SBMl-WEBRtY. IV.l FAYETTFA ILLE, N. C AT (iUST 10. 1854. [NO. 321.] , y CiUM'll) MttNDAVS AM) Til T USD \ ^ i:i)\V AKI) .1. HAM-: ct S(K\. ri'iTons AM) i*K()ri;ii’ji»i!S- li‘i^'0 for tlie St'mi-^V«'l■klv ()iisKHvi:it 0() it in ■ilvam-o; •■>»» if ji,iiI iliiriiig the _v»';ir of siiliscrii)- i.'ii: .>r aft»M-the yo;u- lias o\]iirC'l. |k 'I- tli'‘ " t'fklv ()iisKi!\ Ki! S-’ on ju'i- Mininiii. if ii;ii«l in l\:iiu'0; if I'.'iiil iliii iu” tlu' _vo:ir of sn)>stTi]i- r.n: 'V aftt'i tin- li:is »'X)iiroil. \ li\ KilTlSK^I KN I S insrrtc'l iVir sixty I'onts per . .f Iti liiu's for ttu' tir.'t. uiiil thirty conts tor oucli ,;i_ jmhliciiti-ni. Vo;trly :i!ht‘rti>tMn»Mits In ! ,-..nrr:ii t^. ut rcasimiUiU- r;!!^^. Ailvt-rti.-icrs aro ui’^ti'l t" state tlie number i*l'insertii'iis liesireil. or V w'Jl bo oontiiiuf l till furbiil, aiiil i liavjH''l ai-i'urii til tln‘ Kditcrs must l>o i'.ist-]>aiil REMOVAL. If I''III'' Sul'scribprs have removed tn the eoriior StiT'' ■t' Aroy's Huililin'i. Gillespie Street, four drors w t'ni'ir ulil stanil, iiiul next to rinuu-li I?ank of the 't itc wliiTe they would be glad to see their eustonu-rs. Mel»(‘)NALL) .V M.MASirK. 7. I^OST. IfBllIK KKV ti- my 11U»N SAFE. I t rewarded by returnin'' it to A'i-. 7. The finilor will bo K. (JL()Vi:i5. }. McKl; are lui ctor M- I' hat* r»' COPAU rXEKSUlP XO riC E. FMIllE r.ipnrtiiorsliip >'f llaynor iV (iilmore is this fl. lay -lissolved by mutual i-onsent. James 1!. Itiiinicre will close thu affairs of the late tirm. airl use [its name in li.jUidation. WAUUIIN G. UAYNKl!. JAMES U. GILMOKE. ■luly 1l''-'4. TH K undor'i^ned have entered int.' partnership under ‘ ‘'nn ■ *' J. II. (■ilnior-‘ \ Co, ami wi';' ciniiiinu' the r-TToN and NAVAL STOliE C* »M M ISS K )N lUSl- \K.''S 'f the late tirui >>f Kayner\ t iilm"re. They would -]>.-i-tfully tender tlioir s. i vieis for the sale of any I’fi Jui-e eonsi-:ned to this market, a.^surins their t'rifnds that the most strict attention shall be iriven to The management of anv husines-- entrusted t.i tiieir ire. ■ FUr.Dr.IllC K1I)I)E11. JAMES l\. (ill.MOllE, New York, .Tuly 1-3, 'Ji* References: S: IV ;iiid lyeather Bank. New York. Mi 'srs. Francis Skintier Co., Lord, Warren ('o., Krani'i.s, Skinner X I’. ' ;i.n. I K. 1'. lb Es,,.. I'ri 'ideiit r»ank of the Stnti-. W iliiiinL'ton, N o (i. i‘irsley, I’resident I'ommeri'ial Hank. •* F'iw.ird Kiilder. Esq., .1 'fj'h 11. Flanner, E.^^j., .1 L'. Flanner, Esq., ! iiu L>. Flanner, Es'j., N»‘W r.orne, N. \ ( IIANCE TO MAKE MOM.V i'i;.»!LK ,\nd iioNf)KAnij; e.mpluvmi nr; fHlHE subscriber is desirous of havinjr an a;:eut in I each county and t"wn of the rnion. A cap! i' «,f '■ in •') to ^10 only will be re>iuired. and anythinp like ii (tiu icnt. ••ner^etic man can make from tliree to five ar- per lay:—indee>l some of tho Aj;ents nov.- cni- l ire reaii .inp: twice that i?um. Every iiif' rnia- V :'- he j:ivcn l>y addre-sinir p ^-t.-^re paid WM. A. KINSLEl'. .11 I- EoX I'iil, Philadelphia I’ost xi:w liooKs. S'It .la^p^‘r I arew, )>y the author of Chai’lfs t» •■v: t'oiimioii: The Iron (’..U'in, b_\ M.iry ' '.V Ifii I '.arki-, Ilenck's Field I?.n.k for Enirin>‘er-i: •.'ii-.. A.-o. further supplies of The W r l Tria.; Morse' • ^^vaphy: .Mattison'.s Astronomy: I'avies' Survey iii;:; i' t Ti i! lli'tories of Greece, U. States. i;n>.lnnd, and ju't rec'd. E. J. li.VEE x SON. \l. l«I>IT/r^ invariably fol- "W till- administerin^j: of Stabler - .\n. dyne ■ rry Kxp' toraiit in cases of C nmiis, l?ron- ' Croup. ■ iid Throat and I.,uii;. t \n- ..-Ni , .illy. It -s n t (-'aimed th if it will . - r -e-. Hit none liMVf Come f.* our knowlt'.l^^e ■V r. t ; ,i to :rive relief: while fit the ‘-■une time. .■•:iiid- ■!' ’n.-taiices ii.ive oceurre.l where its ( tTects '■‘■’I marked, that they have bf^en wi.lely 1 and conimende'i. The niarn-a-fi Cordial, it i.- -'.y believe 1, is uiicijualled ill diseas-'s of liie wiv-. ih i its c'.irative properties have been w.iuder- ^ \y '-xj-rience'l in ?iumer.iu.s Therefore, you ■.dvi-fl t. m:ik‘ trial of these “"oo.l nie-lii-ines." I y-u >r your family require their aid. e descrii.ti ve panijdilets to be had jrr.atiwof the .\{ients. i’-' e if each, only oO cts.. or six buttles fur yii .")(). JK>vv For sale in F;iyetteville bv :■ in] S. J. niNsi»\LE MlLi:s. WE hr.%.- a small lot of Fine Keiitu-ky Mules, which we will sell at figures u-ual t r thi.'^ market. J. .-V T. WAlil'ILL. Au?. 8, 18.34. I'.t-lw H:irj)f‘r's and I'utiianrs .M:iir:i/iiics ^ Al GUST, just rt“‘;:.ived by ■ K. J. II.VLi; \ SON. August -i, lh'>4. I)k. s. W VENAIiU: ».\V1.\G located at J. C. Blocker's Store. C.nii- l.erland t'ounty. N. C., respectfully oifi-rs his ] r> f'cs-iionnl services to the citizen.- if the surri.iunding ' iintry. May :!■'). I'l.A.NK UOAI) .SIOfKS i'Oi; SAi.i;. It 11 >IIA1IES F. ,V W. l-lank Hoad, F. .V .N'.rthern *• “ F. i: Southern “ ,\p]'ly at this ollice. July 10, NV. II. CAUVI'.K Has just received, and now of'ers for v.ib* oOO Sacks ••lalt. 1 .iMM) tiushels ('oni. lbs. ^i. C. ll;ic(,n. 1,1)00 “ “ Lard. l,liOO “ clean ilice. I’o Hatrs Kio Cotfee. 10 Mats Java “ 10 J5oxes Soda Oackers. 20 One-half boxes Kaisins. 20 ()ne-iuarter *• •* 12 Doz. 1‘ickle.s. —ALSO— Fish — .Mackerel, Salmon and ('ol-fish. Tea, ' -cratus, I’ei'per, Spice, ainl a variety of ■iiticle- in tlie Grocery line. fis'/T Cull next door to 1’. .Shuiiiwell'.s new 1 L'ut Fresh jjooils. •lune 21. 7 .■soil!,. other Hotel, -tf AinriiMEri(’s and keadeks lOl! I'llE rOMMON scnooi^s OF THE STATE. Ill, ,,m ))i iiifi (f ill/ l/if Sup! r!ntf‘Hh'nt of (^omnunt ^' hnulit oj till Stdtf of WiH't/i ('iro7iiin. SOLD 15Y E. J. ilALE .S: SON. l>A\ iKs' Skuiks ok Auitiimktk’s and Thk Nohth Cmuii.ix.^ Rk.vkkh in connection with 1’.\kkkr’s 1!k \DKHs. . 1. fhil'iis' J'yr>f IjrAs/iiis in Al ilhltlf/ir. ^ ‘J. nitrii.'i’ Srhonl Ai'ltlimitic. *5. Pirk Fir.'!/ Sc/ioo/ Ikiinfcr. L l\ifhi r'a S'l'iiilif SrJmn/ lii'itilc)'. I II /('y’.s Xorth (\trolhni lirdiJer. For sale by E. .1. II.Vl.E & SoN, Fayetteville, X. ('. I M ITi'MKl.I.'s InTKH'MKDIATK, (i ko(;r.vimiy,Wor- I I'Ksmi s hii TiuNAitv, Wf.hsti:h"s Sih'.i.i.kk, and I5i l- j I luN s Eviii.isii (lUAMMAU are also recoiumended by the Siiperiiuendent. For sale by E. .1. H.VLE S: SON. ^ NATIONAL SIOIUKS OF , STA.ND.VKI) SriiOOL .VXD LIBR.\KY BOOKS, . Dmijiitif tis ('/(IKS J)(ji>As ror tin usiof' /Schools, ^\rii(/,')n II s, Co/lri/fs, f'd mi/irit, a»i/ Librarie.*. Published by A. S. BARNES & CO. 51 John Street, New York. ^I'^IIE liest talei't that could l>e procured ha.s lieen £ employed in tiie prep;iration of these works; and ' the hijih standiuf: they iiave already attained, as ('lass ^ i’loiiks for the institutions of .mr country, is gratifying evidence of their intrinsic merits, and it is believed, lully entitles them to the name of the National Seriks. i Awmjsii laxg(A(;l\ OUTlKXillArilV AND KE.VDING. —Price's English | Spellei-. 12 cts,: Martin’s Orthoepist. 50 cts.; Wright’s ' >rthogra]ihy, 2') cts.: Dict.ition Exercises, 25 cts; I’arker's .'series of Iteaders; I’arker :\nl Zachos’ intro- ' vluctory l.cssons, ;>7A cts.; I’arker's Hhetorical Reader, i ^1: High .''chmd Literti'ure, ^1. | ENGl.lSll GRAMMAIl AND UIIETORIC.—Clark's | ^ .Analysis, o7.4 cts.; Clark's fJraminar, •')'.) cts.; Clark’s ! I Etymological Chart, ^2 '>0; Day's Art of Rhetoric. 75 I , Ct,«. ! I ELOCUTION.—Northend's Little Speaker, ;5f) cts.. I ' Northend's .\mericari Speaker. 7'« cts.: Northeud s | School Dialogues, 75 cts.; Zacho'.s New .\mericaii ^ Speaker, .si. ■ ENGLISH POETS, WITH NOTES BY 1K)VD.—Mil-^ ton's I’aradisc L. St, ^ oung'.s Niglit Thoughts. Thom- ' s'lu's Seasons, I’ollok’s (’ourse of Titue, ^1 e.-u-h. Cheap \ School Editions of the above, •'2.1 cts. each: also, Beau- : til'ully Illustrated Editions, in v.irious styles of binding. ' JIISTORY AXD CKoaiiArilY. HISTORY.—Willar.l's History of the United States, ^1 -lO; Si'hool History, 75 -ts.: Sjianish Tr.inslation, ■S2 Oil; L History, •>! 5t»; Historic Guide, 75 cts.: .Nlaji of Time, 75 cts.: Last Leaves of American ; Hiti..r\, 5ti ets., .an.i Charts; .Vlisou’s History of Eu- ! rope. .\bri.lged by Edward S. Gould, .yl 5o. G i;o(i |;.\ PH Y.—.Mnn'eith's Ywuth's .\Ianua1 ofGeo- grajihy, 5o cts.: .McNally's System ot .''idiool (ieoiri’aphv, in Press. THK Si'IKX('i:s. M.\ TH I^.'.I.VTICS, — Daviks' Svsi i.'i hf hkm mu s .1 ■' ' Davies' Tal.le-P.ook, lo cts.; Fir"-! Les-ons in .\ritluuetic, 20-t'.: Intellectual Arith- :iietic. 25 cts.; Sch.nd .\rithmeiii-. H7.\ cts,. and Key; Grammar of \rithmetic; University .\rithmetic. 75 -ts.. ami Key. -30 i ts. -1. nr r'..-., Elementary .\lge- lira. 75 els.; Elementary Oeometry. ->1; Practical M.-itlieiiiatics, >.1; Logic of .M.ilheijiatics, ->1 5o, . ('.,1 . .. — D.avies' lloiir.lon, ”>i; Legendre, ^1 5h; Surveying. •'!l 5i); .\naluical Geometry, ^1 2-''; De- scrijiiive Oeometry. ^1 75; .'^ha.les, .''hadows, •'?2 5(i; ( .ilculu', ->1 25. .n.VTLR.VL PHlLo.-^oPHV AND ASTRONO.MY.— P VI!KKi:'' S ii'iui. ( iitii'K—Parker's .Natural an.l Ex perimental Philosophy, >Sl; .hivonile Phil.isophy, 25 cts: or I'ii -; Less .n~ in Phihc- .ph .. .’;7 cts., P.irts 1. and 11. M. Intyre ..n the Globes, .-jil. ■ '.1- !' ■ - .Mechanics, .i^o; Optics and .\coustics, x2: , .\naivtii-al .\Iechanics. •' L ENGINEERING.—Gillespie on R....ds a,,.l );„ilroads, S;1 50; Lai'lner on the S'eaui Eligine, ^1 .'al. I ■ 11 .\ .M I’.E RS S(' I E.N r I F l' .''ERIE.'' - • Introduction to the ."s. ieiices, . Is.: Treasury of Knowledge. 75 cts.: Drawing, '.2 i t'.;* Natural Phil.isopiiy, 7.3 cts.; Chemistry and Electricity, 75 cts,; Vegetable and Ani mal Phy.siology, 73 cts,: /oology, .'jJl; (;p.)l.)gv. 7-3 cts. ('(I E,M L''TR V.—Reid nn(’ Rain. 75 cts.; (iregovy'is Outlines. >1 5"; porter's School Cheuistrv, in Press. Rt )OkKEEl’lN(; A ND I'EN M.VN.sH 1 P. —Fulton and E.istman ^ .'System. MU.''H . -.''choid .''1111; and Hymn Rook, ■ilk ct.s.; Kinj.'.“y's .luvenile Choir, ;;7A.; Young L.idics’ Harp; CraiKsioink's S. (leins. .'50 ets.: King-ley’s Harp of D.i-.i'i, ^1: Sacred Harinoni«f: Clieever's Christian .Mei.i.ile,-. .'.7.:. cts. L.\riN -KND GREEK, lirooU'- Latin Lessons. 50 .■ts,: ovi.l. ^2: Greek Li -v. i,-, 50 cts., an.l Collectanea Ev angelica. '.•) cts. .S'7,1 A7>JA’/^ A/A'AM/.'l HiK^KS. SCHOOL TE.U'hLR'S LlIlR,Vi;\. --Page's Theory ami Practice of Teaching. Norilien.l's Teacher an«l I’a- reiit, .M iMsfield oii .\ iviucation, De ToeijUe- ville's American Institutions, at ^1 per copy: Davies' Logic ami I’tility of Mathematics, per copy, •'J:| 25. THE liO.ME C^'('L01’EDI.\,--•’ycloj)edia of Chron ology, Cyclope'iia of Geogr;ijdiy, Cyclopedia of Riogni- I'hy, Cyclope.lia of L',«eful Arts, t'yclopedia of (ieneral Literature and Fine .\rts, Cycloin'dia of .Architecture, Cyclope.lia of Kui-ope, at >■_’ -30 jiei- copy each. AI'iTS ,\ND SClENi'KS.—.Manual of Fine Art.s, , .>1 25; (..ectures on the Progress of Arts and Sciences, >^1 25. iiOOKS Ol’ TR.W'EL's Peru, -91: Peru vian ,\nti'iuitieh, >;|; C;irzon's Monasteries of the Ka.=t, ^1: l.ayar.l's P.aliylon an-l Nineveh, 25; Spencer's Sketches Travel in Egypt and tlie Holy l..aiid, SI 50; .''illiman'- \’i.sit to Europe, >*2 50. I HISTORY, p.liar Regions, 50 cts.; St. Petersburgh, • 12 cts.; Colton s Ship and Shore, SI; Land and Lee, yl: Deck :iiu{ Poi't, ‘J.'): Three \ Cars in Californi.a, Nl -■>: Sea and Sailor, J:'1; Cheever's .Sandwich Islands, SI; .Maiistield's History of Mexican War, SI; Willard’s llistoiy of the United States, ->l 50; Universal History, Nl .')0; L:ist Leaves it' Amcricmi History, 75 ct.s.; Ali son's History of Ihirope, SI 50. : CIVILGo'VERNMENT AND RIOGRAPHY.—United .“States ( onstitutions, -S2: DeTocfjueville's DemoTacy in .\merica, >^2 50:i'olton's i’ublic Economy, Dwight's Lives of* the Signers, SI: -Mansfield’s Life of (ien. i Scott, SI: t'oltoii's Life of Henry Clay, SI: Lives of Dr. .)din Donne, ilcM;ker, Herbert, and Sanderson, SI- Descrijitive Catalogues of S. Rarnes .*c Co.’s Pub lications .s'iiit bv mail, upon application to the Publishers. For sale by E. J. HALE vV SON, Fayetevillc, N. C. Aug. L 20-3IU L VSII OU nAIM'l-Ji. f HlllE subscribers otl’er for cash, barter, *r .a]>proved i pajier- g ^ A 11HD.-^. ,M0L \SSES. ^-m:\w iO,t»U() li>s. N. C. Bacon. 200 bales Hay. 20 bbls. Mess Por'.i. .0(» sacks Salt. 5 casks Rice. o5 libls. Refined Sugar, lo k(‘gs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue. •300 ca.sks Lime. O^naburg^, .'sheetings, an.l Cotton Yarn, by the bale. The ;ioove Goods will be sold very low, if applied for BENROW, KYLE & CO. July 1: iitf wool. ROLLS. %Mr00L carded with dispatch at Blount's Treek WW Factory. SHEETlN(tS, _ (Isnnburgs, Cotton Y'arn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by OEO, .McNEILL. June 1854. 7-tf ro DISTILLERS. n/ K will pay the higlienf cash |)rice fiu- SPIRITS TURPE.N'TINE, and re(|uest i)istillers to give us a call when in market. , J. T. WADDILL. June 2f-, 1854. 8tf LABOKERS W AN'rEI). HANDS, white or lilack, wanteil to work on the Western Rail Road, near Fayette ville. The loc.ition is healthy, being on the high and dry Hand-bills west of town. JONES & liARBEE. June 2H, 185 I. 8tf liiv(‘ry Stables. Tlie iiiitlorsignotl continue to carry on the LIVERY BUSI- Ni;SS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the^. ublic as good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can he fouuil in the South ern country. Th.-inkful Tor the,large j)atrou- age heretofore extemJed to us, we solicit .a continuation of the public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to :ill who may wish to travel. Btty- St.ables at the West end of Muinford street, where one of the Proprietors may always be found, or at the Stor*' first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS .S; ('O. F'ayetteville, Feb'y 22, 1853. 71 tf COVX RTN ERSfllP. f TNDER the name anl style of R.VMSEY' & BRO., J the undersigned have this day become (.'opartners in the Dry loods, (Jrocery and Hardware Business. Store opposite S. T. Hawley .t Son, Hay Street' Fay etteville, N. C. ‘ -M. J. KA.MSEV.’ N. A. RAMSEY. RAMSEV cV HRO., firorers^ 4*r., HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. REEP constantly on h.and every thing in thier line of business, and will sell at the lowest rates. (Country produce bought or taken in exchange for (Joods. .Ml orders will meet with prompt attention. April 11, 1854. 87-tf l^irj)(‘iitiiu‘! Tiirpoiitiiie! W o want to buy 'i'urpentiiio, deliv ered at otir Still in (.’ampbellton. .March 1, 1854. JESSUP & CO. 7t;tf Stav‘s! Stavos! DG^ W(‘ wjiift to Imy Spirits UaiTL*! STAVES. Will pav the highest Cash prices. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. 7titf Goods! Goods! We liave opened our Store in Camp- bellton. We olfer low for cash or )>arter, DRY' GOODS and UKOCERIE.S. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 18-34. 70tf NEW liOOKS. 111 IS, That aii.| the ()ther: The Do. I* I I'amily .\brf);el, M, by Lever: \Vi)m!in's liitluence and VVonian';s .Mis- ■ ii: 1 he Lampligiitei-; 'I’lie \\ om.ui; Peni- ■ ! Anti.juites, tr;in,s|,-iie.l from the Spanish by Dr. ll'.«k‘'’; Ihe .Miller an.l his .Men. School b.ioks, lic., *■ . juHt received by i;. j. JiALE & SON. Juuo 1854. ■;:! anted i.jr cash, K\ Li; .S: (’(). 11 -;!ni liags! VNY ^luaiitity of Cotton and Liin',, ••y RENBO*,, .1 uly 5, 185 L raiilK highest cash i)rice pui-1 for Turpentine;, White i Oak St.ives, anl Oak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McL.\URIN & STRANtJE. Feb’y 18, 1858. 70tf U/"OULD rebp.'!.uully inform the public that he is still at h : old stand carrying on the above business in all its l;.'»inches. He returns th'anks for the liberal patronage he has received, and hopes Vty a strict attention to business, ami a desire to please all and give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the l>est ma- rerial and by experienc-*.! workmen,—having n mor> ixpt ■ ifhrr.i and j^ritrficiil Sin 'ft, he flatters himself that his Work will compete with .any made in the St.-ite for stvle, elegance and durabilitv; ami should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage; eith.-r in workman ship or material, he will rep.-iir it free of charge. Persons wishing to hny, would do well to call and ex amine hi« work as he is deterinineil to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. SkxT' REPAIR 1.N'ti neatly- execute.l at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Jan. 2i>, 1S5:'>. ti.^if I*of>r's /mfirnrnt ('irriilar S(iw Mills. i;eok;i: PXUK X: € 0., Srh r'ifffer .S’^. nmr Uf’.i;. finitiinorr St., liah 1 morr, .!/'. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they h:ive greatly enlhrged their manufacturing establishment, an-1 fliat their fa cilities are now such as to enable them to execute all orders, witli promptness, for tln-ir CKLEiU\,\TKl) P.V- TENT POHTAP.Li: ClRCl'LVP. S.WV MILLS, which have given so much satisfacti •’! throughout the Union, as also .STE.VM I’OWERS of all sizes an.i Kinds. HORSE POWERS. GRIST MILLS, CoRN AND COB UKU.'«H- ERS, together with various other machines and imple ments to economise Since their (‘'ircular Mills were invented by, and patented to the Senior Partner, they have made mnny improvements which render them perfect in all their details, and justly entitle tiieni to be considered among the greatest labor saving inventi(.ns of the age. .1 1‘hiimjihht containing full descriptions of their three cluxf^iX 0/ prices, terms, capacity for sawing, \c., will be sent to any (i*!itlemair applying for one by letter, post paid. Having recently obtained damages in an action l)rought in the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, for an infringement of their Piitfulf Rights, they herel>y forwarn the pu)>lic from jturclinsing Mills, similar to theirs, from unauthorized builders, or their .\gents. .\gent at Fayetteville, \. C.. .INO. .M. HOSE. May 20, 1854. .“’.UdV J. UIES h’VLi : Is now receiving his Spri!ig Sup]dy of Foreign and Domestic Goods, all of which has been purchased for C.V.'iH and by the Package will li« offered at Whole sale or Retail at very low prices for Cash, or on time to customers. On hand at rll times, the best Bolting Cloths that arc manufactured—No. 2 to 10. March 18, 1854. 80-tf s rEDAIA N & Tk)R?s i:, Jh'y (ioods^ llirdw(irc^ (iroceries^ c^'c. fayi:ttkvilm:, c. WOULD reHpectfully inform the citizens and the jiub’ic generally, that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock of Goods, con.sisting of Drif Ciooda (j ron rirs, llardicure, «('C. A variety of Hats, suitable for the seatJon; Ladies’ and Gc-ntlemen's Roots, Shoes and Slippers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we woubl l>e i>le.ased to h.ave them to call and ex imine for themselv««. .Ml orilers sent to our care from our friemls and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 30, 185:!. 81 tf I.AM) BROKER. IiI.WE so many impiiries about Turpentine LanJs, that I have concluded to oll'er my services to buy and sell. Those having Lands for sale will furnish me plots atid quantity, together with a fair description ami jirice.— .Sly commissions shall be moderate. JAS. G. COOK. Nov. 21, 185:5. 4t;tf SACKS SALT, 20 Bbls. New Crop .V. O. Alolasses, No. 3 .Mackerel, For sale by C. T. H.AUtH & SON. .May 11. itC.-tf Nick Williams’s Rye W'liiske}' at wholesale or retail. MCDONALD & McMASTER. Dec. 10. 1853. 52 WANTED TO HIRE OR liUY. t(i ENTEEL NEGRO .M.VN accustomed to managing horses, working garden, &C. .Vpply at this office. May ('orroN H\G(;LN(i. ill,WE a jilentiful su]>ply of (Junny and Dumlee (’otton Ragging. Bale Rope, and Bagging Twine. Send in vour orders and they shall be supplied. JAS. G. COOK. Oct, 185;^. 32tf .Vo/-/// Carolina Cas.siiaeres. 'I JR. JA.ME.'^ G. COOK has on hand a full stock of ...tI Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by Car son, Young ic Grier, at their Mill in .Mecklenburg Count y, N. C., where consumers and merchants can be sujiplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being enuiil in durability, and as permanent in col or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the U. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and onl^y ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. Sept ‘JTtf Thr tjitr^est Carriage Pariortf in the South* I I.AUHlNlil'UGH HIGH SCHOOI,, RICHMOND COUNTY', NORTH CAROLINA. ^HIS large an.'l flourishing Institution is now per- manentl}' established, under a full corps of well [ualitied Instructers, and with every thing requisite for a first class Seminary, being well supplied with Maps, Geogr.iphical and Astronomical; Globes, Philosophical and Chemical -Ajiparatus. The Semi-Anuual Sessions of five months commence on the second Monday of .lanuary and July respectively- Circulars, containing full particulars, will be fur. nished by applying to Rev. J. Jones Smyth, A. M., Principal, Laurel Hill P. O., Richmond count}’, N. C., or to D. C. McINTY’RE, Secretary. October 14, 18.53. 36Y’ A. A. MeKI'/niA.X, RESPECTFULIA informs his friends and the pub lic, that he has built uji large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carrii.ges. Thankful for the very liberal jiatronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hoj>es by strict Attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continu. nce of the same. He warrants his Wi)rk to be made of i!ie best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United Stato.s. for neatness an.l durability. He is iletermined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done el.^ewhere that is as well done. He now has on han.l, Fi.nisheh, the LAR GEST STOCK of ('arrioij^fs, Ihtnmchcs^ Rockaicaijs^ and Ever oU'ercd in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will ho sold very low for C.\sn. or on short time to punctual customers. 8Sli5"He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED .AND FIFTY 'V’ehicles finished and in course of construction. .\11 work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, aiul should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Onlers thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terras. May 28, 185.3. ItStf NEW S1MN(^ AND SUMMER (a)ODS II !•] Subscriber is now receiving the largest ami JL 'iiost complete assortment that he has ever called the attention of his friends ;iiid the public to: he would therefore say to all that may desire anything in his line that is F.\SH 1(.)N.\BLE and CHE.\P to give him a call, as he ilesires to keep the “Nimlje Sixpence’’ moving. His stock consists of a large variety of the different styles of FASHION.VBLE H.\TS. to-wit: Fur, Wool, I’anaiiia. Le];horn, Oanton, Podulc, liiitland, (Miiiia I’oarl, and I’alni Leaf, which will be sold low for g^^CASlI. —ALSO,— general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Youths, Boys, Children, Infants, ami Servants. Please call and examine before you purchase. J. C. THOMPSON, Market Square. March 17, 1854. 80-tf 7 nOTEI.. ^■■^HE subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated on the South-East corner of Court House Sijuare, and lately known as Stuart's Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready to accommodate boarders by the day, week or month. Having made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he hopes to be able to give satisfaction to all who pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his Bar with the best of Li- (piors, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST. June “ ■ 3-tf 'id Stock of Sprinir and Summer Goods. ^^T.\ RR & W ILLIMS arc V' 'v ret'.'! v‘li7 their second ^ Stock of Spring ami Sun, r % i;..o Is, flats, Honncts, Hhoos. iJc.f-, md Ready- IMade ChiC;!')^, .Srlectcil withii. the last two weeks by one of the firm, in the Northern .Markets, at greatly reduced prices from the earl - ji.-irt of the Season, and will be disposed of to Wholesale buyers, on accommodating terms. We solicit an examination of our Goods, by Merchants buy ing in this Market. A'l orders promptly attended to. J. R. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. April 15, 1854. 88tf Notice to the '^Fravellintr Public. fBlIIE Stage leaves W'arsaw daily (except Saturday) -M. at 7 o’clock, p. m., after the arrival of the even ing train from the North, and arrives at Fayetteville next day' by (J o’clock, a. in., in time for the Stage to Salem: which leaves Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o’clock, p. m., and arrives at Salem next day by 2 p. m. Returning, leaves Salem Tues, days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 0 o’clock, p. m.- arrives at Fayetteville next day by 4 p. m., in time for the Stage to Warsaw; which leaves Fayetteville daily (except Saturday) at (5 p. m., and arrives at W'arsaw next day by 5 a. m., in time to connect with the train North or South. Tickets from W'arsaw to Salem, $12. From Warsaw to Fayetteville, $4. To other points on the road in proportion. M. McKINNON. Fayetteville, March 18, 1854. 80-tf Shemwell House, Fnyetfeville^ N. C., East side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar ket House. ^■IHE subscriber begs leave to announce to the citi- B- zens of Fayetteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the reception and entertainment of any who may wish per manent or transient Board. His Rooms are large and comfortable, and his Table shall always be furnished with the best the market will afford. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business.— No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is resjiectfiilly solicited. Charges shall he moderate. P. SHEMWELL. Feb’y 15. 1854. Tltf Carthage Hotel. Having recently purchased the above Establish ment from Malcom Kelly, Esq., I am now pre pared to entertain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, I trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, Dec. 5, 1853. 51tf J. \V. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the hirgest, finest, and carefully se lected stock of FLRXITlRi: ever offered in this market: which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fine Rose Wood Pianos, (Bennet & Co’s, of Bi'oad- way. New Y'ork,) fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; W’illow Wagons and Cra dles; Patent Self-Swinging Cradles; Side Boards; Bu reaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What-Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Pic ture Frames and Glass: W'indow Shades; Cornices; Cur tain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; (Jttomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. September, 1853. 30tf .VCTi* GOODS. "IK E are now receiving from New Y'ork a very T * large Stock of SEASOXARLE GOODS, Embracing nearly every article usually kept in our market. We purchase our Goods l>y the package, on as favorable terms .as any house in the Mercantile line, and will sell them, wholesale or retail, on accommodat ing terms and for reasonable profits. JOII.N T. roPNcil.. i S (’OUNCIL, VKIK & CO. March 29, 1854. 83tf SPRINC'^’SUPPLY. x _ FOULKES & MACRAE, ^ Whofem/e l' Retail Driigjists, ,\re now receiving their Spring and Sum mer supply of '^\I)rurs^^[edicines Chemicals^ Dye-W'oods and Dye-Stuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painters’ Articles, VARNISHES. French, English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kinds. Pure Wines and Brandies for Medical purposes. Extracts for Flavoring, Choice Toilet and Fancy Articles, &c. They make their purchases for Cash, and offer goods equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar est.ablishment in this .section. Warranted to be F'rcsh, Pure and Genuine. Onlers from the country promptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to price and quality. Hay street, next door West of H. & E. J. Lilly. March 17, 1854. BOtf l^ure East India C'aslor Oil. WE have just received a supply of Pure In dia C.\STOU OIL, without taste or smell, first introduced by us into this market last Spring. FOULKES & MAC RAE. March 17, 1854. 80tf NOTICE. rS'^HE subscriber offers for sale his L.VNDS, six miles B North of Fayetteville and about one mile from the Fayetteville and Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of about 12(»0 of Laud, suited to the ma king of Turpentine or Timber. There are on the pre mises a good saw and grist mill, all in good r',‘pair and now in operation; also a dwelling, and all tho necessa ry out-houses. in good repair. Also, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on tlie head waters of Carver’s Creek, known as the Tarry Place, on which there id a small farm, a dwel ling house and other houses. On the first named tract there arc cut about twenty- five thousand Turpentine boxes, from two to four years old. All the above lands will be sold on the most .accom modating terms. Persons wishing to purchase will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the above lauds. WM. R. BOLTON. Oct. 27. 1853. 40tf 500,000 lbs. Cotton and Linen RA(»S wanted. f ■'IIIE subscriber will pay the highest market price M. for any quantity of Linen and Cotton Rags. DAVID .MURPHY'. Feb’y 1854. 74tf ~ GilPs Nc Plus Ultra liLJRmSH. rj|lHE Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of some ex- perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a desiiteratum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles now' used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man’s ‘■'UHderxtanding" a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is “Gill's neplug ultra liurnish.” He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at .Mr. Nathan Sikes’ boot and shoe establishment, on Person street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov. 9, 1853. 47tf NEW GOODS. f BIHE subscriber has just received his stock of STA- 1- PLE AND FANCY' DRY OOODN, Rmbrkcing every article usually to be found in a Dry Goods Store, consisting in part as follows: Plain black and watered Silk; plaid Summer Silk; printed Jaconet and other styles of Muslins; Grena dines, Berages and Tissues; Embroidered Muslins for Evening dresses; white and colored Tarltans; good as sortment Lace and other styles of Mantillas; Embroi dered Collars, Sleeves, Chemizetts, Handkerchiefs; Swiss and .laconet Edging and Inserting, of superior quality; Bonnets and Ribbons, latest style and in great variety; Sewing Silk Mitts; Umbrellas and Parasols; good assortment of Calico; Ginghams; bleached and brown Domestics; Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings; Linen Goods; Shoes and Boots, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls, and Children; Gei;tlemen’s Summer Hats; •Boys’ and Girls’ Hats and Flats; Silk and Kid Gloves; Sugar and Coffee, &c. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he trusts, by close application to business, fair dealing, &c. to merit a continuance of the same. l^a^At his New Store on Green Street, (East side,) a few doors from the Market House. P. SHEMWELL. Fayetteville, April 12, 1854. 88tf THE LAST NOTICE. fBlHE firm of Cook & Taylor was dissolved the first .1. of last May. There has been but little heed paid by their friends to the call for settlement of their notes and accounts. We now distinctly say that all notes and accounts remaining unpaid will be put in a train of col lection during the month of January. JAMES G. COOK. WILLIAM TAYLOR. Dec. 24. 57-tf Fairtrade, 1853. I have received my Fall Stock of l^rif Good,% Groceries, My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Any kind of Produce taken in exchange. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 3, 1853. 32tf NOTICE. /■IHE SUBSCRIBER has removed to -1. SHAW’S NEW BUILDING, Gil lespie Street, where he intends car rying on the T AI L.ORIi^6i BUSI NESS in all its brancbe» Haring had practical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that be can please the most fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat ness ani despatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1858. ' 81-tf I'EAS! TEAS!! VSON, IMPERIAL and BLACK TEAS, of supe rior quality. Just received and for sale bv J. N. SMITH. .June 5, 1>^.54. '2-Sm fS'^YPES of .>l.-iiikiiid: or Ethnological Researches, fi based urioa the .\ncient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, lud ('rania ot Races, and upon the Natural Geographical, Philological and Biblical History, &c., by .1. C. Nott and Geo. R Gliddon. Just received by May 13. E. J. HALE & SON. TO FkEIGHTERS. rj^HE Steamers FAIRY and ELIZA have been put I on the River as Freight Boats, with Eight Flats. i have now in my line THREE STEAMERS and Nine Flats. Particular attention paid to Way Freights by applying to R- M- ORRELL, Agent, .lune 14, 1854. 5-tt TO PASSENGERS. '■’1HH Steamer SUN A^-ill leave this placo every .H. TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 15 minutes after Sunrise; and Wilmington every WEDNESDAY and SA- TURD.W, at 12 o’clock, with Passengers and Freight. R. .M, ORRELL, Agent. F'a^’etteville, May 31, 1854. 1-tf TROY MARSH H.WE ON HAND; New Crop Mola.sses, Sugars, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Nail.s, Hardware, Cutlery, Window Glass, Putty, Hlack.snnth Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spicss, Ada- uiantino and Tallow Candles, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cotton Cards, Saddles and Bri dles, Snuff, Soap.s, Dry Goods, etc., etc., Which they offer at wholesale and retail. —ALSO,— Mess Pork, Bacon, Lard, Meal (Fresh,) Dried Fruits, Cabbage, FRESH up country Bntter. jj^r'We are Agents for the sale of Stoddard’s Cele brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. Y. prices. gfc^Manufactured Tobccco at Factory prices. .Jan’y 28, 1854. 66-tf ORSE’S School Geography; The Prresbyterian Psalmodist; Cooper’s Virgil; Parle^-’s Common School History; Mellvill’s Sermons; Jay’s Prayers, a further supply just received by E. J. HALE & SON. Julv 5. fflHE BRITISH POETS, from Chaucer to Words- B worth, new 16 mo. edition—sold in whole or sep arate vols. Also, Montgomery, Hemans, Bums, Bryon, Scott, Moore, and Shakspeare—one volume each, the splendid Boston edition, just received. E. J. HALE & SON. May t), 1864.