SE MI-WEEKLY. >iv - I VO!.. \ 1 FAYETTFA fLLE, N. C. .11 LY 2r>. 1855. [\0. 421.] 1’:: \I, L- ^ ,-;i . »• ,1 N . ' >r -Ni' •• ■ i i" m a: » {.fi i\ 'All. M.Ki. GLASSWARE IM. .iOlllh 11. ■ 11 GLASSWARE ety kll.Oftl >> - i'-.I. r . ' ’ r : . • i 1 1** ' ■ • ,c — :V = -iV- 1- ■i-.ti w: oa .?: n, n i:- r f i:i... ttevii'.e. N. C M. • K V ; -r = i‘ M . ii A-' . .1 rr -: . ■ I"' / t -I ’ " ,■ i!,> «L •:i i/; '• ‘ : ,*r K' riiiNi’i’i> MoNuws \M* riiriisuAVs. KKWAIil) J. ham; & S(>\. KlUl'tUlS AM* IMK >t»Kl KTOllS. Price for tho S.':ni^' n,*kl_v (•i:';kkvk\i i':’ (Hi il jviiil in ad^pi't': •’*' •• tl'*' yonr of suli-^crip- at'ioi- tlio year ox]'iri''l. porHllfc Wc'kly t tr.sK.i!VKR 00 prr annum, if pai'l in g^|)j|ni ^-1 ot* if j'aiil 'Inriiip: tlit' yoar ot suliscvip- iMft; r S'! iO iiftor tlio yoMr has expire ). rirriSl'MI’VTS inrrvteil for sixtv cents per of f 'T the lirst, nml thirty cents for Ciieh p>i!ili.^ition. Yearly inlvevtisetnent? Iiy spe- oM ' «ontr;i^'t. it rcu>'^i:il>le rates. Advovtiser.'s :ire rtqueste l !•■ 't:ite tiie nmubor of insertions ilesire«l. or th«7.fnl) ''C ■•'•niimie'l till t'orl)i'l. nn>l charp;t‘«l iiocord- 1-etIer' t>» the JMitors nm-it be post-p:ii!. wan'fi:!). i’UlME I'ill SlllNGl-Ki^, for A;;ric»iltui:il ^uiMinjrs. to he 1‘- l>y 1st SeptL'iiiber. 1^3i, for which the money is rasdy r.tli on Pftyettevil’o, Jniy -S. W VDI>1LL. Jr. 20-:; t millin' Rorri: \ortii! OUGH TICKETS given to WELDON!! FM!i: TO ]\ELDOX *2'). 1 r. .'^ii'iiM-riber has pliieetl on the (.lireet Mai! TP’ jK' '" tween ^;lyette^ille au'l Il.t’eijrli a hOl 1’. I’i iSl ('UA( il which coiinoits /iii/. KVUtY >h’!! at llaleigh with the ’ars poin^ North. By tii> pa>‘t'liL'ers arrive :it Wei.Ion nro A ■ BOOlier than by any otlier route from this plnco. atl'or'.l- ingjilni'Ii tiii;v to i.line without beiiiir inurie l, an‘i to oheA ilieir b:.;r::;j)re !>y o’.ther ot' the trains from tliat pl*oe. ^uvr.A.v. the .'^t-i'ie leiiNv'w l\aleii;h bO"ii after th« utfik' ti;i> N' liltt-rn train atnl rea'^lios FayctTeviile nW®‘'li; i ■ l-reakfast. “ipiE' n;:- ! • i;ii. prc.-'ure W.'Klon tiu-'.unh tickets N(vrici:. ON tlie second Thnr-^'lay (the '.'tin of August next, at the Villiipe of .Snnnnerville, Harnett county, on )i credit of nine, twelve, liftcen. and eijihtcen inontlis. v.'ill MO sokl. the lv( )TS >F L.\NI>, cor.'»tituting the Town Ilf “Toonier,’’ the citnnty site of said county of Harnett. JOSKl’I! T. HKAlll»ON,'| A. S. McNKlLL, j (’. H. t'(JFIKLU, ' Comm rs. NEIl.L McKA., 1 A. 1). MeLKAN, I June IS.').'). 12-ts NEW HOOKS. FB111K ('ASTLK 151 ILDKllS, by atui-or of Hcarts- m. ease, .'ic.; the I’lunkinj; Ilvuse, Ironi iUacliwood; Perils «f (’ourtship; Half H'»i>rs with the best Authors, by Kni;_'ht: (ireek OHendortV, by Keinirick; Spiers' and Surrenne's French ami K:i"lish I’ronounein^j: Diction ary: Success in l.ife. by Tutbill; ,\c. -\Iso, furlh*r supply of Fudtre Doinc-^. Ik .\iarvei: Owen's Anabasis: .\nt!;on's l.atin I’ri-sody: Anflum's; Anabasis; .Madows’ Frencli l>ii-tioi,;;ry: Anthon's .\ins- worth: liolniar’s I'hrases: iiev«*retr> Latin Le:^ic»in; 15ul- Hon's Latin (Irammars, H'-a lvr-;. .lii'. Just received by K. .1. H.V1.,F, I'i SON Ki*:i)UC!:i) FAUi:. 'riirnit;}i 'I'ickets hrtwi rii WihniUj,ton, N. and Jlulti- lOiav. Fare-'lo. Via Weblon, I’eti-r.-b".r*r. Kichmond, Wasb- i;i:rlon ity, or via Weldon. I’ortsniouili :ind Norfolk. I'or Tickets :i]'jily at theOHiee .'f tiie W ilI:ui^i^ton and Kaleiah Itail llo-id ComiMny at Wil minpton. or at the t)l!ice o1 the llaltimore Steam Packet (\inu'any. and of the Ualtimore and Oii:.) il:iil Uoad Comp-inv, I'ratt Street, ISaltinu're. Jan. 1, lS.')li. f r wIavf. .^.aessr^ of TTkoiii arv authi ■■ t tio“ iialcigli i{:-ad : 'i lir.i.'j (without the fe;;i- I). i. MAt 11Ai: V N. I'.. July 2H, -Noi'in:. N"te'- and .\-connt Fa vt 'tovil'.e, f [M.inf- .’'■ntractor. ii! the hand-J of KlAV \Ki>. ■^ \\ u :ittemi'ts Iiave l>eon rci eutly m-i le 1 J i;*e pe.'uniarily, i>i t!ie Tur]i.'iitine Lnii i' 1\ii;;j: . u i’.oa.vor One in April la-t, by v liich I bi- t SHiiii I (p.\t >iif o;i ye-tfi l'iy vI. at dhiner, by wh'u li ab-mt [!H Tiu • ii--^troye 1. l‘>>'inc thu-; inj'.iu-t 1 tf to o'.Ver tbi* ve ri’W Li ! f.>r >U' 1: lead to the ii>nvieti ii of the •■’ii ii !- r oi- i And 1 nio>t CMinfStiy call !i|.un ;ny Iiielil^ poO’l citi/en-; -'f t;ie .-ouhSy a; i !i.r in leri': the viliian or \iUiau:-, in \ i. ’ :M.'!i ..f t peace, rt-uar'iie.-s "f theii ^^wii -idf-r-. pe- t social liutv, ilui-i wi'iUo’ily or wi'h iiiali'-''. att stealth. iniuve tin- p: ijfrti of otht-rs. ciiiasfiti'iiKK MLM:oi;. .Ivilv ’Jti, 1 S.') t. I ')- t'l iiijuro by tire, of :iiy ill I r I' ' 'i ci'ks. i.'it' tite'.‘:i ll; 'U- • icy haud-^ were lo :!ie w.-re it to !'•> iiiy duty ’'■':'!ua:l"ii a*- v.ill ietidt-r-'. and all t;ni: oil! »• pu'iic and all !o, t. by 1 to ri'ceiji^.n my Liam all ‘'11 ti!e;ii an.i seitle. TllOS. 0 11 \L1., 1 ’’IIF. la Th- s 111 hi s I iiii: and New \ni,:liv Til.' iluia .r. Mir.::ui;-s irei. nb-ai ■ l>iction:iry .^Cottl'ifl A an indebWd win ® \Mv or CI.ARKNDON. ■ pLA.N'K ('HECKS on the nt-w Hank oi' Cldrendoti, clcj^aatl;. ju-inted, for sale at this Oliice. ^SIbo. (i!ank Note» "n all the i?anks in tor.n, inch; 1- iog the P.a!ik f ( iarend 'H. j ^ 100,000 COPIES!! Umiilio.'it Disiisters «n tlip Wcslerii Uatcr>. and ^ \ Stfiiiiiiioiit Dirfffory. j M Ui..ler5ipnod liave now in c ur.-^e 1- I’lcpavation a new \T |B||kC'TUUV, wiitc’: wili be isu''l in ' ictolter next; wiil . nt:iin over tw■■ Inai'ir*-1 ] a;ic'. il'.Ub- ijHad in the l i-^t style, and neatly Iji.nnd it* a'lurab’e *$ier. ll wn.i. tin unk it iiiKMo-r intkv.i.'i :N'; iM !'I l'Hi;i>, .and will be a boo’; that b#-Stcre‘‘tiiiji t I all cK^'ses of people. The .'^TI',.\M- BOAT l»lKF.CTO!!V will contain a comj,l,.-te li.-i a:i'l damij'ti-'n of all the Steamlxiats now aooat i:> tli-- Wetter;. and Soiiiliern waters. The lenf'th, tn''le!. qp4lkd, pi.wiT and t'liinajre of eacli l»>at. where and by wbnn built, the nrin.e of the boat. wi;L the trade -ho ]s4i. -M-'- the names of I'aptains and otfieer'-’. her \c.. vV'-. Ti.e I'irectorv will contain a Hi.-torv of ■ats and Steamboating on the Western watc.-i. fl^fie the q.piicutioii of als'>. a sketch of the ^811 -ai built f ’T the Ohio lUver. witn tlie nanu* of Bli'buiMer. commander and owner. ■ tte KIVr.R l>IKl-:C'TOHV will contain a list and d®iprij.'fall the Si-lii-.i-ury that have oc curred .ii the Ii. beautifully OHfetrutf'i, with a Li. t ‘.J i^n r/iijtt w/tu A " ( j>.il >,ij th0 I. : : ’ >,y ="(-/ . rj.’.iiJin'/, on the Western nn.l SoatL. rn wnfors. The I’irectorv will contain Maps of flii^Oiiio. .Mis'is-ippi. Missouri, Hlinois, Arkansas, W«te. ited, Ouachita, Vuzoo, and other Kivers, with th«a WHS and 1 ities iai'l down, with correct distances: jA»o, nif.iiy other Kivcr and »,’omniercial items of in- t.. the peoj.le at lar;ie. The book will Contain the cur l> ot the various L'. S. Mail 15 mts, with the trade they are in. H':.. jcc. The Directory will also coniRin a complete liit of all the responsible .'Steamboat Lioensc'] (»lhcer£, their places of residence, tVc., i;c.; the new Steamboat Law, its requirements, v-ith com- artnts, showing wherein it the inc":iij'itc;if n'lii-i r, «ad «’■, ■. . tne '■Jicer, .Vc., \c., and all the important I . S. Suprente Court Steamboat Decisions l^) to t!ii'- t! lit-: the Uatcs and imjiortant I^vilcpes, i’.;:ls of Lading, iiuportant Decisions of tlie TWrion- U. S. Courts in re^rar l to Freights, Lost an.l DftmaL'-.i. Jvc.. kVc.; with many other thinj^M of interest. The Direct.ry wiii be illustrated in the best style, •ad piintcd in the bjst manner. The author has for tUy ••,iis been gatheiing together all the facts and U«n - in regard to ttie numerous steamboat lisasters on tt: • Weiiteru and S iiithern waters, ;tn I now inteii is pabl--'i:n;r them in book form. The price of the work irill 1 .• 1 .it at the low tiim of One Dollar. Ten thous- aad ( 'I''. ' w;ll be is.iued for the boiit;nen; all otheis deiir.. u ' f ribing, wili have to do so at once, as noBe Wiii ' !■ planted unless ordered in advance. The work i dc't;i:‘.1 t. liavc a circulation of over KIGHTV THOl >.\NI> c ]'ies. iis the publisher.s are receiving IftMe nuaibfi s of .-ul .'cribers, per mail, from ail parts j oliice: of we • Miitry, >/'•''/. .Some of t!ie oldest lioatmen, us well H- t. = M i' iitifu- of tlie times, are contribu tors tr> til'- a:iib..,it Directory. The ll 1. . t' ly will >.e i>';u*-.| in October, and will be an iii t . t p.u-lor as v. ell as steamboat. Dy remitting Oiie li..liar ■ post i'ai>l,) you will receive a copy of the .a!i'.' .,- V. i.i l;. All communicaii 110 and letteis should be addressed to .lAMIlS T. LLOVD CO., I'o.-it >!;. .■ IJuil liiig, incinnati, Ohio. J 11 iy :J'i, .NO ri( i:. to f.rin .lA'.illS X .lti\'F.' ■ub-i-ri''er V.'!! ;n I'ufaro con - .'‘.VU tl.llilf, ; 11 1 j.rt I.:. IT 1 of P>rick W ork. Wliiti neatest stylo an.l un st.ant!_\ oil liaii 1 an « i an.l the l.est I'lastwr I in my line will p'ea'i Oct. ;;o. lu- wa'!;i:u Kcst' elieut pHri'. Ive aiil Ifi’la- i.rtic’. i’crs :i C call. is ■!' ■'olve.i. i''t the bu>ii- ilo all kind-* l“i i-icring, in tiie !!>' kcc,.-^ C..U- of l.i:;ie, III' wishing Work NEW BOOKS, &c. I|91''L1' SMITH .\1?I10.\D; Kinest Grey, or the Sin.s » S of Societ}', by Marla Maxwell: Dollars ami Cents, by Amy Lothrop: My Ilrother’H Keeper, by A. 15. War ner; Simms’ Southwanl Ho: Trench’s Past and Present: Kirwivn’s Letters to Hisliop Hughes; SchafT’s Histoi-y of the .\postolic Church; Vanity Fair, and Pendennis, by Tltackeray; .\lbums: School Books, iS:c., &c. Indelible Ink; and IJanker's W’allets, assorted. June-J5. K. J. HALK S; SON. JiiSISO UEWARIX RAN.VU.W trom the subscriber, on the 17th inst., a negro boy named MOllillS il.WS, but siiioe he bd't called himself Jok S.'iiTti, at other tii.ies ./liV'f t .I/../ :fV. He had on when he left, a brown Clotli ('oat with a velvet collar: is of brown complexion, abfut feet ll inclies iiigh, weighs al>out D'.O lbs., speaks iuick, and will etuleavor to p:iss himself off as frc'c. Said boj’ was purchascl by me from T. H. W iliiams. on the 1st December last. He is well known abo\i: Wilmin-^ton. but may probably endeavor to make his way to F.ayetteville or Weldon. The above lleward will be pai.l for his appreheu-.i!in and contineuient in atij'jail in the State so that 1 . get him. (>r for his dcliviy to me at Jonesboro', t’o- Inmbus ('ounty, N. C. 1 fon’.varn all persons from harboring or tra liiig with sai'i I’.oy, as the La\\ will be rigi.lly eviforced against all such otlVnders. -Vdilress the sult.sciiber tit Whitevillc. (’obimbiis County. N.C. H. F.uNHAM, per l>. W. Smith. .Inne'-’l. l--tf rilE SI liSCKIIlER OFFFIl.'' for -iab' '*0 acrfs of laii'l on the Cape Fear iliver. I'J iiiiles Nortii of F.ayetteville. on tin- Fayetteville and Nortiicrn Pbr kroa'l. upon which th're is a goud Dwelling, a St.ire House, ati'i all ncces‘.?iry i out-houses. — an excellent staiid !or a Store ami Tin - petititie Distillery. foMueriy the propertv of N. K. Mc- D I! tile. Oiu‘ otiier tract Jtining the above, cont.lining acres can be purchased if desired. For t'.;rther inlor- laation apply to the subscriber on the i>rc;aise‘-. .\Iso, cne otlier tra.'t containing li'iu or Acres of the best Cape Feav I'-'ttoin Lmii'I. of which there Is I • > .Ncrcs ill t!'e tiuc-:t state .>!'ci’.ltiv 'tiou. w. .1. cL!:.\ii;.MS. .Iio,e 11, l.-.'i... h :;:ii s'iw'i'i: oi' Noirni (WitoiJSA, .1 Pi;i!H>i; Ci.l (>T OF L \V,, i Sl>l'i H! / ' ini, I ''•>•>. ; t'r till spring T-MO ..f the Siipt ;-i..r C..nrt, hcM t-.r i'ouiitv i f I utabe’-'.an.l. ilis II. iioi- .bihii L. | i’.iib.'V. .! u lgt‘. pre-.i.lhig, ai>J .Mnte.l a .'■jiei i.-il Term of I th“ .“Superior Court of Law. to be hel l for tiie Counly ot | Ciimberlaii.l. :it the Court House iu Fayetteville, o.i the j Silt (»M» \iO.ND.VV in .\l (il .''T next. l'-')’>. iti or.h r to | li-posc (/f ilie ;nifinishe.l bii'liies'. on the Ci\il i»ocket. | \I1 -iiitor' aii l w itne^ -es on the Civil D.icket a re re. juired I ' atten.l. J. T. W .MlDtlN. Clerk. June '.I ''-t«' I'oli sALi: rnEAi‘. SI I 'oN D 11 .VN D liL'(i! 1 LS in g ej.l iepair. I'ROY &o MARSH HAVi: ON HAND: Now Crop Moltisscs, Sugtirr*, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Nails, Hardware, Cutlory, Window Glass, Putty, lilacksniith Tools, 5)ye Stuffs, Spice.^, Atla- lijaiiliiieaiiJ Tallov/ Ctindle.s, Crockcry, Koot.s and Shoes, Cotton (,’ards, Stiddlos and Bri dles, HnuiY, Soaps, Dry Goods, etc., etc., Which they otfer at wholesale and retail. —ALSO,— ■Mess Pork, P.rtcoii, Lartl, Meal (Fresh,) Dried Fruits, Cabbage. I KKSH up country Hutter. fi;-jt?'’W'e are .\geiits tor the sale of Stoddard’s Cele brated. Piano Forte, wairanted at N. Y. jiriccs. Manufactured Tobccco at Factory prices. Jan’y IS')!. GG-tf KEVV ARI). AN.\W,\Y from the subscritier, two Negro Girls Sw. and four t.'hiMren, viz: M.\llTHA. a bright rau- altto, five feet four or five iutdies high, took with her t'.vo girl chil'lren, Frarices and Ann; H.VNN.VH, copper colored, about the ;ame height ot \lartha. Hannah took with hei- two m ile children, Lc’wis and John. 'I'he above negroes 'ormerly bcloriged to the estate of George 'I'. P.aiksdale. and sre siijipose.i to be lurking about the C'ajje Fear, alx^ut .Mr. Winslow’s plantation. The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any .lai! so tliat the subscriber can get tlieui, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson county. FLKET K. PKTEKSON. Septe’uber 0, 2ti-tf J. c. DIlAldlK IN S'I'APLE cV l'A\('V DKV (iOODS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, AND llM.VDV-MAl»i: ('LuTHlNO. Particuhir attention i to L'ldies' Dre.*iS (Juods an4 Ti immings. n 11/ S'ft t, Fifi/r th vUli, A^l i\ 'I'lic sul)s(*ril>‘rs will |>iirc!iasc* Spirits Tnrjii ntine. or make ailvances on con?;ignmeuts to their in Wilmington, or New Vork. C. T. HAIGH .V SONS. April 0, 18'>5. '.'Otf -m XCjTSb PEARCE EEIUJI SON Auk now opening and receiving a general asaort- ment of Foreij/n and Domestic, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Hafs, Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoos, and ii general assortment ot j Ready-Made Clothing, j Which they ofter at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at low i prices and upon accomm dating terms to jmnctual j customers. j 1$. F. I’KAUCE. J. B. FERGUSON. I March 15, 18o-j. S3tf PEiRlK & FERIillSOX, ■ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN M'orttisn ttnti Mfomestir DRY CiOODS, HATS, CAI>.S, IMKVJ'S, SHOES, HAV STRHKT, C'. strict attention paid to onlers. ” B. K. PK.^RCK.] (l-'H) [.I. U. KEUdfSON. NOriCE. SPIUIT I^ARRELS. A LW'.VYS on band and for sale at the lowest mar- ket price, SUPEUIUU SPIRIT r>AKRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. May ‘2K 4-tf i^EW STOCK OF SPRING AND SliMMER GOODS. jC. THOMSON has now in store his usual variety • of aottits iu his line, to which he would call the attention of the public and his friends,—ever desiring to have it remembered, that he is disposed to sell CHEAP for C.VSII. Please call and examine my HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, .^c. J. C. THOMSON, Market Square. April 11. 02-tf 'J'o the l*/iiisici(ttis of Norl/i ('nroll?ia, (itnl to nil who use Liifuor as a jflrdiri/ic or as a Beverasrc. PHYSICIANS who prescribe Alcoholic Liijuors for Medicinal purposes should give the preference to Mav I''.'. 1-tf WOLFE’S SCHEIDAM AIIOMATIC SCHNAPPS. 1. It is manufactured at Scheivlam, in Holland, anil exclusively in the factory of the proprietor, by process es and from material elsewhere unemployed and un known. ‘2. ft is proved, by the repeated analysis of several l.^filhrcUfiS, and Uf’ddlj-made ^ 7o/A///1*'| eminent chemists, to be entirely free from the perui- • ! cious fusil oil which ramains in every kinil of liquor i distilled from grain, and which is the cause ofthener- I vous and visceral derangement, serious cimgestion, an 1 I morbid desire for habitual and ir.tejnperate indulgence, j which such liquors invariably tend t«i sujieriadnce. I o. It is proved 1>y the same unerring tests th;it the i Juniper Gin is not Havored with the coarse, acri.l ami fJlHL snbscribov having itnrch.'i'ed the stocn .>f ma- indigestible oil of Juniper heretofore nsei.l, but with M. terial at the ('ai-riage establishment fovnierly occuj.ti'd by Mr. A. H. Whitfiel, intends carrying on the K A. Ml F. M. AMES. bj-tf .\prii Is. 1' K FTH.vN. :tf i'llE HOOKS SC HOOL AM» MISCFI.i.AN!:orS tlio Expre.s-; .''team IJout (’oiniiany .ire ugtiii in tiie . f Mr. Joini Shaw. >\ho will settle up lU'l roi’eif't f..r tiie sii;ne. .I\MMS F. MilTTS. Ma' L'-'!. I-V). -I-t:' r... ^ UU11 FNN F'.'- Freiii li aii l iliiglish Dictionary; iiiy; Fult.iii's au'l Ivis!ma::'s Piook Kei • -y i“> ■ 'K'; .'■l iiolar's iiii|i.ini',.n; Zacb —' til S[.*‘ ikcr; Sargent ; >t ui.l ir l Spiiak' i: .'•peakei; M:ir-'ri':', l>o..’-; «'rat..r\: l.ite a’ld I’rMiriry C(e,Ln-a].hie-.: 'triiiii iit in'l Le,\l.-. L’iii.i:i I’.ibh' i .VOTKK. K>1,. N \T11 \N !\lN'i is t'lM- authorize 1 ,\gent u aii'l I litennt". ' firci'k T \e Soims. i’.a; 1- ;in i P ietiis bv Aiiislic; F. ■ i.'i .\ch I''!i!v's ('ollectl.'n t Chiir-h 'lusic; M:.-.. •hart. \c. ' 11. J. H vl.i: .v SO.'. King'i.ury, in M.iy 1-.'. I-:..'). rail :uid •..r the ■I'ha e :..n.i delivery "f t'rudo wnt v. J.‘ .Sc T. t l.iiiiiiter ar.l1 'iirp' atine. WADDILl.. .i-tf N( vri( i:. LL those i;i icbtcl to us t.i'cviiius T : r’i*‘ 1'^ .! ii'ii- arv wili call an 1 -ottie either by i,.,te • r iv,-h, i.lige U-. M.'l'UNAl.D \ W HALi.V. N. 1;. A g"o 1 :i--s,.rt:ueiit •>;' S.VDDi..'.NI.* II \Il- NM.'-S ulways on hat. 1 for ca-li i r o;i tiiae t.,. panetual customers. F(.b y 17, TiUf Iiiv‘rv Sfaf>i(‘s. ']'li(' f'intiiiue t.i carry ou the !.i\'ERV IJC.'^l- NM.'S at this pi ICO. They have lately largely i’o-rc i' rd : !;elr .-^t.ick and cnn iif.w .nt-r to tlo- . iiblic :is g..O'l lloise.s, «'irii:(g*' uiol Drl- \er- as can be !ui;nd in tiie .'South ern c .'aiitry. Thankful . >r the large patroii- age heretofore 1 to u.s, we solicit a coutinuatioti \\ illtrr (jiCMxIs. J. A- T. W'tuhiiU. HAV STREET. 11 iK-w rro.'iv’rig their F:.ll are! Winter (iOuD.'s on'i'^lii'.g of a large .in.I well selected stock of I lisjs :iMl ( Satidlcry ;md I.cii- tiuT, llfjivy artic: lii«‘ J)niii line, Rc;i(iy-m:ile Cio- tliinix, and SiMpic Dry (Jodds. in VI r* )c»‘rics. 1 lardw arc. CiitK'ry. PdacksmilluV 'Tiir |)C‘Mtill«^ 'i'ools. -Xiiricultiiral iiii- j)lcni('iits. Hoots aiid Shoes, This Stock we are i.roi.arcl to Job or Ket iil. Fayetreviib*. (let. "1. l.^'-'il. t'iif 'Ae a-k the Planter^ and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys. Nesrro 'iJl.inkets, Hats an.l .''hoes. SK'UMi Eri'nnt ‘S- of the public lavor. We ].rr>nii. e all who may wi.«ii to tra'cl. Sta'ble.i at the West end where one of the Pro]iriet.irs inny Ht the Store first door Mast oi' \lr. J. W. Fayetteville, Feb'y IS.',.^ I sat:'factory trip to of .Mnintord sti-cet, ahvavs be foun I, or LutieVloh. & o. Tltf K are m.w pr. W W ciiinery for m inuf.icturinj NO I'K i:, .a r vv ILLIAM J. EROV. :, i.,. rc 'tlvo jiaynients, and ;j 1 ■' .tk iccouiil* we have in ti;e J. I. 1- 1'.*- 01' auihi rizel agetit I'lilt '!i;ie|i;irges ior count;, ol' i’o!,..s.,i, .'c T. V, AfiDILI.. 7tf Fire Insurance* rj^HE >ETN.\ Insuram.e Coi'i].;;'iy of Hartford, hav- -K- ing paid the taiiiip.iS'.'il by the Revetnie Law of the l.ite 1. •;jislaliU'e. will c.-iitliitle its Agency in F.ayetteville. uiid-'rthe laan.igetiicnf .f th*- undersigne I. who is preparc'l to l--ii.' I’olieies of Ilisur.ince on iiiiiM- ings or Cood--. eithi r in this Town or in any ji.irt of the .*^tate, on jiroper application, ilcscriplioii of the Pr.iperty, iVc. The -E'l.N.V ('OMI’.WY has been in ojieralion a*'out .‘;o years. It.^ capital i-- tjji.'SOO.OOO. I'Ik- lion. Thos. K. llrace was its tirst Prc.-i.lent, and he '^till loiMs that 1 and sever.-il of its first Directors are still active and ellicient nieuibrrs (.f the It'if all limes sii^^tained the highest ciiar.ic'i r f .r the prudence of its man:iLre!:ient, ati 1 for the libor.ility wiih which if has ever adjusted its losses. E. J IIAi.i:, Agent. -Fijyctlt'vIHe Maniitarliir'*. circl with ''Ii the nccessarv ma- STEAM MNCL'vllS froni live to .>=ixty liorsc power, which we c-in furnish on as f:i voi ;il>le terms as any Ni-rthern establishment. Per-oiis ill want ot' Kngines t'or Mills. Roats. \c. will jierceive the a'ivantagc of hnving them m;ide near liome. \n Mngini' of our own manufacture can be seen in oner.ition at the Foundry. HALL 6: liOLIJNC.ER. Dec. 7, IS'i'I ")I-tf The i'arrla^e i'artorif itt tUe SoHthI . -1 a*> ■ m; \V. N. riLi>IN(;HAST, U'HOhKSALK AND llKTAll. DKALFdl IN CHINA, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, AND ' laoi Ix'OOIIf^. MAV .'' I'l!!!!'. r. oj.posite II. i'*; E. J. Lilly. IlFPS c jiisiantly on haii'l a good a^isortment of irticle-. iu his li'ie. vi/.; Wi;i:e an.l ( t'lllN.\ Dinner ati I Tea sets. “ •• •• •• “ Ware, in separate ]>ieces. I F in.'y (jilt China l ea sets, 14 pieces at .“Si2 to I Painted (.'hina Tea sets. ;l'J and 11 jueces, at n-1 to-'i>7. j White GK.VNITE l»ii'.n r sits. W hite Oranite, Colorcl aud (•iinmnn Dinner, Tea and I Toilet ware of various patterns. ' ! R'.ckinghain an.l Vellow v.are. .Milk Pans. Cake j j I’aiis, I'ic I'latc'. Tea Pots. Si'ittoons, .“ic.; Stone .lars. j Cut, BTouided and Plain GLASSWARE in I : great variety. | .''iipcii' r f able I.'I'LFRV ; .''ilvcr plated C.'.'sTOR.'' | ■',n.| SPt*»\'.':; Rrittania Spo^iiS, ('astors, Cotlee ami j ■fe I pots, (.'.inillcsiicks. Communion sets, iVc.; Tin j I Cofiee L rns. Dish and Plate i.'oveis, Tea Kettles, I , I’rass aiel ro]>per ditto:) Oyster Stews, an.I a VHriety Ilf u-eful TIN W.\RF. \ beautiful assortment of jW.MTFUS. i,.\MPS: for burning Fluiil, Oil an.l I Lar i —tan.lii'.g and har.gir.g .'f v.irious patterns; ! L:'!!1[i Cila-'ses ati'l Wicks tor t»il an.l Cainphetie Lamps; Lamp ;iassi“s for Cott.iii Factories on han.I .>r made : to order. I’a'S igi' au 1 'liiar.lcl Lanterns. I .\ls". a variety of Sp..oii', Ladles, .'skimmers, Dij.pors, Eriishe^, Tabic Mat.', Woo i Ware, an.l many other I I SEFl L ,\ ll'i'lCLLS, necessary or couveuient for , Housekeepers. (!. ■ .Js caretnlly packe.l. S-'tt'f ' > *rdcrs will be put up as low as if rhe patties were present. Mardi 1-J. 1.>.').5. 8.3-tf I'OR SALK. .\CRFS ol L\nd, mib's from Fay- ette..ille, lying .lirectly on the .'south ern I'laiik Roa.l. an.l on e.icli si'le of Rig Rockfish. i>iie of the b. st Turpentine ~e,^.tioiis in the county, with convenient iiapr.ivemeiit--- for family residence; witli I small corn mill oii a never f.iiling stream, an.l a first r.ite situaii.ii: a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. .McKETHAN. Feb’y.'), IS')'). 7J'tf NO riCE. ^i^HE SL P.SCRIRER has removed to A. SliAWS NKW iiUlLDING, Gil lespie Street, where he intends car- rving on the T.i 1 S.Oii I RUSl- NF.S.'' iti all its branches H.aviughad pr.ictic.a! experience in most of the .-M- l.intic cities, he feels assurcl that he call please the mo*t fastidious. orders will be executed with neat ness :in.l despatch. C. MONAGHAN. March 2H. IS.'')!?. 81-tf rf ■FI).\R F.\Lf.S Cotton Vara and Sheetings, for sal« S. at F.ictorv prices, by TROY .t MARSH. May :;0, 1,S;3;}. 98tf I CHARI.ES hank1>, f'4KVri:fTiO.VJER, \ WiloLFSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ! Fiiri'iijn FrnitK, \uft~, ('!>jnrnj Tnlmrco, SitnJj\A'v. Fayetteville, N. C. C'arrin^e-.Vlaliiii^ He solicits a share of the liberal patrontige bestowed upon carriage shops generally. He now ..n haud some very HANDS03IE VHHICl.HS. Which i tiinot be surpas'^ed in the place fitr style of linisli and duranility, which he will sell as low a.s anj' work of the kin.! can be bought in the JffcifAll onlers thankfully recei attended to. REP.\IRING done in the best mmiu r and on very reasonable terms. (Jive him a call liefore buyinsr elsewhere. J. it, C\LLAIS. Fayetteville, Feb’y .'5. 7--tf the specifically lighter, more voKtile, .nromatic :ind medicinal of the two essential oils of the Italian Juni per berry, neglected bj’ every otlier manufacturer. 4. It is chemically proved to be absolutely pure in its rectification—a quality obtained by an entirely new- process, and which no other Holland Giu in the world has acquired. 5. It is proved by extensive medical experience and testimony, to be an efficient as well as an agreeable remedy in many cases of incipient dropsy, gravel, chronic I pr*)mptly i gout, rheumatism, flatulence, colic, concretions in the kiilney and bladder, dyspepsia, fever and agne, gene ral debility, sluggish circulation of the blood, deficient a.ssiiiiilation of l^Dod and exhausted vital energy. (i. It is 11 most grateful and renovating, and when ti.-^ed as directed, never inflames the.53’»tem or in duces ini'briety, but tends rather to subdue the hitter frailty, by creating a dislike to all inferior liquors. .\n l it invariably corrects the ill eil'ects of bad water, whether in sv.anipy or limestone districts. In all o! these enumer.ited qualities it has no rival in any mar ket in the wori.l. Sitice the introduction of this celebrated mc.'.icinal beverage into the Unitctl States, a number of Liquor Dealers in New York and our other large cities iiiive commenced counterfeiting it. The genuine is only soiil in ((uart and pint bottles, hamlsomcly wrapped in yel low paper with my name on the bottle, cork, and label. I would advise those who use it medicin.illy, to pui- chuse bj- the bottle, as I5ars and Hotels frenuently till my bottles with common gin and sell it for the gen uine. F'or sale by all the respectable Druggists iu the United States. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Manufacturer and Importer 18, 20 and 'I'l, Beaver street, New York. The word “Schnapp” belongs exclusively to my ar ticle, all others are counterfeit. For sale, wholesale an'i retail, by th« only authorise 1 Agent iu Fayetteville. W. DR.\EG1I0N. ri'^HE Subscribers having thi^ day leased this . t ayetteville. Jan y 18 >-j. >4tf Hotel for a term of years, will be jilease.l ; ' it y-f to see their frien'ls and the travelling public ^ V tufc'tci'l IIc Diutlial JtmurtlHCC (^Oiiljtanij. at tiiis At the same time we hope they will be of (hr Sr:on,J Annual REPORT iiiitient ami hear with our imni riect! uis until we sliall * ? ji • 7 ^ 1 r\' a have put the House in such repair as we desire. '‘J Umxtors: J. H. ROPiERTS I.'i CO. ^ Policirs issued past year ”>-1, whole number issue. 1 J. H. Rorkkts. F. N. Robkrts. ‘ ] 2:>!, covering property amounting to ii''J.lJO,oo;i March 1, 18-jo. SO-tf Policies cancelled and expired 8-j 1,085 (iti \'0\i Sl‘RL\(i AND sr.\iMi:u, ■ SHE MW El.!. MtDOXAl.l) * .\re now receiving >lircct from New Vork, a I P.EAUTIFL'L ASSOUTMFAT of STAPLE a.\i. FANCY i UOOUS, i Which they will sell very low for Cash or on short j time to prompt paj’ing customers, i They respeotfully solicit an early examination ‘of ; their Stoc!:. They hope to l)e able to please ’aost of : those who may give them a call. I They return their sincere thanks for former j.atron- I ige. and solicit a continuance of tiie same. ! W. 15. SHEMWEl.L, I A. N. McDONALD. ’ VwiiTTi'lVlLLIi llOTilL. / SIl E >I W E1.1. no USE, Amount now insured .*1,274,717 East .March 1, 18>:5. r:’.tf III ft If /luu^ and r.ijtr.t'l It) f:t) ji i(j) a Iti'-u f of itrrtcrnts. Wi: (tFFLR i’. ( I,lice—Rio. i.;igiilr'i .in I Jnv i. I ) ili: ls. .Siii'-irs, 1,0 k^ Sait, . ■> i’.o. SiigiU's- c.i’lee, rrii-h'd .V powd’d, 12-, I'.a^- Sliot, 1Keg- I’ow.ji-r, liU llhds. Ue^icrn llaeon, lUii, N. C ■ MI .Sc;jars, assorted n'lalilic.s, I't*; l; (Xes Cii. t-se, V» !ii e-.i ry ; ihfr aiti“!e in our bi.e. .\11 of which ■| ;i.i. iia al slort ■ I 1 .'N lor CA.''H, 'If c\e|i;iiige lor pro- A. A. MclvETIlAN E® ESPECTFI LLY informs his friends an.l the ■ wL' public, tiiiit h(? has built up large substantial Rrick Ruiidings at his Old Stand, expressly lor mami- f.acturiiig Carri.'.ges. Thankful for th(“ \cry liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, be liapes b.y trict .ittentioii to bu.-iin'ss, with ;i di'sire to give safislaction, to merit a couIi:iiian e ofliie same. He wr.rrants his work to be made ol the be.-t ni.aieriul and 1)\' e.xperienccd workisieii in each braii' li ol the business. Ilisw'oik will compare favi.'r;i!il_j with any F.'/(i//fis/unt )tl fill liir Milltnrii niade in the L nitc.l States, lor iicatness ;i ad duraliilily. ■ ■ ’ ' He is ilftcriuined to sell and do .any woi'k in liis ' line on as good terms .as any work done idsewhere that is as well done. He n.ivv has on haii'l, Fi\'ism:i>, the LARGKST S I OCK -f i ( ’ai'i'ianc'', lint'ont'ht's^ Horl incaifs^ ami jhtir^U s. Everolfeie.l in this place, and a very large .“tock ot rt'oi k nearly finisiie I. which will be finislied daily. ( .\RRI.\GK lU ' ! N i'l.'^.S ill nil its various part.s. .\ii‘.l All of which will be so;d very io^*' tor ('.\sii. or on ficing both praciical workmen, fully understanding their short time to punctual cii.stomers. has on business, they iiav" no hesitation to compare work with hand more than ONE HLNDRl.i> AND i'll \ elii- uny establishm* nt in Fayftteville as to style and dura- , cles finished an.l in course of coiistructi' n. billiy. j -\ll Work laade by him is w.irrantel 12 months Otio of the firm maj' be known }>y’ reference to A. H. . with lair usage, and shouhl it fail by workmanship Whitfield', iron w..rk for the last two years. | or material will be rejiaired free of charge. We w.irrant all w^ork to give geu. i,. uisfactioii for Persons wishing to buy would «io well to call and twelve mf)t.ths examine for themselves. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash, j Orders thank fully received and promptly at tended to. wiKt w(fi Lif ham: riK/Cd ut nv .1 mu: ('liniii'l' ilrii i'^ lU>' Ml //lot/isf ('Intri lij froitfiIII/ nil Mmt)fori! Stntt. ( = iu:A'r E.N'i'i’Jii’Risi:: i!!«‘ is t» SiiiiK*!! .'uli.seribers Would respectfiiily intorin their J i 1 icicU .iii i t ii; pii M il', that I hey h.a ve enti-reii into c.ij.arlneisliiI' ; thi- pur[>(>.-e ol conducting the general NOTICE. ^I'^IIF notes and accounts due to Jno. .M. Reasley, I are in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence «•// not be given, it is hoped this notice will be snflicient to save co.sts, JOHN M. REASLEY. June 2'), lSo'». 12tf 1 KEMOVAl 1HE OfHce of the P.rothers’ Steam Rofit Com[)any is removed f.- the llusko next door to P.'; Riiilding, on (ireen street, J. S. BANKS, Ag’t. Nov. b. IS-'i L 4i'itf To llisiillt'rw. ill.W'F. on ha’id, an.l v.'ill continue to k‘ep, ,SPIRIT F.ARRLLS, midc at Mr. A. Mc.Mlister’s Shop, bos- in need will plea-e call. J S. RANKS. June I I, IS.',.'). ' FAYETTKViKI.K, V. of Cii't'f ii a fnr f)'inrs Ao; tJir Marl: t . rBlHE Subscriber desire^ •th .f j i I IHE Subscriber desires tlaough thi-» I Jl medium to acknowledge tiie liberal ! patronage Viestowo'l upon his House thep.-ist year—and as he has ,just erected New Sta>>les and Carriage Shed conveuient to the Hioisf. hu«1 to water he takes pleasure in saying to liis patrons and the public generally, that he is still prej ared to accom modate them with transient and permanent boanl. and respectfullj' solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his ]>art shall be used to render them ci)mfortable during their sojourn with him. His is .always supplied with the best the market afVords. V. SHEMWKLL. Amount of Premium Notes 8D),:;:{:i lit; “ “ “ expired & cancelled 12t>,474 (i:; now on hand $18'.t.8o'.* :;;j Increase during last year .>t)l,27.'> i*7 Premium notes averaging 14 8'.*-D>0 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insurance during the year averaging less than .J per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report 5ji772 S'.' •“ for Premiums received b,103 28 “ for Policies, Surveys & transfers U'!7 .">0 “ for Rent 70 Ot) -;*i7,28;} t;7 March 21, 18.',.'). TRIBE, 1855. itore, embracing o 1 UR GOODS are now comit: a general assortment of DISHUPvSEMENTS. Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss >8">0 K> “ “ Lot and balaiiceOilice building l,4i)(l (M) “Salaries l,;'):j(MMJ “ “State Tax 100 »i» “ “(’oiitingent expenses ;>7-'» f,2 “ “ Premiums returned 20 (».5 w. Pi’iialsiai;' Tor .^ale. 'IlF Subscrilu-rs have tor sale an hnjieria! No. 4 Vi'ashington Ilaii'l Press. 2d hand. It will bi? sold lieajt. deliviT.'iiile in Peti'i'sbiirg, Va. It is said to be goo'l Press all'! in good order. June !. K. J. 11 'vLE A: SON. W. McLAl RlN. ;i-tf PIER BRAN IN. J.\Mi;s H. PiKR. ./ames Bua.nin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1858. 02tf Rcpairin,' e.xecuted at short notice and on very j I reasonable terms. i May 28, 1853. 98tf A CAlif). ■^IlE subscriber teii'lers his servici-.s to the citizens of I'.!ve:te'»illc :iiid the surrouinliiig couiitry, as a MASTFR RRICKLAYEIt AND i’LASTFRER, and gives notice he is ready to contr.ict for work in his line, at the lowest c.ash prices. 8. F. DU'KSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 18-3L ;;stf J20 jicrcs 'riir})cHtiiK' Land for saie. A ISAPiti.VlN can be !iad bv early application to ill ' NEILL MONROE. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 1804. 4Ctf DRV (;001)S, HATS, CAPS, AN[) IJOXXKTS, BOOTS AND SHOKS, HARDWARE, AND KE.\1)Y MADE (’LOTJIIN(;. We offer our stock at usual low rates for C.'ISH. or to prompt paying Customers. Picing desirous of conlining our tra li to the Dry Goods line, we ofl'er our stock of H;ir.hvare at reduced prices. We hojie and expect that those indebteil to us will come prepared to square accounts. HALL A: SACKF.TT. .March 2i. 8b-tf REMOVAL. H. C'.VRVER Would inform his friends and the public, that he has removed from his old stand on tireen street to the Store formerly occupied by Mr. P. Montague, on Hay street, near t!ie M irKel Square. He has on hand a well selecie.l .“^tock of /)ri/ (t I'lii'rriiSj i^hoi iiii'f Hunts, lilnnL'itHj hi iifso /{fif/iSiii if/i's (’’ini Shilhisdii't Sti'ini' ('iiffii;iy Siti'siti/r f'rtf'i'Sj .\nd a great variety of other ;irticles well suited to the Retail an.l R;irter Trade—much the largest stock he has ever ofV;’ie>! in this market—which he will sell on reasonable terms, or exehange for Prwlace of almost any kind. A call from old friends and the pidilic is | respectfully solicited. W. II. CARVLR, Hay st. Dec. 18, 18-')L Ahtf ai^oii I'lslahli.shiiicnf By Wn. \VATM>\. ^HK SuI)sci'ibor would infirm his friends a:i'l the jiublic generally, that he has c.)mj'b'ted ids new establishment on Maxwell street, near .Mr. E. W. Will- king.-i' Store: and is now prepare I t ) receive i>r'lers for ('ARTS, ILl^Vy.V.s', I>RAYS, a-., w^hich shall be ])roinptiy e>:ccut. .|. .'\11 Work done by him shall be of the best workman ship .and material that the c jiintry cm ail >r 1. REI'A IRIXa of all kiiiils done with neatness and ile.sp.atch. I, H(tRSF-SIl(jEL\(! will be strictly ! attended to. N. 15. No pains will be sp:'.re'i t.» give satisfa.-iion to those who may favor him with their patr iuage. Fayetteville, May 25, 1>^55. -l-Y Ralance To-wit: Cash loaned otit on Rond and SectU'itj’, I’on ilenuind,) !ji2,2.'>0 0» Cash in I5:ink and in hiind.s of ^4,34C. 27 ^2,'J:J7 40 .Agents ASSKTS. C.ish ou interest and in l!ank, «vc. Rent due Real Fstate, paying Ki per cent. Premium Notes on hand r».s7 40 *2,(i;!7 40 I'.tO i.iu 1,800 III) •iO,'.i27 10 18'.t,8.>;t I .Vmoiint Capital to meet, an}' losses •‘»il'.tl,78i) 7:; In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the jiublic on the very fortunate and successt'ul ojierations fd' th? Comj)any the jm t year. We have met with no loss since 7th Marcii, "iS-jl, (.Sneeil's.)—unless il be the case of .'fraiiglau'> .v Kinston at Kinston, wlioso Store was blown iij, -i fi’t , riii,‘,rUn‘irij rjfi,- it is Still un'ler investig.ation. The fiJlowiiig Direi'tors were elected for next _\eir: Geo. McNeill, H. L. .^Fyrover. Chas. Renbow. Henry Lilly, Jas. Kyle. S. W. Tillinghast, S. T. Il.-iwley, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaiirin, N. A. .''’te liuan, J. G. Shejdier I. .S. J. Hinsdale, D. .\. Ray, .). D. Williums. .\. .\. Mc.Kethaii, J. H. t'ook, A. E. ila!l, A. \V. 8.cel, .1- G. Cook; and R. F. I’rown of Wilminptoii. OFFICKRS: (;i;>. .McNKlLL, I’resident. 11. L. MVROVER, Vice Presi.ieut. C. \. Mc.MlLL.\N, Secretary. G. .SliLPHERD, .Vttorney. ^ 'oiiiiiiiltfc for u xt fiuiirtfr: (leo. .Mc.N'eill. ."s. W. Tillinghast, Wni. McLaurin. .■'day 21, !>'•'>'’) 4-V Sl*RINO (iOODS, iVc. 'K 1HF. Suh)scriber has iu Stori', and is receiving, his L SPRING STitt'K of GOODS, which he wi.^hes to sell for Cash, Rarter, or on Credit. Dl.'^TI LLEU'S GLL'E, a vei \ (lood :irticle. loiiO SPIRIT R.\RRELS.-^1 would be pleibed lo furnish to Distillers the number of Rarrels desired, as I liave made arrangements with the liest makers. Every l»»rre1 .shall b« (>OOD. ,\Iso, :i line close C.XPiRI.VGE, new, Faycttc.iile make. Wari'anted. DEllTORS will I'lease take notice, that I am in want of Money, and they “KNOW SOMETIIiNG,”—that is, I must have it. TH>. J. JOHNSON, j April 10. 02-tf