II. , ■ u ,"y«rtor. 'iv. ha a;,. ’ ! ^ ■ '> ■ .>. ‘ ' 1 I \ i > i lo 11. 'ft n Inar «g. ;yt ■ Pi : i BR. Bea;- F • RF >U^!. ptor,. Fur mrj Oit_.. out 'ick »Vilii .Ouii ' tuu Balt.: :k. ket« } V . &:., ^ V.-, i: .. ’.'i. f -I our llei ' : / L : of ' i-. ± ri;.:e t| untv J.' . T wa:::ll :■:{ iLi:. es, for (dSl T Ti^HE. id Buggies -77^^X 1. a.; ! • : ■ '.lai - wii. KUY MNi; ‘ i h1^ i: rials 'i} fH: !.’ ■' TKK :.. .a • n>l a i* > r . : ■* ' • C&:. - t", I,: .: - • : •^- i.' \ M ■r.t.:.- s Li« : ly ii •*• .'>?'■ -•*. ' f' f.jr ^ ■- sol. t,f:r.-; .»---• trj": of M r:.- y a!'A' ' • - ■ " ' Ln”’: . I*"-' nl>lf S. :in. 1 ti, P ^anf€* inv . ’ ,/ tl,. tiiim til i; : f la »n ' n 111 ■ i ■ OO. ud h* ■ ctor- It ^ “ for I P ralit’, ' - i I , ■ t' , > M j. II x po: IPii'JlETOIE'TIHyLffi «• S E MI-W B K K L Y. FAYETTEVIIJ.Fm N. C., NOVEMBER 19. IRf)'). VO. 4;74.] virn MI'NUAY'^ ANn THI'RSPAVS r.DW \!H) I’.lUToHS J. IFVLi: .V sox, \M» ril 'lMUKTtiKS. ui W St Si'i' ■ok.',y ii- k’y ihisEitvKU >0 it'jmi'l iu ' if '/aid '.hi> Vi'a* "f su!>;ci i]'- r th*‘ yt»nr hus expirfl. B-jKRVKn UO ]ier ikniiuiii, if ]iiiiil in it I'liiil Jurin^r the _vi‘;ir nf isiih^, riji- ro roxTR vc roRs. I’roniiient uinl Uiroctors are now n>aily tc re- ■ ceive jirnjiosnls for cojistnictinf^ the Fayeltcvilie Albeui:\rlo I'laiik i{oiid hetween Little’s Milla in UichiiionJ County and Alheniarle in Stanly ('ouiity, and tlu-y invite proposals for ilio following work: — Section Ibt. For *onstnicting tbe Road from Little’^ | Mills Id ('lark's I'roek, 10 miles. | Sec. 'Jd. For ('''nstrtiolin^ Road frc.'n (');irk’a CrpeW ! WAXTEl), 4(J00I> WAGON MAKKR to work in my Shop. 8ucb a one hy applying soon will find steady em ployment, and good wages. WM. WATSON. Sept. 28, 1865. 4)tf STEAMROA FS I OR SaTe7 WK will .sell the Steamerii “FAIRY," “UNION,” and 4-]3tha of the Steamer “KVKRQRKEN,” t i Mfter the year ex]>ir-d. U ''ll'N'I'S I’lsrrted fur si\tv cents per ; . !■■■ - !\'r tin' * rst. :uid thii ty -ents f,)r aeh ii.r 1 iiMi' H!!. n. V^-iuly adverti'ionjents hy spe- r—ii'f-'. :it rv.i-.^ ill; Vlo ruti'H Advertisers are i ■ 't.ae tlie nuiu^'er "f ■ Mserticns desired, or e '• ■!\t‘iiU''d t;': *.'r1i:ii, and ehnr;;ed Hecurtl- C'C-.' 1- ■■'T' t ’ tho IMit^rs mtist lie ]u>st-pai ). -r'.- • !its tr. hi.' inserted c.c -i/f. charired [>er XFAV (,()01)S. my Fall nnd V'-inter Stvrk cx » mLm ■ m ^ Kits, IIAKIIV. ARK AM) H TLKRY. la \'ore . upht lute in the seusoii. an.l ■tt redue. ij i.rii-e-i. Mvst, k-if .in'ed A^ent^ I ifc In-urH!*'. pr.niuffl^»v| , $;{(> ,,r other naif K ®*® b creJ-''r‘'- ,' JlUHive J.euefit Ol [eine'.rt! Ihich » .'.Lr Ivided lions ’ 1^^ g,,„i ID le lonK tb* ;s rs , eie, enii.rai ius: many kii;ds uf t!,, Kerse s. \e ; Hats, fine and 1 ilos 0 .MHNS(;N, t:iud, near the i'a^ie Fear Un'ik and Mark-.'! phi.-e. Fmiiani for Xovt iii’oer. K. J. llAl.t V S(tN. N V VS just returned fi 'm the N irth ai. 1 i> now reeeivinji a u'i:Trii **To«'K . f FASillOXABLL' MILLINERY, whleh she will sell "n favoikble i ht? Ladies 'f Fayettcvihe and vicinity will call and >-xaniine. .She is alk • prepared to ■ nd tri::' B.muei^- '-l-tr I'iNH. »n». Iij^ .■? lU’d.S. \iu'.!et8 un i f T Eale bv — ALSi.,-- .Muckerel aiii Herring i-'r sale by . H. N 'V 7. r.Kid,, just received VV. H. f'ARVKR. CARVKR. ol-lf Hiickwhi'at Flour in F~A llh. liftijs. r sale by W. H. CARVKR. N V 7. .'I-If Bt'.XKS TALLOW CANDLK.'^ ile:> N ■ .XiS'j, a l.it of PLAIN F-r sale bv Ri't and Juva (.'ctU i id FANt’\ WAX >'AN- U. H. CARVtR. .->l-tf ior sale l)V W 11. CARVKR 51-tf ' to the I’ee Doe River, miles. Sec. od. For the eoiiHtruction of a Bridge ncrosu Pee Dee River. Se.-. 4t)t. For the construction of the Road from the I’er' Dee River to .Ubemurle, 8A uiileg. I’r' posals will lie received an l considered for the • iradiiip njid making all necessary .side ditches and I'ulvert.s from tl)e I’ee Deo to .VibcmHrle, oraitting plunking. Ly a resohition of the Siti'ckholders. before the i*resi- deni and Directors oiUi enter into these contract.s aii iniiiti.lu-il siit.^eri|.tii)n of '?l"),(Mt() will haye to be made, it i*j linked thnt the fi-iends of the work will fulimit such bids, either subscribing or guaranteeing thut aniatnt so i,' l'> enable tin* work at once to go on. .IAS. (i. COOK, I’res't F. \ A. I*. R. Co. I Oct 47-tf FItl \«lt\ 1M) .IIU'IIIM; shop FOR SALE. j «Y \ irtue of ii l»eed of Tru.si. executed to mo by Hall iS, r>'’'ilii;j:cr, it' iu>l previously disposed of j I will sf>ll at pub.u- .\uctiou, on Jlst day of Novemiicr, I the F.ivetteville F'iin !ry uiel .Maehitie Shoji. with the { folbiwiii;: Tiols: I One tnpine Luthe. I'-’ ‘eei, 1 d'-. *> tVet. >iu- Ltir^re Hack ',i»-ar H uid Lnthe; 1 small do. l>ne I’laninj: Machine: 1 U{ rip:ht Drill: 1 Cutting j Engine—all iu f^rst r.ite orler: 1 Fan, t'.gether with | Shaftin,.. Belts, &c. .\ls > ; ish tin l Rlin>I Machines, j Nb-rtioinp'!'ichines. and'^:i'.vs. Irivt nby St^am Lngine. ■ I'J ji'irse {.I'Wer—new: iogether with iarfire lot of Patterns for Ml..;.I F,n;:iMes, t'jru and Wlieat .Miil.s, ('ircilar nnd ; ■ ther Saw M ;',s, I’u’lcy-, Hangfr.s, ('ouplins, vVc.: witl. j l:uge lot Iron und > de;i Flasks. .\ls,j. Biucksmith i Sh' p and To ils, Ir :i and Sti'»d; I Brick Building. ^ stories, -jn X ; To any one desin us of en^agiuj: in this bu.siness :i ^ ..'J op}' li tiinity now oti'ers, as the Rail Road now liuildin^ \\ ill want birge rjuamities "f work iorie during j tbe cuniitij: yr:,r. and .n River 8 t'> 10 Hteamers are i c' ii-tantly riinniiijj: tlieref^n; in the cninty 7 large (’ot- tuii Factories, and I-'.'' Ste.im and Water Mill.s. Sale will be positive. F )r other inf.irmation, address JnHN li. ILVLL, Trustee. ! Al* ■ at 'be same time. ne Stenni i'.ngine f, Horse ! Power: otie ditto U** Horse I’nwei- Boiler, 4 feet diatn ; eter, 8i» feet lone, with two !'• inch F!uef>: One Circu- ■ larSaw .Mil!; Cornbiiebers. Flows. S>*w Mill Castings; o'ij acres Land i.ii Heavi'r t're*,'k; 1 share (’ape Fear \ Deep River Navi^;ition St ick: o Jo. F. & .\lb«iuarle ■ Plank Roa 1 ."^tock. .loHN H. HALL. Trustee. | v>ct. ‘Jl, 47-4t rnos. H. TIF[.lX(illASF, « o o K it #. yi# m:r, Antlorinn Stnttj Xorth of K. J. Haled' tS'ju's Huuhstore. ^Wl'SIC, Mapiiziiiv^, and all descriptions of Books ..tM. are l>onu'l in all style.s in the best and most (■ubstantial manupr, on terms, the s.ime as at any pla.’e in the .''outh. Pers.uis wishing to know the price.'? of binding, will be supplied with » list person ally or by letter. S' pi. I'^-jo. o'J-tf ttll of which are now on the waters of the Pee T>h« and I W’accamaw. i Fairy’* length, 81 feet G inches, breadth. 15 “ 4 “ “ depth. 4 “ 2 “ measures G4 and tons 1/urthon. was built in the ; year lSi)l. I Steamer L'nion or KUzr s length, 7f feet t inches, I “ “ “ breadth, 15! “ ' I “ •• “ depth, 4 “ - “ * I measures 40 and 82-y5 tons burthen, was built in tho | year 1850,—machinery all new and in complete order. | j Steamer Evergreen’s lergth, 1‘Jl feet ♦> inches, | i “ “ breadth, 22 “ ! I “ “ depth, () “ 5 “ measures 100 and 78-95 tons, and was built in the I year 1848,—together with their Lighters, J. R. Blossom, I and Republican—oi,e of seven hundred barrels, and j the other of nine hundred barrels capacity. .\lso, I two Flats, now nn the Cape F«ar River—one G50, and I th« other 650 bbls capacity. ! easy. I D. I). ALLEN, 1 j JAMKS n. PRITCHETT, j Sept. 25, 1855. S^-tf A. J. 0’IIA\l.0\ H.\S just receiveil and offers for sab— B;igs RIO COFFRE, 10 Hhds. SUGAR, 25 Bbls. lo. oO Kegs N.MLS, Prtils, Blooms, Shot, Lead, Soap, ('i»ndieR, Snutf, Cnndv. &c., &c. ‘--ALSO— 100,00() CI!.\RS, of various brands, a part of which lire prime iiud chenp. —ALSO - NUTS of all kinds. Sept. 20, 185.'). S7-2m FWIILV lUlU.ES. 4Ij.-\R(iE Stock. Also, Pocket Bibles and Prayer Cooks. E. .J. HALE 4' SON. Terms will b« made Assignees. XEW LAW ROOKS. ^■lAYLEU'S Law (.Hossary; Edwards on Bailments; -B. Wheaton’s United Spates Slate Trials. E. J. KALE A SON. Oct. 27 II XeL^ro Rliiiikcts, K(*rscys and Slio's for isle il- ^ AH\ EK. N .V. 7.* .\LW.\YS ON IL\ND .VXD FOR SALE €HKAP. A :KSF.RAL ASSnKTMKXr Oh DRV (iOODS AXl) (iROCl-RIES, T'-vrettic-r with h generi! .ass -rt.i^'iit ..f vmm\ A.\U DOiii Slll WINES and LIQUORS, ''iLich I am nun'.- 6 t" s-:'. >r exi-h.auire l^r Produce f ".riV kind usuallv sold in this .^l^rket. W. 11. ^ AliVHR. H.iy Stiewt, near the Miirket. N ,v 7. 5:-tf LF'r i'KRLOH ( ()\S I.IXE, f'or PasHcusers tnuf MYeiffht. S1K.\MER F.XSNY LCTTLli LoH leaves her wharf at Fav. t'. ville it eun-rise. m Mon lay.sand Thurs- davk. iin 1 lit Wilniiiigtou "II Tuesdays and Fridays 10 ii'i-','ok, :Pa'«enTers an 1 Freights.' ."'tenmer R:,wnn .in ^"od rej iir, with good Flats, will run regularly tor Freigiits. J. F. .M.\RSH, .Agent Fayetteville. W. I'. LLLlOl’T, -Agent Wilmington. .\ugasf 7, 1S5.'>. 25tf o wiiivvr \\ \.Nri;i). NR Dci.LAR and SIXTY CENTS j.er Bu-hel, .ASH, wii’, be paid !■ r 10.000 J^ushe.s V'hcat I >i*jreh! ritabb ..r'^ r 1 \ GF.r.. W. WILLIAMS v « >). ,V M M-tf R !s^'» UI'AVAKl). .\N.\WAY from the subscriber, on thel''«th inst.. XOTICE. PERSONS PI RCHASING RAGS for me will recol- ■ lect that 1 have never otl.'red anything for WOOL or SILK Rags, aud will allow nothing f*r them; but will give 2 cents per lb. for all coariie bagging and lo'-se paper separate from the Rags. 1 1). MURPHY. Sept. 12, 1855. o5-tf .I\MESKV[.E AS ju8t received a Inrge and general aaaortuienl . of DR\* UOOUU, Among which are. ^i50 pieces Dress DeLains, French and English Merino, Plain Merino, real French, I’ersian (?loths, i Black and I'olored Silks, Irish Linens, all Flax, Table Cloths and Napkin«, Carpeting, very cheap, ('alicoes, well as,*«orted, Kerseys anil LinHoys, Silk, Woolen and (,’otton Hose, Ladies' Twisted Silk Mitts, Dress Trimmings, ie., Ac. .All of which being purchased by the package for Cash, will be offered at the lowest market price for cash, or on time to paying customers. Sept. 27, 1855. 3'J-tf VALUAHFE PROFERTV FOR S.1LE. I OFFER for sale, my L.XND.S ;r. the Town of Fay etteville, about 1:50 .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 .Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .Also, the Vainahio Brick ^tor«‘ and I..ot near ti;e Market Square, occupii. J by Mr. John .A. Pemberton. \ Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donalil.son, ■Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided intn gf'veml Building Lets—very near the new Female High .School Buildings. .Also, t'le iitabie Lot adjoining, fronting on .Mumford Stre«‘t. .Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both j Wiaslow and Mumford Streets. .All thi.“ property cun now be purcha.sed on f»vora- ble terms, arid a large part can remain on Bond and ■ Mortgage if desirecL THO. J. CURTLS. Oct. 10, 1855. 4:;-tf 10 20 10 20 5 3 rjjil RNKK','- Plant' ALNF\NArs. N 'rth ''‘ir"''"T. tin 1 Farmers' and .Alamaniics, for lb5*i. K. J. HALF- .V Si.iN. F.\XI) VXD MII.FS FOli SALi:. if W\NT t'j sell my .Mill on the Wilmington Road, ii :.ne mile from ti'- ;:iver: between 7''0 or 8( i) A.-r.-f ..f L;.iid :.\d ■ •■i.rior. Th--' .Mi’l is U'.w in g-^-1 r ler: and if tiip pureli it-Sawyer w:th the Mi .. iS*‘ K .. It ! iU Jn'. • . V V K. l.S.')'), he Persi .JAS ;U! hi've a first liis wi^iiin;,; to pui- t F.ivetteviiie. or to KIRKP.A I li.l('K. .ril -1 m rather slen ler. and weiirbs about 1 !'• pounds. Isham ; i.s slijrhtly def..rine 1. tbe leir shoulder being lower than the riiiit. whieii ' hiui to apjiear to le-u tii the l(.ft when walkiuir tV"m you. It i.s |p.->ssible ho may have lietn .-nticed awnv >iy ;i wliite wi>in:iri calling her- 1 pelf .\:in I*avi>-'. wb . le!t tbe n’i^hb..rlioo i on .N!ondiiy ' lust, as 1 underst!in l, siyiii;.' ^he was gome to .''Outh j Carolina, as they were often s^eii together before he | raiiawiiy. Isham is well known in Chapel Hill and i vicinity, ;is he wjs r lised there. It is likely he has i free j'lipers, and under ;m assumed name will attempt ■ to get to a free State. I will give the above reward for hi.s aj'prehensi.in and delivery to me at Fayetteville, i or continement in jail so that I gt't him again. And u i further Reward of n fcr the apprehension and con- | viction in onr .Superior Court ^f Law, of any person | ’’'T persons enticing him ;iw;tv. . J. A. WILLIAMS. I I rayetteville. (Jet. 2*;. 4V*-tf i Pali, aaj) \vi.\tkr: If c arc mnc rea ivin^ a/td ex/icct to keep up a lar^e stock of (irucrrics. WE OFFER 1#^ Jk B.AG8 Coffee—Rio, L'iguira a»d .lava, 16 Ilhds. Sugars, 50 “ Molasses, 1,000 Sacks Salt. 75 Bbls. Sugars,—coffee, crush’d & powd’d, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 lihds. Western P.aoon, 3,500 Lbls. N. C. .■)0,00i Segars, assorted rjualities, 100 Boxes f'heese, With every other article iu our line. .Ml of which wc will dispose of low for C.ASH, or eichfinge for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. .McLAURIN. Mav 2:{. ^-tf FAYETTKVILLE FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. fBlHIS Institution i.s open for the reception of Stu- m dents this day, .Monday, the 15th inst., under the instruction of th'.' following Faculty: Rkv. W.M. E 1*ELL, Pbincii'al. Mr. .). H. COI.TON, B., Prof. of .\ncient Languages and .Mathematics. Mr. PHiLifi K 11em,k', Prof. of-Modern Languages and Mu.sic. Mrs. ViKOi.vi.‘\ C. Pkll, -Assist;int in Music. M iss Lavini.v j. W'Arr, .Assistant in Literary Depart ment. Mrs. MAn(iAitEr E. Horne, Principal of Preparatory Department. Mrs. Olivia Hoknk, Governess. The coursf of study will be thorough, both in the preparatory and collegiate ilepartments, and a high jfrade of scholarship- re quired in order to graduation. The Trustees and Faculty are determined that the School shall staml in the front r.ink of Southern insti- tions, in providing for the physi''l wants and the intellectiril and nmral irujirovement of the young ladies connnitted to their care. The Scholasiic year will embrace 40 weeks, divided into two Sessions of 20 we^ks each — the first Session commencing on the 15th inst.. .aiid the second on tho 3d of M^ircii next. Pupils ean enter at an}’ lime and will be charged from the time of etitr.ince at the fol lowing rate.s; Bo^rd.. washing, lichts, fuel an I Tuition in the Fngli--h Branches, Latin, Freni.h, or any ancient or modnru Ian gU!.;;e, ea(di .\iusie, on the Piano or Guitar, each Drawing, and Painting in water colors oil colors Embroidery Use of Piano Tuition in F.nglish branches iu (.Collegiate Departm’t 15 " •• Preparatory do. 10 I Incidentals fir day scholars per Se.ssion 1 For the accommodation of young ladies iu town who i wish to study or jierfeet their knowledge of French, Music, . r any particular branch, provision will be made lor them to attend recitations at particular ’ hours without being connected with the regular classes. Payments, one half at the entrance of each Student, ' and the balance at the end of each Session. Deduc tions made for absence only in cases of protractinl ■ sickness. For further particulars :iddress the Principal. I W M. E. PELL, Principal. I Fayetteville, Oct. 13, 1855. 40-tf I THE LAX I) OF (;OLI), In Hinton i R. Helper, 75 cents, just rec'4 bv , E.' J. HALE j- SON. | MFSIC'. A NEW sup{ilv li r the Piano Forte, just rec’d. i ' E. A. HALE SON. (lunn's Donu'stic .Medicine', or Foor -Man's Friend. -\ further supply of this Family Med ical ks just rcc d uy 1^ •!. H.ALE Jf SON. XEW FAFF WLN'FER GOODS. ,s’. ,n. Tiio,u.is S Receiving, direct from New ^ ork. a large and well selected assortment of Staple :iiul Fan-y Dry Goods, Ready-Made (’lotliii)g, C:vps, liniiiiot.s, Boots, Shoes, Kt rsey?^, Hlauket.s, I'cc. To which he would call the attention of the L.VDIES, his friends, and the Pulilic generally, —to give him a call and examine his Stock before making their pur chases. He intends t>. b.l the People decide whether they are pretty, or, whether they are CHEAP, when they ex.imine his Stock and hear h s prices. i'le w uld rpturn his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage hr>-etofore extended to him, anl hopes by btr.ct attenti'in to business, to merit a continuance of the same. Corner of Market and Gillespie St., Sept. 27. 39-tf D. W. C. HKNHOW, 1). D. S., Graduate of the llaltiuiore College of DE.NTAL SIKGERY. K. CiLOVER H.AS just received, »nd in stor», his FALL STOCK of aooDs, which h^9u prepared to sell v«ry cheap ! for Cash, or on short time to tkos* who ' ti:iy when they promise. Among hi a stock can be found, l^atehes of ail Prices^ from $8 to $150; ft good stock of all kinds of (Jold Chains; Seals; Key.s; Breast Pins; Ear Rings anrl Finger Kings; Silver Spoons; Silver Forks; Butter Knives; Cake Basket‘s; Card Baskets; Candlesticks; Snuffers; Trays; &c., &c. A j>ood StocJc of "Military Trimming*, j A fine lot of GX.OCKS, and almost every article j usually kept in a Jewelry Stor«, to which he invites j the attention of those wishing to purchase. Strict attention paid to the repairing of Watches and j Jewelry. EDWIN GLOVER Sept. 11, 1855. 85-8m | GOLD AND SILVraf«,1 JKWKLin, Sn-VER WARK ANO; FANCY GOODS. | The Subscriber is now receiving ' large additions in bis line, con sisting in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Ear Rings, Breast Pius, Finger Rings, Bracelets; Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Seals and Keys, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Lockets; Gold and Silver Peneils; Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles; Gold and Silver Thimbles; Silver Cups; Silver and Plated Spoons; Silver, Pearl and Shell Card Cases; Silver and Plated Butter Knives; Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets and Candlesticks; Porte Monaies; Fine Knives, Razors and Scissors; Double aud Single Barrel Guns; Pistols; Colt’s Repeaters; Percussion Capp; Surveyors’ Compasses and Chains: (’anes; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Lather Brushes; Powder Flasks; Shot Belts; Game Bags; Music Boxes; Accordeons; Flutes; Fifes: Clarionetts; Violins and Strings; Chessmen and Boards; Good Hemming Needles; &c., &c. W. PRIOR. DISSOLUTIOX. raiHE firm of G. W. L GOLDSTOS & CO. is thi. day M. dissolvvd by mutual consent. G. W. 1. GOLDST».>N R. W. GOLDSTON NoVr 17, 1854. subscriber having purchased the interest ol R M. W. Goldston in the late tirm of G. W. !. Goldstou & Co., will still continue to carry on the GROCERY AND HARDWARE BUSINESS at the old stand invites all his friends to call on him when they oomc to markttt, and he will try to make himself useful. G. W. I. GOLDSTON NoVr 17, 1854. 60tf The EtHrgest Carriage Fartory in the South! R a. a. McKETHAA ESPECTFULLY' informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, exi ressly for manu facturing Carrifcges. Thankful for the very libwrsl patronage he has received for the Inst 21 yeat s, h;, hopes by strict attention to business, with a 'lesire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen iu each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to seil and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work don? elsewliere thnt is as well clone. He now has on hand, Fi.nishrd, the LARGEST STOCK of Carriages^ Barouchei'^ Ilocknirat^s, nmi Buggies, ?!85 ! Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.. repaired on the I Ever oflered in this place, and a very large stock usual terms. -Aug. 30. 31-3m IjOOKIXG CtFASSES. C.\SES, assorted, from 7 x 9 to 15 x 26 in ches. W'ill be sold low; and tafely packed, by W. N. TILLIN(}H.\ST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. .Aug. 29, 1855. 31-3m lO FOR SALE CHEAP. SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAN. OLD RA^E WHISKEY. rilHE subscriber having received the .\gency for the JL sale of Dr. Frank Williams’ Rye Whiskey, in forms the public that a supply of the genuine article can always be found at his store on Gillespie street, at wholesale or retail. R- MITCHELL. Sept. 14. 36-6m ^ Tu:xjamix r. huske, attor;\ey at law, i FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. mV AY' be found at the Office formerly occupied by iTB. Walter A. Huske, Esq., on Bow Street. ' Will attend the Counties of Moore, Cumberland and , Robeson. -And obtain Bounty Land aud Penbions under the various acts, i March 15, 1855. 84tf of work neurly finished, which will be finished daily All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers, He has ou hand more than ONE HUNDRED .AND FIFTY V'eui cles finished and in course of construction. j|l^“ All work made by him is warranted 12raoniL:; with fair ns:ige, and should it fail by bad workmaushij or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call ai:.i examine for tbemselvoB. Orders thankfully received and promj tly nttandwd tr». Repairing executed at short noticb anti i)n very reasonable terms. May 28, 1853. ‘JHif Worth & Utley, Forwarding and General (’onnin»iion merchaxts, Fayetteville^ .V. C. J. A. WOKTH. (72tf) JOS. UT1.KY. Furnishuigs. I House ^ILVER PUt»»d Spoons, Forks, Buiier Knives, and ►5 Ciistors. Britania Candlesticks, Castors, Lamps, Spoons, Tea and Coffee Pots, &c. A good assortment of WAITERS, 10 to 30 iHches. L.VMPS—for Oil, Lard and Fluid,—solar and plain; Solar Fluid Lamps, a new article; Oil and Camphine Hanging Lamps. Tin, Copper and Brass TE.V KETTLES. -4 great variety of HOUSEKEEPING CONVENI ENCES. some of which have not been sold here before. Ladies' and Ti'aveling MiftsketH, a good assortment, and very cheap; superior Scissors. Together with a BKTTER ASSORT.MENT of FANCY and PLAIN, CHINA and GLASS than 1 have ever before offered; with all the indispensable »lrticles of coarse Wares. W'. N. TILLING HAST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. Aug. 2'J. 31-tf J. W. BAKER Ls now receiving from the North the largest, tinest, and most carefully ne lected stock of FlIR.^lTirRK ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his as.sortmeut completw;—all ot which he will sell on the lowest possible terms forc.iah or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in I setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses ! Looking Glasses: Willow Wagon.s and (.'radles: Stde I Boards; Bureaus; Secret.iries and Book-Cases: VVli;it I Nots: Tables, all sorts; Wash Staniis; Candlo Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; W'indow Shades; i Cornices; Curtain P.ands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools 1 Chairs of every variety. j Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with itioliati At- ; tachment; Rosewood Malodians, fr^tm the bet manulac- I tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good aw I any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York j priees—freight only added. 1 November 2, 1854. 15tf .M:\\ l!(H)KS. . FiCRuKT, by tho A’:thor of Heart ase, \c; i Life "!' an I'astoni King; Strny i .'r ;f' N:ttnre; McKenzie’s .Miscella- Coiitra-t betueou Go>, 1 and Bud •.iardiner .'Spring. .ANo, further Ti.’’ tire-i^ iron W lieel: .Mone; lieir of *rriau I'ariiC':- an.i Inorntoii .s liiinily !. f . .1.,, i’crry's iJoui'k* .Action, and i-i t ^t i ’ P. ii'.'; (':iri:iine Inks; ('aniel e K. J. HALE & SON. Private : The I!. ■K-: iii( lev. Dr GOODS. /•V SMITH. \Li; AND RI/i'AlL DEAI.LR IN DMlV€jiS^ /•(tints; Oils: iPyr^Stulfsi '■ > /.'.V;.- //y;,V; 'MXDO W-CLA ss A XD ’ II'j/j I'lhr S'Xij/s^ T tnl //"> •{ nml !nrf>n .S'C^A-,- ■'' ' ; ‘'.■•■'//is; Snrjifil Iiisfrumi‘ui-, I’lirt- I,i]Vur^ r \l iir!i n( Fnuri^ Arftrlps, -d'’., V''. M trim C'lniitry Piiysir’ans and .Merchants re- y ; I Mid pf rlect sutihfaetion guarautee-l. !. i>>;'u ! ■ qui'iiy nn i price. .1. N. S-MITH, Drugf>ist. '.27. F»AXK Ol ’AFS: FEAR. ? Wilmington, N. r., Ocl 11,1.S55. ^ JBl I’.'T .\NT to a Reso.utlon of tbe Boanl of Diree- I'TS of the Bank ■ I Cape Fear, u nieetin” of the Mi-rfi (,f said Bank and also of the subscribers t' ^le iijcrc-ased (japital Stock of fcail Bank, will bo ■I" '- at tiie Ranking House iu this place on TH U RS1).\ V. the »;th d.iy i.f DLCI'..'1 llFR next, for the jiurpose of l‘‘cidiijg on the mode by which tbe excess beyonl tbe jtr vuloe of the eaares of block held by tne present •tockLolder* nhail be ascertained. THUS. H. WRIGHT, Pres’t. 47-tm E are now receiving onr stock of Fall and W’in- ter Goods, oon~i.>tiny of Ji.AhlE.'s' DRE.SS and GENTLEMKN’S WK VRING .\PP.\RKL. viz; Muslin D‘d.,anes; Plain and Pbiid Merinos: .Aljiaccas, RonibazineH. Black, P’oiin nnd Plaid Silks: Talmas ami (’loak.i; Dress Trimmings. Edgings, Einbruidored (Jol- ,ars, llandkercdueis. and .Muslin Bands; a large lot of Hosiery for Ladies, Mi-ses and Children: Kid and Pic Nic Gloves: Woolen .Mils for Children; a large a.ssort- ment of Bonnets, Si'k, Satin. Muslin. Straw and Hair; .Mibses’ Hoods; Ladies’ ^^'^llking Shoos, G.iiter.s, nnd white Kid Polka 15oots: .Mi-KCs’ Gaiters, .Morocco Ties, and Walking Shoes. _ F'»R GENTLEMEN:—liats .and ('ups of every shape iii.l ijUHlity; Crr.vats, .'^to' ks. Merino V(*sts. Shirts and Colhir*^^; a '"rg* lot of Cloihing, warranted to fit or no sale; Boot.* and Slmes: l’»uek and Woolen Gloves; IJieHche.I iil rnbleached Shirtings and Sheetings; Table Clottii and Toweiings: Red Ticking; Blankets; Ki I'sey.s: Kont-icky J-.MUi: Stripes and .\pron Checks; '.Vl.ite and Red Flanne!; a go^.i ass .rtmeni of Cloths, Casviinere.s and \estir;.'>^: Table Covers, Rugs and Cart'Ctii., i—soti;e very fine; rnibrclbis. Traveling .■sntcJiels. and Trun!».s; I’oi t .M'-in.iies, Reticules, and a great many other l';incy Articles. We would be ple»iiied to have pers >ns living in town, a id those visiting our jil.ace with a view of purchasing irood« to evaniine our Stock, as we are dete rmined to y,.;i ’ W. F. & R. F. .’dOORE. Oct. >s, 1^55. Si:€OmVB STOCK. Stiirr & \V iiliuinhj ARE now receiving their .'^E(’OND PUR('IIASK of 1 ALL IMI \lli\Ti:il DRV tOODS, hoots, snOE'^. HA'I'S, caps, BONNETS, TMBRELLAS, AND Ready-Made Clothing, Vnd have no hesitation in sayi tie L.ARGE9T and -MOST DESIRABLE sto( • mark, t: and having been purchased at greaiiy reduced prices from the early part of the season will be offered to buyers on terms that cannot fall to please. Oct. 26. 47-tf 1 FOR SALE. ■^HE running part ot a 2, 3, and 4 horse Wagon, each wi‘.h Iron Axles, new and ready for use. J. & T. WaDDILL. March 14, 1855. Bot^f nRE^ i p: ON WITH YOUR CLOTHING! Wake up Old rinnberluiui and the rrit of Maokiud! A. J. WOODWARD RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub lic generally, that he has just returned from the North, where he purchased, and is now receiving a I.AK(iE ASSORT.MENT OF (itMithMUCn’s Clothing (Jf the latest styles, which he will sell cheap for C.\SH. His Stock consists of Talmas, Over Coats, Frock Coats, Businf'ss {’outK, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Gloves, itc. I Also, a larf;e and varied assortment of BOY’S CI.OTlIIN(;, Fitting sizes, for Youths from 4 to 10 years old. I v,-ill manufacture Pants and \ ests and cut for persons wishing it done. N 15.—1 have made arrangements with a House in -New Y'ork to have Clothing made to order, an.l tb-.se desirous of having their garments manufactured in New York will please call at my store and have their measures taken. Examine iny goods at tho Store one door east ofJ. C. Thomson's'Hat and Cap Store, fouth-west corner of Market Square. A. ). OODW .\11D. P'ayetteville. />ct. 10. 4 4-3ni ’Fa iifl'; (TiiTiTeR^ JUS 1 received, agood assortment ot 1\ OR^ , B(JNIii, HORN and EBoNY handle 14.;% IVIOS and FOKK«$, and C’ARVBOK^, of superior quality. Some with Patent Immovable Handles, all of which will be sold at very small profits. I will keep my assortment always complete. W. N. TILLINGH.AST, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. Aug. 29, 1866. 81-tf Ofticc hours from !' M to 1 P. M. “ 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. B E N P» O W ni;iy be found at his Room ne ^r the Market, where all who ar« in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. .Vll operations perlbrnied upon tho latest and most approved p'ans. lo those in need of Tcftht he would fcimply say that he is behind in no improvement. lie inserts from one to an entirt* set upon fine Gold or Pbitina plate, which he guarantees to be e.iually as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of each year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Sept. 2'.'. REMOVAL. SM. THOM.AS has removed from his former • stand, near the Dobbin House, Hay street, to the corner of Market snd Gillespie strett, south-west of the Market House—recently occupied by Mr. S. S. Arey—where he would be happy to have his friends. nHlmington A* Fayetteville Pas~ senger E/ine. rpHE NKW STEA.MER “M-VGNOLIA” will leave I Fayetteville Tuesdays and Fridays at l-'> minutes aud all iu w mt of good and cheap Goods, call and i guQpise, and W'ilmington Wednes'iavs >ind Satnr- 40-tf ('orjiorntion Bonds \of the I'owti of Faycttei'Hlc for Sale! AGREE.VBLE t) an .\ct of the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, ratified Dec.| 25 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her bonds to the uuiount of i}!UH»,(joo, in the aggre gate, for the purposa of paying her subscription to the Western Rail Road t,rinip»ny. Therefore, it is or lered by the (Commissioners of Fav tteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proi-)sal» until thi* 1st of November next, for the purctiase of •> '0. in sums of •'ii.jfJO each of s-iid Bonds, or any p.irt tli-.‘reof. Bonis to run twenty years, wiili ('ouj.oi.s ait i 1,-—iutervst payable semi annually. Tiu> sai I ri'.ii'is sh;'.ll be under the seal of tbe Corpor.ition, an l binding on tlie f;iith of the same. W.M. \V.\RDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 2'i, 1 ^5->. 39- GUOCi'.UlKS .\NI) liaKDW.^RE. rjlHH subscribe” ha.s in Store a good jissortment of I Goods in tlieGROCLRi :iiid It.VRDH.VRh LINE; al! of which will lie sold who^sHle or iet:iil, or bar- tereil for eomitrv produce, on t‘'vins the m 'St reason able. .A s.nall fot of .S.vDDLHRV for sale cheap. (.live us a call. G. 'V I. iiOLDSTON. N. B .\nv if iiiy friend.s in tbe country having busi- ne.-s to transact in this placu, such a-* renewals, &c., can have ‘t d mt; on the ubuai icrins, by seulin to my car.I. *>- Fayettevilld, ."s^'pt. 27, 1H.>.) SiMRFF liARliEl.S. examine his Stock, which comprises Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Boots. Shoes, &c., &c. S. M. THOMAS. ■Aug. 20. 32-tf Xow on hand, 75 CLOCKS, of various patterns. I will sell at very low prices, and warrant them for one year. W. PRIOR. Aug. ;10, 1855. aO-Sm days at o’colck. .June 14, 1855. Passage $4. T. S. LUTTERLOH. ;t-tt FOR SAI.E. ACRES of Licnd, t> miloK from Pay- etteville, lying directly on the .'South ern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Rockfish. I One of the best Turpentine sections iu tbe county, with q ¥ I’'I > | convenient improvements for a family residence; with J VV 5^ J lllO U 1 ' * small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a fn'n> COM-MISSIOX MERCHAXTS, Cotton and Woollen Macliinery, Steam Engines, Machinists’ Tools, Reitiiig, &c. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN .Tlaiiiirai'tiii'crs’ Arlicles, No. 67 PINE Street, NEW YORK. -August 1, 1H.'’)5. 257tf ' Hotel.” Fayc'ttcviilo ■'HE Subscribers having this day leased this Motel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. .\t the same time wc hope they will be fiationt and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS & CO. .1. 11. 'Robkuis. F. N. Robrrts. Mandi 1. 1855. 80-tf same W. I G. ?.‘.-»tf k«t price. Sl'PERlOR SPIRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS & I .May 2^. _ C.. W . W ILI.IA-MS cy CO. CO. 4-tf UAVE just received a large and well selected as sortment of H-\'RDVVARE AND GROCERIES, to vhich they iLvite the attention of Country Mer chants. Mareh 17, 1855. 84- CilARI.ES BAXKS, t' O^VF ECTMO.VE R, WHOLESALE AND RET-\IL DEALER IN Foreojn Fruits, Xiita, ('!>j(irn, Toharco, Fayetteville, N, C. March 1, 185e. 78tf XOTICE. A LL those indebted to us previo«ii to th« 1st Jann- - m ary will call and settle either by note or oash, and oblige us. McDONALD & WH.\LET. N. B. good assortment of S.\DDLES .AND HAR NESS always on hand for cash or on time t« pu*ot«»l cwstomera. Feb’y 17, 1855. 76tf rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. McKETHAN. Fob'y 5, 1855. 72-tl Ii. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, under .Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf 1\ C. H. G. WORTIL Commission Forwarding Mcrciiaitt-, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STi'J.KT. Usual advances made on consignuienta. Jan’y 17, 1855. .. n New Wagon Establishment By U .n. \VAT.HO.\. |1HK Subscriber would infcrm his frieti' public generally. I il.tf 1 I public generally, that he lias coinji’etc.i hi- nev> ! establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. \\. Will- j kings’ Store; and is now prepared to receive ord«r~ for CARTS, TV.4G0.V*S, DRAYS, ike., which shall be promptly executed. All work done by him shall be of the best workman- ship-and material that the country can afford. REPAIRING of all kinds done with neatuesu and despatch. Also, HORSE-SHOEIXG will b« strictly attended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may faTor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, May 25, 1855. 4-Y JONES’S ECJi nT. VOLUME 1, jUBt receiTed and for sale by E I HALE & 80N. i