loi SK ' AW,/, through th'. I. 0„,^.; f >«>« otaJ.les R,,^ |M..i..r ..n,i - ■»l> I'Utl .in^ ^g,J I ll'’-"!' ■ ■ I t„ a..,>' Irm .ufiit Ko»r,i. anl ll tlu lil.cral j..Htro.o IT'-. •■ "" •'■ ' H,,i 1 i^m-MWPLl *'• .;tn «'i» ■ inen.is him liig ■ '!v «“t. til,' If I |Si-..-:n .' au'i V, . I ? • • • ’ V • • IfAsr ,r;i ,s- II • (/•y, . t„ th«. |tU.* iHTK^St hf thl.'h )i«» will I’l lti> »> ot uluii,,f kl.-i an.i tii# j.ul.lij. „ |r \in T.ii, iu> M ,'stt i'>’- t the ■ Ititen-. kunili:;^; .'..nntrv hi i [ASTFHER, anujtlvo, lor woi k in liis lirif V. I'lCKSON ;Xtf blishtiiiit a hi" trieii.is an.i thf as coiaple> 1 his uex ueai Mr. E W. Will I to r.‘.'»-iv.' oTilers f.ir PR A vs, y ox.'cute.L of the l.fut wvi kman y f!in MfT ir l ilon> with '(i will 1;.^ stri.'tiv .‘■1 I /I'ft 8ati«f^.’t'i,.n I the: I plt^^lna5^t“ IV iL. 1'.’ tt rompany it liiiK. n iJrpfD street. .1. S TANKS, Ag't. 4Cti DiMtillerM. ntini,. : K.»ep, i^PIRIT A. >’ \. -iTj-r's Shrp S BANKS S-tf • ^ale. lale . iiiipei'ial Nu 1 hill be r^, \ u. 1? is s.-iid t.j S: J. iiWF \ i?ON. K. rfv' ' ’■■ . 1st JaT^i- elth-: .• r 'te or cwh. NA;. -% >V HALEY. . ; > ANl» H\R ’-:ap t. punriu'. TOtf DH. in^ . t -rp. omt'ru'inc OI)>. D 1>>>NNKT8, SH' * S, rj, :THING. • •■9, '.■■) ..'r t 'AfiH, '>r !!.. :k. . I. to the Drj .v .ire at reJucti t^'l to UH wi'.'. ■ ^ACKETT. 80-tf the stock of ■ Dient former'.? Ciirrying oa tl^f 11$!^ h* i.i ,T"r.a(ze besto^f^ V r ; U'jw on U&a' XU'- ■ K '- ■ 'Kfi; li ’ ■i** lit e .’ >r style h low tis an' a 'e. :iu'l prompt!? !• an il on «rj ]■ ALLAW 72-tf ■rj.entine, Wfc;t i! t'Ung. • lind at the Sti.' • .-tkange 70tf tff* tlf'vifle ijint'. M.‘. l.I \ ’ will U»’' • .V . fit 15 luiDuw’ ■ lay" and Sat’*'' UTTKULOH. v-tf L m >.kK, % T lw%U' I, N (' W .-tl»*l*t. ^ I.- I'urnberiaD'i !. I'fiisions UH'* 84tl i 1II. aiWl.M, SU«0>. f/oh/. Sbaviog 41-V iFAir TaiLiL® s e: M 1-tf e: e: K L Y. VOL. V.l FAYETTEVIIJ.E, N. C. AUGUST 23, 1855. f\0. 429.] ' WUH diB30 V I . I t..- b-oki* 01 r Ml John a : .„.J t-.- Hettlt* up* ..I L. METT-"* I RA.MSA'f KA.MSA'^^ € l‘RINTKl> MONDAYS AN1> THUHHUAVS. EDW.VRO J. HALE & SON, KlUTOKS .\.N1> l’U()l*KltTt)RS I for the .'^eini-NNoi'kly Ob.suhvkr Oi> if j'Hi.i in a.lviin.’c: o'* if p;i*‘l 'luiiiij; tho yenr of subrsi rip- tion: .tr .Httoi-ihe y«*!u- has fxpirt*.! or the Wei'klj- Observer OOpcraimuin, if piii.l in Ailvance; $'2 50 if pai.l .luriiig the year of subscrip tion; iir $:! 00 after the year lias expirc.l. .VDVERTISEMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per square of IG lines for the first, and thirty cents for ench succeeding publication. Yearly a.lvertisemeuts by spe cial coi\tract.«, at reasonable rates. A.lvertisera are requeste.l to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be contimied till forbid, and charj'e.l accor.l- ingly. I.ftters to the Editors must be post-pai'l. FANCY STATlOXKIiV, C 'lONSISTlNQ of plain nnd silver bordered Visiting Cards; Envelopes, assorted: Pons; Pen llol.lers; Red ait.l Fanev Sealing Wax, .vc., just rec’d. i;. J. MALE SON. Aug. IS. * OUnKK No. '2‘2. lIoud-OiiarK'i’k :tU«l Iteg't C. .Militia, ) Al ta sr :?d, 185o. j SIR- Yi'U are herel'V commanded to enroll in your Company all persona residing in Cross Crock l)is- trict liaMe to perform Militia uatv. C'. lA'TTERLOll. Col. Oommandiiig. To ('apt. R. Mir. uELL, Commanding Town Militia. ORDKK No. ‘22. Il‘a«l-|iiarter4 33«t C. .^lililia. > Ana ST Md, 186.'». I ri^HE Member.s of Cross Creek Company are hereby JL notified that they are attached to the Town Militia. C. LUTTERLOll, tVl. Com d's. Aug. 18. ‘JS-U .lUST RKCKIVKO. 1 SACKS S\LT, 200 BBLS. Nova Scotia HERRINU, in prime order, and for sale bj- W, P. ELLIOTT. Wilminpton, N. C., Aug. 17. 28-hu NEW HOOKS. DOESTICKS; The Escaped Nun; Chemistry of Com mon Life, by Jas. F. Johnston, M. .\.; F. R. S., \c. Also, further supplies of Ruth Hall; The Watchman: Fudge Doings; The Lamp Lighter; Leslie's House Rook; Jacobus’ Notes on Matthew; kc., &c., just rec'd. E. J. HALE & SON. Aug. 18. SCHOOL BOOKS. fjlL'RTHER supplier of Adams’ New .Vrithmetic: ymith’sdo.; Smith’s Grammar; Parley s LUiversal History; Comstock's Philosophy; Peterson's Familiar Science: Mitchell'.s Primary Ge.\iraphy: Pineo'.s Eng lish Teacher; .Andrew’s Latin Lexicon: i:c.. ..vc..just received by E. J. H.\LE i: SON. NOTICE. fllHE nndersigne.l wishet* to purchase one thousan 1 JL Barrels No. .‘i ROSIN. .Mso. any quantity of SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Those having these articles to sell will get a high price by calling on T. S. Ll TTERLon. August, Itj. 1855 27--iw 100,000 COPIES!! Slrauihttnl Disaslrr.s ou llif Wt'stfrn Waltrs, nuil Slfnmbont Directory p- ’ Cnderf-'igne.l have now in course f of p:-c]!aration a ucw KTK.\MB0.\T l>lRECTOK> , whii li will b** issued in Octol>er next; • he book will cntnin ov.M' two hun.lre.l page.s. illua- Jrated in the l)cst t-lylc, an.I neatly biiuml in a durable iianner. li wii.i. he osk «u' iim; most iNTEUKsriNQ liooics EVEr. I'l iii.isdKii, an.I will bo a book that will be interesting to all classes of people. The STE.\M- BO.\T I'lRECTOKV will contain a conijiletc list an.I description of all the Steamboats now atloat in tho \Vestern an t Southern waters. The length, model, spcoil. p.'Wcr an.i tonn.'ige of each boat, where an.i by whom built, the name of the boat, with the tra.lc she is in. -\'.so, the names of Caj.tains an«l otlicers, her age, A;c., vie. The l-'irectory will contain a History of Steamboats and Steatuboating oji the Western waters, since the aj.pUcatioii «>f steam: also, a sketch of the tirst boat built lor the Ohio ilivcr, with the name of the builder, comman.ler an.i owner. The KlVCIt 1>1UE:C'T0K%' will contain a list and description of all the Shnm/nHit that have oc curred on the H t.-t/cr.'i dui! Si in/i rii H h/ct.', beautifully illustrate.!, with a /,/>' i-/ '!l> r'n'.'t ! -h“ A-.-c. }‘n f/inl />t/ th‘ir Jj'initi.ij, ,nul /, on the Western and Southern water.-:'. The l*irectury will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, .'li.ssouri, I'linuis, .\rkansas, White, Red, Ouachita. Yazoo, and .«tlier Rivers, with the Towns and Cities lai'I down, with cori t-ct .li.-tances; also, many other Rivi-r and Coitimeicial itenia >f in terest to the j'C. pio nt large, 'flif br.nk will c. nt:rui the cards of the viaious I'. S. Mail Boats, w'th the j trade they are in. Xc.. \c. The L'ircctory wi’l also ! c-‘nt.iin a coni[-lete list of all the rc-ponsil)lf .''tealiiboat I Licensed OHiccrs, their I'lai-es of re.^i.leiu-c, \c., \c.; | : the new Steaialiout Law, its rciiuirenients, wilh com- ^ , ni^ut", sh.'wing wheri-ia it ’■ •/ ■ the nr-.rq,,!, ni .-///• , ! an.i r,iltc ■ ■ ,i.' -ihi'rt-, and all the 1 I iniii.irtaut I'. S. ."'Upr-me Court Stc.iuil.out l>eci^io!ls I : up to this «lat« ; the l!at«*' and iinporta'it ('.'mnuMxial i I Privileges. BillTof l.a.ling ini]', itaiii l>ci-isi.>iis of the I I various L. S. I’ourts in nguid to Kn'ights, L'l -t aini j ‘ l>amage.l, \c.; v.ith iii iny ..th.-r tliing-i ot interest. The l>irect"iy will be illustr:>tfd in the be-t style, : and I'linted in the l.est manner. Tin- antlmr ha-J for I . ^ix years V'ceti gathering together all the facts and | • items in regard to the numerou i ste inib''at lisa'-ter.s | . on the Wesiern :in.l Soutiicrn waters, a:i 1 intond.-j . publishing thcia i:i Im.'k f.'rm. The price >.f th.- vv..rk | j will be ]'Ut at the l.>w -;um of One I'ollar. Ten thon.s- i and copies wiil bo I for the lioatnten: all other-; ; 'lesirous of subs.-rihing, will h i\e to .lo so at once, as j : none will be printe I unless .>rd»-re.l in advance. The ] j work i-J destined t.. h:ive a . ir.'iil.ilion of jver LIGlI l "i THoL'SANI* copies, a- the publish.-r-- are receiving | ■ large numbt-rs of sul.-cribors, per ni.-ii!, from all part- j : of the country, •I'lth/. Some of the .lidest b.mtmen, !»s ! well as nio-t scientific men of the time.-;, arc C 'litribu- | j tors t.> the Steamboat Direct.o-y. The liirectory will be is'*ued ;n (k-tofer, and will Ke ^ an ornament to the r.arlur a> well as steamboat. By ' remitting One l>.)llar po*^! p ii'l. you will receive .-i I copy of the a!"'Ve work. ! .Ml CommuTiii-'Ui'.ris an 1 letters shouid be a.l.lres-ie 1 i to .I.\MLS T. LLoflf \ CO., I 1 I’ostdtli. c B\iilding, Cin iiinati, Ohio, i .luly 2". I'.t- I sr\(iE LiNi: I i'rom i'ayelteviHr to Salem. Posi/irc JVoticf to Debtors. All persons indebted to me, eitlier by note or ac count, for the year 18.’>4, must come forward an.i settle l>y the first of September next, or thoir Notea ainl accounts will be place.! in course of collectiou; au.l no variation from this Notice will be a.Ihered to—it is not intended for a scare-crow nor a humbug, but strirtly enforced. Interest will be charged ou all ac- ootnits after th#v have stood ninety days. DANIEL KELLY. July 28. 22-tlS Thv Ijttrgest Varrutse Factory in the South! M KF/riI.\L\ his triei\ds and the up large Huhstantial RESPEC TFI' LLY informs public, that he has l>uilt Brick Buildings at his Ol.I Stau.l, expressly for manu facturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal pati-onage he has rcceive.I for the last 21 years, h« hoj'cs by strict attcn'.i.):! to buiiness, with a .lesire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the fame. He warrants lus work to !>e n.ade of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the bu-ine.s^^. Hi.^work will compare favorably with any tnioleln the I'nifed States, for neatness an.1 durability. He is determined to si*Il and do any work in his line on as goo.l terms as any work .lone elsew here that is as well done. He now has on hund, Finisi!ki>, the L.ARUK:-'!' STOCK of ( (irrlJlanxtcfn s, Hock'trwuifs^ ami ‘.v, Kvi'r oil. r«-il in ihis j.la.-f. a vt-iy l.arge stock of work ne.'uly linished. which will be finished .laily. .Ml of which will In- siiid vt-ry low for C.\sh, or ou sluirt time t.i punctual cnsi.imers. He ha« on han.l m..re than »Nh HI NKRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles fmislied and in course of constructi.iu. .\ll Work made by him is warrante.l 12 mouths with fair ussge, siiid sh.uld it fail by bad workmanship or material will t>e rejiaired free of charge. Pers.uis wiihing to liuy would .lo well to call aud examine for them(:elM-s. (IriU-rs thankl'ully received and promptly atteu.le.l to. l{epairing executed at short notice aud on very rvastiuablf it-niis. May 2S, 1S5.''.. «»8tf FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, A « A S H E M W E L L & M r l)7> N A L 0 Are now receiving direct from New York, n BEAUTIFUL .\.SMORT.MENT of STAPLE ani» FANt'Y OJCl* GOODS, Which they will sell very low for Cash or on .short time to prompt paying customers. They respectfully solicit an early examination of their Stock. They hope to be able to please most of those who may give them a call. They return their sincere thanks for former patron age. and solicit a continuance of the same. W. B. SHE.MWELL, A. N. MCDONALD. April 4. 89-tf I' ntirllrvillv Miitunl lusiii'itiu'c ('omjumij. An Ahslract \t th' tiecond Animat REi*ORT of lilt’ Hint Difrr/nrs: Poli.-i«*.s issued past year t>24. whole number issued 12“o, covet ing i*rojerty amounting to uO Polici.-s ciiicclle.I aud expired 8ol,*»:;■> Otj .\ni(iuiit now insured 1,274,717 .^4 Amoffnt of Premium Notes ;ilC,H8:i 3»> “ “ expire.l & cancelled 12i,474 0.‘> “ now on hand !jil89,85‘ :« Increase during last year ?j!Gl,275 07 Premium notes averaging 14 80-100 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insurance during the year averaging less than A per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report •‘>772 8i* “ for Premiums received >,103 28 “ for Policies, Surveys & transfers 8:17 50 “ for Rent 70 00 -l!7,283 67 DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid C. II. Sneed, fire loss $850 00 “ “ Lot aud balance Office building 1,450 00 “ “Salaries 1,550 00 “ “State Tax 100 00 “ “Contingent expenses 375 C2 “ “ Premiums returned 20 G5 Balance To-wit: -$4,340 27 $2,9:57 40 ('ash loaned out on Rond aud Security, (on demand,) $2,250 00 Cash in Bank and in hands of .Ageuta ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank. ^-c. Rent due Real Estate, paying l:{ per cent. Premium Notes on han.I 6W7 40 -$2,0:17 40 I f $2,9:i7 40 l‘;0 00 1,800 00 $4,027 -to 189,859 r|finE Propriet.irs take j'leisure in iafiriuiiij. the m pubru-. that they ii-ive coinir.'Miced ruiiuiiig their from pr'H-Mrcl :icc>Mniiiii laiiii'.; render i>a“sen- Notice, ENTERPRISING CAPITALISTS. 1.\M acquainted with a section of country, the Lands of which can be purchs^ed for :5:U to oo per cent, less than their intrinsic value for .Vgricultural purposes. Said Lands are rich in Mineral Deposits, namely. Gold, Copper, Iron, Lea.l, and Coal. For further particulars, address Dr. R. H. BAKKK, Dobbin Hoube, Fayetteville. N. C. -Vug. »). 24-tf tri-wcekly line .1' Stagt-., "ii tin- 1 Snleni l> Fiycttcvillc. Th>y Irn- St..ck, new (’.uic.ireful mid Drivers, an 1 no ]>-iins will be spared t gers com^oftabUv -V .systt la .'t throu.:h-ticket-* with tlo- .•••ntract irs on the w'ytheville and Re; Isville It'ad-;, for the c.-ii- vi'iiience of I'.isseiigers bouu l to NN ythcville. Va., . r the Piedmont .-'priisg-,, in .•^t-ikes Co'iit*v, has also been a.Iupted. UlIlTi; STAFFORD. June 2-'. I ■"•Vi. jn i'r‘s('rviii;»’ S‘asoii. Ci L.\.'^.'' J.Ul.*^. 1 pint, j. A, aiid 1 gill.>n. Wr .■'tune ditt.'. uU'l 1 >ral., witl; ’•iv*-r-', N' rthcrn. i);tto ditto. 1. 2. ;jii1 ■> up country. Earliier, J.-lly Can-^. wl'.itt% A an 1 I pint, tilt doz com. "reon Tnmtilers, for .leily, •’Stic-, doz. For sale at grisr THh C li ' K EH V ST>},‘1\ bv W. N. TlLLI.Ni:il AST. August 1, is.j.',. iM-lm 'rilE HOOKS OF the Expres.,- .teim M'lat (.’orniiatiy .-ir.- ag.ain in the hands nf Mr. .lohn Shaw, wh'i will settle up Dr. R. H. HAKER, I^ORMERLY of Philadelphia, and late of Havana, offers his professional service.s to the citizens «.f Fayetteville and its vicinity. Dr. B. who has had con siderable experience in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, both in this and the tropical climates, flatters himself that entire satisfaction will be given to all who may favor him with their patronage. He may at all tknes be found at his Office mnless when profession ally engaged. All calls from the country promptly attende.l to. His charges will be moderate. Office, DOBBIN HOUSE. Aug. G. 24-tf NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTION For the DEAF and DUMB and the BLIND. The next session of this Institution will commence on the fSrst Monday in September. It is very important that pupils should be punctual in their at tendance at the beginning of the session. Applications for admission, &c., should be made to WM. D. COOKE, Principal. Aug. 9. 24-Ot A .\DREWS XESUf’. C( )M .MISSION .M E UC H A M'S, Cotton and Woollen Macliiuory, Steam Engines, Machinists’ Tools, Belting, &c. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ^VlanufactiirerM’ Articles, No. 61 PINE Street, NEW YORK. and receipt for the earn Mav 1>'.V>. JAMKS E. MKTTS. :;-tf NOTICE. (10L. N.\TIl.\N KING is otir authori/.el .\gent to J make c.Hitrai-ts f.>r the delivi-ry of Lumber an 1 limber and for the purchase .jf ('rtide Turpentine, at Kingsbury, in C.'umb«rland County. J.' ,v T. WADDILL. May 22, 1855. ;j-tf Fall and \V"int‘r (jioods. J. Jtr T. nvnftfiii, HAY STREET, ^ RE now receiving their Fall ami Winter (jODl)S August 1, 1855. 257 tf 150 We arc now reccivi/i fr and expect to k cr/t an ft Inr^e stock of (iroceries. WE OFFER B.\OS Coffee—Rio, Laguira and Java, 15 Ilhds. Sugars, 50 “ Molasses, 1,0)0 Sacks Salt, 75 Bbls. Sugars,- coffee, crush’d i*i ]>ow.r.I, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Keg.s Pow'Jer, 20 Hhds. Western Batxtn, «,5(X) Lbls. N. C. . “ 50,000 Segars, assorted .jualities, 100 Boxcb Cheese, With every other article in our line. All of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. McLAURlN. May ‘I'.i. 3-tf HANK OF CI.ARENDON. «L.ANK CHECKS on the new Bank of Clareu'lon. elegantly printed, f»r sale nt this Office. Also, blank Notes on all the !i»aks in town, incl'id- ing the Bank of Clarendon. July ‘j;i. Fayf‘ttevill(‘ Hotel. /. --A ^I^HE .Subscribers having this day l«a;i«d this X Hotel Jor a term of years, will be iiieased to see their friends and the travelling public i»t this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the Huuse in such repair as we .lesire. J H. ROBERTS Ac CO. J. II. Roberts. j.’. ]{oberts. March 1, 1855. 8u-tf 1 well sflected .st.K-k .d' Mats aiui (’aj)s, Saddlcn and Lca- tlu'i', Ileavv arliclos in tin* Drun iiiu‘, Rcady-inndt' C'lo- tiiing, niid Staple Dry mkIs. This Stock we are prepared to Job or Itetail. Fayetteville, (Jet. 24, 1854. I-’tf We ask the P lantcrs and TurptMitine men to ex- atuine our Kerse's, Negro Blankets. IIkI') an.i Shoes. consisting of a largt* a j (Tirorerics, ; Hardware, I Cutlery, lilacksniitluV 'I'lir |)(‘uliiu* 'Tools, .Agricultural Im- pUillKMltS, I toots and Shoes, llliriiS. MEIIIi I.M^S k (!HE.MI(.1LS, Drs. FOULKES & MACRAE, Ilai/ Sti t ft, near th> Fayt ttevillf Hotel. WE re-pectfully ask the attention of .lur fustomers an.i frien.ls to our LARGE and COMPLETE STOCK of DRUc;S, MKDII’L\i:s and CHEMICALS, whi.-h we are now receiving, and which we are determine.l to sell at such low [■rices ax cannot fail to give satisfaction. It will be our aim to sell Medicines that cm be .lepeii'lc.I upon, (iive us a call before making your jiur.’hases. April 9, 1855. H4-tf FOR SALE, A FIR."T KATE BL’t.GY HORSE, of fine action, and fast .\lso, a go.nl BL'(i(JY and M.ARNE.SS. The owner h iving no further use f >»• them, thev will be lli^J>oscd I'f at a bargain if applie-l for soon. •\pj)ly !it thi' (idice. Nov. ll, 1S51. 4Ctf THE SFHSC:RIHER OFFERS for sale 90 acres of land on the (’ape Fear liiver, 12 miles North of Fayetteville, on the 1 iiyctteviile and .Northern Plaukroad, upon which there i?" a good Dwelling, a Store House, a!iJ all necessary out-houses. -an excellent stand for a Store an.i Ttir- pentine Distillery, formerly the property of N. K. Mc- I'ufhe. } >ne other tract juining the above, containing 400 acres .-an be purchHs.*d if .lesire.I For further iufor- ! mati.^n apply to the subscriber on the premis»s. I .\lso, one other tract containing 20t) or :iOO Acres of i the best Cape Fear Bottom Land, of which there is 15 .\cres in the finest state of cultivation. W J. CLEMENTS. June 11, lt55. 8-:im ){j$150 KKWAliO. R.VN.VW.W front the subscriber, on the 17th inst., a negro fioy named .MORRIS HAY'S, but has since he left called himself Jon Smith, at other times ,/ame.i He had on when he left, a brown (Moth ('oat with a velvet collar; is of brown complexion, about 5 I'.'et 0 inches high, weighs about DIO lbs., «l>eaks .juick, and w ill emleavor to pass himself off as free, .''aid boy was purchased by me from T. H. Williams, on the 1st December last. He is well known about Wilmington, but may j.robably en.leavor to make his way to Fayetteville or Weldon. Tlie above Rewai.I will be pai.l for his appreheasion and c.'.nfiuewcnt in any jail in the State so that 1 can get him, or fur his delivery to me at Jonesboro’, Co lumbus (’ounty, N. (^. I forewarn all persons from harltoring or trading with said Boy, as the Law will be rigidly enforce.l against all such offenders. Ad.lress the subsciii>er at Whiteville, (?olumbiis • ounty, N. C. H. BONHA.M, per B. W. Smith June 21. 12-tf 'rij(* suhsc rihers will [mrchase Spirits Turi>entine, or make a.Ivances on consignments to their friends in Wilminjjton, or New York. C. T. HAIGH ^ SONS. Aj.ril 9, 1855. 90tf Steam Engines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STEAM ENQINES from five to sixty hor.se power, which wo can furnish ou as favorable terms as any Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will perceive the advantage of having them madenear home. J^*An Engine of our own manufacture can be seen in operation at the Foundry. HALL & BOLLINGER. Dec. 7. 185.*?. 61-tf To the Physi rians of North ('arolinUj and to all who use lAtjUor as a Medicine or as a Reveraire. PH\SICI.ANS who prescribe Alcoholic Liquors for Medicinal purposes should give the preference to WOLFE’S SCHEIDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. 1. It is manufacture.! at Scheidam, in Holland, aud exclusively in the factory of the proprietor, by process es aud from material elsewhere unemployed and un known. 2. It is provetl, by the repeated analysis of several eminent chemists, to he entirely free from the perni cious fusil oil which ramains in every kind d‘ lii^uor distilled from grain, and which is the cause of the ner vous and visceral .lerangement, serious cougestion, and morbid desire for habitual aud intemperate indulgence, which such li|uors itivariably tend t» superinduce. 3. It is proved by the same unerring tests that the Juniper Gin is not flavored with the coarse, acrid and indigestible oil of Juniper heretofore used, Itut with tho specifically lighter, more voUtile, aromatic and medicinal of tho two essentia! oils of the Italian Juui- per berry, neglected by every other manufacturer. 4. It is chemically proved to be absolutely pure in its rectification—a tjuality obtained by an entirely new- process, and which no other Holland Gin in the world has acjuired. 5. It is proved by extensive medical experience and testimony, to be an efficient as well as an agreeable remedy in many cases of incipient dropsy, gravel, chronic gout, rheumatism, flatulence, colic, concretions in the kidney and bladder, dyspepsia, fever and ague, gene ral .lebility, sluggish circulation of the blood, deficient assimilation of food and exhausted vital energy. »5. It is a most grateful and renovating cordial, and when used as directed, never inflames the system or in duces inebriety, but tends rather to subdue the latter frailty, by creating a di.slike to all inferior li.piors. And it invariably corrects the ill effects of bad water, whether in swampy or limestone districts. In all of these enumerated qualities it has no rival in any mar ket in the woril. Since the intro.!uction of this celebrated medicinal beverage into the United States, a number of Liquor Dealers in New \ ork and our other largo cities have commenced counterfeiting it. The genuine is only sold ! ^B1HE Subsciiber has in Store, and is receiving, liis in i]uart and pint bottles, handsomely wrapped in yel- | ■- SPRING STOCK of GOODS, which he wishes to NEW HOOKS. r|1HE CASTLE 1$UILDERS, by author of Hearts JL ease, ^c.; the Banking House, from Blackwood; Perils of Courtship; Half Hours w^ith the best .Vuthors, by Knight- Greek Ollendorff, by Kendrick; Spiers’ and Surrenne’s French an.! English Pronouncing Diction ary; Success in Life, by Tuthill; ^o. Also, further supply of Fudge Doings, Ik Marvel; Owen’s Anabasis; Authotf's Latin Prosody; Anthon’j Anabasis; Madows' French Dictionary; Anthon’s .Ains worth; Bolmar’s Phrases: Leverett’s Latin Lexicon; Bul lion’s Latin Grammars, Readers, ^c. Just received by E. J. HALE & SON. .NKW ilOOKS. ^■IHE Hi.story of tho Hen Fever; The Masonic Text Ji- Book, Ity (’ross; The Great Iron Wheel, by Graves; Baptist History, by Orchard. Alstt, further supply of School Books, Slates, Steel Pens, &.C. E. J. HALE & SON. May 2. NEW BOOKS. ^H^HE W'atchman; Rob’t Graham, by Mrs. Ilent?: A The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs, by the author of “Wild Western Scenes;” The tjhcmistry of Common Life, by Jas. F. Johnston. F. R. S., etc. I Just received by E. J. H.YLE x SON. JOSEPH BAKER, .Ik., ATTORIVKIT AT 1^ A %V , Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’.s Law office on Green Street. He will att**n.! and i practice in the (,’ounty and Superior (’ourts of (’umber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson, j March 23, I85:L 79-tf .Amount Capital to meet an;- losses ^sC.>l,78*j 73 In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members am! the public on the very fortunate au'J successful operations of the ('.impanj’ the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, 185», (Sneed’s,)—unless it be the case uf Stranglaus & Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a reri/ ejctrnordinary case,—it is still uinler iuvestigation. Fire Insuranccm ^■^HE .lETNA Insurance Company of Hartford, hav- ! -I ing paid the tax imposed by tht Revenue Law I of the late Legislature, will continue it.s Agency in ; Fayetteville, untler the management of the undersigned, I who is prepare.! to issue Policies of Insurance on liuild- I ings or Gt>ods, either in this Town or in any part of ' the State, on proper application, .Icscription of the ' Property, &c. i The .'ETN.A ('OMP.\NY has been in operation aliout ^JO years. Its capital is 1^300,000. The Hon. Tbos K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that office; au.l several of its first Directors are still active am! efficient members of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the prtidence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. The following Directors w-ere elected for next year; LIFE IXSURANCE. '■IHE Uudersigne’. has been appointe.l Agent of JL the N(>rth ('arolina Mutual Life Insurance Com- Geo. McNeill, H. L. Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry ' p:i»y- Every member for life participates in tho pro- Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W'. Tillinghast, S. T. Hawlej’, T. *he (Company; ami the annual premium for life S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, N. A. Stedman, J. G. membership, where it amounts to $:>0 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, au.l the other half in a note Shepherd, S. J. Hinsdale, D. \. Ray, J. D. Williams, A. A. McKethan, J. H. Cook, A. E. Hall, A. W. Steel, J. G. Cook; and K. F. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MY’ROVER, Vice President. C. A. .McMlLLAN. Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, .Attorney. Kxccutiof Committee for next (Quarter: Geo. .McNeill, S. W. Tillinghast, W’m. McLauria. May 24, 185o. 4-V SPRLNG GOODS, &c. I at 12 months. ! Debtors’ lives uiay be instire.l by cre.litors. \ man may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family The lives of slaves may be insure.!. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over j the civilized worlt! it is one by which a family, tor a ! small sum an:iua!ly, may be provi.le.l I'oc, after the I death of its head, on whose exertions they may have j been depen.lent for a stipport. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking ; out a Life INiliuj-. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Blank.s, furnished on application. E. J. HA I.E. low paper with my name on the bottle, cork, and label. I would advise those who use it medicinally, to pur chase by the bottle, us Bars and Hotels fre.iuently fill my bottles with common gin aud sell it for the gen uine. For pale by all the respectable Druggists in the United States. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Manufacturer and Importer, 18, 2u and 22, Beaver street. New Yoik. The word “Schnapp" belongs exclusively to my ar ticle, all others are counterfeit. For sale, wholesale and retail, by th« only authorised Agent in Fayetteville. W. DR.\UGHON. Fayetteville. Jan'y 8, 1855. G4tf Diroct Route iXortli! THROUGH TICKETS given to WELDON!! FARE TO WE LI) 0X^1 25. fBllIE Subscriber has placed ou the direct Mail Jl line between Fayetteville and Raleigh a F(JUR HORSE POST C(>A(31I which connects without fail, KVEKT MORMSti at Raleigh with the Cars going North. By this Hue passengers arrive at Weldon two houm sooner than by any other route from this place, afford ing ample time to diue without being hurried, and to check their baggage by either of the trains from that place. Returning, the Stage leaves Raleigh soon after the arrival of the Northern train aud reiiches Fayetteville next morning to breakfast. Passengers can procure at Weldon through tickets from the Agent of the Raleigh Road to Fayetteville, thereby securing seats without the fear of disappoint ment. D. G. MAC KAE, Contractor. Fayetteville, N. C., July 20, 1855. 20-tjw sell for t'.-ish, B‘«rtor, or on ('re.Iit. DISTIfiLER'S GLUE, a very goo.l article. 1000 SPIRIT 15.\RRELS.—I woubl be pleased to ■ furnish to D’stillers the number of Barrels .lesire.I, as 1 have ma.le arrangements with the best makers. Every Barrel shall be GoOD. -Mso, .“V fine close CARRIAGE, new, Fayetteville • make. Warrauted. i DEBF( IS will please take notice, that I am in want , of Monej, and they “KNOW .SOMETHING, "—that is, I must have it. THO. J. JOHNSON. i April lo. 92-tf ' 'P) J L *^.ooo roK s.\i,i;. ACRES of LtkTid. 9 miles from Fay etteville, lying directly on the .South ern Plank Ro.-id, and on each side of Big Rockfish. One of tho best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient improvements for a family resi.lencc; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a first rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A McKETHAN. Fcb’y 5, 1855. 72-tf W. A. HUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AN1> CLERK AND MASTER IN EtjUITT. F.vv>:ttevii,i,e, N. C. Feb’y 10, 18,‘)5, 74-tf NOITCE. [HAVE left my Notes ami .Accounts in the han.ls of .Messrs. Wright Huske aud John Robinson, either of whom are authorise.! to receipt in niy name. Those indebted will please call on them an.i settle. TIIOS. C. HALL. July 20. o().tf FOR SALE CHEAP. SECOND H.VND BUGGIES in good repair. April 18, 1855. A. A. McKETHAN. 93tf OP THE r PROSPECTUS MIRTH CAROLINA CHRISTIAxN ADVOCATE. T' w/io wot LI) /fAVE r//o/y//ir nv A new CnrrUufc Eatalili&hmi.nt on tho Miiitary (jlreni, oppositr the Mr.tlioih'nt {'hiiirh, fiontimj on MumJ'firt/ Strct t. (iREAT ENTERPRISE! ■''ay‘ti‘villo to HE Siib-icribers would respectfully inf.trm thei frieii'ls an.i the j.ublic, that they have entered into copartner^iiip for the purpose if conducting the general CARRIAGE llL'Sj.N |-;.s.s in .-til its various parts. And being both pr.ictical w.u knun, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any estaltlishniciit in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may b« known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’.s iron witrk for the last two year- We w.irrant all work to give genei al .-:iti -.action for twelve months Repairing .lone in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. James H. Pier. James Rra.vin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. C2tf am. V PEARCE cV FERGUSON 4Ii K now opening and receiving a general assort ment of Foreign ainl iKunpstic, Fancy and Staple Dry (iooil.s, Hats, (’aps, Bonnets, Hoots and Shoes, and a :(‘nerul assortment nt' Ki'ady-Made (Motliing, Which they offer at WHOI.ESALE or RETAIL, at low prices and upon accoiunio.Iatiug terms to punctual cusf.)niers. B. F. PEARCK. March 15, lS')r>. J. B. FERGUSON. 83tf SPHil r BARRELS. A LW'.W.S on hatid and for sale at the lowest mar- /'m. ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. C. W. WILLIAMS & CO. .May 2S. 4-tf .J. DEALER IN STAPLE FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-.M.VDE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Latlies’ Dress Qoods and Trimmings. Hay Street, Fai/etteville, X. C. -May 2ti, 1855. 4-tf ^jj|lUE North Carolina .Annual Conference of the J. Methodist Episcopal Church South, having de termined to issue a weekly paper bearing the above name, the subscribers are authorised to issue this prospectus. It is intended to publish a finnilt/ newspaper, which, while it shall be religious in tone and sentiment, and maintain the doctrines aud usages of the Me thodist Church, shall be devoted to all the inter- of North Carolinii, and furnish intelligence for every class of readers. In size ami appearaner the new periodical is to be equal to any of our Church papers, while it will surpass them all in adaptedness to the wants of our people. The entire insufficiency of the existing “Advocates” to the necessities of our position forces us to the publication of our own paper, aud we confidently expect the hearty co-operatiou of the Members of our Church in all parts of the .State and (’onference, and hope to make the paper so interesting and instructive as to attract patronage from the pub lic generally. The “Advocate" will be .published at $1.5(» a yeivr and the first ntimber will be issued as early as prac ticable after the next Session of our Conference. It is believed that the publication will be commenced on the 1st uf January, 185tj. It is desirable that as large a subscription as possible be obtained before the (’on ference and the Ministers and all others interested in the enterprise are respectfully urged to secure and forward the names and address of subscribers, partic ular attention being paid to correctness in writing the names of persons, post offices and (’ouuties. Those who may have no opportunity of tsubscribing through the agency of our Ministers may write directly to Rev. Wm. E. Pell, Fayetteville, N. (h The payment will be expected upon the issue of the first number. The locution of the publishing office will be determined at the Session of Conference. WILLIAM K. PELL, ] WILLIAM CARTER, | RUFUS T. HEFLIN, Committee. N. H. D. WILSON, 1 WILLIAM BARRINGER, J July, 1865. 22- liivery Stables. The unJersigne.l coutinuc to carry on the LIVERY’ P.tSl- NESS at this place. They have latelylargely increased their .-^ti'.-k and can now ofi'or to the , .ihlic good Horses, Caniaces and Dri vers as can be fottn.i in the .South ern country. Thankful f.tr the large p.-itron- age heretofore extended to us, we soHvit a Continuation of the public favor. W'e j>roini.?» n -foiy trip to all who may wish tc travel. Stables at the West end f Mnitifnid sir'»et. where one of the Proprietors ma}’ always be found. .>r at the .Stor*^ tirst door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS ,Sc CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1853. 71tf Faifetteviile Candtf Mannfartorii. ^■'11E subscriber still contiiiues to m.-tnufncture a su- I perior article of j.lain and fancy ('.\NI>II'S nt the old stand, (No. 5, (Jrecn street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he wouM be happy to se« his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, 185:^. 73tf HOOK HLNDERY. W. H.-VRDIE has resumed the Book Business at the new Store next door l-i .'li. Beasley, Jeweller, where'he will receive ainl execr*- binding in any style desired. .\ugu.st 1. u. i\EW l§TO€K OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JC. THOM.SON has now in store his usual variety • of UOOnS in his line, to which he would call tlie attention of the public and his friends,—ever desiring to liave it remembere.l, that he is disposed to sell CHEAP for CASH. Please call ami examine my H.\TS, CAPS, B(JOTS, GAITERS, SHOE.S, .jc. J. C. THOMSON, Market .Square. April 14. 92-tf r.EM()NS. ~ J Jk BOXES LEMONS, ilr 40 “ LEMON SYRUP. Just received by S. J. HINSD.ALE. June 28, 1855. i:itf t JOil.\ niKillKS. ^'jf'^HE CONTROVER.Sy between Senator Brooks an.i M. f John, Archbi.shop of the Roiu.'tn (^athoclic Church ttf New York—p.ritte 25 cents. E. J. HALE A SON. Sash, Blinds, LIHE .Sub.scriber having bccou>e .Agent for tint sale of WINDOW SASH, BLINDS and DOdRS t>f all sizes, will sell cheaper than has ever been sold in Fay etteville. Give tne a call at my shop on oM .Street. He is prepared to execute all work in the Carjtenler- ing line, as he has several go.).! workmen. CHA’S F. ASKEW. Jan’y 9, 1855. otj-y A N N I- A L SE'lTLEM EX'i'S. 1M1E Subscribers respectfully solicit a settlement, . with all who owe them, or to whotii they .-ire indebte-.l. They have written .some hun.ire.ls of letters, em bracing accounts other than for subscriptions. fhese latter are too numerous to ft.rward to each individual subscriijer, V>ut it is hoped that all who can, will remit what is due. The amount they can ascertain by ex amining former receipts. Most of our accounts are small, but they form .•> very large aggregate of great importance to us. E. J. HALI-I & SON. Harper’.s and Putnam’s Magazine-s for .\ugurt, received for sale by i E. J. HALE & SON. REDUCED FAiii:. Through Tickcts botwet ti Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare$i:{. Via Weblon, Petersburg, Richmontl, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at theOfhce of the W'ilmington an.i Raieigh Rail Roatl (Company at ^ii ' mington, or !.t the Office of the Ila'tinior.’ o. ! Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and ')Hi Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1852. ! I ~ N()TICE. rpHE late firm of JA.MES .t JONES is dissolve!. £ The subscriber will in future conduct the bus:- ! nes.s in his own name, aud is prepare.! to .lo all kimls of Brick Work, White washing au.l Plastering, in the neatest style atid on tlie best terms. He keeps con- ; stantly on hand an excellent article of White Lime, ■ and the best Plastur of Paris. Persons wishing work ' in my line will rilease give me !i call. ! F. M JA.MES. Oct. :^0. J5-tf NOTH’E. 1! E SUBSClll I>r;ii ln.s reni.»vei; t. L SHAW’S NK'.V lU:iLD!N(i. tii! lespie .Street, witete ho intenl.-> . ar rying on th.'* 'ff* 11 lU'S I - NESS in all its biancuc'^ ILikinji h:id practicni exi.erience in most of the .\t- lantic cities, lie (eels assured that he c.‘iit pleuse the most fastidious. All order.i will be executed with neat- spatch. I!. .MO.VAGHAN. March 28, 18.53. 81-tt WAN'n:!) f SIO HIRE for the Italance of the year, a goo.l house M- pervant, in a small family, for su.-h a one a n.io i price will b(> paid. Enquire at this (Office. March 19. Mti I n«*ss an OAK HEAD SPHn r P.ARKi:f.S. We are prepare.l to furuish Distillers with :in;. numltcr of O.ak-head .Spirit ISarrels they iii.4\ want. J. .V T. " \I*IMLD. May 17. 2-tt (iujin’s Domestic Mediciii(‘.—.V I’lir- ther supply just received by E. J. H VLL SON

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