vU‘i ILoV ru tiiori- .1 rm ATNK,1, Moill. Prship un,|, ^I0\ HI s, Thej sah- .)■ . , urinj^ tl ' }ii\,, icl t: t- KJIMM'I; UlLMuhl ^Ktoii, N nk, •• :V2ni}Hl Turpentine ADDIL mine. Wjiji, ' h!' at the St"’ tkangk' Molrt. ±: Foreign an.i n purchased ftd at Whole- or va time a«t*. ihe hpst 2 to Iti. ries, tVr. C. zenB and the udt returned Spring Stock re, d*c. aon; Ladies’ i; ft large as* nanj articles to have ‘nJs and ru§-, bltf ze. artl'nr-i, liar levenuo Law s Aj^i-ncN in uud«*r‘.igBed. nee on Buiid- I anv ; Mrt ol p'iun >f the erali' :t- ut [»e 11 III. "he- till L' !- thbt re sti.- artiT*- 13 «t I.' timex prudcnrt of ith w;,i.'h it LE. \f-ent. arles ■» Ma! Jiin, h,v M«ry gineer-. ic., Trial; Nlorse' Surveying; Islnglnnd. ai2.. E S; ’N. variaV.:y fol- Anodvne Coldr Brrm- Ludk com- it w knowledge saiue time, fre its effects been widely Cordiiil, it is sases of the )een wonder- icrefore. you I medicines. ” d. )fthe Agt;nts. for =i>- &0- INSI>ALE Researches, 3, Painting*. 1 the Natural History, &c.. t received by E & SON imlly vh' 'fi'l. iV'oinan s Ml’'- Vomfin, Peru- aniah by Dr. 1 bf>oks, &c., LE k iN. fc- Kyle ' I luJ MUKPHV K7-tf h ani uihrket pri-'e Cott :. murphv. 74tf NA uovT per- if well for Maps, .phical lOLl IB I orps requirtite 1 witf 'hilo.“ fur. M [18 commence resp‘-'tiTely- will I'*' lyth, A. i>unty N- Secret itry. ::-.V tH h«tween and Via Weldon, Biid, fi W ash- eldoii, PorlB- r ttt the ' HuU Haleig** , lit Wilming' teani Packet o Kail Bo»“ (DK SEMl-WEEKL, Y. [VOL. IV.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 7. isr>4. [NO. 329.] riUXTEl) MONDAYS AND TIIURSDAVS. KDWAHl) J. HALE SOX, EDITORS AND PKOPKIETORS. f>, ,, for the Semi-Weekly Ou.-iF.RVKR *:! (M) if ilvunce; •■*>■'> oO if j^aid during the year of subscrip- ii: or S J after the year has expired, t' r the Weekly Obskrvkk >•_’ 00 per annum, if i)aid in'e: ')0 if paid during the year of suhscrip- ;i 111: or ^00 after the year has expired. ADVKHTISE.MENTS inserted for sixty cents per « iai'i' . f D' lines for the first, and thirty cents for each s;i.'i'i'e lin,i: piiMication. Yearly advertisements by spe ll ,’. :itracts. at reasonable rates. .Vd'ertisers are n iiK’^ted ti' state the number of insertions desired, or thov will be continued till forbid, and charged accord Zi."??*' Letters to the Editors must be post-paid fl .VdfF/K.Tf. IJEASr.KY (Ss: HOI ST(>N WE associateil themselves in business, at the >tand formerlyo ccupied by .1. M. Beasley, Adhere they w iuUl be glad to serve those in want of Watche;?. it'tt elry. Silver and Plated Ware, Guns and Pistols of . 1 kii'.Js. Military Goods, Surveyor’s Compasses and • various kinds of Musical Instruments, fine 1’.. !.;n Knives, Silver. Pearl, and Leather Portmonaies; ,1. T. HOl'STON. J. M. BEASLEY. Those indebted to J. Beasley by Note or ,\i lunt. will please call and settle up by the 1st Nov. Ill'T :itter which time the claims will not be in mv ■ iiN. J. M. BEASLEY. ‘ t. 1. 1n>4. •_>S-4t lirmoval. Slcmncrs and l//n VRE now running regularly between Wilmington and Fayetteville. All goods entrust ed to this Line will receive de spatch. Messrs. RAMSEY & BRO., Agents at Fayetteville. .JAMES E. METIS, Wilmington, N. C. •August 24, 1854. 27tf II. *fc E. J. LILLY ARE NOW OPENING THEIR USUAL SUPPLY OF DRV Hats, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Ready-.Matle Clolhin?. &r., Aihqtted to the approachiiKj stason. Also, expected in a few daj’S. about 250 CASES of BOOTS and SHOES, Avell assorted. All of which will be offered on reasonable terms, excli'sivkly at wholesalk. Country merchants and others buying by the piece, are invited to call and ex amine their stock. Aug. lit, 1854. 24-6t P. S.—Such of their customers as are over 6 months in arrears, are requested to call and settle at their earliest convenience. REMOVAL AND NEW GOODS. f BIHE undersigned have removed to the store on Hay BL Street, formerly occupied by M. McKinnon, one door west of Cook & Johnson, where they are receiving a large and compelte STOCK of GOODS in their line, comprising GROCERIES of all kind.s; Hardware; Cutlery; Ilollow-ware; Blacksmiths’, Coopers’ and Turpentine Tools, &c. They will sell Goods as cheap aud on as favorable terms as any house in this place. 'ountry produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. G. W. I. GOLDSTON .S: CO. Aug. 17, l8oL 24-tf PLANK ROAD STOCKS FOR SALE. 1 /I HA RES F. & W. Plauk Road, M. G “ F. & Northern “ 8 “ P. & Southern “ Apply at this office. July 10. \V. 11. CARVER Has just received, and now offers for sale 1500 Sacks Salt. 1,IKM) bushels Corn. 5.000 lbs. N. t;. Bacon. 1.000 “ “ Lard. 1,2(K) “ clean Rice. 20 Bags Rio Coffee. 10 Mats Java “ 10 Boxes Soda Crackers. 20 One-half boxes Raisins. 20 One-quarter “ 12 Doz. Pickles. —ALSO— Fish—Mackerel, Salmon and Cod-fish. Tea, Soila. Saleratus, Pepper, Spice, and a variety of other articles in the Grocer^' line. Call next door to P. Shemwell’s new Hotel, and get Fresh goods. June 21. 7-tf ARITHMETICS AND READERS FOR THE COMMON SCHOOLS OF THE STATE. Kei'omnn rnhd }>y the Superintendent of ('ommon Sihooh of the State of North ('uroJina. SOLD BY E. J. ilALE & SON. Davie.s’ Skrik.' of Aiijtiimetics and Thk Noutii Carolina Readku in connection with Parker’s Re ADEBs. Nick Willinnis’s Rye Whiskey at wholesale or retail. MCDONALD & McMASTER. Dec. 10. 1853. ’ 52 Cartha^(; lIotoL Having recently purchased the above Establish ment from Malcom Kelly, Es(j., 1 am now i>re- pared to entertain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, I trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carth.tge, Dec. 5, li53. 51 tf ^ il'l>AR FALLS Cotton Y?irn and Sheetings, for sale * at Factory prices, by TROY & .MARSH. May «0. 1858. 98tf TO DiSTILT^ERS. 7" 1' wi 1 j):iy the highest cash price for SPIRITS TUltPENTlNE, and re(|uest Distillers to give a I'al'; wli mi in market. J. & T. WADDILL. Jui e '1^', 854. 8tf Slieniwoll House, y. (\. East side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar ket House. ^■IHE subscriber begs leave to announce to the citi- 1 zens of Fa3’etteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the reception and entertainment of anj' who m.iy wish per- iii.'inent or transient Board. His Rooms are large aud comfortable, and his Table shall always be furnished with the best the market will afford. lie also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that depjirtment of the business.— No pains will be sy>ared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfully solicited. (Charges shall be moderate P. SllEMWELL. Feb’y 15. 1854. 71tf Ainv GOODS. ^Sj'^HE subscriber has just received Iiis stock of ST.\- ■ PLE AND FANCY I>RY fiiOOOS, 1. Dniies' First Lestions in Arithmetic. Ddi irs’ Si hool Arithmt tic. Piirhira Firxt School Hmder. I\irl'i/s Sn'ond Sehi’ol licoder. WOOL ROIJ.S. L OOL curded with dispatch at Blount’s (_roi*k ? i Factorv. - HKlfTlNGS, ' tsoaburgs, I'.itton Yarn, and W ool Rolls, for sale liy GEO. McNEILL. JuiK' lb.34. 7-tf s!(){) REWARD. n W) attempts have been recently made to injure I ine pecuniarily, in the destruction, by fire, of my ERANCIS SHENTON BKtiS ti- inform his friends and the public, that he in." roniiived to the Store adjoining (.ieorge Mc- Nfi'l. Ks'i.. Haymount, Fayetteville. N. C.. where he ■ w 'u rs for sale the largest and mos* varied assort- . :.t :>t~ I I*iiiii|»!« and Hydraulic ^achiii(‘«« ;i; I Fixings ever I'flVred in the market, comprising Hydraulic Rams; l’>ra>s I’ibb Guage and Stop Cocks. I ! suit every kind if wuicr works or .''team Engines: ' ' cet Lead and I’ijiin- if various sizes; Lifting and F ri-e Pumps; Garden i;ngiiifs; Shower Baths, ,!icc., of • wn nianuf ioiurc. \ variety of articles huiise- I M use. such as lii i -n; ! I’lated Basin Cocks. Plug ' I’.. . \c AN... A. iiAKKKR S PATENT double ac- ■ ■ n Liitintr ;ud Force li'NlI’, working in a single cy- ; liii U r. with lUi ro ction oi w.ater. This Pump is made t .. rk in We ' ■! any depth, and of sizes to raise . tri ll. t' 1' Hi gallons of water per minute. It is un- ■ doulito'ily tiie most simple, durable, and efficient Pump known til the worbL ; Sept. 4, Is.'il. :J8tf I KI> WI \ ii I .O \ E R. H .\S returned from the North, with a large stock of Jeuclrif^ Mili tary (ioods^ tyr., .Which he will sell very cheap foi cash, ur on short time to those who when their bills are presented. Am«ng bus Stock may be found: Watches, of all kinds and prices; Watch Chains, >1: ' ind Keys; Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger- li Bracelets; (Jold Pens; Gold Pencils; Gold j i'i -uiMo; Gold. Silver and common Spectacle.«; ! .' ivtr and Plated Spoons; Butter Knives; Port- :ii ii iie': Coral Reads; Colt’s Pistol.s; Aceordeons; ’ •M i.' R'lXt s; Plated Cake Baskets; I’l' ted ('ard Ba-kets; 1‘lated Ca.stor.s aud Candlesticks; Snut- T' nnd Trays; Military Goods of all kinds; ,\i: i almost every thing else usually kept in a Jewelry A tine a.'Sortment of CLOCKS. Mr Strict attention paid to repairing Watches aud v.i.iry. EDWIN GLOVER. ' ?!'. 1851. 27-.;m S I' A R R & I. IJ A M S HAVE now in Store a LARGE STOCK of DR\* aooos, C'aps, Bools, Slio(‘s. Silk anti Hats Straw Roimrts, l inhn'llas, and Rcady-niadc ('lotliin^i. Which will be sold to WHOLESALE BL’VEHS, exchi sively. The attention of .Merchants is particulariy invited to (•rders solicited and sati.'facti jn guarun- this Stock, tied. J. B. STARR.] .Vug. Iti, lbo4. [J. M. WILLIAM' 2;>-tf Fall. 1^.11. •'%'eir M- irui anti .>Vir Ooofls. PEARCE EERGI SON tRE now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy !). ny,irth Ciirolina Riatfer. For sale by E. .1. HALE i; SON, Fayetteville, N. C. M ITCH Kl.l/s 1 \TKKM KOI ATE G K(»(iRAl'H V,WoR- cK-^TEu’s Dh tio.v\KV, Webster’s, and Bi l- lio.n's E.nclisii Gii\m.mar are also recommended by the Sujierintendent. For sale by E. .1. H.VLE X SON. X.VTIONAL SKKIES OF SIAM)AKl) SCHOOL AM) i.lBHARY BOOKS, Dtsiynni (IS I liituJcs jhr the use o/' Schools, A> i!t nil'{'"•JJr.j, s, Fiiiiiifi> s, nud Lihntrif .^. Published by A. S. BARNES k CO. 51 Joliu Street. New York. best ’ ilcnt that could be procured has been I enijiloycil iu tlie prefjaration of the.'-C works: :ind the high standing they havu already att.-iined, as Class Bo.iks for the in.-.titulions ot'uur country, is gratifying evidence of their intrinsic merits, .and it is beli«’ved, fully entitles them to the name of the N \tm>nai. Series. A’ \ fi A / A’// L. 1 .Vr; f A K. Kmbr>»cing every article usually to be found in a Dry Goods Store, consisting in part as follows: ^ IMaiti and watered Silk: ]>lai'l Summer Silk; I jii-intci! .i:i li t and other styles of Muslins: 1 dines, Her.- -. s and Tissues; Embroidered Muslins for I Evening ort-.'ses; white and colored Tarltans; good as- j sortin-iit l.nce and other styles of Mantillas: En»broi- ; dere 1 Collars, Sleeves, C'heniizetts, Handkerchiefs; i Swiss and .Jaconet Edging and Inserting, of superior j quality; Hoimets and Itibbons, latest style and in great variety; Sewing Silk Mitts; Umbrellas and Para.sols; I good assortment of Calico; Gingliams; bleacheil and I brown Domestics; Cloths, (’assinieres and Vestings; Linen Goods; Shoes and Hoots, for Ladies, (ientlemen, Tor]ientine lands lying on Beaver .ami Cross Creeks. ! (Jirls. and Chibtren; flentloiK-i:'- Summer Hats; One in April last, by which I lost some fifteen thou- ! J'Oys’ and (lirls’ Hats and Mats: Sslk and Kid Gloves; fiitid boxes. One on yesterday while my hands were i Sugar and (Joftee, Aic. at linntr, by which about 1000 Turpentine boxes were destroyed, iteing thus injured 1 feel it to be my duty to offer the above reward for such information as will lead to the conviction of the ofl'ender or offenders. And 1 most earnestly call upon my friends and all good citizens of the county to aid me in ferrreting out the villian or villiuns, who, in violation of the public ]'eai-f. regardless of their own self-respect and all Social duty, thus wantonly or with malice, attempt, by stea til. to injure the j>roperty of others. CHRISTOPHER MUNROE. .!iii\ JO, lH-34. 1.")- rOR SALE. VNEW two-horse Waggon, complete. J. & T. WADDILL. June b. ,3-tf ORTHOtiKAPH^ ANL) 1IKAD1N(J.—Price's Ei.glish j in Lower Fayetteville. WANTED. BUSHELS of Rye; a(K),000 lbs. well drieil Rye straw, for which the high- e.^t market prices will be paid on delivery at our Store Grateful for the liberal ]iatronage heretolbre received, he trusts, by close application to l)usines.s, fair de.aling, &c. to merit a continuance of the same. his New Store on Green Street, (East side,) a few doors from the .Market li .n-ic. P. SHEMWELL. Fayetteville, April lli, l.>-j4. 8Htf Fall Ti ade, I8.>:t. I have received my Fall Stock of lii'ij Crood;:^ fw rorerif'ii, My Stock is large, and well worth the .attention of pur chasers. Any kind of Produce taken in exchange. JAS. C. ('OOK. Oct. 3, lbo.‘5. Livery Stables. The undersigned continue to carry on the LIVERY BUSI NESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the,, ublic as good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can )>e found in the South ern country. Thankful far the large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a continuation of the public favor. W'e promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travel. SisT’ Stables at the West end of Mumford street, wliere one of the Proprietors may always be found, or at the Storf first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 18.53. 71tf lOOO Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Cmbrella.s, Parasols, Boot.s and Shoes, ic. «.Vc. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Iothing. All of which they offer to purchasers at low prices and upon accommodating terms. From long experience, aud by .'strict attention to bu siness. they hope to merit a share id public patronage. B. F. PEARCE.] r». B. FEKGISON. Fayetteville, .August 12, Ih-'it. 2.'{tf Warren Prior, 11 f/Zr// Maker and Jnrrlrr^ M'l A;'? NOTICE. LL persons are hereby notified not to trade for a note, made by J. P. Council and John (’ouncil for . dated in July or August, 18-52. and payable to Maxwell; as said note is alledged to be lost by 'l ixwell, aud I have paid the same in full and the receipt of said Maxwell for said pavment. J. P. COUNCIL. 1^.)4. 27-2w I D liXRPER'S AN!) RI TNAM'S ! AG.\ZINES for September, just received by E. J. HALE & SON. Hepteiiilx'r 1854. SAMI EE J. HINSDALE now receiving from New York and Philadelphia, arge additions to his Stock of Drn^s, Mcdicincs, I*aint.s, -ng which are: (Quinine, Pure White Lead, White -'U. Blue Stone, Burning Fluid, Varnish, Castor Ks-ences, Window Glass, Brushes, Spices, Patent ■ l ines, French Brandy, Madeira and Port Wines, * ' luutry .Merchant.s and Physicians are invited to satisfaction guarantied. SAM’L J. HINSDALE. ■I I. H-'»4. 28-4t H.\S just received his Fall Stock of Gold and Silver WATCHES, of various 'qualities and prices; (lold Fob, Vest and Guard ('hains; Kej-s and Seals: latest styles Ear Rings and Breast Pins, (Mo.saic;) Gold Rings of all ijualities: Gold Lockets, Pencils, Pens, Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons, Studs: Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Silver ami Plated Spoons: Silver Cup.« and Butter Knives; Plated Cake and Card Baskets. tJandlesticks, Snuffers aud Trays. Double and single-barrel tluus; double and single barrel Pistols; Colt's Rei'eaters: Self-cocking and Re volving Pistols; Powder Flasks: (Jame Bags; .''hot Belts; Percussion ('aps; fine Knives. Razors and Scissors; Cla rionets. Flutes, Violins. Music I’>oxes, Fifes, Accorde- ons; Surveyors' Compasses and ('hains; Card Cases; La dies' Work Boxes; Portmonaies; Hair, Tooth and Lather Brushes; Sp3’ Glasses; Coral; Dog Collars; Sewing Birds; Ivory Tablets; Pearl Salt Spoons; Silver Pickle Knives and Forks; Thermometers; Canes, i:c. &c. The [mblic are invited to call and examine. I Speller. 12 cts.; Martin’s (>rthoepist, .'lOcts.; Wright’s Orthograp’ny, 2o cts.; Dictation F.::ercises, '2‘t cts; Parker'•• ,'^eries of Ueaders; P.arker and Zachos’ Intro ductory Lessons, '-'Ij. ct.s.; i’arker’s Hiietorical Rea.ier, >*!l; High School Literature, 81. ENtiLISH GRAMMAR AND RHETORD'.—Clark’s Analysis. 374 cts.: Ciark's Grammar, •'•Octs.: Clark’s Etymological Chart. ."^2 50; Day’s Art of Hhetoric, 7-3 cts. ELOCUTION.—Northend’s Little Speaker, 30 cts., Northend's .\meric.a.i Sj)cakei, 7-') ct.*:.; Northend’s School Dialogues, 7‘> cts.; Zachu’s New American Speaker, yl. ENGLISH POETS, W ITH NOTES BY BOYD —Mil ton's Parailise Lost, Young's Night Thoughts, Thom son’s Seasons. Pollok’^* t'ourse of Time, 81 eat-h. Cheap ; School Editions of the .above, cts. each: als.>. Beau- I tifully Illustrated Editions, iu v.arious styles ol bin ling. I HISTORY AXD dEOGUAFUY. | HISTORY.—Willanl's History of the United .''tates. | 81 50; School History, ~i> cts.: Spanish Translation, i 82 00; Universal History, 81 Historic Guide. 75 j cts.; Maji of Time, 7-j cts.; Last Leaves of .Vniericau j History. 50 cts., and Charts: .Mison's History of Eu- ‘ rope. Abridged by Edward S. Gould. $1 50. GEOtiR.VPHY.—Monteith’s Youth’s Manual of (ico- : graphy, 50 cts.; .McNally's System of School Geography, ! in Press. Tin: sciFxr’KS. \ M.\THP]M.\TICS —DwfEs’System oT Mathematics j —Anthmftirnl (’oiiri'r—Davies’ Table-Book, lo cts.: ' First Lessous in .Arithmetic, 20 cts.; .\rith- metic, 2.5 cts.; School .Arithmetic, ;i7^, cts., and Key: i Grammar of .Vrithmetic; I'niversity .\rithmetic, 75 cts , ■ and Key, 50 cts. .Iciti/cmir ('oursr—Elementary Alge- lira, 75 cts.: Elementary tJeonietry, -81; Practical Mathematics. 81: l..ogic of Mathematics. -81 50. ('nl- hyiate Courff—Davies’ BounJon. 81 50; Legendre, -81 i 5>: Surve^’ing, -81 5(1; Analytical Geometry-. 81 25; De- j scrijitive tieometry, .81 75; Shades, Shadows, &c.. -82 50; (’alculus, 81 25. \ NATURAL PHILOSf>PHY AND ASTRONOMY.— JESSUP & CO. 10-tf July 1, IN'‘>4. LARORERS W ANTED. H.\NDS. white or black, wanted to work on the Western Rail Road, near Fayette ville. The location is healthy, being on the high and dry sand-hills west of town. JONES & BARBEE. June 2ti, 1854. 8tf NOTICE. ^■IHE SUBSCRIBER has removed to i SHAW’S NEW BUILDING. Gil lespie Street, where he intends car rying on the XAII.OKI.\Xi BUSI NESS in all its branches Having had practical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat ness and despatch. l*ai(c's hn/troved Patent flrrnlftr Saw Mills. N. Schroeder St., near Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have greatly enlarged their manufacturing establishment, and that their fa cilities are now such as to enable them to execute all orders, with promptness, for their CELEBR.VTED PA TENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, as also STEAM POWERS of all sizes .and kinds, HORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, CORN AND COB CRUSH- EltS, together with various other machines and imple ments to economise labor. Since their Circular Saw Mills were invented by, and patented to the Senior Partner, the}' have maile many improvements which ren«ler them perfect in all their iletails, .and justly entitle them to be considered among the greatest labor saving inventions of the age. A ritiiiiiphUt containing full de.scriptions of their three chtxMx of Mills, prices, f^ms, capacitj' for sawing, iScc., will be sent to any Gentleman applying for one by letter, ))OSt paid. Having recently obtained ilamages in. an .action brought in the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, for an infringement of ilicir they hereby forwarn the public from purchasing Mills, similar to theirs, from unauthorized builders, or their Agents. Agent at Faj-etteville, N. C., JNO. 'SI. ROSE. M.ay 20, 1854. -"ioOY W AN'FED TO HIRE OR \WY. A GENTEEL NEGRO M.\N accustomed to managing horses, working garden, &c. Apply at this office. May 0. COTTON B\G(;1n( . SH.WE a plentiful supply of (lui.- ..u iee Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, and Ba^^mg Twine. Send in your orders and thej' shall be supplied. Oct. 3. 1853. JAS. G. COOK. 32tf March 28, 1853. B. MONAGHAN. 81-tf Hairs! i NY A ^v Juiv 5 Rags!! HU.antity of Cottou and Linen, wanted for cash, P.ENBOW, KYLE & CO. 185L 11-3m l»l MPS. fjlORCE and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. March .30. 8;J-tf -A good assortment of CL(.)CKS at very low prices,— j 1’abker’s Schooi, Coi bse—Parker’s Natural and Ex warranted. All kinds of Watches .and Clocks cleaned and repaired in the best manner, and warranted. All kinds of Jewelry repaire*!. August 17, 1854. 23-4m M. A. liAkl^R'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL [! \ l.\l) ISIFLi: MIMFU’TORV. ^ iII'.N Ml.\ L ASSOU r.M l.NT i>f double and single barrel Shot (Juiih. !aiiie I'lajrb: Shot I’ouchc... ,Lr Flasks: Drinking (hijis and Flasks: Percussion f .\iiierican. English and Freiicli inake: ('olt’s Allen's Uevolviiig. Mavnanl s llepo.ttin" vi!h i: ■ IV. ill Allen'.'i iiii_' I’ist SclfC i|ua :• \ L-,- 11. 1-1 at ■' 1, .andi- t" nil y ;rd.-. iig -if a’’ ' 'nalm- !ci ■dei's |,n Oppclu* I, IH.jl. i-V'.iviiifr Haiiiiiicr'i; \1- 2 t'l Ii illcln s; ( ici inall : l; Ktli'CW; Kllivi r:; • t'ln-: ' ir Guns. .All of ■,>.hii-!i ■ r ”1 ■•i;':. 111 moder.-ite •eriiis. r. :i 1 '.varr iTited to shoot from A id a-»'.rtment cinistanfly on >rd ■vitli proiiijitness and iiiiiitl ' the .ttteirli' list (»th 1 t Ka vetteville. N (’. 2Htf E. I). .SMJl'H, Attorney at Law, i'aifetteviltc, ,V. f. 'UH( E oVfcH .MU.’s drug store. ■qt 1, 1854. 28tf BiUiarif Tablen for Sttle, IH.VV^E two good Billiard Tables with all the fix tures, which I will dispose of on reasonable terms if application be made soon. JAMES H.ALES. Aug. 21, 18.54. 24-tf .^£:uicAi. coi.i.iiok: or tiik state OF SOI TII C’AUOI.I\A. fl^HE iinnual Course of Lectures in this Institution JL will commence on the first Moxi.ay in November, in Charleston, on the following branches: .Anatomy by ,J. E Holkuook, M. I). Surgery by E. Gei>I)Inos, .M. D. Institutes and Practice by S. Henry Du kson, M. D. Physiology by Ja.mks Mulltiue, M. D. Materia .Medica by Hemiy R. Frost, M. D. Obstetrics by Taos. G. Pkioleau, M. D. Chemistry by V,. U. Siiei’arh, M. D. Demonstrator of Anotomy by Fra.ncis T. Miles, M. D. Prosector of the Professor of Surgery by J. F. M. (;EI)l)I.N(iS, M. D. CLINICAL LECTURES. D. T. C;iin, M. D., Physician to the .Marine Hospital an'l ('linicai Instructer, lectures twice a week on the di.seases of that Institution. 11. W. DeSaussure, M. D., Physician to the Hospital of the Alm.shouse, at which Lectures arc delivered twice a week on Diseases, the diagnosis discriminated, and the student indoctrinated in their trfatment. Demonstrative Instruction in Medicine and Surgery at the College Hospital, by the Professor of the \leli- cal ('ollege. The Fees for the course, and the expenses of Board ing, .are iiiiuh the same as in other cities of the Atlan tic coast. The Faculty of the f’ollege fake plea.-^uri'in calliii"- the aUt iitioii of-the friends of the Institution, to it^ I'lcsi-nt prosperous condition, the last class e,\cee'iin^ ■iiiy ..1 ;oriiier year.s. They have been enabled, by the libeiiility ot tiie Legisl.ature at its last Session, to make such alterations in extending and improving the Col lege liuii ling as will promote materially the comfort of those in attendance on the Lectures. Ihe natoiiiieal 'rheatrc has been enlarged and com pletely renovated, und such changes made as will secure free ventilation with a pleasant arrangement of the Seats. I hey confidently believe that it will not suffer in Comparison with any like structure in tin* L^nited .''tates, the edifice, with its a|>]iuvtenaiices being jis commodious anl attractive as any pnch establishment in the country. They have also been enabled to make considerable additions to the museum of the College. UEiNRV R. FROST, M, D. Dean. Aug. 11, 1854. 24-4t perimental Philosophy, .81: Juvenile Philosophy. 25 cts; or First Lessons iu Philosophy, 37i cts.. Parts I. and II. McIntyre on the Globes, 81. Iiorletf: C>1- Itye Cotirne—Mechanics, -8.3; Optics and Acoustics, 82; Analytical Mechanics, -84. ‘-iUOO spirit Harrcls lor 5:ilr l>\ McLAURIN & STRANGE. June 12, 1854. 4tf CHARLES IvElFE.Ml EEER, MILI' AliE.VT l.\ THE ST\TE OF .\«RT11 ( ARIILI.W FOR EGGERT & CO’S Manufactory of (Hra)id Square and Uprijht NO. 2.V2 PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Office at Raleigh, at Fr. Mahler ii Co's. “ •• Fayetteville, Fayetteville Hotel Building. Old Pianos taken in exchange. Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. TM^HE Subscribers respectfully call the attention of .M. the public to their Gr.aud, Sjuare and Upright Pianos, of 0], 03, 7 and 7] octaves, for which the Maryl.ind Institute, for the promotion of Mechanic •Art-i, has awarded tlie first premium ever awarded by that Institute for improvement in Gr.and and Square Pianos. These Pianos are in large sized, highly fin ished cases of Rosewood, with entire iron frame, con structed in the most substantial manner, with all the modern improvements. The manufacturers use none but the very best sea soned limber, and materials of the choicest qualities. rilHE undersigned, having purchased Mr. Thos. S -M. Lutterloh's Distillery and Cooper-shops, have entered into Copartnership under the name of McLaurin & Strange, for the jiurpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Dar rels. D. McL.XURIN. AVM. McLAURlN. JAS. W. STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1853. 70tf North Carolina Cassinieres. nVR. J.AMES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of ITM. Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by Car son, Young & Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg County, N. C., where consumers and merchants can be supplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being eiual in durability, and as permanent in col or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sobl in the U. S. The}' invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized ia proportion to their merits. Sept. 9. 27tf The Mjitr^esl Carriage Fftrtory in the South ! *^50 FOK SAI.K, BOXES Manufactured Tobacco. We have in store a large stock of Tobacco, and ex pect to receive constantly from J. W. Reid and Thom as’s and other factories, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnish purchasers any quality at lowest factory prices. 1). & W. McLAURIN. 30tf A. A. McKETHAIV, Sept. 1853. makdlj: ENtllNEERlN’i.—Gillesiiie on Roads and Railroads, i enuble them to warrant their instruments to stand •81 oO; Lardner on the Steam Engine, 81 ;’)0. CHAMBEKS’ SCIENTIFIC SERIES. —Introduction to the Sciences, 40 cts.; Treasury of Knowledge. 75 cts.: Drawing. 02 cts.; Natural Philosophy, 75 cts.: Chemistry aud Electricity, 75 cts.; Vegetable and .\ni- mal Physiology, 75 cts.; Zoology, 81; Geology. 75 cts. CHESiISTKV.—Reid and Bain. 75 cts.; 'Gregory’*. Outlines. 81 50; Porter's School Chemistry, in Press. BOOKKEEPING AND PEN.MANSHIP.—Fulton and Eastman's System. MUSIC.—School -'^ong and Hymn Book. 37.’, cts.: Kingsley's Juvenile Choir, 37'.,; Young Ladies’ Harj): Cruikshauk's S. S. (ieiiis, 30 cts.; Kingsley’s Harp ot David, -81; Sacred Harmonist; Cheever's Christian Melodies. Mf, cts. L.ATIN -AND (!REEK.—Brooks’ Latin Lessons, 50 cts.: Ovid, 82; Greek Lessons, 50 cts., and Collectane.i Evangelic.a. 50 cts. STAXDARD LIBRARY BOOKS. SCHOOL TEACIiER’S LI BRAKY.—Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching, Northend’s Teacher and Pa rent, Mansfield (mi American Education. De Tocque- ville’s Ann ricaii Institutions, at -81 per co[>y; Davies' Logic and i tility of Mathcuiatics, per cojty, 81 25. THE lloMi-; '’VCL01M;DI.\. Cyclopedi.i of Chron ology, Cyclopedia of Geograidiy, (’yolopedia of Biogi-.i- ph^-,* 'ycli);‘“dia of I'seful Art.-^, Cyclopedi.a of General Literature an I Fine .\rts, Cyclopedia of Architecture, Cyclopedia of Europe, at .82 50 p?r copy each. ARTS AND St’lENCES.—M.inual of Fine Arts, 81 25; Lectures on the Progress of Arts aud Sciences, 81 25. HOOKS Of fllAVKL-- Tschndi’s Peru, 81; Peru vian .Xntiquities, 8l;(’nr7on’s Monasteries of the East, 81: La.a'rd’s ii.ibylon .and Nineveh. .81 25; S]iencer's .'K.'t.-iu - i'ra\i l ill r^ypt .iii'i the Holy Laud, 81 .'•((; .^.iiiTi,;-. , - \ isii III •. - :0. M'S'l 'K'i - I’olat llciiio!:-:. ct.-..- St. I’clersburgli. h:i CIS., t .iiloii's Snip and .''lioiv. 81; Land ami Lee, 'I: :»ci-.-. alii i’o.i. •'>1 25; I'lirce ^ ears i;i California. N| 2'': Sea and Sailor.1 ;’lieever's Sai.dwich Islands, Nl; .Mansfield's History of .Mexican, .81; Willard's History of thv l.nited Slates, 81 50: Universal History, •81 ■’*•; Last Lea^c;; of .Vine'acau History, 75 cts.; .Mi son's lli.'tory of Europe, -81 50. CIVIL (JoV.MiN MKNT .\ND BIOG11A 1*11 V.—United States Constitutions, DeTocqueville’s Democracy in America, >^2 50; (Bolton’s Public Economy, 82; Dwight's Lives of the Signers, 81: .Mansfield’s Life of (Jen. .Scott, 81; Colton’s Life of Henry Clay, -84: Lives.of Dr. John Donne, Hooker. Herbert, and Sanderson, 81. Descriptive {'atalogues of A S. Barnes it Co.'s Pub lications sent by mail, upon applic.ation to the Publi.shers. For sale by E. J. HALE ii SON, Fayeteville, N. C. Aug. 4. 20-iJiii any clii.uiJe. The I’irai hi s a patent Right action, operating on sue! ]ir»nt iple ■■ that friction is almost entirely relieved or a\oii-ed, an 1 their piano can therefore never get out ri >Eli. a. f' I'iai lulh,- '.'r.ii. f ordei. Kii;- cuas en ss of design, elegance of finish, as well 's;, richness, and In'auty of tone, these fr ■•emost, and are equal (o any made liere se I’iaiios have tieen intn- luced. they er\ instance entire satisfaction. Ill instruments to stand good for live 1‘iul treatineiit. aud will receive them 1 : .tiicr.'. any time within the first . .lie s.ile of it, if it shall not prove EGGERT & CO., 2:’.2 Pratt Street, Baltimore. 08tf iv (iEO. LAUI HirDdims .imivE c. T. iLiiiiii ii 'riiiiii. Fayellfvillt*, i\. :M5}. *>4y ]'d May 20, I j{i:MO\ AL. ^}[''11L Subscribers hav' removed to the corner Store I ..f \rey's Buiiding. Gillespie Street, four doors bciov tlieir n'd stand, and next to P.ranch Bank of the State, wiiere tiiev would be glad to see their customet^. MCDONALD McMASTER. 2U-2m .Vui 1S51. \\ ro rassen(;ers. ni-. .'teamer SUN will leave thffi place every 'If i,StJA\' and FRIH.A^' at 15 minutes after i.'i , ..11 1 Wilniington c\ery \\ EDNESD.VY and SA- it 12 o’clock, with P:ipsengers and Freight. 11. M. ORUELL, Agent, li ItcMiic, .'l:iy .‘il, 1>5}. 1-tf c iTS Scliool Gcograpiiy; I’rres'.iyteriau l‘.salmodist; per's \'irgil; Parley's Common School History; Mt'liviil's Sermons; .lav's i’ravcrs. a further supply just received by E. J. HALE & SON. July 5. ’-1:^HE BHITISH POETS, from (’haucer to W’ords- ^ worth, new Iti jno. edition—sold in whole or sep arate vols. .Also, Montgomery, Hemans, Burns, Bryon, Soott, Moore, and Shakspeare—oue volume each, the splendid Boston editiou, just received. E. J. HALE & SON. May C, 1854. I business iu all its branche.s. He returns tjianks for the ' liberal jiatroiiage he has received, .ind hopes by a strict I aftention to business, and .a desire to jdease all and I give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made >f the best m.a- feri:il and by experienced workmen,—having a more and practical Smith, he flatters himself that his work will compete with any made in the St.ite lor style, elegance and durability; and sluaild any of it tail in twelve mouths (with fair usage) either in wor’Kitian- ship or material, he will repair it free id'charge. Persons wishing to buj'. would do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REP.AIIIING neatly executed ,it short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Jan. 20. 185;^. f,3tf FaijetteviUe ('andif Manufactorij. rjJlHE subscriber still continues to manufacture a ;nj- JB- perior article of plain anl fancy C.ANDIES .-it the old stand, (Nb. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to see Lis old friends and customers. CHARLES BANK.«?. March 1, 1853. 73tf S3 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub- .8^ lie, that he has Imilt up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing j Carrii.ges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he It' \ tf ^ ii received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict J .attention to l.-uifiness, with .a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the s.ame. He warrants his workoo be made of the best material and bj- experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness aud durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, FiNisnEn, the LAR GEST STOCK of ('arriatres^ Baronchcs, llockaivai/s, and Bnjriri es. Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short I time to punctual customers. J|i®r“He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished I and in course of construction. ! ter .Ml work made by him i^ warranted 12 months j with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. I Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and I ex:uuine for themselves. I ((rders thankfully received and piromptly attended to. Repairing e-.ecuted at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. May 28. 18-')3. 98tf NEW Sl»IN(i AND SUMMER GOOD ^ •'HI H E Subscriber is now receiving the Largest and ■ most c'implete assortment that he has ever called the nttention of his friemls and the public to; he would therefore say to all that may desire anything in his line that is FASHION ABLE andc’lllIAP to give him :i call, as he desires to keep the “Nimble Sixpence” moving. His stock consists of a large variety of the different styles of F.ASllIO-N-VBLE HATS, to-wit: Fur, W(»ol, I’anauia, Lt-gbuiu, t'anton, I’edale, Ruthuid, Cliiiia I’carl, and I’aliu Leaf, which will be sold low for 5^„CASH. —ALSO,— A general assortment of ROOTS and SHOES for Geuti-men, Ladies, Misses. Youths. !!o\s, (Children, lnfaiit.s, and Scrvauts. Please call and examine before you f.tirchase. .1. C. THOMPSON, Market Square. March 17, 1854. «0-tf HOTEL. ^pHE subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated ou the South-East corner of Court il S-iuare. aud lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, wI inform the public tliat he is now ready to accommodate boarders by the day, week or month. Having made consKkra- nle outlay in furnishing and refitting the E*tabhiinment, he hones to be able to give satisfaction to all who pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his Bar with the .best of Li quors, ami his Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. rt)ULD respectfu ly inform the public that he is J. A. June 20, 1852. GILCHRIST. 3-tf 68-tf mm

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