] *. it .fr \ I*'' '.r. i 1, IP*A^lEa*®WIlLlLlE SEMI-W EKKL, Y. B 1. \ vol.. V.] FAYr.TTKVTlJj:, N. (’. XVdV^T Mi. isr,r». IM M 3 O \ Iv! i\ t \ H ^ I KlNTi:i> M(>N1> \YS AM* TilUKSD.VVS KDWAIil) J. II \LK & SON, rUlTiUiS rUtU KlKTOUS. I for tin- UH'lvlv OiisKr.vr.R $8 (to if paM in liioo: .■>•'» i’*' ifpui l ihiriii^ the year of sul>s.-ri[t- ,.r uftor tlio _\fni' lui;i exiiirtvl. W.'flvly Do I'cr •iniiuin. if [mi.I in SJ '>'• it ]i;iiil ilufiii;.' ilio vciir .it suliscrip- Irm; or ’ lU'i iit'tfT tin* vcht li'is pxj'ireil. I I'OU SALK. ’tilK su^l^^ori^)(‘r ufl»‘r> his Hor.'^l' anti LOT on Row- !in : tivci for sale. Also, his LANl» on the East siJt‘ (It the 4'iipt' Fenr lliver. iliout ‘J iiiilcs from the Itri.lu^o, Hiljdinin^ th.‘ lun l^ of lliiu^htim, Waiiilill and iitln*rs. Terms in-i.le «‘aHv. 1». S. WILLIAMS. Alienist 11, L't'i-tiw HI ( /!to/f and Sumnit'r lit'si- t/('nc(' nt Auctii>n. ON Satiii-ilny the ISth inst. at the Town llmis* in Fuyi*tt*vill«', T*ill I'O soKi, I^i'ts in ('nnijihelltoii. with soiiio siiial! iniproveiiients, hcinp tlio.so l:itely i>'- htViniTlsF;Mi:NTS ins»Mto l fur sixty I'outs j.or ■ l t -y, i >. r. U^S.IAMs AKI. ' ^ -in, „ , R DHY Goon« I iM,:;.. t'lolliiai;;, K'r i S. •Ii V // N . I) .■ . M f,,. n.. ■ ^ - ‘ . v> i)f:ia. ‘"•■1 ^ nil, I I r r OK ' Vfl r. u ; V 1‘ - • .-i./ r- ■ i*r* "f I'Hiuo-i I’lir tlic tir-it. nml thirty coiits for oarh jiuMiciui.'U Vfnrly ftdvt«rtison»ents >iy spo- i''iiitr:iot>. Ht rf,UM>n:U'lt* rnti's. Ailvortisciw iri* i.'ti'il I" state the nuinl'Cr of insertions ilesireil. or will I'C cntinue I till forhiil, aii'l ehnrgeil ru'coril- ,ettcr.» to the Kilitor:^ must ho I'ost-i'.ii'l. \v>oi)i:\ WAiii:. Illir sulist rilior will lie jirepareil l>y the hist ut Sc| ieintier to suj>]>ly the 'leni.'Hiil tor all Uimls ot 1 11 Wai'o at ]'iices lower thiin the Ni*rtheru. W AN'I’i:!), uf .IL'Ml’LH, free nf Knots. iii:o. H. NL\ki:ri;At;i: ■tteville. .\np. 25-1 in K. M. Ml iU’lllSON, itii/n/nission anti ronrttrdini Merchant, A1 >•0. the Snrniner llesiilenoo known the Mi-Kin- non inilo-^ west ut town, eontnining li! acres, n hwellin): llou.-^e. \» .t. (' liLOCKLl!, Aui;. 7. > ts VVMVS jjJ^lOUt'E and Suction I’utnps, Sheet Lend ami Lo.nd Fijie. For sale h_v W. .ANnilKWH, Market Sipiare. Mareh .St>. (s:’. tf u wool, ItOI.LS. OOLoarJed with ilispat/h at Elouui’e (’reek Faolorv. SHKKTINUS, (•>snahur^d, ('ntton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for Bale hv GKO. MeNF.lLL. .I line 1S,>-1. 7-tl' \M>liFAV J. S'l'KDM \\, \TTUkM-n AT I.WV. AVl.Nti reiniived t' I’ilts^'.-r.mnh, N. will at tend re}j;iilarly, the lloiiit-i of (’h.Htham. Mi.ore, and Harnett (’imnties. April lit. ‘.M-tl II Mn\ 17. IS,').'. l-tf LONDON POUTKU! I » i.r rrKui.oH \ c:os lini:, i\>r M*asst liters anti t'rei^ht. STK.\Ml'!l‘i F.\NN\ LI’1 TfiU l.t til leaves her wharf at Fayetteville at stni-ris(>, im \1 ti.lays :iii'i Thurs days, and at Wilinin^iMii on Tue-idays :md Fridays I't o'clock, A. M.. (l’a-se:irj'‘rs and Freij;hts.) Steamer Kowan (in good rep.air.) with j^.xid Kl.ats, will riin reuiiilarly for Freifjhts. .1. F. M.\U.SH, Ajrent Fayetteville. NV. P. KLLIOTT, .^i;ent \\ ihninuton. Antrust 7, It'-'i-'i. I’.'.tf A (’OOK WAN'I'K!). W.VNTLlt to purchaHe or hire, good ('ooK, of ji'iod character. In.mire al thin ofli. e. July 'Ji;. ‘iH-it I I >K ''. ' N rf’,. J. f 0 . i:ANh.' 7..t; I! Ii -14 .. I.:.’; i-i .. A^•;. r. .. .t; i A,., •• ■ .. P. - liN i i ^ i bu/.- Via\V:: L. I w . w.-: — Tiii O'V .n : HI .. i .'■tf'Sl . i .h il- III . ■ I rfci- • on th - IT.. vr- i;;y li ’■ ii) - -• .r». ■ i- an.i . . efillg'-’ rhr. ■ f Ui: ‘ •t‘-l... '■ . Nil Nfi.ii; . u.i" I f# » ,\SKS Ihya.s London Porter, itjuat ts and I'ints,) ■list received and for .s.ale hv .1. N. SMITH. 7. ' -J'l-lt 7o the }/(tsnnlr I'rnternity. NY one having: copiea of the printed proceeilitijiS t the lirand Lodj;e for the years ’lo. I'., , j", '2-1, ’2'‘. ■ :P. ■ i:', and I*’', will c.iiifer a t'avor .lO 'nil't by sendiujx them to James Banks, F>'(.. vfTtevilie.—who, as Chairman ot the t’onimittee on ii- nio History in the State, is endeavoring to collect '.■rials. -\ny Numhers previous to I'^ll will I received. Fersonb friendly to the ohject will ■ ip notice this. anniTvl MHiyriNi;. I^HK annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Fuy- ■vi’Ie and Alliemarle Plank Road Company, will Se plare un Thur.iday the ;iith day of August, at I J t’clook, in the Town Hall, in Favettuville. .IAS*. G. COOK, Pres't. ;;AugUrit 7, ‘i't- Rescue 6rrass Seed : : BL'SIIELS of this celebrated Seel for suh /W' liy the .siihsoriber. Thi.s Gras.*! i^ very pro- ctive, aftnrding two cuttiiigs in a se-.tson, .and good finter anJ early Spring Pasturage. It also yields m 7.0 to luO bushela of Seed to the acre, which is Rt e(|ual to Oats for .Stock. \ peck of Seed will sow from i to A an acre. .1. N. .SMITH, liruggist An? s J5-lm NOllTII (’AROLIXA .SCHOOL BOOK'^. HK t.jll.iwintc Text-liooks are recommended hy tlic .Sr.KTt; Si i rntNTtNiirNt ..r Prr.un Instpi ■ rifis, li.N. II. WlLEV, i F.IK iilK I «E or Si'lKii.l.a, TIIR.II .;u- II TUT Si aTF. "F Ni.HTII C.\Kil,tN.V. Tea''hers and School ('onimissionerri are invited to tLd^ ititi use these Works as early as ])rav*ticaMe. and h’ls {r.'Tnotc I'nii'ortaity in their Course of Instruc- II in their various Sch-M.ls. aiTH CMloLINA HEADKR-S. Ni,. 1. •-*. and •!. Prep.areJ with special reference t'> the .'Schools of St:;te, hy I’h.ii k-^sur HkKn.\Bi>, of the State Uni emity, ai.led Ky the State Superinten'l'^nt, PkVMK.VT.xnY .SpklLINi; P.m.K. ^V;. Ii c t S 11; II' V E I. F. .M F M R Y 1111' 11 > N A 1'. Y . 1.^ i,i.;..ns' E.ngi.isii Ghammai:. 1».\\ Us’ Pul.M \KV AU!I HMV.IH .\.Ni' T Khl.V, I'.O.IK. I^wiE-,' Inti:i.i.t;i.Tt \i. AEniiMt.TH'. I'wiKs' >rw Si 111)01. Auinnti:in'. M.iMl ini ^ pEIM.fUV (ir.niiUAl llIKS. .\ll!«JHKI.L ' l.srFK.MKDi TK 1 AIMlV. s. B.^KNLS v\ HI.. I’l BLlSlltKS .V Hdllh.'^Kl.LERS. ol JOHN STREI'.T, NEW YORK. Publish several "f the Hooks selected hy the Superin tend ent, andean supply Merchants, in quantities to •■uit their wants, at the lowest Market Rates. Tlie 1' .ks recommended are al?n for Sale hv— POrASH” ■^^rHITi; POTASH, for .sale I,y Au>'. 7, i.'^.')'). .). N. SMITH. L'.o-U I i{i;i) ci.ovr.it si;!.',i)" l(th SALi; i.v Aug. 1«.' 100 I'OK SAI.K. «'\.^ KS LIMi;. .IN'n S. •Vur SMITH. •J.'i-4t I'.ANKS. ■J'l-'Jw DlSSOLl riON. tirin 111 H.M.L 15 tl.1,1 NGLP. is this dav iHh- JL Solvel liy njutila; lou.-.-nt. Th'.se in.lehfed to the firm must mnae imi.ie.|,,t»* ]iayinent hy th*‘ l.-t Septeiuher. to if. t: HALL. •It F.iundry. ,\tig. I, Is.',.',. J'’.-.t ro rm: \n sk* \l v\ ulic. nn'!er.'i;.:in-d resjiectful'y itil.nias the I’litili. . -M- that h'- has n.>w in stjie ..n .^la^ket Stret-t. Wil- iningt'in. C,, .t e.'tnpVti' ass..rtment i.t the c*-le- hrate,! .'■'t.id.art's I'ianns. They are roni.‘>rkabIe for their ; mfll.)W an l full tunes in the Rass, .and tirilliancy in the Trelilv; are put up in w^-11 linishe 1 r.isewno.l c:ises, with ir. n frames, and are uls.j warr.inted to endure any change of the clime .\ numlier of them h.avt- Keen sold throii|^hout the .State, .Mid h.'tvi- given general utisf.i. ti.,n HIIRMANN L. SCHRlllNLi;. Profesti'.r of .Mu'.^i.' JJs3*" llavtn^' arriwd in i ay.'tte'ille, whor>’ 1 ei pect to remain a sii,.rt tlnie, I w.iuld r»-spectfii!h. in vite those who are in \vant 0} new inrtrumcnts, ,tnd those who wish their Pianos tuned anil repaired, t. give niM a call at the F;i_\ > rtcvil!e Hotel. H L. S. ,\ugust 11, 18')-'». Ji'.ti Medical Institution of Yale College. fa^HLt 'nurse Ilf Lectures i..r 1''." ')• Vj, will iMiunience .1. on Thnrsd.'iy, Seiiteui'ier l !th. .itid continue Tour mi.iiths. P.rs.'AMiN Sn.Lt'iAN, \I. D., L. L. i»,. Prut. Lmeritu • f 'heinistry an l 1‘hnrmacy. Lli 1\k>. M Ii . I'r.if, LmeritUh ..t Muteri.. NU-ii. i :tn I Th.-: :ipentic' ,1unaih\n Knii.iit, .M. 1>., Prof. ..i the Prinoip;-'- ai.d Piai t'ce of .Surgery. TiMi.i nv P I’K.Fns, M. It., Pr >f. of (tl-,tetrirs. • 'muI.K-; HniiKtp, >1. It.. Pi..t. .it .\natiiinV and Phy- (;oi.i)S!ioiior(;ii '^HE third Session of thia Institution conimein es on Wednesday, the .'Id ot'.I.an’v 1S'».^, an l eniU on the 3.1 (if .) uue. 1 : 'lev. J.\.S. It. RKLN r. 15.. Presi.leut. ; Itr. .M..RUAS (’l.l)SS, l;itf of ('ll;ipcl Hill, Pr..ffSSor of I .MMthematii-'i. .\nd a full corps of Tea«-liers in every hran. h. I?oai‘I, inchidii'.g Washing, Lightki, I'nel, \c., ] p‘r sessi.in, ^')0 (tit Tuition in Primary Itei'aitment, n|() dO (’ollegiate Ltepartineiit, •'S'.’o oO I Ot.e hundred dollnr.s will c.iver all expanses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental i hranches. 1 Pupils in primary .lepai tnieiit charged the u.-iu il ' price for ornamental hranciies. tn,. ipilf payaMe in ; advance. I Three Lectures on scientilic snl.jects will he deliver.-d I each motith. We are making every etVort to render the .School the ' first in aihantages and cheapne.i''. and jde Ige lo re.lnee j.rices. an l multiply the advaiitagi's in proportion t j the increai«e of patronage j reaciie.-* liutl we shall !ie utile to redu-'f the prices I nearly one h.alf, evc!-y one aidin;^ us, is alsu aiding in ! placiiig the iuean« nf a '■uj eri o- e lucation within the reu.-h of filmost e\ery girl in the .State. Wo return thanks for the luiexanipU-d suppm-t we have had -ind lieliev. it will he continued. F.)r further informal..11 apjdy t,i the Ptesident of the faculty, or mysell. W M. K. LANE, I res't .Siockhol.lers, Her. 1.:. l^'jl. 67-ti I'o Dl.srii.i.KK.s. will pay the highest cash j.rice for ,'^PIIUT.' T! lU’ENTINE, aU'l re.|uebt liintillers t u« a c.-ili wiicn in market. J. K T VV VltDli l .lime I.M'i.'i stt II I.. HOLMKS. Att(jrney at Law, Wilmingtou, N, C. FPlrH i.n .-..lan-v .■! Fr..n( au 1 Piiui-. :.tr under .It Itrc. iirnnl otiice I> June 10, 1 I \V. I il f 'tiniM WIL.MIXCTON, N June Itt. IS.'tt. l*osilirr, .Xofire to Debtors. tLIi persons indel»ted to me, either hy note or nc■ c )unt, for the year lS,'> t, tmi.st come forward Rnd si ttle l)V the tirst of September next, or their .Votes :ind accounts will he jilace.l in course of collection; an>l no variation from this Notice will he a.lhered to—it is not intende.l f.)r ;v actire-crow nor .a hunihug, hut strictly enfor. ed. Interest will he charged on ull .ac counts after th«v have stoi'd ninety days. DANIEL KELLY. July 28. 2-J-tlS LipiM r rs spkcii'k: For th>' i'lln: of' n/^ Dhtrrhim, and Suvi- I mrr ( oiiqt/iihlf. f Wilmington, N. ('., Fehruarj' 1. I Mr. W. II. Lippitt,—Dear .Sii-;—Without any sug- j gestion or solicitation whatever on your part 1 takii i pleastire in adding my testimony to the ellicacy of your .Specitic for the cure of Dysenteiy and kindred i complaitits. Ila\ing lieen for three years afllicted I with :i ilisease of thi.« ch.aract.'r, and employing the ser- I vices of three of the hest physicians in this place, with liut .slisilit advant!i;e, I was induced to try your me.li- eine. .and alter following the prescriptions and taking s“vcral i.ottlcs, .1)11 now perfectly restored. I helieve your Specilic to be a most excellent and valuatile ineilii ine, und feel 110 hesit.ation in reconimen.ling it to the piiMic. So far from being a nostrum .as too many of the po))ular medicincs of the day are, I believe it to be supi-rior for the cure ot the disease indic.ate.I above, to any other knownjmedicine. I ;im tiiily yours, .S:c. ,M. RRYAN Prepared and sold Wholesale and I'.etail by W. II. LIPPITT, Cheniist and Druggist, j Wilmington, N. i Sohl by S. H!N.s|t.\LE, Dfuggist, Fayetteville, utid by Druggists generally. I June 27. K’.-bm V. c. woirrii, I (;FNERAL ('(tMMlSSloN MERCHANT, I WILMINGTON, N. (’. ; Usual adv.-tnces ma.le on consignments of('otton, Naval .''tores, jind lit her Produce. Particular attention given by (J. W'. D.WLStopur- W h* n our niimlifr of jmpils chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vesselij, fic. Jiiii'y 17, l.^r>.'>. t;;;-tf l^'loriiht Land A^oiicv. fHlHE nndersignt‘,1 has estal)lished an .\GEN('Y in -B. the town of .\lligator. t.\)lumhia County, Flori.ia, I t'or the prilt llVSL, ..\Lli or LOCATION ot' L.\ND i WARRA.NTS, the Pl’RCHASE and SALE of LANDS I generally, improved ..t unimproved. ! The fact now l.eing established that a Rail Roa.l is t.) be con ;tnu ied imme.liately, connecting the Atlantic and the 'iult of Mexico, running through the entire length ot this t'. imt_\, east and west; ati'l in view of the great ft*rtiliiy of our soil, the u'-.usually tint-growth of pine timbfi- on the land, the hcalthfulnes« »f the eliniHt.'. and th. reasonable teriud on which land.s can ' now lie obtain" I, theri- is perhajis no section of the I I'nion which otl.-r-, e.iual induc«'niunt^ to the emigrant I t>i in the other .'■tates. i IP.ivliig iiail sonie exp'‘!;ence in farming on the dif- lerent kin>ls of land, and aC'Hiire I a general knowledge of them throughnut the County; and having aciiuire.l iinusual tacilities for pointing out such .as are for sale, eitln'r ot public or private lands, he teels very conti- ; dent ot’making it the it\tere>it ot all persons wishing I information, or who may have iletennined to settle in Florida to call ..n him. WILL. •) JEFFRFIY.S, fii i'r rr-’irrt: H-.n. I'.. C. Cal.ell, i Hon. \. E. Maxwill, Hon. David S. Waiker. State Reg jtr. S. C. Druce, H. McLean, IN.i Dr. Mallett, 1 .. ,, .. I avetttivillc, N. C. Iifv. (leo. vlc.Neil!. t Mesbr.'. W. M. l.'iwtoii .V Co., Ch irleston, S. ('. June 27, ls,'io. l;;-Y fiiv, y\ U(/rr's i\ ;lrnf Sithtinamlf r Sttfc. \ WE weep coii).tai.tly on hai:d nil .a»'‘ortment of , the ab.ive ."^.XFES. warrante.l tire-pro.)l; and i .lesiruU' of extending the d'^mand t'or thum. have in- • iuced the makers to coiipent to deliver them in-i« ut New York nriceH ^ W M.LM’RIN --(►FFEK FuR SALM— to I'lJ AR, Porto Rico and ('uba, in hhds., Wliite, Grannlate.l an.l Crushed, in barre'a. Itio, Lagnira, and Old .t^wa (’oH’ee, P.agging, Hope and Twine, Starch and .''onp. .Me.s.s Pork, Fish, Cheese, ■Xxes, Hoe.s, .Spades. Sh()vels, and Trace ('hains, i'.hiCksmith Tools, N.'w (hlean.s Molasse.s, in barrels, White Havana Sugar, Hi'op Iron for ('(.tton, or for Turpentine barruliJ, Lead. .Shot. Nails and .spikes. .''perm and A.lamantine ('an.lies, Tauners’ Oil. Nov. lt54. 4t')tf jONi:s\s i:qi Fry. '^/■'OLU.ME 1, juit received and for sale bj' ▼ K. J. HALE SON. :nf) liA(iS I'KRl VIAN (a ANO for sale by ('. T. HATOH .V SONS. April 2ii. 9Uf j ■ IMIililillREOTVPO. 1 FtKST CLi^lSS l)A(ilIKKREOTYPE LIKENESSES Taken at WEAR’S, ROOMS NEAR THK MARKKT. J, s. WEAR. Feh’y 1. 72-if spRi\(j; ;o(H>s, I85.V .lAMHS KVLlf Is now receiving hi.s supply of Goods, amoii'p' whic4i are Printed Lawns, Rrillionteens; ' (irenadines, Rareges, Crape .\rpin. Silk Tissues, Plain, figxired aivl plain black Silks, ! Colored Silks—plain, plaid, and Htrii>eiJ, Enihroidered (.’rape Shawl.s, ' DurineU’s, Allen’s and Bigp j’ Prints, (Viughains—French and others. | Ronnet, Neck and Cap Ribti..as, Straw and Silk Ronnets, Fresh Linens, Lawns and Di:ipers, Linen Dania.sk Table ('lotli^, liolting Cloths from .No. I to Id, .Superfine Cloths and (’assimeres. Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans, Bkached Shivtitig nn I Sheetings, Rrown ‘ “ Ready-Made Clothing, W ith majiy other Good.s. All of which are oUVred at the lowest market price. March Di, 1.h.'».'). S4-tf rou sALi:. • f# RrtUtred M*riees, for or Oil SHORT 250 fUlRHi;KS, BAROlifllKS. Rockaways and Buggies OF EVFRV DKSCRlPTlifS-, .\NY of which are finished, and the Iialaiice being j fmishe.l daily. .Vmong which are many New and Reautifiil styles, and one VERY FINE CARRI.\GE. of them very light. i'iu.NC'n lu uu MUA. sroNi:s, \VA/!/!ANTF/>. ri^IIE Subscribers inform their f friends and the jiiiblic* that they make to order Bi KK warranted to he ot the hest ijuality, being made from Burr Blocks of tlioir own importation from the best quarries in France. They also keep t’or ‘■.ale I’OMIIiNK. KStH'l'S iiml nUMLK’d .HILL MONKS. BOLTlNt: ('LOTH an l (’ALCINED PLASTER. Frojii the Senior Partner’s long experience in the late firm of Egenton. Morriss .'i ('o., of which he was a member, ainl their determiii;ition to give satis faction, they a.ssure customers their orders shall be faithfully flud promptly executed. WILLIAM HOGG .SON, S. E. Corner ot North and Centre St*;., opt'osite the Baltimore .V: Susnueliatina R. R. Depot, Baltimore. May 20. 18.'):>. 5-yi .’ DISSOLUTION. 1HE firm ofG. W'. I. OOLDSToN & CO di?=s,lived by mutual consent. 0. W R. W Nov'r 17, 18o4. ■; this day I. Gol.DS (iOLDS l it.N, f||lHE siibsci’ilier having tli.- iiii.-r.'-u ..f R -M. W. Goldston in the late tiriii of (i. W. 1. (iohiston & ('o., will still continue to carry on the CI!(t('l’.RY AND HARDW ARE RLSINESS at th.- old t:i,i ! He invites all hi.s friends to call on him when they c.)mi' to market, .and he will try to make hiiiiself u«.‘ful (,; W. 1 (JoLDSTt t.N. Nov’r 17, isij!. oittf NKW \OLl MKS OF THK KOrU liKK.ll HKITlSll KI.UKUS. .\ami;ly, »^DINRUI«(;H. MtllTH P.inTISH, WESTMINSTER i and l.ONItoS lITEi:LIHS. and P.LA«'K- WOOD'S i;DINBrP.(;iI M.\w\/I\H, (inotithly.) eon>- menee with North Prit:-^!i for .May, 1 S.'!."., and tlic ,.thcr Reviews •ind Bli)rli w.i.d f)r ,hil\, !S.')0. T-rii‘.i I./ Sii!isrfi'‘ii.,t. ,\:iy one lievicw 01 Ulack- woo'l. a yetir. lllackwcoit and one P.cview—or an^' two Reviews, $0. The four Reviews and P.ho kw00 I, ^1(1. t our copie> to one a l,lie>s. •■.’.it. l*ostage ( V. liich hlioiild Ix' |)aid tjuiirierly in a i’. .nice'• on the tour Kevicws and l>l.ick\vo.'>d t,. any i‘o>!t tfiice in the Lnited .''tates, only S!t cents a year. Namely, 1 I cents a year on each lit view, and 21 cent ’ a year on Blnckv/or.il. Addie.ss, L. .SCOT'!’ (U>., l*nbli.sher-, .■>1 (i.)l.l Street, Corner Fulton, New York. *.wM>0 Casks Plaster, Pln-tering Herring, by \liril I't. l''i«‘s!i Lillie, (’iilcincti Hair and ’ement, .NLickerel an.t .1. W. POWEIIS .V to ■i.’.tf T Tallahis=ce, Fb i:i.Lio r r, a:,J Fi .C>-ii. Itt • 'arth.i. N. ■Itf .1. S. !’. vNKS. Fayetteville, N. C. s.-pt. r.*, !>.■ 2‘.'tt •i. .M. D il. i.f .\Iateria .%Ie lica K. I. Halk a: S'in U L. 1‘iiMHiiiv. s. W. Wiiitakkk. W G. Hai.l, J IMKS 11. En.Ms, E. W. Gobi UN, \n£r'i.'t 11. F.iyetteville. Raleigh. \\ ilmin^’-ton. Newherne. Salii^bury ami Charlotte. Greensboro’. S. BARNES & CO., 51 .lohn .Street. 2t.-2rn Hksk\ P.i!u\';i)N and Ther.ipeutii-s. W.IKTIIIM TON HnnKm, M. 1»., Pmf. (f the 1 he.'ry and Pr.iif ’e if Phv-;ic. iicNMA.Mi.N Sii.i,iM\.\, .If.. M. D.. Pr.if. of Cliemistiy and Pharmacy. Lectur*- Fees. "S'lb.-'j't. .Matriculation, .■itii'ii, ■Sli'i. (’HAS. HOOKER, /i..n. . • > New Haven, .Inly 18')-'>. tiradu- 2.').ttpd .. . I,;: .1 \ ML. r ’! ;// r / '/ Mi/if- ‘ ' h !'I'l . /. i;‘'.,rin tii- ' I . ,.n; red iiit'. f ,,:irr- , ■ ti' 11 iig til’" ‘ } .re w ..r-i " ■ I ..v.nldun- t ..:.et..A.ll- ‘ •i -iaetion ; .,w lor rail*. nRANlN- Bi;ANiN I; Use the Magic Impression Paper, FOR WRITING WITUOI T PEN OR LNK, io|i\iii2 Leavfs, Plants, Flowrrs, I'ifliires, I'allfriis fur Kmtiroidfrv. Murkin? Linen IiKlclliblf, and li.^MFOLO WKITING. ^■^11 IS article is absolutely the best portable ink- ■ t.ind in the known world, for a small ijuantity t ' il l and placed in the pocket, constitutes a travelling ::iKst m l which cannot be broken. No pen is neeilel. : r any Ptick sharpened to a point, writes a.s well .as be-t gold pen in the universe. For drawing, it is Hid'sp'-nsable. It in, indeed, t’ne whole art of ilruwing an l painting—taught in one lesson. Any leaf, tlower "I-plant can lie transferred to the pages of an alhtim, with a minute and distinct resemblance of nati:re. W ith e iii il facility, jiictures am! embroidered pattern!: artr t:t'.ien, iiid have received the highest eulogiuni> fr.iin the fair sex; and indeed, u more tasteful present fi,i' :t lady could not be produced. 111!' .Magic Pajier will also mark linen, or other uttides, so ah to remain perfectly indelible. Ml the ua-hing in the world fails to bring it out. Any child in use it with [lerfect ease. W'itli this Magic paper, ki wi.se, one or /'.»r copies of every letter written can I t^ecured witliout any additional labor whatever, ■;King it the cheajjest and most convenient article .i-iTit. It id used to great advantage by reportet.s jf • [0111110 press, telegraidiic operators, an.l ho.stn of Kaeh [i.ai;kage contains four different colors—Black, K-, Green and Red, with full and jirinted instruc- ■ ;;s. f‘-r ail to use, and will last hutliciently to obtain i w' Hiindre 1 distinct impressions. li i.“ I ut U[. in beautifully enamelled colored enve- ' with a truthful likeness of the proprietor at- . ! I'I. l-a-h nnd every package is warranted. I’l'ic|;_..'»i2 per dozen, or live for •'i'l. Single paek- (■••nts. .Mailed to all parts (>1 the world on iht: i | t;,.n ,,f the above price.s. A Idn--, post paid, N. HLBBELL, I'l7 Broadway, .V 'i Ilk. tfiiiii'HX i‘l >h( I:nprisftm, /'//-(/-.—We refer our ■ ■ , Irr-i to till: ,id\ertifement in another column selling til'- merits ot tiiis j)leaaing and ingenious iinen- The cheapness .should induce all to give it n [Phil, .Mercliaiit. i' i- uti.-'ir'ia.ssed for ueatneos find utility, and should ::.v,t with the sale it .so richly deserves. — [Tribune. -bi 'f wliat the public have so long desirod, and re- II.I lid itself to ev.-ry individtial of taste and refine- -leut.—fJi,ur. .V I'ourier, ^ ‘gUHt 11 LAND rOK SALL. rJI’^HE Subscriber otfers for sale THREE HUNDRED M. «,^d TW ENTY .Vcre.s of L»nd, adjoining the C.sjic Fear, two miles below Fayetteville. Of this tract, about Forty acres are enclosed aipi niider cultivation, meadow and Corn land, the remain,hjr is swamp and Han.l-hill, well wooded, .and located for dwellings. TlHtS. J. ROBINS)tN. April 2. .SH-tt 2U00 S[»irit liaircis lor riiilc hv McLAL'P.lN .V STKANGK. June 1’-. 1H54. 4tf .M( I.AI RIN .V s rUANGi: HA\’E on hand, a large stock of .superior .SIMRIT l’.\URIOL.S, which the^- would «ell at a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagements would do well to Cull on vis bei'orv; making engagements, a.s we warrant ;i good article. .lONLS'S LAW Ui:iM)li rs, \()L. L raiHE .'^iibst ribeihave tor sale, the 1st vol. (.f ■L Hamilton i'. .bin.-s's Repiu’t.'' of l.nw Cases m the Suj.reme Court of North Carolina. emt'ra>-ing De -em ber Term l.s,3;'{ to .\iigu>t Term l^-’)4. Price ■>•*) ■'>>. ,''ets or separate volumes of the Supreme Court He- ports, ;ind Law Books geni rally, ,-upplied on reasonable terms. P.. .1. HALE *: SON. April ::0. \ PnijM‘rty KOll SAI.K. ^ .\CKK.S of valuable Farming und " Turpentine L.\ND, with the Tuijieii- tine STILL. STORE HoUSE, GOODS, and STAND, known as ItEATTY'.S BRIDGE, in Bladen comity, are ottered for sale. The .Store anil Still will be soM either No rK i:. ^ B ^ H K .•^ui '.'vi) er. ii iviiig at Mar. li Term, .\. D., fl. I'-").'), ot'the Ci.ui't of Pleas \ ,;uarter Session' Ilf t'uiiiberl.ui'l c'lunty, been duly ijual'.tied as Executor of the last Will 'in.l Testament of Richar'l .S. ('aiu, de- cea.sr.l. hereby give« notice to all persons having claims against the Est.ite of the said .leco:i-;ed, to pre- •^ent the ame. .aily authentic.ated within the time pre- ; scribed by law for that purpose, otherwise this notice I will lie ideade.l in liar of their recovery, j Those in.iebto 1 to the said Estate will please make I imm** liate p.iynient. J. T. COUNCIL, j .Inly 2. Di-»jw Sash. IJIiinls aiul Doors. c;. s. wviE cV CO. VRE now putting up in this place Machinery of the mi st improved kiu'l for the ni.anufacture of .SASH, BLl.NDS and DtXtRS, which will enable us to furnish I a good article :ind at les.3 price than they h.ave ever lieen sold in this market. —A L.SO— Ornament.il Moul.lings of all kind, length and size. with or w.thotit the land; so that tho.se who wish to j Machinery expected in a few days for planing, tongue- engage in .\Ierc;intile operations or in .listilling 'Inr- pentine will do well to ajiplv soon to BEATTY .V BltOTHER, Beatty’s P.ri Ige. July 2. 1 l-tf .\j)ril 2it, '.'.■)tf IlilLM'lL. M\ i to.. H.WE removed from their former htaiid on Person .street, to the Aml/i id' of //iii/ recently occnpie I l.y Ml-, it. \i. Oirell. where may i>e found S rAl>Li: (Sj I'ANCV DllV CU)Oi)S, .\iu )ng which aie Lailie.s’ Dres.^ (Jooiis, (liovcs, (N)Ilar.-', Sh‘(^ves, Moiiin ing, L. (1. I laiiilkerchiefs, &C., Also. ICB'.AI»V.’tlAI>E: (;i.4>Tllli^ii, liOO’l'S_and SBIOII**, and many other things. Jg»ay Please call and examine. .Iuii.n T. Cc.i n«'ii., Ai.i;.\ANDKii Kay, .loii.v A. Nn imi.'ioN. KiiyeMeville, .Inly 7, IS-')'). Di-tf K' .NKW HOOKS. i.NK'I'H, or the Rear oi the Grand Army, hy till* .\utho!- of the ••Heir of Redclill'e, itc.” (irace Lee, liy.lulia Kavanagh. .Mammon, by Mrs. (Jore. Kames' Elements of Criticibm, by Rev. Jaa. R. Boyd. Tiie .\nierican Debater. Key to lireeniears National Arithmetic; Emerson’s ;d p)irt Arithmeti.-, &c. E. J. HALE .y SON. ,Vlay 2i). rOR SALi . 1HE running part of a ‘2, 3, and 4 horse Wagon, each with Iron .Vxles, n«w and ready for use. J. & T WaDDILL. March 14, 18&6. 83tf LAND W ARKAN'rs W AN'FLI). 1HAVE m.ade arr.-ingements to buy any nin:iber of Land Warrants that may be otVercl.-nt the hi’/Zi' -i cci.f/t /'/■«■(.'•. (Jwners of Warrants niay seii'l them to me and they will get the liest mark-t price. L.-VND WWRRANi.s procuted for .Soldiers, Widow;;, and Minor heirs as usu:-!, and all other claims prose cuted against the govcintiient, no charge ma-le unless the claim is secured, ‘iujtt _JNO. M. P.OSE. ■lune 15, IHo-') l.!-oin .IIJST Pl IUJSHKn, •f *V(p#r a»ft Vorreeted KiUtion of Devereux’s Equity, Vol. 2. I.^'^OR SOME jears past this volume of tiie Reports of the Supreme Court of North (Carolina has been out of print. The subscrihcr.s have printeil a 2d edi tion, i-evised and corrected, which they will be happy to furui; h to such gentlemen «»f the profession as have incomjilete sets. Orders are solicited. .Should they be encouraged sutllciently by the sale of this volume, they propose to follow it by a le-print of Devereu.K s Isl, .'hi, and 4th Law, and Dev. i't Battle’.; 1st Law, .ill ol' whie.h are out of print. E. H.\LE k SON. May 18.3.5. LOOK ro VOlIil LNTEKLS'J'! r|[^HE .Subsiu'ibers have erected a JL s./ii* .»/#>#., s mill'", from F.ayetteville, on the \Vestern Plank Road, and will be prepareil to .fiirnish al the shortest notice, deliverable either in town or at the Mill. Terms as reasonalile as can be airoided. .Mr. .las. F. Mar.sh, of the tirm of Troy .v .Marsh, in Favetteville, is :iuthorised to make coiitr.-ict.s for our Luml.er. JEFFERSON KIVETT. DAVID KIVETT. Cumberland Co., .\pril 2.!, lSi).». '.11-tjm ■ - - . j Cotton ()snaburi>s md I otton Ynr?t^ Assorted -\unihers. IBM ANrF.\('TURED at the llichnioud Mauui'actniing if M. Co’s .Mill, by the Bale or in iiuantities to suit, for sale by BF.VEHLY ROSE. July 2f., I860. 22-6w ing .and giooving Flooring. .\ll or lers aildressed to (i. .S. Buie vV. ('o. will receive prompt attention. G. S. RUIE & CO. F.iyetteville, Nov. 11, IH-'j}. 18tf CVf/;r t^rar fjands for sale. W'E OFKl’.K for sale that Valuable Plantation, known afj the •‘.\SHI] PL.\(’E,” seven miles above Fayetteville, on the Cape rear River, recently the property of Col. Nathan King, containing SEVEN IIU.'S!>!IED AC’RES,—every acre of which is Cnjie Fear Rottoms. and susceptible of the highest state of cultivatiim. This Land rei|uires no putVuig as it i.s known to be the best farming lands on Cape Fear River. Terms will be made satisfactory if the right sort of purciia.';-r is I'oUHil. T. S .1. .V Feb. (i 1 h;)->. LPTTERLOH T. WADDll.L. 7’. tf .Some of them very light, ami all made in the best j manner and of the hest materials. My facilities for 1 'doing t.'arriagf* work are GRE.\TEil than any e:.tat)liMh- i tnent .South, !ind I can .‘ifVord and am determinei’. to sell j work of the BEST (JU.ALITY' as low as it can be built I'or by uny one. i Thost^ who arc indebted to 111 > will please ' pay up, as mv fmsiness re.juires mv out-st.Hiding deht«t to'be eollectr'd. A.'a. McKETHAN. I Fell, o, 1,S'),>. 7'2-tf ^ I (;. \V. WIIJJAMS cV ^0. H.WE just received a large and well selocted as sortment of HARDWARE ,\ND GROCERIES, to which they invite tho attention of (^ountry .Mer chants. i Mareh 17, 185.'> 81- ' AKKNDON IRON WORKS, WlLMINCTON, N. C'. r jlHE CL.ARENDON IRo.N WoRK.S are now prepared ; 4 to receive orders t’or Beam, Vertical, Horizontal j or Oscillating Steam Engines, High or Low Pressure, | and adapted to all purposes; Circular, Vertical and Port- | hie .Saw Mills, complete; Pumps, Mining Machinery, 1 Grist and Flour Mills, complete: Parker, Turbine and i other Water Wheels, Ei|uipping of Steamers, Car Wheels | and .\xles; Horse Powers of various patterns; Rice Field Pumps and Engiue.s; .Mill Ironti; Leavitt’s (’oru . and C’oi) (’rushers; Rice Thrasheis; .Shingle .Machines, ; ' .Shaftinir, Piillies, H.angers, (Jears, an t all other .Mill ; I Work, ‘ ■ I C-ASTINti.S.—Inm and Brass Castings of all descrip- | 1 tions, including Ornamental iron Railing, Pipe, Bridge i i Ca.stings, Xc., \c. The (’’ompany would resptctfully ! invito sittention t. their styles and patterns of Railing, I } which may be seen at their oftice. i i BOILER.S.—Tubular, Flue .an,I (’ylindrioal Boilers,: ; Water Tanks, (’himne^’s, and all other kinds of Boiler ! W ork. I ^ REP.VIR.S.—,V se[iarate department and force will j lie kept for repair.®, where work will be done thorough- ; ly and with lU'spatch. Having large facilities, the al-ovc work will be done 1 on us reasonable terms as elsewhere. North or ,'^outh., and in a prompt and s.itisfactory manner. Consultation by letter or oMierwise in regard to plans and designs for mills or their furniture, and for machinery generally, willingly answered. .Vll orders or communtcati >ns to be uddressetl to the undersigned. HENRY M. DRANE, Agent. .March 17. S)-tf. •ifiarbie Paetor^f. LAI RIMU R(;n HK;H SCHOOL. HEH •'.til .Se.«i?(ion ..f this School \\ ill commence on Tiies'iay the l(")th day of .Inly iiesi, u'lder the snpervi.sion ot the Rev. Gfo. !>. .Scott, M. .v., of the University of Edinbiugh, (^Se.itland,) Principn!. assiste.i liy Mrs. ."^cott in the Primary Department. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have lioth ma.ii Teaching t he. business of their lives; aud from the experience whicii the Trustees have had, during the pa«t aessi.^n, of their 7eal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge ot the duties of their profession, they confidently recoinmeiiil them to Parents and Guardi.an^, as iire-eminently unali- lied by temper, tah'uts, and acnuirenient.-i for the in struction of .students, in all the branches ef an English. .Scientific, classical, and Commercial Educ.ntion. Tlie TruUee.s respectfully invite the public to a per- son;il exiiniination of the .system pursued in the School. Terms—SS. >^12, and ^2*h per Session ol'live niontli;,, ; (Freueii included in the -Id grade without extra charge,) I Board c,iu be hail at per mouth. One half fee.'^ :t:id l’>oiu-d inv,iriably pail iii r.dvance. D. C. Mel NT Y HE, Secy. Lanriul'urgh, Richmond (’o., N. (' . ) •lune 2:’), lho.'>. j NKW IU)OKS, ^c. j ^^Ei.I. .SMITH .\BROAD; Ern.-st Grey, or the Sins : of .Society, by Maria Maxwell; Dollars and (’ent^, l>y .\my Lothr.)p; My Brother’s Keeper, by A. B. U;ir ' tier; .Si,iims' .'^o'.ithward Ho; Trench's P.ast.aii'l Present; Kirwau's Letters to Bishop Hughes; Schafl’s Ili'-^toC', : of the .\po.'t.»lic Church; Vanitj’ Fair, and Pendennis, I b^' Thaid.eray; .-'klbums; School Bo.’k.s, .vc., \c. Indelible Ink; and Hanker’s Wallets, assorte I. .lune 2-!>. L. .1. !i,\LE ,y .''ON. & FiiRtiuSO.N, W iloLESAl.E DEALERS IN i'orf'i^ii and M^omeslir iiA'i's. CAPS. iU)ors, siioi:s, ('odtnllas. and Untdij-niadt ('loth-ti., 1!AV STIJ'KKT, A. i . Stricf Htteiilioii paid to orti*'i-s. I IS. ¥. l*r.AIU'K. I K.u*;rs«KS. \V. IIAKKR Is now rocfivino; from th- .\urllt the lai'.'cst, liiicsf, and iiinst earetully .se- >l«K*k (»l ev>'r otlVred in this m.irket; which, a.i.le.l to his own loanufactuie. make;-; his assortment com[)lete; ---ill ot which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or oil time to punclu:il customers. Fashi.iii:ilde painted cottage be.l-rooni Furniture in setts; curie.1 hair ainl shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking (ilasses; Willow Wagons ami ('radles; Side r. c. ^ ii. ii. woR'i'ii. Coinniissioii vV Forwardiiio; .Mcrciiuiit; BH(tWN’S liUlLDlNG, WATI'.R STREET, WsSitaiii^losi, .\. 4'. I siial .advances m.idc on coiisignments. .lan’v I 7, 1 b-').). 11 These I’ill.s fli'e fUl 1 > »■! 1 V*-m (i>l-.t*-. ami are u Hjiperior M»-H*lne in tt,,- ■ ir.'"t' ill lililiiits, Ch''l. tnil /■'■nr. c. f^icK r-'ntla. I’erfrs of o’’ ki'i't I^SS of (ib!lruc:’‘il an-l f-n'ti ful M' n.:lritntiov. a:''l all IH' (j’Tnig (lit 'usi's. As n FotQ.ilt* tlu*y act :i .‘lirinii, fltul wlieii !aleii accoriliiii: t.> ti.,’ liirettionf, tln-y t)»'T. r fail to rur.- tin- w'.r t r.f l*ilci9. iiftor ail ntln-r r.'iu* .iii -i tail. They imrJfj' tl*** tilootl. e]iiall7.*. tite rimila- lon, i-eiiture tUe l.lver, iil«!neys, a«d other Sc« « r«-tory **• iK-nlHiy tone «ii«l netloii : Hii'l as an .\iiti-Hiliini^ Kiiinily Mo.li.'iiic tlioy h:!V.' no e.jii-il l*rii.v ‘25 Cfiits per Ixix. Also liy (iJCO. LAIIDI'JJ. TWII IMMIIiS niilVE I'. T. Iltlllll .I. SIIX'.', SillKK. I’ay*ll4*VIll‘, V. .laii’y 2(t, oJspil !i!:\VAKi). j 5IANAWW Irom the subsoiber, two Ni'gro Ciiris i and four ( hildien, vi?,; .'1 .\ BTH.\, a bright mu- altto, live feet tour or live imdies high, took with her j two girl chii'lren. Fra'iee^ and Vnn; H .\NNA H. e.opper ■ Boards; P.ureaus; Secretaries and Book-C.ases; What- j colored, about th* sam*- height 01 Martha. Hannah 1 Nots; Tables, tiH sorts; Wash Stands; ('andle Stands; i took with her two m.ale ihii.lien, Le-vis ami .lohn. Waidri.bes; Pii ture Fuimes and (.'ilass; Window Shades: I The above negro-s formerly lielonged to the estate of Cornices; Curtain Bands; .Sofas in Mahogany and j George T. Barksdale, ami are sufipose.i to be liirkiug Walnut; I'ete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans anl Stools; Chairs o! every variety. ]‘’iiie liosewood Piaiio.'^, ftue with .>-Kolt;iii At tachment; Ro.sew'ood .Mulodians, from the bet manufac tories in New York >\nd Bo.ston. wai-r.anted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold »it N. York prices—freight only added November 2, 1R.54. 4utf a’oout the Cajie Fear, about Mr. Vt'inslow’s plantatioc. The above re\^rl will be paid for tlieir c(>nfinptuent ir any Jail so that the .‘•u'lscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the suliscriber in .Sampson county. FLEET K. 1*ETERS(‘)N .September (i, •2«-tl Hlnnnka for hert’. A rtmf/iy fn- Coughs, tv'.f.?. Ca'.irrn. nnmr.hitif, r'rnup. lyrUfih. .k.^fAn.1. n>nsu-nfit>on. .VfnvrMj iJisettvi. Thifjifpsirt. HrenfSt. Krv^nfKlns. nf the Kf-iri, Inllofi'nt'ti.m iu,il I'lin in thf Cfifit. H-u '; Snfr. tnJ all distjf-s ari^n>j frr>m a de- ravn'd f'of’’ .Vi.m J'-^. avl to '■-lirvf t',p ■liftr-'f. hod Ming fnm taiing tmi hwrtu fonl. in v.v.ti- itrui hcbil'. WAKBANTED TO BE PUEELY 'VEGCTABLE. These I’ill.i art us nti Kxpi*i'tc’:mt. Tor'i", anil Aiierifnt. (Jae 25 rent box jiO!»-ie6?*s tlirw* more powpr to cure il)Pea.set than a one it,liar bottle ol' any of the Synsjis. Bal=an)“. or 5^arsa- piirillx^. thnt were ev^r niri.te; hTi.I a siitipl*- trial of nniy one hfix will prov« tlii« important truth. They prouiofc Expect»r»iloii» I.nosen ll»e Phlegm. Binl Clear the mul other Secre- tory Organs. morbid uixttcr^ an.l there )- not auotlif." n-mi-.ly in t'.n- li-via Mi.lii’h i-:iT:it le .1 imparting: f^uch boali'i)? i.r',p.-r:j.~' t.i th? Lun ■; a:i I V^tr.l >r •ana as tbpf • Pill-i. They Cure Coi«tlvencsii« profiiK-e a gnofl. rr;;ttiar ApiMstit*-. niitl Strcti(;thrn the Synteiu. Price 2'i ci-nts ] >!r Vxix. coiitainin;; .lose^ of -Me.ij ■in.’. Call cn the .\trt-ntJ who sell th>- aii-t r‘'t tin- Alr.i.'tn'jr Ki^in'l fill’ piirticulHrs aa*! ccrtifn . f rnre« Poth kit.'la cf the at ore-nora -.1 ' ■ ^ tre f r - i,-' •" K-very Town and Vlllnjje •»» North ana South CRrolfno. In Fayetteviuk, by S..! H IN.": \ ei .1.