f Olth Bd V H' H-i.r 'HI- [VOL. III.] FAYETTFAILLE, N. C., MAY 15, 1854. [W. ‘296.] ns, lil ;i' . lUff \M> mhunt LM. ccrn . i . -itizc: ' e ju^t ’ ir Spr : .ffn, ,] ♦*rs: ;i in a I ■ ‘learie*i 9. rien«l- thli, . areii Y. iV. M. . 1 Ott: uri- corn: tri r hurt' K,'. :ivi K' V. iliii :). • I'l. .lcL-\ T0^. N Stir >\V H ('/ ' irttn'y wo 'I . ,:n! ' ■ . .ia. v ; ; I, '>!■ ' ■ on h;w, : n icleJ' t..'- ed 1- workman:-!!' B. 1 1 to yUtV ■ • (ill '■ ' ' iTADPILL ; iMNTKl) M>Nl>\VS AND THUKSDAYS. i:il\V\i:i) J. HALE & sox, Kl'lTt-KS AN1> rUOPKlETOnS. D. W. C. llonbow, DENTAL SrHGEON, S locatcd third door below the Mai ket. All who are in need of the services of a Dentist nrerespectfulh-invited to call. i-Wookly Observkk OO if paid in ; guarantees satisfaction in nil operations. , . i lU'nbow returns his iu(>sl cratelui muimo ' If paid duruiK the vear of subscnp- | to the citizens of Favettevillo ..nd vicinity for the _ : liberal j'atvonage they have so kindly bestowed; and i Fire-Proof Hoofiii". rUANCIS SllEXrON* Slftte an(f ^fietal Roofer. r^'^llANKFI'I. for past favors, I be^ to inform my ; ■ I aft-r the year has expired. - : Oh'Kuvkh •■^2 >(,1 j>er nninnn, if j'^id in . ’>Mf diirini: tlte year of sub.('r;p- ;s.'. >(> ixfter the year has expired. r.llTlSKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per , . -I I-' liiu s fur the first, and thirty cents fur each , . : i p'.ililioatiun. Yeai'ly advertisements by spe- i', iitrH’t', at reascnabU- rates. A'lvfrtisors are re . 'ti'J t‘» state the number of insertions desired, or . V wi’’. be Continued till forliid. and charged accord l-etters to the Kditors must be I'ost-paid. Fnxicttevillc Mutual Insurancr i'o. ^I''11E Annual Meeting of this ('ompany, will be held I at the office of the Company, on Thursdav the iSth \uy iu\r UEORUK McNKlLL* Pres'l A;ir:l ll'', 1^*>4. ' 'Jlitm i.l TTERLOirS iZnE. undersigned informs bis friends, that the re- H ]H>rt in circulation, to the effect that he had sold .lUt his locating interest, is untrue. My Boats arc in prime order, and will continue to serve shippers as heretofore. Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit any style of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. T. S. Ll'TTERLOH. y;itf I F.Hvette'i:!i.'. -May 4, 18-j4. SODA WATER. Ali.VTUliA WATER, in pint and quart li.uie.s. ilK.\TE OF .^lAGNE.'SLV. For sale by SAM L J. HINSDALE. i»;5-4t \' 4. 1>M. (> rou .NT. T. am of M I LES SALE. limber Wagon, and Harness. JUNES i: I5ari;i;e. troNi’.le, May h, ','4tf TUrST SALE. IN ; ;;r'^n:ince of a Deed of Trust, executed to us by Kiias N. l'i>rt, fi'T certain purposes therein speci- we 'hull ]>i oc>'! l to sell, at the Market H >use in .. X,>w; f K iyetteville. on Thursday the lioth May rh'> new MILL HOUSE, on the corner of Max- :ind Fr:inklii! street-, t^'gether with all the mate- . - 111 and about the building, consisting of '1 Run of , • rn Mi’! .'^tones "f ' Lrge =;7e. dressed read\’ for ;i:itii::c. with all the tistiires necc'^ary to put them ; >T(iti.>n. A Mill -^crew. „vc. for raising Stones.— .'f ,r->n Wheels and Shatt t\ r a Steam Engine. Tw’. •- ,u.i.;ty CraiH '. In short, every thing but the En- : t ■ j-.ut the Mill in •'[■eration. A lot of Plank and llie purchaser will have the privilege of the ■ • • ' the Lot t'"r ■''i years, at a ground rent of -■40 .r annum. :] months' credit, the purchasers giving bunds ' ;pi r-ved .'e'/’.rity. i he J ropertv will be siiown on application to J. Fort. , John FcRT, W , ! Trustees. , friends and the j)ublic, tliat 1 am now prepared to contract for and eseoute. in the best manner and on reasonable terms. ALL KINDS OF FIRE PROOF I R>0KINJ. flutters. Leader Pipe# and Heads, of any would resp.ctfnlly inake it known tloit he intends i st.'le or pattern, n>ade co order and warrante.l for anV leaving Fayetteville the n>iddle of Jutie ti> bo absent '■ tune, about three months. Aiml24. 1S5I. ‘.lO-tf HILLLMU) rAlU.KS. ^B^HE subscribers h.aving devoted their personal at- M tention for many years to the manufacture of RILLIARD T.\RLE5'. are fully competent te> execute work that will give entire s:itisfaction to the most fas tidious Connossieur. l!eing tlie niojt extensive maiui' facturcrs in the Cnion, they are enabled to t'urnish a j superior table at 10 per cent less than any other estab- j lishiiient in the country, to which fact they respectfully j invite the attention of buyers, as also, to the essential ] iuiprovcnjents they have inailc in the construction and elasticity of the Cusbion.s. which they have brcujb.t to a degree of perfection attained by no others. Ahvaj-s on liaml Billiard Tables witi» Marble and Wooden beds, witli a large stock of Cloths. Pialls. Cues, French Cue Leathers. Cue \\ax. Pool Ball, Boards. Bagatelle Tables. Silk and Worsted Pockets. vS:c. Orders by mail prompt ly attended ti'. Old Tables recushioned by sending thwm bv Expr«iiU. GRIFFITH & DECKER. Billiard Table Manufacturers, No. 90 Ann-st., New York. April lil, 1S54. W-ompd S. S. A11 ICY Han just received a beautiful assortment of Sprinr and Summer (iOODS. He desires to ruturn thanks to his fiiemls and the pub lic for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed I tions. on him, and solicits a continuance of the same. His friends and the public are solicited to give him a call, at the Stand formerly occupicd by S. .1. HinsJale, south west corner of Market Square and Gillespie street. April 18. l^.')4. M'tf ~ ElSll AM) LIME. CASKS STONE LIME. •“iO bbls. New Herring, ;No. 1.) 1(1 h‘i!f-bb!s. do, do. bbl,-.. .\Lickercl. ,No. 3 and 4.) P'-.stcr P;tris. Cement and Plastering Hair. Bale Hav. Force. Lifting and Suction Pumps, ad.'iptcd to any situation; Hydi-,-iulic Rams, anil all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead and Leatl Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov. 1.'). l^W. 44-1Y SS*H!\V*V001)S. fBjlHli undersigneil are now receiving, and expect to JL have their entire Stock in Store l)y 13th inst., of S(‘asonablo iiroods, Embracing a great variety of Foreign and nonu'stic Drv Ooods, Hats, (’aps, lioiiiK'ts, Emhrellas, Parasols, lioots and Shoes, Eoolsrap and Ijcttcr Paper, lilank Hooks, lioltiiig Cloths, Src. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing, and Foreign and Domestic Hardware. All of which they offer to the Trado at Low Prices and upon accommodvting terms. Purchaserss will find it to their interest to give the above Stock an examination before making their selec- HALL & SACKETT. March S. is.') L 77tf JIHDS. NEW CROP MOLASSES. %WmW 20 barrels I’ork. 10 do No. Mackerel. (i dozen S. W. (?ollin.s’ Turpentine .Axes. 5,000 lbs. old N. C. Bacon. BEN BOW, KYLE & CO. , Ib.'iL 74tf Fel •lust received bv W. Pt)UERS ,>:‘C0. All fresh aid warranted good, J. April 1>, 1>54. \{\\. LOT of Noi-thern HAY, of extra 'luality. Re ceived a;.-', for >:ile bv TH>. J. ,U)HNSUN. Im MlLLIM'iKV AND ,ftrs. l%*altoii V Fayetteville, April l!n, IS-'L MOL ASSES. ■ HHD.S. prime Ret;.’linir M *L.\S.'^ E.'', just to B ^9 hand. Also, 10 bbls. N. ), Mwi-isses: 5 casks extra fine Syrup: Suirur. C.iHee. ,vc. >rs West lit the ( ajie Fear I’ank. Person street. L’ d IS now rec.‘iving hi r Full and Winter MILLINERY, ■ insisting of H'>nni-ts. f'- m one dn'.lar to fifteen; Dress Ca;is: 11 :uidkfrchi-|.--: French .\rtilici:il Flowers and Fo:ither>;; Swiss Edgings and ln«.ertings: ’a[>es. Col lars and Cn.ler.'leeves; Ladies' and Children's Wrist Gloves. :ind long and short Mits; a new and beautiful St'ck of Dross Triii'inings I'f the later-t 'tyle; Velvet a'. 1 .^i!k Mantillas; Railway Cor'et«: Whalebone Busks. Dresr.es, Mantillas, aiid Cloaks made in the latest E'iiiladelphia and New York styles. All orders from the country jiromptly attended to. Oct. •’>. l^•j;l. ootf JAMES BKANIN, Fayetteville, May o. Carolinian and .\rgus copy. THO. J. .lollNSoN. b'.'-l 111 V tts T NOTICE. IF. Firm •li M. N. L ary .v S.,n is this day dissolv- f i. .Vil J ii.- i'.iiel'ted to them, either Ir, n"te . ■ .'I!;:, arc re .iieste 1 Id . a!! and settle, l ie )>n,'iiii'ss wii; be continu*-d Viv M. N. Leary. :il . 1 't.iii'J. where he wi'.I be piea'Cd to “ice ;.i^ cua- n- an i the public in general. He has on hniid a _■ ^t• ck ol :ind t'ADDl.KRY. which he '■■11 I'lW f .r .\11 orders promptly ;Uleirleii Repturiiig done :it .“^uort notice and i ii reason:ible .M. N. LEARV .V SON. i ,v.’tt‘viile. Mttv t'l '.‘l-lm P>()OK LOST. r.ii’ T two iii'iiiths .ago. the under.«igned lo.-t n i; at delivery >n . k, on the Plank Road, ne.-irly in • : tijf Bank of Fayetteville. Said book is .-ibout '. ! tig. '■ inches wide, and tilled in jiart with the ; i m nt :.f gueds. The fimler will be liberally iT led iiv ri-turuing it to T. S. LITTERLOH. :V lf'.')4. '■•4-'Jw Suimncn'lllc Male tV I'cmalc Scmuuirt/. ^HL Spring >casion .f this Institution will close "ii -"tli an t 31st inht . by a Public E.\aniin ition ol ■ c .-^tuiii.iifs. Declamation nn the night of ou;ii. Parents, luanliant), and the public generally, are inv.tevl t'l attend. A. D. Me LEAN, .'^uniini-rville, N. C.. May •'>, 1.’'.'^}. MtE ('ajfC F(ar ^ (u i^ation ( 'oinjiauy. fBlHi; .'.nnui.! Mi-'ting nf .■'tllcklloIder^ will tie held i ii; the T iwn ol !• ;i\etteville. on Fiid.iv. !;■! .lune 11. HALL. iTes't. ' •■. l^oi. '.'lini April 20, IS^.'il. ■JOO Halts jinmr //.ii. ■^■^■^(ll'LD like tn di-po«e oi it in lots ti. Turpentine men. April 1'.*, l'“-jl .1. \ T. V. ADDILL. S'.'tf A Ti:\c hi:k w' ^ E want t-i enip'- V Te;ich ▼ w till- .School in Di-'rict N •. app'y in wr'ting. ;itid qUiiinteJ, undoul ted rec iiiih — ■ imiiii'ndation- •JA.' .) I.' v\'n:i). ■ to take charge of Applii :\nts will are p.TSnnally .ai - wi!' he reijiiired. coiiK. WoKTH. A. Fayetteville, April 2 L I s-'I. .ToUN SMITH. ‘.'"tf T NOI'UI'.. [11IE Fayetteville b-e HoU'C will be npein 1 iaily. •und'ays excej t-d. t-o- the lei’very nf L * from .'j/i t'l 7 o'clock A. M.. cmineticin;; Mnuiliy 17th inst. Tickets i"r Ice are !u>w re:idy ; r s.i'.e at the st'‘re of Ci. W . Williams .• Cn. No will be delivered except t>. tii kets. a-i it is nut ir.teiide l to ke^i' :iny accounts. When ■ led in to delivti- Ice i.ut^ide nf the- time spe cified ab.'vc, di'uble the reirular piii c will be charged. .lolLN I). W1LL1A,M>. April 1".')4. ^'i-tf Till; IllZlHII I’OWlli'il (O.Ml'l.W. 'Pho Siihscrihcr still con- tinvies to carry on the CABINET Bl'Sl- NLSS in Fayette'iile. and in .addition ti hi- E>tab'.;-iiinent on Uuw Street, near Lee’'-' ' !!rid)_-‘‘. has npeiied ft hirg? WARE KoOM I'll Hay streri. ne.-irly ojtp'-ite !lie Fayettc\iile Hi'tel. aii'l one duor F.a:it of ^ltJS?rs. Haigh & Son's, where a j:,i-n‘,'ral assi'rtnioiit of II 11.Ml’LI 111'.. M;ide by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at jirices c..rre«p'inding wit!i the times. Also, an as- S'lrtment of N'irthern-niade FL’RNITL’RE, selected by himself which will be sold at a very moderate advance. Di Scan .McNeill. Nov. 10. lf.')l. 3Stf E keeps on hand an assortment of Fi>k's celebra- TOBACCO. E] have ou hand several lots of Tobacco, which wc will sell at lower prices according to quality, than can be had of anv other house in Town. J. & T. WADDILL. Dec. 29, 1853. r>7-tf I). & W. JMcLAUKlN Are receiving a large stock of Groceries. Hardware, Boots and Shoe.®, which are offered as low as they i can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail, i Oct. 13. 35tf I »Vetr anti ^tnnmer 1>11V i^l'^HF. Subscribers respectfully announce to their ; Jl friends, customers, and the {mblic, that their j Stock of HOODS for the Season I Is now complete, which was selected expressly for the j Retail Trade. Our Stock is one f f the largest and ■ handsomest ever ofi'ered by us in this market. It con sists in part as follows: FOR THE LADIES—Rich Brocade Silk, large and small striped: red Plaid do: plain glace and steel col’d lo; rich fig’d black Silk; watered and plain do, all va rieties and prices; Gold printed Wnd emb’d Grenadines, Tissues and Beragcs; plain white, black and col’d Chal- lys and Crape lie Paris; printed Linens; French Jaco nets .and Organdie Muslins; Portsmouth aud other low priced Lawns; black and col d (iinghams and Prints; emb’d, plaid, striped and plain Swiss, Book and Jaco net Muslins, Lawns and Tarltons; a very superior arti cle of black Bombazine and Alpaca, for mourning; a liandsome lot of Embroideries, consisting in part of llainiUon. Maltese end Thread Lace Collars; French finb'd ('ollars. Sleeves anil ('hemi/etts, all styles and prices; Jaconet and Swiss Flouncing: Swiss, Jaconet and Cambric Edging and Inserting: Infant,s' Waists and Robes: plain Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; emb’d do; Marriage Handkerchiefs, Sleeves and Collars; bl’k Lace and l^ove Vests; a superior article of blk I’nglish ('rape; Italian Cr;ipe, all colors; a full line of Silk and Kid (tloves and Mitts; Hosiery; Bonnet and plain Ribbons: plain and -.‘mb’d Crape Shawls: black Silk .“ind Lace Shawls and Points; white, black and colored Silk and Lace .Mantillas, (ic.; Talmas, some very line. Amongst our stock of Gentlemen’s Goods may be found. Super black, brown, l>lue. green and olive CLOTHS; black doe-skin and corded Cassimeres; G-4 Fre:i«:’ 'assimeres, new style, and fancy Cassimeres, all colors and prices; white and col'd Linen Drillings: checkc 1 and plain do; Tweeds, Jeans, and cnitoii Drills, farmer's drilling, burlaps, aud osnaburgs: French and Ent.Hsh Jrab d’Ete; Casjhmeret and Italian •'loth; black, white and col’d silk and Marseilles Vesting: silk, lisle, and cotton ^Bdr^fslrirts; a large assortment of Ready mude (’LOTHING. of superinr iiuality. Fvr HuUsekeepers—We hav“ l‘i and I'-'-l Linen*'anil Ciitti>n .'^heeting; Cotton and Linen Pillow ('asing; Furniture Dimity an! Fringes; Damask and Emb'd Muslin and Lace Curtains; Bed Ticking; .Xjiron Check; Marlboro' Stripes aud Plaid, lor servants; bleached and brown .''hirting; Table I'aiiiask; l’>ird's-eye ;ind Cotton Diaper; Huckaback: Cr;i.'h and .•''•i)tch Diaper; Towels. Napkins and Doyles: Irish Linen and Linen l.awns. Ti'getiier with a full line of Men s and lioys’ Summer Hilts; .Men's fashionable .\loleskin IL'its; l.adies' and Misses' Bonnets and Flats; Gentlemen’s fine Boots aud (iaiters; L:idies' Congress and other Gaiters, Buskins, :ind Slipj-ers; Cinbrelhis, P;irasols, Xc. And many articles n'jt enumerated, making our : Stock a very desirable one, and we are determined to sell on as reasonable terms as any house in the trade, jiarticularly to such as pay Cash or settle when called on Persons wishing to purchase would do well to = ill early as we expect to offer some inducements. ALEX R JOHNSON A: CO. April 3, 185L 84-tf Sorth Carolina ('asaimeres. n II i loN'l'INI E to furnibl) Gunpowder of all their well- known brands, vi/.; ‘‘Iventucky Rifle, “.''ea .'^■hoot ing,' ‘•Amf'rican .''portintr, •‘Indian K;tb'. ’ “Electric. “Duck Shouting. " in kegs, half -.inil juarier kegs, and Canisters if one pound eacii. .VIso. .'i full assnrtment ..f Powder for lilasting and Mining pnriioses, and for Ex- jiiirt. The reput.-iti'in of their (lunpuwder is too well known til reipiire comment. K'T sale liy tiie j.riiiciicil denier.- in this City, an 1 at the Of'riie of tiie Company. S'.i \\ .\LL STKEI.T. N. City. ' A. G. H.\/. \RD. Pres t A. E. DorriL.\SS. Soc'y. [■'-'•i-:;nipd r I Me xican .'Slustauii lAniment. ' \T duiy lo ihit • iiii '-iirijl p iirnl*-'J l»y Mes'»r'‘. Urntftr At *> . |?r iv 1 ‘ • 'tr* »'i. th It n» a i»re f^ininent ilfjrn.'p aii f ami the bo't evidrnr#* that ran in\»‘ii of .ii .Mu^Uiny: L»niinent” i**, ihal it iIk* sahiiary • .• wVjich iiH uorihy havp fully :• * in ih*'ir avl rii-*njenl, in Hiiother cnlunin. W'v ar** \Mth a U'ri'leiiian in this riiy. hi'* . v» ry day lur il*«* la^i three years, and who. during ! '» \‘-n \t If' a'* he '•uih rt d con^ni« ral)lf - Hi h,.' k.nee joint. I’n'iii rh»*iunati.sin, and th*»n>rh ^le r ‘ itif '«• to ev'TV rjpliMH ot rmiiiMMinit iiuuiirmes • •• h nt pnrrha^c. >ei n»t the lert“T reiitrdid any id r«. him. AImHU two t he w :tv mdured to try ■ rrj. Lmimf'ut. aud atler aliout ih.rt* n ppUcaiinns. he i' ' » jiifHly reli' ved Irniii ail rhcuinaiir p.nn or ;tfferti»*n. f I ri 'h A inen >tn j ; “ r i’. )i i ith the ind viihl; ‘ m pari;:r 1'di. we )r»ve n» li*'*»ilation m pnil«*r>in|! the L !■ f'. u..:vral., r a K .*^U'VUie liv S. J lUNSnALE w A\Ti: V Ci(»OD I’.AKEI!, of sTi:.\i'V h.miits, can obtain regular employment and guod w.iires. Appl^' soon. Cll.SS. P.,\NK.S. Fa3'eiteville. .\pril *>, 1.'--L Sotf .\TTi;NTU).N, Tlli'; WIiOI.I'.! niLE you are talking of \ )ur internal improve- ' TROY cS. MARSH HAVE ON HAND; ! .Vi-w (’rii|) .NInla-M's, iSiigars, ColToe, Salt, Iron, Hardware-, ('ullery, \Viiid(»w (>lass, Putf3’, 1m ickiinitli 'ruijis, |)y(! StufV.s, Sj.iccs, Ala- niLUii.iii'- -.in.l '-audleri, (’rue.kery, IJuots and sh'ii C.ittdii Curds, S;i(J(llcs and IJri- dlc, Snutl, l)ry (jooi].>, (dc., etc., \Sholi tioy i.tbr ; t >■. f.ilesale and I'ctail. \L>0.- P'lliv, Bai-ijti, I.aril. ''li-;il Fresh,; Dl'ied Fruits, Cabbage, l llLSII up country I'.iitter. ftr;;.-. Ue are Agents for tin- sale i.f .>1 ,-Murd'fi Cele- i Piaiii. Fcrte, warr.inted at N. V. prices, /V-Manufactured Tobccco at Factnrv jirices, ' ui y Ih.'.J t.t;-tf' (0;i;AR F.\LLS Cl.(ton Yarn and Sheetings, for .sale ■it Eac-ory prices, by TROY it .M.-\RSH. M ‘V 30. IH.');!. WHtf liAK KRY. w , ,. ments made in iuns at .M. .A I>.\K1'.L S GIN M,\NL- F.VCTORV, on Hay street, ojij.usite the Post Oflice, where he has tin* Prussian Neeille fiun. Air (,iun>. and various improved I’istols, ol ('olts Repeater, .Miens, Whitney's arms coni]iany witii .Maynard jirimers, .Arm strong Duelling Pistols: with a large as.sortment of double and single-barrel Shot (inns. Came and Shot P.ags, Powder Flasks, Percussion Caps of English and French make, with a large assortment of gaming fix tures. Rifles constantly on hand and manufactured to order, nnd warrante'l to shoot from HKt to ',*00 yards. Repairing of ever}’ tiling in the Gunsmith line will be done at slicrt notice, in the best manner, ani for a small charge. All orders promptly attended to. AP work warranted. M. A. BAKER. Si'rn 111' tlio W’Qi ilen (lun. Hay .-treet, ojipnsite the Post Office. Jan’y 2, lH.'i4. ' EXi:crToirs xoi k e 'rh* HiKhTsiiiiicd ;it March Term of ( umberland County Court, (lualified is Execu tor of the last Will and Testament (d' Mrs. K. McRae, dec'd, notifies all persons having claiins against the Estate to i>resent tliem witiiin the time limit"d by law. otherwise this notice will be plead.-d in bar of recovery, 1 Debtors to the Estate will please make immediate pay- ' nient J,\.MES A. .McRAE, Executor. I MaVch 13, 18.>L I noi'1c:e. OCT(»RS .Mallett & McSwain having left their Books anil papers wiili W . .McL. .McKay, who is been highly recommended by W i ’;.- i*. Mangnm. Henry Clay. Lfwis f'ass. Win. K. Kit t;. Mid iniiny i ther il- nstil.^n characters, wh" have • saniini 1 and witiif^sed their utility. ra'^nE uii'b rr-igned, having purchased Mr. Tlo's. S fl. I.iitteibdi's Distillery and Cooper-shops, have entereil into Copartnership umler the name of McLaurin iV Strange, fur the pur[n>se of carrying on the Distille ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar rels I>- McLAL'RlN. WM. McLAL'RlN. JAS. W. STRANGE. Feh'y IS, lHr>3. 70tf NO ri( E. 9 H \\’1N(! jnirchased the stock of Materiel on hand a 9 :it the Shop furmerly owned by .Mr. E. Fuller, and having engaged tl;e services of Mr. J. C. Lally, whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I am now ]ircp;irrd ti> execute all or I>“rs for Timber I Wagons, lb ad Wagons. C.irts, Drays, Wheelbarrows, kc. ! I have on hand aiiii will cnnstaiitly keej) a good sup- I ply el Iron Axle«. Chains, Bolts, and in short every ' thing liiat the W agon-maker can need. I Timber Wagons, with the improved iron .\xlcs, made j to ordei- at the shortest notice. I have 10 tiood and competent Workmen at the busi ness. and will give it my w hole and undivideil attention ‘R. J.VMES (J. COOK has on hand a full stock of ^ Rock Island Cassimeres. manufacturetl by Car son. Yoiintr \. Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg County, N. t'.. .vherc consum‘rs and merchants can be suiipli'e ’ The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being eijual in durability, and as permanent in col- , or. as any gi>ods of similar character manufactured or Sold in the 1‘. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. I Sept, -7tf ' l'Ri;,\(ll Itl nil «IMiST«.\l':sr flirent in EA.EN'rON, MORRIS CO. C10NT1NUE to make to order, and keep constantly on hand Fveurh iSitrr •Jiillstones Of all dimensions, warranted to be of best (quality, be inir made from Burr blocks selected by them from the be^t quarries in France. They keej> foi sale Coloiiiio, C'oc-alicii and Eso})iis Mill sloHC's; Hurr lilocks, lioltiiig Cloth, ScrtMM) \\ ir(‘, ('alcincd Plaster, Hydraulic CtMiiont. ^'c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to. K. II. Agent at Fayetteville. N. C. March 11. 1 >•■.3. * 70tf JOSEPH HAKER, Jr., att>r:vkv at i.aw, AS taken an oflice next door to Wm. B. W right’s Law oflice on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. Murch23, 1853. _ H. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. ^ ^FFICE on corner of Front and Princcss streets * ^ under Journal oflice. Dec. 12. 48-tf IL ERAMPd:RT, Confectionery and Variety Store, I'lulcr the FnyittrrlUe Hotel, Ihii/ St., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Dec’r 31, lho3. 58tf Worth & Utley, Forwardiiiir and General Coininission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ .1. A. WOnTH. (72tf) JOS. I'TLF.T. K. M. MURCHISON; Commission arid Foncardins^ Merchant^ 58-cm] n. c. CHARLES IJAMvS, f CTMOJ%*E R , W'HOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreif/u Fniits, jVutK, Ci'/an, Tobiirco, GREi:ir STKKKT, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1.^1853. 73tf r\yxi:r (Th.MORE, Cotnmisaioii •llerrhaatSj No. l.')4 W’ATER STREET. .> s:\v VOKK. WARRKX O. i:,VY.\ER.] [.M.Mi;s R. GILMORE. References: Messrs. Francis Skinner & Co.. New York. Lor.l, Warren & ('o., E, Kidder, Esij,, Wilmington, N. J. J. H. Flanner. *• Amos W ade, Esi]., Newbern, “ D. & AV. McL;iurin. Fayetteville. J^^CustoniJirv advances m.-ide on Naval Stores, &c. Nov. 2.5, ]8.')3.‘ 48Ypd R. >L ORRELL, FdiaVlRDIMi (OiniTSSKIN IIKRCIIAM ,\T i'. March 10, 18.'>1. 62-tf W HJvLVSOX cV ESLER, DEALERS IN ('i/nfcctiottnn/, Ft/n i;/i> Frtn'ffi, Tobacco, ntnl Siiiilf, AND I.MPORTi^:RS OF i>i:KIOK IIAVA'>iA €f€J.lRS, AT \VHOI,KS.M,K AND UKT.\1L. Market St., Wilmington, K. C. Aug. 7, 1S.')1. lltf MALLEIT PATL\HER, Orocers and Commission •?#rr- rliants, 13.> Front NEW YORK. p. M.\LLKTT.] [j. I’AULMIER August 10. 1S.")2. 18tf b1o I BARTH’W IT LI.ER, Attorney at Law. VTTENDS to tne ilrr.win- oi a.i I-ensiniis ji at this Agency, and tlie joosecuiion of s:,; Pension i'laiins agrt'nst the Cnit,..* ■ lieinv' > s those who may believe themselves entr, "'d to y,er,sicr.,s or the arre.arages of jiension to corresii\'!i t with him. and particularly tlie following prisons: J.;jncs Atider- son; Jaciib Johnson: Har ly Johnson; George- Kearsey: Pool Hall Pope; Nancy Thomas, widow id Philip; .ilar- th:i .Vilen, widow of Vvilliam; J.-inet .\rinstrong, widow of Thomas: Isabella McNeill, widow of Daniel; Mourn ing Scall. widow of Sanders. Fiiyetteville, Feb'y 1(), 18-!>4. 71-3m Who ^voiild have Ihoii^^ht it^ WHJJAM H. MARSH, Commission and Forwarding \h:rchant, BROWN'S BriLDlNii, WATEK STREET, W ILMINGTON, N. C. AKEM FIIK THE BROTIIEKS STEAM KOAT~TO)IP.\M. I'sual Advances made on Consignments. A new Carria(/i‘ fSstdl/ixhmcnt on the Military Green, 0pj)0niif' the Mcfhorlint Church, front imj on Mum ford Street. GREAT ENTEliPRISE! Fayoll*ville is l»onii«l to SSiiiio!! rilHE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting tlie general C.\RR1.\GE liUSlNESS in all its various pans. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura- biliiy. One of the firm may be known b^’ reference to A. H. Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner Iot.' for cash. PIER BRANIN. J.\MKS H. PiKR. Ja.mes Bkamn. Fayetteville, Jan'y 24, 1853. G2t.f New Books and Sia ionarij. ASANIELI.O, by Dumas; The Lover upon Trial; 2. M.iigaret, or Prejudice at Home and its victims; Rob of the Bowl, by Kennedy; The Sun Shine of Grsy- stone; Minnie Herman; The Two Records, by Hugh Miller: The Ladies’s Guide, or Skillful Housewife: Th« Young American’s Elocutionist; v'cc., i:c. Also, further supplies 'if the Apocalypse Inveileu, Lyell's Principles of(ief’og;’. Ditto, M.anual of Geology, \c.. Mrs. Hentz’s vew Novel,—The Planter’s Northern I Bride: Salad for the Solitary; .McGufl'ey's, Parker’s, and other School Readers: Emerson's, and Davies’ .Arithmetics and Keys: Herodotus, Leipsic edition; Masonic Chart. Envelopes of every variety. Writing Paper at all Jirices, embracing Cu}>. Letter, Commercial Note, Bath Post, Sermon or Docket, Lawyer’s Brief, aud Bill Paper. Blank Books,—a full aud varied asso. t- metit. Just receiving. E. J. HALE & SON. May 'i. XOTK E. H AN.VWAY froni the “uii.seriix -, -loio.i t!i,- ,,‘.tii f .Inly. !?.'>], his ne^ro gii: .-ve:-:-! i i; about 1 *i 3-e.-ir'Ilf age. >>Juck. i, lifi iur::v , large limbs, wt i',rhs ;iboiM i 'O • ■ j. Said 2:irl i« suvi])0se l to hr- i ;,,, in tlw' ir , 'i.ii.r- hood of Mr. l-;>.ae \N right's «'r Gvi', ■ y , in I'- ■ county. The iibove rewnrd will bi* jotiu inr h*-r .i to me, I V her confmenient in any tail in the St.-ite of North Carolina. WM. G. BL'TLER. Clinton, N. March 14, 18o3. 77tf Feb. 1854. «7-tf fri:k;hting on cape eear rM'IHE snb,«cribers having purchased the Steamers B Evergreen and Southerner and Tow Boats, lately the property of the Henrietta Steamboat Company-, are Mv price.-i ,>hall be as moderate as the times will nd- i now preparel to forwanl with despatch, between Wil- T. C. WORTIL GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMLNGTON, N. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by G. W'. D.WIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, xc. Jan’y 17, 1854, ti3-l\ T. cV R. (^. WORTH, Coniniissioii vV Forwardi?ir Merchants, BROWN’S BIILD1N(J, WATER STREET, Wiliiiiii$;:foii, C. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan'3' 17, 1851. b3-lY JOSKI’li II. l{LII\S(lli; 1 I }S» S 1 1 A j AND I EORWARDixc; \h:rcil\nt, I »V. €\ ' Promjit personal attention given to all Consign ments. and (,'ash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ]>orts or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1854. 07y J. S. RANKS, Coiiiiiii!!^ioii .TIerchaul, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. 10, 1853. mi '., and I will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni ted States to eiual my work either in point of style or durability. 1 HOS. (]. ^LLLER. ()ct. 2*’), 1853. df'tf roHACco. IIIE subscriber continues to receive and sell, on m.anufacturers’ account, all grades of mannfac- urcd Tobacco. 'J- • Mayai, 1K52. | l)Rl (;S AM) .\H:i)lCLNES. Samuel ./. Ifinsda/e ! BS now receivir-g large additions to Stock of DRI';S, MEDICINES, &c., wliich he offers for | sale at as low prices as thev can be obtained in the ! .State. * S. J. HINSDALE, Market Sijuare. i March 23, 1S54, _ Sltf | lihl.s. I'uritentinc Witnled^ \ tlOll which the highest cash prices will be paid. ■ McLEAN & JONES, Suniniervill, N. May 18, 1m53. SKM) REWARD. ?!1>AN.\W \V from the subscriber, two Negro Girls I 29tf D nUi; Subsi'rih(r has estalilished a P.ukery on Bow ' (,n the Lot two doors East of Duncan ” - Cabinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish | fully authorised to receipt for the same, all ■ i; uts, and the |»ub’ic generally, with lircad, tomers living West of the Cape hear Kiver. ■■ 1 ' i‘ -s of v.-iiii'iis kinds, of the liest i|uality, l.i' in arrears eitliei' )r noti' nr ■iccionit, vi i'l'■ I’i . 1 (|;e .-'-i-vii e,-. i f one of ihe best favor by calling ou him and settling toe same, ' ’ le.'Tlc Piii-i i-c!i,.,onal(b-. ;: ve me a i-; II. • !’• ’^1 ,\ !dd'. F 1 . CHAS BANKS. j H- A. McSWAIN. faybt'pville, Dec. 2H, 1852. 65-tf | Fayetteville, Aug. 80, 1868. all tiieJr cus- wiio iii.ay vill confer a luid f.iiir Children, vi/: MALTHA, a bright mu- altto, tive feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children. Frances and Ann; HANNAH, copper colore.i. about the same height of Martha. Hannah , took with lier two male children, Lewis and John. I The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate of 1 George T. P.arksdale. and are supposed to be lurking ■ lb,,lit :iio alii.ut Mr. Winslow's pl-uitation. j The ab. w reward will iic 1 f.^r lb, ir •; ni.n-iiieiU lU any Jail so tliat the subscriber can get tir“m, or lor ihidr d.‘li\crv to the sub.-'crib. r in Sampson county. FLEET U. PETEHSON. Sepi«mb«r 6, 1858. ,2G-tt mington and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F N. & J. H. ROBERTS. Fivyetteville, Feb’y 14, 1853. tiStf 'rTiE r.As r xo ric e. IHE firm of Co Taylor was lissolved the first of last May. There has been but little heed paid I by their friends to the call for settlement of their notes aiiil accounts. We now distinctly saj' that all notes and accounts remaining unpaid will be jmt in a train of col lection during the month of January. JAMES G. C(»OK. WILLIAM TAYLOR. Dec. ’24. 57-tf A(JR1( rr/rURAF.. ■« JBTT" E have receivel our usual stock of F.\RMING IMPiiEMENTS, sucli as Ploughs. Harrows. Cultivatois. i5^c.. iVc. J. & T. \\,\DD1LL. A 2 i’orse Wagon, complete, for sale, j • J. & T. W. I March 18. 1854. 8')-tf I ixiiROS & i No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. ' C’OMAHSSION \n:iiCHAxrs i FOK THE SALE OF .\LL KINDS OF C’otton and \\'oo11(M1 Macliincrv, Ma- i cliiHists’ 'Pools, Leather Bolting tVc., I _aLSO_ tiF EVEI’.V DESl'llIPTlON. C'omi>risiinr P;v!tiii^% (':trd Clotiiin^r, P,obhins7sltnttl('S, j’ickcrs. Roller Skins, Roller Clotli, Oils, 6>:c. i Deo. ^7, 1863. W H.LLXM A. GWYER, FORW’ARDINtJ ,\ND COMMISSION MERCHANT, wiiiiiiii&rtoii, .w r. E;RS0N.\L attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval Stores. I iiave ample facilities for con ducting the business: large wharf »ind store sheds to keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any house in New York, or to other markets if advi sable and liberal cash ailvances made on consignments. I refer to the following distillers: E Hannum, Wayne cotinty. E. H. Woodard & Co., EarpsborougU. W. Ear]*, “ A. G. Tliori.ton. Johnston county Bridges & Durham, “ D. Hocatt, “ “• Spencer Fountain, “ “ H. Eatman. “ “ Smith, Bryan & Co., “ B. R. Ilinnant. Esij. •• “ Liivett Peac’ ‘-k, Columbus county. Messrs. Jones .S: Leach, Fayotteville. May 20. 1853^ %Y s rARIi W HJJAMS, WIIOLES.\LE DEALERS IN JForeif^n and iPomestie Mfry Ooods, IB AY •^TUE’.r.T. Fayetteville, N. C. DR. STRONG’S COMPOI NI) SANATIVE PILLS. arc? Icsclable, £ :iii(l in the cure of all Bilious Complaints. Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Scrofula, Salt Rheuiu, Fevers of all kinds. Loss of Appetite, Obstructed and painful Men struation, and all lingering diseases. As a Fem;de .Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the ilirections, they never fail to cure very worst cases of after all other remedies fail. Tli«*y purify tli«* I»Iom1, eqiialixo tlie rir uialioii, i-4‘*t«r‘the E>iv‘r, Kidiioyo, ofli«*r ^«**r‘f»ry lo a li‘aitliy toiio and a«'lioiB; and as an .-Xnti-Bilious Family Medicine thcv have no etjual. Price 25 cents per box. ^A/.SO— DR. STKCXt. > PECTORAi. srOMA"J remedy for Cougii.s. (’oids. t'atarrh. Br .chiti«, louo. Whooping Cough, Astlima, Coi;suinp,i; :i Nirv .us Diseases. Dysjiejisia, (’ostiven'‘ss. Ei-vsijif : ; . l»is. ,ie of ihe Heart. Inllaramation and l-’ain iu tUei'liest, Back anil Side, and all diseases arising from a de ranged state of t'l.e Stomach, and to relieve the dis tress and bad feeling I'rtun eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ■"* l'-'I'‘'ct«*’ant, Tonic, and JL .\perient. >ne 25 cent box possesses three times jnore power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups. Balsams, or Sarsaparillas, that was ever made, and a simple trial of only one box will prove this important truth. Tlt«“y |»roiiiol«* i:x|H‘« lorati«ii, loosoii lli« P5sU*k»»»' and ‘l“ar Ilie aiil otlior !^‘«'r*t»ry Organs of all iii»rl>id Ili:ill4'r, and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia .Medica capable of iinpartiug such healing properties to the Luii.irs and Vital Organs as these Pills. Tli«‘y **«*■• |>rodii‘* a tfuod ro^iilar and ^tr>ii;;tlii‘ii flic ^yi.t‘iii. Price 25 cts. per box, containing 25 doses of medicine. Call on the .-\gents who sell the Pills, and get the “Planter’s .Vlmanac" gratis, giving full particulars and certificates of cures. Both kinds of tlie above-named Piti-= are for =ale in Fayotteville by S. J. Hins iale, and J. N. Smith; w) ,. also keep a snipply of />r. S/^ntrfr’-y Vegefai.U /W'. and Dr. Hull's Cr/cf>r(ited which stop the Chills and Fever the first day, aud lo not sicken fio .stomach or operate f'n the bowels. [D>-^ ] J. B. ,ST.\UR.] April 28, 1852. 500.000 Lnnn [.i. .M. WILLIAM.S 80tf 67tf 1I)S. Cotton arul \vnut(Ml. tlH!- sii’o-;. ■‘Ih'i- wi’.I pay the !o:rhost iioirket price for any quautitv of cieaii Line’i and «'otton Rags. DAVID MLRPHY. Feb’y 1854. 74tf I iivrrv "J’lic (•'.iiiiiiiue tu c:irvv nil the l,il\ EivY BUSl- .\i;SSat this place. They have lately largely increascil their Stock and can now offer to the p’'bl:c as ;:oo'i Hnr'^e'.:. Crn ri^iges and Dri vers as can be fnniid in the South ern country. Thaniiftil for tl.i. i;trge pi.tron- ,ige hciMol'ire oxtetided to us. we solicit a ci i.tinuation of the pu'i.lic 1 '. or. We jiromise a satisf.-ictoiy tri}. to all v.’ho may v.ish to lra^■■el. Stai.les at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proj>ri'tors may always be found, or at the Store first door East ot Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWEI{S & CO. Fayetteville. Feb’y 22, 18.>3. LAND P>R0KER. I HAVE so many inquiries about Turpentine Lands, that I have concludt-d to offer my services to buj' and sell. , 1 Tho.se having Land- :or "il! fnrnis,, me p.ots ui.d .,iu.ntity, t..geth‘T X'lh a f:.lr .i-s.-rii.t;..n and imce,— ,\|V c'jmioissi'iiis sha'.l be moderate. JAS. G, Nov. 21, 1853. COOK 4r,tf