SFiini-W Y. VOL. in.) FAVlVrTEVn.LE, N. C., \V\UL Jt. !s:.l. [NO. ‘290.] , i' M-\n\YS AND TllUllSDAYS || V\!n) J. H\\A] A: SON. ;;-iiS AN1» 1 KOI iilKToH?;. : N liii ^Vl-l'kl_v (>iivKKvi:u .•:! (M) if j '.i l in » ■ if pniil (luring the yeiir of mbscrip- r > ) iiii'T tlu‘ ycHT has expired. , \r i Jv > insmvKR (to per niinuin, if pnid in - >>'1 - it pfl .1 lurinp tiie voar of suhsorip- .. ^ mi nftcr tho yoar has expired. ■V!'HTl>PMl'N r^' inserted tor sixty cent»» per ■ •' ' ' Inu'S f>'r the tirst. and thirty cent' fwr c!\eh ;:v._ I'u'tliL-ation. Yearly a'lverti!-emot\t j hy «pe- ’.raots, at rcasotiahle rates. Advertisers lire ;;c 1 ti- ?tate the number of iusertinns desired, or V.” >0 >’ontiiiued till for'tid. and charged accord fro'*' Letters to the Kdii>'i'.' iuut ho post-paid, c’()PAin\M-:usiiii*. tlie name anil ILV.MSKY IH’O., • 1' un-lorsigiied have thi.^ day become rupartner? • l»ry tii..od.. dr.H-ery -iiid Hardware llusiiiess. ,'P'-^ite s. T. Hawley .v S.m, Mav .*^tr.‘et. Fay- I’.ANK or l AI’l', l'KAI{,> af’imf, isr>i. ifi Vfl>E'\!>.—The 1‘oard of nireet.trs have de clared a senii-unii'.ial I)i\idend of rive per cent., I'nyaldc on and after the l.st Mav next. 11 i; SAV \0K, Cash’r. Apri! 1,'^. >^l-tni ^\NK oF{^VVrVKXUT) A I*HIT, 12. IN.Vl. Sf Meetiiip; of tiie ii^tocl^holders 'wi’.l >ie Rl!L jSOllI llinfip!, ROlill cV W :»(M)\\'A!’!rs C loihiii^ iMnporiiini. i'j have just receiveil our Sprin;; lilii SluMnwell itji '■■’’Hi; Annual 1 held at the the Hanking House in Wihninfrton, oii the l.st da\ of ,Mav next. H. U. S.VVAUK. Cash'r. April 13. ‘ 88-tlM STOllir ffitff Summer fm OOMPSi. ''UK fluK.sorihers respectfully announce the people of Fayetteville and its vicinity, that they have pcned a NKW S'r(>HK, containing a large Stock of I N. HA \isi:v. HA.MSLV. U.VMSKY \ 1!1U).. 1 fjifrorrr*, A*c.n HAY ;'TUK1:T. FAYKTTKVlLLi:, N. T. , F.l'l’ constantly nu hand every thing in thicr line i f business, and will :^ell at the lowest rates, untry prr.duoe bought >r taheii in ex'-hange for '-'ds. j .Mi orders will meet with prompt attention. April 11, l>-:>4. S7-tt r, S. lU IE, liuildir (tnd I ndcrtak'cr, \ [•' 1 rcparc'i t' • xtu-ute contracts of from to ; - and upwards. ■%;n iow Blinds, Sash. r'.HSs Do t* Li-r.tr.’ and plain work warrantt He may be found ...n iiujuiry . and all kinils of d t.i give satisfac- at .Mr. Jesse . b7-';mpd : . ettwille. April l‘J. 1S'>4. HAY! g 15.VLE8—a prime article—just receiveil M."r^r and for sale Kv A. J. U'HANLO.N. w'., 17, 1'''4.' ■ .'>-41 Spring Importations. li^54. VOOK A' JOit.^'SiKV All' . w receiv'ng their u-ml Sl’lUN'ti ST^> k. .\ •'..TacinL ■. iwaio un.l ruti.‘r\, (ilasswar*' aiul Cr. ck r_v, •; T'' ainl Turpiiuiin* T.-:>ls, aU'l lit- . _■ .1 r vith their varied a?3ortnient. whi.di has Keen ■ . ■ 1 v'.th ■■ vl. w t' W 1!(.iLL.''-K 1 I., and to which ■ the attet 'ion -.f dealers in this ni:ii ket. ■; ir- r- .ii’, receive prompt atti-ution. . HN H. : 0=iK. U'15t;UT J;»n:^st*N. April 1*. l'*o4. ' ot ‘J;/ Spn/isi' //?/ Sitmmer )od>. VKl’ cc WILLIAMS are now recei\in_ their tecon i -k •!' Spring and S>umuier :>i v ti , ids. . B’lUUi t.', Shoc'. B.'Jts. and Ht Mudi- i'iij’-hiiij.'. iv ^iiin t!ie liist two w^oks f N' rfh' rn Mj^rki-ts, u ^rt a; : .“ariy part f tiie Sefts jn. and wi. uilnodii'-'i'.i .d^. iJv- 1. lesale buyers ■ ;i • vuiii’nation ;h :• Market. A .. ,-TAl;K. 1"'.» .M'.U f the firm, reduccd pric>'« I'-p:.*.-; ■I'.i: t'Tiiis. W e ir‘i' '■l^. y M'T'hant) buy- r i*T^ |o-omptlv Httfii'it'd to. .1. \i. V. iLLl.v \l.-. ■s-t Which v.ill be sold at Northern Prices. In our St.'ck may t'o found the late styles of Ladies’ DHK.''? (.iCUl'S: 1 :'ncy Rrocadeil Silks: rich fig'd and plain black Silk, at all prices; Lawns; French .Jaconets. Mtislins, and T.irltans, in great variety; a \ery tine nrticlc of black Alpncap, (lii.ghani.s, and I’rints: I’iano and 'I'able ('ov era. .Mbo n handsome lot of I’mliroideries. consisting Ilf emb'd Collars, Slemrs mid I'lienii/etts; .Jaconi-t, I'anibric and Swiss Kdiiing and li.^crtin^,. l.inen Cam- bii.- Handkerchiefs; t nib''! ditto; a tine lot of ('rape Shawls, Veils, Silk .and Kid (Ji ivis, Hosiery. Honnets, Mibbons, Taliic (''oths, Irish Linen, \c. A lame bit of H.VTS, viz; Moleskin and Urab Meavcr Hats, Straw Hats :ill styles: Str.iw Honnets. Mi.ssies' Honnets and Flats. .V tine lot i f Hl'OTS and SHiM'S, cvc. .V large as>:orttnent of JFAVFLUY; (iol i Kar-Hingi*. Hr; -:'t I'ins. a v^riely of (Jold and Silvi-r W atches. (.Jold F 'b ant,i Ve.^t t'hains, \c. I'ogetl'.er with the Largest and finest stock of RL.\- I>V-.M.\I>K fL» )T!HN(.i ever before offered in this mar ket; Fine black ('loth Frock an-l Sack ('oats: also tine brown, bine and green Summer ('loth ('oats; a fine lot of black Alpaca Coats. .V large assortment of I’ants; fine black l)oe-skin C.assiniere I’ants: fancy Cas.simere I’ants, at all prices. tine lot of Vests; white, but", ami fancy Marseilles Vests; Mack Satin and fancy Silk \f^ts, \c. \ handsome lot of Cloths and Cassimores; (.ients’ fine Linen Shirts, ('ollars, vScc. I’ersons wishing to buy would d'* well to call and ex- ' amine our St*>ck before purchasing elsewhero. .is we are determined to sell cheap. ! SCHLdSS X McCORMK'K, Hay street. | 1‘. .'s. Clotliing of al! kinds f, r li^ys of fronj four to | sixteen veai.s old. 1 April'lo. 1S.-.J. SStf \un SE.SIGS AND ORNAMKN'r- AL PAIN I'iNi;. ^B^IIF, •>.»d>'i-igned havinn l.tte'.y arriv-d from the M_ Nortli, \v'shc>> t- inf' rm th*- itizens of Fayette ville and vicinity, th.at Le Ikh just fipened q Shop on -Mumfor'I -lirt-et iti the upp**i- part of .Me->srs. I’ier S iirauln's Cirri;.:e ilepoeitnr.v. and is uow prepared to. receive al. orders for all i.inJs of House. Sign and Ornam-ntal I’.iint.ng: tir.iining. I’aj-er Hanging, .v;.-. rers,,>is wi'liing su.di w..rk d '’le will do well t- call and see my sp -rimens of workinai.ship. Will low .•'hades fnnii:-hed to order; also .“'aslies, Rlintis anil l>oors, at the lowest market price. .Ml Work executed with neatness and de.spatc'o. Only give me .a call. I ..a bound to ple.ase. HOit.VCF W. HLACK. Jan’y l-J, 18V1. f.ltf I'd'icl(rviUr utl n I/minirfoii !*ASS!:.\;i:K m.\k. me ot the linest ever ofl'ered in this market by ns, ranging in price froni SI to Sill’J. (bir Linen Coats are vf.ky tasty, very good, and vfry cheap.— I’ants. a very large, varied, and cheap assortment. \ ests. in any tpiantity, j quality, and price desired. | Together with a large stock of (’’LOTUS, (''.\SSI- | .MF.HLS and VFiSTlNCiS, that we will make up to or- ; dtr. in the best manner and at reasonable jirices. In ■ al' cases we warra.nt to give perfect satisf.action, or the ^ purchaser can return the goods. In fact, in this de- ; partment, it is only neces.s.ary to say that the Old (Jen- ^ tleman is at his post. j We would c.all p.articular attention to our stock of ! I’.VXCV A1?TI('LF,S. We have some of the handsomest Fancy Stock ( ravats in the market: something new. (.icntiemen give us a call, and we will j;ive you F ITS. We have on hand some KK.Vl)V-M.\l>E CLOTHINd of onr own maiiiit.K lure, e-iual in all respects to itiiy made in the I'niied .'states CiCJitlemen furnishing their own goods can have them made up in as good style as though they were pur chased from us. Our Stock will lie replenished almost every week, by our Agent in New Wrk. N. H. .Ml orders promptly attended to. April 1. IS.',4. ' 84-4w _ S|)riii» (jroods. T.\YLf)U is now receiving his Stock of Spt'tnff (•ml Si#JllWlfi* (lifUPIfS, for Ladies' and ('icntlemen's wear: lihu k and colort'd (iaitors, tor L:ulios, Misnes, and (’hildroii; Hoots and Shoos; Hats and Honnet.sj ('rockery and il;is.>ware; llanlwaro; Coopers’, Carpciitors' and Smiths’ Tools; Ploughs and (’a.stings; Straw (’utters, &c. X'o. iv T.VVLOR, Old Stand, Green St. March SO. IH.’.t. M-iim Faiict/ci'llie, ('; Hast side (jreen Street, a few lioors North of the Mar ket House. ^■IHE subscriber begs leave to .innounce to the citi- ■L /ens of Fayetteville, and the travelling public, lis House, for the iio may wish per- Stock of F .\ 11 I O -N A H L h j that he has just finished and opened his House, for the '■ LO r H I N (i. Consisting ol ( oats, reception and entertainment of any wli I I’IMl’S. f|^(»r,CF and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For «ale Iiy (' W. \NUHKWS, Market Square. M.arch :!• s:i-tt s'vi:\ M\M 111: N u 11 : r r A, rilHROL'ltH Irom .V. Wessell's wharf in Wilmington, ^ to her old wharf in Fayetteville, with a sutSci*‘lit nii!n>'»-r of Fhits to accommodate those wishing to ship throujrh or way freijjht R- 'I. f>HRKLL, Agent at Fayetteville Sept. 9, IS'to. -‘tt manent or transient Hoard. His Rooms are large and comfortable, and his Table shall always be furnished with the best the market will attbnl. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business.— No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfully solicited. Charges shall I>e moderate P. SHK^nWELL. Feb’y 1.'). 18.')4. _ A'r THi: ukiTsign. .lie Donald Sk iTIc.na!»tcr K.WK just receiveil a full and complete stock of (IKOCKRIKS, PU»VIS10NS, &c., to which they woulil invite the attention of the citizens and surround ing country. They will sell low for (^\sn, or on titue to punctual customers. They purchased their Goodf fur cash, ami this will enable them to sell low. They have facilities that many I'on.ses have not: they liave agents established in ■ «\iinore and New York, who always aiivise them of any change in articles in their line, and who jnirchase only when bargains are to be had. We keep alwa^'S on hand a splendid assortment i of foreign and domestic Liquors; Loaf, Crushed and ' Hrown Sugars; Rio, .Invtt and Laguira Coffees: Green, Hyson and Hlack Tea:?; New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses: Table and Sack Salt: Bacon, Lard, Mess Pork, .Mess Heef. Smoked Beef, Uryed Venison; No. 1, 2 and Mackerel: 15utter, Cheese, Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats. Tobacco, Camlles, Copperas, Saleratus, Indigo, Mad der, Spice. Pepper, Ginger, Nutmegs, Cinamon, Epsom Salts. Saltpetre. Hardware, Cutlery. Crockery, and Glassware: and a variety of other goods. They take this method of thanking the community and their country friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods low, to increase their former trade—always keeping in view , that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. I Yellow Building, between the Market House and the Bank of the State, Gillespie Street, FayetteviUe, N. 0. March 21, 1853 NPKIiVti I8.T1. J.lMi]S KYLE fS now receiving his Spri!ig Supply of Foreign and Domestic Goods, all of which has Veen purchased for C.A.'sH and by the Package will offered at Whole sale or Retail at ver}- low prices for Cash, or on time to fiuiictual customers. On hand at all times, the best Bolting Cloths that are manufactured—No. 2 to H». March 18, 1854k 80-^ NEW SIMNG AND SUMMKK (i()()D> FAVF/r I'KA ILI.K MlTllL vmmv, HOMPA.W. "^inS Comiiany is now organised and prepared to re ceive applications for Insurance, on as favorable terms .as other ('ompanies. DTBECTORS; Avon E rstf fBl HK Subscriber is now receiving the largest and JL most complete assortment that he has ever called the attention of his friends and the public to: he would therefore say to all that may desire anything in his line that is FASHIONABLE and CHEAP to give hiiii a call, as he desires to keep the ‘'Nimble Sixpence moving. His stock consi.sts of a large variety of the different styles of FASHIONABLE II.VTS. to-wit: Fur, Wool, I’auama. Leghorn, (,’anton, 1^‘dale, Rutland, China Pearl, and Palm Leat, which will be sobl low for 8^%„CASH. — ALSO,— A gcner.al assortment of BOOTS and SHOES for (Jentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Youths, Boys, (,'hildren, lnfant.s, and Servants. Please call and examine before you purchase. J- ('• THO.MPSON, Market Square. March 17, 1854. NEW (U)()DS. The undersigned have in store and for sale eheap, a general Stock ot Groceries, Heaci/ Il(ir/wan\, IloUou-vitrt\, Iron, Steel, Winihivc Ofnss, Putty, Jilacksimtfi^ and Tiirpf’titinr Tools, lirooms, linckets, Oil)‘, Pdints, Dye Stujlx, and in fact almost anything that can be mentioned in our line. Our friends will do well to give us a call before pur chasing. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Just receiveil 10 hhds. nev « rop Molasses. G. W. I. (.OLDSTON i: ('(>. New brick store east side Gillespie street, thini door from the Market. March 18, 1854. 80tf Hall. J. O. Shkphkro. Wm. Wardkn. S. T. Hawlkv. .John D. Williams. C. Bknbow. Wm. McLaurin. Wm. McIntyre. (ioods! Goods! NVc liav‘ opciu’d our Store in Cainp- hellton. We offer low for cash or barter, DRY G001>^ and CiK()('HHlF.S. JKSSUP & CO. .March 1, 1854. *'tf 'rurj)(‘iitiiK‘! 'rnr|)entiiu‘! W (‘ want to Imy "rurpciitiiu.*, deliv ered at our Still in Camjibellton. \o\v Goods. into Store, a .1 ESS CP X CO. Ttjtf ^TK.VMKl ^ Jy as fo'. bs •• lllornili; Ml;'l I'Ll AM.- er h:-s t AN^ list i-f. r. fd lii.i . ••F.VN.NV Lr nT.RLoil ' pr unpt- r.iyeiteviile . n Motid ,y au i Tiiurs- . It 1’ niinutf' . ‘ter -un-rise. I'reci-'Cly: n on T’les l!i\ - nid FrMavs. at 12 T LlTTLRLoll. 1 .-,4 ^ ''tl I'A UI4V ;-OOi>S, II .. Cl ■ ..itic. . 1 ■ • 1^1'' ■ I*r\ .\v; ir i; • n- • v. A’. ^ froin N Y- rk FKEi(;irriN(; on cvpe feau fJ'^HI' sub.scribcr- having purchnsed the Steamers B Evergreen ar I Southerner and Tow Boats, lately the property of tl i Henri«-tta Steamboat ('ompany, are now prepnrc i to I'orw.'ii d with desjiatch, iictwren W il- mingti.n and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed tu tlM'in. F. N .'V .1. H ROBERTS. Fayetteville, Fel ’y 11. l''o';. tiStf NO'f'iC E. rwilir, sul.scrib«*i- otVi-rs for sa.-.-his LANUS. x miles B N"rtli I I'lirette'. illc mid a’' .i’ one in.lc t; om the ■:.:h Plank Pioad. consit-M.ng of t»f I.itlMl. sui-i'd to thi ina- l"'n‘ -r. Tlier.- r.; f* on tl.o pre- •/ri't iiiill. all in good rep:ur and d .v“liiliL:. and a., thi- nece^sa- .■ in [■ .rt aii'i w..i. !-i ; r , i : 111. i ■ i.i r S ai. i i I.--' icS: tin - r 1 ai l >.llll.i . Mur>i!!,5: il'KTf ; UUS.IIls • >r te ana i >iorod ini. tiis: 1 •thi r -ityies .’viaii:;. ar: Cm ro;- I ..'rs. .'■na-Vi i ht-mi/ett.. ilau ! .erciii^‘!“; - .-in l .)ai' ■ Ld^'iiij; and liis.Ttiiie, .i suoiiri t : li iiitil t, r.iid i;. ins. latr-t st_, .■ .ili 1 ;n great ■ r-.'.i.ll>t ."Ilk .Mitts; : n :,rei.as :;Iid I’.ir .jo ^ .rliiieut .f : a...’o; ;ngliniijs: b.-; an'i \vn i; lOlvr^t'-CS; ■ !, ilb'.tlHTt. III.' slUugs. c: cS 1. j it«. I- r La -! ■ I ii-].ilf:i,i;ri. . .v>. and iri‘. r’ienien';- .''u;,ini>'i- Ha'.-:; .i-.y ■ u!i i (jiri'5 Ha:- and t ;,(ta; ."i.li and Kid Gl 'ves: -agar alii ? iffee. ^.i\ tjratetul lur the lu rrul p.-itrona;..? heretoo.re rec.-i- c i, le trusts, by close app.ication t- buaine.^s, la.r Jtaiiiig, tc. to- merit a r.ntinuunce .1 tui s.ime. \t bis >’■ v\- .'^tf.re on (jreen Street. Last .side,, :=-w doors from tiie Muri\et lloUbe. P. SHLMWl.LL. ij. = ?toville, April 12, i>'51 h^tf A: h’rtdtl DruijijUta ind /^r> srnjifioiin^fs. LW.vYS oil hand a supjily of genuine .MLUlt INES. , for nii'dical ;iur; .ses. ■ij>es ))ut up t-: order, and ... .' lans Presenptioiis proruol'y attended to. t tt'.vllie, N. .\pril 1' -L !)S. ■1'' IV •• h- the ov.r , r,n Fayettev’" ."..id Ha' about kin" of Turi'-entini- ot m;scs a good s- \s" .. . i now in opi I iti..;i: a!ni i\ ■ iit-h, I-. s. in ■ ,\.'0, ;i iier tr t '.!i iiif ii' ‘ I ■ T- ■ T ,'iiTT P ■e, on n 'l . , lin;; housi- ,iv 1 it!. I- ' ■ (>i; t'i • tir • 1 .: i tise '■ - ol ■ nn !ri- 1 s Cn i. ■ a .“iiiH and fifty acres, kT’.o'.vii ns tiie "lU iii. a M A-el- • . t ;n tw Sor t t W’I;t \ - to four \ .March 1. 1S54. Staves! Staves! XT" "ant to l)uy Spirits Barrel ST WES. W ill jiay the highest ('ash p.rices. JESS IP & CO. March 1. 1851. 7()tf l*urc Hast I/nila i'ustor Oil. m »7 E have just received ft supply of Pure East In- ▼ ¥ dia CASTOR OIL, without taste or smell, first introduced bv us into thi.“ market last Spring. FOl LKES .V M.U' RAE. March 17, 1854, _ Just Keeriv(‘(l and for Sale, BHLS. No. ;-5 MACKEREL. l(t kits No. 1 “ 10 “ “ Salmon, 2>o lbs. Cod F'.sh. 20 boxes ('hoese, ■> •* .\iLamantine Candle*, 20 “ Tallow “ 5 •• No. 1 Soap. 10 •“ .’^(■da (’rackers. 2 hh Is. Brown Sugar, 5 bills. ('ru«h*‘d and (iraniilated Sugar. Hnekwhejit Flour in 25 lb. sa 'k«. Pick\*s. Kice. Saleratus. and Yeast Powders. \]^r;o—dozen Turpentine .Vxes. Bv W. H. CARVER. F-’vT, 1S5L »i‘‘tf ■mu ; '1-.; iiii: i* rill : I ,• , ; I ■ il .;ii I' \ i( - \l.l \ V' ' : i: .Nlarch -'■* ■anti le coiii rii . >v re-' i; w.) (Vil NiML. ('AIN ^ i ’O. 8:itf 'v.d-itl ,ie:i se showinir tl 111 thi' ■ abov* iiin.ls '■ -.'I oM the i:i' 1* Jii'i ii:->;iii'.i: to piirchii-e who will t:ike pleasure in will WM. Oct. 27. 1^ R. HOLTON. 40tf roi; SAI.I'.. I’lOXF.S Manufafturi-1 Toiiacco. W e have in ^t«re a ’.argi- stork of Tobacco, and e.\- pect to rereivc constantly f^'oin .1. . Reid and 1 horn- as's and other factorio^-. an ass irtnient of qualities to rnaV'b- us t. furnish purc hasers any ijuality at lowest factory prices. T EAl iiiNr’.rKlill HK.II SC'MOOI., Hli'HMOM* ol NTY, NORTH C\R('>L1NA. HI;- '.:ir,;e and tlonrisiiir.g Institution is now per manently estabiislied, under a full corps of well qualified lns,tuciers, and with every thing r.-qnisite for a first cb; .'■■eininary. being well supplie.l with Maps, Cieograpliii.a' and .\s!ronoini(*ul; Globes, i^hilosophical and Chemical .\ppar.atus. The .enii-.\rinw;i Sessions of five months commence " ! on the sec ond Monday of .Innuary and July respectively. -31k.' JB.-C! VI VI ' Cirnilar-i. containing full j>articnlars, will be fur- (ioods nished by applying to Rev. J. Jones Smyth, A.M., „ni P. o.. Richmond county, N. C., J. to 1>. C. .McINTYRE, Secretary. October 14. lS5o. 36V fMlHE subscribers arc now receiving J. large and general STOf N OF GOOiPS, Which will be sold at wholesale or retail at small pro fits. Their Stock ernlinices St. Croix. Porto Rico. .Muscovado, and New (trleans Brown .''ugurs; A, B, and C Coflee Sugars; Loaf, ( rushed and Powdered do: fine and common Teas; Java, Lagui ra, and Rio Coffees; Pepper, Alsjiice, Ginger; .Vlum, Epsom Salts: Brimstone: Indigo, Sladder; .\dainantino and Sperm ('andles; Snuff: S. (.'. Soda; Ground Mus tard; Fancy and Bar Soaps: Camphor. Borax; Cider Vinegar; Vlackerel, in bbls., half-bbls.. and kits: Mess Pork: Molasses. Syruji; Sack Salt; Broad and Club Axes. Turpentine Axes. Hackers, Scrapers and Dippers; Pocket and Table Cutlery; Shovels, Spades and Forks; broad -and common bar Iron, Steel, Sails, and Spikes; Weedinir IIo€s; Hollow-ware, large assortment; Black smith Tools; Ploughs. Corn Shellers. and Str.aw ('utters: Hats. Shoes, and Domestic Dry Goods: with almost every thing usually to be found in this market. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A: CO. Feb’v K., 1854. "-tf jsay”*The office of the Cape Fear Steamboat Company is kept in the above building. J. D. WILLIAMS, Agent. STEDMAN cV llORNE, ])ru (roodsj Hardware^ (iroceries^ tSfc. FAi irrTi:vii.i.E, 3i. c. WOCLD respectfully inform the citizens and the public generally, that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock I of Goods, consisting of />;•;/ (foods, (ariK'f’ri('», Utirdicarc, itV. .V variety of Hats, suitable for the season; Ladies’ and Gentlemen s Boots, Shoes and Slippers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing: a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we would be pleased to have them to call and examine for themselves. ■\11 orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. .March ;J0, 1853. ^tf_ To the Freighting Fiddic. fBlllE Brothers’ Steam Boat Vo. is now prepared .1. with the following Boats; Str. DOUGLASS. Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA McDANIEL, to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They are provided with suitable Wharf and Ware-House accommodations IIkNRV JilLLY. H. L. 31vrovku. Tuo.'^. s. LuttkrIiOh. John II. Cook. I>. A. Ray. A. A. McKkthan. Geo. McNkill. Nathan A. Stedman. James Kyle. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. II. L. MYROVER, Vice President. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. GEO. McNEILL, ) JOHN n. COOK, y Executive Committett. JAS. KYLE, j The plan of MtTUAL Ixsub.\nck must commend itself to our community, for it can be demonstrated that we have saved within the last six years upwards of $30,000 by insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Company; that is, we should have paid to liave kept the same in surance in the foreign joint stock companies that sum more than we have actually paid; and yet the North Carolina Mutual Company has received between $50(K» and $tiOOO more from our community than it has paid out for losses here,—showing that we are favorably sit uated, as compared with other places in the ,‘?tate, for Insurance. Our Company has gone into operation favorably, hav ing the day we organised applications te th« amount of ^Jll^),000,’and the Company is now placed upon a firm footing. ,\ny Director, authorised .\gent, or Secretary, muy receive Applications, but they will not be binding until approved by the Executive Committee or the Board. GEO. W. LAWRENt'E is appointed General Agent of the Company. We invitn applications. GEO. McNETLL, Pres’i. C. A. McMILL.VN. Seo’y. Feb’y 7, 1853. GtJtf WHOLF.SALK TTMBRELLA P A r 'a sol »lianufacturer^ 234 and 235 Utt0.tnn\ti\ .Vftr i’orh\ (Ne.vt nooR TO THE BRO.VDW.AY BANK.j Is now prepared to offer the MERCMIANTS visitinjj the city to buy their Spring goods, the LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL a.sMortnient of I' III l> r 1 1 n «« «. II 1 P a r a « o I «, to be found in Europe or America. V ou are respect- fullv invited to call and examine the stock Berore t* u r c h a fti u g. N. B. Please cut out this card and put il in your raeiuoiaudum book for reference. I. S.niTH, 70-3mpd] Manufacturer. Wlio would have thoug^ht it? 1) .V w. 'cpt. 1 McLAURlN. aotf si'ii'.Mi m ii; riR.ii. ^''HE iiiuiersignei'. iiaving gone into the F.VNCY DRV f goods thib Spring, are aow prepared to offer great inducements to pur.'hasers at wholesale or retail. Our stock hri.s Keen selected with a view of selling to the Retail Trade of this place and \icinity, and will be sold as cheap a;- (Joods can be offered in the State. We have a great variety of FINE DRESSES and DRESS I’Rl.MMlN(iS, vi^: Fine plaid, plain Brocade and Blaek Silkt*, .Marabeax Brocade Grenadine, printed Barege, plain do. plain Tissues. Organdies, French Ja- ^ conets. Ginghams. .Also, French Collars; Chemisetts; j general business, and hope by strict attention Uiidersleeves: liandkerchiets; Gloves of all kinds: fine interest of shippers, to meet a share of public white Crape Shawls; embroidered and plain Mantillas; - - - Silk and Lace Edgings and Insertings; Infants’ Waists; .4 nnc Carriwje EMahUaliment on thp Military Green, oppo^it*^ the Methodi»t Churchy frontlmj on Mnmford Street. GREAT ENTERPRISE! Favetl‘villo l>oiiiil to $»liine!! ri^IIE Subscribers would resjiectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general C.\RR1.\GE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura- bility. One of the tirm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairine done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Jamks II. PiEB. .Ta-mks Brakin. Fayette^’ille, Jan’j' ‘24, 1853. The Eiurgest Carriage Faetory in the South I Sl. INES and LlnUOl 1- -.1.;.. .Mclieiii-s and R V. \1. \\.\(.lvEli, IVxPLCniR (IF MV\L SlM'uKS l\D PRIUl.Nli).\S, \VlL.MiN(.iT(.'N, N. C. A’ huiiiiess t iitrusted to him Will receive prompt " ':/:on. : r:; 17, 1 ?'>'-;:ill S'l \\ ED the Subscnoer. on ’ho K'.th inst.. my Hay l'' .Mta-f. When lii,t h^.ir i Horn she was 2U miles ui home, making for Fayett. ville. Any person tak- , lu r up ami returning her to me will be liberally { ii[itns:ited. W.M. A, .\pril 17. I^'i4. J, €:. roE B 10 AS just returned from the North., and i.^ opening !h m a larj e and beautiful Stock of STiPLL IM) riM'V IIRV GOKllJi. He will not attempt to ennnifrnte every article usually kept in sii Ii Mil estabVi.shment, but feels justified in sii\inv' tii:it :i visit, jiarticuiariy from ihe Ladies, would be ;ip|irtH:iated bv him, and aiiiiiiy ropay them for a I fiftv miles' ri'le. ' As for SILKS .'iii'l otlo-r Dress (Joods, ' and particularly Collars, Sleev('s. i !ieii\i'^etts. and other Kmt.roideries. lie defie.-, all the competition that the ■ town of Favetteville can show. The subs'crilier feel.s thankful for the patronage here- ' tofore shown him. and hopes by strict attention to bu siness, and bv being able to show the prettiest (ioods, ! -and’also being disposed to .sell them, at as cheap a rate, either for ca.«h or on time to punctual customers. •■IS a'nv other establishment in the place, he hopes to increase that trade and contidence which has enabled him to Sojourn in the Town of Fayetteville. JAMES T HOUSTON, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, FXiHAVI'.U AM> HIOP.AIKIiR OF JEWKI.RY, ACCORI>I^ON>, &c., IN THE i'.KST P(JSS1BLE .MANNER. • ftlice on Hay Strewt, in the new fire proof Mutual Insurance Company's Building, opposite the .Methodist Churcli. 8B avinc had near fifteen ye irs' experience in the 9 business, he bi-lieves he can please all who will favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, .March IS, 1S;»4. SO-tt SPIiI\(; SUPPLY. patronage. Velvet Ribbons and Fringes; Honnets, Straw and Silk; Misses' Fiats, trimmed and plain; Bonnet Ribbons, Ar tificials and Tabs. good selection of Ladies’ Shoes, Gaiters and Buskins, and ('hildren’s Shoes of all kinds. For Gentlemen and Youths—.\ large stock of Ready- m.ade Clothing, Cloths, Cassitneres. Vestings, Linen Drills, Hats, Boots, Shoes, ami Umbrellas, all of the best material. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine our Stock before making their purchases, as ' we are determined to sell Cheap. W. F. j March 20, 18o4. l>. VV. C. Bonhow, ! DENTAL SURGEON, IS located third door below the Market. ,\11 who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. He guarantees satisfaction in all operations. October 10, 185;L 34tf Sept. 19, 1853. J. S. BANKS, Ag’t, F’uyetteville. JNO. BANKS, Ag’t at Wilmington. 2'Jtf & E. F. MOORE. 80tf DICK. 88-tf llAV. r.ALES )ii.st received and for sale by HORNE. 87fl' STEDMAN April 12, 1804 POTASH! I’O'I'ASM!! (’ASKS W HITE POTA.-H, just received and tor :ile by -I. N. S.MITH, .N. W, coini-i Market Square, llth, l^^'L 87-lm their former ■ pnl i‘i Ki: EigiORs. '.VSK e^ii li I’ure French Brandy, I'oit mi 'iViiie. just rei-eivfd and lor F.;;e liy Mm- ■J. .N. «M1TH. S7-lni 5000 /’ !/V7'-S, .V-. LBS. Pt RE WIllTK l,EAI>. :-;i»(» gallons Linseed ()il. ll;;!-l lbs;. Whiti- potash. Fresh '.-implKMie and Burning Fluid. Sperm ( andles, Lamp (J;.. l,y SA.M L J. HINSDALE. April IvJ, 1:^54. March 27, 1 1 Second Slock* PEARCE cV PE.MI5i:ii tRFL now receiving, in addition to Stock, a beautiful assortment of DRESS atHjDS Satin Striped Borages, Colored Embroiders d Robe.s, L.'idi«s (’ollars and ' nder-SloeT. «, Velvet and other Trimii'ings, Bonnet Ribbons, (’ravats and Stocks, .''liirts. Collars, expressly for the wholesale TRADE. j I’. ,V p., 11«.V Street. .\pril 1. 18.-.L I REW ARD. fWl LL pay the above reward for the apprehension and-afe delivery to me, or lodgment in Clinton Jail, so that 1 get my negro girl .JENNY. She is a likely girl, of light conijdexion, smiles when spoken to, abiiit five feet six or seven inches high: is supposed to be lurking about Faison’s Depot, or Goshen. WM. P. HOBBS. .July 27. ICIN Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, Who!cside {' Rf tail Druf/i/ists, \re now receiving their Spring and Sum mer supply of DnioSjMediritws Chemicals^ T>ye-Woods and Dye-Stuffs. (>ils. Paints, and Painters’ Articles. vaunishf:s. FrelTcli. English and .Asierican Perfumery. Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps. Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Su]>]iorters of all kinds, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medio:il purposes. Extracts tor Flavoring, Choice Toilet and Fancy .\rticles, iMc. They make their purchases for C.\sn. and offer goods equally tix low as they can he obtained from any similar estnblishmont in this section. Warranted to ije Fr*-sh. Pure and (jenuine. Orders from the country promptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard botli to price and f(ualit_\. Hay street, m-st dour West of H. L. J. Lilly. March 17, IS',1. i liiijM>rte(l Havana Rejraliaj and Principe ('igars, now rer.dy for inspection, and for Bale at wholesale only. OEORGE BllANDT. [1855. Marsh 1, ia54. 76-tlM Carthage Hotel. jH^AVING recently purchased the above Establish- ment from Malcom Kelly, Esq., 1 am now pre pared to entertain in a comf:>rtable manner those who may give me a call. H.aving ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, I trust I shall bo able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronace. H. C. McLEAN. (’arthage, Dec. •'>, 18'):;. 51 tt Ran(iolj)li Sheetiutr and ('otton \ arn, For sale by WORTH & ELLIOTT. .April 185;'. _ i:iii\ i. i;iASN\ m croir1\. ri'THE subscriV>er is now receiving his Spring supply I of the above Goods, comprising a general assort ment for the (’OUNTRY TRADE, which he offers upon terms that will not fail to please. Goods packed as j well as in any market in the United States, j ('onntry Merchants would do well to purchase their j Crockery first, in order to give the seller time to pack it well and soon enonch. W. N. TILLINGIIAST. March 20, 1854. _ 80-8m A Woman to hire out until 1st Jan’y \pply to J. H. ROBERTS. 1 March 18, 1864. 78tf liARTH’W EUIJ.HR, Attorney at Law, VTTENDS to the drawing of all Pensions payable at this .\gency, and the prosecution of suspended Pension ('laims against the L'nited States. He invites those who miiv believe themselves entitled to pensions or the arrearages of pension to correspond with him. and particularly the following persons: James Ander son: Jacob Johnson: H.ard^' .lohnson: George Kearsey; Pool Hall Pope; Nancy Thomas, widow of Philip; Mar tha .Vilen, widow of William; Janet .Vrmstrong, widow of Thomas: Isabella McNeill, widow of Daniel; Mourn ing Scall, widow of Sanders. Fayetteville, Feb’y Iti, 1854. 'l-8m Nick W illiams’s Rye W hiskey at wholesale or retail. MCDONALD & McMASTER. Dec. 10, 1858. PERUVIAN (TI AN(). E have received a large supply of PERUVIAN GU.ANO, which we offer at lowest market price. 3icKiyriiAj\ WE have received a large supply of PERUVIA GUANO, which we offer at lowest market pric^ D. .S: W. McLAURIN. Jan’v 1854. _ ' CORN. 1/^ BUSHELS COUNTRY CORN in store, for sale W H LI TTERLOH Jan’y IS, 1854 piiRii: I i’oiiii:RT(i\r WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreiii^u am! MMmnestic IIA'I’S. (..VI'S. ItOO'l'S, SIIOKS, I mhrcllns, and Rcadq-ninde ( lothins^^ HAY STliKKT, Fayelteville, ^ • Strict attention paid to orders. "^8 B. V. PEARCK.l (“• I'KMnERTO)^ rWlllE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White B Qnji Staves, and Oak or .Ashe Heading. Call on T«« W Strsnee. who can always be found at the Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. A. A. ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub lie, that he has built up large sul.Btautial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing CarriKges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to bu»ines3, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the bu'^iness. His w’ork will compare favorably with any made in the I nited States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, FisisHtn, the LAR GEST STOCK of C Cirri (i£rcs^ Barone lies, Rockawuys, and tingu;i cs. Ever offered in this plac»i and a very large stock of work nearly finisheil, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. jgiej^He has on hand more th.m ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finishep and in course of construction. work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, nnd should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very n sonable terms. May 28. 1853. ^>^tf ^■IHE Subscriber will receive proposals for KW.OOO Ji. lbs. of (jotton Batting or Wadding. Also, for Pi,t>00.t00 ,three millions) of Heeds from .S to liet Iwng, and also, 1(J,(X)0 (ten thousand) pounds of good clean Corn Shucks, in stated quantities. For further particulars inquire of R. W. HENR'^. J. HENRY 44-tf F«b’y 18, 1858. 70tf Fayetteville. No^. 14. 185:5. nf rTi:R! 4 NEW SUPPLY, just received GEO. Jsd’7 80. McNEILL. 66tf