mrnmn nr mmm mm in Dny ^lip. I L- '* ' JKssr,> ^ ^ Wk- |,v * -- ^’n! M>irits H,, >^;Ns^•|.■ 4 ('n '■t; l\ r">’ '‘'-I (M. ••2tf /Vr' H. IliKV. f't’HV, ... M Daxic, ^'I"«r.." :'''’" tire - , 'y sfiot. „ a sh,r- " a.nkv . ■i-.'lf J'l'tRi n.erh;; their St, J aod !• “ »»i3facturv tnp Mumford itterl.h * 0WFR8 i p,, 71tf Fttctory in ’II \A ends r..-!J the p,^. t aubsuntiai Br,ct for Euanufj»ctarii| t>er(il pntron»gf Le It hopes by «tria 0 give ^atislWiioB, lie warnntshii ind by eiperienctd sincb-. His work ide in the Uaitd }' worsi in his Hit laewhere ,h»t isn SI9HKD. til# LAR ci'au'atj.s^ ana ry large stock of nisbed dailr. All Cahu, or on sitort I has on hand am Vehicles finislied ranted 1;! QMfBthi bad workmaaship ifir|re. well to call and uptly attendAdto. aiid on Terj re*- m )entiiie! ntine, deliv- essi'P & CO. 76tf l^uficr, d American i.»p, ther Writing F*' UJ5 from the low- , Ro^ai, Meiium, au'l C ip iJriswl iptiuns: Buff En- Pap' T, ic. and JtscripiioQ- 1AL3 & ■ h e Court «f mat ient to Iredells (}y Hamilton t. Court IALE X t?o> iou.■»***' which til* hitfO- ery at our •;'Ur* ESS L I' & lu-U' uv Uttkcry on K„.t of oai e l to fur-*--,'' Ulv. •i'> “7*?-’ [a'.S 5o-tf “Ala^/azines ale .V ?0N f'"" McUurin auie '■* .,|e. rfc of .ACK1>; IcLAL’BlV '■ ,b„cc. Reid anJ to luality IFA^ WWaMJl (DIBSIEIBTm SEMI-WEBKIiY. [VOT. IV.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. DECEMBER 23, 1854. [NO. 360.] PHISTKI> MON'DAVS A.\l> THURSDAY?. CDWAHO j. hTle &Ton, pyiTORS ANI> !’R(»PR1ET0RS. f,rtheSeiui-'>«e*^‘y Obskrvkr ^8 00 if paid in :«;? ;■>(» if pftiJ durinff the year of subscrip- iJ after the year has expired. [OHi v» ,l,e Weeklv Ob.xERVEB 00 per tuinum, if paid in *•' 50 if during the year of subscrip- (XI lifter the year has expired. MKNTS inserted for sixty cents per ‘ ^ j,; t', r til*? anJ thirty cents for each tinp pul>lic:ition. Yeai-ly advertiscuients by spe- -fs 'It rea.-^'Hiable rates. Advertisers are .'ontnii. __ teil number of insertions desired, or ill bo continued till forbid, and charged accord Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. viince; SON ACADEMY. ,111’ enduing Tt rni in this Institution will comraence « Mon lav the 1st day of January next. , tor Tuitii-n in future will be ii!7, $9 and I .ryuarttr, accordirij to the advancement of thu ^■md 50 cents for Coutiugencics. DANIEL JOHNSON. Is, 1S54. 58-2w n)xnu)X^'H(7(7L8. !HK Bosrd of Superintendents of the Common Schools ct' the County arc requested to meet at cthoePltl'® e'hairmau, on Thursday, the 4th day n V heing the 1st Thursday,) at I’J ‘KDW. LEE WINSLOW, Ch ra. -truns of the number of children in the several for the year 1S64, must be handed to the before or by the 4th Jan. Hi, 1&04. 58-tt MEDICAL CHESTS SUITABLE tor Phjsioiana or Planters, a good HorUuent iaat receiveii and for sale bv Deo. 13. just receiveii and for sale by J. N. SMITH. 67-1 m FOR SALE. ^'IHE HOUSE AND LOT opposite the residence of E. J[ J. Hale, Esq., now occnpieI by J. E. Bryan. Also, three fine building LOTS on Haymount, joining the ^ re>ideuce of T. B. Lutterloh and Wm. Uroadfoot, Esq’re , having on them numerous fine shade trees and convcaient to the purest water in the county. Apply to geo. s. H0DGE8. D-c. If), 1864. rURK'ENTl.NK STILLS. (^EVEHAL STILLS new or second tand, varying from 12 to ;io Uarrcls capacity. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM, Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 10, 1854. 58-2m HOTEL FOR HEN'l'. fjl111E subscriber having leased the Eagle Hotel in Pittsboro’, for a term of years, is desirous of renting out the same. He will give possession on the 1st day of Jan. neit. Any person renting said Hotel will also have lUi opportunity of buying or renting all the furniture necessary to keep the House. 0. S. POE. Dec. 10. 58-tlJ LOST. 4 NOTE for Ninety-three Dollars, at 1 day, dated September 13, 1854, made by W. N. Tillinghast, payable to Mrs. Mary Jackson. All persons are warned not to trade for said note as it belones to the Payee. W. N. TILL] NO HAST. Dec. 15, 1854. oS-Ut PERUVIAN GUANO. TONS slightly damagtni will be sold—& bar gain—by J. P.. BLOSSOM. Wilmington, N. C., Dec. 15, 1854. 58-2w l‘.d $10 50 12 50 $17 50 10 00 5 00 SlMMKRVlLLi; Female Seminary. A. l>. McLhAN, ^ prineinals p. McINTYRE, , A-N.VIE J- McLEAN, ') Teachers in Female D«- LOriS^ F. McLEAN, j partment. ■'’IE Exercises of this Institution will be re.«umed ,n WKHNE.^DAV. 3d JANUARY NEXT, under •.liate supervision of the above Principals. !;tberto both the Male and Female Departments of Institution have been in the same building, but on ■istL'f increased patronage they have been separated, i 'nti will be prepared to enter creilitably the Uni- )f North Carolina, than which there is no Col in the Union that ranks higher, tannts and Guardians may rest assured that no 1^. will be spared to promote the moral as well as iectual advancement of the Pupils. Sfiii: Institution is pleasantly situated in the Village SUMMEUVILLE, a point intermediate between beiph and Fayetteville, in a very healthy region of Inirv. easy of access, remote from the vices inciilent liitiea auJ large towns, and in the midst of a society iurpitjstJ in any couutrj’ for high tune of moral iracter. ard in the Village for any number, both of Boys 1 Girls, can be had at from to $9 per month, ex- ^ of lights. li is desirable and indeed important that the Stu- :■ he present at the opening of the School. No de letion ma le unless for protracteu illness. [tuition—PF.R SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS: fcr common English Branches, Latin, Greek, and higher Mathematics, EXTRA. |c: Music on Piano, and use ot Instrum«nt, Frcnch and German Language, Drawing and Painting, I'.e-Work—gratis. [Summerville, N. C., Dec’r 1, 1854. 57-t3J GOLDSliOROUGH 1 FKHALE €0LLE:^E. i PHE third Session of this Institution commences on ! Weinesday, the 3d of Jan’y 1855, and ends on th« | of June, l^-i5. i Kev. JAS. H. BRENT, A. B., President. i p.- Mobi;.\s Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of i Mathematics. Ani a full corps of Teachers in every branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, &c., ; per session, $50 OO i luition in I’rimary Department, -is 10 00 Collegiate Department, $20 00 Onft hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the in the Collegiate course and all ornamental i ^finches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual * Jr.ce for ornamental branches. One half payable in j n:e. Three Lectures on scientific subjects will be delivered , 'I'h mf-nth. ire making every eflfort to render the School the ' • ;ii I'lviintiiges and cheapness, an i piledge to reduce auJ multiply the advantages in proportion to j ii^'Ttuse of patronage. When our number of pupils i kL-s J(»o we shall be able to reduce the prices ' "■'y one half, every one aiding us, is also ai ling in r the means of a superior education within the h of almost every girl in the State. 'W return thanks for the unexampled support we lial iiiid believe it will be continued. For further - "Uiation apply to the President of the faculty, or It'ielf. WM. K. LANE, Pres’t Stockholders. Kec. 13, lR.j4. 57-tf CHOCOLATE! VSnperior article for sale bv J. N. Dec. la. SMITH. 57-lm B SALE OF NEGROES. • V Virtue of a Decree of the Court of Pleas and tiuarter Sessions of Cuml^erland County, Decom- lier Term, 1854, 1 will sell at public auction, at the Court House door in the town of Fayetteville, on Fri day, the oth day of January, 1856, several likely JKiis mm. mjm sms 9 belonging to the Estate cf James Watson, dec’d. Said I Negroes will be sold on^a credit of Six months, pur- i chasi'rs giving bonds witii approved security. JOHN McLAUlilN, Commiasioner. Dec. 14, 1864. o7-tf FOR COUGHS! COLDS!! WISTAR’S Cough Lozenges, Rose and Lemon Oum Drops, Ayers’ Cherry Pectoral, Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Jayne’s Expectorant, Pure Cod Liver Oil, (R. & C.,) For sale by J. N. SMITH, Druggist. Dec. 13. 57-lm A large quantity of Manufactured TOBACCO, of various brands and prices, for sale by STEDMAN & HORNE. Jnly 20, 1854. IGtf Fayetteville Mutual Insurance (Company, This Company has been in sucoessfiil operation since Feb’y 1853. It has paid all losses prompt ly, without an_v atsestmtnt, and it has still a small cash capitiil on hand. Policies issued up to 13th May, No. 709, covering property to valne of :J1,151,862 00 Policies cancelled and expired, 269,684 00 Amount now insured, Amount Premium Notes, Do- do. cancelled and expired, $882,228 00 $164,669 61 86,085 .35 Do. do $128,684 2G *iow on hand, Averaging 14 67-100 per cent, on the amount insured. Cash premiums received, $8,258 01 Fire losses adjusted and paid, $4,917 22 The Board take pleastire in stating that the Compa ny is now in a coi'dition to merit public confidence.— It is established upon a foundation which cannot be moved. We solicit a Bhare of business. DIRECTORS: Geo. MoKblii, H. L. Myrover, C. Benbow, Henry Lilly, JtuLbh ik>ie, J G. Shepherd, S. T. Hawley, David A. Kay, J. i,. xuiiams, Thos. S. Lutterloh, N. A. Sted- man, W'tn. Kvx.uurin, A. E. Hall, J. H. Cook, A. A. McKethan, jub. U. Cook, C. Lntterloh. OFFICERS: GEO. McNElLL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. L. B. LEM AY, General A;;ent. May 20, 1854. 98Y ~T1U)Y^MARSH ~ HAVE ON HAND: New Crop Molasses, Sugars, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Naib, Hardware, Cutlery, Window Glass, Putty, Blacksmith Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Ada- uiautiue aud Tallow Candles, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cotton Cards, Saddles and Bri- | dies, Snuff, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., j Which thev offer at wholesale and retail. \ —ALSO,— { Mesa Pork, Bacon, Lard, Meal (Fresh.) Dried Fruits, ^ Cabbage, FUESH up country Butter. I We are Agents tor the sale of Stoddard's Cele- I brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. Y. prices. ■ jJig^M annfactured Tobcoco at Factory prices. | Jan'y 28, 1864. 66-tf | ANDREWS & JESUP, No. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and Woollen Machinery, Ma chinists’ Tools, Leather Belting &c., —ALSO— “iflaiiuf'aclurer’s Articleis’^ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Comprising Belting, Card Clothing, Bobbins, Shuttles, l^ickers, Roller Skins, Roller Cloth, Oils, &c. Dec. 27, 1853. 57tf Who would have thoii|;ht it? RYE WHISKEY. ,OCTOR Frank Williams’ rectified Rye Whiskey can at all times be found at wur Warehouse by the Cask. We have been selling this Whiskey for the last seven years and know it to be as good, if not supe rior to any Whiskey manufactured in America. J. Ai T. WADDILL. Sept. 20, 1854. 33-tf A 7ieic Carriatje Estahli&hm^iHt on the yiilitary Green, opjxun'te the MetJioilisi Church, fronting on Mumford ^Street. GREAT ENTERPIUSE! Fayottevillc i« boMiKt to ^»liine!! The Subscribers would rt-spectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Jamxs H. PiEH. James Branin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf Cartilage Hotel. HAVING recently purchased the above Establish ment from Malcom Kelly, Es^ , I am now pre pared to entertain in a comfortable iianner those who may give me a call. Having ample Stables, good Ost lers, and a dittposition to accommodate, I trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN. Carthage, Dec. 5, 1863. 51tf MARULE FACTORY. EARTIIEiV WARE. | 1HAVE now in Store (received within two weeks | past) the LARGEST STOCK of | EARTHEN WARE ! ever offered in this Market, comprising a general ' assortment of j Rtue and Pink Printetf^ Vt'^hite G^rfinite^ Blue Kdgefl^ JPainteti,^ and Cream Coloreti Dl.^I^KR, TEA, and TOILKT T' TO PASSENGERS. HE Steamer SUN will leave this place every TUESDAY and FRIDAY’’ at 15 minutes after Sunrise; and Wilmington everv' WEDNESDAY and SA TURDAY, at 12 o’clock, with Passengers and Freight. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. Fayetteville, May 31, 1854. l-tf iXTTERLOH iV~CO. " ^■'^HE undersigned having on the 2f>th May last form- £ ed a (yopartnerghip under the name and style of “LUTTEKLOH & CO,” for the purpose of transacting , ... a general Pioating business on the Cape Fear River, EXPRESSLY ro SUIT the tayettevillo \\ HOLKSALE ,th* Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has been repaired, and Trade. | is now in superior order for freighting .ncd cairj’ing I have as usual, a good supply of i pa8.-engers. She will make rf>snilarly two trips a week, A ACOTTTA'DX* ! Fayetteville Mondays and Thursdays at 15 AXX^Qu W X^AVJlia . minutes after, find ^Vilciington Tuesdaj’s And Frid.nys at 10 o’clock. The Sttamer Rowan w^ith a full I complement of Flats will ai.ake one trip or more a week, j as circumstances may require. The B^)ats of this line ; bting of very light drnft of vr itar, shippers may rely on i dispatch. The Steiuner Fanay Lutterioh has made two ' trips a week, for the last twenty-two months, np to the 20th May, during the lowest state of the River. x-ely with certainty on dis- These Goods were imported to my own order, j Ordkus will be carefully filled ut the low est prices. W. N. TILLINGHAST. Nov. 6. 1854. 55-tf 5 CASKS Rice, lOO Bales Prime Hsy, 50 Empty Spirit Darrels, Just received and for sale bj Nov. 27. A. J. O’HANLON. 52-1 m BOOKS. by Baldwin, Author of Flush NEW PARTY LEADERS, Times, ^c. The News-Boy; Swell Life at Sea. Th« Wid»-a-Wake Gift and Know Nothing Token for 1855. Wood’s Illustrated Natural History. The Singer s Companion: Men and W'omen of the 18th Century, by Houssaye; High Life in New York, by Jona. Slick, Es^.; Robert Bruce, the Hero King; Hart’s Class Book of Poetry; Quee«hy, &c. £. J. HALE j- SON. Nov. 24. MONEY. W£ dislike to allude to unpleftsaut subjects du ring these hard times, but if our customers whoMe notes and accounts have been lying ov^r for one and two yr would c.ill and pay uS, we would be thankful. If not convenient to call in person, remit tances will do. We would almost consent to pay post age for the sake ul' the Cash. J. T. WADDILL, Hay St. Nov’r 27, 1854. CASH OR BARTER. The subscribers offer for cash, barter, or approved pa 40 paper— HHDS. MOLASSES. 10,000 lbs. N. C. Baoon. 200 bales Hay. 20 bbls. Mess Pork. 600 sacks Salt. 6 caaks Rice. 35 bbls. Refined Sugar. 40 kegs Nails. 10 bbls. Glue. 500 casks Lime. Osnaburgs, Sheetings, and Cotton Yarn, by the bale. The above Goods will be sold very low, if applied for soon. BENBOW, KYLE & CO. July 5, 1854^ lltf Coopers’ Tools, and all qualities oi Glue for Distillers use. for sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. June 12, 1854. 4tf t m Hash, Bfinds and Doors. G. s. BUIE CO. VRE now putting up in this place Machinery of the most improved kind for the manufacture of SASH, BLINDS aud DOORS, which will enable us to furnish a good article aud at less price than they have ever been sold in this market. —ALSO— Ornamental ^louldings of all kind, length and size. Machinery expected in a few days for planing, tongue- ing and grooving Flooring. All orders addressed to Q. S. Buie & Co. will receive prompt attention. G. S. BUIE & CO. Fayetteville, Nov. 11, 1854. 48tf Argus and Carolinian six mo. Large Supply of Books and Stationery. E are just receiving our novr «! of Books and W w Stationery, embracing School, Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books of every description; Writing Papers, every kind and price; Drawing Papers, Tis.*sue Paper, Bristol Boards, Tracing Paper, Perfornted Boards, wliite and colored; Copying Books, and (’opying Ink; Envelope Paper, Envslopes, of almost every quality, price and size; Slates and Pencils; Drawing Pencils; Newman’s aud Osborne's English a;i 1 American Water Colors; Hair Pencils; Steel Pens and Pen Holders; Quills; Red, Black and Blue Ink; Indelible Ink; Ink Stands; Rulers; Sealing Wax; Wafers; Mathematical Instruments; Bank er’s Walletts; Pocket Books and Porte Monaies; Tooth Brushes; Thermometers; &c., Rodgers’s and Wosten- holm’s Superior Pocket and Pen Knives; Razors, and Razor Straps; Cabas, or Ladies Reticules; Rosewood and Mahogany W'riting Desks and Work Boxes, and many other articles unnecessary to enumerate. We would call the attention of country Mer chants, and others to our New Stock, which we are prepared to sell on the best terms for CASH, or on credit to punctual customers. E. J. HALE & SON i Shippers bv our line may patch. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. I J. F. MARSH, Agent Fayetteville. T. S. LUTTERLOH, i H. B. ELLIUTT, ' J. F. MARSH, W. P. ELLIOTT, J. B. TROY, Jr. ! July 25, 1854. 17tf By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. UAIGli k SON'S STORE, Faycttef ille, M. C. Jan’y 20, 1854. 64y-pd Fayetteville Hotel. JOHN HARMAN Respectfully iuformti his friends and the public that he has removed from tbe Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared to render those comfortable wh» may favor him with their com pany. Fayetteville, N. C., June 3, 1853. 200tf i l^ure East India Castor Oil. WE have just received a supply of Pure East In dia CASTOR OIL, without taste or smell, first ! introduced by us into this market last Spring. ! FOULKES & MACRAE. Mfirch 17, 1854. 80tf Wilder's Patent Salamander Safe. • M/" E keep constantly on hand an assortment of w ¥ the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; and * desirous of extending the demand for them, have in* i duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New Y’ork prices. I D. & W. McLAURIN, Agents. June 10, 1854. 4tf j Nick Williams’s Rye Whiskey at wholesale or retail. , MCDONALD & McMASTER. 1 Dec. 10. 1853. 52 WANTED. Good Turpentine Distiller to act at Kyle’s Land • ing Apr Liberal price will be paid. R. F. MURPHY. 12, 1854. 87-tf Dental and Surgical Instruments, ^UfAGNETO Electro Machines, a large assortment juBt received and for sale by J. N. SMITH. Nov. 8. 47-tf xN. O. MOLASSES. 52tf WAN l ElX VMAN with a bmall family, to take charge of my Pbuitation near Fayetteville, on the first of Jan uary next, as an Overseer. Evidence of sober and in dustrious habits will be require 1. JNO. WADDILL. Jr. Nov’r 27, 1854. 62tf IN 40 gallon casks, a prince article. J. & T. WADDILL. 47-tf Nov. 8, 1854. \VILUXM a7 GWYEli, FIIRWARIHNT, AND (’011>IISSI0\ MERCHANT, AND DISTILLKHS’ AGENT, Wilmington, N. C. PERSONAL attention given to the sale or shipment ^ of Naval Stokes. I have ample facilities for I coudnctiug the business; and extensive Wharves and Warehouses to protect Spihits Ti rpkntine from ex posure. Naval Stokes, Fi.oi'r, Cotton, &c., will be i-’ixiiiiii'i I shippwl to any House in New York, or to other Markets CAAH IjLLL S CLu l>-HOL Sti ; if desired: and liberal Cash Advavck.s made on con- IHL Subscribers, importers of the staple produc- ! signments. 1 refer to the following Distillers:— T Christmas is coming! I lieiiutiful and useful articles, suitable for IIOLll'AY PRESP’NT.S may be found at the VnotKM-.KY STORMS. If jrpntlemen wish to make presents to their wives, I aavi- the iiuthor'ty of many of the ladies for saying i that niy store is the place to tind just the articles whicli Uiey would like. 1 have several Invoices of liOUJi.S ()Hi)LKi:i) tXPlibSSLi FOR CHKiSOl.lS, which will arrive this week. '! re open iriday a!i'l Saturdav ni?ht if the wenih^ i -N. TlLLi.Nt.HAST. 58-tC kemoval. CAR\ LK would inform his frieiMis and * public, tli it lie ii'ib reiuovid IVwni his old .n' (in (jreen sti'eet to the StoiL- loruierlv occuj>ied :■ "r. I’. Montague, on llav street, near the Market **' lias on hand a well selected Stock of Grt/cents, Shoe) md Hoots, Xeyro I'liikrfa. K> rspi/n; also IHarLsmith's Tools, Cura ShdUrs aud ,St row Cutters, Sausage Cutters, ■Vii'l 'I great variety of other articles well suited to the •^'iiil and iJarter Trade—much the largest stock he ever offered in this market—-which he will sell oii ' J-'ible terms, or exchange for Produce of almost k'.nil. from old frien'ls and the imblic is '^spectfully solicite.i. , W. H. CARVER, Hay st IS, 18.51. 58tf WILEY’S N. C. READER. \ Further supply just received by E. J. HALE & SON. riv Several liulldiiig I.,ots. I HKKE and one-tenth acres of Land in Cambellton, ttif I'leasure Boat which was eiaibited at bounty Fair, for sttie. Apply to F. N. i J. H. ROBERTS. 1854. 67-tf tions of HolIanJ and its Colonies, offer to the public, their brnml of Club House Gin, contained in cases of 12 Dutch tiasks each. This Gin is of a quality and fineness heretofore unknown in commerce, being the pure spirit, in its finest drinkable condition and flavor, such as is used in the first Club Houses in Hol land. It is expressly made for ’i«, under the superin tendence of our partner, Mr. Wm. S. Campbell, estab lished for many years in Rotterdam. It is confidently recommended to our friends, and particuJ,*rly t« who use it medicinally, as an article that haiii no equal in this market. CAMPBELL BROTHERS, 4 Pine St., For sale by J. N. SMITH. Dniggist. Fayetteville. Nov. 21, 1M58. 51-tf " ADMLMSTRATOU’S NOTICE. J^filHE Subscriber having at December TermofCum- i herland County Court obtained letters of Admin istration on the Rstatc of John Lumsden, dec’d, gives notice to all those indebted to said Estate to come for ward and make payment, and those having clftims will present them, duly authenticated, within the time pre scribed by law, oi this notice will be plead in bar of their rccosery. G. . McDt>NALD, Adm’i*. December 11. 1851. 56-tf Second Fall and Winter Stock. siiiui & mimm Are now receiving their SECOND STOCK of FALL aud W INTER GOODS recently purchased by one of the firm at prices much lower thau those of the early ]>art of the season, among which may be seen -i SPLEyiJlJJ li ELECTION OF DRESS GUUD.S, E.MBROlDEHliD A.\U FANCY MBINO SliAWS, with a large assortment of KEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES AND UMBRELLAS. Wholesale buyers are respectfully invited to exam ine their goods. Oct. 'J, 1854. 39-tf LONDON PORTER! f Bryas’ London Porter, quarts and pints, just received, and for sale by the cask or dozen, J. N. SMITH. 66-im by Dec. C. 5000 Dacon, at Oct. 2. lbs. extra xNorih Carolina J. at X. VVADDILL’S. 30- E. Hannuin, Wayne county. E. 11. Woodard & Co., Earpsborough. W. Earpe & Co., “ A. G. Thornton Esq. Johnston county. Spencer Fonntain, Esq. “ B. R. Hinnant, Esq. “ Messrs. Bridges it Durham, “ “ Blow & O’Neal “ “ Senrles & .\dams, Sampson county. “ M. & G. Lee, “ D. T. Durham, “ B. Godwin. Esq. Robeson county. C. W. Crawfoni, Esq. “ Lovet Peacock, Esq. Columbus county. W’ J. Outland & Co., Bladen county, &c. June 9, 1854. 4-tf 18*14. SPRING SUPPLY. FOULKES & MACRAE, Whohisalt tf’ Retail Druggists, Are now receiving their Spring and Sum mer supply of Drugs,Medicines ^ Chemicals, Dye-Woods and Dye-Stuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painters’ Articl«s, VARNISHES, French, English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kinds. Pure Wines .and Brandies for Medical purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Choice Toilet and Fancy Articles, &c. They make their purchases for Casu, and offer goods equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. Warranted to be Fresh, Pure and Genuine. Ordei’s from the country promptly filled, and satisfac tion guarantied with regard both to price and quality Hay otreet, next door West of H. & E. J. Lilly. M»rch 17, 1854. 80tf Sheniwell House, !W Fayetteville, N. C., E»«t side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar ket House. ^jJlHE subscriber begs leave to announce to the citi- ■- *ens of Fayetteville, and the travelling public, that he has just finished and opened his House, for the reception and entertainment of any who may wish per manent or transient Board. His Rooms are large and comfortable, and his Table shall always be furnished with the l>est the market will afford. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business.— No pains will be spared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage,—a share of which is respectfully solicited, ('harges shall be moderate. P. SHEMWELL. Feb’y 15. 1854. 71tf CHARLES KLIFFMULLER, SOLB AGEM IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR EGGERT & CO’S Manufactory of Grand Square and Upright P[^:%0 FOKTE!^, NO. 282 PRATT STREET, HALTIMORE, MD. Office at Raleigh, at Fr. Mahler & Co’s. “ “ Fayetteville, Fayetteville Hotel Building. Old Pianos taken in exchange. Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. fBlHE Subscribers respectfully call the attention of i the public to their Grand, Sqmire and Upright Pianos, of 6], 7 and 7J octaves, for which the Maryland Institute, for the promotion of Mechanic Arts, has awarded the first premium ever awarded by that Institute for improvement in Grund and Square Pianos. These Pianos are in large tized, highly fin ished cases of Rosewood, with entire iron frame, ctn- structed in the most substantial manner, with all the modern improvements. The manufacturers use none but the very best sea soned timber, and materials of the choicest qualities, that enable them to warrant their instruments to stand any climate. The Firm has a patent Right action, operating on such principles that friction is almost entirely relieved or avoided, and their piano can therefore never get out of order. For chasteness of design, elegance of finish, as well as for fullness, richness, and beauty of tone, these Pianos rank foremost, and are equal to any made here or in Europe. Wherever these Pianos have been introduced, they have given, in every instance entire satisfaction. We warrant our instruments to stand good for five years under careful treatment, and will receive them back and substitute others, any time vvithin the first six months from the sale of it, if it shall not prove sfctisfaotory. EGGERT & CO., 232 Pratt Street, Baltimore. May 20, 1854. 98tf 420 acres Turpentine Land for sale. A BARGAIN can be had by early application to NEILL ilONROE. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 1854. 46tf M. A. BAKER’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m Ai\D RIFLE MlMlFAfTORV. V GENERAL ASSORTMENT of double and single barrel Shot Guns: Game Bags; Shot Pouches; Powder Flasks; Drinking Cups and Flasks; Percussion Caps, of American, English aud French make; Colt’s Repeating, Allen’s Revolving, Jlaynard’s Repeating and Revolving Pistols, with Revolving Hammers; Al len’s single Self-Cocking, from 2 to G inches; German Pistols of all qualities; Bowie Knives; Hunting Knives; Blowing Horns; Cane Guns; Air Guns. All of which are offered at wholesale or retail, on moderate terms. Rifles made to order, and warranted to shoot from 100 to 900 yards. A good assortment constantly on hand. Jobbing of all kinds executed with promptness and on reasonable terms. .tf orders promptly attended to. Opposite the Post Office, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 4, 1854. 28tf TO DISTILLERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. k T. WADDILL. June 26, 1854. 8tf STEDMAN ^ HORNF, Dry G oods. Hardware, (h'ocerics, c^c FAYFTTFViI.rE, !f. C. OULl) respectfully inform the citizens and the pubii-7 generally, that they have just returned from New . ork, aud are receiving their Spiiug Stock of Goods, consisf ag of Diy Goods Grorr.ries. Hardware, tf'c. A vaiiety of Hats, suitable for the season; Ladies’ and Gettlemen’s Boots, Shoes and Slifipers; a large as- sortmert of ready-made Clothing; a great many articles in the ladies’ line, .ind we would be pleased to have them to call aud ex .mine for themselves. All oiders sent to lur care from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 30, 1853. 81 tf w KKUIT TREKS. 4 FEW Apple, Peach, Plum, and Cherry trees for sale, the ground being wanted for other purposes Choice varieties can be had low. Apply soon to C. LUTTERLOH, Nurseryman. Dec. 8. 66- Wood Notes, or Carolina Carols, 4 COLLECTION of North Carolina Poetry, com piled by a Lady of Raleigh. These volumes con tain poems, never before published in a more durable form than the newspapers, by Judges Gaston, Strange, aud Taylor, Gov. Iredell, Walker Anderson, Rev. Dr. Hawks, W. Winslow, and many others. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Pagc’’s Improved Patent Circidar Saw Mills. GEOKfiiE PAwK Sc c:o., iV. Schroeder St., near Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. KESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have greatly enlarged their manufacturing establishmeut, and that their fa- ‘ cilities are now such as to enable them to execute all i orders, with promptnes.s, for their CELEBRATED P.\- TENT portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, which j ; have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, ' 1 as also STEAM POWERS of all sizes ami kinds, HOUSE ' I POWERS, GRIST .MILLS, CORN AND COB CRUSil- j ERS, together with various other machines and imple- : I ments to economise labor. i I Since their Circular Saw Mills were invented by, and ; I patented to the Senior Partner, they have made many ; I improvements which render them perfect in all their 1 j details, and justly entitle them to be considered among | j the greatest labor saving inventions of the ajre. I A Phumphlet containing full descriptions of their i three classes of Mills, priccs, terms, capacity for sawing, I &c., will be sent to any Gentleman applying for one by I letter, post paid. Having recently obtained damages in an action ' brought in the U. S. Circuit Court I jr the District of ' Maryland, for an infringement of their Patents Rights, ' they hereby forwarn the public from purchasing .Mills, j similar to theirs, from unauthorized builders, or their ; Agents. I Agent at Fayetteville, N. C., ; JNO. M. ROSE. i May 26, 1851. 300Y | $100 REWARD. Two attempts have been recently made to injure | me pecuniarily, in the destruction, by fire, of ray : Turpentine lauds lying on Beaver and Cross Creeks, i One in April last, by which I lost some fift^jen thou- ' sand boxes. One on yesterday while my hands were | at dinner, by which about 1000 Turpentine boxes were i destroyed. Being thus injured I feel it to be my duty | to off?r the above reward for such information as will I lead to the conviction of the offender or offenders, j And I most earnestly call upon my friends and all good citizens of the county to aid me in ferrreting out | the villian or villians, who, in violation of the public peace, regardless of their own self-respect and all i social duty, thus wantonly or with malice, attempt, by stealth, to injure the property of others. CHRISTOPHER MUNROK. July 20, 1854. 15- mikI lire r^rtnl>U> ' nil IhUnut Ccnm- Tbese Pilla are riitirety Vi niOHt snpcrior >Ie(li-iiie in ttie cure plaints. ChUls and /Vtier. Dfftp^nia. Costirenfss. T,iirr C.-mplaint, Jaundice, Sici: Ileadnchf. Seri'fula, Sedt Khntni. Fetnrs of nil kinds, Loss of Appftitf, Obstructecf and painful Mfvstruatimi. atrd all lin gering distases. As a Female ItedScine they art Hkc a charm, and when taken accordinf: to tb« directions they ner*r f*il to cure the worst cases of Piles, afl«r all otlier rrmedies f«i;. They pnrify the T>lood eqnalize fl»e rlrcnl*” ttony restore the lilver, Kidneya, and other 8e« cretory Or$can«, to a healthy tone and artlon : and as an -\nti-UilionR Family .Mediriue they hnTO no eqtinl. Price 2S ceutD per box. Alco A remedy for Ontglu, Oalds. OaUirrlt, Brvnchiiit, Ornup, Whooping Pnvgh, Jsthma, Consumption. Xervmis Diseases. Vyipepr'a. n>»- tiveness, Erysipeias. Disease of the Heart, Inflammation md Pbin iu t/te Chest, Back and Side, ard all dimates ariang from a de ranged state nf the Knmarh, avd to reh'ere the distress and txid feeling fnrm eating too hearty food, in teeak and dyspeptic habits. WAARANTEO TO BE PURiXY VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Expectorant. Tonie, and Aperient. One 25 ^nt box pos!«ss*s three times more power to cure disease* tban a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrnps, lialwmii. or Sarsa- parillas, that were ever maie; aud a simple trial of only one box will prove this imi>ortant truth. T^ey proinute Expectoralloii, liooscn the Phle^em, and Clear the Ijun(;it and other Secre tory Ori(Hn>« of all morbid matter, and there is not auotlier remedy in the whole Materia MeJica capable of impartinc such healine prf.perti?s to the Lungs and Vital Or gana as these Fills. They Care Coatlveueas, produce a K*>od, regular Appetite, aud Strengthen the Syatem* i*ric« usnts per box, eontainin;; 25 doses of Medirine. Call on the Aeents who sell the Pills, and pet th«i Planter’s Almanai'. OK*nl, fcivinfr full particulars and o^rtjficatef of cure*. Itoth kinds of the above-namc*l Pills are for sale in Kvery Town and Village in Kurth and South Carolii>u» Iti Favt'ttcvilUs 9>. J. IIIITKUALK *a»Ml ,lA.nB> KlflTII. FOR SALE, 4 FIRST RATE BUGGY HORSE, of fine action, and fast. Also, a good BUGGY and HARNESS. The owner having no further use for them, they will be disposed of at a bargain if applied for soon. Apply at this Office. Nov. 6, 1864. 46tf I -i>100 REWARD. Ran AW AY from the subscriber, two Negro Olrls and four Children, viz: M.\RTHA, a bright mu- I altto, five feet four or five inches high, took with her 1 two girl children, Frances aud ,\nn; HANN.\H, copper I colored, about the same height of Martha. Hannah ! took with her two male children, Lewis and John. 1 The above negroes formerly belonged to the estate of I George T. Barksdale, and are supposed to be larking j about -he Cape Fear, about Mr. Winslow’s plantation* i The above reward will be paid for their confinement in i auy Jail so that the subscriber «an get them, or for i their aelivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. 1 FLEET R. PETERSON. 2fi-tf September 6, 185S. ^ BLANKS for sale at this Office. wm