Vtti. I •’ ” K ,\r fiii.l \,,.. tinu 1' llili :i: •» "vt *; ,v s.,N KS. *>IU 1-.,.;.: ■ ' A; Sale, ' .:i the on 1 • ...^ Hales ' -4-tt HF Tin: STATK - iff I. f / f » _ _ irth K iV Si >\. :>U,1 Tut fctinn V irh 1‘xrk;.i:\ Arith t'r. I'r. f/.A /•. /'nt'fr r. hifO^ r. Fjivottfvire. }s. i I Spki.l; R. an i p,, . rCC*.I: :..fii.ie,l ),v J. !i \l.K >11\ IKS -r .IBK\KYBi«ks, thf >• r S'h. 3S&C0. 51 Joh ork. e l-l • d , of t 'V'-rk?; aaj ,dy : a:; COUJ'f ' . if.;';;:,; >, an' U ' belieT.'. the V 'N.^L Seeik^. JfA> rF. SG— Price s Kns.'i'-s list, 5' •t.s.: Wrights Exer 'C', 2.5 ctj.; ‘r an , -‘Los’ Intry- ’s Rhe ■rical Reader. iLEToRir.-CIark'^ Boar, o ^'ts.: riark's -\rt .. ! Rhetoric, 7-5 le Speaker, o > ct?. 75 Cts.. .VorthenJ'* lo’s -New .V.meric»n ES BY liuVD.—Mi; ht Th.. u^.its, Thvn,- ime, e-ch. -'lieap L'tS. e.i: ■' ‘ ^ Beau- [>U3 vf \ t'>)ii.dhig. OGRAPIIY. •f th*- Statf;, ij'arii'! Tran-lati' n, Hist inide, 75 I.eave- ? Ameriian Ion’s I i't'.ry of Eu- d, .>1 th s .M ■ . i i’ of :;c - fScl- ’ -iC' trapLy, ES. rr.M Cl M rjrEM rii - tbk-B lU ct'.: Int. ei'tual -\ritJ}- H7^ .■ and Key: .Arii'-t 75 . —Elei. nti.ry .Ugc- itrv, Prac!!' latic'. - ! = C’■ 1 .f_ -ndre. •'j! eornetrv. ••si 2o: I>e- , Sha \c.. *- [> A.T i;: ;N »MV.— ’S -V'.f ■ral .and Ki- lile r .'•■phy, 1, -17 ts . Part!- 1. •Til.' .r.-•> r..!- itii'i _ •-'HtiCS, -i-: oads ;ind Railr'-S'J;'' I'-. *1 1, JKS ! r.trf^ductioD of Kii .wled^re. i-’ Jiio^■lIJ !,y. 75 -'ts-: ■ -m i Ani- : f; _ 75 ‘■*-- !t- : iry'« smi.'-ir'. . in lY' 5HI1' - — Kiilton an'i in li' ;;7--, ct'.: unjr ■r Hi:;: ^ill- ! . Hart' -f leov r -i 1 Liri^ti.'■ Lafi!; - 'ris. ' j:f f nS T:: >-V - , ; -li'l I' I- fr.dii, 1m? T si ijiio- - •r C'i»iv. ;-l - >■ ;]opc-’- ntChrjii- Iop. .t [’.logri- )f>ciUn of (icneral .of Ar. liitfcture, ifjiy ai ol Fine Arts, Lrta i .'L’ienceS; I'cru, I'eru- terii- >1 ••51 L’-'i; Sj--n(:cr's loly J.an‘1. *1 -5"= ; St. Surf'll. I; I.utiil iin‘1 im III • alifbrui*" ijifi'lwi. li Irlunil^St >ir, WilliirJ's fiiv»-r- ’ History, nry, 7', cth.: All' lAJHV. I'uitfl c’h in luy, Dwiglit 9 I s Li'-- -f I. V, of Vr ii.it . Jf.l . - j ihi- J'ut>lisl»ers- kj»«t«viUe, N. C- II t lEiBTm S E Ml-n E EK L, ¥. vol.. IV.] FAYF/rTEVIlJj:, C., OrTOBP.R 19. 1S54. [NO. 341.] i-KiM'Kl) MOXDVVS AND THURSDAYS. U)W\I{|) J. HALK & SON, KulTOKS AND rn(»PRlET(M{S. !' v t!.i' Scuu-\Veekly Ouserver 00 if paid in , ivanto; 00 if pnij duriuj: the year «>f subscrip- ,.i :,r si nfterthf* yoar hase\pirc«l. p 1 W. fkly Oo^ir.iu I K §2 00 per nuninu, if puitl in , .ill''!.'. oO il paid duriup the year of subscrip- tiou; ■T Oi> after the year has* expirei. VliVURTISF.MF.NT:^ inserted for sixty cents per , Ilf I'f l'> tinos for the first, and thirtv cents for each . ;c,'O. Jiag puMii- r»tion. Yearly advertisements by spe- pi,^l f.,i trrici>, ".t reasonable rales. .Vdvertisers are to state the number of insertions desired, or rc 1-1 r.- «i’l he oontinned till forbid, and charged accord jjr^” Letters to the Editor.^ must be post-paid xoTici: ' FTE SUBSrniRKR has removed to RITAAV S \E\V milT.DlNG, fiil- lespie Stroft, where he intends e«r- ryinfr on the T AI BlISl- 1 NESS in all its branehitH Haringhtid t practical experieuce in most of tlie At- , lantio cities, he feels assured that he ! Can please the most fastidious. | .\l! orders will he exeeuti-d with neat ness and despatch. B. MO>.\GHAN. FRi:\T!l BliRR MIILSTOM’S. Great K(‘liic’tion in Price. March 28, 1853. HI-If . PUMI^S. L'^ORCE and Suction Pximps, L Sheet Lead iind Lead Vine. For sale bv March ;^0.‘ r. w. ipe. ANDREWS, Market SnMr?. 83-f NKAV HOOKS. H\|;VL«>N and Nineveh, Layard’s Secoud Ex- t .'.litii'ii: Freaks of Fortune, by J. H. Joues; Alice >,'vnu ur; Nod Mujjirave, by Theo. Hook. \ « further supplies of ('apt. ('anot; “.Vlone”: Hard fiint";. Nv Dickens, .lust receive.;. , ,t i-V E. .1 HALE X SON. Si IIOOL BOOKS. A LAllGF. STOCK just receiving. E. J. II.VLE & SON. KGEXl’O.N, MOUUIS CO. lONTlNUE to make to order, Rnd keep constantly ' on hand i Frenrh tSnrr I Of al'i dimensions, warranted to be of best quality, be ! ing made from l!urr blocks selected l\v them fr»jm the I I best quarries in France. They keep for sale j i Cologne, Cocnlicii and l^'sopus Mi!! ' I stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, | I Screen Wire, Calcined l^lnster. liydraiilic Cement, &c. Orders froni any part of the country promptly attend ed to. It. ji. oKiii:i.iw, Agent at Fayetteville, N. 0. March 11, 18')H. "Gtf rronTT^ Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of* ’I^HE sub.scriber having pniThasvd the Hotel situated : r«‘*i «f f.uiid. suited to the ma-j on the Mouth-East corner of Court House Square, There are on the pre- -'nd lately known as Stuart's Hotel, would inform the ( ' public that he is now ready to accommodate boarders by the day, week or month. Having made consitU'ra- ; ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Estubli>ihment, i he liopes to be able to give satisfaction to all who pa tronize him. His Tab> shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his Uar with the best of Li- I quors, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. ,1. A. niLriiRiST. •Tune 20, 1S.">2. ;^-tf 100 Urni/Ls Writing Paper^ 1^''MBRAClN(i Fiench, English and American Cap, ..d Letter, Comnu'n ial Note and other Writing Pa pers, of nil kinds, iiiid at prices ranging from the low est up. Also, Antiquarian, Double Elephant, Royal, Melium, Demi and Cap Dmwing Paper; Demi and Cap Bristol lioardo; Perfoi'ated liourds of all descriptions; liuli En velope, or Post Oiiice Paper; Blotting Paper, &c. ->(l,UO() Envelopes, «>f every quality and description. Just receiving. E. J. IT.ALE & SON. Oct’r 2. 10. NO TK K. Vrn.ir.vTION win be mule ti> the next session of ti. ‘ Li.._is'uure, for tiie emmcip-it'on ot my ser vaiit L ‘Uis. J.VMES DUN.S. •let !4. -10-31 Second Fall and Winter Stock STIHR & WILLH.MS A RC now roceivitig tlieir SECON D STOCK of FALL .'m .Til 1 WINTUK (iO>L)S recently purchased by one i->f the tirm at prioi-s much lower than those of the e.'iriy part of the season, among which may be seen .4 SPI.EyDJD SELECTIOX OF ;DRESS GlHIDs tHBKllllltKKlI \MI F V.M'V .MtRlXO MIUVS. with a large assortment of READY .MADi: CLorillSG, BOOTS. SHOES AND UMBRELLAS. V.'holesale buye. s are respectfully invited to exam ine their goois. Oct 9. U'o4. 39-tf xTmtll 4 PPLTC.\TION will be made to the ensuing Oencral .'m A'^^’mh’y of N.’Tth ’':ir'>'’r..i tor the p.issage of a liw t.. em r.ic ;-ite Pctui- Turner, of r.iyetteville 0. t. lU. I '4. ;’.9-3tpd I I [ p'iols/cr( r and M ittrrs^ Fact onf. i The this side oT lirtlHmore. ITH my alw.\ys very extensive ittres"* pMCt 'rr. Tw I have now combined ’he UPH01.STERING hut.ness, and havt* cng^tged first r ite workman, one ' l.iis W' lkfd '.vith distinction iu m>st of the piinci- }:. ‘.'.ipit i'' in K irope. an I also in i*ne of the hi gest L ; .n Ni-w York I ::m now prepartd 10 mike all t,.f> . f I.OUNoE-'^. CH \IKS of all sorts, CIlL’Rt.'H t USHIO.NS, ."ic In sliort, anything in that line th.it c.n be or ever w,-.g made. Spring, Hair, Cot- t. II ' = . and Shuck .Mattresses alwi'.ya on hand, of th-b^3t qua’.ity. K> puii it.g promptly and neatly executed I'a.i and examine, opposite the new Semy^arv. J.\COB OTTARul'RG. Fayetteville. Oct. 7, lSo4. iii^-3w HgrTrv SALK.'~ Robeson county. »SV virtue of a Decree rendered in the Court of id K [uity, upon the Petition of .lohu Taylor, .Ar- :.:H.ild .\ic('ormick and wife, and others, 1 shall on .T'i!- l'i% the 1 Itii of November next, before the iioi>r of ti;- urt llini»e in the town T I.unihprt'Mi. olTer for sale u ti.let I'!'L.\N U lying tin biith si Jt-s ot Mare Swamp, :idjuining ,\lex uider .Mc.Milbin and others, containing 14‘ J acres .\bout 20l acres are cleared, the balance is V i'.ufible for Timber and Turpentine, lying within 4 .j miles ot Lumber river. ihll.MSuF S-\Li'.—One-third cash, the balance in pavments at one au'i two vears. K. S. FRENCH, 0. \ M. E. Oct. 7. iH.Vl. H'.^-ts 1 AIJ. AND U IN'riJi sroCK. M 1'HtK K .loH.\S().N are now receiving their usual stock, embracing H,:rdw:ire ami Cutlery, Crockery r\nd Glassware, P.iiiits, Oils aijJ l)^ve-StufTs, HUNG.\RI.\N liOOTS, extra size and quality of Kip .Sh ie; also Groceries: and are prepareil to ofi’er indtice- nu-iits to dealers in this market, and respecttully invite tn examination of their stock by persons vistine this miii'ikit, and orders from those who do not find it con- Tf uitnt to call iu person .! U. COOK. HO. .TOHN'.-^ON. Oct. U, 18i4. 4o-3t NO ricic. ^I^IIE subscriber offers for sale .lis L.\NDS, six miles ■- North of Fayetteville and about one mile from the Fayetteville and about 1300 ari' king of Turpentine or Timber. mises a good saw and grist mill, all in good repair and now in operation; also a dwelling, and all the necessa ry out-houses. in good repair. -Uso, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on Uie head waters of Carver’s Creek, known as the Tarry Place, en which there is a small farm, a dwel ling house and other houses. On the first named tract there are cut about twenty- five thousand Turpentine bt>xes, from two to four vears old. .\11 the above land? will be sobl on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishing to purchase will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the above landa. WM. R. BOLTON Oct. 27. lBr>3. 40Y WILLIAM A. GwT^iTu^ FlIRWARniMl \ND COMMISSION MERriHNT. • AND DISTILLKRS’ AGENT, Wilmingtan, N. C. PERSON.\L attention given to the sale or shipment of Nav.kl Stores. I have ample facilities f«r conducting the business: and extensive Wharves and Warehouses to protect Spibits TfRrrvTiNE from ex posure. N.vval Stores, Flocr, Cottox, iVc., will be shipped to any House in Ne*' York, or to other .Markets if desired; und liberal C.^su .Vdv.wces made on con signments. I refer to tie following Distillers; — E Hannum, Wayne county. E. H. Woodard .V Co., Earpsborough. W. Earpe 4; Co., “ A. G. Thornton Esq. Johnston county I Spencer Fount;>iu, Esq. B. R. Hinnant, Esq. Messrs. Bridges 5c Durham, •• Blow \ O’Neal “ •• Searles .t .Adums, Sampson county. “ M. X G. Lee, *• D. T. Durham, “ B Godwin, Est. Robeson county. C. W. Crawford, Esq. •• Lovet Peacock, Esq. Columbus county. W' J. Outland a: Co.. Bladen county, »^c. June 9, lS*r>4. 4-tf 8Piii.\!; sLppia. .\K\V HOOKS. g IRUDEN’S concordance, Tom Owen’s Hive of ^ ' the Bee Hunter; Furtlier supplies of Fathion and Famine; Katharine Ashton, Wellington and Peel, Flush Times iu Mississippi and Alubamu, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 20, 1854. ll>?s. Cotton aiul Line'll waiitul. 'B1HE subscriV.er will pay the highest market price M for auv quantitv of clean Linen and Cotton Rags. DAVID MCKl'HV. Feb’y 1S;'>4. 74 tf ~^UH) |{KWAIU). .\N.\W" \Y from the subscriber, two Negro fMrls and four Children, viz: M.VRTH \, a bricrht mu- altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children. Frances and .\nn; H.\NN.\H, copper colored, about the sume height of Martha. Hanniib took with her two male children, Lewis :4iid John. The ahove negroes formerly belonsred to the estate of George T. Barks'iale. and are supposed to be lurking about the t'ape 4-\*;ir, about Mr. Winslow’s plantation" The above reward will be paid for their continement in any Jail so that the subscrib.er tan get them, or for their deliverv to the subscriber in Sampson cotintv. FLEET R. PETERSON. September 0, 18.'*.'^. 2i'>-tf >i V li 1$ L k”Ta(”'I' >11V. MiiHiftrfl TablPH for Sale. EH.WE two good Billiard Tables with all the fix tures, which 1 will dispose of ou reasonable terms if application be made soon. JAMES HALES. Aug. 21, 18o4. 24-tf ARITILMETK S ANP RKADERS FOR THE Ct>MMoN SCHOOLS OF THE STATE. Rf‘€ommt y\(le(i h/ the Su/yeriitfetitlrnt of Common Schooh of the State of North ('nrolhta. SOLD BY E. J. HALE & SON. Davies’ 8kriks of Arithmkticb and The Nobth Carolina Readek in connection with PAttKicB’s Readers. 1. Dovieg' First Leasntis i« Arithmetic. ‘2. DacJes Sh'tol Arithmetic. Parker's Fir^t Srhool Reader. Parker's Sfcond Schoul Header. Wilejj'g Xitrth ('aroliiia Reader. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON, Fayetteville, N. 0. MiTCHELI/sLsTERMEDIATEGeOORAPHY,Wor cester’s Diction.vry, Webster’s Speller, and BrL- lion’s Esgi.ish (Jr vmmar are also recommended by the Superintendent. For sale by E. J. H.\LE & SON. ItKMOVAL AND NEW GOODS. The undersigned have removed to the store on H»y Street, formerly occupied by M. McKinnon, one door west of Cook & Johnson, where they are receiring a large and compelte STOCK of GOODS in their line, comprising GROCERIES of all kinds; Hardware; Cutlery; Hollow-ware; Blacksmiths’, Coopers’ :ind Turpentine Tools, &c. They will sell Goods as cheap and on as favorable terms as any house in this place. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. G. W\ 1. GOLDSTON & CO. Aug. 17, 1854. 24-tf T 3. 4. 5. w Ft'ISB Drs. F0ULKE3 k MACRill], \Vh>>f» ale d' Retail Druu'jiat*. Are now receivine their Spring and Sum- , mrr supply of \ Dnts:s,.^fe(ilcinis tij- ('hcmivals, j Dye-Woods and Dye-Stuffs, JOils, Paints, und F’ainttrs’ .Articles, VARNISHES. French, English and .American Perfumery, Fine toilet and Shaving Snaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushe' Surgical and l)ental Instruments, Trusses and Suj>porters of all kinds, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medical purf>osr». Extracts for Flavoring, • 'hoice Toilet and Fancy .Article^, .!kC. They make their purchases fc Cash, and offer goods equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. Warranted to be Fresh, Pure and Genuine. Orders from the country prompt'y filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to price and quality. Hay street, next .loor West of H. E. J. l^illy. March 17, 18j4. &t>tf Steam Ens;iiu*s—Fayrttovilli' ManufaeUire. ■ IK/” F, are now prepared with all the necessary ?n.a- ▼ T chinery for manufact\iring STE.VM ENHNFS, from five to sixty horse power, which we can f miisli on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats. will perceive the advantage of having them made nc'" ■ home An Engine of our own mannfactur® can be seen in operation at the Foundry. * HALL .St BOL.,..VGER. I Deo. 7, 1853 '>l-tf Bv LAIJDKIi TW'u'lMIHBS tmiVK ( . T. illlUII S(I\'S SHIRK. I'-ny«*ffrvillt*. ,\. .Fan’y L'O, I^,'14. 'My-pd Finntttrdlc ('(ipiiii factory. liill ■ubscriber still continues to m.inui'a-ture a su perior article of plaiii and fancy CANDIE.'- at the old ■'tand, N". ~i. Orecn street, doors Nerth, of the Market Hou-e . where he would lie hapj'y to sec his oM frieude and cti»tomer«. CHAKLES BANKS. March i, I8-'>U. 7otl STKD.MrX A: HORM:, Dry (roud.^, ilarthrtire, (f roct rtcti. tS’(’ l A ^T’Ol’LD respectfully inform the citizens and the public generalh. that they have ju^t returned from New ’’ ork. and are receiving their .‘'[iriag S?ock of Goods, consisting i«f I)>i/ (tonilf (I roci rnIlardiriin:. J ''. A variety ol Hats. suitaMe for the se;ii»iin; Ladie.x’ and Oertlemen' I>oot«, Shoos aini Slipjier«: a large ns- w NATIONAL SERIES OF STANDARD Sl'HOOL AiND LIBRARY BOOKS, Dcsi'jtird as Books for the nac of S’hooh, A('tdemici, CoHeje»^ Families, and Libraries. Published by A. S. BARNES & CO. 51 John Street, New York. ri'^HE best talent that could be procured has been employed in the preparation of these works; and the high standing they hav« already attained, as Class Books for the institutions of our country, is gratifying evidence of their intrinsic merits, and it is believed, fully entitles them to the name of the National Series. E \ GL ISII LA .V G CA G E. ORTHOGRAPHY AND READING.—Price’s English Speller, 12 cts.: .Martin’s Orthoepist, 50 cts.; Wright’s f»rthography, 25 cts.; Dictation Exercises, 25 cts; Parker’'s Series of Headers; linker and Zachos’ Intro ductory Lessons, ;?7J cts.; Parker’s Rhetorical Reader, !i^l: High .'^chool Literature, $1. EN(5LISH GRAMMAR AND RHETORIC.—Clark’s i .Analysis, 37^ cts.; Clark’s Grammar, 50 cts.; Clark’s i Ltymological Chart, >^2 50; Day’s Art of Rhetoric, 75 cts. • F^LOCUTION.—Northend’s Little Speaker, 30 cts., Northend’s American J>peaker, 75 cts.; Korthend’s School Dialogue*’. 75 cts.: Zacho’s New .American i Speaker, •T'l. ENCLISH POETS, WITH NOTES BY BOYD.—Mil- t>n.’s Paradise Lost. Young’s Night Thoughts, Thom- .'on’s Seasons, Pollok’s Course of Time, $1 each. Cheap Schcjol Editions of the above, 02J cts. each; also. Beau tifully Illustrated Editions, in various styles of binding. lus TOR y A xn geogra pry. HISTORY.—Willard’s History of the United States, Sil ;'»((: School History, 75 cts.; Spanish Translation, n2 I'**: Universal History, !?l 50: Historic Guide, 75 , cts.: Map of Time, 75 eta.; Last Leaves of .American History, 50 cts., and Charts; .Alison’s History of Eu- riipe, .Abridged t>y Edward S. Gould, -^1 50. ! (SEoGR.VPHY.—Monteith’s A'euth’s Manual of Oeo- ' graphy, 50 cts.: McNally’s System of School Geography, i in Press. ; THE SCIENCES. I .M.VTHEM .VTICS.—Davies’ .System of Mathe.matics I —Arilhmetirol Courxf—Davies’ Table-Book, 10 cts.; First Lessons in .\rithmetic, 20 cts.: Intellectual Arith metic. 25 cts.: School .\rithmetic, 37j cts., and Key; • lirammarof Arithmetic: University .Arithmetic, 75 cts., i and Key, 50 cts. Arnlfmn- i'otirff—Elementary Alge- l>ra, 75 cts.: Elementary tJeometry, !j!l; Practical Mathematics, !^1; I..ogic of Mathematics, §1 50. Col- TO PASSENGERS. 1HE Steamer SUN will leave this place every TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 15 minutes after Sunrise; and Wilmington every WEDNESDAY' and S.A- TURDAA', at 12 o’clock, with Passengers and Freight. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. Fayetteville, May 31, 1854. 1-tf MALLETT & PAULMIER, ~ drocerH and Commisttion tJicr* 135 Front $itreety NEW TORE. p. MALLETT.] [j. PAULMIER August 16, 1852. 18tf LUTTERLOH & CO. ri^HE undersigned having on the 20th May last form- ed a Copartnership under the name and style of “LUTTERLOH & CO,” for the purpose of transacting a general Boating business on the Cape Fear River, the Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has been repaired, and is now in superior order for freighting and carrying passengers. She will make regularly two trips a week, leaving Fayetteville Mondays and Thursdays at 15 minutes after Sunrise, and Wilmington Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 o’clock. The Stcamej- Rowan with a full complement of Flats will make one trip or more a week, as circumstances may require. The Boats of this line being of very light draft of watar, shippers may rely on dispatch. The Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trips a week, for the last twenty-two months, up to the 20th May, during the lowest state of the River. Shippers by our line may rely with certainty on dis patch. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. J, F. M.ARSH, Agent Fayetteville. T. S. LUTTERLOH, H. B. ELLIOTT, J. F. MARSH. W. P. ELLIOTT, J. B. TROY, Jr. July 25, 1854. -17tf EDWIN GLOVER, Has returned from the North, with a large stock of Watches, Jev'>elrif, Mili- tarif Goods, Which he will sell, very cheap foi cash, or on short time tQ those who pay when their bills are presented. Aniang his Stock may be found: Watches, of all kinds and prices; Watch Chain.s, Seals and Keys; Breast Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, Bracelets; Gold Pens; Gold Pencils; Gold Thimbles; Gold, Silver and common Spectacles; Silver and Plated Spoons; Butter Knives; Port- monaies; Coral Beads; Colt’s Pistols; Aceordeons; Music Boxes; Plated Cake Baskets; Plated Card Baskets; Plated Castors and Candlesticks; Snuf- fern and Trays; Military Goods of all kinds; And almost every thing else usually kept in a Jewelry Store. A fine assortment of CLOCKS. Strict attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewelry. EDWIN GLOVER. August 30, 1854. 27-3m Warren Prior, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Has just received his Fall Stock of Gold and Silver WATCHES, of various qualities and prices; Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains; Keys and Seals; latest styles Ear Rings and Breast Pins, rMosaic;) Gold Rings of all qualities; Gold Lockets, Pencils, Pens, Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons, Studs; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Silver and Plated Spoons; Silver Cups and Butter Knives; Plated Cake and Card Baskets, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays. Double and single barrel Guns; double and single- barrel Pistols; Colt’s Repeaters; Self-cocking and Re volving Pijtols; Powder Flasks; Game Bags; Shot Belts; Percussion Caps; fine Knives, Razors and Scissors; Cla rionets, Flutes, Violins, Music Boxes, Fifes, Accorde- ons; Surveyors’ Compasses and Chains; Card Cases; La dies’ Work Boxes; Portmonaies; Hair, Tooth and Lather Brushes; Spy Glasses; Coral; Dog Collars; Sewing Birds; Ivory Tablets: Pearl Salt Spoons; Silver Pickle Knives and Forks; Thermometers: Canes, &c. &c. The public are invited to call and examine. A good assortment of CLOCKS at very low prices,— warranted. All kinds of Watches and Clocks cleaned and repaired in the best manner, and warranted. All kinds of Jewelry repaired. August 17, 1854. 23-4m Fall and Winter Goods. sortmert of ready-made ( lothing: a gre it many articles j Cour»—Davies’ Bourdon. *1 50; Legendre, .'*>1 in the ladie^^' line, iiid we would be pleasel to have ’ 50: Surveving, •i'l 50: Analytical Geometry, !?1 25; De MISS M. HIXGilA.M. ^g^'HE next session of her school will th-j i>th of October, at commence on her own house .'lOU'iil cn (t; i street. •She will teach the various Er.glish branches usualh' triUftlit in High Schools, a'so. Drawing and Painting. Sept. 30. «H-«t A. J. 0*lI,A.\r.0\ A.' iTinoved tu the BncK .St;;.*-e ne.^t west of the Hank of Fayetteville, where he oiTcrs for sale in exch-tnge tor couiitry Mad'ler, Sale- Pails, Brooms, m 2 ii'W ti,r Ciisli. (toml Notes, I’rf.luce, HO Bags Kio Coffee, lio “ , l.aguira Coffee, 5 llh is. F, II .Sugar, 5(1 Bbls. ('olfec Sugar, 15 ilhds. Molasses, 50 K>vs .N'-iiis. 75 lioxes Candy, 40 Bags Sht>t, 1000 Llos Lar Lead. A’.SO, U in lsor Ola^s. Putty So tp, Indian, eratiis Pepper, Sp;Le,‘uiii;r,.r’ Painted Cuiidles, Ink. ,:c (.ouiitry .Mer-'haiits will f.til it to their advantage to louk over the abuxe st* cK bctore purchasing els':where. F.i\ctteville, N. C , Oi.t. 2. 80-2m J70T8 KY Is now receiving bis Fall supj.ly ot «rJ mrm «u» »!»^ Hoots, Slioex, Ilof^, Umhrtlhu, (tv Among which are: French and English .Merinos, very cheap; ■Muslin Def.ain and .Alpacas: Brocade, Plaid and Pbiin Silks; Muslin and Bobinet Sleeves and Collars; Merino and other Shawls, long and square: Calico and Gin'^hams: SiiK and Calico llan'Ikerchiefs; Best make of Bolting ('loths; A Large stock of |{eady-.Ma(ie Clothing; 'Mth many i.tbcr trooiis. All cf which having been I'lirchMsed by ’be |i;icU.igo at the bite re biced prices Vtili 1)0 otfi-red u liulcs.ilc and retail at very low prices, fcept. 10. lbo4. 3J-if Pure Pasl India Castor Oil, ^ E have just received a supply of Pure East In- 'lia C.A.''TOR OIL, without taste or smell, first — introduced bv us into this market last Spring. i ' FOULKES & MAC RAE. March 17, 1854. __ butf xo'ric i:. .AVING purchased the stock of Maierie'’ on hand at the .Shop formerly owned by -Mr. E. Fuller, and having engaged the services of Mr. J-. f'. Lally, whose work gives such general ami entire satisfaction, I am now prepared to execute all order* for Timber Wagons, Road Wagons, Carts, Drays, Wheelbarrows, &c. L have on hand Hnd will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Axles, Chains Bolts, and in short every thing that the Wagon-maker can need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron Axles, made to order at the shortest notice. I have 10 good and competent Workmen at the btisi- ness, and will give it my whole and undivided .ittention. My prices shall be as mojcr.-ite as the time.3 will ad mit. and I will cha'lenge i iiy Wugcjn-maker in the Uui- icd States to equal my work either in point of style or durability. Tlfo.S. C. FULI.ER. i*ct. L'*;, l!^5«. :Htf them to call and ex ..niine f>r tiiemselves. All oiders sent to )ur c.are from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 80, 185;>. 81 tf '31HF. untler^igned, having jiurchased .Mr. Thos. S B. Lutterloh’s Di.'^tillery and Cooper-.shops. have entered intu Copartnersliip under the name of McLaurin A Strange, for the ptirpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar rels. I). .McLALRIN. W.M. .McLAL’RlN. JAS. W. STRANGE. Peb’y 18, 7()tf AV 1'Hra urn ms a. Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of some ex- JL perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a thsidemOirn to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for l)oots and shoes. Most I Eastman's System, of the articles now used either injtire the leather or fail ' to impart that lustre no necessary to give to man’s .‘'undfr.'’tinidiii;f' a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve mouths, been devoting himself to I the task of prej>aring an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after mucli investigation and experiment comjiletely succeeded. The restilt is "Oill'ii he filuK ultra J>uriiix/i." H«.‘ only wishes that it may be I tested in order to establisli its superiority over all I others. Call mi him at Mr. Nathan Sike>’ boot and shoe establishiuent, on Person street, and be sujiplied with an excelletit article at a cheap rate. ' THOMAS GILL. Nov. {♦, 185.''.. 47tt' I scriptive Geometry, .'j!l 75; Shades, Shadows, &c., •'fi i 50; Calculus, $l 25. I NATI BAL PHILOSOPHY Parker’s School Cot use—Parker’s Natural and Ex I perimental Philosophy, i?l; Juvenile Philosophy, 25 j cts:/>r First Lessons in Philosophy, ,87i cts., Parts I. ' and 15. McIntyre on the Globes, i%l. liarlett'a Col- I /(.'/f Course—Mechanics, •'^8; Optics and .Acoustics, !ji2; j .Analytical .Mechanics, ¥4. ENtllNEERlNli.—Gillespie on Roads and Railroatls, I ^;1 50; Larduer on the Steatn Engine, !jl 50. I ('HAMBERS’ SCIENTIFIC SERIES.—Introduction ' to the Sciences. 40 cts.: Trt'r.siiry of Knowledge, 75 i cts.: Drawing, 02 cts.; Natural Philosophy, 75 cts.; i Chemistry ami Electricity. 75 cts.; Vegetable and Ani- ■ mal Physiology, cts.: Zoology, J?!; Geology, 75 cts. j CHEMISTRY.— Reid .anf^ Bain, 75 cts.; Gregory’s I Outlines. 50; Porter's School Chemistry, in Press. ' UOOKKKEPLNG AND PENMANSHIP.—Fulton and Wilder‘’s Patent Salamander Safe. WE keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above S.AFES, warranted fire-proof; and desirous of extending the iemand for th«m, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. U. & W, McLAURIN, Agents. June 10, 1854. 4tf $100 REWARD. TWO attempts have been recently made to injure me pecuniarily, in the destruction, by fire, of my Turpentine lands lying on Beaver and Cross Creeks. One in April last, by which I lost some fifteen thou sand boxes. One on yesterday while my hands were at dinner, by which ab«ut 1000 Turpentine boxes were destroyed. Being thus injured I feel it to be my duty to offer the above reward for such information as will i lead to the conviction of the offender or offenders. I .And I most earnestly call upon my friends and all j go«d citizens of the county to uid me in ferrretiug out I the villian or villians, who, in violation of the public peace, regardless of their own self-respect and all I social duty, thus wantonly or with malice, attempt, by I stealth, to injure the property cf others, i CHRISTOPHER MUNROE. July 20, 1854. 15- 1 Paise's Imuroved Patent Circular Saw i Mills. I C^EOROE PAC^K Sl €0., 1 N. Schrocder St., near ^est Baltimore St., I Baltimore, Md. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have greatly eniarged their manufacturing establishment, and that their fa cilities are now such as to enable them to execute all orders, with promptness, for their CELEBRATED PA TENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW .MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, AND ASTRONOMY.— as also STEAM POWERS of all sizes and kinds, HORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, CORN AND COB CRUSH ERS, together with various other machines and imple ments to economise labor. Since their Circular Saw Mills were invented by, and patented to the Senior Partner, they have made many improvements which render them perfect in all their details, and justly entitle them to be considered among the greatest labor saving inventions of the age. .4 Phamphlet containing full *Uescriptions of their three claxsM of Milh, prices, terms, capacity for sawing, &c.,'will be sent to any Gentleman applying for one by letter, post paid. Having recently obtained damages in an action brought in the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, for an infringement of their Patents Rights, they hereby forwarn the public from purchasing Mills, similar to theirs, from unauthorized builders, or their Agents. Agent at Fayet^ville, N. C., JNO. M. BOSE. May 26, 1854. 300Y Our Fall and Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, and READY-MADE CLOTHING, Is now in Stora and ready for inspect'ton, embracing by far the largest and most extensive assortment we have ever offered to the Trade, and is well worthy the examination of every Merchant visiting this place. Particular attention paid to orders. HALL & SACKETT. August 14, 1854. 22tfilm Western Rail Road Office, | Fayetteville, July 25, 1854. j The Board of Directors have this day called for the following Assessments on the Capital Stock of this Company, viz: 4 per cent, payable on the 1st Sept. 1854. 5 “ “ “ “ “ 2d Oct. 1854. 5 « “ “ « '• 1st Nov. 1854. 5 “ “ “ “ 1st Dec. 1854. Stockholders will please be prepared to pay punctu ally, as it will require the whole Assessments to We paid to meet the progress of th« work. By order of the Board. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r 18tf] W. R. R. Co. WANTED. ^ Good Turpentine Distiller to act at Kyle’s Land ing Apr Liberal price will be paid. R. F. MURPHY 12, 185 t. 8"-tf lEDAR FALLS Cotton Yam and Sheetings, for sale -- \RSH S8tf w GEO. KEI)L’Ci:i) I'AUl’:. i Tlirougli Tickets between W'ilmiugton, N. C., ,and Balti more. Fare-'?l-3. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash- ingtonCity, orvin Weldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Uftiee of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Coinp.giy, at Wilming- the Oflice of the Baltimore Steam Packet Ohio Rail Road tou, or at Company, and of the Baltimore and Company, Pratt t^.treet, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. 53-tf ijJoo{ls! Goods! We have opened our Slvre in Canip- bellton. We offer low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS and GROCERU;.Si JESSUP ft CO. 7'jtf Marcli 1, 1851. Nick VV illiiinis’s !ye Wliiskey at wholesale or retail. ' " McDONALD & WcMASTLR. 62 Livoi'V Stables. The undersifined continue to carry on the LIVEHY BLSI- ^ NESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the., abiic as goo'l Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can be found in the South ern country. Thankful f.jr the large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a continuation of the public iavor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish tc travel. Stables at the West end of .Muniford street, where one of the Proprietors may always be found, or at the btorr hrst door East of Mr. Lutterloii. J. W. POWERS ,f CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 185:{. 71tf STOW SMART, —.srrcKs.soH:^fl|jj[^ COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, Aiiil Dealers in Foreijrii anti Domrslie Hardwiire. No. 128 Pearl Street, and 5>4 Water Street, i\U\V lO’Ufik. July 8, 1854. 12-6mpd .MUSIC.—School Song and Hymn liook, cts.; Kingsley’s Juvenile Choir, 37A.; Young Ladies’ Harp: Cruiksliank’s S. S. Gems, 30 cts.; Kingsley’s Harp of David, !iil; Sacred Harmonist; Cheever’s Christian Melodies, 37A cts. LATIN .AND (iREEK.—Brooks’ Latin Lessons, 50 cts.; Ovid. .>2; Greek Lessons, 50 cts., and Collectanea Evaugelica, 50 ct.a. .S' /A N1>A R I) LIB RA RY BO OKS. SCH(K»L TEACHER’S LIBK.\RY.—Page’s Tlieory and Practice ot Teaching. Northend’s Teacher and Pa rent, .Mansfield on .American Education, De Tocque- ville’s -Vmeri.-an Institutions, at >!l per copy; Davies’ Logic and Utility of Mathematics, per copy, :»!1 25. THE HO.ME CYCLOPEDIA—Cyclopedia of Chron ology, Cyclopedia of Geography, Cyclopedia of Biogra phy, Cyclopedia of Useful Arts, Cyclopedia of General Literature ami Fine .Arts, Cyclopedia of Architecture, Cyclopedia of Europe, at S2 50 per copy each. ARTS .AND SCIENCF-S.—Manual of Fine Arts, SI 25; Lectures on the Progress of Arts and Sciences, •i;l 25. BOOKS OF TR.AVEL—Tschudi’s Peru, •‘i'l; Peru vian .Antiijuities, $’l;Curzon’s Monasteries of the Hast, t ^1; Layard’s Babylon and Nineveh .^ketches of Travel in Egypt and the , _ r— --o r, .Silliman’s Visit to Europe, .i;2 50. | Repeating, Allen’s Revolving. Maynard s Repeating HISTORY.—Polar Regions, 50 cts.; St. Petersburgh, | and Revolving Pistols, with Revolving H^ammers; Al- 02 cts.; Colton’s Ship and Shore, !j>l; Lanil and Lee, | len’s single Self-Cocking, from 2 to 6 inches; t^rman •■^1; Deck and Port, .SI 25; Three Years iu California, j Pistols of all qualities: Bowie Knives; Hunting Kmve^ $1 25; Sea and Sailor, i;!; Cheever’s Sandwich Islands, ' Blowing Horns; Cane Guns; Air Guns, All of whic $1; Mansfield’s History of -Mexican War, §1; Willard’s ! offered at wholesale or retail, on moderate terms. History of the United States, .i>l 50; Universal History, M. A. BAKER’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GENERAL ASSORTMENT of double and single ^ barrel Shot Guns; Game Bags; Shot Pouches 1, ^S1 25; Spencer’s ^ Powder Flasks; Drinking Cups and Flasks; Percussion e Holy Land, 5>1 50* | Caps, of American, English and French make: Colts ’ o \r«.vnard’s Reneatinir !}?1 5U; Last Leaves of American History, 75 cts.; Ali son’s ilistorv of Europe, -ijl 50. CIVIL GOVERNMENT -AND BIOGRAPHY.—United States Constitutions, !?2; DcTocqueville’s Democracy in America, !?2 5(V. Colton’s Public Economy, i^'2; Dwight’s Lives of the Signers, ij!l; Mansfield's Life of Gen. Scott, -iil; (’olton’s Life of Henry Clay, !ii4; Lives of Dr. John Doune, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson, •'*>1. Descriptive Catalogues of .A. S. Barnes i Co ’s Pub ic itionssent by mail, upon application to the Publishers. For sale by E. J, HALE & SON, Fuyetevilie, N. C. Aug. 4. 20-3m Rifles made to order, and warranted to shoot from 100, to 900 yards. A good assortment constantly on McNEILL. 7-tf c May 30. 1853 TO dIstillers. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. & T. WADDILL. June 26, 1854. 8tf ~ W^()()L W)LLS. OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton \'am, and Wool Rolls, for sale by June 1854. _ Crockery, China, and Glass Ware, JAM now receiving my Fall Stock of the above Goods, comprising a General .Assortment, to which the attention of Country .Merchants is respectfully in- yited. -■ 'VV. N. TILLING HAST. Aug. 18, 1854. S.ACKS SALT, 20 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses, No. 8 Mackerel, F-. C. T. HAIGH & SON. May 11. Fall, 1894. ,Ve«J Firm anti .Ve«r tSoottg. PKAKCE & FERGUSON ARE now receiving their Fall and W’inter Stock of Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy qand. Jobbing of all kinds executed with promptness and on reasonable terms. All ordem promptly attended to. Opposite the Post Office, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 4, 1854. 28tf A large quantity of Manufactured TOBACCO, of various brauds and pr^es, for sale by iSTEDMAN July 20, 1854 & HORNE. 16tf Hate, Caps, Bonnet.s, Ciubrellug, Parasols, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing. All of which they offer to ptirchasers at low prices and upon accommodating terms. From long experience, and by strict attention to bu siness, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. B. F. PEARCE.] [J- B. FERGUSON. Fayetteville, August 12, 1854. 23tf fhe m.lTNORTHSTATE in 1776, BY Rkv. Dr. CARUTHERS. COPIES of Dr, Caruthers’b new work on the “Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character, chiefly in the Old North State.” Just received, for sale wholesale and retail, by E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 26^ I OR SALE. SEW ,,0-W.. Wggoo, “7'V'VabdILL. Jun* 8. A ■ii

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