>1i •Ii » ; , I I , * •' •. - V - i sc ,- \ i:.. N k . #; n i-i. / - . > rs'. eviil.. 14. C 'h;s >» I. C. ‘ ^ e ( h mI'. fiff. I :ni!i ( i(-r\ ■ :.;i L I- r. V -‘ir-. I M ' !1! 1 h:,J ll.K-. '.-IIIK. -• i"- i'J. :r i ) i;A : : ;i I •. i: P.: 1 i 'tirhn'ff Ii ii... L-i.i- •». 1-^ all ’ •in;- li. i I*- liti: I*, r li>-’ « 111 ! 1 ' ' ' ,| 1.' I'- L'l vv"i i tc a''J jrll 9K B ^ F.M 1-W K KK L. Y. \i}h. IV.) FAYKTTFAIIJ.K, iN. V. JUNE 14. IRr>5. [NO. 409.] ;;i\T!:!' MONl»\VS A nI' I’lirilSOA'sS J)\V\l;i) .1. HALF, d St)\. i:i'! r>'lis \ i’K-I’t;:i Toits J •' 1' ,v I'F. \i.!- i: r A ■Iv’v 'oukAV ' > • it' itl.-r tl - '-'I it' I'-ii i tli Mil li ; ''ir.N !' V.' V t'li' ill'':, n ' mT' ''I. Vc:U-l> - '!• rit • t.iti- Ili.' num'l l 'i' 'iitiiiiu' l t;li ’.'iirM I. C'l it' '.'.n'l iii 1 in - I.K V I H " 1 luring thi- \ i- ir ui' -^11' II- _\i-!ir has oNjiiri'il. i>v I r 'S'J ‘HI p,-r rintiiiiii. if j'a'. ■ S„l-I i I .'■■t- ; ! til M.v ■i.!v lUS-'ti lit till' >' .■ I'll-...ii' iti'l i-h u-”> i if'i-. llA'i'-', I'Ai’S, SlliH.S, wi' i:i' \\i\-\i \!>i: '1 oriiiNo. i l>» L mis .'ii'i Jit,/ ,V/;V F.l >f- r,7l.-^ .V. (' Al:iy l-;t n>,‘ fit n t h' Mrft.-u/ f /isi>ran'r ('onijtmn.;. .! . .I''/-', '/;■ ■ A. >,( .1 1/ 1'i r ji(' I't;. ;ii! -.ii'iliii'j- t. i -11 1 I'VTiiri- ; iiii'ui'.-r 1.'. MrI.M’RIX .V s rR VXGE* ^ g A\ i; on :i ];u’^o >f)ck i-f superior Sl’lUlT S 8 r.AHUl'LS, which thi'v wiml'J soil nr n rprtiiood I rii:‘ lor casli. INm-s.his wisliinp to mukf . iv.iiil'l (l.i v\t-li id Oil Us tu’t'jro miikiiiji; oii^ujtfuieiitM, i. '.vi- \vnn-:iiit .1 goii I ;irlicl‘. Aitril lMI. 1 '.I'ltf RAY vV i'o. 5 WI' ii!-t n IiMTiilsurtf* stock of j a i tV V.I Tl TSB'.IS > oiiaih-tiii;!: Ill |i.u t 111 ]ii'iin uiiti iiK 't Borujrfs; Tissues; ! !i;;n:-i'il .-iit.l i li.-iHies: plain ami priiilcii Liiwiis, j Swis-: 'iiiii .frii-iiiicts: i’.riniaiiii'f^; (iiiigliuins: «Iiii;;hn!u l.-ivT\'. T:'.r’v't;ius; M\isVni ;uul (’ninl>rio Ivii;- j lii'Vt!ii" nii'l I'l'iuni-ir.!?: J-'r'n-!i wiivkeil (’oHsirs. | .'li-ovfs .-III 1 ncnrm'tts; KiiHUnvcs; .Sewiii;^ Silk Mitts: ! i •! 1 auil lil;i.-k \'ciie; Plaiu ai.ii Cl’ajn* I Sir ; ' must ’i(‘ ( I I'.NHMKtr FCMAi.i: i'' -'i !' I>f llli-5 II'.'' UfiO'l wi'.; (■■'IJIIIIU'IH' fv 'ti'f -liyl ' i' .hi:V. It ‘1 f t;i:it Uii jiaiii..- 0 [H - 'f'll al iliv- i'(k*:i- :is till' ill- tiii ii t'orur- ! ;‘!i4 Slil'.’'IH‘«'ii. w;!'. t’O -oiil t' :iM pt'fs. TiS .le.'iri'ij i'. ti> I li;irfft‘s. t’lur-i‘Ilf St 111 T. \I. Jn\rs. l‘ro''-!fi.t. l-.-t ■ u i-iMVrvi the \r.!o>in: in I Hi II ' I’l'l' lii. ro-i-^i- i|' ;-v a.iiilii li.'l ■llllt il'MU-l'. v.-ir .-ivf I .-I. .1 l>r, 'if Iti'l r .••llo-.; Cl til- I J ^ ■l..-t-;:.; . - til lil )• xorici:. •.•v'-y w i:-i. a',’. j - :i.i ui ir.i I'lij; -r 'i^tu-'l I'V MU' f. r I'l't* 'iiou-^ui ! I-'-mi's. ina-l ■ M llaiasi-y. -latt-t A] ri! !i'-th ■: '.•.1' j;i\;ii witiimi: -ii.y :.-^iiK'S-uioii, an ■ liui'! n t til ]viy 1 ill'.' U'.1 iiO'l tlia - ;i-i- ''I'tii t!ansiirrc I i>.\ " M iv, 111'' "uati;;il!i (.-I' it.t V H'SlU A .1 McI'AMi:',. -!; iia!;'l hist 1 -j- lof t'lciaiiliiis ri'i.- f -r Survi !i r iU’iii I'l.'-i; r-al'i 11. Sill- • - Iai'i atiii li:ilai:i Sa’ii i‘> S-aio 'I' ! II' in ■i;t. .1". ..a till' .i:iV. '■i I' 'fill i Skiit^: Mantillas; l-’r. work- ''iirii. Sli-11. -lil 1 lliil'lii'r. Si'll'. I’lif!’, ami • i.itip; M-i;)' lir-.isiif.-'; I’.irt Monaifs: frototi- l anv, #>»#• invutlrmvii. \ VOI V I r^ri- ti.. k of l;E\nV M \1>K I’LOTMINC: ('liitl:-'; lU'k ail'! K;n.i'y t'ussiiaoros; !iral> It’Kte; IMuin aini Kiii'ii li-iiinii t.li)iii'; tjiiu'U iJri'ls; Cravuis: Hats: lioi'i'. iiii i Sliot;.-; I'mi.rc" li aU'l o'.'erytliiiig iiiiially hopt ill th'- i'l'y (iii i.i-. lii.iv r.ivi-lir’.-'i'r- ;ii'c ri'-^pcoM’u'tly invitdi ti> i-all aiiil es- a;i.iiii‘ 0,11- Sr 1 Door^ Iv'st fif (tit* 'larket. North 1. I'i rsi tl St!,.,.! .lollN r. rol NCll.. Al'KXANUKU RAY. JoilN A. MClloLSoN. •t'fviiic, Ar>ril li'., '.tll-tf FOR SPRING AND SFM MFR, Jl. XS A • SI1KMW F.LL cV M( DON \ LO ■\r«“ Tiovr rofi-ivin;' diroct tVnn New \ ut k. ft I'.KArTIKrr, VS'^OirrMKNT of STAJM.K Axn !’A\i'Y ##irr iiooiPs, Wlii.-li tlioy will sell very liiw fur ('a.sli or 'Hi 'liort time to promj>t i-avin!? ciist(»ni“r.s. 'J’hfv rosppctfully soliiiit an i*arly exaininatioii 'of tLi'ir ftloek. llioy luipe in lit* h!>1p to plense most of tiitise vho may uivt' them a call. 'I hi-y return their siiu'ere thanks for former patrm- a^:,e. ainl solii'it a eontiniiaiice of the same. W. H. SMKMWKLL, A. X MeUONALI*. Aj.ril i. b'.'-tf FlVKTMiMJ: llllTEii. SFRiNU GOODS, vVc. 'To ihc PHYSR’IANS of NORTH CAROLINA, i\f’!iir, Sul.^cril.er has ia .S'ore, lui.l i.s rec iviiig. his 1 illlfltOall WlU) ILSI* LiqUOr ftS 3 Medicil.P i SiMilXO .STOt’K of ; »()I)S w l,ii-h he wishe.s t-i si‘1' for (’-'.s!!. Harter, or on (’reilit i)1.TII.I K'.r'A a p o.l nrtide. I !0!iil SIMIM'I’ I’lMlUKI.S. -1 vi mill Vx* plcaspil to iiiniisli to Distiil'-r.-i ti;*- nnmher Oi lliirri''-; liesiT'eil. :is 1 iiave iiiaiU* arianieiM''nts with ■'he be.st iiiarer!- Dvcvy ISarrel sli-i'l 1" iiiiil». Alsii. ;i fine eliisc (' VI! HI \ 1!-!. 11-’.v. I'ayi'tl-'viUo iiin'i.e, arrant Oil. il’iS vill fili>-i-;(‘ ink* notii'H, that 1 .'ini in ivant ^ '>f Miiniy, anil iln'v "K.NoW —that is, j 1 I'lu.st iiavo it. Tll'i. .1. .)• iliN.'i »N. ; .ipri! 10. tl I SIMUaI: GlillllL A ,1. A. im:mri:rto\ •••e anil h.'autiful \Nl» FANrV S Tiiiw reeeivinfr a 1: st.mmj: if srr.K f^ooDS^ ’.vUiK'I'V Ilf lli’osK ■'ilK SuliSi-riliorH havinir this day Icascil this Hctfl fiii- a t( iiii Ilf years, vvill he plenseil to Ree their frienils aniJ the tvavellinp jifJilic | Consisting of EllV at this House. -Vi tiie satiie time we liope they will bt* j pativnt un i bear with ..ur imp.-rteetion.-, uutifwe .-hall j ^ Fl„„„ce.l l-.erage ami Orgamlic l)resses. (entirely new style;) Plain aii'l Kmliroi-ler- eil Silk ;in‘l I.aee Mantles; .1 very snjieri-jr stock have put ilio lluuai' in surli rep^i^• as wi» liesire. J I! Kur.r.iiTs X •I. H. Konr.UT'. K. N. IUiukkt^. March 1, IS.-,.-,. Sil tf F:i 7(1 Oil ;;ri:.''i;\irNis 'i, t:n- • '•Hti,-. lii.ii'lini: l,4'.'t o'- 1..■).■>! I Oti i I r I III) }'i MVi'n i„ \Vir.I.l,\%i r>i;>V. \ i-.".tr siuthurizc-i .j-ta t- rii'eivo paynumt' nii'lpiant li-ichar^'i's inr r... rv .-u-tiuintd wt ii ive in tiie e-unt. of [{..^c'l'n, .V T. \\AI*1>1L(,. rri-Mini:.,': ri'tiivnc i iii‘ t u! i t V. ti / aihnllis n IMiJ’SAi-K UI’AI.MKS IN .*# iPomrstir SV C;OODS, I \r». j!0(vr.', siior.s, . aii{^ li tiil■j-inaJi' i 'lothiiia; 11A V STill^KT, I'ayoKoviil**, C. .''tnci attiiiiii.n pai'l to ur'terd. "HU I of KMr>K >I]i|;itIKS: ‘'ullar.'. t^leevos. ('lienii/.ette -; 1 .Miislin auii t’amhric I'loiuicin;:!-': iUack, White |(’oloreil Kill Gliive.-i. -.^omi •luality:) Sewiuf: I ^litt.s; Plain anil Kmlirviiilereil While (.’r.ijie Sliawl.-; 1 .Marseilles, Grass .-in! *'o' i.l(:iI‘^Uirts; Kail UoaiK'orse?'; ' Freiich W’orking Cottr.n; Finl'roi'lt-rinp; !»r-ii-l« aii-l I,- . • ; 1,allies’ '(lack and colo\i-il •'>nitfrs, :i)Vtiie !'i1('-;t ri^llis IIOTEI. (on .sue of former Planter si ^ ^ .. I 1 r 1 1 sl\les,l ..Vc.. \i: J[ Hotel,) was iipene'i for the accomnn'ila-I ' tion of icueots. t.a the tivst ilav of January i , ... , ■■ ■ l'>'::ck, Uinwii. I’llui', an-i I-ri'm-h ( ;iitii.-j. !i:a', k 'and Fancy •'assitiiere-’: llah.'in ('lo!h>; !>rap D'cte: White anil F-;nev Marseilles, 'iti l .“^ilk Ye*’t'i. ■' \ iiousr,. ll.W STKKET, F,\VETiEVll,l,i:, N. (' roll GKNTLKMK.V’S WKAll. I.^.tfj 11. 1-Kaiil'SD.V. III 1. K' ’ i 1. Ill ti-'S .lU l,uin^'e’'i- :i. •inn-tit Ilf eert '.in V. '1 1 '.i-.-ise ■ ilt.-r t..ut 'ia\ I ; a: ! l!ij han 1; . tt NO'i'K'!'.. 1 .1.-.tb la.' .I-' iiiV'- > vL-K a'r'i'n t'n-'liti.'i-:. 'lh.'5“ i vin n ai: lie Situat*ii on the principal street of tiie Town, atni ; witiiin a few iiiiniites walk of the Post Uflice, Tclefiraph . , .1 ■ • : oUii t*. Hanks, Unite-! .''^tates .Arsenal ami other hu-iiiness ' larjre stock ol »!K.\ :uiil I50\ S ( .ot.ini;,, wrv.i ! iilaees, it is yet sudicientlv leiireil to he 'lei!r of tiie i 1 I 1 • ■ 1 • ■ ‘ i.—.it I anniiyance and bustle ot a more central iocat;on. [ It is newly erectei.l ami hamlsomely furnishoil, anil 1 c.-ireful attenilants secureil, with especial reference to I the comfort of jiatrons. SP.Vf’lOl'.S .ST.ViiLKS attacheil, anl experienccil (►stlcrs jn atteuilance. t'arriajces wii! he in waiting on arrival of Steam i^'at9, for the accoinnioi.latiou of passengers. I'uWKUs \ (•(_». April lb-')'). 8^ ;lm Dt:. Hats. Itonnet'-!, I'oots anil Sinr : I'ln- hrellas. i'ai’jisois: P.-ijier Hangings; Winihiv. i,iirtains; ! Scr»'en Paper. i.';c., occ. ; Til.- ahuve Stock enihracc.s a very gfiu-ra: .i--'onment j of I'Vi'i-ything in tlu ilry g .oil.s liu-. an 1 w.-re s-kcti'-l ’.vith ;_'-r‘‘rit enre. I’urch-i.-'^ r-5 ai e iiivlte-1 tu call an'l I e.xanruie for themscl\*‘s. '1 hey will lic otiere'I ar the i.owrsT ni.irket prices,. .1. A. I’F'1 CKKTON. April -. s."-tf \V Mil ri’ ■ nil' f-'V i.‘ li_\- thf !s! Ju'.y II ..-.i to p:a' i' t;;> - ' ii. S. ir.t:\»'i i:,-' U' ’iiiun. N it •iMb'-rti-n. .Uiiie In I I (i Sii,rlc, ij> the ( Hirer ,'S nri i>it > 11 1'St.ribo" nz.' i ! • r -ei.e - il'-'. riptiuii' : -i I rtMVrr iiiv. -.n-1 :i’l ]'i-r"Us w:: • ii ’ i -'.:i .iiv c.iii ■'u!i--titu;e f-'i them 7 pci ii>r i • Vi' ' fll ■ I ."t. a'id (tui;. ■ .la'l k in s,u I ii;.'l tin Lit. U!l! t ,.p I'-: 1^ !n. iiiSii.-r r tlU' 1 - r- IT' tii •iO w'L ' are ii. leli'e i t'> tlii. iii]-.i;.y l y i til'!. '1- ' ti.'-rwise. iiot'f;e-i. th.it -^ait -wi' ■it lU a ! .leliifiuent.-; at’ti'r t!i« i-i>th.if Uv or icr of the r."ur'l. H!:.NllV A. I.'iNlHiN, T'oi: • -'--r , Ju’.i- 1. 1-" \ \ .J. 1. I inrnuui L'li' -I t I .1 W i- h .'lii-i,--; M- M,-K. ii III. !i. - y' >»’ i ■ * i. 7 ' :ti. * : >’r •. •I ‘ - _ r:.t *- i-- -n Tii.' v.v / t-'TVir. ;*» Th* (N-’Vi *./ ":ii .'.I ir*‘H ?1 • '■ TO i\\Ssi:N(.i:FtS. -ti-Uiii, '1 v.ii’ le.-ivf tins phice every i>')\V ..111 riilttW at l-'i iiiimilos after :i.i W:’iiiir,'rin;i vvciy WKONKSDAV an.I SA- •it 12 I'c’ ick. with Pas'i*'ii'i:*re ainl Freight. l'«. .\l. (lUlilill.I., .\geiit. I Ii-\ 1 .iC. Maj -il. 1-tt srinAi.; nO>s>s. i855. K. in S:ipvl- • ■:ii;"AV -. ^i;_ lii- ^!lpl■Iy i-f !j: ■I.?; ain*r.g which II. . c. U . 1:1. \! : i. I. ; ;ll. .1 I- t 1: F Mm-- ;:;.ha ■i:as. r.c: -t. >. T I. A. Si I’.! ■■I N,-i!l W! r'lf i'!:S- [ . **i-i-i i Lil. \ \v 1'. iirtin H.-ti ii'rnit- V .-in 1 i.- ii.y ' yi'-ne i ’ y l'l-ii.rii'tor ii- -. t - . I'. .IN > ■■ 'J Fi'.;,«tt- I .‘uc .'- i i 1 -it:.l l Wta. ^! I.-, Ill i.K- : ;• ' ,v- 1. I'J mi' • i ■ N ■; ■1 I vTf-i in^:. 1' '! f. "I ' t . .N r;;: '-r :ticrT. P:ar.i;f . .t-'re Hull - ;i- :it -; i:ul • ;-iu'T,v till I- P' : ;i i. 'U" - 11-1 . V t t n-' '•li th“ I.--:’ r -. '-' --r 1 r. pt i ■tl th- u. .; Ill ti..- •h till’re - ,r\- . I l''i- I'.tiL \'A M »KS 111 I; 'T !. -.11 .-'.J . A. W'l :.v.ML.' t'niii' -i liri.’ionif' ' I :-i": I riar-^'- -. i'i--ii. • Vi'i it'.. >i'.k ri'-ui':-, i'l'iin. f;.”^re-l -u. 1 pl.iiii M.n-k Silks. ' (>; 'i-.-l ."ilk--—]''aiti. v'.iiiil, an-l strij>ed, i-.uil-r- i ieri' i ’r\i'f .'■haw Is. i'uiii;-'.! r. V.I' a - .lU I i'igus Pruit-l. u;ngii iM- Itci. li an 1 uti.cr-J. iim-;. N - . in 1 'Vu U:!.i>"i^^ •'ti.iv. -ii: ! >i!k lioiinc’s, Fre-h l.iiK*!;-", I. wii- -i-i-l I'•ijier'’. Lint‘11 Uiiiiiasic Taliie (.’loihs. 1‘i.iitir.j. t ;,,!; - I; i.i No 1 lu in, >up-r i!ii i"t. ^ -mil ( aSSiKiercs. Twi-'"i- .-ill-! Ki-ni;;. ii> .'enti-. t'.'eri'-ii'' ' Sh'iTMig .in-1 Stiri-tiii;^' P.rn\.n *• iii-a ly• i- tij'.u:' A ;ih n. in; 1 (i n 1-. .\;1 -i' wtii-.-h are otf*'rf'.l ii.-M ..et i r . f, M .r.-!; . I'--’'. >l-tf s 111-'. M \v I-: I A, iu> i; s i'.. 'I rAVKTTKVII.I.i:, V. Kifsl Stilt of (I'rr^n Stra ff a Xurth the Mdrh't /luunt . ."^ulj-scrilier ilesires through ihi.s uietliuui to ackuowleiige the liberal _ j.atroiiage bestoweil upon his lli'Use the past ! year—and as he ha.s just erecteil Ne-w Stat>les ar.il i ('arrlagp Shoil convenient to the (foup fnvl ti' water ' hf takes pleasure in saying to Ins patrmis anil tin- j puMic generally, that he is .sti.l prepare ! to accom- j moil'ite them with tr.insienl aui! ,ierniancnt Ito.-iril. ami respectf'illy solicits a continuance; of the liKcral patron- aie lieretofore receiveil Kvery I'xertiun on his [lart .--hali lie u.'t- 1 to ren-lcr thom comfortaNle iluring their , hiijourn with him. His iaV»le i« always supplifil with 1 the best the market atl'or'is. I P SHFMUKLL. M.arch :J1. Si>-r,m SI’III.Mi TiUlli:. m FAXD FOR SALi:. IHK .Suliscrihcr (dVcrs for sa’-'’i'i! ilF.F HLNuUKl* anil TW F.NTV Acres of I.:;n !, aiijoining ihc Cape F'ear, two miles helow Fny.'ttc\i' . 'i this tr.-ict, aliont I Fortv acres are oncloseil and utiiicr cultivation, mcp.'iov.' } and coi-n laud- the remainder is swamp an 1 s.i id-hill. well wooded, and locate-J for dv.vliiugs. : ^il>6. J. llor.iNSON .\jiril 8'^-n \F.W BAIvEllY. i^|ilHK .‘^uli-;cri!ier ii is estaliiisli“d a ISakery oti licw -SL Street, on ih>* i.,01 two doors Hast ol l>uncan ' McNeill’s Cabinet .''hop. 11’ i-i piejian*'! to furnish ' Faniilie.'-. I'.nats, an-l the p ibiic gc’icriiily. with Ilread. I I’.isciiit. andCakes of v.triiiii'i kin.I--, nfihet'cst (jiialiiy. as he has procured the services ol' on“ of the bfst I’. ikei i in the Stale. Prices reasoiiuble. iive me a call ClI.VS liANK.''. Faye'teviilf, I>ec. IHT):.' o.>-if or iis a Beverajiie. IIVSK !.\NS wlio prescribe Alcoholic Liquor.s for Medicin.'tl purposes should give the preference to W'OI Fi”S srHKID.VM AllOMATIC SCMiNAPI'S. I. It IS iunuulaettired nt Scheidam. in Holland, and excinsivelv in the factory of the proprietor, by process es anit t’rom material el.sewhere uuemployen and un known. J. It is {.roved, by the repeated aualy>*is «if .several einineTit chemists, to be entirely free from the vf*r«i Clous fusil oil which ramaina in every kind of liqum distilled from grain, ami which is the cause ofthener vous and visceral dei’angement, serious congestion, and m.'irbid d»‘sire for h.-ibltiial and iutenipernte indulgetice. which such liipiors invat-inbly tend tij superinduce. ?>. It is f roved by the same unerring tests that the .fiiniper Ciu is not flavored with the coarse, acrid and indigebtsiile oil of .Juniper heretofore used, but with th(' sjecilically lighter, more volatile, aromatic and mediciii.il of the two essential oils of the Italian .luni- per berry, neglected by every othfr manufacturer 4. It is clieniically ]>roved to be absolutely I'ure in its rectitication—a ijuality ol>tained by an entirely new proee.-^.s. and which no other Holland Oiii in the world lias aciiuire 1. It is jiioved by extensive medical experience and testimony, to be an efficient as well as an (Vgrt-enblG ami remedy in many eases of incipient dropsj-, gravel, chronic Silk rheumatism, tlaiulence, colic, concretions in the ;>.idncy and bladder, dyspepsia, fever and ague, gene ral deiiiiity, sluggish circulation of the blood, deficient assimilation of food and exhausted vital energy. i. It is a most grateful and renovating cordial, an.I when nsod as directed, never inflames the system or in duces inebriety, but tends rather to Hubditc the latter frailtv, by cre.ating a dislike to all inferior liipiors. And it invariably coirccts the ill efiects ot bad water, whether in swampy or limestone districts. In all oi these enumerated qualitie.^ it has no rival in any mar ket in the world. Since the introduction of tuis celebrated medicinal lieveragc into the United States, a numuer of Liquor l;e;i’icrs in New Vork and our other large cities have commenced counterfeiting it. The geu-aine is only sold in ijuart and pint bottler, handsomely wrapped in ye^- lo'.v papfr witii my name (>n the Ijottle. cork, nud iahel. I would advise those who use it mtdicinally, to pur- chuse by tiie bottle, as Bars and Hotels frequently till niy bottles with com'.uon gin ati'l seli it lor the gen uine. For sale by all the respectable Urugirists in the Ut.ite.l Slates. UIjL^LPHO WtM^FL, .Sole Manufacturer and Importer, 1?, I’o jind JJ, Ueaver street. New York. The Word •‘Schnapp” belongs exclusively to iny ar ticle, all others are counterfeit. For sale, wholesale and retail, >>3- the only authorised \getit in Fayetteville. W. DH.VUtJHON. i'avetteville, .J.in’y fc, 1855. ti4tf -Hore, ciutiraciug \ \TiI \N Vi M’H i,. ,Mlil ■- \ : I. ;riif-;i'' ;i S'li-cf ii 1: I I •’i 'Ti P’-trps, II I l.e-ld plt.e . W ANDK li 'i Vj M arket quare. "i:'>-tf ■ ; .’-tiK-r iin •i-mises. i,i,.\ii-;n i s Kil:; ii m m {.. \\ . \V1, ■ 1-1 r ■> ti:i'. nt ( 1! \!;!^ ih.-\ sIJJAMS ■ '\-'w :iu*l A CO. -’.1 ii-i ;l. ,\ I lio .i> ♦ f.'Titi in of t'oiiiiirv 'ler- \1’|- Ol' \(‘irrii (■ \iiMJN \. ' ri 1:: ‘U C' ii PT OF ! , ■''/ ' ".7 ^' ' ''' ’ \ , h- il\ till ■ 1:11 ..I Uii rin t:,. (liiil,. ' -Iiii'-I'f.- . .lu iiT**, 1*1 ii*"!-' 1 Mi| • i . l'l.nil *>aw, T" ■-.i-ilai.’i. n; liii.- 'ill I iMA V ill .\ i'i 1 ^1- the iiT.fi’ii-bed t.'.i-nii r -lU I sv-itni''-^"- ' n ti.i- • Siij.i r: r I ;. ill.-5 l!"':- . i.ti- 1 a S[ t- 4»c: lit' i I 4* 11 - ^ ii^u \ «*jci i . i- v-r f\/\‘rs. H.1''cv.v. - I:. F I r I. .t. •.ett ‘1 Mil- I r Ii-r t !i-'' be ' h:-.: lieu .1. '1'. W /.'/;/' ! /./.'/A'-' 1 it'-i; imnsi:- ill I- -h iiirs. \! :r. V% .1 iiiie II 17, 1; s»- I ' I. .-:ir r-; -t.ii-V. ■-niiKTlN •-Uiri iiMl-'.; ■ .•■■11' : V-. \\..-i; i: V. 001. ill iioi j.s. •It liluunt'H Ci-cek I.Ft. Ml Niill.L 7-tf iiiis'’rii NO'i'K 4:. h.ivii'','- ii’irch.-.s d the st'tck of ma- Sl'ilii i' i;\Rlil4>, lA^ A 1 S .III h>ii, 1 at'-l -I the ;-l'lllli 1. W . A i 1, L ilOOKS. i\;!\ -UiH tllH ! n \i.K Ni)4 h i: p-: u l;ii\i;o\\ Mt‘n iun noi! n f f f ( i. in n hn'ii \v i-; t I' r 1 1 l'‘>M :i!i!l J'l Ilh 1 .tut 1,1 I) til ■(» > in mu ir'ii-ii Mcl.Al 1;1N. . \i:,y J . 1 '. t \ I'JOP.TH CAROLirgA \\\) i'. U ,\ 1 \ IXWi Ai-K.Ni'V. II,!.!;, c. i-.lii't l'l: pi - -e\te.| (..|- « ii'i-ial a’ tl'c Catii igc establishment formerly . 'I'ij' .Mr. \. ii. 'A liitfied. iiitends carrying on the '|e - 'ii-;t I :■ u-i of the liber..1 palronage bestowed 1 11'111 .--u .-i ige -l;i.| « !>-'ti.'ially. He has now on liand \ ^nme ver-.- il A.\lt-OMK VKinrLKS. j '■> liicli caiiiiot 111' siir;i.is»e,i if tlie place for style of 1 liin.'-li all I uiu.ibility, vviiii h he will sell ;is low’ as any ' ’.-.iii'k oi ilie kiiiil i-aii l.e \.)U;i!il in tip' jd.-ice. \!l i.i.li-r^ thinkfii.ly recei^-ed arid promi>tly ::-reirle ! To. flu- be.,t iii.iiiticr and oti very i fjUPi GOOli.S are now coiaing in i > * a geiii-ral as-orttneiit of DRV (;OODS. { HATS. (’Al’.'^, AND HONNKT.-’. I HOOTS AND SIIOKS, I! AP.liWAlll-:. ANl> UKADV .UAUK (’LOTUIMJ. We oiler (lur stock at usual low rates for »’.\SH. i>r to i.r-itnf.t paying ( listomi-rs. lleing desirous of contining our tr.'idf to th*' l>ry (fo.ids line, wc offer nur stock .if H-irlw.ire at rcluiC'! I prices. j I We hope and expe.-t that tl;ose imiebtei! to us will 1 come jireparc'l to sqii-ire iiccounts. ' HALL ,v. SACKrri. , .March l.'*'i. Mj-tf | i RFNIOVAL. i ' IJ- ‘M’VF‘l' wfiiil i iiiforiii his frieti 1-' :uid | V W • the pull ic. th.'it lio has remove'! troui liis old | staii'l on tireen street to me Store forine'-ly oeeuiiied tiy .Mr. P. .Montague, on !!av street, near the iVI-u-kct o I- ’ . I S.jiiare, !!•“ has on iiand a well selected Stock of /^n/ f t roi rri'■, S/ioi lllfiuh'ts. ifli's /’i'«/.N-, f'nrii S/i‘7lt rs II,!/ S/i-'iir (’ttffrrs, \ \nd a great variety of other articles well suited to the Ketail atjii ISarter Trnil''—intif’h tlie largest stock lie I has ever oirered in this :uarke» —\^-liich lie vvill sell on | reasonable terms, or exchange t'or PrO'luce of ,ilniost i any kind. .V c:ill t'roin old friend.'' 'ind t!n> pii>>lic is respectful!v solicited. W H. CA’.U LU, Hav at. l>ec. 18, 18'1-J. r.Stf 1 C. Hai^h Hons \04 l( F.. A l.L tlio«e ill lebtt I t.i u-- pi'eviou.-; to the 1 >;t .laiiu- arv w'il c.ill and settle eith -r by note or cash, and oblige u'^. Mcl>!iN.\!.U iV H \LLS . N. I!. .\ ifood assortment of .s.\I>l)Lt,.s .\\I> ilAH- NKSS alw;ivs on hend for cash or on time to imnctual custom,Ts. Fxli'y 17. 1.‘'ii’ S. s.Tsii'rv. — Dr.ALi'.s; IN l ai'.cv Fry ilals, Sliurs. aii(! Siio.ir anti I'oirct*. •’‘;e puJ>lic ari' invited to give a call ‘it t!ie O 'l .■'t.'iud occupii"! by .1. Hmsd-iU-. sou:h-we--t c rner of .Mar- ^ ket Square. I Oct. -JS, loal. 1M:aRC F (5c FKR(U SON A PiE now opening and receiving a general assort /tL ment of !'i.reign ;iud D.oniostie, Kancy anil Staplo Dry 'tooiIs, Hats, Cap.^, Hniinet.s, Boots and Shot's, :iiil ;i ^rcncral assortiaent of lioady-Made Clothing, V'hicii they offer at W1I()LES.\LE or RET.-ML, at low prices and upon accommodating terms to punctual customers. 1). F. PFAllCK. J. B. FERGUSON. March l.j, 18'.”>. 83tf !S ■ I IVo:,i 'iii- ! . 'I t:i y -li liii-;u'iie ! gr:it i I. i U ai l-.llli; .INii. M ito.-^i;. ,‘-;n I-.,., Ill I l/i’.v hos -l'li in i tVa;" .nr.s iri.jer thf* l!ii-ir \iive« ail ! he-l.--. i:;i:i!--ii iti-l','. .). \1. it. \i reas.crtl.' UlVc il' ■loli- u i s''; ■ terms a a ca’.l iu'i a vet li VI i!'. Feb biiyiiiK eisc.vhere. .J. i). C.\!.LAIS. 7J-tf . . N 1 'i'il'. i.\I -'I iN ii.i- i.-A' :ii le S\ siaAl f, to >vi-:r(. II- .ll'.d c:.'-j Uii' .1!'-: I ;,i- tvici;'!', - c'J1 'i'-'in’l'- 'k;-, , i-- ,;i-|- . i-d -o ^i-U ( Hi' \ I' !'. 1- : ^1- -.til M.id I \ain.:i'- luv it \ 1 . . i ;i:;> 8. a?fi' > Si \W] i.i ii )|)s. ii.i- i.'A' :ii '■ Ie !;i-^ i;-'ii • ‘ >-.!r!cty ^l l.i.-' \\\n\\:\S .i. iS4i:DAF\X, .\i li)liMA M LWV, jH .\ \ IN*; i-(-iiM-.ed to I’iitsborougn, N. , will at- ll ti-’cl re^u.aiiy. tliet'oiu’ts of Chatham, Miioie, il Kaiiier !’• I'lti.-s- .V|-ri! 1>. —(»FFi;p, FOR s.vl;-:— l‘orto Hico and C'llia, in lihds.. White, Ciraniilatcd and Crushed, in barrels, Rio, l.iiguira, and OM .lava Colfce, Hugging, I’ope and Twine. St.-irch :iiid i^oap. Mess Pork, Fish, ('heese, .Axes. Hoes. Spades. .Shovels, and Trace Chains, Pilncksmilh Tools, New Orleans .Molasses, in barrels, Wliiie H.-iv-ina Sug.-ir. Hoop Iron for Cotton, .ir for ’rurpentine barrel--. Lead, Shot. Nails and Spikes, Sperm ami Adamantine Candles Tanners’ Oil. Nov. o, iHoL liitf \V. N. riLLFN(;!f AS I', WHOLKSALK AND Ul'TAlL DHALKU IN CHINA, CROCKERY, aLAS3V/ARE, AN1> HO 1 IrI' a III o«» H \V STltF.KT. oppl.^i^c ii. vv F -i. Lilly. ELP.S constantly on h.-md a good .•i^sortmeiit oi •irficle'; in hi-' lii.e. White and (lilt-o-iiid (’!11N' \ l'-ii;n r an-i Tc-» set-:. .1 •• • '■ •• 'V .ire. ill sejvirate jiieceM. Fancy I'ilt I'iuha Tea -^et ■. li piece.s .;t -Sl'J ' • -riJi). Painte.l CliMia Tea s-ns, la-l -i 1 pic-e-, at >S I i.. ->7. White (IHANITF !>i:incr ^et-;. White liranite. ('olored an 1 ■•■Kumf'P. l)iniier. Tea and 'J'oilet ware of various i-.attcnis. ' llockinghini and ^'eilow ware. Milk Paii>, t'ake Pans, Pie Plates, l ea I’ott. .Spitioons, i!ic.; Stone .Iiir.- Cut, Moulded and Plaia GL.A.SSWAHE in 1 great variety. i Siij'crior fable CUTLHilV: Silver plated t’.ASTORS ' ^ and .slHtoN.S; Hrittania .sjiiion-^. (',-iStors, t'otl'ec aii'l I Ten Pots, 'an'lh-sticks, Coar.iinnioii sets. .\c.; 'I'lri ColVee Urns. !)ish and i’late Covers. 'J'i>a Kettb.s. : {Ui-iissand Copper ditto:) Oyster Stews, and a variety of useful TIN W.VP.1-1 i 'le.i.itiful assortMvi-l of WAITKII.'^. LA.Mi’S: for buri.i'.ig Flui 1. .»il ,-ind Lard—stan'iing and liangir.g—af v.iri- u- j.iUeriis; \ Lump Glasses and Wicks for Oil aiel (’-unj.hvMie Laniji.'--; I Lamp Glasses for Cotton Factories on liaii'i or nn'. ie itoorvier. Passage and tiuai-'le ! Lanterns. ! Also, it variety of Sjioims. L.-idlt'S, Skiiismers. iiipper.-., j P.r-,i.-ihe>, T,ilile .M.its. Wood W-'.re, aicl many other i rsi-'.FI’L .'vlvTit l.l^.s. iK';-('-iry -r convciiidit for } Housekeej-ers. I tioods c.irefuliy 'paoKed. I Jgi^ ' Orders will iie jiiit up a? tow as if rhe patties I were present. ! March 1::, tf F.ANK OF CLARFNDON, ,VT FAYETTEVILLE. \t a iiKM'iinii of tii(! Couiini.'^sioiK'FS of the Uanh of Cl-irendon, at Fayetteville, held on IJth ii.st., it w.i.-» ilc.solvc 1. Tii.it Subscription Books for the Stock of '?.i'l ii-ink be op'-ne l ou the 1st .Monday in .Vpril, at ilie t-illowiiig places, viz; Fayetteville, at the store of Messrs. S. W. Tillingbast Asheborough, (’.-irthage, Pittsboriiugh, Klizahethtown, W iimingtoi . Lumberton, 'linton, Laurinliurgh. White,iile. •.{ockingiiaio, l.itlie's Milis, AibeTTinrle, T j’o V S. w. TILLINGHAST .1. W. Sandtor I. Sec’y. Mar.il I'.i. IS',.-,. t-hRinnnn S4-ti liANK STOCK. r»OOKs FOR SUH.SCRIPTON' to the Capital Stock S of the H.ink of Wilmingt«n. will be opened on the l-'d d.-iy of .'Vpril, IS.'}.'), at the otHce of Jatneg Banka, in the fown of Fiiyettevilie, and remain open for .sixty l>a\>i. under the direction of J. L>. WILLIAMS, t WM. McLAURlN, .1. G. SHEPHFUIJ, JAMES HANKS, I Fav-ttevii';e. N. .March 28, ls:.",.j. ^7tf Comr •1-tf . i-;v>- '■ 'iS' TVvt it I ' \sn iV' SI’4.L, ■>V \(ION. c^'tiip i!!'rne.:s Hoise. .1 , V »■ > V ' iV. \\ »-O: >{ • • N:-'W :' v- »r I I («u ti i‘‘. :ii ix (t. rocKt'r\ till- I'l'.st term.s f‘f ('.\.SH .ir o’l - time to iiuact'ial (, ustomcrs. | in exchaiij^e I'm- Goods. ] Il.MIPIS ‘c ll'.NDLF. ily f'o .\pril !_’. Is • ',t;N";>i i'OR S\:.l.. t- nt.i'i c liart of a "J. aa-’ ! !c rsr Wagoii. h with Iron \>.!e.s. iil'vv an ! ri niy for iis.-'. J. X T W.^DHII.L. March l-l, iy-'.>0. b:;tf GOLDSliOROUiin FKnAi.i*: i:oi.i>.i:[^io. fpHE third Session of this Institution ci'mme;u-es on I Wednes'lay, the 3d of .ian'y lS-'»''i, :;n l ends on the od of .iune, lh.'>.>. Ryv. ,I.\S. II. 1H:i;NT, a. P... president. !>r MiiK.-j.A-i Ci.iiss, late o! Chape! Hill. Pr'>f-?;^sor .if Matheiua'.ics -\nd a full carjis of Teacher-* in every >iraii- ii. P.oard. inciu'iine: Washing, l.i-rots. t''uel. I've., per session, ¥■>* Tuition in Prini.-iry Deiiartiuent. >(l iit'.tginte Ilejiartiiient, )0 | One hundred dollars «iii cover -ill ex;discs of the | ■;essi{in in tin- ri.Mef^iate conri-e and .'ill ornani-.'iital ! br;in-lies. j I 4' 5' P 1 ' Pupils in nrimarv 'lep.irtnieiit charged tlu- o-u.il | j price for ornauicelal ! raiiclie.-i. One iiaif payittiic in | Hocteway.'^i and Buffeies , , ...... .,,, , ,| ,, i Ihree l.ecturi's'I 1 scieiitihc suo|ccts .’.u: ; c .Icliv.'red I o/.’ /; 1 /’A') DLSCiUrno.S, I ,,„,u momli. ' 1 ™ ^ ‘ '■'•'hicli are ;.iii-h - i, aii'l tlic iialance lieing j \V« are making e-.ovy etlort to render iht -’clicoi t!ie \ d lini'ii'' ! 'biily. \nn>r." which ar'' many New jn advantages and'-ln'aiiness. an.I ple lge to reduci- ^ i;d t’.i-aiit-lol St !es. jir! oiie 'v i I’A 1 ! .N K V\RKI.\GE. I i,rices, .tnd multiply tlie adv-uitagi-s in proportion to ! ■or.c o! toi :-s \. r\ o:.'it. an 1 ail made in tlie best | (jn-iif patronage. When our number of pupils .^•3' l-ici;ities lor | i-tachts 'Jdii we .-'hali l.o 'liile to rtdin e the prices iiciiriy )!ie half, everi one .-li.iing us, is aiso ai iiii'z in pl.icitig til-' nieiiiis of a 'Superior c-liu-ation re-.'ch ahnost evtrv girl in live St At^. DFSIRAF.LF i'OW X i*ROi*KirrV t'iM! SALK. 7" L Will sell our licwly iniproved LOT, on th? Cornel- oi C-iol Spriir; Street and 'iiol Spring \lley. The caii'F.ngs ha\c all I.con conJirmUed in tiie las' 1-J meiitiis, every liiing "n ii‘-.it order. a;i'l r*".idy tor the reception 'il a 'iiiaily •t -iii I. iS-> S.- i V, .'.VI ,Sl iii’tiisfcsf for i VVil (Mi S > iu..S o! J iSi, T. iI»Dll 1 r,;’.tt ! i.-.i.'I. niiii-s iVoiii Fay \i.'0, lying liicctly oi> t!o- nii;i- Platik Ro .li. :-.II ! mi Ca'-'i -’.lie ot .>!C !I'> One of the l-.est Turpouiine sc't!o,i-; m t^ie c-.'i:ii. cotivcu'ent iniprovei'icnt.s for a small corn m;ii oii a ii.-ver rc-ni rati. -iinaii; il a I'arpciir'.ni- •''■y ;,i.iii!y -tl o.i-.ii, -:n i m-iillei-> ami .-'-lore. \. A .\icKHrii.\N. 7:-tf '-'11. with •ivith hrst nt Soti'h rl of the f ill' il laalr rl.ils. .My f.-iciiities for ■ CKH.V'i'liii than any est-iblisii- \ -it;.l aia '!i(i riaiiied to sell li.l'l'Y as law as it can be built •hin the siipp at v.e For fill tlier !i 1 li_\ .iii\ on. j Wt; return th:«nks lor tin' nni'snmi.led Bi-j?' ^i'lnist* win :tvc i'.Kii’Wii i.i to tiio will please i have h.-id and believe i: wii' ne continued, p.-iv up. as my business re.|uires niy out-standing debts ^ int'orination apply to the Pre.-in.-ni of l!ie f-icuii^, to be collected. A. A. McKETli.-VN. , myself. W .M. K. LANE, Pre:,'t Stoci-:ho'ders Feb. J, 185.3. 72-tf Dec. lo, 18r>4. ')7-tf I h.i.s reiiii-ved to I’.UILDING, r.ii- 1',' intends car- NO'i'iCi.. g’jHi: ;-Li;.’ci'ip.r. a Sil 'WS NF.W lespie .-'■.re^t. wlieri rviiig .111 the 'S' i 1 J SS. I HUSl- i-.SS in all its i-ranches Having had practic.-il e'ipei'ii nee in taost of tiie .-Vt- l.\ntic cities, l.e feels assured that he call ’i!e,i-e fl'.e ni‘ii:t idious. IMIIIIAVS & JEXIil', Wo. 70 PIWE street, NEW YORK. COMM!SSl)N MFi’CllAXTS FOR Till: SALE OF ALL KINDS OF (’ottoii an«l \\ (K)lirn Muciiiiicry, Ma rliiiiists* l'«K>is. Lcatner —A LSt)— •vHaimiacliirer’w OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CoiiiprisiiiL*’ C'ani C’lotliiny^. U^)liliiiis, Sliiitllcs, Pickers, Ri)li'r Si-cins, lioli(‘r Oils, \:c. Dec. 27. 1S.',S. oTtf IA I'I'FRi.OH ^ CO. '.in-lcrsigned haviiig on the‘JOth .May last torni- I ed a 'opartii‘'rshi;) under the name and S'yle of •-Lli'i ri-^liLr,!! C»L ’ f«r the purpose of transacting a genera! Roatiiig business on the ( ape Feur River, : t!i.’ Stciimer Fanny ijiittc-vloh has bee.i reji.-iired, and - i= now in superior order I'or freighting .u-'l carrying nas.-:engers. Slie will make regularly tw > trips a -.veek, leaving Fayetteville Mondays and Tliursd.-iys a* !'. I ininutc'^ after i^niirise, and Wili'.nngt;,n Tue.s lays and ; Fri'l-iys at l'> o'clock. f h«' Steamer Uowan wi'h a fall 'roaiplemeiit of Flat> wil’ m,-il;i- me trip or more a week, as circunist.ii'.i-e- !iiay reipnre. The P,..ats o ' thi.-lim- I being of very iiglit draft of wat>r, shii'pers may re!-, oa dispatch. The Steamer Fanny i.utter!-!i has iiiadetHi. trip> a week, for flie la“t twenty-two inon'iis. np «i. t!ie ‘Jf'tli May, during tiie lowest s'ate o! t.he !:ivcr. .-^hipper;-* hy our line niaj- rely with certainty on dif.- patch. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wiiiaington. J. F. MARSH, .V.gent Fayefteville. 't. s. LUTTERLOH, IL H. ELLIOTT, J. F. MARSH. W. P. ELLIOTT, J. P.. TROY, Jr. July li.5, 1854. 17tf or ijcsi and despatch. March 28, 1863 A c.\in>. rpilE subscriber ten lvrs his servii es to the citizens 1. Fayettfvilie .-in ! the s.irroundin'j; cicintrv, aw a .Vll orders 's^iil be e.tecutwd with neat- M.-VSTEH HRICKL.VYEP. .\NL> PL.\STFRFH. .mkIgives notice that he is rea !y to contract for work in his line. B. .MONAGHAN. at the lowe.st cash prices. S. F DICKSON. 81-tf Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 16.j4. ^ .'^gtf

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