□ S EUI-WEEKL. Y. V >1.. IV-1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 4, 1854. [NO. 354.] I . , i> \ii)N!>\V. AM* THUUSD.WS. ^ \i;il .), IIALK & SON, \NI> ritOlMUI-TORS. I , -ip.W.'t'klv (>!i«KKVKR if paid in s ’, 'lO if I' l'J 'I'H'i”? the year of subscrip- ^ tin- your bus expire;!. . , KU 00 per aiiuum, if paid in Mt it 'liirin" the year of subecrip- s:', I'll alter the year has expirixl. NTS iiiticrfetl for sixty cents per ., ' iu - t"i' tlie lu>t, au'l thirty cents f«r each j.,;5 iii iti"'!- Vearly advertiseiuents by spe- r,. :ii reasonable rates. Advertisers are it‘ the imnil)Or of insortions desired, or , till forbid, and charged accord I.ct!or> to t!ie i'Mitors muait be post-paid I,lies I’riine Hay. ■ Kmi'ty Sj irit Carrels, . rive I :ind tor sale by A. J. O’HANLON. 62-lm m:w books. Ij j;T\ I.KAUKI'.S, by Haldvrin, Author of Flush \ 1‘>i;v: ^well Life at Sea. U ake Uif'f and Know Nothing Token for : > Illustrated Natural History. >i,liter's (’onipaniou; Men and Women of the ■iturv. I>y iloussaye; High Life in New York, by - i:- llobert Bruce, the Hero King; Hart’s I), . k f l’'ictrv. Queechy, &c. E. J. HALE .J- SON. LA.XD! LAAD!! Snb'\ riher offers for SALE the following Tracts : Laud: iM^ t coiuaixiiug 15,85li acres, recently surveyed 1„ lu'beson, one among the best surveyed in the Tliis tract is one of the most desirable and con- : >;tuations for the Turpentine and Lumber busi- . the District; it lies in Chesterfield District, . on the waters of Big Lynches and Big Black iiiijiiiuiiig the Lands of John Gardner, Angus 1. lUlliaiu King, Kinneth Morrison and others, t is mostly all level pine land, with no improve- : : importance. u . -t couiaiuing 1,710 acres, no improvement, ;; I undance. . . t c ntaining 400 acres, (more or less,) well Aiiu pine—ili miles from Cheraw, uo im- tr.ici v.taining 12U0 acres, whereon Poplar ,v r .,L.j wrouud is situated, first rate pine land— _ ! u spring ot water as any. ,, t: . t ci'Utaining 2.(MM* acres, (more or leas,) i'ariiiiiituu District, adjoining the lands of Kiu;.. Kenneth Morrison, laud known as the .T ;:iiid ou l!ig Black creek, whereon New Market lUa—Jacob Kelly’s land, the estate of Buriel .. Vir.i. Kelley’s and others. There is some first ! irniin'.' land on this tnict. .it-c lr:lct^ were mostly surveyed by Josiah Canty, hi? tifst surveys. ■ii ii all. or any of the above named tracts low s;U. “r good papers. ■ iirthcr particulars address the Subscriber at T-iw. S. I : rwurn all person, or persons of trespassing ,i,v .t the above named lands, without mv permit. B. C. CASS ADV. i t.-J', l'o4. 62-:it .MONEY. ii'like to allu'le to unplea.=ant subjects du ring these hard times, but if our customers accounts have beeu lying over for one .r>. wnuM call and pay us, we would be ... It U'lt couvt-nieiu to call in person, remit- ... i.. We would almost cousent to pay post- '■liif "f the (’ash. J. Oi T. WADDILL, Hay .St. r-7, I '-'l. -jl-'tf A WANTI'.I). \\ v.ith !i -mall family, to take charge of my :i u ufni' Fayetteville, on the first of Jan- •, - an ovtrseer. Evidence of sober and in i' i :i'it~ will be rejuired. JNO. WADDiLL, Jr. :7. 1"'.}. o2tf TIIOS. J. JOHNSON • rtifiving his Fall Stock of Dry Gools, •1 ■ Ihr'lwarc, Heady-Made Clothiu", Boots, ■•• s. .VC.,—compr)sinj{ a general nssortnient. • r . tine city-made Calf Boots, line Dress, Frock - r ■ !it3. Thi« stock is offered at wholesale or ■ I'b. bitrter, or on time as usual. The stock '•ry heavy embracing nearly all the kinds t!.;. r i^ion, from the finest gaiter to the Iteavi- -Hii. A Uirge lot fine Candles. • T the Cape Fear Bank, Person Street. >'.1. 51-lm $882,228 00 $10-4,Gt)‘> 01 3«,085 35 ( CLL'ii-lIOLSE GiN. 'Q* ' !. Sut serihers, importers of the staple produc- ti i.s „f Holland and its Colonies, offer to the . • . .lo ir i.r iiid of (,'lub House Gin, contained in - '! li: 1) :teh fiask.s each. This Gin is of a quality ■ 1.1 ;.iit li-i(;t( fore unknown in commerce, being ■ • j.uio ill its finest drinkable condition and ^ r. -'.( I, ,1^ iisi 'l in the first Club Houses in Hol- ■‘ i- It i' evprc sly made ff r us, under the superin- ■ . ii >.. f .1 .,ur j.;irtiier, .\lr. U ni. S. Campljell, estab- ■' 1 I• ^ ih iuy years in Kotterdam. I! ' I ' l.iiilciiiiy recoinniended to our friends, and • ii ,rly to those who u.se it medicinally, as an ' t !ia- no e'ju.'il in this market. t'AMrUKl.L BKOTHKKS. 4 Pine St., >;ile l,y .J. .S.MITH, Druggist. I ^lU'itcuDf, Nov. 21, yl-tf roii SALE. •\'1U..S ui' superior land on the Western 1‘liuik lloiol, lour miles above Carthage, .ri‘ i-oiiiity. lying oi\ IVichlaiid Creek. It is said to tlie l>est 1- arming luml in the county, and will be 1 ;.t tlie reduced jjrice of Five Dollars per acre, if I 11'1 tor on or before the l.)tli December next. T. «. LUTTEKLOH. ' 22. 51.3w Second Pail and Winter Stock >ST lKli & WILLIAMS A lll'l tiow receiving tlieir SK(’)ND STOCK of F.\LL an l WlN l i.K GOODS recently purchased by one lir!:i at prices iiiucii lower than those of the I’-'irt of the .se.ison, among whicli mny be seen .1 srij:xi/i/) sEi.HVTiox ov i;i)OU,S, ,\.\D .}IEK1A0 S11.\\\S, with a large assortment of MADE ( LOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES AND UMBHELLAS. " liijleside buyeis are respectfully invited to exam- tiieir goods. A lar^o (juaiitity ul' Manut'actured ''Jl.\(,(,(>, ol various brands and prices, for sale by STEDMAN & HOKNE. July 20, lbo4. Ititf I" nycftcvil/c ^fiitual Insurance (Jompany. iu successful operation , since heb’y 1853. It has paid all losses prompt ly, u'ithout any (iKntssment, and it has still a small cash capital on hand. Policies issued up to Kith May, No. 09. covering property to value of !**!,151,862 00 Policies cancelled and expii-ed, 2G9,f)34 00 Amount now insured, Amount Premium Notes, Do- do. cancelled and expired, Do. d(v now on hand, $128,684 26 Aremping 14 57-100 per cent, on the amount insured. Cash premiums rec^jf^l, $8,258 01 Fire losses adjust^and paid, $4,1)17 2J' The Board take pleasure iu stilting that the Compa ny is now in a condition to merit public confidence.— It is extnhlixhcd upon a founiiation tc/tick cunnot be moved. We solicit a ebare of business. DIKECTOHS: Geo. Mc2'.biii, H. L. .Myrover, C. Benbow, Henry Lilly, JajKtt J G- Shepherd. S. T. Hawley, David \ Kay, J. 1,. >,iuiams, Thos. S. Lutterloh, N. A. Sted- man, Wm, .>tv.^...arin, A. E. Hall, J. H. Cook, A. A. McKethan, ja«. t5. Cook. C. Lutterloh. OFFICERS: CEO. McNKILL, President. H. L. MY HOVER, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Secretjiry. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B. LE.MAV, General Agent. May 20, 1854. ggy TROY &, MARSH HAVE ON HAND: New Crop Molasses, Sugars, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Nail.'j, Hardware, Cutlery, Window Glass, Putty, Blacksmith Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Ada- luautiiie and Tallow Candles, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cotton Cards, Saddles and Bri dles, Snuff, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., Which they offer .tt wholesale and retail. —ALSO,— Mess Pork. Bacon, Lard, Meal (F'resh.) Drieil Fruits, Cabbage, FRESH up country Butter. are Agents tor the sale of Stoddard’s Cele brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. Y. prices. B!a^^lanufactured Tobccco at Factory prices. Jan'y 28, 1854. G6-tf Kvi: wnisKEv. ^'kOCTOR Frank Williams’ rectified Rye Whiskey can at all times be found at our Wivrehouse by the Cask. We have been selling this Whiskey for the last seveu years and know it to be as good, if not supe rior to any Whiskey manufactured in .Vmerica. J. T. WADDILL. Sept. 20, 1854. 33-tf CASH OR iurti:r. rH^HE subscribers offer for cash, barter, or approved JL paper— HHDS. MOLASSES. tIIF 10,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon. 2tKl bales Hay. 20 bbls. Me.ss Pork. tiOO sacks Salt. 5 casks Rice. 85 bbls. Refined Sugar. 40 kegs Nails. iO bbls. Glue. 500 casks Lime. Osnaburgs, Sheetings, and Cotton Yam, by the bale. The above Goods will be sold very low, if applied for soon. BENBOW, KYLE k CO. July 5, lho4. lltf ?Sorlh Carolina ('u^.simeres. R. JAMES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by ('ar son, Young Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg County, N. C., where consumers and merchants can be supplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being cijual in durability, anil as permanent in col or, as any goods of si/nilar char.-icter manufactured or sold in the C. .S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. Sept. y. 27tf JTire Insurance* '■IHE .ETN.V Insurance (’ompany of Hartford, hav- ing paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the lato Legislature, will continue its Agency in Fayetteville, under tlie manageiuent of the undersitou'd, who is prepared to issue i’olicies of liisxirance t>n BuiM- iugs or (ioods, either iu this Town or iu auy part of the State, »n proper application, description of the Property. &c. The -ETN.V »'OMPANA' has been in operation about 30 years. Its capital is l§i:S00,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still lu lds tiiat office; and several rjf its fir'll Directors are still active and efficient members of the IJo.-ird. It has at all times stistained the highest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which if has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. NEW BOOKS. Babylon and Nineveh. Layard’s Second Kx- pedition; Fr >aks of Fortune, by J. 1$. Joues; Alice Seymour; Ned Musgrave, by Theo. Hook. ■\lso, further sujiplies of Capt. Cauot; “Alone”; Hard Times, bv Dickens. Just received. Oct. Iti. E. J. HALE & SON. COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS Tliene Pill)( are V-»ii«l ure a moHt superior Mefllrliie in flu* riii>nf nil /lilinut Om- fiUunU, ChtlU and Hv'r. Liver Cimiplaint. Jaunditx, Sick Hea'lacJit. ti-rn/uia, Itheum. Fevers of all Kindx, Lots of Ap}>fiiU, ObntrucUd and jxiin/ul M€nstr>iatinn, and all lin- gf.ring diseases. As a Female Medicine thpy act like a rbnrm, an^ wlx'n takpn according to the ilrer1ion!>. they n*‘Vt-r fsfl to cure the worrt cases of Piles, after all other ri’nu-dies fail. They pnrify tli« blood, eqnalize the rircula* tion, restore the liiver. Kidneys, aii(^ other Se" cretory Orf^ans, to n healthy tone and action: and as an Anti-liilioiis Family Medicine they have do equal. Price 25 cents per box. AI.«o DR. STRONG’S' BaBg/ A remtdyfor Oought, Colds, Catarrh. JfronrUfit, Ormtp. Whooping Omtghy Asthma, fhnsumption. yervout Distaset, Vyspeptia, Co^ tivmrss, Kryhwhit. Disease, of the Heart, Ivflanmaiion and Pain in thf ChetL, Bark avd Side, and all diseases arising frtim a df ranged state of the. Htumach, and to relieve the diUreu and fcad feeling frrm eating too hearty fond, in weak and dyspeptic habits, WAEEANTED TO BE PUEELY VEGETABLE. These Pilla act as an Expectorant, Tonic, and Aperient. One 2.') cent box pooeetuie.a three times more power to cure dioeaPes than a one dollar hottle of any of the Pyrnpp. Balsamf. or Sars;> paiillas, that were ever maile; aud a simple trial of only one box * rUif”’'® i“portant truth. promote Kxpertoratlont I^oosen the Phlejfim, and Glcar the Innf;s ancl other 8ecre“ Orfjans, of all morblfl matter* and there i« not another remedy in the whole Mnterin JFedica capable of impartinK such healinc r>mperti,-.s to the Lunms and Vital Or- i^ans aa ^ese Fills. They Cure Costlveneasy prodnca n good, regular A|i|ietlte, imil Stren«then the System* ” Price 2.5 cnnts per box. contftininj 2.5 dopes of MedWne CaU on the AgenU who sell the fills. «nd get the rianifj^l Almanac OR.tns. Kiviug full p.in, .ainr» and certificaten of cure?. Both kinds of the nhove-nammi lilU uri* for sale In Every Town and Villasre in North am Caroliiiu. Ill Fayetteville, hy S. J. III.W$>iDAI.ii:. and JAiWEK X. Blank Warrants for sale here. Sash, Blinds and Doors. G. S. BUIE (sL CO. ^ RE now putting up in this place Machinery of the moat improved kind for the manufacture of SASH, BLINDS and DOOKS, which will enable us to furnish a good article and at less price than they have ever been sold in this market. —ALSO— Ornamental Mouldings of all kind, length and size. Machinery expected in a few days for planing, tongue- ing and grooving Flooring. All orders addressed to Q. S. Buie & Co. will receive prompt atteotion. G. S. BUIE & CO. Fayetteville, Nov. 11, 1854. 48tf Argus and Carolinian six mo. Dental and Surgical Inslriimcnts, ^JJAGNETO Electro Machines, a large assortment just received and for sale by Not. 8. J. N. SMITH. 47-tf N. O. MOLASSES. IN 40 gallon casks, a prime article. J. & T. WADDILL. Nov. 8, 1854. 47-tf WIIJJAM A. GWYER, FORW.\RDING .^M) COMMISSION MERrilANT, AND DISTILLEUS’ AGENT, Wilmington, N. C. PERSONAL attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval Storks. I have ample facilities for conducting the business; and extensive Wharves and Warehouses to protect Spirits Turpentink from ex posure. N.WAt Stokks, Flouk, Cotton, &.O., will be shipped to any House in New Vork, or to other Markets if desired; and liberal Cash Advavces made on con signments. 1 refer to the following Distillers: — E. 11 annum, Wayne county. E. n. Woodard & Co., Earpsborough. W. Earpe & Co., “ A. G. Thornton Esq. .Johnston county. Spencer Fountain, Esq. “ B. li. Hinnant, Esq. “ Messrs.'Uridges & Durham, “ “ Blow & O’Neal “ “ Searles & .•Vdams, Sampson county. » M. & G. Lee, D. T. Durham, “ B. Godwin, Esq. Robeson county. C. W. Crawford, Esi. “ Lovet Peacock, Esq. Columbus county. W J. Outland & Co., Bladen county, Jtc. June 9, 1854. 4-tf SPRli\ (/'supply. Drs. FOVLKES & UtACRAE, f* Retail Dritgjhtgj Are now receiving their Spring and Sum mer supply of Dntjrs,Mcdiclnc.s Chemicals, Dye-Woods and Dye-Stuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painters’ Articles, VARNISHES, French, English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Stipporters of all kinds. Pure Wines and Brandies for Medical purposes. Extracts for Flavoring, Choice Toilet and Fancy .\rticles, &c. They make their purchases for Cash, and offer gools equally as low as thej' can be obtained from any similar estaldishment in this section. Warranted to be I’resh, Pure and Genuine. Orders from the country promptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantiel with regard both to price and quality. Hav street, next door West of II. E. J. Lillj’. March 17, 1>'.4. 80tf Sieani Enjjines—FayeUeville Manuiacture. W' E are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacttiring STEAM ENGINES, from five to sixty horse power, which we can furnish on as favorably terms .ns any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. An Engine of our own manufactura be s«en in operation at the Foundry. HALL & BOLwa...VGER. Dec 7, 1853 ol-tf Pure East India Castor Oil. WE have just received a supply of Pure East In dia CASTOR OIL, without taste or smell, first introduced by us into this market last Spring. FOULKES & M.\CRAE. March 17, 1854. 80tf 500,000 ll)s. Cotton and l^inon RAc;s wanted. f jBlHE subscriber will pay the highest market price -H. for any quantity of clean Linen and Cottou Rags. DAVID MURPHV. Feb’y 1854. 74tf ,$100 liEWAIID. AN.VWAY from the subscriber, two Negro Girls and four Children, viz: MARTHA, a bright mu- altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her two girl children, Frances and Ann; H.^NN.AH, copper colored, ab«ut the same height of .Martha. Hannah took with her two male children, Lewis and John. The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate of George T. Barksdale, and arc supposed to be lurking about the Cape Fear, about Mr. Winslow’s plantation* The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET R. PETERSON. September 6, 185S, 2(»-tf M A R n L E T'A C TOR Y. Bv tnd South GEO. LAUDER. TWII UnnLS .IBOVe C. T. IIAICII i. SII.WS STOKE, Fayetteville, IV. .lan’y 20, 1854. '^14y-pd UEDUCEI) fare" Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare .$'13. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richaiond, & Wash- ingtonCity, orvia Weldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Office of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wilming ton, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Koad Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. 53-tf Fall Trade, 185:3. I have received my Fall Stock of fPry (jroods, Groceries, My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of pur- \ny kind »f Produc# taken ia exchange chasers, Oct. 3, 1853. JAS. G. COOK. 32tf LAND BROKER. I HAVE so many inquiries about Turpentine Lands, that I have concluded to offer my services to buy and sell. Those having Lands for sale will furnish me plots and quantity, together with a fair description and price.— My commissions shall be moderate. JAS. G. COOK. Nov. 21, 1853. 46tf NEW I^OKS. ~ C IRUDEN’S CONCORDANCE, Tom Owen’s Hi e of V the Bee Hunter; Further supplies of Fashion and Famine; Katharine Ashton, Wellington and Peel, Flush Times in Mississippi and Alabama, &c., &o. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 20, 1854. ttiUiard Tahlen for Sale, IH.VVE two good Billiard Tables with all the fix tures, which I will dispose of on reasonable terms if application be made soon. JAMES HALES. Aug. 21, 1854. 24-tf mum & jEscp, Wo. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and VVoolIeii Miicliiiiery, Ma chiiiists’ Tools, Leather Belting &c., —ALSO— ^SIlaiiiifUc’tiirer’8 Articles’’ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Comprising Belting, Card Clothing, Bobbins, Shuttles, Pickers, Roller 8kins. Roller Cloth, Oils, &c. Dec. 27, 1853. 57tf I aycffeville Candy Manufactory. ^■^HE subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- A perior article of plain and fancy CANDIES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to see his old friends aud customers. CHARLES BANKS. March I. 185.3. 73tf STEDMAN & HORNE, Dry Gnodsy [Tardware^ Groceries^ ^c rAYETTKVII^I^E, If. C. 'MMT'OULD respectfully inform the citizens and the ▼ w public generally, that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock of Goods, consisting of Dn/ Goods Groceries, Uardware, fcc. A variety of Hats, suitable for the seaaon; Ladies' and Ucntlemen's Boots, Shoes and Slippers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; a great many articles in the ladies’ line, and we would be pleased to have them to call and examine for themselves. All orders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 30, 1853. 81tf CHURCH MUSIC ^I^HE Christian Ministrel, by J. B. Aikin; Harp of f the South, by Woodbury; Presbyterian Psalmodist; Southern Harmony; with other kin^s of Church Music in general use. E. J. HALE & SON. Coods! Goods! We have opened our Store in Camp- bellton. We offer low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS aud GROCERIES. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. 76tf Coopers’ Tools, and all qualities of Glue for Distillers use, for sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. June 12, 1854. 4tf 2000 Spirit Barrels for sale by McLAURIN & STRANGE. June 12, 1854. 4tf Large Supply of Books and Stationery. E are just receiving our new stock of Books and V w Stationery, embracing School, Law, MciMc.tI and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books of every description; Writing Papers, every kind and pnce; Drawing Papers, Tissue Paper, iWstol Hoards, Tracing Paper, Perforated Boards, white and colored; Copying Books, and Copying Ink; Envelope Paper, Envelopes, of almost every quality, price and size; Slates and Pencils; Drawing Pencils; Newman’s .ind Osborne's English and American Water Colors; Hair Pencils; Steel Pens and Pen Holders; Quills; Red, Black and Blue Ink; Indelible Ink; Ink Stands: Rulers; Sealing Wax; Wafers; Mathematical Instruments; Bank er’s Walletts; Pocket Books and Porte Monaies; Tooth Brushe>?; Thermometers; &c., Rodgers’s and Woaten- holm’s Superior Pocket and Pen Knives; Razors, and Razor Straps; Cabas, or Ladies Reticules; Rosewood and Mahogany Writing Desks and Work Boxes, and niauy other articles unnecessary to enumerate. We would call the attention of country Mer chants, and others t.o our New Stock, which we are prepared to sell on the best terms for CASH, or on credit to punctual customers. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 27, 1854. Henry’s Commentaries on the Bible, in 6 volumes, 8vo sheep. Scott’s Bible iu 6 volumes, and the same in 3 vol. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 27. NEW BOOKS. A Motu, or Reef-Rovings in the South Seas; Freaks of Fortune by J. B. Jones; History of Cuba, by Ballou; The Money Maker, and other Tales by Jane C. Campbell; Our Folks at Home, by Edw’d Tolliver. Alice Seymour, by Mrs. Grey; Ned Mus grave, by Tljeodore Hook; 2d Series of Fanny Fern’s Portfolio: Peter Schlemihl in America, Laconia, or Le gend of the White Mountains; Romance of Travel; Ad ventures of Hunters and Travellers; Thrilling Stories of the Forest Frontier; A Child’s History of England by Dickens; The Camp Fires of Napoleon; Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson, by Frost; Peterson’s Familiar Science; Chambers’s Miscellany, &c. £. J. HALE & SON. Fall and Winter Goods. •r. 4* T, WaddiU., HAY STREET, 4 RE now receiving their Pall and Wint«r GOODS, consisting of a large and well selected stock of Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksmiths^' Tur pentine Tools, Agricultural Im plements, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry Goods. Who vrould haTe thought it? This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. 43tf We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. A. J. O’HANLON ■p" b AS removed to the Brick Store next west of the Jk.iL Bank of Fayetteville, where he oflFers for sale low for Cash, Good Notes, or in exchange for country Produce, 80 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 “ Laguira Coffee, 6 Hhds. P. R. Sugar, 50 Bbls. Coffee Sugar, 15 Hhds. Molasses, 50 Kegs Nails, 75 Boxes Candy, 40 Bags Shot, 1000 Libs. Bar Lead. ALSO, Windsor Glass, Putty, Soap, Indigo, Madder, Sale- eratus. Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Painted Pails, Brooms, Candles, Ink, &c. Country Merchants will find it to their advantage to look over the above stock before purchasing elsewhere. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 2. 36-2m A new Cctrriage Establishment on the MUitai'y Oreen, opposite the JUethodist Churchy fronting on Mumford Street. GREAT ENT^PRISE! Fayetteville is bonnd to §liine!! The Subscribers would respectfully inform thei*" friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. James H. Piek. Jamks Branin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf AI.MANACS FOR 1855. VL.'\K(iE supply of Famer’s & Planter’s and Turner's N. C. Almanacs for 1855, just received E. J. HALE .J- SON. bySept. 23. 24- Cartli Hotel. AVING recently purchased the above Establish ment from Malcom Kelly, Es^ , I am now pre pared to entertain in a comfortable Jianner those who may give mo a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost lers, and .a disposition to accommodate, I trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me ifith their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, Dec. 5, 1853. 51tf Shemwell House, .S Fayetteville, N. C., East side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar- ket House. ^MIHE subscriber begs leave to announce to the citi- lens of Fayetteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the reception and entertainment of any who may wish per manent or transient Board. His Rooms are large and comfortable, and his Table shall always be furnished with the best the market will afford. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business.— No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectftilly solicited. Charges shall be moderate P. SHEMWELL. Feb’y 15. 1854. 7Itf FmHTiR^MlLLSTOl.' Crreat Reduetioa in Price. EGENTON, MORRIS & CO. CCONTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly J on hand French Burr •JfMUlstones Of all dimensions, warranted to be of best quality, be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarries in France. They k«ep for sale Cologne, Cocalica and Esopus Mill stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, &c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to. R. m. ORREL.L., Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. March 11. 1853. 76tf Giirs Ne Phfs Ultra BI RNISH. r^H^HE Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of some ex- JL perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a detideratum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man’s “understanding” a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is "OUTs ne plus ultra Burnish." He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at Mr. Nathan Sikes’ boot and shoe establishment, on Person street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov. 9, 1853. 47tf 400 Hearns Writing Paper, EMBRACING French, English and American Cap, Letter, Commercial Note and other Writing Pa pers, of all kinds, and at prices r.-inging from the low est up. Also, Antiquarian, Double Elephant, Royal, Medium, Demi and Cap Drawing Paper; Demi and Cap Bristol Boards; Perforated Boards of all descriptions; Buff En velope, or Post Office Paper; Blotting Paper, &c. 50,000 Envelopes, of every quality and description. Just receiving. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct’r 2. CHARLES KLIFFMULLER, 80LB AGENT IJI THE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA FOB EGGERT & CD’S Manufactory of Grand Square and Upright PIAN4I FOKTES, NO. 282 PR.\TT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Office at Raleigh, at Fr. Mahler & Co’s. “ “ Fayetteville, Fayetteville Hotel Building. Old Pianos taken in exchange. Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. The Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their Grand, Square and Upright Pianos, of 6}, 6|, 7 and 7J octaves, for which the Maryland Institute, for the promotion of Mechanic Arts, has awarded the first premium ever awarded by that Institute for improvement in Grand and Square Pianos. These Pianos are in large sized, highly fin ished cases of Rosewood, with entire iron frame, con structed in the most substantial manner, with all the modern improvements. The manufacturers use none but the very best sea soned timber, and materials of the choicest qualities, that enable them to warrant their instruments to stand any climate. The Firm has a patent Right action, operating on such principles that friction is almost entirely relieved or avoided, and their piano can therefore never get out of order. For chasteness of design, elegance of finish, as well as for fullness, richness, and beauty of tone, these Pianos rank foremost, and are equal to any made here or in Europe. Wherever these Pianos have been introduced, they have given, in every instance entire satisfaction. We warrant our instruments to stand good for five years under careful treatment, and will receive them back and substituti; others, any time within the first «x months from tl e sale of it, if it shall not prove satisfactory. EGGERT & CO., 232 Pratt Street, Baltimore. May 20, 1854. 98tf TO PASSENGERS. The Steamer SUN will leave this place every TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 15 minutes after Sunrise; and Wilmington every WEDNESDAY and SA TURDAY, at 12 o’clock, with Passengers and Freight. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. Fayetteville, May 31, 1854. 1-tf LUTTERLOH & CO. ri^HE undersigned having on the 20th May last form- ed a Copartnership under the name and style of “LUTTERLOH & CO,” for the purpose of transacting a general Boating business on the Cape Fear River, the Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has been repaired, and is now in superior order for freighting and carrying passengers. She will make regularly two trips a week, leaving Fayetteville Mondays and Thursdays at 15 minutes after Sunrise, and Wilmington Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 o’clock. The Steamer Rowan with a full complement of Flats will make one trip or more a week, as circumstances may require. The Boats of this line being of very light draft of water, shippers may rely on dispatch. The Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two trips a week, for the last twenty-two months, up to the 20th May, during the lowest state of the River. Shippers by our line may rely with certainty on dis patch. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. J. F. MARSH, Agent Fayetteviile. T. S. LUTTERLOH, H. B. ELLIOTT, J. F. MARSH, W. P. ELLIOTT, J. B. TROY, Jr. July 25, 1854. 17tf Wilder''s Patent Salamander Safe. WE keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; and desirous of extending the demand for them, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. D. & W. McLAURIN, Agents. June 10, 1854. 4tf M. A. BAKER’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GUN AKD RIFLE MANUFACTORY. 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT of double and single- barrel Shot Guns; Game Bags: Shot Pouches: Powder Flasks; Drinking Cups and Flasks; Percussion Caps, of American, English and French make; Colt’s Repeating, Allen’s Revolving, Maynard’s Repeating and Revolving Pistols, with Revolving Hammers; Al len’s single Self-Cocking, from 2 to 6 inches; German Pistols of all qualities; Bowie Knives; Hunting Knives; Blowing Horns; Cane Guns; Air Guns. All of which are offered at wholesale or retail, on moderate terms. Rifles made to order, and warranted to shoot from 100 to 900 yards. A good assortment constantly on hand. Jobbing of all kinds executed with promptness and on reasonable terms. All orders promptly attended to. Opposite the Post OflSce, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 4, 1854 28tf Pagers Improved Patent Circular Saw Mills. OEORCi^E PAOE & CO., N. Schroeder St., “near ^'est Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Respectfully inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have greatly enlarged their manufacturing establishment, and that their fa cilities are now such as to enable them to execute all orders, with promptness, for their CELEBRATED PA TENT PORTABLE circular SAW MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, as also STEAM POWERS of all sizes and kinds, HORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, CORN AND COB CRUSH ERS, together with various other machines and imple ments to economise labor. Since their Circular Saw Mills were invented by, and patented to the Senior Partner, they have made many improvements which render theta perfect in all their details, and justly entitle them to be considered among the greatest labor saving inventions of the age. A Phamphlet containing fall descriptions of their three classes of Mills, prices, terms, capacity for sawing, Ac., will be sent to any Gentleman applying for one by letter, post paid. Having recently obtained damages in an action brought in the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, for an infringement of their Patents Rights, they hereby forwarn the public from purchasing Mills, similar to theirs, from unauthorized builders, or their Agents. Agent at Faycttoville, N. C., JNO. M. BOSE. May 26, 1854. 800Y JONES’S DIGEST OF Reported Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, from Dec. 1845 to August 1853, inclu sive, embracing all decisions subsequent to Iredell’s Digest and previous to Dec. 1853. By Hamilton C. Jones, Esq. Reporter to the Supreme Court. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. WANTED. ■m BUSHELS of Rye; 500,000 lbs. well J. W dried Bye straw, for which the k'lgb. est market prices will be paid on delivery at our Store in Lower Fayetteville. JESSUP & CO. July 1, 1864. 10-tf