mmfm m IPATHTOIE'TIIIML SEMI-WEEKLY. \OL. IV.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 9, 1854. [NO. 347.] Mi'Nl'AVS AM> THl ltSDAV i:i)\\ \Hi) .1. ir \u: sox. i:c!T>'i;s \\i) ri: 'ri:ii;T'.»i;s. pr -''I- t lit' .''I'liii-W -. klv t>n>KKVKV. >;; iMi it'I'ai'l ill I s : :.n if j>aiil 'luring the ye.-ir of suhscr 11- ; ii; 'I- >: 1 afti-r th ' year lius oxjiired. F r r'.,- U uvKit 01) jior atinuiii. if ]>a>'l ill >■_’ "it! if [laiil iluriuj; the year of suhsi r ip- ti-ti; T > : 01) afto r the year h:i>; ex]iireil. \1'\ 1,1 .TISKMr.N rs iii.'.ertC'l tnr si\ty ‘i'nt5 ii'r 5 1 ;i'i ' ■ lillrr- the first. aU'l thirty ct iits f-T fh f . . lilU (■uli'it-.atl.i 1. Yearly ailvertiseineiity 1>\ s >e- u-ts. at re isiin.alile rates. ,\il\ertisers ire rt' t,- -^.10 ih ■ uuinber of insertions ilesired. or til ■y H' iMUtinuf 1 till furhiil. and eharsied acc ird . . Letters ti> the IMiti'rs must he post-j>a id V Ni:\V HOOKS. OUA'I'T on the Sti'ucturo nnd the Diseases of the llor^e. lU'w Ivlition; The lictter Land, or the Be- liovor s .liiuriM'v. Ii.v llcv. A. Tlunn|is(ni; Hitchcock’s llvlijrinii of (icnlojr.v; Mi'inoirs of N.-ipoleon, his Court :iml I'.'iiuilv, ')v tho IMichess l)i- Abraiites: I’rior’s Life Ilf Nt'v. 1. K. .1. HALE & SON. I S(’IIOOL IU)OKS. ' i^chiilar's oiiiininion, new revised edition, by I i He\. I?. W. M.iiley; hitolleotniil Philosophy, by I Hfv. As.i Mnliiin; Mills’ Rhetoric and Helles-Lettres: i I’arkir's Aids to ICnjr. (’oniposition; Spencer’s Latin ; 1 "'ins; I'lct io ;le (tttioiis; Kclogiies aii'l Georgies of ' \ irjril; Knits, hiuidl's Latin-Kn^lish l»ictionary; Anat- i'tny. riiysiol'.irv and n\gien;\ bv ('utter. .lust rec'd. -Nov. 1. ■ ‘ K.’j. HALE X SON. S. ari:y. —DEALER IN — ':iin*v Prv (mK)(!s, Hats, Cap, Hoot; Sh^«'s, and Suijnr niul ('otlri'. i lie j'ublii' are invited t.i ; •upi* 'i bv S. J. Hinsdalo, ;ive a i'a1! at the i H. 1 .'':aiid ?outh-\ve.-it Corner of Mar- I'-tf I UK.MOX Al.. ■^IIE t'tlice of the ISrothors' Steam I’oat I'onipanv i.- rfniovcd til the Huske Uuilding, i.n (ireen stn i t, \t '!i-a- to P. Tavlor's. J. S. lUNKS. Ae't. N.iv. 18o4. Ji'.tf roR SALE AND VO KEN'F. ONE Salamaniler Safe, t'ne letter 1.: Shari f i'aj'e F'ear Nrivipation Stock. line ILirse and 11'ekaway. Mie Negro Woman. .\nd all otlu-r j roprrty w- now own. l’os>c'>iin given 1st .lan v m-xt. Also, to Rent, the ot’ii!- we now oci'iipy, I'nr tin balance of the vear, to 1st .lulv n.-Kt. ': F. N. V J. 11. IIOI'.I UTS. Nov. 0, IH.'il. 4'1-tf rOK SALE. 4 FIRST HATE P.l tiGV HORSE, of lino :u ti .n. % and fast. Also, a g.: .d P.n.CV and HARNE-^.'^. owner having no further us;‘ for them, th--y v.ill > disp'sed of at a b-irriiin if applied for ?o.>n. .Vj i'lv at this Office. N. v.‘'s l'^o4. P'tf rjo acres 'rurpciitiiH' tnr sal ^ B.VlUiAIN can be had by early ajij Fav.-tti-vil!i-, N. (’., Nov. L’, 1 NEILL ')4. ■ If ■!! to .Ml'NR- >E. I'iti Wood Notes, or f'aroliiiH C’arol.-', 4('i>LLEt'TlON of North Carolina Poetry, > au- I'iled by Lady i>f n-ileigh. TlK>e v,.luines I” t«:n p’ >f n-ileigh ■ms, nevi-r bef ore pn>'lished in a more dnrab. an the newspapers, by .In ltre« C )«fi n, .''trango an 1 Taylor. »iov. Iredell. Walker .\nders n. Rev. Dr llnwks. W. '.Vinsluw. iiud manv titliers. F .r I'.c l y *E. HALE x soN. .1 risii! risiii: i isn::: rsT ff'- REt ElVED, •-*•■> V aid for ^."ile bv -I: Oak ii. =’AP' !'!^ 1. K)l. Hire. /i V. T. Ilai^h A: Sons —OFFER FOR sal::— Srd.VP, Porto Rico and Cuba, in hhds., Uhite, (iranulated and Crushed, in barrels, Rio, Laguira, and Old .lava Coffee, Ragging. Roju- and Twine, Starch and Soap, M(‘s> Pork, Fish, Cheese, -\xes, Hot'S, Spades, Shovels, and Trace Chains, Pi]:u-'.;smith Toitls, New Orleans Molasse.s, in barrels, White Hav.ui.i Sugar, Hooji li .m for Cotton, or for Turpentine barrels, Lead, Shot. Nails and Spikes, Sperm iiiul .Vdamantine Caudles, Tanners’ Oil. Nov. lS.j4. 46tf I)\\ ELLINc; HOrSE FOR SALE. % WT” ILL be sold at the Market House, at l‘J o’clock, w w on Tuesday, the 14th inst., the Dwelling House at present occupied by Theo. Evans. Esij., situated in Lower F.iyeiteville. The House is in good rep.air. Po!> iiib wislrng to purchase would do well to examine till ju-cmisis. Terms at sale. C. E. LEETE, Auct’r. Nov. I'.. 4G-ts Cai*'!iiiian an^l \rgus It. S,,j,u it/idcr the Sun! A t:\V VAIX U\ rilOTOI^K IIMIV. Mr. J. S. WEAR, Photographic Artist, Ol'LH re^pe.•tfully anmmnce to the Ladies and n nilemon ..1' F.iy ettevilK- and vicinity that he li-is n turiu'.i iVoiu the North, after hnving sjnMit much ti'::“ n'si iuou'l,. ill the i.dvimi'ement and progress of ; iii.' ..i t. and :it considerable expense in getting up ap- ■ ar:!!:,'. v^e . ; r the ;■>■ i.sccut >11 of beautiful .and > \ nii>:to br.'.u. li Ilf Photography, which he will now i.n-'ieii* to tlie iijsiiei !:..n ot’ his t'ortner enliglitened ■, it; ;:.:iiin- pairmis. The science of Photo- > r II; :ily kni>wn under the appel- I 1 i.iguerreotyping. has until very recently 1 in ,ts iii;:incy, but from the j'ersevering and ■ ri >o':rrhov ill Actenic Chemistry, of many of its niinr roiir and eniinont votaries.—gentlemen btith of tlii- ci.iMiTv .1! 1 EurojH*—it is now shining forth in a'ii tlie rvtu'^'-ni e -f the most s.'inguine iniAgina- tiou. and i> de>tined to coiitribute much to the ad- viinceuifi t "f ihf iirts and sciences generally, an well a> in fait;ifii!!;. and truthinily deliueatiug the Human f:ii-e 'iivine. i’iotures by this process are cuusidered far saj'^'rlT to Ivigiicrreutypfs. D.'iiruerro.oTpes, (’rystaltypes, .Ambrotypes, Pana- ; tyi i-s, C.alot’i j.c- and all the other types taken ;it riiy R ■ V.' in tho vrrt .itest perfection of the Art. La ,ie.“ and tientiomen are respectfully invited to call ;ui 1 ..nil. imens over the Jewelry Siore of; M. - !i , li'v \ ILiti'fon anW Dr. Hinsdale'^ Drug and .\p-.'hccTiry S'ort-. Hay Street. Fayetteville. ; N. iv r.-i'-ii,- '-. ivinu l>ajruerrei(type Likenesses of ili'ont . lifi f .'fl tiienls or relati\es, can liavc them ; - .an- • r of hirger dimensions by the new : . i: i , I ] ^ i re. grciitiy improved. Pictures ii; ■!! I’ij: r, uiitv, -pii. liable I •* ■•I r . ) . an'i inditi>r--‘t |)-iirufrro.)- . . . ■ . - 1- 'i. r in l.:;jiit in : Sh>. 0‘ or in tl • \ ; >\ ;ltl r I ■b'T-'. NOTICE. ri'^HE late firm of .J.\MES & JONES is dissolved. 1 The subscriber will in future conduct the busi ness in his ow'ii name, and is prepared to do all kimls of lirick Work, White washing and Plastering, in the ne itest style and on the best tarnis. He keeps con st;'ntl^’ on hand an excellent article of White Lime, and the best l*last«r of Paris. Persons wishing work in mv line will please give me a call. F. M. JAMES. Oct. 30. 45-tf WOOL ROLLS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs. Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by June 1854. GEO. McNEILL. 7-tf Crock'erif, China,, and (Hass IFarf. I AM now receiving my Fall Stock of the above Goods, comprising a General Assortment, to which the attention of Country Merchants is respectfully in vited. W. N. TILLINGHAST. Aug. 18, 18.^4. 22-3m 1005 SACKS SALT, 20 IJbls. New Crop N. 0. Molasses, No. 3 Mackerel, For C. T. HAIGH & SON. May 11, 96-tf Ijife and W riti7i!rs of St. Paul. The great work of Conyheare & Howson, on the Life and Epistles of St. Paul, at half the price of the English Edition. 2 large 8vo. vols., $ti. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Also, just received, Lives of the Chief Justices of the United States, by Geo. Van Santford; Herbert’s Cap tains of the lloman Republic; ('umming’s Minor Works; Mrs. Carlen’s Home in the Valley, a popular Swedish Novel; Hugh McQueen's Orator’s Touchstone: Illustra ted edition of lileak House. Oct. 4. srOVES. fllAVE a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor, P>ox, and a few Coal STOVES. I will sell very low — Call and examine. C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. Oct. 18. 18")». 41-8w RAMSEY & BRO., (ireiieral and For- wardiiifir .TlercliantM, Wilmington and Fayetteville, Book-Binding. ^WIHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of 1 Fayetteville, and the public, that he has resumed j his Book-Binding business, at his old stand opposite _ ' E. J. Hal# & Son’s Bookstore, on Anderson street, g And Aj5t*ntiS for Expr6SS Line of StPJiniUORtiS ^ where he win receive and execute any style desired. AT FAYETTEVILLE. M. J. RAMSEY.] August 2'J, 1854. [N. A. RAMSEY. 26tf A. N. MCDONALD, (Formerly with James Kyle,) TAKES this method of informing his friends and acquaintances, that he has associated himself w'ith Vi. J>. Shemwell in the Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS BUSINESS, in the Store formerly occupied by P. Shemw^ell, in the Shemwell Hotel Building, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor him with a call. Fayetteville, Sept. 23, 1854. 36-6m ;■)()()() Bacon, at Oct. 2. lbs. extra North Carolina J. & T. WADDILL’S. 36- notice. Having opened a Ptore on East side of Gillespie street, opposite P. P, Johnson, and one door South of W, Draughon, I would beg leave to announce to the citizens of Fayetteville and surrounding country, that I have just received my stock of FALL AND WIN TER GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing, Sugar and Coffee, &c., W’hich I will sell on accommodating terms. SAM’L CAIN, Jr. Sept. 27, 1854. 35-2m plain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, &c. bound to any pattern desired. Old books re-bound. Thankful for the patronage he has heretofore re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. THO-MAS H. TILLINGHAST. July 31, 1854. 18tf CLARK WOODWARD Have just received their Fall and Winter stock of nE.4Dl-:vrADE CLOTHI^O, consist ing of OVERCOATS, FROCK and DRESS COATS, PANTS and VESTS, of a very superior quality, and certainly equal to anything that can be purchased in this market. Also, a large and well selected assort ment of CHILDREN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING, all of the latest styles. In addition to the above elegant stock, they have a large supply of CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, some of them of a very superior quality; also, Stocks, Cravats, Shirts—Cotton and Merino; Collars, and Suspenders. All of which will be sold on the .most accommodating TERMS. an'l 'lir gr' phy. lati'iii ri'iii:i; i; I'lUTL't FOR SALE. rWlH.\T valuable Plantation, on East side of Cape -M. Fear River, known as the McKuy and Toomer Lands, ^purchubod iit the recent sale of my deceased fiithor's estate,) containing o;’.!) acr‘a of as good farm ing land as is to be found in the County of ('umberland .^ny one in want of a good farm, convenient to the best market in the Southern country, could not do better than to purchase this, as a liargain maj" be had. 1 will be pleased to show it to any one who may give me a call. J. W'. STRANGE. Sept. 26, 18.'>4, 35-tf If not sold at private sale before Tuesday of November Court, it will be offered at public sale ut the Town House, at 12 o'clock. M. NOTICE. 4PPL1CATI0N will be made at the approaching .Se.'ssion cf the Legislature to charter the F’emale High School of FavettCTille. Oct. 13, 1H54. a. SMITH, ll\IR llRKSSlMi .\M) SIIWhT, SALdllN. Opi'ositi thi' Fni/rtti rilte Hank. A LL kinds of Perfumeries, Hair Oils, Shavin" and /m Toilet Soap for .s-ile. 1 ki ep a good supplv' of choice ('igars nnd To- Viai'co. >iet. 1'. iH'L 41-Y Removal. FRANCIS SHENTON KEGS to inform his friends and the public, that he has removed to the Store adjoining George Me- j fully invited to give them a call and examine their Neill, Esq., Haymount, Fayetteville, N, C., where he i stock, at the old Stand. CLARK & WOODWARD CONTINUE to carry on the TAI LORING BUSINESS in the room immediately over their Store, where they are prepared, upon the shortest notice, to make up their own cloths, or those furnished by customers; and all favoring them with their patronage may rest assured that their work will be done with a neatness, fidelity and de spatch that cannot be surpassed in the town of Fay etteville or elsewhere. Their friends, and the public generally, are respect- now ofers for sale the largest and most varied assort' ment of Piiiiipjii aii«l Hydraulic ^flachines and Fixings ever offered in the market, comprising Hydr.'iulic Rams; Brass Bibb Guage and Stop Cocks, to suit every kind of water works or Steam Engines; Sheet Leail and Piping of various sizes; Lifting and Force Pumps; Garden Engines; Shower Baths, &c., of his own manufacture. A variety of articles for house hold use, such as Brass and Plated Basin Cocks, Plug Basins, &c. Also, A. B.VRKER’S PATENT double ac tion Lifting and Force PUMP, working in a single cy linder, without reaction of water. This Pump is made to work in Wells of any depth, and of sizes to raise from 30 to 1000 gallons of water per minute. It is un- doubteclly the most simple, durable, and efficient Pump known to the world. Sept. 4, 1854. 28tf Sept. 9, 1854. 30-2m Fayetteville Hotel. JOHN HARMAN Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared to render those comfortable who may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C., June 3, 1863. 200tf lo the t reifrhtin^ Public. ^|[1HE Brothers’ Steam Boat Co. is now prepared Jl with the following Boats: Str. DOUGLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA McDANIEL, to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They are provided with suitable Wharf and W'are-House accommodations to do a general business, and hope by strict attention to the interest of shippers, to mee: a share of public patronage. J. S. BANKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville. JNO. BANKS, Ag’t at W'iljnington. Sept. 19, 1853. The Mjargest Carriage Factory in the South I JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Fall supply of Fire-Proof Roofing. FRANCIS SHENTON, Slate and *lMetal Roofer, ri^HANKFUL for past favors, I beg to inform my Jl^ friends and the public, that I am now prepared to contract for and execute, in the best manner and on reasonable terms, ALL KINDS OF FIRE-PROOF ROOFING. Gutters, Leader Pipes and Heads, of any stylo or pattern, made to order and warranted for any specified time. Slate Chimney Pipes made to suit any style of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. Force, Lifting and Suction Pumps, adapted to any situation; Hydraulic Rams, and all kinds of Hydraulic Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up and warranted. Sheet Lead and Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov. 15, 1853. 44-lYpd \ U U ' f-.. '■pin I tl ■i'lted thfinselvps t.ije- ling a gcriiTiil P.oat'.ng 1 : I tlllH W. H \Ki:i{ n-iw tV‘>n tho N"rth i Hr^'fst, tin*'>t, :iii 1 nil >t curet'ully V i ■ 'l. 1 . t; W lli. '■ :iM( ■ ■ - • r i 'H ass-irtii.^'iit Mnii)’*''-'; sfl' oil t! I 'We't |i .~ili • t.'T- t' '!• • piiiiiiu;i customer'. tl, » ' i O' ■ ^ t.' .o r-i:U . that n.y .nii:-i( Mir:ii;: 'V.;l:oii', C.-irt.^, Uruys, •II thn li.'ivf beri't"f'ir‘ l)«-t‘n. ■1 .. 'k of ,\l:itori;il mid a n-imb«!r II b' ti. ill inv Wood and Biack'^mith ,..l-r.: li ilid .-.■it' ill.- nil'! F';niiturc t:. ■: I- ■ -.1 lli I .O- p - lltf'l Cotf-'U*' 1 ui li 'I li -ir aii'l .-ihiK'k. (I’ ,.,sc-. \\\V w I- o" 1', i;ure:iu>: Secretaries aii' T n’; Tt-; W;i-h ^t ■ r if Picture Frame? md •ii Curtriin Rands: .''of:.s i ^t: Tete :i Tetos; Utom-uis; : every variety. Kill- It i.sewood l^ianos, one with civilian Af- .'1:1; Il..:-cWiiod Me'-o.liuti". IVoIIl th* b.-t lli!llliil:i - Nfw V'.rk aii'l IJ' s'on, w ;rr;,iit'■! :i - o- 1 a u'if in thi country, ainl will be >-o..l .-it .N. rk —f'l'fifiht only ad'lc'J. ■ihocr 'J, 1 -■') 1. 4')tf lu-:ivv 1 !iav» It 1 l.ut th . t-.l t rdcr any kind •t*i|uir''l. if vehicles for I" 0:'t. turf to bf o ,'i curr’y. neatly, and with dis- ■reilit will extended to regular who havf jo!i done (icca.sionally ■y !'..r their work ujion 'lelivery, .-.*•( j' >'i iiiMiy small Mci'ounts. 1 n low Wagon'S and cart.® tvhich I will •nahlp tiTiiis. THO. C. FULLER. 45-tf Win in Ma Di vans low Hid )i; ft,r iir|icr ? veil ler. i iiiul 1'iitnjim‘s M:ii;;iziiHs .lust rei oivcil. E. .1. H \LH \ S»N. B('asl(‘v & IJoiistoii A\'I’. on hand the verv I I >F (i()( H iS iisiiallv k> lalland t .T M'K > in ilieir Norici:. ILL b* ■■fil l ;it the Market House, on Tuesday the 1 ttli inst . my two TENEME.N'T.'^ in Brick Row. Itl . t. -'ri Tit ;in»l rear bv loO ft. deep. .\lso, all my .''t. -k O' (i ioCKltlLS. HOLLOW-WARE, and other aiticii'- t'lo troiih'i-.'onie to menticn. T'r!ii> at Sale. A’i jids 'I > .wing iiie are reipiested to call and set- '.ot.o.i- tlie loth inst., otherwiie they will be dealt with as thi. law 'iirectM. PAT’K M0NT.\0rE. FayetUiville, .Nov. l.“'")4. 45ts uii the 1 it Octobi-r l^ol, 1 lost my POCKET 1}0(_>K on tiie I'ayeiteville ;ind Western Plank Road, near the 0-1 iiiite post. Containing M>or'.'() Iiolhirs Also a Note m i l" to Franklin Dav's, ilated about 22d -Inly rs.'i;;. 1 hereby forewarn all persons against trading lor -aid Nete, a- it was settled on With .'^ept’r IHri;}, P.n K MONTAGUE. ll'. uiMler'i’^::‘ . have ass ,, ther *'or ili'- purpose of i|i I’.iisin ■»s 1 n tlic ( aj.i- Fear Hirer. They wdiiM tlu-re fore give nntire to the public, th it tliey are now pre pared to accommodate them at all times with a Ste im Boat at both ends of the Line. JAMES E. METTS. M. J. RAMSEV. N. A. UAMSEY. FRED'iv C. METTS. Oct. 1'., l^'>^. 41 tf l^x|>ress St(‘ain Boat Liii(\ STR. SOl'THERNER, FAIRY, tor Passengers and Freight: Str. EVERGREEN, and ELIZA, for Freight only. Lighters—.1. R. Bi-osso.m, Eli/..v M DriiAi.T), F. Frif.s, Rki) Fo.\, Gov. Mokehk^p, E.xi-kkss, Nokth Statk. A. B. ClIESM TT. RAMSEY & BRO., \ f W. H. McRARY & CO., Ag’ts at Fayetteville. ) I. -^g'ts at Wilmington. All goods sent to the care of the “EXPRESS STE.VM BO.VT LINE” will be taken on Freight, and forwarded with the greatest despatch. As our facilities for accommodation are greater than ever before known on our River, it will be our greatest pleasure and effort to give still the more satisfaction. JA.MES E. .METTS. M. J. RA.MSEY. N. A RA.MSEY. FRED’K C. .METTS. Oct. I'i, 1854. 41 tf Moots, Shoes, Hats, UmbreJhis, li'c. Among which are: French and English Merinos, very cheap; Muslin DeLain and .'\lpacas: Brocade, Plaid and Plain Silks: Muslin and Bobinet Sleeves and Collars; Merino and otl er Shawls, long and square; Calico and Ginghams; Silk and Calico Handkerchiefs; Best make of Bolting Cloths; A Large stock of Ready-.Made Clothing; With many other goods. All of which having been jiurcha.sfd by the package at the late reduced prices will be offered wholesale and retail at very low prices. Sept. 1'). 1>'54. 32-tf SU!:M\\ ELI. \ McDO.WLF), . .'uio-.->.ors to P. Shemwell,) UKALKK-s IN .ST.XPLK .\.N1) iW.Sl’V DKV (U)OI>S, HOOTS AM) SHOK-S HATvS ANI)C'AH8, -VI o fi general assortment of Straw & Silk BONNETS- In addition to our stock now on hand, which is very gooil, we will in a few days receive a new supply of SE.\S0N.\1>LE (iOODS, which we will sell low for cash or on reasonable time to punctual customers. W. B. SHEMWELL. A. N. MCDONALD. East side Green Street. Fayetteville, Sept. 23, 1854. 34-y HITS. f.lPS. BOOTS m SHOES, For Fall and Winter Trade. J. CASH OR BARTER. f^HE subscribers offer for cash, barter, or approved JL paper— /f gk HHDS. MOLASSES, f 10,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon. 200 bales Hay. 20 bbls. Mess Pork. COO sacks S.ilt. 5 casks Rice. 35 hbls- Refined Sugar. 40 kegs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue. 5((ij casks Lime. Osnabiirgs. .''heetings, and fotton Yarn, by the b ile. The above ‘ioods «iil l>e sold very low, if applied lor soon. liENliOW, K\ LE vV t'O. .•ulv 5, >»54. lltf A. A. McKETIIAN Respectfully informs his friends and the pub lic, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing CarriKges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He wprrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. lie is determined to sell and do any work in hie line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Fijjishkd, the LAR GEST STOCK of Carriages^ Barouches, Rockaways, and 1iur tries. Ever offered in tiiis place, anil a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. J8@r“He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished i and in course of construction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months I with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship I or material will be repaired free of charge. I Persons wis’iinp to buy would do well to call and ' eTapiine for tl enisHves. Oi dei-s tliaii -ifully receive 1 and ]jrotrtitly nttendod to Repail 111' I'X luaMf t riiis. \1 IV IX'.: iTc I Jit s!:ort not,re ati'i >11 verj rea- 98tf h' / •iitrailCt ♦ n i'H is oinpany has been in successful iiper.ati o since Feb’v 18-V,. It has paid all losses prompt ly, ivithout iinu assessment, and it has still a small cash capiUil on hand. Policies issued up to 13th May, No. 70'.*, covering property to value of •'t>l,l51,8tV2 Ot) Policies cancelled and expired, 2ti9,ti34 00 (lect iec-i v« SAf.E. '• inu‘'xclure'l T'^!>afco. Wc have , , -tigc stuck ot I’oli icco. and ex- iiistaiil.x from .). 'V. Reid and Tl om- ;is s aii-i other faciorii-.'', an .assortment of qualities to fiiable us to fiiriijsti pu^«■ha^ers any quality at lowest f-ictor\ prices. i). & W. McLAURIN. Sept. 3otf , :iii! *itis, line. I all ana ■ ' >r \ our^. Gold and Silver Watches, Hunting and !.j.« n • ’Iriiti';, fdi., vfst ;in'l tn-ck; . Koys, Seal Bucklfs; Kinfrs, Piii>, Kar-Uinos, t’utl' Hruc-clets; Snaps, -(ill:ir aiil sl i vc Buttons; lnl(i and Silver SjM-ftaclcs; iiii'l Sil ver '1 liinihles; and SilviT I’lfii- and I’oueils,; Silver and I’earl I’ lrt- ni'inaios and Card C:i-os. Large lot of Silver Ware: English and .Vmerit aii Sp. .,us, i,, tea, salt ai.d mustard: Ladles; Mugs: Fork> and l’.utt«-r Kuiv'’s. .\ iarire iot of PI-.VI'ED (iOoli.. of il,,. verv 'i.cst da- , all in common iis“ i'i.i.; bit ,,V ' ai d ket CL’TLLRV: tine Scis- .r>: :-.nuc of th,. ),f-t R.\ /.'iRS Ml thi- place: large and iiiall .''!ii,;.- p,,,-.. ,.i,,. ;mi'^; \!!l,i ■ 1 , I:ir^‘ :ui'l .f Ell”:'ill. rR.\.l.\, or Life and Love in Norway; The City .''i'ie. or I’assages from a Pastor’s Portfolio; The llei-niit'.s Dell, \c. .\l.-o, further snj'plies of “Alone’’; (’onybeare’s Life and i'^jii.stles oi St. Paul; The Psalmist with Supple ment; The I'resbyteriun P.^alniodist, \c. E. J. HALE & SON. Nov. 1. fine .M;.iido!ine; .\ccordeons: .-onie lini' \ i. TARV i.oOIiS: Surveyors’ ('omi'a'- cs ? liir-^i lot of (M'NS, double an l ^;illgle l>arr. 'iiiall, long and short, fine and c.iiiinioii. PL'^TOLS in any [UMitity and Horns: ianio Rags: Rlowing lorn: Walking (jfrnian and .Vinerii'un ni:iki and ju:.lity: Powder FlasU .'liot Relts; aii'l new id'-a ■ aiiea of l!;; different kinds. Clocks of 13 different kinds; I’ortmonaies of eighteen dili'eicnt styles: i)og (Ullar.s uiid ('alls: Violin and (iuitar Strings, .\c. ivc. REASLLV .V lIofSTf>N. Nov. 4, 1K.'(L 4(;-t;t DI MAS' (,KEAT W ORK! J^’^M.WLLL-PHlLlRl'iRT, or the lOiiroi/can Wars of J the .W Ith J'entury, by .Mex'r Dnmas. E, J. HALE & SON. Not. 1. \ aliiabio R(‘ai Kstat‘ AT AUt^TION. gWli.L sell at Piililic Auction, on Tuesday, 5th Dec. nc.\t. at 1 1 o'clock, M., that valuable TR.\(TT ■ ■K L.V.M>, ol about 7 acres, known as “Point Peter,” ■-ituai'' i in 'he town of Wilmington, on the Point, be tween the two branches of the Cajie Fear River, at Vlieir junction. Tliere i ■ up 'n the property a .'^team Saw Mill, read}' f "P use, c ipa'.ile of sawing feet of lumber per ilay. with a'i ma;ess.ary out-buildings for laborers, w'ork- .'hi li.', ■ Ulci-, ami sheds: the location being the most •';Mir:it.le otie in th‘ vicinity of the town. It has a iai-'_;e River i' ront of 15UI) feet, improved with wharves I 1 ready f .r ii-e. and any recpiired depth of water; exten- I si\c limb. r Puns, aii'l embracing every facility and j convenieiu.e. | place is also well adapted to the construction of ■ ivaihvay. Siiij) Yard, or Coal Depot. ' ;T ilescriptii,., ilceined unnecessary, as par ties wishing to piirchaie will (.( course examine the premises. Terms made known at sale. -M. CRONLY, Auct’r. In the moantiine private bids will t,e received if de- bir.ible, or further ji irtii ulars furnished, by DkROSSLT i BROWN, Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 31. rOR SALE. VNEW two-horse W’aggon, complete. J. & T. WADDILL. June 8. 3-tf Tlie Virginia Comedians, or tlie old days in the Ohl Dominion; Easy Nat, or the three .\p- prentices; Scott's Infantry Tactics; &c., &c. Just re ceived. E. •!. HALE & SON. Oct. 4. NOTICE ro DEBTORS. 4LL persons indebted to the Subscriber by note or account previous to the 1st July last, are earnest ly requested to make payment forthwith, as it is very inconvenient to give any longer indulgence. It is hoped that this notice will be suHicient. Ilavingmade some change in my business, it is important that old accounts slioul 1 be settled, and they must be settled. ■p. SHEMWELL. P. S.—I can be found at the store of Shemwell & McDonald, wii», in my absence, ai’e authorized to re ceipt in my name. Oct. 7, 1854. 38-tf Murine Furi Amount now insured. Amount Premium Notes, Do- do. cancelled and expired. $882,228 00 il()4,fiG0 01 3H,085 35 Agents. 45ts Blanks for sale here. A CARD. rMHE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens of P’ayettevillc and the surrounding country, as a MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, andgives notice tliat he is ready to contract for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICKSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 0, 1854. 38tf fJlHE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White i Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1863. 70tf C. THOMSON is now laying in his assort ment of the most FASHIONABLE GOODS in his line, which are offered Ja^^CHKAi* for Cash. Please call and see for yourself, at the old stand—Mar ket Square. J- C. THOMSON. Sept. 25. 1854. 34-tf Groceries—Boots A' Shoes. FOREKiN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Choice Havana Ci^artx. EngllNh & French Sauces, Cordials, &c. W DRAUGHON is now receiving a large and • well selected assortment of goods in his line, selected by himself in New York; among which are the following, viz; -1 /’«// sfnc/i' choice GRO CER JE S. 2H1,000 CKtARS of various One !>ipc ccr// superior OhJ French Hrandy, 0- tarJ, Dupuy d’ Co. One 1o. do. 1o. A/ex. Siynett, pah. With several other brands. Pure Hitiiand Gin—Old Jainaica dc St. Croix R i M. Old Golden and Brown Sherry Wines. Old Port Wine. Burgundy Port, Sicily Madeira Wine, &c. And a vari ety of low priced Wines. 10 bbls. pure Cider Vinegar. IN GLASS, the following, viz: Ileidsic Champajne wine; Bollinger Champai/ne ' wine, and several other brands. | Still Sparklin;/ llock tcines, several varieties. Longicorth's Still f' Sparkling Catawba wine. Do. do. do. Isabella, or Lady’s wine. Imported Br.^ndy Cherries; Cherry Br.\.\uy. The celebrated German Stomach Bitters. London PORTER and Edinburgh ALE, in quarts and pints. London Walnut and Tomato Catsup. Worces tershire Sauce. Esseuce .Vnchovies. Olives. Pate foie ie gras. Sardines; Lobsters; Orange, Lemon, Peaches, Gooseberries, &c. for Pies, &c. &c. He invites the attention of his customers to his choice (’igars, they being superior to those usually offered in this market. He shortly expects ilirect from Bordeaux, Sardines, Salad Oil, Pickles, and many other nice things. W. DRAUGHON. Sept. 21st, 1854. 33-3m •BOOK BL\DERY. RW'. HARDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business at the new Store next door to .Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 2/t’ tlEDAR FALLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale ' at Factory prices, by TROi & MARSH. May 30, 1853. 98tf Do. lift aow on hand, ^128,584 26 Averaging 14 57-100 per cent, on the amount insured. Cash premiums received, !»;8,258 01 Fire losses adjusted and paid, •':i4,!M7 22 The Board take pleasure in stating that the Compa ny is now in a condition to merit public confidence.— It is established upon a foundation which cannot be tnoced. We solicit a share of business. DIRECTORS: Geo. McKtiO, H. L. Myrover, C. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jamtb ay.a. J Shepherd, S. T. Hawley, David A. Ray, J. i,. „ixiiams, Thos. S. Lutterloh, N. A. Sted- man, Wm. A. E. Hall, J. H. Cook, A. A. McKethan, jhs. G. Cook. C. Lutterloh. OFFICERS; GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B. LEMAY, General Agent. , May 20, 1854. TJl() Y AR8H HAVE ON H.\ND: New Crop Molasses, Sugars, Cuffoe, Salt, Iron, Nails, Uardv?are, Cutlery, Window Glass, Putty, Blacksmith Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Ada- I . uiautine and Tallow Candles, Crockery, Boots I and Shoes, Cotton Cards, Saddles and Bri- I dies, Snuff, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., Which they offer at wholesale and retail, i —ALSO,— Mesa Pork, Bacon, Lard, Meal (Fresh.) Dried Fruits, Cabbage, FRESH up country Butter. jj^'-W e are Agents tor the sale of Stoddard’s Cele brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. Y. prices. Manufactured Tobccco at Factory prices. Jan’y 28, 1854. yotice lo the 'Pravcllini> I*tthlic. rB'^HE Stage leaves Warsaw daily (except Saturday) Jl at 7 o’clock, p. m., after the arrival of the even ing train from the North, and arrives at Fayetteville next day by 0 o’clock, a. m., in time for the Stage to Salem: which leaves Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesd;.ys. and Fridays, at 4 o’clock, p. m., and &vrivcs at Salem n«xt day by 2 p. m. Returning, leaves Salem Tues, days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at G »’clock, p. m.- arriv’es ut Fayetteville next day by 4 p. m., in time for the Stage to Warsaw; which leaves Fayetteville^ tlaily (except Saturday) at 6 p. m., and arrives at Warsaw next day by 5 a. m., in time to connect with the train North or South. Tickets from W’arsaw to Salem, $12. From Warsaw to Fayetteville, $4. To other points on the road in proportion. McKINNON. Fayetteville, March 18, 1854. 80-tf I he OLD NORTH STATE in 177G, BY Rev. Dr. CARUTIIERS. COPIES of Dr. Caruthers’s new work on * " " " the “Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character, chiefly in the Old North State.’’ Just received, for sale wholesale an*! retnil, hr E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 2t). NOTICE. flHE SUBSCRIBER has removed to SHAW'S NEW BUILDING, (iil- lespie Street, where he intemls car rying on the T.\IL,Oi£B.\Cii Bl SI- NESS in all its branche.- Having had practical experience in most of the .At lantic cities, he feels assure«J that he can please the most fastidious. All orders will be executed witii neat ness and despatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28. 1853. 81-tf PLMP8. ■ lORCE and Suction Pumps, r Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS, .Market Square. March 30. Turpentine! Turpentine We want to buy Turpentine, deliv ered at our Still in C&mpbellton. ^=>oDR. STRONG’Six^ I COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLSj These PHI* are riitlrcl> »i»d are a moat superior Medicine in the cure of nH liilinus Oom- plaints, Chillt and f^trer. Vyspfptia, Oi)^ivetias. Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Sick Headache. fiiU Hheum, Fevers of all kindt, Lott nf Appetite, OOttrucUd and painful Menttrualian. and all lin~ ffering dittattt. As a Female Mcdicine they act like a chsrin. and wh*n taken according to the directionc, th*y never fail to cure the worst eaaeii of Piles, after all rther remedieii fail. They purify the 'blood* eqnallie the elrcula- (loiif restore the Liver, Kidneys, and other Se cretory Orsans, to a hcaHhy tone and action; and as an Anti-Bilioas Family Medinne they have no equal, rrioe 25 cents per box. Also X~=> • DR. |STRONG’S'c=- PECTORAL'STOMACH PILLS A remedy far Oought, Ooldt, Catarrh, Bronchitit, Oroup, Whooping Cnugh, Asthma. Oontumpiion. Xerrout Diseatet. Dytpeptia, Oo^ tivenett, Erytipelat, Dxseasr of the Heart, Inflammation and Pain in the Chest, Back and Side, and all disecaet arising from, a d» rangfd state nf the Shmach, and tn rdiere the distrett and feeling frcm eating too hearty fond, in weak and dyspejjtie halnts. WABRAirrED TO BE PUEELY VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Expectorant. Tonic, and Aperient. One 25 cent box possesse.-* tlireo times more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Symps. Balsams, or ?a«a- parillas, that were ever made; and a mmple trial of only one l»x will proTe this important truth. They promote Expectoration, Ijoosen me Phlesm, and Clear the Liinss and other SMrc^ tory OrKann, of all morbid matter, and there is act another remedy in the whole .'Isterii impartinf; such healing properties to the Lungs ana Vital Or- March 1, 1854. JESSUP & CO. 76tf itans as these Pills’ They'Cnre Cortlveness, prodnce A regular Appct*t*» »«l Stren§^tnem tne Ss'stem* . Price 25 oentfi per box. oontaininff -5 acMics oiMedjc»e. Call on the Atront^ who sell the Pill?, and fc«t the PUmUTt Mmanac gratis, full particular* and ccrtiflr^tw of cures. Bocli kinds of the above-named Pills a.e for sale Bvei-y Town and Village in North and Sontn Carolina. Ill Fayett*^vill«, by S. J. IIIlfSOALiE uud ja:»ie»5.^. [i9y