SEMI-WEEKLY. ‘o:f\ so>' \(^!.. IV.l FAYETTEVIIJ.K, N. i\ 1 HBRUAUY 12. 1855. [NO. 374.] i. II I) MitNDAVS AND THURSDAYS. ■n\V\|{!) J. WWM &. SOX, ,, ; 'liS VM* I KOl’KlKTOUS. V. iv’ v t >iisKuvf:u •*:{ 0(i it'paid in ^ ii )>iini the vfar of jjubscrip- > 1 ti'i''! tli>* yi-ar has oxpiri'il. U . . \ iMi-iKitvru 00 jier aTuiuin. if in ■ij ■ •I 'r j'liilt iuriipj; tlio yonr of #iilw‘rij>- „ » III' liter tlio vcHT huss Pxi'irod. ; !'ii;\TS iii-ieri.'il for sixty cents per ; I,, « f. r the lirst, ami tliirty cents for eiich ...- ;.-'it’."H N’early tulvertisenients by spe- , ' .’It rates. Alverfiser.s are r the tiuiu'tor of iiKertions desireil. or , "tiTniel till forl'iil. uifl cbiir^ted ticeortl k.^.v l.etters to the Kditors must be {>ost-paitl_ ro lliKK. .|! ■ .. .k Hil.i 'Vasherwoinnn, und u yoting atui .jr. >l;iti—a pood Ostl?r. Kntmire at •t' Foulkes .y McRae. 71-tf (iK VSS SRKl)!! ; BLl’F. iJHASS. For sale bv J. N. SMITH. I. Tl-liu PI,an rs. 'rUKKS, S:c. ti 'NSlI'l'il \1?1,K lot of choice tliines just re- M i ill i t'T siile: anionj: which Asparnpus, r . :iii 1 K:ispberries shouM be planted as soon C'. LLTTERLDU, Nurseryman. P. B. McLAURIN, ATTOllNKY AT LAW, nrVNETTSVILJ.K, SOUTH CAROLINA, i. ; i r:iOtiee in Marlboro' and neigliboring Districts. y I. 71-ltu lI llilKMEOTTPliT.” ~ nil ST cMj^iss DliaEKUEOTYPE LIKENESSES Taken at WEAR’S, .If o.vh: jdoIjL,.ir. ROOMS NKAH THE MAKKP:T. J. s. V 1. WEAR. 72-tf K CJUArSS SLLDS. i;i» ulovi;h .kkd, TIMOTHY S1:ED. HERDS URA.>=S SEED. —ALSO— i.' .'ck. Ferre Wetherstield GARDEN SEED. :iii i 'j' tiuine. SAM’L J. HLNSDALF V 1, 171-4t roK SALE. .If Reduectf Priees, for C%-iSH or on SMMOMIT ill) liRRli(;F,S, BlROlfiiES. Rockaw&^a and Buggies OF i: VKRV DESCRIFTIOX, l..\U(iK S Vl.K Ol' RE1L.IMII‘EIIS0ML1'R(IPRRTV. I iidersiirneit iiiteiidinp tn ch-inpe his biisinoss. S will, on the ‘J'Jd of I'elirtis.ry next, beiiip 'I'liurs- day. otter for sale, the tdllowitijj Ileal and I’crsniuil Kstiite: Kinc.s])ur_y: ini'liidiiiir "2.Ui;>l( Aercs TtirjM^tifiiif j nnd Timbered Land, \vitli Dweliiiig, outlious»-s and Store. A poot! stand for hiisiiiess. with S t rops of Turpentine b.m-s, and ai>iinilant opi>ortunitv for buy ing fiirpentine. This place is 11 mites frum Fayotte- j 'ille, on the I’laiik Roa.i, und iniies froni ('uj e Fear ' River. Uho oD liaffel I'urpciitino StiU in oond (irclor. One Stoaiu 8:iw Mill, jtrnperly rjuij }u>(l atid in ; pood njjiiiinp order. ’ I A 8tO!ini Mill :iinl Fixtiirt>4 oti K:>st .«iiilc>l’l Cape Fear, IL’ miles from Fayetteville, on tlie Nortli- | eni 1‘lank Road, kuow-i as the .'IcDutlie .Mill. Acres F:iriiiinr lj:m«l, adjnininif Kin^slnn v. | loo .Veres nf which is oleari-d ainl ready for coUivatiou. : beiiip excellent reclaimed Sw.iinp Laud ' liUO Aitcs on Wo.>t side of (’apo Four Hivor. ' formerly the residence of ninlcrsismed. with poi',1 l>welliiip, outhdiises, .(-e, H'JO Acrc's of Land on W'L'stcrn I'lank Koad. SA miles fruiu Fayetteville. kno\>n a.-^ tiie Rush l.and. , p.'Ttiou of Trees never V>oxed. 8 Teams of Mules, l>ol qualitv.—Kcntiiekv und acclimated. ^ Waggons and (loar—(^4 Log and I Itond Wuppons.) The abuve Sale will take place at KlNiSlU R\. Terms and condition,- made kiiov.ti at time of Sale. * I’ersons wi.shing to exauiiiie any jiart of the priiperty. may do so on applicatioii I" tin* i»ul)scriber N. KINC. Jany 17. .^7-ts j j ~~ NorKK. A P“rsons inilebted to F. ^lo(lre. either b^ i m note or account, will confer a fav^r by settiiii)^. j at once, as loiiper induIpeiK e curroi be giien. ALSO. I -Ml persons indebted t(.> W. F. K. F. M..ore. are j requested to settle, ns they urn anxiou' to hnve all I their accounts closed by cich or ntherwie. ! Jan. 13, ti7-if I I PLOWS! IM.OWS!! I’LOW'S!!: C I’LoW.S. ;iiiil (’.-istincs .iiiiti li. j:i't re- j m ceived. 1 -Vlso, a Negro Womati to liire until .lan'v 1st. l>'>*i. I U. L. LKLTF. j Jan'y 18. ' "-I in ! W. H. \L\KS11, i'ommission and Forirartlints •Jferrhant, WlLMINfiTOX, X C. Jan’j 16. ^^7-8m I'iO acri's 'rur|)('iitiiK‘ l.aiui lor I A lIAlUi.VlN can be 1.m>1 bv’\ applic.ition tu -■IL Ni:ii.L MON 111 ii;, ! Fayetteville. N. Nov. ’J. i I A Hont and Scvt'ral Ituildiii'j Lois. !fWIHREE and one-tetith acres of Land in » ambellt'.n. JL and tlie I'le.'i-!;:re l!oat whicti was esiiiliited yi the CountV Fair, for »iile. Apply to F. N. .J J. H. Ror.KRT.'. Dec. 13. 18ol. .j7-;f I'OR SALK, 4 FIRST R.VTF, lU'l'iCiV MORSE, of line at'lion, and fast. .\lso. a pood !^UOi^ artd H \RNF]SS. I he owner h.'tviop no further use for them, they will be dispose'! of at a bargain if applied for soon. Apply at tiiis O'lice. N(jv. II, 4titf S. H. AllEV. -DEALER IN — l''aiic\ I’i-y (Joods, Hats, C'ap.s, Hoots, SIhu's. ajui Siioar anl The public are invited t.i pive a call at ilie t )M Stand o.-enpied by S. J. Hiiidi>ile. suuth-wesi comer uf ^lar ket .''(jii.-ire. Oct JH, lS.'i4. 4»;tf I 5 100 Racon. at Oct. lbs. extra \orlIi ('nr dina J X T. waddili, s uf which are finished, »nd the balance bt;inp f npcr hittlf Rivi r A nvi ('(UHIKIHU. -*1. tiTiisi.ol ‘iaiW. Amoni; wnicb are inaiiv >ew • i i ^ i> i *• w- i , ,, ... , ' J V'rTx-L'.ii i i> i/r i r'L' ^ CH M h lierbv ffivcn. tiiit lifinks of :>nhs(*rn- i»ii St vies. one \ KR\ FINL^W KHl.VOh. , ‘ 1 ♦ .1 i* i ,.i 1. v . , * I in 1 • .u u * • tion to the >t«»«k ot ?lie l-inlo liivir Nuv:- > T!i*.- .? tli«in very .i*rht, rt»id all maae in the nest ' ..11 *i ^er> iiiuiiiter and of the best materials. My facililies for I ;irr::ige work ar>- (iRE.VTER than any estubli^h- • 'Uih. and I can at!''ird and am detennitied to sell ; li.o REST jU.\LirY as low as it can b« built ' y any iilie. t-v’ Th'i.'e wlio are indebted to me will tv ir., as niv business re iuiresmv out-etandinp debts t Ve . .,lleet«N. A.’a. .McKETH AN. 1 72-tf rou SALE. .\(’RKS if L>.nd, 0 miles from Fay- etteville, lyinp dirwctly on the South- ; r-. r .i.k l{o-id, an i nn eacli sid« of Rip Rockfish. •! tl;.' b. -t Tiirpeiitine .sections in the comity, with tiv. tiii-nt iiiipr ivements f^r a fainily residence: with . ('•■rM miU on i never failiiii: stream, and a first rite 'ifniti.'ti for a Turpentine Distillerv and Store. A. A McKETHAN. F. , y 1 7-J-tf No'ncE. siibs. lia\it>p purchased the stock of ma- -S t rial at the C:,rriape evtablishinent formerly :: ;.- i 1iv \Ir. A H Whittled. iiit»-nds i-arry inp on the lie ,-olieit- a shure of the lil.eral patron'ip** bestowed •’ "II earriape .'li'ij s peii'filly lie tniK nitw on hand " ijjp \vr\' ' HAND.-OMK VKliK'I.KS. U hii h canii'.t b« surpa‘->ed in the place for style of tinish all 1 dur.»bilit\, which he will sell as low as any work of the kind caii be boupht in the plaee, tjis4f All orders thankfully received nnd promptly • itteliiled to. H EI’.\ Il’il N; biiie in the best manner and on very rf:i''.na^'!e terms. him a cail before buving elsewhere. .L D ('A I-LA IS. Favftieville. FelTv 15. 7li-tf gttiou Conjpany are now ejiened al the houses yl' tlio r.nJwr’iii^uw'J. aiiJ will b^ kept open until ili« iofu f FaUruarj nuxt. .JNO. W. ,M. K\V. KENNETH Ml RCHISHN, Commis.sioiieri.. Suiiinifrvillt;, N. l*ec. ls')4. tjvtl-’F GC7^ Suhscriln rs t’anii'sliv re quest all tho6« who are in iet>it..| to them for lonper Six months to ’ALL and .'^ETTLE their ac-oiints and notes. E. L. X I'EMRER'foN. Jan’v 15. 0;{ F CA.VDI.I'.S. AN.'V and I’lain Wax. .VlaHi.i ('an.lles. 'V, .Tan'v K, USoo. ifine and J.i’low II. i'.\rvi:r. •i 1 Jni SM()KL\(. l' )ll \( C ). 4VERV SUPERIOR ARTh'LE. L.r si.le l,v W H f\!{\F.R. Jan'y 8, »■} :jtn WKTIIKRSFIKLI) liAUDK.N SHKDS. %Vai*>'niifp«l fli‘ «»l‘ I ^*11. fBlHE .subscriber has ju.'t received .i iini]i’ete ;!>-'ort- JL meiit of the above ceb’brat'' I .''e‘il, wliicb he ofl'ers at whole-'ale or retail. J. N. S.MII'H, I'nippi.'t, North Wist (■■>rner M.irket S.|'iar>‘. Jaii'v liLA( KSMJ'i II W^n wiii:i:ii\VKif>i9iT ^ IH E Sub^crif)er lias eomnieiiced the .“SM I'l’II1 .\* i I Rl .''INE.''S on Hillsborouph street, within litfy ! yards «»f the Dobbin House. where .all kind.s of Smith 1 Work will be done. j I’ attention will bi- ;.riveii t.i ILa-se .'Sle eiti^. ' He will .also attend t" ( uttiiij: up l.ijrhtnin.ii (’oi, ! ductors. j tl. ('. ijally taken the adjoiiiit!;r Shop, whutv ♦ io.l Acrf'S OH Uoth sicios of tho F. be is prepared to put up Wap-ons. Carti, Krays, U, I'^.nk Rond -j; miU- from Fayetteville. 14^ Acres i Wheelbarrows, \c. LA\I)S FOR .SALE. ..lid IMank Road, 1^ miles from I :tnK I N rth side of :--vi!l,-. • Ib 'i'f nr:d Lot containitip :i Acres, opposite the II iii'e :iiid Lilt cntaininvr alioiit o .\cres, l>e- il." Yadkin and Murpanton Roads, H niilea from I . •’i.\i’|(. i ai. .\e I. itids will be Sold at .\uction, on Monday " I' h -'-til. if not disi'osed of at ),rivate tab' bd'ore. I r ],:i! lii.-ul.irs apply to DAVID (iEE. J o. V IH',.'). * OHtf M W ()kli:a\s M()I>assi:s. RRLS. NEW ORLEANS MOL.VSSES. rei.'cived and for sale by JAS, U. COOK. .) y 22. l>''i.'). tJb-4w NEW HOOKS. i;- 1' IIMID THE LloN HEARTED, Edited by Dr. ila-.vks: I he H; ir of Redclilfc; Amabel; Ruth Ii • : ‘-.X'on.: ■ \'i'itinp ('ards; Reafly Reckoners, &c. lartiii'r supplies of above just received. E. J. HALE a SON. xoficE. I^ol LD call the aitentii^J of the citizens and pub lic ;;enerully, that I have taken the first premitims ■ I the liest specimen of l5ook Rindinp exhibited at the •i’'-*!* l air in Ralei;;h, and also in Fayetteville. 1 uiii jirepared to I'xec ite pvery variety of plain and oriiuiiniiital Itindinp, of the best juaterials, in the best »>i ) UKifct «!il,fctaiitial manner, and which cannot be sur- 1 liopo to lie able to give satisfaction to those "III) luay fmor me with their patronage,—a 8har« of «1j i:, res]ie«trn11v solicited. TH08. H. TILLINGHAST. a, lb&5. 63tf ;1ERSH. Cl l -om W Repairinp done at (he shorte^il notie*.. A. i:. Jan’y 1h.>;'). DEsiiiAHLi: row \ PKoi’Eirrv FOR SALE. E will sell our n'wly improved LoT, on the corner of Cool S| iinp .'^treef aii i ( ool Sprinp •Vllev. The buildings have all been coiistroeted in the last 12 months, every tiiiim in neat order, .md ready for the rtfcei'tioii of a family. •L T. WAIMHLL. Jan’y 1, 185o. ''^-tl lii'iiiovai. FRANCIS SIIEXTOX BE(iS to inform his friends and the publi', that he has removed to the Store adjoiii’np Cverpe .Me- Neill, Esip, Hiiyn.onnt, F.ayetteville, N, where he now offers for .sale the largest and most varied assort ment of and Hydraulic Vlacliiii(‘K and Fixings ever offered in the market, comjirising Hydraulic Rams; Rrass Ribb (Jiiage and Stop Cocks, to suit every kind of water works or S'team Enpini'.s; Sheet I^ead and 1‘ipinp of various sizes; Lifting atid F’orce I’umps; (■.•irden Engines; .Shower R.-iths, Xc., ot his own manufacture. A variety of articles for house hold use, such as Rrass and I’bited R in Cocks, I’lug Rasins, iic. Also, I’.VRliK \double .ac tion Lifting and Force I’U.MI*. i,i a sinple cy linder, withotit reaction of watt r. fbis I’ump is made to work in Wells of any depth, .and of sizes to raise from ->0 to JOOO gallons of water jier niinute. It is un doubtedly the most simple, durable, and ellicieut I’ump known to the world. Sept, 4, 1854. 28tf KEMOVAL. ^j^IlE OlHee of the Rrother."-' Steam Roat Company is £ removed to the llu'^kc liuilding, on (Ireen street, uoxt .loor to 1*. Tavl .r'i. J. S. RANKS. Apt. -Nov. (j. lS.->4. 4itf s711: MW {: i. i7 Tv AfH io^xTTh” t .'successors to 1*. Shemwell.) DKAIJ'.KS l.\ STAPLE AN1> FAX('V DRV (JOOi^S, liOOTS AM) SlIOKS, HATS ANi> ('Al'S, .Mm' a p.-ner'il assiirtinent of .'^^traw x Silk RONNETS. in adi;i;ion to eur stock now on hand, which is very pood. We will ill !i i\.w days leceive a new supply of ,'E VSuNAUl.i; (lOODS. wiiieh we will sell low for cash or oti ri.’asoiiable time to jmnctiial customers. W. R. SHEMWELL. A. N. MeDoN.VLD. East side (ireen Street. F'uyetteville. Sejit. 23. ISo L U4-y A CAKl). 1HE sut i?crit'iT tinders his sorviei>s to the citizens of Fa vetteville and the surrouniiinp cnuntrv. as a .AIASTEI; RRICKLAVKR VN1» RLASTERER, andpivc- iiutice tiiat he :s lo contract for work in hislina, at the lowc't casii prices. S. F. DICKSttN. Fayetteville, Oct. '.f, !''.')4. :’.Stf HITS. I'U’S. OilOTS IMI SIKH'S. /'or mul Wintvr I'raifr. fc. TH->MS )N is ti'.w layinp in his usaal assort- • tiieiit I f tbc II. .^t F.\SH loN RLE (iOOD.'' in his line, which are otfereil (’ur m> mu Cxsii. I’lease c.all and see foi youi>ell‘, at thei>ld stand—NLar- k-t Siiuare. J. C. THO.MSON. Sept. 2-'t, 1854. ;!l-tt DOliliT.X IIOLSE. HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 7" 11-L be open fir the nccomniodntioti of true.Jts. on .Monday, thw tirst lay of January, l^')'). Situate'! on "ae yf tho prliicipal .''treets of the r.ivMi. a:. l within ;i fi-»v minute« Wiiik of the I’ost Offiee. Telegraph itfu-e. Raiik^. .m l . ther i'U^iness p’aees. and y. t itul'icientiy ret'red t'l Se clear of the annoyanctt und btutlc inci leut to a mor« central lo cation. It i.' newly erci-ted, li;inds,,inely furnisheil, und care- t"u1 attcii 1 in:s ured wiili e-ijiccial view to the com fort Ilf p”.troiis. Spaeinus .■StuMe-' uttar!:"'!. and experienced o.itkT.~: ' in atti-;vl-i:ice. Carriiip*-' wi'l be in w.iitinp on arriv il of Stc: to i; lats, lor the a..'e..iiiiii. ! .l; a or' j .i-» jipe; s. A bhare of j.U' .. . j • .pc r» . pectfailv >"!ieiteil. l-OWLR.i . CO. Dec. 20, 1L .'I'.l-I’.iii KA\Lsi:V ,V' |}iU)„ flit'iK'ral 'oiiimi««Mioii aiil I'or- «vnrtisi^: Hc‘rc*liaiil^^ Wilmington and Fayetteville, -\n»l Ai!;«‘iiis tor K\jir»“s of StennilMKit‘ AT FAYETTEVILLE. .M J. U\Msi.y.] [s. a. uamskv. •Aupust 1".*, iS.’iL 2'itf DISSOLIIMOX. HE firm of O. W. I. ioLD.''ToX i CO. is this day dissolved by consent. O. W. I. C.OLDSTON. ,R. W. C.OLDSTON. .Nov'r 17, 1 S'.>4. THIHE sub'.-riber h.ivinp j.urchaserl the intere.'t of jL . tJoldst'in in the‘ firm of *«. W. I. ioliJsti>n X ‘ii., will still e..nliniie to earrv mi the (iROi ERV AND HARD\\.\iiE lU > I N i;ss a‘t the old stand. He invitvs all hi> t'rieii ls to call on liitu whni cninc t'l market, and he will trv to make himself useful. G. W. 1. (lOLDSToN. Ni.vr 17, is-'it. ootf Tu Ihr l’llVSi('L\N.'N of NdKTlI iiHilloiill who iisf* IJiiiior ‘IS ;i MtMiicine or a.s ;i H(‘vi‘ra;rt‘. ;: J II VsiC!N.S who pre.'cribe .Mcnhdlii. LiijUors for Ji \JeiJicin.a! pU!|io>vs ^iioiild pive the preiVri'new lo Wol.FI. S SCHKIli \\1 AUOM.\ Tl(' SCIIN.U’l’S. 1. It is manufacture.i at Stdiei Imi. in llollaad. an i in the f.ictory of the projtrietor. by proce.'.''- es and truiii laaleri il elt>ewiiere uiiempioyci and i;n- kiii.wii. 2. Ii i- prove 1. by the repeated analysis of several eminent ehemisl..--. to be entirely free frmii the [lerni- «i.)us fii 'il oil ■.vhich ra’nains in every’ kind of linuor distilled friiin prain. and w hich is the cause of the tier vous and ik'ranpi inent. serimis conp. stion, and m irbi'l di 'ire for habit'la! and intemperate in.lulpcnce. wliii-ii sueh li.piors inv.iriablv tend t^ sujiei induee. .i. It is proved by the .-aine iinerrinp tests that the Juniptr Iin is not flavored with the coarse, acri 1 an! indi^resti'iU-oi! of .luniper heretofure used, bat with the siiecilicaily lipiiti r, more voh.tile, aromatic and mediriiial of tiii“ two essential oils ot the Italian Juni per berry, nepleeted by every other laanufactur(-r. L It is cheiuic.illy proved to be absnlutely jiure in its rei-tilicatiiiii—a ipiality obtained by an entirely new process, -md wliieli no other llolland (iiii in the world i iuis acnuired. ^ o. It i.' proved by extensive medical experience and ! testimony, t'> be an elfieit'Df .is well as an ipreeablc 1 remedy in many cases of incipient dropsy, pravel. ehroinc : pout, rheuMiatisiii, ilatulcm-c, cniic, eoncr»rtions in the kidiiev and bladder, dyspepsia, lever and apui-. pene- I ml debility, sluppish circulation id' the blood, delicient ' assimilation id' fo.)d and exliauste.l vital energy. I (>. !t is a must prateful and renov.atinp cordial, and when used .as directed, never intlames the system or in duces inebriety, but tends rather tn subdue the hitler 1 frailty, bv creating a dislike to all inferior litpiors. Ami it invariablv cori'cot.' the ill ellecta ot bad waier. whether in swampy or liiiicstDiu' districts. In all ol these enumerated ijualities it has no rival in any mar ket in the world. Since the introduction of this celebrated medicinal bever.ape into the United States, a nuniher of Liiiiioi' Dealers in New York and our o.her large cities have j commenced counterfeiting it. The penulne is only sold ! in (piart and pint bottles, han ls-iinely r.apped in yel i low paper with my n.ime on the bottle, cork, .and libel. I I Would advise iliose w!io u.-^e it medicinally, to piir- i chase by tlie b.ittb'. a- li.irs and lii;t>!s freipiently fill iny bottles with comm-n pin an ! sell it for the gen uine. For sale by all the re.spectable ln iippists in the ! Unite I Slates. Ul)OL'’HO \V il.FL, ■ Sole M;innfaeturer ui: I hiipnrter, : IS. 20 ati'l Ll'J. i’.eavcr ‘-treet. N* w V.'rk The word ••Schnapp ’ belongs exclu;;ively to my ar ticle, all others are countc'rl'eit. ' For b.ile. whulesaie and retail, by iiie only authi.uised I Agciit in Fayetteville. W. Dil'v.L(JHON. I Fayetteville. Jan’y 8, 18.5-5; 04tf MONEY. WE dislike to allude to unj'leasant sultjects du- riiip these hard limes, fmt if our customers whose nofe.s anil ucnonnts h.ave been lying over for cue and two years, would call and pay us, we would be thankful. If not convenient to cull in person, remit- tance.s will do. We would almost consent to pay post age for thw saK'e of the Cash. J. & T. W’ADDILL, Hay St. -Nov’r 27. LS') L 62tf ^|lWO attemjtis have l)een recently made to injure I me peeuniarily, in the destruction, by fire, of my Turpentine lands lyinp on Reaver and Cross t'rceks. One in .\pril last, by which 1 lost some fifteen thou sand boxes. One on yesterday while my hands were at dinner, )>y which about JOfM) Turpentine bo.xes were destroyed. I’eing thus injured I feel it to be my duty to (lifer the above rew.-ird for such information as will lead to the conviction of the ofl'ender or ott’enders. .uid 1 most earnestly call upon nty friends und all poo 1 citizens tif the county to aid me in ferrreting out the villian or villiaiis, who, in violation of the public peace, repardless of their own self-respect and all social duty, thus wantonly or with malice, attempt, by stealth, to injuie the property of others. CHRISTOIMIER MUNROE. July 20, IS:-)}. 15- A. N. AlcDONALI), ■ Formerly with James Kyle,) IvE."^ this method of informing his friends and fl- aeipi.aiiitaiices. that he lias assnciated himself with W. R. Shemwell in tho Staple and Fancy DRV liOnD.^ RUSINE.SS. in the Store formerly occtipied by 1’. Shemw. II. in tho Shemwell Hotel liuilding, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor him with a call. Fayetteville, Sejit. 1H5L 3tJ-0m J*urr India ('ustor Oil. J V. have just received a supi)ly of I’ure East In dia C.VSToR OIL, without taste or smell, first intrnduced by us into this ntarkot last Spring. FOULKES A; MACRAE. March 17. 1S.5L 80tf NO'lii’E. ■ X.'X'TORS Mallett McSwain having left their B-W Mooks ami jiajiers with W. McL. McKay, who is fully aiit!ioried ti» receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living Wet of the Cape Fear River, who may be !!i arrears either by note or account, will confer a favor bv calling on him uU'i settlinp the same. W. 1*. MALLETT. H A. McSWAIN. Fayetteville. .\up. ^0. 18.5-‘L 24tf Steam Engines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now jirepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STE.\M ENGINES from five to sixty liorse power, which we can furnish on as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will perceive the advantage of having them made near home. jJfejt^'.Vn I'^ngine of our own manufacture ean bo S66Q in operation at the Foundry. HALL ^ BOLLlNaER. Dec. 7. 1853. 51-if NOTICE. SUBSCRIBER has removed to -I SlIAW S NEW BUILDING, Gil lespie Street, where he intends car- COTTON B\GGL\(^. IHAVE a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, and Bagging Twitie Send in vour orders and they shall be supjtlied. JAS. G. COOK Oct. 3. 1853. 3*.itf JII' North Carolina (kissiiiu res. R. JAMES G. COOK has on liand a full stock of Rock Island Cassinieres, manufactured by Car son, Young & Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenl)u;-g County, N. C., where consumers and nierchauts can be supplied. The manufacturers recotnmend their fabrics as being equal in durability, and as perm.*ineut in col or, as any goods of similar character manutactured or sold in the U. S. They invite the most full and tLor rying on the TAiliORI!Vi» BUSI- ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in NESS in all its branjhe» Having had j proportion to their merits. practical experience in most of the At- j Sept 9. 27tf lantic cities, he feels assured that he 1 Can please the most fastidious. All orders will be executod with neat ness and despatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1853. 81-tf T l{i:!!f«'i:i) I'ARK. Througli Tickets between Wilmington, N. and Balti more. Fare ¥18. Via Weldon, I’etersburp. Richmond, Ai, Wash- inpton City, or via Weldon. Portsmouth and Norfolii. For Tickets ai'l'ly at the Office |if the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Ro:id Company, at Wil mington. or at the Otlice of the Raltimore Steam Packct Company, and ol the Raltimore and Ohio Rail Road .jCmp.'iny. Pr.att Street, Raltimore. .Ian 1, l.^.”>2. 3-tf niK\t'ir BlilirMliXSTOM ^reat Kcfliiotioii ill Price. i:(;!:\'ro.\. mouris cV co. d 1o.\ riNUE to make to order, and keep constantly * oil I' ind Frt’itrh Mturr •lHllKtoiiPS Ot a’l diiiK ii?.io7i“. warranted to be of best ijiiality, be ir;p iii.. le ;V.'iii I’lurr blocks selected by them from the best pi.uries in France. They keep for sale C'uioiliU'. ('ocjiiicH ;iH(l !>soj)Us Mill sfoDcs; limr IJIof’ks. l»oltiiir (,'lotli, Screen V\ in', Calcinetl Pl;istcr, Hydraulic (’ciiu'iit, die. ' Orders from any j>art of the country promptly attend ed to K. Tl. OKKf^l.L, Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. .March 11, 1S.5:L ' 7titf J. \y. BAKER I Ls now receiving from the North the | largest, finest, and most carefully se- j lected stock of I FlIRi^lTVRi: I ever offered in this market; which, added to his own | manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of | which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash j or on time to punctual customers. Fashionalde painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow^ W'agons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; Wbat- Xots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stan K; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands: Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine liosewood Pianos, one with ^^Solian At tachment; Rosewood Mulodians, from the bet manufac tories in New York and lioston, warranted as good as any made in the country, aul will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2, 1854. 4-5tf Fall aiul Wint(T Coods. J, 4* T. IVuadUl, HAY STREET, 4RE now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS, consisting of a larg« and well selected stock »f FaHotel. ionX HARMAN llesjicctlnilj informs his friends and the pulilic t!i It he h.i.s removed from the IL’tel at the foot Ilf Hayiiiount to the larger and m lie eoium. dious Hotel in the centre of ttie Town, reeelitly oeeii|.^’ 1 by Mrs. Rrown, and well known as liu' 1 .r. ett. viiU- Hotel, where he will be h;ip- py to ,ti coliinio i:ite Tr.ive!!er.' and Roiirdcrs. No ex ertion.' wf hisii.-i-l:'and l.iinily will be i>i' tred to render those c:i:nr"rt-ib!e v»iio niiiv favor him with their com pany. Fa\ t‘tt 1 ville. N. t'., .lune H, lHo3. i'o I In I I 200tf ^^Ilfl'. r.rothers' Steam I'.oat Co. i:> now prepared C with the I'oUowinp ISoats; Sir. D(>(, ;. L.\SS. Sir. l’.R"i’m'.i:s. Toy Roit "TLVHNSTON, i). I.LWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. i'ASSlDEV, KlNiiSl’.URV, and KLI/\ McDANIEL, to tr.nrt all Storcb.. T’ro.luce and other Freight intriiste'i to their care, with as much desjmteh as any other line .1 Ro.its on the River. They are provided wi;h suitable Wliarf and Ware-liouse accommodations ti> do a pener.ii business, and hope by strict attenlion to the intercsi ol sliippors, to meet a share of public pat 1'onfipe. J. S>. JNO. i>epi. i.t, is:> RANKS. Atf’t, I'avetteville. BANKS. Ap’t at WilHjington. 2ytf ¥ Liv‘r\ Stables. 'I’ho undersigned continue to carry on the 1^1 VERY BUSI- this place. They have lately largely incre.ased their Stock and can now offer to the., ublic as pood Horses, (^irriages and Dri vers as can be found in the South ern country. Thankful for the large patron- ape heretofore « xtcinlcd to us, we solicit a continuation of the [lublic favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to •ill who ttiay wish to travel. Stables at the West end of Mumford street, where one ol the Proprietors may always be found, or at the Stori first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. F.iyciteviile, Feb’y 22, i8').?. 71tf ^\0i) Ri:\VARI). I .iN \W\V from the subscriber, two Negro Girls ! 3 111 1 four ('hili'ren. viz: .M.\RTH.\, a bright mu- ! altto, live feet four or five inches high, took with her i two ^;irl children. Francos and .\nn; H.VNNAH, copper ; colored, :ibout ihc same heipiit of .Martha. Hannah ' took with her two m.-ile children. Lewis and .John. 'i'lic VO iieproes !'i>rnior!y' liolonged to tho estate of Ocorpe T. Rarksd.ile. and are supposed to he lurking about the Capo rear, about ^Ir. Winslow's plantation* I The a!)ove reward will be paid for their confinement in any J.-iil so that the .subscriber can get them, or for I their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLEET R. PETERSON. 1 September (!, 1853. 26-tf Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, lilacksinitliy I'ur- peiitinc Tools, Ajjricultural lin- plemcnts, Boots and Sho(*ri, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy article!* in tlie Drug line. Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry Goods. This Stock w« are prej>ared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 18-")L 43tf 8I8^„ 'Ve ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. NOTICE^ The late firm of JAMES & JONES is dissolved. The subscriber will in future conduct the busi ness in his own name, and is prepared to do all kinds uf Brick Work, White washing and Plastering, in the neatest style anil on the l>est terms. He keeps con stantly on hand an excellent article of White Lime, and the best Plaster of Paris. Persons wishing work in my line will please give me a call. F. M. JAMES. Oct. 150. 45-tf muu & jiistp. No. 70 FINE Street, NEW YORK. COM MISSION M E RC H A NH'S FOR TIIE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF Cotton and Woollen Muchincrv, Ma chinists’ Tools, Leather Beltiiiir vVc., —ALSO— “iHamitaeturer’s Ai*Jsoles” OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Coniprisin*^ iielting. Cart! lotliinLi- Bobbins, Shuttles, Pick«M’s. i*o!ler Skins, Roller Cloth, Oils, cVc. Dec. 27, 1853. ''>7tf STEl)MAT\~k H()RNE, Dry (rood.s„ Hardware, Urorrrics, FAYETTEVII.I.E, f. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens atid the publi-3 generally, that they have just returm 1 from New York, and are receiving their spring Stuck of Goods, consisting of Dij/ Goods Groct rie»y fhirJv'ttn\ f t. A vaiiety of Hats, suitable for the sea»oii; Ladii s' and Gectlemen's Boots, Shoes tind Slippers; a large as sortment of ready-made Clothing; ii great many articles in the ladies' line, and we would lie pleased to have them to call and eximine for ihemselves. All ciders sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be promptly attended to. March 30, 185^. 81 tf Cartliai>’(‘ H.WING recently purchased the a>»ove Establish ment from Malcom Kelly, Ks^ , I am now [ue pared to entertain in a comfortable Jianner those whu may give me a call. Having ample Stables, gooil Ost lers, and a disposition to accommodate, 1 trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. H. C. McLEAN Carthage, Dec. 5, 18.53. 51 tl Fayetteville Candij Manufat-tory. ^■^HE subscriber still continues to manulactiire a sii- j Ji- perior article of plain and fancy C.VNIHES nt I the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, doors North, of , the Market House,) where he would be happy to see his I old friends and customers. ! (’HARLES BANKS I March 1, 1868. 7Stf 500,000 lbs. Cotton ainl I ^ Linen RAGS wanted. ^■IHE subscriber will pay the liiphest market price Ji. for anv quantity of clean Linen and Cotton Rags. DAVID MURPHY. Feb’y 1854. 74tt RYE WHISKEY. Doctor Frank Williams’ rectified Rye Whiskey can at all times be found at our Warehouse liy the Cask. We have been selling this Whiskey for the last seven years and know it to be as pood, if not tupe rior to any Whiskey manufactured in America. J. A: T. WADDILJ, Sept. 20, 1854. .j:j-tf li»00 WAXTliD. BUSHELS of Rye; 500,000 lbs. well dried Rye straw, for which the high, est market prices will b« paid on delivery at our Store in Lower Fayetteville. JESSUP & CO. July 1, 1854. 10-tf Staves! Staves! DCr“ Wo want to buy Spirits Barrel TAVES. Will pay the highest prices. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. 76tf il -==>oDR. STRONG’So=^ : COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLsj Coopers’ Tools, and all (lualities oi Qlue for Distillers use, lor sale by . h. & W. McLAURIN. June 12, 1854. 4tf Fall Trade, 1853. I have received my Fall Stock of Dry Goods, (irocerics,Sfc, My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Any kind of Produce taken in exchjuige. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 3, 1853. 32tf A large quantity of Manufactured TOBACCO, of Tarious brands and price.s, for sale by These Pllla are entirely Vr^etnlile, and arc a most superior Medicine in the cure of all BHinui Otm- plaints, ChtUt and Femf. Dysprpna, Costirenest. Kivrr Omiplaint. Jaiindicf, Sick Hradarnr. Snrnfula. Salt Rhfum. Fevrrt of all ftindt, IjOtt o f Appetite, Obstructed and painful Menstruatum, and all Kn- gtriiig diteasei. As a Female Medicine they net like a charm, and when taken aocordinfc to the dirertiono, they never fail to cure the worst cases of Piles, after all other remedies fail. Tliey pnrly the blood, equalize the clrcula* tion, restore the liiver. Kidneys* and other Se» rretor)'' Orffan^ tr. a healthy tone and action: and aa an Anti-Bilious Familj Medicine they have no equal. I’rice 26 ceuts per box. Also -==2'DR. STRONG’Sic=- PECTkAL STOMACH PILLS A remedy far Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Onigh, Asthma, Consimptirm. Xervous Diseases. Dyspepsia^ On»- tiveness. Erysipelas. Disease of the Hearty Inflammation and Ftiin in the Chest, Back and Side, and all diseases arising from a d» ranged state of the Stomach, and to rdiere the distress and fxid feeling from rating too hearty food, »n weak and dyspeptic haliits. WABEAITTED TO BE PITSELY VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Expectorant. Tonic, and Aperient. One 25 cent ^x possesses three times more power to cure dlseaites than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups. Balsams, or Sarsa- pnrillas, that were ever made; and a simple trial of only one box will prove this important truth. They promote Kxpeetoration, laoosen the Phlegm* and Clear the Iun|ga and other Secre* tory Organs* of all morbid matter, and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia Medica capable of imparting such healine properties to the Lunpi and Vital Or gans as these Pills. They Cure Costiveness* prodnee a good, regnlar Appetite, and Strengthen the System. Price 25 cents per bos, containini; 25 doses of Medicine. Call on the Agents who sell the Mils, and iwt the Planter*t Almanac oratis, fpvini; full particulars and certificate* of cures. Both kinds of the atere-naraed Pills are for sale in BSvery Town and Village in North and Sonth Carolina. Ill ray«?lt«*vill«s l»y J* IIII¥SOAI.iK .lATIKN W. STflTII. “ NEW BAKERIT” fMlIIE Subscriber has established a Bakery on Bow B Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill’s Cabinet Shop, lie is prepared to furnish Families, Boats, ami the public generally, with Bread, Biscuit, andCakesof various kinds, of thehest quality, as he has procured the services of one of the best Bakers in the State. Prices reasonable. Givemeacall. CHA’S BANKS. Fayetteville, Deo. 28. 1852. 55-tf July 20, I854. TliOY STED.MAN & HOllNL. 1 Otf I HAVE ON HAND: ! New Crop Molasses, Sugar.s, Coffee, Salt, Iron, I Nails, Hardware, Cutler}^ Window (Jlass, I’utty, I Blacksmith Tools, Dye Stuffs, Spico.s, Ad-i- ! mautiue aud Taliow Caudic-.s, Crockery, j and Shoes, Cottou Cards, iSaddlcs and Bri dles, Snuff, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., Which they offer at .wholesale and retail. —.\LSO,— Mess Pork, Bacon, Lard, Meal (Fresh.) Dried Fruit.s, Cabbage, FKESli up country IJutter. e are Agents for the sale df Stodd.-ird’g Cele brated Piano Forte, warranted at N. V. j»ricf.s. ft^Manufactured Tobccco at Factory price.-^. Jan’y 28, 1854. tjtl-tf 20(H) Spirit JJarrcIs lor .>^alc l>y Mcl.AUlUN & STKAMii: June 12. 18">4. -itl' MMilUard Tables for Sate. rH.VVE two good Billiard Tafilcs with all the fix tures, which 1 will di.spose of on rcason.tbl.- u i ni'- if application be made soon. J.VML.S Aug. 21, 18.54. _>! ff iN. (). MOL.XSSKS. JN 40 gallon casks, a prisnc article Nov. 8, 1854. ^'iEDAR FALLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale at Factory prices, by TROY & MAKSH. May 30, 1863. 98tf J. -Si T. WADMii.L J7 11 By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS .\BOVE C. T. ll.\IGII & SON’S STOKE. FayetteTille, Jan’y 20,1864. 64y-i^

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