1^ VOL. TH.] [NO. -2871. Mt.N'DAVS AND TMUKSDAVS. ,/. i\F ATTi:\TJOX, TIIK \\ lIOLi:' WHILE you are tiilkiiig of your iutt*ni;il iiiiiirovo- inentH, t‘or;ct not to c:iU to sec the iniprovi-- nuMits niiule in Guns iit M. A. I’.AKHU’S CTN M ANT- KACTDRV. on lluy stroi't, opjiORite tin* I’ost Oflicc, where lio has tlie IVuysiun Neetlle (lun, Air (runs, ami ;'.>r tliP''eiui-\\ eekly Ubskhvku 00 it'paid iu various improved Pistols, of (’olt's llepeator, Allen’s, ,,iva.uv: -.> if paid d.tring the vcar of Buhscrip- con.panv with Mu.v.mrd prinu-rs, Ann- . btronp; Duelling Pistols: with a large assiutmeat ot i; :: .r ^4 lifter the year has expired. dou>ile and .siiiple-harvol Shot (inns, (laiiu- anil Slu t , 11- .11.. Ai-i „ ■ 1 • Powder Flasks, I'ei-i-nssiun Caps of KiiRlish and r 11. \\ t ekly •>bsf.k\ER !>_’0) per annum, if |>aid in i „ -.i i ^ »• • ‘ * r roncii make, with a larjio assorinient ot jrannnj' tix- .^ivanoe; $- 50 if paid during tJje year of subsorip- tures. Hities constantly on haiui anti manufactured to onli-r. and warranted to shoot from 100 to 90O yards. Kepairinp of every thing in the (iunsniith line will he done at short notice, in the best manner, and tor .i small charge. ,U1 orders promptly attendeil to, .\1’ work warranted. M. A. nAKl.U. nnWAIM) J. & SOX, m>lTl>RS ANlv I’ROIMUKTORS. ... : or 00 after the year has expired. ADVF.RTISEMKNTS inserietl*for sixty cents per , .i-o .if 16 lines for the tirst. and thirty cents for each , .:.-peJing publication. Yearly adverti.sements by spe- i'. contracts, at leaiouable rates. Advertisers arc :c nested to state tne number of insertions desired, or ■ ■■,'v will be continued till forbid, and charged accord 9^“ Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. No ru E. The Fayetteville Ice House will be opcred daily, i'undays excepted. i for the delivery of Ico from ,i t 7 1'.ilock A. M., commencing Mond.iy 17th inst. T ' .»>’t^ fi'r lee are now ready for sale at the sture of t " \V:;':iara9 Co. No Ice will be delivered exceyt ketr. ns it i? not intended to keep any accounts. " jfrVi called uu to delivi-r Ice outside of the time spe- •ed above, tiouble rhe regular price will be ohursed. JOHN I>. WILLLVMS. Vj ril 5>, 1^6 I. Sti-tf THE Mim POMDirR fO)lPm, MANUFACTURERS OF GUNPOAVDER, ■vell- •Sea Shout- .ng,” “American Sporting.” “Indian Rilie,” “Electric," •Duck Shooting,” in kegs, half and quarter kegs, and iiiilsters of one pound each. Also, a full assortment f P''W'ler for Blasting and \Jining purposes, and for Ex- 1 'rt. The reputation of their Gunpowder is too well ini wn tc J-equire comment. Fur sale by the principal dealers in this City, and at the Office of the Company, 89 WALL STREET, N. Y. tv. A. G. H.\Z.\RD, Vres't. A E. I>OUGL.\SS, Sec’y. [8*’-3mpd lbs. prime North (’arolina HA- . 'iN and L.\RD, for sale by R. ROSE. April 10, 1864. * 8t5-3t Sign of the Wooden Oun, Hay street, op)>i'site the Post (»tru-o Jan’y '2. 1H54. o'.'tf E X elt 'r () irs n ()’i I c’ i:. 'I'lie undersigned Imvini:. :it .MjhtI* Term of Cumberland County Court, •(ui'litied .i« Execu tor V the last Will and Testaineiit of Mi-'-. 1!. McRai*. dee d, notifies all persons Irivir-,' cl.-iii’i-i against the Estate to present them within tin- t'in' lim;ti.'d by l.-nv, t)therwise this notice wil'. he j^lcadc! in bar "f n'l overv. Debtors to the Estate will ple.i-;e maU.' iinni»“di?te pr.y- nieut. .(AMI’S \. ^^(•^;AE. I'.si-iiii'T. March i:^, 1S.V». T'.'tf S,500 P. I ('OUN sifEL.'- • n : i:» > w. sP5{;\V‘V(>o!)s. ^RTIll'. iiiidiisi;:neii arc now lecfiviii", iiiid (‘xpect to >il tiu'ii- iilii> .''tocl, in Stnr(‘ by l^’.tli in.'t.. of S‘nson:il)!{‘ Cioods, Knibj-acing a variety oi I 'niHMLiti and ! )t)iin 'i i- i )r\ (ioods, I lats. (':i[»s. lioniU'(s, I'mhrt'lias, Paiusols, Hoots and Shoos. I*'ooiscii|) nnd 1‘iiucr, !>hink Hoolcs, liohiiiL!; ('loMis, vVe. iN'f. \Vith an ■.■xten.-^ive as.sortmcnt of Ready-made Clotliiug, aud Foreign and Domestic Hardware. .\ll of wliicti they otVer to tlie Trade at Low Pnii ts and upon .scrdMMoi)\tino, Tuni'. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give the ab' ve .■'toi k an exmiiiii tion Kefc.ie inakitig their s«'lec- tion. H.MvI.. \ S.\CK1>TT. Mai*h s. IS-’);. 77tf Sprlii.^ Import at ions roi« is.ii. S'i'AklJ W ILLIA.MS, \\ni>i,r-Ai.K ni:.\i.i;ns in I I J'lllK t' /*'■// fiu'nh, fuf- L>"' f illh i'//it ^, OOl/ ixtiidi/ Mil'/' C/'ifliiij, \ur//i (Jarolimi ('asslnu rr.s. 11. .I.WIKS (!. Took has mi liand a lull stock of H. ItocU Ciis.sinieres. iii:inut;ieturi'il ^>v Cjir- sou, Voutig (irier. at tlieir Mill in Mockleubuvg ('ounty, N. ('., where eonsiiniers :in(| nierehants can be .supplied. The manufacmrers recoinnieud their fabrics as beinu: eiiii.al in durability, ami :is permanent in eul- or. as any goods of similar cliai'acter nianul.ieturetl or Sold in the U. S. They invite the most full aud thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronizeii in pro|iortii)n to their mei-its. Sept. it. :i7tf LEAD, ZINC, #KO.V O I I. \ n V O I. O K K, MANTFACTUHEl) 1^' FKWI’IS S. LKWIS \ (ML, Represented by LEWIS, .LV.^IES & CO., Front tjrdcrs thankfully received—punctually atteided to, guaranteeil to give satisfaction, and ofifered fo.' s:ile on the most liberal Terms. I'or samjiles and particulars, {ilease address as above. ti7-:^mpd i.iU land. M. i FRKMII wmw lilLliSTOMiS. i iMi'oal K(Mliioti«>ii iit Prii*«*. KCJKNTON, M()\UUS CO. ^ IONTLNL'E to m.ake to order, unil keep constantly V on hand i'retteh Harr »^fiillsto»tes Of all dimensions, w.arrantetl to be of best cjuality, be ing made from liurr Vdocks selected by them liuiu the . best quarries in France. They keep for sale ■lliee next door to Win. i». \' i s ;n\ ii!liei‘ on Cireeii Street. He will attend an>l in the (’ounty iiiid .''U)ierior Conrt-: of Cuuibi'i- ad('n. iJ'Miesoii and Sampson. 1 L*.:. IS-'),;. 7'.*-tr II. I.. llOf.Ml'lS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. I'FICE on corner of Front and Princess streets Coloirnc, Cocahca aild l''sOj)US Mill under .lournal oftice. Dec. lL». S. S. AISJ'iY I' .7" ni for - I'V W 11,1.1 \ MS March 1; ( 11. 7s H.\V STHEr.T, I'w !-.TTi:via.3>i:, \. i. N\rri; tlie attentii'U their custnnier^. tradi- geinrally, to a very superior Stock > and the il ( CONTINUE to furnish Gunpowder of all their known brands, viz; “Kentucky Rifle,’ IT-Proof Roorin^. I'KANC'IS SIllvN'rON, Slatr a tit! MCoofer. iH.\NKFUL for past favors. 1 beg to inform my _ friends and the public, that 1 am now ])reparei’ to contract for and execute, in the best manner ani on reasonable terms. Ai.L KlND.s OF FlRlM’HooF ROOFING. Gutters, Leader Pipes and Hetids. of an^ style or pattern, mH>le to >.>rder and warranted for any specified time. Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit any style of build ing or situation, without ilanger of lightning. T' 30 BBLS. MESS P(tRK, f».'r snle bv GEO. W W1LLL\MS \rri: lii, IBM. 4: Co. 86tf Fj>rce, Lilting and Suction Pumps, adaj te.l t. any situ.ation: Hydraulic Hams, and .ill kinds ot Hy'iraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and wnrianted She'i I.end und Pipe, of various sizes, for sale Fay*‘tt»n-ille. .Vov ir>. iv.'r.? l4-n 01-:: Aii a Spriti« SninjiM‘r Cood.s. f:. f/. .1. Pembertoti H ave just received and ojiened a large an 1 wel! selected stock of MLR A.MI nm iiin liiioiis. Which have b;en selected with unusual ivtre. ind ,le •iigned more particularly fur the I’.etad I'r.i ie. In . “toek may be found all the late sty’e« and i. • Ladies' l)re'--‘ Goo.is: Fancy j'laid and Kri'caded .-i’! - plain ( :inary eol'd blai k t/ii'i-de-Ithiue and ti„_ur( 1 do; rich PL.\ll> Rerages ,'ind I’i-'Ues. ; Plui.l be'.n;: rage this season; I tig I .and piiiid (irenadine': larsre : superior plain Rerages and Tis'sues. embracing; . liic de~ir.iMe cdor—pinks, b’.ucs. green.', I'lack.-. whites, tans, canarys, ,.vc.; printed Emb'd ;md Swi" Jaconet-; India and Foulanl S;':ks; plain, fig' 1 and j'lj.d hallyi; ah the Rheunmnr pains lor the last lour yenr», ami happening Organdie Lawn>; Printed ^uslins; French. English an 1 Spring & Snminor fjloo{ls. which they will sell at priees :is !'\v as t.i be fuuiid in atiy market South of Mason a(>% 1>1?.m s Line, to i.iir- chasers who jiay jiromptly ur 'juy i'sr en«h. Merch-nts will tind in this n arkel >;OL'd stocks, in al most every branch of tra'ic, am. it prices which cannot fail to pl.-ase. March 7, IS'. I. T7tf srivWlKU FAIKY. new and comfortable P.^S.SENGER BOAT has commenced her regular trips between this |dace and Wilmiii'rton. She will leave here every WI'.l i \ Fsl).\ V ,;i.d S.XTUr. l'.\ Y at i minute'- after sun rise an 1 arrive in Wilniinjrton at 7toS I’. ^L ill leave W ilmingt >n everv M)Nl) \Y and THl KSD.W, at - o' loi-k. ]’ M., and arrive at Fayetteville next morn- intr earlv. witii passenger.- and freight. K. M. JRRE!.L. Agent at F.ayet’.eville. March n. l''’>4 ' T:-tf (riaiui Hoyn! Arch Chapter of North C'arolina. The Regular .\nnual Convocation of this Grand Chapter will be holden in Wilmington, on Monday '.he 6th day of June next. Subordinate Chapters un- ier this jurisdiction are requosteJ to send Delegates iiiJ Returns. Bv rder of the M. E. G. H. P. HENRY P. RUSSELL, G. Sc y A.', persons having bills against said (’hapter, are rt jUf?ted to forwarl them to the Secretary, previ- • ^ t> the meeting. April 5. 1854. St'itm Vi ■MORK ABUt r RHEI MATIS.M. liilDS. M:H CKm;* M;tL.\S.'^F ■JO barrels P.'Tk 10 ,1,. N., ■' d"zen S. W IHM» lbs. old N \. Hckerel. (llinx' Tiiriientine ,V\‘s . ilacn. iu:nh>\v. kvli; \ c»* 74tt - Mmr>- i. Bragg & Co- Hiintiville, .\. I' . N'ov i', l'5-’l ;enlleni«’n—llavine hern nlflinetl Strum Kiii;i!i(‘S—rdyHtcvillt* Miuiiifiietiin*. I! :ii'e ni>\ |.!ep;iie', with ail the Iiece.s-ary Ilia • hinery for nianut':> turiii^ STM \''l LNCINI.S, tr'iiii live to -ixtv h'lrse ] wer. uhleh «e can furiiish • III :i i':iv>ir:ible terii’.s is ;iny Nurtheni establishment. I’t'T'oiis in want ot l.iiuiiie-* tor Mill", I’oiuts. >V;c. will perrei ve 'he ads ■ lit age ' t; ■ ilifj them liuile neiir home. \n Engine .if .lUr "Wn nciiiufacture cati be seen il! iiiioratioij .i: the 1-ouii‘lrv, ■ H \LL ,v P.iLLINtiKP. I.e.- 7. IH.',;;. M-tf T 'i.eei with vour advertisement in the p.iper'. I cam* to thf lie ^rminai. in U. give it a trial, as I hail tried nearly every ixipulnr •fr.W'iv without elTect. 1 am now happy to say to you. that the V^i;.-«n Ma«tang Liniment has entirely cured me. | applied ihrt-e tiny cent bottles on my limbs, and am n.iw as free I'roin pain I was in luy lite. My case was strange to the people in^ sec:, m. my friends are perfectlv astimi^hed at the etTerts i>l ;h» Liniment YnU are at liberty to make th;» pul.lic if you de.jre ; 1 With much respect, SAMCKI. A I) W tS. Ffir sale in Fnyetieville by P. J- IllNSI*\LI.. WA-\TE1>!!! 4 iioOD R.A.KER, of sTE.^nY it\nirs, can obtain "A regular employment and good wages, .\pply snon. CilAS RANKS. Fayetteville. April •'>, lSo4. ’^•>tt BILLIARD TAHLi:s FOil SAI.K. IME subscriber has two RILLL\RD TABLES which he is desirous to dispose ot. He will sell one or • •’h. with all the fixtures, at a very low price. JAMES HALES. April 5, lH.'j4. Sprinfi iuui Summer Stork of BOOTS AX I) siioi:s. For WE are receiving our SPRING AND SUMMER ST(.M‘K. consi.sting of * large and jcencriil as- i'lrtnient of (lentleiuen s, Ladies . Mis«es . linys aud Children's BIIOT.S, lillTERS, 1^D SlIOKS. r.mbracing everv variety of style and quiilitv. \\ith a general uasortment of Servants' Sho»‘^. —ALSO— fninks; Calf, Goat, Lining and Rinding Sidns; Lasts; ?■;. je Thread; with a large assortment of Shoe Findings. A”; if which wo will sell low for Cash, or on time to punctual customer'-. S. T. HAWLEY .'v SON. M irch 1.’7, 18o4. Sewing s. SIXiKH’l*. PATENT STRAL'-HT NFE!>LL PTU- PtNDICUI.^\R ACTION Moni.lt; i.ou have acquired an unequalled reput.^tioii tor ex- in all j.arta of the world, for every var.civ ot 'e ■ are now offered at the reduced cash price oi )Nt HUNDRED DOLLARS. Tite clear iircfit from Ji-? usa .f these machines is from to .'j!louo a }"dr, depending on the kitifl of work done. wiah t.i call the attention of nianut .cturers par- ' u.ar'.y to our newly invented and entirely originul Machine to Sew with a Single Thread. ■ ’. - )n4lniment is so !nlin':riitilf in cinitrivaiice, :ii'.d so perlect " rt» inn rttldn and re>ult, iliat it cfniiniands the uni|ictllfied »p p’ 'Sr Ilf hII who underDt’tnil the art of Sewiii;; by mai:liiniry. lor fi ititchin^ this is the only machine thatrsn make a st rli. '•'fiirh will reiimin distinct und beHUtilul aficr washiiii:. I nr «hi.e :ind every sort of leather J^ewinp—iiiakin):—Mattresies ^1' : .-ewin({ in which GIIK.AT STKE.NtiTH OF SKAM IS RK IKtli the wiirk ot thu machine cannot be r(|u.illeil. Itis more ? tiijiii- in its coiistrnclion Hiid mach more ea:>il> iiian«t;eii and ojie 'I'ti’il ihnn liny ithtr. Ilfrenl'ler we shall bi; prepared t.'i supply variety of JSewin:.' 'iinrhinea—ench perleri hihI . oiiipleic ol its kin.l, at tlie (oiloumt; '^sh prices J. .Needle ;mil »hiiule iinrliliie of present "ivlc on wiM.d. n .. .» «Kj). '• lo til. ii,, ,,, jffnj traliie j; ! do 1.1 u,ii, iiivxiite.l Iced vactmn and ' i.n Keii spring 4 Siii|fle tlircndctl iiiHcleiie-. l.,f liiieu and ulher litflil H. ilo lio (or Mewinu bK■>^,. sarks and r.irpet b;i(js -\merican Ginghams and Prints, .vc. \c. FOR (iENTLEMEN'S WE IK—^upericr t.lack and fancy col'd Cloths; black French Doc-Skins; fancy C' !'d Cassimercs, including some splendid p itterns; ItriLan and French Summer Cluth*; l>ri'' D Ete-^; fatii’y coV 1 Linen Drillings; plaiti strijied and fig d d'l: .''ilk. Satin, and Quilted Marseilles \ estin^->. vVc. Emb’il Curtain Muslitis: ri. li t'urtaii. Dania k; T;ib,e l)amask and Cloths; Table N ipkiii' au l T-welings; Rirds-eve and Scutch Diaper-: 1"-1 Lineti an i c,,ttori Sheeting'^; Lineu and Cotton PIMi.w Casings; lluckM- backs: Swiss .Jaconet and Plaid Mu-Iins; Hishni ai.d Long Lawns; stripe Swiss and T ipe \Iusllus; hrciwn and lileached Shirtings and Sheetiii'.'s; C irtain Friiitres; Grass Cloths for skirting;, wovstc I Damask an-i Mar seilles tlo; Satin .leans; Curset dn. PL.VIN -iid I.M1> D WHITE and COl, D CKAPE SH.VWLS; I..VCE MAN TLES and TALMAS; PLAIN and FIG D SILK DITTO; plain Linen, enib'd and hem-stitched IiaJidkerchie>s; Kid Giove-; twisted Silk Mitt-; Silk ati l Cntt. ii Hosiery; Lisle Thread and Silk Undersh'rts; • hemi/etts; Under- .s'lt eves; 1'rench Worked C'dlars; .'swi-' :ii. I • aiiihric JMgings and Insertings; Thread. Cotton aiio Lisle Edg ings; Linen and IJobin d.i; black and col d .''ilk \ eil.--: jrreen atid brown ISerage \ eihng.-; .. uite atid col d ^'ilk Illusions; jilain and tig d Bobincts; blaek Mlk Nettings for MHUtles; ‘i-4 white lierages and Tis.-ucs for do; Silk Rooches; l?oimet Linings and Tnbs; Ariifu-ial Flowers and Wreaths; Straw Trimmings; Crape I.ieccs; Florence Silks and Marcelain-; I’ajier llanu'ngs. Fire Screen^;. Wall Papering. .Ve, A larjre lot of .Moleskin and white and drab Heaver HATS; I’aiiuina, IiO:li.rn, Alboni, (’ana- iliiin, Str;iw and otliff styles Sr.M.^IKK HATS; iiuya’ and Youtli.s’ ilri, in Kro;«t variety; large as- sortnnent fa.sliionable Straw i].niiets; Misse;,’ lion- nets and Flats; fine (’alf pump-'ob; and otlic-r .Styles Hoots; f’ongres.s (iaiter.s aun ( alt Slu.es; Ladies’ Coiifrress (iaiter.s, assorted coii.irs; white, broiizo and Kid .''lippei's, \e. tViv 1 }vniil.ouxr lof Rt (.('/)j-in(ii1f' '/of/i '-i'i, >>f ,t // /•// ” ipKt/lti/j "!>j >111! innl/ts . nj 'Vcnj /> it't'ij’f Kjn ; ^ '»//'/ V, / Iiil' '- O////•»//>' fii" / :n/)i’//n-> iiml J*1 rat^'j/'; 'IrdCf(/ni/ 7riiii 'tr- jn t ISii'Jii I (///•».-■■, dv. il r. d r. Which will be sold on as aecoi.iui .di.ting terms as any ' other house in the piace, either it \s holesale or P.etail. The trading j.iiblic wou'd tn well t.. give us a look be- f'lre purchasing. r,. L iL .1 A. PEMRLPTON, Hay Street. March -o, 1H54. S-tf ‘niu'(;s A.M) .MKDICI.NKS. Samuel Jfinsddlc is now receiving large additions to his Stock DRUGS, .MEDICINES, \c sale at as low prices as they •State. H II. IIAKI!\r(.li. ArrJiit. r( nn/ JU'i/il'r. Fnijrllrvi/lr, A. ESPECl'FUl-L^ iiif.'nns the I'Ublic that heispre- J.;ired t.. eseeute PLAN .if .-very deseriptiun— sui h as State and C .iirt Ilou-es, Piis.ms. ,vc. .\ls.., Churclie'. C'ttaire nud ^tlier I'Ublic and ]iri »atc e'li- lii-.-s, p.ri lues, p..Ills. .';e. i\e., all with Specifie..tinns ;ind Coiitr:o.t mu !.• t 'f tli.' same He ^^iII also sujicr- intenil all .-inds ..f « : !; (irder- w ill re. ci'. e pruaip! a^ tent ■ .ii, and Plans drawn ■itid sent t'l 'iiiv I art "t the c .unti v .i.t ‘•hurt nutice. De. si .i:n > A rs. .1. .'C T. Fi'.'v 14. Is-M •j-.-iini WADDILL. 71tf MILLIMJii .\ N D MiM'li-MlKl.Mi. II •«/#«## of which he oilers for can be obtained in the S .) HINSDALE, .Market Sqiiaie. Sltf r'i-. ^ d” dll for »hinr work and lertther \:itrhint! ^ il" til' ivitii .npp:riitus :o bind rtmilresse* '■ li'i do of extra kize for qalltiin;r.'\i lliiiiiijs ^110 -i dn 1.1 Inryer size for r;ililtiiip eMrii sire nmnK-. '#1^0 ■ ' '1 I ilii ndHpted lO lap seHMiing cost sieesi s ti .. 1 I. iitir.Milt-rnii: Miirboi.: unking an oriiaiiienliil 'lUi b vviib ’.'.riMils $130. I- 'lui-hiiies III Inriie size for'’ewinK HWinin;;n and sli p*, sail- ^!i lutiires und ap|.;ir:t[ui mnipleie fruiii .VIllO tu $I5H). '•^|!llne^ will be fitted for any uiiu.iiial pi'Ciiliarity of Uurk on :..oile it-riiii. The 'tHChines ;ir.- sernr.-!y pa. kod fi^r IMns tf. «ny purl nf Ihe wurld, iiixl fall printed Instriirlions liir ''■t snil kiepins them in order are liirniitbe.l with earb iiiarbiiie '‘'I'liine needles. SilK l« i.st tin spools—I! curil linen ilire;id tf.. i.n hund :ind fir aale at loweu ranli prires. Prinnpul IXHi.e. .N'o. ;i2Tt Broadway. .N. . ^ BRAN) n orfK rs. ' '.lili (■'iiiirili Street: 1‘hilailelpbiii. I.'ill K^iltiiiiore .s>ir. .-t Ibilii llaniiver Street Hin(,,n. l‘,i" liliii Street. 'ini iiiniiti. L M. SINGER A; CO. New York, March 20, 1854. 8:,>-3inpd March 28, 1S..4. SHOOKS W AN'I'HI). rH^HE Subscribers want to piii liase any' quantity ot ■ the above named article; those having the saline for Bale will do well to call on u* at the Store No. 7, Orcen Street, North of the .Mark.-t, after the first of January. n -w reeeivhtf; bee K.ill ati'i Winter Mli.LlNEKY. •onsistiiig I't I' liinets. trom one doilar to tiftei'ii; Dres- Caps; lian iiien hieis; French .\riificial Flowers and F. atliers; Swis - l.d-ings an 1 Itisertings; Capes, Col lars and Utnh-rsleevcs; Ladies' and Children s Wrist ; C.’oves, and luiig .tiiu 'hurt Mits: a jiew and beautiful stock of Dress Triiiiniini.:s of the latest style; \ elvet anil Silk M.at'tilla-: Railway Corsets; Whalebone lIiD-k'*. Dresses, ^lant;llas, and Clnaks made in the latest Philadelphia and New York styles. .\11 orders from the cout.try promi.tly attended to. Oct. •‘^3lf I i Ac rs c'ANN(>r m: dotbtkd. I.‘t fh' AfiUiiii} read tnnf pmii/er! M'ire tbr.ii .VKI pi r-cn' in the tiiy of Hi. hmond. Va., alune tt. lil. tu till.' ri iir rKal i.‘ can p rli)riiieil by Spaitish »Jli.rttfrc. .1' ;-;'riiii; ."Ic.i’i ’ .I’l'l I'liriiicr ot tlie Illn.id i» now niied liy'hilio‘'ed.' I • ■■ itf il p 'tionl-, w ho K'siily daily to the leniark- Hliic rur” III riiiri.ie.l tin* l^i .test nl mII m*:dii'in«s. t’ar'er's ^•ll:ln.^n Ml''i-e nrai.iia. II henaint.-iiii. Scrol.il i Kruptinn* .r the : kii.. l.iViT Oise:>-i . i'evers. I.'ii-ers. >lil S.ire«. .Xilecn.ni' ot ' tiie K.ilnc. >. li'.-.ea^‘'s .l llic Throat. Keiii .le ( , iiiplaiiits, Paiii>> iim; \i.lnnL'm tluj linnes iiiid Joints, are ■.■le-'d.ly put to tHi;ht by ■ tivlr;; th. U.eilt nllil ino.-liin i!i!c re 1 .r U!' dlso:i«e nf the r.loi.il, IM.illilif’ llas yet llcen l.illml loroin pH'e with 11. !: ■ l. iiiiea the sj-tem ol all iiiipiiritie.i. ai ts jjently and etrici. ntiv (111 the I,iver and KH!ne\s. Mrei'Ctbens tiie Hi", sliuii. tune lu’ilie .''liiiiiiich. niakr« ih>' “^.^in clenr and heiiitby. and re.it'iri'S the (■.iii^Iiliitiun, enfeebl.-d by disease or brnki a down by Ihe excesses ui' yi.iitli. to it- pri-‘line vicur i.iil 'Ire Ih. I I’.ir the l.a.lir-, it is iiiii'oiiipariibly bellcr Ilian all lie' r.i^iiieiits ever vised. A lew do«ei ut' arter’-. Spanish NUxtiire \m11 reiimv.- all sallow ness of ri.iiii.le.xinn. brine the ruses iiiiiiillini; lu tlie rlieek. give elL'sticity tu tli>- step, and anpnive the general heallh in a re ii irkable decree, beyond all the iiiedirines ever heard of. A larpe naiiibcr 01 rertilicates of remarkable cures pcrfurnied iin pi rs.ins rCsidiiiK in the city uf I!irliiiiuiid. Va., by the use ul Car ter’s Spanish Mi.Murc, is the betl evidence th.it there is no hum bng ahiiiil il. 'I'he pres'*. hotel keejiers. iiiHUistrales, phyKiciau». mid public men. uell known lo lliu ceiiiiiiiinity, all add their te«li iliiiny tu the elTerls of this Clivvi Ill.OOI. I'CRll lEK. (■■ill and see a few hiiiidreds uf the certifn-aies aruiliul Ihe bottle. .None gennilie i.nlo- siiined IJKN \ !•. I'I &- Ill-i'-lO. llnignists.^ Princijial Depots ai .M. Ward, Close i,: Co., No. So Maiden Lane, New \ork; I. - Dyott iSi Sons, anti •Tenkins i Ilartshorne. I'liiladelphia; Bennett .t Beers, No. 12-'» Main Street, Richmond, Va. .\iid for uiile by S. .1- 1I1.NS|).\LE, Fayetteville. ’ Feb'y 15, isr,;i. ' INTEIl GOODS He desires to return thanks to his frit'tids and ihe j.ublic for the liberal jiatronage which they have bestoweil on him; :tnd solicits a con- finuance of the same. His friends and the public are requested to give him .a call, at the statid formerly oc- cu( ied bv .“s. -L iJinsdale. south west corner Market Square and (iillckjiic strei-t. Oct. 1. 1S.'>:’,. -'?4-tf DU' STK()N(J’S i;OMPOrM) SANA TIVE PILI>S. : 1 aiKl an‘ a iiio^t rior in tlie cure of ad P.ilious Complaints, Chills and I'ever, ; D\spe|>sia, Costiveuess, Liver Complaint, Jaundicc, i Sick He;idache, Scrofula, Salt liheuni. Fevers of all 1 kinds. Loss of-\ppetite. Obstructed and jiainful .Men- j struation. and all lingering diseases. As u Female Medicine they act like a clnirm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to cure very worst cases of after all otlier remedies fail. Tlicy piii-it'y tli«‘ l»iool, 4‘iiiali'A4‘ fli‘ >ir«‘iilatioii. r«“*»or* Him kidiiovs ■ and S(‘'rt‘lory Organ's to a li«‘Hltliy ailtl afti«»li; and as au Anti-Bilious Family i Me.lieine they have no ei^ual. Price 'J-'i cents per box. ! —ALSO— DR. .STRONG’S i>j:crOUAI. STOMAC H Pl[j>. .V reniedv fcrl'oughs. Colds. .'atarrh, P.ronchitiH, Croup, Whooping ('ough, .\sthnia, Consumjition. Nervous Dise.sses, Dyspepsia, Costivenesfl, Erysipelas, Disease of the Heart, Intlammatiou and Pain in the Chest, Back and -Side, and all diseases aiising from a tie- ranged state of the St..mach, and to relieve the tli«- tresa and bad fe(‘liiig frc*n eating tuo hearty food, in weak anti dysjveptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ■lHr.SE Pills act a" an Expectorant, Tonic, and M Ajierient One'J'> ci-nt box possesses three times more pi.wer tu cure diseases than a one dollar bottle uf ! .'iiiv tif the Svrups. Balsams, or Sarsaparillas, that was evi-r made, ami u simjile trial uf uiily one bwx will prove this important truth. Xli4‘V |»roiii«»l4‘ oration, Ioom'ii Ili«* anti l€>ar lli‘ I.hiik^ and otfM'r SiM-rctory Oitfano of all in»rl>id llia!l«*r, and there is not another remedy in the whuie Materia Medica capable of imparting such healing |iriiperties tu the Lungs and Vital t rgans as these Pills. TiM*y C.'oHlit prodiiro a u»od r(>;;iilai- and ••lronKlli4‘» tli‘ Price -i’t cts. per box. containing ’J.'. iloses of medicine. I Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the “Planter's Almanac" gratis, giving full particulars and I'.-rtificates t.f cures. llotl; kiii'lsofthe above-naiuetl Pills are for s.ile in Fayetteville by S. .1. Hinsdale, and J. N. Smith; who als" keep a supply ot />/. .'•/■»«vr’j! i'r;,‘rU:b!f I’lllf, and />/■■ lluU'.^ I’,Us. which step the Chills and Fever the tirst day. and do not sicken the stomach .ir operate on the bowels. [l(i-\ ] I'ALL SLFPIJKJS. SH WE now in Store a full assortment of OHO- ('I'.RIES. PHOVlSloNS, and other (!ools suitable for the Fall anti Winter Trade, and which I otler for Cash, or in exch.inge for Protluce of almost any kind. 1 have always t.ti hand—Flour, Meal, Corn, Rice, Ba con, Lard. Rutter, Cheese, Crackers, Sait, white Clari fied and Brown .Sugars, lli.i and .lava Cotfee, Tea. Mo lasses, A'inegar. l-'isli. (’iir.ai's. Pol.aeco. .‘^nutl, (_’antlles, i Soap. Starch, Spices, .'amlies. Pepper, Buckets, Brooms. ' wrought anti cut Nails. Pnw-ler, .'^liot. Percussion Caps, and a gootl assortment ol Dyn StuHs; with many othet tilings in the C.rocerv line. ALSO— A ;i.od assortment of Diy Gouds, Roots and Shoes, Nearo Blankets and Kerseys, and a gootl assortment oi : lUailv-iuadc Clothing, fei? ' *’all ami buy cheap. W. II. CARVER. October iS.ri.'!. ;l!l-t.ni ' ('OFAK'i’NKRSllIP. THE untiersigned have entered into a copartnership under the style and title of .TE.s.SLP vV (’()., tor the ilistillation of Turpentine, and the Grocery busi ness in (^impbellton. (lur Still will be on Water Street, a fe;v var Is north of Clarendon Bridge. We shall keep a general assortment of Groceries in the brick sture on Main Street. .1. McD. .lESSUP. C. P. JONES. WM. (;. BARREL. Feb. i;v IP'Sl. 70-;5m p. s. This C-opartiM'rship iloes not atlect the firm »4 .Tones X Barbee, which is still continueil. 48-tf II. KRAMHi:UT. Confectionery and Variety Store, /'itt/cr the Fn/tttet i//e Hotf-/, llm/ St., FAVin'TEVILLK, N. C’.' Dec’r :^l, 58tf Worth & Utley, Forwardin'^ and (J(‘ii('ral Coiiiinission .MLJlCliANTS, FayeUeriile^ .V. f. ■I. wdicni. (7‘jtf) los. I TI.KY. K. M. MI RCIIISON, ('onuntss!on itiul I'onrunltn^ .Mcrcfia/i/, :')S-r,m] ( lIAkLES HANKS, r O.VFK CTiO*VE n, wholesale and retail dealer in lutft ii/ii Fruits. Xuts, ('iifdi it, To/mk co, Sn nfl, i >'. Fayetteville, N. C. siuiK's; liurr lilocks, Itoltiiig ('lolli, Scr“(Mi \\ iro, C’alciiied I'lastcr, lly«lranlic Ccnicnt, Orders frt.m anv part of the cotintrv pronii.tl v ntteml- ed to. H. »I. OltKi:i.*l., .\gent at Faxettevillc, N. C. March 11, 185.!. 7titf i>lAllBLE I'ACTOKY, % 1 Dec. I 1, 18-0;^. B. W. HENRY J. HE.NKV. oi’i-tf l'^uy‘tt(‘V!ih* llot 1. joilX iIARMAN iifspcctfiilly iutnnns liis tViend.s and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larger and more conimotlious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, ami well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to iiccoiumodate Travellers and Boarilers. No ex- ! ertions of himself amt family will '>e sp!ired to rendei those comfortable who may favnr him with their coni- pany. Fayetteville, N. -• June 18f):L 200tf Valiinhic Ifif irrntilion lo the l*iihhr. ^ i EN'l LEMEN wi.uliing to supply themselves for the approaching Spring and Summer, with tine and fashionable (iarments, will find it to their great atlvan- tage to call on nie before purchtising elsewhere, as I nave just returned fia.m the Northern ('ities with a fine lare-e cheap and well selected assortment of Shirts, Collars, Cravats «nil other Furnishing Goods: P.oots’and Shoes; Travelling Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags; Walking Canes; Looking Glasses; Umbrellas; India Rubber Overcoats. Leggings and Sandals; Oil Cloth Coats. I’ants aud .Jackets; together with a large asstirtincnt of Bovs’ and \ouths Coats, I^ants and \ eats. ■ HATS AND CAPS. GEORGE BRANDT, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., between the Market House nnd FayettevHle Hotel March 1, 1H54. 76-tlM TKOY MAilfSIl HAVE ON HAND; NifW Crop Sugars, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Nails, Hardware, (’utlory, Window Glass, Putty, Uiacksnutli Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Ada mantine and Tallow Caiullos, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cotton Cards, Saddles and J^ri- dles, Suuff, Soaps, Dry (loods, etc., etc.. Which thev olfer ,it wholesale and retail. _also,— Mess S*ork, Bacon, Lard, Meal (Fresh.) Drie.l Fruits, Cabbage, FRESH u]> country Butter. jji5^''Wc are Agents for the sale of .Stoildard's Cele- lirated Piano F'orte. warranteil at N. V. prices. g^y'-Manufactureil Tobccco at Factory prices. .lauy 28, 18o4. _ _ rf~lED.\R FALLS (,’otton Yarn ami Sheetings, for sale ^ ' at Factory'prices, li\’ TRO\ & M.VR.SH. May -W. ISiVL ' ^'Stf Bhls. 'l'urj)ititinc Wanted^ FOPv which the highest cash prices will be paid. McLEAN & .TONES. Summervill, N. f'.. May 18. V);)tf $Toi r K aTII ). ~ a'P AN.AWAY from the subscriber, two Negro Oirla and four Chihlren, viz: MARTHA, a bright mu- altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl chihlren, Frances anl .Ann: HANNWH, copper coloreil, about the same height of Martha. Hannah took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negroes formerly belongeil to the estate of George T. Barksdale, and are supposed to be lurking about the Cape Fear, about Mr. Winslow’s plantation. The above reward will be paitl for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sami.son couutv. FLEET R. PETERSON. September tt, 1858. 26-tf March 1, 18ou. 7;itl liAVXKU (aL.MOUi:, f'ommisfiioti •Iterrhants^ No. l.'.l WATER STREET, m:\\ yokk. WAItKK.V O. tUVSKII. 1 [.*.\Mr.s It. fllt.MDWK. References; Messrs. Francis .Skinner I’ve Co., N.-w \ork. Lord, Warren .V Co., E. Kidder, Esrp, Wilmington, N. C. J. il. Flanner, .\mos Wade, Esip, .N'ewbern, 1). W. McLauriu, FHvetteville. ustomarv advances made on Naval Stor.*s, .'ic, Nov. 2.'>, J^Yp.t J. K. LAWRENC E, ^ Fayetteville, N. C. September. 18'1 ;^U-Oib R. .M. (TrRI^X fiirw.ikdim; {o.)i>iis.sio.\ mkrch.wt at FavetlevilU*, IN. March lU, 18.".‘l. filMf W'ILKI xs7)1\~i: RSLKR, DEALERS IN ^'itii/n lii'ii'i lyy i’’irt h/n Frtdt:^, l^ohacco, ainf S/iitjf, AND niPORTKRS OF SIIPI:KI0K IIAV.1.\% flCiAR^. AT WHul,KS.\LK AM) KKT.VIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .Aug. 7, 18oI. lltt aiai.lht'FcV i’ArLi^:R, fiirorers anti Commissioti *Tfrr- ckattts^ 135 Fr»nt NEW YORK. I*. MALLKTT.] [j. P.A.I LMIKK .\\tgust D>. 18.j2. 18tf WILIJA.M II. marsh, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, BROWN’S BriLDIX(i, WATER STRKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. .UiF.M F(IK TIIE BROTllERi STE.l.M Bfl.\T rO.MPAW. Usual Atlvances made on (,’onsignments. Feb. 18-')4. (i7-tf T. C. WOR'ni, (iENERAL ('OMMlSSlttN MERCHANT, WIL.MIXGTON, N. Usual adv.uices made on consignments of Cotton. Naval Stores, and other Produce. Partii ular attention given by G. W. D.\ VIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, iS:c. .lan'y 17. 18o4. ti3-I\ i. ( . vV Ii. G. WORTH, t omiiiissioii I'orwardinir Mc'rrhaiits,! BROWN'S BUILDING, WATER .STREET. Wiliiiiii^^toii, 1'. I'sual atlvances made on consignments. Jan'v 17, 1854. Oo-IY .KISi'I'll R. BLOJiiSOM, I V o n n I SSI o AND FOR W ARDl N H M ER C11A N F. l%*ilminsi'tou^ C. I Jitaif" Prompt personal attention given to all Consign •nents, and (\ash advances made on Produce to he ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 18')4. »i7y I J. S. BANKS, I C'oiiiiiiiKi^ioii .Merchant, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. I'.t, 185:;. 29tf ISv GKO. LALTOKH. TWII IIIKIKS .IBdVE r. T. IIAIIill I SO\'S STIIKI. Fay‘ttfvi8l*, I\. i'. .lan’y 20. 185L (l ly-i.d mwm & mv, No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. ('OM MISSION M ERCH A NTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS op (’(jlioii aii(i W’oolh'M Marlii!u*rv, Ma- clunisl'j' Tof»ls, LoatluM- Reltin^ tVc., —ALSO - ‘‘.?laiiuraelui*er’« Arlielon” OF EVERV DESCRIPTION. C’ornprisint^ Card Clothinii, Hobhins, Sliuttlos, Pickers, Roller SkiiLS, Roller Cloth, Oiln, Vc. Dec. 27. 180.'!. 67ti .moore7h1^sz1ky Ac T'cTT srrcES90R.^ to WM. T. HOWELL & CO., hnportfii (ind Wholesalt Dea/ers in No. Is] Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, KKEP CO.N’SlANiLY O.N llA.VU A LARGE A3SOBT.MENT OF Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, &c., WHICH they will dispose of on as goods terms as any house in the United Stati'S. Ord*-rs by mail or otherwise put up with care and forwartled with tlesjiatch. .\ 'lir count of Six per cent, allowed for cash in pat funds. .lan’y 2», lso4. C4-3mpd le- I.OOK AT THIS! TBlHFi subscriber is prepared and qualified to .B. spatch all orders for Paper Hanging, haying on haiitl a fine assortment; among which may be found the Oak and MaWde patterns. He also carries on the .Mattress-making and Painting, of all descriptions. Call on him at No. 7 ireen street. R. W. HENRY. Jaw’y 10, 1854. 62tf WILLIAM A. GWYER, FORWARDIN(i AND COM.MISSION MERCHANT, i\. V. PERSONAL attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval Stores. I have ample facilities for con ducting the business; large wharf and store sheds to keep .spirits from exposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any house in New York, or to other markets if atlvi- sable, and liberal cash advances maile on consignments. 1 refer to the following distillers: E. Hannum, Wayne county. iC. H. Woodard & Co., Earpsborougti. W. Earp, “ A. Q. Thornton, Johnston county Bridges & Durham, “ “ D. Hocatt, “ *• Spencer Fountain, *• “ 11. Eatman, “ “ Smith, Bryan A: Co.. “ “ B. R. nimiant, Esq. “ “ Lovett Peacock, Columbus county, Messrs. Jones & Leach, Favotteville. 20. 18.'3a. I'he Subscriber still con tinues to carry on the CABINET BUSI NESS in F.ayetteville, and in addition to his Establishment on Bow Street, near Eccles s Bridge, has ojiened a large WARE ROOM on Hay street, nearly opposite the FayetteviUe Hotel, and one iloor East of Messrs. Haigh tSc Son’s, where a general assortment of FURAlTtllE, j Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had j at prices corresponding with the times. ALso, au us- I sortment of Northern-made FURNITURE, selected by ' himself, which will be .sold at a very moderate advance. DU.NC.IN McNEILL. Nov. 10. 18.jl. _ oStf He keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk's celebra* ted MET.VLLIC BURI.VL C.\SES, which have been highly recommended by W'illic P. Mangum, Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, Wm. R. King, and many other il- ustrious characters, who have examined and witnesseil their utility. fH'^Hn umlcrsigned, having jiurchascd Mr. Thos. .S M. Lutterloh’s Distillery and Cooper-shops, have entered into Copartnership un'ler the name of McLaurin & Strange, for the purpose of carrying on the Distille- rv of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar- rcl» D. McLAURIN. WM. McLAURIN. JAS. ^V. STRAN.OE. Feb’y 18, 185?,. 7fltf NOTlfi:. ^ II WING purchased the stock of Materiel on haml May 96V at the Shop formerly ownel by Mr. E. Fullei-, and having engaged the services of Mr. J. C. Lally, whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber Wagons, Road Wagons, (,'arts, Drays, Wheelbarrows, &c. 1 have on hand and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Axles, Chains, Bolts, and in short every thing that the W’ligon-Hiaker can need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron .-Vxles, made to order at the shortest notice. I have 10 good and comiietent Workmen nt the busi ness, and will give it mv w^ole ami untlivided attention My prices shall be as moderate u.s the times will ad mit. ami 1 will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni ted States to eutial my work either in point af style or durabiVitv. ■ '''HOS. C. FULLER. Oct. 2i;. rOBACCO. n^HE subscriber continues to receive and sell, on |[ manufaolurers’ account, ull grades of mRnufac- uiud Tobii'^co. J. UTLL\. May .“^l, 18'.:^ Of.tf S'FARR WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN JForei^ti ami JOomestic MPry fiooda^ II AY STRKI^T, Fayetteville, W. C. J. B. 8TARR.] [-T- M- WILLIAM.^ April 28, 1852. COTTON ^ GGIA Q. IH.WE a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee Cottou Bagging, Bale Rope, and Bagging 'Twine. Send in your orders and they shall be supplied. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 3. 1852. 82tf 5(l0,00(j lbs. Cotton und Linrn R ACS wanted. ‘J^^HE subscrilier will pay the highest market price U. for any quantity of clean Linen Pud ('..ttun Rags. P'eb’v 1854. 1>VV1\> MUH’^HY. T4tf TOBACCO. WE have on hand several lots of Tobacco, which we will sell at lower prices accor ling to quality, than can be had of any other house in Town. J & T. AVaDDILL. Dec. 29, 1863.