«pp mmmm mmm- IS(>\ i,., •>i- !;u Th.v" ' *' incr. -t.,, Iin i i.rtv. ■ foun f iv, ,- i ;' SKMl-WBKRLiY. or tl .!iri \(>L. I\.l I' AYETTFAILLE, N. C., A1 (U ST :U. 18')4. [NO. :V27.1 >‘Iu 'i \ ^ !. "r,; 1-.UU..: , ' H\ Ki; /. ■'' '‘n,! ,1,, . an,I iii,;. tlu'in t i.T-.* - IT-'' '’i= CRi'^ n;\chii;.>. ;^ ■ ey ii;.., i. peril. ; '■•^" ;; of Til.-. ■■■*'»•:-( •: .ur,,.-. :t ^ for ;■ their '1 buuaers. ,:r ,n,, •»N" M. K;,SK. H\y ^ >u nrv «tome i :., u)an»jj.5. App, v it this f.gif," Give;. Ouniiy Hiid 'i Bft p 21 n j; T w ■; Tl - fcll ht- oupillf.j JAS c/ OOK •i.'Tf fi n; ^ anufa’tureii f'l,. iU in .. nd iii^, . Jmm- :, i f.,rr 13 pt‘rni;iUrht t€*r ni :i I. 'IIh.-pjra.J . moht •, to he I i’r .niiei ’i ’■«' i'artory in I'll A .V ! f’.ep.,. iinal Iir:k nen '€• SL V for ihpi:. he :. ■■, t V -•- - r.. • n. W ,rr^nt5.... aii'i . . \ . ,*rieL,r; Jsi:,. .-, if, s.-i “.'ie ::; the I’ni'**' Hy '■ ; ■; ;:. h:s line iMew .-r- tL >t i- LAE- clt'inraq.^, (aid ^ry -t;. ni-h.' i i;-:y, C\-M .■ ^ L • V- . - fi..- rr;ii.'- i j. b:i.. ..'lkr^:Hn lari.. i |;jMI.I> MOMiWS; AN1> TIH’KSDAV^ I KKWAKI) J. HALK & SON, r,UlT(»US AM> I’HOl’HlKTOUS. ii,',-fcir the Senii-AVeekly Obikkvkk !i>l5 tH) if paiil in ji ;.un. : •i'-’ if pniil .hiring the year of suhscrip- , ,.i '*>4 :Ut»Tlhe year has expired, ir tin' Weekly (Hiskpvkk ^2 00 per nnmiin, if paid in •I iv i'i. ■: if pnid dnrina; the yenr of snhporip- „ , . "s:; !'i) after the yi-nr has expired. \1>\ UK ri>^KMKNTS inserted lor sixtj cents per bi iv "t I'* tirst, and thirty cents far each i‘ iiM ' puhliciition. Yearly advertisements b_v spe ll l ontract!*. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are questcil t rates. state the number of insertions desired, or will t'C rontiiined till forbid, and charged accord ■ iv JK^^‘ Letter-i to the Kilitors must be post-paid FILL WINTER GOODS. \Ki: NOW RECEIVING OUR USUAL SUPPLY OF li \ (Joods. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boot.- 11(1 Slioos, Keadv-niade Clothing, Ilartlware, Groceries, ♦Sjc., lii. h we will sell wholesale or retail on accouimodat- ' '‘‘‘ t'OUNClL, CAIN .i CO. Viij^ust 185I. 2«-2m RAMSKY i BKO., |4;eiieral CommiNt^ioii and For warding; .llerchantA, Wilmington and Fayetteville, And Agents for Metts’ Line of Steamboats* AT FAYETTEVILLE. . R.\MsKY.] [X. A. RAMSEY. Au*;ust 2'.*. 1854. 2*iti JAMES E. METTS, «-V Forwarding Merchant^ WILMINGTON, N. C. August 23, 1854. Wtf PLANTS »Sj trees. [BKHSONS desiring large quantities of FLOWERING ' PLANTS. ROSES, SHRUBS, EVERGREENS, lLIT TREES, GRAPE VINES. &c., should send in irders earh*. say by the 1st of October, by which Ijey will receive’ the choice both as to size and quality ratalojnies supplied to applicants. LUTTERLOH, Nurseryman. 2*’)-3w PEIRIE k IfEllUl'SON, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Oomestic DKl HA’l'S. ( APS, nOOTS, SHOES, Umhrellds^ and Headii-madv Clotliinir^ HAV STliEET, Favetleville, ]\. t . Strict attention paid to orders. B. F. rEAROK.") (l:ltfl [j. B. rKRlUSON. R. M. OUu¥lI., FimWARDlMJ (MnnilSSlO.N MKRt HA.NT AT Fayetteville, V. March 10, 1851. (,2-tf A “larj^c (jiumtity of Manufactured TOR.APrO, (if various brands and prices, for sale by STKDMAN & HORNE. July 20, 1854. l*itf BOOK BINDERY. W. IIARDIE has resumed the Book Binding Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will receive and execut# binding in any style lesired. August 1. 27tf R IT ileii\'s .\orl/i (yarolina Reader. 1 FL RTHER SUPPLY just received. 1. E. J. HALE & SON. July .'!1. JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTOK.\KV AT LAW S. 8. AREY Hus just received ii beautiful assortment of Spriu^r and Summer GOODS. He desires to return thanks to his friends and the pub lic for the liberal patronage which they have bestoweil Has taken an otHce nexi door to Wni. B. Wright's j on him, and solicits a continuance of the same. His . Law oflice on Green Street. He will attend and | friends and the public are solicited to give him a call, practice in the County and Superior (’ourts of Cumber , at the Stand formerly occupied bj’ S. .1. Hinsdale, south west corner of Market Square and Gillespie street. .\[iril 18, lt54. - 89tf land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson ■M«rch 2;?, 1858. r'.»-tf H. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets X W under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf C. NEW BOOKS. ^L'R Honeymoon and other (’omicalitiesfrom Punch: . " The Frontiersman: Romance of War, by Louis plNtab: Marshall’s Book of Oratory: Keys to Enier- Dn ? and Smith s Arithmetics: Olnej a Geography; prnen's Prayers; \c., &c. Also, further supplies of Ja-ihion and Famine; Sir Jasper Carew, by Lever; . lol Books, lie., ic. E. J. HALE .V SON. C’HI RCH MUSIC. ME Christian Ministrel. by J. B. Aikin; Harp of the South, by Woodbury; Presbyterian Psahnodist; ■ mtbern Harmony; with other kinds of Church Music ^-‘Tieral use. E. J. HALE SON. SITI ATION WANTED. L. KERN, Professor of Music on the I’iano, \c., f. r the last five or six years engaged in teaching ■ in '- ine nf thv best «cho,.ls in this State, ir de- ~ .if . Staining a situation in a g"od school. Iptq, N. August 22. 2*i-lt SMITH ik SANDFORD, Attorneys at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, X (\ Office over Mr. Hinsdale's Drug Store. F.. I>. S^lTH.] (17-Y) [U. 11. SASIUOKD. NOTICE. DOCTORS .Mallett & .McSwain having left their ^ Books and papers with W'. McL. McKay, who is fully authorised to receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West of the Cape Fear River, who may ! be in arrears either by note or account, will confer a I favor bj' calling on him and settling the same. I AV. P. MALLETT. ! H. A. McSAVAIN. Fayetteville, Aug. 30, 1853. 24tf GEO. W. WHJJA.MS cV CO., Wholesafe Grocers and Commhaion M>rr]innts. JUST RECEIVED, a large assortment of GOODS in their line, for sale on favorable terms. July 2t‘i, 18^4. I7tf H. ERAMBERT, Confectionery and Variety Store, Cntlcr the Fayett rilh fayf:ttevtlle, x c'. Dec'r 31, 1853. oMf "Worth & ITtley, * EorwanliiiiT and G»‘nerai (N)nnnission MERCHANTS, Fayettcriil€i •>’. V, I'o the Frei^htin^ Public. fB^HE Brothers’ St«am Boat Co. is now prepared JL with the following Boats: Str. DOUGLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA .McDaniel. ' to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight I intrusted to their care, with as n’uch despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They are provided with suital>ie AVharf and Ware-House accommodations to do a general business, and hope by strict attention t«i the intercot ..f shipper,-., to meet a share of public t\'DREWS & JESIir, No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOl*. THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton jind Woollen Machinery, Ma chinist.s’ Tools, Leather Belting A:c., —ALso- ^.^Ianufaeturer’s Articles” OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Coniprisintr Belting, Card Clothing, Bobbins, Shuttles, Pickers, Roller Skins, Roller Cloth, Oils, &c. Dec. 27, 1853. 57tf PRENtll BURR MIliLSTO^ES. Cwreat Rediietlon in Price. EGENTON, MORRIS & CO. ('lONTISUE to make to order, and keep constantly ^ on hand French Burr MillstoneH Of all dimensions, warranted to be of best quality, be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarries in France. They keep for sale Cologne, Cocalica and Esopus Mill stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, &c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to. R. ORREI.1., Agent at Fayetteville, N. C March 11. 1853. 76tf Fayetteville Hotel. JOHN HARMAN Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared to render those comfortable who may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C., June 3, 1853. • 20#f patvi.utgf', Sept. Is^, 1853. TROY J. S. BANKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville. JNO. BANKS. Ag’t at WilMiingtun. 29tf & 31ARSH J. A. WORTH. r2tf i •lOS. I TLEY. If ip> .t’-ri i*.i t.: ■ very r*i- ■iWff \i -oons s»-«« t. hf- ■ - I.:; • : Af- irn xnei’i i ' \ - f ti. T- • - .Vf 'iir uiin j. -.if, J \ ‘I iri’l ,'fp;KS f''’ i: irk' r '■ .iisre. -M-tf on: i I.; .rri: ^ ,;i'-:ierh- Es! :• :!.hriient, tn I.:' W*ii' pa- I wir/i t.'i’’ f. • . of Lj- |.r. vender IL ; tf Steward and Matron anted. fpHF. Board of Directors of the North Carolina Insti- 1 tution for the Deaf and Dumb an.l the Blind are iiesir .us of employing for the ensuing session, com- meniinp ..n the first day of September, a Steward and M;itt .11. t.i take charge of the Domestic department of th- In^sitiition. .V man and his wife will be required. ■V ! rtf.[.lirati.ins should be sent without delay, with 5’i‘ I'pr r^ ferences, t.. the ■iubscri^>er. ]’v rder of the Board. W. D. COOKE. Principal ..f the Institution. I', .lei.'h, -\ugust 15, 1854. 25-2w BOOKS. \RD Time.'- by Dickens: Katharine .\shton, by .Misr Seawell; Alone, by Maria Harland; Vara. I h;M ..t .^.I'lption; Fashion and Famine: Uncle ■ ^ . s l,“tter‘- to Y'lung M'.thcrs; Agatha Beaufort, r F .miiy Pride: The Catacombs of Rome, by Bishop I Kip; Now-A-Days; The Orator'-* Touchstone, by Hugh ! Mcyuecn, Esq.; The Swamp Steed: \c.. just receive*!. E. J. HALE & SON. , NOTICE ro Mi:RCHAN;rs. ^I^'HE subscriber wishing to engage in a more retired i f occupation, and one m.^re congenial to his feel- ■ iii^^, ..ffers for sale his Houses and Lot at Floral Col- j The Lot contains one acre of land; the buildings I !in- adapted to the purpose of a Store, and suitalile for a taniily to live in The location is healthy ami the \'.iter excellent. The subscriber can safely say, after iviu" been engaged in the Mercantile business 10 vi-.'U ' fit this place, that few if any location offers such 'r. ltii . nierits to those wishing to emliark in the business this .l..e-. The country around is thickly populated. Thf C iliejje is in a rtourishitig condition, at present numbering 70 Students, and the people are disiinguish- t'1 f ii- intelligence an.l moraiity. F .r further information apply to the subscriber at Kl'.rai College. N, . JOHN McIN.N'IS. .Vugust 5, 1854. 21-f)W NEW BOOKS. fBlHE Plurality of Worhls, by Edward Hitchcock. A D. D.: Tiie Bible .Not of .Man, by (iardiner Spring, D. D.; ( rystalline, by Shelton; The Parish Side; Cala- v:ii-, by liird: Purple Tints ..f Paris, ^-y B. St. John; \'!rfrinia M.r.lannt, by I’eynolds: The Nei-romancer, by (h»- same; The Twin Brothers: The R.ia.l to Ruin: The I’lUral lieuiitic', a Se.piel to the ‘-itoyal Favorite’"; Sam .Slick's A\ ise .Sawh an.l .Modern Instances 4'utter's .-Vna- tomy. Physiology and Hygiene. Also, further Bupjdies ..f S.-hool an'l L;iw l^.idk-. Paper, Envelopes, kc. •Just received. E. J. HALE ,V SON. July 24, 1854. T. C. WORTH, GENERAL CO.MMISSlON MERCHANT. WIL.MINGTOX. X. Usual advances made on consignments of ’t»f.on. Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by G. W. D.AVIS to pur chasing ’'argoes. procuring Freight.s I'.ir Vessels. i:c. J;;n’y 17. 1854. t;:MV T. c\ iV B. (;. woRrii. Conunission cV I'oruardiiig M(‘rchant.s BROWN’S BUILDiNti. WATER STREET. Wiiiiiini^loii. Usual advances ma.le ..n consi'.rnnienf Jan’y 17, I>54. CHAR!J> IiANK>. t'0.^•FF€'Tt0.Vi:Mt, AVHOhESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IV Koreiyn Frtn't$, Xufit, (’I'r/nrs. Tofnn'-'o, Smijf, ti’i'. Fayetteville, W. C. March 1, ls5 :. 7 /tf J. S. liANlvS, ('oinnii!4Mion .llereliaiit. Fayetteville, W. C. Sept. in, 1853. 2'.ttf G. S. Bl Biiildrr and I ndcrtak'er, B'S prepared to execute .•■■ntract^. of fruin ^w»o to i>50,0i.>0 and upwar 1 HAVE ON HAND: Xow Trup Mohisses, Sugars, Cofi’ue, Salt, Iron, I X:iils, lianiware. Cutlery, Window tilass, Putty, j Hlacksniith 'Pools, l>vo .Stuffs, Spices, Ada- in:iiitiiic and Tallow Candlos, Crockery, Boot.s j and Slious, Cotton Caid.s, Saddles and Bri dles, Snuff, Soups, Dry Goods, etc., etc., Whii h they ofi'er at wholesale and retail. —ALSO.— .Mess Pork. Bacon. Lard, Meal i Fresh,) Driel Fruits, • ’abbage, FRESH up country Butter. jt^T’We are Agents tor the sale of Stoddard’s Cele- bnitel Piano Forte, warranted at N. Y. prices. 16^ .Manufactured Tobccco at Factory prices. Jan'y 'J>, l^■”lJ. Oii-tf FOR SALE. ONE horse Bupgj' with three Springs. .Also, a four horse road Wagon. Terms low. F. N. a J. H. ROBERTS. June l;--. *' tl Rook-Bindinjif. «^HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Fayetteville, and the public, that he has resume.! his Book-Binding business, at his ol.l stand ojiposite .1. Hale &, Son’s Bookstore, on .\mierson street, wliere he will receive and execute any style desired, ])lain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, &c. bound to any pattern desired. Old books re-botmd. Thankful for the patronage he has heretofore re ceived. he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. THOMAS H. TILLINGHAST. July 31, 1854. • 18tf LUTTERLOH & CO. THE undersigned having on the 20th May la.st form ed a Copartnership under the name and style of LUTTERLOH & CO,” for the purpose of transacting a general Boating business on the C^ape Fear River, j the Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has been repaired, and ' is now in superior order for freighting and carrying passengers. She will make regularly’ two trips a week, leaving Fayetteville Mondays and Thursdaj’s at 15 minutes after Sunrise, and AVilniington Tuesdays and Friday’s at 10 o’clock. The Steamer Rowan witii a full complement of Flats will make one trip or more a week, as circumstances may require. The Boats of this line being of very light draft of water, shippers may rely on dispatch. The Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trips a week, for the last twenty-two months, up to the 20th May, during the lowest state of the River. Shippers by our liae may rely with certainty on dis patch. AV. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. J. F. MAR.SH, .4gent Fayetteville. T. S. LUTTERLOH, H. B. ELLIOTT. J. F. MARSH. AV. P. ELLIOTT, J. B. TROV. Jr. July 25, 1854. 17tf o A CoojXM's' 'Tools, Olne f.iv 1 iiotill*r- use. for .June 12, 1N>4. and all ({ualitios sale bv U. 3t W. McLAURIN 4tf of 1 'JS. y.,.-k a v.»rv )DS, 7 k.jpt -n our e [ 'I' khge, oD er. .'inJile line. accurnm jdit- IN & CO. 6-itf W(*!»lern Kail Koad Offiee,) Fn jiHerllli^ .h{h/ 2:>, 1S,")4. | ^pHE Board of Directors have this day called for the £ following .Assessments on the Caj)ital Stock .f this • ompany, vi/: 4 per cent, payable on the 1st Sept. I85I. 5 “ 2d Oct. 185». 5 *■ “ •• “ 1st Nov. 1854. 5 “ ‘‘ “ “ 1st l>e‘. 1H54. Stockholders will please be prejiared to pay piinctii- ;dly. as it will re.juire the whole .\ssessments to be paid to meet the progress of the work. By order of the Board. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r 18tf] AV. U. R. Co. Turj)(‘iitiiic! 'rurjxMitiiie! We Avaiit to buy 'I'ui jx-mint*, deliv ered at our Still in Campbellton. ' JESSUl' CO. March 1, 1854. 70tf Window Blinds, Sa:h, Gla.ss Do.irs, and all kin.Is of ornameiital and plain work warrante.i to give satisfac tion. He may be found on in iuiry at .Air. Jesse W. Powers's. Fayetteville, .April 12, If^-")}, 87-t;ni})'l STARR & WH.LIAMS, AVHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign anti nomestir MPry Uoods^ IIAV STKKirr, Fayetteville, N. C. J. B. STARK.] [J. -M. AVILLIAM.S April 28, 1852. 8(Uf w. w ELLio rr, Geinrdl Cornmissi'iii nn1 Forirnntni'/ .Mcrrhmit, vnLMix;T()x, X. r.' June 10, 1854. 4tt JOSEPH R. BLONSOM. i (' 41II n I I o \ AND FORWARDING MERCHAN 1\ l§*ilniington.f C. rompt personal attention given to .all ("on-^ig!! ments, and (’ash ailvances ma.le on Pro'iuce to he ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1854. b7y WILKINSON ^ i:SLER, DEALERS IN OonfectioiKirj/, Forriijn J^riiitx, Aiifs, Tahiicro^ nud Siiiijl, AND lAlPoRTERS OF SIIPKKIOK C;i«AKS, .\T \VHOI,KSAI>K .AM) UKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. 11 tf SAMUEI. VV. PElMM'Ji. SICCKS.ll! TO HENRY 1. l^EHPKR iS: .SOX. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. No. 17;') Clusnnt Si., the Srute Home,) I’HILA DELPHIA. .Alay 22, 185K 4A'pd l"ir'-Fro()f Kootiii". FRANCIS SHENTON, shttr and •ffetat Roofer. ’»H.\.\K!'('h :. r past favors. I beg to inform my friends an.l the public, that I am now prepared to contract fur an.l execute, in the best manner and on reasonable term^, ALL KINDS OF FIREPROOF ROOFING. Gutters. Leader Pipes and Heads, of any style . r pattern, made to order an.l warninted for any specified time. .Slate Chimney Pipes nnnie to suit any style ol build ing or situation, wiih..ut danger of lightning. CE»* «L rVH B* Force, Lifting an.l Suction Pumps, adapted to any sittiation: Hy iraulic Rams, ami all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up an.l warranted. Sheet Lea 1 jui.l Lead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteviile, Nov. 15, lr53. 44-1 A'pd M:\\ RAKERY.~ f||lHE Subscriber has established a Bakerj’on Bow JL Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill’s (’abinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families, Boats, and the public generally, with Bread, Biscuit, and Cakes of various kimls, of the beat quality, as he has procured the services of one of the best Bakers in the State. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. CH.A’S BANKjf. Fayetteville. Dec. 28. 1852. 55-tf Ao//rc to the '/'rarellimr I*uhlic. fBlHE Stage leaves Warsaw daily (except .Saturday) M. at 7 o’clock, p. m., after the arrival of the even ing train from the North, and arrives at Fayetteville next da_v by t’> o’cIock, a. m.. in time for the Stage to Salem: which leaves }■ .;yetteville Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o’clock, p. m., and arrives at Salem next day by 2 p. m. Returning, leaves Salem Tues. days. Thursdays, and Saturdays, at i o’clock, p. m.- arrives at Fayetteville next day by 4 p. in.. in time for the Stage to AVarsaw; which leaves Fayetteville daily (except Saturday! at 0 p. m.. and arrives at Warsaw next day by 5 a. m., in time to connect with the train North or South. Tickets from AVarsaw to Salem. $12. From AVarsaw to Fayetteville, ii4. To other points on the road in proportion. M. McKlNNON. Fayetteville. March 18, 1854. 80-tf attention, the WHOLE! WHILE you are talking of your internal improve ments. forget not to call to see the improve ments made in Guns af .Al. .A. B.AKER’S GUN M.ANU- F.ACTORA . on Hay street, opposite the Post Office, where he has the Prussian Neeille Gun. .Air Guns, an.l various improved Pistols, of (’olt's Repeater. .Allen s. AVhitney's arms conipany with .Maynard primers, .Arm- j hand strong Duelling Pistols; with a large assortment of ' 1 louble and single-barrel Shot (iuns, (iame and Shot Bags. Powder Flasks, Percussion C.aps of English and French make, with a large assortment of gaming fix. tures. Ritles constantly on hand ami manufacturtfd to order, and warranted to shoot from 10(> to 000 yar-ls. Repairing of every thing in the Gtuismith line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge. .All orders promptly attende.l to. Al' \v.)rk warrants.I. * M. A. BAKER. Sign of the AVooden Guji. Ha\’ street, opposite the Post Office. I Jan’v 2. 1854. 5(*tf NOTICE. N SATURDAY, tde 22d day of July, my son AVILLIAM FRANKLIN LORD left his home with out my consent, in company with a Tobacco Trader, and has not been heard from since. 'J'he Boy is about 13 years old, slimly made, fair skin, light hair, blue eyes, and thin visaged, and has an affection of one or both ears. By close inspection a small yellow spot may be seen on one of his cheeks. This boy is my only child. The public will :it once sympathise with the father, and he hopes rentier him the necessary as- sistnncM to get his boy again. Any information con cerning; him, addressed to 1ms lather, Peter W . Lord, a? Fayettiiville, will be most thankfully received. P S. He .sometimes calls himself AVillinm Houston. PETER AV. L(>RD. July 29, 1854. CASH OR BAR'FER. rjlHE subscribers cHTer for cash, barter, or apjirove.l 40 WH.LFUl A. (;wvi:ii, FOK\VARI)!\C A.M) ri),M>llSS!n\ MERt’HANT. AND IHSTII.LEHS’ AGEX'I', Wilmington, N. C. S^ER.SON.AL attention given to the sale or sUipHieui of N.vval .Storks. I have ample facilities for c-on.lucting the business; and extensive W harves and AA'arehonses to protect Spirits Tt'UPKXTi.N’F. from ex- l>osure. Naval Storks, I’loi r, (’otton, ."ic., will be shipped to any Hou.se in New York, or to other Markets if desired; and libernl Cash .\l»VAVrEs made on con signments. 1 refer to the following Distillers: — E. Hannnin, Wayne county. E. II. AA'oodard \ ’o., Earpsborough. W'. Earpe & Co., “ Cl. Thornton Esq. Johnston county. S|>encer Fountain, Esq, “ B. R. Hinnant, Esq. *• Messrs. Bridges & Durlmm, “ “ Blow & O’Neal “ “ Searles Alams, Sampson county. M. & G. Lee, 1). T. Durham, ‘‘ B. Godwin, Esq. Robeson county. W. Crawford, Esq. “ Lovet Peacock, Esij. Columbus county. W. J. Outland Co., Bladen county, &c. June 0, 1854. 4-tf MALLETT & TaULMIER, ~ twrorers and. Commission J^er- clutnts^ 135 Front Street, NEW YORE. V. MALLETT.] [J. I’AUL.MIER August 1C, 1852, IBtf STOW SMART, i —SIOCESSOKS TO ! THO.TlA^ii X FRAiVKLliV, CO M MISSlOX M ERC H AXTS, ;lijcl Dealers in Foreign und Douieslic lltirdware, No. 128 Pearl Street, and 94 AVater Street, VOUK. July 8. 1854. I2-Gmpd ON CONSIGNMENT, SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, very large :ind fine, R. M, ORRELL. .May 22, 1854. ft8tf ('rocfcrri/^ ( 'hi/ta, and (jrlass Wax. : b.ive h paper— HHDS. MOLASSES. lO.OtK) lbs. N. C. Bacon. 200 bales Huy. 20 bbls. .Aless Pork. fiOO sacks Salt. 5 casks Rice. 35 bbls. Refined Sugar. 40 kegs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue. 500 casks Lime. Osnabuigs. Sheetings, and Cotton Yarn, by the bale. The above (loo.ls will be sold very low, if apjilie.l for 8oon. BENBOW. KYLE \ CO, July 5. 1854. Utl Faffcttrville Mntaal fn.snrancc (JoiHjia.iji. .fBlHLS Company has been in successful operatiosi B since Feb'j’ 1853. It has paid all losses pronij.t- ly. u-ilhout mil/ asxc.i.iment, and it has still a small cash .. U Policies issued up to l:ith May. No. 7(^i^ covering property to value of Policies cancelled and expire.!. \jnount now insured, .\mount Premium Notes. lo. cancelled ami expired. ^1.151.SS2 00 2'1^>.*‘>:’. 1 t'O ■■:i882,22M 00 *li l>.i t,l i,.(»s.'. :I5 Do. .Irt R ,1100 KKWAKI), AN.AAV.AY from the subscriber, two Negro (iirls and four Children, viz: M.ARTH.A, a bright mu- altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children, Frances and Ann; H.ANN.AH. copper 1 colored, about the same height of .Alartha. Hannah ! took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate cf George T. Barksdale, and are supposetl to be lurking ; about the Cape Fear, about-.Air. AVinslow’s plantation* j The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for ; their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET R. PETERSON. September 6. 1853. 26-tf -=soDR. STRONO’So.=- COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS ,i.»w on hand. ^12H,.»h4 'lu .Averaging 14 57-1 (Ml per cent, on the amount li'snrcl. Casli premiums receiveil. SH.2-j8 01 Fire losses adjusted and pai.l, >4,'.tl7 22 'I'he Board take pleasure in stating that the Comjia- uv is now in a condition to merit public confidence.— It is mliihliKlted upon a /ouminlion n hich cinuiot be moi-fii. We solicit a ebare of business, DIRECTORS; Geo. Mci il. L. .Alyrover, C. Benbow. Henry Lilly, Jaai- ... , A, Ray, J. . ...^ms, Thos. S. Lutterloh, N. A. Sted-, man, *Wm. >.-A. E. Hall. J. H. Cook. .A. A McKethan, .tiih. vL Cook. C. Lutterloh. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B. LEM.AA’, General .Agent. .Alay 20, 1854. «A \1 now receiving my Fall Stock of tin tioods. comprisitig a General .Assortment. ' the attentio.i of Country Merchants is resp> j. i 1; • vite l. ‘ W . N. TIl.LlNii ;1 ' Aug. 18, 1«54. SPHI.\ *. SUPPLY. J Drs. FuULKES & MACRAE, d- iictoil DrH(/(/isfa, _ '.Are now i* cci\ing their Spring and Sum- I iner supply of ■ /)/•««.'>, thanes (-he/mrals, t{ Dye-AVoods and Dye-Stufi's, Oils. I’aiiits. and Painters’ .Articles, VARNISHES. French. English and .\mericn:; Perfitmery. I’im- Toilet and Shaving Soaps. I'ire Hair and T.ioth Bru^ht H. I'aint Brnsiies Surgicai an.i Dent.-ii Instruments, Tr.i.sses :in i S'li.poriers of ali kin'ls. Pure Winc>: aii'l i’-.-and'.i s I'or .Medical j.ni i...-e-^, Exiract- f‘>r. Klaviiring, I'hoice f.)ilet ;oi.l Fancy Articles, iSs^'l'hcy make their purchases lor Cash, m.l oll.-r goo.ls e.jUi.l'ly as low as they can be ol.taine.i Tr..ni any similar establisiiaient ir this sei’ti.in. Warrantc 1 t.i be rrv>h. Pure an.l (J.Miuine. Or.lers from the country promptly tilb'.l. an.l sati.slnc- tion gnarantie.l v.ilh regar.l l>ot!i to price an.l .lualiiy. Ilav street, next d.vor West of H. .V E. .1. l.ill\ Alarch 17. Nojivi:. IS S'. W A in w .\.N VW.W I'r.ini iiio su'.scrli.er. .li. July. l>.'il. his negi-.'gill Sarih. al»;ut in years oV age. black, with iai l.iTL'e limbs, weighs about 130 pounds. Sai.l girl is supposed to be lurking in the neighbor- IS I t 111- ! .til .'^ai.l ix gio is white eyes. hood of Mr. Isaac AV right’s or Gen. .AIcKay’s, in Bladey county. The above reward will be paid for her delivem , J (i. Shepherd, S. T. Hawley, David | confinement in any jail in the State of North Carolina. WiAI. G. BUTLER, t'linton. N- C.. .Maivh i 1. 185;i. 7-tt »8Y Who Hould iiave tlienglit D. \Y. McLAURIX 4 RE rt./5iving a large stock of Grocevies. Hanlware, Boots and Shoes, which are offered as low as they can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. 13. 35tf SMMiii l!ii^''iii^*s —F3\«'!!i'viiif Mamiiiiclurt*. K arc :.ow f>!eji.ircl with al! tiie necessary ma chinery f.>r niannfacturing STE.\A1 ENGl.NtS, from five to sixt\ hors-.- power, which we can furnish on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want ol Enjiines f(>r Mills, Boats, \c. will perceive the j^dv.-int.ige of having them ma.le near home. Engine of our owi; manufactur«' e»n be seen in Operation at liie Foutnlry. HALL A Dec. 7, 1853 B M. L.I .'nG ER . 61-tf w Tlieae Pill* are entirely Vej{et.nlile, and ure n moat anpcrlor Medicine in the cure of nil Biliout Oom- plainU, Chills ajid fiver. Difspepsut, 'lattvtnest, Liixr Cim^aint, Jaundice. Sick Headache. Scrnjvla, jiilt Rhntm, f'tTers if allJeindt, iMSi of AftpetUe, Obstructed and painful Menttritation. and all lin gering diteates. As a Female Medidno they act like a rbartn. aiid when taken accordini; to the dirertioDR. they neTer fail to cur« the worst cases of Pllea, after all other remodieH fnil, 7hey purify the Mood, eqnallze (he r.lrcnla* tlou, restore the llv*r. Kidneys* and other Se* cretory Organs, to a healthy tone and action: and as an Anti-BiliouH Family Medirlne they hare no equal. Price 26 ccuts per box. Also -==>.DR, STRONG’S'=- PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS, Stave's! Stjivi si CCr’W^! Avant to buy Spirits V.urrel STAVES. AVill i>ay the highest C\sn prices. JESSL’P A CO. March 1, 1854. 7tJtf A remedy far Caught, Cddt, Catarrh, Bronchiiit, Croup, Whonping Cnugh, Attkma, Oonsumption, XerrouM IHteateM, Dytpeptia, Oo»- tivenat, JErysipelat, Diseau of the Heart, Inflammaticn and Pain in the Chert, Back and Side, and all diteasei ariting from a de ranged state of the Stomach, and to reliete the dixtreu and bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic hahils. WAEEAHTED TO BE PTJBELY VEGETABLE. These Pillg act a« nn Kxpeotorant, Tonic, and Aperient. One 2!^ rent V)x poxsessM three times more j«wer to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of auy of the Syrups, Balpams. or Sarea- parillas, that were ever mp.de: anil a .«!mple trial of only one box will proTe tbii important truth. They promote Expectoration, Loosen the Phlef^m, and Clear the liungs and other Secre* tory Organs, of all morbid matter, and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia Aledica capable cf impartinf; mich healini; properties to the Lung;s and 'V'ital Or- g#i8 aa these nils. They Cure Costlvcness, produce a good, regular Appetite, and Strengthen the System* Price 25 cents per box. containinn 2,1 doses of Medicine. Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and Ret the PlanUr’t Almanac oraiis, Kivini? lull particulnrrt and certificates of cures. Both kinds of the abo re-nnmed I’ills nre for sale in Every Town and Village In Korth and South Carolina* ill FayetteVi 1y S. J. HlifSDAl-E and If. S.TIiril. [I'J^ A new ('arriai/e Estat)li>ihment on the MUitarj/ Green, opposite the Methotfn>t Ohitrrh, f'ronthuj on Mumjord Street. cailUT ENTERPRISE! I'aycateville boiiii«i lo Kliiiie!! rilHV. Subscribers wouhl respectfully inform their friemls and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARR1A(«E BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmttn, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare wor'n with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. AA’e warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twehe months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Jamks H. PiKK. James Bra.mn. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 185:i. (52tf NOTICE. ~ ■■ ■AVING purchased the stock of Materiel on hand H I. at the Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, and having engaged the services of Mr. J. C. Lally, whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber AVagons, Road Wagons, Carts, Drays, Wheelbarrows, &c. I have on hand and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Axles, Chains, Bolts, and in short every thing that the Wagon-maker can need. Timber AVagons, with the improved Iron Axles, made to order at the shortest notice. 1 have 10 good an.l competent AVorkmen at the busi ness. and will give it my whole and undiviled attention. M}' prices shall be as moderate as the times will ad mit. and I will challenge any AA’agon-maker in the Uni ted States to e.itial my work either in point of .iStyle or durability. THOS. C. FULLER. Oci. 26. 1853. 39tf Wilder's Patent Salamander >N>V//r. E keep constantly on hand an .-issortment of the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; ami desirous of extetiding the demand for them, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New A'ork prices. D. & W. .AlcLACRI.V. .\gents. June 10, 1854 •Itf J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the Xortli the largest, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of ever ofi'ered in this market: which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment conipit tc:—ali d which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual oistomers. Fine Hose AA’ood Pianos. (Bennet it o s. of Broa.l- way. New York.) fashimable painted coUage bed-room Furniture in settsj curleil hair and shuck, an.l cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cra dles; Patent Self-Swinging Cradles; Sitle Boards: Bu reaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What-Nots: Tables, all sorts; AA’ash Stands; Caudle Stands; Wardrobes; Pic ture Frames and (la.ss; Window Shades; ('oinices: Cur tain Bands; Sofas in Mahogaay and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. September, 1853. 30tf (ioocls! Goods! We liave opciR'd our Store in Cainp- bellton. AVe ofier low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. TOtf Pure Hast India ('astor Oil. J E have just received a supply of Pure East Iii- lia C.ASTOll Oi;., without taste or smell, fir.->t intro.lnced by us into this market last .‘Spring. FOULKES .V AlACR.'vE. March 17, 1854. 80tl ~\()ricr.. /SMIE subscriber oilers for sale his L.V.NDS. six miles *_ North of Favfttevilie an.l about one mil« from the Fayetteville and* Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of about |‘2«0 o» suited'to the ma king of Turpentine or Timber. 1 here are on the pre mises a g.)od .saw an.l gris: mill, all in goo.l rep.iir and now in ot-cration- :!..-io a .Iweiling, and all the necessa ry or.t-houses. in g luil repair. * .\lso. i.n-'tiier tract of two h.in.lrc i and fifty acres, .in the liea.I w.i'er.-? o'. v.':.rver’s ('reck, knov.n as the Tarrx l’lac-, ou wlncli there is a small farm, :v .Iwel- iing house ;unl oilier 'iou.''CS. . (»n the first nanieit tr-ict there are ctU about twenly- tive thousand Turpentine boxes, trom two to four years old. ; \.ill be sold on the most accom- • r-' iis wishing to (lUicbaSf will ■ r, who will take jilcaoure ii. ibov. All the modatinjr t.t please I'.all on showing the ;i AV.M. R. BO 1/1 Oct, i'» HE Subs, iii , r. ^ perienct-. o l!;erc i.S a , , the way 1 a su.; of the arti b'^' r,- '' to imi>art th-it "uudr Txtiiinhiii)' a , ing the iast the task ol prcj' tions, ami has experiment conij ne phix ultra Hin ■ tested in or'U-r others. Call on shoe establishnun. with an excellent art Nov. 9, 1863. ///.> lira iii l{ practical l5oot-i!i ;\' '. ine tune 1 SUj.j. tii-' [ tl . ‘h. .■.-sar^ tc • He Inis to. . ■ ' : . ‘ ...IS. been devoting ni.iiseil to ill article free from these objec- lii after much investigation and ucceeded. The result is only wishes th.it it may be its superiority over all itli.tn Sikes’ boot ami .'ireet, and be suj plied cueap rate. THOMAS GILL, 47tf

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