JIMP, f w YOR^ •r !; ^ ii' SEMI-WEEKLY. .ter''■' ' ’;V"- iioii,.;' ' ' V\ r I'.l; A'. At |N. C. tlu‘ ‘ I l;. { , ; ii.ir 1 vor.. IV.] FAYETTEVILLK, N. C., SEPTEMBER 14, 1854. [NO. 331.] nUNTEI) MONDAVS AND THURSDAYS. KDWAHD J. HALE &7oN. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. ifioo ti'f Semi-We«*kly Observer $3 00 if paid in aJvancP: •?>;> 50 if pnitl during the jear of sub.Kcrip- ti.m; >r $4 nfter the ^ enr Las expired. ; tUe 'Vookly ('>bskrvkr $2 (K) p inmn. if paid in . Iviuice: 50 if j>aid during th** yenr of subscrip tion; or 00 after the year has expired. AI*VKRTISEMKNTS in.‘«erted for sixty cents per urtic of Ifi lines for the first, and thirty cents for each 11.1’l’i'iling publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ial fciitractp, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or •liev will >'0 continued till forbid, and charged accord j. Iv. Psif" Letters to the Editors must be post-paid • I.MlKli, L LM-;. Ali I . L'H.W i>, w.„ . ■ k. II, 'r'-vt: ^-■rr: • T Til. & MACRAE, ' v ,, •■rit.-i A'- m-," 1.1*. 1*1.: ru!., ■ r .hr f.r. V K DONAl.DSOX ACADEMY. OD.suing Term in this Institution will com- ■ laence on Tuesday the 3d day of October next. Tei nis. for tuition, $6, !j!8 and $10 per Quarter, ac- rJiiitc t'' tlie advaucement of the pupil, c’.intii’.irencies 50 cents per Quarter.. F r Board with the Principal $8 per month, includ- u fuel and lights. Washing will be charged extra. D.\NIEL JOHNSON, Principal. Sej.t. 1S54. .W-4t A PRINCIPAL WANTED Kill) take charge of Laurinburgh High School in Situated at Laiirinburgh, Rich- r January 1856. Im mJ County, N C Applications addressed to the undersigned as above, Ivill be received until the 2d Saturday in November lEOxt. at which time a selection will be made. To ensure success satisfactory reference will be re- Iquireil. .\ -situation of such importance seldom oft'ers, and to jh gentleman competent to impart a thorough English (nnii Classical Education, a libf.al salary will be given. A gentleman of small family, who might take charge Jof the large hoarding house in connection with the [school, would be preferred. Since the School went into operation in January [1853, under the management of the Rev. J. J. Smyth, M.. one hundred and sixteen pupils have been in fnTtemlance. Mr. Smyth leaves at the close of the kiresent Session, to take charge of the Presbyterian fi'hurt’h at Greensboro’, N. C. The location for health, sobriety and morality, is ^arpassed by few. Any information desired will be It'urnished on application to the present Principal or [the undersigned. D. C. McINTYRE, Sec’y Board Trustees. >ept 8, 1854. 30-td ill. cK . I f. : .U J. (*f • o i ; L L r. 77-tf •Ma. uiiirture. KA ■ Kr;,IN': ! '■ ■ -Ii lur:, ■ It PETERSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE. ''Ht first session of this Institution will commence n the last Wednesday in this month (27th day of September, and close on the 15th July, 1855. FACULTY. Rev. GEORGE W. CARTER, PreiJiJent, and Prof. Belle Lettres, Ethics, &c. ROBERT KERR, A. M , Mathematics and Natural Sciences. WILLIAMS T. DAVIS, A. M., •Ancient Languages and Literature. (To be filled.) Modem Languages and Painting. J. FRED. W'ULFF. Music and Drawing. Mitts EMMA J. TAYLOR, Ornamental Branches. Miss (to b« filled,) Primary Department. TFRitS of TUITIOX for the Scholastic Year: Pi-imary department !?30 -Vcademlc, (advanced English branches,) 40 Collegiate—higher English branches with Latin or Greek 50 EXTRAS. Modern Languages, each 20 ■Music on Piano or Guitar 60 I»rawing in Pencil, (per quarter,) 8 Painting in Oil or Water, (per quarter,) 10 Lectures and Experiments in Natural Sciences, , per course,) 1 5 Sacred Music—Daily exercise so ch.^roe BO.\RDING. Young ladies from a distaiice will reside in the fam ily of William Lea, Jun’r, Esq., who occupies the Col lege premises, as will also President Cartkr and lady. For further particulars address the President, care of E. P. Nash, Petersburg, Va. Sept. 4, 1854. 30- t 18.14. Fall and Winter (Joods. «.>ur Fall and Winter Stock cf DRY GOODS, H ARDW AH E, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, 1K)NNETS, and UEADY-MADE CLOTHING, IS now in Store and ready for inspection, embracing by far the !ar{?est and most extensive assortment we have ever offered to the Trade, and is well worthy the examination of everj’ Merchant visiting this place. Particular attention Daid to orders. HALL & SACKETT. Augusl 14, 1854. 22tfilm New Goods! ANT) NEW RULES, AT WHITE OAK, N. C. rilHE Subscriber is now receiving, and by the first of October next will have in Store, the LARGEST STOCK that has ever been offered in this place. He will keep on uaiiil a good assortment of Cotton Yarns and Sheetings, Heady-niadc Cloth ing, Hats and Cap.«i, Boots and Shoes, Um brellas, Groccrios of all kinds, Hard ware, Hollow-ware, Earthen and Glass-ware, Iron, Salt, Nails, Tin Ware, &c., All* of which will he sold for the Cash, and that alone. After the first of October next 1 shall sell entirely for CASH; and I hope that none of luy customers will have any hard thoughts or think hard of mo for making these rules, as 1 am compelled to do so. Notwithstanding my business will be Cash after the 1st of October, I will take in exchange for Goods .VLL KINDS OF PRODUCE, such as Timber, Turpentine, Tar, Shingles, Beeswax, Tallow, Cotton Rags, Socks, and all kinds of Country Produce whatever, for which I will pay the highest cash price; and after the 1st of October, I shall sell Goods TEN PER CENT. LOWER than I now do, for Cash. Those having accounts with me are requested to make settlement, either by Note or the Cash, as I am compelled to have annual settlements. W.M. S. MELVIN. September 11. 1854. 30*Ctpd 1H.AVE so many inquiries about Turpentine LaiJs, that I have concluded to offer iny services to buy and sell. Those having Lands for sale will furnish me plots and quantity, together with a fair description and price.— My commissions shall )>e moderate. JAS. G. COOK. Nov, 21, 1853. 4Ctf ' RAMSEY & BRO., €!eiiei*al Coiiiiiii^^sioii aiil For warding iflcrcliaiiK, Wilmington and Fayetteville, And Agents for Metts* Line of Steanilwals .AT FAYETTEVILLE. M. .1. RAMSKY.] [\. A. UAMSKY. .\ugust 20, 1854. 2*'>tf JA.MES E. METTS, ~ Co7nniissi()ti cV Fonrardina^ Merchanf^ WIUllNirrON, N C. .August 23, 1854. 2i;tf Yum & FISRGHSON, ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fot'eign nntl tBomestir DRY i}001>S, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, I inbrclla.s, and llcadif-inade HAV STRKET, Fayellovilli*, X. i\ JBQf” Strict attention paid to orders. ‘-^58 B. F. I'KAECK.] (13tf) [.T. U. KKRIU'HON. R. M. ORRELL, FI)RW.IRDL\U l’0)niI.SSII).\ .IT F.ivellevillc', IV. €' March 10, 1851. f.2-tf JOSEiUl P»AKER, Jr., AT'iOK.\i:V AT LAW, H.AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, llobeson andSan pson. Mtjrch 23, 1853. 79-tf H. L. HOLMES, ~ Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets o under Journal otlice. Dec. 12. 48-tf Book-Biiidiii". HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi/ens of ■L Fayetteville, and ihe public, that he has resumed his Book-Binding business, at his old £! \nd opposite E. J. Hale & Son’s Bookstore, on Anderson street, where he will receive and execute any style desired, plain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, lic. bound to any pattern desired. Old books re-bound. Thankful for the patronage he has heretofore re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance promptly attended tc. THOMAS H TILLINGHAST. July 31, 1854. 15tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS cV CO., Whv/esalf (irocers atui OommiAition .V*'rchaJifs. Jl’ST RECEIVED, a large assortment of GO()DS in their line, for .■^nle on favorable terms. ITtf FREM'II BliRR ^lllLSTONfiS. Cnr€‘at ISeiliiclioii in Price. EGEXTON, MORRIS & CO. ^ lONTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly * on hand Prettrh Barr ^liillstoties Of all JimensiouR, warranted to be of best qualit}', be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarrie.s in Fr:ince. They keep for sale ('olo^iio, Cocalica and Esopus Mill stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Scrc(;n Wire, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic C’oinent, ^c. Orders from any part of the country’ promptly attend- eil to. u. 71. OKRKI.L,, Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. March 11. 185;>. 7(>tf LUrrERLOH cV CO. ri'’TTE undersigned having on the 20th May last form- 1 I'd a Copartnership under the name and style of “LUTTKRLOH & (,’0,” for the purpose of transacting a general Boating business on the Cape Fear River, the Steamer Fanny Luttei'oh has been repaired, and ir now in superior order for freighting and carrying passengers. She will make regularly two trips a week, leaving Fayetteville Mondays and Thursdays at 15 minutes after .Sunrise, and AVilniington Tuesdays and Frilays at 10 o’clock. The Steamer Rowan with a full complement of Flats will make one trip or more a week, as circumstances may require. The Boats of this line being of very light draft of water, shippers may rely on dispatch. The Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trips a Aveek, for the last twenty-two months, up to the 20th -May, during the lowest state of the River. Shippers by our line may rely with certainty on dis patch. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. J. P. M.-VRSH, .Agent Fayetteville. T. S. LUTTERLOH, n. B. ELLIOTT, J. F. MARSH, W. P. ELLIOTT, J. B. TROY, Jr. July 25, 1854. 17tf Fayottoville Hotel. JOHN HARMAN llespectfnll}’ informs his friend.i and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haj’mount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well knowr. ns the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py t > if-jommodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex- fiiiuiis of himself and family will be spared to render those comfortable w'ho may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C., June 3, 1853. 200tf • \otice fo the 'rrftvellinsr Piddic. fBlHE Stage leaves Warsaw daily (except Saturday) -M_ at 7 o’clock, p. m., after the arrival of the even ing train from the North, and arrives at Fayetteville next day by (] o’clock, a. m., in time for the Stage to Salem; wiiich leaves Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o’clock, p. m., and arrives at Salem next day liy 2 p. m. Returning, leaves Salem Tues, days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 0 o’clock, p. m.- arrives at Fayetteville next day by 4 p. m., in time for the Stage to Wai’saw; which leaves Fayetteville daily (except Saturday) at (! p. rn., and arrives at Warsaw next day by 5 a. in., in time to connect with the train North or South. Tickets from Warsaw to Salem, $12. From Warsaw to Fayetteville, S4. To other points on the road in proportion. M. McKINNON. Fayetteville, March 18, 1854. 80-tf O FOR SALK. ONE horse Buggy with three Springs. -Also, a F. N. & J. H. June 28. ROBERTS. ‘J tf Cooper.^i' Tools, and all (jualities of Glue for Distillers use, for sale by 1). June 12, 1854. & W. McLAURIN. 4tf FOR SALE. BUSHELS FINE AVHITE CORN. 300 Bags Yellow do. or a:I. t 1- i: -V i' li.iE. AN ' . m;-- e .. tr the ■. -f'lij ■ tt'i li.i- a-- II-.- r:jf p; — >-(>- r.-ri.jr (lil Il'i ‘ M V _ : kh I*ie 1'-.; . . . 25 Bbls. No. 3 Mackerel. For sale on consignment by J. S. B.VNKS. Sept. 11, 1854. 30-4t \/>//. n J- - j. M- ;c\- i -r I-. t> =li: '1 ■ Ii.-.: : .1.-. 'lur- f • • • / ' * • ,n Hii'' Sli ' '' (in: - m iV be . V r ■*- ,A.- ■•ILL. irtf CLARK & WOODWARD Have just received their Fall and Winter stock of RFAOY-:trAI>E €LOTHI]VO, consist ing of OVERCOATS, FR(X:K and DRESS COATS, PANT.S and \'ESTS, of a very superior quality, and certainly equal to anything that can be purchased in this market. .Also, a large and well selected assort- :iient of CHILDREN’S and BOYS’CLOTHING, all of tlif latest styles. In ad'lition to the above elegant stock, they have a large supply of CLOTHS and C.ASSIMERES, some of '' ■ m of u very superior quality; also. Stocks, Cravats, S' irts—Cotton and Merino; Collars, and Suspenders. All of which will be sold on the most accommodatiso rURMS. CLARK WOODWARD CIONTINUE to cany on the TAI- y LOUINO BUSINESS in the room immediately over their Store, where they are prepared, upon the shortest notice, to make up their own cloths, or those furnished by customers; and all favoring them with their patronage may rest assured that their work will be done with a ueataess, fidelity and de- •patch that cannot be surpassed in the town of Fay etteville or elsewhere. Their friends, and the public generally, are respect fully invited to give them u call and examine their Stock, at the old Stand. .Sept. II, 18-54. 80-2m Fire-Proof liooliiig. ' FRANCIS SHENTON, ; Slate and %lletal Roofer, I ri^HANKFUL for past favors, I beg to inform my j friends and the public, that I am now prepared to contract for and execute, in the best manner and on reasonable terms, ALL KINDS OF FIRE-PROOF I ROOFING. Gutters, Leader Pipes and Heads, of any j style or pattern, made to order and warranted for any ! specified time. j Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit any style of build- ] ing or situation, without danger of lightning. ■* -iL_r nmm m* s* Force, Lifting and Suction Pumps, adapted to any situation; Hydraulic Rams, and all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov. 15, 1853. 44-lYpd \EW BAKERY^ rW^HE Subscriber has established a Bakery on Bow JL Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill’s Cabine Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families, Boata, i nd the public generally, with Bread, Biscuit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the best quality, as h§ has procured the services of one of the best Bakers in the State. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. CH.VS BANKS. Fayetteville, Dec. 28, 1852. 55-tf July 20, 18)i4 H. ICRA.MHERT, Confectionery and Variety Stcre, VnJer the Fnytttvrille Hotel, ITuy St., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Dec’r 31, 1853. 58tf Worth & Utley, Forwardin|r and Genera,! Coinnii.‘?sion MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ *V. C. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. ITLET. T. cT^VORTH^ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMLVGTON, N. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by G. W. DAVIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, &c. Jan’y 17, 1854. 63-lY V. C. & G. WORTH, : Coinniission &: I'orwarding Merchants,, ! BROWN’S BUILDING, W.ATER STREET, I Wiliiiiii^^^toii, C. Usual advances made on consignments. NOTICE. N S.ATURDAY, tne 22d day of .July, my son WILLIA.M FRANKLIN LORD left his home with out my consent, in company with a Tobacco Trader, and has not been heard from since. The Boy is about 13 years old, alimly made, fair skin, light hair, blue eyes, and thin visaged, and has an aff'ection of one or both ears. By close Inspection a small yellow spot may be seen on one of his cheeks. This boy is my only child. The j ublic will at once symjiathise with the father, and he hopes render him the necessary as sistance to get his boy again. Any information con cerning him, addressed to his father, Poter W. Lord, at Fayetteville, will he most thankfully received. P. S. He sometimes calls himself William Houston. PETER W. LORD. July 2;t, 1854. STEDMAN & HORNE, Drif Goods, Hardware, Groceries, ^c. FAYETTEVfLtE, C. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens and the public generally, that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock of Goods, consisting of Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, &c. A variety of Hats, suitable for the season; Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Boots, Shoes and Slippers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we would be pleased to have them to call and eximine for thesnselves. All orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 30, 1853. ' 81tf I -=>»DR. STRONG’S ()■=>- iCOMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS These Pllla are entirely V«^ela)>le, aiiit arc a moat raperior Medicine in the cure of nU Bilious Com- pUtintt, ChUls and Fivtr, Dytj^iia, Cutiiventss, Liter Complaint, Jaundict, Sick Headaclit, Scrofula^ Halt Rhtum, Fevers of all kinds, Lott of Appetite, Obstructed and painful Menstruation, and atl tiii- gtring diteates. As a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to cure tUe wor.st coses of Plies, after all other remedies fail. They purify the blooil. eqnaHzc the elrcula« tion, restore the Liver, Kidneys, and otiier 8e> cretory Or{(an^ to a healthy tone and action: and as an Anti-BilioQA Family Medicine they have no equal. Price 26 cents -)er box. Also (ioor^ia Lands tor SJ ale. irm;. Jt Bf)FFER for sale my valuable TR.-V(’T OF L.VND, in the county of .Appling, Georgia, containing Two Tliousand Six Hundred and Fifty-six .Veres, situated immediately on the .\ltamaha River, holding two of the finest lilutl's on the River, convenient every way for Turpentine iiinl Timber, adjoining lands of Col. N. King and N. K. .McDuffie & (’o. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the above lands before purchasing elsewhere. I have and will cut, I suppose, about oue stick of Timber to every two acres, and not moved on the premises. Terms to Duit purchasers. Refer to N. K. McDuffie. A. Y. HAMPTON. Sept. 6, 1854. 29-4tpd -=>.DR. STRONG’S'c=- PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS A remedy far Caughit, CMi, Catarrh, Brtmchitis, Croup, Wfiooping Cough, Asl\ma, Oonmmption, Ntrvout IHtmta, Dytpeptia, Cot- tivenest, Erytipela*. Disease of the Heart, Inflammation and Pain in the Chest, Back and Side, and all diseases arising from a de ranged state of tlu stomach, and in relieve t/ie dislreu and bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in ^oeak and dyspeptic habits. WAKRAHTED TO BE PTTRELY VEGETABLE. These PUls act as :«n Kxpectorant, Tonic, and Aperient. One 25 cent box posses.w thrcfe times more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Pyrups, Balsam*, or Sarss- parillas, that were ever made; and a simple trial of only one bos will prove this important truth. They promote Expe»-toratlon» Loosen the Phlegm, and -Clear tiie Lungs and other Secre* tory Orf^anst of all morbid mntter* Had there is not another remedy in the whole Jlateria Medica capable of impartlnic Burh healinfc properties to the Lun^ and Vital Or gans as these Pills. They Cure Costlvenessy produce a good, regular Appetite, anil Strengtnen the System. Price 2a cents per liox. contninin" 25 doses of Medicine. Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the Planier’t Almanac OKKtis, full particulars and certificates of cures. Both kinds of the above-nan'tel Pills are for sale in Every Town and Village In North and South Carolina. Ill FaF«ttevill«‘, by s. j. aud JA.TIEK X. s:tiith. [lOy Jan’y 17, 1854. G3-1Y CHARLES BANKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreujn Fruits, Kutx, Vijars, Tobacco, /Shh^', fr. GKEE.'V ^^TKEET, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf J. S. liAXKS, ^Fayetteville, N. C. Sept, 19, 1853. _ 29tf _ G. S. liUlE, Htiildcr and I ndertnkcr, IS prepared to cxecute contracts of from $800 to !^50,0tM) and upwards. Window Blinds, Sash, Glass Doors, and all kinds of ornamental and plain work warranted to give satisfac tion. He may be found on inquiry at ilr. Jesse W'. Powers’s. Fayetteville, .\pril 12, 1^)51. 87-Gmpl ' STAKR WILLIA.MS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and MPoniestir MPrif Goods, IIAV STItl^ET, Fayetteville, W. C. J. B. STAUK.] [J. M. WILLIAMS April 28, 185-2. 8(itf w. \\ KLiJorr, General Commission and Furicardin(j Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. 0.' CASH OR l^AR'FER. fMlHE subscribers offer for cash, barter, or approved M. paper— HHDS. MOL.ASSES. '-M V 10,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon. 200 bales Hay. 20 bbls. Mess Pork. GOO .sacks Salt. 5 casks Rice. 35 bbls. Refined Sugar. ■10 kegs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue. 500 casks Lime. Osuaburgs, Sheetings, and Cotton Yarn, by the bale. The above Goods will be sold verj' low, if applied for soon. BENBOV/, KYLE & CO. July 5, 1854. lltf Faifctteville Mutual Insurance Companif. fBlHlS Company has been in successful operation i since Feb’y 1853. It has paid all losses prompt ly, without an;/ a.wssment, and it has still a small cash capital on hand. Policies issued up to 13th May, No. 70'.i, covering property to value of $l,151,8tJ2 00 Policies cancelled and expired, 209,034 00 FREIGHTING ON CAPE FEAR The subscribers having purchased the Steamers Evergreen and Southerner and Tow Boats, lately the property of the Henrietta Steamboat Company, are now prepared to forward with despatch, between Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freights or gooda entreat ed to them. F. N. & J, H. ROBERTS. Fayetteville, Feb’y 14, 1853. 68tf COPARTNERSHIP IVOTICE. r||lHE Copartnership of Rayner & Gilmore is this i day dissolved by mutual consent. James R. Gilmore will close the affairs of the late firm, and use its name iu liquidation. WARREN G. RAYNER. JAMES R. GILMORE. July 15, 1854. .\mount now insured, .\mouct Premium Notes, Do- do. cancelled and expirc-d. •i>882,228 00 .$104,009 01 1 30,085 35 j Do. div Aow on hand, $128,581 20 Averaging 14 5'-100 per cent, on the amount insured. Cash p-emiun's received, $y,258 01 Fire los.ses \djusted and paid, $4,917 22 Th'“ lUard lake pleasure in stating that the Compa ny i>^ U"'v in a condition to merit public onfidence.— It i“ itpon o foundatii'ii ichich cnntiof be vioreo We S' i p^'-rvs.* of business. DIRECTOR.": Geo. i'■ L. Myrover, C. Benbow, H« ■ Lilly, .Int.-.-- c-y;:-. ^ ‘Slitpherd, S. T. Hawley, Dav A. R:iy, J. 1. Thos. S. Lutterloh, N. A. Stt- i- man, Wm. .v.v.LiJL-arin, A. E. Hall, J. H. Cook, A. A. McKethan, .>hn. b. Cook, C. Lutterloh. OFFICERS: GEO. McNiHLL, President. H. L. MYKOVKR, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B. LE.MAY, General Agent. .May 20, 1854. 98Y iyi/tlcr\s Patent Salamander Safe. T E keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above S.VFES, warranteil fire-proof; and desirous of extemling the demand for them, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. D. it W. McLAURIN, Agents. June 10, 18.54 4tf TIIE undersigned have entered into partnership under the firm of J. R. Gilmore & Co, and will continue the COTTON and NAVAL STORE COMMISSION BUSI NESS of the late firm of Rayner& Gilmore. They would respectfully tender their services for the sale of any Produce consigned to this market, assuring their friends that the most strict attention shall be given to the management of any business entrusted to their care. FREDERIC KIDDER, JAMES R. GILMORE. New York, July 15, 1854. 20 References: Shoe and Leather Bank, New York. Messrs. Francis Skinuer & Co., “ “ Lord, Warren & Co., “ “ Fi-ancis, Skinner & Co., Boston. E. P. Hall, Esq., President Bank of the State, Wilmington, N. C. O. G. Parsley, President Commercial Bank, “ Edward Kidder, Esq., “ Joseph II. Fliinner, Esq., “ Jos. D. Planner, Esq., mi AND UIKTER GOODN. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR USUAL SUPPLY OF Dry Goods, Hats, Cap.s, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, A:c., Which we will seP wholesale or retail on accommodat ing terms. COUNCIL, CAIN & CO. August 28, 1854. 2C-2m L.OSIT. The KE\ to my IRON SAFE. The tinder wi rewarded by returning it to E. GLOVE Aug. 7. will be ER. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, SCCCEHSOR TO HENRY I. PEPPER & SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. No. 175 Ohesnut St., (opposite the State House.,') PHILADELPHIA. May 22, 1854. 4Ypd D. & W. McLAURIiV “ Are receiving a large stock of Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, which are offered as low as they can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. 13. ,S6tf NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. rilHE subscriber wishing to engage in a more retired I occupation, and one more congenial to his feel ings, offers for sale his Houses and Lot at Floral Col lege. The Lot contains one acre of land; the buildings are adapted to the purpose of a Store, and suitable for a family to live in. The location is healthy and the water excellent. The subscriber can safely say, after having been engaged in the Mercantile business 10 years at this place, that few if any location offers such inducements to those wishing to embark in the business as this does. The country around is thickly populated. The College is in a flourishing condi^>n, at present numbering 70 Students, and the people we distinguish ed for intelligence and morality. For further information apply to the subscriber at Floral College, N. C. JOHN McINNIS. August 5, 1864. 21-6w $100 REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber, two Negro Girls and four Children, viz: MARTHA, a bright mu- altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children, Frances and Ann; HANNAH, copper colored, about the same height of Martha. Hannah took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate of George T. Barksdale, and are supposed to be lurking about the Cape 9ar, about Mr. Winslow’s plantation* The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their deHvery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET R. PETERSON. September 6, 1853. 26-tf Who would have thought it? A new Carriage E«tabliihment on the Military Ghreen, opposite the Methodist Church, fronting on Mumford Street. John i 1 inner, Esq., New Beme, :n. C. 20-2mpd K. M. .MURCHISON, and Forwarding Merchant, ri 's ‘ft .V. V. Julv 3, 1854. 10-tf w 4tf Juue H>, 1851. JilSi-l'f il. V .n .^1 I .\ND I 'O R \V A R ni N G M E RC H .\ N T, J%*ilminffton, .V, f;. Promjit pei-soual attention given to all Consign meiit.s, aud Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other port.i or .sold in thi.s market. F(*b. 12, 1854. 07y W ILKINSON cV ESLER, DEALERS IN Confirtinnarij, Foreiijn Fndts, N^iifs, Tohacro, and Siiiifl, AND IMPORTERS OF •iiliPF.KlOK IIAVAIV.l CICiAKS AT WIIOLKSALE AND RKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. _ lltf Staves! Staves! 0C7^ We want to buy S.pirits Barrel TAVES. Will pay the highest Cash prices. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. 76tf f H^HE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White B Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, w'ho can always be found at the Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18. 1863. 70tf KYLE IS now receiving his Spring Supply of Foreign and Domestic Goods, all of which has been purchased for C.\SH and by the Package will be offered at Whole- s.ale or Retail at very low prices for Cash, or on time to punctual customers. On hand at all times, the best Bolting Cloths that are manufactured—No. 2 to 10. March 18, 1854. 80-tf GREAT ENTERPRISE! Fayetteville is bound to Sltinel! THE Subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being feoth practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establislunent in FayetteTille as to style and dura bility. One ef the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. James H. Pikr. James Beanin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf NOTICE. Having purchased the stock of Materiel on hand &t the Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, and having engaged the services of Mr. J. 0. La^y, whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber Wagons, Road Wagons, Carts, Drays, W’heelbarrows, &c. I have on hand and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Ax1»s, Chains, Bolts, and in short everj thing that the Wagon-maker can need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron Axles, made to order at the shortest notice. I have 10 good and competent Workmen at the busi ness, and will give it my whole and undivided atteution My prices shall be as moderate as the times will mi- mit, and I will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni ted States to equal my work either in point ef style or durability. THOS. C. FULLER. Oct. 26. 1853. 39tf 200 Bales prime HAY. WOULD like to dispose of it in lots to Turpentine men. J. & T. WADDILL. April 19, 1854. 89tf J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the ivrge.st, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of FlIKi^lTlIRK ever ofl'cred in this market; which, added to his own manufiicture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fine Rose Wood Pianos, (Bennet & Co’s, of Broad way, New York,) fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cra dles; Patent Self-Swinging Cradles; Side Boards; Bu reaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What-Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Pic ture Frames and Glass; W'indow Shades; Cornices; Ciir- tain Bauds; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. September, 1853. 30tf Goods! Goods! We have opened our Store in Cainp- belltou. W'e offer low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1864. 76tf 500,000 lbs. Cotton and Linen RAGS wanted. fglHE subscriber will pay the highest market price i for any quantity of clean Linen and Cotton Rags. DAVID MURPHY. Feb’y 1854. ' 74tf LAURINBURGH HIGH SCHOOL, RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. ri^HlS large and flourishing Institution is now per- manently established, under a full corps of well qualified Instructers, and with every thing requisite for a first class Seminary, being well suppli^ with Maps, Geographical and Astronomical; Globes, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. The Semi-Annual Sessions of five months commence on the second Monday of January and July respectively- Circulars, containing full particulars, will be fur. nished by applying to Rev. J. Jones Smyth, A. M., Principal, Laurel Hill P. 0., Richmond county, N. C., or to D. C. McINTYHE, Secretary. October 14, 1853. 36 Y Fifty years m both Hemispheres, by Vincent Nolte. E. J. HALE & SON. Sep. 4, 1854. Hard Times, by Dickens. A further supply just received. E. J. H.\LE & SON. Sep. 4, 1854. Wiley’s New Form Book. A further supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sep. 6, 1854. HEADS AND HEARTS; An Attic Philo?oj her in Paris; Ruth Garnett, by Ainsw nth; the Laru). Lighter; Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words, &.c. fiv. Fm'ther supplies just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 4. HAiRPER’S AND PUTNAM’S |!^i!^AGAZINES for September, just received by E. J. HALE & SON, REDUCEP FARE. Through Tickets between AVilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare $13. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & W'ash- ington City, or via Weldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Office |of the W'ilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wilming ton, or at the OflSce of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. 63-tf MORSE’S School Geography; The Prresbyterian Psalmodist; Cooper’s Virgil; Parley’s Common School History; Mellvill’s Sermons; Jay’s Prayers, a further supply just received by E. J. HALE & SON. July 5. NEW BOOKS. OUR Honeymoon and other Comicalities from Punch; The Frontiersman; Romance of War, by Louis Rellstab; Marshall’s Book of Oratory; Keys to Emer son’s and Smith’s Arithmetics; Olney’s Geography; Bemen’a Prayers; &c., &c. Also, further supplies of Fashion and Famine; Sir Jasper Carew, by Lever; School Books, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON,

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