the . expr, th.. •H mm . the: tl* h l,i.« . lf‘ e ai, plai «nih *ick !p»s: >uth K'la I' ver unt fr. isiwt ( n I iit.i |’'‘>nts; ' 'I'erinr art;. •^- part va. tt- "■‘j, "ai- "mi V ^ 'fs ar.l ^C'-nei "i| El cow:.'^"^ Lac; ^ry fine, ®n«>u - ., tts, ■: iR: Kv Jiifant-, ^rchicK 1 Col hlk ll:,^ of at.l *rr' S mere,: -; 4 ''assiraere, ; >ih: bui ^ silk, Jisv’ o«mont ,f rir ' imask and Emb'*^ ”'K- -M - 'IlCheL' h i!’’"' • an,l U, , Hati; I »n’s fl iP Oaiter are ’ ' "«■ - rtnined to ■•■ tl- ,raa«, ^‘ettlp «;., n .aivi W(lu! ! ! indu. -itc: •awns. Suninitr ;‘?s fini and M-tf J.i: »nl prej .red -- .ra'.k N K Ha! ' 11a U ' i;v, N I> ^'II.LIAMII, ^EMi. vv M' I.ALRIN -'I' In: vre t. resi'i • ey. :arj. COU;: Tf. ust ■: nonstr itf'i t jpwar • > Mutu , ^ r • kejif ■ imfiH! ' - ■ H ind . ■ ed • ■ • ■ y th*i.': ■ ■ .- e aro :s in ■ -' • -If • we « ii.r, 1- - -a rk >0 A i-.t- • IT t it •■:■* ■ 7 a -id ion f;i IS t'. ’ plac* or >■ ot i,.t- •e I»r ■ •‘‘PI" ‘PI'-- NK 7 li \/N//. t-ma.. : = 36 beeii • ■- •' !.-d t ts a: e till to - has •-• Jevoi Ir. : 1 inv..t; n rhe ri -; ' - "G‘ » shes ' '■ 't it aper.. 'ver aU • V • ' ...r- A et, III. ■ ■• - ‘i i- rate. TH" 4 ■a I ^t‘•f -o JC .-ILL :) siiavinj rms idiii': thmt- fOUHi pr‘i H. >mei lUge. :IEA.- tittir:. [le w ADI‘ vrhci- i« d>' liir J a • ./ir J' (exr- V' aiTi'-i veB ■ ^ ne f"r ' ndav" ''• id arr ■■' leave- it ‘1 4 p. ' 3 Fn> ■' urri - nect '• r. .= f ti .t -• i! M ;;,t t, .''IlH'* rt-; *' ■ ‘ - .-■ ;■ '* - P 1-'. llJS M VS. beHi [•' ;/ir. .-.iturdftV' ' the O'”'-' *,vitti.vr.« ine.-'la.'-*' - at lem 1 ■K. p. • •'lllP da^y tie Uai-^* i - 1 i ™ ‘^:N >N tf pit' if,.. SriisOJi- ^ ari‘1 (. H Fi M I-W E Fi K L. 1 VOL. III.] FAYKTTFAILLK, N. (\, APRIL 20, 1H:>L [NO. ,,\ r.i> M.'M'AVS AND TllUUSDVYS. ( l)WVHI) J. HALK & SOX, I’lr.iHS ANl» riiOlMUKTOHS. 11‘kly UusERvr.K UO if paid iii ■ , ' ■■' it pni'l during the year of subscrip- ;• Si '"tor (he year has expired. W-eK’y •insrBVER •'J2 00 per anuuin, if paid in ., . SJ ;•(' it paid during tlie year of subscrip- . - > . li;' after the year has expired. !'U''^''E^^CNTS inserted for sixty cents per ’.■ Ihu-.-* for the tirst, and thirty cents for oacli | , f !iublir.*ition. onrly ailvertisemciitb by spc- i , at rea>'>iia>ile rates. Advertisors !ire ; qti i ti state the number of iuj«ertion3 desired, or j ,w.. ,• I'ontinuoil till forl'id, and oharged iiceord Is^dT Letters tii the F.dit>.rs must be post-paid. ILVXK OF i\\V\: FKAK,? Ariui. 12, 1651. ^ Dl VIl>i'I!%'■>.—Tlie lioiird of Directors have de- elared a »eini-Mniiual Dividend of Five per coat., payable on and after the 1st Mav next. M. R. S WAGE, Casb’r. April 13. 81-tlM C'OPAU rNFKSlIIP. I'M'KK the name and style of U.\MSEV liRO.. •^0 undersigned have this day become Copartners I'ry Gi-.'d>, Grocery and Hardware Business. , [” -?ite S. T. Hawley \ Son, Hav Street. Fav- . ... N. r. M. J.' UAM.'^EV.* N. A. KAMSEV. RAMSKV ^\TMo~ Groeerx^ ^r., HAY srUEET. FAYE'ITEVILLE, N. 0. 17 EEl* I’onstantly ou liand every thing in thicr line IBk. of bu.'iness, and will ..;try produce bought ■ i sell at the lowest rales, taken in exchange fur IHIL HOII) Oil \() lUlL ROtD! CLAUk vV W wODWAUlVS C'!()t I) j! i «;• Im i i {)>ri n in. Shemwi^ll lloiis(‘, iilil ■rders will tneet with prompt attention. 11. 18o4. ^7■tt >. HI IH, Builder and I tulertalrcr, 1' : ri'p'ired ti- execute contracts of from to ■j. itU and upwards. Wm i « Hliuds, Sash, Glass Doors, and all kinds of • and plain work warranted to give saiisfac- !'■ may be found on in.juiry at .Mr. Jesse W. ■tti ville. .\pril 12, 1J54. HAY! 13.\LES—a prime and for sale V«y 1%4. hT-Cnipd 100 17. article—just received A. J. O'HANLON. 8H-4t i prln^ Importations, 1854. VOOK A* their usual SlMll.N'G .'>T>rK, ■ : :: V,- rccviving r ;,.' .ra.;ing ‘;rt.irv ami I'utlery. (ilassw:in- ainl ('rockorv. : r>' and Turpcutiiie Tool.-^, and (jr(.>oeries, r with their varied assnrtnicnt, which has been : > view t'^ Will >l^t’.S.VLK. and t> which t!i" attention of dealer* in this market. »r- V,-.- rii'eive prompt attention. :iN 11. fui.K. KORKllT JoHXSfN, 7. 1-14. v^-St .V ’■"'k of Sprui^- and Smniner (ii)O(U. i ■.:v . 'V ILLl.VM.'' are now rfiei\ing their necon>i ! >pring and Summer Dry '.ioods, H'nuet>, tfhoes, Htiot.-, aud Kcady- Made I’lothitig, ; witiiiu the la.-t two weeks by one of the lirm. N vHiern .Maricts, at great!;, reducel price* -ar;y part of the S. i':.n, and will lie disposed .'.»>alo -'Uyer' on accommodating terms. \Sv . 'snii. : ition ui our (io-'d', by .^lerchants buy- L.- 'I-rki-t. All ■ir'ier.'* [>r •mptlv alT-ndo 1 t" .--iAlUl. .1. .M UILLIAM.". ' ' ' l''>4. f'Ml IVii; \ I. \V -criber ha.- A.ND FAN «;>v>Ds. ..St r>-.fived iiis st .es liANK OF CAl’i: FFAKJ .\PK1I, 12, 1S.V4. ^1 HE .Vnnnal Meeting of the Stockholders will be I held at the Hanking House in Wilmington, on the l.-:t day of May next. H. U. S.VV.VGF. Cash’r April l;?. H8-tlM Ai:\v s'roiir. Spring and Summer €HOOiPS. ^1 '^Hl* subbcribers respectfully announce to the people I of Fayetteville and its vicinity, tliat thfy have opened a NEW STOKE, containing a large Stock of Which will be sold at Northern Prices. In our Stock may be found the late styles of Ladies’ DllESS CJOODS; F'ancy Brocaded Silks: rich fig'd and plain black Silk, at all prices; Lawns; French .laconets. Muslins, and Tarltans, in great variety; a very fine article of bl.-ick Alpacas. Ginghams, and I’rints: I'iano ami Table C’ov ers. Also a handsome lot of Embroideries, consisting of enib'd Collars, Sleeves and Chcmizetts; Jaconet, Cambric and Swiss Edging and Inserting; Linen ('am- bric Handkerchiefs; emb’d liitto; a fine lot of Crape Shawls, Veils, Silk an.i Kid (iloves. Hosiery. Honnets, Hibbons, Table Cloths. Irish Linen, \c. large lot of H.VTS. vi/: Moleskin and l>rab Reaver Hats. Straw Hats all styb's; Straw l>ouuets, .Misties’ lU'unets .'ind Flats. A fine lot of R(M)TS and SHOES, \c. -V large nssortinciit of JEWELRY; Gol i Ear-Ring*. RiTM>t I’ms. a variety of (!.i!d and .'Silver Watches, (told F'.b iind Vest Chains, xc. Together with the largest and fint-st stock of RE.V- 1>\ -NL\1)E CLOTHI.NG ever befi're offered in this mar ket; Fine black Cloth Frock and Sack Coats; also fine brown, blue and green .Summer Cloth Coats: a fine bit ot black .Alpaca Coats. A large assortmen. of 1‘ants: fine black l>oe-skiu (\issimere I’auts; fancy Cassimere Pants, Ht all prices. A line lot of V»‘st-; white, butV. and fancy .Marseilles Vest*; black Satin and fancy Silk Vests. \c, A handsome lot of Chiths and ('assimores; Gents' tine Linen Shirts, Collars, vVc. Persons wishing to buy would Jo well to call nn 1 ex amine our .Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we arc Jeterinineil to sell cheap. sen LOSS vS: Mo('ORMI('K, }Iay street. 1’. S. Clothing of all kinds for Roys of from four to sixteen years old. ■\pril lo. 18o4. Sstf noi sF, si(^\ and ouxamf.nt- AI. PAi\'i'IX(;. ^■IHE uBdfrsigned having lately arrived from the North, wishes to inform tin* ciiiiens of Fayette ville and vicinity, that he has jtist opened a Shop on Muml'or 1 street, in the upper part of .Messrs. Pier & Rriinin's Carriage P..epository. and is now prepared to ruffive al! orders for all kinds of House. Sign and i (rnr.mental Painting; Or lining. P.iper Hanging, Person's wishing '■uch work done will lo w»*ll t- call and see my specimens of workmaM-.hip. Window Shades furnisiic i to order; al.~o Sashes, Blinds and Doors, at the lowest market price. All Work executed with neatne-^.^ and desputcii. Only give me a call; I im bi un 1 t.. please. Ht)RV’E W BLACK. i Jan’y 1‘J, I’lltf i'a'jcttvvillc and ihninrtmi i’Assi:.\(;i:« ij.m:. JTL.^.MER ■•FANNY LI’VTEP.LnH i.-uv. s promj.t- ly as follows; Fayetteville (>n Monday and Thurs day morning, at l.'» mir.ute« nfrer sun-rise, precisely; and U ilmiiigtoii on ^ue^dHV' ;ind Fi ;dav«. ;it l'.i ■)'c’ock. T. S. LlTTEULuH. .>Iarch 1^7. l"'=t. '':;ti fk E have iust received our Spring ▼ ¥ Stock of t A S H I O N A RLE C li O T II 1 N (i, consisting of Coats, some of the finest ever offered in this ' market by us, ranging in jirice from !i>l to Onr 1/inen Coats are veky , tasty, very good, and very cheap.— i Pants, a very large, varied, and cheap ! assortment. Vests, in any (luantity, ' ijualiiy, and iirice desired. i Together witli a large stock of CLOTHS, CASSI- I MLHKS and VKSTI.NGS, fliat we will make uj) to or- [ dir. in the best manner and at reasonaV)le prices. In all cases we warrant to give perfect satisfaction, or the I purchaser can return the goods. In fact, in this de- , partment, it is only necessary t( say that the Old Gen tleman is at his post We would call particular attention to .inr stock of FANt.'Y ARTICLES. We haveson»e of the handsomest , Fancy Stock ('ravats in the market; something new. Gentlemen give us a call, and wo will give you FITS. ' We have on hanil some RE.Vl)Y-MADE CL()THIN-1 of our own mainifacture, eijual in all respects to any mad.* in the I'nited States. Gentlemen furnishing their own goods can have them made up in as good style as though they were pur chased from us. Our Stock will be replenished almost every week, by , our .\gent in New York. N. R. .Vll orders promptly attended to. .April 1. 1H'>4. 84-4w Spring’ (woods. II) T.VYLOR is now receiving his .''tock of SpriUff • ami Sittttmet' dtPiPitS^ for Ladies’and Gentleiuen’s wear: Black and .-olured (jaitors, tor Ladies, Misses, and (’liildrcn; Hoiits and 81ioes; Hats and Bonnets; ('roiker\ and (Jla.s.sware; Hardware; Coopers’, i'arpontors' and Smiths’ Tools; Ploughs and Castings; Straw (’utters, kc. &c. P. T.VYLOR, old Stand, Green St. March 30, is,',4 8;>-om PFMl’S. I^IORi -; and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For salt' by . .VNDREWS, .Market .‘^nuare. Miirch :5ii. s;’.-tf s r KAMI-: u 11F X u I lyr rA, ^I'^HHorifH from \. Wfssell’R wharf in Wilmington, £ to her old wharf in Fayetteville, with a sufficient number of Flats to those wishing to ship thr"Ugh or way fr‘ight. R. M. ORRELL, Agent at Fayetteville. •.!7tf Tkbx«B »L I FaijfttcvUl(\ Y. f'., ! East side (i: een Street, a few doors North of the Mar- 1 ket House. >'B1HE sub.s-riber begs leave to announce to the citi- ■- zens of Fayi rteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the , reception and entci tainment of any who may wish pcr- ' maniMit or transient Board. His Rooms are large and comfortable, and his Table 1 shall always be furnished with the best the market will \ afford. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will ; attend faithfully to that department of the business.— I No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who ] nni\- favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfully solicited, ('barges shall be moderate I P. SHEMWELL. I Feb’y 15, 1854. 71tf A r llfi: UKl) SIGN. .HcDoiialcl & Hc.llaster Have just received a full and complete stock of (JROt.'ERIES, PROVISIONS, &c., to which they i Would invite the attention of the citizens and surround- I ing country. They will sell low for C.^sn, or on time to punctual customers. They purchased their Goodf for cash, and this will enal>le them to sell low. They have facilities that many houses have not: they have agents established in Baltimore and New York, who always advise them of anj’ change in articles in their line, and who purchase only when bargains are to be had. We keep always on hand a splendid assortment i of foreign and domestic Liquors: Loaf, Crushed and Rrown Sugars; Rio, Java and Laguira Coffees; Green, Hyson and Black Teas; New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses; Table and Sack Salt; Bacon, Lard, Mess Pork, Mess Beef, Smoked Beef. Dryed Venison; No. 1, - and ;•{ Mackerel: Butter, Cheese, Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats. Tobacco, Candles, Copperas, Saleratus, Indigo, Mad der, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Nutmegs, Cinamon, Epsom Salts, Saltpetre, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, and Glassware: and a variety of other goods. They take this method of thanking the community and their country friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods low, to increase their former trade—always keeping in view that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. ' Yellow Building, between the Market House and the Bank of the State, (iillespie Street, Fayetteville, N. C. .March 21. 185:’.. 78tf (woods! Cjroods! \\ (‘ have opcnod (Hir Store in Caiiip- hellton. We offer low for cash or liarter, DRY GOODS and GROt'ERIKS. JESSrP & ('(>. Nlarch 1, 1851. 7t>tf 7^irj)(Mitin‘! l^urp(‘ntiiH*! \\i- want to l)uy 'I’urptMitinc, dcliv- *-red at our .'^till in Campliellton. March 1. 1854. Stavrs! DCf^ We want to JESSL'P & ('(). 7»;tf FKKK;[lTIX(i OX CVPE FFAR fBHIE ^■ubscl•i>lcr^ having purcha.'^etl the Steamers JL Evergreen and Soxjtherner ami Tow Boats, lat(-ly the property of tbi- H« nrietta Steamboat Company, are now j>repared to torward with despatch, between Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. \ J. H ROiiERTS. Favetteville, Feb’y 14. IS.");^ r,8tf N' NO'l'iCI',. TB^HE Mi'i.'Criber offers for sale his i North of I’ayctttville Fayetteville an 1 Raleigh ■ f .'TA- ic f"Uiid in iioW Dry I rena .« • ■.■ ry :.rt; ■.(. usua.;y - 'ii'i^ting in ji.irt : a ,a i w.itercd Si,k; j.hiid .■^uiiTUi . ■■lo/t aiid ■■ t .Mu-i-.iio; • • and iia.Tue.s: Kmliroicit ro l lu-'iii.' , .1 •jT wljite an i c'u.iri-] l.u iians; ^00‘1 as- ■ ■ Luce and other s,tyles of; Lmbroi- ' , ' .ll'trs, .■'It'cves, ficmizett.s. Han ikercliicfs: * " .;i l Ja 'jnet Edjii’ig and inserting, of superii r ■y Ronnets and K til' .n?, latest .stj. te and in great : .'fwirig .Mitts: I'mhrenas and P.arasols; rtmenl of 1 ,uic": •nugiianis; b.cached and ■u D jmebtii ^; I ;.,ths. i_ aisimci-es and Vesling.s; . '1 ij""ds; Shi'v; and llo li.s, for Ladit-.', Gentlemen, r. (jirls, in l Chirtr**n; ‘ m utifmen's Summer Hat^; vz’ ; (iirls' Hats an't l’lti»s; ^^lk und K. 1 Gii ves; -* .r and Coffee, A:c. ratclul for the liberal patronage Lorttofore receive i, •; by y-'.'jsv application to business, tair dealing, ■ merit a contiiruancc !l iio s.-inie. ,\t Lis New .■'tore on (irecn street, ll.'iit -Ide, . ■' ' i' from the .Market H juse. P. >11EMU 1:1.1,. ! ;. ettfv Hie, April IJ, i^C'4. 8"ti ’ :ire 11"w rei civiiiLC f: >iu .N'ew Y rk large Stock of Si: vsoN wma: (joods, Emi'r:i'-ing nc:uly ev ry art ■!“ u“ua”y kep' n; our ;na;k'-t. U> i.uri, ri.i-r ■ Hs f-ri.r.ibl * t rin:- a*; ; an’ w ' S' 1. thetn, w'.. ing ti-r.ns :: d fn- reus J. ih.\ T I • 'I -,; 1. . nil - r I N. ' .'IKI! K \V. S -M .r.'h j '.VI. iJUt ' n In- ’•ibli - Is by I"!' in iIj. nr r*-tiil p' "hrs. p.o-^.ig.'. on rcan'ile line, leronim I'rit- L.\NDS, .^ix miles and iihout one mile from the Plank Road, consisting of about I2>0 )f I..:iil4l. suited to the ma king of Tnrj entii.r nr Timber. There arc on the ;>re- mi.'cs :! good sriw ;ind mill, all in good repair and now in ojjemtioii; aiso a dwelling. :ind ail the necessa ry out-h')Ur-- 3. in good repair. .\lso. aao!b»’r tr^i. t of t\"o hundred and fifty acres. I’l the hi i 1 >vater- ^f >';rver' ('reek, known as the T'lrrr Place, oi. wliich *b re N a small farm, a dwel ling house ai. ’ other houses. i’’;i d rraet fliere a'-e cut about tweiity- ..peiitine b from two tofouryears in 1 ( ALV 5c CO. s.Uf hi tne five th'-u." old .\1! t i.e ' . Ian 111 l.'itiiig tei.ii-- lVr'o.i> please call on the -u' -icriber showing the above i;iml.s. Stavrs! l)iiy Spirits liarrel; Pocket an ST.WES. Will pay the highest Cash prices. i JESSUP & CO. March 1, 18')L 7btf Pure East India Castor Oil. WE have just received a supply of Pure East In dia C.VSTOll OIL, without taste or smell, first introduced >»y us into this market last Spring. FOULKES vS: ,M.\CRAE. M.arch 17, 1854. 80tf .lust Rect'ivcd and tbr Sale, BBLS. No. :J MACKEREL, 10 kits No. 1 1(» “ “ Salmon, 200 lbs. Cod F’ish, L'O boxes, ■> “ Adamantine Candles, 20 “ Tallow '■ 5 “ No. 1 Soap, 10 “ Soda Crackers, 2 hhds. Brown 5 bbls. Crushed anti iranul.atel Sugar. Buckwheat Flour in 2"> lb. sacks. Pickles. Rice, ^aleratus, and Yeast Powders. .\LSO—•‘1 dozen Turpentine Axes. By W. H. CARVER. Feb’v 7, 18.')4. GOtf ) will b.> .,n the .T-com- IVt'o.i> wi'iiin;. to piindiase will wli*> will take pleasure in .Y IIAL.I> A: K0UI.\i>0.\, liitdil iJrutjtjista nnl on hand a supply >>1 genuine .MEDlt l.NE.'', ■’U.NES and LlyL'ORS, ;or medical purjjo.se8. .\ledicines and Recipes put up to order, and ■ .:i' PresLTii^ti'ins promptly attended to. 't • .He, N. April 1.;, 88Y ritociia^ «I. .lohiiMOii IS IlE('i;iVl\«. HIS S1M11N; ."Tot K OF />/•.’/ iioods^ (n'ori ri r>, Ilardwarc, —also— COIl^ BA«’(.)N, AND I'OFiK. Spirits iSarrels. HANDOLPH spirits I'.AKRELS, in lots to suit biiyers, large size and che:ip. THO j. JOHNSON. Fayetteville, 1854. 8.‘itf WM R. Oct. 27. 1^5.'! BOLTON. 4'Jtf 1 sphim: m mmi coods. .V#;il* ''HE umlersigned having gone into the F.\NCY DRV GOODS this .Spring, are now prepared to offer great inducements to j)urchasers at wholesale or retail. Our stock has been selected with a view*of selling to the Retail Traile of this j>lace and vicinity, and will be sold as cheap as Goods can be offered in the State. We have a variety of FINE DRESSES and DRESS TRIM.MINGS. viz; Fine plaid, plain Brocade 1 InsCructers. and with every thing retiuisite for ) «nd Black Silk.s, .Marabeax Brocade Grenadine, printed lass .Seminary, being well supplied with .Maps, Harege, plain do, plain Tissues, (trgandies, French Ja- LAl lUXIU i«;il IlKJH S('H()OL, RICH.MOND COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. ^ I ' H LS l;n if an:l flourishing In.--titution is now per- £ nn.neniiy established, under a full corps of well (pialifi a first Geographicai an-1 .\stronomical; Globes, Philosophical conets, (iinghams. Also, French Collars; Chemisetts; and Chemical .\pparafus. Enilersleeves: 11 indkerchiefs; Gloves of all kinds; fine The Semi-Annual Sessions of five months commence white Crape Sh: wls; embroideretl and plain Mantillas; ^ Simun(‘r Goods. \\ M. W ALkFR, I'lK OF .NAVAL STilllKS A.ND PRIIVi.SjilN'S, WIL.MINGTON, -N. C. entrusted to him will receive prompt -.,1. F STRWI.i) ■M ihe .Subscriber, on the UJth inst., my Ba\ d,.re. When heard ii-riiu she was 20 miles iiie, making for Fayetteville. Any person tak- r up iind returning her to me will f>e liberally i.-aed, W.M 17. IV,4. A. DICK. M8-tf 1L\ V RALl..' j\ist received ;iml for saie by ."TED.MAN a; HoRNE. S7tf l‘(V]'ASlf! lOrASlI'! WIIITM POT.\.H, ju>t received ;ind for ‘ J. N SMITH, .\. U . corner .Mrtrket Sipnire. 1th, 1 - • I. ■"7 1 III IM UK l.ltjl OitS. ■ '» e.'ich Pure French Brandy, Port ami .M;i- ■ , Wine, just received and for sale by J. N. S.MITH. l'-,4. 87-lm I' II \ I S, ,yr. LP.S. IM RE Wiim; LL.VD. :;ou giiHoiis Linseed Oil. IMOU 11)S. NV bite Potash. Fresh ( 'nmptiene and i'urning Fluid. Sjjerm (.landles, Lamp oil. SA.M L J. HINSDALE. 4. 87-4t Snniiir J. €:. M* O K I \S just returned from the North, and is opening j a large and beautiful Stock of STU’Li: IMI FIM'V DRV HOODS.! He will not attempt to enuintrate every article usually j kept in such an establishment, but feels justified in j saying that a visit, particularlj' from tiie Ladies, would be api>reciati‘d by him, and amjily repay them fur a fifty miles' ride. .\s for SILKS and other Dress GootJs, and particularly ('ollars. Sleeves, (’hemizefts. and other ilmbroitlerie.s. tie lieSes all the competition that the town of Fayetteville can show. The fiub.xcriber feeis thankful for tht* patronage here- t"|.,re shown him, ami hopes by strict attention to bu- Iness. and by being able to sho-.v the pretti-st (iood.'^, —and also being disposed to sell them at as cheap a rate, either for cash or on time to punctual customers, :i«; any other establishment in the jilace, he hojies to increase th;it trade and confidence whieh has enabled him to Sojourn in the Town of Fayetteville. J. C. POE. March 27, 1^01. 8:{-;im Second Stock* 1>FAIU F PFMUFRFOX tlll'l now receiving, in addition to their former Stock, a beautiful as.sorlment of niiESS noons .':itin Striped Berages, t'tdorerl Fmbroiileretl Robes, Latliv** Collars an«l I'nder-SleeTe.s, \'(dvet ami t,ther Trimmings, Bonnet RiVilions. ("ravafs anil Stocks, Shirt.o. (’ollars, F.NPRESSLY FOR THE WHOLKSALK TRADE. P. P.. Hay .Street. April 1, 1854. ' >4 tf s2.rRlWA RI). 1WILL jiay the above reward for the apprehension and safe delivery to Jiie, or lodgment in Clinton Jail, so that I get lyy negro girl .lENNY. She is a likely girl, of light com])lexion, smiles when spoken to, about five feet six or seven inches high; is aupjiosed to be lurking about Faison’s D^pot, or (toshen. WM. P. HOBBS. Julv 21. 15-tf on the second Monday of January and July respectively. Circulars, containing full particulars, will V)e fur- nisheil by applying to Rev. J. Jones Smyth, A. M., Principal, Lauiel Hill I’. ').. Richmond county, N. C., or to D. C. MclNTYHE, Secretary. October 14. 185?!. 3GY JAMES T HOUSTON, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, ENGRAV'KIt AM) RKPAIUEK OF JEWELRY, ACCORDEON^, &C., IN THE BUST POSSIBLE MANNER. Office on Flay Strewt, in the new fire proof Mutual Insurance Company’s Ruilding, opposite the Methodist Church. If ■ aviiig had near fifteen years’ experience in the m n. business, he believes he can please all who will favor him with th"ir patronage. Favetteville, March 18, 1854. 80-tt I i. SUIM»LY. Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, W/lo/ma/e (■ Retail Dnujijisln, .Are now receiving their Spring and Sum mer supply of J)ruis,Mcdicincs C/icmirals^ Dye-Woods and D^’e-Stuffs, oils. Paints, ami Painters' .Articles, VARNISHES, Fr^ch, English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, . Fine Hair ami Tooth Rrushes, Paint Brushes, 1 Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, I Pure Wi.ies and Brandies for Meilical jiurposes. Extracts for Flavoring, Ciioice Toilet und Fancy Articles, itic. jgtsV" Tliey make (heir purchases for (\>.sn, .and offer goods ofiunlly as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. Warranted to be Fresh, Pure and Genuine. Ortiers frotn the eountr}- )>romptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to price and quality. Hay street, next door West of iU E. .1. Lilly. March 17, 18..>U 80tf S7,(H)(> Jmix-rtcd Havana Rotralia and Principe ('’igars, now ready for inspection, and for sale at wholesale only. GEORGE BR.VNDT. March 1, ltto4. 7o*tlM Silk and Lace Edgings and Insertings; Infants’ Waists; Velvet Ribbons and Fringes; Bonnets, Straw and Silk; Misses’ Fiats, trimmed and plain; Bonnet Ribbons, Ar tificials and Tabs. A good selection of Ladies' Shoes, Gaiters and Buskins, and Children’s Shoes of all kinds. For Gentlemen and Youths—A large stock of Ready- maile Clothing, Cloths, ('assimeres. Vestings, Linen Drills. Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Umbrellas, all of the best material. Persons wishing tt» buy woubi do well to call anti examine our Stock before making their purchases, as we are determined to sell Cheap. W. F. & E. F. MOORE. March 20, 1854. _ _ 80tf J>. W. (1 IJeiihow, DENTAL SURGEON, S located thirtl door below the Market. .All who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. He guarantees satisfaction in all operations. October 10, 1853. 34tf Cartha^‘ Hotel. .AVING recently purchased the above Establish ment from Malcom Kelly, Esq., I am now pre pared to entertain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. H.-iving ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, I trtist 1 shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with tb.eir jiatronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage. Dec. 5, 1853. 51 tf Randol})li Slu'ctinf^ and (!otton Yarn, For sale by WORTH & ELLIOTT. April 1853. 87tf Tl¥ilihi!iS.l\r)lROtRl:RV. HE subscriber is now receiving his Spring gupply of Whe above Gootls, comprising a general assort ment for the COUNTRY TR.ADE. which he offers upon terms that will not fail to please. Goods packed as well as in any market in the United States. Country Merchants would do well to purchase their Crockery first, in order to give the seller time to pack it well and soon enough. W. N. TILLINGHAST. ! .March 20, 1854. 80-3m i \ Woman to hire ont until 1st Jan’y 11855. Apply to J. H. ROBERTS. 1 March 18, ltf54. 78tf K YLE 8 s now receiving his Spring Supply of Foreign and Domestic Goods, all of which lias been purchased for ('.ASH and b}' the Package will b« offered at Whole sale or Retail at very low prices for Cash, or on time to [(unctual customers. On hand at all times, the best Bolting Cloths that are manufactured—No. 2 to 10. March 18, 1854. 80-tf " NEW SPIXG AM) SI MMFU (JOOP ^ The Subscriber is now receiving the largest and most complete assortment that he has ever called the attention of his friends and the public to: he would therefore say to all that may desire anything in his line that is FASHIONABLE and CHEAP to give him a call, as he desires to keep the ‘■Nimble Sixpence’’ moving. His stock consists of a large variety of the different styles of FASHION.ABLE HATS, to-wit: Fur, Wool, Panama. Leghorn, Canton, Pedulc, Rutland, China Pearl, and Palm Leaf, which will be sold low for 9^i.(^ASH. —ALSO,— A general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Youths, Boys, Chiblren, Infants, and Servants. Please call and examine before you purchase. J. C. THO.MPSON, Market Square. March 17, 1854. 80-tf xfwTjoods. The undersigned have in store and for sale cheap, a general Stock of Groceries, Heavy llanlirare, HoUoic-irtnf^ Iron, Steel, Window Class, Pnttj/, lilachsniiths anti 7'nrj/eutine Tools, Brooms, liin A'ets, Oifs, I*aints, Dye Stuffs, and in fact almost anj'thing that can be mentioned in our line. Our friends will tlo well to give us a call before pur chasing. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. JUST* Just received 10 hhds. new crop Molasses. G. W. I (iOLDSTON \ ('O. New brick store *HJSt side Gilles|de street, third door from the Market. March 18, 1854. 80tf i\ew (xoods. TB^HE subscribers are now receiving info Store, a Jl. large ami general STOCK OF fmOOiPS, Which will be sold at wholesale or retail at small pro fits. Their Stock embraces St. Croix, Porto Rico. .Muscovado, and New Orleans Brown Sugars; A, B, and C Coffee Sugars: Loaf, Cru.’hed ami Powdered do: fine and common Teas; Java, Lagui ra, and Rio Coffees; Pepper, .Vlspice, Ginger: .Vlum. Epsom Salts; Brimstone: Indigo, Madder; Adamantine anti Sperm Candles: Snuff: S. C. Soda; Ground Mus tard; Fancy and Bar Soaps: Camphor, Borax: Cider Vinegar; Mackerel, in bbls., half-bbls., and kits; Mess Pork; Molasses, Syrup; Sack Salt; Broad and Club Axes, Turpentine ,\xes, Hackers, Scrapers and Dippers; and Tabie ('utlery: Shovels, Spades and Forks; common bar Iron, Steel, Nails, and Spikes: WeetUnir Hoes: Hollow-ware, large assortment; lUack- smith Tools; Plougl»®, Corn Shellers, and Straw Cutters: Hats, Shoes, and Domestic Dry Goods: with almost every thing usually to be found in this market. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Feb’y 10, 1854. 72tf ly^The office of the Cape Fear Steamboat Company is kept in the above building. J. D. WILLIAMS, Agent. STKDMAX & HORNE, Dry (fOods, Hardware., (iroccrics., FAVETTKVII.LE, 31. C. '•'l^T'OULD respectfully inform the citizens and the ▼ w public generally, that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock of Goods, consisting of Dry (imxls, G rarer its, lla rdicarc, ifr. A variety of H;its, suitable for the seaxon; Ladies’ anti (Jentiemen’s Boots, Shoes anti Slipj>ers: a large as sortment of rea«ly-made ('lothing: a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we would bo pleased to have them to call and examine for themselves. All orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 30. 1853. ' 81 tf 7o the Frcightinr Public. fBlIlE Brothers' Steam P»oat Co. is now prepared .1. with the following Boats: Str. DOUGLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA McDANIEL, to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight intrustetl to their care, with as much despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They are provided with suitable Wharf and Ware-House accommodations to lo a general business, and hope by strict attention to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public patronage. J. S. B.ANKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville. JNO. BANKS, Ag’t at Wilmington. Sept. 19, 1853. 2!*tf FAYF'rrFVlI.LE ri'^HIS Company is now organised nml prepnretl to r«- ceive applications for Insurance, on as favorable terms as other Companies. DIRECTORS: Henrv Lilly, H. Jj. Myrovkr. Thos. s. LliTTERLOH. John H. Cook. D. A. Kay. A. A. McKkthan. Geo. McNeill. Nath.-v.n a. Stedman. Jame.' Kyle. OFFICERS: • GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. Avon E. Hall. J. G. Shepherd. \Vm. Warden. S. T. Hawley. John D. Williams. C. Benbow. NV .m. McLaurin. Wm. McIntyee. GEO. McNEILL, ) JOHN H. COOK, Ie JAS. KYLE. i Executive Committee. The plan of Mi:ti al Insi kanck must commend itbelf to our community, for it can be demonstrated that we have saved within the last six years upwards of $30,000 by insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Company; that is, we should have paid to have kept the same in surance in the foreign joint stuck companies that sum more than we have actually paid: ami yet the North Carolina .Mutual Company has received between $5000 and $ti000 more from our community than it has paitl out for losses here,—showing that we are favorably sii- uatetl, as compared with other places in the State, for Insurance. Our Company has gone into operation favorably, hav ing the day we organised applications to th* amount of $ll(i.OKt, and file Company is now placed upon a firm footing. .Any Director, authorised Agent, or Secretary, may receive Applications, but they will not be binding until approved by the Executive Committee or the Board. 8^*" GEO. AV. L.VWRENCE is appointed General Agent of the Company. We invite applications. GEO. McNEILL. Pre.n’t. C. A. McMILL.AN, Sec’y. Feb’y 7. 1853. C(;tf ” JOHJY /. s^irik^ WIIOLESALK UMBRELLA P A r "a sol ^Jfianmfacturer^ 234 and 235 I’, JVew I’orA, (Next poor to thk BROADWAA" BANK,j Is now prepared to offer the .MERCHANTS visiting the city to buy their Spring goods, the LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL assortment of I’ 111 b r c 1 I a K and P a r a « o I to be found in Europe or America. Von are respect fully invited to call and examine the stock tt e t'o re P ti r e h a h i n y. N. B. Please cut out this canl and put it in your memorandum l)ook for reference. joiiiv I. k:viith, 70-3mptl] Manufacturer. %Vlio would have thought it? ILVRTII’W FULLER, Attorney at Law, 4 TTENDS to the tlrawing of all Pensions payable at this .\gency, and the prosecufioti of suspended Pension Claims against the Uniteil States. He invites those who may believe themselves entitled to pensions or the arrearages of jiension to correspond with him. and particularly the following persons; James .Ander son; Jacob .lohnson: Hardy Johnson; (ieorge Kearsey: Pool Hall Pope; Nancy Thomas, widow of Philip; Mar tha -Allen, widow of William; .Armstrong, witlow of Thomas; Isabella McNeill, widow of Daniel; Mourn ing Scall, widow of Sanders. Fayetteville, Feb’}' 10, 1854. 7I-i'>m Xick Williams's Whiskey at wholesale or retail. MCDONALD McMASTER. Dec. 10, 1853. 52 PKIUTVlA X (U A XO. WE have received a large supply of PERUVIAN GU.ANO. which we offer at lowest market price. D. S: W. McLAURIN. Jan'y 1854. 59tf CORX. ~ BUSHELS COUNTRY CORN in store, Olflr for sale W H LI TTERLOH Jan’v 18, 1854 (53tf PMi'li & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreig^n and Ifomcslir DRY HATS. CA!>S. ItOOTS, .SIIOKS, U?nhr( llat, and Readif-jnadv Clothi/i^, HAY STliEKT, Fayetteville*, C . ftagr Strict attention paid to orders. B. F. I-KARCK.] (0!»tf) [T. 11. PKMUEKTON. f^HE highest casli price paid for Turpentine, White ■ Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas W Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1853. 70tf ^4 new Carriaf/e Establishment on the Military Green, opposite the Methodist Church, fronting on Mumford Street. GREAT EXTERPRISE! Fayetteville Im bound to Shine!! ri'^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnershiji for the purpose of conducting the general C.ARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any pptablishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. AVe warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. James H. Pier. James Branin. Fayetteville, Jan’}' 24, 1853. 62tf Th€ Mjargest Carriage Factory in the South I A. A. McKlVniAA RF;SPECTFULLA' informs his friends ami the pub lie, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing ('arrij.ges. Thankful for the very liberal pjitronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to buuiness, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continnnnce of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. Hia work will compare favorably with any nmle in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determineil to sell and ilo any work in his line on as good terms as any work ilone elsewhere that is as well tlone. He now has on hand, Fi.msiieu, tae LAR GEST STO’K of Carriaires^ Ba rouclivs^ Rockawaijs, and Buirfries. Ever offeretl in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished tiaily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers, He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finishep and in course of construction. All work matle by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to c&ll and examine for themselves. Ortiers thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing execufetl at short notice and on very rea- sonabie terms. May *28. 1853. 98tf rilHE Subscriber will receive proposals for 1(.X),MMI JIL Ujs. of Cotton Batting or Wadding. Also, for 3,O()0.O00 (three millions) of Reeds from 3 to 3J feet l«ng, and also, 10,000 (ten thousand) pounds of good clean Corn Shucks, in stated quantities. For further particulars inquire of R. W. HENRY. J. HENRY. Fayetteville, Nov. 14, 1853. 44-tf liri'TER! 4 NEW SUPPLA', just received. GEO. McNEILL. Jan’y 30. 66tf