TOUTjILIL r Ti :*:si * * t\ ; II w- h '■ ' *4*ot: ri r. !i. in I ■ (DIB SE1II.WEEKL.Y. mTim V.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 18, 1855. (NO. 445.] th ■ :h c^tN r . VU\'Ai UiUr t ..I' • n Ml >. i- ' -r * ‘■iht; ^ J. I. i 4i:V ' 1h1 > : oti*v- •1' . e in." int.- hid vi-h ■ ?l . e ! _ ]^iV. t'Tic in*. : ve r; ru i ^ J I v^. i\i’l' » M(>Nlt\V. \N1> THriJSl'VYS l)\V \l!l» .1. II M-K & SON'. l.hlTOitS \NI‘ PllOlMUr.TOliS. «r tlu‘ S. iiii Wt'«'k],v »*ii.'KuvKn >;{ 00 if puil in •^.'I ■)(• if ].;u'l 'liiriiijr the yeiir of snbsoriii- ■ r nftt'i- tho yoar has exjnre«l. U t t‘kly OiisKUVKK 00 ]>pr annum, if pniil in . ; VI if p;nil (luring the year of suhscrip- , " "H :»ftcr ihc y.'Hf has oxpire>l. ■ rlsr.MKN rs inserteil for sixty cents per iiii-s for the first, iiuil thirty cents for Ortch \'early ii'lvertiements hy spe- : ; at vo:iri'>ni>‘iie rates. A'lvertisers are : -t itt :ht' niunher . . insertions ilesiretl. or . ’iiiiiui''! till forbid, ami charped accord- tc the Kditors nuist he post-paid. \M. AM) WIiNTKR r: ,ro u w rt i fiving our stock of Fall and Win- t,.r »; . "nsisting of LADIES’ DRESS and .FMF.N'S n l AHlNC. APPAKKL. viz: ,, |. ; Plain »nd Plaid Merinos: Alpaccas, , ,, k. Plain and Phiid Silks; Talmas and If Trinniiinjrs. Edgings, Embroidered Col- .Ki'i' -'nd Muslin Bands; a large lot of , , ; If Misses auvl ('hildren; Kid and Pio .V. i 'len Mits for Children; a larg-j assort- |! ■ ts. Silk, Satin, Muslir, Straw anil Hair: ; 1! l.~; Ladii's' Walking Shoes, Gaiters, and ■X- P ."i 1 lloi'ts: Misses’ CJaiters, Morocco Ties, ' u .'h...-,-, ; I. l.NTl.KMKN:—II;its and Caps of every shape Criiv^its, Sti'cks, Merino Vests, Shirts aud : i It >f I’i.'thinp, warranted to fit or no !s ill i Shoes: Ihick and Woolen Gloves: ; lU'l L’iitileachel Shirtings and Sheetings: ‘ : IS ..n l Towelings: Bed Ticking; Blankets; Kiiitucky .leans: Stripes ami Apron Checks; i I’n d Fiannel; a good assortment of (’loths, T' ' and Vesting>; Table Covers. Hugs and r^.'nie very fine; rmhrellas, Traveling aid IMiuk-; Purt Mouaits, Keticules, and a ' :uy ither Fancy Articles. >i!d be pleased to have persons living in town, ■ ''I- vi-;iting our place with a view of purchasing • • xamine our Stock, as we are determined to W. F. & E. F. MOORE, t I")’. I4tf miKss f'f»: ON WITH YOUR CLOTHING! «' up Olil l iimkruiiHl aiul tlir rest of Miiiikiini: L .1. WOODWARD K.'^PEOTFL'LLV informs his friends ami the pub- !li generally, that he has just returned from the . viliere he purchased, and is now receiving a L.VKlJE ASSORTMENT OF (■(‘litIrnion's Clothiii«’ Lt> st styles, which he will sell cheap for C.ASlf. His Stock oonsi.-ts of . Kt r (’'Kit.s, Frock Coats, Busiucs,s Coats, \ -ts, ,'^liirt,', C'lllars, Stocks, Glovc.s, A:c. ■ .1 large and varied a-sortment of HOY S ( LOTIIINC;. I 'i/e-*, f' T Youths from 4 to I'i years old. 1 w f.'. :ii i!i\;;'acture Pants and \'fts and cut for w'-: in" it done. I have made arrangements with a House iu , t' li iVe ('’.‘thing made t.' order, and those f ; ising their e irments manufactiired in r'-- w’ ’ iik-.ise call at my store and have their - • . nine n;y go.. Is at the Store oni do'.r II it an'l Cap Store, south-west : Nlail'.-t S j lare. A. WmiI*WARD. '■ • ' »ct. 1''. 44-.';m !L! IBLi: P!’i()1M;RT\ FOK SiLE. i 1;K • ilf. my LANl'S in the Town of Fay- 'Mt lo*i Acres, ku'^wa a» the IttUMFORD SWAMP. ' ' Ari l - of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop ' will show. Vlso, the V:iliial>l‘ ISri-k >tore l..ot Market * iuarr, ououpied by Mr. .lohn A. PWYETTEVILLE FEMALE HIGH SI'HOOL- f Bill IS Institution is open for the reception of Stu- JL tents this day, Mond.ay', the 15th inst., under the instruction of tlie following Faculty: Rkv. WM. E. Pl'liL, Pri.ncipal. Mr. .1. II. Colton, A. I?., Prof. of Ancient Languagos and Mathematics. Mr. PiiM.iiTK IIkni.f.', Prof. of Modern Languages and Music. Mrs. VtRf5iN'iA C. Pkli., Assistant in Music. Miss Lavini.\ ,J. W'att, Assistant in Literary Depart ment. Mrs. M\R«iAnKT E. IIornk, Principal of Preparatory Department. The course of study will be thorough, both in the preparatory and collegiate departments, a high grade of sfholarship required in order to graduation. The Trustees and Faculty are determined that the School shall stanI in the front rank of Southern insti- tions, in providing for the physical wants and the intellectual and nioctvl improTement of the yi>ung ladies committed to their care. The Scholastic year will embrace iO weeks, divided itito two Sessions of 20 weeks each—the first Session commencing on the l>t!t inst., and the second on the ."d of March next. Pupils can enter at any time and will be charged from the time of entrance at the fol lowing rates: Hoard, washing, lights, fuel and Tuition in the English Branches, !j>85 Latin, French, or any ancient or moilern lan guage, each 10 Music, on the Piano or Guitar, each ‘20 Drawing, and Painting in water colors 10 “ *• oil colors ‘20 Embroidery ft I’se of Piano 3 Tuition in English branches iu Collegiate Departm’t 15 “ “ *• Preparatory di. 10 Incidentals for day scholars per Session 1 iJOlD l\n SILVER W\T(IHES, NEW I'ATJ. & WINTER GOODS. ►S’..?/. TiiO,fi,1S i iHiiiuii ii.iiviiiJif; Is Receiving, direct from New York, a Large and Jr.WELRY, SU..VER WARE AND well selected assortment of I — FANCY GOODS. well selected assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, Kerseys, Blankets, &C. To which he would call the attention of the LADIES, his friends, and the Public generally,—to give him a call and examine his Stock before making cheir pur chases. He intends to let the People decide whether they are pretty, or, whether they are CHEAP, when they exunine his Stock and hear his prices. He would return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. Corner of Market and Gillespie St., Sept. ‘27. - .39-tf Corporation Hoiids fW^HE Subscriber is now receiving JL large additions in his line, con sisting in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Br.acelets; Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Seals .and Keys, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Lockets; (Jold and Silver I’eneils; Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles; Gold and Silver Thimbles; Silver Cups; Silver and Plated Spoons; Silver, Pearl and Shell Card Cases; Silver and Plated Butter Knives; Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets and Candlesticks; Porte Monaies; Fine Knives, Razors and Scissors; Double and Single Barrel Guns; Pistols; Colt’s Repeaters; Percussion Caps; Surveyors’ Compasses and Chains; Canes; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Lather Brushes; Powder Flasks; Shot Belts; Game Bags; Music Boxes; Accordeons; Flutes; Fifes; Clarionetts; Violins and Strings; Chessmen and of the Town of /or I &c., &c^ Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., repaired on the usual terms. Aug. 30. 31-3m A GREE.VBLE to an Act of tlie (leneral Assembly ...tL of the .St!»te of North Carolina, ratified Dec.|‘2.5 j 1H5‘2, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue i her Bonds to the amount of !fil00,000, in the aggre- i gate, for the purpose of ji.aying her sub.scription to the Western Rail Road Company. j Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of >>')0,000, in sunis of ij^oOO each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Coupons attached,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of the same. WM. W.VRDEN, Town Trea.surer. LOOKING GLASSES. CASES, assorted, from 7 x 0 to 15 x 26 in ches. W'ill be sold low; and safely packed, by W. N. TILLINGHAST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. Aug. 29. 1865. 31-3m 10 F^vrnishings. SILVER Platttd Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, and Castors. Britania Candlesticks, Castors, Lamps, Sept. 2t), 1865. 39- I' .u 1 1 • 4 I. ' ~ Spoons, Tea and Coffee Pots, &c. and hardwauf... lusifi or anv narfioul,.r br.innh nrovi^iion wilt bel^P’lt' subscriber has in Store a good assortment of LAMI S—for Oil, Lard and Huid,—solar and plain; I 1 Goods in the GROCERY and HARDWARE LINE; 1 Huid Lamps, a new article; Oil and Camphine I all of wl ich will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar- i Hj^ging Lampa. ; tered for country produce, on terras the most reason- I able. A small lot of SAl'DLERV for sale cheap. v"tivc us a call. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. N. B. Any of my friend.s in the country having busi ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, Aic., can have it done on the usual tf'rms, by sending same to my caro. G. W. I G. Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1855. 39tf Wl Music, or any particular branch, provision will be made for them to attend recitations at particular hours without being connected with the regular classes. Payments, one half at the entrance of each Student, and the balance at the end of each .''ession. Deduc tions made for absence only in cases uf protracted sickness. For further particulars address the Principal. \V.\1. E. PELL, Principal. Fayetteville, Oct. I."), 1855. 40-tf T/i#> Etarsf'sl Carriage Vartory i^ the South ! McKETIIAiM R' ’I'lIK LAND Ol' t;)[,l). by Hinton R. Helper, '5 cents, just rec’d by E.'J. HALE .V SON. Oct. 12. A (Xt .MISIG. NEW su]ii)lv for the I'iano Forte, just rec’d. E. .1. HALE SON. .12. -la- (iimoV Doiiu'.'^tic »r l*«>or Man's Frieml. A further supply of this Family Med ical Books just rcc'd by E. J. H.\LE SON. Oct. 12. ' 43- II l. ir-v- ati'! Val' :ili’,f Lot, fronting i-n Douald.son, wt 'i uii l M’lmford known the Motel ar l»-u Li 1. . > , 1 V't divided into several Buiidin;.: MTV III .r Mif !ifw Female High School Buildings, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Muniford lal DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS ou both all I Mumford Streets. ■ property can now be purchased on favora- and !i large jiart can remain on Bond and _!• if desire !. TIIO. J. CCRTIS. l*^ l^V',. 43-tf C. E. I.EETE just received his Fall aii'l Winter Stock of Goods, consisting of KerseyLinscys, Blankot>, \c.. Boots and Shoos, Saddl("J and liridle.'?, C’ooper’s and Smith’s Tools. —ALSO— GO ';'.ils No. o Mackerel, 50 ISi.ies Tallow Candles, ■Jo ‘ Adamantine do. 5(> Kegs Nails, Sugar House Syrup, Crockery, by the Crate, A choice lot of Cigars, t'l Bills, old Scuppernong Wine. In the altove Stock may be found most any artii le iu the Staple Dry Goods ui- Grocery Hue. Oct. 1. lo-lm jE^a mmmAArn JAMES KVI.E ^ J^AS jubt received a large and general as: ortiin-nt i^K\* UOOMMS. .•\mong which are, •i50 pieces Dress DeLains, French and English Merino, Plain Merino, real French, Persian Cloths, Black and (’colored Silks, Irish Linens, all Flax, Table Cloths and Napkins, ('arpetiiig, very cheap, Calicoes, well assorted. Kerseys and Linseys, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Hose, Lpdies' Twisted Silk Mitts, Dress Trimmings, int., ivc. All of which being purchased by the package for Cash, will bf otl*red at the lowest market price for c.ish, or on time to paying customers. Sept. 27, 1855. 39-tf rilOS. II. TILLlNGHASr, 0 O O KB AutJrrso)^ Stn^rl, North of E. J. Hale & Son s Bookston. WS rSlC. Magazines, .ind all descriptions of Books ^TB. are >x>und in all styles in the best and most substantial manuer, on terms, the same as at any place in the South. Persons wishing to know the prices of binding, will be suppli**d with a list person ally or by letter. Sept. 25. 1855. 39-tf 1). W. C. BKNBmV, I). I). S., Graduate of the Kaltiniore College of 1) K \ T L S r R li E R V. Tin, Copper and Brass TE.\ KETTLES. A great variety of HOUSEKEEPING CONVENI ENCES, some of which have not been sold here before. Ladies’ Pf'orfc and Traveling Bankrts, a good assortment, and very cheap; superior Scissors. Together with a BETTER ASSORT.MENT of FANCY and PLAIN, CHINA and GLASS 'mmr than 1 have ever before offered; with all the IttfliHpensahle *lrtirlcs of coarse W'ares. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. Aug. 29. 31-tf OLD RYE W HISKEY. f j||lHE subscriber having received the Agency for the M. sale of Dr. Frank Williams’ Rye Whiskey, in- orms the public that a supply of the genuine article can always be found at his store on Gillespie street, at wholesale or retail. R. MITCHELL. Sept. 14. 30-Cm ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at hi.s Old Stand, expressly for manu facturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to bu»iiness, with a desire to give sptisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Finished, the LARGEST STOCK of Carria^es^ Barouches, llockawaijs, and Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. 8@f“ He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi- cles finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months ■with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promp tly attended to. Repairing executed at short noticb and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1853. 98tf SPIRIT RARREy.S. A LWAYS on hand and for sale at the lowest mar- IL ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. May 28. 4-tf J. C. POE, DEALER IN S FAPLE & FANCY DRY GOOBS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hot/ Street, Fayetteville, N. C. May 26, 1855. 4-tf Otlice hours from 9 ,\. M. to I P. M. “ 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. BEN Bow may be found at his Room nc*ir the Market, where all who are iu need of the 'iTvicog of .a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. ■All operations performed upon the latest and most approvt-l plans. To those in need of %-trtitictal 7V'f//i, he would dimply say that he is beiiinvl in no impr*)vement. He inserts from one to an entire set upon line Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be euually as serviceable as the natural org.ins. He sj>ends nine months of each year in this place, ■from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Sept. 2''. I't-tf N. B.—Dr. B. will be abs'nt at the State Fair. TABLE CUTLERY. 1US1' received, agocI assortment of IVORY, BONE, HORN and EBONY handle KIVIVES and FOKI4$i, and €.%KVKRS, of superior quality. Some with Patent Immovable Handles, all of which will be Fold at very small profits. tetT" 1 will keep my assortment always complete. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. .Aug. 2'.', 1855. 31-tf W Ks. if 1, t: = M i! i> i:;.. th: ks II r boi *enr ^IS‘ l.'>0 ul •t. Ljil)or‘rs Waiit(ul At $1.50 per Day. ■riber wants 160 able-bodied Laborers to 111 the Cross Crt.-ek Lock an'l Dam near fir which he will pr.y !jil.50 per day. v:i!!t^ 'i 12 good Carpenters, for which the i • will >ie paid. ^i h;iiir ’inploynient will apply immediately ■V: .111 Oaytoii, foreman on the work, or to riiier who ir always at the work. Jonathan leslie. Contractor. 4;-!-4t V cow WAN’l'Kl). ll.'T BATE MILCH COW. Apply at this 41- U ( it-r [1 'Wanted, to £L1HE,—Immfdlateiif, V .t:: iL» Cook, Washer and Iroiicr. For such an a goi '1 j.ric* will be paid. Iiujuire of L. I’.KLLlNGHATll, or J. H. .v J. Martine. t. 't. 43-tf ,\ I'OK SALI',. AiMiK and i.'i)infortab;e Dwelling House, with ; n>(tc- Mi-y out houses, on .Arch Street and .■-'jirire, .\lsj a small House and Lot on .•^treit, near the Protestant (Jhuch, recently .\pply to W. F. .MOORE. J, Ih.V,. 44-3t WAN I'EI), tGOOD WAGON MAKER to w^rk in my Shop. Such a one by applying soon will fiml steady em ployment, and good wages. U M. U AT.SON. Sept. ‘28, 185."). 40tf Sl'EAMlU)Ars FOR SAI.E. WE will sell the Steamers •‘FAIRY," “UNION,” and 4-13ths of the Steamer “t;VERG REEN,” all of which are now on the waters of the Pee Dee ami Waccamaw. Fairy’s length, 81 feet 0 inches, “ breadth, 15 “ 4 “ “ ilepth, 4 “ 2 “ mea.sures 54 and 2-95 tons burthen, was built in the year 1851. Steamer Union or Eliza’s length, 78 feet G inchcs, “ “ breadth, l-'J “ 4 “ “ depth, 4 “ 2 “ measures 40 and 32-95 tons burthen, was built in the year 18.50,—machinery all new and in complete order. Steamer Evergreen's length, 121 feet li inches, • i “ breadth, 22 “ «« “ depth, 0 “ 5 “ measures 100 and 78-95 tons, and was built in the year 1848,—together with their Lighters, J. R. Blossom, ami Republican—one of seven hundred barrels, anl the other of iiirie hundred barrels capacity. .Also, two Flats, now ou the Cape Fear River—one (150, ,‘inl the other 550 bbls capacity. Terms will be made easy. D. D. ALLEN, ) JAMES II. PRITCHETT,; Sept. 25, 1855. FAMIIA ,i: Mo.-k. A:s( lilWLES. Pocket Bibles and Prayer E. HALE SON. ,RV the ' Sho; ■ I r ■- nnr itJi t. .1 for . liver ALi i' NEW HOOKS. T-.p. .graphical, Statistical, an'l \/.i.Ti i;i;i: of Scotland, 2 vois. iii:thfr supplies of Roget’s Thesaurus of Eng- ’ ■ 1 . ■ liidden I’atL; t^eve Hull; Liyht and ■ ■. 'iory of Fashionable Life; Lorenzo Dow's •’ h- Klocutiou; The Student's Speaker; ' ; .'Zanders’, McGuU'ey's, I’arker’s and ■ 1 He di rs: Bullions’ and .Smith’s English I.:-I'r-'ti's. Smith's, l)avies' aii'l other ' s- „iid S^■hool B >oks generally. E. J. HALE & SON. 2- 4b- -Assignees. 39-tf Losr! PERSON.ALLY appeared before ine, Charles D Nixon, one of the Justices for the County of (’umberlaml, B. Kayton, who makes oath that he has lost or mislaid the following Notes and receipt, viz: One Note on T. H. Massey, for $40; one Note on W. S. Valentine, dec’d, for $21'; one Note on Wm. Cade, for •'i>20; one receipt on A. Kelly of Moore county, for a Note of .V. J. Cameron for about •‘$35. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th Oct. 1855. B. KAYTON. CHAS. D. NIXON, J. P. .All persons are forewarned against trading for the above described Notes and receipt. B. KAYTON. Oct. 13. ’ 44-3tpd NOTICE. PERSONS I’URCHASING R.\(!S for ’nc will recol lect I have never offer. r for WOOL or SILK Rags, and will allow i .. , r them; but will give 2 cents per lb. for all coarse bagging and loose paper .separate from the Rags. lioors AND SHOES. K ire now receiving our Fall Sto'ik, consisting of a general a.-sortment of Gentlemens', Ladies’, Boy's, Mii-ses and Children's Boots, Gaiters .and Shoes; with a large stock of .Men's and Boy's Kip and Coarse Brog.ius. •Also, Calf, ioat. Binding and Lining Skins; Oak tan Ah Leather; Lasts; .Sparables; Shoe Thread; Pegs. ^c. Which we offer very L-heap for Cash, or ou time, onlv to customers who cash their bills when presented. S. T. HAWLEY & SON. Sept. 13. 35-t)w E. ;lover H.AS just received, and in store, his F.\LL STOCK of GOODS, which he is prepared to sell very cheap for Cash, or ou short time to those who pay when they proniise. Among his stock can be founl, l%*atrh€S of all Prices^ from •'r!H to 150; a good stock of all kinds of Gold Chains; Seals; Keys; Breast Pins; I'ar Rings and Finger Kings; Silver Spoons; Silver Forks; Butter Knives; Cake Baskets; Card IJaskets; Candlesticks; Snuffers; Trays; kc., &e. A (aowd »it4u-k of 'Vlilitary TriiiiiiiiiiKM. .V fine lot of CLOt.’KS, and almost every article usually kept iu a Jewelry Store, to which he invites the attention of those wishing to purchase. Strict attention paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. EDWIN GLOVER. Sept. 11,1855. 35-3m We arc now rccciving and c.r/tect to keep up a lartre stock of (iruceries. WE OFFER BAGS Coffee—Rio, Laguira and Java, 15 Hhds. Sugars, 50 “ Molasses, 1.000 Sacks Salt, 75 Bbls. Sugars,—coffee, crush’d & powd’d, 1‘25 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Pow'lor, 20 Hhils. Western Bacon, 3,.500 Lbls. N. C. 50.000 Segars, assorted qualities, 100 lioxes Cheese, W ith every other article in our line. All of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. McLAURIN. May 23. 3-tf FOR SALE CHEAP. 7SE(H)ND HAND BI GGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAN, REMOVAL. M. THOM.AS has removed from his former stand, near the L>obbin House, Hay street, to the corner of Market and Gillespie strett, south-west of the .Market House—recently occupied by Mr. S. S. .Arey—where he would be happy to have his friends, I and all in want of good and cheap Goods, call and j examine his Stock, which comprises Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, \c., kc. S. M. THOMAS. Aug. 2'.t. 32-tf Now on liiind, 7.") CLOCKS, of various patterns. I will sell at very low prices, and Faycttf'villc Mutual Insurance Company An Atmtract of the Second Annual REPOR T of the President and Directors: Policies issued past year 524, whole number issued 1233, covering property amounting to $2,126,353 00 Policies cancelled and expired 851,035 GG G. W. WILLIAMS 4 CO. Have j«st received a large anti well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1855. 84- LUTTERLOH & CO’S LINE, For Passengers and Freight. STEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH leaves her wharf at Fayetteville at sun-rise, on Mondays and Thurs days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 o’clock, A. M., (Passengers and Freights.) Steamer Rowan (in good repair,) with good Flats, will run regularly for Freights. J. F. MARSH, Agent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. Augivst 7, 1855. 25tf .Amount oaw insured $1,274,717 34 Amount of Premium Notes “ “ “ expired & cancelled “ “ “ now on hand 316,333 36 126,474 03 $189,859 33 Increase during last year $til,275 07 Premium notes averaging 14 89-100 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insurance during the year averaging less than J per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report .$772 89 “ for Premiums received 6,103 28 “ for Policies, Surveys & transfers 337 60 “ for Rent 70 00 warrant them for one year. Aug. 30, 1855. W. PRIOR. 30-3m A.XDREVVH &, JESUF, COMMISSION MERCn.VNTS, Cotton and Woollen Maciiinory, Steam Engines, Machinists’ Tools, Belting, &c. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ]Vlaniiiac'tiirt‘r»’ Articles, No. 67 FINE Street, NEW YORK. -$7,283 67 '^IIE Subscribers having this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. .\t the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS & CO. J. II. Roukrts. F. N. Roberts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf 150 Sept. 12, 1855. D. MURPHY. 35-tf DISSOLUTION. rgiHE E.Kpress Steamboat Company was dissolved i this day by mutual consent. The books of the concern are placed in the hands of Mr. John Shaw, at D. & W. McLaurin's, who is authorised to settle up and receipt for the same. JAMES E. METTS, M. J. RAMSAY, N. A. RAMSAY. 89-tf April 4, 18.55. BENJAMIN ATTO K .’V K V August 1, 1855. Fav(^tteville MT 257tf Hotel. DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss $850 00 “ “ Lot and balance Office building 1,450 00 “ “Salaries 1,550 00 “ “State Tax IW 00 “ “Contingent expenses 875 62 “ “ Premiums returned 20 65 Balance To-wit: Cash loaned out on Bond and Security, (on demand,) .$2,25t Cash in Bauk and in hands of Agents 681 ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank, j c. Rent due Real Estate, paying 13 per cent. —$4,340 27 $2,937 40 00 40 $2,937 40 $2,937 40 190 00 1,800 00 $4,927 40 189,859 33 $194,786 73 MW*ilmiHgton ir Femetteville Pas~ senger £ine, rpHE NEW STEAMER “MAGNOLIA” will le.ave I Fayetteville Tuesdays and Fridays at 15 minutes after sunrise, and Wilmington Wednesdays and Satur days at o’colck. Passage $4. T. S. LUTTERLOH. . June 14, 1856. 9-tf DISSOLUTION. fBlHE firm of G. W. I. GOLDSTON & CO. is this day M. dissolved by mutual consent. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. R. W. GOLDSTON. Nov’r 17, 1854. The subscriber having purchased the interest of R. W. Goldston in the late firm of G. W. I. Goldston & Co., will still continue to carry on the GROCERY AND HARDWARE BUSINESS at the old stand. He invites all his friends to call on him when they come to market, and he will try to make himself useful. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Nov’r 17, 1854. 50tf ^■IHE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White JL Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1853. 70tf Use the Magic Impression Paper, FOR WRITING WITHOUT PEN OR INK, Copyiii? Leavfs, Plants. Flowers, Pielures, Paltenis for Embroidery, Marking Linen Indellible, and MANIFOLD WRITING. fB^HIS article is absolutely the best portable ink- -M. stand in the known world, for a small iuantity folded and placed in the pocket, constitutes a travelling inkstand which cannot be broken. No pen is needed, or any stick sharpened to a point, writes as well as the best gold pen in the universe. For drawing, it is indispensable. It is, indeed, the whole art of drawing and painting—taught in one lesson. Any leaf, flower or plant can be transferred to the pages of an album, with a minute and distinct resemblance of nature. With equal facility, pictures and embroidered patterns are taken, and have received the highest eulogiums from the fair sex; and indeed, a more tasteful present for a lady could not be produced. This Magic Paper will also mark linen, or other articles, so as to remain perfectly indelible. All the washing in the world fails to bring it out. Any child can use it with perfect ease. With this Magic paper, likewise, otie or /our copies of every letter written can be secured without any additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient article extant. It is used to great advantage by reporters of the public press, telegraphic operators, and hosts of others. Each package contains four different colors—Black, Blue, Green and Red. with full and printed instruc tions, for all to use, and will last sufficiently to obtain Five Hundred distinct impressions. It is put up in beautifully enamelled colored enve lopes, with a truthful likeness of the proprietor at tached. Each and every package is warranted. PRICE—.$2 per dozen, or five for $1. Single pack ages 25 cents. Mailed to all parts of the world on the reception of the above prices. Address, post paid, N. HUBBELL, 167 Broadway, New Y'ork. Opinions of the Pre^s: HtihbelPs Mngic Impression Paper.—We refer our readers to the advertisement in another column setting forth the merits of this pleasing and ingenious inven tion. Tlie cheapness should induce all to give it a trial.—[Phil. Merchant. It is unsurpassed for neatness and utility, and should meet with the sale it so richly deserves.—[Tribune. Just what the public have so long desired, and re commends itself to every individual of taste and refine ment.—[Jour. & Courier August 11. R. HUSKE, AT LA W, FAVETTEVli.LE, N. (J. ■ajAY be found at the Office formerly occupied by ifM Walter A. Huske, Esq., on Bow Street. Will attend the Counties of Moore, Cumberlnnd and Robeson. And obt.ain Bounty Land an4 Pensiona.under the various acts. March 15, 1855. 84tf CHARLES BANKS, € OJ%*FE C TIOJVFR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreiijn Fruitx, N'uts, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c GREEN STREET, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1863. 73tf ~¥OR SALE. •ff Reduced Prices^ for C*iiSH or on SHORT tlRRIliiKS, BIROKHES, Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MW ANY of which are finished, and the balance being i.TM. finishet? daily. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE CARRIAGE. Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GREATER than any establish ment South, and I can afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST (QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. Those who are indebted to me will pay up, as my business requires my out-stivnding debts to be collected. S.. McKETHAN. Feb. 3, 1855.* 72-tf SPRING GOODS, ^c7 fJlIIK Subscriber in Store, and is receiving, his I. SPRING STOCK of GOODS, which he wishes to sell for Cash, Barter, or on Credit. DISTILLER’S .GLUE, a very good article. 1000 SPIRIT BARRELS.—1 would be pleased to furnish to Distillers the number of Barrels desired, as I have made arrangerasnts with the best makers. Every Barrel shall be GOOD. Also, a fine close CARRIAGE, new, Fayetteville make. W'arranted. DEBTORS will please take notice, that I am in want of Money, and they “KNOW SOMETHING,”—that is, I must have it. THO. J. JOHNSON. April 16. 92-tf Premium Notes on hand Amount Capital to meet any losses In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the public ou the very fortunate and successful operations of the Company the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, 1854, (Sneed’s,)—unless it be the case of Stranglaus & Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a very extraordinary case,—it is still under investigation. 20-3m JONES’S EQUITY. VOLUME 1, just received and for sale by E. J. HALE & S >N. NOTICE. C10L. N.\THAN KING is our authorized Agent to / make contracts for the delivery of Lumber .and Timber and for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Kingsbury, in Cumberland Count3’. J. & T. WADDILL. 3-tf The following Directors were elected for next year; Geo. McNeill, II. L. Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W. Tillinghast, S. T. Hawley, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, N. A. Stedman, J. G. Shepherd, S. J. Hinsdale, P A. Ray, J. D. Williams, A. A. McKethan, J. H. Cook, A. E. Hall, A. W. Steel, J. G. Cook; and R. F. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. II. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. Executive Committee for next Quarter: Geo. McNeill, S. W. Tillinghast, Wm. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. 4-Y McLAURlN 4^ STRANGE Have on hand, a large stock of superior SPIRIT BARRELS, which they would sell at a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagements would do well to call on us before making engagements, as we warrant a good article. April 20, 1855. 95tf Valiuihle Property FOIt SALR. ACRES of valuable Farming and " Turpentine LAND, with the Turpen tine STILL, STORE HOUSE, GOODS, and STAND, known as BE.\TTY’S BRIDGE, in Bladen county, are offered for sale. The Store and Still will be soM either with or without the land: so that those who wish to enga^^e in Mercantile operations or in listilling Tur pentine will do well to apply soon to BEATTY ^ BROTHER. Beatty’s Bridge, July 2. 14-tf 2(X) Casks Fresh Lime, Calcinet Plaster, Plastering Hair and Cement, Mackerel and Herring, by J. W. POWERS & CO. April 19. 93tf May 22, 1855. FOR SALE. ri^IIE running part of a 2, 3, and 4 horse Wagon, I each with Iron Axles, new and ready for use. J. & T. WaDLILL. March 14, 1855. 83tf BOOK RINDERY. W. HARDIE has resumed the Book I'/mding Business, over the Tailor Shop of Clark k Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. :Vugust 1. 27-tf NOTICE. R. WILLIAM J. BR»WN is our authorized agent to receive payments, and grant discharjfe** I'hi- any Book accounts we h.ave in the county of !\ol«*son. J. & T. WADDli-L. June 1, 1855. 7tf R n' JUST PUBMSHUD, •f .IVtr and Corrected Fdiiion of Devereux’s Equity, VoL 2. 110R SOME years past this volume of the Rej.orts of the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been out of print. The subscribers have printed a 2d edi tion, revised anti corrected, which they will be happy to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete sets. Orders are solicited. Shoubl they be encouraged sufficiently by the sale of this volume, they propose to follow it by a re-print of Devereux’s 1st, 3d, and 4th Law, and Dev. & Battle’s 1st Law, all of which are out of print. E. J. HALE & SON. May 1855. TOR SALE. ACRES of Lt.nd, 9 miles from Fay- /W*® ***** etteville, lying directly on the Soutli- em Plank Road, and on each side of Big Kockfi'ili One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient improvements for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a firs^ rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. Feb’y 5, 1855. A. A. McKETH.VN. 72-tf

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