i... I 'l, ■lin- ii'l I'u: . !1H', •nil . M , ?T >N t'cf 9S, at , ., New I ; .lii\ , I. ill;;,;, . , r: A.. :‘V; II. r, Hid k • O.lil 1 ■ '8 .’in ! , u. tint : ■ J: u ■ IIIII \.M> r MS. m: rrir 4 . tiz-: j'l'- r Sj.r o r>\ ?;i* rs; . Him. OH.HP ien It blir. nov: Y, tv. M 1 -( :i' :ir>- ii-irc K.-. K>. U ). [• i’i.: in i: l.-l-A W\. N sth )S. sih >1 tclortf in a tv jj'k - ■ iT- Kl>- ■* irti! iirtT' -I'l- ■„ I, '>i ' on li ‘ '' iicU‘^ *■' ^ efi I-'- ' 1 t. [V(M. III.] l>i;i\TKI) MONOAVS AND TUTUSL> \ VS. FJ)\\ VIU) J. HALK .V SON. lUilTOKS AM* rixOl’HlKTons, , I J ,, u,r tho Solui-^V^‘ek\y OnsKKvr.i? Ou u' in i '•'* if I'liiil ihiring the voiir of ' : yJ jiftortho vear husexiiin-'l. ^ Weekly t’>nsj:uvKR 00 }um- uiimiin. if j.i-i.l in i i if 'luring the yoitr .;f s:il' ev.i | . ; V ; aftor the year hus expiro'l. ^ v;!VKKTl^'K^lK^TS iu.-rrteil f ir ^i\ty i ] i i- ;si 't 1’’ liiH"' f'T the tirst. nml thirty cents f .r ^ u'h ‘ ;i-' yublicatit-in. Yearly advertisiMuenis 1>\ -i.o .iitrrti-ts. !it reasunnble rates. \iK erti-m s . til rtftte the numher of insertions desireil. ..r wiii i^^oiitiiiue.l till furbiil. uml eharsrc'i ... i 'nl 06S“ Letters to the FMitors imi?t 1)0 ]> .>t-] ai V : O'- 1i‘i AN!* y • ^ 1 ;! t'l ii, • 1‘I.i ,\N!> K\ ■T\- > •: ^ is- >-. • J T* p .-ie t'"- ; ' 'I. I'rv 1500 SACKS Salt. l!0 Bbls. N\-w (’rup N. (». M.ihissf: No. 3 .Miii'kerel, i'. T. HAl'.H .V St'N M iv 11. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN OF FAYETTEVILLE. ON SATl'KDAV. Jvine lUth. will h,- -,.M :it the Market Mouse, in Fayetteville, at 12 . ' ^'ok, \[ . all the Real Kstute belonging: to the late iHiaoa MacUae. iiniuiii: which are several valuable inii'ri.ve i Aud \iinmpro\ed 'ts .'ii Hay, I’erson, iiillesjiii'. Ham- t^y, R.'wan. Green. I'iek. Russell, Melver. an^i Nortii st/vets. The inifr.'vomoiits arc. dwelling houses !ui.| tre-proof sti res. .\lso. aN ut ncres "f Timbered Laud .'U the wa- '.ers At'Uuek Head, near Beaver (. reek Faeti’ry. Ter:;.' u;.i ie known at sale. g^- \ii\ inf' rniati-.n relative t- the jT'-ieriv v^ili .I'SHN \LV(’ UAH. ‘ Surviviii::: t'xe ur. r. M.y r>. 1>'.4. •• ts m:\v ciooDs ,\r Tilt: cRocKKRv sToui:. By late arrivals 1 have received a consider ': ,e ■addition t« my stock ot‘ Ciiass \Vare. and I'.iii !i- -.v . order? of my country friends for any thiii^i ii; •.Lttt .me. —-VLS'^.— i«e 'hina V.ise?. Tea Setts, xe.. ; !t .'.J Baud rhina iJinuer Sett —117 {>;e..- vai :.i"era. lutiful assortTuent of NV .'.ters, S ':,.r 1 . . ; Hali Lanterns. Wire I'i'i; ('.ver'. r un i Si’vcr I’lated and lirititiuia ''u'" r.'. 7 ’ -. t y. Si’.ver I’lated on good (lermar. S.'.vi-r i’ a ai, ;»'■ eSr ’>'ns and French F ^rks: 1 \S;.t.,r ’■ r t . _ I- i ; g i’.s,, with a variety of i.ther H oi>eke.'i.li._' 1- \r.l the f -.;'wing NKW articu'— r.r'-ad s , ■ r-. i. i.'ters; Knite SharpeUi rs. un 1 1'iteiit i : ui: b ivy been tried in this \;,-inuy aud j r 1 \ ■\ ’.■•t if Sponge Uath.s, and superi-ir Ai'- rica: i' ;'Ierv. W. N. Ti LLlNii H \.-T. May lo. l:=--4. •V full ;unl a>'u’tinciit •( ’jier'b T' .•'.s. eous;^t;ng i.f Truss 11 : ,s;c. A LSI) •I B>i!s. N'.i 1 llerri!i;rs. '■ N 1. -I .^l.'lckert'l. f K. i.i:i:^'!: May in, l>^o4. Linse(‘(l Oil. Purr W liitr I.t .iil VN1» ;i geni-r:i u'.-ortnu-nt -u ■ r -r I'n'iit- rrt-r-U just rt* • ivt'-I air ^ \l\ \ !*• V, I '\i I'.'.'.S ‘A-xV iix I ’i.Mh K. rui. >!'i A ii:ii Mav 1' (.i:mtnk pi:iU'\i \N (.a vNo. ( 1. '■ PKRiONS wishing tn secure snjpiie- sond their orders and they wi';; be - ; ■ favtflrable terms. I’aynieiit in ail i m.-i r ■ Hfr.re deliverv. r.Kvi;i;i,v M .v lo. }uea- ih t.o ■K i:. '■IVrKS of Mankind: or L'i.n i based upon the Ancient M 'liun-'nts. i’ l i.r.o. .. .''u’.f turea, and Crania of Itacf ~. and up ii t'o- .N itur.a'. .rraphifal, PhilologicHl and I’liblica! r; . ■: .. ■vj. C. Nott and Gen. K. Gliddnn. Just ri'n'ive t May U. L. J. lIALii .'0\. ^I^HE HRITL'H I'uKTS. frnui Ch.iuc.-r t i \V .,ds- M. worth, new l^'i mo. edit; in—s ’.d in wh' ''.- "i- finite vols. Also,' .NIontgomery. Hemans, Burns, Brynii. Si- it', .Mi. r*‘. and Shakspeure—one volume each, the sp'tMidld linsinn edition, ju.^t received. ti. J. ll.\Lli SuN. May tj, 18')L FOR SAU:. tTE.\M of well-broke voung Muie^, . 'f' Wa^' >1* and flear. ' A A. M. Kl Til A\. Mav 11. LAnnMU Uv.i! ill I'lrdMi n: I i:\--.v. r I • i.I'.'L c. ( : . r it an i I -- >'el I.ei- 1 i. . Ff! /; Ut ri'/r =■ A I,n:n:r(on ‘jj Hales prime Ilav. lor s:il(' l>\ R. .M. jRRKLr. M,;y 1, 1H54. '-'-’tf coPAirrxHRsiiip. 1’'M>tiR thtt name and style of R.\MSIiV \ lili'j.. tL» undfcreij^ne J have thiii day Imcoint; i',^pn ttici> ; j»iy (joodB, fjrocery and llardwai'e l’.',i'’;:c:- re jpLi'inilB s. T. Hawlev .v Son, Hhv .''treet. I iiy- iie.'N. C. ' NL RAMSliV.' N. .\. l{\.MSi;V. RAMSKV i RiiO., ~ Crroccr.v, r., MAY STHKET, FAYKTTFVlLLli. N. ( . LLP Constantly on hand every thing in thierli!,i' of bugiiie^s. and will sell ut th« lowest rates, ouniry produce bjught or taken in wxchangu ini- (ji, jiJb. .\i; orders will me«t with prompt attention. A{ ril 11, I'o}. H7-tf S, BLIK, iiui/dcr and t/idrrtal rr. Id prepared to execute contract* of frntii f ^oU.lMM) Mild upwards. ^^indow lilinil>, ,'ush, ilaBh Doors, .md ail kind.s "t ornamental an t piuiu w.ii-k warranted to ni'.e sati^l'ae- t.ou. He may t ■ .,iU on ihijuiry at .Mr. -Jc^se W. 1’ wers’s. Fayetteville, .April li’. I-.',}. -7 '.i.ip i I * % ’ s . n - ■ ^ riiAMi i; • F.WNV iJ ' i -I.^ •; ^ !V a- - I r= _ ' iaj ni 'M’!i!i;. .it K> : ■ ■ all I \\ i' ■ : ,. _ :. ' 1 I O - ;• - - . I ' I ' .M:.>i-il -7. l"'. t, o it ib J \ li are ii .^1 .% i'i. • • 1 : . !. T'l !;i:! Ml. 'If ' ii S A j 8 E ]fl I-W E E K L, Y I AYKTTFA ILT.E, N. C., MAY 18, 1854. [NO. ‘>97.] (HIM (iLiSS, m (ROfKERV. •MilK s, I .ifth I’l';' -n,-' i'\cvj, ai-ricle i,Ii-ids ■'tl're. eonsi.stiu!:: iv. [.-ii , j riain black ai’.l witcv o >'.i ; |'.li 1 Sunnner Silk: ! prin ■.lac.uiet an ' ullier :Uy!': Mi -lins: (Ii'ena- din.>, I'.erages iind Tissues; i i ^ lel Mn.-lins for | Lvellint 'iresses; white :;i;o .■ v ai l'arit: ll: • - id !l.s | snrimeut La e a!\d -tlii-r f iinilo-ni- i dev.'d ^:eeves. I'i et: . !' ' iver^-: H-l's: 1 ''v\ ;ss an l .Lii'-'urt FoKiUir -i:.' lo i i t':. '. o! -u’ t rioi-; ■iUii'.iy; llojil’et i and !;:!■' ii'. i;ii . s';,iea:ul ■■■ j;i'eat varie.;.: Se,» i>!-- Si:;. N:; ' i-l.:- is n,. I’aia-.'-; gi od ;;ss jitiuelil uf {'n b-. . i.,-. ; -ii-i alii 'u-i ^v|l i . la i ^ l.!::t-n Tii.. .■; ;;iid r.... :.o- 1 -1 .. ; II iiH-i., b \J>. i:!'i.s. aud ('h; Iron: ici f iiii.iioT li.it; r>"\s' and (fills' ll.-ils au 1 ^ s': i ,] Su-Hi- and .ioi'. ,v.- tii'iit :'u’ ;'i.r !’;e .'lui j a_in:: '..-ret ri"-eive 1. ■ e tnis:-. liy :-l..ise :;p|Iii-a' ii a t - hi.si:::" s. ;-'v Icn'iliij. ■ \c. to iiicnt a 5 t'^t' same. i>.- A* iii’. Nfw .^ti’iv I'll t.icen .'sir.. '. I’fiviv.i ' ■•I :e\'. o.'.irs from tue \lari;>‘' llioi'ie. 1’. SliliNUr l.i.l,. Faye"’. . i. .\]0'il i_. ' ; V “ ’ t \ ' '-I ' ^ 5 l'' • 1 !! i ? > i ? 9 ^ . ' Stt ’iiiiH’r OitE9S. 1'Mlli - ■ ■ .. .■ ^ f-a- t: ; ■ ■ , , ,.,,.y i;.,vo '■p..-li> I .1 is . > i I :!Ui. . ■ !:i, , r- ''ti.i •. : B J» «r»3 ■’5 Z;-^^ » B: Wha-ii w'ii : e s, ■ j :ii % - • . i’i ' - i Si - . may ’.e !' cn. 1 t i:, ' ^: l.a i. 1! 1'^S t i k »! 'S. ; Fniii-y !’.r. .■n.tf.j .vil'.;--: ricli i _ . a'.'l ] ;i ^;.u-k .'iilk. :.t a:i prio'--; La .: : F;.:. i I'aritaii-. ia L’a a: saris ty; . i-y .• ai'i. hbick -\ipae:l-. 'i_i. .'a - ai. 1 1‘l'i'’-. ' •' a?'! T.l''et'"'. evs. n lr:;i K • . i .t of .:l' 1 »' ,i’a;>. S'r-.-s. ^ ■- : r: : J ,. ■ rnnilii'ic and Swi- !'. n i i |.;n. ri f.-ini- bri.; !landk ;-.-!ia' - . ' .' • ’ t; •: iiii.' i -i . ' t r;.] .• S!i I wiW i!-. S : ■ i IN' . i I i \ ; I . Ri! • ■ U-. T- Kic ■ 1 - I I. ‘ . \ iai'u. I t f 11 ■.’1'.''. : M ' -.^iii .,nd i'r: r..:r.'i 11 t'. r:iW II ;ts ' = i ii; ts ■ s. h Old 1’ -■ .\ tin.- i.'t .'f i • a I ! S :r 1 S I;- . '= F ’ ! V( ' IM Al a I '. ! i I I , H ^ k.-t; F. i‘ Ii'a.-k .1 Wa. ',. a.l . : • ;.ek A ; -a i • . \ liiM- b H k I' s ■ n i - j- at a ' I \ . ' V NOTICK. JIHE subscriber offers for sale his L.AND.*^, six miles North of Fayetteville and about one mile fiom the the at'.ive fionds, comprising a general aioort- Fayetteville Hiid Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of nieiit ;of the rorXTRY TRADE, which ho offers upon ; about 1200 nrrcm of E.llicd. suito.l to the ma- teiaes tliat will n .t fail to pleanc. Goods packed as 1 king of Turpentine or Timber. There nre on the pre wed a.s i'l any market in the I nitod Htates. i mises a goo.I saw au'l grist mill, all in good repair and .Meridiants wo’ii.l do welt to purchase their j now in operation; ftl«o a dwelling, and all the necessa- . iier time to pack | vy otit-hoiises. in good repair. Also, another tract of two hundroil anl fifty acres, on the heaii waters of Carver's Creek, known as the t 'e.untry Croekery first, iu ;'-.le.- ti i' V.'.‘11 nn.l HOoii cn.;ug’ 111 Ma: -(», i«r> L ^^€coiid Siock. PI .Via’!-: .V iMvMHlCR'rON A 1\E now receiving, in addition to their former '■s[i,ek, a beautitul assortment of DRESS (,00/>S. .'^^.iiiii .'strip'.'d Berages, • ' .i.ire l Embroidereil Robes, I.M'lifs Colliirs and riider-.'sleeveii. \ elvet and wther Trimming.s, '’.•niiet Ribbons. Cravats ati'l .“stocks, Shil ls, r 'Ilurs, ,^c., EXPIlliSSI.V FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE P. P.. ilay Street. \pril 1. I'^.'iL .'s}-*f IS.ll. spiiim; srPFLY. Drs. FOULKES fit MACRAE, H ft"f'S'i/r il I'ttail />rii/i/istsj ^ Ari n.iw receiving their .Spring and 8um- mer supply of ' l)riii^s,M(dicitt('i>\('hfnii('(ds, Feb’v 7 Dye-Woo.ls and Dye-.Stuffs, . ' uilH. Paints, and Painters’ Articles, VARNISHES, i reneh. linglish an.l .\merican Perfumery, Fine Toilet ati'l .'shaving Soaps. F oe Hail- aU'l 'I'ooth Brushes, i’aint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, frus'.es aii'l .'Supporters of all kinds, r I' ’Aiui's ;ind Bran lies for \ledical purposes, Evtraets for Flavoring, t'h.i'ce Toilet and Fancy .Vrticles. Xc. . Thi v make their purchases t ir I'.vsu. and otTer ■ I'.ooi'ly as i. w us they can >ie obtained from any !'-,'i'ii- I ta' '.i-lmieiit in this section. \\ariaio' l t 1 e Fiesli. Pure aii'l (lenuine. ' •' o i - M' lii the (• ointry pr. niptiy filled, and satisl'ac- • o „ li.ai'c i with la-^-.ird b'.'li to price and .puility. 11.i\ -tr.next .h a- West of 11. \ E. J. Lilly. MaV . '7, 1>‘. 1. Sntf ’•rv Place, jii which there is a small farm, a dwel- ' I a.. ’ other houses. • ’n the tii>!. iiamo'l tract there are cut (»bout tw’cnty- ♦ive thoMbiWKt I'urpeniine boxes, from two to four years old. ■\11 the abova lanilx will be sold on the most accom- la idating terms. Person* wishing to ynirchase will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure iu showing thto above lands. W.\J. R. BOLTON. ■lOtf Oct. 27. Just RoceivcMl and tor 1^^^ BBLS. No. 8 MACKEREL. Sale. 10 kits No. 1 ‘0 “ *• Salmon. ilis. I od Fi.di, li!> bo.Tes (’heese. i> “ Adamantine Candles, 20 “ Tallow “ o “ No. 1 Soap, D) “ Soda Crackers, - hhds. Brown Jsugar, f) bbls. t.'rushed and (Jranulated .'^ugar, P)U''kwheat Flour iu 2-') P>. sacks, I’icklcs, Rice, Salci,. find Veast Powders. ■\LSO—-{ ilozen Turpentiu” ‘ xes. I’v W. II. ('ARVER. c.ntf NOTU K. JIHE srBSCKlBEI{ has removed to A SHAW’S NEW l>.UlLDlNi, Gil- le:«pie Street, where he intends car rying ou the T.\iB.OSta.\(; BLSI- NE.SS in all its branches. Having had practical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can jilease the most f’lstidious. ■Ml orders will be executed with neat- lespatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1S5;>. 81-tf ness and NEW S1MN(; AND Sl AI.Ml^R (iOODS m.99A-ma> rg ^ !I E .Subscriber is now receiving the largest and ft. most complete assortment that he has ever callad tlie attention of his friends and the ]vub’.icio; he would tio refore say to »11 that may lesire anything in his line that is FASHIONABLE and CllE.AP to give him a cail, as he desires to keep tho “Nimble Sixpence" moving. His stock consists of a large variety of the dill'erent styles of F.VSHKJN.VBLE HATS, to-wit: Fur, Wool, Panama. Leglioru, Canton, Podale, Rutland, China Pearl, and Palm Leaf, which will bo sobl low for H^J\,CASH. —ALSO,— A general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Youths, Boys, Children, infanta, and Servants. Pleas« call aud examine before you {lurchase. J. C. THOMPSON, Market Square. March 17, 18o4. _ _ HO-tf ~ AT TWi: RED SKiX. H V ii» » 19 a 1 (I yi c .11 a M t c r .WE just received a full and complete stock of GR(.«.'r.I’.IES, PROVISIONS, &c., to which they woubl invite the aliention of the citizens and sur-oe.ud- ing country. They will sell low for C.\sn, o» o'l ime to )utii tuiil customers. They purchased their Got for cash, and this will enable them to sell i.ow. .'iitay have facilities that many houses have .i- t: they have agents establislic.l in I’altimore and Nev Vork, wlio always advise them of any change in articles iu their line, an l who j urchase only when bargains are to be had. We keep always on hand a sjilendid assortment of foreign anil domestic Liquors: Loaf, Crushed ;»nd Brown Sugars; Rio, .Java and I^aguira Coffees: Green, Hvson and Black Teas: New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses; Table and Sack Salt; 15ac>n, Lard, Mess Pork, Mess Beef, Smoked Beef, Dryed Venison: No. 1, 2 and Mackerel; Butter, Cheese, Flour, Meal, Cora, C)ats. Tobacco, Candles, (’opperas, Saleratus, Indigo, Mad der, Spice. Pejiper, (iinger, Nutmegs, Cin.amon, Epsom Salts, .'^altjietre. Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, aud Glassware; aud a variety of other goods. They take this method of thanking the community and their country friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them: aiui intend, b\ selling goods low. to increase their former trade—alwn;. s keeping iu view that a nimble .sixpence is worth a slow shilling. Yellow Building, between the Market House and the Bank of the Stat a Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, N. C. March 21, 18‘>:5. * 78tf Steam Enj^ines—Fayetteville Manufacture. are now j.repared with all the necessary ma- ▼ W chinery for manufacturing STE.ViSI ENGINES, from five to sixty liorse power, which we can furnish on aw favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Pioats, vVc. will perceivtt tlie advantage of liaviiig them made near home. it^s^An Engine of our own manufacture eau be seeu in oi>eration at the Foundry. HALL & BOLLINGER Dec. 7, 1853. 51-if iWCTS CA.NXOT I5K L’UL'JiT-'D. l^et the AJjUcteJ read ana / ^er! .More ihan 50) |H'rso!i« in the city of Kii. ii -i ! \’a., Blum; tcntlfy to ilie reiiKtrkiilile cures pcrforiiieil tiy i'arier^H .Spanish The ureitl S|irini! .Meilicin«- and I’liriller of tlie i'.lom! ir now used by hiimired* dT ynilul'ul i>;iiient.s. who testify dnily lo tht rciimrk- hlile cures |>erfuniied by the erealesl of all iiiedit;nes, ('Hrter’ii Spanish .Mixture NeurHlgia. lihtiiiimlisiii. Scrofula, Eruptiimson the Skin. Liver [)isea.'e. Fevers, l iters ‘lUi i'ores. .Afleclioiis uf the Kidney?, Diseases of the Throat. Keiiiale C'oin|ilainls. I’nins Hiiil .Arhinj; of the Itonrs and Joints, arc spe“dily put lo tii"hl Ijy usinir this great and inestimable remedy. Kor all diseases uf the itliiotl, iinthiii^ h>*.s yet lH*en found tu cuiit- pari* with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts penny and elTiciently on the Liver and Kidneys. strenL'thcps the Hicpstion, Uives lone to the Stoinacli. makes the Skin clear ami liealthy. and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor ami strensth. Tor the l.ailie9. it is iiiicompHrab'y better llian all the rosineties ever used. .A few iloses of Carter's .Spanish .Mi.^liire will remove all s illowness (ifcoiiiplexioii. brine the roses nianllinK to the cheek, ^ive elasticity to the step, aud improve the general health in a re- iiiarkalile dcKrec, beyond all the medicines ever heard of. lari;i! number .if certiticates of remarkable tures (lerfornied on (K.rsobs residinn ,n tiie city of Uichmond, Va., by the Use of t ar ter'* Spanish IMiitai- is the best evidence that there is no hum bug about it. Tiie ’ -s. hotel keepers, masi.^lrati s. phykicians, and public men, weh k, 'vii to the communiiy. all add their testi iMony to the ellects ut tl. \t Hlood I’l iiinici!, Call and see a tew hui. tl>e ceriiticates ar.iund the b ittle. Nonn (?!nuine unless siuneii '.\ .\’KTT& ItKKl!.'-'. Itniepit». Principal Depots .tt '.. iVard, Close & Co., No. 8o Maiden Lane, New Vork; T. W. Dyott & Sons, and Jenkins &; Hartshornc, Phibn ?lphia; Bennett !i: Beers, No. 125 Main Street, li.ichmoni.1, Va. And for sale by S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville. Feb’y lb, lbo3. 71-tim S' jc/. f/i:s KVLi: I' .\ t . . ■■! !; _ - ' .''pring Supply I'f F. reigu uud > tv.'sr^ :i;; t' which has been piircha.scvi \i i a;'. 1 by tiie Pai ’ 'tire w ili I.e otfcred at Whole- ■r lU-i at very in\v pric's f..r ( *sli. nr on time iii't.ial ' Ust liners. (>n ha!l'l at all times, the be^t _ • ,th 5a .t are manufactured—Ni.», 2 tu Kl. is. Ml-tf i'l-i i'(. 'i (f( ri/l(, Ireeii Street, n few d' ors Niirth of the Mar ket House, II ill! ' s r-'Ki' l.e::^ leave to aniinuni'e to the citi- L /. n-. if Fayette% ille. and the travelling jiublic, . : i~ Jii't litii-ii.-'l aii'l ..pene i In'* llnuse, fni the ■J :‘11 ill 1 eiit'-rtainuient if any wh.i may wish per- . = ■ r trati'iont "rn'l. il'-. i;. 'iins :ir“ bu ;_'e and comfortable, .'ind his Table iw lys ln' iiirnisiie l with the best the K'l-irket will 11." : Isi h i.' •: 1 aU'l trusty (>stlers. who will : 1 faithfu’ly I" that departmetit nf the business. - ] i';:-: wiii !'o s].-ir.‘ l t.i make thuse C'lmfortal le who ■ * ir hita witii their j.atronage,—a share of which I ’ I '-ttiiliv S' 'i'-ite 1. t'harges shall lie mo'lerate P. SHE.MWELL. 1 \ I'.M. 71tf wn.i. ]. and sati i. s,, tlial ^’>1. •' !ni'iin>; a sj.-, Ki:\VAlU). • ’ae .ve rewar'l fur the .'ipprehensinn It- ivery to me. or lodgment in Clinti.n I iiet my negro girl .lENNV. She is a '■k;ht ciiiii}i!exiin, smiles when spoken to, ; six ir -even inches high: is supposed to ■ut Fsisou's Depot, or Goshen. WM. P HOBBS. l.'.-tf .\otlr‘ to the ’l'r(tV( Until' i*iddlc. fHlUE istiige leaves Warsaw daily (except Satur.layi : at 7 o'ldock. p. m., alter the arrival of the even- i.ig train from the .North, and arrives at Fayetteville next day liy i'« o'clock, a. m.. in time fur the .Stage to Sale';:: which leaves Fayetteville Mondays. Wednesilays. atid Fridays, at 4 ci’clock. ji. m., and arrives at .Salem ■ nuxt day by 2 p. tn. Returning, leaves .''alem Tues days, Thursdays, and .''atiirdays. at (i o’clock, p. m,, . /.rrives at Fayetteville next d.iy by -} p. m.. in time for tiie Stage to Warsaw: which leaves FayettevllW daily excejit Sa.urdayi at *'■ p. m.. and arrives at Warsaw next ilay tiy o a. m., in time to connect with the train North or .'south. Tickets from Warsaw to Salem, :S12. From Warsaw to Fayetteville, ->4. To other points on the r..a'l in proportion. .M. McKl.NNoN, Fayetteville, March 18, ISod, 80-tf (iiir.s \i l*lus I'lira ni RMSJI~ f||lHFi Subscriber, a practical Boot-inaker of some ex- i jierience, has for some time l>een settsible that there i.s a /■.*■■./-r./rf/w to be yet supplied to the public iu the way uf a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the article;! now used either injure the leather or fail to imi.art that lustre so necessary to give to mau's "urnii’r.'i’inidt/ig" a projier tiiiish. ll»‘ lias therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been ilevoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions. !in l has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is '•(iiU'x hi j'lus itUni /iuriiiah.’’ He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all "thers. I'all on him at .Mr. N.athan .Sikes’ boot and shoe estaMisliment, on Per- iti street, and be sujiplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THO.MAS GILL. Nov. il, ls.3:j. 17tf I'AVi: r rK\ ii.Li: MITllli l.\Sll{.l.\IK (O.^IIM.W. ^I'^HL''^ Company is now organised and prepared to re- f ceive applicaticns for Insurance, on as i'avorablc terms as other Coc'.panies. DIRECTORS: IMI SDlllKR (iOOD^. , .v^if nn.n. ri'^HE undersijrned having gone into the F.A.NCY DRY GOOD.'s this Spring, are now prepared to offer! great inducements to purchasers at wholesale or retail, j Our stock has been selected with a view of selling to the Retail Trade of this place and vicinity, and will be sold a.s cheaji as Goods can b«> otFered in the .State. ! We have a gi'eat variety of FINE DRES.SES and j DRESS I RIMMINGS, viz: Fine plaid, plain Brocade and Black .'^ilks, .Marabeax I’rocade Grenadin *, printed j P.arege, jdain do. plain Tissues. Organdies, F*eacli Ja- | conets, (Mughams, Also, French (i'ollars; CheTiisetts; Fndersleeves: Handkerchiefs: Gloves of all kinds, tine white Crajie Shawls: embroiderel and p'aiii Mant’lias: Silk aud Lace Edgings and Insertings: Infants’ Waists; Velvet Ribbons aud Fringes: Bonnets, .Stra"?^ nnd .Silk: Misses' Flats, trimmed and plain: Bonnet Ribbons, Ar tificials and Talis. A good selection of Ladies' Shoes, Gaiters and Huskins, and Children's Shoes of all kinds. For Gentlemen and Youths—A large stock of Ready made Clothing. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Linen Drills. Huts, Boi^ts, Sho#s. and Umbrellas, all of the liest material. Persons wishing to liuy would do well to call and examine our ."stock before making their purchases, as we are determined to sell Cheap. W. F. a: E. F. MOORE. March 20. 1,-s.j}. 80tf l'art}ia«o Hotel. Having recently purchased the above Establish- . meiit frim Malcom Kelly, Esq., I am now pre- I pared to entertain in a comfortable manner those who ! may give me a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost- ' lers. aud a disposition to accommodate, I trust 1 shall ^ be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may j favor me with their patronage. I H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, l»ec. 5, 1853. ultf Hewing MachiiK ri. J PATENT STRAIGHT NEEDLE PER- PENDICUL.VR .VCTION ▼Ia'liiil(‘S which have acquired an unequalled reputation for ex cellence in all parts of the world, for every variety of Sewing, are now off'ered at the reduced cash jirico of ONE Hl'Nl'RPiD DOLL.VRS. The cle»r profit from the use of these machinef is iroiu X-OtiO to ifslOUO n year, deperding o>; the kind of work done. We wish to call the attention of maiiu:actMrf"s par- *’”u;.'iriy to oar newly invented nnd enti'^el'. or-r^iual I'his 'I't uniei t i' 90 niUn'"-.!'!" \r .. t.vRnce, uiid ' (■•■iipri in it- op( rntion nnd rc'ii'it. ih it i. '•i I'MnsT s ’.'n- I'.r.qua'.ififd provai ol all who understand the art .f Sevviny by iiiarhiiiery. i'or iinen slitchiiif this is the only machaii' that c.tn make h itch, which will reiiiHin distinct >vnd beautiful «fipr wa«hinz- For shoe work x.Td every sort of leather Sewinu—‘ ag making—.Mattresses and all Sewinu In which ORE.AT .■*TKE.M;T1I riF SE.M1 IS RE- Ul.'lKEII. the work of this machine cannot b* equalled. It is more simple In its construction and uiuch more easily managed and ojie rated lhnn any other. Hereafter we shall be prepared to supply a variety of Sewing machines—each perlect and cumplele ol is* kind, at the fullowintj cash prices, 1. Needle and shuttle lu.ichlne of present style on wooden box SIt>U. '2 do do do on iron frame $ 3. di> do with newly invented foed nuvtion and checked spring 812,%. Single threaded uiachiues fur llneu and other light Sew for Sewing bags, sacks and carpet bags for shoe uork and leather itiKhinK with apparatus to bind mattresses &c.. of extra size for quilting coat linings 3140. r size for quilting extra size linings adapted to lap seaming coat sleeves &c . 11. Embroidering-Machine making an ornamental stitch with two ihrends $130. li, .Machines of Inrge siie fur Pewinu .HWininus and ship.;, sails wiih fixtures and ap|kiraius coiiipleie fro-n S4iK) to si.Vitl. .Machine* will be silled t'nr any unusual pi-iailiarity »f wi.rk on reasonable terms. The Machines are securely parked for trans pnrtation to any part of the wi rid. and full printed Instructions for us ne •ind keeping them in order are t'lirnished with e.ich machine. Machine needles. Silk twist on sfiools—3 cord linen thread &.c,, always on hand and for sale at lowest cash prices. Principal Otfice, .\o, 3'23 Broadway. ,\. Y. bram h orricEs: 57 South Fourth Street; I’hitadelphi.i. I.'>9 B.tllimore Street Balti more 47 Hanover Street, It^ton. i‘,17 Elm Street. Cincinnati L M. SINGER CO. in({ 31 5. do do 6. do du 7. do du $ir>. t*. do d^> g. do Of 10. do do $16(1. ■nilaitel I, It^toi New York, March 20, 1854. 82-;iinpd i TWI. • trmf spring (mxxIs. • d II !■- . \. M.. .. \. I ’.. H' i)R i« iii'-.v receiving his .“^t >ck of Spt'inff *>i4tmnri' (m if ft Its. for La'lies' and :’l. \c. air! i-i.b,*-' .] (laitors. f t I/idios, .^lisscs, and Ir n: i> " ts .'^l'"Os; ll.ttsiuul IJniiiiots; ! ’T'! li'TV :i’i'l I' . 'v.ari-; (’nojiors’, Cai']. ntor.'’ .'•nii** ■’ ■' • ii.l ('astii ;i I r M .' ; 8(1, is.-,}. ri \ips. ui'ti'iu Putnt s. a!id Load Pi]ie. -1-, 1’ Sinno Avon K, Hai.l. J. (J. SllEl'IlKUl). \Vm, Wahdkn. S. T. H.vwi.KV. John I>. Wim.i.vms. (\ Ht-'.MUtW, \Vm, *Mcli.\LKIN. AVm. McIntyhe. ..m • >l>r I'i aii'i ^ siieer I,c; I iir s-iie tiy .\ larch ;•!(».■ W ,\NDREWS, Market .Stjuaro. 8a-tf S! A'> )NAi i ^ iirnlii'ai iii.; t. .ir!> o-..-rv .■■■■'- . our mil rk'M. ( j .a i- :i a r i ■ ■ -v ' o ; - • o. t. a., f.-.v.'i-.ai'b- {. i 'ii -i = ,;. ■ - i •• i:i : f. 'del- 'itie, and ;ii ■■■"•■ ' ■ tn. w . r :■.■ . , i- a ■. ; ■! ,; in^ t.Tli.- .I’ld i' r I’l^ I' ' ■' i . pr -' I. - M.:, T I 1,1 \i ^ \l I \ i; S ' ' .'I' 11.. ' .VI > kx . ' . Ma: Il !(?;( sAu:. s rivVMKU iii:NUiiyiTA, ^ J i 1 111 >! '(; II from Wessell'a wharf in Wilmingt'in, I tn her iild wiiarf in Fayetteville, with a sulhcient nii’iibcr Ilf I'lats to accoiumodute those wishing to ship tiir.aii"!. or way freight. R. M. f>RREI.L, Agent at Fayett''vil1e. i.; t. l.'^-'i:-!, ‘ 27tf ' ..V •111 ;• '■Id Stock of Spring and Su/nmfi (iinxl:^. i^T.\RR i: WILLI.\.NLS are ik»w ie. i ■ 'n > 'neir con I Stock of .Spring an'i .Summer Dry iiutij, HuniHits, .'^lioe.s, Jinots, ;;ii 1 ilra.lv Ma]c (’lotliiiig, -cte 1 within tiio last two weeks by (.nu of ;a.- luni. tie Northern Murkete, at greatly' i cda, , 1 pri'.aa- ■' -III tiie early part of tlie Seao'^n. and will l>c dispii tij VSholebftle buyers on aeeoanuii'hiting terms ‘' - '’it an examiii»tion ol ( u; G'.ii'Ik. by Mi ri-i.aii^ i iv :n thiii Market. .\11 oi’ders proni] ti v i.f I to ■' I' STAiUl. J. M. ‘W A'lia, 1.'), ]s.')4. h-- Hun(iolj)}; ^iicetiiig and C’oltiiii ani ‘ or sale by WORTH .V Ei.LlOTT. A;rill^:? )^7tf Iii-i-t t I receive r .ns:.-;' I'.j. .ill .!. >■ . ’ -i ■ as s ur.'l i,tli>»r faotoro-,an ■' hi .|i enalilc a - t-, fnrnisii ;aiii 'i'ise]' • a; . .vost fuctorv pta;.-^. D ; \:.;L.\I Ul ' Sept. 1.^0-:. -^Mf Spring cv Ssnii'S^i'T (sooJs. 90, i' • S'l g AS just reioriied tV' ■ i tho ' ■ rtli. an 1 i-; iyi'iPL'i; iiiu ; !ii' r.-id lait Hit*-; ipt to eni'nii. at;* e v.wy iii-i, -a- usually I I i.ipt ill :^!i, il a:; esta'ii - ‘i: .c t. biH le- . , j . ,i.ini .( in ! ,-. V' 11^ 1 !ia I a \ ! .. I ' I ■ ^ l.a . a.B, V ■ ;.il, ( I i.i.‘ .;.]'i-ociaI. d i'V • . , a': i ■■■ ■■, 'v n ji.av ill. ni f r .a I iViy'taiies- ri'!,- ' .• :• .^I i K aa'l -ther Dr. ii»-;."iils. ; aiii! iiarticiib.r'.’.'Cl . ! •\cs. ( a'-ni;/.ft:.an 1 "tI'or . j iiiiibr ■■■il ries. he u"'i • t:. >: •..•n'i.ii n that tiio > I t.'Wn I'l tavctti vii^' ..1 f-' '■>'•. : ' 1 he .siitis'i'rilie;- leeii- tii' okfii! •'T ii.-,- pati-.na-e ii.-re- i- ! tof ■M.’ sia.Mi him, and iioiit i by stri-'t attent iia^ (■> l,ii- - i ..:.,e*s. am! b> s eii..- a’ i • t-i ^i - -.v ti:.- pretties* G-. id.S and Ills . b*‘iiig •!',p..scl !■• -- i; •'■■•mat a- eii-t.j.- a rail-. -'tb r t''i- e.asji ,i- i.ii t!'ne j.'ila tu il cil.-(o.. I's, jis aiiv iit!M*r eoialiii.-imieni in t' •• pia.^o. of bnpe 1., iiicroasi- tl,a; Ma^l.- a:.l i-'.’.li ii-li' ■- Wi"..-ll ba.-' (-iia Sie! i;im to arj iurn in tiie I'owii u. i-'a-.»ile\ lie, J. C, I’Oi:. March 27, l-“-j4, ■''■3--’m .1. \V. liAKI-:R Is now receiving from the North the thirifost, liiiost, and inodt carefully se lected stock of 21 R.yiTIKi: ever ofVi-rcl in this nuirket; which, added to his own niiuiufnctnre. makes his assortment complete:—all of I whieii he w i'l isell on the lowest possibly terms for cash j or on time t.i punctual customers. I'ine R.'so Wood Pianos, (Bennet & Co's, of Broail- wav. .New V'jrk, I fasliionable painted cottagc bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattri -ses- Looking Glasses; Willow' Wagons and Cra dles; Pu'ont >elf-.''winginj: Cradles; .Side Boards; Bu- I’liaus: Sei-retarirs and Book-Cases; What-Nots; Tallies, .ill s-irt -; Wash St.-inds; Camlle Stands; Wardrobes; Pic- t'lre I'rames utid tilass; Wiinlow .Shades; Cornioes; ('ur- taiii Band.s: Sid'a:- in .Mahogany aud Walnut; Tete a Tcti-s; Ottomans: Divans and Stools; Chairs of every vaiitiy. .Scj.ti-miier, l.^ i-;. .ititt 'I'W DOi.LAUS U!-W Alii) ” liS.-K WilSON. lute of the county of Sampson, ! 9& North Carolina, has left for parts Bnknown, *11(1 iiidi-lited to u«. and having taken with him i»sset5 stifli- : cieut to pay his -K-bts, we will give the abovw reward : ' ir s.itislactory information '.f hi» present location, if ’ 'viMiin the jurisiiictiou oi' any court of law in the L nited Stales. Said Wilson is about 4(1 years of age, with red ' coiopleetion, of medium size, atid bad principles. I J. & T. WADDILL. ' Fayetteville, N. C., Feb'y 24, 1854. 74tf Hknky I.l 1.1.y. II, L. Myuovku. ThoS. IjI TTKUbOH. John II. (’ihik. I), A, Way. A. A. .NIf’KETII.VN. Geo. M("Neii.l. \atil\n A. Sted.man. James Kylk. OFFICERS; GEO. .McNElLL, President. H. L. MVROVER, Vice President. 'i. H EPH E R D, .\ttorney. C \. >'ic.M 1 LL.\N, .'secretary. !;i:(.. McNEILL, ) .lOHN H. (ioOK, >■ Executive Committee. JAS. KVLE, J The plan of Mt Tf.\i. Insi j;.\nck must commend itself to our community, for it can be demonstrated that we have >s:ived within the last six years upwards of ^80,K>0 by insurance in the North Curolina .Mutual Company: that is, we should have j>aid to have kept the same in- .‘uirance in ti e foreign joint .stock companies that sum more than we have actually paid; and yet the North Carolina Mutual Com]iany lias received between -N.-indO •iii.l more from our commiiiiity than it has paid iiut ti.r losses here,—showing that we are favorably sit- uatetl, as compared with other places in the .St-ite, for I ■ . iratice. 'Mil- Company has gone into operatioti favorably, hav ing tl'.e d;iy we organised ajijilicalions to the amount of and the Company is n.iw placed upon a firm ■ titig. ny nirector, authorised .\gent. or .Secretai-;,-. may icctive Aiijilicatious, btit they will not be binding until ajiprove.I hy the Executi\e tiomtiiittee or the lioartl. OEO. W. L.-VWREN( !, i.> appointed Getieral .\gent of the Company. We i nite :.jii>lications. , GE>. McNEILL, Pres’t, ; C. A. MeMILLAN, Sec’y. i Feb’y 7, loo3. (liitf (jloods! (ioods! Wo h avo 0[)(M10(! our Store in bellton. We offer low for cash or l.arter, DRV GOOD.'^ ami GROCERIES, .JESSI P .S: CO. March 1, lH-54. 7*'itf WOULD resjiectfully inform the public that he is still at his old stand carrying on the above business iu all its bratiches. He returns thauks for the i liberal j.atroiiage he has received, and hopes l*y a strict ! attention to business, and a desire to please all and give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma terial aud by experienced workmen,—having a more ix/ierietired and practical Smilh, he flatters himself that his work will compete with any made in the St.-vte for style, elegance and durability; and should any of it fail in*twelve months ^with fair usage) either in workman ship or material, he will repair it free of charge. Per!ons wishing to buy, w otild do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for .ash or i-n short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at;;emttd to. g.-7r REt’.MRINfi neatly executed at shot ^o*ict an.l lowest jtossibie prices. Fayetteville, .Jan 2*1, 63tf MARBLE FACTOIIY \\’(' want to buy 'rur|)entiiK', deliv ered at our ."till in Cam]»liellton. 11V .lESSLP March 1, 1854. iS: CO. 7*itf Siiiv‘s! Stave s! want lo buy Spirits Barrel STAVE.S. Will pay the highest C.vsii ),rices. JESSL P & CO. March 1, 1H.')L 7r,tf I*urc Kdst Ind I (I Castor Oil. E have jitst received a sujtply of Pure East In dia C.\.''TOR OIL. without taste or smell, first introduced by us into this market last t^pritig. FOULKES ic .M.VCRAE. March 17, 1S54. 80tf LAUDKH ■nvii'iKiiiiis tiinvi! r. t. inicii i sii\-s stori:, Fayrllevillf, .lau’y 20, IS.')}. (ily-pd rS^lIE Subscril.wr will receive proposals for | nf>thinc REDUCED EAUE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare^iilo. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Offioe of the Wilmington anl Raleigh Rail Road ("ompany, at Wilming ton, or at the Office of the J5altimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Companj-, Pratt Street, Baltimore. .Tan. 1, 1852, 53-tf Spirits Tiirpc'iitiiic Wauled. ri'^lIE undersigned will pay cash for Spirits Tui-pen- tine, (in good order,) allowing only a fair margin to pay incidental expenses iit sending to a geiieral market. When parties prefer to ship on their own nce'".;nt, the unilersigned will make liberal cish ailvnr. .s fr*- the usual commission) r.ii all Spirits a''' Rosin pla in their hands for shipment,—givin^; i. o’* tier ahvay.o the option to sell in Wilmington or shi . lo New Vork. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & VO. July r>, 185.3. 8tf Fay(‘tt('ville llote!. JOHN HARMAX Respectfully informs his friends and the ptiblic that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haymotint to the larger anl more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occtijiieil by Mrs. P.rown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex ertions of himself ati'l famiU’ will lie sjiared to render tiiose comfort-iblc who may^ favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, ' . C , June 3, 185:J. 200tf T Faifcticviiiv '' 'ndij Mtmnfavlorij. IIIE subscriber stil . ntinut^ to manufacture a su perior article ol -lain and fancy C.VNDIE.S at the old stand, (No. 5, Gre. -. street, 3 doors Nortli. of the Market House,) wrhere h would be haji]iy to see his old friends and customers. (’IIARLES BANKS. March 1. 18-53. 7-"tf coT^roN [H.WE a plentiful supply of (iunny ami Dundee Cotton Baggiii.tr. Bale Hope, and Bagging Twine. Send in your orders and they shall be sui'plied. JAS. (J. COOK, Oct. ■'?. 18-').'’., H2tf \i5S!.KR*H ■ * tnettded to the to claim.' lbs. of Cotton Batting or Warlding. .Vlso, for ;;.(KRi.(inn (three millions) tif Reeds from-T to oi feet long, atid also. ]0,(KM) (ten thousatid) pounds of good clean Corn .'shucks, in stated ([uantities. For further i.articulars imiuiru of R. W. HliNRY. J. HENRT. Fayetteville. Nov. 14, 44-tf Nick Williams's Kyo Whiskey at wholesale or retail. MCDONALD vSi McMASTER. Dec. 10. 1,M.^:;. 52 Turpentine .\.\es. J. & T. WADDILL. ‘G*lOD MKDlClNi'i-S are reco'n- pubio-, with tl)o i,squr;;r.co tan? for t^-e-r;, bu* '•'•b it *'■> ’ r^ a’;', posses.i. The rur:>tiv» pron.'rtie« of ST \ P. b li I! \isO- bvNE CiiLllR\ hXP I i' l' / li..Inn-- 'm-i n (eriified to iu hundreds of eases, \. iiere it h.-ts been ieneii'ji:tl iti Coughs. Colds. .S(jre Throat, .■\sthnm. Fironchitis. and diseases of the lungs and throat generally. Ihe D1.\RRHF]A (X3RD1.\L is also known to have cureij hundreds of eases of those serious diseases f.f the bowels, which so often prove fatal. Indeed, in regard to lioth medicines, a trial of their tnerits. ly the atHict- ed, is confidently asked, as we really believe there are no better medicines in use. See de.scriptive pamphlets to be had gratis of the Agents. Price of each, only 50 cts,, or six bottles for ^2 50, For sale in Fayetteville by 89-lm] H. .1. HINSDALE r'ADrlLL