S Fi MI - W E E K lu Y. Ill.l FAYKTTFA ILLK, X. C., JUNK 8, 1851. N.KP Mi>Nl>\VS AM) TilTKSl»AYS. mSWU) J. HALE & SON, ; I'CKS AM» I'KOIMUV'.TOHS. W iH'kly (•ii'iKitx r.i! (U> if jiui.l in > il p.iiil iluriiiji tKo _vi>;ir ul sulisorin- ^ i :'i r t!io _vo;»r lius oxjiiroil. • iU'KitvKi: N'J 0() {n'^iiimuiH. if ji:iiil in ■sj it ■.liii iiiu tht' yo:ir i>f siilisi'rip- > "i* tlu‘ vi'ur liHs ex}>irotl. i>LMI N’I'S in>fi'to(l for jiixty t-entn ju>r the first, jiiul thirty cents'IVir t':u'h ; - it'oii. Yoarly liy sjie- !Mt > i ;itt'S. \ilvertisors ;ir‘ .• ; • -• itt“ the munlxM' i>f iiKcrtionx ilosire«l, i>r till fnrl^, itiiil i-linrireil iici'Dril l ''tti‘r>i ti> fho Kilitor.-; must lii* I'tist-imiil I'ayetteville Ilotol. JOHN HARMAN Respectfully informs his frioiuls :iud the |nil>lic that ho lius removed from the Hotel lit the foot of lliiyinount to the larger :uil more eommoiliouH Hotel in the centre ol the Town, recently oocujiiel liy Mr^. Rrown. and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he wiill lie hajt- jiy to iiccommoiiHte Travellers and lioarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will he spared to i-eiider those comfortable who may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville. N. June lHr>:5. ‘JOOtf Turpentine lVanl(‘«l. ^I^HK undersigneil will ]>ay cash for Spirits Turpen- _ J tine, .in nood Older,) allowing only a fair niurgin I’iaiios. of ti^, tiiJ, ~ and 7\ octaves, for which the to jmy incidental expenses in sending to a general Marylan.l Institute, for the promotion of Mechanic I • ... .\rts. has awarded the tirst premium ever awai-ded liy lien parties prefer to ship on their own account, that Institute for imjirove -ient in (Jrand .'ind Snuare the undersigned will make liberal cash advances (for Pianos. These Pianos are in large si/.ed, highly tin- the usual commission) on all Spirits and Kosin placed ished cases of Kosewood, v itii entire ii’ou fr:ime. con- in their hands tor shipment.- giving the owner always structed in the uiost sut.sti.ntial manner, witli all tiie C'llAULKS KLIKl\MriJj:!{, SOLE AliKNT IN Tlll^ STATi: OF MIUTIl r,\R(ILI.\.\ FOIl EGGERT & CO’S M(inil/ih'fnr// of (iram! Sijinirc imd / jirii/hl PIA^O I'OUTi:^, NO. -J.;!’ IMIATT STltKI'.T, liAI/riMORK, Ml). Otlice at llaleigh, at Fr. Mt>hler Co s. *• F.-iyetteville. Fayetteville Hotel l>uiiding. I’ianos taken in exchange. Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. f’B'^HF. Sults‘ril>er.s respectfully call the attention of -M. tlie jmlilif to tlicir (Irand, t^ijuare and rpriglit )00 SIMUi r \V\UUK1>S. HARlU'.l.S FlUST (QUALITY, for sale by (’Oi>K i Jt'HlNSON. t I'-l’.t , (1. Wiiali', Nfetstoot s:ile. in i^uantities to suit, .\pplv HKVEKlY Ko.';K. ‘ ' '■ --".t the oj'tion to Hell in Wilmington or ship to New York. (iKt). W. WILLIA.MS X ('(>. .lulv l^i):>. ,stf inrjJAUi) TAUi>i:s. fB’ IIK subscribers having devoteil their personal at- • tention for many years to the manulacture of IIILiLI.MII) TA15LF.S, are fully comiietent to execute work that will give entire satisfaction to the most fas tidious Connossieur. Being the most extensive manu- l'ac(urers in the I'liion, they arc enabled to furnish !i s\i]ierior table at 10 per cent less than any otlier estab- lisliment in the country, to which fact they respectfully invite the attention of buyers, as also, to the essential iuiprovemcuts they have made in the construction and elasticity of the Ctishious, which they have brought to a degree (d‘perfection attained by no others. Always on li.ind liilliard Tables with .Marble and Wooden beds, with a large stock of (’loths, IJalls. (’ues, French Cue lA'nthers, Cue Wax, Pool Hall, Hoards, 15agatelle Tables, Silk and Worsted Pockets. iS:c. Orders by mail prompt ly atteiiiled to. Old Tables recushioiieil hy sending them by I’xpress. (;1UFF1TH .S: bKCKFIl, Pdlliard Table Manufacturers, No. ‘.to .Vnn-st., New York. •\pril liI, ls')1. '.•()-:’>nipd NO riCK. rp^HF, Fayetteville Ice House will be opetied daily, -H- (Sund.-iys excejited,) for the delivery of Ice from to 7 o'clock A. M., commencing Moinlay 17th inst. Tickets for Ice are now ready for sale at the store of AND Who woiil«l have Ihoiig^ht it? .Wrs. irnffoH V II It I’l UK l.ltjlOUS. Ni H HKANltY. 1 >‘u leira W ines. M'KiMi AM) mm liODiij;. rMK.it. ^I''HF undersigned having gone into the F.VNCY DllY ,,f onler. I (iOOl'S this Spring, are now prepared to offer For chasteness of design, elegance of tinish, as well great inducements to purchasers at wholesale or retail. i\,j- fullness, richness, ami l>eauty of tone, these l|ur stock has been selected with a view ol .selling to pianos rank foremost, nnd lire ciiual to any made iiere the Retail Trade of this place and vicinity, iiud will be or in Kuroiie. I'KAS’ I'HAS!! V. MPF.RIAL and BLACK TEAS, of supe- . iviaUtv Jvist received and for sale by .1. X. SMITH. -''■’>4. L*-;’m :QI I rv l.ANI) 5SALE. I' a Iiecree nf the t'ourt of Equity for county. Spring Term. 1S54. on the • A i^ust nest I will expose to public sale, at :! ii't:' du:ir in Fayetteville, the following iM'i, '‘elonping to the heirs of the late Carr • ..';d, tu-wit: - Kii -wn :i-i the Whaley land ' ‘ I 'l*'' known as the Jones land. ' ic"cs called the Bornughs tract, adj'jiniiig .;i I A>ne land?. ■ - e lands are on the Fast ^5i.le of t'ape 'T , : ■ kii'Wn a' tiie King place, adjoin® = frt :U ■'! ! ’ r i-~t si.lti ,,f the Plank Koatl. including the rc'i- 'pearman, on the A »• r > am 11! (I D .sold as cheap as Gooils can be iiti'ered in the State. We have a great variety FINK UUESSFS and l»KKSS TRIMMINGS, viz; Fine plaid, plain Brocade 1 and ti.r sale by j and Black Silks, Marabeax Brocade (Srenadine, printed .1. N. SMITH. j Barege, plain do, plain Tissiies, Organdies, French Ja- il-lm I conets, iiinghams. Also, French Collars; Chemisetts; rndersleeves; Handkerchiefs; Ciloves of all kinds; tine white Crape Shawls: embroidered and plain Mantillas: Silk and Lace Kdgings and Insertings; Infants' Waists; Velvet Ribbons and Fringes; Bonnets, Straw and Silk; NHsses’ Fiats, trimmed and plain; Bonnet Ribbons, Ar tificials and T.abs. \ gooil selection of Ladies' .Shoes, Gaiters and Buskins, and Children's Shoes of all kinils. For Gentlemen and Votuhs--.\ large stock of Ke.idy- tnade Clothing. Cloths. Cassimeres. Vestings, Linen Drills. Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Umbrellas, all of tlie best material. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine our Stock before making their purchases, as we are determined to sell Che.'ip. W, F. \ K. F. MOOP.F. March liO, 1>54. Mttf I'ACTs ( ANXOT liK Dorin rj). I.'t t/i> Anin tf l [y .Mon tlian .'•00 (KTsonc 111 the ray >'l K; iuiiomt. \ , trMilv l( the rt tii;’.rkHl''i‘ •nri'i |>orroriii«il y f'arter''s Spanish tfii.tturt'. The tfreiit Spruii; Meiiirim- ;inil I’lirilit r ot ihi- Itl...nl ii-i.l !iy hunilrcds cr’ttmil |Kiticnt->, « Im t' in tlie rrmiirk Rlile cure'* (>or!oriiieil hy the creHtf-t of nil iiirdnme- • Hrter'» .Mi\nirc .\rumi.;iii, liloMiin itisiii. Si roliil.i. lirii|ilion> mi .in\ Ui** Skin, l.vver l*isf;vse. tVvvr-*. I ii'er*-. *Ui .Nltei linn" oV tti'roKtior '.S' Ihe K I'iiity?. 11; ■‘(VIM’■> :irihe 1 liri-'t. l' ni’.le I'onnihiml'* I’nin' iiimi hoie .iiiii \i hitis ol the !loiu" iinii J" it' :tre «;» eilily pul l.> llichl hy ■ ■■'h 1" ll'ine thi-i L're'41 .11'^ in. -liiiiHli'e n iiit-dv [ F .r ;ill iliK- • «e' oi the Hi. :il. ni ih.n;; hi. yrl Ik pii tiitinii Iim-.'Iii .. ihi |i;iri \\llhil It' ' ui'r'i the «-teiii ol ' iii(mrit.r' ml'Cf'iillj ,) etlii it nlly • n the I.:\er:inil K'.iliie' • virennthen* Ui*- 1 »iir>-'li"ii j ii.nt I'i the .'^liiin o h. iiiiikr' th>- .'km rlfir i\ml henlihy. -.ml re>tortM the I :in»liluti"n. enlt fhlpil hi il.-i .-i-nr tiriken ilow n i.y itie exre-'e- ■•I' ;. iiitli, I' ;t- pri'line \i“iir «iul -irrnKtli Kor the I. uhe-'. t i' ]iiiri>iiiiiariiM> hnicr ihoii hII ihe i ■> « ver useil. .\ lew il. 'irler'" Simni'h .Mulurt- « ill n iiinvf n.i ■>;illo>\ ne ■ il'roini'lexion. hrmg the ro^es nisnlling to il.i . Ispek, (live I to the 'lep Hmt .luiirovi’ ihr cenrr'il heiilth in a rf iiiirkilii* ili'tr*'!' '•l yi'nil ^ : th^ iiuiImmp- vt r ho.'iril \ Inrire fHHiitw*r ot'rt-rlilicvil*-'* t-t rt-iiuif k.ilili* * iire» I ..ii IM-r-’.in- r.-'iilinr In the . tty of I{.. Iiwmnil. \'.h . la I In- ii-e i il t':»r ter"' >i>«ni'h .M \turi-. i-« tiie ne-t iih iirp Ih it llu ro i'» no hiim 1,11s; .till ut t. 'I he Iir" hotel ki-i-iM r- nnii'trHte'. ph\-i. , :n«. ;\nii lie u. k-.mvvn to nit\. i.M the;r tp-i; Iiiuiiv to the eit.Ti. this i.Kttr Iti.oop l*i BiriitK I 111 anil '• e n t>« hiinilreili nt the ■^•rtilii Hti-- .irouiid the hottle. .N i»*i;i'ntiinenii »”"'**-..;ueil 1 & ill.I.U.'. Ilrui;;iirit« Principal Depots at .M. Ward, Cl.ise .V Co.. No. Ml .M.iideii Lain', New \ ork; T W. Dyott Soils, and I .I,.nkins .v 1 lartslioriie. Philadelphia; Bennett .V Boeri. .M IlifJC/.lllt'S |o- v;treet. Richmond, Va. .\nd tor calc by HALL .V SON. s J. HlNSI'ALi:. Fayetteville. ! Feb'y In',.;. 71-»;m in:i>rc’i:i> i'aui:. Tlir"ii;rli Tickets bt'twei'u i'iiiiiii;£t.-n, .N « ail ! P.alti- ni"re. F ire^l:;. \ ia Weldon. Peter-biirg. Kichnuitid. .V Wash ington City, or via Weldoll, Ports- ni'iuth and Norfolk. F'-r Tiekets aj'ply at the »Mlie ‘ if the Wilmington and Raleigh 'Rail RoadComiiany at Wilming ton, or at the Otliee of the Baltimore Steam Paeket ('ompany, and .f the P.altiiiiore and »hio Rail P.oad modern improvements. The manufacturers use none but the very best sea- i soued timber, and materials of the choicest i[ualities, i that enable th»>m to warrant their insuiiments to stand ! any climate. | (j Williams ,y Co. .No ice will be delivered except The Firm has a patent Right action, operating on | j, intended to keep any acctmnts. such pnnei]iles that tnction is almost entirely relieved | .U.livor Ice outside of the time si.e- or avoided, and their piano can therelore never get out , double the regular price will lie charged. .luIlN U. WILLIAMS. .\pril S. IS')1. Sij-tf KXix PToirs xoric’K. 'I'lic undi'TsiiiiHMl iRiviiii;, at .March Teriii of ('iiniberland ('ounty Court. i)ualitiod as Kxecu- tor of the last Will and Testament of Mrs. R. ?.lcRae, dee'd. notifies all persons having claims .against the Kstatc to present tli. m within the time limited by law. otherwise this notiee will be pleaded iiibarof recovery. Uelitors to the i'.state will ]ilcase make immediate pay- nienl. .I.VMLS .McR.U;, lOxecutor. M.iich l:;, l.''-'.L 7‘.nf I'liANC'IS SIIKXrON, state a tut »Uftnt Koofrr. ^ll.VNKFCL tor jia-t l-ivors, 1 )>eir to inform my friends .and tlie ptililic, th.at I am now ].repared to eontrai t for and execute, in the best m;inner and on reasonable terms, .\I,L KIND.S ()F FI Rl'.-PRO( tl- I;h»FING. Clutters, Le.ider Pijics and Head-, of any stvlc or paitern. made to order and warranted for :iny speeitied time, .Slate ('hininey Pijies made to suit any style of build- inir "r situation, without danger of lightning. Wherever tliese Pianos have been introdiii ed, they j have given, in every instanco entire satistaetion. | We warrant our instruments to stand goinl tor five ' years under earel’ul tre.itment. and will receive them ! back nnd sulistitute others, any time within the first six months t'rom the s;ile of it. if it shall not prove satisfaclor_\. LtiGFR’l' \ t'O., ; ‘J Pratt .'Street. lialtiniore. | May 'Jit. l''-‘il. '.'Stf I Srwiii^ Ma(‘hiii(‘s. Sl.\4iii:it> P\'I KNT STRAIGHT NLLDLL PFR- PLMMCI LAR ACTION >i4>\viiiK whieh have .aei|iiirel :in unei|ualled reput.ition for ex- cellem e in all jiart-^ ot tlie world, for every variety ot Sewing, are now oilere i at the reduced c.ish prii-e ol U.NF IllNhRLD 1mi|.L\RS. I'iie elear profit from tlio use of the'.' niat'hiiies i- from to ;i year, depeii'iiiig on tin* kind of \v ^rk done. We wish to call the .attention of nianiifaetun rs par ticularly to our newly invented .and entirely original Machine to Sew with a Single Thread. Th.' Hi'lrumrni ^ h.i aiiiimin «•‘niriv:iin »*, "• jMTiVci in K" ui>rr.}ti*>n Hiii rt NiiIt. it « Iht- iihqu il.li*'l h|i pr**v:tl III' nil u hi* ii I In* nrt **! mu l»\ ih'h }|in»r\ I .r iMU'ti '‘i.li hui^» ihi' ili»* V III II hint- !h ii« tn niakt* i nI ch. H hicli v\ ill r« liuiiii i ubt hr;iulitut ;ilu'r n\ .I'hmj I 'T "h* ** v\ >rk Hiul* \rr\ "..ri'ji !♦ :uln r nii! -- rtii m ikm;: Knd til ini: m u hic I; .111 VI’ S I'I! I'\* .111 ►!' S II \ 1> Kl’. H\ ih»* u- rk ft ih ' Jii tchiiH' r «nn«*i |i»- » tl It-inort* > in ‘I- c = unl iiiu«1j ui-.n* t \ iii inML'»Ml an«l h\h- Is now receiving her Fall and Winter MILLINERS . consisting of Bonnets, from one dollar to fifteen: Dress Cajis; Hamlkerchiefs; French .\rtiticial Flowers ;ind Feathers; Swiss Kdgings and Insertings; (’apes, ('ol- l.ars and L’ndersleeves; Ladies’ and Children’s Wrist Gloves, and long and short Mits; a new and beautiful stock of Dress Trimmings of the bitest stj'le; Velvet and .Silk Mantillas; Railway Corsets; Whalebone Busks. Dresses. Mantillas, and Cloaks made in the latest riiiladeljihia and New Vork styles. All orders from the country promptly attended to. Oct. o, isr,:;. 3.3tf .^100 RFAV ARI). RAN'AWAY from the sub.scriber, two Negro Girls and four (,'hildren, viz: M.VRTHA, a bright mu- altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl childreit, Frances and .\nn; HANNAH, copper colored, about the same height of .Martha. Hannah took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negro-s formerly belonged to the estate of George T. Barksdale, and are supposed to be lurking about the Cape Fear, about Mr. Winslow’s plantation. The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in .Sampson county. FLEET R. PETERSON. Septembar Ii, 18oH. 2ti-tf A new (Jui'i'HKfe KAtithlisliDieiit on thfi Green, opposite, the MefhoiJist Church, froalimj on Mumfonl Street. (JKEAT ENTlillPUIsK! Fay‘(l‘vill(‘ i» l>oiiiil to riUlK Subscribers would respectfully inform their ^ friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being V^oth practical workmen, fully understamling their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style ar J dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last tw^o years. We warrant all work to giv» general satisfaction lor twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. J.\MKS H. PlK.K. JaMKS BBANI.N. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, t>‘2tf TIte Ijurgest f^arriase Farlory in the Sontit: \ ‘.1 '■ of s:>;.t tract : irr Hargrove. : i = -i j n i'ii.-i'ed fr 'Ui E Fi -’.r R.ver. ■ !. ,;i i' ;re v\!uahle. and will be • -Id up iii ;iii I ' i loutiis bonds dr.awing in- \RCH D A T. SMITH, Clerk and .Master. - i ‘Jts \\ aiit(Mi I. i 'TF ^ ARRl.UiF PAINTEI:, and aiso 'H-P)( il»V .NI.VKKlt. .'^teailv eiii- • iIm r •Ul-l.lv '•t kl fU lUi! ■ w ini' hinr “I ni;tf ilirra«l* •! f •»n ir«Mi lr;unt' iili ii» \\ l> in\rnt* 'l t* I’oii-e, Lilting and .'^tu tion Pumiis, ad ijited to any sitti.itioii; Hydraulic Kaiiis. and all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, jiut up and warranted. .''lieet Li-ad and Lead Pijie. of various sizes, for sale. Fa\ ftteville, Nov. 1'i. I r'o:’. 4)-l\ ’J.UdO /JA/s. 'I'ttrfif /iti/!’ n nnlf(L I'^dK whieh the highest c.ish jirices will be paid. ^ McLKAN \ JnNF.S, .''umniervill. N. C., Mav Is., is.ol. l*->tt 'Flio Subscriber still con tinues to carry on the C.VBINET BUSI NESS in Fayetteville, nnd in addition to his Establishment on Pmhv Street, near Eccles's Bridge, has o|iencd a large W.M5E BOOM on Hay street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, and one door East of .\lessrs. Ilaigh iN: Son s, where :i (»t riTll.MTURIO, Made by competent and failhftil workmen, may be at jirices correspi'iiding with the times. .Also, an sortment of Northern-made FLRNITL'RE. selected i himself which will lie sold at a very moderate advance. DUNCAN McNEILL. Nov. lt>. 18'I. :^8tf E keejis m hand an assortment of Fisk's celebra A. A R .>! K KTIlAiX ESPFiCTFULLY informs his friends .iiid the )iub lie, that he has built up large substantial P.rick Ibiildings at his Old Staml, expressly for manufacturing . arriKges. Thankful for the very liberal p:itronage he ..as received for the last 21 years, he Impes by strict rtfteiition to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, lie warrants his work to be made of the best material and by exjierienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He keeiis 111 hand an assortfnent of Kisk s celetira i i'* iletermined to sell and do any work in his line ted METALLIC P.URIAL CASES, which have j on as goo.l terms as any work done elsewhere that isas been highly recommended by Willie P. .Mangum. Henry Clav. Lewis Cass, Win. R. King, and many other il- usti-ious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. fglllF. tin'lersigned. having pvirchased Mr. Thos. S Lutterloh's Distillery and (’oojier-shops. have well done. He now has on hand. Finishkii. the L.\R GEST STUCK of HnronvJu’s^ Hnck'dU'diuhI Ever offered in this place, ainl a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All «l ^iM ti >n :mii !i.l ..lh» r hrril vnp ^1 i-r. •1.1 .lu t-'f S» ini; I';i2^ ;tck' ninl bag' il-V.. il. t..r w -rk nini '.tlier -liirliiiii! - •I.. •1> all -tpjctr.tlUH I'uni Mt.it'.it ..f'* Tii;tv ll.. •. ♦ \iri* l'*r iji, lluu'' ••'1 hni:;^ ** ..f !U)()K IUM)i:UV. W. H.MIDIF. ha- resumed the Book Binding llii'iiH— at the new Store next door to Mr. lle:i']i'V, .leveller, w lieie he will receive and executr liindiii:: in any 'tyb' de.-ired. ,\u;in't 1. -•'* fl€. wages will t 1 ite w irkinen. PIER h»l I' I h^n»‘ \\\ \k»n'4 innnu* w\\\ 'lU* \v ih :iveu. BR.\NIN, i-;:w 1 rutiRiiu I >.y r. J. after ro i’Assi:\(;i:iis. - 1 . , r srN will leave this ]ilace 'N;i\'i all'! l lirRSLAV at lo niinuti i:. I Wilnungtin every TLI^SD.X^ aiil 1- RID K, V. iih p:i^'‘ i.LTfrs and Frelj;ht. R. M. ORP. l.LL, .\ _^ent. - . M.i% 1, l-'=}. 1-tl' yjIjninnt III. fi.M UN 11. r.iiiliroui.-nn*.: M i t« o thr* ail' ■;l.to I.V .M il him ' I’t' l;ir"> '/>• I'T S*.\» om ;i« iniiiL'- aii.l hip- » i uith tUtiin ami app-.r ilii i-.'iiipli le tr'iiii ~|ihi . v|.',ini. M:o hini- vn >;'; he liia il l'.iran\ iinii'n:il |> i ill iriiy nl \\..rk "ii r ti riii'. Thf Mm loin - --rf 'i i iin iy p n k> il i'it Imrtation to p:irt oT th.- « ori.l, iiml I n'i pnn!- .1 iii'!rii. t; .n' l. r n« nu ui.l k* I piiiE tlo iii 111 I’rih-r nr- i•irni.ih-'l « :ii i o h in o him-. .MiO'hiiie nt • ilU ». .'.Ik t« i-t on .[.....Is- :t i .ir.l mi ll thre o! A;. . alu :i\.» ..n Irinil iiml l.«r at low. -t i'a.h pri: es. I’rini ijial ^'Ihrc, N.i :!'.M lir.nohv iy. N. N HR » M It o|. u* I ~ S.iilth F'lurth Slrt et, I’hil.uh lptiia. l.'i i llriltiiiior*' sirr.'t ll.iln more 41 llan..vt r .~lti-et. li.'ston. I'l" l.lni Stn t i. i ,ii. .iiii it. 1. .M. SINGER .-V CH. New N oi k, March 'Ji'. I"M. ■'J- Imi' i I). W. n. iilM.vv. PK.N'r.M. SI i;i;i;oN. ato 1 third i|o..r beb.w tlie M.irket. \11 who (lie in IHO'd "f the ^ervji-i-.* f a l»i iit i«t are ri.'j>ortt iilly inv ited t > call. ' salist'ai'ti'iii in .a'l opi r iti ilis. !(‘nt i.w return-.^ his tii. -t gra'i ful tiianks Favettevi’lo and vieinitv f .r the H Ty iiaiMiite N P. Hr llie eit'/en Tin; ill/Hill r(i\iiii:i{ ki.mi’AW. M.VM FACTl RF.RS »>F GI NPOU DER, 1i*NTlNrE t'l furnish Ciunpowder of .all their well- known brand'. vi/: ••Iventucky Ititle," ••.''•‘a Shoot ing," ••.\merii an .''p.irting, " "India!! Rifle," ••Electric, " ••Din k Siiootiiii:." in kegs, half and .[Uartcr kegs, and C.-ini'ter- "f one pound e.-ieii. .Mso, a full assortment of Powier f. r Pilasting and Mining juirp.ises, and for Ex port. The reputati"ii of fheir (iiinjiowder is too wel’ known to rei(uire eommeiit. Fi'i- --ale by the ]iiitu i].al dealers in this City, and at the (i|iii»j of the C.inip.uiy. '''• W.\LL STREET, N. \. I'ifv. .\. Cl. H \Z.UID. I’res't. \. i;, 1II II ; L.\SS, Sei-'y. [''ti-:inipd WA.M'I'J)!!! VCilKlD r..\Kl'.R, of si'i:\iiv iiviiirs, can obtain rej;ular emploviiient and ^ lod w.iges. \l'l*!v soon, i ||.\S. i'..\NK.'j. F.iy ettev ille. .Vpril'i. 1''•'i L S-.)tf ntered into Copartner-hip under the name of McLaurin I of which will be sold very low for C.vsii. or on short time to punctual customers. has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finishep and in course of construction. 8^?" All work made by him is warranted l‘J months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. I’onsons wishing to buy wofild do well to call nnd examine for theni.selves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. .May -J8, 18.').^. H8tf \ Strange, for the purpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar rel-. L». McLAURIN. WM. McLAURlN. JAS. W. STRANGE. Feb’y 18. 18.'):’,. 70tf NOTIC’K. H aving purchased the stock of Materiel on hand at the Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, and liaving t'tigagcd the services of Mr. J. Lally. | whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction. | 1 am now jirepari'd to execute all orders for Timber Wagons, Ro.aii Wagons, Carts, Drays. Wheelbarrows, iScc. I have on hand and will constantly keep a gooii suji- ply of Iron .\xles. Chains, Bolts, and in short every thing that the W.igon-maker can need. Timber Wagons, with the im^iroved Iron .\xles, made . to order at the shortest notice. i 1 have 10 good and competent Workmen at the busi ness, atid will give it my whole and umlivided attention. I i M:-- 1 ■rices shall be as moderate as the times will ad- ^ ! mit. and 1 will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni- : ted States to C'lual my work either in {mint of style or ^ ’ durability. THOS. C. FULLI-'.R. j Oct. 2t3. 18.'):5. 3ftf ! n DR. STRONC’S COMPOIM) SANATIVE IMI.LS. Pill^ are «‘iilirely Vetfe»al>le, f aiKl art‘ a iiioxt tii|»eri»i’ ii^e in the cure of all Bilious Complaints, Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, ('ostivene.ss. Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Sick Headache. Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds. Loss of Appetite, Obstructe*! and painful Men- stru;ition, and all lingering diseases. As a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never tiiil to cure very worst cases of after all other remedies fail. Tliey iMirify llie hlood, eqiialixe llie eiiH-iiiatioii, re**lore llie and otiicr y Ortfaii»i to a lieaitliy and a‘li»li; and as an Anti-Bilious Family Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg j Medicine they have no equal. Trice 25 cents per box. —ALSO— Xorl/i (ydrolina ('assuncrcs. R. J.\MES G. COOK has on hsind a full stock of .M lAi'i'.i;-.' 11 Mi:-.’. :i:; l.oi.;..i"i ; i ■ ' • . n - :.1 .\.j.in»« Ai. ♦ ■ Ur» .I •'**• . J* : .r ' urinL" * h i'- * - ai'i 't Iri-. i-r-At'cl \f-ry . -i ,| it >11 lli»*niNfl\M,.* >r ! t- h» i.n” nnil rrnir*ii;:i in 4*^ f'k U'*t kii kctl. -\n*l IcMli) • til :s\. ih*- Mu>l in;; i.inini* nt \\ t»- (I ■ t!n» n»*\s '• >n n nn'V* il :un! il )f I' nr \Vf n>» Im '.I tli«»n rih;*- rr*'ii:irili'ni. ti» he U'» «l t-xirrn J. ► r . r.\Sl/ililr, .N»*\v \»rk r* - inhi'-n'linL' th«‘ \ • ;in tnj; t •in» r'. .’i“- Ih^' : . --t • .»• w r - ■ . j ii; Ht.rM \Vr h r :> tl \v** : us^mI il l*-r v*-v, -.■ H fi •* I:»i i! • ami ih»‘\ . t ' ; ! f| f t- »'nl:fe! y ••MM U‘ •! I M HI:AVI) I r -nn It. (’unii-»:iTiV, Prntt Stivrt. I5:iltiin"r(*. Ian. f, i;i tli> t her'' Illii; IW'other' .''foam with the following Sfr. In il' 1 L.VSS. Str. BROTHERS. Tow B D. /■'/• lii htiiiii r. :it c. .1.; tf r,i},ln-. is iiow prepared I'uN, P \V l>. W . •Il M.K ■at STEVEN." LEW IS, ALFRED ELLIS. * JAS. CASSIDE'i. KINGSBI RY. and ELIZ.V M.DWIEL. fo fransj' .rf Naval Stores, Pro luee and ither Fieight iiitriisti d to their care, with as inui-h des|.afeh ;i- any other liti'-of Boats on the River. They .are pro\ilf.l with ,'iitaliie Wharf lui'i Waro ll.wr Mi i-..iinii"daiion- • ! a general bu-ir:i . an I h"pe tiv ‘-tri.-t attention f. tho intere-t of shippei-,. f.^ meet ;i sli.ipe I..II I oii iL’e. .1 S. !>ANK‘ ■ f publii ■l,.\l l.i.S if • irorerii'-- .. ..flered a-- t wlo ‘- “ale JM» Ii ll'lv\ .II'. I' I!' t'ley etail o.'llt M.W S'l'Ol K Ol I'lllM. IMI Jillllll'H MKIIi;;. .; > |- - now receiving a large and w' . : of GOuDS, eom|irising a Gen.Tal ‘-nohS, ii(‘iily-miilc (’lotliin^s ^ ’ iiipI SIm)**s, I lilts anti ('jips, II .ii't and ('utlcry, (Jroccrics, >i'nl(lt lry c\.c,, i\;c. . .V f ,i* ( ash. or exchanged tor'I'ur- •' Pr.idwee. V. :: II1.' ' thank - to hi.-old friends and :al pafi 'iiage heretofore xtcnded ' ■ merit a {•ontinuaiiee of the same. N .KIN(L !•; I-"..',;;. 8t;-tf Sepf. *1. ' KS. \^. f W 11 mi II . ii -’(Ml iiiaize they have h.. kindly bestowe.I; and ■ 1 reupvi'tfiilly niakr it known that he intends leaving Fayettevilie tiie middle of June to be ;ibsent about three months April 21. I^.■|». '"'-tf I'llOV *.V .MAKSil 11 WE (»N HAND: XcW (’rnji .^Illl;ls'('s, .'^'HLMrs, (’'itii'c, .''alt, Irnii, Nails. H;inl\v;u« . 'lory, Wiinlow ( Hass, I’utty, Hhtrksfiiitli 'I'lml'. I*yi‘ Snitl'-. .'''pircs, Aila- niaiitin!' ami 'r.-iilnw (':nnllrs. (’ria-kory, l-J int.s •and .''liiifs, ('i)tti.n i'tirds, S;iddlos ;uul liri- illi's, .''IiutT, l>ry (!.Mills, cto., ctr., Wliirh thev -tl. • rit whole--:ile and ret:i;' .i.Sli. .Mi'Sh pork, Ba. ..n. b.nd. Me.il I'ri li. Di ie 1 I'ruit-*. Culitiajje. FRESH upeoiiii.i t’.nfter ijri'f We are .\geiil' for the -ale of S . !■! I'- ( le- l.rafod Pi.ano Forte, warranted at N \ i .M.iliufai'tuied T ibi-f.'.. :it r'a' t"I_\ pro-r ., ii v J". I''M, 'I' \\ \ ri'i',.N'i'io.N. fiiK w iioi.i',: llli.E you !iie talking of your inft-rnal inijirove- II at meiit^^, forg-t not to call to see the improve ments made in (Hit. • at .\I. .\. I!.U\ER'.S (iUN M.\NU- i F.\CrlR\, on ILiy street, opposite the Post Ofliee. where he has the Prussian Needle (Juii, _\ir (iiins. ati'l various imjiroved Pistols, of olt s iiepeater, Allens. Whitney's arms cotiip.iny with M.ivnard jirimers, .\rni- sti'oiig Duelling Pistols; with a large assortment of double and single-barrel Shot Guns, (ianie and Shot Bags, Pi.vviler Flasks, Percussion ('aj'S of English and j French make, with a lai^ge assorimeiii of' g.iming tiXj I tures. Killes eoiistantly on litind and manufactured to order, .ili'l warralite.l to shoot fr.'in Dm to yards. Re]iairing of every thing in the Gtinsmith line will ! be i|"iie at siiort iiotiec'. in tiie tiest manner, and for a i small cliarL:e. All ordeis j.romptly attended to. .\11 Work w:irrante'l. M. A. BAKER. .'•^igii of the Wooden (iun. 11.IV street. oppo>ite the Post t Ittice. .1 in'v 1-M. ■ -'''tf ()\ (’()xsi(.>\]i:\’i'. :.\CKS LI\ERP(«'L S.\LT. ve .r'_re and fine. R. M. oRRELL. '.'Stf I 'liifi th riU) Mntunl I/isttrancc ('ompa/ii/. r■ 1H1S Company has been in successful operation M. .‘•iiice Feb'y 1K5:'. It has jiaid all losses prompt ly. intfi'.iii nn/ and it has still a small cash capital on hand. Policies issued up to LJth May. No Covering property to value of policies cancelled and expired, Amount now insui. l. Amount Premium Note.s, Do- do. cancelled am e\pii.d, ■i75 Isll A.M) I.I.MK. K- STONE LIME New Herring, ,No. 1 ; ' : If Mils, do, do. t‘. Mackerel, .;No Ij and -1 ) ■ i-ter Pan * ‘■r:;c!;t and Pin teriug Hair. N|,l')1.8'iL’ (Id Ht'i'.i,!;:: I (Ml NSS2.li’JH (Ml ■■iiDi Liiii'.i til :{t;,OHo ‘Arj :i;128,r,8I ‘Jt; I 'di/f tti I'illr Citndil Mdiiii/aiinri/. r ■ 111 E subscriber sfiil e.tiliiiiies to m:i iiu!'ol iirc a sii perior ;irticle of ).l'iin and faiic\ i'\NDIi;.' at the old stand, i No. .'i, (ireen street. doi.rs Noi tii, of the Market House, i where he would b- h.ippy to his old friends and customers. CII\Ki,ES I! \NKS. March i, 1 80o. i -’t I AKW iJAKr-in. fH’^IIF. .'subscriber has established a Bakery on P.ow I. Street, o!> the Lot two doors E.isf of Duncan McNeill's Cabinet Simp. He is jnepared to furnish Families, Boats, and the public geiier.-illy. with Bread, Iliscuif, and (':ikes of various ivinds, of tiie bt'st |Uality, as he h.is iiroeiired the services of of tin* best Bakers in the State. Prict's reasoiiabli'. C.ive me a call. CIIA’S B.\NKS. 18.',-J. .').')-tf NO ri('i’:. iCfiiR.' Mallett .V McSw.iin h.tving left their r,. ok-' and pajK'is with W . MeL. McKay, who is fiillv aiilhori..ed t ' receipt f.T the same, .all tiieir eus- ton’ei-.-Hviii- W e-t of fbeCajie Fear River, who niay be in :ir|-i-.ii-' citlo i- by note faviii- b\ ealiin- on him ••iiid Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by Car son, Wiun i Cotintv, N. C., where consumers an.I merchants can be I supplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being eipial in durability, ami as jiermanent in col or. as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the U. .s. They invite the most full and thor- : ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in I proj'ortion to their merits. ! Sv'pt. 27tf FRIIMII BIRR MlLbSrOM'lS. I ;reat KtMliictioii in Price. i:(;i:N'roN, .morris co. £ 10NTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly ^ on hafid Frenrh Burr •ItillstoHCs Of all dimensions* warranted to b-; of best quality, be ing made from Bnrr blocks selected by them from the best ipiarries in France. They keep tor sale C'oloj[ii(‘, COcalica ;iiul I^sopiis AIill stonos; Hiirr Rlocks, liolting Cloth, Scrot‘11 Wire, Calcined Plastc'r, Ilvdranlic (JiMnont, v^:c. Orders from anyiiart of the country promptly attend ed to K. II. OHI6KI.I., Agent at Fayetteville. N. ('. Marcli 11. 18.V.’.. "^*tf ,ille, .\ii-. :;n, l: ir account, will confer ettlinir the saliM'. W. P M.\LLETT. II. A. MeSWAIN. •iltf I I si’iu.\(i ;ooi)s. nil undersigned are now receiving, and expe h;ive their entire Stock in .Store by 1:1th ins Scasoiialdo »(K)ds, w . « Il runted g.jo-l .!ii-t received by J W POWERS Jv'C(*. 8!-f-vv ■JOn liah ' jn'i inc IIA \ . ■ •• I', lipo e jf it in lots to Turpentine J & T WADDILL i 8'.uf H arrrints for suit hern. Do. do. now on hand, ■Averaging 11 r»7-lH> per cent, on th(‘aiuount insured. Cash premiums receiveil, (iI Fire losses adjusted and paid, ~'l 'J'he Hoard take jileasure in stating that the Cnnipa- nv is now in a condition to merit public confidence. — It is eitafjli.'hrJ Ujnm a foumlation irfiirh cnhin-l he in»i', il. We solicit a share of business. DIRECTORS: Geo McNeill, H. E- Myrover, C. Benbow, Henry Lilly, James Kvle, J G. Shepherd, S. T. Hawley, David A Ray, J. D. Williams. Thos. S. Lutterloh, N. A. Sted- man, Wm. McLatirin, A. E. Hall, J. 11. ook, .A. .A. .McKethan, J.as. (i. Cook. C. Lutterloh. OFFICERS: (!EO. McNEILL. President, II. L. .MYROVER, V ice President. C .A. .Mc.MILLAN, Secretary. J. O. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B. LE.MAY, General Agent, May -JO, 1864. Fayetteville, Dec. -8, S. S. aim:v Has Just received a beautiful assortment of Sprntii' (tiil Sinni/K')' (*00/)‘S, He desires to return thanks to hisfiiends and the puti- lie for the liberal jiatroiiage which they have liestowed on him. and s dicits ji continuance of the same. His friends :ind the pulilic are solicited to give iiiin a call, at the. Stand formerly oc'cupied by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner of Market Siiuare and Gillespi(“ street. April 18, l.s.'.L 81»tf DRTC^S AM) MKDK’liNKS. Samuel ./. Iliii.^dalr 1.S now receiving large additions to his .Stock of DRUtiS, MEDICINES, ,S:c., which he offers for sale at aa low prices as they can be obtained in the State ‘ S J HINSDALE, Market Square. March 23, 1864. 81tf Embracing a great variety of h'orciiiii and Domestic Dry (Joods, Hats, (’a|)s. HoniK'ts, rinhrt'llas, Parasols, Hoots and Shoes, I'oolscap and Letter Paper, Blank liooks, Uoltiiiii; ('loths, tS:c. vV‘. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing, and Foreign and Domestic Hardware. All of which they offer to the Tr;ide at Low PiticKs and upon vcciiM Mii> VTIM! tkii.vis. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give the above .-stock an ex;iniination before making their selec- HALL .S: SACKETT. March 8, !.'•■) 1. ^Ttf HHDS. NEW CP.OP MOLASSES. 2i> liarrels Pork. U» do No. o Mackerel. (i dozen S. W. Collins' Turpentine .Axes. .0.000 lbs. old N. C. Bacon. BEN BOW, KYLE & CO. Feb'y 27, 1854. 74tf i'Ri:i(;irriX(i ox c^m’k fear rj'^HE .subscribers having purchasel the Steamers B Fvergreen and Southerner and Tow Boats. lately the jiroperty of the Henrietta Steamboat Company, are now jirepared to forward with despatch, between W il- mington and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS. Fayetteville, Feb’y 14. I85;5. g 1EDAR FALLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale ^ ' at Factory prices, by TROY May :iO, 185:!. ‘>8tf A Feb’y \vanti:d. p.MR of gotid sized well broke MULKS. J T. W.AbJiLL 75tf L\ND l’»ROKKR. 1HAVE so many ini,«ines about Turpentine Lands, that I have concluded to ofter my services to >ny and sell. , „ . , , . , Those having Lands for sale will furnish me plots and quantity, togetTier with a fair description and price.— My commissions shall be moderate. JAS. U. LOOK. Nov. 21, 1853. 46tf DU. STKONG’S PECTORAL STOMACH PKJ.S. .A remedy for Coughs, Colds. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Nervous Diseases, Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Erysijielas, Disease of the Heart, lntlammatim and Pain in the (’hest. Back and Side, and all diseases arising from a de ranged at-jte of the Stomach, and to relieve the dih- tress iind bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. rOlHESE Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, and JL .Aperient. One 25 cent box possesses three times more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups, Balsams, or S.irsaparillas. that was ever made, and a simple trial of only one box will prove this important truth. Tli«‘y promote r.\|>«‘ toralioii, tli‘ aiKl rloar tii‘ and otlior !‘rr«‘tory Or;;aii« all iiiorhid lliatt«‘i'« and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia Medica cap.able of imparting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vitalt)rgansas these Pills. TIloy Co*tiv«‘ii«‘H>ii. |>ro4lii‘‘ a tfood rcffiilnr and str4‘ii»lii‘ii tiit; Price 25 cts. per box, containing 25 doses ot medicine. Call on the .Vgents who sell the Pills, and get the “Planter's .Almnnac” gratis, giving full particulars and certificates of cures. Both kinds of the above-named Pills are for sale in Fayetteville by S. J. Hinsdale, and J. N. Smith; who also keep a supply of l>r. Sjnvcrr'x Vegeluhle Pills, and Dr. IIiill's Celebrated I’tlh, which stop the Chills and Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowels. [10-^ ] NEW (JOODS. r J^HE undersigned have in store and for sale cheap. B a general Stock ot dronries, Ihari/ IJiirdicare, //>>/fitii-irnn\, Iron, Steel, Wunhnn GifiRs, ith^ onf Turpentine Tuoh^, llrooms, lindotx, Oils, Pdi/ltS, I)l/C StUjf.H, and in fact almost anything that can be mentioned in our line. . ,, , r Our friends will do well to give us a call liefore pur chasing. o . , Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for (loods tit .nrket prices. Just received 10 hhds. new croji Molasses. G. W. I. GOLDSTON \ C(». New brick store east side Gillespie street, third door from the Market. March 18, 1854. 80tf ffllHE highest cash price paid for Ttirpentine, ^Mlite B Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading, (^all on Jas. W'. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLAURlN STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1863. '*^tf FRESH 'PEAS. KEEN and BLACK TEAS, of best qualities, just W received by , S, J. HINSDALE. March 23, 1864.