:rv . n>i . >-asr Ptxr.,] , J.' *11t .. ‘■thV;,. oaf r ,' ^ t ''ive,''“ - •’ JnkV •5.->-,. (*■'':'■: .V '•‘"(ill,.I i‘Jiliri. I r ■ '■■ ‘i\. /' V ^ '»l Ai, ‘^'V‘'ri, -Ot. 'I \U|; li,|T ■ ^ • :ii r. , -'■ '*»'! ;v/ ■ iS'i **! t . urt •■ V ’lUfiit t , i^.Vv.'*- ‘V n-U;.‘v,‘' ' « •'ourt “AU; . >HV 11,. W,r ti" th. !;■ JhSSl I* .. •' '-■tf xls! ■'> Camp. JKsscp r., !>ult.‘ !?v ^iTlUXGE. 4t!' V(‘s! Spirits iiarrei sii J. ;-e,, JESSL'I’ I’i. 7-;tf uKn(;. ' iiinuv 1 iiH}rg::usr fw n, Ml be uiy.p,;;,: JAS. G. :ir •L’tf"' I*,,' > ' I id UK'. 'o. 18 T!iw rrcTs^-i 'N. .IS, widk>. iiV. ,:.] :liza Mcjamel. ■ce uii'; .iiiier frt;iM! ch i; -pjuL Aj ,£T They :;r? jrTilf.] ise nc( imnif' iai;}ns by stri'’f .tieLfi.it it ii ■- , —r* .r iiiicas liA.NK.-, A,.-;. F» v-'i;-?:!',. I5V\:;s. Agt at 'Vi]K’:;;l Ij; L'^t:' :rsijrued costinue he LIVERY BU.'I- plac*". Thej h»ve ricre.i«ei their St >ck ffer to the, a'r if »• Cairiiige.' an! l»n- fuund ic tne ■■‘.•u:L- r tbe large patron- •licit t\ C'intinas:i"n satijfactorr trip to f Muinf'irJ Virfet. tlwttvs be found. -•? .utt>‘r’ 'h. POUKKS s ( 0, 71tf { i'actory in ieii>N and tLepu^ > sulistantial Bnck for manufacturing jeral iiatr"n»gP * ,e hopes I'J 5tr« u give satisfaction, lie warr»ntsh;i irid bv experience? «i„r.- His ide in the ly VI 'jrk iti h'“ i;ewh.r-tli.tiMi sisiiki- tbe LAft- ckuwatjn, ry large iiisbed ja'lj- . ‘ /* • t II or ^' Vehicles fiD:=hel Tante.l lli bad » -rkiaan-«l“P well to c»l- and on 98tf v-> "‘'"ef-MJUuri" tre of LALIUN- McLALP VV. STBA>f • We b*^® 'ol>^eco* . _j. Toi.»cco, an • ‘“iw “ I t ITOIETIIILILII TIEIB SfiMI-WBBKL, Y. [VOL. IV.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. DECEMBER 14, 1854. [NO. 357.] PlilNl'KI' Mt)NU\YS ANH TflUKSUAYS. PjnVAKl) J. K VJ.li: A SON, \N1> l UOl’lUFTOUS. , ; \Voi. klv On'itnvtu >!o 'K) if iiaid in ('ru■ . j„ .. ^ : '0 It puiil duriiig the year of subrfcrip- „ n ,, j. 1 utter the year has expired. • 'ii- " - 'J'-' ^ if paid in alvi;K . ifp;ud during tbf year of iiibsorip- . (HI after the yf«r has expirvd. ^pVKHTlt'l-Ml'-^TS iiisPTted for sixty cents por „jr ■ 'f first, and thirty cents f«r each iiii • 1 liblicatlou. Voarly advcrti.senicuts by spe- .ii,:rai !'. r«‘:i.. nnblc rates. .Vdverti.sora are t.i 'tiite the number of insertions desired, or , ^ i,e oontiniu’1 till forbid, and charged accord , *.. !,otter? to the Editors must be post-paid. Time? to the reign of Henry \'tb, 2 vols. by Chas. ■I I’eterson's Familiar Science; The UoTcr «;’eiiii'ii (if Spiritual Songs; The Orator’s Touchstone, V n i 'h Moyneen; Latin Lessons introductory to Bnl- ,■ i-'l.itiii tirammar. by Geo. Spencer, .4.. M.; Hur- r tt«(iei'pnirhy of the Heavens with an .\tlns: li»rt':^ , Hook I'f iv>eiry; Parker's Aids to Englixli Com ^itii'ii; I’arker's Progressive Exercises in English (■ .a4H'siti 'ri, xc. &c. Further supplips of the above ik'OKsjust received. E. J. IIAU: & .SON. I'vurrrt'viiJ.K hook s'rouE. BY \. K. TAYI.OU. * H iviug putvhased .Mr. VV Jutaker's iiitereatt in tlie i I. K.iyettfvillc Ujok Store, I will continue the ■•ii'iut'S in my own name. 1 h»vc just received a iarge assortment of Books of »■ liiuils. To those favoring me with their piitronage ! will en k‘a\or to give satisfaction. -Vll the latest j u: ii'rtiii'us of the day—Magazines, Periodicals, works ,i ncti-'ii. '.VC.,—can be seen upon my table. I have sT.t.i:' ■ uts by vrhicb any btiok, not alroa'ly on band, can I.' suj'pHed at the shortest notice. All I a.sk is a ..;.^e to prove my promptness. niy stock m;;y be found largo Family Hihles fr m -o to ylo; Presbyterian, Mothodist and U«p- ilymn iiouks; Episcopal Prayer liooks; and other r.. - books. A "d supply of 8"ll>OL ROOKS always on hand, tu, .3 Greek aud Lutin Kejiders: French, I'nglisli and ; Graniuiurs; Webster's unabridged I'ictiouary; t kinds of (.ie'grapnys, by dift/r«)nt authors; al! fr- iiticreut kinds of Arltbuietics, Spelling Uooks, ... iJi r-, ac., He.: Histories of the I’nited States, Eng- France, &c. In fact all kinds of school books u-'ii'!y 'ailed for. A assortment of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS kept - i’.itautly on hand. ST.VIU'NEUV.—White, blue, ruled aud unruled F ' ..>.-^p I’apor; Letter Paper, all sizes aud colors; Note I'lrt'r. and plain; Envelopes, large and small size, selt'-seaiing; BLANK. B(K>KS of every stie, quality '.aJ jnce; i’ass and Time Books: copy hooks; ink r; tn i>; Pen? and Pencils: slates and slate pencils; seal ing wax. tissue paper, &c.. &c. 1 w;.. sell low by the wholesale, and make a liberal ill. lUiit to schools or merchants. I reipectfully ask an examinafciou of my stock. Any Bi !; not ^>n hand can be procured in a short time. A large lot of Music for Piano and Guitar constantly on i ind \ large supply ot Melodians, Guitars, Violins, I'uriuueti, Flageolets, Flutes, Tamborinea, and In- 6tm‘'’-'-jU Cooks. My stock sh.ill be increased with the demand. (' ;:itry merchants would tind it to their advantage to give me a cail, as I think I can give satisfaction. A. E. TAYLOR, Opposite th« new College building. Nov. ‘2->, 1854' oii-tf P. S.—I have an excellent lot of choicc SEGARS anJ fine chewing Tobacco, for sale cheap. JOSEPH I5AKER, Jr., • ATTOK’VKV AT LAW, W W AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s ■ Lmw office on Green Street. He will attend and jinictic^e in tlie County and Su}>erior Courts of Cumber laud, Blatlcu, Uobeson and Sampson. -Mtjrch-J:?, 1853. 79-tf H. L. llOLiMES, Attorney at Law, WilDiington, N. C. ObfU'E on corupr of Front and Princess streets under Journal utfice. 12. 48.tf IL EHAMREirr, Confectionery and Variety Store, Lutier the Fd^rttci'We JJutrl, Hay St., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Dec’r 31, 18i>8. •58tf 1’AMir.Y (iROCEUlES. fl ST received a FRESH ai'PPLY. which will bt sold cheap for CASH. W. H. CARVER. New 1 liiiicd Buckwheat Flour in liass. Just received and for sale bv \V. li. CARVER. Xo. I Saliiioii and Mackerel, Bbls. -Qil Kits, for sale by W. H. CAR\*ER. ‘2(10 Ro.xes Sardines • s.'tle 'v and I Boxes, I and I W. II. CARVER. M Bhls. No. 1 Mullets, just received ;1 t 'T s.ile by lt I>1)1.';. best ■-■e'.ved and for sale by W. H. CARVER. Apj>le VineL^ar, |ust W. IL (’ARVER. Worth & Utley, forwarding and Genrral Commission MERCHANTS, Fnpetierillft, J%\ C. I. A. WOHTH. (72tf) JOB. UTLIT. OEO. \vTwilJ.U.\lS & co^, U ht)lfS(ile Grocers and Commisston Mrrchantx. JCST RECEIVED, a large assortment of GOODS in their line, for sale on favorable terms. July 2ti, 18^4 i7tf JAMES^ErME'lTS C'ommiaslon Fortrarditi^ Jlerchmntj WILMINGTON, N. G. Auguit 23, 1854. 2t>tf PEIRfE i WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Forri^n ami notHeHtic DRY OOOUN, HA TS, CATS. »CH)TS, SHOES, I inbrellns^ (tnd liendi^-made Clothin£r^ HAY STREET, Fay«‘U*ville, C*. Strict attention paid to orders. B. F. rE.\»CE.] [j. B. FKBGUSON. R. TiTTiRi^X; ' poRw.iRDnn ro)i>iissnix ^ierch.^^it at Fayefleville, 1%, C. March 10. 1S51. 62-tf T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Usufil advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given hy G. W'. DAVIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, &c. Jau’y 17, 1854. 63-iY' T. C. Bro. ~\VORTH, C’oniinission & Forwarding Mercliants, BROWN S BUILDING, WAT2R STREET, Wiliiiingrton, €. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1854. mssoi.uTioN. The firm of G. W. I. GOLDSTON & CO. is this Jay disKolvel by mutual consent. G. W. I GOLDSTON. R. W. GOLDSTON. Nov’r 17, 1864. The sul>scriber having purchased the interest of R. W. Goldston in the late firm of G. W. L Goldston & Co., will still continne to carry on tbe GROCERY' AND HARDWARE BUSINESS at the old stand. Tie invites all his friends to call on him when they come to market, and he will trv to make himself useAil. G. W. L GOLDSTON.- Nov’r 17, 1854. 60tf NEW MUSIC. • A NEW supply for the Piano just received. Also, xY American Violinist; Instructors for the Flute, Clarionet, Violin. Piano Forte, &c. Hunten’s Celebrated Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowei’ Piano Forte Primer; Blank Music Books; Musie paper, &c., just received. ‘ - E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 27. MASONIC WORKS. ^MIHE Templars’ Chart, by Cross; Macoy’s Masonic ■- Manual; A Pocket Companion for the Initiated; Masonic Chart, by Cross; Lexicon of Free Masonry, by McKey; New Masonic Trestle Board, by Moore; The Free Mason’s Monitor, by Z. A. Davis. E. J. HALE & SON. HATS, MPS, BOOTS AND SI10I5S, For Fall and Winter Trade. JC. THOMSON is now laying in his usual assort- • ment of the most FASHIONABLE 00YD9 in his line, which are offered J^^Chk.^p fob Cash. Please call and see for yourself, at th^old stand—Mar ket Square. J. C. THOMSON Sept. 25, 1854. 34-tf Kook-Binding. TBIIIE subscriber respectfully informs the citi»BS of I. Fayetteville, and the public, that he hat resumed his Book-Binding business, at his old stand opposite E. J. Hale ^ Son’s Bookstor«, o« Anderson street, where he will receive and execute any style desired, plain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, &•. bound to any pattern desired. Old books re-kound. Thankful for the patronage he has heretofore re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. THOMAS H. TILLINGHAST. July 81, 1854. 18tf R omoval. FRANCIS SHENTON Regs to inform his friends and the public, that he has removed to the Store adjoining George Mc Neill, Esq., Haymoimt, Fayetteville, N. C., where he now offers for sale the largest and most varied assort ment of Piiiii|>!§i and Hydraulic .Hacliines and Fixings ever oftere*! in the market, comprising Hydraulic Rams; Brass Bibb Guage and Stop Cocks, to suit every kind of wate’’ works or Steam Engines; Sheet Lead and Piping of various sizes; Lifting and Force Pumps; Garden Engines; Shower Baths, &c., of his own manufacture. A variety of articles for house hold use, such as Brass and PIatel Basin Cocks, Plug Basins. i:c. Also, A. B.\RKER’S PATENT double ac tion Lifting and Force PUMP, working in a single cy linder, without reaction of water. This Pump is made to work in Wells of any depth, and of sites to raise from 80 to 1W»0 gallons of water per minute. It is un doubtedly the most simple, durable, and efficient Pump known to the world. Sept. 4, 1854. 28tf 4mroreries—Boots JIT ^hoen. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Choice UaTana Ci^arxi. English & French Sauces, Cordials, &c. WDRAUGHON is now receiving a large aud • well selected assortment of goods in his line, selected by himself in New York; among which are tb« following, vi*: A fun xto, k choice GROCERIES. 200,000 ClGARS various hramh. One pipe very superior Old French Brantly, 0- tnrd, Dupuy d' Co. » One Jo. do. do. Alex. Si^jnett, pale.' W'ith several other brands. I*ure Bollami Gin—Ohl Jamuica & St. Croix. RIM. Old Golden and Brown Sherry Wtues. Old Port IVine. Burgundy Port, Sicily Madeira W’ine, &c. .And a vari ety of low priced W'ines. 10 bbls. pure Cider V’inegar. IN GLASS, the following, viz: Heidsic Champagne wine; JioUintjer Champatjne vine, and several other brands. Still & Sparkling Iloch wines, several varieties. IjomjworiK9, Still ir Sparkling Catawba loine. Do. do. do. Isabella, or Lady's icine. Imported Bkajjdy Cheuriks; Cukrry Bramdv. The celebrated (Herman Sfmiaeh Bitters. London PORTER and Edinburgh .\LE, in quarts and pints. London Walnut and Tomato Catsup. W’orces- tershire Sauce. Esscace Anchovies. Olives. Pate foie de gra*. Sardines; Lobsters; Orange, Lemon, Peaches, Gooseberries, &c. for Pies, &c. &c. He invites the atteution of his customers to his choice Cigars, they being superior to those usually ofTered in this market. He shortly expects direct from Bordeaux, Sardines, Salad Oil, Pickles, and many other nice things. W. DRAUGHON. Sept. 21st, 1854. 33-3m C. T. Ilnigli &. Sons —OFFER FOR SALE— ^UG.\R, Porto Rico and Cuba, in hhds., W'hite, Granulate*! and Crushed, in barrels, Rio, Laguira. and Old Java Coffee, Bagging, Rope and Twine, Starch and Soap, Mess Pork, Fish, Cheese, Axes, Hoes, .Spales, Shovels, and Trace Chains, Blacksmith Tools, New Orleans Molasses, in barrels. White Havana Sugar, Hoop Iron for Cotton, or for Turpentine barrels. Lead, Shot, Nails aud Spikes, Sperm ami Adamantine Caudles, Tanners’ Oil. Nov. 3, 1854. 4fitf JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Fall supply of 63-lY •>w lio.ves TaJlon OM .Java Colicc, «n I for sale by Cai)dle.“ w. H. 10 Ba;.« w. ii. , for .sale CARVER. ?, just re- (\\RVER. inooms, Buckcts, Tubs, Pail.s, 'I'o- t' '.". Simfl', Cigars, Powder, Shot, Percu.ssion aps. •' I’. Crackers, Cheese. Bacon, Lard, liuiter, ' r.;. I’eas, and many other articles, always on hand M'lf.r :ileby * W. 11. CARVER. N,,v. 2'.*, 1S.')4, 5:i-lm iSOO FOii Sale. SACKS LlVERPOf)L SALT, deliver- abie from the Boats next week. IN STORE. 10 Illids. iJacon .‘^ides and Shoulders. f)it Pi’f, Cciffoe. For ('.\.s|l or notes payable at Bank. T. S. LUTTLliLOH. -Nov. vU, ls.')4. 53-ow Equity Sale of Land on Upper Little River. 1^1 ItSUANT to a Decree of tlie Court of Equity, in i the case of Hvnry Evans and others, (ex parte.J 1 will sell at 111*' ('ovirt House door in Fayetteville, on *'rid:iy, the 'jtii JiiHHary next, 5:>0 acres land lying on tiie S.iuth East sidv- of Upper Little River, known as tlie ]\titri,n Liiuih, ii ljiiiiiing the lands of i' lni'l Pijikin, ■liimos !ind .losiah Park^-r. and others. The Said land will l>f sold upon a credit of I'J months, the purchaser giving bond with approved security. W. .\. UL'.SKK, Clerk and .Master. December 1, 1854. 5I-ts STOW cV SMAR'r, SUCCESSORS TO— TIIOnY.S A: FK.Y.\liLr\, COMMIS.SION MElUniANT^, DfiihTs 111 Foreiin luitl iiiirdware, No. 128 Pearl Street, and '.1 Water Street, .\i:u vos:34. Jiily8, IS51. 12-6mpl Aorlh Oaroii mt (\ts.si.i,if‘,res. HU. J.VNIKS (}. COOK has on h:ini a full stock of Rock Island Ciuwimeres, m.inufjictured by Car- sj'H, Youn;z & Grier, at their .Mill iu Mecklenburg * "uiity, N. where consumers and merchants can be ^upl'lied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics !is bcirifr equal in durability, and as permanent in col- ;is any goods of siniilnr character manufactured or 8'''d ill the U. S. They invite the most full and thor- t'aj'h tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in pruportion to their merits. Sept. y. 27tf CHARLES BANKS, r O.VrJE € TMO*Y£ R, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign Fruits, 2^uts, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, frc. RTKEET, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf J. S. BANKS^ ComiiiiK^^Ioii iVlerchaut, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 19, 1S.53. 29tf STARR &L WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and nomrntie MPry Goods, HAY Fayetteville, N. C. J. B. STARR.] [j. M. W’lLLIAMS April 28, 1852. 86tf W 1:[JJ0TT, Gtnerul Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, J864. 4tf JOSirPH R. BIMiM, n .m « «1 o X AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, \l*UmingtoH, »V. C. J(Qe^‘ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign mcnts, aud Cash advanceb made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, 1854. 67y WH.KIVSO.V & ESLER, DE.VLKKS IN Confectionary, Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Tobacc«, and Snnff, AND IMPORTERS OF e*i:kiok ii.iva.\a c'rtiiARs AT WUOLESALK AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ug. 7, 1851. lltf ■» 9. Boots, Shfx-s, Hats, Umbrellas, tf’c. Among which are: French and English Merinos, very cheap; Muslin DeLain ami .\lpiicas: Brocade, Plaid and Plain Silks; Muslin and Bobinet Sleeves and Collars; Merino and other Shawls, long and square; Calico and Ginghams; Silk and Calico Handkerchiefs; Best make of Bolting Clothsi .A Large stock of Ready-Made Clothing; With many other goods. All of which having been purchasel by the packag«e at the late reiluced prices K. M. MURCHISON, Commissi(m and Forwarding Merchant, ^r. V. July 3, 1H54. ■ 10-tf SAMLEL W. FEl’PER, aVCCES.SOB TO IIKNRY I. PEPPER & SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. N^o. 175 Chestnut St., (opposite the State House,^ PHILADELPHIA. May 22, 1864. 4Ypd ]) & W. ^FcLaURIN Are receiving a large stock of Groceries, Hardware Boois and Shoes, which are offered as low as they can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. 13. 35tf TEAS! I'EAS!! HY’SON, Imperial and Oolong, all of first quality, for sale by J. N. SMITH 3. WOOL R(M.LS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s C:ick Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgg, Cotton Y'arn, and W’ool Rolls, for hale bv GEO. McNEILL. June 1854. 7-tf NOTICE TO DEBTORS. 4LL persons indebted to the Subscriber by note or account previous to the 1st July last, are earnest ly requested to make payment forthwith, as it is very inconvenient to give any longer indulgence. It is hoped that this notice will be sufficient. Having made some change in niy business, it is important that old accounts should be settled, and they must be settled. P. SHEMWELL. p. S.—I can be found at tbe store of Shemw«ll & McT>onald, who, in my absence, are authorized to re ceipt in my caiue. Oct. 7, 1854. 38-tf J. G. SMITH, H.UR MESSING AND SU.4VING SALOON, Opposite the Fayetteville Bank. All kinds of Perfumeries, Hair Oils, Shaving and Toilet Soap for sale. 1 also keep a good supply of choice Cigars and To bacco. Oct. 18, 1854. 41-Y A CARD. rilHE undersigneil hare associated themselves togc- 4 thcr for the purpose of doing a general Boating Business ou the Cape Fear River. They-^ould there fore give notice to the public, that they are now pre pared to accommodate them at all times with a Steam Boat at both ends of the Line. JAMES E. METTS. M. J. RAMSEY. N. A. RAMSEY. FRED’K C. METTS. Oct. 16, 1854. 41tf r PiXpress Steam Boat Line. ^TR. SOUTHERNER, FAIRY, for Passengers and Freight: Str. EVERGREEN, .and ELIZA, for Freight only. Lighters—J. R. Blo.^som, Eli2.\ McDuuali>, F. Friks, Rku Fox, Gov. Morkhkau, Express, North State. A. B. CuKssrrr. R\MSEY & BRO., \ fW. H. McR.\RY & CO., Ag’ts at Fayetteville. J \ Ag'ts at Wilmington. .\11 goods sent to the care of the “EXPRESS STE.VM BO.AT LINE ’ will be taken ou Freight, and forwarded with the greatest despatch. As our facilities for accommodation are greater than ever before known on our River, it will be our greatest pleasure and effort to give still the more satisfaction. JAMES E. METTS. M. J. RAMSEY. N. A RAMSEY. FRED’K C. METTS. Oct 10, 18-54. 41 tf Somcthhis^ \eu' under the Sunl :%EW F.HA i:v PR10T«GKAPHY\ Mr. J. S. WEAR, Photographic Artist, WOULD respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity that he has returned from the North, after having spent much time assiduously, in the advancement and progress of his art, anI at considerable expense in getting up ap- will be offered wholesale aud retail at very low prices. ■ paratus, &c., for the prosecution of that beautiful aud 1854. Fall and Winter Goods. Our Fall and Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, and READY-MADE CLOTHING, I s now in Store and re.ady for iaspection, embracing by far the largest and most extensive assortment we have ever offered to the Trade, and is well worthy the examination of every Merchant visiting this place. Particular attention paid to orders. HALL tk SACKETT. .\ugust 14, 1854. 22tfilm Fall, 1854. Firm and •'%*ew fmoods. PEARCE & FERGUSON Are now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy Sept. 15. 1864. 32-tf Warren Prior, Watch Maker and Jeweler, exquisite branch of Photography, which he will now | j present to the inspection of his former enlightened | I and discriminating patrons. The science of Photo- I ; graphy, or as more commonly known under the appel- ' I lation of Daguerreotyping, has until very recently | I remained in its infancy, but from the persevering and j aa U received his Fall Stock of ! energetic researches in .\ctenic Chemistry, of many of M JL Gold and Silver W,\TCHES, of j its numerous and eminent votaries,—gentlemen both j ^ various qualities and prices; Gold Fob, ; of this country and Europe—it is now shining forth ; Vest and Guard Ch.tius; Keys and Seals; ' in all the r«‘fulgence of the most sanguine imagina- | latest styles Ear Rings and Breast Pins, | tion, and is destined to contribute much to the ad- (Mosaic;) Gold Rings of all qualities; Gold Lockets, . vancement of the arts and sciences generally, as well | Pencils, Pens, Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons, Studs: Gold, j as in faithfully and truthfully delineating the Human i Silver and Steel Spectacles: Silver and Plated Spoons: | face divine. Pictures by this process arc considered Silver (’ups ami Butter Knives; Plated Cake and Card ; far superior to Daguerreotypes. Baskets, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays. ! Daguerreotypes, Crystaltypes, Ambrotypes, Pana- Double and single barrel Guns; double and single- ; types, Calotypes and all the other types taken at niy barrel Pistols; Colt’s Repeaters; Self-cocking and Re- Rooms in the gre.atest perfection of the .\rt. volving Pi.tols; T’owder Flasks; Game Bags; Shot Belts; Percussion (’aps: fine Knives, Ra/.ors nnd Scissors; Cla rionets, Flutes, Violins, Music Boxes, Fifes, Accorde- ons; Surveyors’ Compasses and Chains; Card Cases; La dies’ Work Boxes; Portmonaies; Hair, Tooth and Lather Brushes; Spy Glasses; Coral; Dog Collars; Sewing Birds; Ivory Tablets; Pearl Salt Spoons; Silver Pickle Knive.** and Forks; Thermometers; Canes, &c. &c. The public are invited to call and examine. A good assortment of CLOCKS'at very low prices,— warranted. All kinds of W^atches and Clocks cleaned and repaired in the best manner, and warranted. All kinds of Jewelry repaired. August 17, 1854. 23-4m Henry’s Commentaries on the Bible, in 6 volumes, 8vo sheep. Scott’s Bible in 6 volumes, and the same in 3 voL E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 27. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens over the Jewelry Stoi’e of Messrs. Beasley i Houston and Dr. Hinsdale’s Drug and Apothecary Store, Hay Street, Fayetteville. N. B. Persons having Daguerreotype Likenesses of absent or deceased friends or relatives, can have them copied of the same or of larger dimensions by the new process, and as a picture, greatly improved. Pictures copied Photographically upon Paper, unexceptionable as a Likeness, from a small and indifferent Daguerreo type, furnishing them cither in Light anl Shade or in Colors excelling the finest Engraving in Water (’olors. Prices varying according to size and finish. Nov. 1. . 45-tf RAMSEY & BRO., General CoiiiiiiisKion and For warding^ i^ercliants, Wilmington and Fayetteville, And Agents for Express Line of Steamboats AT FAYETTEVILLE. M. J. RAM8EV.] [Jf- KAMSBY. August 29, 1864. 26tf NOriCE. rilHE late firm of JAMES & JONES is dissolved. 4 The Bubscriber will in future conduct the busi- uess in his own name, and is prepared to do all kinds of Brick Work, W’hite washing and Plastering, in the neatest style and on the best terms. He keeps con stantly on hand an excellent article of White Lime, and the best Plaster of Paris. Persons wishing work iu my line will please give me a call. F. M. JAMES. Oct. 30. 45-tf Sieam Engines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STEAM ENGINES, from five to sixty horse power, which we can furnish on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will perceive the advautage of having them made near home. Engine of our own manufactur* »*n be seen in operation at the Foundry NO^riCE. 1 DESIRE to inform tlie public generally, that my ftwilities for manufacturing W’agons, Carts, Drays, &c., are greater than they have heretofore been. I have a very good stock of Material und a number of first rate workmen both in my Wood and Blacknmith Shops. I will manufacture to order any kind of vehicles for heavy draft that may be required. Repairs will be done securely, neatly, and with dia- patch, and the usual credit will be extended to regnlar customers; but those who have a job done occasionally will be expected to pay for their work upon delivery, as it is difficult to keep so many small accounts. I have on band a few wagons and carts which I will dispose of on reasouable terms. TilO. C. FULLER. Oct. 27. 45-tf A FRA.IA, or Life and Love in Norway; The City x'll Side, or Passages from a Pastor's Portfolio; The Hermit’s Dell, &c. Also, further supplies of “Alone”; Conybearc’s Life and Epistles of St. Paul; The Psalmist with Supple ment; The Presbyterian Psalmodist, &c. E. J. HALE & SON Nov. 1. REDUCED FARE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., aud Balti more. Fare-'i'13. Via W eldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & W'ash- ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at theOfice of tlie Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Compjiny, at Wil mington, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. 5«-tf .SEW JSOOKS. A Motu, or Reef-Rovings in the Sontli Seas; Cuba, by Ballou: The Money Maker, ar.d other Tales by Jane C. Campbell; Our Folks at Home, by Edw’d Tolliver. Alice Seymour, by Mrs. Gr«y; Mus- grave, by Theodore Hook; 2d Series of Fanny Fern’s Portfolio; Peter Schlemihl in America, Laconia, or Le gend of the W'hite Mountains; Romance of Travel; .Vd- ventures of Hunters aud Travellers; Thi lling Stories of the Forest Frontier; A Child’s History of England by Dickens; The Camp Fires of Napoleon; Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson, by Frost; Peterson’s Familiar Science; Chambers’s Miscellauv, &c. £. J. HALE SON. NEW BOOKS. BABYLON and Nineveh, Layard’s Second Ex pedition; Freaks of Fortune, by J. B. Jones; Alicc Seymour; Ned Musgrave, by Theo. Hook. ■Also, further supplies of Capt. Canot; “Alone”; Hai'd Times, by Dickens. Just received. Oct. 16. E. J. HALE & SON, BOOK BINDERY. RW. IIARDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27t^ tiEDAR FALLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale ' at Factory prices, by TROY & MARSH. May 30, 1853. 98tf Hats, Caps, Bonnets, TJmbrellas, Parasols, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing. All of which they offer to purchasers at low prices and upon accommodating terms. From long experience, and by strict attention to bu siness, thej’ hope to merit a share of public patronage. B. F. PEARCE.] [J. B. FERGUSON. Fayetteville, .Vugust 12, 1854. 23tf S. S. AREY, —DEALER IN— Fancy I'ry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Su^ar and Cc)ffee. The public are invited to give a call at the Old Stand occupied by S. J. Hinsdale, south-wost corner of Mar ket Square. Oct 28, 1854. 46tf REMOVAL. ^MHE Office of the Brothers’ Steam Boat Company is I removed to the lluske Building, on Green street, neit door to P. Taylor’s. J. S. BANKS, Ag't Nov. 6, 1854. 46tf NOTICE. I^HE SUBSCRIBER has removed to SH.\W’S NEW BUILDlNtJ, Gil lespie Street, where he intends car rying on the TAI LORIli BUSI NESS in all its branche** Having had practical experience iu most of the At lantic cities, he feels assurei that he can please the most fastidious. _ All orders will be executed with neat ness and despatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1853. 81-tf LliYr 6n\\m.M 1ER^ imrorern and CommlHSion ehants., 135 Front llitrcel, NEW YORE. p. MALLETT.] [j. PAULMIER August 16, 1852. 18tf NOTICE. DOCTORS Mallett & McSwain having left their Books and papers with W. McL. McKa^-, who is fully authorised to receipt for the .^ame, al! their cus tomers living West of the Cape Fear River, who may be in arrears either by note or account, will uonfar a favor by oalling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. H. A. McSWAIN. Fajetteville, .4ug. 30, 186.^. 24tf Dec. 7, maw HALL & BOLi-xJ^GER. 61-tf J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of FIIRi^lTFRE ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes bis assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow W.agons and Cradtes; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; ‘What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; W'indow Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetea; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, on,e with .^^iolian At tachment; Rosewood Molodians, from the bet manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2, 1864. 45tf A CARD. ri^HE subscriber temiers his sei'vices to the citizens of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, audgives notice that he is ready to contract for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICKSON. FayetteTille, Oct. 9, 1864. 38tf SHEMWELL & McDONALD, (Successors to P. Shemwell,) DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, BATS AND CAPS, .Ali^o a general assortment of Straw & Silk BONNETS. In addition to our stock now on hand, which is very good, we will in a few days receive a new supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, which we will sell low for cash or on reasonable time to punctual customers. W. B. SHEMWELL. A. N. McDONALD. East side Green Street. Fayetteville, Sept. 2^, 1854. 84-y HOTEL. '11HE subscriber having purchased the Hotel situ- .ited on the South-Ka«t corner of Court House Square, and lately known as Sttiart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready to accommo date boarders by the day, week or m»>nth. Having made considerable outlay in furnishing and reitting the Establishment, he hopes to be able to give satis- aetiou to all who patronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his Bar with the best of Liquors, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender e nd faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST. June 2«, 1852. .S-tf A. N. McDONALD, * (Formerly with James Kyle,) ffl^AKES this metuod of informing his friends and JL acquaintances, thfit he has associated himself with W'. B. Shemwell in the Staple and Fancy DRY Gf>ODS BUSINESS, in the Store formerly occupied by P. Shemwell, in the Shemwell Hotel Building, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor him with a cail. Fayetteville, Sept. 23, 1864. 3t>-6m 'rhe V irginia ('oineciians, or the old days in the Old Dominion; Easy Nat, or the three Ap prentices; Scott’s Infantry Tactics; &g., ic. Just re ceived. E. J. H.\LE & SON. Oct. 4. ' PUMPS. I^^ORCE .and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Squivre. March 30. 83-tf Nick Williams’s Rye Whiskey at wholesale or retail. McDONALD & McMASTER. Dec. 10. 1863. 62 WAN'I'EI). Good Turpentine Distiller to act at Kyle’s Land ing. Liberal price will be paid. R. F. MURPHY. 87-tf Apr 12, 1854. “ *1^0 DISTIIXFJIS^ WE will piiy the highest cash price for .SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give as a call when in market. June 26, 1864. J. & T. WADDILL. 8tf BiUiavd Tables for Sale, 1HAVE two good Billiw:d Tables with atl the fix- turM, which I will dispose of en reasonable terms if application be made soon. JAMES HALES. Aug. 21, 1854. 24-lf ^B’lHE highest cash price p.tid for Turpentine, White JL Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still, McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1863. 70tf Spellers, live E. J. HALE & RON. uroce.- Elementary Just received. Oct. 18, 18.54. The OLD NORTH STATE in 1776, BY Rev. Dr. CARUTHERS. CtlPIES-of Dr. Caruthers’s new work on the “Revolutionary Incidents aud Sketches of Character, chiefly in the Old North State.” Just received, for sale wholesale and r«>tail, by E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 26^ _ Blanks for sale here. too mi Mi