8 VMl-Vr r^lMCL Y . \ ( VWKTVVM]AA\ S. C. Jl F.V !!). 1S55. [ VO. lifi I'f M'.Vi- \ > •; VN!« I'ili l!Si» \\ - i’l' !:5)\\ \ ifj) ii \m: s()\. I'!,;: ii;.; T I’.->!’1! 11 :T • 1! S. . • ' W •.'Uh Oi:-.Ki:\I ': iI in , . ,i • I ,’.1,1 iiu ;!i-' M” !;•- 1«' •• Ll’MON ;;vi:ui>. !’i- r ro( >>v luiii- ‘iS, 1 T J !!1N :p \i.i: I.’.It ii‘ r.l'Nd l.l'ttir-: (>I' I ft' .I’l’.tl 'II, ll ! II! M i:i_^ ;lr.' , "tr ' sii'ist I iji- Ik yi'.w !..'s ( xpifO'l j ii -t'Vi' 1 '.>r •'ix'v cv'iits p.'i j !i'- tii-t. .'iii'l liiivtv i.oiits ;\ i j '■ v ii’y :.'lviT(i:;('!iKMit' !'V j ' ■liiiN’" r;lU'.-' \ -"i' ! ”.u;ii^er ot' in-ii'nivii- ov i 'ill t' .rl'M. !iii 1 • !i:ir'iO'l I ' tin- Iv'tllov'i Tiuist 1-0 I’ I !*u]n:iiin;o'rviMis. ivi{in:(n'VPi’: ijki:m:8si:s I Taken at WEAR’i«, I iiOi»>(S \KA»: 'I'ili': MAiiKiT. 1 .5. '»v n 7‘J-u sp,iiix; i;oon^. isr>5. joNKs’s i.AW ki',i*()irrs, vor.. i.i 1111K SuhfjiTihcrf: h;»vt* {■():• s;ilo, tiio 1st \mI. iif| Hniniltou (’. .lonos’s llojiorts of Lmw •.in liu^ i j Su(>l’iMilc ('oillt til' Noitil (.':U'oliii!i, I‘('I’t'li',- Miei' I'enu IS.'):; to Awgnst Tt‘nii ISol. I'rii-o "jO. SotP *>!■ volmiK'S ol' the Supront> (’mirt !!('- j ]u*rts, aii'l l:uv iHxiks siipt'lit-ii on n-usoini' lt ' tTlll.'-. !• .1. lULi: Ai.ril \\':h SON. 'It'.. 'IF.ACIII'.US. I • ill’ i 1-U'tiH‘s oi till' ‘-t:!;. O'.tt'vilie KoinaU* Iliiiii' >■ (:■: '1.' lri\i:i,L’ iitMi-'.y tii.-ir I iiiKIiii:.;. j t.ii 11 till- HOT\ lot‘*= of ;i L;‘“ntUMil-in !is I’riiii-'ipill. | ri •M';u'.i!:n:ui :ui'i In': v'l’o. vaiulit'u’ii u> i«kt- ilu* | u’.'v; .i:t.'ii li‘in‘i‘ 111 till* Srh'n'l, :i :il>er:ii '.iIm. v | iM.‘ L V('i. riu‘ liuiMiiifi !u'i‘'iimuo liitvliiiy ' ! i'litv :iM- i-'::r k”'-' Ci>lul'«.irl-iMy | in ;i: -T '••-■-ion uiil fumtufiu-o in I'otobor. j : ■'.•■t’lv'r liu'oruiMi-"ll :irplv to ■ S. .1. HINSDAM-:. i J. 1). V.ILLIAMJ^. ; .lonx n. t'ocK, i 1» S WILLIAMS, i K J LlLl.V, i ( .■'iinnittot'. . \ .Iii'iV Ih-K-. l7-ti ■ .lolix iir(,iii:s. 1l!r ( I >\'ri;0\’KK^V ' I’twofn Senatur lhonk« r.n i i ,'oiin, Ari lJ.i'hoji of tlip lloiiinii ('hiLocIIc | : r ' N\‘v, V. rk —-•’* centri. E. i. HALM .V SON. ! iu- 1. Mrl JVM i''S [\^ LI’’ p.'w ills ^u)i]ily ’•’'!oo>ls, ir«- I’riiiti-il L.iVviis, i’.riliio'it u'luaiiiiit's. r.itH'fros. Ai’iiiii, Silk ria'ai. li^ftivvi lUi'i pliiiii Lhick Siik:'', > Silks—Jilait:, |>l:lil, mi l s! ri|i‘.-il, liiiiliroiilcn-'i t'riijto Sliuwls. I'iinnrir':, AlU'ii's .iii'l lUjrirs' I'riiit-j. • rui-j,!i:uns -b'roiicli :unl ctluT'', iionin'. Ni'i’k MM'l t’:ip Hili'iiiii';, Sti.tw .ui'l Silk rHiiiin't.-. l'n-.h Lilu iiiS. f.uwiis ;nul ItiaiH'r.s. U'ltn.i ik Tal>U‘ ('lotlis. IJoluii”: li'tlii tVi iii Nil 1 to Iti. SuiK'ii’iiio ('Idtii'' an 1 ('a'simtTfs. Twi'c.i^ an I KciUiicI y .lo.ui-. i’.K'ifliO'i SiiirtinT an '. Slu>''tin^.', r.v vvii i!»‘a'ly M » l.-thiiiir, :h inaiiy otliiT (inD.U. A’l nf whicii .es* II’ u'kft ■!«rii ,h I'.. f*a(cni Sahmuunfrr Stifc. I ^ ft/' IJ kooji coi'.staiitly i-ii ai; :)“.sofr:aci!t ' tin-!tn'vo SAFKS. wan.uiti'il tin' iiio.if; ,■> j ticsirou'-'ol'oxtoii'liiip: tlio iL'iuauil f.ii- liu in Imm' ■ 1 iluccil t'u' niak'M's t.> t ) iit>livoi- tli(':n !icro New York pvic'.'s i>. iV vV '>i,‘ij.\ U iii .J'lIK' 10, IS' » ' tf \lASJ.i:'! r IVM'LMIKK. Ui'orrvs ansi 4'ommissioH rim tits. i-.tr* S'v«nl NEW YORK. I> VAI.I.KT'’ ] [ l I'All.MIKlli ■Vujiust I'i, iJSji: ISji I I’OR SWA]. I A riKsr itAi'K I’.niov mousk. >!' ii'ic •u tiiiii, j aii'l I’a^t. Also, ;i ;:•(>"'( !U'(iti\ .iihl II \I{NI!S;'. j 'I'lii' owiK'r lia\in;i no I'urtiier ii-'o lor tiuMn, tli-'v will | lio (lisposeil ot‘at a Largtiiii ir applicil for son-i. Apply at this !Hi't.-. j Nov. i'l. 1H5J. Jiitf 1 V Propor(y KOi: SAl.E. ■4 m A''11KS of vfihiaM'i KarminjiC am! F Tiii-pciitine LAND, with the Tiirpcii- linolVCILL. STtSIU'- IIOL'SI’, GOODS, and ST.VNI*, known :i‘i r.L\T'I’V S liltllHlb'., in ll:(ilon irounty. :iro , utlorc.l f.i- 'rii>' Store fi’id Still vili I)c sold oitiior j wiHi or without the laiii); so th:M those w!io wi.sh t » j ill i-rcaiitile ojiox’.-itious or in I'istilHii}! Tu! | ■will io wt'il to anp'v .‘=,)on to | b!:A'iT\ X i5.KOTin:u } tiv iiri hrc. .;ni> l2. 14-tl ! onia;;i fc ii AVK urrangcniiji’ts t i.ain! '.N'arrur.t- lii.'it niav i' UIK.V.N'l’S \\ \ST\A). tf* hiiy any ’.mnilier of ■I'fciV'l at theV . jir,-.:, OnTcrs o:' Wanaiits :.'.ay send t'len' to me* a.id thi y will c:;>t tin- he- t lurrl'A-t prit o. W.MlitANTS p>'o*m‘ed tor Soldier.^, Widows, art! 'dii, 11 hoifL' ;u rsii.i!, ati>’. all oth.-'i claims prose- '-ued aff-ii'.i.^t thi.- ijovor’iinent, cbnrge made iinioss tin- . lanii .•^ocift'd. "¥;.:»}{ JN'v'. >1. LOSi; ’•n: l.'-'j.i i:)-:;ni 'V. c. v’oirrn. ^JllNKUAL ('t‘.MML''.-?:oN ?>n'i:t’i!A\T, \VfI.MINiT()N, X. r ridvaiicos inad{'n;i co'.i.s'.^iiincniM uf t N'a Stores, and otlioi- I'ro luc-.' Pariiculaf att'Mition >'iveri by*'. W. '-.x V ir- (o r ci);i>ing (■ai-;_'.>es, prnc-'srii'" Froi^d'^'^ iS;o .lan'y !7, iS.n') li--'i' r. 1.^ [>. (». C'Mnnjission »5v r.HoWN^'^ lU il ■> ''TEI-. S'i’LlKir WiiiEtisEU'4«»?s, UsH.il a i*. rinov s ni.i 1* •I.in’v 17. *>'■ ‘‘ n. L. Attorney at Law, Wileiingtou, ?j‘. C. I'FU'K oil vori.ei u' Fron' an.l rr'iiees.'s street. «' ' f »• ‘ 5 ■■ J 5 , • V» ‘ ' 1 J. i if. ,l’(l‘.i!5X \1 ( I*-.’i ii t n i i'. Mi URAV, PKM'OCK V {).. I COMMTSSTON >1 KKiliiAN'i S. j viLMixr.Tox, V. r. j Pi’.isMl’T and itei'.^on.il attriition piv« v t'* tliv' -ilf :;f I N'uva! Storo.-^. t’otti^ii, Fiour. .'vr. j !•' 7tli L. 1*i;a»'(u K C. iL iloHtNsyN j .\pril i;:'.. I i /^Vy/7* a,ah>. ! oFFlUl tor .'tale that Vulua'i!*- P'-'iUtatioi*, j » » knova a.s iho “.ASIIK 1‘LAv’L," seven mile?; nl-ove Fay?ttev’lle, on the Ca)>e Fenr Hivei’, veceutly I tlif pidperty of (’oL Natinu Ktti;'. toTitaiiMii^ .SKVE?> i VCRJ^.S,—oviM-y aere of which is Cajio I Fenr IJottoni.'. and susceptililc of tiic liiohc.st .s!at.' o*' rultivatii'ii. Thi. fjaiid roiiuiies no pufti’.iji as it is known to tiie best rariuin;^ lands on (’ape Fen. l«i> r. 'i'finis will t>o nialo ;;atibfiic*ory if the right Eort oT [■.ii-t'.haser i-i founil. tipder .Journal jflicv. Dec. 12 lie red :it ^ l-tt LaiMp. :.t;d t'-r OIL. Tatiiior-! and Lin^cod Oil, jr.^ 3'i!e in ■juaiititic: t» r^uit. Ii ilt'SK. Uvr, Mi: \ t IC ,. n r.AiiRi-j.s. !ir-.d to fnruish l>istill»‘r.'i 'vith kny f 0'nk-!nnd Spirit I'.arrels they may • lliill S I M ill!( sti' ■ d l 'y ’ 0''e’w i i _\ I. .V T. (‘(ilcilu- • t.. HAi.F. .'.DL'ILL. 2-tf -II liir- SoN !'()U sali:. ,#/ itnhtti'fl t*rires. for or on SSiOtST Rockaways and Buggies o /•’ /:) 7.’/i*)' // /■: s> ’i\’ Ir ri oa; \N\' of -iviiN-h til'*' linirriied, :\!i 1 the lialanoe lieine ^fS iini>!u'd i iily. Ann.n- whi. li art- many Now a:id Ii-,a itii'ul ail i "Ilf \ Kl'.^ FINK tWliUl.MiF.. Some of them ’.eiy iij;lit, an 1 ::il :ii ide in tiie lio^t manner am; of the *>e^t fi:iteri:'l.-. My I'aciiities t'>r tluin^; Canl.t^e ni.i k aiv (iliH.WLIi than any e-;t.ihii>h- liient Sou'll, and 1 v..ui ailm d and am detei mined to seU woil: I'f the lli’ST ‘il'ALrrY .i.' o 'v as ii ..ati I'C tiuilt .1 r liy any i>nc. ril'V'.- whii 'lie j>ay ii’i. as I'.y ’ i iiii->- ii jnire- n’’ I'ttijr!tci'ilh ('(tinlif Mtutuftirhu if. ^BlilK siiViscriiie*’ ^till eunfinnes tii inauiifactni*' a sti- -M perior .artiileof plain aiul fr.ncy tM\;;ili;s ai the old j'tand, {Nn. ,ireen street, -dooi.s North, of the Market Hou.--e.'! v. in-re he w inM !•« liajipy to .'eu his old iVlends and customers. • 'I'MILF.S iiANKLl. ^L•lrch 1. 18'):'. 7;Jt‘ l'IUv\{'ll BliiSR }llLLSTI).\i;Ji. Iiiroat fS*hi*fion in l*i‘i«*‘. rox. mo in? is oo. order, and keep 0'*:ista!it!y .11 ST I'nnJSHK!), I iftnl i'orrvfteil of I Devereux’s Xlqiiity, Vol. 2. .siiMi; ycar> ]i‘ist this volume fif the Ke}>ort.s of ;h(' Supreme ''oiirt of North (’aroliiia li:is been i ( lit .if print The s'.'lisyriher-i have printed !i "Jd ed.i- 1 tioii revi.scd and cor’^ecleil, whieli iliey will he happy j to fur:ii.-:h tu sucii jrentlcmeii nf the profession as have j i!it:'lai Icte .-^et'. Orlers ;ni solicited. Should they i 1 r eiK-ii>rawe t 'I’.fiicieiitly 'the sale of this volume, j ihfv pro|>os“ to fnll.i-.v it i>_\ a re-y^rint of Deverenx's ! 1st. :;d. t.r.d -liii i,aw, ai; 1 i>cv. 5c Hattie’s 1st [iaw, all ! of wh!idi :ire out (if jir'iit. ik .1. A SoN. I M.-v IS').'). I WAttv. ’^ilK Ni:\V STi;.\MK!l “MAd? Ol.l \ v i',1 Fayetteville 'J'lu-sdays .“.nd Fridiiy- a' 1 i ;iiiiii'.!f.s after sunr’sp, find \Vil>iiin_L;tou Wednea ;avand ii'■ davs .'.t o'clock Pa^saire T S. 1 L T’I Fiit.'i!! June 14, IS-')'). i‘ 1 8-">5 T. LUTTLIlLtUf .1. « T. WADDll L. 7:i-tf \ i Oi ikf \i:v\ !U)OKS. fliii; r.trhnian; l^l^■f (iraliarii. l.y .Mrs. lleni/.; U inkles, or Jie Merry Monoiiiatiiaes, Ly the li.'i' ! t -'Vil,! NVoiterii ■‘^tenrs-" The iieiiiistry of n!ii- i' i.^fi, ' y Jns. .lohn^tcii. I', li. .S , etc. ,r rtceive l !\v H J. H.'Li; \ SOX l»o()k>. 'I’imc !>fx>ks. Quari*'/ ' ;!ik ii. k- ,^c., just reo d by K. J. 11 \Li. \ S(»S. !•()!{ saij:, A i'.i.l I i.'it! . iie.ir’y all .Swauip :..aii i. :.uu « v-i... h \y -’’.iiii). “e l 10 *^,e very I'ertile. ,\r.\ per- .. v.i'i;iii:_- : ■ jM'irii:!'** diK'h -tii ex'tmi>ie i'..! th«-m- > t-• ■ ai.(.l:rati..!i to ' iiC scriher. l'» -,,iuh ■ i' . ;i-v ' ■ \\!LLL\>' McMlLl.A'-. .i ;:v i:‘ is:);,. vo'iici:. I ^lii l’o.'-.\ ■’'! I.’.iildin^ a Firi Proof liiilt K i .ii lM’ ’loi.sK >n l .JAIL, foi lliiriu-tt ( "uuty. ly 1 e . I'd 'Kitii riiui'- 'lHy, tlie ..'tl' ot .\uj;u ;f !:in " I'i u :i neJir.i ole M.tiu :iiatiou will be fiirii;sb>-i ‘ It:' !!';i;d.:ik''•in.jiiittee,-it t’.ioir meetinp; In Tooiner 'ill- '-I'l' .'t .Ini', or t'.ie ilme nbcvp'a’Mit;o!!e.v (. w. i’i:.ii,\M. I. S McNF.lLL. NKILL .McKAV. A. CAMKUON. .) 1. Hi: Mi DON, W, 1. llIloDKS, • ■ n. COFIl'l 1'. SIL.XS l>ol’(,l.AS. liuildiw" (’ommittee to l»e COillTt. A. *\'l is:, t(. IIK' 'Vi’l )il 'H.-i. ,• iiui-'taiidiii'.; 'li'Iit' A Mo-nFTIL'vN. 7U tf loNTlNl i; to I'Ti h.imi i^rettfh SSitrr •fHiifsionf’. a’,1 >iinien';‘(.n!;, warranted tu bi- of Jie.'sr iiu.'dity bt ing iioi'le fruiu lli'.rr b’. .cks '-electe.l by t!i,‘ni fi.mi ti:* best .planies in. F'-.iiue. T::c;. i:t.ep tor >a!.• C'olo^iic, (’tciilii-ii :iii(i i''.so[>u> M'l! stoin's; lliiiT lilocks. iJoiiiiiiT ( Scrt *•!: \\ ir«\ Cairii,!'.'! l*i;ist'T, CCiiuMit, i.OoK i'O \i)\ R I.NT!JU:ST: i Subseiibers have ereotod a| -8. sT§:,t.u s.#If hi miles frum Fayettevilh', on the Western ' I’lank iioii'i, and ■will be prepared to ! furnish j Ol' i.rnBi:K, :it the jii>.rti‘»t n tici-, deliverable either in town or at i the Mill. Terms as rca“*inal>le as: can be atforde.l. 1 j Ml', .la '. I'. MaV'h, of the linn of Troy ,y .NIursli, in | be foi] j Fayet te^ ille, i-^ ant’.'.ir'seil to make contrncts for our j Waiter A. lln.'ke, F.'-II i\v Street. : I und'ei -J KFFl'.liSt »N KlVFTT. I Will ;itten.l the S.'onntie; of ' f.in-e, Ciitn'ieriaii'J and ! DAVID KlVhTT. j ll.ibeson. And ol>tain F.ouuty L-ui I ai;d I'ensions under ! : iimiKTl.iud ''o., .\pii!‘_l, ‘.'l-im tlie varii.us acts. S'V WUl \ \\ JMJAM... WIIOLKSALF !)i:ALl':HS i.N i'oreisnasKt SPomvtiSir §frf; IIA V s's'icsisrfi', Fayettoville, N. C. J. 1} STARII.] [J. -M. WILLIAM. April tiS, 1852. Botf i’,i:vfAMi.\ \i. !n ski:, 1 T Til K \ « V \ 'r \ w, FAVH'ITKVILl.K, N. Dun l at tlio onirc fi rnicrly oocnpieil by 'I levs IV.iia a:i_\ ed to. .M'K'I' I!, i-'.j;:. .1't of the Cf.anirs pri'iiiptiv .•i',tend- i?. II. o:e!£s:i:so \"eiit at 1’'yi-tteville, N. (’ 7'df Jill!', nihilist ca>h price p;ii i f'-r Turpemine, Vv’hitc O-ik .''^t.'ives, an I Oak or Ashe lleadinc:. Call ou tr.inp:*-, wlij c.'Ui alwavs lie found at the Jitill. M • L \L I! 1X .V STli AX( i K. IS. IS.-).I. 7U;f f ^111!: n • I'ls. V.' Feb- {’ 'l\ Slai^ls iSi ■U l'F.i; | :»t'. S.Vi.Z- iVifj ^i^•o ini ( 'il>a. in iilil'; . ^ Whit.'. -ii'.'Uiiil'itt'I and rusiie i, in Iiarie’s, bill. La-iiir:'. 'i:: l Old .!av-i C. tTee, liairjrinu'. 1;. J e and 'I'w'ii*' rcl' ar!‘i .''!iap, -Mess I’ lrk, Fi>h, Cii'Tse, :\\es, M'.i’', Sp idev, Si'.ivt is ;..;d Ti-vce '".a'lis !;!a, k.^mhk T.iol-. .Ne v .'irltan - .Mdasaes. in ' .rr-’.'. \\iute ll'ivati i Siijr.ir. !! t j h' .n :..r' 't[on. • r f. r Tut t'e.itiiie bai' .• i.ea'l. ^11.)t, 'v;i': ■■ -'ud Spike , .''[■i ii.i and .V l'inriiiiiii' C i" i'*': . 'i .iniu'iOi! No\. -k i^-^b Disvoi.r rio\. (''Ij^Illi tina (it 1. 'V I (•('l.D.''! ON CO. is I li-.biy S li-'Mi'cl ' \ nil.mm! con."ent. w 1. tioi.bs'iov. K. W. (iOLDSToN, S'lV r I 7. 1 1 rBlIlK -'ib>, riln.r i.avinjr piM\'ha>e'i the intere>t ol 11 ■. W. tiobi't.in in the l;ite firm iif 1. W. >. Cn-l l-ton iV C.^.. will still ( (iitiaiie to '’.irrv "i’ the (Ilioi l!li\ AND llAUDWAlii: Hi;lNi;S.-' at me old Stan 1. *!c invite'- all iiis frii'ii'is i.' cali on him wh^n they citi. ■ to market an t he will try to m.ikc liimself us. fu!. c w. 1. ;oLi»ST(is Non'i' 17. ( j jlltf plie- I'le. im:ui \ lAX (a Axo. i have arranced with Messrs. 15arrela f: Hro., .Xcent' of the I’eruviaii ilovernmoiit for £up- of pure CiiaP'. ot their dur own importation, and it t' i- s'lle in any .lUa'ititie- at the iolh^winc priecs, March 1.', 18.5.'). >-lit .). (i. SMl'l'IL IIIIR !)Ri:SS,!\(; A.M) SIIWIM; S1L(M(\. Ill fh> FilJ/rtti r!l/i- Huh I. A LL kin'i!5 of I’erfiimeriof, llr.ir Oils, Shavin" and ^ Toilet Soap for sale. (>ci. 1S, 18-')4. 11 'k ILS]. ()RRK!.L. r €' TiO,Vi: S) K XI > 'ollllili^!>iioll '.K is.j"). '."•-'f 'p^ ■ ■ ... — .1. W. l^AKKh Is now recv'iviiii: iViiiii tlu. Xirlh iin' Irivgo.st, liiic.st, aiii' t-irt ii;liy >; Iccted stock ot ever offered in this market: whioli, aildeil to his -.I'n manufacture, makes Jiis assortment coinpleti:—all d ^vhich he will sell on the lowest possible t-.'t-a’; '■^.i'ea^!l or on time to puncmal eiistomers. Fasliionable painted cottage be l-room Fnrnitiire in setts; curled hair an*! shuck, and cotton Mattresse'- Lookin;^' (Ilasse.s: Willow Wa»;on‘; aii l CradU-s; Sid.' i;ii'.rds; liiirc.'iiis': Secretaries and IVKdi-C.'ise-^; Wh-it Nds: Table.s, all sortt>; Wash Stand.s; I’-indle .Stand.'; Wardrobes; 1‘icture Frames aiidtilass; Window .'''hade-; Cornices; (’urtain Hand'-: .Sofas in Malmgatiy au'l Wiilniit; Tete .k Tetes; Ottnmans; Divans and Stool.-: Chairs of every variety. Fhic Ho.scwood I’iniio.s. one '.vith .Kulinn At iachment; Kosew'ood Mel*)di:in'', from the bet maniilac tories in New York ami I’oston, warrant .Ml is jro(!l i - any made in the country, and v.'ill be sold a* N. \ or'; prices—freifrht only added. .November 1.', 18-j]. Litf ^liarMe Vaetortf* I t* ^ir. • ji.. j. ii' April DfSSOLri'lOX fJJlHK Lxprcss .‘^teamboat "omp.-iny E '^oliCF r .she-' Le (•.,r sab- liy .March ;i". d St I TMl’S. .'tii.ii I’nmi ' (1. I I.cad li| ". , \ND!:!;\v, -I'jtf Sash, liiiiids and l)on iri Ji: cv CO. VHL no'w puttinjr up in this place M.iehinery Tiii.'t imorove'J kin 1 f(.r the man.ifac! uri { w I I \ VF ;,ii''t I'C'.' ■ ■ s.irtm*'tit (it il \li!'W \ t(. v.iiii'ii they iiivi'ii '’iiaa's. M-iivli 17, I WIUJaMS a ('(>. i'i'.‘iv(.| .1 ! u'L'e 'I'l i '■.■."1! ^'I'lec • t a' ;i : '.M rhe at ol:«M LUILS, entl.ili . t -t! I \{ iJ! ’•F.II tit I? M diiti I lit 1 tel IKMi l!i(;il sC’HOO!.. TI of thi.' Sch..o! v.ill I ommenct. o;i I'll!': la'.' the liitli day i f .luly next, UM'le: tiie :v; ion f the llnv. (leo. l‘>. .Sc.tt. ,\I. , of tlie 1 'V 1 1 Ii liii'HU'Crb, . .'^cotlai.d,) Priiu'iji'ib ..?si'I('(l 11'. r-.'. ti II! tin' 1 rimary Depart'iient. ■ and M;.'. S' . tt ha-c lioth nia'b- Tca. hiiip tbo ■ ' s of tliL-ir live.': .‘in'l from the e.xperience whieii I'm -tees have ha(l, durinir the past session, of '."li. li.lelity, and siiocess, in t’ue discharj.i:*‘of tli*‘ ■ I 1 ilieir [irofe.s^ioa, they ci,idideiitly recommend ;c !’ii'e.it- aa l' In ir'lians, as pre emiiiontly i ''iii nil'-v, talent;-, and a'; |H'remcn*s * ■, th.' i; •i .1! .''ii'ieiits. Ml all the branches of an linirlisii, itilir, ' i!, :*!iM Co’niuercia! Ldiic.ition. I'!,I' i !"'.'t''( rrs;iect;ully invite tiie puldic t« a pi r- i.i! .'.X .mill iii..;i nf the system pursued in tin' .'>(,'ii.;.d I • i'i;is >1-, ii’.'i per ric.'.'i'll; of live munths. •v!ici' iocl.! Il’ I in ti.c :ld f^rade without estru ch-inre.) 1: . u-i l ari be had at per mi.'iitii i.,,. i, r tfcu ;tU'l f'0'ii''l ir.varialilv p.-iid in ,'i!v-mce. I). C. MclNTV'.iF, ''.•( •y. 1. i.'TLi', iUcliiiion 1 Cl- , N. C . I .J’lji.' IS-j.j. ) untrv Mer- 1 ro PAssi:xoKKs. fHIIli’ Stc.r.iiiM U N' will leave thi.j )il.i''C every 8, 'rri;.'i» \V a;i l I'iclD.W -it l-'- miimtes after Sunri'f i:i''. Wilmln;it.)!i every tVKDNIiSDXN and SA T' liD.VN . ;it 1:.' f'cb.ci;, vith 1’a-;.'fi>;r".'s aiil Fieijiht. Ii. M. OliliLLL, Atrent. F.l . ctu viilc. Mri\ ';|, I .s.', 1 l -ti if the if S \ S||. HI.IM). ;iii.l DOOUS, whii'h will eii .blc us t.i fiirni'h a arti.'le aii i .it less pric" th'in tiiey h:;ve evei Keen 'ul i in this mar’/>.if. —A LSI • _ Orn.im»-nt:il .Moublinjrs of .ill kiu'l. ien;ith ;i;id .'I'l'. Machinery exp*‘^'!‘d in a few ilays I’cr planiii”, l"n”iie- int; aii'i (rr.Mjviiitr Fb urin>i. -Ml I'rder'.i ;id lre--'-;e I to liiiie 'c wiil r,". eive jirompt attentii'ii. Ii S. nr IF, .'c o. F lyettevilie. .N'i.v. '1, 1 s'l I ISti .1. S. f;\XKs. f1*0 It a II I, Fayetteville, W 0. 1 to:i iir niidei-, 2^ cf.s. per lb.; I 1 t.j tuns >.')1 pel t(.n of lbs.; j Over ■) tons per ton '• I Deliveries can be made at our wharves to aii}' of the I iliv.-r I’onts or from onr warehouse on west side of , ' ilii' liiver t'i t!ie ears (if the W'ilminirton «!>: Manchester : Lxprcss .‘^teamboat •' omp;iny wa-' .lis'oUcd ; liii.-id, ■' i j this day by mutual consent. Th'.- Ii.ioks - f tif ; Mrav.ioe to t!ie cars of the Wilminjrton X iVeldon i‘^^«cern are placed in the hands of Mr. bdin Shaw, :>l II..a.; will iie - 'i v';-. per t..n. liaih-'iad frcijtht from W. .MrLaiirin's, wiio i- a.ithoris-d I-. s;efl.‘ ui.ai.d j Uilminj;ton to any point on the N. C. Ko.ad, not west j *'-'ceipt for the sa'U" I 'f 11il'sl'oroujrh. in:11 bt> N'J per toii. j I ' Di i;o.s.sET miowx. Vi ii!),i:i.'t',;;, Mav .'i-om 1 _ _ j April 1, IS.jo. •''' II i'LA10:XI)OX IKOX WORKS. .lAMKS i:. MF.1 M. .1. ISAMS.W fs. By ilVA}. I.AUDI.Si. u'dilRS IWIVC I'. T. illlll!! MIN'S Srili!!;. rayt*42«‘viJlc’, 1%. i'. .i t.i’y 20, 18'i.K i'UKX(’ll s.ypi; S'l'OXKs. \N N'i'HIN, V. C'. I Sept. 1'. f \\ WOOL K'OIJ.S. >t»Lcarle'| .vi'h ii'|i;it''!: at 11 l'’ai'torv. si!i;i;TiM-s. I i.-tiabnrjrs, ' i>Il''n ^ aril. ;,n ! Wo(d li-.llv June IH-ji. for iiv C!i NLI LL V-tt I'iif Ol TICKS 'ro i{i:x r. II .\ \ I ' 'iir large ■ ; b-ti d. , l''OU St: 1 .'nt;s '.'1 ' itllees. ; -Ilf :.i l.U'iiii'" ■ ^ in '.mfortable !i(.onis, ( jusi i'im-| t's.t, which I will r-’nt on mo b‘- ! I'lie situation is rdeasant, and | For terms apply to m*', cr | av :il'Cti. e. i TIIOS. C. HALL. ! ilMm ' A\i)RK\V .1. S'TKDMAX. \rK)iiM;\ Vi nw. R H .\\ lXi removoil to I’ittsboroujfii, N. will at- B B tend I'cjriibii'iy. th(.- .'(t!i is of Chatham, .Moore, .ind ili.riH tt '.ii'iitii;'. .\prii Di. '.'1-tf Wo. 70 PINE Street, NEW YORK. rOM MISSiO.N M AX I S it'!: I'lni S.'.LL *)l' Aid. KIND.S OF ('olloii iiihI Wooll'Mi Mjicliiiicry, .Mil ciiiiiisis*'!'(m»Is. LriilluM' l>citin!i: \ — ALSO _ OI’ FVK'IV DFSCitr.'TION. ('omjM i.'iiii!; l»»*llinLS C.ird C’iotiimo-, ■ S!iii1li(‘-, I’ickors, RoIUm' j .S|ins. Rol!«*r ('loll-. Oils, ! Dec. 27, i>7if I ^ II Ii 'I. \ l> li.N Lm >\ 1 K( iN Wi til KS are aow prc{ to receive orders fur Hearn, Vertical, lloriyotifal • >.-.ei!l'ili:i^ 'teat.i !'iii}rines. High or f>ow I’ressure aiei .I'hipti 'l tu all ii!i!']ioses: Circular, A’ertical and I’oi t- ble .s'aw .Mills. e.iinpU'te; I’umps, Mining Machinery, • Iri't and Fbi-.'.r Mills, complete; Parker, Tnrbiue and oilier 'A at"r Wheeis, F'piipiiin" of .Stenmer.s, (,’ar Wheels :ii.'l \-dos: ll'.rse I’ewers of varion.s patterns; Hice j I'icbl l’iini]is and Knirines; .Mill Irons; Leavitt's Corii j and (’oil Crusher:; lliee Thrashers; .''hingle Machines, Shaftiii^f, I’ullie.s, ILingers, Uears, and all other .Mill ■ Work. 1 C.\S f i.NtiS. — Iron :ind Ilrass Castings of all dcscrip- i lii'iis, including Oruaniental Iron Kailiiiir. Pipe, Dridj^c i Casting::;, \e.. .Vt 'I'lie Company wouKl respectfully ! invite ;itt( ntii'ii tu their styles and patterns of Hnilinfj. i wiru'li ma_\ be .seen :it tlieir oflice. 1 I’.ol Lliii.'s. —Tnii'ibir, Fine and •’'yliu(lric:il lioilers, i Watir T'lnks. Chimnexs, and till other kin ls of P.r.iler | ncrk. ■ I liI'P »11!."'. — .\ iej'ar:ite lepartment an-l force will j he kept 'or rei^.ii s, where work will In* di'iie thorou};h- | iv :in,l with lUspateh. Sash, Blinds. A:c. Subscriber In'vinji i'ecomc \^e:ii fur tlio •''Uliscritier n;'vin!i t'ecomc \^e:ii t^r tne si ' i cpared .M. ofWlXDoV.' SAS!!,'P.LlXDS an l DOOliS - f iVl j ||j izotifal j sizes, will sell dieaper than h:is ever I'eon s.ild i:i i ay- 1 etteville. (live ine a call at ny sloip on old lie is prep:ircd to execute all work in tlu* ‘■:U'p‘'iii ini' lin(?, as tie ha.s sever:il !!: '''l 'vorkmeo. C'l'vS F. A.-'i-iii'' .Jan’y 18.'>'> W. I*. iOLKIO')")'. Gnnrtil ComiHtsnion (iinf Fonrnnii.ij WlLMlNiJTO.X, N. 1*. .June 10, 18-34. i:i JOSIiPi! !l. Ol.O.S.SOV!. C' O ^1 Yl I M I o % AXP KOR\\'ARniX(; Mj:Rrii \x i l%^Utniitsrfoki. IU RR MIL! \\AiiRANri:i> ri'^llL .Subscri'ier, iii‘(i''o. Ih-li I friends and the p iiilic that tiii'v make to order STO.VBT-.S^ ivamiited to be of the best ip.ialit ,, bciii*., ina l:' from i’urr liba'ks ci tiieir ow!' imjiortntiiiii iVtiiu tin bc't (|U iri-ies in France. They also kcp f.>r s:ib ' i tiUdl.Mi. i:s(II'lN iintl llll.L STIIM'K. iiOLllNt. CLOTH and CM.CINliD !'L\STF!i. • ,./ From til" Senier i’a’-tner's lo;i^ exjieiien. e in 'i ■ ' ^ ' I P(j,. firm of F^entoii, Mornss i'i I'.i.. ')! which n. ..'.as a number, and their dctermir.afion t.. ;_mvc saii.- tf f:iciio!i. they assure customers tiioir or levs s!i;it! In iVithfullV :.n'l j.roinjitl^- execnte'l. ; * WILLIAM IlOCtI SoX. 1 F. Coilici- ot North and Ccnlre .''t.., oppu: ite ' the ll.iiiiti'oie kS: SuHuiich iin.ti 11. I! Depot, l’:iltimore y\:v 2'.\ IH.')-.. ‘ I lla\inj: large facilitie.s. the above wi.rk will be done [ 46tr- >inpf pei-.^Oiial ;Hteiuion given t. iii'ilil.' t"riub as elsev/lieri'. Xorth or South. ■ i . * ' . * - ’ • .i • . . , , u I u nil, , other ports or s.>'.i in this inarke*. '.mipt and s;itistactury tn:inner. | * , , 1^3-, li"ii by letter or o'ho'wibe in regard to I'lans i , cn !*s re:i>oii'iM.' t-riub a j :iiid in a ]ii I Ciiiisultali'in by letter or o'lic wite in regard to pi; ! :t!i'l de.'i^afi for mills or their fnrniture, and for I m.iehinery generally, willingly aaswere-d. All orilers or coniMiunicatioiift be addressed to the iuiders'"ned. nENllV M. DRANE, Agent. Mareh 17. So~tf. t iPiMits, .mi''. Casli .'idvatu i‘s ni'ole en I'l-i dm ill ■ l.Sli,!! Io iie ‘■'hii' iliiMis, sii:i)i(i\i:s iV rnvMM. Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, /fa., ,SV/-. 7/A' I/ll i'iorula 4an(^ A^oiicv. fgXHI, II'!( rsi_io'lh:is established an .VdllNlA in 5 the to'A ti (,t '' i'_Mt|,r. 1,'olumbia (.'oiintv, Flnri'i.i, f..;'•tie I'L lit iL\.si;. s\Li: .r L0C.\TIO.n‘ot LAND V. AHP W rs, the I t p.( llASK ami SALF of L VNU.-' ■.r.-nei"illy, improve ! '.r ■'■liii'pr'i'.e'l. I'lie fact now lieing t.'st-iblislntd tiiat a Hail Roail i.' • t.e constructed immediately, ect.iiectincr the .'\tlantic . 1 tl.e G'lli of Mexico. ir.i:'i;n^ •iiri.u'rh the entire ,i;!' id tilts C' lmty, ca.st and west; an l in vle-,v of ■ irri.-at fertility of our soil, the unu'ual'y tine .ei-owih , :ti( tiiii’icr ( II tiie laii'J, the iiealthfulucss -if the tt.', 'iirl thf" -0!iS0n:ibl‘? terui^ on 'vh:ch km Is c:ii. V ‘a- (.1 {;ii!ied. there is perhaj s ii'» seetiuii i.f tlit; i n ill v.hieh offers (.'jiia' in'liicemeiit:: to tii‘.' emijinnt :• 11; 'ill ijTlier States. '( i.i'_' t.:t I jome e::)'(-riei.ce i'l t.irmiiig .in tiie If' •• 'I' : kiii'l' I.f L'lti'l. Ml I ac'inire i a jieneral knowledge ■; ' I. It' tl.r iiidi'/’it Mil- C(,ti;it’'; a:id h:iv;ii(r ;ic.!uiied (a){j)si’,oiioi r;u i'i:?i %Li: J ' H L tiiird .'sessiiiii of this liistifution commcnce.'; o'l j Wednesday, the of .l.-.n’y 1S.';:3. atid eti'is on tiie do ()f .lane, l^'")'). !{?v. .1 \S. ii. HiIFN’T, \. I’., President. Dr. .Mor^AX Ci.oss, lat(‘ fif Chanel Mill. Prufessur Mntiiemati';s. .\nd I full corp^ of Teacher.s in cvor^- 'iranch lii.'fird, includinjf Wasliing. liip,l!fs, Fu.?!. See., per .-es'ii.n, I'liiti.in in Primary Dep:irtmeni, Lr r ri:i{LOM oo. r jlllF undersigned liaving on ti.e ‘iOth Mny List torni- I e>l a (,’opartncrshij> n:ider the name and .«tyle of ••H 'l'TIMvLOH .S: C(»,’’ for the purpose of transacting a jrfnerai I!o:iting biisi'iess on the C:ipe Fear liiver, th(> Stenmer Fanny Liittcrloii has been rej .'tired, ;iiid i,'- now in superi'ir order for freighting ;ind ciirryin^ passengers. !^he will make regularly two trips a \ve.-k, le:ivlng Fayetteville .Mondays and Tlu’isdays -it Li minutes after Sunrise, ;ind Wilmingtnn I’ues'biys and Fridays at 10 o'clock. The Steaimw liow.-u> with a full I complement of Flats will make one trip or more i week, .’as circumst.inces may reipiirc. The lioals of this line ! being of very Hght dr.-ift o! v;at.->r, shijipcrs may rely oa I di.-^patch. The .Steamer Fanny Lutterloh has made two I trips a week, for the last twenty-two months, up to the 20th May, luring the lowest state of the liiver. >;')(» Ot* ' Shipjiers by our line may lely witl certainty on dir- >lo (»0 patcb. '(lilegi iie i)ep.'irtincnt, >20 00 ' t.*ne hundred dollars will cover all exfiensc.s of the j session in *iie Coilegiate coui-se iiii'l all ornament-il | branches. | P'ipils in I'riiimiy deptirtment charge.1 t!ie usual ] I price for ornament:*,l iir i'u-hes. One half pr.^aMe in ! ;t(lv:inf;e. i Three I/'efirfs cn bci'^-ntific subjects tviH 1 e delivered I t;tch niontii. '..T XI?. ! 'A'e aie making every elVort to rcn.ler the Sch"ol the I I^ll’ hi i \Sl) R.'\ XCr/. } firs' in advatitages‘iii'1 ci'eapiu'ss, mi l pledge to reduce j 11 J.; Undersigned has been appointed .\gent ;d' i pri'es. ;o,l multi} !y the advantages in proportion te j the’'’orth Caroli'ia .Mutual Life Insurance Con- •he in. reas:* of patronage. U !:en our number of p'lpils | llverv mendier for lile partieipates in the pro- j rea-lies -•).) we shall t,e able »o rediire the piic-es . .jts of the Company; :in'i the animal premium for life ever.v one .liding us, is also .-tiding in j nu-mbership. whore it amotints to JS-'.O or more, may W. P. ELLIOTT .\gei't W'ilniington. J, F. ^L\USM, .-\gent Favcttevillc. T. S. LUTTFIILOII, •1. P.. FLLIOTT. .1. i\ M iV. p. ELLIuTT. .;. H. TP.OV. .h. .July 2'., I8.')4. 17tf litic' I'.." | -iintl:ig cut such ;ts are tor sale, ■ i.'j.irl^ .lit- -j.r v tie lands, iie feels very conti- j placing ih-.- me.ms of .'i superior education within the ! j,.,,,} onedialfin cash, and the othei h:ilf ij) a not* il ill' interest of ail jiersoii' v.ishing ; reach of alia(i>t '‘\»ry girl in the State. | j-j nionths. v.^' ii,a; iiav.'(ietermiiied to settle in ^ Wo re*iirn thiinks tor the iinexainpled support we j Debtors’ lives mav be insuii(l liy creditor.s. \ man \V!I,i.. >. .! KFFP liV' have had .-^nd lielieve it will be continued. For further | injure iiis own'iife for the e.xclusive benefit of iii f.iPiM'J'rs SPKCIKiC ' /■'or >1,1 ( '>ir >)J /hjs, nt'fj/y /^iarrJi'Hi, and Sum- | iiie.- ComiAuint. ' Wilmington, 'I. t’., February 1. > Mr. U . TI. Lippitt,—Dear Sir: — Without any sug- i gestion (r solicitation whatever on your part I take | pleasure in adding my testimou.v to the etlicacy of >oui Specific foi the cure of Dysentery and kindre l complaints. ILtviug lieen f’or three years atHicted with a disease of this character, and employing the ser vices of tliree of the best physicians in this place, with I'Ut slight advantage, I was induced to try 3’our medi cine, and after following the prescriptions and taking j s-jver.tl I'ottlos, ;ir.i now jierfectly restored, i believe I your Sjieciiic to be a most excellent and valuable | mc(iicine, aiei feel no liesitation in recommending it to ! tne ptd'lic. S:> t'ar from J.eiiig a nostrum as too many ! of the popular me lici’ies of the day are, 1 believe it to i be siijieri'^r fo'.' the cure of the disease ii'dicated aVxive, j t'l ni'v u‘her l:nowii medicine. 1 1 am truly vours, o;c. M. IIHY.VN , I’r.'pared :ind s,>l,| Wholesale and Ketail by t W. II. LIPJ’ITT, Chemist and Druggist, 1 Wilmington, N. C. j i^'ilii l.y .s. .j. II l.N.SD.\ LF. Druggisi, Fayettevilie. j 111.I by Druggists gener.aily. j ..'une -7. [ ^ -,l I'tf Mtrrjiafits >ind Mrtnnfuciurcrs nf\ I'in-W are. j fFL'i'V !’ I'l band iiow, and shall keep a supply of | Tin Pir.te. liiock Tin, Iron Wire Rivets, Lea-1 I’ip^, | ''I'-; I I..:id, I -ALSO- i .V kii-jic issoriment of plain and .lapiined Tiv. >Vaie j V.. A. nrski:, attoum-:v AT i. w;, AM) t'LKiiK AND M.\.S'i'i-'U iX I'iol !'i' 1' '.V r.i rKviLi.n. N. C •C'.)’y 10, 18-')r». "Worth & Utley, itf Forv^'jirdiii'*' mu) ((.'oininis'^ion i your imrcimscs. ~’mi:r( II \x rs, vpni'., i'aifvttr»‘ilh\ .1*. A. WIiKTlI. i72tl'' .'.IS. 1 II VIU'EI ii>, STA11R& VV ll.SJA >l« AREM*'V HF.CKIVlXt: A CLXKHAL STorK i»r SPRIIVG AND SUMMER DRY GOODS; Hoiiuets; IJonnot, (yapand Plain Utbbciis; Htits; Shoes; tind Ki'adi VViiich tli'.-y will sel' io»v .-it wliolesaie. for C.-isli .*r to pr-.mipi I'laving customeis. SJ-t:' j.vAiKs i:. MK'r rs. (\u/)iin.ssi);i iS' Foi'frcn/iti^' v.ri.MTN:n»x. x. .'vugiist 2 !. lS')-i. t, ,inr tin Fii'fitl, > respectfully :isk the atl(-nti.i;i (■: W w our cur-tomers ati'l t ricnds to ou; LAROF. and COMi'LFTL STOCK i i)Rr(js. MEDiriNE.^ iiiul v.hioh we are now receiving, .tnd whlt-e we are determine'l t... sell :it such b.v. prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. It v-'iil b'o our ai'ii to sell Medicines ili:tt depeii'led ujicti. Givy us a ca’l before m.-'kii';; •Mi m These puts j»r«“ \ inii! .r» . ';i It'-- :.il /.'r. (Vi'i/.i tt "l t\nr, Cii'liV' tiS'. ' i I’l!''" ■' ir.' S'rfifi:hr. ' I'', , Obztridei ami ; '/f.'.r';// ,i :'r‘i«lirp. ,i,. t o." yrii'i! ifift'ugf's. .'.s .T Koma’in Mi-iiicin" (h'V n' t. !i;:(! ;i Vi. I v, t ^ :i 1:.' .iPC(^rtlin' t'l till' d'ncctii'ii.s, t!i.-.v in v.-r Iiiil I > (;ji • !-■■■ -.-isi*' (■ iit'tcr all r.tln r n an-'tie.-: I'liH. I’ticy |inrify ll»c I>!onil, ctu»ii7« Six: rSr« iila*- Jon, restore She I..lvcv, :n»:l n«!jri- S. - trt^tory Or^^aiiS; to a liralt!iy toi»«- ou'.! :i«lloM : itiiil iis iin Ariti-l!i:ifi-d. I'.nnilj ’■I.'-iiriii.- I -. ! :r. no f.jLii' r,-O'* -k> c.:Uti jior 1.VX. A Iho \VAX'ri:i) IIIRrl f'lr tl.e balance -it' the ye-if. SJ. servant, in a small family, lor sin-l' jj-rice will b*i paid. !’i'i|uire at this iifli.-e Marvdi l'.». 2i;*f goo I il.illS-,' ‘itie ;l eOou of my ( V Ii Manutacture, at wholesale anil rf-tj»''^f. C. W. .\NDRFWS. Market ?dar.'h 12, ii^').',. S2tf N- .. I . i;. l>:i\'i 1 r'l.:-’;. M-i.iiWe!l, S Walker, Informatioii apply to the Presi.lent of the fr:culty, or j The lives of slaves may be insuid. | niyst-lt. ^ ^ '.fM. K. L.'\Nh, Pres’t Stockholders. 'J'lii;- system is rajiidly grijwing into fa 'or, all over j l»e>'. !-., 5i-tf i (In* ci'iilized worbi It is oin; •■.y witich a family, lor a I ^ S S. AHl'iV. —DEVLER IN — HOOK !lL\5>i:iiV. W. llMiDlE li;is resun.ed the ii Husiness at the new .''tiire next " { P.easley, .Jewelle’-. v.'herc he '.vill receivt- ■ binding in any style desired, i August 1. II. itf i'»k l‘.iii'Iit;'j irtor t.i 'dv. an t cxecu;' L'.,. I' i. , Lav toll IH.-,.-,. -lb . N > h;irle. \\ C. , small sum annnnliy, may tie provide(l for, after the I j‘JilU* \ I'i’V (iiOixIs, I llltS, l^)()tS, i X •.(* I. HS 1 J {.■ i > t J d--‘.th .if its head, on who:'e exertions they may h.-;v.* i ‘iiul Sim-ir ‘iiui ('fWti'O Hi'storj-of th«i Hen 'ever; The M-tsoii.; Te' 1 »v ill jiay th" highest casii price tor SPIRfTS j bc‘en depe'ident for a s'.pport. it is a good inveiument | * ‘ • t ^ Hook, i.y Croi^'- The Creat Iron Wli.'el, ' TUIiPFNTlNl-]. nr'd r"(Vt?at Distillers to give • -"if ii’.niiey. even if one sliouhl li\e long after t.iking '■ public are invited to give a call n* liie Old .Stand | t^j.nives; F.iiptist History, tiy Or li:.i- l. n cali v*iif-i. ;»i market. ; out :i Life I’ldiey. Mxjilanaiory ji'.n.phleis, and ttie ^ occupied by .S. -I. Hii.sdale, s.)-..r.b-west corner of ^^a^-{ Also, further supply of Scitool llook'. Sl;.te-. '-^t.- J. X I W.\I‘Dir.L i uec.j.ssary Hlanks, fui'uished on application. j ket Sipiare. | Ptas, &c. F,. J. HALF ,:x .'■'oN. 8tf H. J. HALE, i Uct. 28, 1834. 40tf >Tay 2. .4 r. mdyfor Ctnig'is. OMs. f'cjarrh. llrnnchiti'. ..-v-i i\iuih. As'.hnui. f':.ns»mpti>nt. yrreous I'br.ar.cs, - tirin^'S, Kryfipt Jn^. Pifear.» r f the fft'ir', Iv fl inma’imt •i: ..’ '‘'U in th:’ Chrs" ovd SiJe. or>'t 'ill »'t»w.rr.r irisin:i J'rorti n -. rar'fiil fhile of the FSt’mndi. I’vi to t'r-’ rhf!r- ■■ ••rxi I- : I frim\ eating ton hr.artji font!, r-i wraV ■>,•> ifij.p-j-'i'. WAEKANTED TO BE riiiSELY -TEOETABLIi:. Thi'.sc I’i’.'s act ss :m ilx;.**-t'TMiit. T. ii'c. iir.'l .iii.^ricrt n. i-o-jt lios pf..‘!!*!.'.=(■.■! thn-f tinn-.= mf.ic i.'-.w-r If* nort- lii a oii(> ilottar f't atiy of >.‘ic S-.-reV'. e.ulprtm.. I ariTi.is. Ili.'it wcrp (jtit ip.;h!i"; tiie! ' ■ i •-.•ill )i-ov.. tlii^i iicportant tr-.itli. They jii omoti KxjM-i-toi«« m)i>» I.«n»scn lli aiiil Clear JIji- I.iiush »»»*i ofht r S-n- lory Ory;n]i«, of all iiiorhfil .n.-: t* ' i!i t ::R(illM'r n-ci.?:y '.ii ti..- v.!if'I‘> Mat.iia 't-.,ii-;i .-m.M.I I imiiartin..: .-••.t’h ti('a!in.; [■r'''l.":'o('' >!.e l.i'P.'- an 1 \ i; s:ii!,- Ti'th"?p I’iU,'-. Tlicj- v'nn Costlvrin'Hs. pi-rMjuce a. {{»ocl, re^nli-.r Appt-tift-, «««! St ***‘‘ S i’.-'i’*. •.;.■) (-enl ;.i-r , r ntnii.Iii * -J," ..!n- t -i C.ill ■>" til - Ant.i'"h'> rcll (I e I’j'.;;., hii'l ■••t- -l l- ’ A'l fnc' il’ \ri-^. gi'. iiej ti:!! j ;iii 1 '.-i iK'-i'; '*-' t-f (' - liot!: kiPil-! '-r tli- HtKiVi'-tiHim'1 I':!:- t >” ' *'• R%.ry Toivn anti ^'lllaue ui S«>nS am? ';yz Ii-. F\vktt*.villi;. bvS. -J TnN81’.\I..i.ii;id .i. N .^ '.111 '

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