t » J. K t(H «r ‘■’’H h.-tr ;/• O;/. ^ate I, 50t; !W ?OHg *>nier\ Vi ♦♦"Itint;' “ 7‘ Mic," vV, . ..•'iii.i!;- """ -Wff. I, ‘'AIL.MII, _ mr ANTfi, »lic llardwjtc, »er Street. l-'-timpj htas tT urr, tte abu„ ‘rtnie-nr. to wh;« , respev.tfullT is. ^-nm Fl-V Macrae, / DruijyUu, Spring and gui*. of 'jf (-'hemicals, ye-Stuffs, ters’ Articles, £S. Perfumerj, caps, int Brushei loents, i kindd, ical purposes, t* eles, &c. r Cash, Bnvi off?? btained from anj enuine. ll*il, and saiisfn- rice and cjualitr E. J. Lilly. 80tf D ibout the 15th of i»- Said negrcii arge white ejei, in the ntrighbor* Kay’s, in Blades for her delireij in the State of G. BLTLER. 77tf • llanufacture. e nftcessarr m»- :a.m engines, we can fumisb eataMishment. I, Bvats, &c. will nade near home. tur« oan be s««o 30Li.j.Vt.»ER. 51-tr ANDS, six mil« ne mile from tilt i, consisting of ited to the m»- are on the pre- good repair and all the necwM- and fifty Miti, knuwn u tiit 11 farm, a 'Iw^l* It about twentj- wo to four yean ;he most accom- ) purchase will take pleasure is R. BOLTO.V 40tf rFTnr ERt«A.\T, KNT, Je or shipcipnt !e facilities for f Wharves and sTixt from ex- N, &c., will be I other Markets ma le on cob- tiller!: agh. inty n county. unty. ity, &c. 4-tf iivisH. ;«!• of some ex- sensible that > the public in d shoes. Most leather or fwl l^ive to m*® * herefore, duf' ug himself to Q these objec- atigKtion and ■suit is hat it may trity over ken’ boot d be Buppli«« SBMI-WEBKL, Y. \OL. fV.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER ‘21, 1854. [NO. 333.] 1-kin TED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS KDWARD J. HALE & SON, EDITORS AND I’ROPIUETOKS. loe f»r the Semi-Weekly Obskkvkk 04) if paid in la'lvauce: >*!I{ :'>0 if paid (hiring the yenr of subscnp- liii.n: or nftor the yenr has expired. >1 the Weekly Obsebvv.k $2 00 per annum, if paid in iKi‘: oO if paid during the year of suhscrip- Ition; »r $:i 00 after the year has expired. \li\ EHTISEMENTS inserted for sixty cents per lunro of K' linef for the first, and thirty cents fer e vch t;c.'e.ling publication. Yearly advertisements hy spe- «1 oontracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are uested to state the number of insertions desired, or will he oontiniied till forbid, and charged accord jpjf Letters to the Editors must be post-paid iil FILL m WINTER HOODS. [7 K have gone into the FANC^ DRY GOODS bu- _ / slness exclusively, and are now receiving a irv Inrire Stock, which we ofter a*^ wholesale and re- |il cheaper than they have ever bw i offered in this consisting of black, plain, pi lid and brocade I ;icas: plain and plaid Cashmeres; DeLains of every French and English Merinos; black, brocade, niJ and tan silks. [Black and plaid Ginghams; tine black and plaid iawl;!. Talmas, Mantillas and Cloaks; embroidered id plain Cloth of different colors, for Ladies’ Cloaks; nbro dcred Handkerchiefs, Undersleeves, Collars and jiemizetts; a large lot of Pic-nio and Kid Gloves, of krv color: Ladies’ Shoes, Gaiters, black and colored, Ith and without heels. I Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Linings, Kerseys; et^gs and Shirtings, bleached and imbleached; iuankets and Negro ditto; Carpeting and Rugs. ! A large stock of Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Capa, pcts. Shoes and Umbrellas: and indeed every article mallv kept in the Dry Goods line. AV. F. & E. F. MOORE. I Sept. 14, 1854. 31tf COMMON SCHOOLS. N Election will be held in each School District in Cumberland County, for three Committee men, the second Thursday of October, 1854. Any two of three Committee men in each District are author ed to hold the election and make return to the Chair- r. before Jan’y 1st, 1855. E. L. WINSLOW, Chairman, 'ept 17. 32-tt Carolinian and Argus copy. JAMES KYI7e Is now receiving his Fall supply of HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. WILL be oflFered for sale at the Market House, in the Town of Fayetteville, on Saturday, the 7th day of October next, that valuable stand known as the Millar Tavern on the North East corner of the Court House square, together with all the improvements thereon. Terms made known at sale. A. McLEAN, Executor of the Estate of Mary J. Millar. Sept. 16, 1864. 32-ts (’arolinian and Argus till sale. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Term of ('umber- HAVING obtained at Septeml>er land Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions letters of Administration upon tlie Estate of Mrs. Nancy Mc Pherson, dec’d, under an order of said Court, on Thursday the I2th day October, 1854, at the late resi dence of the deceased, I will sell THREE NEGROES, one House, and Two W'aggons, Cattle and Hogs, Com and Fodder, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. Terms, six months’ credit, with bond and approved security. JAMES BANKS, Adm’r. Sept. 18, 1854. H2-tf FIJRTHER NO^nCI^ A LL Persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will please present them with in the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. JAMES BANKS, Adm’r. Sept. 18. Fall, JWw Firm and JVew Goods, PEARCE & FER(;USON Are now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, d'c. Among which are: French and English Merinos, very cheap; ■Muslin DeLain and Alpacas; Brocade, Plaid and Plain Silks; Muslin and Bobinet Sleeves and Collars; Merino and other Shawls, long and square; Calico and Ginghams; Silk and Calico Handkerchiefs; Best make of Bolting Cloths? A Large stock of Ready-Made Clothing; With many other goods. All of which having been BFLhased by the package at the late reduced prices |in be offered wholesale and retail at very low prices. Sept. 15. 1854. 32-tf IIIHRER & CO’S BOOKSTORE. Books! Books and Stationery. »UST receiving a large supply of the following Books. Large family Bibles of all qualities and rices, also small pocket Bibles; Methodist, Preabyte- an, Baptist and Christian Hymn Books; Episcopal *rayer Books, prices from 50 cents to $7; Catholic raver Books; Testaments at all prices; and many ther religious books too tedious to mention. SCHOOL BOOKS.—Webster’s unabridged Dictionary; ebster's and W'alker’s small school do.; Andrew's itin & English Lexicons; Levirett’s Lexicon; Latin, reek and English Readers; Latin, Greek, and English irammars; Brooks’ Ovid, last edition; Alliaon’s Histo- of Europe: Cooper’s Virgil; Corinne on Litalic; Jullion’s and Zumpt’s Latin Grammar; Lyell’s Geology; nthon’s Horace and Virgil; Reid and Bain’s Chemist- i ; Day's Rhetoric; First Lessons in Latin; Davis’ Se ries of School Books; Chamber’s School Books: Profes- K r Brooks’ Greek and Latin Classics; Parker’s 1, 2, 3, and 5 Readers: Northen’s Dialogue; Bullion’s Csesar; Bullion's 1st lessons in Latin & Greek; Wild’s New Jrammar, Ollendorff’s French; Grimshaw’s Lexicon; mer's Iliad: American Education by Mansfield; Davis’ 1, 2 and 3 Arithmetic; Smith’s 1, 2 and 3 Arith- etic: Emerson’s 1, 2 and 3 Arithmetic; Colburn’s 1 md 2 .Vrithmetic; Sanders’ 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th ieaders, Pierpont's Y’oung Reader; Emerson’s 1, 2, 3 L1 4 Readers; Watt’s on the Mind; Smith’s, Bullion’s nd Wild’s English Grammar; a large stock of Webster’s lementary Spelling Books constantly on hand, for le wholesale or retail, also North .\merican Spelling ooks by Thompson; Peter Parly Spelling Books; nglish Spelling Book by Price; New York Spelling ook; Good Boys’ & Girls’s Speller and Primer; Park- i s Speller 1, 2, and 3; Pictorial Speller and Primer, nd many other school books. Shakspeare’s, Bryon’s, Milton’s, Southey’s, Burn’s, loore’s, Sigourney’s, Rogers’s, Y'oung’s, Cowper’s, Qompsou's, Pollock’s and Homer’s works; Cyclopedia } Antisell, also by Millan, Talicott, Riply, Taylor, iofijwin, Putnam and Ungwritter; Milton’s Paradise OHt. with Boyd’s Notes; Thompson’s Seasons, with oyd's Notes; .Vncient Monasteries of the East by Cur- on Iriin; Progress & Prejudice by Mrs Gore; Y’ouatt on the Hor.se; Mrs Bliss’, Mrs Hales’, and Mrs Lessley’s ok Books; Lives of the Chief Justices of the United iFtates: English Biography; Travels in Peru; Home t^' enes: .Mother’s Book of Daily Duties, containing hints t'lr the liody & mind; Jlasonic Chart and Manual; Ainsworth’s Dictionary, Boyer’s Dictionary, and a great niany other Books too numerous to advertise. •V large lot of Books for children. I’lease call and examine our stock opposite the new Collegi' Building, and next door to the Fayetteville In- f^'iraiice Oftice, Hay street. STATIONERY. All sizes Cap and Letter Paper, ruled and unruled. “ “ Note Paper, “ “ A very large assortment of Envelopes, self-sealing, ]jlain and fancy; visiting Cards; lead Pencils, large as sortment; Crayons for drawing; large lot of drawing Piiper; tissue paper all colors; manuLcript music paper; ilarge assortment of Ink, best quality; copying ink and iooks; presses; ink-stands of different shapes for ischools, stores and families; letter clips and order ! wires; flat and round rules; Pens of all qualities, shapes and prices: large lot of pen-holders; pocket ink-stands; blank books of all sizes; pass books of all sizes; time hooks: large lot of copy books; large lot of slates all sizes; sand boxes; wafers for seals and letters, and i raany other articles in the stationery line. [ MUSIC. 1 A large lot constantly on hand. Howtin’s Instruo- ftion Books and Barrow’s Primers. i 'Ve made our arrangements so as to rect*ivt N^w Books and Music every week. J. R. WHITAKER & CO Sept. l(j, 1854. 32-3t Mn.ES! Ml'LKS!! MULES!!! f WIHE subscribers have recently returned from Ken- JL tucky with a large number of the finest Mules ever brought to this State, full 16 hands high, and all young Mules of the finest form. And will be at the following places, viz: •\t the Coal Fields on the 28th September; at Kings bury, on the 30th Sept; at Fayetteville, on the 1st and 2d October next; thence down the river to Elizabeth; thence to W'ilmington about the 10th October. CARROLL & McKOY. Sep. 14, 1854. 31-tlO Argus and Carolinian copy, and forward bills to the subscribers at Clinton. Removal. FRANCIS SHENTON Begs to inform his friends and the public, that he has removed to the Store adjoining George Mc Neill, Esq., Hayniount, Fayetteville. N. C., where he now offers for sale the largest and most varied assort ment of Pumps and Hydraulic !flacliiiie«9 and Fixings ever offered in the market, comprising Hydraulic Rams; Brass Bibb Guage and Stop Cocks, to suit every kind of water works or Steam Engines: Sheet Lead and Piping of various sizes; Lifting and Force Pumps; Garden Engines; Shower Baths, &c., of his own manufacture. A variety of articles for house hold use, such as Brass and Plated Basin Cocks, Plug Basins, &c. Also, A. BARKER’S PATENT double ac tion Lifting and Force PUMP, working in a single cy linder, without reaction of water. This Pump is made to work in Wells of any depth, and of sizes to raise from 30 to 1000 gallons of water per minute. It is un- 1 doubtedly the most simple, durable, and efficient Pump I known to the world. I Sept. 4, 1854 28tf ED^WfN GLOVERT Has returned from the North, with a large stock of Watchcs^ Jewelry^ Mili tary Gooihy Which he will sell very cheap foi cash, or on short time to those who pay when their bills are presented. Am«ng his Stock may be found: Watche.*?, of all kinds and prices; Watch Chain.s, Seals and Keys; Breast Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, Bracelets; Gold Pens; Gold Pencils; Gold Thimbles; Gold, Silver and common Spectacles; Silver and Plated Spoons; Butter Knives; Port- monaies; Coral Beads; Colt’s Pistols; Accordeons; Music Boxes; Plated Cake Baskets; Plated Card Baskets; Plated Castors and Candlesticks; Snuf fers and Trays; Military Goods of all kinds; And almost every thing else usually kept in a Jewelry Store. A fine assortment of CLOCKS. 1®“ Strict attention paid to repairing Watches and T r»fMi’¥Vr /lTr\irx*D Jewelry. August 30, 1854- Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. W'ith an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing. All of which they ofter to purchasers at low prices and upon accommodating terms. From long experience, and by strict attention to bu siness, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. B. F. PEARCE.] [J. B. FERGUSON. Fayetteville, August 12, 1854. 23tf Warren Prior, Watch Maker and Jeweler^ Has just received his Fall Stock of Gold and Silver WATCHES, of , various qualities and prices; Gold Fob, ■ ' Vest and Guard Chains; Keys and Seals: latest styles Ear Rings and Breast Pins, (Mosaic;) Gold Ring.s of all qualities; Gold Lockets, Pencils, Pens, Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons, Studs: Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Silver and Plated Spoons; Silver Cups and Butter Knives: Plated Cake and (’ard Baskets, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays. Double and single-barrel Guns; double and single- barrel Pistols; Colt’s Rep eaters; Self-cocking and Re volving Pidtols; Powder Flasks; Game Bags; Shot Belts; Percussion Caps; fine Knives, Razors and ^issors; Cla rionets, Flutes, Violins, Music Boxes, Fifes, Accorde ons; Surveyors’ Compasses and CSains; Card Cases; La dies’ Work Boxes; Portmonaies; riair, Tooth and Lather Brushes; Spy Glasses; Coral: Dog Collars; Sewing Birds; Ivory Tablets; Pearl Salt Spoons; Silver Pickle Knives and Forks: Thermometers; Canes, &c. &c. The public are invited to call and examine. A good assortment of CLOCKS at very low prices,— warranted. All kinds of W'atches and Clocks cleaned and repaired in the best manner, and warrantel. All kinds of Jewelry repaired. August 17, 1854. 23-4m Billiard Tables for Sale. I HAVE two good Billiard Tab!«;s with all the fix tures, which I will dispose of on reasonable terms if application be made soon. J.AMES H.ALES. Aug. 21, 1854. 24-tf W. H. CARVER H as just received, and now offers for sale 300 Sacks Salt. 1.000 bushels Corn. 5.000 lbs. N. C. Bacon. 1.000 “ “ Lard. 1,200 “ clean Rice. 20 Bags Rio C’offee. 10 Mats Java “ 10 Boxes Soda Crackers. 20 One-half boxes Raisins. 20 One-quarter “ “ 12 Doz. Pickles. —ALSO— F'ish—Mackerel, Salmon and Cod-fish. Tea, Sola, Saleratus, Pepper, Spice, ami a variety of other articles in the Grocery line. Call next door to P. Shemwell’s new Hotel, and get Fresh goods. .June 21. 7-tf ARithmI^ticsTni) ri^^\ders FOR THE COMMON SCHOOLS OF THE STATE. Revommended hy the Superintnident of Common H('hooh of the State of Xortli Carofinn. SOLD BY E. J. ilALE & SON. Davies’ Series of Aritii.metics and The North Carci-ina Reader in connection with Pakkkk’s Revdkhs. 1. Davies* First Lrssons in Arithmetic. 2. Davies' School Arithmetic. 3. Parker's Firt>t School Reader. 4. Parker's Second School Reader. 5. Wiley’s North Carolina. Reader. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON, Fayetteville, N. C. Mitcheli/s Intermediate Geography,Wor cester's Dictionary, W'^ebster’s Speller, and Bi l- Ltox’s Enqlish Gram.mar are also recommended by the Superintendent. For sale by E. .1. HALE & SON. national series of STANDARD SCHOOL AND LIBRARY BOOKS, Designed as Class Books for the vse of Schools, Academies, Colleges, Families, and Libraries. Published by A. S. BARNES & CO. 51 John Street, New York. ri'^HE best talent that could be procurdl has been I employed in the preparation of these works; and the high standing they have already attaine«l, as Class Books for the institutions of our country, is gratifyiUi; evidence of their intrinsic merits, and it is believt-d, fully entitles them to the name of the N.\tioxal Series. ENGLISH LANGFA GE. ORTHOGRAPHY AND READING.—Price’s English Speller, 12 cts.; Martin’s Orthoepist, 50 eta.; Wright’s Orthography, 25 cts.; Dictation Exercises, 25 cts.; Parker’s Series of Readers; Parker and Zaclios’ Intro ductory Lessons, 37i cts.; Parker’s Rhetorical Reader, $1: High School Literature, $1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND RHETORIC.—Clark’s Analysis, 87J cts.; Clark’s Grammar, 50 cts.; Clark’s Etymological* Chart, $2 50; Day’s Art of Hhetoric, 75 Cts. ELOCUTION.—Northend’s Little Speaker, 30 cts., Northend’s American Speaker, 75 cts.; Northend’s School Dialogiies, 75 cts.; Z.acho’s New American Speaker, -Itl. ENGLISH POETS, WITH NOTES BY BOYD.—Mil ton’s Paradise Lost, Young’s Night Thoughts, Thom- i son’s Seasons, Pollok’s Course of Time, $1 each. Cheap : School Editions of the above, G2J cts. each; also. Beau tifully Illujstrated Editions, in various styles of binding. HISTORY AXD GEOGRAPHY. HISTORY.—Willard’s History of the United States, M. A. BAKER’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j m m RIFLE MAIFACTORV. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of double and single- ; barrel Shot Guns: Game Bags: Shot Pouches; ! Powder Flasks; Drinking Cups and Flasks; Percussion ; Caps, of American, English and French make; Colt’s | Repeating, Allen’s Revolving, Maynard’s Repeating ! and Revolving Pistols, with Revolving Hammers: Al- | ^ , len’s fingle Self-Cocking, from 2 to 6 inches; German ^ tjQ. g^hool History, 75 cts.; Spanish Translation, .11 Hnntinir Knives: I ijniversal History, $1 50; Historic Guide, 7-5 I cts.; Map of Time, 75 cts.; Last Leaves of American I History, 50 cts., and Charts; Alison’s History of Eu- ' rope. Abridged bj’ Edward S. Gould, $1 60. j GEOGRAPHY.—Monteith’s Yeuth’s Manual of Geo graphy, >50 cts.; McNally’s System of School Geography, . in Press. i THE SCIEXCES. MATHEMATICS.—Davies’ Sv.stf.m of MATHEMATirs Arithmetical Course—Davies’ Table-Book, 10 cts.; I First Lessons in Arithmetic, 20 cts.; Intellectual Arith- 1 metic, 25 cts.; School Arithmetic, 37A cts., and Key: ' Grammar of Arithmetic; University .\rithmetic, 75 cts., AVING recently purchased the above Establish-1 and Key, 50 cts^ Academic Co,.r,.--Elementary Alge- .jr .... „ ^ — bra, 4 5 cts.; Elementary Geometry, ^1; Practical Mathematics, $1; Logic of Mathematics, $1 50. Pistol.^ of all qualities: Bowie Knives; Hunting Knives Blowing Horns; Cane Guns; Air Guns. .-Vll of which are offered at wholesale or retail, on moderate terms. Rifles made to order, and warranted to shoot from 100 to 900 yards. A good assortment constantly on hand. Jobbing of all kinds executed with promptness and on reSisonable terms. All orders promptly attended to. jji^“ Opposite the Post Office, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 4, 18.54. 28tf Carthago Hotel. EDWIN GLOVER. 27-3m Sleamers ‘^EUZA” and “FAIRY," A WW ment from Malcom Kelly, Esq., I am now pre pared to entertain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, I trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, Dec. 5, 1853. 61 tf WANTED ^ Good Turpentine Distiller to act at Kyle’s Land ing Apr Liberal price will be paid. R. F. MURPHY. 12, 1864. 87-tf RE now running regularly between Wilmington and Fayetteville. All goods entrust- ed to this Line will receive de spatch. Messrs. RAMSEY & BRO., Agents at Fayetteville. JAMES E. METTS, Wilmington, N. C. August 24, 1854. 27tf RE>IOVAL AND NEW GOODS. ^■IHE undersigned have removed to the store on Hay B Street, formerly occupied by M. McKinnon, one door west of Cook & Johnson, where they are receiving a large and compelte STOCK of GOODS in their line, comprising GROCERIES of all kinds; Hardware; Cutlery; Hollow-ware; Blacksmiths’, Coopers’ and Turpentine Tools, &c. They will sell Goods as cheap and on as favorable terms as any hou.se in this place. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. G. W. I. GOLDSTON & CO. Aug. 17, 18-54. 24-tf STARR & WILLIAMS HAVE now in Store a LARGE STOCK of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Silk and Straw Bonnots, Umbrellas, and Ready-made Clothing, Which will be sold to WHOLESALE BUYERS, exclu sively. The fittention of Merchants is particularly invited to this Stock. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaran tied. J. B. STARR.] [.T. M, WILLIAMS. Aug. IG, 18.j4. -3-tf ANDREWS & imi No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and Woollen Machinery, .Via chinists’ Tools, Leather Belting &c., —ALSO— ‘^IVlaiiiitactiirer’s Articles” OF EVERY DEfltRIPTION. Comprising Belting, Card Clothing, Bobbins, Shuttles, Pickers, Roller Skins, Roller Cloth, Oils, 6ic. Dec. 27, 1863. 67tf (lEDAR FALLS Cotton Yam and Sheetings, for sale at Factory prices, by TROY & MARSH. May 30, 1863. _ TO DISTILLERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. & T. WADDILL. 8tf June 26, 18-54. PLANKltOAI) STOCKS FOK SALE. SHARES F. & W. Plank Road, 6 “ F. & Northern “ 8 “ F. & Southern “ Apply at this office. July 10. 14 MALLETT & PAULMIER. Grocers and Commission mlier- ehants^ 135 Front Street, NEW YORK. p. MALLETT.] [J- PAULMTER August 16, 1852. 18tf STOW &L SMART, SUCCKSSORH TO THOiTIAS & FRAI^KMl^, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Aiiil Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 128 Pearl Street, and 94 W’ater Street, IfEW YORK. July 8, 1854. 12-Gmpd Crockery, China, and Glass Ware. 1.\M now receiving my Fall Stock of the above Goods, comprising a General Assortment, to which the attention of Country Mercharts is respectfully in vited. ' W. N. TILLINGHAST. Aug. 18, 18-54. i^2-.Sm GilPs Ne Wus Ultra BURNISH. fBlHE Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of some ex- ■ perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a detidftatum. to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles now u.sed either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man’s ^^underxtanding” a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is “GiV/’jj ne plus ultra Bnrnifh." He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at Mr. Nathan Sikes’ boot and shoe establishment, on Person street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. N». 9, 1853. 47tf Col legiate Course—Davies’ Bourdon, ^>1 50; Legendre, !j>l 50; Surveying, $1 50; Analytical Geometry, !?1 25; De scriptive Geometry, $1 75; Shades, Shadows, &c., •IF’2 50; Calculus, $1 25. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONOMY.-— Parker’s School Cour.»k—Parker’s Natural and Ex perimental Philosophy, $1; Juvenile Philosophy, 25 cts;"or First Lessons in Philosophy, 37J cts.. Parts I. and"ll. McIntyre on the Globes, $1. Harlett's Col lege Course—Mechanics, -$3; Optics and Acoustics, -$2; Analytical Mechanics, !?4. ENGINEERING.—Gillespie on Roads and Railroads, $1 50; Lardner on the Steam Engine, $1 50. CHAMBERS’ SCIENTIFIC SERIES.—Introduction to the Sciences, 40 cts.; Treasury of Knowledge, 75 cts.; Drawing, 62 cts.; Natural Philosophy, 75' cts.; Chemistry and Electricity, 75 cts.; Vegetable and Ani mal Physiology, 75 cts.; Zoologj', $1; Geology, 75 cts. CHEMISTRY'.—Reid and Bain, 75 eta.; Gregory’s Outlines, $1 50; Porter’s School Chemistry, in Press. BOOKKEEPING AND PENMANSHIP.—Fulton and Eastman’s System. MUSIC.—School Song and Hymn Book, 37i cts.; Kingsley’s Juvenile Choir, 37J.; Young Ladies’ Harp; Cniikshank’s S. S. Gems, 30 cts.; Kingsley’s Harp of David, $1; Sacred Harmonist; Cheever’s Christian Melodies, 37J cts. LATIN AND GREEK.—Brooks’ Latin Lessons, 50 cts.; Ovid. $2; Greek Lessons, 50 cts., and Collectanea Evangelica, 50 cts. STANDARD LIBRARY BOOKS. SCHOOL TEACHER’S LIBRARY.—Page’s Theory and Practice of Teaching, Northend’s Teacher and Pa rent, Manstield on American Education, l)e Tocque- ville’s American Institutions, at $1 per copy; Davies’ Logic and Utility of Mathematics, per copy, i?l 25. THE HOME CY'CLOPEDIA.—Cyclopedia of Chron ology, Cyclopedia of Geography. Cyclopedia of Biogra phy, Cyclopedia of Useful Arts, Cyclopedia of General Literature and Fine Arts, Cyclopedia of Architecture, Cyclopedia of Europe, at .$2 50 per copy each. ARTS AND SCIENCES.—Manual of Fine Arts, $1 25; Lectures on the Progress of Arts and Sciences, $1 25! BOOKS OF TR.VVEL—Tschudi’s Peru, i^l; Peru vian Antiquities, $1; Curzon’s Monasteries of the East, $1; Layard’s Babylon and Nineveh, .$1 25; Spencer’s Skkches of Travel in Egypt and the Holy Laud, Jjil 50; Silliman’s Visit to Europe, l!2 50. HISTORY.—Polar Regions, 50 cts.; St. Petersburgh, 62 cts.; Colton’s Ship anti Shore, .$1; Land and Lee, $1; Deck and Port, !j>l 25; Three Years in California, .$I 25; Sea and Sailor, ijl; Cheever’s Sandwich Islands, $1; Mansfield’s History of Mexican War, $1; Willard’s History of the United States, $1 50; Universal History, $1 50;*Last Leaves of American History, 75 cts.; Ali son’s History of Europe, i?l 50. CIVIL GOVERNMENT AND BIOGRAPHY.—United States Constitutions, $2; DeTocqueville’s Democracy in America, $2 50; Colto’^’s Public Economy, $2; Dwight’s Lives of the Signers, $1; Mansfield’s Life of Gen. Scott, !j!l; Colton’s JLu’o of Henry Clay, ^54; Lives of Dr. John Donne, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson, $1. Descriptive Catalogues of A. S. Barnes & Co.'s Pub lications sent by mail, upon .-ipplication to the Publishers. For sale by E. J. H.\LE & SON, Fayeteville, N. i) •JO-^m Sloo REWARD. f I'^WO attempts have been recently made to injure I me pecuniarily, in the destruction, by fire, of my 'I'nrpentine lands lying on Beaver and Cross Creek.s. »ne in .April last, by which I lost some fifteen thou- s.ind boxes. One on yesterday while iny hands were :it tlinuer, by which .about 1000 Turpentine boxes were ilostroyfd. P.eing thus injiirel I feel it to be my dut^’ to offer the above reward for such information as will lotiil t«i the conviction of the offender or otTenders. .And 1 most earnestly call upon my friends and all good citizens of the county to aid me in ferrreting out the villian or villians, who, in violation of the public peace, reganlless of their own self-respect ami all social duty, thus wantonly or with malice, attemid, by stealth, to injure the property of others. CiniiSTOPHEK MUNROE. .luly 20, 1854. 15- SlieniAveil Ilouso, F(ty( flcvilie, N. East side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar ket House. f fflHE subscriber begs le.ave to announce to the citi- B- zens of Fayetteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the reception and entert.ainment of anj’ who may wish per manent or transient Board. His Kooms are large and comfortable, and his Table shall alw.ays be furnished with the best the market will affonl. He also has good and trusty ')stlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business.— No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfully solicited. Charges shall be moderate P. SH EM WELL. Feb’y 15. 1854. 71tf i\i:W GOODK. fB'^lIE subscriber^l^s just received his -stock of STA- i PLE AND F^’CY DRY Ci)OI>S, Embritcing ever_y article usually to be found in a Dry Goods Store, consisting in part as f^i’lows: Plain black and watered Silk; \ilai I Summer Silk; printed Jaconet and other styles of Muslins; Grena dines, Berages and Tissues; Embroidered Muslins for Evening tlresses; white and colored Tarltans; good as sortment Lace .and other styles of Mantillas; Embroi dered Collars, Sleeves, Chemizetts, Handkerchiefs; Swiss and .laconet Edging and Inserting, of superior (juality; Bonnets and Ribbons, latest style and in great variety: Sewing Silk Mitt.*--; Umbrellas and ParasoLs; good assortment of Calico; Ginghams; bleached and brown Domestics: Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings: Linen Goods; Shoes and Boots, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls, and Children; Gentlemen’s Summer Hats; Boys’ and Girls’ Hat's and Flats; Silk and Kid Gloves; Sugar and Coffee, &c. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he trusts, by close application to business, fair dealing, &c. to merit a continuance of the same. his New Store on Green Street, (East side,) .a few doors from the Market House. P. SHEMWELL. Fayetteville, April 12, 1854. 88tf NOTICE. “ “ ^a^lIE SUBSCRIBER has removed to J. SHAW'S NEW BUILDING, Gil- lesi>ie Street, where he intends car rying on the T AI BUSI NESS in all its branches Having had practical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most fastidious. •Ml orders will be executed with neat- iespatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1853. 81-tf VI MVS. 1^’IORCE and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and ’.ead Pipe. For s.ale by C. W. March 30. ~FOR SALE, ' BOXE.^ Manufactured Tobacco. We have in store a large stock of Tobacco, and ex pect to receive constantly from .1. W’. Reid rwid Thom as’s and other factories, an assortment of qualities to enable us to furnish purchasers any (juality at lowest factory prices. Nick Williani.s’s Rye Whiskey at wholesale or retail. MCDONALD & McMASTER. Dec. 10. 18-53. 52 WOOL ROLLS. • MTOOL carded with displltch at Blount’s Creek ▼ ¥ Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yam, and Wool Rolls, for sale )»y .lune 1851. GEO. McNElLL. 7-tf iiivory Stables. The undersigned continue to carry on the LIVERY BUSI NESS at this place. They have 1 ately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the^ ablic as good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can be found in the South ern country. It’ Thankful for the large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a continuation of the public favor. W'e promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish tc travel. 8^^ Stables at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietors may always be found, or at the Storf tirst door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1853. 71 tf ness and Pan'e''s Im/)roved Patent Circular Saw Mills. GKORGE PAGF & CO., iV. Schrocder St., near West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. RESPECTFULLY* infoi-m their friends and the puh- lie generally, that they have greatly enlarged their manufacturing establishment, and that their fa cilities are now such as to enable them to execute all orders, with promptness, for their CELEBRATED PA TENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, as also STEAM POWERS of all sizes and kinds, HORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, CORN AND COB CRUSH ERS, together with various other machines and imple ments to economise labor. Since their Circular Saw Mills were invented by, and patented to the Senior Partner, they have made many improvements which render them perfect in all their details, and justly entitle them to he considered among the greatest labor saving inventions of the age. ,1 Phamjihlet containrfig full descriptions of their three classes of Milh, prices, terms, capacity for sawing, iS:c., will be sent to any Gentleman applying for one by setter, post paid. Having recently ol)tained damages in an action brought in the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, for an infringement of their Patents Rights, they hereby forwarn the public from purchasing Mills, similar to theirs, from unauthorized builders, or their Agents. Agent at Fayetteville, N. C., JNO. M. ROSE. May 26, 1854. _ ^ 300Y North Carolina Cassimeres. R. JAMES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by Car son, Young & Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg County, N. C., where consumers and merchants can be supplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being equal in durability, and as permanent in col or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the U. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. Sept. 9. 27tf The Mjargest Carria^i^e Fartorif in the South! .ANDREW’S, Market Square. 83-tf Sept. 1853. D. & W. McLAURlN. .SOtf M ARB LE FACTO R Y. I5v OEO. LAUDER. T«'iri)ll(IBS ABOVE C. T. II.UCII i SflS’S STORF., Favelleville, I^. J an’y 20, 1854*. G4y-pd Aug. 4. WANTED. BUSHELS of Rye; 500,000 lbs. well dried Rye straw, for which th5 high est market prices will be paid on delivery at our Store in Lower Fayetteville. JESSUP & CO July 1, 1864. 10-tf iooo /"OULD respectfully inform the public that he is still at his old stand carrying on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, and hopes hy a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all a.id give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of t.ie same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma- eerial and by experienced workmen,—having a more tzperienced and practical Siniih, he fiatters himself that his work will compete with any made in the State lor style, elegance and durability; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workman ship or material, he will repair it free of charge. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low lor cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Jan. 20, 1853^ Faijcttevillc Candi/ Manufactory f S’^IIE subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- J&. perior article of plain and fanc.v CANDIES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the ^larket House,) where he would he happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March i, 1853. 3tf W ileifs ^orlh Carolina Header. A FURTHER SUPPLY just received. E. J. HALE & SON. 63tf A. A. McKETHAN, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub lic, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best materi.al and by experienced woi'knien in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well (lone. He now has on hand, Finished, the LAR GEST STOCK of Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways, and Buggies, Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for C.^8^, or on short time to punctual customers. Jgfe^He has on hand more th.nn ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and in course of construction. 8^ All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. I’ersons wishing .to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on vt:;;, rea sonable terms. May 28, 1853. NEW SPRING AND SUM.VIER GOODS, fBlHE Subscriber is now receiving the largest and H most complete assortment that he has ever called the attention of his friends and the public to: he would therefore sav to all that may desire anything in his line that is f'aSHIONABLE and CHEAP to give him a call, as he desires to keep the “Nimble Sixpence ’ moving. His stock consists of a large variety 0: the different styles of FASHIONABLE HATS, to-wit; Fur, Wool, Panama, Leghorn, Canton, Pedale, Rutland, China Pearl, and Palm Leaf, which will be sold low for )^^„CASH. —ALSO,— A general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Y’ouths, Boys, Children. Infants, and Servants. Please call and examine before you purchase. J. C. THOMPSON, Market Square. March 17, 1854. ^0~tf HOTEL. ri'^IIE subscriber having purchased the Hotel situ.ated on the South-East corner of Court House Square, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready to accommodate hoarders bv the day, week or month. Having made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the EstabUshment, he hopes to be able to give satisfactiori t^o »»Pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with tl^e best the market affords, his Bar with the best of Li lloTf, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. June 26, 1S52. J. A. GILCHRIST. 3-tf