S im 1-W EKK I. Y. \\'0] III. l \M-;i 'rK\ ILLK, N. (\, MARCH 0, [NO. 276.] y'.’ ''-HIS, ■ - M:.,.; li AKKI? Man'/f'irl-rH- .■Mto » . - North. *' .llir viM'l'l' MoNhAYS \Nl» T1113USI»AYS ' KIIW \lll» J. H VLR & SON. 1 1>IT»KS AN1> l'HO|>Uir.TO!{S . ,i 5iic Scini \N t'cklv (tusKiiVK.u $:! 00 if j>aiil in V ; .«o if paiil .iuriii>r tho y»‘:ir of 8iil(M i i]>- 1- >) iiftor tho year hus oxjtircil, Wt i Viy itHsKKVKK !j‘J OO por iiiiiunn, if jciid in •>'J '>0 if jvsiil iluriiiii till'yciir Ilf gu1isori|> .1 N t"' ;itttT ttio yt'ur hsis oxjiiroil. i\ I l\ riSHM insrrtoil for ^;i\ty i-outs ju'r I'l linc-i fcir tlie first, siiiil thirty rents for j:: I'uMiiVitioii Vc;irly :ilM‘rtis,>nienis l>y s|.«- i.ir . •I-'. :it n':isoii:i1ile r:it«*s. Aihcrtiscrs ;iri' I !•' tlie iiumbor of insevtii'iis ilosireil, or , i-.iiitinufl till for>iitl, "^Uil char^ol :\i‘corl l-etttM’s ti) the K.ilitiirs iniist l>e luist-iiiiiil. iik SIhmiiw(‘II IIoiiso. l/( rillr. / Ifjl V. ( Norlli of (lie Mar Kast siiU' (.iroi'n Street, a few door ket House. rB^lIK siiliserilier leave to aiino'inee to the eiti 1 zen^ of Kayetteville. aii'l the travelliiic |iul>lie. th.-it he h is just tiiiislieil aihl i'|teiieil his llotise, for the reeeption aTitl i-iitertaiiinieiit of any \v!io may w isli ]>i r- nialient or transient lloanl. llis Itooins are lar^e ami eomfortalih', an'i liis 'I'aMe shall iilv>a\s he furnished \sitli the liest liie market will ;\tVoril. lie also has ;t>o(l aixl trusty tlstlers, who will alteml faithfully to that ilejiartmeut of the Kusiui N*t j>;iins will In* spart'd to make Ihi'S** romtorlahh* who Ulav tavor him with tlu-ir |iatroiiajre, a shari- ol w liii li is rf.^|iecl full V solieili'd. t'liariies .-hall l>e modi II. IIAUUAI CJII. nln'frrf ,1 iif/ l!iii//ir, A. ^ ^ l',Sl’l! TKl'i,l.\ informs the |>ul>lii'thiit he is pro laicd lo CMi-ulf I’l.AN.'^ ol rvcrv d«S' rililioli j ■ and ( oiirl Houses, I’ris.ins. \e. Also,' tt.iues, !ind other pulilie ;iud ]iriv»le edi- j , Itoof^. all with S,«eeificatiiins | III- will also supei- | sill h as Htal t'hui'ches, (’i n.-.'s, I'.rid-.-. .and (’ontr;u i m.adr I'or the ^ani'v iiili-nd .all kimN ot work. ( >i'i ic]-.: ill rcfi i\ (• |.ronii>l at t iMit i and -icnl lo alls’ |..irl ol llic couiilrv h.-,- I I, isv; .n, and I’laiis drawn il sli.iit notifc. .');■> I'lm 'i TO IIIU iiii:i i: \i;(,i:u unMi;\ ;,r. \ M \ . 'hi' \\ Islii ii'r I o 111t lll.MW 1.1. .In ire now otli'reil i'or hire, will please .a|i]'lv l.i lidd \M I.OU, I'oiit of ! lay mount. 11 f K.d.’v si:i:i» (> \ rs. .1 .V T n K ruMI'.N' t. W AN I'Kl), in:iko IWtrS. F. N .V J. 1^51. KOHKllTS. Tl-'Jw I W l-A'rV DOLLARS RKW ARD. Wll.SON, late of the county of Sanij>siui, \. rth Ctirolina, has left for parts unknown, and :■ tt>'l t.i US, Hitil imvinc taken with liiiii iissets sutVi- >;:t '• I'uy hi- dehts, we will give the aliove reward ' iti'factory iiifoviuation of his present location, if • III the luri'dietion of :iny emirt of law in the I'nited f^aid Wilson is ahout 40 years of ape, with red ;iiploetion, of nioilinm size, and hnd principles. J. \ T. WA1»1)1I,L Fa\etteville, N. t.\, Feh’y li t, i ttf .1. A. SMITH. ('hr mist an ft \VM(iI,KSAI.i: AM> KKTAIL l>KALi:il IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Brushesj Pure Liquors, &c. &c., IV n w reeeiviii^ his Sprinc supjtly of Fresh l>UrtiS, \li;i'U INFS, ..Ve., to whieh he invites the atteiitifin iiitry I’hy-ii iaii', Merchant*, and others who nia;- . - t j'lir.'hase in his line, as they niiiy dejiend on n- Fresh and Ct-nuinc artielos, and that \i' I ~ A: i he sp.'ired to gi\e satisfaetion Uoth in .|U;iiii\ .1. N. SMITH. N, rth-wt'si Cor. Market S.|uart‘. ». T"-tf W VDhlld. ; II. \\i> MiM’i \-\wmi • firs. ll'nUott S uiuv ro(’ei\ iilT eonsistiii'j: ot' l'> Pres- t'a].s: H.tndkerehii'l' and Featln‘r>: Swi- Fdu iii: lar- and I nder->leevr -. I,:i (iloVi"--. and loll”' aii'l ~hort stock of l»re^> 'rrimmiiiL:^ and Silk Mantillas; liaihva n r Fall and Winter M11.I.IM'ifV. iinrt-, from "if' d..!l:ir to tirii cir al I 'ap rroinli \nil ■ ;ir, I 1 n~ertin;.;>: li. ■ and I'liildr Mit^: a new ■ t’ the latf-t -tvle; tr^et': W liahdic 111 Wi! t Hid III' iniitnl Velvit l‘.U''ks. liresvos. .Mantillas, 1‘hiladelphia and New .\11 ordiTs from tin- (li t. o, 1 aii'l Cloaks ma if in the laie't \ ork style", eoiintry proiiipliy alien ■d t... :'.if \ r riii: \iw\) sk;n. II r ii o II :i I «l A n o ^1 :i ^ t c I' ■ ■ \\ I. |i!st rfi ri\« d a full and eoiiililete stock of ■ 1 (;i:'M i:i:ii;s. ri:u\ isihns, .-vcc., to whii ii iii,-y Would invite tl'c atleiilioii of the i iti/cns .•iiid siirroiind- in 'i oiinii v 'riii-\ will ell low t'orCxsii, oi-on time ■ to |.niicni:il 1 ii''toiiic!s. 'l'hc_\ pun li:iM-d their (!o...|s for c.i'li. aiid this vill eiiahle them to ..-dl i.nw. 'I'hey li:i\e facililie-. that iii.iiiy liiui.-e^ have not: they have | a;rei;t (wfaMi died in P.allimoi i- and New S ork. w ho always advisr thi'lii of lUiy elialijr'' in articles in their line, .ind who purcha>e only when li.arjiains are to he had. We keep always on hand a s|ilt ndid assortment ill i'oreiiiii and domestic l.iii'iors: Loaf. Cnished .iml I'.i'iwii .-^iii^ar-; Kill. .l.i\a in.| l.riLinir.i ('ndci ': (iri'cn, 11', i.n .iiid r.lai'k T'l': Ni w Orleans and Ciilia Molas- 'I'.itile and Sack S.-ot: IJ.'i'.'on. I.ar.l. Mess I'ork, I’.t'cf. .''iiioked llecf. Iiryt'd \ enison: No. I, 2 and •kercl; I'.ntler, Ciiecse. Flour. Meat, Coin, Oats, •i ll. C.iTi iic . (’ ip]icia“, S.iler.'itiis, Indifro, .Mad- ;picc. I’cppcr. tiiiiui'i'. \utmejrs. Cinanion. F.|isom .'Saltpetre, H.'irdware. ('uflery. ('rockery, and wan-; and a vavii ty of otiier ^oods. I'V t ike this method of iliatikiiifr the community iiitr;. fi'ii'iid' for the v.-ry liberal jmlronatte liiiK'ii 1H1-; sut-i ril ll>s. ('ottiin ;iihI Ii\iS wantrd. I will pay the hijrhest market price luantitv of elcan l.ineii .indt’otton Haps. lK\Vil> MrKl’HV. Tltf r|llli: KI>I*IK A'i'4»K\ 4»K> are a JL peculiarly sensitive part of the human Iramc, .iiid their susi-eptihility to disi ase manifests iise'f in \:irioiis forms, ■'Ucli as C lUirhs, ('old'. CroUii, r.roui'liiti.--. .\>th ma, aiiU that fearful scour;j-e of mir r.ice. ('oii-.nmpt;i.n. To reniedv these disea'es. S'lIlM.ll .\N(»I»\.NF CHKKUV ‘ F.\1‘K( ToUANT is ..ircred i.. the piihlic'. with the assurance th.it it ib im cm] irical ci.nip Miiid. hut a preparation sam lii.iied '^y iiiedieal m i. iicc and commcndat il III. Its lieneticial elicit in ail the al>o\e foriiis of dise.'ise h:>.\t' l>eeu certitic'l t" liy inr"ii* invert- ihle testimoliv. \ oil are advi'ed to ^i\e it a trial. ST.\Hl,i;i; s‘ni.\KKIl'K.\ ( OKIM .M. is ai>o a remedy which has liet'U tt''ted ai; l aiiprovi'd liy huiidre.l- ol physicians and others. UcM riptive p imidilei.. t ■ he ii.'id gratis ol'the .\irent'. I’ricc of cacti, oiity .‘iH ct'i.. '■r si.\ tiottles for .’)0. For sale in Favette\iile tiv Tl-lm] ■ ‘s. .1. lIlNSDAId'.. i-AC '1's cANNor !ii: 1)01 irri'j). L't th= I'liiil ini'l r! Mo ;; M 1 T'.:.'c h'r. Salt~- (;ia- riicj and th lic.vtowc'l on tin in; .'ind intcii'l. hy 'iclliiij. poods i.uw, to iin rcM.-'e tln ir former trade iilw.iys keejiiiip in view tint a iiinitile sixpem e is worth a slow shilling. \ I'iiiiw riiiiMiii'.r. Iictwccii the .Market House :ind the ll.iiik ol ill.' .'•t it'. tiil!« .-pie Street, l-'a \ etlc\ilte. N. C. .March -Jl. I" - : ' TJ^tf .m:\\ s roc'K Ol' i.Mi \mm\ liiiiiiis. SK'hiii Eni>;in»*s—Fayetteville Maniifaeliire. nT .are now prejiared with all the necessary ma- cliinery for manufacturing STI''AM KN'iJlNI'^S, troni live to sixty liorse jiower, whicli w«* e.iin furnish on !is favorable terms as any Northern estaMi.>5hment. 1‘erson.s in wiiiit if fvnpine.s for Milhs, liuat.s, will perceive the advantage of havinp them nnide near home. .\n I'^npine of our own inanufaeture can he .seen in opei'ation ;tt the Fuundry. ■ HALL & HOLLINGEK. Dec 7. 1,h:.;!. 51-tf r'jill uihI Wiiitrr Stock, 1853. Siiliscriher calls the attention of hia friends ■_ and the puhli- to his recfnt purcha.ses of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which is one of the larpest assortments that lie iiaa ever callel the iitteiitioii of liis friends and the pulilic to. He has now in Store nearly every style of Hats^ 4'ajts^ iSoois tintf ^hovs now in vopue, of alt ju-ices to suit the times or the cus tomer liowi'ver fastidious he may he. lie would say to all such IIS w.'int the worth of their money to call and examine his Htock of 11 .\TS, C.\ I’S, l!()()TS and SH )l'iS, :is III' i.-' de>irous to exchangtr the same into C.asii as soon as iiossihle, in ordcu- that he may replenish. .1. C. THt)MSON, Market Square. Sept. 12, isr>:5. 1’7-tf i\(vri( i:. n.W'I.N'd ].urchased the interest of T. R. Under wood in the firm of Ci. W. Luwrence S: 'o., 1 will continue hiisiness as heretofore at • 4iiartlen. I have from twelve to fifteon 'oojier«i constantly at Work mannfactiirinp Sjiirit liatrels, at the rate of 100 to lil-'i per week; have now on hand 40U 15urrels for sale, at 'J-'), ca!>h at the Shop, or .'15 delivered in Town. I shall also continue the Histillinp of Turpentine, and will I'ay witliin 1 ■') cents jier liarrel of the Fayetteville price in ('.ASM, or (iooKs at Cash prices. fts^'TUK- i’FNTINF W A.STKI). 1 have now in Store a general aHsortnient of GOODS, for sale at Fayetteville [>rices. All kinds of Country rroduce t.^ken in exehiinge for (loods. (’all ani sec. C.. W. LAWKKNt'E. Nov. 17, IS.'):;. 40tf II .lOSl'JMI liAKKR, .In., ATTOKi\i:V fi'T \S taken an otliee next dooi- to \\ in. I>. ripht s Law otliee on (iiven .''treet. He will attend and practice in the County and .''u)>erior Courts of (’umlier land, Hladen, lloli(.ison and SampKon. Mi;rch IS.'):;. 7'J-tf J. S. IJANKS, i'oiiiiiii!«!«ioii croliaiiI Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. 1'.), is.'i:;. •J'.ttf ^in; Mit.-.riiie, 'I lected stock -iirlnieni .f 1- 11.iw r.'tciviiiLr a larpe ,i!id well of C.ooDS, coinpri>;n>: a tU-neral ii s. s. ari:y \S on hand a ti*‘iuitiful assortment of FALL .\ND INTF.U (I(MIDS. He desires to return thanks to his friends and ;he ]>ul>lic for the liberal patronage which they h.-ive bestowed on him: and solicits a con- m>\ 1» ( 'L.lliiiiii I Miiuanee of the same. His friends anil the public are v^ (.OOD.S, kc.l(i\-lll.l(lc ( at the stand formerly oc- lioot." illld SIkm'.-;, ll.'ltS C :ij>S, j cupied by s. J. Hinsdale, southwest corner Market I l:ir!\\ :u(“ .ind ( ul Icrv, (Jroccrics, S;i(i(lclr\ i.Vc.. vVc. riiinents. (i:;-lV ijUiire and (iillespie street. Oct. 1, 18.33. ;i4-tf Which pelltilic !K» 50 IlllDS. NKW CUol* MOLASSFS. ■Ji:- barrels Turk. do No, Mackcrel. dl li'ix S. W. Collin.C Turpentine Axes. !;:■! lb>. i:!d N. C. liacon. I’.KNF.oW, KVLi: CO ■J7. \>'-A. 74tf siMRi'rs karri:ls. H:> .iND M \Nli SIMUITS I'.AKKKLS, in p I r'ler. For sale by F.’ N. \ .1. H HoHKins _7, 1"'» 71-iiw : • M.if.' llinii .'lOii ix-r- u to ih>' ri.iii:irk:ili|i' i III till 's (M rii K :i tiiii'mil be - .Id low f'.r C.i'^ii. or I'xclianped for Tur- aii'l (' iiuitrv I’l'oduce. He return.-- his warmi'st th.'inks to his oM frit iids and ■n-tomer.' f 'l' the liberal ]'atronaue hei-etotnre (Extended 111 hiiii. and h 'pi'~ to merit a continiianci 4'arter-s Sfnttiish •flixture. llie I’.: ..I II kiiiL''buiy. .\pril lb. I' of the s.inie, N .MN(i. . .'sr.-if rii' i;rc:il Spriii" Mi li.i irc iin: I’lirilii-r ■ lilimlreiK ol sr.tielio iul.cii! w ici li ,iii!i i iiri iKTliiriiH il ■■;. '.Ill' I'ri lii' : “I Sii.iiii'li .Mixture .Nr ir...;i ,. Uhi'iiin .:ii ill.' Skin. I.ivi r Ui-. I'.'M . I .. r- ' ih.' K;ilfi.-\' 111 111.' I liri ; r. I :tiiil A.'liini: III 111.' r.i.ni N .-11,1 .l.iin: - . r: ii'in:; llii- i:r.-:-.l ;.!ul iii.-'i.iii ■'■'i i^. ini'il*, l iir .ill ilix ' III llii li: nl. iii.Iliini: ji.ire w til It Itii. till Ill ol :iiiil . rtii'i.'iitly on ihi- I\. r aiiil l\ ilm ". li.ii.' Ill llie .si-.iii oh. m iKr~ ; li.' .' risti.rfit ill.' .iii'l.ln' "II. i nl. i lili il Mil'll rula! it |H «>lli|i: I II ;; |*iil (. |j • - \ I I 'H **n I* mill l> I ■ iLt' n : • I* ■'inn - tin I »..• 'li* k lU 4 iT J r .t tjil ! 11*» ■ «!. -« t'f ..r l*r*»r rn «l *\v n .1 \ininc(Ui r-T i:i;cFivFD 111 'f liritish V ilitinn(u\ for 1S51, .\lsii, n new and lieautiful edi- ...ts. F. .1. 1! \LF a: son. TO LI Mlii:R AM) TLRIM'.N'riM: MAKLRS. /■IIIL ."ebscriiiers ofiVr for sale |OII Veres of I L .iid well calculated for the Lunilier an l Tiirpeii- l:n=:iiie.s. The Land is situated on tlie Fiiyette- V I’.: ieii.h Flank Hoad, about eipht miles from ■ . iti ville. tw:: miles from ('ap*‘ Fear Itiver. and I' im’.i'' from a L.'indinp belnw the liAve-t Dam; oil it at the junction of iwo coii'taat .'.trealiis a ■ n the Improved llotctikis' iil.'iii; :iiso, Dwell- ■ -i'. Ivitchcn. I’.arn. Stables, \e. To those de- ■fembnrkinp in the abov(‘ business it would be a i'e situation. Iin[uire of.lfihii II. .McNeill on the '■s. or D. McNeill. Fayetteville, i;. It not sold at private sale before Wednesday "til 'lav ot Mai'i'h next, the above d-scribed land '. be th"t l.'i\ ■itlered at jiiililii' sale, in the town ot -t'tte\'lle. Us'i. a team ot Mules, a Timber and Uoad U apon. ih.' ex.'...,'." 'It y ml1.1 |irj'l.iii' \ i”'.r :iii.l --:ri ii!;lli. For llie l.ailif'. il I" iliii' 1111(1 iiilii) ii. II. I 111 ill :i i ill. .'V. r ii'fil. .\ I.'W ill.-. ' ..I I'.irli'r'-’'!''.lo-li M \liir.' w: ail Ml I low n.-.' Ill ciiiiil.i.' 'mil. Iinii:; Hi. ro'i m:. .iilm:: In I L'H. .'l.i'lii ilv 111 ill.' -I. 1' iiiil iiiiiir..;. 111.- L'l iK I >1 111 lii III-rk iliie .i.-i;re.'. |i. \.iinl all ill.- ii .-.lii in. - .m r li. .ril n| V lariit* naiiili«-r *.1 ■■ • rlili.- •li-'. 'I rcm.vtk ilili i ur.-' , per'.Ill' r.-'.ili!:i' til ili.'i I'? Il ;i hill''iiii \ 1’ III' i. r'. Simo'l. M lii.' 1.^'t i-\i^l. in . ili ■. lln ; i-- I lui” rilii.iit II. 'I'lii iiri .-. Ii'ili k. I (i. r-. ill ._.-ir:-:i ; . mil |iii!ilii nil'll w.'i' kii'W II 111 111. i.'iniii i'.i, ol.; i II, iii\ 1,1 111.' ell. rl- ol llo- i.i;i - I I'll .1^ I'l i:i: :: K. (- .'il mill I ■ Irw hilinlr. .t- ■■' -I.- ii. ,r, nl l:l i;i:~ I ii'iiiL; I rein, \iiii. i;i'mimii.' mil.-' - _■ ; I’rini-ip.-il Depot- at Maidv'U Lane, New \ .l.'iikiiis X ilart'lii rn. . il III \ Mil M. U.'ird. Ci, ■ rk; T. W. D. l'hi'a,i.'i|'hi.i; No I'J-'i .Main 1. HINSDXL eliy lo. l-o: tleet. li ichni.^ii' I. avi'tle\; e .V C lo-nii. Il ,X And fi.r . >o’i’i( i:. \\ lNi piu'cha-c 1 tlu' 'toi'k of M.'iteriel on hand at the ."'iiop foi'iiii rly own. d b\ Mr. F. Fuller, aii'l haxiii;; i'li^i:;c 1 tin' s rvi.'.-^ ot \|r. .1.1. Lally. i w'iii-M' Work i:i\e-^ -iii-li u- ner.'il and entire atisfa.'tion. I am now ],rcpaii' i to «'\ci ut.' all i.i.lers tor Timber W a-.iii'. r.'i.'id Wa,.:' iis. ( art'. Drav'. W li.-elhavrows, \e. 1 have oil liuii'l aii'l will I'oustaiitly keep a p i sup ply of Iri'ii \xlc', ('liaiiir, llolt.'. :ind in short every thill;.’- that the W apon-Hi.ik. r .'.in in i'd. I Timb. r Wapons. with the imiiroved Iron .V.xles, inadc to ord.'r at the cliortc-*t notice. I have lo pood and I'omp' ti'nt \V,,rkmen at the busi- ni'>-. aii'l will pi\e It i.iy w hol.' :iii,| ii!i.li\id''d attention. M prici" h:.^ I'l' I nil dcr.ili' a- tin- limes will ad mit. aii'i I will .-ii-i 1 Icnix*' aiij,- auon-m.-ik.'r in the I iii- ted .''t it( 111 e jii il iii_\ Work eilh.'i' in point of 'lyle or ' ,iiii-•’. ’ riios. (’. FI i.i.ki: (I.-’ :-'!f i:i:ui:o ri WR. J. S. WEAR III I.D M'- ■ I it I I'AIJ. SUPPLIES. IH.W'F now in Store a full assortment of (iR(>- CI;H1KS, I’HOVISIONS, and other Cioods suitable (or the Fall and Winter Trade, and which I otfer for «'asli, or in exchanpe for I’roiluce of almost any kind. 1 have always on hand—Flour, Meal, Corn, Hice, l!a- I'oii. Lard, IJutter, Cheese, ('rackers. Salt, white (.'lari- lied and Hrowii Supiirs, llio and .Java (’otfee. Tea, Mo- lassc', \ inepar. Fish, Cipars, Tobacco, Snuff, ('andles. Soap, StJirch, Spices, Candies, I'epper, Buckets, I’.roonis, w i'oupht ami cut Nails, I’ow.ler, .'^In'tt, Percussion C;ips, and a poo l assortment of Dyw Stuffs; with many othei thinp' in the (irocerv line. —ALSO— .\ poo,I assortment of Diy (Joo.is, F.oots and Shoes, Nej;r,i I’.laiikets and Kerseys, and a pood assortment of I Uca Iv -inade Clothinp. Call ami buy cheap, j ■ W. H. CAKVKU, i October 2.>, lh5:{. 89-(;m i> NO’l'lCl',. oC'follS Mallett \ McSwain havinp left their M; \ Vel' 1 i-nrnl M at- 'I’lie alioNf luentioiieil propi'ity will 1 iiio latinp term'i. wlii.'h will be , .‘tion to ,). H. .M. Neill, on tin \|i NeilI, in Fayetr.'sille. D. .N ,1. II. Mo Nov -J.'., L''.');;. krn»wn »>r t lit on appli- o I luiu aii NKILI, 4H tf li(K)/\S for rarim i's (ind (ianli in rs. ('i) \ian s I’llac’I'ic \l A(ii:ici i/n iu:. Downinp's Fruits and Fruit Tree-^ of \nierica. Kiiral llssays. C ■untry llou-es. ('litt.'ipe l!e:-idence and ('ottaire (iruuii.b I- till. .,1- Slieep llush.'indry. .b i'tii on tin- \rts of Tiinninp and Ciirryinp. i ii'liiij's ,\pricultural Chemistry. I'l ,will's .\mei'ii'aii Muck I’.ook. Dm , Muck Manual. .'^i.'phen'- l.ook of the Farm, bv .''kinner. .I'll . ,\m. Farm ihmk. \ ..iiatl and Marlin on (' itlhv on the I’ip. \hieriean ('.ittle Doctor. \ ii'ii ' Kiiral .\rehitei;tiire. liiiral Homes. liV Wheeler. Norloii': F.lrmeiits of Scientific Ainerii au Fruit. Culturist. by .1 Thu Fruit (iardeii, by F.arry. i'he Farmer's ('yclop.i-ilia of Modern .Xpi icultnre. Till- F.'irmei' s Tri'a'-iire, bv Falknei'. Miner's .\m. I’.ee Keep.T S Manual, l-'e'seiiden’s Com|ilete Farmer and (iar.lener. ('ole's .\meri'aii i'’ruit l!ook. r.uisi's .Xm. Flower tiarden Uirectory. ■flie Furiner's l>ictionary. •b.linston's .\pricultural Cht inistry. I'iie Ciiliure of the (!rape and Strawberry. .'-t.'Wart's Stable Fcoiiotuy; Hinds’, ,N .NLisou's Far riers, revls'd by Skinner, \c. .^c. F. .L H.\Li; .V .'^ON. hit I'lM LN. S iOMl’Ol M) SA\\ ri\l*: IMLLS. I ar«‘ :i iiio'i .»Bin the cure of all Uilioiis ('oiiiplailil-. Ciiill'aiid l'f'\ei. Dvspi'psia. CostiveiK". Liver Ciiiii)il:iliil. J a iin,i i.-c. Sii'k Heada.'he, Scrofula. Salt llheum. F> kiii'N, 1.0 of .\piH'tit.-, ob'triii-t.-d •in,| p struatioii, and all linperinp .lisease--. As a Female .Medi. ine they act like a ch.'.rm, and when taken .ii'cor.ruip to the dirc'tioii.-. they iie\. r tail to cure ver_\ worst lasc. of att.M all olhei ri'ineilies lail. TIk'V piiiiil II|‘ Ihr lli- l.i\4‘i\ !«i4lii-> :iii4l »lli4'r ^4-4-i‘lor> l4* :i l!4-:tllii> |4»1I4> :ill4l :i4'll4>lt: and a an \liti F.nimi' I an- ly Medicine they ha\e iio enual. 1‘iice 'J-'i ctnl- per box. UK. STI’iONd’S |‘IX rOKAL S'l'OM \( II I’lLLS. ,\ ri'iiiedv lor ('oiiplis, ('ohN, ('at.irrli. F.rom hili . ( roiip. Whoopinp ( oiiph. .\sthiii:i. Con-iiiii]>lion. Nervon> Disea>es. D\-^pepsi.i. Co.-li\cnes. F.ry-ipebi' Di -.':i-c of the Heart, Intlamiii.itioii and I’.iin in lheClie>i, I’.a'.'k and Side, and all .lise.i'i's arisinp from a de- raliped state of the Stolii.u h, an tress and bad feeliiip from ('.itin weak and .lyspeptic li-iliit'. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable rHlHKSF, Fill'' act a- an Kxpt B .\perienl »ne’J-i c. iit box moi'e powI'r to eiiri I I ;iiill\ iniioniii'i' to the l. -'I.e-' and •iilii iii.'ii .,1 I- i\ell.-ville all,I \ii inily. th.il he I I ...,11,- .iser \! r. .1. M liea lc\ .'stor.', on !, will r.' lie will be happv to atl. lid to tlie his In pi •- lhal li\ hi- > xperii'lice in the Arts and and .'iliiliu lo |.le;i'.e. to merit |.ublic (la 11'lUl- Dl, . r.i. is.-.:;, .'.l-H LtAD, ZINC, HeO,V f.IM.VT, O I I. A > II 40 I. OK \i \\i F\cTn:i;i) in ri;\M IS S. i.LWis \ in.. i:. pr.'--.'iil."l by LI.Wl*-, .IWIFS \ (d. I :S5 N»iilli i'l'oiil Onl.r- lli.inklii;i_\ i.'.-ci s e,l piinci nail \ all,'lid.'' ^iii.ir iiil. I'd I ’ ;ji\ ' r .'l.-ii lii'ii, all,I olb'r.'d lor sa III.' 1111,1 btn-r.i' ri'i-iii'. Fill .'Hiipb' .'i;i'l pal I i. ni'i I--. ple-l-e .'iddr inviSM U I LI. I relit'M' tin ht'.'irt\' fo. 't-r.int. diseases than a one ilol •lail. likelv ;^ii' .-lllolll ll\( b(' liirUiii! .luiv J.) llu abo\ lie di'livci \ t llial I i.', I liiv i abo\ e. ii7 ;imp,l iii:\\ ARi>. lew.ird for the apprelu'iisioii 111.', .11' lo,|-iii,'nl III Clinton c' l'o ijfirl .11 N N ^ . Sh,' is a III liplil coiiipli'xioii. smile.-' when spok.-n to. ii'i t six ,1|- se\ell iliehes lligli; IS suppiisi'ij to •iliout I aiMiii '■ Di'pot, or (.osln ii. WM. F. HOl’.F.S. l-'.-if .\pri,'nltui',“. , .1. Thomas II CnH*ku*v Slon‘. W'lNti litte.j up the .Store one door below S. W. Tillinpha'^t \. Co's, the subscriber has opcne.l a ' I- of ^I'orkrry, I'iiiiia :iii«l ALSO - .1 tartfti/ oj j}!nj ArtK'hs. '-Il he otfers at wholesale or retail on reasonable Tonic, anil I III',',' tinn s liar bottle of anv ol the Svrups, I’.alsams, or Sar.'a]i.'irilla.s, that wa- ever made, and a simple I rial of only one box w ill pvove t II I-S important truth. TI|4*V l]\|M‘4 «4»l ;ili4»n, |4>4»S4‘II tli4' I*iil4‘'^iii., :iii4l « l4‘:if iii4> :iii4{ 4»lliT 4H :iil and there is not another remcly in the ■ wh,)h- Materi.'i .Medica callable of inqi.i11 inp .'iicli he.'ilinp prop.-rtit'S to the Liiiips and \ il il • li'^.in^ a> I li.'So Fills. Tli4>y ur4‘ ('4»s|i% 4‘114‘S*., |»i-4>clii-4‘ :i a;o4Ml .\i>|M*lil4*, ;iinl tls“ , ^y>»l4*iii. 1 I’rii'c li-'i «'ts. per tiox. I'outainiiip li-”) doses ol medicine. I Call on the .\penls who sell th(“ Fills, and p.'t the “I’lanter's .\lmanai" pratis, pivinp lull particulars and certificates of cure.s. j F.oth kinds of the above-iiaiiK'd Fills arc for s;ilc in I Favutte\ille by S. J. Hinsd.-ile, and .1. N. Smith: who ; also keep a supjily of Ih-. S/'i nr,\'ii/ihil'l /’///•'>', ; and Ih . Ilnll’.t Cih I'rnliil whicli stop the Chills i and Fever the first day, :ind lo n,it sicken the stomach Lll’i: INSLRANC i:. f B^IIL 1 nd.'i'.'ii^lii'd has been apli.iilited .\pent of the Noilh Carolin.-i Miiliiil Life I iisiira lie.' ('oin pany. Lv, r\ nii'iiibi'i' lor lile parlii ip.it, .- in th.' pintil'i of tlu* Coiiipain; and llH'.'iimual preniiiiiu lor life nn'iiiber'i ship. wii, re it anoninl' l‘i .>.10 or more, may be pail one-half in t asli, anl the other half in a note ;il I'J lllollt lls. Dehioi's' lives may b,‘ insured by cre.litors. .\ man mav insure his o.mi lit',- f"r the exclusive bentdif of his familv. The li\,"; ol shnes may be insure,1. This system i- rapi'Hy 'jrowinp into favor, all over the c'i\ili'zed world. It is on,' b_v whi-li a family, fora small slim aiiiiiially. may be provi,le,l lor. ;itter the ,l,‘a!h of its h(':id. oil whos,- exertions they may have 1 ,lepen,|eiil lor a siijiport. It is a poo'l investment of moii.'V, even if one should live lonp alter takinp ,,ut :i Life Forny. Lsplaiiatory pamphlets, ami the iieecssarv lllaliks. riiriii'lM-,1 on appli'atioii. i;. 11 ALL. or operate on the b.iwels. liOOK lUNDKin. ■ m W. II.VIiDIF has resumeil the I! 1%/a lliisiness at the new Store iiexl Heaslev. .lewelh'r, wher‘ h‘ will receive I bimlinp ill 11 ny style desire.l. I August 1. [D'.-Vl iiok l;in,lir.p door to Mr. and exei'ulo L!7t»’ W, N. Dei: 1SG3, TII.LlX(!ilA.'T. sr.Kl) RVL, J. & T. W AUUILL'S, Hay st. Oltf A!.MA\A(’S! nill'; Farmer's ;iiid Flanter’s, ami Turner's N.C L Miuan.'i,', tor 1^.)«. Wholesale an,l retail, b\ li:. J. HALF \ SON. liiank W arrants Jor sale here. rE^IlF. .K'I'N \ liisiiiaiice Coiiii.any of llartf'onl, hav- _B ill” pai'! the tax impose.1 by the F.t'veniie Law of the late L( pislatur,-. will continue its Apeney in Fa v,'tt-vill.'. under I he nianapement of the undersipned. wdio is ]irrp.ir,'d to issue I’olicies of Insiiraiice on F.uihl- or (ioods, .i'her in this Town ,>r in any part of the State, on proper application, ilescrijition ,if the I’ropi'rly, .Vc- The I'i’I'N \ ‘'*.Ml’-\NY h.'is been in operation alxuit :;o vears.^ Its caiiital is I*ii:s00,000. The Hon. Tho.- K. V.race was its first Fresidt'iit, and he still holds that olli.'i'; and several ,if its first Dtrei fors are still active an,I ‘t1i,'ieiit memlifrs id’ the Uoaril. It has at all times sustained the liiijhi'st character for the prudence of its inanapement. aii.l for the liberality with which it has ever a,.Uuste,l its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. fully authot i.M'd to receipt for the s.itiie. all their cus- t iii,'i s li\inp Wc't of the Cajie Fear F.iver, who may be ill a.'r.'ai's either by note or account, vvill conftrr a t'avor bv callinp on him ami settlinp the same. W. 1>. MALLETT. H. A. McSW’AIN. Fa\ 111‘villc. Aiip. 'o, l.‘'.'.:I. liltf I'liKSIl SlJPIMiY : Of /, Mrdirinrs, l*ain/s, Oils^ and ; I)(J( -Staff's. W o arc now roofivinj' (in a,ldition t,) our Stock whieh W(‘ ojicned in .\pril last) a larpe and well select- e,l stock of Ib ups, Medicines, I’aints. (>ils, Dye-Stuffs, Kii- pli-;h and (ern»;in Crucibles, Faiil De Vers .S: Co’s Vepe table i:xtracts for culinary purposes; N east Fowders, Dt'linoni,',!''.aiul other bramis; Lyon's Kath.arion; F>ar- rv's Tri(',ipher,ius; \ser's ('h‘rry Pei'tiiral; W'itheral ."(c iiro's White Lt'a,l; F.uriiinp Fluid ami Fine Oil. .\ls,i. DeCiuim.n's celebrated .N'on-exiilosive Lamp, tho li"ht I'rom which, in point of brilliancy and econo my. is unc'iuallcl. F.uyers wnuld do wi'll to pivc us a call before iriakinp their*]iiirchases, as we will sell at a small advance on cost Farlicnlar attention piven lo packiiip. FOFLKES X MAC HAE, Corner of Doiiahlsoii an,I Hay streets. Next ,loor west of H. \ E. .1. Lilly. O.-Iobcr. -Js IS-'.:'.. fotf I'all ;inl VV St)*k ■•'or I raiiiF sut iscriber has just receivcl an,l ojiened, at ■ llis New Store on tiie East side of lreen street, a few ,l,i,.rs from the .M.irkef House and nearly opposite his (»ld Stan,I, a larpe Stock of aii«l raiicy DRV €i«OOll^, Embracinp a peneral assortnuuit ol Ladies’ ami (icntle- meii's Dress (iomls, consistinpin jiart of Shawls, Cloaks iiid Mantillas, some very tine; and also a good assort ment of SHOES AND lioOTS, for Lailies, tientlenien, (iirls, F.,iys ami Chihiren. ,\nd the best as.sortment of Silk ami other styles of llONNETS he lias ever ofl'ere,! I he public. Sii.i^ai, Coll'ee, Tea, I’epper, Spices, and Tobacco, a fine article. r. SIIEMWELL. October (>. IS."):?. 'iotf LAND liROKKR. 1HAVE so many in>iuiries about Turpentine Lands, that 1 have concludcl to olVer my services to buy ami sell. Tho.se havinp Lands for sale will furnish me plots and iliiaiitity, topether with a fair descrii>tion and price.— My commissions shall be moderate. JAS. 0. COOK. Nov. L’l, 1S58. 40tf S'I'ARR cV WILLIAMS, WlKtLESALE DFALEKS IN n tttu! MPomestir tPrif ■l AV sTitiiirr, Fayetteville, N. C. ,T. STAUn.] [-1. M Wn,LI.\MS. \pril -J.^, 1S-'>‘J. .^'ilf II. L. IIOLMKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. OFFICE on Corner d' Front and I’riiicess streets umliir .Journal oflice. Dec. IL’. 4S-tf T. c. woirni, (iENEll.Vi. COMMISSION Mi:ilCHANT, WILMINCTON, N. (’. Usual advances made on consipnmenfs of Cotton. .Naval Jstores, an,I other l’r,iduce. I’articular attentiiui piven b3'(i. W. D.\ \'1."^ to jmr- chasinp Carpoes, procuring Freights for V'es'^els, vVc. .lan’y 17, 1S5L (•,:MV T. ^ r*. (;. woR i'iL ComiiiissMni i*'>rwai*(liii^' Mcrclnints, HKOWN'S UFlLDlNti, WATEK STIIEIIT, \Viliiiiii;::iois, V. Usual advances made on , Jan’y 17, l(s.')4. JOSEPH R. BMISSO)!, C O n HMHSIO \ AND 1 'OR\VARI)L\(; M1:RCIIAN'W •>*. C. jjtay* 1‘roTupt personal attention piven to all Cuisign- ments, and Cash advances ma'.le on Froduce to be ship- peil to other jiorts or sold in this market. Feb. 12, IH.Vl. ti7y wirjv'LNsoN cV i:sli:r, DEALERS L\ (’oiij'i'rtn/niiI'l/y FrmtHj 'J'olxirrn^ mill tSiiliJf, AND IMFOKTEI’.S OF kliPmeiOK IIAVAli.\ 'K>iAies, AT NVnobKSAliK AND KKTAW.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ug. 7, 1851. 11 tf MALLKTT cV PATLMIKR, Orom's a tut Comtnissioti .F/rr- rhaiits^ i:t5 I'r4>iil NEW YORK. 1*. MALLETT.] [.I I'ACLMIKll August i(i, ih.ji;. i.'^tt WILIJA.M 11. MARSH, Commis.sion and Forwarding MLIiCIIAN'r, UUOWN S HriMUXti, WATKl! .^I’KKKT, W ILMlNl'.'l'oN, N C A(iK\T Fiiii Tin: bk(itiii:k. sti:\m iuiat (inii’AW. L'sual .Vdvani'cs ma,le on ('onsipnments. Feb. -J, IH.VL t'7-tf K. M. Ml RCIIISO.N, ( \)ni)nissn>n and I'onrardin*^' Mi rclKtnt^ 5S i.m] M. IIUrsON, NO rsf; k. Fayetteville, N. C. RAVXKR (JILMOUK, € ommissioti ,lterchnntn^ No. l.‘>l W.VTFll STREET, volfii. WMtKKN I). mVNK.l!.] [.lAMKS H. (IILMIIHK I’efereiices; Messrs. Francis Skinner & Co., New York. I.or.l. Warren ii: Co., E. Ki.hler, Es.p, Wilmington, N. C. ,J. 11. Flanner, “ “ Amos W’a.Ie, Es.p, Newbern, D. l't W. .Mc!..aurin, Fayt'tfeville. Customary advances mmle on Naval Storea, \c Nov. 'J--., IN.-.;:. 4KYpd ^ W ILI.IAAI A. (iW vi:r, FollWAHDINC AND COM.MLSSION MEKCILANT. !\. C\ iHEHSONWL attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval Stores. I have amj>le facilities for con ducting the business: larpe wli.-irf ami store sheds to keep s]drits from exposure. Na.v:il st,>res will be shipjie.l to anv house in New York, or to other markets if a.lvi sable, .111,1 liber.al cash adv.-inees nia,le on coiisipnments. 1 refer to the follow ing distillers; E. llanninn, Wayne connty. E. If. W'oodanl iS: Co., Earpsborough. W. Ear]i, “ A. (i. Thornton, Johnston county, llriilges & Durham, “ “ D. H,)catt, “ “ Sjiencer Fountain, “ “ II. Eatman, “ “ ismitli, I’rj.an Co., “ 15. Fi. Ilinnant, Es,]. “ “ Lovett I’eacock, Cohunhus county. Messrs. .Jones & Leach, Fa^ otteville. May -JO, 1H.',;>,. ‘ttiV liirt'at ill LGEN rON, MORRIS & CO. ^ iONTlNUE to make to order, and keep constantly \ y on liaml i'reuch Uitrr »liiltston€s Of all dimensions, warranted to be ol best quality, be ing made from Durr blocks selected by them fVorn the best iiiiarrics in France. They keep for sale CoIo^iir, Cocalica and Esopus Mill st)M(‘s; liurr J^locks, Holting C’loth, Scn'oii Wire, Calcined Plaster, llydnuilic Cement, &c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attenl- ed to. R. .TI. ORKl^LI., Agent at Fayetteville, N. (!. March 11, 185.3. 7t;tf Rl Li: cV HALL, MANUFACTUREKS am. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hoots HU d S h oes^ 107 Pearl St., NEW YORK. WE keej) on han.l a large and beautiful stock of 15(»OTS AND .‘'HOES, gotten up expressly for the North and Smith Carolina Trade, and during the Sj.ring of 1S54 we can show an unsurpassed assortment in our line, and will be much pleased to see the Mer chants of the South when in the City. The undersigned being with this House, 'will be pleased to see his acnuaiiitances, at the Old Stand, D17 Fearl Street. W. A. McCORKLE. Dec'r Jfi, 1H.').'{. 57-:ini MOORK, IIKNSZKY cV C O., Sl.CCKSSORS TO W \L T. HOW ELL & CO., Iniporftrs ami Wlioli'niitr Dealers in Xo. l''l Market Street, rillLADKIilMIlA, KI;KI' I ,.Nsi \Nn.\ UN IIAM* A l.ARdK ASSOllT.M KNT Ol-' Hardware, Cutlery, Gruns, &c., HICH they will dispose of on as goo.ls terms as ww any house in the I'nitci States. Orders by mail or otherwise put up with care :ind forwanh'd with despatch. A iliseounf of Sis per cent. al1owe>l for cash in p»r funds. .lail \ 'Jo, liS.'i I. ti4-:$nipd MAIlliliri FAX TORY, March -J'.t, iS'io. .'lO-i'iin .Vo/-/ Il Carolina ('assinicrcs. .JAMES U. (’OOK has on hand a full stock of R,>ck Isbinil Cassimeres, manufactured by Car son, Young i.'t (irier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg (’ountv. N. C., where consumers and merchants can be sujiidied. The manufacturers recommeml their fabrics as being ciiual in durability, and as permanent ia col or, as anv poods of similar character manufactureil or .sol,I in the U. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in i.ronortion to their merits. Sept. 9. 27tf ( IIARLKS I;ANKS, (' #; f’ T# o, WHOLESALE AND KETVIL DFALFi: IN' Foreiifi) I'Viiifs, Xiifs, Cii/iirs, Siiiiji,A Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1S5:?. 7:'.lf .1. K. LAW ri:nc‘i*:, Fayetteville, W. C. September, ls.‘):i R. M. orri:ll, FIIRWAKUIMi nnnilSSlllN llKIM imT \T i\. t'. March HI, 1S51. I'.'J tf II. i:RAMiii:iri\ Confectionery and Variety Store, I inter the I'aiji tti rilh Until, U";/ FAVF/ITHVILI.K, N. (’. Dec’r ol, 1S5;!. Worth & Utley, l'\^r\vanlinu[ and (JeiKM’al ('onnnb MKIU IIANI'S, Fatfrttvrille., ,V. 4\ .1. A. WORTH. (7litf) .'US. ( TI.KV. ,l\DRi:\V!i & .li'lNir, No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COMMISSION MKIU'IIAN'rs FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and W'oolltMi .MacliiiM r\, Ma- eliinists' 'Fools, Leather Hcltinir, tVe. —ALSO— “,^ainifhelnr‘r’« Arlic*le!«i” OF EVERY DESCRII’TION. Uy CEO. I.AIJDER. TWO IHKIRS AHOVR T. IIAIfJlI & Sfl\’S ST«RK, V:\yviiv\ittv, i'. .1 n’y ‘-0, IS.’j.'L f>l-l .'j.Stf qon Cf)inj)risini^ Relting, (’aid CJotiiniiT. Robbins, SlinttU's, Pickt'rs, Roli(‘r Skins, Roller Cloth, Oils, Sic. Dec. 27, 1853. 57tf A r ri:NTiox, rm: wiioll! ■ I^IIILE you are talking of your internal improvc- V w menfs, forget not t,> call to see the imjtrove- nients ma.h' in (iiins at M. .\. F«.\KLI! (iL'N M.\Nl FACTOItY, on Hav street, opposite the I’ost ()tfice, where he has the Prussian Neclle (iiin. Air Uuns, and various improved Pistols, of olt s IJepeater, .-Vilen s, W hitney’s arms coinp.my with Maynard primers. .\rm strong‘Diielliiip Fi.'-;lols; with a large assortment ol ihuible and sinple-barrel Shot (.inns, (ianie ami Shot P.ap*;, Pow,ler Flasks, Percussion Caps of English an,I Fr«Mi,'h make, with a larpe assortment of gaming fix- tiires. RitU'S constantly on haml an.l manufactured to order, an,I warranted t> shiot from DHI lo '.*00 yards. F»epairin- of every thinp ip the C.unsmith line will be done at Miort notice, in the best manner, ati-l for a small charge. .\H orders i-romptly attended to. AH >L A. RAKER, ?ign of the Wooden tJun, IL'13' street, opposite the Post Office .lan’y *2, 1S5L fllAVE receivcl anil openeil the largest .Stock of DRV (;ooDS, GROCERIES, ."cc.. 1 ever oflered f,.r sale, :ill of which 1 will sell as low as any house in this plac(‘. My frieiuls ami customers, and all in want of (.iooils. are respectfull\' invited to call ami exnniine fer themselves. PETER P. .JOHNSON. Fajtittvi le, N. C., Septc'mber 185:5. Slf’talich' lioolma (ind (iiittcnn^^ Done in the best manner, at re«luced prices, liy C. W. ANDREWS, June G, 1853. Market Square. 200tf

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