8EHI-WEKKIi Y an., Sli. Kllll \()L. 111.] [NO. 302.] w ( ill 1 iti. . Ct. ;Af n M'tNDAVS and rilFRSD.WS. > \ I ; . r i;i)\v\iii) J. mam; & .s(».\, t ( . t, . 1 vlTt'Rs \ND PRoPRIF.T«>RS. A,. I- k , >ci;.; Weekly OiisKUVKi! x;5 (M) if paid ill ’*1 it p.iid during the year of subscrip- f v, M 1 1 M'l'the \ ear 1ms expired .lOSKPll |{\K1:K, .Ik., A T 'IMI le \ i: 1 A T I. A , U^\S tiiken till oflioo iu“\t ilmT lo Win. P>, \\ imht'.s l.aw otVu-o on (.iroeii Sirt-ot. Ilo will uttend anil j'ractire in tlie ('imni v hihI Snpi'rinr ('onrt-^ of ('iniiher land, Hlrtilen. I'otnwon aiul Sain]’S'iu. M»!n'h‘J ?, lhr>:5. T'.t-tl' til i: "S'- iHi )H‘i- aimuiii. if i-ai.l in i 'huln^ tiiO year of i' v> :r has \iiiroi fi'T 'ixty cont-i j'cr acli q..‘- lirsi, and Jiivty cents t'> \ t':irl\ adx I vtisonnMits ti ''iia'i’o 1 :\ti'-^. Vdvortiscr-^ arc r - t in-^t'Vtii'Us ilfsirod. or t' ' 1. ail 1 I'liargt'd ai'c'rd IM'.I'Ts nmt l>o iii''t- j^aid M. L. li()LMi:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N, C. ■ hM( L nil conn r ot i-'ront Mid I’l'incess blrocts under .lournal otVu-o. Uec. iL’. JS-tf M. i:K\Mni:iri\ Confectionery and Variety Store, f ii‘fr till l'\’j/tl> rilli Ill ’ll^ lliji/ Sf., SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN OF FAYETTEVILLE. ON SATl’UDAV, .liinc lOtli. 1S.-)1, willl.e s.dd at tlie Market House, in Fayetteville, at 1- o'eloek, M.. nil the Keal F’state helonj;iiir to the late Duncan Maeltae, aiuonp which are several valuable improved anil unimproved lots on Hay, I’ersoii, (!illespi‘, Ram say. Howan, (lieen. Dick, Itussell, Mclver, and North streets. The improvements are, dwelling hcr.scs and fire-jiroof .stores. .\lso, nl'oiit :’>O0 acres of 'I'iinhcred I.and on tlic wa ters Ilf I’.iick Head, near 1’n‘aver ('reek Factory. 'I'ermd made known at sale. \ny iiii'i rniation relative to the jiroperty will be rivcn l.y .l(.)UN M,\'i;.\i;, Survi\injr F.xeciitor. -Mav l-'i, l.s.j.}. ‘.'I'l-ts Dec KAVKTTHVll.I.K •r 31. IS N. ■)Stf ;h. Dk. II I'. VK.\ Alil.i; H'ker‘ Sti>rr, Cnm- (''I'ci'tfiilly 'lilVrs his i- ;hc ^urroundiiij: iV Mi'dM-iiK's. A: c. I'ro-oli \. '■■■ I"'. «i; '. :-a''' aii.l retail Drujijzist, is ’ 1 irue i lditi.iii? to liis Stock i.'f t Mi iliciiU's, Paitits, Oils, Var-! V. l>ru'iics. Wiiul.iw (.;i;iss, IVrtuiiUTV, - 1/T' as. SiirL'ii-ai In.'trumi'nts,\c. -r;. ' ‘ e:n^ selei tci per-..nally in the host . i .;'-, s, ii:ay lio relii 1 >n as to quality hy ■ in l I'thers in want of ii 'o.l articles. ir 'iii th'- c.iiin'ry pron>ptly attended to and : n iru irantied. J. X. S.MITH, Drusrgist and Chemist, N rth-west C'Tiier .\Iarket lSiuare. >'J. W'Uf Losr OK MLSLAll), T • 'Jltli inst , a N -t'- made l^y M. McKinnon a? r ' I’l. .ill 1 eiidi'psed tiy \V. (5. McDonald and Hundred and Fifty-nine ol -Dm,» i"ti.ilile and payable at either Worth & Utley, b >r\\ ardiiiiji' :uil (u'lK'ral Commission Mi:u( IIw'i's. lV/#/r//rr#7/r’, \ J. W'M’.ni. Tlill I .uis. I Ti.i'.Y. r. c. wou rii. (JKNKll.M, COMMI.^.^ldN MKKCHWT wii..min(:t(>.\, n. ('. I sual advances made .m eonslL'iiments of Ciitton, .Naval Stores. ;ind otiier I’rodiice. I’articular attention ”iv n liyC. W . 1».W IS to jiur- chasing t'argoes, procuring Frei,i;h!s f^ r Vessels, \c. Jaii’y 17. *;:{-! V I .>oo For sa'e hv Muv 11. S \('KS .SALT. '.ill litils. New (’roj No. I! Mackerel. r. T. H.MCH N. O. Molasses \ SON. fti-tf IS c'. vV !’». (i. woirni, ion V.V I 'oi Nx .irdiiiix M»'rchanl: T. Commis liuowN's nL'u,DiN(.;. \v.\TKU sti!i;i;t, A. C on oii.sii:iiinent«i. I .sual advances ma li Jan’v 17. 18‘)1. 0:M Y M .r^h, !-.T Fiv. M f: ;; .;’l persons from tr;i ling for said Note, ■ 'Wiier-; of the Note. TKOY .V MAHSH. ' t. s ru AVi:i). - '« r' 'er>, - ’i the "Juth inst.. two young hole-- . Ml’LKS, medium si/e a lir"wn \ny inf'ruiation of their whereabouts • :ve l. "r a iibei reward paid fiT their .1. \ T WAD DILL. It linpniVid Pat nit ('irrnldr Saw a:oK;i: pai^i: t o., S'.. U-v/ St., />////.//'(/•', M'i. ■ ; K i.LV inr irm their frieiid iiid the ptih- _■ I !y, that the_\ have greatly enlarged ■ ■ f'tai’'ii-.hmeiit. and that their fa- '.V -ueh ■ - t'. eiiali^' them to e.xecute all • - pri.irij tn> S', t'"r their ('l!LFl>lk.\TKD l’.\- ; i T.i;LK ('llU'fLAH SAW .MILLS, which ■ - i;. h sati.-fact'..>n thri'iighout the I'uion. ' i \M I’' »\VKllS ;i!i sizes :Ji I kinds. Hi >KSK i:>. •;UL-'T MILLS. ( Oi;N AND fill! ( UUH- r witli v.iii.'U? tlier machine- huJ imple- JI)M:IMI li. liLONSOM, V O n .TI I ^ E O A AND rOR\VAl{I)IN(; MTJU IIANT, f'. 1’ roiupt personal atteiiti' U given to all Connign inents. nnd t ash advances made on I’roduee to he ship ped CO other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. IJ, 07V Iv. M. Ml lU IIISOX, C^omniis.sion (t/id /'onrardifi^' ^Icrchnnt^ 5S-Cm] V. ( IIAKLKS liWKS. f' o i: i T to .vm: r , WHtiLFS.VLK .\ND liKT.ML DF.M.Kll IN Fon i'jn J-'niita, Tnh-u r,,^ S'nn^\A-r. Fayetteville, N. C. .March 1. IsoiL 7otf u\vxi:u \ (.ILMOIJK, i'ommis^iott , N... lot WATKU STllF.KT, \i:w v»Ki4. WARHV.N I,. U.WNf.lt.] [j\MK' K. filI..'|oHK. References: .Mee»r.s. Francis Skinner vV (’•.. .New York. Lord. Wurrt-n 'o.. K Kidiler. F,s |.. Wilmingt.in, N. ('. J. II. Flaiiner, Am":- W:ide, F.si)., NewI.ern, D. \ NV. NL Lanrili, Fav-‘ttevi’le. MA\ (iOODS A'r 'i'ln: c uoc KiJiv sroui:. Y late arrivals I have received a considerable addition to my stock of (ilass Ware, and can imw till the orders i>f my i-ouiitry t'riends for any thing in that line. —ALSO,^ 1 Tase ("hin.a V;:ses. Tea i^etts, J^c.. vVc. 1 (>ohJ 15aiid I'hiiia Dinner Sett —117 pieces, oval pattern. .V heautil'iil assortment of W.aiters. Solar Lard Lamps; Ha’.l Lanterns: ire Dish ('i.vers, round and oval; Silver Plated an 1 Brit\ania Castors. 7■'> cts. to Sl(l; Silver I’late'l mi g.iod (lernian .'^ilver Tea and 'I’able Spoi'iKS and French Forks; 1 Water Cooler each '1 and ;I gals., with a variety of other Housekeeping goods. And the following NFW articles—Bread Slicers; Cotl'ee Roasters: Knife Sharpeners, and I’atent ('lnirns which hav« lieen tried in this vicinity and provcl ex cellent. S/iurf/y /'.Ipi rtiul, lot of Sponge Ha;;is, and superior .Vnierican Table Cutlery. W. N. T1LLIN;1I VST. Mav 15, 1>'l. 9ti-2m iM'AV (iOOOS. ’51IF su>iseri'n-r has just received his .stock of ST.V- K ,\ND FAN( \ Fmlin*eing every aiiicle usually to be found in a Dry (Jootls Store, coiisi.-ting in jiart as follows; ri.aiii Mack and watercl Silk: plaid Summer Silk; ^ jii'inted .).;i:oii( t and other styles ol’ Muslins; (Irena- : dines. ileiTur' s and Tissues: llmhroidered Muslins for F.veiiiiig (iroses: white and eolured Tarltans; good as- ; soi'tmeiit L.ico anil otlo r styles of .Mantillas: Lmbroi- | dered Ctpll.n-':. Sleeves. Ciiemizeits. Handkerchiefs;! Swis> ;ii;d Jaroiii't Kiigiiig aii'l In.-eiting, of superior ipiality; ■ and llil.iioi.s. l.iti’st style and in great varie!_\; S( \,ing 'dlk .\!i:ts; I’nibrel'as and I’arasols; good ass'iitiiieiit il' C.ilico: (•inghams; bleached and brown l)oiiii s;ii ■ ( 'oiiis. 'assimeres :iiid \ estings; Linen (ii'o.ls; Slu.e- and Boots. I'or Ladies, (’lentlemen, Boys, (lirls. and Cliil iren; (ieiitlemeu's Summer Hats; Boys' and Cirls' Ilats and Flat‘s; Silk and Kid Glove.s; Sugar and ('off. ■. \c, (irati'fiil fur the lilieral patronage heretofore received, he trust--, li;, close ajiplic ition to liusiness, fair dealing, \c. to merit a C'>iitiiuiaiu:e oi' t!ie same. if-.'.V',\t lii-^ New Store on (iieeii Street, (I-^ist side.) a few door-: from the .Market ILiuse. 1'. SIIKMWKLL. Fayetteville, .\pril I'J. I So!. Sbtf COTTON liAGGING. ll.VVK a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee otton Bagging, Bale Rope, and Bagging Twine. Send in your orders and the\’ shall be supplied. 7 10 Oct. JAS. G. COOK. 32tf iiLiS!s. l\i) (IKK'hi'lllV. '[ I II L siil',-; iihi-r is now if the aliove (iood^. mcnt fi.r the ( 11 i NTK ^ '] terms that wi’;' ii": l.-iil ; we'd as in iuiy market in tin Ci untry .'It i\-li;ints would ('rockery tir-t. ii; irder to ni it well and so. n enough. Maiidi jn. I'v.il. receiving his Spring supjily •oiiii'ri.ning a general a«isort- 'l;.\DL. which he offers upon j li’a-e. (lOods ]>ucked aK LAI RIMU RGH lIKill SCHOOL, inCllMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. ^ I ■'11 IS large and flourishing Institution i.s now per- 4 nianeiitly established, under a full corps of well nualitied lustructers, and with every thing requisite for a first elasi Seminary, being well supplied with Maps, i Geographical and .\stronoinical; Globes, Philosophical and Chemical Apjiaratus. The Semi-Annual Sessions of five months commence on the second .Monday of .lanuary and July respectivelj-. (’irculars, containing full jiarticulars, will be tur- nishcd by applying to Rev. ,J. .Jones Smyth, M., Principal, Ijauiel ilill P. )., Piithmond county, N. C., or to D. C. .MclNTYI{E, Secretary. October U. IH;'):}. 8GY .>7^’II* GOODS. T K are now receiving froia New York a very large Stock of SHASOXAliLi: GOODS, Knibrauing nearly every article usually kept in our market. We purchase our (Joods by the package, on as favorable terms as any house in the Mercantile line, and will sell them, wholesale or retail, on accomm)dat- ing terms and for reasonable protits. .KlII.N r. C( lI NCll,. 1 ; (’OI NCIL, rAI\&(U \\ TWENIY DOLLARS REWARD fESSE WILSON, late of the county of Sampson, North Carolina, has left for parts unknown, ami indebted to us, and having taken with him assets suffi cient to pa}' his debts, we will give the above reward for satisfactory information of his present location, if within the jurisdi(;tion of any court of law in the United States. Said Wilson is about 40 years of age, with red coinplection, of medium size, and bad principles. J. T. Fayetteville, N. C., Feb’y 24, 18^)4. W ADDILL. ’4tf itK'ii \i:i> s. c.\i.\ Aij;.\ \M)r.ii i!A\ -Marcii lSo4. Sotf NOTICE. H E subscriber offers for sale his L.VNDS. six miles JL North of Fayetteville and about one mile from the Faj’etteville and Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of about oS suited to the ma king of Tiu'i>entino or Timber. There are oti the j're- mises a good saw and grist mill, all in good repair und now in operation: also a dwelling, and all the necessa ry out-houses. in good rejiair. Also, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on the head waters of Carver’s Creek, known as the Tarry Place, on which there is a small farm, a dwel ling house and other house:?. On the first named tract there are cut about twenty- five thousand Turpentine boxes, from two to four vears old. .Ml the above lands will be sold on the most acconi- laodating terms. Persons wishing to imrch.-ise will please call om the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the above lands. W.M. R. liOLToN. Oct. 27. 1853. 4itf the W. N. I St.ites. li to purchase their seller time to pack TILLINC.HAST. 8't-:)m SeroHfi Stoeh\ iMvMu i: ri:M!ii:irroN RIL iiwY Stock. tiiei-. former _ Coop . t'lill and complcti- ,'r's fools, consisting of Truss Rbl- :?0 .VLSO 1 Herrings, :! M u'kerel. issortmcnt Hoops. iVc.. \c ol ('. F. Mav 15. ls51. LKFTK. '."'.-1 m Linseed Oil, Pnri' \\’lnt(‘ Ia'JkI VND a general assortment of other Paints—( t'resh supplv. ' just received and for sale bv 1U:VKRLY R(‘>SE. .^lav 15. '."j-;lw f|>VPi:S of Mankind: M. i'ased upoii the .\ncient ■ r Fthriological Researches. .Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania i f Kuccs. and upon the Natural (ieogr.iphical, Philol igical and Biblical History, \c.. bv .L ('. Nott and Geo. R. (Jlid Ion. .lust received bv '.Mav i;:. i:. J. H.M.i; .v son. I I PtHlT.S, friim ("haucer to Words- mo. edition—.s'.il 1 in wliole or se]i- IllIE BRITISH >rth, new ]i arate v.iN. .\1sd. Monteoiuery, liemaii'^. Burns. Bryon. Scott, Mo..re, aii'l .''hakspeare—one voiume each, the splendid Boston edition, just received. F. .1. H.XLK SON. .M.iv ti. 1.^5L I ' u?t"mnrv adv;t Nov. 25, 1S5M.‘ Cf.' ma 1.- II •e ■ r. ' ' ir> ular S iw Mills were invented by, an.l Sriil'.r Partner, they have inavle many - '.- i.l 1; reii ler them perfect in nil their .'•'y . htitl' tiiem t. in e ms; lere i among .r -k%l!ig i'i\••liii'-n- .f the age. • ri'iiiiing full .ie^.-rii'tioiis "f their • '/ , prl ti-rn.-, c.ipacity f-r sawing, •■•lit t' ,^!i^ i.rent app 1 \ iug f'jT ■ itlC by all. •.'fiit'y ’’.tainel .lamaees in an action .t Hi tl,' U. S. I'iri-uit ('-.urt f'.r the District of •• d. t T i!i ■:itVl:,_'-i!i.'tit of theii . reb'. ; .rwurii the pu^i ie tr..m purehasing .Nliils, r t>. tLn ir-«. fr..m '.iiauth. rized buiiders, or their K. M. Ojnii FORW.lKDIMi rinnilSSKiN l'ayrllc‘% illo. March D>, 1.''51. .11 Naval .'•ti.ros, 4'Vpd >1I;K( 11 \\T .\T \. t. (V_'-,f NO'IIC’E. niu: F irm of M. N. Leur\ .v Son ta this d.iy liisn.dv- d. -\!1 persons indebted to them, either by note or account, are reijuested to ejill und settle. The business will be conlinue l by .\1. N. Leftry. Ht the old 'taiid. where he will be pleased t.i see his cu.;- t'liii^rs and the public in general. Ho h;ut >.n hand a large St.ick of s.\Dl>LFS an.l .''.\DDLFRY, which he will sell low for cn'h. All orders promptl? ttteiided to. Repairing done at short ii'.tice and on ren'on.iViie terms. M. N. LE.\RV \ SON. Fayetteville, May 0 yi-lm 'cel\iiii;, in ad'Fitioii i-uitilul US'.irtnu’iit of j>JiJ:ss HOODS. Satin ,'^tripe.l P.er.'iges, ( o', re.I Mnil roidered R.ibes. La'iii' C.'ll.'ii’s .aii'l I'liiler-SleeTe?, Velvet and otiier Trimmings, I'lOllliet llibi.ilis, ( ra\:ii' ;ilid St. i k,'.. .''hirt'. t'..ilar. ,vc.. H\PRLS>LV FOR Tin; WHOLFSALK TRADE. P. t\- P., H.av Street. April 1. 1-oL ' M-tf J.L}U:s KYI.IJ ' iiow reeeii iiiL'h; - Spri’ig Sup]ily of Foreign and Di.me'ti. do. is. all "f which has been pundiiised t'.ir i' V.'^ll :ii.| by tlie Package will be offere l .at Whole- s.ile . r Retail at very io\v |.rice' I'nr Cash, or on time to 1 luii tiial cu't iiiiri'. •' 1 haiel .it all times, the best B.'ltin_' Cloths that are in:u uf.'cturi-d—No. 2 to 10. M.ireh Is. l''".t. 8(»-tf* sj.') iti:\\ ARi). 1W1LL ]'ay the ab..\e rewar.1 for the apprehension an.1 .'ale delivery to me. or lodgment in Clinton .Jail, so that I get my negro girl .IFNNY. She is a likely girl, of liudit enmp’.eii..n. 'iniles when sicken to, about five feet six or seven inch’s high: is .sujipos,.i to be lurkin;: about Faijou's Depot, or Goshen. WM. i*. HOBBS. July 27. M'aV s’i’oin:. Siir in;a; atuf Suutnwr ii OO MPS. r I ^1111 siib>cribei - ri'i i'cttii ' \ aim 'Uiee t.> the j'cople I ..f F :yi'it.‘\ 1' and vicinity. lli.it they have ojielie 1 ;i NIIW .101111. C 'tittiiinTig a lar;ie Stock of FOR SALE, P.OXES Manufiictureil Tobacco. We have in store a large stock of Tobacco, ard ex pect to receive constantly from J. W. Reid and Thom as's and other factories, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnish purchasers any (juality at lowest factor}' prices. D. & W. McLAURIN. Sept. 1853. 30ti Cartliag(‘ AVlN(i recently purchased the above FLstablish- ment from Malcom Kelly. Esq., I am now pre- ]>ared to entertain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample Stables, god Ost lers, :iiid a disposition to accommodate, I trust 1 shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. II. C. McLEAN. Carthage, Dec. 5, 1853. 51 tf Snriiiif Simiiiii'r Goods. ' r. rOE U.\S just returned from tiiC .North, and is opening :i large and beautiful Stock of fil'll'Li; IM) n\{'\ DRV (iOllDS. He will not attempt to enunurate every article usually kept iu such an establishment, but feels justified in saying that a visit, particularly from the Ladies, would be appreciated by him, and amply repav- them for a fifty miles' ride. .\s for SILKS and other Dress Goods, and particularh' Collars, Sleeves, Chemizetts, and other Embroideries, he ilefies all the competition that the town of Fayetteville can sho>.'. The sub.'criber feels thankful for the patronage here tofore shown him, and hopes by strict attention to bu siness, and by tieiiig able to show the prettiest Goods, —and also being disjiosed to sell them at as cheap a rate, either for cash or on time to jiunctual customer^, :is any other est.iblishmeiit in the jdace, he hopes to increase that trade and confidence which has enabled him to sojourn in the Town of Fayetteville. m March 27, 1S51. C. POE. 83-3m Wiiicli will may be t'-.ii I'aluy Bl'.i “ I ' 11.: ■nt ttevi N. C., ,INo. M. I> •and i' ii. Ri»Si;. ini-'li ;mp iii-isin i kii'-..’ii ii f:.. u!;y, :. i-; l. ea ■ ’nr'ilai is ' .11 aid c:i!'e. tlie l. ^ivels have iii>. who have bi ..f the-e p ipiilar III. and o>;! v s;; :■! If-s ■ ..r Th'l Phy >ieians. well known r. sp.-. tai.'.i- ,\p itheearies. and hun- i-.;r !• -tiliiony to the ;roii.l effects "f I'1,:•;];• . !-.i:nit in oiighs. ' '.t tii.- Liii,.;' ;!i.l Tlir.'at generally. ill it- prepai iti'.ii. .\rticles 1 h;,lly .ipj ii'ciated by the >n. 1 liter in!'- its, i onii>"'ition. a’s., prepared with the same Its benefn ial effects in dis- bi-en I'eni.irkab’e. (>ver5*lil ■n made ac.juaiiited with the r.-medic.«. liave been jileased ('!. >1' them in trniis of un.|ual- )ii have a C.iiigii. or an_;. disease of '••it. ;-ive the l>.\pector:Uit atrial. Or WILKINSON .V i:sli:r, DFALFRS I.s Confci'tionnr^, Foriijn Fnntu, Xut., Tahnrco, Htnl Sjiiiji, AND IMPouters of si’I'i:kiok ii%va>a AT WIl(il.l>AI.K .\.Mi KllT.MI.. Market St., Wilmington, I\I. C. .\ug. 7. Is51. 1 Itf l.MI!ii:\l\ I'l .IIMI'r No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COMMIS.SION MI'.iA iiAN^rs FOP. THE SALF oF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and \\ oollcii .Machin(‘r\, .Ma chinists* Tools. Lcaiiicr l)(‘ltinii v-Vc., ' - *‘.1lainilarliir«*r‘'i Arlich***” OF FVKRV DLS( ItlPTloN. Coinjn'i.'^inix IJcllinii, Card Clotliini;, Hohhin^, Shntllc'. Pickers, liolh'r Skins. Uoller ( lotli. ()ils, «\;c, Dec. 27, 1>*5;;. 57tf I i.rt li \i,. i~E h.ave reeei\e.i ilur U'Ual stock of F.\RMIN(t 1M PLL.^1 l.N’l'S, such as Ploughs. H.arrows, Cultivators, \c.. AC. .1. \ T. \V.\DDILL. .V new 2 horse Wagon, comjilete, for sale. .1. \ T. W. .March 18, ls54. 8(»-tf A TEAM of m and (iear. .Mav 11. I'oli s.\Li:. well-br.'kc youn;; Hales |)nm(‘ lla\ Mav 1, 1^54. Mill.s. with Wag A. .McKKTH.XN. ;i5 I'or side 1)\ R. .M. ORLFLL. '.'2tf at Tarltal.s Al- aca. t e,s. A!r- ot emb I ('ainbrli- :i br.c II.m l Shawls. \' Rib'oi.ii'. A large Hats. Str:! Bonnet a \ fine 1 : .V iar-i- .11 at S'rtiierii Prices. In our >tock III; 1 tin- ; . t.- t ie- .f I.a lie-' DUES.'' (i( X »1>S: .c:;.li 1 Sll . : rich tig' l and plain black .silk, e-; L.iwn-: I'veiicli .'a.- nets. Muslins, an.l in L'!-e:it varietv; a very fine .article of black .liiuhalii'. aii'l Prints; Piano aiel fable Cov- a li.iii' • "-.I ' .11 rchi it qe-vs i. emb 1 ■ }[• i\ ■lb: til'. Ir lot . !■ II \ fS. \ V.- II It' all >ty id Fiat'. .t if B' " -TS .III a>r- .rl inei if lliiibia.i.li ri—. coiisistii'g .iiid ('hemizctts: .lacoiiet, : III.I lii'crting; Linen C:im- I .litt'.; a fine lot of Crajie l(il"ve>. Hosiery. Bonnets, -di Linen, \c. •: .M.ili 'kin and i>rab Beaver I '; .■'tr.iw P>..iinots, .Mi.sses' m l .•'lloKS. AC. if .1 MW ilLRV; (i.il 1 Ear-Rings, i.t' (;..M and .''iiver Watches, (.iold ir fi ii ■fi? l.MlliP'. ■III \ o' I lid- need the aid • with coiiri ience, dgr.ati- botties till- I »iai rh.e ; and mark the of the .'.gents, for ¥2 5U. I'lviiiii: cV i’ F'.r .sale in I avetteviia- i,y S .J HINSDALE N I . W 1»()()lvS—/>.•/ i. rprcss. ^■'*•1111 Ll;i -I '■ayli.^ot .M r.s. P.artingt. r.; The Roy- ■ F.;--.rlt.-; .Ml- P.arlil.fTIon'^ ( .arpet Bag of 1 • I lie M i‘--ai re ..f ileni-..e. by Reyiiolds; The Old '• « r.; Bi -Ind t;.f ne^. by L.ady Bulwer; Cum- - I..- 'i.r. - III the Paraiiles; The 'I'wo Roads, or " l; jiiit an 1 the \\r...'ig; Hus'ia as it is, by (iurow- ' .i-ni .n - lll't'.rical Text B ^ok and .\tlas of Blb- a-'i ipi. ,: t;..Ji t'.' Tin s .ui iis of English Word-*; Ip ,t till .'■'oiitii; Pickering " 'ireek Lexicon: M .jora, 1all ! 2d Mils : l'.uHion’.9 (.iracimars, liiriUi IV PL WHoLL.'AI.I. DM\Ll.i;s IN //#!/ iJfOiiH'stir l>itV iiA'i's. niKir.s, .siioks, f inhnllas, uhI li> (i'Iii-i/mdc ( IIAV .■^TllKKr, ray‘ll‘vill‘, A. . strict attention paid to orders. B. F. I'K.\K(-K.] ('V'tf) [t. II. I'KMltKIlTO.N. C01‘.\R rNl'JiSllll’. C7.N!‘EPi the name and style ot P».\M.''ll\ .V I!Ro.. the undersigne.l have this day become Copartners in the Dry Gi .id-i. (irocery and Hardware l!u~ine.-.s. Store o|ipiisite .S. T. Hawlev \ .s,,n, Ha\ .Street, t.iy- etteville, N. C. * .M. •).' RAMSEV. N. A. RAMSEV. RAMSi:V liRO., iilrortrs^ II.\Y STREFT. F.WFTTEVILLE. N. ELI* ci.ii'taiitiy on hand every thing in thier line it' busiii- 'S. and will sell at the lowest rates. Coiiiitrv |.rodurc bought it taken iu exchange for C.: ..!s.‘ ,\11 ordei- will meet with [n Jiiipt attention. April 11, l.v,4. S7-tf (i. S. J»l IE, liuildtr (nul I nd( rtii.'ii r. Is jirepared to e.xecute contracts ol Iroiii to >i5n,ii(»li and upwards. Window Blinds. Sash, (ilass Doors, and .all kinds ot i ornamental and plain work w.arr.mte.l to give s.itislac- i tion. He may be found on inquiry at .Mr. Jesse W. Powers’s. Fayetteville, April 12, 1851. 87-iimpd 11 flirt •1 io' I " '.f Dr. Ive«.' Trials of a Mind, .\utot,;.,^r:ij'hy Ol !in .Actress; (ia- -Noi thi 111 Bi ide, .VC. E. .1. HALE & SON. .M.VI.I.I'/rr I’An.MlKU. iirorers atuf Cottmiissiott ,JMer- ltt‘* I'roiil NEW YORK. p. .MALLKTT.] [.J. I'Al. L.MIER ! Selected within the last two weeks by one of 'he firm. .\ugiist Itj, 1JS52. ‘2/ Stock of Spri/>u: Summer (ioods. i T.VRR & WILLI.V.MS are now receivij.g their second Stock of Spring and Summer Dry (ioods. Hats, Boiiiiuts, .'^line.', Moots, und Reudy- Made (’iotliiti;;. Hv rORY I8tf .1. S. h.Vnks, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. n», lUo.i. 20tf LAI l>Ui rwd DOORS \BOVK ( . T. Ihllill it SON'S .STORK, rayellfville, lA. V, 20, 1864. G4y-pd STARR & williams, WHO1.ESALE DEALERS IN JForeiffn and MPomcstir Mfry imoofis. 11.11 ^aieuirr, Fayetteville, N. C. J. B. STARK.] [.J. M. WILLIAMS April 28, 1852. 8Gtf HALL KOBIAMKA, Rein 'd DruijtjistA and J*resrrij)fwniii(s. 4 LWAYS on hand a supply of genuine .MEDICINES, /\ WI.NES and Lld^L'ORS, for medical purposes. Fumily .Medicines and Recipes put up to order, and Physicians’ Prescrijitions [iromjitly attended to. Fayetteviiie, N. A[iril l-'I, IHo}. 88V Blank Wurrants for sale here. the Northern .M.arkets, at greatly reduced prices i from the early jiart ot the Season, and will be dispose ‘ of to Wliolesale buyers on accommodating terms. \N e ; solicit an exan ination ol our Goods, by .Merchants buy ing in this .Market. All orders pn niptly attended to. I J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS, i April 15, 1854. 8Htf Spring (jroodn. F TAYLOR is now receiving his Stock of Spt'inff • antf Summer tmitiHtSy for Ladies’and Gentlemen’s wear; ' Black and coluied Gaiters, for Ladies, -Misses, and i (Ihildrenj lioots and Shoes; Hats and Bonnets; Crockery and Glassware; Hardware; Coopers’, Carpenters’ and Smiths’ Tools; J-'luughs and Casting.s; Straw Cutters, k(.. &e. P. T.VYLOR, (Jld Stand, Green St. March 30, 1854. 83-;im Brras' Pill', a \ai I’l'b .iM'l \ est ( h .1’ -\c. 1'.... it hi-r with ti.e biiu. t aiil fuie~t .-itock of Rl’.V- DV-.M.\1'F CLo'l'lllNli ever be.ore otfered in this mar- ki-t: Fine lil.a. i; C;..iii Frock an.l .Sack ('oat^; also fine blown, blue all 1 l,i'i i !i .Summer Cloth Coats: ;i fine lot M:ick .\lpac.i •' at.-. A large .assortment of Pants; line bl.ack D .e 'l.in C.a-:-imere P;ints: fancy (’assimere P.iiit>. at ail i l ie. '. .\ fine I 't of Ve-t.': white, bull', .and iaiicy .\Lirseiiie-; \'cst»; bl.ack S.itin aU'i fancy Silk Vests. .\c. .\ hands, iiie lot ..f Cl itli' an.l Cassinieres; Gents'fine Linen ."lili i'. ('^ill.ar:. .\c. Person - wishin t 1 iiiiy wouM do well t’. call and ex amine our St.ick beii.rc jnii chasing I’lsew herc, as we are determined to sell chea]i. SC11U»SS McCORMICK, Hay street. P. .s. Clmhiiig of all kin ls f.ir Bo\s of from four to si \tei 11 y iv;; - 1. 1. \pri: 1'1. i^'i! S8tf rill. sri:AMi:u -si n." rg^HlS new .n;.l very li.:ht .Irar.giit Steamer has com- S iiieiiced ri'iniiuir. tlioiigli ii.it i[ui10 tiiiislicL .She is taking freijht hawing only l-l inches water. She |,,.s>es'es -uperii.i i. Ivaiitairt s for low water service. She has also a large amount of warehouse, shed and wliart' room, where Nuval -Stores or other freight may be stored with safetv. R. M. ORRELL, Ag't. Sept. 10. 1S5;I. 27 tf 1 S.-5 1. hpuim; supply. Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, ]VJintfKalp d- Rrfall DnnjiiUtit, ^ ,.\re now receiving their Spring and Sum- - -Q I mer supplv of ... \ Dru:j;s^Mcdi« u(vs ty ('ncmicals, Dye-Woods and Dye-Stuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painters' Articles, VARNISHES. French, En.dish and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and l>ental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medical purposes. Extracts for Flavoring. Choice Toilet and Fancy .\rticles, ic. They make their purchases for C.\sn, and ofl'er goods equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar est.iblishment in this section. Warranted to be Fresh, Pure and Genuine. Orders from the country promptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to price and quality. Hav street, next door West of H. li E. J. Lilly. MaVch 17, 1S54. ^8(‘»tf liciiiwoll IIoiiso, Fdjlftfcvillc, JN. C.^ East side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar ket House. ^■IHE sutiscriber begs leave to announce to the citi- l zens of Fayetteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the reception and entertainment of any who may wish per manent or transient Board. His Rooms are large and comfortable, and his Table shall always be furnisheil with the best the market will all'ord. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business.— No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfully solicited. Charges shall be moderate P. S HEM WELL. Feb’v 15. 1851. 7 Itf WOULD respectfully inform the public that he i^ still at his old stand carrying on the abov® business in all its branches. He returns thanks for th® liberal jiatronage he has received, and hopes by a strict attention to liusiness, and a desire to please all and give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma terial and by experienced workmen,—having a more fcr/>e/'!’nci?(/and jiraclictil Smith, he flatters himself that his work will compete with any made in the State for style, ciegance and durability; and should any of it fail in twelve mouths (with fair usage) either in workman ship or material, he will repair it free of charge. Persons Avishing to buy, would do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders th.ankfully receive*! an.l promptly attended to. REP.MRING neatly executed at short notice and lowest jiossible prices. Fayetteville, Jan. 2U. 185.‘>. t!3tf i»i:rcvian (U ano. r F have received a large bujiply of PERUVI.\N GL’ANO, which we otter at lowest mprket price. D. .V W. McLAURIN. •lan'y 1854. 59 tf NOT I CL. ^'B^HE SUBS(.'R1BER has removed to JL SHAW'S NEW BUILDING, Gil lespie .Street, where he intends car rying on the T .ll I.OIll BUSI NESS in all its branches. Having had practical experience in most of the .At lantic cities, he feels assured that he cun please the most fastidious. .\ll orders will be executed with neat ness and despatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1853. 81-tf W ( belltoii. (mxxIs! IjIoocIs! iiav' ()j)eiu‘(l our Store in Camp- We otl'er low for cash or b.^rter, DRY GCJODS — and tiROCERlES. .March 1, 1854. .lESSUP & CO. 7()tf PLMRS. f^ORCE and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead und Lead Pipe. For siile by March 80. C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. 83-tf .1. W. liAKKR Is now rcci iviiiir from the Nurth the hiVL't'st, lliu'sr, and most carefully se lected stock of tlllASTlUS: ever iillered in this market: which, added to his own manufiicturc, mak«‘s his assortment comjilcte;—all of which he will sell on the lowest jmssible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fine Rose Wood Pianos. (Bennet Co's, of Broad way, New York.) fashionable p.iiiited cottage bed-room Furniture i;i setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking (Jlasses; Willow Wagons and ('ra dios; Patent Self-Sw inging Cradles; .Side Itoards; Bu reaus; .Secretaries and Book-Cases; What-Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash .St.iiids; ('andle .stands; Wardrobes; Pic ture Frames and (ilass; \S indow Shades; (.’ornices; Cur tain Bands: Sofas iu Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and .Stools; (’hair.-j of every variety. September, 1853. 30tf Nick WilliaiiLs's Rye W hiskey a1 wholesale or retail. MCDONALD ii McMASTEU. Dec. 10. 1853. 52 Tui*|>(‘ntino! Turpentine! Wo want to l>iiy 'rurpeiitine, deliv ered at our Still in Campbellton. .1 ESS UP March 1, 1854. & CO. 7)tf Stav('s! StJivi‘s! CO^ W e Avaiit lo buy Spirits ST.WES. Will pay the highest C.\sii prices. JESSUP March 1, 185L aiT(M & CO. 7r,tf l^i/rc East India ('astor Oil. E have just received a supply of Pure East In dia CASTOR OIL, without taste or smell, first introduced by us into this market last Spring. FOULKES .MAC RAE. March 17, 1854. 80tf .lust R(‘ceive(i and for Sale, BBLS. No. 3 .MACKEREL, 10 kits No. 1 10 " “ Salmon, 200 lbs. Cod Fish, 20 boxes Cheese, 5 “ Adamantine ('andles, 20 “ Tallow 5 *• No. 1 Soap, 10 “ Soda Crackers, 2 hhds. Brown Sugar, 5 bills. Crushed and (iratiulated Sugar. Buckwheat Flour in 25 lb. sacks, Pickle'i, Piice. .Saleratus, and Yeast Powders. .\LSO—dozen Turpentine .\xes. By W. 11. CARVER. Feb’y 7, 1854. ^ 69tf yotice to the I'rai'clHntr l*iihlic. fB’IIlE Stage leaves Warsaw dail}’ (except Saturdaj*) JL at 7 o'clock, p. m., after the arrival of the even ing train from the North, and .arrives at Fayetteville next day by •> o’clock, a. m., iu time for the Stage to Salem; which leaves Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o’clock, p. in., and arrives at Salem nuxt d.iy by 2 p. m. Returning, leaves Salem Tues, days, Thursdays, and Saturd.iys, at li o’clock, p. m.- arrives at Fayetteville next day by 4 p. m., in time for the Stage to Warsaw; which leaves F.ayettevlllc daily (except Saturday) at (J p. m., and arrives at Warsaw next day by 5 a. m., in time to connect with the train North or .South. Tickets from Warsaw to Salem, •'i:12. From Warsaw to Fayetteville, >4. To other jioints on the road in proportion. M- '.IcKlNNON. Fayetteville, March 18, 1854. 8()-tf ~ (nil's Ne Plus f lira />’/ UMSII. ~ fllllE Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of som-j ex- -B- perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a desidt ratum to lie yet supiilied to the public in the way of a suit;iblo burnish for lioots and shoes. Most of the articles now' used either injure the leather or fail to imjiart that lustre so necessary to give to man's ^Uindi ratandiny''' a projier finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is ^'ddVs ne plus iillrit BurnUh." He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at .Mr. Nathan Sikes’ boot and shoe establishment, on Person street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov. 0, 1853. 47tf Sioam Engines—Fayeltevillf* Maiiiifiictiire. 7" E are now pirepnred with .all the necessary ma chinery for maniilacturing .spi-,.\M ENtiiNE.S, from five to sixty liorse j ower, which we can furnish on as favorable terms .is any Northern establishment. Persons in want ot Engines tor ?*lill.s, Boat.s, .See. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. jgs^'-“.\ii Engine of our own manufacture can be seen in ojieration at the Fi)undrv. ■ HALL 6: P.OLLlN(iER. Uec. 7, 1853. 51-tf 500,()()() lbs. Cotton and Linen liACS w antiul. TBIHE subscriber will jtay the highest market jirice for any iuautity of clean Linei. and Cotton Raj;s. Feb’y 1854. DAVID .MLRPH\. 4tf V. M. W ALIv'l’K, I\SPECri)ii OF .\AV\L vrii!ii-s .Wl) WlL.MI.NiiTOX, N. C. All business entrusted to him will receive proiii[ t attention. April 17, 1854. bb-iim

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