mim mm IS • *»f‘snr '; MKm Ur f ' . i. ■'■II . I, KIU1i\m r. . a\ •4. store f, //., , ey, ^ »‘im. S. *. r. on KHrii : (’. M of 'V. I»A . . . for \ , •' >IMII. „M te H ST. >. i . sisilti, Ks. V#' «, ‘KAl ! •>" , b- "I’, ville, N. C, L*liaiif. C. \\l>. S 1'. Wi*#/ 0mOoH% C. I', ////., 1/ V » A Jif'vM ;li to -lur, er. IJ i.. , T 14.; \ K*«. AIL. N, C -N, Mr € . EH, ON. ;r Ware. Sfat' =■ II et.s ■ ’vi- mill, '■1(1.. :it t ;in.l ilt ■'*. full j j: 1 n (';im|>' >KV ■ ;i* il/tii - "t ..A I l! N tt l*v •ui TOWaiHLIE lEIB SEMI-WEEKL, Y. \()1.. IV.] FAYETTEVILT.E, N. C., NOVE\fBER Ck 1854. [NO. 346.] ^ : \|oNl>AVS AND THURSDAYS. ,;i)\V\lll) J. li VLK & SON. \M' rnoiMUKToKs. \V. ckl_\ OusK.itvr.u ^‘5 (Ut if ]>aiil in ^ :i if I'riid ihirin;; the y'nr of Mib^crij)- ■, _vt';ir lius I'XJviroil. . li|;~i■uv^ l! OO per uniiuiii, if paid in It paiil 'luriiie the _ve;ir of suhscrip- ^ i i. 1- tlio year has oxpireil. ■''Sl'Ml.NT.'^ iii.-^rrti'il for ."iixty ccnts per i t'i'V the tirt. aiiil thirty cents ftir eucli ,• it 'III. \ -.\riy ;i'lvertiseini'nts hy spc- ■ t n':i.'nu;ihle rates. Advertisers are ; • *'.i' imniber of insertions desired, >r it.iiuuo'l till furhid. and charged accord I .tfli,. IMit.irs must )>e post-paiil \i:\\ (.ooDs. Inr^e additions t>> oiir Stock of I'llV COODS, V. i;. u .TS. SllOKS, n.OTllING, , Wi ll 'cU'.'ted with cart and will be offered r wlu’U's ile {uiivhi.sers. 11. .'i E. J. LILLY. ■14 U I'OU SAI.K. ■ > >n Tue-jday of Nnvcnibcr rourt, at ;Uii-tion. at T2 o’clock. M., the STEAM y in the corncr of M ixwell and Franklin : II use will be "^old separately if ilesirtiMe, ■' the Mills will be sold separately from ■. 11- ■t-Tfy. . > n.'liin- to purchase, can see the pr'iperty ’ t) niysolf, or A. NL (’anipbell. . - :iiid '■ months. JOHN FORT. . •'I 4 Its Siijijdij of Hooks and Stationcrxf. '\- just recf’iviug our new stock of Books and >• i:!.'ULry, eiabraciug .. Liw. .Medical and Miscellaneous l>ook«, -of every description: Writing l’a]>ers, every i ; ri.-e: l>rawing I’apers. Tissue I'aper, Bristol 1; cing Paper. I’erforaUHl Boards, white and ! 'ung Books, and Copying ink; Envelope ljiv*lo[iCs. of almost every quality, price and - ;i!'. 1 renrils; Drawing Vencils: Newman's Tue's English aii'l .Vmerican Water ('olors: iMil; Steel I’eiis and Pen Holders; Quills; Red, '.111 Blue Ink; Indelible Ink; Ink .''tands; Rulers; . U'.ix; Wafers; Mathematical Instruments; l!ank- i-tti>; I’ocket Book.s and Porte Monaies; Tootti - r eriiiometers; xc., Rodgers's and Wosten- -M’ior Pi. -ket and Pen Knives; Ruzors, and -:v.p: ('abas, or Ladies Reticules; Ivosewooii ^.iiiy Writing De«ks and Work Boxes, and ■ V irticles unnecessary to enumerate. V. ■ w-iuld call the attention of country Mer- . ..n-l others to our New Stock, which we are ; t. : oil on the best terms for C.\SH. or on ■ uiii'tual customers. E. J. 1L\LE \ SON. -.1 WIIJJAM A. (nVVER, FOKWARDIMJ .^1) rinnilSSlON MERfHANT, AND DISTIL!.EUS’ AGKNT, Wilmington, N. C. IJF.R.^ON.VL attention given to the sale or shipment i>f Nav.m, Stokk.’'. I have ample facilities for conducting the busiTies.-.; .uni exten.sive Wharves and Wareliou.ses to protect Scirits Tmu’kntin'k from ex posure. N.w VI. Stohk.s, Fi.iu u, i'oi'tdn, vVc., will be shippeil to any.lIon.se in New York, or to other Markets it desired; and liberal ’vsii .Vnv.wi'Ks made on con signments. 1 refer to the following Distillers: — K. Mannum, Wayne county. E. II. W'oodard I'i fo., Earpsborough. W, Earpe ^S: ('o., A. fi. Thornton Esii. .Johnston county. Spencer Fountain, Estj. B. R. Hinnant, Es}. “ Messrs. I’ridges ii Durham, “ Blow A; Ct’Neal “ Se.arles iS: .Vdams, Sampson county. “ M. I's: (i. Lee, D. T. Durham. “ B. (lodwin, Esi. Robeson county. ('. W. ('rawfonl. Esij. “ Lovet Peacock, Es^j. Columbus county. W ,f. Outland v't (’o., Bladen county, S:c. June !•, 1S") I. .|-tf SFli I i\(r sWpL Y. Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, ^yhoh Are noTT receiving their Spring and Sum mer supply of I)n(i>s,Me(iicim\s «.y VJiemicals^ Dj’e-Woods and Dye-Stuffs, Oils, Pai.'ts, anil Painters’ Articles, VARNISHES. diW, Ne l^lus Ultra HUUNISH. ^P^HE Subscriber, a practicftl Boot-makerof someex- perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a dextfleratu/n to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suit;ible burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre «o necessary to give to man’s "■nnikrxlanding" a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at liMigth after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is ne plitx ultra Ihtrnixh.” He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others, (’all on him at Mr. Nathan Sikes’ boot and shoe establishment, on Person street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Xoiff. 0, 1853. 47tf 1j\\ Stables. ^DlCIK* French. English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps. | Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes. Paint Brushes, i Surgical and l>ental Instruments, I Trusses and Supporters of all kinds. Pure Wim's and Bra idies for Medical jmrposes, Extracts for Flavoring. ('hoice Toilet and Fancy Articles. iS;c. They make their purchases for (’.\sn, and offer goods eiiually as low as thej’ can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. Warranted to be Fresh. Pure and Genuine. Orders from the country promptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to j^rice and ijuality. llav street, next door West of 11. X E. J. Lilly. .Ma'rch 17, lb->l. SMtf ‘ry The undersigupd continue to carry on the LIVERY BUSI NESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the^ ublic as good Horses, Carnages and Dri vers as can be found in the South ern country. Thankful for the large patron- I age heretofcre extended to us, we solicit a continuation j ot the public favor. AVe promise a satisfactory trip to 1 all who may wish to tr.avel. I SbET’ Stables at the AVest end of Mumford street, j where one of the Proprietors may always be found, or j at the Storr first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. i J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22_, 18o:{. 71tf STOW S.MAU r, —SrCCKSSORS TO— THOnA« Ac FKAI^KMi^, COM MISSU)N MEKCIIANTS, And DfaliTs III Port'isii and Doiiiestif Hardwiire, No. 12S Pear'. Street, and (>4 Water Street, VOKK. July 8, 1854. 12-Rmpd a w 150 rill! nr iTKK. I IKKINS PRIME MOUNTAIN BITTER. - bu.-liels CRANBERRIES. JE0. McNEILL. '■ }. 4-)-4w and \V illt‘l* (jroods. il* T. H,\Y STREET. ;■ ising their F.ill and Winter GOOD.'', ■ '1' a large nluiif*', " r\. ' .A'lhitluV 'Tiir- . uiU!i« 'Fools, . -u'tunil Im- ■ IK 111". : liil Shot's. nd well selected stock of i lilts aiul C:i|>s, Saddlery and Lea- tlirr. Heavy articlt's in the I)ru^ hne, Ueady-inade C’lo- thiiijx, and Staple Dry (Joods. i.repared t" Job or Retail. . ■ j.J. 18.-,4. 4;^tf till I’laiiters anil Turpentine men to t-x- I ^ i -•y.', Ne-ro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. NO. .! MACKEKKL, - • I Ri.'.-; ils I, tine and common chew- ■ r- !i',- bv I.. w\ 1. GoLD>roN A: Co. 4.:-tf ' ('oiiini-iitari«‘s on the l’ihl‘, Scott's Bible in *'• votume.i, ' : ill .. v ^ . E. J. H.ALE SoN. \i:\\ BOOKS. ■ .r Reet-Rovings in the South Seas; | ■ i F.irtune by J. B Jones; llistfiry of ■i.: The M'uiey Maker, ai.ii other Tales .llip'.c;!; Our F ilks at Home, l»y K Iw d •c Scvii;Our, by Mrs. troy; Ndl Mn-- ■ lore Hook; lid Series of Fanny I'erH .' lil-milii in America. Laconia, or Le- U \lount.iiiis; Romance of 1 ravel; .\d- ^ •‘T; and Traveller-: Thrilling Stories KroiiTier: A ehihCs History of England T;m ('amp t ires -.f .Najioieoi- Pictorial • I '. .11, liy Fr-/st; Peterson'.'? Familiar ■!:: '1 Mi-cellall V. iVC. E. J. H.VLE & SON. :m!i bibr )iiLLvr(i\i:s. »n‘at KtMliic'fion in Pric*‘. 1'I:n I'ON. MOKRIS & CO. ^ ' !\l 1 ♦ "lake to order, and keej) cfuistantly 1'rrnrh liitrr •fiiHstottefi : . w.-.riMiited to be of best ijuulity, be ; I'-uir Mi-cks selected by them from the ■ - Kr.iiice. They keep for sale '’-11'. ('ocalit-a aini Esopus Mill ''' I’urr liloeks, l»oltin^ Cloth, i'' II \\ ir‘, (’aleined l’last‘r, Hxdraulic C’enu'Ht, iJtC, . p ii t of the country [iromptly attend- K. n. .\gent at Fayetteville. N. ('. Tiitf !iori:i>. 1 ■ having jmrchasvd the Hotel situated - I'. i't Corner of ('ourt House S'luare, ■ n I Sniiirt'" Hotel, \\#uld inform the ’ ‘ ) i-!idy to accommodate boarders .r month. Having male considera- ■■ ‘ tarnishing and refitting the Establiiihment, ■ ' '■ ,l)le to give >atisfa(,-tion to all who pa- llift Table shall be furni.slied with th« -I' ' t afloi'ds. his Bar with the best of Li- ' - >t;Lble with a plenty of good provender ■ o-t'ers. J. A. GILCHRIST. 3-tf Sit*am Engines—FiiyelU*ville Mamifaclure. i; are now prej'ared with all the i ecessary ma chinery for manufaoturing STE.VM ENGINES, from tive to sixty liorse power, which we can furnish on as favi.rable terms as any Northern establishn.cnt. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, »'ic. will perceive the advant:ige of having them made uoar home. n Engine of lUir own manufactur** oiui be seen in operation at the Foundry. ■ HALL & B0L....^GER. De«. 7, lho3 51-tf l*iir( Ea^t l/uhi ('dstor (hi. E have just received a supjily of Pure East In- ▼ W dia ('ASTOR OIL, with..ut taste or smell, first introduced bv us into this market last Spring. FOULKES ic MAC RAE. March 17, 1854. ^Otf .j()(M)0(> U.S. Cotl»n iUil RAWS vvaiil'l. fBIHE subscriber will pay the highest market price M. for any quantity of clean Linen and t'otton Rags. DAVID MURPHY. Feb'y 1854. T4tf J. \V. liAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of ri K.MTI RK ever off-.-red in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he w ill sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on tinie to punctvial customers. Fine Rose Wood Pianos. (Bonnet & Co's, of Broad way. New York, :■ fashionable painted cottage bed-room F\irniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wap jns and Cra dles; Patent Self-Swinging Cradles; Sid* Boards; Bu- reau.s; Secretaries au'l Book-Cases; Wha'.-Nuts; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stanils; ('andle Stands; ’'i ardrobes; Pic ture Frames and (ilass; Window Shades; Cornices: Cur tain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. September, l»''*)o. 30tf ARrrnMETics and readers FOR THE COMMON SCHOOLS OF THE STATE. litrommnnlrti hy the Supcrintpndeitt of (^>mm>ni S hnoh of (h*' Staff’ of North Carolitin. SOLI) BY E. J. ilALE & SON. Daviks’ SKRfKs OF ARiTHMKTirs and Tuk North Carolina Rkaukr in connection with Pakkkr's Rkaueus. 1. Jhiines' First LrAsotis in Arlthnictic. 2. Davits S'hool Aritlnnetir. 3. PiD'/crr s First School lif nilt r. 4. Park) rs Snund School Jicuilcr. 5. Wi/ri/'s North Carolina Ih-advr. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON, Fayetteville, N. (’. MlTeHF.lj/s lNTERMKl)IATE(jiK)(mAl*HV,Wor cester’s Du’TKtNARV, WeBSTKU’s SfKI.LEK, aU'l Bl l.- Lios’s FInolish Gram .mar are also recommended by the Superintendent. For sale by J. HALE & SON. NATIONAL SERIES OF STANDARD SCHOOL AND LIBRAKY BOOKS, Dcsit/tu d as Class Books for the use of S hools^ AcudemieSj Collejjes, Families, atul Libraries. Published by A. S. BARNES & CO. 51 John Street, New York. rj'^HE best talent that could be procured has been \_ employed in the preparation of these works: and the high standing thej’ have already attainetl, as Class Books for the institutions of our country, is gratifying evidence of their intrinsic merits, and it is believed, fully entitles them to the name of the National Series. ESCLISII LA N(! FA C.E. ORTHOGPiAPHV AND REA DING.—Price’s English Speller, 12 cts.; Martin’s Orthoepist, 50 cts.; Wright’s Orthography, 25 cts.; Dictation Exercises, 25 cts.; Parker's Series of Readers; Parker and Zachos’ Intro ductory Lessons, 87i cts.; Parker’s Rhetorical Reader, $1; High School Literature, $1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND RHETORIC.--Clark’s Analysis, 37i cts.; Clark’s Grammar, 50 cts.; Clark’s Etymological «.'hart, ^‘2 50; Day’s Art of Rhetoric, 75 ; cts. ! ELOCl'TION.—Northend’s Little Speaker, 30 cts., ■ Northend’s American Speaker, 75 cts.; Northend’s i School Dialogues, 75 cts.; Zacho’s New American I Speaker, Jjil. ! ENGLISH POETS, WITH NOTES BY BOYD.—Mil- j ton’s Paradise Lost, Young’s Night Thoughts, Thom- j son’s Seasons. Pollok’s Course of Time, •i'l each, (’heap i School Editions of the above, t')2i cts. each: also, Beau- I tifully Hlustrate.l Editions, in various styles of binding. IILST(Ui Y .1XD (iFOORAFII1’. HISTORY.—Willard’s History of the United States, 5(>: School History, 75 cts.; Spanish Tr.-inslation, ^2 00; Universal History, $1 50; Historic (iuicle, 75 cts.: Map of Time, 75 cts.; Last Leaves of American History, 5(» cts., and Charts; Alison’s History of Eu rope, .\l>ridged by Edward S. Gould, !j;l 50. GEOGRAPHY'.—Monteith’s Ywuth’s Manual of Geo graphy, 50 cts.; McNally's System of School Geography, in I’rcss. TUF S('JFX('FS. M ATHEM.YTICS.—Davies’ System or Mathematics —Arilhmeltctil Course—Davies' Table-Book, 10 cts.; First Lessons in .Vrithmetic, 20 cts.; Intellectual .Yritli- metic, 25 cts.; School Arithmetic, 37.1 cts., and Key; Grammar of .Vrithmetic; University .Vrithmetic, 75 cts SCI FOOL lU)OKS. ST0(;K just receiving. E. J. HALE & SON. ^ LARGE Oct. Iti. Second Pall and Winter Stock. SURR & WlllliMS 4RK now receiving their SE(''OND STOCK of F.\LL and WINTER GOODS recently purchasetl by one of the firm at prices much lower than those of the early part of the season, amo*ig which may be seen A SI’LEXJJID SKLECTIOX OF URESS (;0()1).«, EMBRlHDERliD AMD FANCY )1EU1MI SHAWS, with a large assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES AND UMBRELLAS. Wholesale buyers are respectfully invited to exam ine their goods. Oct. !t, 1854. 39-tf REMo\ al and m:\v goods. f BMHE undersigned have removeil to the store on Hay ■L Street, formerly occupied by M. McKinnon, one door west of Cook & .Tohnson, where they are receiving a large and compelte STOCK of GOODS in their line, comprising GROCERIES of all kinds; Hardware; Cutlery; Ilollow-ware; Blacksmiths’, Coopers’ and Turpentine Tools, &e. They will sell Goods as cheap and on as favorable terms as any house in this place. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. Aug. 17, 185-1. G. W'. I. GOLDSTON & CO. 24-tf TO PASSENGERS. fWlHE Steamer SUN will leave this place every JL TUESD.W and FRID.VY’ at 15 minutes after Sunrise; and Wilmington every WEDNESDAY' anil SA TURDAY, at 12 o’clock, with Passcrirfrs and Freight. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. Fayetteville, May 31, 1854. 1-tf MALLETT & PAl I.AIIER, Grorcrs and Commission wller- rhfiHts^ 135 Front street, NEW YORK. p. MALLETT.1 [J. PAULMIER August It), 1^52. Sliemyveil House, Fuifelfevi/le^ N. C., Last side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar ket House. ^BIHE subscriber begs leave to announce to the clti- ■- zens of Fayetteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the reception and entertainment of any who may wish per manent or transient Board. His Rooms are large and comfortable, and his Table shall always be furnished with the best the market will afford. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business.— No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who niay favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfully solicited. (Charges shall be moderate P. SHE.MW ELL. Feb’y 15. 1854. TItf Wlio tvoiild have it^ 18tf 11 K sioo REWARD. AN.VWAY' fr..in the subscriber, two Negro Girls and fo*r Children, viz; MARTHA, a bright mu- altto, five feet four or tive inches hitrh, took with her two girl children, Frances and \nn: H.\NN.\H, copper colored, about the s;iiue height of Martha. Hannah took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negroes formerly lieloiiged to the estate of George T. P.ark-dale, and are supposed to be lurking about the Cape Fear, about Mr. Winslow's plantation* The aliovo reward will be j'aid for their confinement in any .lail so that the sub.scriber c an get them, or for their deliver'.- to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET R. IS.^ Septem>ior .MARIMvK PETERSON. 2t‘-tf FACTOIIY. Hotel. AVING recently purchased the above EstJ.hlish- ment from .Mulcom Kelly, EsJ| , 1 am now pre pare! to entertiiin in a comfort.able Planner thote who luay give me a call. Having ample Stjibles. go d Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, I trust 1 shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, Dec. 5, 1S5.'1. 51tf A. .1. (VHANLON U.\S removed tn the Brick Store next west of the Bank of Fay .'tteville. where he otfers for sale low for Cash, Good Notes, >r in exchange for country Prt)duce, SI) Bags Rio ('oflee, 20 “ Laguira ('iifl'ee, 5 Hhds. P. R. Sugar, 50 Bbls. t’l'tree Sugar, 15 Hhds. Molas.ses, 50 Kegs Nulls, 75 I'oxes Candy 40 liags Shot, HHKt Libs Bar Leail. ALS >, Windsor Glass. Putt\. Soap, Indigo, Madder, Sale- ' 4>r!itus, Pepper, .'^pice, (iinger. Painted Pails, Brooms, Candles, Ink, \c. CoutUry .Merchants will tind it to their advantage to look ov>T the above stock before purchasing elsewhere. Fayetteville, N. Oct. 2. ;iti-2m LUTTERLOH cV CO. ri’^IlE undersigned having on the 20th May last form- J ed a Cojiartnership under the name and style of ‘•LUTTERl.OH CO,” for the purpose of transacting a general Boating bu.siness on the Cape Fear River, the Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has been repaired, and is now in superior order for freighting and carrying passengers, ir^he will make regularly two trips a week, leaving Fayetteville .Mondays and Thursdays at 15 minutes .after Sunrise, and Wilmington Tuesdays and > , Frid.iys at 10 o’clock. The Steamer Rowan with a full and Key, 50 cts. Acadeinic C'lur.ic—Elementary ,\lge- ’ comj'lement of I lats will make one t^rip or moi^ a week, bra, 75 cis.: Elementary Geometry, •'j!l; Practical .Mathematics, •i'l: Logic of Mathematics, •'*1 50. (%,!- h'jiat' Course—Davies’ Bourdon, !j!l 50; Legendre, •i'l 50; Surveying, 50; .Analytical Geometry, •>! 2'); De scriptive lleometry, il 75; Shades, Shadows, ic., 50; Calculus, ^1 25. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONO.MY.— P.\rker’s Si'HooL CvTKSE—Parkcr's Natural and Ex perimental Philosojihy, !j;i: .luvenile Philosophy, 2') cts;*or First Lessons in Philosophy, .37A cts.. Parts 1. and II. McIntyre on the Gl4>es, ^1. linrhtt'^ Col- i It^e Cour.te—Mechanics, Optics and Acoustics, $2; I .Vnalytical Mechanics, $4. | F]NGINEERlN(i.—Gillespie on Roads and Railroads, ' ■'j;l 50; Lardiier on the Steam Engine, >1 50. \ CH.YMBERS’ SCIENTIFIC SERIES.—Introduction to the Sciences, 40 cts.; Treasury of Knowledge, 75 CIS.; Drawing, 02 cts.; Natural Philosophy, 75 cts.; Chemistry and Electricity, 75 ct.s.; Vegetable and .\ni- mal Physiology, 75 cts.; Zoology, •$!; Geology. 75 cts. CHEMISTRY. — Reid and Bain, 75 cts.; tiregory's Outlines, !j!l 50; Porter's School Chemistry, in Press. BOOKKEEPING AND PENMANSHIP—Fulton and Eastman's System. MUSIC.—Sclun)l Song and llynm Book, 37Acts.; Kingsley’s Juvenile Choir, :57A.; Young Ladies’ Harp: Cruikshank's S. S. Gems, 30 cts.; Kingsley’s Harp of David, $1; Sacred Harmonist; Cheever's Christian Melodies, 37A cts. L.VTIN AND GREEK,—Brooks' Latin Lessons, 50 cts.: Oviil, >i2; Greek Lessons, 50 cts., and I ollectanea Evangelica, 50 cts. STASDARIi LUiRARy iUtOKS. circumstances may reiuire. The Bo.ats of this line being of very light draft of water, shippers may rely on dispatch. The Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trips a week, for the last twenty-two months, up to the 2oth May, during the lowest state of the River ShiYipers by our line may rely with certaintj' on dis patch. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. J. F. .M.VRSH, Agent F'aveUeville. 't. s. LUTTERLOH, H. B. ELLIOTT, .7. F. MARSH, W. P. ELLIOTT, J. B. TROY, Jr. July25, 1S51. 17tf Wilder's Vntcnl Salamander Safe m *7'E keep constantly on hand an assortment of ▼ w the above S.\FES, warranted fire-proof; and desirous of extending the demau'i for them, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New Y'ork prices. D. & W. McLAURlN, .Ygents. June 10, 1854. 4tf lOO licams H riling PajKT^ liv LAIJDKR TWiruilHBS lltllVE T. HIKIII i JsdVS STIIRE, l''ayc*lf*villo, \ .lan'y JO, 1H51. 04y-pil f'ailfUcrtllr ('andif Mannfarlonj. fB^HE suKscrit)er still continues to maiirff.cture a su- I. perior artiele of plain and fancy C.WDIES at the old stand, (.No. 5, Green street, :: doors North, of the Market House, I where he would be hajipy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, 1H5:'. 7l5tf STI*:D\L\N IIOILNE, Drtf (roods, Ilardirarr, (I'rorrrlf.s, iS'C \\ from rAVirrTi:vii.i.i:, c’. /■OULD res]>ectfully inform the citizens and the ' public generally. th:it they have just returned New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock MJ Letter, Commercial Note anil other Writing Pa- I'ers, of all kiiuls, and at prices ranging from the low est up. .\l.so. Antiipiariun, Double Elephant, Royal, Medium, Demi and Caji Drawing Pajier; Demi and Cap Bristol Boards; Perforatnl Boards of all descriptions; Butl' En velope, or Post Oliice P.aper; Blotting Paper, iVc. r)0,O(io Envelopes, of every iiuality and description, .lust receiving. E. J. H.\LE SON. ' Oct'r 2. M'AV HOOKS. 1IU.U)EN’iS CONCORD.ANCE, Tom Owen’s Hive of the Bee Hunter; Further sui>plies of Fashion and Famine; Katharine .Ashton, Wellington and Peel, Flush Times in .Mississippi and .Alabama, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. ■ Sept. 20, 1!;54. milifffft Tables for Sale. IH.W'E two gooil P.illiard Tables with all the fix tures, which I will dispose of on reasonable terms if application be made soon. J.AMES HALF]S. Aug- 21, 1H.')4. ii4-tf IMIREWS & JKSUP, No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COM MISSION M ERCH A NTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF if Goods, consisting of ! Drij (looils (iroreries, Hardware^ tv. A variety of Hats, suitable for the season; Ladi*-s’ ' and (ier.tlcmen's Boots, Shoes and Slippers; a large as- I sortment of rcaiiy-made Clothing; a great many articles in the Indies' line, and we would be jdeased to h.ave them to call and ex mine for themselves. r\*tton-iiwl VV'nolh'H \T‘irliinnrv \/fn All orders sent to our care from our friends an.l cus- , dlUl^ V\ 0011(11 Vl.lCllinery, MR tomers will be lu-omptly attended to. 1 cllillists’ '1 OOis, lA'atllCr Beltlllg &C., March 30. 1K53. 81tf ; —ALSO— rBlllE undersigned, having j.urchased Mr. Thos. S 1 ol*f-v'dFSCR^ fi. Lutterbdi’s Distillery and Cr)oper-shops, have I Ot L\ ER\ DESCRIITION. entered into Conartnersl in under the name of McLaurin Comj)riSmir lHMtin(, Card Clotlling, SCHOOL TE.VCHER’S LIBR.VRY. — Page’s Theory and Practice of Teaching. Nortlicnd's Teacher and Pa rent, Mansfield on .Vmerican Education, De Toccjue- ville’s -\merican Instituti(uis, .at ->1 per copy; Davies’ Logic anl Utility of Mathematics, jier copy, ■'jfl 25. THE IIO.M K ('Y('LOPEDI.A.—’yclo]iedia of ('hron- ology. Cyclopedia of tJeography, Cyclopedia of Pdogr.i- phy, (Cyclopedia of Useful .Vrts, t’yclopedi.a of (Jeneral Literature and Fine Arts, Cyclopedia of Architecture, Cyclopedia of Europe, at >r:2 50 per copy cacli. .ARTS AND SCIENCES.—-Maiuial of Fine .\rts, ij'l 25; Lectures on the Progress of ,\rts and Sciences, !j!l 25. BOOKS OF TR.W’EL—Tschudi's Peru, >!l; Peru vian .Antiquities, ij'l; (.’urzon’s .Monasteries of the East, ^1; Layard’s Babylon and Nineveh, xl 25; Sjieiicer's Sketches of Travel in Egypt and the Holy Laii'l, >il 50; Silliman’s Visit to Europe, 50. HISTORY.—Polar Regions, 50 cts.; St. Petersburgh, 62 cts.; Colton's Ship and Shore, •'fl; Land and Lee, i'l; Deck .and Port, >1 25; Three Years in Calif(>rnia, ^1 25; Sea and Sailor, >^1; Cheever's Sandwich Islands, $1; Mansfield’s History of Mexican War, >^1; Willard’s History of the United States, sj^l 50; Universal History, !j!I 50; East JiCaves of American History, 75 cts.; .Ali son’s History of Europe, Jj'l 5t). CIVIL GOVERN.MENT AND BIOGRAPHY.—United States (,’onstitutions, ^'2: DeTocquevillc’s Democracy in .America, !*?2 50; Colton’s Public Economy, !j!2; Dwight's Lives of the Signers, ijil; .MaiisfieM’s Life ot' (Jen. Scott, $1; Colton’s Life of Henry ('l.ay, i4; Lives of Dr. Johu Donne, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson, >j;l. Descriptive Catalogues of -A. S. Barnes Ha ('o.’s Pub lications sent by mail, upon application to the Publishers. For sale by E. J. H.ALE & SON, Fayeteville, N. C. Aug. 4. 20-8m Fall Trade, 1853. I have received my Fall Stock of -Drij €woo(h, (wrffceries.S^'r. My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Any kind of Produce taken in exchange. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 3, 1853. 32tf & .'strange, for the purp ise of carrying on the Distille ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar rels. V' V 18, 1853. \V illiains's wh^kale or retail. D»c. 10. 1863. D. McLAURlN. W.M. McLAURlN. JAS. W. STRANGE. 70tf Rye Wliiskey at MCDONALD & McMASTER. 62 !iol)l)ins, Shuttles, Pickers, Roller Skins, Roll('r Clotli, Oils, l^c. Dec. 27, 1853. 57tf St.aves! Staves! 11^ W(‘ want to buy Spirits Rarrcl TAV’ES. Will pav the highest Cash prices. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. 76tf COTTOxN liAGGLNG. IHA'VE a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, and Bagging Twine. Send in vour orders and they shall be supplieil. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 3. 1853. 32tf LAM) liROKER. 1HAVE so many inquiries about Turpentine Lands, that I have concludeil to offer my services to buy' and sell. Those having Lands for sale will furnish me plots and quantity, together with a fair description and price.— My commissions shall be moderate. JAS. G. COOK. Nov. 21, 1853. SIOO REW ARD. r|">WO attempts have been recently made to injure J me pecuniarily, in the destruction, by fire, ot my Turpentine lands lying on Beaver and Cross Creeks. One in Ajril last, liy which I lost some fitteen thou sand boxes. One on yesterday while my hands were at dinner, by which about 1000 Turpentine boxes were ilestroyed. P>eing tluis injured 1 feel it to be my duty to offer the above reward for such information as will leail to the conviction of the otfender or offenders. .And 1 most earnestly call upon my friends and all good citizens of the county ti> aid mo iii terrreting out the villian or villians, who, in violation ot the jtublic pe.-ice, reg:irdle.^s of tbeii own self-respect and all Social duty, thus wantonly or with malice, attemjit, by stealth, to injure the property of others. CHRISTOPHER MUNIKJE. July 20, 1851. !•'> Pao^c's hnjtrorrd Patent Circular Saw Mills. VAiiU A: VO., X. S'-hrovdcr St., near Ur.s7 Baltimore St., Jialtiinore, Md. ESPE(n’FU LLA’ inform their friends and the jiub- ; lie generally, that they have greatly enlarged their manutacturing establishment, and that their fa- ciliti»s are luiw such as to enable them to execute all orders, with promptness, for their CELEBR.VTLI) P.A- /TENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction throtighout th»‘ I, nioti, i as also STEAM POWERS of all sizes ami kinds, HORSE i POW ERS, GRIST MILLS, (JORN AND COB CRUSH ERS, together with various other machines ami imple ments to economiso labor. Since their Circular Saw Mills were invented by, and patented to the Setiior Partner, they have made many improvements which render them perfect in all their details, and justly entitle them to be considered among the greatest labor saving inventions of the age. A rhainphUt containing full descriptions of their three, chutstx of Milh, prices, terms, capacity for sawing, &c., will be sent to any Gentleman .applying for one by letter, post paid. Having recently obtained damages in an action brought in the U* S. Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, for an infringement of their l*titeii(x lii'jhlK, they'hereby forwarn the public from purchasing Mill-s, siniilar to theirs, from unauthorized builders, or their .Agents. Agent at Fayetteville, N. C., ^ JNO. M. ROSE. May 20, 1854. S” S. AREY llus ^nst rGcc*ivc(l ft ftssortnicnt ol Sprinn[ and SitTti'nicr (r()()DS. He desires to return thanks to hisfiiends and the pub lic for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed on him, ami .solicits a continuance of the same. His friends'and the public are solicited to give him a call, at the Stand formerly occupied by S. .1. Hinsdale, south west corner of Market Square and Gillespie street. April 18, 1854. SlHf A new Carriaije Establishment an the Militarjf Green, opposite the Methodist Church, fronting on Mumford Street. GRE.\T i:NTERPKlSE! Fayetteville bound to §liiue!! ri^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform tlieir I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general C.ARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may b« known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. James H. Pier. James Br.\nin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. . 62tf CHARLES KLIFFMULLER, SOLE .iCE.\T I.\ THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR EGGERT & CO’S Manufactory of Grand Square and Iprujht PIAiirO FOKTEJ^, NO. 232 PRATT STREET, BALTLMOIIE, MD. Office at Raleigh, at Fr. Mahler & Co’s. “ “ Fayetteville, Fayeiteville Hotel Building. Old Pianos taken in exchange. Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. TIHE Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their Grand, Square and Upright Pianos, of 0], 6^, 7 and 7J octaves, for which the Maryland Institute, for the promotion of Mechanic Arts, has awarded the first premium ever awarded by that Institute for improvement in Grand and Square Pianos. These Pianos are in large sized, highly fin ished oases of Rosewood, with entire iron frame, con structed in the most substantial manner, with all the modern improvements. The manufacturers use none but the very best sea soned timber, and materials of the choicest qualities, that enable them to warrant their instruments to stand any climate. The Firm has a patent Right action, operating on such principles that friction is almost entirely relieved or avoided, and their piano can therefore never get out of order. For chasttness of design, elegance of finish, as well as for fullness, richness, and beauty of tone, these Pianos rank foremost, and are equal to any made here or in Europe. Wherever these Pianos have been introduced, they have giveu, iu every instance entire satisfaction. We warrant our instruments to stand good for five years under careful treatment, and will receive them back an.l substitute others, any time within the first six months from the sale of it, if it shall not prove satisfactory. EGGERT &. C(J., 232 Pratt Street, Baltimore. May 20, 1854. '■♦Htf .\ larre (juaritity of Maimfactured TOBACCO, of various brands and prices, for sale by STED.MAN & HORNE. July 20, 1854. lOtf M. A. BAKER’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m m RIFLU MA\^F,11T(IRV. V GENERAL ASSORTMENT of dou»>le and singie- barrel Shot Guns; (iame Bags; Shot Pouches; Powder Flasks; L>rinking (’ups an«l Flasks; Percussion C’aps of .Americjiii, English .and hrench make: Colt s Repeating, Allen’s Revolving. Maynard's Rei.eating and Revolving Pistols, with Revolving Hammers: Al ien’s single Self-Cocking, from 2 to ♦> inches: German ristol.s of .nil ijiialities; Bowie Knives; Hunting Knives; Blowing Horns; ('ane Guns; Air Guns. All of which are offered at w holesale or retail, on molerate terms 1 itles made to order, and warranted to shoot from 100 to'.*00 yards. .A gooil asuortment constantly on iianl. Jobbing of all kinds executed with iiromptnesa and on reasonaV)le terms. .All orders promptly attended to. Opposite the Post OHice, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 4, 1854. 28tf NOTICE. Doctors Mallett & McSwain having left their Books and papers with W. McL. McKay, who is fullv authorised to rwceipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West of the Cape Fear River, who may be in arrears either by note or account, will confer a favor by calling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. H. A. McSWAIN. Fayetteville, Aug. 30, 1863. 24tf GEO. W. \VTLLL\.MS CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mirchants. JUST RE(JEIVED, a large assortment of GOODS in their line, for sale on favorable terms. July-iO, 18^4. 17tf JONES'S DIGES]’ OF Reported Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, from Dec. ls45 to August 1853, inclu sive, embracing all decisions subsequent to Ire e s Digest and previous to Dec. 1853. I»y Hanii ton Jones, Esij. Reporter to the Supreme ( ourt. For .lie hy K. J. ll.U.t \\ A N TI :i). ^ a Rre- -500,000 Ibs. well 1O4I0 S', 1,0 high. market pricc. will »" in Lower Fayetteville. 10-tf July 1, 1854.