n til* SEMI-WEEKLY. \nl.. III.] FAYF/n'EVlLLK, N. ( APRII. 3. I8>1. [NO. 284.] . \ n 1> M-.IM*\VS \M> TUrUSnAYS. i:i)\V \lll) J. II ALK & sox, , i>ir«>u> \M» I’Koi'nir/rous. i i klv (JiiM.uvEU ^3 00 if in •V I ii'iKiid Hiiriuj; tVit'_\ our of Huti'oriii- ; tho voar has I'Xiiivo'l. I ; -i.u K.u >!'J *,Ki jior amimn. if in >_ 'luring till' year of suli>oriii- ^ “ I :. ur thi‘ year liHs exiiirel. !>FM1’.MS iu>rrti‘l for sixty cents pir lui's t"!' 'lie fn>t. ;:uvl iliirty cents tV>r etioli _• . '11. Vcarl\ :ulvertisements by sj'O- ,1-. :it rosisonablo .ates. Ailvertiscv' are ; • >tate the iiuinber it'insertions desirci, or ('.intinued till forl'i'l. and eliarjreil aeei.rd Letters to the K litors must he ]ivst-p:ii'l. Id fhr I'ran Uin^' l*tiblic. liTives Warsaw daily icxcept Saturilay: \-.ock. p. in.. after the arrival of the even- rV.>rn the Nortli. and arrives at K.tyettevillo . . ')v t) .M. ek, a. in., in time for tlie t^ta^ie to h leaves Fiiyettovillc Moudays, Wednesdays. i.i\s, at 1 o'cKek. j>. in.. and arrives at .‘^aleiu V p. m. Ketnrniup, leaves Salem 'I'ues- V - :,ursdays. and Saturdays, at •» o'ch ek, p. m.. •' at Fayetteville next day hy J p. in.. '*11 time tor sTiti t Warsaw; which leaves Fayetteville daily T. Satvirdav; at p. ill., and arrives ut Wur>aw I :v l)V o a. ni., ill time to connect with the train 1 r S.iuth. k*'t‘4 fruni Warsaw ti^ Salem, Frmn Warsa\s F 1% ftteviile. ^4 T- -'ther puints on tiie road in ■rti'n. M McKlNN'iN I'tteviHt'. March 1’’. l''-^l. >0-tf ruKsM ri'As. 1 K1;N anil HL.\rK TKA.'^. id tie.*(t (|iialitie.s. just H If - ived !)V S .1. HINSDALF,. . Li. IS'.t. ^'Itf A: SuuniK'r tjloods. V n iM *zi:n . ivcd a 1/triiiorafi//i ( 'ordial! if thi-J cflel'rated ( !>KI>1AL. just re- d fur « -’e hv .1. N SMITH, .\ortij t'^t i ,liner Market Snu^ire. M-lin sprhiii *nui SHnimrr Stork of IUK)TS A\l) SIIOIX l\>r is.ll. receiving: ur SIMUN*! AND SUMMKIi f ? -T'’- K. i-iin'^istiii.:. a !firir»“ »nd general ■ ■ i-iitUMneii's, Lm dit-'. \n--i itlld IIIIUTS. liUTI-RS, nil NIKIKN. if sty’*" -'‘’‘d ">th ■rvaiits' Shoes. riety ; irtment —A LSI t- ’f. 1 '.t. Lining an'l Uindincr Skins; La-ts: w’th a larire :.'Siirtinenf nf .''h^ip Findin^'^. we w'.’l sell ''i\N fur ( ii-h. or on time to r. m^r-. s. T. HAWLKV SON. 3|)rin«’ ¥1. Mj. a* •#. M^emhertoH H.WK just received and opeiu-il a large and well . felected stock of Mil IMI \m\ IIKV liOIIIIS. Which have lieen selected witli unu.sual care, and de signed mine particul.irly for the Uetail Trade. In our stock may he fouml all the late stylc.s and designs for Ladies' Dress iJoods: Fancy pl.-iid and l>rocadeil Silks; plain Canary col'd do: Iduck (iro-de-Khine and figured do; rich I’L.MD Herages and Tissues, ; IMuid lieing the rage this season;: lig'd and jil.iid (iren.-idines; large lot superior plain lU'rages and Tissues, emliracing .'ill the desirable cohirs—pinks. Mues. greens, blacks, wliites. tans. can:>.rvs, xc.: printed Fml>'d and Swiss .lai-nncts; lii'li.i and Foulard Sjjks; plain, tig'd and plaid «'hallvs; (Mgandie Lawns; Printed Muslins; Freiudi, lltiglish and .\iiierican (iinglianis .-ui.l I’rint.-i. a;c. ,:>.c. Foil t'l MNTLFMKN'S WF \1! -.'Superior black and fancy col’d Cloths; black F’rench Dne-Skiiis; f.iiicy col d (’nssinieres, including some splendid jiatteriis; Itali.'ui and French Summer Cloths^; l)rab D'Ftes; fancy col'd I.inen Drillings: plain striped and tig'd do; Silk, Satin, and Quilted Marseilles Vestings. \c. Kmb'd Curtain Muslins: rich Curtail; Dam.ask. 'I’atile Damask .‘vnd Cloths: Table Napkins and Tnwi.'lings; Hirds-eye and Scotch Diapers; |0-} I.inen and t'ottmi Siieetings: Linen and Cotton I’lllow Casings; lliicka- bnck.s; Swi.ss Jaconet and I’laid .Muslins: llisliop and i Lcng Lawns: stripe .'^wiss and Tape Muslins; brown ■ and bleached .''hirtiims and .'>lu-eting>: Ciii-tain Fringes; , Cirass Cloths for skirting: wnrsted D:iin;isk and Mar- , I seilles do; Satin .le.-ins: I’urset do; and LMP/D } jW lllTKand COL D t KAl’L SHAWLS; LA( K .MAN • I I TLF.S and TAL.M.U'J; I’L.MN and FHi D SILK DITTO; I I jilain Linen, enib'd and hem-stitched ll.indkerchiffs; ^ Kid i!oNes; twisted Silk Milts: Silk and 1 uttnn Hi.sierv: Lisle Tliread and ,ilk rnder-^iiirts; Chemizetts; Cndi'r- .■'leeves: French W orkeil CoUars: .''wi'S and Camliric : F.iL'ings and Inscrtings: Thrca‘1. utt iii aim Li^le Kdg- ' ings: Linen and Hobin d;i; >>lack and col d .“^ilk Veils; green iind brown IJerage ^'eilings; white and col d Silk Illusions; jilain and tig'd Uobiiuv.s: b'.ark .'^ilk .Nettings j for .Mantles; »j-4 white iJcrages and Tissues for do; Silk ! Rooches: Koiinet Linings and Tati,«: Artificial Flowers and Wreaths; Straw TrininiiiiL'i; ('r.i]ii> Lieccs; F'lorence Silks and Marcelains; Paper Han: in;''', Fin* .'^rreens. ; j Wall Papering. \c. \c. | A large lot t)t' Midokiii and wliite and dnili ! ; Bi'uver HATS; l’uu:ima, liCgltoni, Alboiii, Cuiiu- , liiati, Straw :iiul other styles Sl’MMKR IIATS; Hoy.«’ :iU(,l Youths’ !>, in irroat varift^v; hir^o a.'- sortuu'iit fashioiialiU* Stniw l>iitnift'.; Hon- ui’ts aud Flats; tin*' t':ill jniuip-'ide ;iiid nthcr .-tylc.-J Hoots; Congress (laiters ;ind ('alt' Shots; Ladies’ (''-tngri'ss (i;iiters, :issnrtcil cdlnrs; wiiite. bronze :md Kid Siiii{« rs, \-r. lVi-. .1 //(//(■•/.'"//(»’ I'lf li' tlily-iHHih / '(ii(ll III;/, !/ It l iry >i'p>r('ir iji.ialih/; />"^.' ‘Hi'/ l- ufhs', ''cry h strrijitinn: Shirts, / nih r- S/ii'rfs. ('nuiifs ‘I,,'/ .S'/., /i; f mhr’IliK ■ind /*■!Tri'i f//,';;;/ Trun/.'s. ’or- ji>t !///■/ |i//A-»., ilv. Wlydi will lie Sold o?i :is .H’l'onimodating terms as •mv S'lOVK OF m m\\m\ imm. i.s now receiving a large and w of (iOODS, comprising a General xi:\v ji siuii sub.icrilfcr i.s now receiving a large and well 1 selected stock .\ssiirtnieiit of l)U^ (lOOI)S, l{(*:i(ly-inaile Clothing, Moots niid S1k)(‘s, llat.s and Caj)S, Hardware and (’utlery, (troccru's, Saddclry >Szc.^ Uliich will lie sold low for (’ftsF, or exchanged for Tur pentine and Country Produce. He returns hi,- w.armest thanks to liif? old friends and custonif'-s t'or the litterul patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes to merit a continuance of the Haine. N .KING. Kingsbury, .\piil Iti, IH"):!. Htl-tf HllDS. NKW CHOP MOLASSKS. I'H barrel.s I’ork. 10 do No. ;1 Mackerel. t> dozon S. W. (’(diins' Tur()Cntine .\xes. llis. old N. C. Bacon. HKNHOW, KVl.K CO. Fi'b'y i!7, ISoL y.ltf Sit‘iun Kn,ii;ines—Fnyclttnille Maniifiictiire. nr 1-^ are now preimreil with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STI'.\M KNiilNK.S, from five to .sixty horse power, wliich we 0:111 furnish on as favorn’ile terms as any Northern e.atablishmont. Perons in want of F.ngines for .Mills. Boats, i:c. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. fiiay' An Engine of our own m;iiiufacture can be Been in Operation at the Foundry. HALL HoLLIXtiF.U. Dec. 7. r>l-tf K 11. IIAIUI.M (ill. Xi'chiti i t iinil PtHiltIt r, Fuff* tU viUr^ X. L.''PKC I'F L'[.LV infurnis the pubii( that he is pre pared to execute I’L.VNS of every description — such us .''tute and ('oiirt Houses, PrisiUi.s, \c. .-Mso, Churidies. (.'ottages. and other jniblic and jirivate edi fices. Hridges. Hoofs. vc. \c.. nil with Sjiecifioations aii'l Contracts made for the same. He will aLso nujier- intend all kinds of work. (>rders will recei\e prompt Httentiuii. aud Plans drawn and sent to any part uf the country at short notice. Dec. 1 L r>:Vt;m si:i:i) OA'ix .S; T. Feb V 14, 1S54. WAD DILL. 71tf .MILLIM'in AND ,Ml.\TH-MlKI.\li. FiiifctteviUe ('andij Minnf(irtonj, subscriber still continues to manufacture a sii- ■L perior article of plain and fancy (’.\Nl>II’S at the old stani). (No. 5, (ireen .street, 3 door.s Nortli, of the .Market House.) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHAKLKS HANKS. 78tf SIJPIM.IKS. March I, lHr)3. TAI.I. 1H.WK now in Store a full assortment of (JPiO- CKHIKS, PllOVLSlONS, and other tioods .suitable for tlie Fall and Winter Trade, and whicli I offer for Cash, or in exchange for Produce d' almost .any kind. I hav(» alw.ays on hand—Flour. .\le;il, Corn. Rice, l?:i- coii, L.ard. l?utfer. Cheese, Cracker.s, Salt, white ('lari- tied and I’.rown Sugars, Rio and .lava (’ofFee, Tea, Mo lasses, \'inegar. Fish, ('igars. Tobacco, Snuff, (,'andles, Soaji, Starch, Spices, 'andies. Pepper, P.uckets. Brooms, wrought .and cut Nails, Powder, Shot, Percussion Caps, and a good as.sortment of Dy(* Stuffs: with many other things in the tJrocery liiiC. —ALSO— \ good assortment of Diy Goods, Boots and Shoes, N'eg;'o Bl,'"k(>ts a’.^d Kerseys, and a good as.sortment of Heady-•iiade Clothing, Call and buv cheap. w. H.’CAPA i:u. OctoberIB;");}. 8'.t-tiin Ao/7/ C (troluui ('(is.si//icrrs. 'ttl 11. .’.AMKS (i. (’OOK has on hand a full stock of ..iM- Hock Island (,'assimeres. manufactured by (.'ar son, Young Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg ('ounty, N. C., wliere consumers and nierCliants can lie JOSEPH liAKEK, Jr., lTTOK\KV AT 1^ A U , y .\S taken au ofhce next door to W in. 15. W right’s J.,;iw ortice on (ireen Street. He will attend aud practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Itbiden, Robeson aud Sampson. Mvrch 1':^. lSr>:^. 7>-tf |{. L. HOLMKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OF’FICL on corner of Front and Princess streets under Journal ofiice. Dec. IL’. 48-tf II. i:ramhj-:r'i\ Confectionery and Variety Store, / tii/cr thr Fn/ettt‘i'llle llotrl, Ihiy St., FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C.' Dec’r .Tl, IH.'):’.. 58tf Worth & Utley, l'\>rNvaniino- and (.ieiieral C’ommissioii MKRCHAN'rS, Fttyeltet'tUe^ .1*. C. .1. A. wnitrn. i”-tf) JOS. iTi.KY. IMIRKWS & JliSUP, Wo. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COMM ISSION M VAiC \ IA NTS FOR THK SALK OF ALL KINDS OF as being equal in durability, and as permanent in col or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the U. They invite the nio.st full and thor ough tests of them, and inly ask to be p.-iticni^ed in proportion to their merits. Sept U. *J7tf Tilf Carrhif;;e Fartory in the Soitth ! supplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics COttOfl Hlld W OOllcil AlaclllIK'ry, .Mft- rliiiiists' I'ools, liCatlu'r [{('Itiiii;, \:c. —ALso— *^^nllll(h(‘tllrer7»« Arlic*S*«” OF EVKRV df:schiption. (V)ni|)risiri;r Hcltin^r, Card ClothiiiLS Bohbins, Shuttle's^ Pick(‘rs, liollor Skins, Uoll(‘r Cloth, Oils, &:c. Dec. '27, 1S5;5. 57tf K. M. Ml RClir^OX, ('ommia.sion and Forwardbiir Merchant, C. CHARLES llASKS, i VO.^'FECTfO.VER, I wholksalf: and retail dealf:u in Furdijn Fruits, Xutx, Ciyarn, Tobacco, Snuff, dr. I ckek:.\ ^iTrect, Fayetteville, N. C. .>leKI-7riIA\ other iiou-e in the p!;;i e. eitlie The tr.iding jiiib.ic would do v lore piirchasiinf. i;. L. \ J at Wholesale i‘ll to give us r Retail I look be A. I FMBLRTON. Hay St re "litf 10 I I H;':- I P. A ( 'OX SIDL«, for sale W. LI'TTERLoH. .March 2'.. l"'iL nRi (;s AM) ah:i)K’1m:s. Sdnutrl ./. fli/isdnlr nuw receiving her Fall and Wi'jter MILLINEUV, ■.insisting of Bonnets, I'roin one dollar to fifteen; Dre-s 1 Handkerchiefs; French Artificial F'lowers and Fe.ither'-; Swiss FMgings and InS'.*rtings; Cajies, Col- !.ir~ and L'n iersleeves; Ladies’ and (’hildren'.s Wrist (i'.oves. and long and short Mits: a new and beautiful ?tock of Dres> Trimmings if the latest style: Velvet and Silk .Mantillas: Railway Corsets; Whalebone Bi.sks. 1/resses. .Mantillas, and 'lo;tks made in the latest Philadelphia aud New York styles. All orders from the countrv promptlv attended to. Oct. 1 ’ ‘ S3tf 1 - L I vi; nh Lamps iOOO ijiiinps: 1 ver .”i(Mi FH ID Glass' L.VMPS. , ■!, -l,::j.es and c'O ii ': als • Met!' Lauip'. ' I New V rk -o-it, for Cash. — ALSO— - m.ient •’ ;'as» Shade-, ('himney-, :nd F’iild iud ('amphine I. iinrs. H. KHAMP.LRT. . .. ’ L >'--4t ■I fhr I'mirttrviU( und lioftfl (' oii/>nftu. FAVrTTF.VILLl'. .MaK'ii'j-'-th, l^'l- 'i,!. i:i! Meeting "f the .■'toi khi'lders ut this ; ,ny wi'! b>- i ’-ld n1 t'ie F.avetteville [Lill, ;.d Tliur-day in .\pr-' tin ! ;th day of the • • 1 ■ 'cl . k. ■ r.DW'l- LKF. WINSL'iW, Pres't ' Old \rgi.'. 0-1 S ib'in I’res.s and \siibor- rir.’. puo’'-.h lil’. meeting. /M/ V7 .S. Olf.S. ,\r. f.I’.S. I'CltL Li;.\D. H'lO 'IIS Linseed bl. S ;^ ui. 1" t.KN. Piia'.f s P.iint, \V:iid' '.V ''i': ->s. ’uity, ’’^lUits. dry :;nd in oj!, I'l ;• -.nd f ir - ;le low t.y .1. N North \\ t , lili. ;-'.L NoricK. \VI^D from the 'ub-eribi-r. tw-,, BAY lloII.''L.''. i o dinm ^i/e -.n 1 ab ..it cvi n ye:ir'’ oi l. A re- ...: ' e given to uiiy per- in wh'> will t.tke them - ' lire tiiem. •John McLAl RIN. • ■' .March lio, IS.')}. ''-tf >1 achiiu's. P\T1;NT STRAKillT NKLDLL PKR- ■ Ni'ii i l.VR .\cT1oN ’IsK'IiiiK***. i .luin-'l an uncpialled reputation for ex- ■■ I . f'.Mt- of the World, for every variety of ^ -.re now offered at the reduced cash price of 'i NDRED DOLL.U’iS. I'he clear profit from 1 tiK'se machines is from •'•>((() to ->'JooO a : :. ii).;r on the kind of work done. . ^ !'■ call the attention of manufacturers liar- 1, ,iur newly invented aii'l entirely original Machine to Sew with a Single Tliread. - • "I* atlnnr »l»lr i» r«»nlri«•. ind' f = il rH-u’:. ill tl it coiiim rnl' .p «hi HMllt■r^^.llll the :irt lit Si'WiiiK tiy lam hmery. r..r ;; ^ th»* ut»ly in:t hiM- ih:it ’tn a rh, r* :i» ’ !i il.'tim l iiml IjPHntiful ;iJ'u r u H’*hiliif. rnfkhuf 1» Si'W itJL* —‘ 1! niakinL'—M-* * M V hi h \ r s'rKr\(;'rM nr si: \m is ki: .** W sk i-l Ih- |||M r# tlleil. ' • ■» Jin'l iiiMi h in ir- en^ily liinna^fi) itnd t' '‘U;»;d\ a vanely »•! i! • I hi* tullo'.N ini: ' now reci‘i\ing lar>;e DRl'iiS. .MLDH INLS saie ar b'W priee' :is fl: State. Mareh :!■!. 1 ''•'i L SHOOK'S fBllIF Sul iscribers want r. M. the abiive n.imed arrirl; 'ale will do well to t-:i'l ■ for (ireen Street. January. Dee. 14. ad lition>- to his ,'^tock of ,V'- . whieli iie olfor' for ■ ill '.e i.btainel in the S. .1. IIINSU \LK. Mr.rket .''ipiare. .■'Itf \v \ \'{'i:h. r. puri ha'^e :,ny pi.ai.tirx of : tin- I* liavinc: the af'c III us ;it the .Store .No 7. w North of the Market, .alter the first R. W. IlLNRV. .1. IILNPA. ,'.::-tf MITH. riier Market S.juare. xl -1 in ihltn"! I'rci.iit slyli > i*n iToJi Irani#’ ? ih u !, Ir»v( nte«l f» v.urk a appar mu - 'i/«* t«»r ( vW'i jil* d tn |;i j» -• iiid uilu r ijjlil u • H k-*. Mini rfirpet liriiliu r 'lili hinif I*.ltd inailp ^ U hii.rijf’ .inniL'- • / M ’ li rir Ml ikiii/ ail ..raaiil* ill il -!tt. h u il h i,r.'• ,/»• |ir '“‘♦•w iiiK avv iiunu^ *nid 'liijj-'. ''miU i;*,: • Ui' r-iijip.* '• Iroiii t - • d tor Miv UiiU'iiai iitM iiiianiy work on I’hi- ar#* '« riirely |ih l‘nr tr.inv ri of 'hr w irid. tnd l*ull priiiitai Iniirix iiori'* lor lh‘ in in 'ir.i'‘r ar»* lunn'h#**! with irfi ina hine ' > :k ir\on -|ioo!’‘ -!i r-.nl linrn ihrrad Alt., i>d h r V !♦• ai h-w* -i n«lj |»ri« r*. I'l.rii ip-- No iirondw.i', . .\. V. I$r> ^Sl II okm« k* ’•••*■» Phii'idf'lpiiia. I.V.» Italllintii*' Sti. i-l italti r *»trr,‘t. llo»iiM. P»T rifii •^lr»'ft Cinnrmrui SPI{I.\V\V)H)S. rs^HK nn.ler«igned are now receiving, an'l e\pect to I have their entire Stock in .''tore by Pith inst., of S‘asonal)!(‘ (loods. F.mliracing a great variety of l'or»*irn and I )onH‘stic ! )r\ (Joods, I lat>, ('aj)A lioniK’ts, l’ml,.' llas. Parasols, lioots and Shoes. l'oolsca[» and l.rtt*“r l*a|x*r, P»lank Pn>ks, liolliiiii Cloths, \'c. v.V*. With an extensive as'"rtment of Ready-made Clothing, and Foreign and Domestic Hardware. .\11 of which they otler to the Trade at Low PmrK' and ujioii CD.-H [(1/1 ri.M. iki:>I'. Purehasors will find it t" their interest to give the above Stock an e.xamination bef'ire making their selec tions. HALL & SACK'-.TT. March V. I '-'iL 77tf Spring lHi]))rtati>iis roK STARR \ WHJJAMS. AVHoI.KAI,K |)F..\r,K»s IN' I Firiii/ii mill lh'; (iouih, Ilntx, Unn- ilil)!, S/iof.-i, I itihrrf/iis, (linf lliii'lii Mil'll ( ’hitli iun, ii.\v STHKLT. INVITE the attention of their cu.-tomers. and tiic trade generally, to a very superior Stock of Spring Sminn‘r (mmxIs. which they will sell at prices :r- low .as t i be tound in any market South of .Ma“on and Dixon's Line, to pur chasers who pay proiiijitly or buy tor cash. .Merchants will find in this market goml stocks, in al- ino-,t everv branch of tra'ie, .aii'l at prices which cannot fail to please. i March 7, 1X-.4 77tf s rivWH:R r.URV. I^BIHIS new aiid comfortable P.\SSE.N'(!LU P.O.\T has commenced her regiil.ii trips between this pl.ace and Wilmington. She will leave here every I \\EDNi;sD.\Y and S.VTCI’.D.VY at 7 o’clock, A. .M., I .and airi\c in Wilmington at 7 to )s P. .M. Will leave I Wilmington every .M(*ND.\'k an.I THiaiSD.W, at '2 I o'clock, P. .M., and arrive at Fayetteville iie.xt iiiorn- , ing ejiilv, with |iasseiigers :»nd freight. R. M. ORRELL. Ageiit at Fayetteville. ; .March 11, 1>-.'.L ' 7H-tf p.ooK p»im)i-:rv. ■ Jl \V. n.VllDlE has resumed the Book iiinding 9% • Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasli-v, .Jeweller, where he will receive and executc biiiiling in any style desired. August 1. ii'J'tf V'lrk. .\Ituch ‘JU, 1Kj4. 1. M S1N;ER CO. 82-;'impd 5(K>J}0U lbs. Cotton and Linen KA(*H wanted. fH^HE subscriber will ji.ay the higlu'st market jirice M. for any ijuantitv of ejeau Linen and Cotton Rags. DAVID MLRPHY. Feb’y 1854. 74tf rORAC’CO. [^7* F havf on hand several lots of Tobacco, which we will Sell at lower prices according to.junlity, th.m .'an be had of anv other house in Town. •I. A: T. W.VDDILL. Dec. 2'.i. It'.'i:: ;")7-tf FAC'l'S C~\NM)T Ri: DOl R'rKl). L* t rf'tui (tnd punderl ^ Mor» than fHT' -ii' 111 iho cit\ "t Ki hinond. Vfi >il*»ne U ' ’’.ty li» ri lit 1 rk i{«:e rurnx iM rtorint d i-\ # arti’r's Sptiii i.sh • fii.i'ture. 'I'lii- ’ Si'ruii! Me.l I ;ue ,iiul I’ar.tier ..1 llic III'mh] n.nx ufil . tiun.lr! S ,1 ur.ilelul |irilien'.'. « li" ic'lily il i.ix u> tlir reiii«rk- It I in - iK-rl. riiieil l.y itie i:re:iie»t .il all inedicine^. I'arier’s .■'(laiii'li M.\:i:re .\eurn li. i. Khfiuiialitm. Srf.ilalii, Kru|itiiin^ un the Skai. l.i\er !'*'Vi'r». I iieri. i ilil S.ir.*,*. .Xlierimn^ ol th" Kiiliie\». |ii>e«»C' iii'ttie riiMal. Keiimle ( iiiiiplainl-. Fains ^nil .\i liiiis .il ilic It..lie' ;iiid J.i,nl«, are ^|iepdil> pul to by llMiiE ihi* i;re:it 'iiil in.’'!irii ili'e remedy for ii’i ilisi .«! ' 111 the HI I. nnthuit! Ii..,. yet Ix'en roiinil to n.ai |i:re witli t It rlc:;nM'' the -y'ti iii i.l all iin|iuritie«. :irt^ ncntly .nil •'itii'iraily on the l. vi rnii.l Kalney^. Hirencihen* the Iii:e«ti.in. tune to th* >t..iii irh. iii ik^> the :«kiii lc,»r anti healthy. «nil . rc^t-.rt'' the ori^ii' itan). ea^V-t-Nfetl hy ii.sea..e or hr.»keri iJ.mai i»y the e\.-e««e>> of yonili, tu '.is |lrl^tlne \ .pur and slrencth I'.ir the it iiii'oni|i.'iraliiy belli r than all the r.i-,nienrt pM Tiisf.l lew ilii'C-i I.t I'.Trtt r'» Sp ini'h Mixture w ill reiti.ivt all >.'ill..« ne»> 1.1 r .iiip.ej ,n. brini: ihe ri)>ieH iirinllina to the c heck. i>ive elH'tirits tu the Me|>. rtnil iiiiiiri.ve the ueneral health ui a rr mark hie decri e. hryaul :■ 1 the nietlirine» ever liearil ul'. .\ lari;e naiiii.* r »il feriiti, attw i.l‘ reniark'ible riireS |iertiirineil tai per'.inn rt -Ktins: in the rn\ uf Kirhitiuiiil. \ h.. l«> the u>eofC«r ter'" .spui!'!! .Mixture, i' the lie«t evnlenco that there n no hinii I r.Tii; all.lilt il The pri"*-. hutol keepers, iimciMtrates. physicinn-*. . aiul pullin' men. well known l.> the ri.inniiinity. all ailil their testi iiiuii\ 111 the eileri'ul till' '.Kr* 1 (tLuun I’t RirikR 1 all anil see a lew hiintlretl' ul' Ihe rertitirates iiruuml the huttle. i .N.ine iieaiime iinlets ' i;iiii! ItKN.NKTl' 4: ltl!KU.'S, llru(;iiiM'. Prill.'ipal Depots at .M. War.I, (^lose .X Co., No. S;’. : Mai.len Lane, New York; T. W. Dyott iS; Sons, and J .lenkins \ H.artshorne, Philadelphia: Bennett iV Heers, No. I'-’) Main Street, Richmond, Va. An.l for Kale by ^ S. J. HINSD.\LL. Fayetteville. Feb'y I'l. isoo. 71-(‘im ! I)l{. ST KONG’S COMPOIM) SANATIVK PILLS. 1 aiiU ar‘ a iii4»*>t vii|M‘rior in the cure of all liilioiis Complaints, Chills ami Kever, Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Liver Cum])laint, Jaundice, Sick Headache. Scrofula, .Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kin.Is. Loss of Appetite, Obsiructed and painful .Men struation. and all lingering diseases. I .,\s a F'emale .M(‘.licine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to ctire very worst cases of after all other remedies fail. Tii«‘> purity tiK' blood, eqiialixf* tli‘ -ir‘iiiatio:i, r«‘s!or* llie aiil otii‘i’ SM-i*4‘tory Oi’u;aiist4» a h‘ailliy :i‘lioci: and as an Anti-Hilioiis F’amil^ Mediciue they have no eiiu.al. Price 2") cents per box. - A/,SO— DU. STUUXCJ’S |>IX'{'ORAI. S'l'OMACH PH.LS. A reined v for ('•mgbs, Colds, ('atarrh, ISronchitis. Croup, Whooping Cough, .\sthina. Consumption, Nervous Diseases, Dyspejisia, ( dstiveiiess. Erysipelas, Disease ot the Heart, Inti.ammation and P.aiii iu the Chest, liack and Sile. .and all diseases arising from a de range.1 state of the Stomach, and to reln-ve the dis tress and b.'id feeling friMii eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic hahits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. |rB|'^HLSl-i Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, ami S .\perient. Onecent box possesses three times more jxiwer to cure cliseasi's tlnin a one dollar bottb'' of anv of the Syrups, Ralsams, or Sarsap.arillas, thut was ever made, and u simple trial of only one box will prove this im]iortaiit truth. TIk'V l]\|M‘4-loratioii, 1oom>ii tli> :•»> 4'lo:ir flic and ollK‘t‘ >rtfaii* ol' all morbid there is not anotlier remedy in the whole Materia Medica c.ajiable of imparting siudi healing nropcrties to the Lungs and Vital Organs iis these Pills. riM'V |»rodii«*«* a ;;ood r«‘Uitiar and Mtr4‘iiKtiiMi lli«* Price li') cts. per box, cont.'iining 'J') doses of medicine. Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the ‘'Planter’s Alma^nac” gratis, giving lull particulars and cortificates of cures. Roth kinds of the above-named Pills are for sale in Fay«tteviile by S. J. IJiii.silale, aud N. Smith,- who also keep a sup]ilv of l>r. Sjienecr k \ egetuhlf Pills, and I>r. IIull'x Ci’Mra/nl /’ills, which stop the Chills and Fever the first day. and do not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowela. RLSPECTFL'LLV informs his friend.s and the pub lie, that he has built up large substantial Brick Building# at liis Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very libeiril patronage ho has receiveil for the last «l years, he hopes by Stric, attention to business, with a desire to give satisfactiont to merit a continu.ance of the same. He warrants his | work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the liu«ine.ss. His work will compare favorably with any made in the L'nited States, for neatness ami durability. He is determined to sell und do any work in his line on as good terms as anj- work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now hi*.s on haii.l, F’i.msiikh, the L.\K- (iHST STOCK of Cnrrii^i\s^ liaroucho^ Rockdways, and i's. Ever offered in this jdace, and a very large btock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. .All of which will he sold very low for (’.\sn. or on short time to punctual customers fi«if“He has on hand more than >.NK HC.NDKKl* .AND t'lFT\' X'ehicles tinishep an.I in course of construction. Bxif'’ -Vll work made iiy him is warranted I'J months with fair usage, and >ihould it fail by I>nd workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wi-hing t.i buy wouM do well to call and examiin* for themselve«. ((rders thankfully received an.l promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice aud on \ery rea- donable terms. May UH, 18.'>n. ,t8tf NOriCK. fMlllOSE who ar» indebte.l to me bj Note or .Account M. wdl please seitle the same. And all debts due me pri. r to the 1st of Jan'y 1S5;{, tie nettled, as longer in.lulgence cannot be given. A. A. .McKKTHAN. May .‘^n. isr>;i. wt{ CO'FTON li\GC;i.S(;. H.WE a plentiful suj.ply of (lunny ami Dundee ('otton Bagging. Bale llojie, and Bagging Twine. Send in }-our orders and they shall be suiijilied. JAS. G. COOK, inr,;!. 32tf March 1, 1858. rstf J. E. LAWRENCE, Fayetteville, N. C. 30-Cm RAVNER iJlLMORE, €'om m isaion • ?#ri*rh ants^ No. l.')t WATER STREET, VOKK. W.\IU!E.\ (i. U.VVNKR.] [ovMKS H. (1 lI.Mttll K. References; Messrs. Fr.ancis Skinner Co.. New York. Lord, Warien Co., •* E. Kidder, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. .J. H. F’lanner, Amos U ade, FjS|., Newbern, “ D. t.t W. McLaurin, Fayetteville. Customary advances ni.ade on N.ival .Store.s, &c. Nov. L'o, is.'.;>,.* 48Vpl .S. A. SMITH." 4'hentist and Efrn^s:is1^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Cbemioals, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Brushesj Pure Liquors, &c. 6lo., fS now receiving his .“Spring supply of Fresh DRUGS, MF^DKJINlvS, t.vc., to which he invites the attention of (Country Physicians, Merchantsi, and others who may wish to purchase in his line, as they may depend on procuring Fresh and (lenuine .articles, and that no pains will be spared to give satisfaction both in i|uality and price. N. S.MITH, North-west Cor. .Market Square. Feb'y 18~')4. 73tf FIlli.M’ll Bl'UR MiliLSTOMlS. Iiireat Keliii*tioii in Frier. EdEXTON, MORRIS ^ CO. 10NTINI'E to make to order, and keep constantly 7 on hand Frrnrh tSnrr • fiillstones Of all dimensions, warranted to Vie of best quality, be ing made from Burr blocks selecte«l by them from the best tiuarries in Franc(‘. 'I'hey keep for sale Cul(j^iK‘, (’ucalica and Esopus Mill stoiK's; Rurr Riocks, Rolting Cloth, Sci'pc n Wirt', C'alcined Plaster, llyilraulic C«Miieiit, iSjc. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to. K. .TI. OKIllul.l., Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. March 11, 1853. 76tf 1 k-t. ~ LEAD, ZINC, iiiO.V JP.ti.VT. O I I. A .\ II V I. O k MANI FACTL RED BY FKWnS S. LEWIS \ ni., Represented by LEWIS, .lA.ME.'s x CO., ^oiilh Proiit ^tr(‘‘t, l*liilad‘l|»iila. h’ders thankfully received—■punctually attended to. guaranteed to give satisfaction, and ofl'ered for sale on the most liberal Terms. F’or samples and particulars, jilease a.ldress as above. • 'i7-;’>inpd riie Siii)scM’ihor still con tinues to c.arry on the C.\BINET lU'Sl- NESS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Establishment on Bow Street, near Eccles's Bridge, has opened a large W.VRI-; ROOM on Hay street, nearly oppohite the Fayetteville Hotel, aim one door Ea.st of .Nlessrs. Ilaigh N: Son’s, wh(*re a general assortment of FLIliAI I UliK, Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices correspoiuling with the times. .Also, nn as sortment of Northern-made FL’RNITI'RE, selected by himself, which will be soM at a vt-rv moderate advance. DUNCAN McNEILL. Nov. 10. IBol. 38tf He keeps on h.and an assortment of Fi.sk'n celebra ted MET-ALLIC BU1{1.\L C.\SES, which have been highly reconimende.l by Willie P. Mangnm. Henry Clay, Lewis Cass. Wm. R. King, and many other il lustrious characters, who have examineil and witnessed their utiliti’. MOORE, HENSZEV 6c ( oT, Rl’CCKSSORS TO WM. T. HOWELL .S: CO., Iniportern innl W IioltAolf’ Driilfrs in Sejiteinber, 185:} R. M. ORRE FORWARDl.Mi' I'll.)!IIISSII)\ MKRCH;\M XI rayo1lc*ville, €. .March 10, 1851. fi2-tf W ILKLXSON EsTeR, DEALERS IN Cun/t'ctinnary, Foreign Fruits, Xutt, Tobacco, und Snuff, AND IMPORTERS OF »il PERIOR ll.4VA.\.4 CICiARS, AT Wn(.)LE.SALE A\l> RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf A1AIJ.ETT .V PAl LMH:R, Urorvrs and Commission rhants^ 135 Front >»lre«‘l, NEW YORK. p. MALLETT.] [j. I'AULMIER August 1*1, 185’2. 18tf WILLIAM IL MARSH, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, HHOWN S UriLDlNG, WATER STREKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. .\(iE.\T FUR THE BRIITllER.S STE.\.)1 BO.\T rO)IP.l\V. | Usual Advances made on Consignments. l Feb. l!. 18.')4. il7-tf j T. C. WORTH, I GENERAL (’OMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. L’sual advances made on consignments of (.'otton. Naval i Stores, and other Produce. | Particular attention given by G. W. DAVIS to pur- ' chasing (’argoes, procuring F'reights for Vessels, vVc. .Jan’y 17, 1854. C;5-1V T. C. R. G. WORTH, Coimnission Lorwarding Morchaiits, BROWN’S BUILDINt;, \VATER STRBET, \Viliiiiii$;;toii, i\. V. Usual advan' es made on consignments. •lan’v 17, 1854. ti;{-lV JOMil'll II. 1IL0SS0)1. V 41 n niHsio x\ ' AND l’ ()R \\\\ R1)ING M ERC H A N l\ I H'ilminifton,, .V. C\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments. and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship- I ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. llJ. 1854. >7y ~j7s. JiAXKiS €oiiiiiii^ii)ioii .TIercliaiil, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. i;t, 1858. 2!ttf A E W S T () 11 E NEW aOODS. PEARCE & PEMJiERTON Are now receiving a large and well selected Stock of MPRI.Xji A.\0 XiL'.^I.^lER «OOI>S Consisting of Dry Goods, Hats, Bouuets, Boots, Shoes, Ready- Made Clothing, (See. The above Stock embraces a variety of SEASONABLE GOODS, not enumerated, comprising as good an assort ment as will be offered in this market. All of which they ofier to the Trade upon accommodating terms. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give our Stock an examination before making their selections B. F. PEARCE. T. II. PEMBERTON. Hay Street, March 8, 1854. 77-tf Fayettcn ille Hotel. JOHX HAR\L\N Respectfully iiil'onus his friends and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Ilaymount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommoilate Travellers and Boarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared to render those comfortable who may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C., .June 3, 1853. •200tf No. ISI Market Stroot, FMIILADELT'HIA, KEEI* rONST.\NTt.V ON IIAN'I) \ I.AHfiF. ASSORT.MKXT OF Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, &c, WHICH they will dispose of on as goods terms as any house in the United States. Orders by mail or otherwise put up with care and forwarded with despatch. A discount of Six per cent, allowed for cash in par funds. Jan’y 20, 1854. 64-3mpd STARR & WILLLAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN M'orrifin and MPomestir nry fmoods^ HAV >»TRKKT, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. 15. STAUR.] [.I- M. WILLIAMS April US, 1852. _ _ 8t;tf WHJJA.M A. GWVER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. \%i I millet on, C. ■JERSt^N.AL attention given to the sale or shipment M- of Naval Stores. I have ample facilities for con ducting the business; large wharf and store sheds to keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will be sliippeil to any house in New York, or to other markets if advi sable, and liberal cash advances made on consignments. I refer to the following distillers: E. Hannum, Wayne county. E. If. Woodard & Co., Earpsborougti. W'. Earp, “ A. G. Thornton, Johnston county. I’ridges & Durham, “ D. Hocatt, % “ Spencer Fountain, “ “ 11. Eatman, “ “ .Smith, Bryan & Co., “ “ B. K. Hinnant. Esq. “ “ Lovett Peacock, Columbus county. Messrs. Jones & Leach, Fayetteville. I May 20, 1853. 96Y S. S. AllEY Has on hand u beautiful assortment of FALL .AND WINTER GOODS. He desires to return thanka to his friends and the public for the Hl)eral patronage which they have bestowed on him; and solicits a con- t'inuance of the same. His friends and the public are requested to give him a call, at the stand formerly oc cupied by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner Market .Square and Gillespie street. Oct. 1, is5;5. COPARTNERSHH\ ri'^lIE undersigned have entered into a copartnership £ un ier the style and title of .IF^SSUP CO., for the distillation of Tiirf.entine. and the Grocery busi ness in Campbellton. Our Still will be on Water Street, a feiv yards north of Cbircnd.m P>ridge. AVe shall keep a general .assiirtment of Groceries in the brick store on Main Street. J. McD. JESSUP. C. P. JONES. WM. G. BARBEE. Feb. l::, 1854. 70-3ni P. S. This ('opartner.'-iiip does not affect the firm of Jones ii. Barbee, which is .still continued. Valuable Inf'nnialion to the Piddic. (1 ENTLEMEN wishing to supply themselves for the If ap]»roaching Spring and Summer, with fine and I fashionable Garments, will find it to their great advan- ' tagc» to call on me before purchasing elsewhere, as I liave just returned from the Northern Cities with a fine largi* cheap and well .scl('(*ted assortment of Koady-.nade €'l»tliiii$i^, Shirts, Collars, Cravats and other Furnishing (ioods; Boots and Shoes: Travelling Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags; Walking Canes: Looking Glasses; Umbrellas: India RuJiber Overcoats. lA-ggiiigs and Sandals; Oil Cloth Coats. Pants and .Jackets; together with a large assortment of P.nys' and Voiiths' (’oais, Pants and Vests. ‘ H.VTS .VND CAPS. GEORGE BRANDT, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., between the Market House anl Fayetteville Hotel. March 1, 185L 7->-tlM MA R lili irJ A ( 'l'(>RY, \u ;e(>; r;\iJi>ER Twononiis abiivk r. t. iiAUiii & su\’s stokk. Fayellfvill«*, •Tan’y 20. 18.54 fi4y-pd T' riii; LAST NoricK. HE firm of Cook & Taylor was dissolved the first of last May. There has been but little heed paid by tLeir friends to the call for settlement of their notes anl accounts. AVe now distinctly say that all notes and accounts remaining unpaid will be [lut in a train of col lection during the month of January. Dec. 24. J \MES G. COOK. WILLIAM TAYLOR. u7-tf Blank Warrants for sale here.