J tv ’8 thi : : fh. ''' = Klu =>ta:.,l 0 t. \ o\. \ .l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 12, 1855. [NO. 4.V2.] T.J ()L. 1 lid t' SO-N liiii'ii :ifirk bill.I 7-tf B'l 'ig‘ rges ^oht- )IL1 |7tf jg nod Turpe*^' iTAxN i>. \ty, »»■« ither rinh to k Tur* lER l-tf (oi; itf M-it N!:'N1'AVS AND TlH’KSl'AYS. J\\ \!il) J. IIALK .t SON. : ! I i :‘-US \\U rUolMUKTOUS. . , ' \Vi‘okl_\ rinir.KVKU 00 If pai'.l iu s;; ■ ■ 'f paid ihiriiiir the of suHs.-ri)'- ■ -1 ■(•'tfv t’lio yo;ir has expired. ■ k’n rvkk $2 0(1 poriiuuum, if i)fiid in > ' ■ i-' paid !u’"inp the year of *uhscriji- itttM- tlu' ye»r has expired , .; ;sf Ml'NTS iu>Tied f>>r ssixty cents per : 1 r t!'.’. tirst. i'.ud thirty cents for each : i Yearly auvcrti'^enieiits by spe- •r-. ’ . It'llS'lr.uMe rate:^. Advertisers are • -r t. the ninnbev oi' insertions ilet>ircd, or r.i'.iau d till IVirbiii. ami charjrcd accord- tc tlu‘ r.ditors juiist be ’uist-jiaid. - T ' t,^ b= iiiserti d I' , ohargdl 'iHper i>is>()i.r riov. ■ r 111- .‘ker .V OuU>reth was this dny dis- ii.'Uual Consent. Either of \i8 is iiutho- u!' il ■ busini'S. Those indebted are ; iV ii; : -.nd tli.iSf having claimy on us .' nt th:-ni ‘Mr pavraent. L. (’I LUHETH. J. r. r.L(»CKER. 4't-tf : 5-'-ri'ant-lo :\ l Uistilliii" Hu-iinfss will 1 it tii> ‘Id .•'t'uul 'ly 1. ic 'I. (.'ulbreth. •'-;i-'.iri^ in roriininie:iditijr them t > my old J. liLui'KEK. Social lla;»i>inrss, by Mrs. r the Human remedy; Light and Uark- I '.r .t Kodciitfe; l>enton's Thirty Years in Ab'-r itt'd Napoleon; Psalms and ! I'p?. :md plaii^, ic., further supplies : V E. J. HALE \ SON. I ALL GOODS, 185.>. I & i'KK;usi,N VRE now Receiving their FALL and WINTER ^ TOCK of Forie;^!! and Domestic, Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, HATN, CAPS, ltO»TK and With a general aMsortment (, f Ki: IDV-Ti ii>E i.oTija:%cs, To which they invite the attention of Merchants, the Ladies and all, and which they ofl'er at LOW PRICES for CASH, or on Time to punctual customers at Wholesale or Retail. H. F. I’EARCE. J. U. FKRCiUSON. Aug. -JT, ie55. SO-tf NEW srOCK OF Books and Htalioiiery. E are now receiving our usual New Stock of ▼ w ROOKS and STATIONERY, embracing a great varietv of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MlSi’ELLANEOUS ROOKS, Together with a large and variea stock of j Hlank Hook., Paper, Envt'lopes, &c. I Country Merchants and others are invited to call, I as we otler the above stock on the l>est terms. I Oct ^ E. J. HALE a: SON. ! T)? Dozen Webster's Elementary Spelling Hooks, just received by E. J. HALE & SON. i Ocfrl. 41- • FIFTY TONS GUANO. Subscribers are receiving their Fall Stock of CJROC)KRIES, embracing a large and general a.ssortment in their line, which they ofTer to Wholesale buyers at the lowest market rates for Cash, Country Produce, or on the usual credit to ])ronipt paying custonierB. ALSO, I'ifty Tons Best Peruvian Guano, for Cash, at 3 cents pe. pound. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Aug. 27, 1855. 30-tf To TiirpeiitiiK* WixlillePN. fn AVE' on hanil, and will continue to keep, SPIRI'i’ B.YRRELS, made at .Mr. A. McAllister’s Shop. Those in need will please call. J. S. RANKS. June 14, 1855. !*-tf s 11 |i: ^\1^L L Ti o iTs Fi. F »YETTKVII.,I,E, i%. East si(ft; of (Jvren Street, a few Doors A^orth oj the Market House. rjlHE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the i>nst year—and as he has just erected New Stables ami Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasrre in sayiiig to his patrons and the public iJienerally, that he is still prepared to accom- i modate them with transient aiid permanent board, and 7o Merchants and Mnnnfacturers of 'riji-Ware. I HAVE on hand noiv, and shall keep a supply of Tin Plate, Rlock Tin, Iron W^irc Rivets, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, &c. —ALSO— A large assortment of plain and Japancd Tin Ware respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- of mj own Manufacture, at wholesale and retail. heretofore received. Every exertion on his part 1 " ANDREWS, Market Stjuare. shall be ased to render them comfortable during their Msrch 1_, loot). 82tf sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. 8(5-tf -I pumpsT ~ Tlie Farmers and Planters' .Vlmanac for 1850, just received by K. J. HALE ^ SON. Sept. 10. cot iVCIL, RAY CO.,' |^1l>KrE ana Suclion Pamp>, . hAY STKEKT, FAyKTTKVILLK, A RE now receiving their F.\LL STOCK of STAPLE and FANCY For sale by March 30. C. W. ANDREWS, .Market S.juare. 8H-tf HATS, ( IPS, BOOTS AM) SHOES, FOR FALL cV WLNTER TRADE, IV n: :> nV In-'trnctions lor the l*iaii(» •V! i’i:n:-i I'.irtc I’rimmer. E. J. HALE .'C SON. ;.'it h> India, ('liina. and .lapan. ■- ' v liayard T-ivlor. Just received. E. J. HALE S'iN. NO’l K i:. I’ni -t made to ".le by .lone' A: 'I n the lti;h Uay f December \ ii lie upun 11 cre’"t >'f six and I. to dr^w interest from late. One iVV .NULL with l-'ixtures, *ne (illlST .MILL •«V'*n ^iULKS. T\'. ur more WAtiONS with i‘ .le wiT; t ke place at the Mill in Hurry !th • :;ri^aiia. t .aijie time and place, S'-veuteen Acres n'- '. A!s >. the unexpired LE.ASE v'/ t: m; - -s 1. .-ate I. V’-o. u NK- —V d .n-^r, 'lie Hors« and Ruj^gy . , . «ri HU 1 ..rear. an>l si.me arficles of ki‘ !!■ i\ Furniture. 'I lie jniri’ha.-.t r-* ... ■: ■_ »>' I5i nds w :h g‘1'1 securities .1. >nt _t' ‘ 1'. (-1 D McL.VLi'HLIN. Tr>i,'‘ee. 'v.i-ts ^ Tf/Of Fru • :1 I'U; ..;'K ;I! « Trt- w •>0i» v.-tt.'v ■ i. I- • L. yp If ti oons! .V#; ii* uooips: C. THOMSON is row receiving his usual assort ment . f the mo.st approved 8t3'les of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, ' L\l)li:S' GAITERS. BLShl.VS. SLIPPERS, and i'hildren's Shoes of various descriptions. —ALSO,— TRAVELLING and PACKING TRUNKS, and CAR PET BAGS, all of which are offered for sale on the mo'^t reasonable terms. I ,Hd custome.-s and new ones are respectfully invited ' to call and examine my «tock of Fall and Winter Goods. First come, first served. J. ('. THOMSON, (Md Stand. Market Square. Sept. 8, 1S.j5. 33-tf FALl. OF ’•M/’ E are now receiving our Stock of Fall and Win- * w ter Goods, DRV GOODS, 11E.V J»V-MA DK CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS, HOOT.^’ AND SHOES. Havinjr determined to relinijuish the HARDW.MIE ' IR.kDE. we offer onr Stock at greatly reduced prices ; ft.r CASH. Our friends who are behind band in their payments, are e.irnestlv re.juested to pav up. HALL & SACKETT. August 27 . ls.55. 3U-tf vaiaTrle lands O.VTfff; f .trE FiuiR REISER. fJlHE Lands and Plantations kn^wn as the Roane M- and Blue I’.ank^ Plantations, are offered tor sale. The>.‘ lands lie only 15 miles above Wilmington, on the Cape Fear River, and extend out to the Wilming- t' n and Manchester Railroad, atid are of easy access tu ‘iiie of the best markets in the State of Noi"th (,’aro- !ina. On the Ni'rth side of the river, there are six hundred icres "f the tinest Ri^er Bottom Land in the State—about fifty acres of which are already cleared, and produce tb- nnest sort of crops. One hundred acres more ni ly be cleared, which is sufficiently ele vated ftbove the or.linary height of freshets to save the crojis. The lands abound in Oak, Ash, and the finest kind )i'( 'ypress Timber. On tije South side of the River is situated the bal ance - f vhe Lands, estimated at seven thousand five hundreil i.'Tes. from which three fine settlements may ■ be ina'b'. The upper portion, ur I>lue Banks, contains some tw . thousand acres or more—of which there are ^ome ■!> Ini'. Ired anl fifty acres now in cultivation, and is wcl -I'lapted to cm, p»as, potatoes and cotton. ; There is .i iarge piantity of fine land yet to clear, the ! growth (/f wi'.■h is jdne, oak, hickory and dog-wood, i South (. inis tract i- the Rnan-e Pl.'intation, ana a l- ' joining the Icwlands mentioned above, containing some two thousiin 1 i.jur hundred acres, a small «iuantity of which is clc'i'e i, and consideralde more yet to clear. On this traci all the buildings and improvements are purcha:,ed the en re inter- gimated, con-i.aing of a good Dwelling-house, Kitchen, .ifclNl) »N IRoN WORKS," so- y,n,,ke-hMUse, Corn-crib, Stables, and some fourteen t^llOCKEUl, CHINA. GLASS-WARE, &c. 1.AM now opeidni my F.\LL SUPPLIES, compris ing a very CilRlVKR.Vr. ASSORT.nK!¥T of every thing suitable for the Country and Town Trade. My Stock has beeti carefully selected, in person, from the best manufacturers ami in the best markets in the Country. Cdi’NTUY .Mkkchasts muy rely upon buying from me at prices which will save them all the trouf/le and dclav of ordering from the North. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Dealer in Crockery, China and Glassware. Aug. 22, 1S.55. 29-tf FALL SI PPLV. DRiiis, mmmi's & (iiemhils. JAMES F. FOULKES, JI'ii/ Strict, near th Fdi/ctteville Hotel, N MB ESPECTFULLY' asks the attention of !>>> ■%. his customers and friends to his LARGE and COMPLETE STOCK of DREGS, MEDICINES and CIIE.MICALS, 30,000 n V.V ()liN A.M!:.\TAL 'I'liEES. sale, rtM/RTi'z. IT in an ' 1 •raamental Trees, ’'-■.‘.i.-, f'hrii’.'i, Ai>r>- snri!^'r Fru tf, d >)RN vMF.NTAL liAR- ::.tham countV, N w, :;v - -nr ti^ .1 C. at I'ANE i UKKK P. ». THoS. l.iNDLEV red any whi-re to ir.l ip;ii-a:a'. ';!t-4w tini:'. suli>rrit»e •> w ill jnircliase Sj>irils ..rn> ;e a i.-amv;- ^jn consignments to their • n. If .New ^ irk. i\ 1. HAIGH .jr SUNS. '.'Utf M1..N \\ \ S'V I A). N \v:ii.tf.l :.n the Western Rail ■ rk .n Mii.ns 2 and ;i. near • :;..n if li' -Mthv, an'i the highest HlliA.M PARDEE. HS- 1 DRY GOODS, In which may be found FOR THE L.ADIES: Plain col d. Plaid, White and Black DeLAINES; | C.VSHMERES and .MERINOS; Plain and Fig’d Fancy and Black SILKS; Cloth MANTLES and CLOAKS; : Cloak CLOTH; SKIRTS and SKIRTING; Meriuo VESTS; BONNETS; EMBROIDERIES, &c. FOR GENTLEMEN: Hats; Boots aud Shoes; Ve>tings; Cassimeres; White, Black and Faucy istocks and Cravats; i Ready-Made Clothing, iScc. —ALSO,-- Linseys, Kerseys and Plains, Blankets, Brogans, TaWle Cloths and Coves, .\lleudale Sheetings, Children’s Kid Gloves, Wool Sacks and Comforts, Youths’ and Boy's ; (’’lothing, English nnd Italian Crapes, Dimity, Em- | broidery Silks and Braids. j A good assortment of Ladies’, Gentlemen’s ami Children s BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITERS; GLOVES, HOSIERY, ic. Sept. 20. 37-tf LArRlNBrR(iH HIGH SCHOOL. ri'^EH Gth Session of this School will commence on J Tuesday the lOt'.i d.iy of July next, under the supervision of the Rev. Geo. B. Scott, M. of the Ui^niversity of Edinburgh, .Scotland,) Principal, assisteil by Mrs. Scott in the Primary Department. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching the business of their lives; aud from the experience which the Trustees have had, during the past session, of their zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties of their profession, they confidently recommend tliem to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently 'juali- ficd by temper, talents, and acquirements for the in- stx'uction of Btu Jents. in all the branches of an English, Scientific, Classical, aud Commercial Education. The Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per sonal exuuunatiou of the system pursued in the School. Terms—*», !j>12, nnd per Session of five months, ^ Vrench included in the ^id grade without extra charge.) Board can be had at ^8, per mouth. One half fees and Board invariably pa'd in advance. D. C. MclNTVRE, Secy. Laurinburgh, Riciimond Co., N. C., 1 June 23, 18o5. > KINGSRI RV FOR SAl.E. t1t>L. King the present occupant, being desirous to ' close up his business, we offer those valuable premises for sale. Kingsbury is situated at the terminus of the Fayette ville ..'i Raleigh Plank Road, eleven miles from the former place, and within tliree miles of Kinir’s Land ing on Cape Fear River. These premises ofler more business conveniences and comforts for living, per- I haps than any country seat in Cumberland. >n them I is a neat two-story family mansion, containing seven rooms—a fire place in each, with front and rear piazza an'l portico, frame kitchen, sleeping apartments for servants, smoke house and dairy, with a prime well of water; and all handsomely enclosed. ,\lso. on the premises are nine other frame buildings, with brick chimneys to each, and rooms sufficient to accommo date fro.n fifty to sixty negroes; a frame Bar.i o» by tjO fret, with stalls for forty hor es, and room to hold tons of forage; Carriage house. Store and Ware house; Water Grist .Mill, two Cooper and two Blacksmith’s Shops, Wheel Right Shop, Turpentine Sheds, &c.; all within convenient distance of the f>est Springs ot Sandhill Water. All the buildings are new and have . a-lvantage, I was'induced to iry >our medi- , been erecte within the last four or five “ j ^5,,^ following the *prescviptiond and taking | these valu able improvements wc . will add 1,.;.»•(* acres | bottles, am now perfectly restored. 1 believe ; your Specific to be a most excellent .and valuable ' medicine, and feel no hesitation in recommending it to NOTICE. '^'^HE subscriber having purchased the stock of ma tt terial at the Carriage establishment formerly occupied by Mr. H. Whitfied, intends carrying on the He solicits a shar(»of the liberal patronage bestowed upon carriage shops generally. lie has now 011 hand some very • HANDSOME VEHICLES. Which cannot be surpassed in the place for style of finish and durability, which he will sell as low as any w«rk of the kind can be bought in the place. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING done in the best manner and on very reasonable terma. Give him a cull before buying elsewhere. J. D. CALLAIS. Fayetteville, Feb’y S. 72-tf T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by G. W. DAVIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, &c. Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf notice. ^ rilHE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, are in the Hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence iciU not be given, it is hoped this notice will be sufficient to save costs. JOHN M. BE.\SLEY. June 25, 1855. I2tf FRENCH BL RR AHLL STONES, WARRANTED. W TO DISTH.LERS. nT’E will pay the highest cash price for .SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when iu market. J. k T5 WADDILL June 26, 1855. f^tf ANDREW~J. l^TEDMAN, ~ 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having removed to Pittsborough, N. C., will at ^ tenil regularly, the Courts of Chatham, Moore, j and llaruett Counties. April 10. 9I-tf Joseph baker, Jk., I ATTOR.lfEV AT LAW, H.\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. W'right’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and I practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber i land, Bladen, Robesen and Sampson. ! March 23, 1853. 79-tf ! Fayetteville Candy Mannfactnry. r||lHE subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- M. perior article of plain and fancy CANDIES at ) the eld stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of I the Market House,) where he would be happy to see his 1 old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS, j March 1. 1863. 73tf I Wilder'^s Patent Salamander Safe. WE keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; and I desirous of extending the demand for them, have in- ! duced the makers to consent to deliver them here a» i New York prices. D. & W. McLAURIN, Agents June 10, 1854 4tf rpHE Subscribers inform their \ Fayetteinlle Mutnal Insurance Company. tAy make'L ordeJ'"^ j Abstract of the &cond Annual REPOR T wmMT gm gp 1 Oj tli€ PTCSxdcTflt (XTliX lJlT€CtOTS^ ■ 'Policies issued past year 524, whole number issued 1233, covering property amounting to $2,120,353 00 ; Policies cancelled and expired 851,035 (»ij quarries STO.VJES^ warranted to be of the best quality, being made from Burr Blocks of their own importation from the France. They also keep for sale CIILOriNE, ESOPUS and COCALICO MILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTH and C.A.LCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Partner’s long experience in the late firm of Egcnton, Morriss & Co., of which he was a member, and their determination to give satis faction, they assure customers their orders shall be faithfully and promptly executed. WILLIAM HOGG SON, S. E. Corner of North aud C*ntre St«., opposite the Baltimore &. Susquehanna &. R- Depot, Baltimore. May 29, 1855. 5-ypd Jfiarbie Factory. Amount now insured .151,274,717 31 Amount of Premium Notes “ “ “ expired & cancelled “ “ “ now on hand 310,333 30 120,474 03 189,859 33 Increase during last year ij!01,275 07 Premium notes averaging 14 89-100 percent, on tin* amount insured, the actual cost of Insurance during the year averaging less than ^ per cent. I RECEIPTS. I Cash on hand last report * !i!772 89 I “ for Premiums received 0,103 28 “ for Policies, Sui’veys& transfers 337 50 “ for Rent 70 00 which lie is now receivine, and is deter mined to sell at such low priccs as cannot fail to give satisfaction. It will bo his aim to soil Medicines that can be depende>l upon. Give him a call before making your purchasea. Sej.t. 12, 18.55. ‘'7-tf STAGE LINE From to Safem. -^57,282 67 1 DISBURSEMENTS, i Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss $850 00 I “ “ Lot and balanceOffice building 1,450 00 : “ “Salaries 1,560 OO “ “State Tax 100 0) I “ “Contingent expense! 375 02 “ “ Premiums returned 20 65 i.\RE.\D()N HION WORKS, \\ N. C. 11. \ \MJ()KKi:l.,liX, Pro|>i'i‘2or. fJ^HE Proprietors take pleasure in informing the i public, that they have commenced running their tri-weeklv line of Stages, on the Plank Road, from Salem to Fayetteville. Th-y have procured good Stock, new Coaches, c.areful and accommodating Drivers, a;ul n t j>ains will be ^pared to render passen gers comfori.ible. A system > liroagh-tickets with the contractors on the W}’th€vi!iv- and Reidsville Roads, for the con venience of p.'i^'-t^iiiiers bound to Wytheville, Va , or the Piedmont .''pring'^. in Stokes Countv. has also been adopted. WHITE STAFFORD .June 21*, 18')5. 24tf Ln'Pi rrs specm ic For the ('lire of l)j/sr7,i, ri/, Diarrhea, and Sum- mtr ('omj)laint. Wilmington, N. C., February 1. Mr. W. H. Lippitt,—Dear Sir:—Without any sug gestion or solicitation whatever on your part I take pleasu.-e in ad.ling my testimony to the oflicacy of your Specifio for the cure of Dysenteij and kindred complaints. Having been for three years afflicted with a disease of this character, .and emi>loying the ser vices of three of the best physicians in this place, with By GEO. LAUDER. TWO ijeims ABOVE C. T. HAICII k SOS'S STORE, Fajetfeville, N. Balance To-wit; Cash loaned out on Bond and Security, (on demand,) $2,"250 00 Cash in Bank and in hands of Agents 687 4d $4,34ti 27 $2,937 40 -?!2,937 40 J>in’v 20, 1865. 64ypd Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances m.'ide on Produce to be ship Distilleiy, I p„p„i„r ,uedicines of the day are, I believe it to ^ p^b. 12, 1855. c- pjin. superior for the cure of the disease indicated above, I ir Lri;:iii. ,d 1 . T;..- I'll •ver t.r stvle. ..I any p. •virry vaiiciy, ..cry and I’umps, ., cmpletc, * aud other Watcr-wheyU. ipri :*nd Engines, I iti) 4 f ob I'ru.sher. !• and Pullies, i ilcarin^, if :il. kinds and patternn. i Tubul^ir Boilers, ( vliiidcr Uoiler^, . ■ all kinds, ll-iii^ s and J-iils. l."Tai;lishment aui.;ed fjr tiie express purpose of in the executi(jii of all ortlers, th tied that any work wliich may iSy ielivered according to promise, J-hip as i-annot fail to give satis- negro Imuseg, ail of which arc new and comfortable. There is a Turpentine Still and Fixtures, which will be sfcld with the land, if desired. There arc also some eight tasks >if Turpentine Boxes, some three tasks of which are old on the land. The remainder of the land‘d lie adjoining this tract, and on Hood’s Creek, containing some three thousand acres of unimproved Pine Lands, whicli would make a fine settlement, a portion of them being good farming lands, and on which several fine building lot.s could be had immediately on the Railroad, suitable for Summer Resiflences. Persons wishing to purchase such lands, will do well to call and examine the premises before making n location. Oct. 13. DaVID D. ALLEN, ) \ssignee.«. ITCHETT, r' ^ 44-tf JAS. H. PRI'J lIANit AL DEJ'AkT.MENT :i.i-n >r talents- an.i experience. I 'li >- iying that the work hereafter : li-.paif favorably in every respect .:i rated in tlie States, and at I srOI' THK TlllKl'! 'Un^TOLEN from my Lot in Richmond County, on Sun- day night last, my HORSE. Said horse was an iron-gray or brownish color; he had marks of geni on him, and his fore-top cut off very short: he was shod on the fore feet, walked fast, is a good trotter, and would pace; there was a white mark on his back, on of Pine Lands, and we will take $3,500 for the whole, which is M) less than the cost of the improvements. We have also, on the pT-emises, and now in operation, a Steam Saw anu which Can be bought cheap. If the right sort of a purchaser presents himself, and : wishes a partner in his operations, wc will furnish one j with sufficient capital to conduct a profitable business. | To a Planter who has $14,J()0 to invest in real estate | and wants the best Plantation on Cape Fear River, j with a healthy country seat with a'l conveniences for , living at hand, these premises would ’ e a very desir- j able attachment to the .\she Plantation, containing to any other known|niedicine. I am truly yours, &c. M. BR. VN Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail by W. H. LIPPITT, Chemist and Druggist, Wilmington, N. C. Sold by S. J. HINSDALE, Druggist, Fayetteville, and by Druggists generally. June 27. 13-6m seven hundred actes of the best Cape h ear bottoms, and now in market. These two Estates are connected by j , HKI/ri VCx OR RANDS a good Ferry Landing and are only three miles apart; l> 1,1. 1 1.^ w I\ and will be sold together or separate. For further particulars apply to T. S. Lutterloh, Esq., or the sub scribers. J. & T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. 34-tf ^ the rigiit side, about six or eight inches square; also, .•V small wart on the right side, c little below the white 1 I.-: - ri;i' \ i R •ill pi ii ti^ j.en.- L‘ WORK and having a large force nve advantageous to any ^ive me the preference of -icnding same from a a i ii! ;ed to “Clarendon iron The horse was taken by a man calling himself John Campbell, who says he was raised in Pitt county, and it t i ti.e intere.'it of .ill in want j this neighborhood about two years: he is a ' Cooper by trade, .and says he has worked in Turpen tine all his life time; he is a little round-shouldered, has a stout body foi a small man, and will not weigh as inucn as I stated, 145 or 150 pounds: has a very mean look, is very fond of negro company, and his conversation has a good deal of the negro mixe witli it. 1 will pay $50 for the delivery of the Horse, or 5'OU M. N. CAMPBELL. Montpelier, Richmond county, N. C. I will also reward a«y person for any information that will lead to the recovery of either. M. N. C. Sep. 10, 1855. w. A. HUSKE, attorn E y A T f. w, AND CLERK AND M.VSTER IN fc^^UlTY. Fayettevillk, N. C., .May fte found at the Equity Office, in the Court House Sept. 22, 1855. 80-tf A. H. VANBOKKELEN. 40-tf 1 i»l S i' I at tin: .Niarkct House, on Tuesday ■ I' .urt week, at 12 o’clock, 110 ■' id new tvi'i -twry Dwelling, and ■ 1. The piopyrty is three miles i:' ilabri^h Plank Road. .Mso, ■ .11, Farming Utensils, t^c. Also, at 3 ■ r(- ;i .tii(!k '.-f Goo.Is. i I ‘ tn-- Trns;. •- .V. .\1. CA.MPBELL, -Vuct r. 4 5-Ids Florida Land x4^ency. rillHE undersigned has established an AGENCY in JJ. the town of Alligator, Columbia (bounty, Florida, for the PURCHASE, SALE or LOCATION of LAND W.\RRANTS, the PURCHASE and S.\LE of LANDS generally, improved or unimproved. The fact now being established that a Rail Road is to be constructed immediately, connecting the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, running through the entire length ot this County, east and west; and in view of the great fertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth of pine timber on the land, the healthfulness of the climate, aud the reasonTible terms on which lands can now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of the Union which offers equal inducements to the emigrant from the other States. , Having had some experience in farming on the dif ferent kinds of land, and acquired a general knowledge of them throughout the County; and having acquired unusual facilities for pointing out such as are for sale, either of public or private lands, he feels very confi dent of making it the interest of all persons wishing information, or who may have determined to .settle in Florida to call on him. WILL. O. JEFFREYS. Reftrencas: Hon. E. C. Cabell, ) n 1 pi Hon. A. E. Maxwell, |. Tallahassee, Fla. Hon. David S. Walker, State Reg., J Dr. S. C. Bruce, ) Carthage, N. C. H. C. .McLean, Esq., j Dr. Mallett, 1 payetteville, N. C. Rev. Geo. McNeill, J . an Messrs. W. M. Lawton & Co., Charleston, S. C June 27, 1855. R. M. ORREI.L, .f rCTIO.^*EER AND Coiiiiiiii^Mioii iflercliaiit. .\pril 9, 1855. 90-tf Sash, Uliiids, fcc. fHlHE Subscriber having become .\gent for the sale JL of WINDOW S.VSH, BLINDS and DOORS of all sizes, will sell cheaper than has ever been sold in Fay etteville. Give me a call at my shop on Old Street. He is prepared to execute all work in the Carpenter ing line, as he has several good workmen. CHA’S F. ASKEW. J .n'y 9, 1855. 5t)-y ~ JOSEPH R. BL0SS03VI. von 11 issiOiX FORWARDLNG MERCHANT, wV. C. C7y ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank, jo. Rent due Real Estate, paying li{ per «ent. $2,937 40 190 0J 1,800 00 $4,927 40 189,859 33 *194,786 73 Premium Notes on hand Amount Capital to meet any losses 111 conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the public on the very fortunate and successful operations of the Company the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th Mai'ch, 1854, (Sneed’s,)—unless if be the case of Stranglaus & Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a eery txtraordinary case,—it is still under investigation. ■^■■ANUFACTURED by the Subscribers, of different ItJL widths, made from the best Northern Belt Leath er, stretched piece by piece by improved machinery, cemented and copper-rivited, at New York prices. LINES & HARRISS, New Market, Ramlolph. ICT Tlie iihovo kc})t tor sale by W. H. LUTTERLOH. Fayetteville, March 30. 88-tf Cape t\ar Ijandi^ for sale. WE OFFER for sale that Valuable Plantation, known as the “ASHE PL.\CE,” seven miles above Fayett.-ville, on the Cape Fear River, recently the property of Col. Nathan King, containing SL\ LN HUNDRED .\CRES,—every acre of which is Cape Fear Bottoms, and susceptible of the highest state of cultivation. This Land requires no puffing as it is known to be the best farming lands on (’ape Fear River. Terms will be made satisfactory if the right sort of purchaser is found. T. S LUTTERLOH. J. & T. WADDILL. 73-tf NOTICE. 11 HE SUBSCRIBER has removed to SHAW’S NEW BUILDING, Gil lespie Street, where he intends car rying on the TAII^OKI.\€i BUSI NESS in all its branche-o Having had The following Directors were elected for next year: i Geo. McNeill, H, L. Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry ’ Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W’. Tillinghast, S. T. Hawley. T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, N. A. Stedman, J. G. 'Shepherd, S. J. Hinsdale, D. A. Ra^’, .1. D. \\illiams, A. A. McKethan, J. H. Cook, A. E. Hall, A. W. Steel. .1. G. Cook: and R. F. Brown of W’ilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. I II. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. Executive Committee fur 7iext (Quarter: Geo. McNeill, S. W’. Tillinghast, Wm. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. 4-Y Fire Insurance. f B^HE ..ETNA Insurance Company of Hartford, hav- JL ing paid the tax imposed bj' the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will continue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the umlersigned, practical experience in most of the At- ; who is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on Buikl- Inntic cities, he feels assured that he • ;nj,g Goods, either in this Town or in any part of can please the mokt fastidious. | State, on proper application, description of the Property, &C. The -ETNA COMPA.NY has been in operation about 30 years. Its capital is !$:t00,000. 'J'he Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that — , " J. ; office; and several of its first Directors are still active A C ARI K and effioient members of the Board. It has at all times ri'^HE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens i sustained the highest character for the prudence of ^ of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a ^^3 management, and for th MASTER BRICKLAVER AND PLASTERER, andgives | ^ver adjusted its losses. All orders will be executsd with neat ness and espatch. March 28, 1853. B. MONAGHAN. 81-if the liberality with which it notice that he is ready to contract for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICKSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1854. 38tf E. .1. HALE, .\gent. LH'E INSITRANCE. ^■IHE Undersigned has been appointed .\geut of Jl. the North ('arolina Mutual Life Insurance Coni- 13-Y REMOVAL. rilHE Office of the Brothers’ Steam Boat Company is X removed to the Huske Building, on Green street, next door to P. Taylor’s. ^ . , J. S. BANKS, Ag’t, Nov. 6, 1864. W Feb. 0, 1855. _ wool. ROLLS. OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. June 1854. BANKS, .Tlerchaiil, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 19, 1853. ^V. P. Ei.LlOTT, General Commission and Forwardiny Merchant WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854. 29tf 4tf (iOLDSBOROUGH puny. Every member for life participates in the pro- ^■"^HE third Session of this Institution commences on jjjg (’ompany; and the annual premiun’. for life I ^^edn^day, the 3d ot Jan y 1855, and ends on the . membership, where it amrtunts to ij*30 or inore, may 3d of June, 1855. )ie paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note Rsv. JAS. H. BRENT, A. B., President. ' »t 12 months. Dr. Moitti.%N Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of i Debtors’ lives may be insureil by creditors. A man Mathematics. ^ may insure his own life for the exclusive bv-nefit of his .\nd a full corps of Teachers in every branch. ; family The lives of slaves may be insured. Boanl, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, &c., I This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over per session, 5^50 00 ; the civilized w’orld It is one l>y which a family, lor a Tuition in Primary Department, ^10 00 j small sum annually, may be provided for, after the Collegiate Department, $20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance. Three Lectures on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. W’e are making every effort to render the School the first in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils reaches 200 we shall be able to reduce the prices nearly one half, every one aiding us, is also aiding in placing the means of a superior education within the reach of almost every girl in the State. W'e return thanks* for the unexampled support w* have had and believe it will be continued. For further information apply to the President of the faculty, ot myself. WM. K. LANK, Prea’t Stockholders. Dec. 13, 1854. 67‘tf death of its head, on whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. REIJUCEL) I'.VRE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare-i?13. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via W'eldon, Port.smouth and Nori’olk. For Tickets apply at theOffice |0f the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company^ at Wil mington, or at the Office *f the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, aud of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Hoad Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1862. f