II.,, •- t , .'11, 'Ml. tt) : icli . •lot »’‘W ^ krfi, !, K;ii. -li.l , »I ( •'I, N! II: ■ Hi, , . hi, ijiaii • 'r. (he « II.. I'ttl If It s 1 :i • ctiir 1 M,. ■fch: , inl t! in.'uu milt,, t'ui rat; ■rtt, -.1 •ire.l - f. IAN l-i III. I ti . •'Stan*' j 1«!UU i p.i • llOpf ve ' l*“ w -f ■ - h_V “Hs. I! in tl fork vht'i. [, yk tU'n : .. l:ir^'. heil il;. \ ’». ‘ I - iM on i n ; ?hicl. itfil . 1 W‘)l- g«- i-ll t. tly lit' »'i (III tote ■ ^ a!l r h“ IcKI SC. >y an ;ginr .sui-} . U ■ R^. lktt rel 1' ilre-- 1;INK 111 u> Al- K, - (•rat'' Mr Kisk wii llifTH liiii.V :inl COJii** fP a: ' (;rO ■ Wiit.v hf- II 111 .IF lOM IV\! •t til />/. 7- iisfh with I" sevvli' ies V- of i.sliiHf '■ iili''*” i; I'm r' Sii'i'lii' r wil‘ iitH ■> am» le, N icvili > y r r.r, VOL. III.] SKMl-W lM}KL, Y KAVKTTFA ILTJ:, N. ('., MAIM II ‘27, IS.')I, [NO. 2R2.1 MOND.WS AM) THUKSK.WS. i:i)\V \HI) J. HALl^ & SON, IIIUTOUS VNlt rUOlMUKTOUS. r 1 til*'Si’tiii-\\ I'okly Ohskkvkh *;{ tK) it'in K. .'.11 if jniicl (luring the year of biilisori,)- , '1 :iru r the \ i‘:ir hus expired. Wt'i kly (>ii>:nvKK 0(1 per annum, if jiaiil iti .'>0 if pniil (luring tiio year of Huhscrip- ,.T •> :'* alter the year has expired. ; i’\ l!iv riSKM K.S TS inserted for sixty cent.s per J,,. t ii. lines fur the first, and thirty cents for eaeli Iiim puhlioati-Mi. Vearly iidvertisM'uients by sp'e- liiri. t-i, :it reasiinaltle rates. Advertisers are ,.«i,-l t" state the nuinlipr of insertions desired, or u ■ i‘ I'lMitinued till forliid. and charged accord Bay 1 A'tters tc the Kditors must he post-paid. (HIM. i;lasi a.\i) mmm. -\ilis> riber is now rece ving his Spring supply • i!ic above (roods, conip ’ising a general .-issort- : r the t'Ol'XTKV TKADE, which he utlers upon tliiit will not fail to pUai>e. (ioods packed :is !. in any market in the I' lited States. 'iiitry Merchants would di- well to purchase their 'm iy first, in order to give the selle time to jiaek .1 and sn;in eni>ugh. W. N. TlLldNGHAST. Niarch ‘JO. 1S54. Jit-;’.m MULES! MULKS! MUI.KS! 1HA\ E 80 head of Ml l-KS, now on the road from ^ Kentucky’, among them are 50 four and t’lve year old, Missouri laised, of extra form and medium size, said to be the best Mules in the world for hardships. Tlipy will be at thetiulf, on the 'itlth Miirch: at Fayette ville, on the 1st of April; at Kli/.a>)cthtnwii. on theOtii. Those wishing to purchase fine stuck would do well to call on us. H. T. WILSON (’O. March ‘JO, 1S54. SO :U .\(;uuri;i'ui{ Ai W E have received our usual stoi'k il ’I'llOS. ,1. .lOllNSON just received and offers fur sale— 10 bbls. extra New (M-leaiis M >|,,\.'>SES. •’> •' “ Syriiji. lo “ “ .Mess I’ork. xpri.m; i.\ii m\M coons. rrR,iM. 'PllK undersigned having gone il.to the FAM'V I»11V I Iill.'' this Spring:, are now ,prepared to otVcr ii.lucements to purchasers at wludesale or retail. -• rk has been seleeted witli a view of selliiij; to i;* t Tnide of this place and vicinity, and will be ; ' ! hoaji a; (.ioo'ls can be otteri‘l in the State. \\ ■ liave a great variety of FINE UKESSES anil Kl >> rKl.MNllN(iS. viz; Fine plaid, j'lain Hrocade .■ ; l> i> k .'^iiks. M.'irabi'ax Brocade (irena'line* printed • j'iian do. jilaiu Tissues. ►rjrandies. Freiicli .l:i- :iinghanis. Also. French (’ullars: ('liemisetts; ■ r- i cve-; Handkerchiefs; (iloves of all kinds: tine 5'ra]'c Shawls; embroidered and plain Mantillas: k ;:i'l Lace Edgings and Insertings; Infant.s’ Waists; P. !'ions and Frini:«‘>; lionuets. Straw and Silk; : K Its. trimmed and jilain; Itonnet Ribbons. ,\r- .11' iiid Tab-i. \ gi od selection of Ladies’ Shoes. . 'ill 1 liiiskinn. and ('hildrcn'.*i .''hoes of all kinds, t " ' •nt’eiiion and Youths \ large stock ..f He.-vdy- ^tiling, rioths, i'as^iineres. Vestings. Linen Hat-. Boots. Shoes, and rmbrella.->, all of the .t'Tial. • ;. -wishinut- buy w-.uld do well to i-all and 111 oiir St". k before making their purclia-es, as !t>rniined to sell ('heap. W. F. .V E. F. M(k»KE. , ' l"oL >ott' f F VinilNd IM I’LI'M ENTS, such as IMoughs, Marrows. ('ulti\ators. \c . I'cc. .1. \ T. W \l>l*lLL •\ new ‘J horse Wagon, complete, t'or sale. .). \ T. W. March 18, IS.M. SO-tf M is. the most fearfully fatal of " ' all diseases. ;t'xcept epidemics.) annually carry ing thousands to untimely graves. Ilow oft»Mi could the ravages of this arch destroyer bi> prevented, il limely remedies were useil in allaying the inllammation produced by an ordinary cold. For t'.dighs. Colds. Sore Throats, and all similar diseases. ST.MU-Elt'S ANODYNE ('IIEIIKY EXl'ECTORANT has mi enual. It is not recommended as int'iillil‘h\ tait medical men and others, who have used .and .idministered it bi ar testimony to its extraordinary etlicaey. It is known to be a "irood medicine.” and as such, is i.tl'ercd to th»“ public:'as also STAULEli S Ul.VKUlhEA (’OUDl.\ L, for diseases of the bowels. See descriptive pani|>hlets to be hud gratis of the .\gents. I’rice of eaidi, only 'lO cts.. or six bottles for ^'.1 '>0. *ar- I'or sale in Favettevillc bv SO-lm] ' ’s. .L HINSDALE. •’> hhds. new croji .Molasses, N. ('. and Western Bacon, Lilacksiiiith's Tools, comjileti*. Together with a v.iried slock of (i HOt' EH I I'.S, 11 AHli- \\ AIIE. and (!OOl»S, which will be exi'li!iiu>eil for countrv produce, cash, or conn pajier. -ALSO ,\ heavy stock of Boots and Shoes, some vei v tine. -also- I'inc ih'css ('o!iIh .iinl I’ants. .'^alin and other Vests, Shirts, M;c. >S;c, ALSO lii-tillei's’ (ilu(“, and Seed Oats. TllOS. .1 »IOHNSON. 7-tf Uoofnii^ a/t(l be^t niaiiiier, at reduced prices ('. W. ANDUEWS. Market Si|uare. l!00tf I lira lU RMSII. bv SVHl^U J.i.UKS I 1. h'v/.i: Is now receiving his Spring Su]>ply of Foreign and | liomestie (Jooils, all of which lias been jmrchased i for (W.c'll and by the I’lickage will b« ortered at Whole- i sale or Ket.ail at very low prices tor Casli, or on time ! t« punctual customers. On hand at all times, tin- best Bolting Clotlis that are maniifactureil -No. i’ to III. March IS, ;S5L SO-tf SIM.NC rHlIlE Subscriber NEW VXD simmi:k (lOOOS is now receiving the lartier t and I \p m:\\ hooks. ii!yp>e L'nveiled; The .lew of \'erona; .\u- ^rai'liy of an Actress, by Mrs. Mowatt. : 'rther “Ujiply of Parker's I’rogrc-isive Exer- Kii.;iish i’oniposition; .\ndrews’ Sallust; l*itto ’ ler; .A ,v Stoddard's Latin (Jrammar; Bul- ii*m'n Jiiid L.atin (iraninmrs; Latin and Greek -. ' .! -ar. \c ; Northend’s School .''peaker and ! !' British Poets. Boston Edition; .Cott, 'i: ,'K'peare, \c., Antique binding very benu- ;:'r s F.iinilv Kitchen (iardener, \c. .\c. E. .1. HALE \ SON. priiLK’ No ru i: 1. rrby given, that application -will be m.ide to the ;• Feai' Navigation Company, to issue u crrtiti- ■ • i iw.. shares r>f the cHpitiil stock of said Compa- • ' 'i (irove. (.luardian; the original certiticate. iifivimr been lo^t. j .INt». WINSLOW. .\dtninistr;itor of Sarah drove. ^ 1;. 1>^'L T''-4w S('II()LAUSllll*. ^1' ' K Interest of I lav I*Ison (’ollege demands a pronipt ■ i ivineiit "f all the Schobirships '.,,1,1 t,y th» Ib'iard ^ i! -ti'C-.. : iik.' r indulgence cannot be given without a seri- - • 1. ‘-rra.'-iment to the finances of the CoUege and , " urged to pay without further delay. •titic-.'tte-: of .'^cholarshiii can be had of l>r. E. nr..111. of Clsai-lotte. l>. A Davis, l>>) , of Salis- .. Pres. Williiimsou or .1. P. Henderson. Emj., of • !—n C illege, George McNeill, Esij., of Fayetteville tU-v .1. li. McIntosh, of Floral College, to whom ]>a_\- can be made. Hi»P>T. .1. MeliiiWELL. Treas. \1 iicli -J", is.',L hii-U JAMES T. HOUSTON, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, L\(.RAVI:R AM) RP:P.\IRKR of JKWr.I.RV, \CCORI)tX)N‘«i, &c„ IN THE BEST POSSIBLE MANNER. Il Hay Strcht, in the new fire-proof Mutual -mance Coni]>anj’s Building, ojiposite the .Methodist Chi.rch. had near fifteen ye irs' esjierience in the ■ u>-iness. he believes he cnn jilease all who will .;iii with their patronage. :t.%:lle, March 1 R, 1«04. HO-tf the attention of his friends anil the public to; he Avould therefore say to all that may desire anything in hi- line that is F.\.SHl0N .\ BLE and (’HE VP to give him a call, as he desires to kee]i the ••.Nimble .''ixpence" moving. His stock consists of a large variety of the diti’erent styles of F.VSH loN .\ BLE^.VTS. to-wit: Fur, Wool, l*:iiKuna. ('aiitoii, iVdalc, riuthiiiil, (’liiiKi I'ciirl, ;iiul I’alni which will be solil low tor C \S11. .\LSO, A general assortment nf Bot t I’S iind .'^lloK.'^ f.-r ■ (ii'iitieinen. Ladies, Misses. \ ouths. itoys. Children. Infants, and .'Servant'* Ple-i-^c ,^:ill and cx.imine tiefore i you |iurchnse. .1. THoMPSt'N. j Market S.|uari-, j March 17, 1.>" If ! X1A\ COODS. rgiHE undersigned have in store mid for “ale ■. !ic:ij., .M H general Stock ot (il'fii'iri'S, //iiirt/ //iliifiriii’i, / I'if/nir-irl I‘ , •SV. >'/, Wiinfotr fi’a.-is, liht- hsmllh':' It liiiffiltnii firiiiiois, (his. I',! hits, and in t’act almost anything our line. Our triends will do well to give us :i call tiefoie jmr- chasing. I'roduce fall kind.' t.ikcn in i-xcliaia’e tur (ih.mI.-, >1 market jirices. JlC^.lust received lilid- new . io|, Molasse- (. U I OmLHSTON \ Cl I New brick store east .-.ide tiille-i.ie >tieet, third do..r from the Market. I .March IS, iSoJ. ^"tf Feb y Iti, !!.-, L M( hilirk l> I >N E in t he .I line tl, ISoJi. (till's \ r l*lii.s r|lHE Subscriber, a practical Boot-niaker of sonu'ex- M. iierience, has for some time been sensible that there is a ‘h.iii/mitnni to be yet su]ipried to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of th‘ jirticles now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man's '•iiiii/i fshinili/i;/" a proper tinish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of pr»']>aring an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is "Hill's tl- I'ht.t ultra Jlnriu.ili." He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority o\er all i others. C.-ill on him at Mr. Nathan Sikes’ l>oot and shoe establishment, on Person street. :ind be supplied ^ with an excellent tirlicle at a cheap rate. THOMAS (ULL. Nov. Is.',:;. tTtf II \ iii i>Ki:ssiN; axd sii w i.\(; SALOOX. (i SNiri'H respectfully informs the citi/ens of Fayetteville, and the surrounding country, that he h is moved his I'-arbi'ring establishment to the Hotel BiiiMin.ir. His room may t>e now found opposite the new Fayetteville P>ank. where he is jirepared to Shave and Trim on :;-c,iiiimodating terms. He very respect fully returns thanks to his old I’ustoniers and the pub lic generally for their liberal patronage, and liojies that his i-ustom will be GBEATL\ lN't'ltF..\SEI>. as he has been to a considerable expense in titting uj> his Siiop for the comfort of his customers. He would invite the attention of the citizens to his BE.MHNG Kot»M, in rear of his Shaving Establishmeiil, where they will tiiid all the leading Political ]iapers of the day. ,\11 kinds ot' Pc-fumeries and Hair Oils, .'^having Soap. H.air and Sliaviis" Brushes, miil a variety of other artii'le:- in his line, for sale. F.ivetteville, N. ('.. Oct. 'Jti, Is.', :. oS t.m .1. 8i‘hiovaL j»ihI \‘w l^^irni. \! CXK'I'EI’ ha viiig associ.'ited w it h F.Vl.ST w ▼ iV W I N EBB EN Eli, they will ■•ontiiiiie the II \KI>\\.\KE IH'SINE.'^S mnler the lirm of And have KI],MoVEI) to their .Nkw t rvK-sroitv Bhuwn . SriiNi; .Srtiiti;, .No. 4'i .North 'Id Street. East side aliove Market, Philadeljthia, (erected on the lot formerly oc cu]>icil by the ■•(•Id (’ity Hotel,”) where we are pre- p.'ired to show a very full .•issortment of Hu fill ritrr, (’iitli)i/, (/iiiis, Iii//is, Tiiri>riil!in lliii/i'irs, ,\nd all other goods usually kept by Hardware esiab- | lislimeiits. We respectfully solicit a visit from our I friends, ;ind buyers generally. Philadelphia. Feb’y 10, IH.'it. 70-1 it riiiKii; & im;miii:rt«i\, WHOLESALE DEALEltS IN t'oiwifiii itm! iPoHH>slir l>liV .iOODS, M \ I S. CM’S. ItOO'I'S. SIKII'.S, I iiilinllt/s, (itni li(i(lif-iiii((lr (' lot in IIAV STltKKT, A. 4 . Strict attention paiil to orders. I!. V. l'K.\t!l K. I (b'.'tfl [ r. 11. I’KMHKK I ON. W riOl.KS \I.K UMBRELLA A N I > PARASOL • ffan Htuei uret% 234 and 235 ISKO,tn\\\i\% .V#r !•«#:/., ,Nk.\t Koiiu Tl, TUK. BBt>.\l)W.\V B.\NK,) Is now prepared to oiler the .MEHCH.V.NTS \isiting the city to bu\ their Spring goods, the LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL a'SorlHient of I III i» r I I :i o it II «l I* :t I' :i « I • I. to be found in Eurojie or .America. \ ou are respect fully invited to call and examine the -^tock It € /■« i* t I* If r r h a s i tt t/. N. I’>. Please cut out this card and luit il in your sriv\Mi:ii iiKXUiK/rr\, ^ jII ItOl (; II from \. Wessell';. wii;irf iii \\ ilmiiigloii, I to her oM v\h?irf in Fayette\iHe, with a siilVicient number of Flats to accommodate those wishing to ship IhroU'.'Ji or way freight. I{. M. (H’.llEI.L, .\genl !it Fayette\i!le. Sept. (I, IS;',;:. J7if Ki{i:i(;irnx(; rHlllE subscrib(>T OX c’aim: I'EWi tlllE subscrib(>rs having purchased the Steamers Evergreen and Southerner and Tow I’oats. lately the properly of the Henrietta Steamboat Coinjmny, arc now prepared to forward with despatch, between Wil mington and Fayelteville. all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. .S; .1. H IKMIEIITS. Fayetteville, Feb’y It, IH.',;!. (iStf Ii memorandum liook for n • mpi| ference. .IOII\ H3IITII. M.anufactun I'OKACC (). 1111 E ! iibscribei continues to receive and sell, on man U'aclnrers' account, all gr:ides of maniifac- ■ed Tobacco. .1 I'TLE^. May ;:i, IS.'iL*. f'ltf fh,. that Stii/f's, can be mentioned UAK rirw I l LLKK, Attorney at Law, VTTENI'S to the drawing of all Pens^ins parable at this Agency, and the prosecution of'.ii'pended Pension t'laims against the I nitcd States. He invit>*s those wlio may bidieve themselves entitle'l to pensions • If the arri'ariige'i of [leiision to ‘orrespon,l with him, and jiarticulariy the follow ing person'.;: .Litnes Ander son: .lacoli .lohnson; Har ly Johnson: Ce. rge Kearsey; pool Hall Pojie: Nancy Thomiis, widow of Philij' Mar tlia .Mien, widow oi William; .lanet Kniislrone, widow ot 'j'honia-; Isabella McNeill, widi.w of Daniel; Mourii- rill ('fi/iiUt s! Si» rill ('atiillrs!! 1 HMNG FLl lH \\D CVMPHENE. Ill'll recei\ed an,I tor ■••lie bv .1. .N. SMITH, N. W Cor. Market Sipiart March I'l, IS-’., 1. 7•‘>-1 in It $!()(> UrAVAUI). \N.\\V\V from the subscriber, tw,i Negro (iiris and four ('hildren, viz: M.\HTHA, a bright mu- altlo, tive I'ei-t tour or five inches high, took with her two girl children, Frances and \nii: 11 \.NN.\H, copper (•olored, about the same height of Martha. Haiinali took with her two m.-ile children, Lewis :ind .lohti. The above negroes formerly belonged to the e-tate of George T. Barksdale, .and are supposed to be lurking about th‘‘ Ca)>e Fear, abmil .Mr. \\ inslow’s ]il.intalion. The above rewanl will be ]iaid for their coniiiicment in any Jail so that the subscriber can get tln iii, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET B. PErEHS(‘)N September I,, iH.'):;. 2t>-tf xo ric i:. fB'dlE siilisci iber otfers for sale hi = M. North of Fayetteville .and abioi Fayetteville and lialeigh Plank !',i about 12>0 :i(‘i'(‘« 4»f king of Tur]ientine or Timber. There are on the pre mises a good saw and grist mill, all in good repair and now in operation: also a dweliit.g. and all the necessa ry out-hoiises. in good repair. .Mso, :inother tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on the head waters of C:ii\i r's ('reek, known as the Tarry Place, on which there is a sm.’ill farm, a dwel ling house [iti'l other liousi’s. On the first named tract there lire cut about twenty- live thoiis.-ind Turpentine l,oxes. from two to fiiur years old. .Ml the above lands will be sold on the most acconi- lU'id.ititig terms. Persons wishin: to ]nirchase will please call on the subscriber, who will t.ike pleiisun- in showing the above lands. WM, K. BOLTON. Oct. -J7. IS.',::. lotf lA'i I'.rn'.vii.i.K .111 IT II; i.\si iiiiMi': nmiMiW. n II I."' t’omiiaiiy is now organised and prepared to re- • ajijilicHlioiis for 1 iisuraiice, on :is f:ivora))le term-^ as other ('omjianies. D1 HECTORS; 11oI sIsI(; X a xi > orx a m i:x i- AL PAix rix(;. 1111 E undersigned hiiving lately nrrived from the North, wishes to inform tin* ciii/.ens of Fayette ville and vicinity, that he ha.s just openeil n Shop on .Muiiiford street', in the upper part of Messrs. Pier \ Branin’s Carriage Rejiositoi^y. and is now prepared to receive aU orders lor all kinds of House, Sign and >rnamenlal Painting: Graining, Pajier Hanging, iVi'. Persons wishing such work doii‘ will do well to call and see my siiecimens of workmanship. Window Shades furnished to order; also Sashes, Pdinds and Door.«i, at the lowest market jirice. .Ml work I'xccuted with neatness and des[,atcli. Only give me !i c.ill; I :iin bound to please. HORACE W. BLACK. Jaii’y I’i, 'Htf XO ru K. KI^:\VAKO ■ ^ ,\NAW'.\V from the subscriber, about the loth of July, IS") 1, his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about Dl’years of :ige, black, with large white e\es, large limbs, weighs about l:',0 pounds. Said girl is sujiposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of Mr. Isaac W right’s or (Jen. McKay’s, in Bl-iden county. The above reward will be paid for her delivery tome, or her continemeiit in any jail in the State ot North Carolina. W .M . G. BU'liiER. (71inton. N. March 14, 185:>. i ill SVAY liAKFiliV. 1HE Subscriber has **stablished a Bakery on Bow el, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill’s Cabinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families, P.oats, and the public geiier.-illy, with Bread, Biscuit, and Cakes of various kind.s, of the best t|ualily, as he has procured the services of one of the best Bakers in the State. Prices reasonable, (live me a call. CHA'S BANKS. Fayetteville, Dec. ‘JH, ;>;)-tt IHE highest cash price jiaid for Turpentine, White I L \ND.'', six miles ol e mile from the lad. consisting of • uited to the ma- O.ik Staves, and Oak or -\slie Heading. Call on Ja'. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McL.U'RIN & STRANGE. Fe),’y l.H, 18.^,:?. 70tf D I NOTK'K. OCTORS Mallett A: McSwain having left their Books and pajiers with W. .McL. .McKai'. who is fully .luthorised to receijit for the same, all their cus- lomers li\ing We.st of the ('ape Fear River, who may be in arre irs either by note or account, will eonler a favor by calling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. II. A. .McSWAlN Fayetteville, -Aug. *’,0, 185o. -Hf sJ.-> REWAKI). WILL pay the above reward for the apprehension ami safe delivery to me, or lodgment in (’linton Jail, so that 1 get my negro girl JENNY. She is a likely girl, of light comi-lexion, smiles when spoken to. about five feet six or seven inches high; is snppose.l to be lurking about Fnison’s Depot, or (ioplien. July -J I mg Si ill, widow of Sanders. IK.' Fayetteville, Feb’y D'>, W'illBllID ir retail. Rv(* W liislvCN iit xorii’K. ,\ ick wholesale I .McDoNALD M .McMASTKR. Dec. III. ]S.'.::. IM'.RI VIAX (Jl AXO. E have received a large sujiply of PElIl'VI.XN (ir \Ni. which we ofl’er at lowest market price. D. .v W McLM'KIN Is.M. •V.Mf y\ ■Id at th Market -t reet-:. known :is the ON the 1‘Jth .\}iiil next, will bi House. ;i L( iT on Cool Spring and Bu'--ell fronting John Shaw and Robert Liillt Forbe"- Lot. Credit six months. W. B. W RIG H I . .\tturney for heirs at law of W. I’oibi •h 1'). is.', ( 7"tf M in '.rirtin Mustnnn- Ijiniimnt. II If ISE .Mr. William .lnhnson. lor the l:i'»l live yr:ir ;i i I'lzen ot itii". ruv.Hiul now vrol»rirtr,: ot' Uie line lloiel in ;,nn:t\i. known HI the MiirihHll Hnnsp f:ivi,reil ii- with ihe t.illow inif rrrii lii’.'tt** - 'rh*' Mcxiran Mii>liini: l.iniiiient leii lii'en u^ell in iii\ immly. mill on my I'Wiiilation. lor ii Ereni v.irn iy of (lin’ m|iiirine an fxltrn.il ;i|>|>lir:itioii, an,I lets nc\ er t:oleil to irive iniineiluile reli't :inil Ptrert :i |KTiiiiinenl rtire I li:;\e fiireil ve\rr»l , Mses ol i;h ii iiiali'iii ih'il liHil resiiU'il tlie skill of oiir liesl physirian'- It h i - riircil I{ini;w,,riii'» liv ;i sini;le ;i|i|i!n :,tioii. hillil.iiii-in » lew (1:U', ■r,»>ihm lie iinineili.-iti- •), Kro«t hiles. I 'liti, .'^orP’ .iml Corn", hy :i lew applirHUoii'*; .\i vou- 1 lr:ol:ii he riirfil entirely. In r«i (, 1 h i\e ii^eil II lor ulino.t every Itiini.'. ami 11 has mIw.ly-H • iiri-.l. I i-oniLiler II thi‘ lievt iii 'ilirine I hine -\er used •All.1,1 \M .Klli.NSilN. Saxannnh. .Iiino -Jltli, 1-V.' .1 lllNSli\i.i:. Jan y rilK srKAMKR “SI X." r|iHi S new anil vei-_\*light draueht Sieiiiiier hiisconi- I meiiced riMiiiiiig, though not ipiile finished. She is takiii'r freight, ilrawingonly L‘, inches water She sujierior ud\antagcs for low water scrvii^e. .She has also a large iiinount of warehouse, shed and w harf room. ^ here .Nnval Stores or other H eight may be .'•torc'l w iili safet V. R. M ORRELL. Ag'i. Se]it. lo, IS.',;. L’ltf t GIAXO. Jh Tons received and for sale by C T. IIAIGH X SON Dec. l‘>. IS'. ;. lTjf^(’i(‘:iiii Al(‘, L:iv(‘r iiaisins. IJo.x Cheese, half and ir. Barrels Fresh No. 1 and Mack ertl. For sale by ’l’|{OV \ MAIiSII II \\ E ON II \ND; Xi-w ('rii], .Nliihisses, Siijiiirs, ('oth'c, ,S;»lt, irmi. Nails, ILirihsnrf, (’iiliiry, Wiinluw (ilass, I'litty, IJhicksiuitli 'I'odls, l>Yc Sturts, Sjiicos, Ad:i- inaiitiiic aiiii 'I'allow ('aiiilles, ()rin^kory, IJoots Shoes, (\itfnn (';irils, Suddles ;iiul liri- illes, SiiiilT, Sniijis, l>ry (looijs, etc., etc.. Which ihey otfer at wholesale and retail. \ LS( *, Mes» Pork. Bacoii. Lard. .Meal (Fiesh,; Dried Fruits, C:ibbage. FRESH up country Butler. are .\genls lor the sale of .Stoddard’s ('elc brated Piano Forte, warr.inted at .N. Y. jaices. Manufactured Tobccco :it Factory ]'rices. .I.in’y ’Js, lS.',L I'lii-tf IIknuv Lii.i.v. II L. Mvriivk.k. 'I’mIS. S. Li I’TKRf.fin .Idll N II. ('o(iK it A I!ay A M( Kkthan. Uv;(. .>1'Nkill. N.atm.an a. Sikhman. James Kyle. Avon Iv Hai.i.. ,1 ShKI'UKKD. Wm .\ri»kn S 'I' IIawi.ky. John I>. Wii.r.iAM' (’ liK.NRliW. Wm MdiAi KIN. Wa! Mi'Int\hk GEO. II. L. .1. (i. OFFK ERS: Mc.NlHLL. President. .M\ I'OX ER. Vice President. SHEPHI;RD. .\tlorney. McMl LLAN, Secretary. tExecuti\e Committee. HOBBS ir.-tt i 500 .Ian V 1 S, is., I CORN. lU SlIELS Col N i l!\ ( HlN in store, for s:ile U II LLTTERLoH f.:;tf l>. W. i \ Ui uUnw. DENT.KL SI ROEON. .S liiciited third door below the .Market. Ml who are in need of the services of Dentist are respectfully invited lo call. He guarantees satisfaction in all oper.ations, (ictober 10. ISoo. :5 Hf \ SON. ;'ir,tf H’or »ale Kayetteville by \rw (*00(1 s. receiving inti J T I ^.l l. SUPPLY. Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, \\ h'l/isaff Ilf'ttiH Ih iKjtjtstSj \re now recei\ing their Spring and Sum mer sufijily of I)riiiis,Mriii«- IK s iV ( 'liciuiriils, Dye-Woods and Dye-Stiill's, oils, pHints. an 1 Painters’ .Articles, _J VARNISHES, French. English and ,\m« rican Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soajis, i :iii ILiir and Tooth Brusl.os, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental In.struments, Triis-o-i; imd Supjiorters of all kinds, 'lire \Siiies iin.l P.randieM for .Medical imrjioses, Extriii-t.s for Flavoring, Choice Toilet and Fancy .\rticles, Sic. fc':- They make their iiiirchases I’or (’.\sit, and offer e.|ii;il|y as low as tliey can be obtained from any e-.tnblishment in this stM^tion. ir ;:,t, il to be Fresh, Pure and (lenuine. ' 1'^ ■ Ifom the country jimmptly filleil, and siitisfac- loiiiitied with regard botli to price :iin| ,|uality. H i. rri et, next door West of H. i.'i E. J. Lilly. M r 11 17, ls:,j. HOtf l*itrr I'ldst Iik/ki ('dstor Oil. I. .11. just received a supply of Pure East Iii- • I 11 C \STOR oil,, without taste or smell, first '■' I 'V us Into this market last .Spring. FOl’LKES .V .M.\C RAE. I 17. Is.VL HOtf bDI'A PAL XO I'K I-:. C I'dlNI’.OW Would res[iectfully infirm his • ' iii;-, that he will be absent from Fayett tu.’ iiiid milt,He part of next week. '• 'u IhJ,}. 80-3t f Bill E subscribers are large and general STOtH OF UOOUS, Which will be sold sit wholesale or retail at small pro fits. Their Stock embraces St. (,'roix, Porto Rico. .Muscovado, and New Orleans Brown Sugars; .\, B, and '(’otl'ee Sugars: Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do; tine and common Teas; .lav;i, Lagui- ra, and Rio CoHees: I’epper, .Mspice, (iinger; .Mum. E],som Salts: ISrimstone: Indigo, .Madder: .Adamantine and .Sperm Candles; .Snutf; S. C. .Soil.i; Ground .Alus- tard: Faiicj' and l’,ar Soaps; Camphor, Borax: ( idcr Vinegar: Mackerel, in bbls., h.ilf-bbls.. and kits; Mess Pork: Molasses, Syrup; Sai^k .Salt; Broad and ( lub .\xes. Turpentine .Axes, Hackers, Scrajiers and Dippers; Pocket and Table Cutlery; Shovels, Spades and Forks; broad and common bur Iron, Steel, N:iils, and Spikes; Weedin«r Hoes; Hollow-ware, large assortment: P.lack- smith Tools; Ploughs, (’urn Shellers, and Straw Cutters: Hats, Shoes, and Domestic Dry Goods: Avith almost every thing usually to be found in this market. GEO. W. WILLI A.MS .S: CO. Feb’y 1'., is.M. 7lltf The oHice of the ('ape Fe:ir Steamboat ( oinpany is kept in the above building. J. D. WILLIAMS, Agent. STi:i)MAX ^ IIORXK, ])rif ffoods, Jlardwarc, (irocvrics^ i.\r. i'AVirrTi:vii.i.i:, v. W(Jl'LD resjiectfully inform ttie citizens and the yiublic generally, that they have jusl returned from New York, and are receiving their .*!priiig Stock of Goods, consisting of Ih'y (hxuls^ (tri/frrit's, /laniu'di''’, tc. .A variety of Hats, suitable for the sea«>on; Ladies’ and (ieiitleinen’s Itoots, Shoos and Slijipers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we would be pleased to have them to call and examine for themselves. All o' ders sent to our caie from our friends and cu.s- tomers will >ie jironiptly attended to. .March :{0, lVt',;L C. T. HAHill Dec. •JO. 18.',::. 'rHlpcnlMK' .\\(‘S. Feby I;:. Is.'.L (ii>(mIs! (lOods! we li:i\c f>i»('iK'(l om* Store in belltoii. e oiler low for cash or barter, DR^ (iOOD.s W \DDILL. 7tiif id GROCERIES. March I, isni. J ESSI'P \ (’O. 7btf I'Mi jXMitiiH ! 'riir|)rntin‘! W (' wiint to l»H\ 'Pm’|i(‘iilin(', (l('liv-'• ered at our Still in Camiibellton. .1 ESS I P iS: (’o. March 1. IS.',!. 7t'.|f Waiitril. ri'^lIE un.lersigned will jiay cash for Spirits Turpen- £ tine, ill! good order,': allowing only a fair margin to pay iiiciileiital ex)ieiises in sending to a general ; ma rket. When parties prefer to ship on their own account, the uiidei signed will make litieral cash advances (for 1 the usual commission) on .-ill Spirits and Rosin placed in their hands for shipment, giving the owner always the o],tiou lo sell in W'ilniinirton or shi]i to New York. : (!Eo‘. W. WILLI.\MS .S: CO. , ' July f., is.',:;. Stf j I n\VIN(i recently jmrchase.l the above Establish ment f'rom Malcom Kelly, Esip, I am now ]>re- pared to entertain in :i comfortalilc manner thoHe who may gi\c me a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a disiiositioii to accommodate, I trust 1 shall I be alile to give entire sjilisfactiou to those who may I favor me with their patronage. II. C. McLEAN. ('. A. (iEO. McNElLL. .lolIN H. COOK J AS. KYLE, I The plan of .Mi Ti ai. Lssck.ani i-; must commend itself to our community, for it can be demonstrated that we have saved within the last six years u|iwards of s;!t»,000 bv insur.ance ill the North C;ii-olina M iit iial (’oni}>an\: that is. we should ! ave paid to have kejit the ‘aine in surance in the foreign joint stock companies that sum more than we have actually paid: and yet the North Carolina .Mutual ('ompany lias receiveil between Ot>0 and Sit.iKiU more from our coniniiiiii(_\ thiui il has jiaid out for losses here,— showing that we arc favorably sit uated, as coni]'ared with other places in tlie St!ite, for Insurance. Our (%iiuyiany has gone into operation favoi-ably, hav ing the ila\ we organised apidications to the amount of ; ^110,000, and the Company is now placed upon a tirm ; f'ootiiig. .Any Director, authorised .\gent, or .'Secretary, may : receivt .Vjijdications, but they will not be binding until j approved by the Executive Committee or the Board. j^y^'GEO. W. L.AWP.E.Nt'E is ap|>ointeil General i Agent of the Coiiipaiiv. Ui‘ invite ap|ilicalion^. GEO. .McNElLL, r*res t. (’. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Feb’y 7, ISoo. blitf WOULD respectfully inform the jmblic that he is still at his old stand carrying on the above business in all its branches. He return.s thanks for the liberal j.atronage he has received, and hopes by uKtrict :ittenlio 1 to business, and a desire to please all and give geiieriil satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma- ferial and by experienced workmen,—having a more t.fy/c//,/,(■»,/and inuetirat Siitilh, he Hatters himself lhat his work will comiiete with any made in the Stnte for style, elegance and durability; and should any of il fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workman ship or material, he will rejiair it free of charge. Perions wishing to buy, would do well to eall and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low forcasli ur on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING neatl.v executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, .L‘in. ;;i, 18">:’. i,;}tf lirrri'.R! NEW srPPLY, just received. (JEO. McNElLL (il'.tf Carthage, Dec. -'i. Is.'i r>ltf Sta\‘s! Stavrs! to nCr" \\'(' w:int to !>uy Spirits STAVES. Will pay the highest C\sn prices. JESSl P .'i CO. March 1, IS.'.L Tblf !ST,()0(> liMjM)rl(‘(l ll:iv;in:i R(‘j;:ili:i and Principe Cigars, now ready for inspection, :,nd for sale .at wholesale only. .March 1, IH-'il. Riindolpli Sli(“ctini!; and ('otton ^ arii, For Siile by W»HTH iS; ELLIOTT. ,\pril IS;-,:;. S7tf l-'ull 'I'rade, I have received my Fall Stock of IPrtj (Joo(h, ror( rirti,SiU\ My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of ]iur chasers. .\ny kind of Pi^i LAI RIXIU R(;il IIK.II S(’llOOL, RICHMOND COl.N'fV, NORTH C.VP.oLINA. r I'(11 IS large an.I llourishing Institution is now per- J nmnently established, under :i full corps of well «iualilied Instructers, and with every thing renuisite for a first class Seminary, being well supjilied with .Majis, tieograidiical and Astronomical; Globes, Philosophical and Chemical .\pparatus. The Semi-.\nnual Sessions of five months commence on the second Monday of .lanuary and .Inly respectively. (’ircul:irs, containing full particulars, will be fur nished l>y :ipplying to Ri-v. .1. .lones Smyth, .A. NL, I'rincipal, Lauiel llill P. O., Rit'hnioiid county, .N. (’., or to D. C. MclNT\ RE, Secretary. October 14. IS.',:',. :iOY 14, IS.-,:',. LOOK ■lan’y ;io. ttHif Team for satr. IE large Ri l! lUiggies, and 1 Carryall ^ ^NE large Road Wagon and 4 Horses, Nov. 14. IS.',::. For sale cheaji by .IAS. G. ( )OK. 44 If JUS r RIX’KIVK!) AXD I'OR SALi:, AR(!E .No. o. Mackerel. I GEORCE P.RANDT, 7VtlM Oct. ih: diice taken .h exchange. JAS. G. COOK. :{litf KItf 1 HAVE received iwid (i)iened the largest Slock oj DR\ (!0«H»S, (;itOCERIES, kr., 1 ever offered for sale, all of which 1 will .sell as low iis any house in this place. .My friends and customers, and all in want of (ioods, tire respectfully invited to call and examine fi r themselves. PETER P. J(_>HNSU.N. Faj«.ite\i»le, N. C., September 1853. *J8tf Just R«‘ (“iv(“(l and lor Sale, P.P.LS. No. MACKEREL, 10 kits No. 1 10 *• “ Salmon, iOO lbs. ('od Fish, ■JO boxes I'heese, “ .Adamantine ('!i!idles, •JO “ Tallow r, “ No. 1 Soap, 10 “ Soda (’rackers, ■J hhds, i’rown Sugar, bills. Crushed and (Jraniilated Sujiar. Buckwheat Flour in ‘J"» lb. sack.s. Pickles, Rice, Sjileratiis, and A'e.-ist Powders, dozen Turpentine .Axes. Bv W. II. CARVEI!. Feb’y 7. I8.',L . f>‘.'tf Skill) X(*ls and Xcl 'rwiiir, lor sul(> by w. H. CARVER. Jan'y 25, 1854. »15-‘Jm ALSO 7o I/k' i'n iii'htinii; Pnhtir. ^H'lHE Brothers’ Steam Boat (’o. is now prepared M. with the following P«oi*ts: Sir. l)oU(iL.\SS, Sir. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, I). LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, .IAS. C.XSSIDEY, KINGSBL'RY, and ELIZA McDANlEL, to transiiort all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. ’I'hey are provided with suitable Wharf and Ware-House accommodations to do a general business, and hope by strict attention to the interest of sliippers, to meet a share of i>ilblic pafroniige. .1. ,S. P>.\NK.S, .\g’t. Fayetteville. • JNO. P.ANKS. Ag’t at Wilmington. 1 Sept. 19, 185:5. HHtf A r riiis! f Bill i; subscriber is prepared ami i|iialilicd to ,le- Jl. s^iatch all orders for Paper Hanging, having on hand a line assortment: among whii^h may be found the Oak and .Marble patterns. He also c;irries on the .MaUress-inaking and Painting, of all descriptions. Call on him at No. 7 Green stie«‘t. R. W. HENRY. J;in’y It'i, IS.') I. •’•-tl AXI)RI:\\ S'S H 7//’c ukI S/orr Ihpot. 77// VLW.VYS on haml. ('ooking. Box, an.l Parlour STOVES. — ALSO .\ varied asstirtment of Tin Ware, at wholesale and retail. P.y ('. W. .VNDREWS, Market Square. June i;, 185:;. ‘JOOtf SNOOKS WAX'rKI). :intily of ^anii for sale will do well to call on us at the .Store No. ,, Green Street, North of the .Market, afti'r the first ot Januaiv. R. HE^H^ J. HENRY. Dec. 11, lS.',:i. 5;!-tf ^HE Subscriber will receive ]iro]n,sals for 100,000 lbs. of Cotton B.itling or Wadding. .Mso. for ;{,000.000 (three millions) of Reeds from o to feet long, and also, 10,000 (ten thousand) jioiinds of good clejin (’orn Shiuks, in stated iiuantities. For further iiarticulars iiuiuire ot R. W. HENR\. J. HENRY. Fayetteville, Nov. 14, 185:L 44-tf fH^IlK Subscriliers want to purchase any ipi:! M the above name.l article; those having the I •‘ *■ Herring. Fresh Lime. Plaster Paris. “ ('enieni and Plastering Hair. J. W. POWERS I't CO. July-J’J, IS',;:. LMf XO ru’i:. I^Hij Sl’B.''('RI BER has removed to . SHAW'S NEW P.riLDINC, (iii lespie Street, whore lie intends car rying on the T.\II.OKl\« IH SI- NESS in till its branches. Having had ]iractical ex]>erience in most of the .At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can jtleaso the mo>t fastidious. .Ml orders will be executed with neat ness and despatch. P.. MONACH \N. Sl-lf March 28, 1.^5;!. Vi\W aiul VVintri* Stock For I r«lHE sub.scriber has just received and oiiened. at his New Store on tlie f.ii.^t side of fireen sticet, a few doors from the .Market House and nearly opposite his Old Stand, :i large Stock of l^laplf and Fancy DKV Enilu-iciiig :i general assortment of Ladies’ and (Jentle- men's Dress Goods, consisting in part of Shawls, ( loaks and .Mantillas, some very fine; and also a good assort nient of SHOES A.ND I500TS, for Ladies, (Jentlemen Girls, P,ovs and (’hildren. .\nd the best iis.sortment ot Silk and other styles of BONNET.S he h:is ever ofl'ere.l to the public. ■J^iigai-, Coffee, Tea, Pepper. .'Apices, and ToT,acco. a tine article. P. SH EM WELL. October ti, ISoH. •'•’t* ClEDAll FALLS Cotton Y'arn and Sheetings, for sale ^ at Factory jirices, by TR(i\ M Al'SH. May ;J0, 185o. '.8tf 2,000 \\[)h. ’riirintii'me Wanfrd, lOR which the highest cash prices will be paid. * JONES. yotf 1;^' McLEAN SummervjlL N. C., May 18, 1858.