‘“'H ' , .1,. KSS linn, ' pr»' i:ssi *rC Ml 14! Ksst : IlOO l-r.iNTKl' MONDAYS \\b TlirUSDA^ ition :n\v\iu) j. H VLi: & so\. KIMTOiJS AM> I'liOl’lJIi’TOliS nont; HP 'yillML miBTIEIB SK MI-WEEKLY. FAYETI RVIIJ.E, N. C., AUGUST 21, 1854. [NO. OXCtJ.t rival . •s nt i for ! ‘ ‘Vfltvvi St'i,,. . ,h iirriv ( . ivcs tl (I ' P- III.. yi-: rivc ; t w ■ K Ull M ' W fi.- . lall_. t l,t i;, tli>- : . . , ■■ >■ M. . U 1*11 ’,\l\ i PLV I MACRAE, 7 /A-v , ■ %. Spris-:- ^n‘i S of ^C n )yc->- - ter'' KS. I’crl r ■‘I" lint ; i ineir 11 ki. . ical . , , a, iclf't, . r ( \ r .t Jfiiui ; lle.J, - i :.rice ; , 1 ; E. I. iit: tor Of I. of I' ir- In •Ste I'i rir? t Sp! :l, & n: lE :i ’nil LAN; one t tf ' vl, . ' •! uite- ; , ii'.' >■ e ;ii-i ji t'.e p!'*- 'in, I roi. sir :■ • 1 !»11 k, ,\i ill r lit ;tl tw., i th*- : to p. tiik. K. I ui‘ m Oil aiHi iiiitrd. liii ( '' I) ,\i I ;ikfi- • •M M f. - ■ toll ]• \\.:A •If ! Jlllij lit; If. ' fri., ■ ■t tllt-f jtiiif.' (fill til v*;hti^ ' th;it f •iori^v ^ Sikc- , ui.l ! • - f*. ;MV- f.lLL. 4Ttf ..ui I for the Somi-We.-kl.v Oii>Kitvi:i! ^ M» if pfti.l in ■ Iviuioe: ■’>'• if p.'ii'l iluriiiir tho y»';ir ot siit'-'crip- .11: .>r^l after tlio yc:ir lias oxpin'il. • . WiM-kly OitsKitVKU 00 JMM- Iiimuiii. if p:ii«l in i’; ->1.’ .oO if p:iiil ihirin^ the yoar of suliscrip- r s:’, (10 aftor tlio year has oxpirnl. \Ii\ rix riSKMKN'l'S iii.-t rti -l for sixty cents jut ,, f 111 lines fur the firyt, anil thirty fents for each litii; pul»licatiin. Veaily iiil\ertisenients liy sjie- ' , ..ntrart-i. at reasnna'ile rates. Ailvertisers are .iift‘'l to state the iinmbfr nf in-;ertioiis ilesireil. or V '>!“ I'ontiimrtj till forliiil. ainl vharireil aeenril V tnr Letters tn the F.ilitors must l>e jmst-paiil Noric K VO Mi:urnAxrs. ^IIK >;ul oM'ilier wishinjic to engage in a more retire«l , , riipatioii, auil tine more congenial lo his feel- 'tiers liT sale his Houses and Lot at I'loral (’ol ,• The Lot contain^ one acre uf Ian 1: the liuiMin^' , ( fipteil to the purpose if a Store, ami suitaMe t'lr : iiiily t!' live in The Ir.i- ition is healihy aii>l tin- iiiT exrelK n^ The siil'scrihev can safely say, a{;er ,vim oeen engngeil in tlie Mercantile Imsiness 1»! •ar- at -'.is I'lace. that few if any l.ieation ofl'ers such hi 'I'nient: to tht!-e wishinu to eniliark in the hnsines' Ins i!ni >. The country arouml is thickly iMipiilate.) r > .illege is in a tlourishinp '.' .mlition. at present 1 in il'crinu 70 Stuilents. anil the people are ili'tin^>-uish- j i ! u iiitellipeni-e ami morality. ; Ki r further information apply to the suli-rril-er at , M.ra' (•■.'lUue, N. M. INMS. Vuiril't .■>, Ihjl. 'Jl-'iW I' iijic/IcvilIr ( (tiiihj Mtmufactorif. lilK suViscriiier still contintie.s to manufacture a su- pi'iioi- article of ].lain anil fancy (WNDll’.S at tiie olil stanil, (No. tucen street. :> lioors Nortli, of tlie Market liousc,'i wliere he woulil t>e hajijiy to see liis oM friemls ami oistomers. »'IIAIU,i:S 15ANKS. '1. isr,:;. 7;;tf ui:i)r('Ki) Tlimu or at ( omi'any. I'ratt Sti omp.'in V. •Ian. 1,1s A KK. li 'I'ickots between Wilmington, N. (’., ninl Haiti- more. Kare^L’). Via Welilon, I’etershur;:. itiehmoml, vS: W.asli- ingtouCity, or via Weldon, I’orts- niiiutii :ind Norfolk. For ’Pickets apply at the Ofl’iee of the Wihnington and Raleigh Kail lio.id ( onipany at Wilming- if the I'.iiltimore Steiini I’acket r>;thimore :ind Ohio Hail Road , iJaltiniore. S:*.-tf 1). \ W. Mcl..\riUN A 151'' ri viviiig a large '-took of flroceries. Hardware. * w. liiKits and Shoes, which are offered a.n low as tliey can lie liought in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. 1:1. 3otf II \\ tld( r's ill SuJiuntunlvr Sa/t. \ 1-; kc*ip constantly mi tiand ;in assortment of j ihc aliine ,S.\|'KS, warranled tiie-proof; and j ‘-iruiis of extcndiiii;'tlic demand for them, Iiave in-| diieed the makers to New \ i.i-k prices .liine lit. Is.')!. 'oiist'iU to deliver tiiiMii lif>rp at W, Mcl.ALUiN, Agents. Jtf H’7/ • Ptihiiafi'if >01 l/i' 1.'/ A'ti/itaf, THE CABIN BOY’S STORY. A Semi-Nautical lloinauce f iniensi interi’«t. li\ the Autlior if the ‘'Pirate Hoctor. " the “L .wyer's Story.' the “Old l)o-tor. \. >vc. 'IMIK ,Unr^^ liilherlii eiij ned liy llie ruiili.-r : ‘ ir « Tki-i'(I -iilfirieni ciiaranle*-.'I ttn IH\ II I irrieil airtiiins rmiiin!; I'runi hi? [lei :'he I’stiin Bm's ,‘siorv" in u n ■rriir^ n| ihe S'.ive Trrole, ■ . r !'iie authiir li>«' -orveil in the n.ivy liHrarter* are painlPd fn>ni >er“:!n-l he siiiry is full o' e\« iiinp inioo 't .;eil w irk Ilf I'efo- . ■ rtiiliiiiM'ii 'rii ' i-r th't si .rims tirli- p. inn-^imirh Ihe .'iliDve |iii|iii with \> hirll :m -, t hy Ihe iHllilir Tis-r.itiVf, illusirsliiig the 111 III llie i ’iia'l 111 .\l rn':i. -nnil the ilesi riiitimi- nnil O' ui iiilMiie with them, ml .(lUi-nliire . the i el . ■ Iiiil li:r the ;nl\.inUiiie . it i« I'lUiiiileil iin fiiriK uf *(t‘\ill‘ .ioilX MAliMAN Kospecttnlly iiitorins his fiiemls and tiie puMie that lie has reninved from tiie Hotel at till' loot Haynutunt to the larger and mori- conimudioUs Hotel in the centre of the Ti'Wn. rei'ently nccu]iied Ly ^lr5:. Ilrown. and v/ell known as the Fayetteville Ilutel. where he will he hap py to accommodate Traveller' rind l:r.ariier>. No ex ertions of himself and fantily will he sji.ared to render those comfi'rt.-iUle wli-.i may t'avur him with their coin- pany. F.avettevillo, N. .liine :.;iM)tf rv (lay iKciirrenre' 'I'he li lnrv nl' the hi rom ■, ,, llie ;iri H»-iiiiii s;:ive. 1 un ha>ci ;il ''in- il :tmt iiiarrieit hy ihe rK kle'>, >i i i liiialrii-. iiruii!* . Ilf thp \. -:ilri . ; ■^iinlilv :'u n:;rr ;',>il Iri'iii lln life »ml all ihe iiiinK-ri us rhar..i F Ilf Ihe .'=tnry. iiiliiiii)ile. etlii Seym iiir—the It :he ,lor\ 11 H^h>-r hivi *.!«>■ uricii . ,v. Ii.','ll .I- r* vi\ iilly ami !:niphi -lrt">ily rri'eue.l 1 ' V till ir iiiTi iiti 'II ? i-f.l I iri;elv !•' iuiTi , Ih: ill ..nli r-. Ill r\ii« rt Ih I I l\ ilr i\\ II ;= r liir thi- h' r *1 t |i ' r;^h i .iHM’HIU III e il: Iinil ihey roin i I i' Im' V 111 III iiniiieil-iloly. ih*' u 'irk « ■ ri- ;tt ;i» hiiKli oili T , r .. U -k III te ll 111 Ih;-! h.:x nl .Ue ■ ir- eiicin:>t. il rnnii the , 11,.tu ihsl.-imlini;, •‘ir.i'i tin-imltlii'^ti'ii if I 'i le 'rmii'' ( .11 '■ VI. ‘ rel.»lii(2 III -'ery 111 Aiiiern i.iiriiHiiilri.il. h:i\e , ■ ii-.iu li -'.i I, ,ii ir>-il li.iv 111:; ri l il. Ill I"'III -)'leiii !i iii'j shive- .in thf \frii :in n v-'l, u ritii ii hv mu \\hu - » 'lie—(li! Ill :il! Us hulei ii» ilelnriiiity Tti' «nriv i-; writ I ■ !i: lie :inil iniff Iiin2ii:i"i-. .iml w lU l>e :i v ■ "die on! ii :nc riiiililiiin in ihi- Imii!';. Iilir - 'he x\ :K u I'liriii a l« :iillifiil urli.vn Vul oiii nl I ' i :n;i'■ !i inti.iiii.-ly iiliiMr:»ie.l with line cnitniN me~ :iml •hi’-inlly h nin.l 11 liith. I’rire. in rli'th. one iloll.ir. :n i«i(>er T.‘> l eiil-. .11 ulorh ,te riipie-; will lie sent liy the piililisher^ !n any (i iri nl tlie cmiti r.. tree o: (Hi'tMi'e. 'iy •'■■le whnles'ile nnd retail hv the (luhl tluT'. KLI>\V()HTII \ STHKET, ■Nil. '.‘J llei kiii 'rt .'tri ’-l. Nt w \ .,ik Anil liy ail the B‘ntkellcr 'hrnn:hi;’it :he I'nileil :iml Hn: I’riivinres. 17 liil A'ri'KN'noN, riii: wiioi.k! • ’■rilllJ’. VnU are talking of y .ur internal improve- ww ments. forget not to call tn 'ce tlie iniprove- tgents jnade in tJnns at M. A. I!AK1-H{‘S til'N M.\Nl • leri iii'rirMyf.l ► F.\('TOl\V, ot) Hay street, .ipposite the I’ost Office, wiicro iie h.is the I’riis-i.-in .Needle tiun, Air (inns, and vari.'us iinpro\(‘d I’i.'t..) -, nl Colt - l{e]'eater, .Mien's, Wliiiney'> arms cumpany with M i.yn.ir i jirimers, .\rm- strmig I'ue’.ling I’i'tnl-; with :i larire a--'iirtment nf di'utile a;nl single-li.tiTel shut tiiin^. (lame and .''imt Hags, I’l.wder Flask ., l’el•l■u^ i iii I'apsof I'.iiglish and French tn.ike. with a l:;rgc tures. Ilitles cniistautly nil h in l and waiTanled tu shnot frmii lou to ‘.'00 yards. I’l. liairing "f every tiiinj; in the (iunsiiiitii line will lie done at short iiotire. in tin he'if manner, and for a small charge. .All orders pr'.mptly attended to. All work warranted. M. ,\. 15AKEH, Sign of th(> Wooden (juii. Hay street, opposite the I’ost iiilioe. Jan"\ 'J, '''tf .lOSKPII HAKKR, Jr., ATTORNEY AT I.AW, H-\S taken an otVice next door to Wni. IJ. Wriglit'M I.aw oftice on (Ireen Street. He will attend and practice in the ('ounty and Superior t’onrts of Cumlier land. Hladen. Kohesoii and Sampsoti. Mvrcii-j:?, IS0:;. 79-tf II. I.. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and I’rincess streetB under .loiirnal office. l>ec. IL'. 48-tf SMITH cV SANDrOUl), Attorneys at Law, PAYKTTEVILLE, N. (’. Office over Mr. Hinsdale’s Drug Store. K. 1>. S.MITM.] (17-V) [R. n. S.\M»F0B1>. (^KO. \V. WILLIAMS vV: C().~ Who/rstt/t (IrorerA amJ Coimnixaiou Meri'hatits. fUST KKCEIVEl), a large assortment of GOf*DS in tlieir line, for .sale on favorable terms. July liO, IH^t, I7tf H. LHAMRKRT, Confectionery and Variety Store, I tuhr flu Fni/tttcriUe Ihttrl, llfffi tit., FAYl'VITKVII.l.E, N. (’. Dee r 185:1. OHtf Worth & Utley, rorwardiii^ and t’omiiiisHion MERCHAN'rs, FftyelteviUe^ .1*. f. .1. A. WOPTH. ("-tfj ’08. t TI.F.Y. Trc/w7)RTrL GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Usual Hdvances made on consignments of Cotton, NrvhI Stores, and other Produce. I’aiticnlar attention given by 0. W. DAVIS to pur- cliasing Cargoes, procuring Freight** for Vessels. &c. •I.in’y 17, 18;V1. )3-lY r. (\ cV H. G. WORTH, C’lUiimissioii V.V Torwarding Merchants, BROWN S BUILDING, WATER STREET, 'Wilmington, i\ I'sual advance- made on consignments. .I.in'y 1“ R. M. ORRELL, FORWAUDlMi COMMlSSinX MERfHANT AT Fayetteville, I\. €*. iMarch 10, 1851. o iS.'iL IV iriment of •Jiamin;' fix; maimfaetiir'. 1 tn order. Fn NEW iJOOkS. fJlHE Plurality of Worlds, hy Fdw.ard Hitchcock, i I). I>.: The liihle N it of M.-vn, hy liardiner Spring. 1'. l>.: Crystal'ine, hy Shelton; The Pari-li Side; Cala- -r. hy P.ird; T'lirple Tints of P.iris, hy P.. St. .I"liii; \ ii'ginia Miirdaunt. by Reynnlds: The .Neevomatiei'r. h_v i -aiiie; The Twin ISrothers: The lln id t" iltiiii; The I’lUr^-J lieauties. :i Sequel tn the ••Rnyal Favnrite": Sam 'ii ’k's Wise Saws .and .Modern lii.stam ep: Cutter's .\na- t 'lny, Phy.siology and Hygiene. .Ms", further supplies •! Scho il and Law Books. P.aper. Enveli.jies, &c. Just received. E. J. HALE .S: SON. •iniy :J4, \Ve»terii Kail Koail Olliec*, ' ^I'^Hh Board of Directors have this day called for the I tollnwing .\ssessments oti tlie Capital Stock of this = impany, viz: 4 per cent. prtya')le on the I't Sept. IH.jt. “ “ ::d *»et 18.'j1. - I. .. i. I. 1st Nov. IH.-,}. .. - l>t Dec. IS.',4. Stockholder3 will please he prepared ti^ pay punctu- a'.ly. ns it will reipiire the wh"le .\sspa«ment'' to he ; 1 ^iid to meet the progress; of the wnrk. By order of tlic Board. .IN'O. M. ROSE, Trea.s r l«tf] R- R ’"• llook-Bindina. ri^HE .suhserilier ri ■'pectfnlly iiifurnis the cui/ens of I Fayetteville, ami the public, that he ha re-unie.l > Book-Binding business, a: liis old tand o]i]iosite K. .1. Hale & Son’ s l>ooktore, on .\ndevson -treet. rtnere he will receive and execute any style de-ired, : ’ tin and ornamental. Music, jnngazine.s, I'.amjiiilets, newsjiapers, ,^c. honnd ti. any pattern desired. Old books re-houn'i. Thankful for the patronage lie h.as heretofore re- • eiveij, he hopes t'i merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. THO.MAS II. TILLING HAST. July ;;I, 185}. IHtf Lrn i'.Ri.on \ (o. ^l^ilK undcr'igiied having on the‘iOth \I.iy last turm I ed » ('iipartnership nn ler the name and -tyle ol LLT'l'El'LOH .V C " fur the i.iirpo.-e nf transactiii;i ' tri*neral Boating hu>inc - nil the Cape Fear River, till Steamer Fanny l.utterh li has heen rejiair^’d, and i now in suiiciior order tor i'reightiiig and carrying >. I -i iigers. She will make re"-iilarly twn trips ;i \^-cel;. leaving Fayetteville Mnnday- and 'rimrsday- at L> iiiinuti ' after Sunrise, and \Vilmiii;itoii Tuesday-^ and Fiiday- at 10 o’clock. 'I he Ste-imei- Row.'iii with a full coni]ileiiient of Flats will make one trip nr more a wee!;, as circiiiiiHtnnee- nias rei|iiire. Tlie Un ,1 • of this line being ot very light drat't of water, shippers may rely on dispatidi. The steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trip- a week, for the la-t iwenty-two luoiiihs, up to the jotli .May, diirinfr tin' low*st h.tate of the River. ; iiilijiers by oiir line may rely with cert.iinty on di- s|(M> liEWAKI). ■ B AN \W AY from the uhM riher. twi. Ncgrn Girls ■ ^ and four Ciiildren. viz: MARTHA, a briglit niti- altto. five feet fnur or five inches higli. took with her twii ^irl ihildrcn. France.-, and \nn; HAN'.N \H, copjier red, ah .lit the .'aiiie iieight Ilf M irth.a. Haiiimb tmk with her tw.i m.'tle cliil Iren. I.ewis and .lohn. The a' live iiegrnex fnrmerly hplon;ied to the estate of tieorge T. Barksdale, and an siii pii-ed tn he lurking about the Ciijie Fear, ahmit Mr. Winslow's plantation' Tlie above reward will he paid for thei>- conhnement in any Jail ^o that the sub.-.criher can get them, or for tlieir delivery to the suh-criber in Sampson count}'. FLEKT R. PKTERSON. Septemlier ti. 185;>. ‘Jb-tf ( HARLi:S I5ANKS, 0' o.vri: f ' Ti O.V3: K^ \\HnLi;SALi: AM» RETAIL DEALER IN | I'/ii Fnut.'fj Sutii, ('ii/tirs, j Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, IH5.J. 7-Stf .1. S. HANKS, 4'oniiiii«*^ion .YIereiiant, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 11*, ls5;j. 2(uf Ci. S. lU IE, litulder and I udertnkcr^ I.s prejiared to execute contracts of from to •>50,0(H) and upward'*. Window Blinds, .''ash, (Jlass Doors, and all kinds of ornamental and plain work warranted to give satisl'ac- tion. He may be found on inijuiry at Mr. Jesse W. I’owers's. Fayetteville, .\pril 12, 1854. 87-Gmj»d II fir a, ('•irriihf Fiii'thli!i}nat'nt on thf‘ Milihii\t/ I I II, tipi>ii>;ifi‘ fill flioiJisf ( ’fi 111'i'll, f'rtiiifiiii/ 'III MnlUf’ii'ii Sfi'nf, \ i*> t» MiiiK*!! lOetfully iil H F. Sub i-i-iber-i wiiiild friends and the public, that they have entered into rpartnership I'nr the pur]H.e of i iinducting the generril C.\RI!IAiF I’.rsi.NLS.^ in ;ill its various p.irts. .Vnd lieii'.g i ntli practical workmen, fully understanding their bu^iness, Ihey have no he^itation to compare worK with any i stahlishment in Fayetteville as to style and diira- biliry. One of th> tirm may be known by reference to .A. H. Wliiltield's iron work tor the last iwo years. Wc Viirriiut all work to give geiier.al satisfaction for twelve months. Rejiaii ing dune in the neatest manner low for cash. PIF.R \ 15RAN1N. .Ia.mks H. Pikr. J\mks Bkamn. Fayetteville, Jan'y l!I, is.',;i tl2tf x(vri('E. I\ \ INi jiurclia.sed the stock of Materiel on hand at the Shop formerly owned by Mr. K. Fuller, having engaged the services of Mr. .1. C. I.ally, V.iirk gives such gMieral and entire satisfaction. S'l’ARR cV WH.LIA.MS, WIIOLKSALE DEALERS IN Foreign anti MPomeHtir Mfry fwoods^ ■lAV Fayetteville, N. C. J. H. STARR.] [.). M. WILLI A.MS April-JH, 1852. 8Gtf A\UmiWS & JESIP, No. 70 FINE Street, NEW YORK. (OMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and \VoolU*n Mucliinery, Ma cliimsts' 'I'ools, Leather Ajc., —ALSO— •* ‘ na IIIIlaet ii rer’s Artie lex’’ OF KVKRV DESCRIPTION. nform their! C*in|)risiiii>' lielliiig. Card Clothing, l»ol)l)ins, SInittlcs, Pickers, Roller Skins, Roller Clotli, Oils, N:c. Dec. 27, 1S5.'!. 57tf (;2-tf .lOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, V 0]nnisf$i0i\ AND EORW ARDLNG MERCHANT, Wilmington^ JV. C, jji^“ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1854. G7y NOTICE. $.10 REWARD R.ANAW'.AV from the stibscriber, about the 15th of July. 1851, his negro girl Sarab. Said negro is about Hi years of age, black, with large white eyes, large limbs, weighs about i:>0 pounds. Said girl is supposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of Mr. Isaac W'right’s or Gen. McKay’s, in Bladey county. The above reward will be paid_for her delivern to me, or her confinement in any jail in the State of North Carolina. WM. O. BUTLER. Clinton, N. (J., March 14, 1853. 77-tf l.H E INSURANCE. f BIHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of the jL North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance (’ompany. Every member for life participates in the profits of the Company; and the annual premium for life members ship, where it amounts to 4'iiO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the otiier half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may he insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be provided for, after the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have lieen deiiondent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life iVdicy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. Sieaiii Ei'gines—Fayelteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manuiacturing STEAM ENGINES, from five to sixty horse power, which we can furnish on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. gy^ An Engine of our own manufactur# turn be Men in operation at the Foundry. HALL & BOLutNGER. Dec. 7, 1853 51-tf i\\c:ts cannot he DOUHTEI) Iji t tht Ajffirtri/ read ati(f pnmler! .More Ilian TiiMi {terNtniH in the ciiy of Uirhmnnt, Va., nlone irsiily lo ih** remarkable rures (H^rlonued hy fVirfrr’.s Spanish •llixtnre. The preHl S|irlnc Medirino ami Purifier of Ihe BIihxI now used by hiiiulreiN of gralol'iil |intienU. w ho testily daily lo Ihe reiiiitrk- Kiile cures iierl'nriiied liy ihe grealesl of all medicines, t'urter’* S|ianii«h Mixture .\eurnt({in, Rheiiinntiitni, Scrofula, Kni|»iions on llie Skin, hiver Kisease. Fever*. I'lcer», Old Sores, Atfections of lli«* Kidneys, I>isea.>iC» of ihe Tiiriuil, Female roniplainls. Pains and Arliini! of Ihe Bones and Joints, are sjieedily put lo flight hy llsln^ this Kreal and inesliinalile remedy. For all diseases of the Itloixl. nolhinf; has yet heen found to com [lare wilh it It rleaniei the system nf all impurities, acts gently and etfiriently on the hiverand Kidneys, strenpthens the Digestion, (•ives tone lo the Stomach, inakes the Skin clear and healthy, and restores the fonstiiiition. enfeeliled liy disease or broken down hy the ex^esso^ of youth. ui its p.'istine vigor and strength. F'or the l.adies. it is imromnaralily lietter than all the rosmeticx over nsed. A few doses of Carter's Spanish Mixture will remove all sallowness ofcimplexion. Iiring the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health in a re luarkahle degree, lieyond all the medicines ever heard of. ,\ large niinilMT of cerlificates of remarkable cures performed on I (lorions residing in the city of Richmond. Va., by the use of (.’ar : ler's Spanish Mixture, is the best evidence that there is no huiii- hug alMiutit. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and pulilii- men. well known to the community, all add their testi- miiny to ihe ell'ects of this Ckeat (Ilood Pi rifiicr. Tall and sef a few hundreds of the certificates around the liotlle. None genuine unless signed BEX.VKTT ic BKERS, Druggists. Principal Depots at M. Ward, Close & Co., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York; T. W. Dyott & Sons, and Jenkins & Hartshorne, Philadelphia: Bennett & Beers, No. 125 Main Street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville. Feb’y 15, 1854. 71-6m NOTICE. N S.ATURDAY, the 2*2d day of .Inly, WILLIAM FRANKLIN LORD left his home with out my con.sent, in company with a Tobacco Trader, and has not been heard from since. The Boy is about 13 years old, slimly made, fair skin, light hair, blue eyes, and thin visaged, and has an affection of one or both ears. By’close inspection a small yellow spot maj- be seen on one of his cheeks. This boy is my only child. The public will at once sympathise with the father, and he hopes render him the necessary as sistance to get his boy again. .\ny information con cerning him, addressed to his father, Peter W. Lord, at Fayetteville, will be most thankfully received, P. S. He sometimes calls himself William Houston. PETER W. LORD. . July 20, 1854. NEW GOODS. TB^HE undersigned have in store and for sale cheap, JL a general Stock of Grwcries, Heavi/ Hardware, ]I ol hue-ware. Iron, Steel, Window Glass, Putty, Blarjismfths’ and Turpentine Tools, Brooms, Burkets, Oils, Paints, Dye iStitJfs, and in fact almost anything that can be mentioned in our line. Our friends will do well to give .us .a call before pur chasing. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Just received 10 hhds. new crop Molasses. G. W. I. GOLDSTON & CO. New brick store east side Gillespie street, third door from the Market. March 18, 1854. 80tf KOOK BINDERY. W. IIARDIE has resumed the Book Binding Business nt the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, .leweller, where he will receive an»l execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27t" R. H ilcif^s North Carolina Reader. A FURTHER SUPPLY just received, E. J. HALE & SON. July 31. S. 8. AliEY Has just received a be;»utiful assortment of Spriitir and Stnnnier GOODS. He desires to return thanks to his friends and the pub lic for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed on him, and solicits a continuance of the same. His friends and the public arc solicited to give him a call, at the Stand formerly occupied by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner of Market Si^uare and Gillespie street. April 18, 1854. 89tf WILLIAM A. GWVER, F»R\V.\RDIMJ ,\MI COMMISSION .MERCHANT, AND DISTILLERS’ AGENT, Wilmington, N. C. . ■ J^ERSON.AL attention given to the sale or shipment M. of Naval Stores. I have ample facilities for conducting the business; and extensive Wharves an.l Warehouses to protect Spirits Ti’rpkntink from ex- po.sure. Naval Stoues, Floi k, Cotton, fic., will Le shipped to any House in New York, or to other Markets if desired; and liberal Cash Ai>vavoks made on con signments. I refer to the following Distillers: — E. Hannum, Wayne county. E. 11. Woodard & Co., Earpsborough. W. Earpc & Co., “ A. (5. Thornton, Esq. Johnston county. Spencer Fountain, Esq, “ P., R, Hinnant, Esij, “ Messrs. Bridges & Durham, “ “ Blow & O’Neal “ “ Searles & .\dams, Sampson county. M. & G, Lee D. T. Durham, “ B. Godwin, Esq. Robeson county. C. W. Crawford, Esq. “ Lovet Peacock, Esq. Columbus county, W. J, Outland & Co., Bladen county, &c. June‘t, 1854, _ ‘ FRENCH BIRR MlliliTON'ES. firi*eat Rediirlioii in Price. EGENTON, MORRIS cV CO. CIONTINUE to make to order, and keep constajttly ^ on hand JFrench Burr tJiiUstones Of all dimen-sions, warranted to be of best quality, be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarries in France, They keep for sale Cologne, Cocalica and Esopua Mill stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Cnlcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, &:c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to. R. ORREI.I., Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. March 11, 1853. 7Gtf Fayetteville Mutual Insurance Company rj^HIS Company has been in successful operation i since Feb’y 1853. It has paid all losses prompt ly, without any ansfsfment, and it has still a small cash c.apital on hand. Policies issued up to 13th May, No. 709, covering property to value of $1,151,802 00 Policies cancelled and expired, 269,634 00 LIRPITT’S SPECIFIC, NOTICE. OCTORS Mallett & McSwain having left their Books and papers with W, McL, McKay, who is fully authorised to receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West of the Cape Fear River, who may be in arrears either by note or account, will confer a favor by calling on him and settling the same. • W, r*, MALLETT. H, A. McSWAlN. Fayetteville, Aug. 30, 1853, 24tf uti-li. W I’ ELLIOT r, ,\geiit Wibniiigliiii. MARSH, Agent FiiyetK-villo. T. H J. W. J. •luly 26, 1851, S. Ll TTKRLOil, IV KLI.KirT, F. MM'.SII, P. ELLKH I, R. TROV..I, I7tf and will 1 uiii now pri-p.irrd to cxcciitc nil oedfrs fi'r Timber \\ u;ons, l!..;nl W .ijiiiiis. C.irts, Drays, \Viiccih!irrows, &c, I lia\v I'll build :ind will c.iU'tnnlly ket']! » good sup ply ot Iron \xb‘S, rh.'iins, ll'tlt--. and in siiort every tiling that the Wiigoii-niaker c;iii iiccd. Timber W:igons. with tin* iiii|ir‘>ved Ir.in .\xle«, maile f.i oidfi- at till- siiorlot notii c. I liiiVL' It* good and riiiiipoK-iit Workmen ;it the busi- iie.- , ;iiid will givfil IDV whob‘:ii;d undivided attention. Mv ).rii-e-4 -;!i:ill be as niodfrnto as the times will nd- init, and I will challenge any Wagon-inuker in the Uni ted rotates to C'lual my work either in point of style or dnrabililv, TllOS. C, FULLER, Oct. J*;, 185:’., 39tf PEiiin; & WHOLLSALK I'ERii! ulai.i:rs in Foreign ant! MPontesiir DRV HA I S, ( \I*S, HOOTS. SilOKS, ( ndirellus^ and Ueadi^-mndv ('lnthini(^ ll.W STliKHT, F:iyrlt‘vill‘, i • J^j^i'trict attention paid to orders, B. r. PKAECE.J (l;;tf) [j. B. FEBGl’SON. i’Ui:i(;irriN(; on c ap!-: tear. ('B'^lll. suhscrihcrs h.'iving purchased the Steamers J I'.vcrgreen ami Southerner and 'i'ow Boats, lately the pro(,erly ot tin- llcmictta Slt-anihoat ('oii!)any, are now prepared lo forward with despatch, bet ween Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. .S: J, H. ROBERTS, Fayetteville, Feb’y 14, 1853, tJ8tf ALXLLE'l' l’ vV PAl LMIER, 4i!rorers and iUnnmission *lier~ t'hants., i:tr» f'roiit NEW YORK. P, M.\LLK1T,J [J. I'AIILMIKR August Di, 1852. 18tf W. 1*. EI.LIO'IT, (Tfurrnl ('oiiiinissi/m atii/ Foricardinij Jlerfhant, WII.-MINtrroN, N. c. June D». 1851. Hf s row ^ SMAR r, — >1 ('('KHSUKS 'lU--- TIIO.TIAS A: rKAI\KM.\, ('() .M MISS ION >I K lie 11 ANTS, .\ii(l Dt-alcrs in Forrieii aiitl lloiiifslif llurdwiirf, .\o. 128 Penrl Street, and ‘.'I Water Street, \|^\V VOKI4. July 8, 1854. 12^nipd WTLKLNSON & ESLER, DEALERS IN Confectionav}/, Foreiyn Fruits, Nuts, Tohacco, and Snuff, AND IMPORTERS OF SI ilAVA.^A CIOARK, ■\T UMK^LESALE AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. ■\ug. 7, 1851. lltf SAMUEL VV. PEP1‘ER, SiCCKSSoH TO IIKNKV I I'El^FER & SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. Xo. ITT) Chesiiut St., {opposite the State House,) PHILADELPHIA. May 22, 1854, 4Ypd FOR THK Cl KE OF Dysentery, Diarrhua, and Sinnmer Complaint. IN presenting this justly celebrated Medicine to the public, we make no rash as.sertion of its efficacy, nor is any hope held out to the afflicted which facts do not warrant. This remedy having been, for years, used in this place, for the cure of the above diseases, and those ap pertaining to the same class, the Proprietor hivs been induced to offer it on a more extensive scale, with a view to les.sen the .amount of human suffering, I have never known it to fail, when the Directions have b*>en strictly adhered to. Many iiontmmu have been palmed upon the public, and I hesitated for some time, until thoroughly convinced of its efficacy. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a letter received from S. J. Cabfoli,: B.M.T1MORF,, January 10th, 1853. Wm H. Lii'I'itt, Estj.—Dear Sir:—1 have no hesita tion in saying that your Specitic is one of Medicine fxtant for l)i/!enten/, Diarrhaa, You possibly may recollect my case; if it has escaped your memory, I will give you briVtly the facts, I had tried every thing that I had seen used, but with little success. And after using enough to start twenty-tive Homeophathic M. D’s., I begai to despair, when you kindly ottered me your in valuable Medicine, which cured me etfectually. Yours, truly, S. J. C.\R110LL, WlL.MIN'OTON, N, C., August 14, 1851. Wm. H. Lii’imtt, Esq.—Dear Sir:—1 have used your Specitic in two cases in my family for Dysentery. In one, 4 papspoonsful effected a complete cure—in the other, three had the like effect. Respectfully, &c., THOS. LORING, Kd. Commercitil. HARRELL’S STtHlE, Nkw Hanovkb, Co., N. 1 October 10, 1851. ( Wm. H, Lipimtt, Esq,,—Dear Sir:—It is with plea sure I state that I have used your Specitic for the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhiiea, kc., and have found it to pro duce the desired effect in every case I used it. after the usual remedies have tailed I recommend it with confidence to the public. Respectfully. &c, J. B. SEAVEY, M. D, S.WANN.AH, Ja., December 2*i, 1851,* Mr, Wm. H. LirpiTr,—Dear Sir:—It is with pleasure I acknowledge the wonderful effects of your Medicine for curing Diarhuea or Bowel complaint, as I am satis fied it was the means under G^d, of saving the life, first of my Child, and then of my Brother, As my Brotlier was given up by two of the most eminent physicians in this place, Drs, Richardson and Wregg, and when I consulted the latter, as to the propriety of trying it on him so low, he said I might, to satisfy myself that 1 had left nothing untried, but he did not think that ,Medicine would he of anj' use to him. But, thank God, he was mistaken, as we saw the salutary effects in 24 hours, and in ten ilaj'S he was able to he out of bed, I remain yours, very truly and gratefully, WM, BAILY. Prepared and sold by WM, H. LIPPITT, Wilmington, N. C. S.\M’L J, HINSDALE, Druggist, ^ Fayetteville, N. C. VAUGHAN MOORE, Druggists, Goldsborough, N. C. And by Druggists generally. June 14, 1854. 5-2m ON CONSIGNMENT, SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, very large and fine. R, 51. ORRELL. May 22, 1854. 98tf A large (juantity of Manufactured TOBACCO, of various brands and prices, for sale by STEDMAN & HORNE. July 20, 1854. Ifitf CASfl OR BARTER. TMIIIE subscribers offer for cash, barter, or approved paper— HHDS. MOLASSES. 10,000 lbs. N, C. Bacon, 200 bales Hay, 20 bbls. Mess Pork. 600 sacks Salt, 5 casks Rice. 35 bbls. Refined Sugar. 40 kegs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue, 600 casks Lime. Osnaburgs, Sheetings, and Cotton Yarn, by the bale. The above Goods will be sold very low, if applied for soon. BENBOW, KYLE & CO. July 5, 1854. lltf To the Freighting Public. TBIHE Brothers’ Steam Boat Co. is now prepared JL with the following Boats: Str. DOUGLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA McDANIEL, to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They are provided with suitable W’harf and Ware-House accommodations to do a general business, and hope by strict attention to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public patronage. J. S. BANKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville. JNO. BANKS, Ag’t at W'ilaington. Sept. 19, 1853. 29tf Amount now insured. Amount Premium Notes, Do- do, cancelled and expired, $882,228 00 $104,669 61 36,085 35 Do. drt now on hand, $128,584 26 Averaging 14 57-100 per cent, on the amount insured, (Jash premiums received, $8,258 01 Fire losses adjusted and paid, $4,917 22 The Board take pleasure in stating that the Compa ny is now in a condition to merit public confidence.— It is >\‘/ahli.thed upon a foundation which cannot he movfd. We solicit a Bbare of business. DIRECTORS: Geo. McNaJ, H. L. Myrover, C Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jamcib ivjri®, J G. Shepherd, S, T, Hawley, David A. Ray, J. l*. «fUimnis. Thos. S. Luttsrloh, N, A. Sted- ninn, Wm. MuLiaarin. E. Hall, J. H. Cook, A. A. McKethan, .)»b. (J, Cook, C. Lutterloh, OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H, L. MYROVER, Vice President. (’, A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B, LEM.\Y, General Agent. .May 20, 1854. _ _ 98Y Coopers' Tools, and all qualities of Glue for Distillers use, for .sale bj- D. & W\ McLAURIN. June 12, 1854, 4tf Fire-Proof Roofing. FRANCIS SHENTON, Slate and •lletal Roofer, rilHANKFUL for past favor.s, I beg to inform my I friends and the public, that I am now prepared to contract ^or and execute, in the best manuer and on reasonable terms, ALL KINDS OF FIRE-PROOF ROOFING. Gutters, Leader Pipes and Heads, of any style or pattern, made to order and warranted for any specified time. Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit any style of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. TROY & MARSH HAVE ON HAND: New Crop Mola-sses, Sugars, (’offee. Salt, Iron, Nails, Hardware, Cutlery, Window Glass, Putty, Blacksmith Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Ada mantine and Tallow Candles, Crockery, Boots and Shoos, Cotton ('ards, Saddles and Bri dles, Snuff, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., W'hich they offer at wholesale and retail. —ALSO,— Mess Pork. Bacon, Lard. Meal (Fresh,) Dried Fruits, Cabbage, FRESH up country Butter, a-^we are Agents tor the sale of Stoddard’s Cele brated Piano Eorte, warranted at N. Y, prices, g^^'Manufactured Tobccco at Factory prices, lan’y 28, 1854. 66-tf STA PE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. In ljquity, February Term, 18.54, Alexander .McKay vx. Sam’l Threadgill and .Malcom Gillis. Original Bill, IT ap]iearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Sam’l Threadgill, one of the Defendants in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered by the I’ourt, that publication be made in the Fayette ville Observer for six weeks, that the said Sam’l Thread gill appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the county of .Montgomery, at the Court House in Troy, on the last Monday in August next, and plead, answer or ilemur to the Plaintiff’s Bill, or the same will be ta ken pro confesso, and heard ex parte as to him. Witness, .Fames L, Gaines, Clerk and .Master in Equi- ty of our sail Court, at Office, the last Monday in Feb ruary 1854, and 78th of .\merican Independence. 17*] JAS. L. GAINES, C. M. E. FOR SALE. A ONE horse Buggy with three Springs. Also, li m four horse road Wagon. Terms low. F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS. June 28. 9 tf Force, Lifting and Suction Pumps, adapted to any situation; Hydraulic Rams, and all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov. 15, 1853. 44-1 Vf»d i\l.W BAKERY. TBlHE Subscriber has established a Bakery on Bow Jfc Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill’s C.abinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families, Boats, and the public generally, wilh Bread, Biscuit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the best quality, as he has procured the .services of one of the best Bakers in the State. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. CHA’S BANKS. Fayetteville, Dec. 28, 1852. 55-tf -=oDR. gTRONG’So'=- COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS Tliese Pills are eiitlrei.v anl are a moat •upcrlor Mertlcine in the curp of all Bilious Omn- plaintt, ChiUt and Fn-rr. D!/i:pfp.na, 0>stivene3S, Lirer Crtmplainl. JaundiCf, Sick Hmdarhe. Scrofula. Suit Rhrum. Prrrrs of all Hndf, Lou of Appetitt, Obttructed and jMtinful Menslruatinn. and an liv- gering diteases. A» a Female Medicine they act like a rhann. and when taken according to the directionB, they never tail tn cure the worst cases of Pile*, after all other remedien fail. They purify the blood, equalize the clrrnla> tion, restore the I^lver, Kidneys, and other Se cretory OrKanSf to a healthy tone and action : and as an Anti-Bilious Family Medirine they have no equal. Price 25 ceute per box. AUo -=>'DR. STRONG’S'c=- PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS A remtdy for Coughs. CMs, Catarrh. Bronchitis, Croup. Whooping Oimgh. Asthma, Consumption. A'crvous Diseases, Dyspepsia. Cbs- titeness. Erysipelas, Disease of ihe Heart, JnflaiHmatiim and Pain in the iTheM, Back and Side, and all diseases arising from, a de ranged statt of (he Stomach, and to reliere the distress and bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in \orak and dyspeptic habiir WAERASTED TO BE PTIEELY VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Expectorant. Tonic, and Aperient. One 25 cent box pos.oesses three times more |>ower to cure disea.ie* than a one dollar bottle of any of the Pyrup*. BaUtms, or Sarsa- parillas, that were ever made; and n simple trial of only one bo.x will prove this important tnith. They promote Expectoration, lioosen the Phle{(m, and Clear the l.iinKa and other Secre tory Or{(ana, of all morbid matter, and there U not another remedy in the whole Materia Medics capable^ imparting such healins propertie*" to the Lungx and Vital Or gans as the»e Pills. They Cure CoBtlvenc««» prodnce a Kood, regnlar Appetite, and Strengthen the Syatcm* , Price 25 centi per box. containing 25 dof>es of Medrane. Call on the A(tents who sell the I’ill.*. and get the Planter’s Almanac GRATIS, giving full particular^ and certificate* of cures. Both kinds of the above-named I’iil' are for sale in Every Town and Vlllape In North and South Carolina. Fayettcviii«N *>y S. J. HII¥SDALt and JA-TIES If. SIVITH. [I9j In i

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