SBMI-WEEKL, Y. [VOL. IV.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. DECEMBER 28, 1854. [NO. 361.] :\K't ■“HKt'Tl ■Z'.'K- >tr;ct 'i.un. ind 9Hf I'N. ..-Vl'Cl) M(>N'P\YS and THURSDAYS. ,;i)U \lll) J. HALE & *S0\, iJilTKKS A\l> PKUlMUKTOKS. NOTICE. By Virtue of a power of Attorney to mo exe- oute.l by Jolin McPherson, Neill McPherson and Thomas Rhodes, 1 will proceed to sell, at the Market llou).e in the Town of Fayetteville, on Monday, tin* 1st January, 185o, the following property: Plantation anil Brick Vard, containing 58 acres and joining liarge and Kyle. One Lot east side Ramsey street, containing about 11 acres. r t! : S.'iiii-'N t't'kly OiisKRVEU .>;i 00 if paid in .i • ;,:i if paid during the year of subscrip- V! r tlio year has expired. , xl ')i;'KRVKR 00 per annum, if i)aid in north side I erson street. '' ' ' * ’ * I House and Lot joining last mentioned, on the west. . ;.u if jiai-l iluring the year of subsorip- ! Vacant Lot opposite last mentioned, containing one- ■ ■' , . I half acre. > ,ni niter the year tas expired. ^ Forty and one-half acres, two miles south-west of MI'NT^ inserted for sixty cents per ' tiiyetteville. ••' !!,„• 'r the first, and thirty cents fer each ground floor, Presbyterian Church. ^ , ‘■’onit with approved secuntj’reiniired from purchaser • \ early adverti.>*ements by spe- ; „pon a credit of six months. :it roas.mable rates. Advertisers are i ClIAS. A. McMILL.VN. the number of insertit>ns desired, or , i‘ituu‘ 1 till forbid, and charged accord l.fittTs t>i tho Kilitorsnmst be post-paid. villi' and Soutlu'rii IMunk Ko;»d. !■ ’.iiunl iiu'Cting of the Stockholders of the h,V. aeville Southern Plank Road Company i It tiio T"wn Hall, in this place, on Thurs- .• i:ii i:iy ’' ■•an y, at 12 o'clock. M. ; : will he tv-L-oived for Toll Keepers—b\- : -f,.r li,.th T.ill houses. W. McL. McKAY. Sec’y December 11. 1854. TAYET I'EVILLE HOOK STORE. BY A. K. TAVI.OR. fl aving purchased Mr. \Miitaker's interest in the the *)0-tm NOTICE. r|1::K Sn'.sfriber designs changing his present busi- I , ;!h1 t:ike.» thi.s method of notifying all those i : 'liiii til i-ume forward and settle up by note T tlu-y will find their Hcoounts in the , ■ '’ci tinsi officer. D. S. TAYLOR. , 1.,' . r IJ:;. 60-;^t NOTICE. I1;.M .ill 1 al'ti'r this date the Brothers' Steambdat ;;ij :ii’.y w\' \ not be responsible for any damages -- ■! '.V:iv Fn-ight, unless the consignee or his - !i i’u-river bank when tlie goo ls are deliv- • , ; f his or their objection or claim. D. C.\Z.VI-'X. Agent Brothers' .'Steamboat ('o. Ibot. 60-3t \T COST. (fUoods at Coit; oo»- . ::i SELLINC; OFF * K nfter "ur entire st' .’k listing oi’ Ii xuLnutd !ruierinii, S/iom, JIats, Caps, t^. oti'er fir suIm a oi l$bl. Still and tixturM, , i iu Ttrv g 'ud order. JESSUP \ CO. 59-1 m A:: \ rs'iiif imlebted to us must settle by (’ash \\ , 0« C'ENTItK I*. UOAI). ■ FFEK nur tract of Land. >(K) Acres, on the ,trr l'i:*nk Hoad, eighte«n mil«a from Fay- . 1 for a PU15LIC HOUSE, Turpan- T_v. '^t"re, &c. Will s«ll low on ao«umm»- —ALSO.— inip if Mules, Wagons and Harness. JUNKS A BARBEE. , Dec. IP. 59-1 m U0BIU\ HOUSE, EAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, M. C. \^’ILL be open for the accommodation ‘fTi I ■ * iiUfsts, on -Mofiduy, the first laj J:inu:irv, Situated nn one of the principal Streets of r ii. :”1 wr -in a few minutes walk of the Post , T-’.‘'-.'r:.| !i itficc. Banks, and other business '. ii; i; -t sutticiently retired to be clear of the . y . I, i:: 1 bustle incident to a more central lo- 11. ’’ ercrted, handsomely furnished, and care- •: : ; >nt- -o ured with especial view to the cora- ' ; itn-; is .'t . - .ittached. and experienced Ostler* ■ r " ' Vi in Waiting on arrival of Steam ■ . ; t1. ■" 'iini' 'l;iti in passengers. ! j u ■ ]’ itr >nage is respectfully solicited. P(.t\VER. & CO. 1 1'.j4. 59-iim rUl lT TREES. h • ti >n now rendy fur delivery, th« ” > u: u; l thrifty, aiitl of such varietiei* • ■ . ; r’.i iiate. The ’iualitj of the I' I i:iny can testify. >. per !i:i $10,00 1 - r 1)..,’ 1 50 •• 0 (>0 3 00 “ 3 00 3 00 3 00 I «ii|i] ly should send their onlers ni^.- will) have engaged trees will L'Ot ihl lll. Li TTEllLOH, Nur.seryman, Fayetteville. ■ ; i_'e for sale low, the '■ r 5' 5;»-tf !M1L' and ■ W T1U'.I> ’.Iri wtuitvl t' . i '-'. t ■1. pri- it thi - ,tl]c Ni UM-: W.W'l'Kj). • ' 111 I- )tnc ucji rcffimniended, a liber- e , .i- lilt I,., r Inijuire ()0-l!w NOTICl'. A CARD. 1DESIRF. to inform the public generally, that my fl^H E undersigned have associated themselves toge- facilities for manufacturing Wagons, Carts, Drays, | ther for the purpose of doing a general Boating >S:c., are greater than they have heretofore been. Rusincbs on the Cape Fear River. They would there- 1 have a very good stock of Material and a number fore give notice to the public, that they are now pre- of first rate workmen both in my Wooil and Blacksmith i pared to accommodate them at all times with a Steam Shops. I will manufacture to order any kind of vehiolos for heavy draft that may be required. Repairs will be done securely, neatly, and with dis patch, and the usual credit will be extended to regular customers: but tluise who have a job done occasionally will be expect(‘(l to pay for their work upon delivery, as it is ditlieult to keep so many small accounts. 1 have on hand a few wagons and carts which I will dispose of on reusonuble terms. THO. C. FULLER. Oct. 27. 15-tf Boat at both ends of the Lin#. JAMES E. METTS. M. J. RAMSEY. N. A. RAMSEY. FKED’K C. METTS. Oct. Iti, 1854. 41 tf Fayetteville Biok Store, I will continue business iu my own name. i have just received a large assortment of Books of all kinds. To those lavoiing me with their patronage 1 will endeavor to give sj.tisfaction. All the 1 itest publications of the day—Mag.izines, Periodicals, works of fiction, &c.,—can be seen upon my table. I have arrangements by which any book, not already on hand, can he supplied at the shortest notice. All I ask is a chance to prove my promptness. Among my stock may be found large Family Bibles from il 25 to •'^15; Presbyterian. Methodist and Bap tist Hymn Books; Episcopal Prayer iiooks; I other religions books. A good supply of SCHOOL BOOKS always on hand, such as Greek and Latin Head'-rs; French, English anl Latin Grammars; Webster's unabridged Dictionary; various kinds of (Jeographys, by diHerent authors; all the dift'erent kinds of Arithmetics, Spelling Books. Readers, &c., i:c.: Histories of the United States, Eng land, France. &c. In fact all kinds of school books usually called for. A large assortment of MISCELL.\NE(»US BOOKS kept constantly on hand. STATIONER!.—White, blue, ruled apil unruled Foolscap Paper: Letter Paper, all sizes and colors; Note Paper, fancy and plain; Envelopes, large and small ; size, selt-sealing; BL.\NK Bf»OKS of every size, quality ; and price; Pass and Time Books: copy books: ink . stands; Pens and I’encils; slates and slate pencils; seal- | ing wax. tissue paper, &c., iVc. j 1 will sell low by the wholesale, and make a liberal j discount to schools ur merchants. I respectftilly ask an examination of my stock. .\ny i Book not on hand can be procured in a short time. ^ A large lot of Music for Piano and Guitar constantly on hand. A large supply of Melodians. Guitars, Violins, Clarionets, F’lageolet". Flutes, Tamborines, and In- structiuii Boi'ks. My stiK-k shall be increased with the demand. Country merchants would find it to their advantage to give me a call, as 1 think 1 can give sati>faction. A. E. TAYLOR, Opposite the new ^'ollege building. Nov. 2”), ls.')4* .')3-tf P. S.— 1 have an excellent lot of choice SEG.VRS und fine chewing Tobacco, fur sale cheap. Equity Sale of Land on Upper Little River. PUllSL’.VNT to a Decree of the Court ot Equity, in the case of Henry Evans and others, (ex parte, ^ 1 will sell at the Court House door in Fayetteville, on Friday, the 5th January next, 5:!0 acres land lying on the South East sid«s of Upper Little River, known as the -/ Lc-iLs, adjoining the lands of Sam'l Pipkin, .lames ('. Dollar and .losiuU Parker, and others. The -=aid land will be snld upon a credit of 12 mouths, the purchaser giving bond with approved security. W. A. HUSKE, Clerk and Master. December 1, 54-ts STOW sic SALVRT, —Sl’Cl'KSSuRS TO THOIIA.S X: FRAx\KM.>, COMMrSSION MERCHANTS, And DcRlers in Foreign iuul Doniestif Ilartlwarc, No. 128 Pearl Street, and 94 Water Street, VOUK. July 8, 1854. 12-Gmpd DISSOLUTION. I raillE firm of G. W. I. GOLDSTUN « CO. is this day ■ dissolved by mutual consent. G. W. I. GOLDS TON. R. W. GOLDSTON. NoVr 17, 1854. TBIHE subsi-riber h iving purcha.-ed th • interest of R. ■ W. Goldston in the late firm of G. iV. 1. Goldston & Co., will still contijiue to carry on the GRtx’J'RY AND H.VRDWARE BUSiNES.S at the old stand. He invites all his friends to call on him when they come to market, and he will try to make himself useful. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Nov’r 17, 1854. 50tf C. T. liai^li Sons Removal. FRANC IS SlIENTON Begs to inform his friends and the public, that he has removed to the Store adjoining George Mc Neill, Esq., Haymount, Fayetteville, N. C., where he now otl'ers for sale the largest and most varied assort ment of Piiiiip^ and llyli*aiiiic and Fixings ever offered in the market, comprising Hydraulic Rams: Brass Bibh (luage and Stop (’ooks, to suit every Kind of water works or Steam Engines; Sheei Lead and Piping of various sizes: Lifting and Force Pumps; (ianlen Etigincs; Shower Baths, &c., of his own manufacture. A variety of articles for house hold use, such as Brass !ind Plated I’asin Cocks, Plug Basins, .tc. Also. A P.AKKER'S PATENT double ac tion Lifting and Force PU.NiP, working in a single cy linder, 'witiiout reaction (d' water. This Pump is made to work in Wells of any ilepth, and oi’ sizes to raise from 30 to lOdO gallons of water per minute. It is un doubtedly the most simple, durable, and efficient Pump known to the world. Sept. 4. 1854. 28tf Express Steam Boat Line. STR. SOUTHERNER, FAIRY, for Passengers and Froight: Str. EVERGREEN, and ELIZA, for Freight only. Lighters—.1. R. Blossom, Emza McDuoald, F. Friks, Rr,i) Fox, Gc>y. .Moueheau, Express, North State. A. B. Ches.nutt. RAMSEY & BR(J., ^ f W. H. McRARY & CO., Ag’ts at Fayetteville, j \ Ag’ts at Wilmington. .Vll gooils sent to the care of the “EXPRESS STE.VM BO.\T LINE” will be taken on Freight, and forwarded with the greatest despatch. As our facilities for accommodation are greater than ever before known on our River, it will be our greatest pleasure and effort to give still the more satisfaction. JA.MES E. METTS. M. J. RAMSEY. N. A. RAMSEY. FRED’K C. METTS. Oct. IG, 1854. 41tf •I.VMKS KYJ.K Is now receiving his Fall supply of ■9 ■«. mm 9; Jiootn, )S/,ofs, lints, I mhrelhis, ttc. Among which are: French and English Merinos, very cheap; Muslin Dei-ain and .Alpacas: P>ro:‘ade, Plaid :ind Plain Silks; Muslin and Bobinet Sleeves and Collars; Merino and other Shawls, long and square; Calico and (iinghams: Silk and ('alien Handkerchiefs; Best niiike of Bolting Clotht; A Large stock nf Ready-Made Clothing; With many other gnods. All of which having been purchased by the package at the late reduced prices will be offered wholesale and retail at very low prices. Sept. ’5. 1S51. 32-tf So’iK t/iinsi' undrr the Sun! ?iK\\ I:K A I.\ IMIOTOfiiKAPIIV. Mr. J. S. WEAR, Photographic Artist, * ■^MroULD respectfully announce to the Ladies and i ▼ W Gentlerien of Fayetteville and vicinity that he i has returned froni the North, after having spent much time assiduciusly, in the advancement ami progress of his arr. and at considerable expense in getting up ap paratus. itc., for the pmsecution of that beautiful anl exquisite >iranch of Photogniphy, which he will now ijii'sent to the inspection of his former enlightened and disi-riminating patrons. The science of Photo graphy, or a^ more commonly known under the appel lation of Daguerreotyping, has until very recently remained in its infancy, but from the jiersevering and energetic researches in .\cteiiic t'hemistry. of many of its numerous and eminent votaries,—gentlemen both of this country and Europe—it is now shining forth 1 8^14. Fall and Winter Goods. Our Fall and Winter Stock of DRY (;()ODS, II A RDW A RE, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, iiiid READY-MADE CLOTHING, Is now in Store and ready for inspection, embracing by far the largest ami most extensive assortment we have ever offered to the Trade, and is well worthj’ the examination of every Merchant visiting this place. Particular attention paid to orders. HALL & SACKETT. August 14, 1854. 22tfilm Fall, .V(pir 3^inn «##! »Vew UooiiH. i>EARCi: iSj FERGUSON ARE now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of m Foreign and Domestic Staple and F'ancy Hats, Cups, ]iouuets, Unibrollas, Piirasols, Hoots aud Shoes, kc. &c. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing. All of which they offer to purchasers at low prices and upon accommodating terms. From long experience, and by strict attention to bu siness, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. B. F. PEARCE.] [J. B. FERGUSON. Fayetteville, August 12, 1854. 23tf S. 8. aui:y , —DEALER IN— in all the refulgence of the most sanguine imagina- l^'ailCV FfV (lOOtls, HutS, C'aps, IJootS, tion, and is destiue>l to contribute much to the ad- ^ ^ ^ ^ I ' fV vancement of the arts an.I sciences generall}', as well ' oilOt S, lllKi i JUKI v.OllCC. generally as in faithfully anl truthfully delineating the Human face divine. Pictures by this process are considered far superior to Daguerreotypes. Daguerreotyiies. Crystaltypes, Ambrotypes, Pana- types, Calotypes and all the other types taken at my Rooms in the greatest perfection of the .\rt. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine sjiecimens over the .lewelry Store of Messrs. P.easley Hou.ston and Dr. Hinsdale's Drug and Apothecary Store, ll.iy Street. Fayetteville. N. B. Per^' iis having D.tguirrcotype Likenesses of absent or deceased friends or relatives, can have them cojiied of the same or if hirger dimensions b^- the new process, and as a picmn-. cre.-itly improved. Pictures copied Phottij.raidiically upm Pap’r, unexcejitionable as a Likcne.'S. trom a smai’ and indill'erent Daguerreu- tvpe, furni.'hing ti.em either in Light and Shade or in Colors excoHiiiji th( tim st Engraving in Water Colors. Prices varviiig according to size and finish. The public are invited to give a call at the Old Stand occupied by S. J. Hinsdale, south-west comer of .Mar ket Square. Oct 28, 1854. 4Gtf REMOVAL. ^I'^HE Oflice of the Brothers' Steam Boat Company is I removed to the Huske Building, on Green street, next iloor to P. Taylor's. J. S. BANKS, Ag't. Nov. 0, 1854. 4Gtf Nov. 1. 45-tf u I.OOk flot STO»y A' 'I'l;' TKi:i. I5u, \ r THIS. isf if Cftjte h'ttr Htink. 0\*FsRn\* j . , ri'turii tli:iiiivs t> the citizens of ' ' ' ‘ an 1 surriMuiding country for tlie '•■I- 'io'y h-iv.'rci-cived. and hojie bj strict ■ ' t.. iiierit cdiitinuance of the same, i ;t til liiil'.'.viiig nrticl*“s, viz: | 1 ’iifl.-rent kinds, iJuggy aud (’arriago | 'iirti-rent tjuulitic.s, Itoud Wagon ■>rii(-s, such as brei;chiiig, fec. j ri llriilles of ilifferent styles and ' ■i, Halters anl Halter Bridles; a large ; hips: also drover's, 'Iray and | i ' '■ ' ' 'd article; wagun Bridle.s, Collars ! * the Very best material and workman- i ' I'a;;-, Trunks. IluffaLo and Bear Skins for 'ill c Horse Blankets, and a gix»d ' f'" 1' ir’i. lo..;. ' ' " uratit all work to be of good workman- ■■ ^ li':iti-ri:ii. articles in oiir liiie, are requesttnl to : liin- (iiir stock betore pi;r jhasing elsewhere. VD.-C. 2, \xo\. 55-3m ''e |i!irti.;ilarly reiiuc:it all those indebted to 'iiii‘ lurward and settle, as we are in need of ‘-- I iiiusi have it. HOUSTON & OVERBY. A CARD. "■ yiliscrihiT tenders his services to the citizens I i-ttevili,; uiid the surrounding countrv, as a ‘ i'dWCKLAVER AND PLASTERER, and gives tliiit hi: is ready to contract for work in his line, ' ■ St cash prices. H. F. DiCKSON. O'utteviUe, Oct. 9, 1854. 38tf —OFFER FOR SALE- ^UGAR, Porto Rico aud Cuba, in hhds.. White, Granulated and Crushed, in barrels, Rio, Laguira, anil Old Java Coffee, Bagging, Rope and Twine, Starch and Soap, Mess Pork, Fish, Cheese, Axes, Hoes, Spales. Shovels, and Trace Chains, Blacksmith Tjols, New Orleans Molasses, in barrels. White Havana Sugar, Hoop Irwn for L'otton, or for Turpentine barrels, Lead, Shot. Nails and Spik. s, Sperm and Ad.amantine Candles, TanTiers’ >il. ov. 3. 1854. 4titf WOOL ROLLS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, -)siiab!i rgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. June 1854. .McNEILL. 7-tf NO riCE. rpilE late firm of JAMES a: JONES is dissolved. The subscriber will in future conduct the buoi- noss in his own name, and is prepared to do all kinds of Brick Work, White ^washing and Plastering, in the neatest style and on the best terms. He keeps con- ttantly on hand an excellent article of Hhite Lime, and the best Plaster of Paris. Persons wishing work in my line will please give me a CiiH. F. M. JAMES. Oct. 30. l&-tf € 1EDAR F.VLLS ('otton Yarn and Sheetings, for s*i!t May :i0, 186H. 98tf ness an March 28, 1868. NOl'ICE. '■IHE HUB.SCRIBER has removed to M. SHAW’S N.EW BUILDING, Gil- lesi>ie Street, where he intends car rying on the T.\II.OKI.\€: BUSI NESS in all its branches Having had practical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most fastidious. All orders will be executvd with neat s patch. B. MONAGHAN. 81-tf .T. \V. RAKER Is now rceciving from the North the birgcst, finest, and rno.^it carefully se lected stock of ri R.\iTrRK ever offered in this market: which, added to his own manufacture, m.ikes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell nn the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to custon.r:rs. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and slnu-k, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses: Willow W.agons and Cradles; Side Boards: Bureaus: SeTctaries and Book-Cases; hat- Nots: Tables, all sons; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass: Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans aud Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Kosewood Pianos, c>ne with ^l']olian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any n.ade in the country’, and will be sold at N. 1 ork jirices—freight only added. November 2, 185L 4otf Book-Bin^linf?. I^HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Fayetteville, and the public, that he has resumed his Book-Binding business, at his old stand opposite E. J. Hale & Son’s Bookstore, on Anderson street, where he will receive and execute any style desired, plain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, &c. bound to any pattern desireil. Old books re-hound. Thankful for the patronage he has heretofore re ceived, '.le hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Ori' -rs from a distance promptly attended to. THOMAS H. TILLINGHAST. July 31, 1854. 18tf JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTCIRIVEY AT LAW, B' H" AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s ■ M Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robestm and Sampson. Miirch 23, 1853. 79-tf II. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets under Journal oflice. Dec. 12. 48-tf H. ERAMBERT, Confectionery and Variety Store, Under thr Fat/etteiille Hotel, Hay St., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Dec’r 31, 1853. 58tf Worth & Utley, Forwardint^ and General Coniinission MERCHANTS, Fnyettevillc^ JV, C. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. UTLKT. ^EO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., WholeRale Grocers and Commhslon Merchaiitn. JUST RECEIVED, a large assortment of GOODS in their line, for sale on favorable terms. July 2(j, 18^4 17tf .J.AVIi:s e7 METTS CommIssion Fortrnrdinor Merrli&nt^ WILMINGTON,* N. C. August 23, 1854. 2titf “ PEIRCE & FERGtSON, ~ WHOLESALE DEALERS TN Foreign and JDoiHCsiic DR Y GOOOS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Umbrellas^ and licadi^-made Clothin^^ HAY STREET, FayettevilBp, C. Strict attention paid to orders. "*^8 B. F. PKARCE.] (13tf) [j. B. FERQUSON. R. M. ORRELL, FOR\V.\RUI.\G rO)l)llSSIO\ MERCIIA.NT M Fayetteville, C. March 10, 1851. G2-tf T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by G. W. D.WIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, &c. Jan’y 17, 1854. 63-lY T. C. 6c B. G. WOR ril. Commission Forwarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Wiliiiiiijftoii, I¥. €. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1854. 03-1Y SHEMW ELL vSj McDONALl), (Successors to P. Shemwell,) DKAbKRS IN STAl’J.E AND FANCY J)KY G00r>S, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Al.-o a general assortment of Straw & Silk BONNETS. In addition to our stock now on hand, which is very good, we will in a few days receive a new supply of SE.VSON.VBLE tiOODS, which we will sell low for cash or on reasonable time to punctual customers. W. B. SHEMWELL. A. N. MCDONALD. East side Green Street. Fayetteville, Sept. 23, 1854. 34-y HOTEL. 'I^HE subscriber having purchassd the Hotel situ- A ated on the South-East corner of Court House f^ijiiare, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready to accommo date boarders by the lay, week or month. Having made considerable outlay in furnishing and refitting the E.stabli*hment, he hopes to be able to give satis- avtion to all who patronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the b»-st the market affords, his Bar with the best ot Liijuors, and his Stable with a plenty of Tood provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST. ,Tune 2t>, 1852. 3-tf 1 A. .N. .\Icl)t).\ALI), (Formerly with James Kyle,) lAKES this method of informing his friends and nuiiard Tables fm' Sate. I HAVE two good Billiard Tables with all the fix tures, which I will dispose of on reasonable terms if application be made soon. JAMES H.\LES. Aug. 21, 1854. 24-tf D. & W. McLAURIN Are re«eiving a large stock of Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, which are offered as low as they can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. 13. 35tf TEAS! TEAS!! Hyson, imperial and Oolong, all of first quality, for sale by J. N. SMITH. Nov. 8. 47-tf North Carolina Cassimeres. nVR. J.\MES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of iT-B. Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by Car son, Young & Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg County, N. C., where consumers and merchants can be supplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being equal in durability, and as permanent in col or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the U. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. Sept. 9. 27tf Steam Engines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STEAM ENGINES, from five to sixty horse power, which we can furnish on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Beats, ^iic. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. 4^*“An Engine of our own manufacture otM be seen in operation at the Foundry. HALL & BOLL>tNGER. Dec. 7, 1853. 51-tf Fall and Winter Goods. J, » T. Waddill, HAY STREET, Are now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS, consisting of a large and well selected stock of Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksmith^* Tur pentine Tools, Agricultural Im plements, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles m the Drug line. Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry (ioods. CHARLES BANKS, € O.VFF€TMOJ%'ER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreltin Fruits, iVmAs, Claars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c. STREET, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf J. S. BANKS, ."Vlerchaiit, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 19, 1853. 29tf STARR &^WILLIAMS, , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and M9omestir iPrif froods^ H.IY STREET, Fayetteville, N. C. J. B. STARR.] [J. M. WILLIAMS April 28, 1852. 86tf P. I.LLIOTT, This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. 43tf "e ask the Planters and Tu^entine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. Fall Trade, 18^ 1 have received my Fall Stock of />ri/ Goods, Groceries, Sfc. My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Any kind of Produce taken in exchange. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 8, 1853. 32tf NOtTciTi O DEBTORS. ALL persons indebted to the Subscriber by note or . account previous to the 1st July last, are earnest ly requested to make payment forthwith, as it is very inconvenient to give any longer indulgence. It is hoped that this notice will be sufficient. Having made some change in my business, it is important that old accounts should be settled, and they must be settled. P. SHEMWELL. P. S.—I can be found at the store of Shemwell & McDonald, wha, in my absence, are authorized to re ceipt in my name. Oct. 7, 1854. 38-tf ac(iuaintances, that he has associated himself with W. B. Shemwell in the Staple and Fancy DRY (jOODS business, in the Store formerly occupied by P. Shemwell, in the Shemwell Hotel Buibling, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor him with a call. Fayetteville, Sept. 23, 1854. 3()-t)m J. G. SMi rH, IIHR DRESSI.VG AND SHAVING SAL(MI\, Opposite the Fai/cttevil/e Bank. A LL kinds of Perfumeries, Hair Oils, Shaving and /-m Toilet Soap for sale. I also keep a good supply of choice Cigars and To bacco. Oct. 18, 1854. 41-Y Henry’s Commentaries on tlie Bible, in fi volumes, 8vo sheep. Scott’s Bible in C volumes, and the same in 3 vol. E. J. HALE & SON. « Oct. 27. llATIi, C.IPS, ROOTS m SHOES, For Fall and Winter Trade. IC. THOMSON is now laying in his usual assort- • ment of the most FASHIONABLE GOODS in his line, which are offered jgfeir*CHE.4P for Cash...^ IMpftse call and see for yourself, at the old stand—Mar ket Square. J- C. THOMSON. Sept. 26, 1854. 34-tf . RAMSEY ^ BRO., iireiieral €omiiii^!>iion and wardiiii^ .^lercliaiitiii, Wilmington and Fayetteville, And Agents tor Exp^e^s Line of Sieaiuboats AT FAYETTEVILLE. M. a, R.\M3EY.] [N. a. RAMSKY. August 29, 1854. 26tf w. General ('ommission and Foricardimj Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10. 1854. 4tf ” JOSEIMFR. BL0SS0M7~t^ V o :?i .ni s s 1 o AND 1'OR W A lU^I NG M ERC11A NT, n*Hniington, C. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1854. C7y WILKINSON 6c ESLER, DEALERS IN Confecti(mary, Forenjn Fruits, N^uts, Tobacco, and Snuff, AND IMPORTERS OF SUPERIOR HAVANA CIOARS, AT WHOIiESALK AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. K. M. MLRCHIS()N, C'otn/nisslon and Forwarding Merchant, .r. t\ July 3, 1854. SAMIJKI. W . I'EPPEK, SbCCESSOR TO HENRY I. PEPPER & SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. No. 175 Chesnut St., {opposite the State House,) PHILADELPHIA. May 22, 1854. 4Ypd MALLETT & RAULMIER, 4m rarer a and Commi»Hion rhants., 135 Front Street, NEW YORK. ip. MALLETT.] [J- PAULMIER I August 16, 1852. 18tf mm BURR MILLSTOiVES. Great Reduction in Price. EGENTON, MORRIS & CO. CONTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly on hand French Burr ^liillHtone» Of all dimensions, warranted to be of best quality, be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarries in France. They keep for sale Cologne, Cocalica and Esopus Mill stones; Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen W ire, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, &c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to. R. yi. ORREEI., Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. March 11. 1853. 76tf NOTICE DOCTORS Mallett & McSwain having left their Books and papers with W. McL. McKay, who is fully authorised to receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West of the Cape Fear River, who may be in arrears either by note or account, will confer a favor by calling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. H. A. McSWAIN. Fayetteville, Aug. 30, 185?. 24tf &c. Just re- HALE & SON. 'File Virginia Comedians, or the old days in the Old Dominion; Easy Nat, or the three Ap prentices: Scott’s Infantry Tactics; &c ’ ceivetl. E. J Oct, 4. PUMPS. flORCE and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For sale by March 30. C W. .A.NDREWS, Market Square. 83-tf 10-tf REDUCED FARE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and Ralti- more. Fnrci?13. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wath- ingt«n City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Oflice lof the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at WU mington, or at the Office of the IJaltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1852. .58-tf Goods! Goods! We have opened our Store in Camp- bellton. We offer low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. 76tf 2000'’Spirit Barrels for sale by * McLAURIN & STRANGE. June 12, 1854. Staves! Staves! \cr We want to buy Spirits Barrel TAVES. Will pay the highest CASH^pnce^. ^ March 1, 1864.