m iPAir iTiiiyyi ®iB SEMI.WEEKLY. vol.. V.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 5, 1855. [NO. 450.] I'lii VIKI* VJ'INDAVS AND THURSDAYS. ^^.^74.717 04 I-'!,474 i;i)\V\Hl) J. HALE & SON, KPITOKS \nd pkoprtktous. i|r OusKEVKR $3 00 if paiil iu ■viuoe- ]>aiJ during the year of »uhsori}»- ,r ?--t yenr has pxpireil. f Woekly ihisERVHR $2 00 per annum, if paitl in .nee; i^'Ting tlio yenr of suhsorip- j;:', ()•) after the yenr has espirpil. ^,,V(.p,Tlsl’MHNTS insertoil for sixty cents per ,, 1' I'j linos for the first, and thirty cents for caeh ^,uMio:iti->n. Yearly advertisements by spe- • St reasotiable rates. Advertisers are ,, i I,, n!:Uf the number of insertions degired, or w'ul t'O ov'utiiiueil till forbid, and charged accord- Letters to the Kditors must be post-paid. \ to l.e inserted intide, charged 50 per ,;,t. ciirn. * lUMiSES FOR SALE. ^\su till*' broke HORSES for sale. •)AS. G. COOK. 48-2w SF.CO^YP STOCK. StaiT & Will inn IS ARK y now receiving ■ectoi - c-ongr»:a- e very fiiriu»»M mpany thf p»-‘. nee 7 th Marrb. of ^ftranglan- i. )10WI1 up—li ve.stigation. i for next year: Benbow. Ilenrv I. T. Hawley, T SteJm&n, J. U , J. 1). VViiliams. lalt, A. W. St«'. ingtOQ. l.ct, •J':' __ _ Trees, &c. tor sale. iti \Vt now ou hand » choice collection of FRUIT \Mi oHNAMKNTAi. TREES, KVERGRKENS. *'HRlT>S. KOSKS, tillAVE VINES, STllAWRER# U f>’ lU LRS. TUBERS, &c.: and 1 tiatter mvself 1 un supply order.^ for the rarest and most desi- j e tijiujt's »uii;tble to ibis latituvle. Tiers should he handed in as early as possible, par- 'iriy tor large quantities of .Vpple and Peach Trees, cvtuiut can be packed and forwarded during the Fall, ..'•.er :iiui Spring, with perfect safety. Catalogues . ’ •(•1 Address, C. LUTTERLOH, Nurseryman, Fayettorille, N. C. •: lSr)5. 48-3t ^ A nice lot of Ponipone and other CHRYS.\N- ;HEMI'1S. of every color, well set with liower buds, : ts. are now ready for delivery. .r iv sMi rHV^ WFloLF.SALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRU€j^S^ Inr.nn i.VF.s a* €HE.nit\§M.s, i*aiHtn: Oils; Dye-Stuff's; t'ARSISIIKS; WIXDOW-GLASS AXD ; Pcrjuinery; Fine Smips,; Fiur Tooth and Hair BriiJur, J*ain( Hruihts; Fit;ld and (hirden Seedt; Spicts) Snujj's) Sunjicai InstrumentA; Mctlicints; Purt Liquors for Mnlicinal Purpinif'S) Fnnry Arttc/et, ttV., l*c. 'racrs trotn Country Physicians and .Merchaats re- tinny rolicited and perfect satisfaction guaranteed, ill regard to quality and price. ■ N. SMITH, Druggi-t their SECOND PURCHASE of iL m wmm \m tiooiis,: itoors. SHOES, ha ts, ( ai*s, i BONNETS, UiMBKELLAS, AND Ready-Made Clothing, i ,\nd have no hesitation in saying it is the L.\R(JEST and MOST DESIR.\liLE stock now in market; and having been purchased at greatly reduced price.'i from the early part of the season will be otfered to buyers on terms that cauuot fail to please. Oct. 2.'.. 47-tf BANK OF CAPE FEAR^^ N. C., Oct. 2*2,1S55. ^ PURSUANT to a Resolution of the Board of Direc tors of the 15ank of Cape Fear, u meeting of the Stockholders of said Hank and also of the subscribers to the increased Capital Stock of said Bank, will be held at the Hanking House in thisplaceon THURSDAY, the «>th day of DECEMBER next, for the purpose of deciding on the mode by which the excess beyond the par value of the shares of stock held by the present stockholders shall be ascertained. THOS. H. WRIC.HT, Pres't. 47-tm VALUAIU.E PROPERTY FOMt S.§E.E, IOi^PER for sale, my LANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as the HTUMFORD SWAMP. •About 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow l.and, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the VultiMl>U> Bl’icik Stoi'«> and l.iOt near the Market liiqunre, occupied by Mr. John A Pemberion. \ ^ar^^e and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslow and Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora ble ter ns, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf COW WANTED. FIRST RATE MILCH COW. Apply at this , Office. Oct. 15. 44- II >5 REWARD. AN.-V\V.\V fri'Ui the subscriber, on the KUh inst II .lA.MKS KYI.K AS ,tint received ii large and general assorUnent rather slender, and weighs about 110 pounds. Isham I is slightly deformed, the left shoulder being lower than ! the right, which causes him to appear to leac to the left when walking from you. It is possible be may ; have been enticed away by a white woman calling lier- j self Ann Davis, who left the neighborhood on Monday last, as I understand, &,tying she was going to South Carolina, as they were often seen together before he j ranaway. Isham is well known in Chapel Hill and vicinity, as he was raised there. It is likely he ha.'i ■ free papers, and under an assumed name will attempt to get to a free State. 1 will give the above reward for his apprehension and delivery to me at Fayetteville, or confinement in jail so that I get hiju again. And a further Reward of $1C0 for the apprehension and con viction iu our Superior Court of Law, of any person or persons enticing him awav. J. A. WILLIAMS, i Fayetteville, Oct. *Jt. 4'.»-tf i Store Po«l Otiict*, ) Warm Co., N. Oct 17th l'r>5. } ' 1^ OTK'E.—Sometime in the Month of February or March, 1864, 1, Benjamin Rogers, of the county ! of Wake, and State aforesaid, made a limited power of i attorney to W illiam A. Rogers, of the county of Robe- ; son, and j^tate aforesai-4, for the care and protection I of some several servants, then engaged in the Turpen- 1 tine business, until they were re-hired by certain trus- 1 tees, or returned to me, or so directed it wrote, and , for no other purpo.e whatever; to which a part was j re-hirel by said trustees, in March, 185 1, and balance returneil to me, at which time I considered the agency I of William Rogers had ceascd and was of no efl'ec'. But since then, (oneor two months back,) 1 was cred- I ibly i»formed that moneys due to me were paid over to him, and under color of the said power of attorney, and he had received it accordingly, and delays the payment of the same to me or my proper agent Now, be it known, that I did not consider him agent for collecting or receiving any such moneys for me. >r President and Directors are now rcadv to re- i receipts, or having any thing further to do with ray servants after they were re-hired by trustees, and balance of slaves returned tome. such, 1 do herdiy revoke any and all S’lch power of attcrney, and sui h agency heretofore and hereafter, and all acts of his iu any way or manner touching the same premises in my name, shall be null and void, from that time, 'lay and date above written. BENJ. ROGERS. Oct. -i:?, 18'.',. 48-J?t 1* aOOtPH. Among which are, lioO pieces Dress DeLaiiis, French anti English Merino. IMain Merino, real French, Persian Cloths, Black and Colored Silks, Irish Linens, all Flax, Table Cloths and Napkini, Carpeting, very cheap. Calicoes, well assorted, Kerseys and Linseys, Silk, Woolen and Cotton lloso, * Ladies’ Twisted Silk Mitts, Dress Trimmings, .%c., k.c. .\11 of which being purchased by the paekagc for Ca(*h, will be otferfd at the lowest market price for cash, or on time to paying cu.itomerB. Sept. 27, 18.'»5. Si»-tf iPKKSS f fV ON WITH YOUR CLOTHJNG! Wakp up Old rumbrrltind itnd tlir rrit of Maukiud! A. J. wo6i)w7mi) RESPECTFULLY infornis his friends and the pub lic generally, that he has just returned from the | Sept. 21*. North, where he purchased, and is now receiving a i L.\RiiK ASSORTMENT OF H e (fir now receixnmr and exjtf vt to ki t jj j }ijj a lurs^e stock of (Aroreries, j WE OFFER B.AGS Coffee—Rio, LagHira aud Java, 15 Hhds. Sugars, 50 “ Molasses, 1,000 Sacks Salt, 75 Bids. Sugars,—coffee,crush’d S powd’d, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hhds. W'estcru Bacon, S,500 Lbls. N. C. 60,000 Segars, assorted qualities, HK) Boxes Cheese, With every other article iu our line. All of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. McLAURTN- May 28. 3-tf (iiinn’s Domestic Medicine, or Poor .Man’s Friend. A further Bu(ip^’ of this Family Med ical Books just rec’d by E. J. HALE 4" SON. NEW FAl.L & WINTER VOODS. *if. Tno^nJis BS Receiving, direct from New York, a large and well selected assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-Made (’lothiug, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Hoot.‘», Shoes, Kerseys, Blankets, &c. To which he would call the attention of the L.VDI ES, his friends, and the Public generally,—to give him a call and examine his Stock before making their pur chases. He intends to let the People decide whether they are pretty, or, whether they are (’HE.\P, when they examine his Stock and hear his prices. Ho woulil return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the t iuie. i^orner of .Market and Gillespie St., Sept. 27. 39-tf I). W. C^BENBO\^^ D. d7s., Craduate of the Haltimore College of DEMAL SLRGEKY. BENJAMIN R. HUSKE, %TTORI>[EY AT LAW, FAYETTKVTLLE, N. G. AY be found at the Office formerly occupisd by if M Walter A. Huske, Esq., on Bow Street. Will attend the Counties of Moore, Cumberland and Robeson. And obtain Bounty Land and Pensions under the various acts. March 15, 1856. 84tf MFurnislmtgs. ^ILVER Plat«d Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, and ^ Castors. Britania Candlesticks, Cantors, Lamps, Spoons, Tea and Coffee Pots, &c. A good assortment of WaItERB, 10 to 80 iBches. L.\MPS—for Oil, Lard and Fluid,—solar and plain; Solar Fluid Lamps, a new article; Oil and Camphine Hanging Lampa. Tin, Copper and Brass TEA KETTLEB. j A great variety of HOUSEKEEPING CONVBNI- ; ENCES, some of which have not been sold here before, j Ladies’ W*orh and Travelittg Basheta^ a | good assortment, and very ubeap; superior Scipsors. i Together with a BETTER ASSORTMENT of j F.\NCY and PLAIN, CHINA and QLASS than I have ever before oflFered; with all the Mntiispensable tMrlicles of coarse Wares. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, he. Aug. 29. 31-lf TABLE CUTLER\T ~ JUST received, a good assortment of IVORY, BONE, HORN and EBONY handle KNIVES and FORKM, and CARVERS, of superior quality, j Some with Patent Immovable Handles, all of which will be sold at very small profits. I will keep my assortment always complete. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Dealer in Crockery, China, OlaHswure, &c. Aug. 29, 1855. . 31-tf REMOVAL. WH. CARVB& would inform his friends and • th« public, that h* has rtmovad froia bis old stand on Qreen street to the Store foraertjii^occupied by Mr. P. Montague, on Hay street, near the .Market I Square. I He has on hand a well selected Stock of I Dr^ Gooda, Grorerte^, Shofs and Boo/a, Xf'frn Blankets, K^rteyt; alto Blacfe$mith’s Tool», Com Sh4Uers and Strato Cutters, Sausage Cutter And a great Tariety of other artieles well suited to the Retail and Barter Trade—much the largest stock be has ever offered ia this market—which he will sell ou reasonable terms, or exchange for Produce of almost any kind. A call from old friends and tha public is respectfully solicited. W. H. CARVER, Hay at. Dec. 18, 1864. 58tf NOTICE. All those indebted to us previoas to the 1st Jaun- ary will call and settle either by note or oaAb, and oblige us. McDONALD & WHALET. N. B. A good assortment of SADDLES AND HAR NESS always on hand for eash or on tiiae te punctual eustomers. Feb’y 17, 1865. 7«tf OfTico hours from K. M. to 1 1*. M. “ 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. DH. B E N B O W may be found at his Room near the Market, where all who are in need of the serviceg of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. -Ml operations performed upon the latest and most approved plans. To thof>e in need of •/li'tificiat TVelhy he would simply say that he is behind in no improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set | upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees ■ to be equally as serviceable as the natural organs. j He spends nine months of each year in this place, i (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) 40-tf i S. REMOVAL. i M. THOMAS has removed from his former stand, near the Dobbin House, Hay street, to ; the corner of Market and Gillespie street, south-west of the Market House—recently occupied by Mr. S. 8. | Arey—where he would be happy to have his friends, i and all in want of good and cheap Goods, call and j examine his Stock, which comprises Staple and Fancy ! Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, ! kc., &c. S. M. THOMAS. Aug. 20. 82-tf Now J. 48-tf ro CONTRACTORS. 1\m: c*-ivt proposals for constructing the Fayetteville | A ‘jeniRrle I’lank Road between Little’s Mills in i ■ r.m' n l County and .Aibemaaic in Stanly County, and ; .. ; .aviie proposals for the following work: — i8t. For constructing the Hoad from Little'x i ML.!! I'l Clark’s Creek, 10 miles. : For constructing Hoad from L'iark's Creek ‘ ■ '.Lt Pee L>ee River, 5 miles. . 3.1. For the construction of a Bridge across ^ -e bee River. 'fc 4th. For the construction of the Road from the ■ ^ Dee K rer to .Albemarle, miles. I'r posals will be received and considered for the ; and making all necessary side ditches and j Tert- from the Pee Dee to .\lbemarle, omitting : :,f.2ting. i ;u ifsolution of the Stockholders, before the Presi- j • anJ Directors can enter into these contracts an 3;.T;lu(il subscription of !i?15,(K)0 will have to be ; —it Ih asked that the friends of the work will j - mit such bids, either subscribing or guaranteeing i". ;imuuut 60 as to enable the work at once to go on. ' JAS. G. COJK, i Pres’t F. & A. P. R. Co. K'l. Uo. 47-tf nilNBRV IND SHOP FOR SALE. UY Virtue of a Deed of Trnst, executed to mo by Hall & Bollinger, if not previously disposed of, * -ell at public .Auction, on 21st day of November, ; t iiyetteville Foundry and .Machine Shop, with the »iu(j Tools: Engine Lathe, 12 feet; I do. fi feet. .*• Large Back Gear Hand Lathe; 1 small do. -- I’ianing Machine; 1 Upright Drill; 1 (hitting - all in first rate order; 1 Fan, together with Belts, &c. Also Sash and Blind Machines, rt. uijiMnchines, and Saws, driven by Steam Engine, -■ r?‘|^o\ver—new; together with large lot of Patterns • ■'tcim Engines, Corn and Wheat .Mills, Circular and i-erSiw .Mills, Pulleys, Hangers, Couplins, ic.; with Ir m and VVooden f’lasks. Also, Blacksmith !• au 1 Tools, Iron and Steel; 1 Brick Building, 2 ne-,-JI) X ULv one letiiroas of engaging in this business •g 'i 5ipijituuity now offers, as the Rail Road now ■ ‘•■'iiug wi’i'i want large quantities of work t^pne during '.ininj: yenr. und on River 8 to 10 steamers are i*‘-t aitly ruiiii,u){ tliereon; in the county 7 large Cot- n liirtont-i, aii'l J.jij Steam and Water Mills. Sale ' ■ l Kor other information, address JOHN H. HALL, Trustee. A'«. I'' A tr ‘‘f saine lime, one Steam Engine G Horse '-ne .litto Horse Power; Boiler, 4 feet diam in,:, with two lb inch Flues; One Circu- 'ir.Sur ( oriishellers; Plows; Saw Mill Castings; : Lan.l ou Beaver Creek; 1 share t^ape Fear ‘"“■p Kiver Navigation Stock: 5 do. F. & Albemarle ■ ■‘'"i Kr.ii'l .Stores .JOHN H. HALL, Trustee ■ -• I''-'.:. 47-4t iHos. n. rif.LiNciLvsr, iiOOKHM.VMPKil, ii'-nn opiHjuite North of E. J. Ihde cf’ n/So/i’s ]iookstore. * -'I* , MHi'itziiies, and all descriptions of Books Iff in all styles in the best and most ' luauufr, on terms, the same as at any Soutli. Persons wishing to know the •' '>f iMn ilug, Will be supplied with a list person- ■"j r hy l(.tt*T. '"I'' 39-tf I ALI. AM) WI.XTEHi K are now receiving our stock of Fall and Win- w w ter Goods, consisting of L.\DIES’ DRE.SS an>I , GENTLEMEN’S WEARING APPAREL, viz: ' Muslin DeLanes; Plain and Plaid Merinos: .Alpaccas. Bombazines, Black, Plain and Plaid Silks; Talmas and Cloaks; Dress Trimmings, Eilgings, Embroidered Col lars, Handkerchief#, and Muslin Bands: a large lot of | Hosiery for Ladies, Misses and Children; Kid and Pic Nic Gloves; Woolen Mits for Children; a large assort ment of Bonnets, Silk, Satin, .Muslin, Straw and Hair; ^ Misses’ Hootls; Ladies’ Walking Shoes, Gaiters, and white Kid I'olka Boots; Misses’ Gaiters, Morocco Ties, ' and Walking Shoes. | i FOR GENTLE.MEN:—Hata and Caps of every shape j ' and quality; Cravats, Stock.s, Merino Vests. Shirts and , ' Collars; a large lot of I’lothing, warranted to fit T>r no i I sale; Boots and Shoes; I5uck and Woolen Gloves; ' Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings; j ■ Table C’loths and Towelings; Beil Ticking; Blankets; j i Kerseys: Kentucky Jeans: Stripes and .\pron Ciiccks; i I White*and Red Flannel; a good assortment of C'oths, , Cassimeres and Vestings: Table Covers, Rugs and i Carpetings—some very fine; Umbrellas, Traveling Satchels, and Trunks; Port Monaies, Reticulcs, and a | great many other Fancy .Articles. ! We would be pleased to have persona living in town, and those visiting our place with a view of purchasing goods, to examine our Stock, as we are determined to aeil. W. F. & E. F. .MOORE. Oct. 8, 1855. « WANTED, A GOOD W.\GON .M.VKER to work in my Shop. Such a one V^y applying soon will find steady em ployment, and good wages. WM. W.\TS(JN. Sept. 28, 1855. 40tf _ STEAMBOATS FOR SAI.K. WE will sell the Steamers “FAIKY,” “UNION,” and 4-13ths of the Steamer “EVERGREEN,” all of which are now on the waters of the Pee Dee and . Waccamaw. j Fairy’s length, HI feet « inches, “ breadth, 15 “ 4 “ lepth, 4 “ 2 “ measures 54 and 2-Ui» tons V>urthen, was built in the year IH.’il. Steamer L’nioii or Eli*a’s length, 78 feet 6 '.nches. •• breadth, 13 “ “ depth, 4 “ 2 “ measures 40 and 82-95 tons burthen, was built in the year 1850,—machinery all new and in complete order. Steamer Evergreen’s length, 121 feet t» inches, • I “ breadth, 22 “ t “ depth, rt “ 5 “ measures 100 and 78-U5 tons, and was built in the year 1848,—together with their Lighters, J. R. Blossom, and Republican—one of seven hundred barrels, and the other of nine hundred barrels capacity. Also, two Flats, now on the Cai>e Fear River—one ♦>)0, and the other 650 bbls capacity. Terms will be made easy. •ALLEN, Assignees. 30-tf (i(‘iitl(‘nu?irs Clothiiiff “ I (>f the latest styles, which he will sell cheap for C.ASH. ! His Stock consists of ! Tahnas, Over C’oats, Fnx*k (’oats, Business (^iatn, I I’ants, Vests, Shirti>, Collars, Stocks, Gloves, &c. ! Also, a large and varied assortment of j liOV'S CLOTHING, Fitting sizes, for Youths from 4 to IG years old. I will manufacture Pants and Vests and cut for ; persons wishing it done. N. B. — I have made arrangements with a House in I New York to have Clothing made to order, and those ^ desirous of having their garments manufactured in i New York will please call at iny store atid iiave their measures taken. I tseir K xaminc my goods at the Store one door oast | of J. C. Thomson’s Hat and ’ap Store, south-west corner of Market Square. .1. WO0DW.\RD. ' Fayetteville, Oct. 10. 44-8m i or partition Bonds !>f the Town of Fdynttv.rille for Sale! A GREE.XBLE to an Act of the General .Assembly , i m of the State of North Carolina, ratified Dec.) 25 i 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue . her Bon«is to the amount of •'j!l(Ml,030, in the aggre gate, for the purpos; of paying her subscription to the ' W’estern Rail Road Company. j Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive j sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of !?;50,000, in sums of $500 each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with (’oupons attached,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shail be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of tlie same. WM. W.ARDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 2G, 1855. 89- on hand, 75 CLOCKS, ot various patterns. I will sell at very low prices, and warrant them for one year. W. PRIOR. .\ug. 30, 1855. 30-3m SPIRIT BARRELS. Always on hand and for sale at the lowest mar ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT B.YRRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. .May 28. 4-tf ~ G. W. WILL!AMS 4^007 J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North th® largest, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of FIJRIVITIIRE ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all ot which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for eash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture iu setts; curled hair and shuck, Yind cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; W'hat- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walaut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every Tariety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ..?iloliau At- 1 tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manutac- I tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good ax i any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York ' prices—freight only added. I November 2, 1:854. 45tf J. C. POE, i DEALER IN i STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOOBS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Have just received a large and well selected as- j particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and SOrtment of * sortment of HARDW.\RE and GROCERIES, { to which they invite the att*»ntion of Country Mer- 1 chants. { March 17, 1855. 84- ! Trimmings. Hay Streetf Fayetteville, N. C. May 26, 1855. 4-tf A. ,1. O llAi\liOi\ H.\S just received and offers for sale 85 Bags RIO COFFEE, 10 Hhds. SUGAR, 25 Bbls. do. 50 Kegs N.VILS, I’ails, Broome, Shot, Lead, Soap, Candles, Snuff, Candy, .Stc., &c. — ALSO— 100,00t ClCi.VRS, of various brands, a part of which are prime and cheap. —ALSO— NUT.S of all kinds. ?ept. 20, 1855. .^(-2m FV.MlLYBilU.ES. A L.MIGE Stock. .\lso, (‘ocket Bibles and Prayer % Books. E. J. HALE SON. GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. ri’IHE subscriber basin Store a gooI assortment of (loods in the GROCERY and H.ARDWARE LINE; ’ al! of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar- 1 tercd for country produce, on terms the most reason- ! able. s.uall lot of S.VDDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. | N. B. Any of my friends in the country having busi- ^ ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, Ac., j ran have it done on the usual terms, by sending same | ! to iny care. G. W'. I. G. j Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 18-55. 80tf i ANDREWS JESUP,! CO.MVIISSIO.N MERCHANTS, i T • 1 C'otton and Woollen Machinery, Steam ■ Engines, Machinists’ Tools, Belting, &c. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN .'Vlaiiiiraeturers’ Articles, No. 67 PINE Street, NEW YORK. August 1, 1855. 257tf FA¥ETTE\ ILLK FEMALK IlKiH SCHOOL. E. GLOVER Has just received, and in store, his FALL STOCK of GOODS, which he is prepared to sell very cheap for Cash, or on short time to those who pay when they promise. .\mong his stock can be found, \%*a9€hes of all Prices^ from $8 to $150; a good stock of all kinds of r|lHIS Institution is open for the reception of Stu-1 Gfdd Chains; Seals; Keys; lireast Pins; Ear Rings and Finger Rings; Silver Spoons; Silver Forks; Rutter Knives; Cake Baskets; Card Baskets; Candlesticks; Snuffers; Trays; &c., &c. A Good Sto‘k of llilitury Trimmiiigii. A fine lot of CLOCKS, and almost every article usually kept in a Jewelry Store, to which he invites the attention of those wishing to purchase. Strict attention paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. EDWIN GLOVER Sept. 11, 1855. 35-3m Fayetteville Hotel. ri'^HE Subscribers having this day leased this _ Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their fsiends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS & CO. J. II. Roberts. F. N. Roberts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf CHARLES BANKS, COJ%'FECTIOJyER^ WHOLESALE AND RET.\IL DE.A.LER IN I HHlmingtan 4* Fayetterillr M*as- I setiger Itine. The NEW STEAMER “MAGNOLIA" will leave Fayetteville Tuesdays and Fridays at 15 minutes I after sunrise, and Wilmington Wednesdays and Sntur ' davs at o’colck. Passage $4. , ' T. S. LUTTERLOH. I June 14, 1855. 9-tf ; f oiTsale. ' ACRES of Lwnd, 9 miles from Fay- ■ etteville, lying directly on the South ern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Roc'.fish. ' One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient improvements for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a firs' rate situation fur a Turpentine Distillery and Stor«. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb’y 6, 1866. 72-tf holmes, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. ^^FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street. under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Foreiun Fruit,, Ch„r,, Tobacco, Sn«ff,dic [Commission & Forwarding Mcrcliants ^ _ / u// t DiirMVTcta UTTiTrkTvn q'tdupt J ^ I'TKKLOH ik CO’S Li.NE, SiV ^**if*sengers tttul M'reiglU “ AMKK KA.NNV LUTTERLOH leaves her wh ut {.• . . - . •eight . _ _ js her wharf f a-v.-itfviile at Bun-rise, on Mondays and Thurs- ut W iliuiiij^ton on Tucbdays and Fridays 10 A \l.^ (I’asseugcrs and Freights.) Steamer iin go 111 repuii,) with good Flats, will run ‘ ' •'•.1 for Freights. J. F. MARSH, Agent Fayetteville. , VV. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wi’.mington. 7, 1855. 25tf D. D JAMES H. PRITCHETT, / Sept. 25, 1855 NEW I.AW BOOKS. I^AYLER’S Law Glossary; Edwards on Bailments; Wheaton’s United States State Trials. E. J. HALE &. SON. Oct. 27. dents this day, Monday, the 15th inst., under the instruction of the following Faculty: Rev. W.M. E. PELL, Principal. Mr. J. H. Colton, B., Prof. of Ancient Languages anl Mathematics. Mr. PiiiLiPPR Hhnlh', Prof. of Modwrn Languages and .Music. .Mrs. ViKUiMA C. Pkll, Assistant in Music. Miss Lavinia J. Watt, .Assistant in Literary Depart ment. Mrs. Makoakkt E. Hoknk, Principal of Preparatory Depai-tment. The coursc of study will be thorough, both in the preparatory anl collegiate departments, and a high I grade of .scholarship re'iuired in order to graduation. I The Trustees and Faculty are determined that the 1 School shall stand in the front rank of Southern insti- I tions. in providing for the physical wants and the i intellectual and moral improvement of the young I ladies committed to their care. The Scholastic yonr vill embrare 40 weeks, divided I into two SpHsions of 2f’ weeks each—tha first Session I commencing on the 15th inst.. and the second on the ' :’.d of jMarch next. Pupils can enter at any time and ! will be charged from the time of entrance at the fol- I lowing rates: Board, washing, lights, fuel and Tuition in the English Branches, Latin, French, nr any ancient or modern lan guage, each .Music, on the I'iano or Uuitar, each Drawing, and Painting in water colors “ oil colors Embroidery Use of Piano ^ ^ Tuilion in English branches in Collegiate Departm’t 1 > Preparatory do. 10 Incidentals for day scholars per Session For the accommodation of young ladies in town who wish to study or perlect their knowleilge of French, Music, or any particular branch, provision will be made for them to attend recitations at particular hours without being connectcd with the regular classes. Payments, one half at the entrance of each Student, and the balance at the end of each Session. Deduc tions made for absence only in cases of protracted sickness. For further particulars address the Principal. WM. E. PELL, Principal. Fayetteville, Oct. 15, 1855. 40-tf NOTICE. iHERSONS PURCHASING R.\GS f .r me will recol lect that 1 have never off r-■ I tiling for W’OOI or SILK RaTB, and will allov n .!:« f.>r them: but will give 2 cents per lb. fo» ah to.use bagging ami loo»e paper separate from the Raga. ]). .MURPHY. Sept. 12, 1855. a5-tf !^85 10 20 10 20 5 2 GOLD AND SILVER WATCH^iS, .lEWEIJlY, SH.VER WARE AND FANCY &OODS. T THE LAND OF GOLD, by Hinton R. Helper, 75 cents, just rec’J by E. J. HALE 4 SON, Oct. 12. MUSIC. NEW supply for the Piano Forte, just rec’d. E. J. HALE ^ SON. 1HE Subscriber is now receiving large additions in his line, con sisting in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets; tlold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Seals and Keys, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Lockets; Gold and Silver Penuils; Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles; Gold and Silver Thimbles; Silver Cups; Silver and Plated Spoons; Silver, Pearl and Shell Card Cases; Silver and Plateil Butter Knives: Plated (’astors. Cake Baskets, ('ard Baskets and (Candlesticks; Porte Monaies; Fine Knives^ Razors and Scissors; Double and Single Barrel Guns; Pistols; Colt’s Repeater.s; Percussion Caps; Surveyors’ Compasses and Chains; Canes; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Lather Brushes; Powder Flasks; Shot Belt8;Vfftme Bags: .Music Boxes; .Vcoordeons; Flutes; Fifes; Clarionetts; Violins and Strings; (Miessmen and Boards; Good Hemming Needles: .'vc , &c. W. PRIOR. Clocks, Watches, .Jewelry, &c., repaired on the usual terms. .Vug. no. 81-3m I.OOKIN’G GLASSES. C.VSES, assorted, from 7 x 9 to 15 x 2fi in ches. Will be sold low; and fafelt/ parked, by W. N. TILLINGHAST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, Ac. Aug. 29. 1855. Hl-8m ' mTrSALE CHEaK^ 1%' SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. 4 A. A. McKETHAN. OTT) RYE WillSKKY. / SIHE sub.si riber having received the Age' cy for the fl. sale of Dr. Frank Williams’ Rye Whiskey, in- orins the public that a supply of the genuine article can always be found at bis store on (lillespie street, at wholesale or retail. R MIT!HELL. Sept. 14. 30-Gna ORCEIV STREET, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1858. 73tf JONES’S ^IjFi'Y. VOLUME 1, just received and for sale by K. J. HALE & SON. NOTICE. €10L. N.\THAN KING is our authorized Agent to / make contracts for the delivery of Lumber and limber and for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Kingsbury, in Cumberland County. J. & T. WADDILL. May 22, 1855. 3-tf FOR S^E. 1HE running part of a 2, 8, and 4 horse AVagon, each with Iron Axles, new and ready for use. J. & T. WaDDILL. March 14, 1855. 83tf J Jit lO FOR SALE. I Reducea Prices^ for f.’.f«I5# j or on SUOItT j C\IIRI\(;ES, BlROVCHKi ! Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCIiirTlON, .ANY of which are finished, and the balance being finished daily, .\mong which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE CARRI.AGE. Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GREATER than any establish ment .South, and I can afl'ord and am determined to sell work of the BEST QU.\LITY as low bs it «an be built for by any one. »artli ose who are indebted to me will please pay up. as my busil ess re4uires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb. », 1855. 72-tf SPRLNG GOODS, &lc. ^■IHE Subscriber has in Stoie, and is receiving, his 1. SPRING STOCK of GOODS, which he wishes to sell for Cash, Barter, or on Credit. DISTILLER’S GLUE, a very good article. lUOO SPIRIT BARRELS.—1 would be pleased to furnish to Distillers the number of Barrels desired, as I have made arrangeraonts with the best makers. Every Barrel shall V>« GOOD. •\lso, a fine close CARRIAGE, new, Fayetteville make. Warranted. DEBTORS will please tak*e notice, that I am iu want of Money, and they “KNOW SOMETHING,”—that ii, I oust have it. THO. J. JOHNSON. April 10. 92-tf BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET. Wiliuing^ton, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. tJ8-tf New Wa^on Esiahlishment By W>l. WATSOI%. 1'^HB Subscriber would infcrm his friends and th» public generally, that he has completed his n«*w establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Win kings’ Store; and is now prepared to receive orders for CARTS, M^AGONS, DRAYS, rfr., which shall be promptly executed. All work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and material that the country can afford. REPAIRING of all kinds done with neatn»?ss and despatch. Also, HORSE-STWEING will be strictly attended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaution to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, May 25, 1855. 4-Y mm I/ivory Stables. The undersigned continue to carry on the LIVERY lU'SI- NESS at this place. They hav*» latelylargely increased their Stock and can now offer to the iil.lie lut good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can be found in the South ern country. Thankful for the large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a continuation of the public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travel. Stables at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietors may always be found, or at the Stor** first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1853. 71tf DISSOLUTION f I^HE firm of G. W. I. GOLDSTON & CO. is this day JL dissolved by mutual consent. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. R. W. GOLDSTON. Nov’r 17, 1864. I^HE subscriber having purchased the interest of R- W. Goldston in the late firm of 0. W. I. Guldston Co., will still continue to carry on the GROCERY AND HARDWARE BUSINESS at the old stand. He invites all hit friends to call on him when they come to market, and he will try to make himself useful. 0. W. I. GOLDSTON. NoT’r 17, 1864. 50tf