SEMI-WEERL. Y \o\.. III.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 8, 1854. [XO. ‘294-1 Ml ;! M^.NDVVS AND TUUKSD.VYS. rri\V\KI) J. half: .v sox. i i iioiis \\i» rimi’HiKToiis. ; Si-Iiii-" I'l'kly » 'nsKU\Kii Oil it'piii.l in 'it I'liiil ihiriiijr the your of suli-i-rip- S1 :i!ti‘rtlu‘ Vfiir hus ox|'ireil. w ' '11 »; VKK 00 j'or iiimv.iti, if [miil in . it I'rtid iKirinji tlie Vfjir of snl>«i l ip- • aftor the year li;i c\j>ireii. ■■ ■>;; St.MKN'l'S iusfrto'l I'lH- sixty cents |ht • • - ” tlic tirst. !in 1 tliirty cent •' i- eiich , ' 'u. \ early ;i'h>- Vtiseinent> l>y : j>e- •••, !it reasonulile rutes. AiUertisers are .'i 1 : .'t.Hle tlie nmn)ier (.-f insertiini.-s 'ie.sirinl, ;ir «, t lUtiiHie'i till forlii'l. uii'l eliiirge i iu> l.ettcrs tf the IMitur? must tie |iost-{>aid. VO lU ILDEUS. ■' K- VI.S will be receivcil uHtil SA’lTKl) VV, ,IK 1 rli »)F Nt \ NKXT. t'.T tlie ereeti^n in the r ., ■■ttevi’.ie. tlie main hiii’ linu, f.>r tin* use KaVkTI'KX ILLK FKMALK MUitl SCllnoi,. ' ^.lin^ t- ho thret st,-ries hii:h. M x ■;1, of hriok. t fine hlaek l>i ite r' XV irkiUiUislrj) anl materia! tn he of : F 'ri'lan" aU'l sin\ ifu-ati, us, as'i'ly ti- eitiier i '■ ttee, : .1. HINSI>AI.K. l)AVll» S. \MI LAM.. John H. rouK. I 1>. WILLIAMS. ! K. .1. 1.11.1.V. I'.xecutive i’omn'.ittce. | -f-.\pril ;*ltf J\i:w STORE. Sprhiff and Sitmuier OOOMPS, ^I'^llF, suhscrihers respectfully nnnounce to the people I if Fayetteville uml its \'.cinity, that thej’ have ojieiieil II NKW STOllI', eontiiiiiiii}; a liir^o Stock of 1 8;i4. SPRING SUPPLY. NEW SIMNC; AND SI MMEK GOODS Now Goods. Bale.s prime Hay. I .■sale l)\ OIIKKI L. ‘.'■_’tf FOR -T- 'HK I’ll vireeii : Muske .!i Son. R\:m\ -trt et, t’lirmerly .n i iipie'l by Apl>’v ti: W'.’N. TILLINtiHAST. >.‘ltf Wliio'i will he solil a^ ^’orthejii I’rices. In our Stock niay he found tiie h’ vies of J.adies' DKF.SS COODS: 1 uti ■> lirociided tig'il and plain hlack Silk, ai nil prices; L.iwns; French Jaconets, Muslin.s, tmj I'jirltaiKs, in j;!eat variety; a vvvy fine article of black Alpacas, (iin^ilan'.^. and Prints; Piano and Table ('ov ers. .\lso a liandaome lot ;>f Kmhruideries, consisting of emh'd «'ollurs, Sieevos an 1 Chemizetts; JuC')iiet, t'amhric and Swiss Kd^riii.; and Inserting; Linen ( uin- bric lliui.lker. hiel's; emh'd ilitto; a ‘.'.’le lot of (..'rape '^liawls, \ eils, Silk and Kid (iloves. Hosiery. Bonnots. Kihh.iiis, Table* Cloths, Irish Linen, \c. hirire lot of M \TS, vi/.: Moleskin and Drab l5oaver il;i;.'. Straw Hats all stylos; Straw IJoniicts, Misses’ Bonnets ami Flats. A line lot of 1;(H»TS and SIIOKS, vcc. \ larjic as.-ortnieut of .IKWF.LUV; iJol 1 Ear-llinps, Hrrast I’ins, a variety of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold F.'b and Vest Ch.iiiis, iVc. T;-;rether with the largest and tinest stock of KE.\- DV-M.VDL ('LO rillNG ever before otl'ered in this kot; F’.iie blark Chith Frock and Sack (’oats; also tine I r.'wu, blue an 1 >;reen Summer ("loth (\>ats; a tine lot of hhick -Mi'aca ('I'Uts. A large a-iSi'rtment of Pant: -skin Ca'siiniTe I’ants: fancy ('assinier-' P.ants, at all prices. .V fine I t of Vests; white, buff, .and tani'y Marseilles Vests; blai'k Satin and fancy Silk Vest', v\c. .\ hands'iiui lot of ('loths and Cassiinercs; (icnts' tine Lin-n Shirts, rullars. ^:c. Pers iiis wishing to buy would do well to call and ex- timine our St"ck bi fore jmrchasing elsewhere, as w>‘ •ti-e determined to si-11 cheap. SrilLoSS .Mct OUMlt’K, Hay street. P. S, thin- Ilf all kinds fwr Pmys of from four to sixte>-n yi':ir> !d. Aj'i-il I'l. l^'M. ''Stf iiofsi:,sk;n and or\ami:n r- \i. 1’ M.\ \'\sr,. 'IIIK under-signed iiav'n- lat-ly arrived from the ro/ciSB Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, \yli(>h'si/i' (I- lirtail Driojyixfn, Are now receiving their Spring anil Sum mer supply of Subscriber is now receiving the and JL most complete assortment that he has ever called the attention of his friends and the public to: he woulil ■ therefore say to all that may desire anything in his : line that is F.VSHION.-VIJLE and (’IIKAP to give him Dru:rs.}l( dicines iS' Chcniicals, keep the “Nimble sixpence' .... . , moving. Mis stock consists of a large variety oi the Dye-Woods and Dye-Stufl's, Oils, l’aint>i, and Piiintors’ Articles, VAUNISIIKS, French. Knglish and .Vmerican Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth IJrushes, I’aint IJrushes, Surgical and l)ental Instruments, Trusses anil Sujtporters of all kinds. Pure Wines and Brandies for .Medical j)urposeg, F.xtracts for Flavoring, Choice Toilet and Fancy .\rtioles, Slc. Jsjy” They make their purchases for and otter goods eijually as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. Warranted to t>e Fresh, Pure and Genuine. Orders from the country promptly filled, aud satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to jirice aud quality. Hav street, n-.'xt door West of II. it K. .1. Lilly. •Ma'ivh 17, 1S'.4. Htttf KPICI.\» IS.K. J.LUES KY'LE IS now receiving his Spring Supplj’ of Foreign and Domestic (ioods, all of which has been purchased for »'.\SH ;ind by the Package will b« olFered at Whole sale or Het.-iil at vei-y low jirices for Cash, or on time t.i punctual customers. On hand at all times, the best lioitiriir Ch'tlis that are manufactured—No. - to 10. March is. is.',4. 80-tf |[ Sliemwoll House, II rOVWi'VSlMSWW. r'N; tPw the name and style of H.VMSKV \ lillO.. I ■: > undersigned have thi.s dav becnme i'o|>artiu r'' - L’r.v ds. :irocery and Hardware Uiisiue-s. t ^itc S. T. Hiiwlev i: Son, Hav Street. Fav- N. = . ' M. .1.' UAMSKV.' N. A. RAMSFY. RAMSKY \ HliO., tmrocers^ IV., HAY sTRFFT. FAYFTTFVILLF, N. ; . EKP c >nstantiy "ii hand evi ry thine in thier line tm. I busiiii'^^s. and wil’. sell at the lowe.-f rat* s. uy -ruduce bought ur taken in exchange t-r N"rth. wi'hcs t.; inform the citi/eiis of F.iyctte- vii'.e aii'l vicinity, that he has .iust opened :i Shop on Muml'or I "treet, in the u]>]ier p.irt of Messrs. Pier \ : I Hraniii’s Carriage llepo.sitory. and is now pre[iareil i , to receive all or'lei' tor all kinds oi House. Sign and ' j I »ru!imental P:i;iitin j;. (iraining. I'aper Han; ing, \c. i Per'ons wi?hing ?uch w. rk done will do well t-. call ' : and see my •-pecimi ns 'f w orkiu.snshif). Window .Shades furni-ihe 1 to order; als ' S.ashes, : B inds and Do"rs. at :';e .oWi St lujirket price. All Work executtd w-. 1. :;c it;.C" and despatch. Only give me a call; I am I'oand to ple:i«t>. HullACK W. BLAt'K. i .lan'y I'J, Is'l. *;itf Fdifititviiif, y. Fast side Green Street, a few doors North of the .Mar ket House. fJI^HF subscriber begs leave to announce to the citi- I. /.ens of Fayeitevillo. and the travelling jmblic, that he has ju>t hnished and oj^ened his House, for the reception and entertainment of any who may wish per manent - r transient Board. His Koorns are Large and comfortable, and his Table shall always tie furnished with the best the market will afl'urd. H*also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will att> ii,l f:iithfully to that dejiartment of the business.— No ji.iltis will he spareil to make those comfortable who m.ay favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfullv solicited. Charges shall be moderate P. SHEMWKLL. Tltf different styles of FASHIONABLE H.A.TH, to-wit; Fur, Wool, I’aiiaiiia, Ijcghoru, Cantou, Pedale, lluthiml, China I^earl, and Palm Leaf, which will be sold low for 8^„CASH. —ALSO.— A general assortment of P>OOTS and S1H)KS for (ientlemeii. Ladies, .Misses, Youths, Boys, Children, Infants, and Servants. Please call and examine before you purchase. J. C. THO.MPSON, Market Sijuare, March 17, 1854. 8t)-tf AT THE RED SIGN. .llcDoiinId Sc .Hc.lla^iter Have just received a full and complete stock of GllOCEKlES, PUOVISH)NS, &c., to which they would invite the attention of the citizens and surround ing country. They will sell low for Cash, or on time to punctual customers. They purchased their Goodf for cash, and this will enable them to sell low. They have facilities that many houses have not; they have I agents established in Baltimore and New York, who ' always advise them of any change in articles in their line,* and who purchase only when bargains are ti> be ; had. Wo keep always on band a splendid assortment of foreign and domestic Liquors; Loaf, Crushed and Brown Sugars; Tlio, .lava and Laguira Cofl'ees; Green, Hyson and Black Teas; New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses; Table and Sack Salt; Bacon, Lard, Mess Pork, .Mess Beef, Smoked Beef, Dryed Venison; No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel; Butter, Cheese, Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats Tobacco, Candles, Copperas, Saleratus, Indigo, Mad dor. Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Nutmegs, Cinamon, Epsom Salts, Saltpetre, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, and (.llassware; and a variety of other goods. Tl.i y take this method of thanking the community and their country friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods low, to increase their former trade—always keeping in view that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. Y'ellow Building, between the Market House and the , Bank of the State, Gillespie Street, FayetteviHe. N. C. March 21. 185:-!. 78tf Goods! Goods! r|ij r lors wil’ mciit with prompt attenti' l>o4. 87-tf lU IE, Unilder and I ndcrtakcr, and execute upwardii. ■ntracts from t' i r''pared t- [ni,' : !"W P.'inds. .•'ash. Glass "Ts. and all k'.nd^ ; . nta'. and plain Work warranted to give -ati- He may be tound oii inquiry at .Mr. .1- '=e W ;-- ttoville. April 12, l‘-'54. s7-'imp l ^ of and Summer O' .-k/.v. 1 \KM ,v WII,L1.\MS are r. r>‘i eiving their on 1 ^ >• ri ■! .''pring and .Summer Dry «i lods. Hats, B'lunets, ShMcs, Hi^ot.s, and Fn-ady- Made 'lothing, ■ 1 within the la-t two weeks by one ■■•{ the firm. Northern .^Iarkets, at greatly rchu-ed ( ri-t-' ' - -i.c early part of the .''fa-'on, and w '.’I be di-po-.-.i ■ U 1: .V. s'.’c buyers on accommodating terms. e . ' : esaminatiou of our G. ■ ds. by Mcrciiaiits buy- ; ’! .Market. All order- pr..i.iptl. attended to ;-TAHll. J. :«I. WILLIAMS. 15, ^i'tf LAFRIMU R(,lf HK.fl SCHOOL, nit'llMoND CiirNTV. N"BTH C MU (LINA. HIS !:irt:e and tl uri'hin;.! Institution is now per manently establishc i. undi-r a full corps of well {ualitied Ins'Tucters, and with every thing reijuisite I’or tirst cla-' Seminary, being well supplied with Mnj^s. .rraphu'al atid .\-tronotiiical: G' be*. I’hilosophical an l * iu-mio t’ .\]'j'ar itu~. The Si'Tiii-Annual S.->si.‘ns of five m..ntlH Ci>mmenco on the se. ond Monday nf .lanuary and .luly respecti\-’y Circulars, c intaining fuil particulars, will be fur nished by aj.plying to Hev. J. Joni s Smyth, V. ,N1., Princip: '. I.auiel llili P. O., Kii.iimoiid county. N. C., or t ' D. (_'. .\lolNTYKF, .''ecrei.iry. Oct..her 14. l"-',8. o*'.v' i'aijitttviUr and W iImi s» vssiv\(;i:ii i.i.m:. Feb’y 15, 1854. $’jr> F WILL pay the a> We liavt; opened oiir Store in C.'iinp- bollton. We oU'er low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS and GKOCEPilFS. JESSUP & CO. March 1. 1854. 7tjtf ^H E subscribers are now receiving into Store, large and geneial STOVK OF €iOOBiS, Which will be sold at wholesale or retail at sina” pro fits. Their Stock embraces St. Croi.x, Porto Rico, .Muscovado, and New Orleans Brown Sugars; A, B, and C (’otfee Sugars; Loaf, Crushed and 1‘owdered do; fine and common Teas; .Java, Lagui ra, and Rio Coll'ees; Pepper, .\lspico. Ginger; Aluni, Epsom Salts; Brimstone; Indigo, Madder; .Vdamantine and .Sjierm Candles; Snutt'; S. Soda; Ground .Mus tard; Fancy and liar Soaps; Camphor, Borax. Cider Vinegar; Mackerel, in bbls., half-bbls., and kits; .Mess I’ork; Molasses, Syrup; S.-ick Salt; Broad and Club .\xes. Turpentine Axes, Hackers, Scrajiersand Dippers; Pocket and Tabie Cutlery: Shovels, S))ades and Fork.s; broad and common bar Iron, Steel, Sails, and Spikes; Weeding Hoes; Hollow-ware, large assortment; lilack- smith Tools; Ploughs, Corn Shellers, and Straw Cutters; Hats, Shoes, aud Domestic Dry Goods; with almost every thing usually’ to be found in this market. I GEO. W. W1LLL\MS & CO. Feb’y !•;, 18.54. 72tf j jge^ The office of the Cape Fear Steamboat Compan_, is kept in the above building. .J. D. WILLIAMS, Agent. j STEDMAX cV HORNE, Dry (ioods. Hardware^ Groceries^ i.\r. F AVKTTKVin.K, ]\. CJ. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens and the public generally, that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Sjiring Stock of Goods, consisting of Dry droci rtes, llnrdicarc, ifr. A variety of Hats. suitaV>le for the season: Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Slipper.-; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we would be jdeased to have them to call and examine fpr themselves. All orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 30, 1853. 81tf _ 'Vo the Frcightinis Puhlic. rjlHE Brothers’ Steam Boat Co. is now prepared .1. with the following Boats: Str. DOUGLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA McDaniel, to transport all Naval Stores. Produce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any ]> r»l.f -"nsion M and safe delivery ’o me. or bidgmcn. Jail, So that 1 pet niv negro girl .IFN.N). jiC j. .. liktdy girl, of light comi'iexion, smiles when q>ok"n t . about five feet six or ?eveii inches high; is supposed to be lurking abou: Faison's Depot, or tioshen. WM. P. HOBBS. July 27. 15-tf Tiirpc ntiiK'! Turpoiitiiie! want to l)uy Turpentine, deliv- .'>iill in Campbellton. NOTICE. '^H !1 SUB.SCRIP.ER has removed to SHAW'S XF.'V P.riLDlNG. Gil lespie Stri'ct. w'.’.ere he intend.s car rying f!i lio T V e «.OK I BUSI- MISS in all it-; bi-anoh*'s. !i tiding had pract’' 111 1^., -0 ii’ no'Sl of ihe At- buitic citii-.' L- foe’s 1 that lie cun please the most lastidious. All orders will be oxeentoii with neat ness and despatch. B. MONA(JHAN March 28, 1853. 81-tI THE STEAMER “SIN." films new and very light draught Steamer has com- i nienced n'nning, though not quite finished. She is taking freight drawing only 1inches water. SUt* possesses sujterior udvuntages for low water service.— She has also ft large amount of warehouse, shed and wharf room, where Nnval .Stores or other freight mny be stored with safety. R. M. OIIRELL, Ag't. Sept. 10, 18.53. -27tf IH.WE received and iTjiened the largest Stock.o DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, \c., I ever otl'ered for sale, all of which I will sell as low as any house in this place. My f riends and customers, and all in want of (.roods, are respectfull.v invited to call and examine i for themselves. PKTER P. JOHNSON. Fa>vtte\i.le. N. C., September 1853. 28tf yoficc to the I'rarellimr Puhiir. fBlHE Stage leaves Warsaw daily (eACO]>t Saturday) .M. at 7 o’clock, ji. m.. after the arrival of the even ing train from the North, and arrives at Ia.vetteville next day by •> o'clock, a. m., in time for the Stage to Salem: wtiich leaves Fayetteville Monda.vs, W'ediiesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock, p. m., and arrives at Salem noxt day by 2 p. ni. Returning, leaves Salem Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at t’l o clock, p. ni., arrives ut. Fayetteville next (i.iy bj 4 p. m., ;n time for the iStage to Warsaw: which leaves Fayetteville daily (except Saturday) at 0 p. m., and arrives at Warsaw next da}' by 5 a. m., in time to connect with the train North or South. Tickets from Warsaw to Salem, !iil2. From Warsaw to Fayetteville, $4. To other points on the road in proportion. M- McKINNON. Fayetteville, March 18, 1854. 80-tf Gill'’s Ne Plus Ultra BUR]\1 SH. rBlHE Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of someex- B perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a desideratum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boot.s and shoes. Most of the articles now used cither injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man’s ^‘■understanding" a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to .lESSUP M 'rch 1. 1S51. & CO. 7f)tf ^TKAMKR ly as foil lay ni'Tiiing and WilmiiiL't •F.\.\'NY LCTTKRL>H ‘ leaves prompt- W-: Fayi'ttevi'.le ii M irday and Thur-* ■It 15 mniute~ after suii-rise, precisely: 11 on Tuesd,lV:^ and Fridav-. ;it 12 o'cl,.ck. T. S. LUTTERI.OH. .March -7, I"'. 1. "otf Spring' Cji04)(1s. PT.WI.OR is now receiving his Stock of Spt'lttff • a tut Sumtnev for Ladies’ and Goiitlomon's wear; lilack and colored JaiterP, for Ladies, Mis.«es, atid (’hildren; lioDts and Shoes; Hats and lionnet.s; ('roekcrv and (ilas.'w:ire; Hardware; (’oopcrs’, ('arjtonters' aiid Stnilhs’ Tools; Ploughs and Castings; Straw (’’utters, \'c. i.'tc. P. T.VYLoR, Old Stand. Green St. & CO. r«tf Staves! StJivi's! OCf" We want to buy Spirits Barrel .ST.WES. Will pav the highest C.^sn prices. JESSUP March 1, 1^51. l^urc K ast India (\istor Oil. ■m'*T F, have just leceived a supply of Pure East In- Ww dia CASTOR t>IL, without taste or smell, first intrud .ced by tis into this market last Spring. FOULKES M.\(’KAE. March 17, 1851. X"tf other line of Boats on the River. They are provided w ith suitable Wharf and W’are-IIouse accommodations : the task of preparing an article free from these objec- ’ I general business, and hope by strict attention | tions, and has at lengta after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is “GiU s ne plux ultra Burnish." He only wishes thnt it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over others. Call on him nt Mr. Nathan Sikes bo • .xud shoe establishment, on Person street, and be ^ujJplicd ■with an excellent article at a chc^p ”’.ite, T1‘ »MAS GILL Nov. ft. 1S53. 47tf to d. .. ^ , . , to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public patronage. J. S. B.\NKS, Ag't. Faj’etteville. JNO. BANKS, Ag’t at W ilmington. Sept. 19, 1853. -2'Jtf _ ~ FAYETTEVILLE MlTHli l\!iliRl\fF> ri'^HlS Compan\. is now organised and prepared to re- ceive applications for Insurance, on as favorable terms as other Companies. DIRECTORS: ^larch ;'.o, l>'5l. 83-3m PFMFS. 1,1..R.F and .''uctioii Pumps, .''heet Lead and Lead Pipe. Ii ^ Tk (;)()DS. stock .\K\\ rilHK -ul .scriber has just received his stock vd ST.\- 1 PI.E AM> FANC’V DRY aOODS, I'.'.ing every article u« to be found in a Dry Store, consisting in part as ('•.llow.s; !’ lin black and watered Silk; j)laid Summu i'ilk; ;i 'ired Jaconet und -'ther styles of Muslins; Grena- Borages an l Tissues; Embroidered Muslins for I-. ;.liig lirc'ses; white and colored Tarlt.-ins; 1 as- • r!ment Lace and other styb’^ of .MantillHS-: Embrui- ’ red ;'.;i;irs. Sleevc.“, * hemi/,etts. Handkerchiefs; au'l Jaconet Edjiin;; and Insertinjr. of suj*erior qu.'.lit.v; Bonnets ;ind l’tibb..ns. latest style and in great arietv; Sewing Silk .Mitts: Um>'rellas ;ind Parasols; 1 assortment of Calico; Ginghams; bleu. licd an t , wn Domestics; t’ioths. Cassimeros and Vc-tings; . non ioods: .Slioes and Boot*, for Ladies, .lentb'men, H \s. Girls, and Children; Gentlemen's Sumnier Hats; b . vs' and Girls' Hats ant-l F'lats; .Silk and i\id GloV' j; * ir and Coffee, A;c. ^rnt.'ful for the liberal patronage heretofore rc-eived, ■■ trusts, >iy close aj'j.'lication to business, fair dealing, k ’ ■ merit a rontinuance of the same. 5^ \i lii« -New .''tore on Green Street. ■ East . Ide. a 7: d’ ors from the Market House. P. SHE.MW ELL. I''.yetteviile, .\pril 12, 1854. "tt HALL A: KOKI>MK\, Ut-lni.l I'aii'f Prtsrriji/ioiiists. Vl.UA VS on hand a supply .f genuine .M ED1( 'I.'^ES, WINES and I.l.iC ;11S, for medical yiur|poses. uilv Mediciries and Recipes put up to order, and ■ ^uiiPresi-rlptions promi'tly a4teiided to. i '..-'levii’e, -N'. .April P!, l~-'l. 1». \1. W ALKER, INSl'Kd'OR (IF \\\\l STIIKKS A.MI i*K(l\l'illlNs, W1 L.MLN'iTON, N. ‘ l.u'ines' entrut^ted t'. him will receive piompt 17, 1"5». ">-::m S'l'RAVi:!) Jll’.'rNI the .■^iib'criber. on the I'itii in-t. Wlicii ia-t hear .>v;ir GOODS. E are now receiving from Now York ;i very large .''tock .’f SlLASONABLi: (.OODS, Embracing : .rly every article usually kojit in our market. We j.uridiase our (!■ oils by the package, on as favorable terms as any house in the Mercantile line, and will sell them, wholesale or retail, oii nccomnndat-* ing terms and for rensonalile profits. JM||.\ r fi>r,\( II. 1 (01 Nf'iL, r.\ix & ro. For -.le by .March 30. i and Lead ripe. C. W. .\NDREWS, Market Square. 83-tf S l EA M I .R hi:n rie r pa, rilHKoUGH from Wessell's wharf in Wilmington. I t^i her old wharf in Fayetteville, with a sufficient number of Flats to accommodate those wishing to ship through or way freight. R. M. ORRELL. Agent at Fayetteville. Sejit. ls53. 2itf I!H'II \Uii s. (• \|\. \Nlii;i! K\V March 25', lh54. 8;itf i'OI{ SAI.I',. P>»XF.S M:inufactur, 1 r 'bari o. Wo have in bt>'ire a largo stock of Tobacco, and ex pect to n'ceive constantly ;'Vi>m .1. W. I'oid and Thom as's and other facto"i''s, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnibh purcha-^rs any quality at lowest facto ry prices. D. oc W'. McLAURIS. Sej't. 185:1. oOtf Soriiiii vV SunniH'r (ioods. r*. f» o JR H as just returned tV'.m tlie Nortii. and is opening a large and beautiful St.ick of sTiriii'; \\\) \-m iiiiv (iooii);. He will not attempt to enumerate every article usually ke|it in such an establishment, but feels justitie'l in .-aying that a visit, ]i:irticularly from the Ladies, would be api.r>'ciati-l by hiiii, and amjdy repay them for a fifty miles' ride. .\s for Sli.KS and other Dross (ioods, and particularly Collars, Sleeves. Chemi/etts. and other Embroideries, iie defies all the competition that the town ol' Fayetteville c.'ui sliow. TilO sr.lpscrilier feels thankful for the jiatronage here tofore shown him, .and hopes by strict attention to bu siness. and by being able to show the prettiest (ioods, and also being disposed to sell them at as cheap a rate, either for cash or on time ;> punctual customers, as any other establishment in the place, he ho,ios to itti re:'ise that trade and confidence whl'.'ii has enabled him tri Sojourn in the Town of Fayetteville. .1. W . P.AKER Is now receiving from the North the (largest, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of ri R\iTi Rr. ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—: 11 of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on lime to punetual customers. F'ii.e Rose Wood Pianos, i Bennet i Co’s, of Broad way, .New York,,i f'ashion;iiile painted cottage bed-room Fu-iiiture in setts; curled liair iind sh'i.-k, and cotton .Mattresses: Looking (ilasses: Willow V agons and Cra dles; Patent .Sell'-Swinging ( radios; Side P>oards; Bu reaus; Secretaries .and Book-(’ases; W'h.'it-Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stamls; Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Pic ture Frames and (ilass; W indow Shades; (’ornices; Cur- t!iin B.and Totes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs ot every variety. .September, 1853. 30tf I si'rim; i\i) m\]M liooos. ri'^HE undersigned having gone into the F.INCY DR^ ' I GOODS this Spring, are now prepared to oflor j groat imlucements to purchasers at wholesale or retail, i ()ur stock has been selected with a view of selling to the Retail Trade of this place and vicinity, and will be ■ sold as cheap as (ioods can l>e offered in the State. We have a groat variety of I'iNE I)RES.sES and DRESS TRlM.MlNiiS, viz; Fire plaid, plain Brocade and Black Silks, Marabeax Brocade Grenadine, printed . Barege, plain do, plain Tissues, Organdies, French Ja- conets, fiinghams. .\lso, French Collars; Chomisotts; \ ‘ Undorsleeves; H.indkorchiefs; Gloves of all kinds; fine white Crape Shawls; embroidered and plain Mantillas: | Silk and Lace Edgings and Insortiugs; Infants’ Waists; Velvet Ribbons and Fringes; Bonnets, aud Silk; , Misses' Fiats, trimmed and jtlain; Bonnet Ribbons, Ar tificials and Tabs. A good selection of Ladies’ Shoos, Gaiters and Buskins, .‘ind CliiMron's Shoes of all kinds, i For (ientlemen and Youths—large stock of Read.v- i made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeros, Vestings, Linen j Drills. Hats, Boots, Shoos, and Umbrellas, all of the best material. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine our Stock before making their purchases, as I we are determined to sell Cheap. I W. F. & E. F. MOORE. March-20, 1854. _ 80tf Cartlia^‘ Jlotc'l. ■ 3 .WING recently purchased the above Establish- ft I. ment from .\lalcom Kelly, Esq., I am now pre- ]iared to ontiTtain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, 1 trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, Dec. 5, 1853. 51 tf Avon E. Hall. •T. G. SlIEI'UERD. W.M. AVarde.v. S. T. Hawley. John P. Wilitams. r. liEMiOW. Wm. MrLxuKix. Wm. I-!cLntyre. s; Sofas in «nd Walnut; T^^ SllOOtinjr aiul CottOn Yam, tomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every n ^ ELLIOTT. April 1853. ^tf rHlHE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, Whi.e B ((ilk Staves, and Oak or .\she Heading. Call on Jas W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLA*URIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1853. 70tf J. M-ir.-h -.i7, 1^54. C. POE. 8;!-;’>iu ■ M from . lu;l‘ .iig her up - Jiiipeiis itfd April 17. I".' from ; he « t'o Faye!tev.lie. • rii ng lii-r to me W.\I , my I-a s uo mi!' \n\ p -r- .11 la! ^ br lil.i'IMl; \. DICK, tf l.M) { R receivimr Lis BALE.' HAN just r* .'I'd and foj- I El)MAN >v iaie I V HOK.NE. H7tf just recei\cd and for J. N. SMITH, N. W'. corner Market Square. S7-1 m April 12. 1851. 1‘OrASH! 1‘OrASH’! I asks WHITE POTASH, ^ sale by 11th, 1851. l‘l RE LIQIORS. 1' ask each Pure French I’randy, Port iind .Ma- ■l«ira W ine, just received and for -iale by J. N. .M1TH. •'pril 12. l^'5t. HT-liii CORN. I Bl SHELS COUNTRY CORN in store, * for sale W H LUTTERLoH Jau'y 18, 1864 b3tf illi li)t' siibscrib( r is now receiving Lis .Sjiiing supply I of the aiiove (I -( I-, comprising a genei’.il assort ment lor the ('III STRV 'I'll \DE, which he offers upon terni!- tliat will not fail to please, (ioods packed as we;l a> in any m.arki-t in tlie I nited .“^tates. I'i.uiitiy Mi‘ri h;iiits woold do well to purchase their Crockery tirst, in ordiT to give the .-eller time to pack it wel- and on enough. W. N. TILLiN(iHAST. Miindi 20, 1'‘'51. Second Sioeh\ Fi.ARC i: IMvXHiER^rON RE now receiving, in adilition to their former Stock, a beautiliil assortment of DRESS Coons. Satin Striped Bcrages, Colored Embroidered Rol>es, l.adies Collars and Under-Sloevos, Velvet and otiier Trimmings, i’.onni't Ribbons, ('ravats and .Stocks, Sliii ts, Coll.ars, EXPRESSLY FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. P. ij- P., Hay Street. April 1, 1854. 84-tf ! I V .NOrKI',. ' fHlHE sub.'!cribor offers for saleiiis li.VNDS, six miles B North of Farottoville and about one mile from the Fayetteville and Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of I about of suited to the ma king ol lurpontine or Timber. There are on the pre- , mises a good saw and grist mill, all in good repair and i nfiw in ojieration: also a dwelling, anil all the iiecessa- ; ry out-houses. in good repair. I * .Also, aiioliier tract of two hundred and fiftj' acrfs, ■ on the head waters of Carvor’.s (Veok, known as the I Tairy Place, on which there is a small farm, a dwel- I ling and other houses. I On the first named tract there are cut about twenty- ' five thoiisaie! Turiiontine 1,'oxes. from two to four years old. .All the above lands wil! 1)C sold on the most accom- I modating terms. Persons wishing to purchase will ' please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing tlie above lands. WM. R. BOLTON. Oct. 27. 1853. Wtf .lust R('cei\e() ;md for Sale, BBLS. No. 3 MACKEREL, 10 kits No. 1 “ {(» “ Salmon, 200 lbs. Cod Fish, 20 bo.xos Choose, 5 “ .Adamantine Candles, 20 “ Tallow “ 5 “ No. 1 Soap, 10 “ Soda Crackers, 2 hhds. Brown 5 bbls. Criishei' .,.'a*«d Sugar. Buckwheat F'I,,..r in lb. saci. Pickles, Ric* , .' .lenstus, and \'e i 1 o\ u ALSO—3 dozen Turpentine Axes. By W. H. CARVE!’.. Feb’y 7, 1854, Oytf NIAV (iOODS. rpiHE undersigned have in store and for sale cheap, a general Stock of Orotn-ir.'i, /Iran/ !/irhrare, Ilolhir-inire, Iron, Strrf, WinJow Gfirsx, BlackAinitha' aiuf Turprntine Tools, lirooms, JiiirkctSj Oi/s, SiKjf's, and in fact almost anything that can bo mentioned in our line. ()ur friends will do well to give us a call before pur- chasiiitr. Proiluce of all kiiels taken in exchange for Goods at market ]>rices. Just received 10 hhds. new crop Mola.«ses. G. W . I. GOLDSTON & CO. New brick store east side Gillespie street, third door from the Market. March 18, is.',4. 80tf ; Henry Lilly. I H. J.,. .Myrover. { Th().-. s. Li ttkuloii. ! John H. C(J0k. ' I). A. Kay. A. A. McK ETHAN. I Geo. McNeill. I N.vthax A. Stedman. James Kyle. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL. President. H. L. MY ROVER, Vice President. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. GEO. McNEILL, ) JOHN H. ('OOK, I Executive Committee. JAS. KYLE, j The plan of Ml Ti al Issi rance must commend itself to our community, for it can be demonstrated that we have saved within the last six j-ears ui'wards of !j;30,000 by insurance in the North Carolina .Mutual Company; that is, w^e should have paid to have kept the same in surance in the foreign joint stock companies that sum more than we have actually paid: and yet the North Carolina Mutual Coinjiany has received between i:5(tOO and :j;i'iO('t0 more from our community than it has paid out for losses here,—showing that we .are favorably sit uatod, as compared with other places in the .'^tate, tor Insurance. Our Company has gone into operation favorably, hav ing the day we orgaiiiseci .applications to the amount of !j;llt),000, and the Company is now placed upon a firui foot ing- .Any Director, authorised .Vgent, or Secretary, may receive .\pplications. but they will not bo binding until aj>proveil by the Executive Committee or the Board. gi^"GEO. W. LAWRENCE is appointed General .Agent of the Company. We invite applications. GEO. McNEILL, Pres't. C. -A. McMILL.AN, Sec’y. Feb’y 7, 1853. * GOtf JOH.V M. AVliOl.KSALK UMBRELLA ANM» PARASOL mfianuta€luret% 234 and 235 (Next door to tiik, BRO.ADW.KV B.\NK,) Is now prepared to offer the .MERCHANTS visiting the city to buy their Spring goods, the LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL assortment of ir III l> r o 1 I a •« a ii I* a r a o. o I *>, to be found in Europe or America. You are respect fully invited to call and examine the stock H € t'o r e /* if r r fi (t .s i ii f/ • N. B. Please cut out this card and put it in your memorandum book for reference. I. ^i.^IITII, 70-3mpd] .Manufacturer. PERUVIAN (U ANO. E have received :i large supply of PERUVI.\N GUANO, which we offer at lowest m.irket price. D. .S: W. McLAURlN. Tan'y 1854. ;)!*tf IJARTH’W I L LLER, Attorney at Law, VTTENDS to the drawing of all Pensions payable at this Agency, and the prosecution of suspended I’ension Claims against the United States. He invites those who may believe themselves entitled to pensions or the arrearages of pension to correspond 'with him, and particularly the following persons: James Ander son; Jacob Johnson; Hardy Johnson; George Kearsey; Pool Hall Pope; Nancy Thomas, widow of Philip; Mar tha Allen, widow of William; Janet Armstrong, widow of Thomas; Isabella McNeill, widow of Daniel: Mourn ing Scall, widow of Sanders. FayetUville. Feb’y Iti, 185-I. 71-3m Who 'would have thought it? ^4 nrw Carrimjo Establishment on tJiP Military Orem, opposite the Methodist Chunk, fronting on Mumford Street. (iliKAT EN'ri'.i{l>l{ISKI Fayvtt‘vill‘ bound to >i|iiii‘!! ''HE .'subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the jiublic. that they have eiiteied into J ■ li b.icting the general M'H. copartnership for the piiipi (' \it. 1 V(. i; I'.rsiN'. Ilfi^a ■ , i l-va-iir:,; W'-':.-. ■ ,Ji !■,, UU'il. > O.'I '-«■ !l ■ • . all) .• ...Oiioamoni lU j lo " •■ .. t«ilit\. One of (he tirni mny bo kuo-,,-.. b^ reference to .A. 11. Whitfield's iron work I'or the last two y*';irs. W'e warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER BRAN IN. Jamks H. PiKR. Jamks Fayetteville, .Tan’y 24, 1853. (i2tf The JLarg^esl i'nrtory in the South I iit'TTKK! A NEW SUPPLY', just received. A geo. Jan’y 30. McNEILL. tititf I.OOK AT THIS! THIH E subscriber is prepared and qualified to de- B spatch all orders for Paper Hanging, having on hand a tine assortment; among which m;iy be found the O.ak and Marble patterns. He also carries on the Mattress-making and Painting, of all descriptions. Call *”'m lit No. 7 Green street. R. W. HENRY'. Jan'y IC., 185-i. 62tf w mm. & i'iiMiJi;«TO\ DEALERS IN IJ.IIII li WHOLESALE Forel^it atifi Mfomentic 1>R1 IIA'l’S. C^VI>S. liOOTS, SllOi:^^, I inhrcl I as, atid Rrady-tnadr C'lothinij;, HAY 8TREKT, Fnyettevillf', t . fagf” Strict attention paid to orders. “’lajH r,. r. I'KARCK.] (Ofttf) [T- 11- rKMIlKKToX. TBIHE Subscriber will receive proposals tor 100,OOO JI. lbs. of Cotton Batting or Wadding. Also, for 3,000,0()0 (three millions) of Roods from 3 to 3i foot It^ng, and aLso, 10,000 (ten thousand) jiounds of good clean Corn Shucks, in stated quantities. For further particulars inquire ol R. . HENR\. J. HENRY. Fayetteville, Nov. 14. 1858. 44-tf Ki'/rn.AA Respectfully informs ins and the pul. lie, that he has built uji large substantial iiricK Buildings at his Old .Stand. e\pr«‘ssl.v lor manulacturing Carrikges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 y‘ars, he hop-s by sirirt attention to, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He ivnrrants his work to bo made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each br.inch of tin- business. fiis work will compare favorably with any ma le in the Unit'd States, for neatness and dur.ibility. He is determined to sell xnd do any work in his lin.- on as good term.s a.s .any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now hus on hand, Fin’ismki), the LAR GEST STOCK of ('arria^es, Ihtrouclics, llockaw(ttjs, and Hu^^i cs. Ever offered in this jilace, and a very large stock of work nearly tinished. which will be fini.shed daily. .'II of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. gt'/y^Ho has on hand more ONE HUNDREl) .AND FIFTY Vehicles tinishep and in course of construction. .Ml work made by him is warranted 12 montiis witii fair usage, and should it tail by bad workmanshi]) or material will be rept-in d free fd' cdi.arge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for them=i'Ives. Orders thankfully received an i (iromi-tly nttendeii i ■ Ro]>airing executed at short notice ni'.d on vt ry vi a sonable terms. May 2S, 1853. I Blank Warrants for >aif‘ fan.

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