noiino ic, t>. /rr fX|,| ti.r. iunt ‘h'- •Sll HI pliii uh fti *S; 1 !l. ... un»- Ho., 'rv - for Col . n Sw hief. Ik Ell, of I ' Vh- . ’-'ha!- 'Ja. ' ''•int.- '">'1 ;■ -Ift; '■'r ,, ■ ■ Jao i . ‘n. 'i 'iu I'Uin H. ■ rapp ^ Ki.i s,. col(tr fv tin men : ftreei ^ Lu- i'HlU'X Liiii 1 auU >rg9; ! iliiin t esiim -■ li >‘tmeiu u; ')!ivc ■ ifflerej bri' D. Ills, and '!ack. li,;e, Read-,’ 1- i ' I'i. . ask ii S: Ap ; tS; b . -P.V- * . l->'aper; 'inen L. a II.:- ■ts: i.sif 8 fin. Li aiU'i It «n’and - ASiUlf E-.b'i ^ ^ a ^ 'i ar, i ■'ttu-! 'wel-, n«. uruui,-, and an.I 'in-: . .r J^-teiminea t,. 'U?o in i;, Ifttle W . n .■ailed •roultl ;. well ti nducenifnt- Li: »apm..u d t. r,. K h.,..: JSHKPHEr; Wai; IV ^A^^ - ’ I* ^Vi! :,iaMv EXBf. V Mcl. -. R N Mel . , esitlei !V. }'• ounni •'» St C(j!' uristr'tei iwai-d- kfpi \ ujjaii: id } ■ ■ :d Ilf th:iu • are t ill tl >n fii tt» the hice.i .Si- ; • be , or t, •• spoil; plii-.: NEI h* Eukpi :en :d tu I and the li to (ri ' as th. votinL from nvestj e re.': ' C!* th«’ eri'ir Hik- un ( .te. lOM /' -T .r - .m!; - .re, i"r- Sll MN the ng cr nent ' uri'l rep > He V trs :• ’e, all' Ab£; ting won DI-N- ere day. ir ■ a V r. /V sxcep’ rival s at for t! uys," arriv vcs ; 0 ' p. m-i ’ayet' •riven ct Wi Fr on Ik t:.e ‘ vei- >tt 'Vll- l»y- tiie train HI Warsa'^ ” r:>au in .K ■ iti the S,a^on. ilid .' C I Hat- I.LtJ [VOL. in.] SEIHI-WKERL,Y. I'AVI'/n EVIIJJ:, \. ( ., .VIMUL 17. !8f)4. [NO. -J88.] i'RlNTEO MONDAYS AM> THUKSDAYP. i:n\VAUl) J. HALE k SOX, El'lTOR.'^ AND PROPRIETORS. A I TRNTION, riu: WllOLi:! w lllLE you nre talking of your internal improvo- nients, forpet not to call to sec the iinprnve- ment.s made in Cmns at M. HAKl>il’S jl’N M.VNU- F.VCTOUV, on Hay street, opposit'.- the Post Office, where he has the I’russiun Needle Gun, Air (iun.s, and prif,. •■>r the S^emi-Weekly Obseevkf. 00 it paid in various improved Pisti.N, of Colt’s Repeater, Allen’ i.ivanco: i?3 fiO if paid during the year of iubscrip- t'.i n; or $4 after the year has expired, p ,f the Weekly Observer 00 per annum, if j'aid in aJvani-e; $2 50 if paid during the year of iubucrip- f. n: or $3 00 after the year has expired. Advertisements inserted for sixty cent! per . .nri' 'I' lines for the first, and thirty cents f»r each succeeding publication. Yearly advertisements by F)>e- , .*■ I'ontracts. at reasonable rates. Adverti«ers are uested to state tlie number of insertions desired, or thev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord iDg’.y 6n^ Letters to the Editori> must be post-paid. NOTICE. fJlHE Fayetteville Ice House will be oj^ened daily, M. .Sundays excepted.) for the delivery of In' from : • ■ " o’clock A. M., commencing Monday 17th Tickets for Ice are now ready for Bale kt the xicir*' ol G 'V Williams .5' Co. No Ice will be delivered exi’>‘pt t. tickets, an it is not intf-nded to keep any account-!. When called on to deliver Ice outside of the time spc- . ,5ed a>iove, douMe the regular price will be charged. JOHN D. AVILLIAMS. April 8, 1864. «''-tf Whitney's arms compmiy with .Mayiiaril primers. .Arm strong Duelling Pistols; with a lar>;e assC'Ttmeut ol double and Biiigle-barrel Shot (juns. (iame nnd .'^hot Bags, Powder Flasks. Percussion ( aps of Enjrlish and French make, with a large assortment of g.amir.g turef. liitlea ooiislantly on hand and manufactured to order, and warr.anted to shoot from 100 to 900 yards. 1'i‘pairing of every thin;: in the Gunsmith liiu- will he done at short notice, in the best manner, and for ;i >mnll char;:e. All orders proinjitly attended t--. Al' work wnrrnntt'd, M. \. I’.AKEi;, .''ign of the Wooilen tiun, ll:i_\ 'itreet, opposite the i'o.-Ji oiVu r J.Ill's '2. Ib54. .j'.'tt' r roK s xo ru i-:. riio iindor!«i^iie(l luivini>. al M:irc!i Term of Cnmborland County Couri. iiii;ilitied is I'xfcu t.'C of the last Will ntid TestaUK'iii , s' Mr--. II. MciJno, deed. notiti‘S all jicrsons ha\iii^ claim-; .•luaiii"' tlic E-^iate to prfseiit them within tin' iiin‘ limlied l:y law. I li;ir !i|' rt‘ciivi‘r\. • iuiuit liuU- ii;>V- \K. i;-..M-ui T'.'tf otl,('rwise this notice will bo pit :idi l>e!itors trt the Estato wil! r incut. -I \ M l.>" .\. ' March lo. 18o4 TllK ll\Z\RD POMDER COMPIW, MANUFACTURERS OF GUNPOWDER. ClONTlNUE to furnish Gunpowder of all their widl- ^ known brands, vii; "Kentucky Rifle.” "Sea Shoot ing, " "American Sporting,” “Indian Rifle, ” “Electric.” ••Duck Shooting,” in kegs, half and quarter kegs, and Canisters of one pound each. Also, a full assortment =if Powder for Blasting and Mining purposes, and tV r Ex port. The reputation of their Gunpowder is too well known to require comment. Fur sale by the principal dealers in this City, and st the Office of the Company, 89 WALL STREET. N. V. ,'ity. A. G. HAZARD, Vres't. E. DOUGLASS. Sec'y. [S0-3mpd 5.(U)(> lbs. prime North C’ar(»liu;i li.V- '•N and L.\RD, for sale by R. ROSE April 10, 1854. 8t3-;it BRLS. MESS PuRK. tor sale bv GEO. w. willi.Vms \ ro April 10, 1854. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of North CaroHiui. The Regular Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter will be holden in Wilmington, ou Monday the 5th day of June next. Subordinate Chapters un der this jurisdiction are reijuesteJ to send Delegates and Returns. Bv order of the M. E. G. TI. P. HENRY P. RUSSELL. G. Soc’y .\'il persons having hills against said r’hapter. are rt^jutsied to forwari them to the G. Secretary, previ- ufl to the meeting. April 5. 1854, 8'itm M, '.I'icnn Miistnnif IJnimtnt. >|(iRE AnOUT RIIErM VTlSM Huntsville. N. .S'ov '2'‘. I-.V1. A (; Rr:ige t " Gentleiiirn —llnving b.en nrtlicitHi ' ;h the RheumHtii (mins for the last four yenr^. and haiipening ; mef. Witli vfiur adverli.temenl in the fm(>er'. I cHme to Uif't*- lenninMiim Ui ifive it a trial. n« I had tried nearly every itnpulr.r rsnieily \Mthout effect. 1 am now happy to'ay to yu. that the Mei.*=in MU'tanii l.minient hai eniirely cured me. I apphcd •.hree rtftv cent boitle-> on my liiiib^, and am now a' free from twiiii xs I e»er was in mv Mfe. .^^y ra^e was mo strange to the p*-i>plp in . tect; >n. my fnend‘ are perfectly Bsloni^hed at ihe elft .f I.’.nintent. Vmi ar*> at liberty to mike this public if y.>u de-iire ' tn. With much re«pert. SAMT'KI. A I' \\ !■* {Or Knr =-le in V'.iyetteville by P. J U1N.-1>\l.l . (,OUN. BUSHELS t'oni geo. W WILLIAMS .V I t K 7s March ]:\ l'ir‘-Pr)or FKAN( IS SlIlvN'rON, State amt »liet€tt Koofer. ■THANKFUL for past tavors. I ben iuJ'"ini '»y friends and the public, that I am now preioircd to contract for and esecute, in the liesi inHiUH'r and .n reasonable terms. ALL KIND.'' (>F FIRE-PnO(»l- Roofing. Gutters, Leader Pij'cs an 1 HiadM, of any stvle or pattern, made £o '.irder and warranted lor uny specifie'l time. Slate t'himney Pipes msvle to :-uit any style oi' li'.iiM- ing or situation, witliout daiiprer of liglitiuDg. Fovce. Lifting and Sviction Pumpr-. adnptod to ;iuy situation; Hyvlrtiuli, Rams, and ;ill kin'ls i.f lly-iraulic Machines for supplying water fir any r'Ui-p"»e, put up anil warranted. various si/.e?. f"i »al- ■n IV Si'HLMV’^GOODS. muKi.sip,ncd art' now recei^'ing, and expect to S have tlu'ir er.tirc Stock in Store liy l^^th ins'., ol Coods. Kmlii'.ai'iii^ II a;roai ■\firiety of 1 orejn n r,nl i )onu";tH‘ ] )r\ (Joods, Unts, (’:i|)s, Itouiiets, rmlMellas, Parasols, l?ot)ts au«! Shoi'". I'oolscap and Letter PajxM', Klaiik IBooks, liohuii: (Moths, t.Sjc. vVc. \\ ith an exieii.'ive iissortineiit of Ready-made Clothing, and Foreign and Domestic Hardware. .\11 ol'vvhicii they oll'er to the J'rade at Lfiw I’liirKs and Upon .sccoMMon.vTiM. tlums. Purchasers will find it lo their interest to give tiie iibove .'-took :in t>\Ljnniii:iti..n before making their selec- ti„ns. H \LL SACKETT. Miircli s. ih.'i L- 77tf Hpriilii' I luportations roK IS51.. S'l Aiili cVc W ILIJAMS, \VHOLl>ALV; DKAl-KR^ IX hititl'lii Kiiil Ij'iiiirsfli' fh’l/ Ctoi'nl*, Ifillti, Hott- iirfs. Sh'JCK, f oml III mil/ Mtiih' HAY STREKT. I'\i r/rTi:vai.i.i% '>1. v. 1WITH the attention of their customers, nnd the trade trenerally, to a very superior Stock of Spriilii' Siimiiior Cood.s. \or//i ('am!inn ('nssiincrcs. I «■ 1: JAMES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of ■. l!ock Island Cassimeres. iiianufactured by Car son, Young & Grier, at theii Mill in Mecklenburg Countv. N. where coiiauiuers and meri liants can i>e supplied. Tlie mrtiiiifactur'TS rci oiiimeiiil their labrics us being eijual in durability, aud as {>ermaneut in col or. as any floods of situilar character manufactured or sold in the U. S. They invite the most full and thor- oUjili tests of thttm, and only ask to be patronized in projiortion lo tlieir merits. Sept. It. -7tf 1lead,"zin^~ f JF*.f OIL W » COI.OkS MANUFAi'TURED BY FRANCIS S. LEWIS iV HI., Represented by LEWIS, JAMES & CO., |:t5 Atoiilli Front Piiilndolpliia. Orders thankfully received—punctually attendeil to, jfUMranteed to give satisfaction, and offered for sale on the most liberal Terms. For samples and particulars, please address as above. t>7-3mpd S. s. ARI.Y .lOSKIMI ItAKKK, .lit., I ATTOK\i:V AT LAW. ' y\S taken .•111 otiicc next door to Win. !’•. W ii;;hl s Law ortive on (ireen Street. lie will attend ainl , practice in the ('oiiiity .ind Sui>erior on it-'ot 'unib-i ■ i.ind. I’laden. l!obe«oii :ind S;impsoii. Mi.r. li IS.');!. Tf-tt II. L. HOf.MKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFK’E oil corner of Front and Princess streets under Journal oftice. Dec. 12. 4S-tf IL Ki;\MBi:iri\ Confectionery and Variety Store, fudrr the Fti/cttcrllle Ilufd, llm/ St., FAYKTTKVIIiLK, X. C. Dec’r :M, 18.>:L _ 5xtf Worth & Utley, I'orNvardino and (r(MU'ral ('oniniission MRUCIIANTS, Fatfeltevilte^ 4% .1. \. niiurii. * - i7‘Jtf) -10S. rri.fct. K M. MrKCniS()N, Bti'ill VllLliSTONEN. 4iri*eal in Pri*t‘. i:(;}:\'rox. moruis vV (o. a lONTINl K to iii.‘ike to f.iiil e«^nstantlr * on hiind i't'l'neh Uttrr •fiiltstonts Of all dimen^iioiis. warranted to be ol' lie.^t |nality, be iiig niude ffi'iu Burr lilock.i selected by liiem tmm the best (juarries in Fnince. Thi'v kei p tor s:ile Cologne, ('ocahea and I'^sc^pus Mill >t>iu‘s; Hiirr Blocks, IJoltmg C loth. Scrrt ii W ire, ('aleined Plaster, li\lranln’ ( eineni, *^:c. Orders Vroin anv p;'.rt of tlie country promptly atteiid- 1 ed to. U. '»!. ^ .\"cnt at Fnvetteville, N. 7(ltf Maivh 11. lS,=):i. \ K i}T7i y ,\S on hand a beautiful Hs.sortment of FALL .\ND I . . i i ' WINTER GOODS. He desires to return thank.s i ( tntlinissun) 11111 I'Ol'U'Oi'd I .ilCi'Cinifli, \ to his frienls and the public for the liberal patronage | .58-tSin] which they have bestowed on him; and solicits a con- 1 Mnuance of the same. His friends and the public are i requested to give him a call, at the stand formerly oc- • ! cupied by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner .Market ' SijUare and (tilleepie street. ' Oct. 1. 185?.. ^4-tf She«t Lead .and Lend Pi^>e. ot viiri F.'jyetti’ville, Nov. l-'i. 1>-V^ ■ Spring which they will sell at prices as low as t i be found in i anv m;ii'kr* S.*tith of ^las«»n and Dixon Line, to pur- chas.M-* who pay j'romjitly or buy for cash. .Merchants will find in thi'» m.arket good stocks, in al most every branch of tr.a le. and at prices which cannot iVii! to jilease. March 7, l^o L sri:\MKK TAIRV. rBiins IHMV ail'l comfortable P.\.SSKNGER BOAT M. has commenced her regular trips between this place and W ilminjrton. She will leave here everj' wr.liM.SDAV nil 1 S.VTt HD.VY at 1 •"»miuutesafter sun rise and arrive in W ilmiiijiton at I tot'P.M. Will leave Wllmingi III every MOND.V^ and THUilSD.X^, at ’J .. . I .1- 1’ M.. ainl arrive at Fayetteville next inorn- iiu' i"ir:' '.T'th piis«en!Z«-i'* ;m I freight. H M. ORRELL. ■\)2:eiit at Fayettevilltv Mareli IJ, l.^.M >-tf " i- t m Siiiinn(‘r viioixi: SM» i*i!nttn'ton ■ !:en'd a l a-j. und uiiu-^ual c irc, iii'i 1.- R.'tail Tr . le. In .ui' nyle.' :i!id .1."ipn' (■ 1 and ^iroca.ic'i >11’.'. - It.'-Hliini' .in.l u-'iii' 1 ;ic-.. Plaid beiii;: • i- (ii enadiiic': !:iiv Hti'i l'i-'*u.’'^. elnl.r:uiliV ■' the W WTEK)!!! GOOD BAKER, of «tim'V um!!T‘, reirular emp’. 'vmcnf an-1 v. ' 'i wav'-'- . HAS ;>-tt ville. .\pril 0, 1^'>1. .v.n ..'jtain \pplv s. n. BANK.I'. .'.'>tf BILI.IARD 'I AHIJ:s FOR rwi HE subscriber has tw,. lULLlAR!) TABLES whi. ii Jl he is desirous to di»-p .-e ■•!'. He will sell one .,r •b. with all the fixtures, at a very low j.rice. JAMEb HALES. -April o, _ 8.i-‘,t Spring and Smnmer Stork of BOOTS AM) SllO!:S. For E are receiving .>ur .SPRtNii A.ND Sl.MMLti w STOCK, consisting of ft large and general as- ^,1.1 Wreaths; Strr^w Trimininjr-- O.ipe 1 B aii'l lortment .T Gentlemen's. Ladies'. Mi'seb’ Children's BOOTS, (illTKRS, \W) SIIOI'S. Embracing every variety of style and fpiahiy. ^\ith a general asHiirtnient of Servantr .''hoe>,. —A LSO— Trunks; Calf, G^at, Lining and Bin'ling Skins: Lnst«; .*hoe Thread; with a large assortment of Shoe Fiu«iings. of which we will sell low for Cash, or on time to punetual customers. S. T H \W LEY i SON. .March ‘J7. _ ^2-Ow S(‘wiii^ MachiiH s. PATENT STRAIGHT NEEDLE PEl'.- ^ I'ENDICULAR A«'TIoN Miwiiia 'Jufliiu.'H, hich have acfjuire.l an unerjualled reputation ex- •■!'i(;nce in all parts of the world, for every variety ol f;. tj. *v J. ,i. H.VV 1". ju-it receive.I :.ii.l .-‘■lected ito.-’; ol SILK l.M) Fl\t\ DRV (i(H)IIS. V, hich have been -ic'e.-te.l with 'i jned nil re particu arly I'or the ■tock ma-y tie found all the late Ladies’ Drv>.^ Goijd-^: I'aticy p>^ pl.iin t'anarv Cid" 1 .i..; b'buk ir d..; ricii PLAID Ber.ige« an.l Ti rnge this ■-••a'.jn: i tiz'd and j superior jilain Bera>:e desirable color-*—pinks, l.lues. jrrc ns. black-i. wiiites, tans, can.ary;.. vVC.; printed Em' I an.l Swi:-3 .l;u onet-*: India and Foular.l Si'.kr; plain, fig .1 an.l j..:*; i ; liullvs; Orcrandie Lawn.-; Printed ^Iuslil..-; rreiicb. Kn-’.i-h .-lu.l .Vnii-rican (iinpham' and Prints. \c. FOK (iENTLEMEN S WE \R - Sui>* ri..r b!:i.-k nn i fancy col'il Cloths; black French; i uk y .'ord t'asi^imeres, inclu'ling some s].leii'iid patt**i*ii‘'; Italian and French Summer l’loth; i>rai> I' K?r~: t'aii'-y .i.r.I Linen Drilling.-; plain stripcl and liir ! ' ■; . .-' itin. and (Juilte'l Marseilles \ est;nus. Emb'.l Curtain Mullins: t iidi Curt r... D.iin 'I ■ Damask an.l Cloth‘S; Talile Napkin- and T .v.eliu--- l»ir'lr*-eve Mil.I Scotidi Drt]K*r-‘; l*i-l .-iii'l • o.t.-ii .''heetin2'^; L'.nen iiii'l t "tt"!! Pill'.w t M'inps; liucKa- back«; Swi" .lai'onet aii'i i’i iid \lu-';ii-; ll 'li- p aii I Lon- L:iwn.-.; r-tr'i.e .vv.',-- and T -;..’ M;i>.ii;-; ‘t.iwis aii'l bleache.l -hirtincs iiii 1 Sheeting''; 'urtaiii Frin-.. - ('.r;;s C..;,thr f..r -kirtiiiL- w. r t-d 1' -v-k :md ''I ;- .-i-illes do; Satin^; C. r-et do-. I L.\IN and D WlllTi. and COl/D CH.M’i; ."ilAW i': LACK \I .N- TLES and TAI.M VS; PL.MN and t Hi SILK ' ITTO; plain Linen, emb d an.l hem-stitched 11 aii'U* rcli•ef^: Kid ;’; twisti 1 Silk Milts; M.k and; Lisle Thn .i'l and Silk rn.l. r-liirt-; Ci ,-mi-. it-: Under- .^leeves: I'reiich W^Tkc.l ( S^^. ..- ..tiil ' anil^rii.* Edging- and Iniiertiu/'^; i'iirc.i i, Curt-n n;i'i Li-le E.Ii:- ings; Linen and Bohin dn; biack aii'l i .''iik \ eil-; f^reeu and br.iwn lU-iage X ei'.iug*^; white and f.i ■! Sii'^^ lliii.'-i n.-i; I’l.'in and ti;; 1 I)"l'inrt"'; l.i ick .''i:!i Nctfin^ f.-tr Mant’.es; t'»-4 wliit.^ P.eraire-; a:; I lis^;’e>- lor .I .: .''ilk p.fiiicbes; ll.min-t Linin^^ .an.l TaV.-. \rti;,i ial F ;.,wer- ecl- -; Fiort n. f Fire Screen^-, IIHKS NKW' cut.)!’ Mol \SSKS. | ■ju ri'jirt-H I’.jrk. In .1 : N. . :: Macl;ere!. r. ilo/.en s. W. C.illitis' Tiirpentino .\tos. ' null IKi. ..Ill N C. i’.acon. BENBOW. KVLE & Co Fell y -2:. 1 L 74tf S;t‘i4!u IjiL!;iurs—Faveltfvill^ Miinutaclure. i; are n. w j.repare.i with all the necessary mn- VT .ii;ner\ f -r ii;;iiuifa -t iring STE.\ M ENGINES. fio;u tivi’ t.. si\iy lior-'e p. wei. whieh we can lurnish .'11 as la. ■■raiiic T.-rnr a" any Northern e..*tablishment. Per ms in want of Kngine.i f,,r Mills. Bvat^. \c. will pen-.-;-.,- the adv.aiituge of having them made near home. Vii I'.npine ..ur own manufacture can be seen in ..’ler ition at ttie Fonii.'.rv. ' HALL .V BOLLlNt.ER. l»ee J, .'■>1-tf II. IIARHMIMI. / Fni/i tti riUf’, *\ . ^ r..''PEC TFl I.LV informs the j.ublic that he is pre pare.1 t. CNeeille PL.VN 11 every description— siich as St.ite and Court ll.a;.-e>. Pri? iIih, ,vc. M»", Chnrehe-, C. tta;.'!'-. .n 1 ot)ier public aiel private •i. 1'..^. Bri . i; . is, all with Spei'ificatioi.s iin.i ('.'iitrM. ts nia.b- f-r lio- --'mo. lie wi’.' also supf'i- ;nten.l ai: kiH l- of v. r\. Order- u re. ei\c prompt nttention, and I’Imu! drawn II I ^.'tit t. anv I art "1 the > ouiitry at short notice. De.. ; t. 1 ■ ■ ,"):i-Om s;:i:i) o \ rs. J. \ T Feb'v i K 1' W ADDILL. 71tf MILLl.'iLRl AND tll.\i'l.l'}HKIM!, .Firs. Wat ton 'ilks and Marcelains; I’apci ilnnging Wall Paptring, \c. Ac. A largo lot 111' MuU-.-'kiii rm'l white and (li:ib Titavcr fclAT:?; }’au;tma. I..-^hnrn, .Vlbnni, (’.iiia- (liiiii, Straw and otlior styli'"* SI ^i .^lKjl 11A I’."; 13oys’ au'l Youth.'’ ilo, in ^n'cat \ari.-ty; lar-c as- .sortmcnt. fasiiiunalile Straw JJunut't.-; Mi.-si ^’ Hi.n- nets and Flat.-.; line Calt puuip-.s-li' and otlur Boots; rongn-v;, tl alters and Shoes; Jjudit's’ C'lingress (laitiT.^, Jissnrtcd cokirs; whit'', bronzt' and l\id .''iipper.s, \c. .4 hni\ih>jm> lot 'lothimj, >/ .1 vvy siiprioi' mi-l , -/ / ii ri) o'l'ijil '■>»', S^i'i't-', ^ ! n'!' f'i'ii'ifs uii'l .SV-I'mhr'lla.-i mill 1^11 iii.oih; Tnirrlli,i,f (.'ar- j)i f Ba/js. nitil ]’tiliris, d •. t '-. (l‘-. sewing, (ire now ofTerei at the reduced cash jirice ot i .^viIl be sold on as !icc(iiiim..datir.;x term ''NK HUNDRED DOLLAl'.s. The clear profit from '.ue use of these machines is from S.jOO to $D)UU a '. »ar. depending on the kind of work done. We wish to call the attention f nianiifacturers par- ■ larly t' 'Ur newly invente.i an.I entirely original Machine to Sew with a Single Thread. Thi Hisiniiiient i so mliiiu. ble ,n c.iitiivaao-. an.l p>-rUrt n .jn-ntion !»nd re-iilt, that It coiiiiiiand-. the nnnu:*lifi d up Vi', ol Hit who undcr^,tHnil Ihe »rl ofSewmit !>y iu-a. liin-ry. l i.r ‘*‘t\ atitrhiiig ihi- the only machine that c.'iii make a "»hirh will reiiinin distinct and IjeHiitituI aticr w.islilnir. t ..r.ihoe " jrk nnd every *ort of leather Sewini:—''h(> iinkint:—M«tlrc.>se\ •w,d all riewing in which GllK.A'l' S'rKK.N/ril • *I SK.A.M I.'- RK (il’lKKll the work >f th'^ mai hlne r:\nn lie i cmalled It is more ..niple in its coiihtruction «nd much iiior«* e:\^il^ iiiHiiBm'd and ope ' .ted than «ny other. Here-.fier wp shall W-pre,,nreil t.> mipply a viirieiy ol Sr.uin>'.n*-^- cai'h p-rlert and ( ..inpleie ol in kind, it the ffdl.iwinc eiv-ih vnr*»^. J. e KTul =-huille mHrhlni* ol' •'tylc "H woii.ifii box "2 *lo nn Iron fruin*' % J. ilo ih ii*-\vly inv«ril**u feed ^iiruon iitnl r 4 ihrpud»*il nin» h\nftn unen nn»l ochrr htjlu Hew hii r» iU> kn :ui(l ^ any loou other house in the place, ei'her it V, u ,:.->.il The trading public wouM d>.. well to fore iiurchasilig. L. L. .V J. A PEMi’KRToN, Hay Street. .March Ib.jL DIU'GS AND MI:J)ICINIvS. Sa/nurl J. Hinsdale KS now receiving large ad.litions to his Stock DRUtiS. MEDICINES, .tc sale at as low jirices as they ! State. Market S'lUare. March li?., IS.,1. SHOOKS WANTKI). TH^HE Subscri’oeiwant to purchase any ‘luantity ol m the above named article; those having th‘ saU'e for sale will do well to call on iih at the .Siore No. i. : Green Street, North of the Market, after the tirst of of ., which he otl'ers for an lie obtaiiie.l in the S. J. HINSDALE, f..r 'h'«- w.-iK -.n.t l(.(vth*‘r .*tilrliliiji Sl-j with iipparMtii.. ;.i biii.l niiitlr-n>es Ai.c. JanuHiv. De. . 1 ». IS.' W. HENRY. IlKNP.Y. .'..'I if H .li, i|.i of extra Mjr.e for iiiuliiii^'r.mi lliiinas *1(0. ■i iln ' ; iHriter li/.p for f|iiiltinn I'xira -1/.. linin"- ^il.'.o ,.i do do adapted to lap' . iMslHcvci fc:. , *,6: 1 Kiiitir.iidfriiii/ \i«. bine iiiiikiii(! Nil .iniiiiiii’iit-.1 -i.l. ti \ ill. -.0 threiids >irUl. ij. .MHrhiiie!* ot larce .~evviii(> aw inin;.' .'irnl ah futures and apparaini complete from .>100 lo i;l.%00. Mii.h.nes vtdl be fttl»*d for any iinii'iinl iiprnllarity ol iv.irk ' ii i*‘’i>oiialile terms. Th« M» tiines arc «pciir.'lv packed tr,r,\ r-iruiinin to liny part of ihe v\orld, and lull pruned Inr 'ni? snil keepini; them in onler are fnr'i^sh.-d iv ith .‘ ich iii Iiiae Ml ! hlno necdlvn. Silk t«i“l un s|mm>U—3 cor.l linen tiirp.ol . ilway» (in hand and for sale at low.'it rash prirp... Principal iJIfire. .No. Itroadvviy. V liRAVi II orn Ks ^'.iith K.iurth Streit Philniielplii.a. 1.'',!) nalliniorp Street fl'ilii- luore 47 Hanover ■■Street, Kostoii. lUT Kliii Street. f’InrinnHti 1. M. SINGER AC CO. New York, March 20, 1864. ot |1M jlll 8:^*Bmpd .lOiLN ilARM.VN l’,"-poi'ttiilly infi.rtii-: hi.- tVicnds and the pulilic. that lie h;.s rem.ived fr.itn the Hotel at the fool of Hayni..unt to the larger nnd more comnyidious Hotel in the centre i.f Town, recentlv oiviipied by Mrs. i>rov\n, and \7eil known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where lie will be hap- : pv to accommoilate Travellers and Boarders. No ex ertions of himself aii'l family will he sjiared to render those coinfortatde who may favor him with their ccun- ^ pany. i Fuyetteville, N. C., June 3, 1853. 20Utf ' U 'W n -eiving her lall .and Winter MILLINI-R^. con^istin...; • : I’x'iinets, from one dollar to fifteen; Dreti C.'IT,..: Handkerchief*; French .\rtificial H.wcrs ■in.l Fe-;ii'iers; Swiss Edgings an.I Insertings; Capes. Cel lars aii'l rnderslcevea; Ladies’ and Childrens Wrist Gloves, an.l b’tig and short Mits; a new and beautiful stock of Dreps 'rrimmings of the latest style; \ civet and Silk Mantillas; Kail way Corsets; Whalebone Busks. Dresses. .Mantillas, and Cloaks made in the latest Pliiladelphi.i and New \ ork styles. All orders from the country promptly attended to. Oct. 1H.'>:I. ^3tf 1- \(ri s CANNor Hi: Donn'Kr). /,./ ill' .WIrftil refill unil ponder'. ^ J- itiaii .'.'111 iTcrsiins in the rity i.f Rii hiiiond. Va.. alone ii-ni . :n Ip, r.' rares p. rtoriiiPd liy 4'arter'^s Spanistk ,lti.rtni'e. I I'hi. (Teal ,S|.rlii" V!i-.lirine mil I’liiifier o| ihn I’ ih now lioed I li\ liiinilreus .>i I'riieial (..ttinits. who testify daily lo the remark ‘ ai.'e cures |i|.|t. rim’d li> llie i:re.'i!eM ol all iiieiluin«s. I'.irlrr’K Siiaiiish Mivture .\eutnleia. Uhfunialisiii, Scroliila Kriiptionson iPtt Skin, l.!\er I>i,ensp, fi vi r'. I'lcers, Old Sores. .Mleclions of the K..lne\-.. Ii.-^ea-es of the Throtit. l emale C.implnlnts. Pains i and Achini: of the l,« an.l Joaits, are speedily imt to lliifht hy ■ ii'ine llii.» i;r. at and ino^liiiiahx- remedy . mU d;*ea*p-i cif the HI0..1I, n.ithinc has ypt heen fonr.d to com pare wilh It It rlciinse-^ the system ..fall impiirities, act- gently .111.1 ctfirienlly on the Liver iiiid Kidney , strencthons the riicestiim, (lives tone to ilic Sioiiiach. niakr- the Skin rlrnr and henlthy, and rust..ri’s the ..n-t.liit...n, i-iil* i*Metl l.y ilibt'H.e or broken down li> the e\i'i'.e-i o;'youth, i.i .t vijior and strenclh. Ihe I.H.lies. It is iiiicoiiip:iraiily lieiter lhan all the rosnietics pvt r u»e«l. .\ few do^es of ( .irte.’s Spanish .Miiture will rem.ive all snT.ow ness of complexion, bring the r.'ses niaiitlinE to ihe cheek, rive ••lasticity to Ihe step, nnd improve the (jeneral health in a re m:irk:.|ile de(:r e. bevoiid all the iiiedirines ever heard of. larce nii'nlH-r of cerlilicates of remarkable cures performed m iwrsons residing in the city of Itichniond, Va., by the use of far icr’-. SiiHnlsh Mivliirf, is the be^l evidence that there is no hum biiL' ab.iiil it ’I'he press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men. well known to the comniiinlty, all add their testi iimv 10 tiio elfects of thi^ f.KlAT m.oOD >’i RtFlER. Cnll and spr a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. N,.lie eenuine unless signed HK.NNKTT &. HF.KKS. Urugtiists "principal Depots at M. Ward, Close & Co., No. 83 Maiden l.atie. New York; T. W'. Dyott & Sons, and Jenkins Hartshorne. Philadelphia; Bennett & Beers. So. I-') Main Street. Richmond, Va. .And for uale by S. J. HINSD.XLE, Fayetteville. Feb'y l ‘>, IS.V.*.. ' Vahidhlr fn/ornuiiion to the Puhlic. i ENTLENn'A w ishing to supply themselves for the W npjiroaching S]iring and Summer, with tine and ftishioiiable Garments, will lind it to their great advan- in;r,> to call on me before purchasing cl.sewhere, as I ha^e )ust returned from the Northern Cities with a fine lariie'cheHp aii‘1 well selected assortment of U«-a«Iy-T3ali riolhiiijf, Shirts Collars, ('ravats an.l other Furnishing Goods; Boots and Shoes; Travelling Trunks. Valises, Carpet P.iigs; Walking 'Miies; Looking Glasses; Umbrellas; India Hublter Overcoats, Leggings and Sandals; Oil Cloth Coats, Pants and Jackets; together with a large ;\ssortnienT .»t iiovs' and \ ouths’ Coats, Pants and \ ests, ' H VTS AND C.VPS. GEORGE BRANDT, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., between tlie Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. March 1, 1864. 7§-tlM Dll. STRONG’S COMPOUNP SANATIVE PILLS. and are a iiiokt »>u|M>rior in the cure of all Bilious Complaints, Chills nnd Kever, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds. Loss of Appetite, Obstructed and painful Men- atruatiou, and all lingering; diseases. As a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and j when taken according to the directions, they never fail i to cure very worst c.ases of after all other i remedies tail. Tli«*y purify tlic l»loo«l, «‘qiialix* tli«* «.ir«*ulatiuii, r«‘Ntur«'* the l..iver, Ki«tii‘y*>, and otlior S4> r«‘tory Orgaii«i to a li«‘altuy tOll«‘ Ulld nrtioii; and as an .Vnti-Bilious Family Medieiue they have no equal. Price '2:> cents jier liox. —ALSO— 1)K. STRONG’S I’FA I'ORAL STOMACH PILLS. ; A reined v for Coughs. Ctdds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Croup, ' Whooping t’ough, Astlinia. Consumption, Nervous ! Diseases, Dyspepsia. Costiveness. Erysipelas, Disease of the Heart, Intlammation and Pain iu the Chest, Hack an l Side, and all diseases arising from a .]e- ranged state of the Stomach, and to relieve the dis tress and had feeling frc*n eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ! fB'IHESE I’ills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, and : M .\perient One '2x> cent box possesses three times j more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of j anv of the Syrups, Balsams, or Sarsaparillas, that whs | ever made, and u simple trial of only one box will prove ' this important truth. ! Tlioy proiiiot‘ Ekp4‘ toratioii, louM‘it tli‘ 4'loai' tli‘ L.iih;{« and oilier »N‘T«*lory Orfjaii* of all morbid matter, and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia Medica capable of imparting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vital Organs as these Pills. Tliey ‘uro Co**tiv*iH‘»»s produce a K*od reeular .\pp‘tlte, and «itreiiKtlien the Kyttem. Price li>') cts. per box. containing ‘J-') doses of medicine. Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the • Planter's .Vlmonac" gratis, giving fu!’ j.articulars and certificates of cures. iioth kinds of the above-named I’ilL- are for sale in Fa' utteville by S. J. Hinslale. aud J. N. Smith; who also keep a supply of Sp^uctr'ii VeijHahh I’lHf. and !>'. Hull's Cfl'brated I’llh. which stop the Chills in.l Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach ,>r operate on the bowels. [l*>-\ ] FALL SUPFLlEfS. I HAVE now in Store a full assortment of GRO CERIES. PROVISIONS, and other Goods suitaV>le for the Fall .and W inter Trade, and which I offer for, or in exchange for Producc of almost any kind. I have always on hand—Flour, Meal, (’orn. Rice, Ba con. Lard. Butter. Cheese. Crackers, Salt, white Clari fied and Brown Sug.ars, Rio and Jioa Cotfee, Tea, Mo lasses. Vinegar, Fish. Cig irs, Tobacco, Snutf, Candles, Soap, Starch, Spices, Candies, Pepper, Buckets, Brooms. ! wrought and cut Nail». Powder. Shot. Percussion Caps. ; and a good assortment of Dy« Stuffs; with many f>t'n»i ^ things in tbs^ Grocery line. —ALSO— A good assortment of Diy Goods, Boots and Shoes, j Negro Blankets aud Kerseys, and a good assortment ot I Readv-mnde Clothing. Call and buy cheap, j • W. H. CARVER. I October 25. IHfi.'l. :l9-fim C1LV l7l N KS, eo.VFt: f Tio^vE r , W HOLES\LK AND RETAIL DEALER IN h'ori Kiii Frinlii, ^'}/ts, ('h/ars, Tnharrit^ Smq), tir. stkkkt, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1S5'.5. _ 7;)tf RAVNKR cV (ilL.MOlii:, €'om in ihhion ^Iterrlt an f No l.M WATER STREET. VORK. waehks g. n*VNFit.) 1’s R. ! References: Messrs. Francis .Skinner Co., N>-»v 'ioik Lord, Warren f'o.. “ E. Kidder. Esq., W ilnilnslun, N. C J. H. FInnner, •• “ .Vtuofl Wttile, Esq., \e'.rliein, iJ. A; W. .McLaurin, Fuyetiaville. ja^*(’ust.imftry advsneos made on Naval St..r--‘ ti' Nov. 1H.^;!.’ 4SVp.t 80-C.m J. i:. LA\VRi:\('K, Fayetteville, N. C. September, U. M. ORRELL, FllR\V.iRl)l\U rinniissiux )lEBtHA.\T \T ‘ Favelteville, .If. V. i March 10, 186*1. _ * WILkTnsON & ESLER, DEALERS IN ! Con/fctiimiirij. Funiijn Frui'ti^, To/xi/'.-o, and Snuff, I AND IMPORTERS OF j m Pt:KIOR HAVANA ( IGAR«, AT Wm»l,ES.\l.K AM> RKTAIL. Market St,, Wilmington, W. C. ,\ug. 7, 1861. lltf MALl7l?fT ll^^Tll^R, Grocern anti CommisHton tlier- chantH^ 135 Front street, NEW YORK. I’. MALLKTT.] [.T. I’ALL.MIK.R Avigust l*j. IS-'»‘.J. IStf WILfJAM IL ALARSJL Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT. BROWN S Rl lLIHNt;, WATHU .^TliKKT, WILMlNGT(n, N. C. .\GE.NT FOR THE BRIITIIEH.S STE.\)1 lJU.VT COliPWY. Usual Advances made on Consignments. Feb. 2. 185L "Ir A ri- i- -V' n** Hv (illGO LAljfir.H T\V0‘l)(lURS ABO\F f. f. IIIKJII .v SON'S STOBfw Fay‘tlovillr, i\ Jan’y JO, IS.'")} *‘^^y~P'^ _ i\dhE\is 6i m\\ ‘ No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COM>HsSlON MEIU'UANTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF (V)Uonari(l \V oolit'ii .Marliincry, Mu- ciiiiiists' 'I’ools, Lcallicr Bollint*; iVc., —ALSO— flautilUeliirer’^ Arlicleii” OF EVERY l»ESCRIPTlON ('ofiipiLsin^' lieliiD^, ('ard H(»l)l)ins, Shuttles, I’ickers, Holler Skins, Roller Cloth, Oils, (S:c. Dec. '27, 185n. >>(tt MOORE, HENSZEV vV ( O., SITCESSORS TO WM. T. HOWELF, .•£ (''o.. Jmporteri cud ]\hol»mh' Drakn in K ■ ..m. ■«. Bi» m.m~ .-'m. No. Market Street, PniJ.AI)ELPHL\, KtKl* COSST.\.\Tr.l ON HAM> .V L.VKr.K .VSSoHTME.M Uf I Hardware, Cutlery, Gruns, &c., WHICH they will dispose of on as goods terms as any house in the I niteil States. ! Orders by mail or oth^'rwise put up with cnie and I forwar.letl with despatch. A discount of Six per cent, allowed for cash in par I funds. ; Jan’y 2o, If’fiL 04-;impd I look TvT THIS! ^H^lIE subscriber is prepare.! and qualitied to fBlHE subscriber is prepare.! and qualified to de spatch all orders for Paper Hanging, having on hand a tine assortment; among which maj' he found the ().>>k und .Marble patterns. He also carries on the •Mattress-making and Painting, of all descriptions. Call ou him at No. 7 Gr.’^en street. R w. hf:nry. .lan’v D'l, 18.‘)4. *»2tf t'()PAUT.\i:ilSllll>. ri'^HE undersigned have entered into a copartnership I under the style and title of JESSUP & CO., for the distillation of Turpentine, and the Grocery busi ness in Campbellton. Our Still will he on Water Street, a few yards north of Clarendon Bridge. We sh.all keep a general assortment of Groceries in the brick store on Main Street. J. McD. JE.SSUP. C. P. JONES. W M. G. BARF.EE. | Feb. 13. 1864. 70-3m i P. ,S. This Goiairti>ership does not affect rtie tirm u Jones Barbee, which is still contitiued. ~TKi)Y^ifc“WATiSII HAVE ON HAND; New Crop Molasses, Sug;ira, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Ntiils, Hardware, Cutlery, Window Glass, Putty, Blacksmith Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Ad:i- mautine and Tallow Candles, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cotton Cards, Saddles and Bri dles, Snuff, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., Wliich they offer ^t wholesale and retail. —ALSO,— MesB Pork, Bacon, Lard, Meal (Fresh.) Dried Fruits. Cabbage, FRESH up country Butter, j^' W'e are Agents for the sale of Stoddard’s Cele brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. Y. prices. Igfcjy-Manufactured Tobccco at Factory prices. Jan’y '2S, 1854. *^*’-tt if"^:UAin^l/LS C'^on Yarn and Sheetings, for sale '17-tf T. C. WOR'riL GKNERAL COMMISSION MHRCHANT. WlLMlN(/rON, N. (’. Usual advances made oi\ consignments of Cotton, Naval .Stores, iiii.l other Produce. Particular ;ittention given by G. W. D.WIS to pur chasing 'argoes, procuring Freights for Vcs.5cls, \c. Jrtii’y 17, 18')L i.l-lY C\ \ R. G. WORTH, Connnission Forwarding Merchant BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, IViliiiiii^toii, C. Usual advances made on consignments. I Jan’v 17, 1854. >3-1Y JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, c o nmsniwo AND EOR \V A RDL\( J MERC H A NT, n^ilminffton, .V. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign j ments, and ('ash advances made on Produce to be ship I'he Siil>scrih(“r still con tinues to carry on the ( .\BINET Bl Sl- NL.'“.'' in 1 a.vctt'*viric. aud iu addition to his Establishment on Bow Street, n.'ar Kcclcs's Bri.lge. has opened a large W.\RE ROOM ou Uay street. uc»ily ..pposite the Fayetteville i Hotel, and otic door East of Nje^-rs. Hnigh \ Son's, i where n jicncral assortiiieiif ol FLRAITLRE, Made by competent aud faitliful workmen, may be had at prices corresponding witJi the times. .Mso, an as- • sortmcnt of Northern-made FUltNITURE, selected by » ; himself which will bo soM at a very moderate .advance 1 DUNCAN McNEILI- I Nov. 10, 1851. -3fetf ped to ot'icr ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1H51. ’»7y J. S. ILVNKS, ;?lereliant, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. 10, 185:{. WILLIAM A. GWVER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT Wilmington, Ik. € 2Ptf I U E keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk’s celobra 1 .ML ted METALLIC BURIAL CASKS, which kave I been highly recommended by Willie P. Mangum. Henry I Clay, Lewis Cass. Wtu. U. King, nnd many other il- ustrieus characters, who have esamiued and witnessed their utility. ; fH^HE undersigned, having purchased .Mr. Tho.s. h j i Lutterloh's Distillery and Cooper-shops, have ' entered into Copartnership under the name of McLnurin I & Strange, for the piirpoie of carrying on the Distille- ‘ rv of T’tn'entiiie, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar- I r'eld D. McLAURlN. W.M. McLAURIN. I JAS W. STR.A.NGK Feb'y IH, iBoS. TOtf ■ M)TU'E. 1 Jj|r aVING purchased the stock of Materiel on hand 1 JLM. at tl;e Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, ; and having engaged the services of Mr. .1. . Lally, j whose work gives such general and entire snt..sfaction. 1 I am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber PERSON.\L attention given to the sale or shipment Wagons, Hoad agons. Carts, Drays. W heel mrrows, Acc. of Naval .Stores. I have ample facilities for con- 1 have on hand and will constantly keep a goo sup- ducting the business; large wharf and store sheds to i ply of Iron Axles, Chains. Bolts, and in short every keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will be shipped ' thing that the W agon-maker can need. ^ / at Factory prices, by TROY & MARSH. May no, 18,'-)3. ^^tf 2,000 /i/j/.v. Fur pent inc Wanted^ 17I0R which the highest cash prices will be paid. McLEAN & JONES, Summervill, N. C.. May 18. IS-*)”. ^ ^To(TiTiywXuE). ANAW VY from the subscriber, two Negro Girls | and four Children, viz: MARTHA, a bright mu- altto. five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children, Frances and .\nn; HANNAH, copper colored, about the same height of Martha. Hannah took with her two male children, Lewii and John. The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate of George T. Bark.sdale. ami are eupposed to be lurking about the Cape Fear, ab«ut Mr. Winslow’s plantation. The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET R. PETERSON. SeplwnbM «, liW. 26-tf to any house in New York, or to other markets if advi- j sable, and liberal cash advances made on consignmeirts. i I refer to tlie following distillers; E. Hantium, Wayne county. | E. H. Woodard .S: Co., Earpsborougn. W. Ear)), •■ I A. G. Thornton. Johnston county Bridges & Durham, .... j I). Hocatt, “ ‘* j Spencer Fountain, “ •• H. Eatman, •• “ Smith, Bryan 1% Co.. *• B. R. Hinnant, Esq. •• “ Lovett Peacock, Columbus county. Messrs. Jones & Leach, Fnyetteville. May 20, 185:i. ’ OnY STTvliR cV WllXlAAlS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and MMomestir Dry Ooods^ HAY STRKET, Fayetteville, N. C. .T. B. STARR.] [-T- M. WILLIAMS April 28, 1852. COrrON BAGGING Timber Wniions, with the improved Iron Axles, made to onler at th.- shortcHt notice. I have 10 good and competent Workmen at the busi ness, and will give it my whole and undivided attention. Mv prices shall be as moderate as the times will ad mit, and I will challenge any Wiijcon-maker in the I ni- ted States to e.jual ray work either in point «f style or durability. _ THO.S. C. ^ ')ct. 20, 1850. FULLER aytf TOBA('CO. f^lHE .suV..scriher continues t" receive and sell, on I mauufacturers' account, all grades of manufac- Tobacco. -J UTLEY. May ai. IB.VJ. 5(MK0r0(» ll)s. Cotton and LiiuMi RA(iS wuntt'd. f JlHE subscriber will pay the highest inarket price B for anv .luantitv of cieaii Linen and t otton Lag.'* 8t;tf IHAVE a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, and Bagging Twine. Send in your orders and they shall be supplied, JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 8. 1853. 32tf Feb’v 1854. DAVID MURPHY. ■Jtf TOIiACt'O. WF have on hand several lot^ ol 'lobacco, which 'we will sell at lower prices .according to quality, than can be had of any other houseJn^Town.^ Dec. 29. 1853. & T. WADDILL. 57-tf