l. M.-LK,\N .ION MS. Siimmervill. N. May IS. I^ i:'. •'•‘tl John iiaijman , ricspcftfull}’ iiifiiniis liis friciids and the pi’.blic th.'it h>- has remove.1 Irom the Hotel at the foot of llayinoiint to the larger and more commoilioiis Hotel in the centre of riie^Tinvn, recently occupied by .Mrs. Rrown. :ind well known !is the Fayetteville Hotel, whei-e he will be ha]>- pv to iiccommodate Travellers ami Hoarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be sjiared to render th.i-'C comfortable;who may favor him with their com- Kaie—ireen. (’urled. Scotch. Lettu.-.'. .Me'!,,:is. Must.ir'l, Onion, every variety. OKra -' ircc:i an.l U hit.'. P:,i ,i,.v—Plain or Couiuu'n. Doulile or Curled. Pir-;ni(i. Pe.is. every vtiriety Pejijier. Pumpkin, i;a lish. Rhubarb, Spinach, every variety. .■s.iisily or \ c-. t;iiiic Oyster. S- li.i'h. Tomatoc. rurnii.-,. everv variety. Swi'i': Her!is in Halm. .V '. .\L.'. All orders aihlressed to Reverly Rose, Msq., our Wholesale .\geiit in Fayetteville, and S. M. West, Msq., 1 Wilmington, will meet with prompt attention. | WERR T?RO. Dec. •">. ls.'):5. ;>0-tf , NO ric'K—sj.") i{i:\VAKi). I Sa.VN.AW.W from the subscriber, on Thursday the November insit.. two negroes. CH.M’.LMS and roNM\. with F»ri{ HI NDRMD DOLLARS stolen tl-ol hie about ye.-u-s of !ige. one of his arms has been burnt .shawls, assortt'd; ILits, C.ip with .1 scar which will show very idain. Toney is about c„tton IFdk'fs; Robinet, L.ice I'nift llcrllic ( 'nn(iij .^I(i/iii/(H‘lorij. rg^HM subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- i perior .‘irticle of plain and fancy C.VNDIMS, iit tht' oM stand, (No. (.ireen street, o doors North of the Market House, 1 where he would be liap]y to see his old Irieii.ls :ind customers. CHARLMS RANKS. .March ;, 1S.:,.T. T.stf 'i rill'', S J’K.WIKK "SI N." ■^111.'' new and very light draught .steamer has com menced ri'nning. though not ouite finished. She oc i urnii'^ everv v irietv o: .Strange, t'or the purpose .if carry ing 011 the Distille- is tailing treigi>t, truwing only I . inches water. She '•.'(■ ''■iv. rv Th'vme Lavender Lem- ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit liar- j.oi-sesses superior ylviintagcs for low water service. - , ...I . . ,|\..IV. iiumt, I^avenuir, I.,iu , D. McLAl'RIN. . She has also a large amount of '.varehouse, shed ami WM. McLAl'RIN. .IAS. W. STRANtlM. Feh’v IK. Tdtf 'he h.i' wharf room, where Naval Stores ,,r other freight may be stored with safety. R. M. ORRMLL. Ag t. •Sept. Iti, ISo.'l. -7tf 1 KVIjH S now rei'eiving a very lar-t' and general .-issortment of DRA' Ci()(>DS, among which are l.'iOO pieces new style Calico: 7-i*> '1 DeLano; li-> IMDAR F.ALLS Cotton Yarn intl Sheetings, for sale at Factory prices, Viy TR»\ .v M.Al’.SH M'ly :^0, IS.W. ‘ '-'Stf tlodr master, t'harles is about o feet . inches i ;uid Mnglish ^!^'rinos: complexion very black, big white eyes; he is .,„|j ,,t|n.,. j^jlks; .Merino an.l Crape Plaid P.ro- ‘iai.l ami plain and Ronnets; Silk ami aii'l Milging-; Roots an.J feet ti inchi'S high, very dark complexion, stnall hop ‘ Shoes; Rolfing Cloths, No. 1 to in. With many otln; eves, large ne-^e, very bent in the arm joint.s. Toney 1 gQ^ils; all of which have been )>urchase.l f..r c vsii. b_\ is a'liout :’.'J years ohl. and was bought in Moore county, l>;u'kage. and will be offered wholesale or retail as N. C. 1 will I'liy the above reward for their lo.lgment j possible. Those wishing to jnir'hac Is will i'OP.A(A (). ‘iib.-^eri hei ■•.ntinues to J2. manafacturers' aecou ure l Tobacc.i. ,\!,tv -;l. l.s.")-J receivi’ iui'l sell, on 11 grades of niaiiufac .1. I TLM'i. '.t.-,tf in any jail so that I get them. JOHN McDUl'GALD. 44-tf please call ami Sept. I'., l.S'. 'xaniine I'.iiiy. Fayetteville. N. June l.S.- 2U0tf I'ros'i. iir;i‘.j Country iiutt.'r. s;|le of Sioddar F I al N. 'i'. prices. I at I :u t..i . i.rice-. , FOK SAU:, .loHN H. C(»Olv, Mxt'cutive Committee. ' P.OXllS Mauufacture.l Tobacco. We have .l ,\S. K'l I.L. I _ ^ ? ill si.ire .'I lai'.'e st ick ol Tobacco, aii'l ex- Thi‘ 1 in of Ml rt Ai. !.^'l -.nck nin.st commend itseii’ [ ^ imt.mi!' isoiii .1. W i!eid ami Tin ni- i to our c.immunity, !br it cmi be .lem.iii'trated that e j |';ict.,i ''s. ai'i assortment of qualities f.i have a-.i-.l vvithiii thel.isl si \ yea r.-u j vva I'. Is of s::i I,(M HI j ^,^.,1,]^, ,,.j funrsh purchasers any .piality at lowest bv in-urance in tlie Noi'tii C.irolmfi Mu'nal Coiiip.iiiy; i th.'it is. we siloid 1 iiave jiai'l j suraiice ill the f. icl-11 joint / H mh /■ Shich 11,1.1 \MS uClx ftn now r(‘'eiviii IS.",:;. their Si'l- I lie I ti . f; ni.ls; 11:i1s. ( ,hoc r:.\v iliiiiiii'ls; I inlircl- iiliiiio-; w’i!!i :i large ,'^ill ami (d . iiiii '111 il- 'vi \ -111,id il(.;iery, 1 '' '‘!'iii 11 uiilkei'i iru ts. • S' ; ., fiiibrace a v iri.'ty ..! ."sc.isonable ' : uiifrtite l. comprising one of thehirgest ■■’■I' ever oliere l; and having recently ■ the P.i.'k.ige, !i' a rcdiicti.jii from i‘o’ 111 .1 tl,,. .-;.:i -oIi. they will be olf.'i e.l lo. .' r- on our usual terms. 'lAf;H J. .M. UlLLIA.MS. ;i2tf h.'ive ki').t the same in- i k cim[iani('.- that sum more than we have ai'iiially paid; an.l yet tin* North t'iirolina Mutual C. nipaiiy ha receive.I between is.'iOtM) I and ."Si'i'MK^ more I'riini our conimiiiiity than it has paid 1 out for losses iiere, howiiig that \ve are fav.irably sit- ’ uated. as eomiiare.l with ..th.-r' phn'es in the St: te, t'rir !Insurance. j Our Coiiipaiiv h.is gone int.. oper.ition f.ivorably. ii.iv- ing the da-, we oi'g:iiii'-ed ajiplic 1'ions to the i.moiii t of •■j:i I'i.li'ii). ;iiel 1 he Coiiipaiiv is Mow |il:ice.l u)ion I) lirm footitig. Anv Director, authorise.I .\g'iit. or Secret.iry. may rec('iv.‘ Apjili. atioiis. but they will not be binding until aptii'oved liy the ll\eei:tiv,' ('oiiimiltee or I'.ie Hoard. i'.llo. 'V. L.VWRMNCIl is .'ipiiointed tiener.il \.rent fif Mie (’omjianv We inviti* aiiplicatioiis. • ■ CMO. .McNMILL, I’res'l. C. .\. McMiLI.AN. S.'i y. Feb y 7. is'i:;. j factory prices. Sent. IS-'io. D. W, McLAFRIN. ;;utf Selkirk, S. Nov. OC’ KI' 1 s i 1 s! IKI y r i \(iS, B S \ the bale or iialf bale, for .sale l>y C. T. HAIGH & SON. July in, IR.'.-J. __ \o/ih i'aroUnn Cassimercs. I R. .lAMM.S (}. COOK has on h.aml a full stock of I Rock Island (’assimeres, manufactured by Car- i don, Voung & Hrier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg iCoiiuty. N.^C., where consumers and merchants can be ' suiipli’ed. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as lieing e.jiiul in dur.ibility. and as permanent in col or. as a^^iv goo.ls ol similar character manufactured or sol.l iu the I'. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them. and only ask to be patronized in proiiorti.m to their merits. Sept !7tf 77/f Mill Ifint took thr Premium! NO ric'i:. ^WIHOSM who are indebte.l to mr by Note or .-Vccount Jl will ]dease settle the same ■1 un.lersigne.l lias the pleasiii ■■ of announcing to j j,,.;,,,. the 1st of .lan'y iiiatiL s for salr here. the eiti/ens of R.il'csoii innl the adj.lining coun ties. that he has purchased the entire interest of Mess. Cregorv .v: Rogers in the Steam Saw and (irist Mill at this'iilace; and is now iirepared to lill all orders for Lumber that ma.v be sent in. Having a superior qual ity ol Timbei" to saw, he is confideiit his Lumber can not bl‘ siirpasscil. Terms for Fb.orin.j: and Weather-boariling. SI2 Inch Hoards, ('eiling and Scantlinr, 1I Roughage half jirice, say •• The cjish will invariably*be reijuirc.l on delivery of the Lumber, as the iiU'lersigne I intends keeping no books for that purp ise. The above lijnuswill lie strict ly !>i|here'l to in all cases. : ■ \>. W. UOGKUS. Lumberton, L*ec. 15, 18;>3. •> tf r indulgence cannot be given. And all debts due .Ml ST be settled, as A. McKMTIIAN. «8tf May :f». IS.'.::. LAND liROKKR. ^ H VVi’l so many inquiries about Turpentine LandB, a. that I have eonclii le.l to offer my services to buy 'I mi sell. , Those hav ing l,ands for .sale will furnish me plots ati I quantity, totrether with a fair description and price. .Mv commissions shall be moderate. Nov. :il JAS. 0. CJOK. •Ititf corroN 1H.WM a ]ilentifiil siipj.ly of Cunny an.i Dundee Cotton liagging. Rjile Ro|>e, and R.'iggiiig ’Twine. Send in your orners and they shall be siqip.ici. .i.vs. ooK. Oct. o. ~ S'VVA)M\S \ )IOi^^^:, Drif (ionds, li(ir(lu'(tre^ (irorrrirs, A''’- rAV5rrTa:v3i.3.B:. 'V. ■. ^nTOFLD respectfully iiif..rm t!ie eiti/ens ini l the • ¥ publii: generally, that they have just ri'turne.l from New York, aii'l are receiving their .^^j.ritMjr Siock of tioods, consisting ot I>n/ .//■I , A variety of Hats, suitable for the .scai.m; Ladies' and (lentlenien's Roots, Shoi'saiid Siip).er ; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; 1 great ni.-uiV articles in the ladies' line, and we would b> plei.se.l to have them to c.'ill and eianiine f.ir liiemselves. ,\11 oi-'lers sent f.> oiir care from our friends iml I'us- tomers will bo promptly attende.l to. March :1H. l.'^.'i::. ■'^Itf RKurc i:i) i'Ai;‘c:. '1’lu'iuii.di 'I'icket'; licrwccii Wilmington, .N. C.. .iml Ralti more. Fare •'j'l ■!. \ ia ehlon. Petersburg. Ri.-hmoii'i. \^\;;sh- ingtonl’ity. ..r via W.-Mot:. P.,rt>- month in I .Vorlolk. For Ti. k'ts apply at the 0!liee )f the Wilmington and Raleigh Kail Road Comii.iny, at Wilming- of the P.altltn ire .Stemti Packet R-.ii n.ci iji'i: iNsni.\N('!:. '^HMIM I'li.iersigned has In i-n i;ipo;nted .Xirent of the Jft. N.-rth Carolina Mi;t'i.-i! L' Insurance Comjtany. Mvery member for life parti, ii.aii"- in the ]>rofits of the Company; and the ant.ual ].reiiiium for life members ship. v\h( re it .iniounls to >ion or mote, may be pai'l one-half in ca-h. an.l the i.ithci half in :i note ;it I'J m.iiiths. hebtors' lives may be insurcil by ereiiitoi-s _\ man ni!'V insun- his own life for the exclusive lieiiefit of his family. 'The lives of slavi s may be insure-l. This system is rapidly growing into f.ivor. all over the eivili/ed vvorM. It is ■.,• l y v.hich a lamily, lor 11 siii.ill sum aiiiiu.-illy. m.ij. b.' ; 1 .vi.led for. after the death of its lira.I. on wh' s.* \ rti.ijis they may hav- biM'ii liejx'iideiit lor a s’ljip.iil. it is a good inv(“tment j of nioiiev, even if one slionli', live long after taking out .1 Life P.’i.y. Mxplaliatoi pallijiiileis. iiiid the I ii..rc'S!'.r\ P.ltuiks. funiished ..n ..|:llcation. ■ “ K. .1. 11 Vidl. 1 i'ire fg'IHIl .KTN \ !n-i!r Ii.ci' Co!i,j,^;ny Oi Hartfoi-.l. h;.v- M. inii t>ai i the t.iv impose.I bv the Keveniie Law ot the iiite |.e”i-ilalini'. will e.uitiiiue its A‘.ieni.y in F.ivettcviP.e. f.ii.ierthe n:ai!.'ig(-m -i:t ot'tiie undersigned, wh'i is ] rcpai cl to issue P..To it ' 1 liisiiraiice on P.uild- is. t Ithei ill thi- 'I' '.>.11 or in any part of the .Stall', on tir'ip. r applii -itli n, .lescriptioii of the Pro].. rty. .Vc. The .ilT.N.V C( iM 1*has been in ojiC'iatioii about :;u years. Its capit il is The li. n. 'I'hos, K. Rrace was it-^ first Presi.ient ;.n.l !i.' still hohis that ofiice; ami several of its first 1 !.■. (■ r.s are .sfill jn tive and etlicient m. nibrrs of the P.o: '.i. It has at all times snst.'»ine«l tiie liigh(‘si cli.irai'- l.ir the frnidenci* of its man.'iutment. aiel for s!ie li .erality with whi.'li it has ever .'nljiisted it.s hiss.-s. ton, oral the •• *!Ii Blank \ynrrants for fi(tie hert. Company, and ■ the RaUmioro incl * Company, Pratt .Street, Baltimore 1 Jnn. ', ' . .!. H.Vi.ll. .\geiit. SfnUhcrii I i;o. ii!»ii\. aiii cal (.'omtl in'oiu .V forth.. ' jnst received. F .1. HA..L SON ('c^ D'. U- =lf‘

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