'>11 Ktt B w. C. SFiMI-WEEKL, Y. ' Store, U,:>u h. N. t. ’ Sjf, I.KH i s N. C. :atf UtH, STKf f I- VOKii, ork, C h1 St, 4^ •., 0A.M AT 62-if .Kk. f*, (CiARK, iIL. N. C. l;tf IIKR, n .Tier. I’AT'IMteq L '■f t^^arding I STICKKT, AT tO>fP.t\V. mentr HAM, >AV1 Vc-fi.-- Til, TRKl i. y. i . ments 0.^1. HA N T. c. to »;l ■ >Dni^ uc« t. -le ah'! MUt, -,'Cf T:k, MER- HANI. V. le or ■ ■ ■ ■ lilities : r ■■ ■!•- store is to will - P^'-^ Lftrke: a'.' -■ cou^ TjenU. igu. 11«. 71.-. •If 4mOOit^^ r V. ; rj.fA.M.S LlltO(l* : market i Col u Rag" >n oS', tionint*- ,MEI>K i: KS, 1 puri >»•»■ ) to ideJ ’pUOVISlO'!*' receive prompt or ijitle '-•y & HOHNE- 87tf VOL. III.] FAYETTFA Il.LE, X. C., MAY 22, 1851. [NO. 298.] i;;MKl> Mt>M)\VS ANI> Tlll HSDWS. i C1)\V VIM) .1. HALF. & SON. •. l,i»rr»>RS AM' lMlol'Kir,ToR>. J ■ i':f Si'iiii-'^ eekly Ouskuvkk (*••' il' | in | if I'.ii.l ilurhiji the yt'iir it snU-icri)!-I I' -i} aft* r tlu* ye:\r hus o\|)irt'il. : t'lisKuvKR .'ji'J U() j.or aiiiiiiin, If )i;iiil in ' :>'J r.O if jini.l .iurinp the yt'iu- >f siiti ;i‘> 11>- I - f. (Ml lifter :he year 1\hs oxj>irt'il. ■V! r>TlSr.M 1-NTS ii\s-rtpil fm- sixty oi-iits ].. r i r '.•■ ’:!”•■ for the tirst. an>l thirty I’onts for i • ^ Vfarly Hlvertis-uu‘iits hy ju- . at rOHs.ini'lile ratos. Aiivortii^i-rs t voj itcd ' ■Jtate the niiml.or of in'ifrtio!i« ilo-iT i-.l. or : ■«.. 0 l outinue'i till foibid. uii'l chariii'il -ii'i-orii I the Kilitur»mu>t l>o jiost-'.iui-l. ■ COODK. \c'l !ii' stiu'k o1' ^^TA- ^51 ML sulisiTl'nT li;- '.Hit 2 I’l.K ANli FANt \ Urv 1500 SACK;; SALT. New (.'rop N. • >. N... ;■! M.'i.-k.-rol, r. T. UAICM 'ON. ;1 SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN OF FAYETTEVILLE. ON >ATrHl*AV. Juno lutti. will l.o u; ti f Market H.'uso. in Kayettcvillo. at I’J . M . -11 the Rt'iii Kstate belonging to the late Dinu-.r.. \lnoK.-iL-. ainuiii: whUb :ire several valuahle iniju'tivi' i j'.ii uuiinpr.'ved ’ot> n Hay, Person, tlillespie. K.-ini f;iV, llv wan. iJreon. l>:ck, Russell. Mclvcr. au'l Nurtii streets. The iiujTvveiuijuts are. dwelling housi's and “T-e-p T",: 't' r^s. a' ur o-'^^ acres of Timbered Laud uu ihe va- •.r.' : liiK'k Head, near Reaver i’reek Factory. ; ii.aJf known at sale. \u\ inf'ruiat;..-n relative to the pr' |A.r‘v wi;’. j .. .loHN M \r R \i;. ' Survivinir F.xecm' r. l"o4. v,-ts XKW cioons \T THE CROCKERY STORi:. Fmliru> :;ig every ui-ticle U4ua':/, i. 1>..‘ found u ;i (fOtids Store. coi,.-.istin); in juirl ita Ui’Uiwa; I’hiiii black and watered .''i;.;: pluid .''luiiuier Silk; printed .hi.-..net ar. i other siyli'.-. .jf Mnslins: tuenu- dineh, Heruges and i’iss.n^: Lml'r.ilih ri'd Muf-lins for l.\euinj: ilres.'^e."; while and c- lor d i'aritnnM; ;^or 1 ati- "'■rtnient Lace ;ind ottier t.tylcs Mantiilas; rndiiui- iiered I'liilar'i. Su'e\e-, Ci.eiiii/.eti.-, llairikerihief-i; ''Wi.st* and Jaconet l'.d'.;di,r ai\d lii.-^^-nin:;. of superior quruily: l'>onn>-t.- and ltihii..ns. lat.’st r t;, ie and in great variety; .''»‘win^ .'•ilk ' ,.ii’ieil\,s and I’arrtsn!.-;; g.ivd 11-iS‘iiinient of ('alici'; (iiii^hawir-. l)ic;i>hed and iiriwn I'nmesiic:*: (llotlis, ('uasiiaeres jmd Vestings; Linen Shoe? and R. x:s. f. r l.adivs. rientienu n, Rovf. ii rls. and t hii iren; (ii'UlenH'n'i? .'' iinuncr Hats: l>"_\s aVid (lir.b lints aiid Fh’ts; Silk and Kid (ilnvo^t; ■'Mii.ar and ruli'.-e. ac. (irntefiil for tl:e liberal patronage hereto; re received, Le ^^'..st^. by close ajiplication lo h\isinesi. k. " leu’ing, ,\i'. to merit a contiTuiance of the haino. his N '.'W .'■ter . -.n -ll ceri Si reel, i Last side.'■ a tVw di > rs fr.un the .XLirket flou.se. r. SHEM'VKLL. Fa\ett>vir,e. .\j'ril IJ. .^Stf ~SV. W~ST()il !:. Spriiifi ant! i9S, 1 meiud tli(‘ I they ■•i. havt "^ilh sn■''> ri''1-1 > rest'.-^'ttu innriunoe ti • 1':ivei if\i i ;c uni its \,''init\, llint NL'\ .'''roRi., T ; i: v. hu;:i‘ rsk' w, \Wi;ch will t.e ; i lit '."iihcin I’rii rj. I'l f'lr .! -cl iiiay be f' und the luie styi, ^ ; Ln ii(,-. lulLSS '.’' 'I 'L-S taney I’r' cadcd .''Kk--: rlcli 1 an'} yMrii b'ack .''ilk at .ill prices: l.awr.-: F;e .idi iai i \hi- r.ns, a!.'- larit:iiis. in ;zre:it variety; a very \ljiSi-a-i. iiuL'haiii^. and I’rint': 1 ers. ANi. ti hands 'iiif h.t ..f F.i;;’ I'f enib'd I'ti'.iars. .'^!.-.'ves r.i. i I'lu ini.’ t'aiubric ;ii'.d Kduiu>;' :;n i Iii'ert;.-. brie Handkerchiefs: euib'd dirt": a nne It Y '.ate arrivals I have receive! a consi leral. •l i iitiouto my stock of (,i:iss U ave, and c^ai i; ■ •r leri "f niy country friends for -iTiy thin^ : — ALSO.- is. I hina Vtises. Tea Setts, :vc. I'.j Band t'hiiia Dinner Seit —117 pic tv • autiful asSiirt’i'.^nt of W:.iters, .s; l.ir ' , j:;.: s: Hall Lanterns; U ire l*i-h ' .vers, i ' u’l i I. ."'..ver I’lated and Critxan; i ='a i r', 7 > . Si.vcr ri:ued .on g. O'l (icriii:!;; Si'-.: r ;! .1 I jU:- an 1 French Fiirks; 1 \\ .acr ..cr t .. . : . - lis . w ith a variety of i>ther ll-.usekcei-.-^ • _ ■ I 1 .1 .\Mug SKW iirti' Us—Rrt :.i ■ i r^i R isters: Kni;e Sharpeners, un i l’:tteHti ' a - Uuvy been tried in thi? vicinity an l pro\ i .j ''t ;.r Sh >r(J^ K.iJ-: I'ti-h .V i : f Spi iig.? BatliS. and snjieri .r .\moric in Ta! :v. W. N. TlLLlNi.HAST. ^i,iy !•>, l-'L :"^-ii: -V hill uiul (‘(unplrii' U'''>rtniriit per's T j.'ls, . ..uslsting .f Truss IP.'.} '. xc. ALS( > . ■ P.- N... 1 H. rrings. I’ N J Markerel. r. L. : LLTi:. M \r,. .-'A. .'•hawts, W-i’s. .''ilk and ilii.in.IlS. Tr.l.'f ( 'b'lhs. .V l:irir- b.i ..t' H \T.. lPi;s, Hat' a ' l‘'.'nnet' and Fi v .\ fin I 't ..1 i;* •»I'S ; A '.■■'VSf ,i~s..i-tm- "t ■ Rrr'i'-t Pill', a ' .ir;. F..’ . :id V.-t . ,ia' . , M M ie- -n- >r>;, !.LRt i a.. I Si I nrticle >f iilack . u-i.l Table (\.v- b rie". ci'iisistin^ ■iM.-.mel, Linen ('ain- ;,,t .'f Crap'* 'iefv. R'.nncis. id I*rab Re.ivi • nnet-^. Misse.s F ir-Riii'^s, irch.-s. ti id T '.'cti kot: F,-.. [■r.v.n, 1. . : lin>' * r.iii''. a' Ve-;- .\ i. i' Lin.'li >: i’ers'i: iiuino .'.I ■r w' ■Ul 1 fll',' 't ri.tii iiiN: :ieri '1 in Ui P.KA- ‘ mar s'. fine ■d..' I't Pa:.:-' s •. ' U'l (IlLVl. (iLUti. 1X0 fROl'KRRV. subhcrilier iii now receiving hid Spring su[)ply J| of the rd'ovo Conds, comprising u general iitisori- ment tor the I'Ol'NTRY Tl’AUF.. vvhicli he offers upon terms that will not fail to plca»o. (ioods pucked as weM art in any market in the I'ldtad States. (’cuiitry Merchant'. touI I do >%eH lo jiiirchase their ''ri'ckery iirst, in ider !• iier iiiao to pack ii Well und soon en. u^’’' *> . 111..' March 20. lh,’>L SeeoH^i Stock. I’EARC'E iV IM'.MHl'JrrOX A RK i!on- reoeiviii'T, in addition to their former - m St.u k, a bo;nititul assortineiit of D/iJSSS (])()I)S. .'^atin .'striped Reragos. ( oloie 1 Knibrnidered Robes, Ladi«s I'ollars and L iider-SleevcM, Velvet and itther rrimmiugs, liouiiet Rilibons. ('ravulH an l Stocks, .''hil ts, t’ollars, i\c., LXPRF.SSl V FOR THt WHOLKSALF, TR.\1K. r. J p.. Hay .'itreof. Apri- 1. 1 s.' L s }-if s!»Hi\n; si 1*1*1.V. .. 1 Dis. FOULKES & MACRAE, ■ U h ihsiilr ,1' Iicfin'l Ih iKji/isls, . ^ '•Avc‘ now receiving their Spring and Sum mer supply of ({inncn cV ('hcmlrtds, I l>ye-Woods and !*ye-Stuft's. Oils. I’aints, and I’ainters’ .\rliolei, VAR.MS1IK8. French. Fnglish and .\iiierican I’erfiimery, Fine Toilet and .'^having Snaps, Fine Hxlr and T. th P.rushes, Paint lirushes. .''urgical and I'ental Instruments, Trii.sses and .''upporter.'i .d all kind.-*. Pare U inei, und l^rai;dies for .Mod:.‘:iI juirposos, L.xtraets f.>r Flavoring, ( h 'ice Toilet nii't Funcv vrticlen. Xc. They m.'ike their purchascv f,,r ('\sn. an'l offer ■ .'Is e iini'ly as b \v us they call be .>btainod from any mi!:;r »t diii'iiniont in this section. 'Varrante i t . t .- Fresh. Pure an l Slemiine. oi itT' ir.'iii thec.iiintry lui.mi.tly tilled, an.I satisfae- ■ '11 u ..v.iutio.i wi.h regur l bi.ah t.. i.r'"e un i .(uality. ILiv strei f. next il ..>r West of H. vV F. .L Lillv. - \ .V M. I*. ixtei A;. rt :i ri‘. . ; M ii'K. 11:.;. St: •.i-.-ni f. 1'.. L I'ilE nin> L Tun S 1 1 w \ t > r-'uni:: r S." nn r In She i w h.ir: N.1V e-l HI,'! .dit mav A I>iiisc(‘(l Oil, Pure \\ liile Lciul ND a general :.ss'>rtment .if -.'K.-r i'runt--- fres'i supply. . just receive l an i I 'iiP ■r S I. RL\ l.RL\ U‘»F. (.KXUIXE fi:rc\ i \x C.l axo. ; Dnift/ JJ.ip' ; iR^ONS wishing t' secure sU{ p’.; ' v. ’ j - !;d their orders an.i they wi'.i 1 • «u! j ’.if ; ,n iio ''iv..rable terms. Payment in a" i i-. ' i' -- . ■ .re del:verv. RLVLRLV RosF V \r>. Jw I .,.t. 1 . ! 1A i: I'P.V c r tlieir.se Fa\ .-itcvi (> li'.". .il U ,M\ i r r, . O'- FRILS. L.\rU!XiU iU.li in 11 \K>\ii ()i \ i\ I'LTl.il p ..' > r 1" ■ :. liK.h \i d: ii IlYl’KS of Mankin i: i.r Ltb:: -J k- :iase i upon the An ient M >u 11111":;: -. P .’ptures. und ( raniii .f R.i ;- s. an 1 up 'ii tin ^’r;iphieal, Philological anl Rii.lleMl Hi-' .r i’. Nutt and«e'. it. 'P.ilP.n. Ju-' r May 1:L L- J- HALIl i-.ii ..I - N:aMr-| ry. riv.‘ 1 'N. 1 .(ua a i\ 'ills 111 IT i I:,-. *KT.'‘. Iroin Chaucer I. editi'Ui—r I'l di wh r|lHL RRITISH 1 i w.irtii. new n ,rat v..;a, an ’. Montgomery. Hematis, P.iirns, Rry. ii. S and Shakspeare—one volume each, tiie edition, ju.“t received. 1.- J- H Mav W is- T!..' 1 til. or t. i)*t. Fid.. \- l'7t* . r.y h -.i-i ■ n.l .v', in 1 and Jcll.NSi'N. -'•i' SCi I' K )i • itf f Ms I .nine ri. h . ■.■^i^..!y. ' e f;:r . A. M., V. X. « a-r n. 1 ■ t;. M p i-n lid Li; . i.N. /■ ft;-/ III >'i I! / lihtl it • // FOR SAU:. \ML1. • i 1 TE.A.M of weii-broke y.iung M: k an.^ = iear. A \. Slav 11. >■-. -iii. U .MeKlTllA V Bnle *s prinic I lav. 1 r K. M smIc I>\ >!;PFI.L '.'■jtf \ \ N V : K- • I.CTTIUPmi; Fri.l: a (POD S. I (Ol’Ain LR th« naun; ;:il ityk* ot' lv.\M"l'^ PRO. • undertigii'- l ii.‘■ ti.iu'lay b«'‘ 'iii'! (artncr l»rv Jr'.'ery -ui'l Har'lware Rii-:'■ - te .S. T. Hawley ic S'>n, Hav .'^treet. i av C. M. J.' RAMSLV. N. A. RAMSKV. ■ K n'.'.v n y. r„ N RA\lSi:V ^ lilio.. tiroccrs, HAY ."TRLET. FAVETTF.V1 LLL. N. c 1^ LLP «onsUintly on hand every thing in thierline of buaineks. and will sell at tho lowest rat s. jJUtry proJuce bought or taken in wxchau^e l.>r l..o.itj. AV or.jerg will mewt with preempt attention. April 11. l-.Sl. S7-tf l.Tii’..',, 111:.IK.-t. \V as fa'-'l.alile .aii.l will ii in,:: terms ai .1. tilN r «''( i;n ii Mill s \l,l.\ \M'l ' ,\lar. il \|N li S l^.'i J. cm NCIL. (AIN cSc CO. s;;ff i'Oli J XOTICE. rBjlllL subscriber offers for sale his L.\NDS, six miles flu North of FajetteTille an.l about one mile from the Fayetteville and Raleigh I’lank Ivoa.i, consisting of about 1200 of I>hik1, suited to the 111:1- king of Turjieiitine or Timber. There are on the pre mises a goo.I saw and grist mill, all in gooi.l repair and now in operation; also a dwelling, and all the necessa ry out-iiouses, in good repair. Also, another tract of two huu.lred and fifty acres, on tin* liea.l waterd of Carver’s Creek, known as the Place, oil which there is a small farm, a .Iwel- • i:;. :’i.i .)t!'»'r houses. i»u the .ir-* ;mi;-....i tract lliere aio cut about twonty- r.vc thouband Tiirjteut'ne boxes, from two to four years old. All the abovo lamlg will be sold ou the most accojii- iiodating terms. i’orsoni wishing to puichase will please Call on the subscriber, who will lake pleasure in Bhowiiig the ab'^ve lands. UM. R. BOLTON. Oct. ih.',;;. -lotf Jusl R«‘C(‘iv(‘(i :iii(l for Sale, BHLS. No. H MACKKRKl. ^ mF 10 kus No. J “ •• '• .Salmon, l‘*" lli.s. t'oii Fisii, ■- I boxes t'iieoBe, •j “ Adamantine ('audios, 20 •' Tallow 3 No. 1 Soaji, 10 “ .Soda ('rackers, 2 hhds. Brown .''iigar, bliN. Crushe'I ati'l (Jraiiulate.l Sugar, I’.ii'.kwhe.'it Floui in 2-'» lb. s:icks, i’ickles. Rice, Salenu. pmi Veast Powders. •\liSO—:> dozen Turuentine .ixe». l!y W. H. CAP.VKR. L c.'.itf NEW siMXi; AXi) sf,mmi:r (jood. a- ^ 8M 1; .Subscriber is now receiving the largost and sL most complete assortment that he has ever cslle.l the attention of his friends anl the jiuTilic to: he would tiierefore sa\' to nil that may desire anything in his line that is FASHIONABLE and CHlvVP to give him a call, as he desires to keep tho ‘‘Nimble Sixpence ’ moving. His stock consists of a large varietj of tho different styles of FA.SHIONA BI.E HATS, to-wit; Fur, Wool, I’uuainu. Leglioru, Canton, Pedale, llutlaiul, China Pearl, auJ Palm Leaf, which will bo sold low for g@„CASn. —ALSO,— A general ass.jrtment of BOOTS and SIIOKS for (ientlemen, Ladioii, Misses, Youths, Boys, Childron, Infants, and .Servants. Please call and examine before you purcha.se. J. C. THOMPSON, Market Square. March 17. IK.',L St»-tf Steam Engines—Fayetteville Maniifticture. WE are now prepareil with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STEAM ENCflNES, from five to sixty horse power, which we can lurnisb un as favornbltt terms as any Northern establishment. P®rsons in want of Engines for Mills, Buats, &c. will perceive the advantage ef having them ma.Ie near home. ®l:^An Engine of our own manufacturo ean be seen in operation at the Foundry. HALL & BOLLINGER Dee. 7, 1853. 51-tf iJ. \>... alone A r THE RED SIGX. .^14*. «la aid «3t H c -TI a s t c f Feb'v xoru'E. /J^lH E .SFBSt'lUBER has reniove.l to FACTS CAXXOT liE LOUB 1 ' Lei the AJfiictecl read u.i(> >■ . 'cr! JKr .More than 500 porsons in the c.ity ot' Uiti teiiiil'y to the reniark:ilile cures petfuraied l>y Carter^H Spfinish •Jii.vtur€. The {^rcHt c^prinz Meilicinc and I’nrit'ier uT tlie liloixi is now used liy hiiiiilrciU of ^niielul patients, who tpstil’y .iaily to the rniiark- Hl.le cures )>ertornicd by the createsl of all nieilitines, «'Nrler'> Spanish .Mi.viare NeuriilKia. Kheiiiiialisni. Scr.it'nia, Kriipti>.,j« on the !skin. Liver UiseHse. I'evers. fleers. ()I1 Sores. .Mli’Clions of the Kidneys. I>ise».ies of ihe 'I’hriiat. Female CoiiiplHinia. f’^ins ami .trhing of the Hones and Joints, are sjierdily put to riittlil lij' usiiii; this grcHt and inastiinahle remedy. Kor all diseases of i)>e Itlood. nothing has yet iH-en tound tocoiii- pnru with il. It cleanses the system of ail impurities, nets peiitly , • 1 11 1 lit anil ethciently on the l.iver and Kidneys, strensitheiis the Hieestlon. W L just received a lull and complete stock of gives tone to the stomach, makes the Skin clear nn.l healthy, anil C> Roc ER II'..'-. PR0VL''lONS, Sea., to wh’ch tl.ey j restores the Constitulion, enfeeliled liy disease or hroken down by invite the attention of the citizens and sur .ud- I tho excesses ot y.ituh. to its prisiine vipor and .stren^lli. tor the l.adies. it is iiiicomparably better than all the cosmetics 'vt r used. A few lioses of Carter's Spanish .Mi.\ture will remove ail ::ailowne'S ofcomplexmn. briii" the roses iiiantline lo therheek, pive elasticity to the step, and improve the ceneral health in a re markii'.il)' def.'ue, beyond all the medicines e»er hear.I of. •\ larije n'lmlifr of certitirate* of remarkable liures [(erfi.riiied on t*ersons residing... be cily of Ui.'hmond. Va.. by the ii^e .if 'ar ter’» Spanish Mixtui i- the best evi.U-nce that there is no hum buR about il. 'J'he . =.». h'>tel keepers, mamsiratt's. physicians, and public men. ni-tl Ki ■ to the community, all a.1.1 their teali mony to the eti'ects of t!i r IIlood I’ckiukk. Call and see u tew humii.... the certitlcate- around the botilc. None t^nuine unless >i;;ned .• N \ K’!"!' & KKKKS. Druggists. Principal Depots at ’i >V ard, Close A: (’o., No. 8:5 and Beers, \nd for Sale by ing country. Tiiey Mill soil low for C.^su, or on tne to piiin-tu;il customers. They jiurchased tlieir ‘•'^■o,.; for c:ish, and this will enable them to sell t.ow. ihcy have facilities that many houses have no:: they have iigcnts cstablishf'J in Baltimore ami Ne>. York, who always a.lvisc them of any change in articles in their line. ati'I who purchase only when bargains are to be lia'l. We keej) always on hand a splendid assr.rtment of ioreign and .loiuestic Liquors; Loaf, Crushed ami Brown SiiLcars; Rio, .lyva and Laguira Coffees; Green, lly:,.. ses; Mess Maivh :7. I'''. L •iPKIXi f ' I. -V I... • i'. 'iig h'- Spi i'i Suit' I I. KYLi: ! . I 1 M i;. ■lll'l t'V t I ■ li't. .Ili- •liT .''ii[ii'ly .if F..reign an i Ili! of which has lioen j.uri:h .s^ i Fae.\:i'.re will ’>»• ..ilercl at U hi.Ie- M i v i.'W (.nc ' I-.r Ca'h. or . n tin.o nie: ~. On hau l at all times, the b. ..*t It are manul.icturt- 1 — N'l. 2 to lo. t. Hit-tf Slir 11 II OIISC A il I'a“t '1 i.' (irt't n .'•treet. a few .i.'ors N.irth of the Mar ket II'.use. ^■IHL sii^«.'ri!'er If.'s Icav.- t.i announce to the citi- ■i zens of Fayetteville, aii'l the travelling j'Ublie, tiial lu l.M'jii-t tini-':e 1 ;ui'l oi.ene.l hii H.oise, for the I'l . i j 'i .11 and entertainment of any wh may w i.«h j.er- ii:i ..t r ti .m-ii iil l'...ai ■!. lli P. 'Ills are b ige an ! coinfortablc. an-l his T ,ble 'hai; -.iways In- furn’'he i with the be-t the iii.irket will ;i!b.r l. He ills ■ h.is g... .1 an.l trusty Ostlers, who will :i'ten'i t.iithl’uily t.) that .leparti.;- nt of the business.— N>. i.-iliis wi!! ! e “i :ire.l t.) make tlio.se c.mf.irtabie wlio !: ■ l .'. r him with their j.atroiiage, ;i '!iare ..f whi.di i- r- •' s ’.i -ft‘.l. t'harges sh:ill he m.'derate P. SH EM WFLL. F.i.'v I.'). I.".'.!. 71tf sj:, in:\\ ARi>. BV. li.l, ]i!iy the I ’ve rewar l f..r the a['prehen:-i.in ai. l s i!.. li- Aery to i:io. or ’ ..Ignient in Clint.m .1 i:i. '..that 1 ..lit my iU".rr.. giri .IFNNY. She is a iikely L'iil, of ligiit c.mp’oiion, smiles when sjioken to, a>. .i.t i*\e feet six ..r seven inches high: is sui.poscd to he iuiking at.out F\ison's l»fp..t, or (i.ishen. WM. P. HOBBS. .'■I'v -7. 1^-tf S|)rini' (s)(mIs. SHAW S NEW BLILDINC, (iil-I lespio .''treet, where he intends car- I tying on the T.\ B I.OKI\ii Bl Sl- ' NF..''S in all its )>ranches. Having had j l>raclical experience in most of the ,\t- I laniic cities, he feels assured that lie : can jilease the most t’astiilious. ,\ll orders will be execute.i with neat- no'S an.l despatch. ' B. MONACiHAN ^ March 2^, 1S5;;. M-tf to i/if I'run ruhtic. r|lHE s tage le:ives Warsaw .Iaily ,exco{it S;iturday B- at 7 o'elock. {.. m.. after th.- airival of the even ing train from tho N. rth. und arrivt's at Fayottcviile ll^‘xt day l.y i', o’clock, a. m.. in time for tho .'^t'lge t.i .'^aleiii: w liiidi leaveh F;iyettcville .Moml.iys, V'ediics.lay «. and Fri.i.ays, at 1 o'chick. ]). m., and arrives a: .'^alem ii'fxt .lay by 2 JK m. Returning, leaves S:ile'.n Ttios- .hiy-, Tiiurs lays, un i .'Saturdays, at o'ch i'k }>. ni.. irrives ut Fayetteville next ‘l.ay by 1 p. i i., in time for the t.i \\ arsaw: which leaves Fayettevlll ■ daily i.'SLeejit .'Saturday, at 'i j'. m., and airives at Wnrsaw' i :.t day b_\ a. m., in time to connect with the train rth .If .'^outh. Ti. kets I'r.im Warsaw to Salem, S12. From Warsaw * l.i Fayetteville, •'^4. To other jioints on tho r.iad in prop(uti.)ii. .M. McKl.NNoN. Fayetteville, .March iJs, iK")!. so-tf f.'/V/.s Ac’ r/ns Cltra HI UMSJI. 7B1HE Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of some ex- -M. perience. has for some time been sensilile tliat there is a •l(f"li‘Tatuvi to be yet suj.plied to the public in | the Way of a suitable liurni.sh for hoots ainl slioes. Most j of the :irticle« now used either injure the leather or fail | t.' imjiart that lustre so necessary to give to man’s | "uii'lfrsiiniihir/" a projier finish. He has therefore, .lur- . ing the iast twelve m.uiths. been .ievoting himself to ; (lie task of prcii:iring an artick* free from these objoc- , tions. and has at length after much investigation and ' exjioriment conijiletely succee.le.L The result is ••(lill'n j nf }'lus ultra Ilurnith." He only wishes that it may be | testoJ in order to cst;ihlish its superiority over all | others. Call on him at Mr. Nathan .''ikoii' boot and ! shoe estalilishment, ou Pers'Hi street, an.l be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS (ilLL. Nov. '.t, is.',;}. i7tf i'A\i',rri;\ ii.i.i; )UTI1L l.\Sll{l.\(l'; (OMl’l.W. ^■''Hl.'' Ciimpany is now org:inised and prepare.! to re- f Ci'ive apidieations for insurance, on as favorable o Macker Tobacco lier. Spice, Pepper, (iinger, Nutmegs, Cinnmon, Flji.som isalts, Saltiiotre. Hardware, (Jutlery. Crockery, and (.ilassware; and a variety of other goods. They take this metho'l of thanking the community and their country frien.ls for the very liberal patronage bestowo.l on them: ani intend, by s(>!!i!ig goods low, to increase their I'ormer tra.k—a’v.a\« keeping in view that a nimble sixjionce is worth a shiw shihing. Yellow Ruihiing, between the .Market House aii'i the Bank of the State, Gillespie Street, Fayetteville. N. C. March 21, 1S:'>L rhtf m\m iMi 'siMM cooDs. .I’jiif Ftit,n. I >'|''HE uii'lorsigneil liaving gone into the FANCY DlvY 1 (iOOl>.'^ this .''pring. are now j,repared to offer i great in lucements to {nirchasers at whoiesale or retail. Our stuck has been selected with a view of selling to the Itetail Tra'le of this j,lace ami vicinity, and will be sold as chea]i as Goods can be offered in the State. Wo have a great variety of FINE DRES.SES and DRL.'^.'^ 'f R1 ,M \1 lN(i.'^, viz: Fine plai.i, plain Broca.le an.l Black •'^ilks. .Mar:ilioax Broca.le (irena>Jine,'Y>rinted Barege, jdain do. jilain Tissues, Organdies, French Ja- i-onets, t iiiighams. .Mso. French (dollars; Chemisetts: rndersleeves: Handkerchiefs; Gloves of all kinds; tine white Crajii-.''hawls: embroidered an.I plain Mantillas; .''ilk and Lace E.lgings and Insertings; Infants’ Waists: Velvet Ribbons and Fringes; Bonnets, Straw and Silk; Misses’ Fi:its. trimme.l and plain; Bonnet llibbons. Ar tificials an.l Tabs. \ goo'l selection of La.lies’ Shoes, Ciaiters an.l Buskins, and ChiMren’s Shoes of all kinds. For Ciontlcnion and Youth.s—large stock of Realy- made (’lothing, (’loths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Linen Drills, Hats. lUiots, .''ho*s, and I’mbrellas, all of the >>est material. Person« wishing to Imy would do well to call and examine our St..ck before making their purchases, as we are determined to sell ('heap. W . F. & E. F. MOORE. March 20. lS;i>1. 80tf Cai*tlia^’(‘ Jlotol. H.VVINu recently jiurchase l the above Jlsiablisli- . ment from Malcom Kelly. Es.j., 1 am now jire- pnred to entertain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call, liaving ample Stables, good Ost lers. an.l a .lisposition to accommodate, I tru.st 1 shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, l»ec. 3, 185o. oltf S(‘\vin^ Machines. PATENT STRAIGHT NEEDLE PER- PENDICULAK ACTION Sewisic which have acijnired an une.jualled rejiutation for ex cellence in all parts of the world, for every variety of Sewing, are now offered at the re.luced casii price f ONE HCNDRF;D DOLLARS. The clear profit from ihe use 111' ilie.sc- machines is frci;. C'''0 to Sioijo r year. >iep(>niFnig nn i'.;e kind of work .l ine. We w ish t.. call ihe attei.tioii of manufa* tnre^ .= par- n^"iariy ti_ .:’>!• newly inventi- 1 in'l entircl;. oiigina! IliIacniL ''' ^ T -re:^. 'I'l.' .1 .irunien: i- . n.iniii ’.blc in v.nio I'nrrf. naii s' p.'rl'ert in it'"p.-rntion iinit ri-'iili. ill-t ii > ..i.i.i.-ui'i- i... ur..,u:i-ii-.i pr' V nl ol IIII »» ho u.ider'l.init liie ^irt .if Sewii.^' by iirtriiii.»;ry. I . r hnen stitching this is the only iiiat hiiie Ilmtc .ii nnke:t .-n. which will reniHin dislinct and beautitul tificr w:ishint. F.irshoe work Knd every sort of leather Sewing—’■«({ iiiakini'—.M«tiresses and all Sewing In which (jRK.\T STRE.Vli’I'H OK SE.A.M IS Kli- Ul’IKEI). the work of this iiiHchinc cannot he equalled. It is more simple In Its constrncliun and much more easily munui'ed and opc rated than any other. Hereat'ter «c shall be prepared to supply a variety of Sewln(! machines—each pertecl and complete of it* Kind, itl the tollowlng cash prices. 1. Needle and iihultlo machine of present style on wooden I box igl(it). 'i d., do d.i on iron t'rame 8 I 3. d.i do with newly Invented teed Bucllon anil I checked spring Slij. ! 4. .«ini{le threaded uiachioet for llnsn and olher light Sew ing I r>. do do for Sewing bax». ibcKs and carpet bags 3135. s. U. for shoe nork and leather ititchinK dl'>^ wiih apparnlus to bind lualtresiies tLC.. terms as other Comi'anies. D!RE('TORS: l AVL' '!’> i« now roceiving his .'^tock .if SfU'ittif i(Hi! ‘'tinnnnr (HtfPlfS , for La.lies' an.l ii' i-T.t’'-Iil' Ii's \|. c;i l>i:u ;\ :iiiil ' 'i! 'liil'ln ii; 15 > ('r". kvf_v an. ’.iM'.'litrrs' 1 liiitor.-, t’.ir I/uiifS, Misses^ ;iiil •ui'i Shii. s; H:iis lioiiuet.s; i, IS-', -..n : i, li'Iw ii'i ; ('.Kijiers', 'i'i ■ 'is; i’'..^i-ilis Avon K. H.\i,i,. -I. «J. .SlIKl’lIKUD. \V>i. Wai[>kn. S. 'I'. H.wvm v. Joii.N j). \Vn,i,i.\Ms. (’. liKNiJOW. \Vm. Mrli.VFRIN. VVm. McIxtvue. 1 .1'. i.li 1 Ti:'.i ' ■ u ; --.^pr,. 'i-';. L! TTIdtl.olF 1 IMPS. -iM'V \>()X (A)oi)s. n.-ai'zV .-■-.i , 'II t . i. kcj.: in our |. i.ur.-l. i • . :r O . 1» :i.e _i::' . "ii tcMiiN :i :ii.y ’ !• in till- Mer.'an'ile line, ll.i III. wii. ie-.ii!. '.r i-.oail. .'11 :i.niiu 'd;.t- I'l fvr reas.'ii.-il.ie [.roii-' .\( II. ; aii'l .Su. li'iii Piimi s, .''heet L.’a.l atl'l Lon.I Pi]ie. F'lril>' hy W. A.NDREW.S, Market Sq-iaro. ,M ,r.di ;'.o.‘ 'i-tf S'l'lvVMilR ilENini: ri'A, nnRoFtll! fi'im .\. Wesseli'i( wharf in Wilmingli.n, to her oi'l wharf in Fayetteville, with a sufficient nutnbor ..f Flats to accommodate th.ise wi.-hing to ship through ..r w;iv fi'oight. R. .M. ORRELL, Agent at Fayott. ville. 27tf Hknuv I.II.I.V. II. \j. NivitoVKU. Tiios. Lcttkkloii. John 11. (’ook. D. A. n.w. A. A. .'1« Kktman. Gk>. .NIcNkill. N.\than A. .Stkdman. .Iamks Kvlk. OFFICERS: GEO. McNElLL, Presi.lont. II L. MYROVER, Vice Prosi.Ient. .T. .-HFI’HERD, Attorney. I . '.VM!LL.\N, Secretary. • I r ' K \1'F. i LL, I .loHN II. COOa, V IJxocutivc Committee. JAS. KYLE, j The plan of .Miti\i. Ls'si k wik must commoin! itself t.» our community, f.,r it ‘;in bo .iemonstrated that we ha',e «avod v.'ithin the last six years ujiwar.ls of ■':i;>O,O00 V,v insurance in the North Carolina .Mutual Company: tiiat is. we sh.'ul.l have pa’.l to liave kept the same in- i trperienre^ and practical Smith, he flatters himself that le foreign joint stock companies that sum 1 his w.irk will compete with any made in the .State for ■ nroULD respectfully inform the public that he is still at his old stan.l carrying on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, and hopes by a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and give general satI..faction, to merit a continuance of the same. Ho warrants all his work to be made of the best ma norial ami by experienced workmen.—having a more suranco in tiie foreign joint Sfjit. 'i.S. C. s. Builder and I ndf/taker. I^ prtparitd t' execute contracts of from t' $-j0,0'jU and ujiwards. \Vind.jw P.liii'Js. ,~mti. C.lufci Doofa. an l all kinds of urnamental hiel j.luin v.-h’k warranto.1 to give satisfuc- tiun. He may b« I'jun'i .u iii'juirv at .Mr. .Ickse W. P'jwera's. Fayetteville, April 12, 1 r, p '•^7-'iiiijid xi'tunfr (nfu)ds iic firm. prices 'Zd Stock of tSjfrin^ a/id S j^TARR jc WILLI.VMS are now r.' . ivii, St i'-k of spring an'l .Suiniiicr Dr_\ ( Hats, li 'iinwts, ^^lioes, l>u(its. ;■! Mudo (’lotliii)g, ?v.(‘i:tel within ihu last twi weeks by (i:i ^ the Norlherti Murketii, at greatly r the early part of the Seabon, an''l will Ue 'lisjio^ of tn Uholebhle buyer:* on accornin.j.laling ;>Tms \Ve !>' cit an examination ol .iiir G.JO.Is, by Mer. 'nm: -uv- in this .Market. All .jrders promptly att. le I to. •1 H STARR. J. .\i. \\ill;.\.\is. April ,s : Hiiiidolj)!, tilioetiiig and C.'ottoii ^ arn, t or lale hj WORTH k JiLLIuTT. “J. t'dl! SAI.I',. P.' >X F.'' Mam.:i! ii1 I .l.a. ' o. o iiave in St-il'i! a Imv"'*. .'t I'..! ' :■!. . and e v- pe.'i t'l re.-eivo c.instantly In.ri . IN-i't and 'I'h. iii as s Hii'l Mier factories. ;in n»-. : . "t of .junPt’cs t ) enable ns t.i furnish ].ui'ch:isor« an_, .(i.ality at lowest factory prices. W. Mcl. .'iej't. 1>'^'» notf Spriiiy Snmm(‘r (itoods. o .1. \V. I?AKER l.s now receiving from tliu North tho |larrost, tiiiest, utid most curefuily se- Iccte.l btock of FI R’VITI Ri: over offered in this market: which, added to his own mariiifacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will >iell on tho lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fine Rose Woo.i Pianos, (Bonnet i't Co's, of Broad way, New York,; I'ashioiiable jiainted cottage be.J-room jij.st rotiirne'i t'roni the N'nth. and is opi'uing ! Furnituie in setts; cuiie.l hair an.l shuck, ainl cotton , _ a fargi- and beautiful Stock .it ' ” “ ' ''' “ “ ' "" ^TiiMii; iM! m\ liHV (;o()i)!s. He will 11'.: alt- i.ipt to oniniifciate every Hrtiele usually April 1853. 87tf kejit in su.'h an est. s;:v!ng that a v, ,it i be ii[ipri.*eiate'l hy fif y miles' ride, ail'! (lai ticulnriy oi. EmbroiderioM. he di town Fayettcvi” l :it ''*ols jii-;tltie l in ■ il. .iariy irolil the La>lie«. w.iiiM '. aii'l ;;iii|.iy re]i!iy them for a f.ii' Si LI\S and other jirebk Goo.Is. IT , .''lo>-\es, ('h.'iiiizotts, ami other !i'.' :'!1 the coiMjietitioii that tho 1! can show. The subscribe- f'-els ti.., kf'il for the patronage here tofore shown him, am! hopes by strict attention to bii- binesH. aii'l by I.eing a’, .e to s'o.'V tho jircttiest Goo'Is. —and also b‘in!i dispose.! t'l 1! oein at as (dieaji :> rale, eitix r f. r cash or on time lo jrinctiml custonu s, as i!:;v oth"r establishmenl in the | lace, he hojH's to ■ncrcase that tr.ide and conti ieiice whi.-h has enablcl him t" soiourn in tho Town of 1'ayetteville. J. C. POE. .'larch 27, 1S54. Mattresses; Looking ilassos: Willow Wagons and Cra dles: Patent Self-.''winging Crailles: Si.le Boards; Bu reaus; .Secretari“s am! Book-Casos: What-Nots: Tables, all sorts: Wash .'^tamis; andle Stainls; Wardrobes; I’ic- tiiro Frames and Glass; Wimlow Sha.les; Cornioes: (-ur- tain P.aii.ls: .Sofas in .NfahogHriy an.) Walnut; Tote a Totes; Ottoiu.'ins: Divans and Stools; Chaire of every variety. Sejdonibor, IS’);?. -iOtf r\\ ETvrv i)ou.AR?TrewarI) JE.S.'^R V, II>.'!ON, late of the county .if .Sainpscn, North Carolina, has left for parts «nknowr., »nd indebto.l to us, and having taken with him asset.: sniTi- cient to jiay his ilobt.*!, v.e will givu the above reward f.ir satisfactory information of hi« jiresent location, il 'viiiiin the juris'liction of any court of law in the I niied States, .''ai.l Wilson is about 40 years of ago. with red coniplection, of medium »i:«e, and bad principles. J. & T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, N. C., Feb’y 24, 1854. 74tf more than we li.ive actually paid; an.l yet the North ; (’’arorma Mutual ('ompany li:is rociMvod lioiweon A.'iOOO ' :i’.. i ;; ' 000 ni.,re from our community than it has pai.l j out I'or losses here,—showii'g that we are favorably sit- ' ua"' 1, as coiniiare.l .vith other places in tiie .-^tate, for ir;iiicc. 'nr ('ompany has gone into oj,oration favoraltly, liav- ing the day we organise.l ajiplications (o the amount of ’11'),(>IM», and the (,'omjiany is now placed uj,ou a firm tlfg . ly I>ireclor, authorise ! Agent, or .Secretary, may receive .\pi>licatious, luit they will not be hin.Fing until a[ipf'iv il tiy tht' Fxeciitive Coinmitlee or the Roard. •; i'J►. W. LAWRI'iN(’’’ is a])j>ointe.l General ' Agent of the Companv. AVe mvite a]'plications. 1 ' GEO. McNEILL, Pres’t. I C. A. M ''ULLAN, Sec’y. I Feb'y 7. 18y:>. (Witf (h())Is! (fOods! We have 0|>(M!cI onr Store in C'ani[)- bellton. We offer low for cash or barter, ])RY GO()DS i ami (illOCEIklES. JESSFP ('O. March 1. lSr,t. 7tUf \\'(' want to buy 'I'lirpontiiu', (U'liv- ere.l at our .''^till in ('anipbellton. JESSFP X CO. March 1, 18.'j4. j*’.tf Stav('s! Stav‘s! W c want to buy Spij-ils Barrel STAVES. Will pay the highest C.\sii prices. JESSCP & CO. March 1, 18.')4. 7''itf Pure East I/id) a i'astor OU. Wl-' li.ive just received a supply of Pure East In dia ('ASTOR OIL, without taste or smell, first introduced by us into this nnirket last Spring. FOULKES i MACRAE. March 17, 1854. 80tf style, elotrance :in.l .lurability; and shoul.l any of it fail in twelve mimtlis (with f.ir usage' either in workman ship or material, he will repair it free of charge. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and ex amine Ills w ork ;.s he is .letermine.l to sell low I’orc.isb or on short time. Or.lers thnnkfully received and promptly aitended to ii--y P^EI’.MRlNti neatly execute.! at shot. ..oiice and lowest jiossible prices. Fayetteville, Jan. 2*j, 1.''5;?. (j3tf M AIIH1 .E 1 ACTOit /'•xy do ikt ttf extra for qn'tU'tnK c*>nt WntuKs S140. d(j of larger size for quillmg ciira \ze lininjEs S!50 10. do do adapted to lap svaming coat sleeves 6lc . SIfio. 11. Eiiibroiderin^ Mnchiiie making an ornainentai »titch with two thremls • \2. M.*clilnt*» tif large siif fi rinj: an l»in;:s nmi , wuh fixture* nnd npiiaraiu> .^4 h» i.i >?achines wiS! bo liUed loruny unu-'uat p*’ uiianiy «»i vv* r on reasonfthle tpruii. 'I’he NUcliines nre srctiP*!y pwrked fVr iran' portMtim to any pari of the world, and full prinie.l Instructions lor us ne and keeping them in order art* furnihr.t witU e icli nnchine Machine net-dle*. Silk twi;*i on sjm>oU—3 curd linen ihrr.id 4tc.. tiUvnys oQ hand ai\d for s:\le at lowest cash pr.re:^. Principil Office, No. 3‘i3 liroadw:\y. Y, BRAMt H orrit ES 57 Souili F«»urth Street; Philadelphia. l."»y Baltimore Sireei llaili- inore 47 Hitnover 5?treel. U*»sion. 197 Kliu Street, ’iticmnhti I. M. SINGKR \ CO. New York, .March 2U, 1H54. B2-;^mpd REDUCED FARE. Through TicketH between Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare •SIS. Via Weldon, Petersburg. Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets tipply at the Oftiae jof the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wilming ton, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore ami Ohio Rail Roa.l Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1S;V2. .5.‘?-tf Spirits Tiii'peiitiiie Waiifod. ri'^HE undersigned will pay cash for Spirits Turpen- tine, (in goo.l order,) allowing only a fair margin to pay incidental expenses in sending to a general market. When parties prefer to ship ''o ■” ov.-n :• .ant, the undersigned will make liberal cash ad.'aiiio- the usual commission) on all Spirit' ' Bosin pla in their han.ls for shipment,—giving * n- . vner always the option to sell in AVilmington or .shi,, .» New York. GEO. W'. WILLIAM^' .S: (’O. July fi, 18.5;^. 8tf Fayett(ivill(‘ .ioilX llARMAX llesjtectfull}' iiifonns lii.s frioiids and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larger an.l more commodious H.itel in the centre of the Town, recently occujiied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the F'ayetteville Hotel, where ho willbelmp- py to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spareil to reii.ler those comfoi'table who may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, June 185;L 2uOtf Faiffttcvillt V idi/ Ma/nifactory. fBIHE suhscrilier stiP , ntinues to maimfacture a su- M. perior article ot , :iin and fancy C.'VNDIE.'' at the old stand, (No. (ire» btreet. ‘i doors Nortii, of the Market House.) where lu would be hajijiy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, IHo^j. 7:itf By ;i:0. LAI DKII T'.Vd’illllIRS \lllivi; C. T. HIICII J. S(I\'S XTIIRE. ille,, i\. i\ .lan’3’ 20, l^.', 1. •i4y-p.l f BIHE Subscribwr will receive proposals for 100,ooi: fit llis. of' Cott.,11 Batting or Wadding. .Mso. for ;{,0((().(i00 ithree millions) of Reeds from S to feet lung, an.l also, 10,000 (ten thousand) pounds of good clean ('orn .Shucks, in stated (luan ities. For further particulars iniuire of R- W. HENRY. J. HENRT. Fayetteville, Nov'. 14, ISo;-?. 44-tf Xick Williams's Rye Wbiskey at wholesale or retail. MCDONALD .S: McMASTER. Dec. 10. 18.o3. ry> COTTOX it\(a;LN(;. III.WE a plentiful supply of (Junny and Ilumloe Cotton Bagging. P*ale Rope, and Bagging Twine. Semi in vour orders ami they shall lie stipplicl. JAS. ; COOK. Oct. •'{. i*'-’ "/Jtf ri':l ' V( t- Turpentine A.xes. J. &L I. WADDILL. (; ioi» \| KCI;'!M"S' Ti puded t.i t'le ; 'ili’iic, with t’.ie ■ =s nrthiiig is claiin'’d for tti'i -. but w'-i‘ ,i''S'e's. Th-c”.’'Mtivp >.r. ; • "t-po nf ' t’• '>YN F, ( i::-:h ■ y i- xp; t. ■ «• •; •. ■ lo in l.un'ireds of cases, wlier.' it i..is been l.eii,!;e a. u. Coughs, ''obJs, Sire Throat. .\sthn;a. Broiiehi is. and diseases of the lungs an l thr.iat generally. The DI.\HIU1E.A COKI)I.\L is also known to have cured hundreds of cases of those seriotis diseases cf the bowels, which so often prove fatal. Indeed, in regard to both meclicines, a trial of their merits, by the afflict ed, is confidently asked, as we really believe there are no bettor medicines in use. See descriptive pamphlets to be had gratis of the .Agents. Price of each, only -'>0 cts., or six bottles for $2 ftO. gigi^ For sale in Fayetteville by 89-lm] S. J. HINSDALE.