IFAWlBOTWaitiiyB mm SF.MI-W EEKL. Y. i\ (M.. IV.] l\\Yi:T'rFA ILLE, N. C., AIKJUST 17. 1854. [NO. 32.3.] l*;t: IMUNTl’D MONl> \VS ANl> T\»l USOAVS. i:i)\V\l{l) .). 11 VLK & SON. r.DlTollS AND i*u(»im;ii:toi!s. for tlip Somi-Wfcklv Ohsi kvki: l •" if j.ni'l in Hilviuicc: .‘,0 if ihiviiiir the yenr Ilf siili-'rip- tion: ur t after tin- vc.ir liy oxpirt 'l. For tilt' Wcoklv OnsKifVKi! »• lH>r :irmun. if i.;ii-l in o> if ]i:iM iliiriniT tli»'yoar of siihsfriii- tinii; or 00 iiftor tli»‘ yi';ir h;is oxpiroil. \l!\'F.r>TlSKMKNTS inscrtoil for sixty cents jior s.iu:u't- of Iti linos for tlio tir»t. ami thirty ci'uts for o:u‘h su, I. i‘'liiif; ini>»Uc:ition. Yearly :vlvortisenu‘nts by sj>e- iMUtracts-. at reasonable rates. Ailvertisors arc re'Hicstel to state the number of iiisertioits ilesired. or they will be eontimieil rill forbiil. ami charjreil aooor'l nptly. JMT I- etters to the IMitors must be post-j>ail NO'i'ici-: ro mi:kciiAxrs. rilMK sub'cribcr "wishing to engage in :i more retired I "Oi'ui''-tion, anil one more congenial to his feel- ■.■tiers for sale his Mouses and Lot at Floral Col- The Li't Contains one acre ot latul; the ImiMings •lie adaptoil to the purpose of a Store, and suitable l>r ■I family to li\v in The location is healthy and the « I'cr excellent^ The subscriber can safely .-ay, alter i\iui; been engaged in the Mercantile business lo VI irs at this place, that few if any location oilers such in lucements to those wishing tn embark in the business ■ - this does. The country around is thickly populated, f . t'ollege is in a tiourishing condition, at present muubering To Students, :uid the people are distinguish ed fi'T intelligence and morality. F ir further iuformatinii apply to the subscriber at t^'lorHl I’ollege, N. .li>lIN MciNNlS. \u;.£USt ■'>. ISol. I’l-tiW ir,7/ ■ ■■n th !./ .1. THE CABIN BOY’S STORY. A Koitiunoo (»f inttMisi* l*y tiu Autliitr the lUftor," the ‘*L:i\v\i'r's Stoi'v, " the ' Old Doctvir, ' vScc. 'PMK^U( - n> liiiht-rio rniiiyt*! liy th*- tin* iiUuvr ■ \nT works is ;i sutficit^nl it! t!;s t;i\ nr w itii u !ii li :iiiy ;‘r«*»!uriu»n> mminc ir.mi hin |«*n will Ik* ri ‘ eive»l Wy thf puhllr Du’ 1 :it in 's Si«*ry'‘ ix u ruiinntio narrative, illustralinu ihf h»rr«*r> ««' the Slave TrH«i*. as larrieti on in the ’«mst ol‘ At'rira. I’he auiht»r ha^ sorvtul in th»* iiJ4\y--antJ tIu* les ripii*>ns ami hin-‘an* }»ainteii from jK'r'-oinl t* u.t'i them Fhr si.ir\ It It of ♦ \, iiini! inten ^i and a«iv»*nlurf a the *eU* \vt»rk •*! ’ Il'il in'‘«»n 'ru>*»« .“ ami has thi* atlvanla:;*- • \t r th-it ui*»ru!.^ In tinn. ina^mm h as »i i> |.»umlei! *»n larts ••! eserv \\'.\\ . HTr*‘nvt'V\\v \\ix\,>TV «»t th»* h» »*t'thr St»>ry. /nhMki. the ('in a^MHii ''ia\r. (.ur» ha>;'«i at i ‘'n'tant.iiopl**. t «hi * Hieil and marneil !*y lht‘ r« rkh yt rlnvalri*'. S» .m«»ur ih«* imrnantter the Aihatr**''. 'ini|»5\ ili»* n:trritn»n a f tri piinie«l Intin Uu* lilV. anti i!l ihe hum*-r>ii- i harirtrr- |M»rira\»*l •hr-Mi;;hout th»* 'l« ry ar»* \ i\nUy ami i:raphirHlly »lra\\i». r!ie puhlisli« r'‘ hi\* alit*aiv r« r« i\* il •..r»lir'* h»r th» \\h*»l«- ol f!i* r»!n«*n it ^^a^ i>ri:'inally ilitMr inti ntinn !«• r V tlu- h:-Vf l*ern i»ti!l*» in*TiM-»‘ it runl lh»*\ r» «‘|M rt r. that tirdfr*: nny fi:- - .mu 4i* .mm«*tl»alrli. I hrv miitlfntly th::t thr u .»rk u til » r»*at«' «un*!i int»T . «tr \v**rk •»! Tn ii..n that Ita- ut trs vm inai»‘«t tr«*m ih; re' itu iilistanttini' tn* ;h» pMiuu“tn'in »>I I i»* ■{ '•ui '' ' w V. «rks relaunc !•» slavtTV »n \m»*rir i |»r* anil r h =-tn : ,i:.; n=n^. hnne ha\r appfar. tl h:«'. ini: re'l:i!: >h to i?i- - \ '«i in : j h ■ »i! ^lav* - on thf \tfiran ^ wntltn l*\ »»nt* \\h*> h - u iij*'M'tl ii in all u.*' linlfni' iltf.irmity rh*\\*»rk I'wra 'i! »i; ’ 'tf ami purt* r»nL*naii» ami u .1 \\» l* *m:* .nil tn tilililion t.* lh«* I •nnU li»»r;5:\ . I'ht' \\.*rk wii* u*rm a iM^iitiln unu- •: li^i pii:; . h\ttirlf( rillr ('funlii Maiiiifdctorif. stibscriber still I'ontinues to manufacture a sti- H perior article of plain and fancy ’.\NI>1KS at the old stancl, i^No. ('ireen street, ;! doors North, of the M;irk(‘t House.) Avhcre he would be ha]>py to see his old friends and l ustomers. ('IIAIII.KS HANKS. M;ir-h 1. IS.’i:!. Totf 11 'I'lirouuh '1’icki‘ts betwtUMi Wilmington, N. (’.. and lialti- mor»‘. Fare>l;;. \'ia Weldon, I’etersbiirg. liicliHioiid, A: Wash ington ( iiy. or via Wchlon, I’orts- iiiouth and Norfolk. For Tickrts a]>|>ly at the OHiee of th«‘ Wilmington and Kaleigh Kail lload 'omp:iny at \Viln»ing- OHiceof the lialtimore Steam Packet of the lialtimore and Ohio Kail Ixoad .1()S1:PI1 IIAKKK, .Ir., ATT€>K:\I:V at l.AW, n.\S t.'iken an olVice next door to Wni. I*. Wright’s Law oflice iii tircen Street, lie will attend and jiractice in tin- County and Superior ♦’ourts «if Cumber land. I’daden, liobeson aiul Sampson. R. M. OURET.L, FORWARDlNli I’OM^IISSION HIERCHANT .^T Fay*Uf*ville, I\. V. Miirch I .S.-, 70-tf !I. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICK on corner of Front and I’rincess streets under .I'lurnal otlice. I>cc. IL'. 48-tf ton, or at the (’omjtany, and Company. Pratt Street, Haltinion^ •)an. 1. 1>. ^ AV. M. l.Al'inX A KK rCi'riving a large stock of Jroceries, Hardware, m I’loots and Shoes, which are olfereij as low as thv V can be bc)ught in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. i;!. 85tf n tlclcr's l*(t/ciil Sal(iiiut/i(lrr S(tfe. F keep constantly nu hand an assortment of W w the above S.\FI'..''. warranted fire proof; and | desirou> of extending the ileinand for them, have in-i duced the makers to cou'^eut to deliver them here :it 1 New Vork prices. j It. vv W. McLAl i:iN, Agents. ; .lune 10. ^">0 1. itt I .lOIIX HA KM AN lIosjK’ctfully iiitbnii.-; liis iViciuls :iiul the ]u’blic th: t li- has leinoved from the tel at the tVrnt of ILivnioiint t'. the lavj;er and more conimoili..us lli.tel in the centre ol j the Town, recently oceupicd by Mrs. lirown. and vell I known as the Fayetteville Hotel. wht>re he will lie hu))- py to uccouimodate Traveller'i and Hoarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared ti.i render tliose comfortable wh" may f.ivor him with their com pany. Fayetteville. N. C., .lime is'*:!. 'Jootf SMrni SANDFORD, Attorneys at Law, FAYHTTKVIl.l.E, N. V. Otlice ov>r Mr. Hinsdale’s Drug Store, i:. I). SMITH.] (17-V) I R. n. sandfokd. (JKO. W. WilJJAMS & CO., Whote iitti't drorrra mxf PomitiiSKi'oii Mi rr/irnita. rl’ST KKt’Kl VKD. a large assortmrnt of (i()f)DS in their line, for sale on favoralile terms. •lulv L’li, lb^4. ITtf 11. II. ERAMliKR'r, Confectionery and Variety Store, I mh r th> Fni/t ttrrtUt llotr!^ H*'.'/ KAVKTTEVILLE, N. ('. c'r ;>1, 58tf A i ri'A rioN. riii: w iioli:: WllUd'. ytiii .Lie t.ilking ments. fi.rgt't not to ments m.ide in (inn : at .M. \ FACTo|;\, 1,11 11 1-, tr .‘t. where he h the !'ru-i:i!i N various improved i’i'tols, ..f » t your liitern.ai inijirove- •all to see the iiiipr(.ive- I'.AKl'.l; S CI N MAM - pp,:-ite thi' l‘o;t ♦.)flice. ■die tlun, \ir (inns, anil It' llepeater, Mlill's. ti inii-^oiiiflv illutr:iteil w illi lini’ fncr:u ' •. .mil t 'l l' oillv n ■ liith. I’rire. iti clulti. ■■iie itollur m '..i ri-nt-. :it v r ile . ..pir w ill lit- •a nt tiy thi- (nilili-lii-r- to :m\ p:nt "l tli* try tree tii' For ^rile wholesale iiiul reuiil Itv ilu' [»uttlisti*-r- KLLSWOKTII A STUKKT, N.. 'irl H. .‘kin iff Strt'cl. u \ Ami hy all the BHik>eller'4 thrMii:h« tjt the rniu*| Si.ic** British Prt.vinres I. »nnil h NI'AV liOOKS. fBlHE Plurality of WorMs. by Ivhvar.l Hitehcock, JL D. 1).; The Bible Not of .Man. by (laidln- ! .'^j>rin^. I). It.: Crystalline, by Shelton: The Parish Side; Ca! i var, liy Bird: Purple Tint' of Paris. Ity l’>. St. .Iidin; Virj:.inia Mordaunt. by IteynoMs; The Necromancer, by the satue; Tlie 'I’win IJrothers: The Koad to llnin; '{'lie Itural P.e uities. a .'sciucl to the ••Ktiy.il Favorite' : Sam '-’lick's Wise ,''aw';ind .M ■ lern Instanees: Cutter - Ana tomy, I’hysiology and Hygii-ne. ,\’>o. fin ther supplier .'f School and Law l?oi.iks. I’aper. Knvelojies, ko. •lust received. E. HALL \ SON. July 24, 1>04. Kail ICoail tiflict*., i F,U/rtf. rllh, .hill, -jr., 1 S.'S I. ) ri'^HE Board of l»ireet'irs have this day i- illeil for the I following .Vs'essmeiits :..'i the ('.ipi'.-il Stm-k of thi-j t oUipany, viz: J per cent, jiayable on the 1st Sept. 1^-M -. .. .. .. *. .. 1* •j “ •• ■■ 1st Nov. l-.M. r, .. *. .. 1st Kec, is.-.j. Stockholders will please be [irepared to pay jiunctu- aliy. as it will require the whole .\ssessments to be I'aid to meet the progress of th« work. By order of the Board. .)Nf>, M. ROSE, Treas'r lStf] W.P.. H. Co. fBlHK stiliscriber respectfully informs th- eiti/eti« of Fayetteville, and the ]>\iblie, that he ha-' resumed his I!ir ik-Binding business, at hi.' old stand opposite K. .1. Hale & Son's Bookstore, on .\niiersoii -treet, where he will receive and execute tny style desired, plain and ornamental. .Muiic, magazines, parnjdilets, newspapers, fic. bound to any pattern desired. Old books re-boun^l. Thaiikful for the patronage be has heretofore re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance jiromptlv attended to. THOMAS II. TILLINGHAST. July .SI, 1H54. 18tf LUTTKULOH ( (). ^I'^HE undersigned having on the 2oth .May last form- I ed a Copartnershij) uuiler tlie name and style ot ‘ LL’TTEKLOH & ("O," for the jiurpose of transacting a (Tfneral Boating busines on the Cajie Fear I’.iver, the Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has been rejiaircl, and is now in superior order for freighting aiol carrying i jiassengers. She will make regularly two trips a week, leaving Fayetteville Mondays and Thursdays at 15 minutes after Sunrise, and Wilmington Tuesilays and j I'ridays at 10 o'clock. The Steamer Rowan with a full | ' omplenient of Flat." will make one trip or more a week, j a circumstances may re)uir‘. 'I'he ISo.ats of thi.s line ■ ing of very light draft of water, shij.pers may rely on dispati-h. The .''teamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trips a Week, for the last twenty-two months, up to j iiie '.inth May, during the lowest state of the llivei’. .''hippers by (;ur line may rely with cerlainty on dis- jiatch. \N. P. hLLl(»TT, Agent Wilmington. J. t. MAUSH, Ageu'i FayeUeville. T. S. LL'TTEl!l-OH, H. 15. KLLIOTT, •I. F. MAIISH. W. P. ELLIOTT, •I. B. THOV. .ir .(uly l!5, 1804. ITtf ' I’ElBI'li & riiRlilSON, WHOLESALE i>EALEllH IN i'orei^H ami MPomestir i>RV c;ooi>s, IIA’I'S, C Vl'S, liOO'IS, SIIOKS, t ‘inhrtllds, (ind Urudtf-’UKtdt (Jlothini*', IIAV ST1{‘KKT, ravrtlevillo, . Strict attention paid to orders, 'vjjig B. r. PKARiK.J (13tfj [j. B. KKKMSdN. Whitney s .arm.- eoiiipaiiy with Maynaril priuier. .Vrm- 'tioiig iMiellin^ Pi'tols: with a large a .sortment of double and silipie b:irr*-I .'-li"! tiiiii . tianie and .'■hot B:i; -. Powdi r Flad,Perc i lon ( qi- i,f I!iigli‘-h and I’rench make, with .i l:ir>re .a« -srtiiiiMit ot gaming lix. tures. Itif.e const.iiilly oil li.iii.j ;ii|.| -i.a!Hit"o tui».| t-> order, and warranted to shoot froi'i loii t- 'mm! var.ls, Ke]tairing of every Miing in the Cunsmith line will be doiK- ;it diort notii e, in the he't manner, and for a small .. harge. All oriler-» prompth atteniled to. .\H Work warranted. .M. A. 15AKER. Sign .if the Wooden (Jun. Hay street, opposite the Post (>thce. •Jaii'y 'J, 1 >~i I 'i 'tf i{i:\\ AUi>. AN AW \\ from the -uf . ribi-r. two Negro (iirls ■ iiiid tour Children, vi/; M AIiTH \. a bright mu- I altto, tive feet f^'iir or live i:-''lier high, took with her two jrirl ehildren, France: and \nn; H ANN AH, ojiper Colored, about the same height of M:irtha. ILinnab to.ik with her two male children, Lewis :ind .lohn. The ab •VI- negroes formo|-! v lielonged to the C'tate of (ieorge T. Barksdale, and .-ire ^ujijnv'ed to be hirkin)!; about the ('ape Fe.ar. about Mr. Winslo\- s ]dantatioD' The above reward will bo ]'aid for their coiilinement in any .l.ail so that the siibsi-riber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Samj'son countv. Fl.EET R. PETERSt'iN September ti, Is.'^:!. :jt)-tf Wlio %voiild iia%'‘ fhoii;rlil Worth & Utley, l'n’\\ anlino and (JiMicral (’onimissioii MERCHANTS, ri7/r, f. .1. WuRlll. (Tlitfl .lOS. 1 TLEV. \\ V. woR'rii, C.ENERAL (’OMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMIXCTOX, N. I sual advances made on tronsignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Partn'ular attention given byti. W. IJ.V V IS to pur chasing (’.argoes. procuring Freigiits for Vessels, &c. .I.in’y IT, is.'il. ii;{-lV r. ('. ^ It. (i. woR'rii, t’ointmssioii vV I’orwanlin^ Mt'rcliaiits, BROW N'S P.l lLUlNi, W ATER STREET, A'. I sual ulvances maile on consignments. March 10, ISf)!. 0‘J-tf .lan’y IT, 1854. .ii)si:pii r. blossom, V onn msi o i\ AND I’ORW ARDING MERCHAX'P, Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, anti ('ash advances made on Produce to l>e ship ped to other ports or tiold iu this market. Feb. TJ, 1854. C7y NOTICE. REWARD U ANA WAV from the suhscriher, about the 15th of July, 1H51, his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about IG years of age, l)lack, with large white eyes, large limbs, weighs about 18(J pounds. Said girl is supposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of Mr. Isaac Wright’s or Gen. McKay’s, in Blatey county. The above reward will be paid for her delivern to me, or her confinement in any jail in the State of North (’arolina. wSl. G. BUTLER. Clinton, N. C., March 14, 1853. 77-tf LIFE INSURANCE. fBlIlE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of the J- North (’arolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Every member for life participates in the profits of the Company; anl the annual premium for life members ship, where it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditofs. A m.an may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, till over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be proviiled for, after the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have been ilepenilent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory' pamphlets, ainl the necessary Blanks, furnisiied on application. E. J. HALE. Sleain Eiij^ines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STE.\M ENGINES, I from tive to sixty liorse power, which we can furnish I on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment, i Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will ! perceive the advantage of having them made near home. .\n Engine of our iwn manufacturw be sieen in ojieration at the Foundry. HALL & BOLx^.iMiER. Dec. 7, lw5H 51-tf I'Al'TS CANNOT HE DOUirrED Ijet th> Aj/tiiixf mill and ponder! icy- .More tliHii .'lOO iiersoiis in the city ol' Kirhiiioiut, Va., alone Ir'lil'y to llie r*'iiiarkatile nires |>ert'orinel liy i'arter^s ^pnnish •lii.rtifre\ ■J'lie ttreiit S|>rlim .Medicine nnil l*iiri(i«T of the BI(MhI is now Ilstil tiy hiimlreils ol i>riitet'iil |uiiients. who tesllt'y daily to the remark alile i-iires (lerloriiieil liy Oii“ srealest of all iiiedirines, Carter’s Spanish .Mivliire N«iirnl|>ia. Kheuiiiatiini. Srrot'iila, Kruptinns on the Skin. Ijiver disease. Fevers. I'leers, »UI tiores. .-Mfections of lh»- Kidneys. Diseases of the Throat, Female I'oniplaints, Pains ami .\rhing ol the Hones and Joints, are i|ieedily put to llif;ht hy usine Ihi; Krrat and in^stiiiiahle remedy. For nil diseases of the KInod. nothine ha» yet heen found toroin pare w ith it It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently anil etl'trien'.ly on the l.iver and Kidneys, stren(!thens Ihe Dicestioii, {>i\es tone to the Sloniacli, makes the Skin ricar and healthy, and I restores the ('onHtitulion. enfcehled liy disease or broken dow n hy ItCII' /inHJrr nnfl I 'tulrrhi L'i'r I (he evre^ses of yoiiih, to its priMine vigor and streneth. I I I f HI lilt f It/lU I li/A ( / , • For ihe l.;idies. It is imroinparahly Itelter than all Ihe rosnietirs NOriCE. ON SATURl)A'\', tne 22il day of July, my son WILLIAM FRANKLIN LORD left his home with out my consent, in company with a Tobacco Trader, and has not been heard from since. The l$oy is about lo years old, slimly made, fair .skin, light hair, blue eyes, and thin visaged, and has an -affection of one or both ears. By close inspection a small yellow spot may be seen on one of his cheeks. This boy is my only child. The public will at once sympathise witli the father, and he hopes render him the necessary as sistance to get his boy again. Any information con cerning him, addressed to his father, Peter W. Lord, at Fayetteville, will be most thankfully received. P. S. He sometimes calls himself William Houston. PETER W. LORI). July 20, 1854. NEW GOODS. The undersigned have in store and for sale cheap, a general Stock of (irore.ries, Ifeavi/ Ilardicare, Holloic-vnre, Iron, Steel, Windoio Glass, J*ntti/, Blacksinithii and Turpentine Tools, Brooms, Bm lcets, Ods, Paints, Dye. Stuffs, and in fact almost anything that can be mentioned in our line. Our friends will do well to give us a call before pur chasing. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Just received 10 hhds. new crop Molasses. G. W. 1. GOLUSTON & CO. New brick store east side Gillespie street, third door from the Market. March 18, 1854. CllAKLi:s HANKS, V o.vrt^: vno .vek, WIK^LESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fvrenjn Fruits, Ai//.v, Cii/ars 'Tnhaico, Sniiff,tW. >»TKKKT, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1^5:?, 73tf ,1. S. BANKS, I'oiiiiiii^wioii .flerchant, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 1'.'. l.''.'>:5. i>9tf (;. s HOtf BOOK BINDERY. W. HARDIE has resumed the P>ook Binding Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27tf R. Wilcifa North ('arolina Header. A FURTHER SUPPLY just received. E. J. HALE & SON. July :ji. K S. \iti:Y lias just received a beautitul assortment of Sprifitr and Snni/iwr (jlOODS. He desires to return thanks ti his friends and the pub lic for the liberal jiatronage which they have bestowed on him, and solicits a continuance of the same. His friends and the public arc solicitel to give him a call, at the Stand formerly occupied by S. .1. Hinsdale, south west corner of .Market Square and Gillespie street. April 18, 1854. H'.ttf W ILIJAM A. (iWYER, fokwardim; and nnniissHi.N .^ikrchant, AND DISTILLKHS’ ACIKNT, Wilmington, N. C. ■^ERS^)N.\L attention given to the sale or shipment of N.w.vl Storks. I have ample facilities for conducting the business; and extensive Whap'vcs and Warehouses to protect Si’irits Ti'ui*knti.nk from ex posure. N.\v.\l Stokks, Floi u, ('otton, xc., will be shipped to any House in New York, or to other Markets if desired; and liberal ' \sii At>v.\vcf.s made on con signments. I refer to the following Distillers: — E. Hannuni, Wayne county. E. II. Woodard & ('o., Earpsborough. W. Earpe & Co., “ A. (1. Thornton, Esq. Johnston county. Spencer Fountain, Esq. B. R. Hinnant, Esq. “ Messrs. liridges & Durham, “ “ Blow & O’Neal “ “ Searles & Adams, Sampson county. M. & G. Lee I>. T. Durham, “ B. Godwin, Esq. Uobeson county. ('. W. Crawford, Esq. “ Lovet Pesu'ock, Esq. ('olumbus county. W'. J. (Jutland & (’o., Bladen county, &c. June 0, 1854. 4-tf FRENCH BliRR MILLI^TOM^S. (wrc‘at Recliic*ti»ii in Pri*e. EGEN rON, MORRIS CO. iONTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly y on hand French Burr ^Hillstoncs Of all dimensions, warranted to he of best iiuality, be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarries in France. They keep for sale Cologne, Cocalica and Esopus Mill stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screcn Wire, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, &c. Orders from any part of the country i)ronii)tly attend ed to. K. OKKKLI., Agent at Fayetteville, N. (J. March 11, 185:i. -titf Fayetteville Mutual fjtsurance CotnpaiHf r Bin IS Company has been in successful operation ■ since Feb’y 185o. It has paid all losses prompt ly, without any iixitexxment, and it has still a small cash capital on hanil. Policies issued up to loth May, No. NOTK K. OCTOBS Mallett & McSwaiu having left their Books and papers with W. McL. McKaj', who is fully authorised to receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West of the Cape Fear River, who may be in arrears either by note or account, will confer a favor by calling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. II. A. McSWAIN. F.-iyetteville, Aug. ;Jl>, 185;{. 24tf ON CONSIGNMENT, SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, very large and tine. R. M. ORRELL. May 22, 1854. 98tf lai’iic 70'.*, covering property to value of Policies cancelled and expired, .Amount now insured, .\mount Premium Notes, Do- do. cancelled and expired. i>l,151,8(j2 00 2t;0,fi:54 (M» $882,228 00 4;lG4,;0f4 01 :iC,085 35 A of Manufactured I neir t'lirriii'ii Eslahlislinvnt on the Militnri/ (iri'i n, opjinsiff' fill Ml flh/di'>:t fronflu'! nn Mninfnrd Stmi. (;uK vv i:n ri:Ri‘i{isE! |4‘\ ill‘ ■» to ■'HE Sub .('liber- Would rc^j.e.-tfully inform their friends anl the jinblif. that they have entered into cop.irtnership for the pnr]io-i- of conducting the general C.\ R 111 .\(i i; BU.''1N E.'^.'^ in all it- v.iriou.' ]iarts. ,\ud tieing both praetieal wovktnen. fully nnder.-tanding their bu«ine!-s. tliey huve no hc'-itation to eoiiip;tr? worK with any esttibli.shment in Ftiyei teville to style and dura bility. «>ne of the firm may lie known by reference to .\. If. W hittield'.- iron work for the l.ast two years. We warrant all work to give general ^.atit-faction for twelve niontliH. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER .V BRAN IN. JaMKS H. PiKlI. J.^MKS l)H.\N|N. Fayetteville, J,;ii’y 2 1, 1S5:!. (J2tf JS prejiare I to exei iite contracts of from $800 to .and iijiward-" Window Blinds. Sa«h, Glass Doors, tind all kinds ot ornamental ami plain Work warranted to give satisfac tion. He may be tound on inquiry at Mr. Jesse W'. Powers'--. Fayetteville, .\pril 12, l8.'il. 87-Gmpd s r VRU vV W ILEIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i'oreit; H amt tPoutrstir iPry imoinlH^ IIA V ^TKKKT, Fayetteville, W. C. .r. B. staku.] [j. m .Vjiril ){.■>•_>. l\l)Ri:WS & JtNl,, No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. i'O.M.MISSlON MEliCHANTS F(H’v THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and \\Oollen Maciiinery, Ma cliinists''Tools, L«*Hther B‘lting —A l.S( »— '■^Ylaiiiiiactiirei*^ Arlic*le«'’ OF EVERY DE.SCRIPTION. Coiiijirisin^ Beltinir, Ciird CMotiiing, BolfUins, Shuttles, Pickers, Roller Sknis, Roller Cloth, Oils, S:c. WILLIAMS Stltf > ever ii->ed. lew do?.es of Carter’s Spanish Mixture will remove all >allow ne&' oi complexiun. Iirine the roses nianllin!; lo the rlieek. i;iNe elastK'itv to the step, anti improve the ceneral health in a re iii;rkal>le decree, iM-yond all Ihe medirines ever heard of. \ lame nunilier of rertilirates of remarkable rures )>erliiriiieil on (H-rsons residiiiK in the rily of Kichmond, Va., by the use of Car irr’s >!paiiish Mixture, is the beste\idenre that there is no hum biiit alHiuI it. 'I'tie press, hotel kee|iers. iiiaKistrate^, (ihysirians, and public men. well know n In Ihe communily, all add their lesti iiiony til the erteris of this (iHiiAT Bi,oop I’l rifikr. Call and see a few hundreils of the rertiticales around the bollle. .Vone genuine unless sianed BK.NNF.'IT k HEKUS, llruecisls. Principal Depots at M. Ward, Close & Co., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New Vork; T. W. Dyott & Sons, and Jenkins iS: Hartshorne, Philadelphia; Bennett & Beers, No. 125 Main Street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville. Feb’y 15, 1854. 71-rim Dec. 27, 185:». rtf II .NO'I'K I'.. \\ lN(i jiiirch.ased the sti of Materi(d on hand ■■if the Slioji formerly owned bv Mr. i;. I'uller, and liaving engaged the services of .Mr. .1. ('. Lally, whose work gives such gcner.il and entire satisfaction, I am now jirejiared to e.'ceeute all orders foi 'j'iniber Wagons, Roail Wagons. Cart-;, Dr.iys. W heelbarrows, tS:c. 1 have on hand and will const.-intly keep ;i good sii]!- ply of Iron .\xles. Chains, l!olts. and in .short every thiiij:, th;it the Wagoii-ni;ik’, r eati need. 'I'iinber Wagons, with the iiaproved Iron .\xles, made to ortler at the fijiortest notii-e. I hav(! 1() good and competent Workmen at the liusi- ness, and will give it my whole ;md itndiviiled attention. My |irices ^hall be a.-; iiiojjerate as the times will ad mit, and 1 will challenge aii^' Wagon iii;iker in the I iii- ted States to equal my work either in point of style or durability. THOS. C. I'ULLER. Oct. 2'i, 185:{. :!'.itf MALLEI r ^ I‘AULM1ER, Urorrrs am! 1'omuiission ifier^ rhanlH^ |:S5 Frwiit NEW YORK. p. MALI.KTT.] [J. PAUL.MIER Augu.-.t 1C., 1852. 18tf w. r. I'.LLior r, (irni fid ('i/niinissiiin and / nrardiny Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C.' June 10. 18.’) I. 4tf srow iV sMAR'r, >l TO — (’(> M .M I S.S I( IN >l H H(J 11A NTS, \iiti llfiilcrs in Ftirfiaii ami DonifxIic llardwiirf, No. I 2H Pe.'irl Street, and '.• ! Water Street, '%i:w voKk. JulyH, IS.'il. l2-(impd WILKINSON ESLER, DE\LERS IN I'nil I'l-rfiitiiiirj/, Furi njn Fruits, uts, Tolxieco, and Snuff, AND l.MPORTER.'- OF AT WlHiLK.s.ALi: AND HK'i’AII.. Market St., Wilmirgton, N. C. i Ki:i(.irriN(; on (wim-: i eau. subscribers having juireliased th* Steamers ■* Lvergreen and Southerner and Tow Boats. I.al'dv the propi'rty of the Henrietta Ste.imboat (’oii.jiany. are now prepared to forward with dt'spati li. between V-il- niington and Fayetteville, all freights or gomls entrust ed to them. > . F. N. .K: .T, H ROBERTS. Fayetteville, Feb’y 14, 185:. 68tf Aug. i h:, I. 1 Itf SAMUEL VV. i*eimm:u, SI ('('KHSuR TO llKNItV I. 1‘KIM‘KR & SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. A'^. 17«> i'hesnut St., {oppi^site the State House,) PHIUVDELPHl.V. May 22, 1854. 4Vpd LIPPITT'S SPECIFIC, yiiR TIIK I'l RK OF Dysentery, Diarrhea, and Summer ('omphtlnt. IN presenting this justly celebrated Medicine to the public, we m.ake no rash assertion of its efficacy, nor is any hope held out to the atilicted which facts do not warrant. This retneily having been, for years, used in this jdacf, for the cure of the ;jbove diseases, and those ap pertaining to the same class, the Proprietor has been induced to offer it on a more extensive scale, with a view to les-sen the amount of human suffering. 1 have never known it to fail, when the Directions have been strictly adhered to. Many vxelerx nontrumx have been palmed upon the public, and I hesitated for some time, until thoroughly convinced of its efficacy. CERTIFIC.\TES. Extract of a letter received fVoiii S. J. C.\rroll; P>.vi.TiMoKK, .lanuary 10th, 1853. W'm H. Lh'pitt, Esq.—Dear Sir:—I have no hesita tion ir. saying that your Specific is one of ttext Medicinex eitunl J'ur i);/.teutfn/. Diarrhoea, ^c. You possibly may recollect my case; if it has escaped your memory, I will give yon briefly the facts. 1 had tried every thing that 1 liail seen used, but with little success. And after using enough to start twentj’-five Homeoi»hathic M. l)’s., I I egan to ilespair, when you kindly offered me your in- aluable .Medicine, which cureil me effectually. Yours, truly, S. J. CARIIOLL. WiL.MiNtiTux, N. C.', August 14, 1851. Wm. H. Liimmtt, Esq.—Dear Sir;—1 have used your Specific in two cases in my family for Dysentery. In one, 4 papspoonsful effected a complete cure—in the other, tliree had the like effect. Respectfully, &c., THOS. LORINU, Ell. Commercial. HARRELL’S STORE, Nkw IIanovkr, Co., N. C., \ October IU, 1851. j W'.M. H. Lii’pitt, Esq.,—Dear Sir:—It is with plea sure 1 state that 1 have used your Specific for the cure of Dysentery, Diarrht-a, &c., and have found it to pro- luce the de.sired effect in every case 1 used it, after the usual remedies have failed 1 recommend it with confulence to the public. Respectfully, &c. J. B. SE.VVEV, M. D. .^.\V.\NN.\H, December 2(5, 1851. Mr. W’m. H. Liititt,—DearSir:—It is with pleasure 1 acknowledge the wonderful effects of your Medicine for curing Diarha*a or Bowel complaint, as I am satis fied it was the meaus tinder God, of saving the life, first of niy ('liild, and then of my Brother. As my Itrother was given up by two of the most eminent physicians in this place, Drs. Ricliard.-on and W'regg, and when 1 consulted the latter, as to the propriety of trying it on him so low, he said 1 might, to satisfy myself that 1 had left nothing untried, Imt he did not think that Medicine would be of any use to him. But, thank (lod, he was mistaken, as we saw the saluiary effects in 24 hours, and iu ten days he w.as able to be out of lied. 1 remain yours, very truly and gratefully, WM. BAILY Prepared and sold by WM. H. LIPPITT, Wilmington, N. C SAM’L J. HINSDALE, Druggist. Fayettevillo, N. C VAUtill.AN I'i MOORE, Druggists, Goldsborough, N. 0 And by Druggists generally. June 14, 1854. 5-2m (|uantity TOB.\('«'(►, of various brands and prices, for sale by STEDMAN & HORNE. July 20, 1854. Ditf CASH OR BARTER. subscribers offer for cash, barter, or approved I paper— f HHDS. MOLA.'^SES. 10,(MMIlbs. N. Bacon. 200 bales Hay. 20 bbls. Mess Pork. tlOO sacks Salt. 5 casks Rice. :!5 bbls. Refineil Sugar. 40 kegs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue. 5t)0 cask.s Lime. Osnaburgs, Sheetings, and Cotton Yarn, by the bale. The above Goods will be sold very low, if appHe«l for soon. BENBOW, KYLE & CO. July 5, 1854. lltf reigldin Puldlc. Co. is now prepared 'To the Fi fJlHE Brothers’ Steam Boat Jt with the following Boats: Str. DOUGLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA >reDANlEL, to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They are provided with .!uitabie W’harf and Ware-House accommodations to do a general business, and hope by’ strii.t attention to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public patronage. J. S. B.VNKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville. JNO. BANKS, .\g’t at Wilmington. Sept. lO, 1853. 29tf Do. d(\ jow on hand, :J;128,584 20 Averaging 14 57-DK) per cent, on the amount insured. Cash premiums received, $8,258 01 Fire losses adjusted and paid, ' i'4,^♦17 22 The Board t.ake pleasure in stating that the Compa ny is now in a condition to merit public confidence.— It is established upon a foundation u hich cannot be moved. W'e solicit a share of business. DIRECTORS: Geo. MoNvi^ii, H. L. Myrover, C. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jamti, J G. Shepherd, S. T. Hawley, David A. Ray, J. i,. uiiams. Thos. S. Lutterloh, N. A. Sted- man, Wm. A. E. Hall, J. H. Cook, A. A. McKethan, jhs. G. Cook, C. Lutterloh. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G- SHEPHERD, -\ttorney. L, B. LE.M.\Y, General Agent. ■May 20, 1854. 98Y Coopers’ Tools, and all qualities of Glue for Distillers use, for sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. June 12, 1854. 4tf Fire-Proof Roofing. FRANCIS SHENTON, Stale and Jfletal Roofer. rilHANKFUL for past favors, I beg to inform my 4 friends and the public, that I am now prepared to contract for and execute, in the best manner and on reasonable terms, ALL KINDS OF FIRE-PROOF ROOFING. Gutters, Leader Pipes and Head.s, of any style or pattern, made to order and warranted for any specified time. Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit any style of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. 'J'ROY &L MARWH HAVE ON HAND: New (’rop Molasses, Sugars, Coffee, Salt, Tron, Nail.s, Hardware, Cutlery, Window Glas.s, Putty, lilaeksiiiith Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Ada mantine .ind Tallow Candles, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cotton Cards, Saddles and Bri dles, Snuff, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., which they offer at wholesale and retail. —ALSO.— Mes* Pork, Bacon, Lard, Meal (Fresh.) Dried Fruits, Cabbage, FRESH up country Butter. J8^aSf“We are Agents lor the .sale of Stoddard’s Cele brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. Y. prices. jj^'Manufactured Tobccco at Factory prices. Jan’y 28, 1854. (iO-tf SI' A rE Ol NORTII C AROLIN A, MONTtiOMERY COUNTV. In Etjuity, February Term, 1S,')4. .\lexander McKay r.v. Sam’l Threadgill and .Malcom Gillis. Original Bill. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the (!ourt, that Sam'l Threadgill. one of the Defend.ants in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the FiVj'etfe- villo Observer for six weeks, th.-it the .^aid Sam 1 Thread gill appear .at the next Court ot Equity, to be held for the county’ of Montgomery, :it the Court House in Troy, oti the hist .Monda}’ in .August next, and plead, an."»wer or demur to the Plaintiff’s Bill, or the same will be ta ken pro coufes.so, .-inil hearil ex parte as to him. Witness, -himes L. (.Laines, Clerk and Master in Equi ty of oiir said roiirt, :it Office, the last Mond.ay in Feb ruary 1854, and 78th of .\merican Independence. Force, Lifting and Suction Pumps, adapted to any situation; Hydraulic Rams, and all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov. 15, 1858. 44-1 Ypd :\EVV BAKKRY. f H^HE Subscriber has established a Bakery on Bow JB. Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill’s Cabinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families, Boats, and the public generally, with Bread, Biscuit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the best qualitj-, as he has jirocured the services of one of the best Bakers in the State. Price.s reasonable. Give me a call. CHA’S BANKS. Fayetteville, Dec. 28, 1852. 55-tf ^oDR. STRONG’So' COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS These Pillfi ni-e ciilirrl> hihI are a most snperior MedUrliie in Uie mre of all Biliout 0>i»- plainU, Chilli: (ind Frifr. Injsju'pfin. Lir^r Cnmplaint, Jaundice. Sick Ilfadactie. Srrnfula, SjtU Kheiim. Prr^rs of oU kinds. Lost of Apjpttite, Obstructed and /hiiii/uI Mcnstruatum. and all tin- ^ring diseastt. As a Female >felicine thfy art like a charm, and when takrn aocordins to the dirertions. they never fail to cure the worst ca-ies of Piles, after all other remediei fail. They purify the blood, etiiialize the rirriila- tion, restore the Iiiver, Kidneys, and other Se cretory Orleans, to a healthy tone and action : and as an Anti-Bilious Family Medicine they have no equal. Prioc 25 ceutfl per box. Also -='DR. STRONG’S-c=- I PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS. 17*] JAS. L. (iAINES, C. M. E. rOK SALE. A ONE horse Buggy' with three .Springs. Also, a « f'oar horse road Wagon. Terms low. F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS. June 28. 9 tf A rtmfdy for Coughs, Ooldt, Oatcmrh, Bronchitis, Oot Whooping e^ugh. Asthma. Consumptum. Jferrous Diseases. Dyspepsia, Oos- tirenett. Erysipelas, Disease of the ITrart, Inflammation'and Pain in the, (Viest, Back and Side, and all diseases arising from a de ranged state of the Stomach, and to retiere the distress and bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in toeak and dyspeptic habits. WAEEAITTED TO BE PUHELY VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Kxjxvtorant. Tonic, and Aperient. One 25 cent box pospesaeii three times more power to cure disease-* than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups. Bnlfiams, or Sarsa- liarillat', that were ever made; and a simple trial of only one boi will prove this important truth. They promote K*pectoration» Ioosen the Phlegm^ and Clear the filings and other Secre tory Or$(anSf of all morbid matter* and there in not another remedy in th? whole Materia Medica capable of imparting such bealinR propertie.H to the Lungx and fital Or- Kan.s a.« these I’ill.n. They Cure Costivenessf produce a good, regular .Appetite, and Strengthen the System. . Price 25 ccntM |>er Ixj.x. containing' 2.% dofes of Medicine. Call on the .Airent' who »ell the Pills, and get the Planter’s Almanac oRATts. fOTin" full particulars and certificates of curei*. Both kinds of the above-named Hills are for sale in Kvery Town and VilloRe In N»»rth and South Carolina. Ill Fayetteville, by HI5ISDAI..E and JA-HES M. Si-nilTH. [I9y ILL. li •tf

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