"'fill >/> ^n.J II .l, 8K]fIl-WFi EKL. Y T irore uc.tsr. *fnt! ^efor, for « Olftgy. , ►N & tfOt! >0k i-’;, ioor - inj exf iLT >RRh 9eti fVOT.. IV] F WETTFA ILT.K, N. C., Al GLST 7, 18f)l. [NO. 320.] \ thr: ^»y. »h: «n«m Oh. ■ Omy’: V an h a!td or ’ whon tk . » the - ctrcul*. «her •«. actloa: BO equi I Ftci' . cf cur»- I South SI>ALE itreti per r- ineR, »f It ryf ipol-i^ s. B, run luliy. than - out an ; 0 tbe aa cf NEd. . N Kiv- f tt. •>*tf roof auffi* j my jrpoee ' ■•e 8t: :* auflSci^" 1. b«8 L.: :ha Bi. /:' *> me Xlcrl are f:, ctor M( have 3*tf »j uigh^ L by dj» ( 3 'Jl ■i road tip- linty. 1 t in kuj •nty-fifi iraon EL. f. N. i^»tf INA, [urclt >0b' rt. thi bitar, ablic week; ba ht: ■ IU»« »i plead, aintiff m, at 3urt' t>ruai Iquitj Lugu*i Hou‘- evill®' Ion* til »y f. ter I'KIM'L'l) \loSl>AVS AM) I Ml KSl»vV^ EDWARD .1, HALE i S(»\. t:i>ITOKS -AV1> PK»PHn:T»H.-. Price for th»* SSpini W. okly (iB-n nvrn hi ir ).ai.l in ailvai.i^’t’ ju ii ihniiiu itK* veiir til’ n.iii; 0.L .it'tor ilie yt*:!! hu-^ fxpirpii Foi thp \Ve«klv On^rRVi r ^'2 IM> per sinnuin. if ]>aiil in k.iMitu’*': >''• it'paid iluvine the yonv i)f ^iilisci-i|>- .11 vr S ’ OH Ht'ter tho yeiir h:i> expiitMl. \l»VKKTISKMKN rs inserted for sixty oents jmm- t '.i.iie 'I' I*' lines for the tirst. nnd thirty cents l«r each iucoeeding pu>»lic;itioii. Venrly ndvertisements by spe cial contracts. ;it reasoniible rates. Advertist'is nre ifviuestej t-> state the nuraber of insertions lesire«i. «.r 'hev will I'p continued till forl)id. and charged accord ngi} . Letters to tlie Kditors must l>e post-paid nAii^ arrai^«e:?ii:\t. Post Office, Fayetteville, N. C. RALEIGH .\[AIL, (2 hor>c Coach, i.'iily at tii o’clock A. >1. .■ daily at Si o'clock P. M. WARSAW MAIL, 4 horse Toach.; ■ iaily, except Sunday, at o'clock A. M. i ;« daily, except Satunlay. at o clock 1*. M. PHERAAV MAIL. (Sulkey.) I.iie Tue- dav, Thursday, and S.atunlav. at 1i cluck A. M I’ioses, Siindav, Tuesd.ay, and Thursday, at l‘J*. •■ clock I- M. ' KLIZARETIITOWN MAIL, ^8ulkey.; I'lie Sunday. Wednesday, anil KriJay, at 1 o’clk, A. NL i’kisex Sunday. Tuesday, and Thursday, at o’clk. 1*. M. SALEM MAIL, on Plank Hoad, (2 horse Hack l»ue Snnday. Wednesday, and Friday, at ;i o’clock P. M. rioses Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, at 3.*. o'clock P. M. MaRIoN H. S. C.j >LVIL, via Lumberton. .Sul- key.) l>ue Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 o’clock P. .M. 1 loses Wednesday and Saturday, at 0 o'clock P. M. SWIFT ISLAND MAIL. v5 Troy. I'ue Tuesday, at o'clock P. M. . »’■ s Tuesday, at o’clock P. M. M.\IL TO STRICKLAND'S DEPtU’. Due Tuesday, at 2 o'clock P. M. i loses Tuesday, at 2 o’clock P. M. MAIL TO ELIZABETHTOWN, via Terebinthe. !'ue AVedne.sday, at 7 o'clock P. M. ^■^-es Monday, at o’clock P. M. J. E. UR VAN, P. M. i.i I'l'Kin.oii CO. ft 'Hi; iindoiiiguttd having on the 20(h .May last lorm- j cd a ('opartner.ship ui»der the nnme and style of ‘•LLTTERLOH CO." f«i the liuvpose of transacting a {^^neral Roating business on the Cape Fear River, 1 tlie StPftmer Fanny Luttorloh hns been repaired, and I is now in «U)iorior order for freightinp and carrylu? jiassenpeis. She will make regularly two trips a week, leavin>t Fayetteville Mondays and Timrsdays at K'» minutes after .^unrise, ami Wilmington Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 o’clock. The Steamer Rowan with a full complement of Flats will make one trip or more n week, as circumstances may renjuire. The iSoats of this line being of very light draft of wat««r, shippers may rely on dispatch. The Steamer Fanny l.utterloh has made two trips a week, for the last twcniy-two months, up tt the 20th May, during the lowest state of the River. 8hipper liy our line may rely with certainty on dis patch. W. P. ELLIOTT. Agent Wilmington. ■I. F. MARSH, Acent Fayetteville. ‘T. iS. LUTTERLOH. H. Ji. ELLIOTT. .). F. MARSH, W. P. ELLIOTT. .1 R. TROY. .Tr. I .hily 2o, 18.')4. 17tf xoricE. ON S.VTLRD.VY. tue 22d day of .hily, n»v son WILLI \M FRANKLIN LORD left his home w ith- out my consent, in c.")mpaiiy with a Tobacco Trader, and has not been heard from since. The Roy is about years old, sUmly m.ade. fail- .skiu, light i.air, blue eyes, and thin visaged, aud lias an atl'ection of one or both ears. Ry close inspection a small yellow spot may be seen on one of his cheeks. This boy is iny only child. The public will at once .syinpataise witli the father, and he hopes render him the neces-'^ary as sistance to get his boy again. .\ny information con cerning him, addressed to his lather, Peter W. Lord, nl Fayetteville, will be most thankfully received. 1*. S. He sometimes calls himself William Houston. PETER W LORD, •luly 2f, 18.->5. HAY. JI^UST received, -ji* bales good H.\A'. l‘Rl>PER l^'ayotK'viile Ilotol. JOIfX HA UMAX WERtHTS, and for sale by Will he Piihl{sh('(f on tin Aiu/Hst, THE CABIN BOY’S STORY. A ."^emi-Nautical Romance ot intense interest, l>y the Author of the “Pirate Doctor, " the ‘•Lawyer'.- Story," the “Old Doctor, " &c. &c. 'pill; «a .-e>» hitherto enjoyed by th author of the above iifipu * l»r works is a '.ullicitnt ?uanntei ■! the favor with w hirh :inv lirodiirtions rmnini! from hi* |>cn will lit rrt;t:lvr>l *>y the public. The Cabin Boy’s Story” is a romantic narrative, illustratins the horrors of the Slave Trade, as carried on in the Coast of Africa. The author has served in the navy—and the descriptions and • haracie-i are iminted fron- |iersonal arquaint;ince with them. The stor\ i- fii.i of e.\citiiig interest and adventure .t* the cele brated woiK )f Defot Robinson Crusoe." and has the advantace • >ver that glorious ; ;.>>n. inasmurh as it U founded on ‘acts of every day occurrencf' T’ hit 'y of the heroine of the Storv. Ziileika. the Circassian .'lave, ^.nrchased at Constantinople, eda ■ated and married by the reckless, vet chivalrit. fcteyiuour—the ■ muiander of the .\lbatro^s. is sini; y :he na.'ration of :t tact (lainted from the life, and all ihe numerous chari*vter% in/rtrayed thro'ighout the storj- are vividly and pruph'cally dravn. The publisher, have already received orders for th' Wh'.lt of 'he uliton it was origiiially their Intention to publish: conM'ijiu ni IV ilit-y have been ohlieed largely to increase it- and they resjiect li.iiy rt(|uesi that all orders nriy be sent in imuiediately. Thev ronlidently exjiect that the work will rre.'xteas nuich inti r . .inv work ol Iktion that has of late years enutnateci from Ihe ; ■11, nutwilhtandine. ^mce the publication of "rnrle Toin’ I " M.irks relatinj; to slavery in .Vnicnc.H. pro ami con. have ’ . n numerous, none have appeared having relation to the -.ysioni if puri-h:i'.ng slave> >n the .African Coail. written by oneuh-' '.\ iine^ied it In all iis hideous deformity Thr work i'Wr.t '■n m c!. -ie and pure lansuace, and w ill Ik*'i welrnwie and in It -me addition to the family library. The WMfk will form a beautiful , ’avo volume ol 100 iiAnilsoiiiely illustrated w ith fine ennravings. and eleftantly bouiiil ■1 :h. l’rn e. in cloth, one dollar- in (>aper, 75 cent*, ai w liii h ■ I.' . ..I iP', will lie sent by the publisher- to any part of the foun tree pi'itaee. rT- I'.ir - li: wholesale and retail by the publishers KLLSWUKTII STEKKT, No. 2-J Beekman Street, New Vork, the Eto-':S'«ellers ihronzhout the I’nited States and Hr \i il by -h I’ri.vinces 17-ftpd NEW BOOKS. ^*^11E Plurality of Worlds, by Edward llitchcoi k, Jk. D. D,: The Bible Not of Man, by (Janliner .‘spring. L' , Crystalline, by Shelton; The Parish Side; !’ala- v-.i by Rird: Purple Tints of Paris, by R. St. John; \ ..giaia Mord lunt, by ReynoMs; The Necromancer, ny the same; The Twin Brothers; The Road to Ruin; The Rural Beauties, a Sequel to the “Royal Favorite": Sam iilick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances: Cutter's .Vna- tomy, Physiology and Hygiene. Also, further supplie.c ■if School and Law Rooks, Paper, Envelopes, &c. • * Just received, E. J. HALE .V SON. .July 24, 18.j4. Ii(iward. RANAW.\Y from the subscriber, on the 2:’d inst., FOUR NEGRO BOYS, named as follows: CHARLES WINN, aged about 24; WILLIAM, aged ;ii>out 17 years: JOHN, aged 14 years: JIM, aped about 12 years. The above boys arc very well known as the children of Adam Winn. I think they intend trying to get to some free State. The above reward will be given for their delivery, or for their confinement in any jail in the State. THOMAS BENNETT. Mt. Olive, Wayne co., July 25, I8.'34. 17tl We^^tern Kail Road Office, I Faycttcvllh, July 2b, 1854. J ^I^HE Board oi Directors have this day called for the _| following .-Assessments "u the C’apital Stock of this ' ■ mpany, ^ir: I net cent, payable on the 1st Sept. 1854, ' “ ‘ “ “ 2d Oct. 1854. “ •• 1st Nov. 1854. 5 “ “ “ “ “ 1st Dec. 1854. Stockholders will please be prepared to pay punctu ally, as it will require the whole .-Assessments to be }jaid to meet the progress of th« work. Ry orler of the Board. JNO. -M. ROSE. Treas'r :^tf] W. R. R. Co. liook-liinding. HIHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of M. Fayetteyille, and the public, that he has resumed Lis Book-Binding businc.ss, at his old stand opposite K. J. Hale & Son’s Bookstore, on Anderson street, where he ■will receive and execute any stylo desired, (ilain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, &c. bound lo any pattern desired. Old books re-bound. Thankful for the patronage he has heretofore re- •eived, he hopes to merit a continuance* of the same. Orders from a distance promptly att.‘.. ’'•d to. THOMAS H. TILLISfiHAST. J.ily iil, 1854. 18tf Wileifs North Carolina Reader. 4 FL'RTilER SUPPLY just received. /m. E. J. HALE & SON. July 31. FOR SALE, BALLS PRIMF. HAY, on accommodating termv R, M ORRELL July 31. 18-2W THO. J JOHNSON. July 15, 1834. 11 Im SETTI.EMENTS. ^■^HOSE indebted to the subscribar will please call i and settle. There are a g«ol manv bills for Corn, Hav, &c. which are cash articles. i standing ou book. THO. J, JOHNSON July 15, 1854. ll-lm WANTED. V M BUSHELS of Rye: 5(Hi,U0(.> lbs. well JB- " " ilried Rye straw, for which the high est market prices will be paid on delivery at our Store in Lower Fayetteville. .lESSUP (’0. July 1. 1851. 10-tf nissoi.rriox. TBIHE copartnership of Hall .*c Robinson is this day JL dissolved by mutual consent. Dr. Hall having Sol»l out hia lutcrortt tlic 11>. 1 f 1 to the firm are rei\uested to settle their accounts early, and those having claims »o present them for psyiuent. July 1, 1854. 10-tf DCr^ Or. Hall will stili remain at the Peme office. FOR SALE. tONE horsc Buggy with three Sprinjrs. Also four horse r;.'ad Wagon. Terms low. F. N. .V J. H. ROBERTS. June 28. '-'-tf NOTICE. !.10 RKWAKII R.\N.\W AV from the subscriber, about tiie 15th of July. 1851. his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about 1*' years ot .ige. black, with large white eyes, large limbs, weighs about loO poumls. Said girl is supposed to be lurking in tiie neighbor hood of Mr. Isaac W right’s or Gen. McKay’s, in liladey county. The above reward will be paid for her delivern to me. or her confinement in any jail in the State of North Carolina. WM. G. BUTLER. Clinton, N. March 14, 185;]. 77-tf W. R.'wiLEV H aving been appointed Inspector of Turpentine _ and .Nav.-il Stores, at June Term 1S54, of (’um- berland County Court, offers his services to the public, (^flice at the .\uctlon Store of \. M, Campbell. I have also rented the large ind commoiiious ware house belonging to Pi M. Orrell. some fifty yards from the river, where I can be lound from 0 A. M. until 5 P. M, June 1854. -l-tl 7o (hr Frrijrhli/ijr l*i(hlic. TIHE Brothers’ yteam Boat Co. is now prejiared with the following Boatx; Str. DOUtiLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON. D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS. JAS. (’ASSIDEY, KINGSBUPvY, .iiid ELIZA McDA.MEL, to transport all Naval Stores, I’roduce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They are provided with suita>(ie Wharf and Ware-House accommodiitions to do a general business, aud hope by strict attention to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public patronage. S. R.VNKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville, (N'o, BANKS, Ag’t at Wilmington, Sept. I j, 18515. 2'.ttf *2,000 Bhls. 'I'urpentine Wanted^ IlOR which the highest cash prices will be paid. ’ McLEAN k JONES. Summerville, N. C'., May 18. 185-‘>. '.♦Stf REDUCED FARE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. and Balti more. Fare^jilO. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldoji, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Offiee |of the Wilmington and Raleigh ■Rail Road (.Company, at Wilming ton, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Kt'sj«'c(fiiliy informs liis f'riomls atul the pulilic that he has removed from tlie Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre ot the Town, recent^- occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers .nnd Boarilers. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared to render those comfortable who may favor him witii their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C., .June 1858. 200tf AGRICULTIRAL. WE have received our usual stock of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, such a» Ploughs. Harrows, Cultivators, &c. ,J. & T. AV.-VDDILL. •\ new 2 horse Wagon, complete, for sale. J. k T. W March 18. 1854. 80-tf ATTENTION, THE WHOLE! WHILE you are talking of your internal improve ments, forget not to call to see the improve- j ments made in Guns at M. A. BAKER’S GUN MANU- : FACTORY, on Hay street, opposite the Post Office, j where he has the Prussian Needle Gun, Air Guus, and I various improved Pistols, of Colt’s Repeater, Allen’s, j Whitney's arms company with Maynard primers, .-Vrm- strong Duelling Pistols: with a large assortment of: double and single-;barrel Shot (Suns. Game and Shot • Bags. Powder Flasks. Percussion Caps of English and I French make, with a large assortment of gaming fix!' tures. Rifles coustantly on baud and manufactured to order, i and warranted to shoot from 100 to *.HK) yards. Repairing of every thing in the Gunsmith line will ^ he done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge. .-All orders promptly attemled to. .All work warranted. M. A. BAKER, Sign of the AVooden Gun. Hay street, opposite the Post Office. .lan’y 2, 1854. 5!*tf $100 REWARD. R.-VX.AAV.AA' from the subscriber, two Negro Girls and 1'our Children, viz: M.VRTH.\, a bright mu- altto, tive feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children. Frances and Vnn: H.ANN AH, copper coloroil. about the same height of Martha. Haiiuah took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate cf George T. Barksdale, and are supposed to be lurking about the Cape Fear, about .Air. AVinslow’s plantation" The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET R. PETERSON. September G, 1853. 2(i-tf .lOSEPlI RAKER, .In., ATTlMOi:V AT li A %V - HA.S taken .‘111 oflice next door to W'm. 1>. W’ri,iit ■ I..aw odic.e oil Green .Street. He will atteiiil .-Did practice in the ('oiinty auil Superior 'onrts of Cuiiiber land. Hladen. Robeson and Samjison. Ah;rch 2;:. 185:!. 7'.i-ti n. L. HOl.MES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets under .lournal oftice. Dec. 12. 48-tf SMITH cV SANDFORD, Attorneys at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Office over Mr. Hinsdale’s Drug Store, r.. I). SMITH.] (17-Y) [b. H. SANDFORD. STOW ^ SMAR r, SfCrE«SORS TO THfMIA^ A: FKAi^Kri:\. (’()MMrSSIOX MERCHANTS, .\ii(l llpale s 111 Foreisn ami Uoiufslic Hanlwart*. No. 128 Pearl Street, and ti4 Water Street. \F.\V YORK. July 8, 1854. 12-Ompd lltf A new Carriftijr Ksfabh'shnient on thp MiUtury fi'reen, opposfite thr Mcthndiat Church, fronting on Mamjord tit rat. GREAT ENTERPRISE! Fayetteville bound to Nliiiie!! rilHE Subscribe... would respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for tbe p irpose of conducting the general C.\RR1.\GE BUSINFIS.S in .ill its various parts. .And being Woth practical workmen, inlly understanding their business, they have no hesitation to comj are wurn with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style .^nd dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference tn A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the laFt two yeirs. We warr.ant all work to giv>' ,eneral satisl'm-tion for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low fo. di. PIER BRANIN James H. Pier. Jamk.s Bramn Fayetteville, Jan'y 24, 185:’., «12tf NOTICE. H.-WING jiurchascd the stock of .Materiel on hand :it Ihe Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, and having eip aged the services of Mr. .1. Lallj% whose work gives such gereral and entire satist'aclion, 1 am now jtrejiared to "'x .'ute all orders for Timber Wagons, Ro.ad Wat’ons. ’' Drays. Wheelbarrows, ^^c. I have ou han ' .itiil iv* coustantly keep a good suji- ply of Iron Axles. (’h:-.iiis. Hi.Its. :>nd in short every thing that the Wagon maker can need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron.\xles, made to order at the shortest notice. I have 10 good aud competent Workmen at the busi ness, aud will give it my whole and undivided attention. My prices shall be as moderate a^ the times will ad mit, and I will challenge any Wagon-niaker in the Uni ted States to eijual my work either in point of style or durability. ‘ THOS. C. FULlI-:R. Oct, 2(5. 1853. :l9tf OKO, W. \VILL1.\,VIS & CO,, ^Yholesall: Groccrst and Commission Mirchantx. fUST RECEIVED, a large assortment of GOODS in their line, for sale on favorable terms. July 2i), 1854. 17tf H. ERAMI5ERT, Confectionery and Variety Store, Cndp.r the FaycttPciJIe llotri, ILtij St., l-AYETTEVTLLE, N. 0. Dec’r ol, 185:5. 58tf Worth & Utley, l’'or\vardin!^ aiui (general C'oniinission! MERCHANTS, F'affelteville, C. j •I. A. ^\ORTI?. (72tf) JOS. I'TLEV. T. C. WORTH, GENERAL CO.MMISSION MERCHANT, WII.MINT.TOX, N. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by G. W. DAVIS to pur chasing (’argoes, jirocuring Freights for Vessels, kc. Jan’y 17, 18.V1. 03-1Y T. C. R. (J. WORTH, Commission cV T’orwardiii^ iMc'rcliants, RROWN S ncILDING. WATER STREET, AViliiiiii^rloii, I\. 4'. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1854, (JiJ-lY . JOSI^PII K. BliOSSO.II, V O .11 II 1 ^ 1 A FORWARDINty'MERCHANT, *V. C\ JHa^ Prompt personal ittention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advano s made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1854. 073' R. M. ORRELL, R)K\VARDI\(i r())l,)llSSII).\ >lERfll.4.\T .U I'ayotfeviiie, C\ March 10, 1851. 02-tf m & m-., No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. ('().M.>nsS10N MERC HANTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF .'ottoii awl Woollen Macliinory, Ma cliinists* 'Fools, L(‘atlier Belting tSjc., —ALSO— “llainifa€’tiirer’>j Arliclesi*” OF EVEllY DESCRIPTION. 'omprisiii^ Reltiiij,^ Card Clotliinir, Rohluns, Shuttles, Pickers, Roller Skins, RolU'r c/lotli. Oils, tSjc. Dec. 27. 185::. 57tf WH.KINSON & ESLER, DEALERS IN (^)nfpf'finii(iri/, Foreiijn Frmt^, ^Ktx, Tohfirco, and Snnj^, AND IMPORTERS OF SIIPERIOK IIAVA^VA CICJAKS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, SVCCESSOR TO HENRY I. PEPPER & SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. Xo. 17o Chcsnnt St., (opposite the Staff TTonsr,) PHILADELPHIA. ,M.ay 22, 1854. dVpd PEAME & FERGl'SON, “ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and MPoniestir 1>U¥ G001>S, H A rS, CAPS, ROOTS, SHOI^S, IJmhrella.^y atid IleuUy-madc Clothing, HAY STREET, Fayetteville, strict .ittention paid to orders. B. F. !*EARCK.] (13tf) f j. B. FEROISON. K. M. MURCHISON, Coinnn.s.sion and Forwarding Merchant .V. V. July n, 1S54. 10-tf WILLIAM A. GWYER, FORWARDING AND rOM)lISSION MERCHANT. AND DISTILLERS’ AGENT, Wilmington, N. C. «]^ERSON.\L attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval Stores. I have ample facilities for conducting the business: and extensive Wharves and Warehouses to protect Spirits Ti RrENTiSE from ex posure. Naval Stores, Floi k, (,’otton, kc., will be shipped to any Ilonse in New York, or to other M.arkets if de.sired; and liberal Cash AnyAVCEs made on con signments. I refer to the following Distillers:— B. Mnnnum, >Vi»jriie county. E. H. W^oodard & Co., Earpsborough. W. Earpe&Co., “ A. G. Thornton, E.sq. Johnston county. Spemer Fountain, Esq. “ B. R. Hinnant, Esq. “ Messrs. Bridges & Durham, “ “ Blow & O’Neal “ Searles & Adams, Sampson county. » M. & G. Lee D. T. Durham, “ B. Godwin, Esq. Robeson county. C. W. Crawford, Esq. “ Lovet Peacock, Esq. Columbus county. W. J. Outland & Co., Bladen county, kc. June ‘J, 1854. 4-tf fl SPRI.\(i'‘goods. fJ^HE uudersigned are now receiving, and expect to I. have their entire Stock in Store by 13th inst., of Soasonalilr Ci!ools, Embracing a great v.-iriety of Forei«rn and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Roots .T.nd Shoes, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Blank Books, Bolting Cloths, die. &C. W'ith an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothi^, and Foreign and Domestic Hardware. All of which they offer to tbe Trade at Low Prices and upon ACr0M.M01>ATIN0 TERMS. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give the above Stock an examination before making their selec tions. HALL & SACKETT. March 8, 1854. 77tf LIFE INSURANCE. r||lIIE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of ths JL North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Companj'. Every member for life participates in the profits of the Company; and the annual premium for life membere ship, where it amounts to $30 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives maj’ be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is («ie l>y which a family, for a BiuitU Bum niiMually, may be provided for, after the death of its he’ad. on whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investmeat of money, evtn if one should live long after taking out .1 Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessarj- Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. Faifetteville Candij Manujactory. rBillE subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- ■ perior article of plain and fancy CANDIES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, 1853. 73tf FREIGHTING ON CAPE FEAR. IIHIj subscribers having purchased the Steamers Evergreen and Southerner and Tow Boats, lately the property of the Henrietta Steamboat Company, are now prepared to forward vith despatch, between Wil mington and I’ayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. & J. M. ROBERTS. Fayetteville, Feb’y 14, 1853. (i8tf MIlllNERV AN 1- AND ■I %%*alton Company, Pratt Street. Raltimore. Jan. f. 1852. 5.'{-tf D. it W. McLAURIN 4 RE rc/!fiving a large stock of Groceries, Hardw.ire, Boots and >Shoes, which are offered as low as they can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. i:;. 35tf Wilder's Patent Salarnn^'ider Safe. WK keep constantly ou IipdiI in assortment of the above SAFES, 'warraiii -d tire-i'roof; and desirous of extending the demand I'-r ihoin. have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them liore at New York prices D. W. .McL.VURIN, Ageuta. June 10, 1854. 4tf tiEDAR FALLS Cotion Yam and Sheetings, for sale V at Factory prices, by TROY’ & MARSH. ! May 30, 1853. 98tf IS now receiving her Fall and Winter MILLl.NERY, consisting of Bonnets, from one dollar to fifteen; Dress Caps: Handkerchiefs; French Artificial Flowers and Feathers; Swiss Edgings and Insertings: Capes, Col lars and Undersleeves; Ladies’ and Children’s Wrist Gloves, and long and short Mits; a new and beautiful stock of Dress Trimmings of the latest style; Velvet and Silk Mantillas; Railway Corsets; Whalebone Busks. Dresses, Mantillas, and Cloaks made in the latest Philadelphia and New York styles. All onlers from the country promptly attended to. Oct. 5, 185.‘>. oStf Steam Engines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STE.VM ENGINES, from five to sixty horse power, which we can furnish on r.3 favorable t«rms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. jpjfAn Engine of our own manufacture etux be seen in operation at the Foundry. HALL k BO},,.,NGER. Deo. 7, 1853. 61-tf (MIARLES BANKS, f ' t: f T t O.VK K , WIlOLE.'^ALE .\ND RETAIL DEALER IN Fiirt'iijn h'rmts, ^ uts, ('iifars, Tohdcro, Snujf'^A'^ Fayetteville, N. C. •Marci; 1, 185-5. 7;»tf J. S. BANKS, ('oiiiiiii MKioii .11 ere lia ii t, Fayetteville, N, C. Sept. ivt, 185:;. 29tf (i. S. BUH'], Ihiilder and I ndertaker, I.S prepared to execute contracts of from •'j!800 to •‘1*50,000 and upwards. Window Blinds, Sash, (Jlass Doors, and all kinds of ornamental and plain work warranted to give satisfac tion. He may be found on iiniuiry .at .^lr. Jesse W. Powers's. Fayetteville, April 12, 185f. 87-Ompd STARR WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign anti MMomestir M0ry iwoofts^ HAY J-iTHKUT, Fayetteville, N. C. J. U. .srAKll.] [j. M. WILLIAMS .\pril 28, 1852. 8Gtf RAYNER & (4ILMORE, ~ Font Ml ission • ffereh tints, No. 154 WATER .STREET, ■^EW YOKK. WAIiUnN fi, HAVXEH.] [.lAMES R. (JIT.MORE. References: Messrs. Francis Skinner & Co.. New Vork. Lord, Warren & Co., “ I'^ Kidder, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. J. H. Flanner, •* “ .Amos Wade, Esq., Newbern, “ D. & W. McLaurin, Fayetteville. Jlla^Cujtomary advances inatle on Naval Stores, iS;c. Nov. 25. 185;-!. 48Ypd MALLF/I r cV PAULMIER, ~ Uroeers and Commission •lier~ chants^ i:t5 Front NEW YORK. p. MALLETT.] [.J, PAULMIER August IG, 1852. 18tf lilJl Ciireat Reiliietion in Priee. EGENTON, MORRIS cV CO. 10NTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly J on baud French Bnrr •Jiitistones Of all dimensions, warranted to be of best quality, bp ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarries in France. They keep for sale Cologne, Cocalica imd E.sopus Mill j stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, j Hydraulic Cement, *S:c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend- 'edto. R. -TI. OKKET.1., I -Agent at Faj’etteville, N. C. I March II, 185:5. 7Gtf I i Fayetteville MiitTjial Insurance Company. ^ HIS Company has been in successful operation ■ since Feb’y 185:5. It has paid all losses prompt ly, u'ithout tn)_w and it has still a small cash capital ou hand. Policies issued up to J3th May, No. 70!t, covering property tv value of >!l,151,862 00 Policies cancelled and expired, 209,fi34 00 Amount now insured. Amount Premium Notes» Do- do. cancellctJ s»j»d cxpir* l. >i882,228 00 $104,660 61 3r>.085 35 Do. do now ou iiaud, >>128,584 20 Averaging 14 57-100 per crict. on the amount insured. I Cash jiremiums received. •'V8,258 01 I Fire losses adjusted anl jjaid, Jji4,*.*li 22 The Board take pleasure in stating that the Compa ny is now in a condition to inerii public confidence.— It is cxtabtiKhed upon o foundrdixni vUicti cnwot hr mnred. We solicit a share of business. DIRECTORS: Geo. McNf H. L. Myrover, C- Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jainfct -Jrj, «l G. Shepherd, *. X. Hawley, David A. Ray, J. i^. fuiams, Thos. S. Liutkufloh, N. A. Sted- man, Wm. \iCi»..arin, E, Hall, J. W. Cook. .A. A. McKethan, Jhk. G. Cook, C. Luttcrloli. OFFICERS; GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B. LEM.AY, General .\gent- .May 20, 1854. '.«8r Coo^)ers’ Tools, and all qualities ot Glue for Distillers use, for sale by D. & W. McLAURLV. June 12, 1854. 4tf W. p. ELLIOT r, (Ten('rnl Commission and Foricardiv;/ M*^rchont, WILMTNaTON, N. C.' June 10; 1854. 4tf Fire-Proof* Roofing. FRANCIS SHENTON,"^ Slate and •lletal Roofer, r^lIANKFUL for past favors, I beg to inform my i'riends and tbe public, that I am now prepared to contract for and e.\ecute, in the best manner and on reasonable terms, ALL KINDS OF FIRE-PROOF ROOFING. Gutters, Leader Pipes and Heads, of any style or pattern, made to order and warranted for any specified time. Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit any style of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. ■* -«U IWM. 1^ SSSm Force, Lifting and Suction Pumps, adapted to any situation; Hydraulic Rams, and all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov, 15, 1853. 44-lYpd FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED Let the Afflicted read and ponder! 55” .More than .500 [lersons in the city of Birhuiond, Va., alone testil'y to the rcniarkahle cures performed by Carter^s Spanish Jflixture, 'I'he creHt J^prin? Medicine Purifier of the Blood is now lueil liy tiundreils ol' pnilel'ul palieniH, who testify daily to the remark able cures |>erlV»nned by the Greatest of all medicines, CHrter‘5 ^Spanish .Mixture .Nenralgia, IthenmHtism, Scrofula, Eruptions ou the Pkin, Liver l»isc.-\se. tevers, I'lcers, Old Sores, Affections ol the Kidneys, IH eases of the Thro.it, Female Complaints, I'ains and Achinj; of the Bones and Joints, .ire speedily piU to flight by using this great and inestiiiialile reme'ly. For all diseases of the BIoimI. noth'.nK has yet been fimnd toconi iiare with it. Ii rlei*ii»ei U»e »yktein ofull impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the l.iver and Kidneys, strengthens the Uigestiiui, gives tone to the ^toniarh. makes (lie Hhin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disea.«e or broken dotvn bv the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is imcomparably better liitui all the rosnietlcs ever used. few doses of Carter’s Spanish Mixture will remove all sallownessofcotnplexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health In a re markable depree. beyond all the medicines ever heard of. large number of certificates of remarkable cures performed on pt;rsons residing in the city of Richmond. Va., by the use of Car ter'* Spanish Mixture, the best evidence that there is no hum- hue about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, phytlcians, and public men. well known to the comniunity.'wll add their teitl- mony to the etfects of this Oreat Blood PvRtriKR. Call and see a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. None genuine unless signed BE.NNE'l'T b. BEERS, Druggists. Principal Depots at .M. Ward, Close & Co., No. S3 Maiden Lane, New York; T. Vi. Dyott & Sons, and Jenkins & Hart«Uorne, Philadelphia; Bennett & Beert, No. 125 Main Street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville. Feb’y 15, 1854. 7l-6m LH^IT'i'’S .specific^ VOR THE CI-P.E or Di/srntery, Diarrhoa, and Snm7ner Complaint. IN presenting this justly celebrated Medicine to the public, we make no rash .“issertion of its efficacy, nor is anj’ hope held out to the afflictel which facts do not warrant. This remedy having been, for years, used in this place, for the cure of the above diseases, and those ap pertaining to the same class, the Proprietor has been induced to offer it on a more extensive scale, with a view to lessen tbe amount of human sutfering. I have never known it to fail, when the Directions have been strictly adhered to. Many u.iflexs iiontrumK h.ave been p.almed upon the public, and I hesitated for some time, until thoroughlj' convinced of its etlicacv. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a letter received from S. J. Carroll; B.\ltimorf., January 10th, 1853. W.M H. Livpitt, Esq.—Dear Sir:—I ha\^ no hesita tion in saying that your Specific is one of best Mediriufft extant fQ" D;/.tentfn/, iJiarrha-a, Y’ou possibly may recollect my case; if it has escaped your memory, I will give you brieUj’ the facts. I had tried every thing that 1 had seen used, but with little success. And after using enough to start twenty-five Homeophathic M. D’s., I began to despair, when you kindly offered me your in valuable Medicine, which cured me effectually. Yours, truly, S. J. CARROLL. WiLMi.\(iT0.\, N. C., August 14, 1851. Wm. H. Lipimtt, Esq.—Dear Sir:—I have used your Specific in two cases in my family for Dysentery. In one, 4 papspoonsful effected a complete cure—^in the other, three had the like effect. Respectfully, &c., THOS. LOilING, AW. Commercial. HARRELL’S STORE, Nbw H.-v.\ovke, Co., N. C., \ October 10, 1851. | Wm. H. Lipimtt, Es(1.,—Dear Sir:—It is with plea sure 1 state that I have used your Specific for the cure of Dysentery, Diarrluea, kc., and have tound it to pro duce the desired effect in every case I used it, after the usual remedies have failed I recommend it with confide*ice to the public. Respectfully, &c. J. B. SEAVEY, M. D. S.W.VNNAH, G.^., December 26, 1851. .Mr. W.M. 11. Lii'I’itt,—Dear Sir;—It is with pleasure I acknowledge the wonderful effects of your Medicine for curing Diarha?a or Bowel complaint, as 1 am satis fied it was the. means under God, of saving the life, first of inv Child, aud then of my Brother. .\s my Brother was giveu up by two of the most eminent physicians in this place, Drs. Richardson and Wregg, and when I consulted the latter, as to the propriety of trying it on him so low, he said 1 might, to satisfy myself that I h.'id left nothing untried, but he did not think that Medicine would be of any use to him. But, thank God, he was mistaken, as we saw the salutary effects iL n 24 hours, and in ten days he was able to be out of bfc 1 remain yours, very truly and gratefully, WM. BAILY Prepared and sold by WM. H. LIPPITT, Wilmington, N. C. SAM’L J. HINSD.VLE, Druggist, Fayettevill#, N. VAUGHAN & MOORE, Druggists, Goldsborough, N. C. ; .'.uid oy Mvug^ts generally. .)une 14, 1854. i- 5-2m NEW BAKERY. .■yflHE Subscriber has D» ■ 1. Street, on the Lot two ^ f^^rnish /:McNeill’B Cabinet fchop. I[^e with Bread, . Families, Boats /J'^P^Jkinds, of the best quality, ;: Biscuit, and Cakes of var ^^e best I; as he has Procuml Giveme a call- I .Jlakers in theState. m.VS BANKS. Fayetteville, I>e^- 28, 1852. I