■r i\, ' *V P>. ul, iFAiriTOwaiyyE SEMI-WEEKLY, VOL. IV.] FAYETTF VILLE, N. C\, SEPTKMHER 4. 1^54. [NO. :}28.] I |{I\TK1> .MONDAYS AND THURSDAV^ KDW VKD J. HALK & SOX. HKITOUS ANI> l*R()PKIKTORS. ,1 ;.ii tho Senii-WiM'kly ()bhi;rvr.R LH> it |miil iu j.i.jiic-i': it’pniil during the year of •'Ut'rtcrip- tl 111 ii‘ iit'tpr the year haa expireil. r the Weekly Obskkvkr (H) per unmun, if pni«l in ,.1\ ,noe: 50if paid during the year of suhscrip- tii ii; 'T ?•' after the year has expired. VPVERTlSEMENTi:^ inserted for sixty cents per K(uarc >'f IC' lines for the tirst, and thirty cents fer each ,oeiling pi»l>lication. Yearly advertisements by spe- Lsl contracts, at reastmable rates. Advertisers are .. jpstr l to state the number of insertions desired, or Lipv will he continued till forbid, and charged accord H>ji“ LettevH to the Kditors must be post-paid COUNCIL. CAIN & CO. 26-‘2m FILL ii\B \IL\TER GOODS. l\K AUK' -V"W RECEIVING OUR USUAL 8UPPLV OF )i v Goods, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots aiul Shoes, UeatK -made Clothing, flanhvare. Groceries, &r., IMufli we will Hell whole.sale or retail on Rccommodat- ir.g terni!*. A'J^uut 28, 18.)4. RAMSEY (STbRO., (^eueral Commission and For- wardinjs: .Herchants, Wilmington and Fayetteville, .\nd Agents for Metts’ Line of Steamboats AT FAYETTEVILLE. 1 J. R.\MSRY.] [N. A. KAM8ET. August 2'.*, 1854. 20tf J A M ES ErMETTS^ Commission tV Forwardinfr Merchant^ WILMINGTON, N. C. Angust 23, 18.^4. 26tf I^LANTS 6j TREES. ERSONS desiring large quantities of FLOWERING PLANTS, ROSES, SIIRCBS, EVERGREENS, 'UUIT TREES. GRAPE VINES. &c., should send in lelr orders early, say by the 1st of October, by which ,ey will receive the choice both as to si.'e and quality ('atalogues supplied to applicants. C. LUTTERLOH, NurBeryman. Aug. :;8. 26-3w NEW BOOKS. I kUR Honeymoon and other Comicalities from Punch; The Frontiersman; Romance of War, by Louis ilelJstab; .Marshall’s Book of*Jratory; Keys to Emer- on’8 and Smith's Arithmetics; Olney's Geography; Bernen’s Prayers: &r.. &c. Also, further supplies of Vftnhion and Famine; Sir Jasper Carew, by Lever; lol Books. &c.. vsr. E. J. HALE & SON. CHI R( H MUSIC. rpHE Christian Ministrel, by J. H. Ailtin: Harp of I the South, by Woodbury; Pre!»byterian PsalmodiSt; ^■ •ltliern Harmony: with other kinds of Church Music in jreneral use. E. J. HALE & SON. SITl ATION WANTED. JL. KERN, Professor of Music on the Piano, «ic., • t' r the last five or six years engaged in teaching in some of the best schools in this .State, ii de- -:r >uj of obtaining a situation in a good school. .''ulem, N. C., August 22. 2^)-4t Steward and .Matron Wanted. : ^PiiE Board of Directors of the North Carolina In.iti- I 1 tution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind are us of employing for the ensuing session, com mencing ^n the first day of September, a Steward and Matron, to take charge of the Domestic department of the Institution. A man and his wife will be required. All applications should be sent without delay, with froper references, to the subscriber. Cv order of the Board. W. D. COOKE, Principal of the Institution. Kaleijrh, August 15, 18.j4. 2.'>-:2w i^V BOOKS. H.VRD Tinier by Dickens; Katharine .Ashton, by Mis'- Seawell: Alone, by Maria Harland; Vara, or the Child of Adoption; Fashion and Famine; Uncle •lerry s Letters to Young Mothers; Agatha Beaufort, ir Family Pride; The Catacombs of Rome, by Bishop Kip: Now-A-Days; The Orator's Touchstone, by Hugh Mr'Jueen, Esq.; The Swamp Steed; &c., just received. E. J. HALE & SON. •hilv 20. IS;")}. prices, tor sale liy STEDMAN .t HORNE. ItUf PK.IRCE & FFiRI!l'SO\. 'toA, WHOLES ALE DF \L1’1IS IN i'’l> ( O, ot various Imitids and prices, tor .ale iiy antt Jfontesiir DRY Ci}OOD8, IIA’I'S. C.M'S. liOO’l’S, SHOES, I mbrcllas^ and Rcady-madr ('Intliimr^ HAV STliKET, Fayetteville, t . Strict attention paid to orders, B. r. VKARCK.] (l>‘^tf) [j. B. FEKia wON. BOOK BINDERY. RW. HAHDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Hiisiness at ihe new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, .Jeweller, where lie will receive and execute binding in uiiy style deKired. August 1. * •27t‘ R. M. ORRELL, PORW.IRDING rn.)l)llSSI(K\ .>1ERCHAM AT Fayetteville, iV. i\ March 10, 1851. »'.2-tf JOSEI^i liAKEU. .Ik., ATTOR.\ KV .4T I. V W . H.\S taken an oftice next door to Wni. B. Wright's Law office on Green Street. He will atteni and practice in the County and Superior Courts of fumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. M«rch 23, 185:^. " 7;i-tf ~ !l. I.. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and I'rinoess Rtr«ets under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf I B/7n/’,s yortfi Carnllnn lieiider. AFI. IITHKR SUPPLY’ just received. K. J. HALE & SON. .1 uly I. !S. S. A REY~’ ' Hus just received a beautiful assortment of Sf>rinr and S>fin7n€r (fOODS. He desires to return thanks to his friends and the pub lic for the liber.'il patroviage which they have bestowed ; on him, and s ilioits u continuance of the same. His ' friends and the public ai-e solicitel to give him a call, at the St.'inil I'orTuerly occupied by S. .f. Hinsdale, south west corner of Market Square and Gillespie street. April IS. isr,4. 89tf .NOTicK TO mi:kcha.\ rs. ^PHE subscriber wishing to engage in a more retired occupation, and one more congenial to his feel ings, offers for sale his Houses and Lot at Floral Col lege The Lot contains one acre of land; the buildings are adapted to the purpose of a Store, and suitable for a iiimily to live in The location is healthy and the water excellent. The subscriber can safely say, after liiiving been engaged in the Mercantile business 10 ,v-Hrs at this place, that few if any location offers such n'lucements to those wishing to embark in the business this floes. The country around is thickly populated. The Tfillege is in a flourishing condition, at present iiiimbeiing 70 Students, and the people are distinguish- f'l for intelligence and morality'. For further infonnation appl\ to the subscriber nt K' .ral (’ollege, N. ‘ .lOHN McINNIS. August o, 18.'>I. ‘Jl-Ow NEW BOOKS. Plurality of Worlds, by Edward Hitchcock, M. I). I).; The Hit)Ie Not of Man. bj' (lanliner Spring, 1' D.: Crystalline, by Shelton; The Parish Side; (Jala- ■ • . ty Bird: Purple Tintn of Paris, by B. St. John; ' irginia .Mordaunt, by Reynolds: The Necromancer, by he same; The Twin Brothers: The Koad to Huin; TJie Itiiral Heauries, a Setjuel to the ‘'Royal Favorite"; .Sam •■'lick s W ise Saws and .Modern Instances; Cutter's Ana- t'liiiy, Pliysiology anil liygieiio. Ab o, further supjilies ■t School and Law l5ook>.. Paper, Envelopes, &c. •lust receivecl. K. .1. HALE .V SON. 'uly l'», 1854. Western Kail Koad Office,) h'nyetterlUey •hiltf ijr), lS.^4. I ^PHE Board of Directors have this day called for the 1 oi'lowinp .Assessments on the Capital Stock of this • iicpany, vi/: } per cent, payalile on the 1st Sept. 1851. } 2d Oct. 18.54. ■> *• “ “ “ *• 1st Nov. 1854. 5 *• “ “ •* iHt Dec. 1854. J'torkholders will please l)e prepjired to pay punctu- ■ 'V, us it will require the whole .Assessments to fce I 'u l to meet the progress of th« work, by order of the Jioard. JNO. .M. ROSE, Treas'r ■''"J W. K. 11. Co. 'I\irj)(‘nliii(‘! Turpentine! \\ (* want to buy I'urpentine, deliv i ut our Still in Campbellton. ■'Iirch 1, 1854. SMITH SANDFORD, Attorneys at Law, FAYETTEVILLK, N. Office over Mr. iiinsdnlo fl Drug .Store. K. 1>. SMITH.] (17-Y' IB. II. SVVPFOKIt. GEO. W. WHJjTms ^ ('()., Who/psa/f Grocers ami ('otutuisiiion }Urchatifs. JUST RECEIVED, a large nisortment of GOODS in their line, for sale on favorable terms. •Tuly 26, 18«4. 17tf H. ERAMBI’R'r, Confectionery and Variety Store, l. nder the Faifettn Uh Ilotrl. Hm/ St., FAYETTEVILLE. N T Dec’rSl. 185;?. 'iStf Worth & Utley, Forwarding' and (it'iirral Coininisi>n MERCHAN rs, FuyetteriUe^ •'S'. i\ J. A. WORTH. 72tfi nK. 1TLK\. T. C. VVOR'rH, GENERAL CO.M.MISSlON .MERCHANT. WILMINdTON, N. ('. Usual advances made on consignments of (Jotton. .Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by O. W. D.WIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, ^:c. Jan'y 17, 1854. O-MV T. C. ^ j{. (;. WORl ll. Commission vV Ff)rwarding .VIt'rchunts. BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Wiliiiin^toii, X. V. Usual advances made on consignment^. .Jan'y 17, 1854. ti;5-lY CHARLES li VNKS, ro.vrECTio.vK k , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Forriijn Fruita, Xu's, Ci'i/nrs, Snujf', CiRFE.'V HTKIIKT, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. 7:;tf J. S. BANKS, oiiiiiii II ,TI e re li a ii t, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. Ivt, 185.>. 2'.*tf NOriCE. DOi'TORS Mallett .McSwain having left their Hooks and i)aj)ers with W. .McL. McKay, who is fully authorised to rcceipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West ol' the Cape Fear River, who may be in arrears either l>y note or account, will confer a favor by calling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. H. A. McSWAIN. Faye'teville, Aug. .SU, 1853. 24tf 'Fo the Ficitrhtini^ ^■MIE Brotl'.er*^’ Sttam Bo'.t Co. is now prepared M. with the following Boats: Sir. DOUG!. \SS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D I^EWIS, ALFRED ELLIS. JAS. ‘’ASSIDEY, I KlNti.-'lR UV, j^nd j ELIZA MiDANlEL. to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight j intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any I other line of Boats on the River. They arc jirovided ! with suitable Wharf and Ware-House accommodations i to do a general business, and hope by strict attention \ to the interest of shipjiers, to meet a share of public \ pati-.aiHge. J. S. BANKS, -Vg’t, ; Fayettevillo. JNO BANKS, Ag’t at Wilmington. Sept. i;>, 185;!. 2ytf TROY & MARSH HAVE ON HAND: NfW (Vop Miilnsses, Sugnrs, (,’offec, Siih, Iron, Nails, llanhvaro, ('iitlrry, Wiudow (ilass, l*utfy, Hlacksniith Twis, l»yp Stuf]'-, Spicer, Ada- iimiitino and Tallow ('audios. Crockery, Hoots and Shoes, Cotton (’anls, Saddles and Bri dles, Siiuff. Soaps, l>ry Goods, etc., etc., Which thev offer at wholesale and retail. —AL.SO,— .Mes* Pork. Bacon, I.aril. Meal (Fresh,) l.'iied Fruits, Cabb.ige. FRESH up country Butter. j6^*'We are .Agents for the sale )f .‘itoddard’s Cele brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. V. prices. .Manufactured Tobccco at Fa»;tory prices. Jan y2H, lNj4. (itJ-tf FOR SALE. A ONE horse Buggy with three Springs. .Also, a four horse road Wagon. Terms low. F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS. June 2>'. tt C'oopcrs' Tools, and all qualities of Glue for Distillers use, for sale by D. i W. McLAURlN. June 12, 1854. _ __ _ Fire-Proof Rooting. FRANCIS SHENTON, State aud •Itetnl Roofer. ^HANKl'UL for past favors, 1 beg to inform my friends and the public, that I am now prepared to ti\DREWS & mi No. 70 FINE Street, NEW YORK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and Woollen Machinery, Ma chinist.'s’ Tools, Leather Belting &:c., —ALSO— ^‘.Haniitactiirer’s Articles” OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Comprising Belting, Card Clotiiin^, Bobbins, Shuttles, Pickers, Roller Skins, Roller ('loth. Oils, &c. Dec. 27, 1853. 57tf FRENCII BIIRR MILLSTiES. fwreat Kediictioii in Price. EGENTON, MORRIS & CO. ^’'lONTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly " J on hand F'renrh Burr •liiilstoneH Of all dimensions, warranted to be of best quality, be ing matle from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarries in France. They keep for sale Cologne, Cocalica and Esopus Mill stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, ScretMi Wire, Calcined Plaster, Hydrajilic Cement, &c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to R. !n. ORKEL.L, Agent at Fayetteville. N. C. March 11, 1853. 76tf l^^jiyetteville Hotel. JOHN HARMAN contract for and execute, in the best manner and on reasonable terms. ,\LL KINDS OF FIRE-PROOF •; I III ; l\(»OFlN^i. OuUers, Leader Pipes and Heads, of any (t. s. Bl IE, Ifl/lldcr (Utd I ndc.rtitktr^ style or pattern, made to order and warranted for any IS prepared to execute contracts of from to specified time. $50,0W and upwards. ‘'Idmney Pij.es made to suit any style of build- Window Blinds, Sash, Gla«s Doors, and all kinds of situat^)^. wjthout danget^Mightning. ornamental and plain work v.arranted to gi^e satisfac tion. He may be found on inquiry at .^lr. Jesse Powers's. Fayetteville, April 12, 1854. 87-Ompd STARR WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and MMomestic Dry imoods^ HAY STRKET, Fayetteville, W. C. J. B. STAUR.] [.I. M. \V 11,1.1 A MS April 28, 1852. Stltf W. 1>. ELLIOTT, General ('ommiasion (ind Furvfirilimj Men haiif, WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854 lif ^ Force, Lifting and Suction Pumps, adapted to any situation; Hydraulic llanis, and all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov. 1.5, 18;53. 44-1 Ypd \ KIV BA K E R\". T^HE Subscriber has established a Bakery on Bow Street, on the I,or two doors East of Dnncan McNeill's Cabinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families. Boats, and the public generally, with Bread, Biscuit, mid Cakes of v.irious kinds, of the best quality, as he iiiis procured the services of one of the best Bakers in tlie State. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. CHA’S BANKS. F.tvetteville. i>ec. 28. 18.52. 65-tf KcHpectfull}’ informs hi« friends and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex- i ertions of himself and family will be spared to render | those comfortable who may favor him with their com- I pauy. i Fayetteville, N. C., June 3, 1853. 200tf Notice to the IVarellln^ l*nblic. ! fW^llE Stage leaves Warsaw daily ;except Saturday) j M at 7 o’clock, p. ni., niter the arrival of the even- i ing train from the North, and arrives at Fayetteville | next day by 0 o’clock, a. m., in time for the Stage to j Salem: wliich leaves Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesdays, , and Fridays, at 4 o’clock, p. m., anil arrives at Salem ! next day by 2 p. in. Returning, leaves Salem Tues, j days, Thursdaj’s, and Satuinlays, at (i o’clock, p. m.- i arrives ut Fayetteville next day by 4 p. m., in time for I the Stage to Warsaw; which leave.s Fayetteville daily j (except Saturday) at > p. in.. .and arrives at Warsaw next day by 5 a. m., in time to connect with the train i North or South. Tickeis from Warsaw to Salem, $12. From Warsaw to Fayetteville, $4. To other points on the road in ; proportion. M. McKINNON. i Fayetteville, March 18, 1854. 80-tf 1 . . ! A'I'TENTION, THE WHOLE! j WHILE you are talking of your internal improve- j ments, forget not to call to see the improve- | ments made in (Jims at M. .A. B.AKER’S GUN MANU- I FACTORY, on Hay street, opposite the Post Office, | where he has the Prussian Needle Gun, .Air Guns, and j various imj)rovc Pistols, of Colt’s Repeater, .Allen’s, Whitney’s arms company with Maynard primers, Arm strong Duelling Pistols; with a large assortment of i doultle and single-barrel Shot Guns, Game and Shot ! Bags, Powder Flasks, Percussion Caps of English and i French make, with a large assortment of gaming fixj ; tures. I’irtes constantly on hand and manufacturad to order, anl warranted to shoot from 100 to WO yards. j Repairing of every thing in the Gunsmith line will I be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a | small charge. All orders promptly attended to. All j work warranted. M. A. BAKER, Sign of the Wooden Gun, Hay street, opposite the Post Office. Jan’y 2, 18.54. ' 59tf $100 REWARD. R.ANAWAA' from the subscriber, two Negro Girls and four Children, viz: MARTHA, a bright mu- altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children, Frances and Ann; HANNAH, copper colored, about the same height of .Martha. Hannah took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate of George T. Barksdale, and are supposed to be lurking about the Cape Fear, about Mr. Winslow’s plantation* i The above reward will be paiil for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET a. PETERSON. September H, 185H. 26-tf Book-Bindinfj. rjlHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of B. Fayetteville, and the public, that he has resumed his Book-Binding business, at his old stand opposite E J. Hale & Son’s Bookstore, on Anderson street, where he will receive and execute any style desirel, plain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, >^c. bound to any pattern desired. Old books re-bound. Thankful for the patronage ho has heretofore re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. THOM.AS H. TILLINGHAST. ■July 31, 1854. 18tf LUTTERLOH CO. ~ rilllE undersigned having on the 20th M.ay last form- JI ed a Copartnership under the name and style of “LUTTERLOH & CO,” for the purpose of transacting a general Boating business on the Cape Fear River, the Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has been repaired, and is now in superior order for freighting and carrying passengers. She will make regularly two trips a w^eek, leaving Fayetteville Mondays and Thur.sdays at 15 minutes after Sunrise, and Wilmington Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 o’clock. The Steamer Rowan with a full complement of Flats will make one trip or more a week, as circumstances may require. The Boats of this line being of very light draft of water, shippers may rely on dispatch. The Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trips a week, for the last twenty-two months, up to the 20th May, during the lowest state of the lliver. Shippers by our Hue may rely with certainty on 'lis- patch. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. J. F. M.ARSH. Agent Fayetteville. T. S. LUTTERLnil, H. B. ELLIOTT, J. F. MARSH. W. P. ELLIOTT, J. B. TROV. .Ir. July 25, 1854. 17tf NOTICE. i «N S.VTURDAY, tne 22d day of July, my son | WILLIAM FUaNKLIN LORD left his home with- : out my consent, in company wi?h a Tobacco Trader, and has not l>een heard from since. The Boy is about | 13 years old, slimly made, fair - Uin. light hair, blue ! eyes, and thin visaged, and has an atfection of one or j both ears. By close inspection a small yellow spot : may be seen on one of his cheeks. This boy is my j only child. The public will ;it once sympathise with the father, and he hopes render him the necessarj’ as sistance to get his boy again. Any information con cerning him, addressed to his father, Peter W. Lord, aJ Fayetteville, will be most ih;inkfully received. P. S. He sometimes calls himself William Houston. PETER W. LORD. July 2;*, 1854. CASH Or BARTER. The subscribers offer for cash, barter, or approved paper— 40 200 bales Hay. 20 bbls. Mess Pork. 000 sacks Salt. 5 casks Rice. 85 bbls. Refinetl .Sugar. 40 kegs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue. 500 casks Lime. Osnaburgs, Sheetings, .and Cotton Yarn, by the bale. The above Goods will be sold very low, if applied for soon. BENBOW. KYLE & CO. July 5, 1854. lUf Wn.LIAM A. (UVVER, PllKW\RI)I\i; AND COMMISSION MERrflANT, ANT> DLSTILLERS’ AGENT, Wilmiugtoii, N. C. IJ^ERSO.X.AL attention given to the .sale or shipment of Nav.\i. Stores. I have ample facilities for conducting the business; and extensive Wharves an«! Warehouses to protect Spirits TrRrKNTiSE from ex posure. Nav.ai. Stores, FiiOrn, Cotton, ic., will be shipped to any House ill New York, or to other Markets if desired; and liberal Cash Adv.wpes made on con signments. 1 refer to the following Distillers; — E. Hannum, Wayne county. E. H. Woodard iS: Co., Earpsborough. W. Earpe & Co., “ \. (!. Thornton Esq. Johnston county. .•spencer Fountain, Esq. P. R. Hinnant, Esq. *• Messrs. Bridges & Durham, Blow & O’Neal Searles & Adams, .Sampson county M. & (!. Lee, “ D. T. Durham, P.. Godwin, Esq. Robeson count}’. C. W. Crawford, Es(. “ I.ovet Peacock, Esq. Columbus count}-. W J. Outland & Co., Bladen county, &c. June 0, 1854. 4-tf MALLETT & PAl I.MIER, Grocers ami Commission •ner- rUants^ 1^5 From NEW YORK. '. MALLKTT.] [J. PAULMIKR August 1*>, 1852. 18tf s row & SMAR I , — srCCESSOR-j TO— THOMAS A: CO .M MISSION ME KCIIANTS, .\ii(i liealers lu Foreign mul Domeslif Harriwnrf, No. 128 Pearl Street, and 94 Water Street, .’VE%V YORK. July 8, 1854. 12-Gmpd ()N C ONSIGNMENT^ S.ACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, very large and tine. May 22, 18,')4. R. M. ORRELL 98tf HHDS. MOLASSES. 10,0(X) lbs. N. C. Bacon. Fayetteville Mutual Insurance ('ompanij. fVlIIl^ Company has been in successful operation JL since Feb’y 1853. It has paid all losses prompt ly, icithotit ani/ a.fxfxsment, and it has still a sm.all ca.«h capital on hand. Policies issued up to 13th May, No. 709, covering property to value of Policies cancelled and expired, .Vmount now insured. Amount Premium Notes, Do- do. cancelled and expired, 1,151,802 00 2t;9,r.;:t oo 8882,228 00 $D'.4,0t;9 01 3tj,085 35 Who would have thoug^ht SEIM! R. BLijN JESSUP & CO. 76tf V o It nt SHI o \ ANI> \'i)R W ARI) 1N(, M ERC1 i A N'i\ tW*ilmin;itoH, .V. jgii^- l^i-orapt personal ntteiition (^iveii to nil Consign menf.>^, and Cash advances ma'Ie on Proiiuce to be ship peil to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1854. 'i7y WILKINSON ESLEK, DEAI.ERS IN (,’oiifertionnri/, Fnrrvjn Fruits, Xut^, To/^nrro, (t II tl Sll >!j)\ ANp IMPORTERS OF Ml'i'ERlOK IIAVA.\-A AT WIIOLK.SAl.i', AND HKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, W. C. Aug. 7, 1851. II tl i SAMCEL W. l>EPl‘Eli, .SI TO IIKNUV 1. .t SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. A7>. !•> (Jhr.oiiit Stthe Stiltf^ I/mlSf,) PHILADELPHIA. May 22, 1854. 4Vpd Staves! Stav‘s! [CT We want to buv Spirits Barrel ST.AVES. Will pay the highest Cash prices. JESSUP & »'). .March 1, 1854. 70tf ^oDR.'STRONG’S oc=^ COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS Thene Pills nre enffrrly Vegetable, and are a mnat auperlor Medicine iu the cure uf all Bilious Omi- jilaxntSy Ctrl’s and Fcxer. f^slirentfs. Liver Omplaint, Jaundic':, ^ick Iltadach^, S-rofula. Snil lihrum, Ferert of all kindi, Lots nf Appetite, M»trnc(td umi iHiinful MinnlriiaUion, and all lin- geriyig diseatti. As a Female .'lediclno they act like a i hHrm. aud when taken a^Tordit^ to the direotions. they never fnil to cure the worst rases of Piles, nfter all otlior remedies fail. They pnrify tHe Itlood. eqiinii/.e tlie rircul«> tlon, restore the lilver. Kidneys* and other 8*>« cretory OrKans^ to a Itealthy tone aud action : ami aa an Anti KilionJ Famiir >fp(lirine they have rw> equal Pric« 25 W’Uta |,er lii.x. A Iso DR.: STRONG’S • c> ^ piiS^ A remedy for Covtjhs, Onldt, Cjtarrh, Bronchitis, Croup, W?ioopiti{i Cough, Asthma, Consumption. -VcrT«w« Diseases, Dyspepsia, Cos- tivmtfS, F.rysipelaf. Di.irare o f Ihe Heart, In Hrmmatim and Pain m the Chest. Airk- ami Side, and nil disease: arising from a de- ranf/rd state of the Stoma' h. anil to relieve ■ V distress and had feeiinq from rating too heniiy fot^l, in weak aud dyspeptic habifs. WAERANTED TO BE PURELY VEGETABLE. Thepo Pills aet as an Kxpectorant, Tonie, and Aperient. One 2') rent tiox poc‘;*Hse'? thn'e times more fower to cure disease'* than a one dollnr bottle of «ny of the Syrups, naUams, or Sarsa- pnrilliis, that wi re ever made; »nd ii simple trial of only one box will prove thi-i important truth. They promote Expeetoration« Loosen the Phle$(int and Clear the Ijun^N and other Secre- tory Or'jwiis* of all morbid matter, nod there is not another remetly in lh.'» wboI« Materia Metlicii ciipable of impartin-' surli healini; pn^perties to the l.uny^s and Vital Or- C!ina ii« thece I’ill'!. Thej’ Cnre CostlveneBSy produee a ffootl, regular Appetite, and Strengthen the System* Price 2.' centn p-r Ixvx. contaiuinn 2.^ dooeg of Medicine. Call on tbe Agents who sell the Pills, and get tbe Jnanler’s Almanac gratis, Kivlng full particulars and rertlflcates of eure«. Both lilnda of the above-name^l Pills are for sale in Every Tovrn and Villaf^e In North and South Carolina* 111 FayoitcviUiN i>y J. hiiv^i>ale and JA:«E^» n. SMITH. [I9y A new Currid;/)' Esfal>l!s]iment on the MUltary Green, opposite the Jlethodist (''hurch, frontinij on jfum/onl Street. (; l{ i: 1’ I: STE R PR ISI:! I'uyi'tlovillo is to Sliint*!! ri'^HE Siihflcrihers would respectfully inform their £ li ieiul.s ai\I ttie juiblic, that they have entered into copartncrshij* for tlie jmrpose of eouduetin" the general C.AllinAliE IJL’SINESS in all its variou.' ]>art8. .Aud being Viotli j^ractical workmen, I'ully understanding their hunines.s, they have no hesitation to compare work with any estaltlishnient in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One «f the firm may he known hy reference to A. H. Whitlield'fi iron work for the lust two years. We warrant all work to give general batisfaction for twelve months. Keiiairing lone in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Jamkk H. Pikk. James Brams. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1851). 02tf I Do. do now on hand, .i5128,584 2G ! Averaging 14 57-100 per cent, on the amount insured. ! Cash premiums received, >i8,258 01 j Fire losses adjusted and paid, •S'4,!M7 22 I The Board take pleasure in stating that the Compa ny is no'w in a condition to merit public confidence.— I It is establiifhed upon a foundation ichich cannot he morfd. ; We solicit a share of business. I DIRECTORS: ! Geo. 3. E. Myrover, C. Renbow, Henry I Lilly, JamtL J G. Shepherd, S. T. Hawley, David i A. Ray, J. .. .ijiams, Thos. S. Lutterloh. X. A. Sted- man, Wm. A. E. Hall, J. H. Cook, A. A. ; McKethan, t». Cook, C. Lutterloh. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President, t H. L. MYROVER, Vice President, j C. -A. McMILLAN, Secretary, j J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney, j L. B. LEM.AV, General Agent. I .May 20, 1854. '-'SY ! DT fc W McLAURTN Are rc^eiving a large stock of Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, which are offered as low as they i can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail, j Oct. 13. 35tf ‘ Wilder's Patent Salamander Safe. WE keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; and I desirous of extending the demaml for them, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. U. W. McL.\i:iUN. Agents. (■rock'en/^ C/iinOj and (Hass Ware. 1.VM now receiving my Fall Stock of the above Goods, comprising a General .Assortment, to which the attention of Country Merchants is respectfully in vited. W. N. TILLINGH.AST. Aug. 18, 1854. 22-3m I 8.14. SPRI.XG SUPPLY. Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, Wholesale d- Retail Druggists,, .Are now receiving their Spring anil Sum mer supply of Drills,Medicijtes Chemicals^ Dye-Woods and Dye-Stufl's, >ils. Paints, and Painters’ .Articles. VARNISHES. French, English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Bru^ies, Paint Brushefl Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kinds. Pure Wines and Brandies for Medical purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Choice Toilet and Fancy Articles, &c. 86^ They make their purchases for Cash, and offer goods equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. Warranted to be Fresh, Pure and Genuine. Orders from the country promptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to price and quality. Hav street, next door West of H. & E. J. Lilly. March 17, 1854. 80tf TCIM .lune 10, 1854- 4tt II NOriCE. H.\V1N(} purchased the .stock of .Afaterie! on hand at the Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, and having engaged the services of Mr. J. C. Lally, whose Work gives such general and entire satisfaction, 1 am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber Wagons, Hoad Wagons, Carts, Drays, Wheelbarrows, &c. I have on haml and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Axles, Chains, Bolts, and in short every thing that the Wagon-maker can need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron Axles, made to ortler at the shortest notice. 1 have 10 good and competent Workmen at the busi ness, and will give it my whole anil utulivided attention. My prices shall be as moderate as the times will ad mit, and I will challenge nny Wngon-tnaker in the Uni ted .States to equal mj’ work either in point of style or durability. THOS. C. FULLER. Oct. 20. 185!?. 39tf .). W. HAKKU Is now receiving from tlie North the largest, finest, and most oavefnlly lected stock of ever offered in this luarket; which, added to hi> own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest pos.sible tcrtns for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fine Rose AVood Pianos, (Bennet »v Co’s, of Broad- w^ay. New York,) fitshionable painted cottage bed-rooni Furniture iu setts: curled h.air and shtick, and cotton Maxtresses: Looking Glasses: Willow W.agons and ('ra- dles: Patent Self-Swinging Cradle.s; Side Boards: Bu reaus; Secretaries and Book-C.ases; W hat-Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Staiuls; Wanlrobes; Pic ture Frames and Glass: Window Shades; (’ornices: Cur tain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. September, 1853. :;Utf Goods! Goods! We have opened our Store in (';inii)- bellton. We offer low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. JESSUP March 1, 1854. & Co. 76tf NOTICE. KI:\\ AKD H.ANAWAY from the subscriber, about the 15th of July, 1851, his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about 16 years of age, black, with large white eyes, large limbs, weighs about 130 pounds. Said girl is supposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of Mr. Isaac Wright’s or Gen. McKay’s, in Bladey county. The above reward will be paid for her delivem to me, or her confinement in any jail in the State of North Carolina. WM. G. BUTLER. Clinton, N. C., March 14, 1853. 77-tf Sie’diii Engines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STE.aM ENGINES, froni five to sixty horse power, w^hich we can furnish on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boat.s, &c. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. ;j^".\.n Engine of our own manufacture tnni be seen in operation at the Foundry. HALL & BOL1.1NGER. Dec. 7, 1853 51-tf Pure East India Castor Oil. WE have just received a supply of Pure East In dia CASTOR OIL, without taste or smell, first introduced bv us into this market last Spring. FOULKES & MACRAE. March 17, 1854. 80tf xoTici:. y«^llE subscriber otters for salehis LANDS, six miles JL North of Fayetteville and abotil one mile from the Fayetteville aud P.aleigh Plank P.oad, consisting of about 12V0 JlcrCK «f suited tr> the ma king ot Turpentine or Tiiiil)or. There are on the pre mises a good saw and grist mill, all in good repair and now in oi.eration: also a liw.^lling, and all the i.ecessa- ry out-houso'^. in good repair. .\1'0, another tract of two hundred and liftv’ ai;re.i. on the lii':id waters of Carver’s Creek, known as the Tarrr Place, on which there is a small farm, a dwel ling iiniise and other houses. On the first named tract there are cut aboixt twenty- live thousand Turpentine boxes, from two to four years old. All the above lands will I"- sold on the most accom modating terms. Per-ons wishing to purchase will please call on the sub.scriber. who will take pleasure in showing the above lands. W,\l. R. BOLTON. Oct. 27. l.'-'--^_ _ 40tf iliirs ye Plus I Itra H(JIlNISH. fsnb^eriber, a practical I5oot-niaker of some ex- .M, perienee, has for some time been sensible that there is a desklfrntii^n to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles now used cither injure the leather ^r fail to imjtart that lustre so necessary to give to man s ^'■nndfrDtnndivQ" a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions. anti has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is “(JjW’jt ne jjlu.t altrn liurniah.” He oidy wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all other?. Call on him at Mr. Nathan Sikes boot and shoe establishment, on Person street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov. 9, 1853.

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